The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 29, 1870, Image 3
THE rOST. HlJilMrtfiO DM EM BIB , lW sVsfc - ' 'Jaw, fiTj T B T "i JOH'iV i4A7 VOVXTliY. vVb wish ill our rii(i(ri a hupfvy New--year. Tnt school teachei of iliit county ire Instituting t Freeburg ihl week. Tin I'nlied Brethren r at present liolJ 1a it protrarud meeting In this lite. Tim Odd Fellow Fnir nd festival at Pslinegrove is well attended. Thi ie houses In ibii place, r not Veing tiled witb superior artlcl of-ius. Tm oM adag thai "when Ibo day begin to lengthen llit cold begin lo iircnftihen," Is eoufirroed. won't go bom till Borning"' in now 1 (he favoril song w;ib tb young bloods of Ml place. Ittjans, fit murderer of linU Mere M lhrmnn, will be hung on VVeduenday, February 1. V Irirn that Urge number of hand will b put to work to (bo ore bsnksal the f'ltrnae early la Ibo spring. "CLrislma come but once a yenr," which It an excellent excuse wiiU many for getting intoxicated. WutTit bet e.'t la with lbs welert lower in tb.t ticiniij tbao tbry bare been at tbie eeeron of tbe year fcr many yeart past. Join WaKAMAKt rpent $100,000 lo edverllelng Uat year, and added to bit eapiial $1,000,010. Tm tieye are having a good time tLia week ekating. The ice on the creek and ondt le in tplendid condition, and tbe weather juet cold enough lo make Ibe boya fura up their noaet at fun and oeercoaia. Pok't Dti, but ute a bolile or I wo of that incomparable article known ae NV irna't llAttt RiaTOB.tTtrii. ltmakeaibe bead feel to good. Bo! J everywhere. See advertisement. Vali-aiilr TtKTmeiiT 1'iom AnnoD. Vincent Lundburg of Uiockholut, I'hyai-eiao-in-Cliieflo the King of Sweedcn, ro commende nall e Vegetable- Sicilian ll.iir Henewi-r for the tualp and for tbe buir. Ko etampa requireJ;on recripia, tranfer ff morigagee, nor on oolra or lena Ibim $100 No in on aucliniieer'i monibly tnlit No ruccenaion lax. incomea below $1. tH'O, and alto Including iutercel money paid cut, No lax on waiobei. Bev. Dahiil Lobd, V. P.. Calvary Church Chicago, lilt., in eprnking of our ' Faibera IIoulle rayt : It sbot a noble aim, devout eplrit, and loving aludy j and by He nice arrangement, boauiirul illua raiione, and popular eiyle, will help all it readera lo are more of rcituce in I lie Bible, and of God in Ilia worka. e advertise ment. Meaart. Plelfridi ft D rower, mcrchanta at Bannrrvillc. prenent ibo compliuienn nt tbe traaon lo .beir friend and cunoraort. vin their tbaukt for the largely in f ited patronage during tbe past year. h.iO promi. "iheitra faciliiiea and ad ditional energy to uike their t'ock Iht eotning year still mare itrtctive in all JeparltueLl. Tm firtt number or the "Voting Foika' Hural" fa racrived. It le a fiue looking sheet of eight paget, full of emai ialning mailergood ttoriee, dialogue! and pieces for tcbool exereitt, picture, etc. It i 1eelgod to eultieaita lame for Rurnllife. flperyetr; tingle numbert ten couta rublifbrd by H. N. F. Lewie Chicago, II! Tax tegialHlure will meet on ibe third day of Janaary, and if any of our readers de-ire a full report of tb proceedings of that body they tbould tubtcribe for tbe Daily Stale Journal, published at Harris burg. Tb paper will be tent to mail sub aeriber during tbe semioa for the low sum of $1,10. Address Stat Journal, Harris burg, Pa. Tax Cbristtra Number of Eviat 8atcx tar is a gallery of fiue pictures far the Hol iday seaaon. Several of tbe best of these are by well know American artists, Gath ering Christmas Greens, by Parley t a charming pertrait of 8anta Clans, by Bush i an admirable skeicb of a Souibern Cbrialmas seen, by.gbeppard a capital picture of Bob Cratcbit and a lourbingly beautiful, faoe of Tiny Tim, by Kyiing: and a superb double-page druwing by Hopplu, representing a Christmas parly with troop of children playing ' King Oeorge" noialy aad bapily. There are sev eral other attraeiiv pictures suited to the eeasoD, and One variety of reading mat ter by some of tb most populai of Ameri can and foreign writers. A copy of this holiday auuibsr of EtsaT Satdhuat would stem lodispeutabl t a full appreciation ud enjoyment of Merry Cbrisimst. A Mbiriumt Muatiia. 'Twas night! tb liar were shrouded in a vail of mist ; a clouded canopy o'erbungtbe world) tbe vivid lightnings flatbed and shook Iheir fiery darts upon lbs earth ; tb deep-ion-d thunder rolled alone Iba vaulted akv i the element wer in wild com notion; the etorm-apirit bowled in the air I ibo winds wblrtled ibe bail-slonee fell like leaden halls; Ibo huge undulations of ibeucenn dashed upon the rock-bound aboiet and lorretils leaped from muuniain-tops woon tb murder jr sprang fr.iui bit elrrpleos couch with vengvnee on bia brow, murder Jn lila heart. and lb fell Initrumenl of .destruction In his band. . Tb storm increased t . tbe liglttnlnga flashed with a brighter glare; ibe thunder growled witb deeper energy tb wiodi whittled witb a wilder fury j ibe confusion of lb hour was congenial to bis soul, and iba stormy passion which raged tu hi bo om. II elvacbed hi weapon with a ateroer gratp. A demoniac smile gathered da hi llpi be grated hi leetb raieed hi ara t spraog with yell of triumph upon hi victim aad rdentlettle killed a Dm- Hut. AtaitnT Danx xet one of tbe mint widely known and best loved of American divines, died In Philadelphia lost Patiirdf'y in lb 72 J year of bin age. . AVi learn Out a reppnnaiht and enler prli!n(t company of gentlemen have pur chased a pnnionof tbe Stttllh farm. Juki wont of Mifllinbnrg. "extending from ihe lllg Fpring to tbe pike, nnd little beyond the Toll Cute, witb n view of constructing eerie of pond fur tbe culture of Bab. rThis is one ol tbe most desirnble locntiot fertile!) turpn-e end It affords ui pleasure to note eo prnirewortby in cutst prise. Mfpinlurf Tilrgrni'h. A wrr.K ago lust Monday, Waahingtot' Flair, of Hpilng township, bcinf out burl ing, bis dog scored up a fox, which look refuge in a Iiotlnw mump about IHie-n tt" high. Heir, OA Doming lo the I'ump, set low'n hl.j gun, end climbed lo the top f.i i te purpose f reaching the f..x. While oil tin; ti-p of Ibe "Hi in H I lie wood being )- 1'iyed cud ri'itton. broke front hit hold, and ibe Imiiirr fell Inside, while I lie fox ritn out, aud be Unit left nlune in a very uncomfortable wittini ton it f ci in it imp Noihlug dntinied. however, Dtirlnok out bit knife end eel 10 wot k to lew bin we nil, which be accomplished, aficr ntm-h whiiiling. lie rmininrd In tli in noel eii '11 icn (rotn M utility, at ID o clock, till Tuendny night ni-er midnight, oe r lliii ty tit bourp, UUomiiAJ AJt uralt. Tub PubxioLiiuiual Jotneti. ton Jtar ABT New Volume contain Tbe Itret b ers of to-Pay," with five excellent portraits; Importance of Chemistry, by Prof. Charles A. Joy; II. 11. Clnflin. Ihe eminent mer chant ; Pream-land, tbe .Valine of Itrcauia; 1'byMcal Education Fating and Menial A"tion, Pypepla, etc.; Moleraiion, a I'oem ; Woman s Sphere and Influrai.-e; B. B. Woodward, o.' California ; Pecition. iia relation, to a sueceifiil life ; The Mom roon People, who and what they are, their ltrligion, Social Life. Accompllabmenls and I'ropecl The Editor's Meage: Tbe Stinly of Man ; Leigh Hunt as an Ks ay ist : What shall I do?" Adventure of a Non Combatant ; The Condor, illus- l rule J, anJ a doien other atlicle, brief pert incut and interesting. Tbe whole making up a number of peculiar eievllence among Ihe italics of a Monthly wbuae gen eral superiority is uuivereally acknowl edged. Single Number, 3 ( cent a : for ihe year $'l, including a hendroine chromo premium. 8. II. Well, Pulilioher, .Ib'J Broadway N. V. tlLOSIMI PRICK) (IF DullAVf.N ; IIKO. 40 luulb B.I utreet, l..,i. Ibree u'clocK, r. At., Ilceeniber it, 170. " '3 loT" llo7 l I0TI..I t.-T " " 'Si, new Iuf'4vl"7' " " , ' Ins'..! li (H' " " "07, till. ', 110 " " 'W I IDS, ''HI I; " 6 1 10-iu' lin . niin.i t' t 80 ear per cent. .ltm.'n llirt,, I "'I Ilii'4ii Ili4i t'nlon Paollln H. H. lat M. Itond....7!'i ii.fe I'tmral l'ii-lile K. H ti.o ni.,u t'nlon P.ietne t.amlOrant Hnil nuo IVoveoioer LouNini buiclit fame an (loM. We are preparwl to lurnlli with pr pint' 1'nlteil Stule Hevenun iiiuipt Ihe full. ) lug raiea .1 are alloet: tm .J in l upward! 5 iier etnt. finet'io " " 3 on tMi) ' SELINSOROVE MARKETS. Correctet Weekly by W iigrn?cllei 4 Son. V Lent wbii ft 2") Wheat red 1 Oorn "IV Kya 75 Outs 40 Flaxseed 2 00 Timothy seed R M Olomereed & 00 Cherries 04 buckwheat T Onion Puller Eggs Soap 11 to Ltrd Man: Shoulder Side Cherriee, pitted Hay per ion 12 PBH:ES OF COAL ON WHAltF. Pea Coal 2 Slinmokin Cheat 4 Wilkeslutrrr ("best 6 Stinmokin I'gi and Store i VVilkesbarre tgg and titov (I Lump c 3rAinii:i. On the lid inl., by Ilev. J. V. 81iin.lrl. John it. Kiigand Miss Tillie X. Keruhuer, both of Jiiuiiia conuty. rn:r. InVew Berlin. 31 lnt, Mrs. Sarah Bit Irem. formerly nf ibis place, ajed 75 yenrt, 8 months and 2' dny. JZAZJ7S VTCETABLE SICILIAN HAIK RENEWER. ITS EFFECT IS M I RAC U L.OU S. It Is a perfect an I wnndrnil article. Cures tMldne't. Mke balr vrow belter ilren-lns lho anv "oil" or "matuin 11 hniune br,hf irj aaU wlrv hair luin twaulirul at ken trentoa. But. abovo all, Iheareat wouiler la taa raio-IHv llli ohteb It realorae Uaav It air tv it Ubi. l I'nLiiB. Th wblleat anil worat loosing hair reanmea Ita youthful lieautv b lla ure It il.-et nut ilye the balr, but atrlkes at the root sod nils It wilt) new lite and olorln multar Ibe tint appili-ation will do eoodi yon will fee tbe N atI'Bal tLow veiurnatntf everv day. and HKFOKL tuY KNOW If. tbe eld, Brty,diaeolored apiwaranoeor the hatr will lie nous, atvlnaj plaoe tu luatroua, ablulna and baaiiillul beka. Aaklor llall'a Slrllllan Hair Hsneveri Bo olber la at all like It In efleet. r-e that eaob bottle haa our private rtnvern maul ataiup over tbe lop of tbe boltiei all olliera arelmltitluns. B. F. HA LI. 4 Oe. Na.hua, N. U., 1'ronrletora or sale by all drugalata. les. la. 1 ALD EAtJLK HOTEL, - No. 410 Nonb Third Street. PHiLAnELPni,. JOHN CLVMEU, January 13 lb?t-tf Jacob Lose. Kmox Uaaircas. IMPORTERS AMI HEALERS Iff Pure Whiskeys, BRANCHES, VINES AND ALL OTHER FOREIGN AMD DOMESTIC UQIOUS, Ko. !: Mill Slrei l, Aug, 4. joif.l DANVILLE, PA. T HE FIXKLIS A LVON wrwlii; Mac blii, With Prop Feed, new Take up, new llemmer, he., la bow vllareil In atrenia on more liberal truia. Abw, heeoo.l ban.l Maeliliiea taken lu eaehanae. or the new liuproveineola applletl. Every luaeblue la warrants.! fiaar Dtaea, sail If the purohaaar does not au rearar,! It alter a trial, he eau return It, and money relunUel. N. U. Wante.1 Travetlnar AsnU to vlalt each town, dlalrlbtilliig eirealars, eaplalolng tbe lu. pro? amenta, ele.,te., wkv eau Btak Moo par mouth. A.l'lraaa , I.VON'S tffTTTAL S. U CO . .JbIoS aear. ,! i:vu y., W Xifk,.. C2Eo of J. & D02ZH3, 4fid North Blghth St., Phtladet. DolibiiiS Vf Ji VECETABlEfCf A color and tlrcsaing that will not buru tho hair or injuro tho head It does' not produce a color mechanically, as tho po'uonoui preparations do. . It gradually restores the hair to Its original color and luHtre, by supplying new life and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth o soil, finA hair. The best and safest article ever offered. Clean and Purs. No ncdiment Bold everywhere. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. J C. KliY 1 (V., wnoi.i;sAt,F. OKOcans AM) CO MM IS S ION M K !! VII A .V TH. 522 MARKET ST-, lleiween Fifth and ftinb, 7,lly PIIII.AIKl.rillA. IJaxskll k nn:v, st iTKFSoHa tu ri rrnit It raaw, cb.ocs8r,7 Arcs OLASBWAAE, Ko- 11 North Fourth Mrrrt, I'HII.AliKI.IMIlA. Original Packages I'unslnntty en Hand. Deiireienled br TIIKtrS SWlFFOFrt. OTY'S Washing - ,11arliiii( AM) Hit NtW Inlirnial 1 1 of ho VYrltiRrr ltnpr..1 with Rowri.i ' I'atkit Trm - Too U MKKi.ri, nml tti ' a i ks r STnp.nn tinw titi flticttltiiiithly fur t ny M iitrat u tr wu-lilna rl.t(tiais vtr tivnt.(. ntil tlll ? tl.e'.r nat iwlr ft er, ljr ivIik Uimr mi I el".!.- Th-.-o who hTt ue l Uicm r tentlmnn ft.lN.v,.: "Wp Hh our n.arhlnt mifh; tiM ri"t I r ijr tilii1 ttlo wlttiniit It ntv. with tli- ttl'l nf ltty, w tt thill we nm mn-tfr .( t imrtliotj.'' Hev. I. S0t.1t. tl-'.o, M. K ( htir.-lt. "In the litufulry o my h''ii tl.rre i a )wfnf. dkI tliuiikKirlvlnit' on lm.l,iy L.r the Invent l-n." Hot. 'I lttitir L. I'tulor 'i:nry wrest Iih ylvn It ft Ptritnar IimM non 1 he Hfld'HHii u ttii liimtUe u tii Uutnlry." N . Y . 'lwtrer. 'I htmrilly ctfnmn1 It to tx-nnomlat of tlm. mony. nrnl oonlpninirnt '' l.iv, in HHlowi. "I- rlftnl I ! y Your UK linproTtniPiit of your W-Fhlnu M icliln t cin st pm-frnp. n fur ymi '(Mir Mitrhlntv,' nltpr ft yrnT haa, iu tritiuttht ot more to tiny tlitn t rr, mill wmi1I not t iirtf.l with uu'lor ftiijr clrruuiitumt." Snton KoMnnon. Tl; X. Y. Weekly Trlhun.ff .. 1R. In nrwr to ft eorreotipit, nny 'i if 't tif , lhro U bun to b ct-uii tul with I'oty'i." Prices A fair offer. If thai Mrrehanta In v ur plai'e wltl not furulah or arnd lor ti e Maehlnea. rei.d ua I lie ram II e.rt. e, WaKherl4, t.llra U'rlnner und we will fur. wiird oliher or l.uih mm-liinea, fie nl fretulil, to jU ea Mbere no one l elllev i an.1 ao aura am wo lliey wl)t lai liked, that e aa;iee to refunid tt.e lminey tf unv one wl.bea to return the ma ebla tree of treluht, alter a Bionth'e trial, o otT'ilnir to itite Hon. No hnatiand, or brother alrnuld ternitt the drudnery of waaliliitf with tbe hir. la. flu. two dayaln the ya-.r. aaten 11 ean be done lietier, more eapedltluiialy. aitb leas labor, a ud no In )urv to the u'nina. hy a lioty t'lotbea arid a f nl U rliuer Sold hv ilenlera aeueialiy, to wboiu liberul dl eouuta are made M f. IMtmvMNO, (leo Aaent, t"el. 3T, 'To-Dml 31 t'ortlnndt Ml., New fork. r03.TT-rZB.8T TMAA. GODfciY'9 LADY'S BOOK FOR 1871. Tks ClIiriT f LstllM laeailars, KICArsl IT l"t TBI BBSTI It h m r Kmii thaBrnfllia mi all. ha. In en.uhlne In Ita pasea ebalever la aaful, wdat j eaar It elet atliiB aahaterafla pure, .lUuloe. ati-l 1 vtrtuoua In aantlnient, with whaierer may am'! I jauonai an.i innocent sinuaeinaat. r or Iia 1.11. erary iMuartinanl, In paat yetra, TIIK WHITER) In the literary worlJ bave eonlrllmied, and wltl continue to nirniab arllelea fur Ibe year 171. ftn'b Bonf ss Masio tlaanar, lao OAoaranLi, Lorisaia. Uoaa. MerTaVicroaia Victob. H. Aaaie Faoar, siaa. liaeaieoa, Mae. 41. A. Iloeaiaaoe. ami Othara. t'aenot ke luand la the pruapectus ef any v.ber megaiiuo. VeauVjul Steel Wain. Of theae tbe Lanv'e fluoe eoatatna fnorteen ea h year, t.iperli.r (e eliallai.ja cmparlaon) to any pui.llabe.1 In this oonuliy, eltbar In kouk or perltHilotl. Our VOlMKEl) FASIJOX ! LA TKS have a reputation for correct eaa the worl l over Emrrhiikhi I'aTBaaae. Westae lre.ue..tly a praaenlatloa abeettoour patrona eoniaibln twvi.ty, thirty, aod touetiiuea lerly deaigua In euhrulijery. v obiuisal BPaic iKlay'a Is the only niaa Ine lu which muilo prepared espreaaly fur It sppeara. AlonaL HoTTAOsa Tb only Magaalne In Ihla country tbsl gleea tbeae ilsaif as Is tbe La dy's It'iok. Ima ial Letaoaa. In this we are staoalnns We have alao al'hll.lreo's a Horticultural and a healih ilepartuiant. OOl.EV'S IN VAI.VA11I.E REI'EIPTH upou every auhject, lor the liuailulr, Nuitary, kilubea. Hou.e, end Laun.lry. Tiaran r.auaaviNes. Tbla la aaerlesofen grarluga ibat 110 ene baa attain pte.t but our aelvea Thry tilae enllr .ailaliet fou. r'aniea' laair Woiia IliPAaiaakT Soma of ilia .le-Uiia In Ihl. JaMruuai.t ere pnuleil In oolon, lu a styis uusualcd. Terms fjr 1871. On copy, one year as 00 Two eoptes, one year .0 Tbraeeoplrt, one year T M Four copies, one year lu 00 Elve eopiea.oue year, aud ao eura copy lo Ihe paraun setting up the club, maklne. alx eopiea KM Ehfbt year.auil an ettra copy to the peran ssillug up tbs club, makloK nine eopiaa 'it 0 Eleven cvpiea, ene )ear, and an eitra eopy to the persou netting up Ihe ilub, uaUl.ia teelre eoiiiaa IT so fl.Mley's Lady's llook soil Harper's Msgstins will be aent one year 00 receipt id S 00. Oudny's Latly'e Honk aad Arthur's Holne Meg. Silne will he aeut one year on receipt ol S4 Co, Oodey'e Lady's book and Tbe I'blhtreu's Hour will be aent one year ou reeeipl ol Ad (0. Oodey'a'a tt'ok, Artbur'a Home Maaa llua, andtblldreu's Uuur elll be seui on reeeii.t ol M, AarTIi money must all be sent si nee time for sny of the eluba, aud addltlous way be made lo eluhe at club rales. How vo Keuiv. In remrnlttlng by Mali, a PoaT Oreoa t.aoaa oa fhlla.lelpbla.or a liiaft on Pbtlailelubla or New Voik. uatable to the order of L. A.Uodey, ! preferable lubauk aolrs. 11 a ursit or a rvsi-uinoe tiruer cannot ne pro cured, sea Vailed tataies or NsUoaal Hunk Kt. ... . . aaarss r.. a.tiunr.r, aa. ro ; i:t r u c . m a t i o n. "XYflterjeaa lh lion. 8. ft. Woo.le I real- ili-TT Judge of llio Judicial liiairict eoinine. oT Ibe coiinlira of llV(ler, I'liion and MilUm and J li. I.. Cliiiidel and tieorgo t'. Mover, Aa.i.rine Judaea in and for Snyder nullity biiee li.ned iheir preeelpi bearing, dale llie Ihe 1 At h day nf I'eceinlier, t r;,a 1,1 me direSled for It 0 holding of an t Irplmns rom 1. a conn of Common I le i, vi mi of ttyer and Ter riiiner and (irmutl court of t'liailor S.-a- 1011a ol llie lenre al Jliilillel nrg. lor llie eotn.ty of Snyiler. on the lib, (l e ing the "JTtli ilny of lilluniy. IfTf.) and iiiiniip one werk. Notice ia iberefore hereby given lo ti e Coroner, .hi-lire of llio I'enee nod C'onata Mm in an f 1 r the county of Snyder, lo ap pear in Iheir proper perxnn nli llieirvol a records, iiiiiiiailiona. exiitniualioii mail o'ber rrmeniliraiiers lo il iboje thing" ivliieh ol Iheir o'lieea and In, their behalt ler'ain lo be done ami wlinraae an I per one pro-eeiiiintt in behalf of the f'uiuttion Ae.ilih nguinl any person or persona .n-e Teiiiip d in lie tl.rti nnd tl.ere ntletidinr and nol depniiiug wlibnui bare al lln-ir peril. Juntieea are rei)lieted Id l-e punct mil in ll.eir atlpMd.inre al the appointed lime nyreeiibly tu iidiiea, tiiven under my band and aet't al the Siiiritl'a olbee ill Miilillelitir, the I 'oil .lav of i,ceuiiier. A. l., one thou. an I t iglii hundred and seventy. Jt'l'l S. WOI.K. "lieril. r -tin of l!.stiN tt ATHFtiM. dee'd. I HTCIIMif AliMIMHTH.ITluN 111 nlb Ije-tite" Wn-'i liAtiivoM, lute 1.1 I'rrrt t iiihlp. derea e.1. having i-et-n air ii.te.l t.. the nntei.lKi,e I, nil er-nna kroiwin II eio.elie. Indit'ted to i.e e.trtie are r-'tie-teil ti mair piyinent, nn.1 lli-oK h!nH t Uluia Kllht tli aaiue, wall prerenl Hom i Tllti.MAS KATIirnN. Ailiiiiul-traior. rerry township, Septemhe r 27, le;o. K.t.ite e! AHAII A CI', nVeiaed. I KTTF.HM UK AKMIMsTHA I IHN upon I I llieeatateol Mnu rr. (widow ol l.o.x, ,rd Afp.) hiteoi t'enti. inwnahlp, iteeeaed, h'tvlns heen uiantrd to the utMler'lene.1, all prra .oa knoolnii II eni-eli. Iti.leots.t to the a-l ne ate re-piratci t. make pivmsni. and Iho-e h.tvlne clalllia agaillat tbe mine will orr-ent theoi to Jllti.N O..MIIKItt.lMI, A'lmini.trator. I'ennt township, Sepiemlier IT, l:u. r tuit.Li. t ucnATiiiLL, juiia tiSHii ii. J F. ZOELLIX Si CO., (Surcennm lo "riberling k Zoellin, W.tI.i:s.M.K ItKALF.ItS A IMI'DIITKIUS 1)1U:(.S IKDICINKS. No. ?fll North Third 6t. '"' PHILADELPHIA. (j iiossA im:)Tiieks, Manufacliirera of and dealers in all kinn of IMI.I. TIM P. I'll. U'MHI'lt. r.l.lXt8. MIIXOLES. LATH. VI.IMlltlNfl. etc.. Shamokin bum, Snyder I'oiiniy 1. All orilera promptly filled HVni', CUrrrii, I'pptir, and .in l uinKer ren'a a. in W-irf. T-Jfy EW IHll.lUNtJS. AX II XKW FIUfES WACKNSEI.LK.It A SOX, rreliv reaperttul'v inform Iheir frienda an I ilie pulilip gonenilly that Ibey have opened a Sllllii: in their NEW BUILDING on the epol ao I. mi occupied by lr. Jnenb VYagrnorller on Ibe tale of tjue here lliev now have nnd will nlu aya keep a lutgc nn'l well "clecie i ssaorliiietit of FEAOXAIILE COOIS. In ilie I.adiea' tiepaiiment will be found' a lull line or SILKS. I'OI'LIXS. IIIMI.LIAXTS. VKTOlilA LAWNS, I ltil lti:i ALI'At'AS, swiss in.L, cam nines, PRINTS. JACONETS, IE LANES. Siript il anil diet k.-.l N untuck, Ac A Grciit Variety f LndieK' Pre rriiiiiniii.'K, ,hIci nlc IIdop Skirt, French Coritai, Fail etyle ISttl morulr.. I. ml ion' I'tiilircl Inn, PuMaola nnd Sun Sli nli, lli'iinct KibhntiH, LaccK, Kul'. flin.-a Fnilirtiitlcrs, I.imn ami PnptT Cnllitr.s, At.,tl.. Ac. .1 ,. t:stih assoj; runxT-f ,. , i:o(is ex si!oi;s 'i I or l.ndlea., mi l l hen. in end-1 le viiriety. or all ,ire. t) li' nil I pi ic. a, j selected Tor I li 3 Kftll nnd Winter Iru.le. A full nnd complete c.oek or 'LOTUS. PLAIN .Mi I Vi V CASSl M Kit KS VOT TOXA PES, JEANS, ,Vo., Ac COAL OF ALL KINOS '. liroceriea, tjiieenawiire, llnrdw-ire. W illow- tnre. t'ednrware, liluMare. Ac. All or which linsiiig I, mi fc.iKuAi t ni or CASH will be no I.I 11 1 very amiill profile. Diirinottu is V"" ft" nol kiiII I' We alao pay the biyhral Btniliel prices for nil kin-la of pr.-tin. WHEAT. It V E, CO UN. OATS nn.l SEE! 1. We are prepared alao 10 aiore xomds at a aiiiklleliiirgeiiinl to do a jreliei al t'ouiuiisaion mid K01 li nl in d hii-itii We hope that the pulilie lenernlly will Ive us a cull as we believe il ia to iheir interest In da su before purcha'Dg else where, liive us a uiiil. W. V. WARKN'SLiaLKR. U. L. WAUkN.SlaLl.kiK Mae t.'tT, f II.NK ASSOr.T.MtNT OF TUK UKST OLD ftVK WIIISKHY. nur. rK.Afii w ihshry. CIIANUV, U1N, AN -In si received and for sils al the Kuglr lloiel, in M oMI.'I'iir,;. JOHN A. ITAIILNxK'tiUU, Asg. la), InTJ. Q TJZOTX BALBB mall mo TITS uii.i.iii 11. iu:irn Hesjieci fully auiioiincea lo ibe ciliteua of Midilli'tiurg and vi.-iuily that he ia now ready lo supply ibeui with lb largest and iuut complvt stock uf SfltlXO if- aSCJMAVf GOODS ever brought 10 this place, al greatly re duced prices rlieaper than Ibe cbeapeai. lie inviiea alteuiiou 10 bis large stock ol e Vl'RI.lN8, CAMCOr. llp.l, MNt'S, T,AWNS, Ml.KS, UKIlbliKH, MNKNS, ISoots and 81 iocs, II ATM AND CAI'tf. KKAUV-MAUK ILOTIIINrt. flllllTH, and everything usually kepi I a win reauiuici siore. tlive bi a u1l and b ronvlncrd Ibai ibis Is the idacs lo buy goods. ' COl'NTKY rnottlCE taken In exehaage V"sH1BslJM.rT J II. WALTER, I.MrOKTKR AMI) KKAI.F.n 1 CHINA, GLASS, AND QU EE NSW A UK, l Jf. ,14 Slrrpt, hi-lwcpn Race A Tin .'.My rillt.AliKI.IMIIA. JyVUtiE AKKIV AL OV NEW GOODS J. W. MULSH'S TOrr, V. W. Tomer Market Square, Middlehurg Tbe "look embrace i p trt Hliirk Sil'ti. AI!-w.mi I'c Lttinea, ( 'vbti l'lt-, MflitKie, I'.'lne. l!r'J'. A'., Ai!. Mm'iiia, poiil li ,sicctiii.,'. I'rillitij."!, T.iMo liiuriT, Ombii jr. Extru Tii kiiiui, I 'lift-kw, .Snir." ir;'r (i in;;liulil. .IsriHiet, a lit I it'ir'UH'iil nl" C.ilit oa, 1'lulilii'N, Ht'iivy twil'i-il, Sliifl in-', IHiitikfl, llil'lliiil'.i!a. II'i-iiTV, liloVt'a. Ai. CLOTHS A XH ,.ss:i:i: lii .'raiii uiiil Lim n Citrpots Wo.iliMi, l.itirii A cuitiirt Carprt Clniu. lll'AbY MM'H Vl.OTIUSC. Fluor,! itn I Stair Oil Cluili. Hats and Cnjs, BOOTS AND SHOES. lhir l wiuc. Cjiirfimwiirt'. I'liina Wiirc, til.i! hwart', WimhI am Will'ivr wnri", ("iiili-ry, Oil Winilow Sliailpa, l. t U. i 11 if G'.vhrs Ac. A iv, Ao. TOI'.ACCO AND CKiAPS. SALT cfc. FISH The bigheal nisrkel price paid for a!l kinda of con nny produce and dne I frni'a. Confident of rendering perfeel a.,ntuc lion li.uh in regur l lo prlrea ah. I 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 v nfgnN. I -ifu My invite all lo giv nie a call before purcliKing eNewhor". J. vi. inm.sK. iddle burg, Janunry 7, lMj'ty r iiiHau. o r k sni in r UNION HOUSE. tlAUM AN 4 K.MtSTKTTKB. 'ro.rie'orf. II I I I.' It 1 ' II 1 ' 1 ..I s f 1 ..M,,,,..,r . u. 7'lie prun-leiort reteetfnl!y nnnoiinee 1 10 'heir Ineti la 11I1 I Die puwu' nerullv 111. 11 1 iM-jf iiii.v rri'im inr Krver lnvi-ru ainiid. which hna heili relit led and replen- ihe I 111 tyle. nnd ia a deirblo plm-t for alriineia ali i olliera to -lop Their Indie 14 al nil liuiea epread with the loiorii-a aul miliiauiiaN of tho Mnn, Their eh 11 int. era are Urge lo promote llie rotnfort of their i-si. Their bar i supplied it li i' In 10 ' 1 i tt 1 1 a. No puina . iri d l y the prnpi leiom lo rend. r entire am i-t.i.--Iioii lo all w ho favor I belli with their I patronage. i-'JItf TTI.MIO.T ; Hurrah f jr tbe new goods just rt ceive l by John lliiffmau At lliimmrls' old Stand, (ivo tnilea aim Heliiisrove) v li ia- U ass selected wit creui cure, aud will be suld ai low privet Il includes. Notions. DUY iiii)tS. llAKDW AUf. tjl I.KNSW AltR vtnonniHi Mii.i.itn ti tm:, hall. I'lneler, Oila, Coal, Naila, Olothing fee, t repeelfully inviielbe public lu eonie and examine my good before, buying eUewhere, believing it lo be lo tour in lere.t. 1 11N11 pny the biglirnt prion for all kind or (.Lvie m:i:s), and all km. la of I'ouii'ry I'roduce. I irii alio well provide, with rial. ling for tennis aupp r Hrcukfn-t nn 1 l.odg i 11 K - for peoplo who como f' un t dia l"iice. I nlw-iys aeeotiitiioduic my cus lotnera ,o the beat of 111V abililv JOHN lloHMAN - October 10th 'OT'l QIIAHLLS II. .MILLEIt, AIK IIITKIT lOMKAITOR A BHI.DF.R Wulnuf, Street, Sslinsorovc, Pa. Is t all lioiea preptited to furnieb Prafia, Plans nn 1 fpeeifi. :itions f.r nil kinds of llilildiliL'-. nl 'be lowei-t possible rules aud on short notice. lie is alao prepared to corirset for pulling up l.iiiMiua eiilirr by furnishing all ihe uiaieriitl or oiberwiae. May 1 1, VM-ly P E A V J'. LTOW N STO V E STO H E -A!tt Tlnitarr !lnaurnrlory. j. r. shirk Would reaped fully inform the eiiirens of Snyder county ihnl be keeps c.mstiir.ily on band a large aaaorimeul ef OPFU'E. I'AUI.on. and t'ooKlNfl stovr.s Ofibe 1 ileal a'l h a aud liioal ion. rove I loiii'tlis, ntiHing which are llie celebrated) Knipire tiaa llurner, ihe HuauucliHitna t'ook, etc.. which he ia selling al price 'but defy competition, lie alao mnuufac uires ami keeps on hand a sa-orl-meiii of Mints Trimmings, Tinware o Special attention paid lo (-'pouting and Hoofing, Give me a call. J. r. SHIRK. Beaverl-wn, Oct. 21. W- WnltertV Ilnrtiuau IOAI.V.K1 IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES! Hardware, QlIENSwAP.r. Ckparwar. c. ke. Ac dx. it CrSTHCf ZLI.K PA. Th HIGHEST market TRCES Manhood! Uow Loat, Httyr Bc.aiorcJ .j tj tll'l ruiiliahrd. a new edition ofl'-' t'ulverwell'a t'elehra e I Ks say on III) radical rurr. (without medicine) of Ppermatorrhoea, or Seminal VWknea, Involuntary t.oaaea. impoieney. Menial nd pbiie il Ineapaeity. Itnp-di-nirnla lo marriage, etc!. I aln, t'ntiiiriip lion r'pilepay and r'it. ludiiee I by se'f in dnlgeuee or eexual enravigince. I'rict, in 11 Sr ilnl f'nrrl"r, sir nmlt. Th celebrated autlinrin tbia a linira'di eaaay clr!'!y demnnairltiea from it llilrly yeaia sitreeaaful praeiiee, I lint th alirin n? eoiiariirnea .if arlf ahu.e may be rad cal.y cured wi:l.out the dangrrnoa tiae ot liiieiha'. medicine or llie'appli'-tlion of the :life ; poiiiti'tg out a mode of cure a' onc- aimp'o. ecriiiin nnd efferltutl, l y means ef iTiii. n ev.-ry n ti r.-r. no ma'iai- what ln eniid'ilnn may I.e. ni.iv rure biutaell' cheap ly priva'fly hi. I ra lieally 'Ihla l.ennre a'mol I he in lb abandon' every y.oitli an I every man in Ibe land. r-.-nt on li r -eal. In a plaiu i nv. l.- e. 10 any addri a, i,'vI.t.. (,n ren-ipl of i rent", or Iwo pii vtan-pa. AIo. ir. I'nl rei w.-l a M aoi ijie Ct.nla," .nc 2' seals Addieaa the pliMlalicra, I II S .1 r, KI.IS'i: l"e., l.'T Howe y, N. V . I'. It. hot i.S-li. Sept. I, i: y FIKM A Hi l- XEW coor: K. O. IlKTrKL. t ft. Vff LI.OI'CII nszzria at lvxccctiovoxl, (KVCt'KSSOBB TO jail RLTXIL) EALKRt I ALL 1MI. t BlOnitJT CARIl rRlCl riii roR FJX)UH, QUA IX, I HAIL KOAD TIES, A, Ai., CHAPMAN, SNYDER Cot XTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Marvh IT, IJT'tf. J.MIEI) TATES 11 O A D S noctaiT, SiH.H A EXCH ANt; EI CN MOST I.lIir.UVL TP.HMS. ti O li I) J! Q light iSQia. I AT 3Iailatt Ilntei. (Olipons Cashed. PACIIIC U.MI. KOAD HON PS Doitbi st.J Sold. STOCKS li. Might and Soli ON COMMISSION ONLY. In Account, received and interest snwed1 on daily l.i,.c. eu.-jtc. .0 .Uek, a. lA' 1 40 fcoutl. Third Mitcf, PlllLAIiLLPHIA. Murcli 7. l:tl y q i;i:at emcm lment in EANNERVILLE. NEW OOuIiS. HELFIUCIU UllOWER Wieb lo inform the citiiena of rianrcrvlllc j nnjl vicinity that they bate opened a pert stock of poods. n I will Vs-i-p cuiisitt.tly uu . unc i a iuii uiiriiiu-iii o: : 1 It I- MS OlIllllS; roniiinnf Al.rAt'AS.roVI.IXf.PLAHS, LISTIIKS. MIL A INKS, CALlt'OI'S, o ( Iolhs : ( nssiiau ri 11 A andCArs, HOOTS nd glluK.I. :iikiiVV.'liiV'.': HARtiWiRK AS ol.'Er'NSWVRir. SALT AND FISH, And in fuel every thing n n illy kept in s Ural dla Country store. Ad of wliieh Ws olfi-r M freni'y riJuc.d prices, for t'stk or lonntry I'rncuet., lining Imd ltrge ejper'.enr in the busines', e tHner our-rlvev lhal we cau plcaae Mid sittisfy all D'r Hoping .f ell :cl atlrniion ti I usineaa and a d. aiie lo pleuae all, lo merit a literal ' ase uf piit lic patronage. Our mono is "(ji.ii.sV aS'isiVti .on Small l'ryit." We nsk al least ibat Ibo vullio examine our sioek and rices betoie purclnaiut elaewliere. ss we ulwiiy show our goods with lessors. IIKI ntlCM A BOW Hi. saaervillr .ne 14, l"Ti. If HOOT A HOE MANrr.U'TOT. Ainu) u lo lliual Th nndereigaed rrtpsoi fully annouaces to iba riliseus uf Middleburg and vwluiiy, that he will eonilnu in nianufaeiar MEN rt PTH. KIP sod f INE ROOTS, vVoaien aad t'bilrso's fHOU. And la short sveryibitig ia Ms Une. tn lbs latest style and el Inw prieee. Work Made lo order at ike shortest notice, fliv blsa a ac-w.rr. e inw iar-Mi T i!. U'JItKIIAUT, a fltlitugrwt, Srt'd'i- Oa , Ptnmt. Keep eoa'tan'ty en hard a fara; and well wiide aaaoriieaat of Tih, BUsel broa ware, fitev.'S. As . As Me Is Aesbi .'er ibe fjllowinv aaeisd arliele. "THF: MOAXI.tJ OlaOHT." " LIitleAslJ s f'aleal Isapretea Base COAL. STOVt. la this jie'tern nt Taa Mossivs Akoer, everal new and iirp ir'aul featon-t kat hs.'ii erotio lie I, wbisli eta 011'y be sssn le he admire I. I bis new s eve is satdeeo 'irely i f eiat irnn. en fined ss e t e s.r uk'. hat ean t a ani le iik eUeet na i u a ' eeeiioti when f ie'erre l t y I'.e pic eha . . .. I;a iirnnmiioal fliiieb ia drap.ry, anakies 1 ban lamae pit" ' furiclu s. far aio s 1 bait any st.ive keiel.'f o e sjaad". I s ie errnl e ..nsirucliun, llioii(k taira I a' "o'ni of Ike former et'ei lis o! The Jvi 11 a . 'II ry ia iiiie iliferiit. 11 aaaia lurab'.o. an I far le-a lirVoli 10 i.e rr, sirei. . I be caiuiya aie ot 'ke highest order, lu1 . lai n; ks kautl a.Ii(S biaJe ia tk soun;ry. Ai.i.'.if tks tanay aiivtvrauaa la il.s ate if the Minimi,; t.lory are llie fo!' .wing ... I, fnnt iiiit.i'ia llui nnj. 'J, LJuili y ,.1 1. Ileal. X, Y.-mimti. u ili-oo,s tks ttv. I, A nl i-l'ual ."", e, .S. ta.aasefwet 1. LsuaJiay ef t ed. ' THE BAKLHT MIR r. ' At'ti-l'ul'i Jf 7'Vi' ('"I'k 'nu ' , uilh h',rin'i-1 f ' r--livs f.,r H'.ioii iir 1 'ntkl. rstened Ms.v l.'.'h. lU Vie lake pleasure in nffere our eaa'e men and the Shife Trade, a New flrst-t'lsss Flat t' p. u I wo ilii call fS-'iru.jr '.'a-..'i. o t'l "io"y e.'irac'.n (s ee.'.ae.a twe'srea aaan.'s. This Stovs has beo care'nl'y tsi'e l fi aeveral innntbs. and ihe re.ol.a ksveprnveel to hlxbly saliatacoiy. ibat nrslersar '.l-trst and moat ep'rirnee I stove des ers predial for II sale tar hsyokd esr sb l.te to snpp'y this season. SU Ii;j, t ag full ase ' ike hearth. .H.i a iii.iia.ini .'. i is iht sera, so sri any sal as to eive u.i.i room in the upper pari uf ihe ovt-u; a irreat convenience much tieedei 7'ie "if 11 is neai ly aa aide at Iht fee a alike heai ill line. bich nol only inoreass I ilia aiie. toil will La I sei'iMlllad SS e f rseS jtUtiniajt 1 .'. ss :i .y. DOTY'S CI.OTIIE-i WASIirc'i. Tke List, cli-aj'-i, and tnoal popular i Wa-I'lnu M .. li'iie eter invented. ' li is esy terpen. e, sittmir orsiandies; I lake Inn lui'.e room ; injures no garmema finishes its work from in two to four Mia ute: ia durable and convenient ; and lb only Wail ing .Machine known that i likes) the I'vtier llie longer it :s Dae J. THE I'XI Vl'KSAL CLOTIIli rv.r "(mf.a r i a vi i. r r.cnsoMizKi Hie let in, ..I our I'a'etit ."ill our Maohine a "tt 1 inner. '' Year of espenenes proto it also 10 he A M"t B.X. BI.1 Bil Wasms. W ben we red 11 e every invention for wssa In; el.. M11 1 to a prini ip'e they all ainouii lo I hut it pie-sinn ao I aiuceiinu. and I'.ircni the utter Ihroii;'. Iheui, tliue re in .ving i i.e- dirt. Moat W'.abing M ichine do it l-y n.i.Min i be I'niversal Wrisgar o.s ,t by pres. ng i JOHN LA I' OENSI.AGCK, i BUGGY MAKER, LLINI'IROVE, 8NTDEE CO, lA. I Having piirclaard tl.s well known ate I In Selins, furmer'y owued bv rbili j llleck. r. I am prepare I lo accoinmodat al. I who nirty d.'ti ati.tibitig in niy line, and wsrani aaiiataciion in all cases. I kesa !c"Dt ni!ly nn bund, au l am prepsrss) t I uisunfiOiut . the sl ortest notice, UL..UIES. SULKIES, ikm SLEIGHS. Au. Beit.i. experienced in lis lnniueas. I in ter myself mil I am fully prepared tj mesl li e win's of niV customers. TL baDd et. luyl are su: .tig the rest mecbsoics l ilie couuty. and tt.eir woik will But fail to giv universal sitisfacloa. rw-SLecial ai'.eb'iun pail t rspslr) an iia hiancliil "fej cp on Miirke. s, e,r a ',w -.r, ,b U"mmV.H S Ta U I IvSLAOK. Sc'ir.sroa. April 70-i f "I.lEU CP. A I T, AV srccri'sH 10 FLECK & CU, WHOLESALE roxrEdioNtiii ao ruiiTmm. No. a-iM.MiHTI! TtiM'.D ST., PHILADELPHIA. A f .'.! asioiinisnt ct C. I'ruiis. I, is Works eevnsre, tius, -My Ao. saavs on Land. HP. HO'ITENSTEIX, M P. a PHYSICIAN lis Kl htiEOI', SF.I.IN-'illuVK, SNYliEU TO . HA i,r ,r$ ,a ..-f,aa ,. ..rrlces t ks !!.. s -f rors sod vlsiul.y. Jl-ss'A IITS-tl' JOSEPH S TELL, Mantil'-suirer or and Wholeae's PeVsr In 1'lolliiB.ff. Clothe CASIMEKS AN p VESTING,", II Sl'UTH 1Uir,h HtCKT. PHlLAt. A QOSoUAVK HALL HOTEL. TLisn reioi:, ?v-.r,(, Vat Iciyr Tn'ri , ?BJr CV, fa. Tax Njtieu tkat T have 'irs'nsaad fes- grsi Hall Hotel, wl.srs I asa a.wsva prV pared lo aci-oiumodate Diotsie. birssiars. aud Travelers. 1 sbsd be lit eral in v s' a-ras ssd ew dssvor lo ui.' sasrybudy wsil ko fevossj me wnu Bit e 'aim. Ifyoaai a el Isd. bu ries. Sirs ss's a esal. April, WTfT. JAMES K lAVIM Itiri'KL. StLl)..QKOVK. MN T HER Ue., Ia. lltHT A. rOLUl Vreprisier. Tliit well knoaa II .ua having beea r. lid by lb preteut pruproieior, offers sja cellenl irtoaiii'oJsiious i ike trav tag comnmniiy. Cboiee liquor and Cigar a tb liar, aad the Table supplied wits) Ik best lb nailsi sfiutd. A gosd takl autnded by earefal basilars, in eoBoeeUea uk ska kses. AFrtl U-'IW, LVlGLli HOTEL. M1DDUBCB0, flu j. i. sTinuuTTi, rrpi-iHr. Hiving takes ekarge of ibis eld atd esiabliabed Hand, ike proptieior arvpeeeal ' vi detoi all bi a'leaiioa to lb Brovidiaa uf bis Table aad tnt and ik aB)aa. lloB of bvik man 1 beast. Ibe soltaila 0 ltoi a I snare ot in pauita patrOBSgaM t. .-, t lJ-aJlt 1 rVV- i i i 1 .'(Sri T V