The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 29, 1870, Image 2

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U lii-ixL,! ill
...PEcrnnKHM, irs'llMfHli. I'OO. 25.I.!tt nifflil
was lh oKIcd felt here for thirteen
rears, rind furiul one for theeitimi
ly aliieli fircurroil. The ground wis
MVert-rl with Lnnl. fmien sn-iw. and
the thermometer sIo.hI nt ' de'ree.
The Spotswood hotel and til theiniill-
ill's in that block , the finest io the itv
-ere ilettr. jed hy lire t two o'elni'k
tMs morning burning in t lie ashes
line htlf-,l,.r..'n or iut tiurnan heingi
The luinfi buntr destroyed were
Ursoeh A Currant's trn kcrv store.
Ailnaii' Express Ccnpsnv, fifBce ol
Howe sewing machine, ami other
sinnl er s'nres. The total loe t r lire
1 -00,000, in'UrcJ mutlv in Norlb
ern eninpiniei.
HAP.Ri'oxurnci, V , Pec 25 A
rj destructive firo occurru 1 here
morning between 1'mr ami Erf
''clutk, by which Isrje number
the ptinetpil business Louses in tht
tesn Were bortifd. Tlit tite orflinst-
lin Wall's .tore, ami n
who! square before (he fl4:nui we re
SJliIued. j,t (iiiiwin; estebiial.
mrr.ts wire tolnlly destroyed, with
rieni !t ail ihrir contents j The, First
isatioiinl Ifatilf, I hi Semi- W'rcUy
'ntrrjiriif office, Will's liquor storo,
Kellrj'a work-clirp, lltlier's liquor
'ore. Mint ha store sud dwelling.
Urn. S. J. Cotfonsn's ilrl!imr. Msud
A. Ilellei's drr-unodi rtore, Tunton's
t !oihin(f store, Messrs tM.l.ert & Long's
eluthiof store, Willmati'e bar liar shop
rwiix.!r's tlothinjj note, Andrew's
liferrr etablo, Wortbnun a hook eture
TLa A merit's n Hotel, on tho orpoite
ide vt Main e'ri tt, won couiiilei nll
Uoiacl. All iho g!nn in the win
5ows wns broken by ibe intense beat.
Mr. Switivt' oni) aon wito ba iir hurl,
lut uot seriously. The destruction id
property will amount to 81000U0.
K!f of which ia not inaurcd.
PocciiKEirau. N , Pec. 26. A
fire broke out in Connor'a saloon, lit
Itain ttrtot, tbia eviuioit. and heforr
Ibe flanict coulJ be upprrn-l the
fjllowin atorei we bnrt.ed : K. K
Piano, bouia uud line; Scbimnx
clothier; l.aniberl, tiarn : Vuo Wyrk,
Ladandeifi; Myir, pi oiorup r;
Matrote, 1'anej (joodn j I'.-irnuiii, dru(rj
Wilnon, bioka aail atatiouury ; llvde.
ahoei. Tliret aorca were all on Main
hircct Ju Garden atrci't, the atnrca
nftba fallowing named piTioua were
turned! Kirnball, enraer; lly
ittt, uiiibre ll8 j uleo auoiher engrav
ing rUbliehmciit. The couienU were
nearly all Paved of Fartitini' druf
elore, WiIiod'h bookKtore: and Hyde'a
alio atoro. Tha him eanuol bv lci
than f 75.000 lo 8100 000.
CoRswit.i.. Cunad.i, !ee. 27. The
Coiiwh'I wuolleo nmiiuf:.cC"ij m
turned ibii mornini l b buildinK
luring ibe pat ymr wa thorou.'liiy
tucked wiih ikf.1 nint impriived ma
cbi.iery. 'I ho ranee of the lire in uu
known. Over two hunJied pera t
are thrown out of vn I ymei.t. The
h as ia e.'iimied at 9 dOO.oOO ; inaur
nce, $1 TiS.OOO.
St. Thom an, Canada, poc 17 A
larur fire occund tail evening, on
uDiiux two diy oodn ktcreH, thrve
grocery tore, with acfeial oilier
building. Li.a emiruxtcd at $70 -000,
to 180,000, nuaily iotc roJ by in
tnraiiee. Two cuen ore misitipg, tuppoaed to
be turicd under the ruioa.
Bait 1 mob i, Deo.. 27. Veaterday
Morning thecal oil eiablihmeiit id
Uamill, I'wynue k Co. at t'au'oii.
waa ilamakied by firo t the eiu'Ot o!
I O.t'UO ; ummed. The miiho day the
chemical woria of llaiard. Zulu k il
L'uvan Kt du'iiacd by Gro to the
exteut ul'8j,0t.i0 ; iuured,
Tni Itu-herfoid Park Hotel, at
Jlutherloid, N. J., w.i burned early
fiiturdny Du riiini'. l.f ritiuiatod at
The wooIko factory of Kddun A: Co.,
f P"ion, bn a'e I on Cieek Pond. it.
MVt liaverhill, w a Imiut'J ywtterdav
Jnorning. Lok, $100,000.
The moulding fg,.ti.ry of Ilu A
Kddy, at Vonegtrr, Mi l , win burned
yct-terdiijr. Lvae, fJo.tOO; iuaurauce,
A nut la nt evi uing in the rope and
Lcmp eatahlihliinctit ol William Wulla
Kona, So. 113 Wull .treel. New Vnrk,
tauej a I. a cd $17,100, lullr iiihured
Tux Icm bv t e burn 0 of the I'ool
Puildinir. JUicbeaier, Daily Drmcrut
publishing and plena rmuiN, and fluur
huh, win reic.11 tfiuu.uuu, lumrod
Ilti btonu tiitii-inl Pillow, of
TeniH tsce. tgam CiiJh himelf on the
wrong lido of the ditch.' In IHOII
and '01 bo wai a cry nctive rebel in
the MilMU ppi Tulley. I, on;' bflme
the JStato of Truacsnee bid ' receded
at .a ,
rrora mo 1 inon, ' uen. 1'iiiuw wt
"doioir military duty" at Mimphi
Upon hin own rcfinnibility, nut bar
io orders from a auperinr he aeiiei
. eieimbaati and their eri;nei own. I
i.y northern tut i), and mdd them lor
ibe tencCt of the rebiU. A l'iin-
burg firrn, whoa towboata, barges, and
coal were silzel by Pillow, brought
suit igiiosi hnu lor value thereof, and
. . .1 1 . . . j . 1 . , .
receiTru reraiet in ine
. oiled Slate Court in ibeir fatnr
Pillow is immensely rich, and w ill be
forced te par fur the ato'eo nrnperlv.
The effort of this verdiut will be to
Induce other ootheio men to proie
cuto limilar tlaimi against the rebel
lenders, ho. by lelLconmituied au
Ihrrity, raptured ibe properly of loyal
Htizeos in Ibe bjiuDlo oft hi rebell
late Port Aduiral ra lie Pbiladelphia
stailnn, died at Mount Afi. v ( J'hiU
delpbia), 00 flaturdiv OioroiJg Wect,
. niiiq ettenty year. lie w as born in
iuw luri, cuierea me oavy 10 1810,
m inidahipmaa, and was preieot at
the battle of Lake Cbamplain, in "the
war of 18 12. purit.g the Mexican
War be look psrt io the eip'ure of the
Jowos of Tuspso, Tobasao to Vera
Vrux. JJstiog panted throngh all the
loterTeaelng-raoka, be eras eomrulu
irjfltd ICesr Admiral, ia 1KH3-,
The I'.tTerla of Uar,
The gik'intie war now he in a waged be
tween r'tant o ndl Os tium lutu al.
ready r.'rved to paraljzo the iiiduatr?
hot ween both rooiiltie. It hat also
a very iepr'Ming offect on many de
pari meiitt of nradu In Oretil Hritain.
The silk trade of Lyons it lnvit en
tirely ruined, aad the Larn silk dea!
.ri i f London, who furtueily obtain
ed their aupliea from this source, aro
now without buinea for lack of goods
I'ormerly it wss tho cuitom foiutbe
great niiLu.'uelurri a of Lyon to send
ttie bulk of I heir fabrie t London
end Puris. lly Ibis means they ito I
more prompt returns thfto by ssllieg
them directly to eonsuioors ; besides
these heiey hiuci purchased their
whole produel, taking entire linea ol
drees of all the varioun natem nide
In the articlva of Iiu-ck nnd rnbruidir-
iet, porccluln and fanry uoo I, the
hopkeeperx of Itriiain nla miai their
aecustomeJ supplies nnd inrorely
frel the drawbn k il i hiving on triJe
1 1 tho United Stutei, the etock of
I'lench clntb, silk. gloves jewelry.
proc.,i;n. Ac., Ac. is very greilly di-
(uini.-hed ; and beside, theae article
have ill verr rapidly appreciated in
The drift trade on the Germans to
meet the requirements of the war ha
aluioetas dissMterous an effect is tUt
on the French. Everywhere industry
i- dtiLo A'izei1, and business ruined
Fuelorie nre closed nnd operative
bnve bseonie wurriors, w bo, inttaad ol
being engaged in tho peaceful ivoea
tioua of lile. are, at one nnd tho annio
lime, destroy ing tho enemy and clos
ing up the svenue oflrjflie. (irrinaii
hardware, toys, leather and leaiber
goods, wooUns, Uiuioal instruminle.
Ac., Ac, ire io grestly diuiinithed
productino, and io tenia of thee
war. it hi njaout'iciirs bus ultnon en
tirely ceated.
The sL'rogate viluo of Frcneli mao
u'aeiurs before the war averted about
fivo hundred aiillioos of dollara an
nually, while the import! nnd exporta
lor a Corresponding period reiptctive'y
rtarhej about the same amount.
Of the value of Geraino production!
we have do reliable stitistici: but we
imas'ino that in the entire country; it
did not fall fur short of France.
We imported from Frunciruerchio
dize to the amount of about ciht)
itiillioas ol 'dollars inauully for which
we returned of our own product
about filly tiiilliona. pitying tbo diffar
ence in bonds. From Germasy wa
ulm ituporied largely, und the balance
of trade mi always against us The
vat coinnicrce with both these nations
is now interopted, and it' the war
ahnuld contirfno for tome montha long
er the lost of buaiuesa would seriously
alTcet many bisnrhei of trade.
In the manufacture of silks, glovei
carpet, ribbons, emlirui lerio. nnd
cliithi we have already msds wonder
ful prugrass. and some ths best domes
tic good are ia every rcspoct equal to
the bts. YifMnufai-tursd io France. In
ruiny descriptions of hsrdware we ex
cel tic Eusilihli, (icrtimiis, and French,
but in bronzes we arc far behind th
French and Kliglltb. Ill laces, wire,
proccljio, jewelry, b ather an I fxiicY
woods, tho production is either very
meagre, or else the goods aro of in
terior quality. The war prseats a fit
ting opportunity for ua to encourage
ilie growth ofiusoy of those industrcs
with a view to their permanence, ex
cellence, nnd future cbaipuets Ton
it will be euii'paralively easy to seniiii
pli"b Eome, if not all of these aims, we
l.ave entire oonGdenre. The terrible
strugtr'e through which Franco and
Gt't mnny ure paiui; hxs ttlready in u
t-rat nieasara exhnusted tboir rrsour
ccs, aud it will take vuurt of peiee,
rli'-deuial ind iudustry lo place the
corrmrrrs and uisnu.'iictures of either
nation in ss livorablo position as at
the be'iiinintt of tbo contest. A'. J'
.irrciiitl'.'e Journal.
PnrsinKMr Ukant's Aiimisistra
TioN We can rctr.einber no-nduiiiiis.
iiaiioo 01 me iieni'tai iiovttriuiiciii e
wise, so oonsiaicnt, so incorruptible
and to econom cat as that of I nsidcut
Grant, No 0110 can deny, howsrer
hostilo he may be as a political oppo
nent, or UllSUecesslul In O'llulQIIIil III
office, that ho In", reunite of con
sequences, lutthfully executed 'ho lavs,
When he came into cfllceho found the
ciil service debiuchid : duhonestv
wss ths rulo ofpublio life, slid the
country seemed to bo si the mere? 01
nut riueiplcd adventurers, who plun
lered tbo Treaiury and truilicksd in
ths nation's honor snd I'siih. Keforni
eomo iu with the fourth of M.treli
I86'J; lel'oriu bat so grown with the
admiiiiNtrstiou thut the publio debt
has been reduced more that one bun
drel snd seventy oight millions dol
'ars, and tho o.iuulry ii ge'iurslly pros
lerous nod progressive. Aal tbii
is ibe policy he is dsteruiiued to pur.
sue in the fin urn. There rosy bi
ci'oukrts in Hie repuiiilcati party;
11. ere win uaturaiiy be bitter lault Dud
is and denunciator! in ibo Domucrai-
ic parly ; but they will all fail to drive
irn I row Ins marked nut path of strict
integrity, retrenchment and economy
which he puroed from ibo beiiiiiii.oit
6rmanotc t Telegraph
An exchange says that ths Ku
Kloi srs tasking it Uely in imndcra
ville, Ga. Of lores hundred stid sixty
heulihy D'ur.-t who odos flourisbsd
io that community, nothing is leit but
ons birrsl of hum bub ' hatful t)f
horn pUq
Rejioii on Iniilnn Airalr.
Tho report of the United 8lsles
Commissioner of Indian afTairt, which
has lioeu prtntrd, gives ill tWoiwh
detail interesting fuels concerning the
Indisn policy ol the government and
the idiiiitiistratinn of the Peses Com
missioners which Is retarded ns per
feci ly rat;a!'setory, and ns hivinif re
sulted I lencuViallv both lo the govern
mri t and to the Indians. The former
has received practical good through
the woikings of tho Uuaker Co 11 mis
sinners, in an honest expenditure of
ilie appropriations nt ilnir command,
as well is in n reduction of the lutein
expense by carrlnl titperviti in ol the
uiintiiiy uoo 's, A''., to Lo disposed ol
to I he Indian. 'J he report e In inn a
most economical expenditure ol the
spprnpriati'.ns, in. I the adoption of a
vtem which sv iil fiuible ths bureau to
tiaii'uct its bnsiiiis-i under a 1101. h
lets es'ima'e during this fical year
bun was called lot' in the last repot t.
The decrcae in the present estimate
is s lilt Is over a thousand dollars. The
uenerel tone nf ths report eoncerninif
the chmsi'ier and disposition of the
trihca is i-at'R'aciory.
The ininiunnry exercises, whi'h
bnve been carried into ptsctii mI rlTect
by the Quaker stents nre highly rulo
uited, ns Inning tended to render the
tribes much more amenable to the rs
quih tnents of the govei nuici.t, snd
the dictates of civiistion than for
merly. Til principal features in the
ndvancement of ibe vari .us tribes, sre
the consideration paid by them to the
esiibbshtiient of mission-schools and
lo education. Ths commission has
rrsson to believe that with the constant
endeavors of ths Quaker otTiciaN,
harked by the support thev hive from
the government, the system nf Indian
alTurs is rspidly bsiiiL' reduced to an
excellent standard, and that the pre
cepts i-l civilization snd t hn-tiatnlv
will work a wonderful 1 hinge in their
chaiactrr. The ti resent nuict aspect
ihrre is tcimn to bops, wi! tnritintie.
nnd llial the stories ol mils and rava
ges w hich has been so frequent of bite
years, will hare no renelinen. Inter-
esling dm un ents from Indian oflicets
nceompany the report of ths commis
sion, 'i bo usual statistic! of different
tribe! are fiven. and full information
upon all subjects relative lo the pr s
ent Indian policy ia submitted by the
authnn of tho different reports tc
compaoyine that of the comni'Saiouer.
K wav is ami Fools For tha hea
lth ofwbotn it may concern, we copy
I he foil. living from tho New York
Star : ' The polico sro making a
viitorous raid on the adroit xwindlcr
who from their headquarters in th(
city n.amigo to chest the veidot in
tho rural districts from Maine to
California snd from the Canadian,
the Gulf el Mexico. Il is astonishing
b'w many kuuvei ure taken in by the
ptetended sals of counterfeit notes.
Witbtbess we confess ws have little
sjaipsihy. When a men makes a
piinhiso with intent to cnett, and is
himself bitten, be fully deerveiit.
Nevertheless, the rogues hero oust hi
nut to escapH for that reison. Innutii
irablo fools srs tukua in by tho advsr
lisemeot wliiclkofleri to send for 1, a
musirat instrouient which plays fortv
luiioi. Io rstura for the CI, 11 child's
mouth orgsn is seut, ou which the sss
who gets it may play su ind-6oite duoi
crt of loon il he only knows bow.
There sre a hundred other jut t-u h
tricks at these nnd a IriudrcJ thousand
fools who aro reuJy to be pUyed upon
When the knaves out of Now York
make up their minds to bs honest, the
knav. H here will go out of basinets ;
snd when till the fools Irnro that when
sunn 1. IT-ms lo axil an artuljata
price far below its real Value, he i
bent no swindling, thtt branch ol
knuvery will also bs discouluiued
The f'ool-kiilsr lus much to do before
s! ths subjects ot his iulenl iou sre
out of the world.
tieiiMioiial Ulfrllouia.
On the 17th of January fourteen
Statei will elect uieuihirs of tho Uni
ted States Semite. Six Stutci have
s'rsudy elected, to that there will he
twenty new members in the Serjsts ot
iho Forty-.-'eeotiiJ Congress Of the
fourteen Senators lo bo diced
the only two sbout whoso election
there Mvems 10 bo any cettaioty sro
Wilson, of Musachuitts, snd Thayer,
of Nehia-ka. Ths election of these
centlsman sesms to be cone del In
Arkansas. Illinois, K iotas, Mains.
Uiobigaii, and other States, there is
considerablo of a contest. The Legis.
Utures of all the Statss shove oaniod
are Kepublican, and iboonly difliculty
is as to the choice of the man. The
!e ui-erats io tho Seoa'e will receive
an accession to their ranks of six Sen
ntors. If Missouri sends a Iemocrul.
is it ii expected the will, io place of
Drake, tho Doniocrsts will have seven
out ef the twenty new Seuat rs
TllkopoHK TlLToN hut relioquMied
the s liionul chair of tbo Now York
wfyirmi nf, snd is suecoedud by
Henry C. Uowen, the proprietor am'
publisher. M r Tilion will be s special
contributor to thai pat er. Tbo Jf
pendent was a a excellent paper under
Mr. Tilton as editor, oft J no doubt will
eotitiuiio to grow iu excelleuee under
the editorship of the publisher sud
s s m
At ibe lertu of iiueks comity Court
held at Ib.ylestown week before last
Judge Chapman imposed ths followioif
severe penalties upon horse thieves
Imrglura, aud other violators of the
aw t George Woodward and Jamo
JoIimsoo, uorie steallDK, cuch 14 years
and 0 mouths' imprisonment; John
iMiams horo stealinir. D re. rs :
Lewis II. Landis. horse etsalini, 14
years and 3 taunt lis; Fredrick Steele.
Hubert Devini and Joseph Usimer.
burglary, each 8 yesrs snd G month
Charles Uaoee and John W. Stopp,
larceney, euuo 1 year son if months ;
II l.'l I r! 1
tit. if srv a I
rlt aud lieorga Dido, larcen y, i
S .-esratBd a muotb. aarj Jacob
U Jsi'"i I tttata avAtfiai' '
1 1 oil I
GK!. ctcntNK, of Ohio, was or.
Thnr-dsy Isst, confirms.! by ths Uni
ted States Senate, asaiioister to Borland.
Anotbib disaster ocmrel on ths
Mississippi ou Sunday night a week,
which it in reported forty persona
were drowned. The steamer Nick
Well si rack a soak ahots Grand
Laks, during a ttorni, and the Jobin
on which wore nino hundred barrels
tea preventing the escipe of the
pissengrrt. Ths I oil wis finally met
by another steimvr and the surviving
passenger' snd crew wcto tekc&ofT.
Gi!. Manstkin commands a North
Germso corps. Ho is reinarlah'e br
his c.K.ln'SS under fire. At faar
liruekin ho was in chisf eommand.
Watidtrlna: over the field the morning
after ths bmlc, hi came upon the
burying parties who were busily si
wotk. lie asked ne of tho solders il
bis company hud lott heavily. -Very
heavily, your excellency,'' was tho in
swer. "To what company do you
belong 7" The name wus given
"Where is your Captain 1" " Wr
hive just hurried him." Minstein
turned away for a moment, then said
"lalie up the body Your captain
was my only son.'' When the corps
was brought to him he kissed the d id
forehead, ordered s colli o, chose a
place of burial, and with 01, altered
countenance, returned to his connnan I.
Kstati of JOHN J. K LINK, riae'4.
on Iho of Jf HI V .1. K LINK Isle of
nearer tnwuMilii. nee 0, havlna len aranle.1 ti
Hit un.lerplarit.1. sit ron knowing O.einselreii
In.lelite.l l ths eti are requsNliNt
iinTinriit, ami ihn haTlna' clulini aaalnst Ilia
taut will l.rtirni inaw lo
Baar Uwaakls, Ct. I, HIS.
Orphans' Court Sale.
Tlie iinderslitnnl, Adminixtrnlnr eum
lesiamento anneio. of 8 AliAII KKKN. l ile
of Ilrsser township, deceased, sill ei.oat
lo Public Snle. en Ibe prrinises, on
The lollowing Itenl bsotie, lo wit : A eer
lain lul of ground, ai'iime in llraveriown.
on Ilie main SI reel nppnaile Ilie ftore ol
Moses Fpeehl, lieing in .1. roll I CO feel and
in wi.ltli OU feel, wbereon ia ertcted a fiauie
Ivellin Iltmttc,
font Stable and nihrr averaiary and ion
vrniini oin biol.linp.
Tbe abota property 'ii renirslly located
in a iiooJ eoii.niunii jr. and it iu a f noil eon
J i i i on. For Inrtlier iuforniHtroa call on or
sddrr,s the im.lrrsijrue.l si llentt-rtovrn.
tile lo rniiiiiienee at III o'clock A. M., of
saiil d y, wbeu nvudillnnt will be made
known by AI.FUKD Sl'KCHT-
Ueavailown, Pec. Ii, 'il Adiu'r.
rrins Hirs-i:it
All LAI) OF ALL OTllEll.S!
tiii: iti;.vo uiit.
Cerause il embodiei estrniinl t.riueiiiles
noi I'oiiihI in tnj. oilier Machine ; because
of iia aunpliciiy of construction, tare ot
operaiiou. iinilorinitv. of .reuise action hi
any speed, and capaciiv for the greatest
range and variety of work, fine or c irsc.
I'urliea wnOiing lo purcbase thouM nut
fail lo etaiuini lbs beat of all Sawing Ma-
An it "Wbh.
Faw, raw, raw,
At ni'.rn, at aooa, It ntght!
Work, w-.rk. work,
llul nsrr out n rlahl!
For grant an. I ruiall. for vonng and old,
In run-.nitrr'i haul, tn wlittar'r eotd,
llv lul.tnltfht lamp, hy mi.l. lay's run.
'Turn rcw, raw, ua, but duna,
bea OiHiiilniw sewed.
A.M it Ik.
I'orr. hurr. bun; why how lha panties St !
I Hi, oh. ,,l, .w..ut.l charm the thillett t) t!
1 he lean are rent. I, tha wairtiiaii.r. n,
1'he button, ret lha punt ara ilotia!
An. I hers', a pair tor m ami luha,
And I hjilo;, luo, aid lltlto Dan.
Now Mother sewa on
We advise ill lio wuni a first class
Sewing Macbiue. on ibal will tew linen or
glaied t bread aa well na any other, lu go to
V. W. ANtiELL.
on North Third St.. in Lewinhorg,
or I. II. SMITH, gelinsgrov,.
And get one ol llcsi Famous 8inger Ms
cliines. for I here you will get insti iicli.iur.
ti s ).oi cull gel al no otber place, and if a
Mngcr is put in your t.uuily, bappineii will
it tine io ioiiow.
Ten Judireagnve I he Singer Ibe I'it'loma
til tin Mij Oer l oiinly hmr. L8-"
G rover & Uakcr' ri.EMiuic
Sewing Machines,
Ilrauty and Eistiitly tf Sliitk.
I'trfnulios toS rliuipluil; of Matkiitry.
I'ting boia ibreadi Sirtnly frea Iki
No fattening of itaiai bv kiaa eat at
watts or turta.l.
Wldt range of appticalioa wiikiut ibange
of adjuiinicnt.
Tbt learo reiaina in beauty aud Irataiii
auer wanuing aua ironing.
Draidei doing all klndi nf work dont ky
hy other Stning Machines, tben Msobiot'a
etecult Ibe most beautiful an ptruianeal
Embroidery and oruunieuial work.
SWSwTht Higbesl I'remiumi il all Iki fairt
ami esbibiiioni of Iki Uniiiil ritatet and
Europe, baft been awarded tbi Grovtr A
Knkvr Hewing Machines, aud the work
by ibein, wberivir eiliildltd ia conipilioa
KarTbi vary highest priie.TIIE CROSS
OF THE LEU1U.N Ot ilONOll, wai cos
fertd ou lbs reprtamlativs of Orover &
unker Dcwlog oiaouiuea, al lbs expoiiiioa
I'nircraollt, 1'arli. 18U7, tbui aittuing
ibtie grtal tuptrioriiy ovir all olbei taw.
ing Macliloss.
For Sals by BAalUEL FAUST. Stllnt.
grovt, Pa. April 20. '69,
Twanlt.Plva lullar Famila hawlatt
itaa. Hinsj, ,u ruMHttriril
ih wrhi. amimt- w.itio
Maclilna. Tha ekaapatt Flral (iaaa Siatbla la
tins l a .mi tow a.
allowed. For ttrast aa4
. naaiiLTOB. uu
Orphans' Court Sale.
TN parsatlei nt a nrdar arantsd M thi Or
phsns :onrt of Mnjriler t.'nnnit. tn iht anitsr.
slanwl (lilar.ll.a of itornelins Mark, l.Tln
Stars sn.l Lt.IIs Mark, mlnn-rhllilran of Juha
M. Mark, lata of Parry tnwn.hlp, dte'd, will I
eip.wt.1 to roblld b9 od lb! l.rttnkst la .aid
lowanhlp, oa
Ihtf.illnwlne ileserlhe Rral Kitata ta wli Alt
Ibal etrtalo niaafUsa'Zanil
Ti'itut r iiiiui,
sltust! In Perry TnwnMp, HnyStrronntv, ,
liinlatnn the north I.y lan.lof Willlatn Halhs
on the assl I.y laml nf mnn, tontn by Ian. I of
lalil Hsran.l wn hy lo4 of .lamb Upon,
Amos Shaffer containing SIXTY TWO AI.'KKM
mors or lew, whr im an irteiad a larai two.
lory waaiherlos.laj
I well I ii? 1Ioiic
'1f)nl BARM, and other neMry not tnilt.l
Inns. large (IK( HARM or I-1
ealltnt fruit oa lb saki. A sprint: of water
near Hit Soir, t'lily arras af tha abosa wrart
sra flrare.) t1 nmlor a t ta..f g.Ki-l i.iiitraiion
lha tMlnnsa Is a'o.l wooillanil. Seta lo enm
nianei at IS n'el.vk, M.. when mitn.l.inra will bt
Klrta and terms of aula mail kn..wn I.y
WASMNc.THX Wll-T,Ouardlie,
Parry twp , Dae. It, 1870.
coassa os .anaae tso rattaua ara.,
OH'UXIZf.n. ?a:.T.
IMloRaaara, Prat. I. II. MiiorwaSEt, V. Prat
K I . hm-tH, haeretary.
Jli'jrtrH s
('. Poaasra, I.. f. 5noaa. H. P. .with.
S.I' Lasio, .Ions llumin,. I'RiaTl'oi i.ioa.
. y. llAHinan, !. A. Miana, Th...i r.isn.
ALUroa MoaaK, C. K. IICTLaa, C. Winniaa.
.I(iiuuiiv 1, 1H7).
;iiifnl At Anritlua. $711 -Min to.
Ksrrlpi. for lawj 7onno
LuUllutt. ' 7.i; u
SWiOi as
AhhoI sss
V. S l't, HSI
low Mhtrs. Klrt Nallonsl Hank
Ml Kli.r. K.b.n.1 V I . . - I li k
.SM.nnr) on
. I0 oo
. 14.111 oo
lot Miarer. Wt.nnlnn atl.mal Its n ai
ot .-iiarv. yimioK nan.mai nana.. t.4si uu ,
l:nHh.NiUMb..h..M n.. , ... . . M
.o oo
... ....... ,.n - . nvn 7 v.WV W
MKharaa Wllkealiarra llrl.lKt Company 4,o J i
I on tn.l Collateral ... K oipO IS1 j
arui rarmnai aocurlatles 4,is0 on
Jii.lamants and Mi.rii. II. tan SI
lua iniin Aarntr on I nthtrs !3i'4 4S
I'a.h on Inn. I and lo Hank 1.461 oo
Real Krlate I.SuO Oo
ORIct Furnlltira and safe Too w
I iOKNCN t paid In twalrt ytart lao4 44
' Inapinal
" A.lj.nla.l bui n.t Sua I ran oa
l't! 1 era.) JAMKl L. SCHO if.KY,
ilanaral Agti.1, Wai.onioan, Pa.
Jl J thi HKTiiaaC'n , Attn n.rraAL mociitt.
l ha tl 'ttoii f.r Offltr. of the Snnltr enumy
Aarh-uliural N.ielaty will I hrl.t In Iht Court
l..a. at Ml.lillrbura, un MuMiA Y.lha 3.1 ,lay
IJanilaJV A. II.. tall. A aanaral a, ,
a reuerle.l X. jlliWr lt,
ti. lice. I, 1ST I.
Vl toriio.v-tit-I-.iTw,
Lewiaburg, I'nion Co., Pa.
fjSfCan be eonsulied in n.a Knlih and
(ierman languag i."TM
OFFH'K Market y.reet. nennsita Walla.
Smith ft Co t Ml ore. H-4 iy
QrpliiiiiH'C'tmrt Hulo.
The nnilerslane.l, Ailmlnl.lrator, enm. testa
memo annri.,, i.l iha In. I ol.l ami l.tainant ol
Julia Halt, lute ol the ilurouiih ut btllnruruyt.
will, oa
ttt-tlncNiiu)-, Jur.uarr I, 171,
at II o'clock, a in ,ou tbt prtinlrtt, tbt following
Valuable Real Estate,
'Ituntt In Iht lloroiigb of ftlln.Kriivt, Nnjdar
ounty, I'a , a.ljolnliig ou tht north n,iarty ul
(laorg Kby K" , went Market Mini, uih
Plna Mtreet ami eaat an alia, on which thara I.
aractail a guml rlia.1 two story
and other liniroranitnlt.
Ilelng a comer ln on Market Squ ire, an l ntty
feat lu wnltli, it la ooa ol lha limit raluabla
proparllMln r-ellurgruve lor a buaioasa rlauil
alut raal.laiict.
A I. ll, at Hit same lima and t lira will lie
ollara.1 Inr sl, XI Mmrra ul Slack vl lha Urn
nominal iiinaoi riunbury.
lariu. will M inn. la known on duy of suit.
II. P. API', Ailmlnlatralor c. T. A,
halln'grora, liaeaiuuar 14, ln'o.
Oride Gold Watches.
-vo, tici.
I.urlnv tht rtat four lean our watphea l i.a
been uu taaie.l, thai Inr a.arana,
aiyle ol tinl.h, an. I eccurury nf tlioc keapii g
ii .miaul nairiia. - ar. uiiivaraNtl) ari.a..v.l
tha beat. Thay raialo tuair hrllliani-y auii color
until worn out.
-ll attar i.urcha.lna and fairly trvlna. ant
one ia tint fully lall.heil, a will ebeeifully it-
luo. I tot inohay.
wlhy ara all in Hunting f'aae, Oeiilla.
niei.'a and l.aille alraa. t:vei y Waion KUurau
lent lor ilii.vauil air. hy r.-lal earuhcaia
"A large asauriuicn I "linpruaeil"
Challia. I'i ',1 IN. Alan. Il.l,tl..iiiai.a n,l ...
dia's Jawalry In great rarlaiy.
iiraaioui imiiaiiona, irruar oiraer inn
ut ur our auihoruaU aaantt Aatuts anil othara
pi lyln lor clrouiars will oleaaa aneluaa ihraa
caul atauip for iatavt,
1.hI huI Io ba palU oa delivery, t'u.tomarl
.tnnliti)il in aiamlna what Iboy ordtr (Uo.rt
jot) log blllt, on bajuiani of Lturata cbaraM
both W!ya
e-Wlien KIX Watches artordartd at nnea,
we will in. aa atlra Watch (ofaauia kind) frat.
Sw-PurehaMra raahllng at some uirta lr.uo
Kipre.a ulll.-aa, anadeainng to aara lluia and
aiianava, o.a ba.a tha goods aaot by mall,
by raruililng (with Iba orilsr) tha amount
rqiilral by p. O. Money order rel.tara.l latter,
druti, or check, payahla luour our rlak
AJur.aa plainly, JAMES OKKAUII k CO .
.. . . "Tatar. Naw Yoaa.
P. O. llo ,M. I Dm. li-Jtu.J
Conlnim no LAC Pri.rnCft No flO VIl
TKA1E OF 81LVEII, and it tn.
lirely faee from Pnitonom and
lleiilb-deslroylng Prugt
uitd in otber Hair
Transparent anil clear ai eryitnl.- it will
not toil lha flneat fntirio nrrfecili aafe
clean and eftioinnt detidernlumi long
son ght fur and found al last !
It reatorei and preeeala Iba hair from
becoming Gray, imparl! a aofi, gluatv ap
pearance, reoiovea Dandruff, ii cool and
refie. bin, to lha bead, eheckt tbt ibi Hair
from fulling off aad restore! It lo a ureal
eiteul vben prematurely lott, privtnii
lleaeaebei, eurea all bumon, cutaneous
eruptlont, aad uaiialural heal. At a d rei
ning for Ibe bair It it ibt bott ar licit in
Ur. 0. Brail b, Patentee, Groton Junction
Uai. Prepared only by PltOOTOIl
UKOTIIEHS. Uloueilter. Matt. Tha dan
uine ii put up in a panel bottle, made ,ei-
pretaiy lor ii, wltk Iba name of tbt article
blown in Iba glma. Ask your druggitt for
Nalure'a Hair It cat oral ire. and take uo
Send a three eadl ilarnD lo Prsntoe Una.
for a Trealiia on Ibe lluioio Hair. The
infonnaiioa it eoulilni It etorlk SMO l
AVircI'iV Co.'t AJitrtittmentt.
Tuscarora Academy "
Tht nd Sorsl.m of tht Sitk school yaar will
orain January tih. Thore rtmirlna hoar.tne
furnl'he.1 room, wa.hlng and lolilon In a Ar t
ela.s IhiaMIng Mnhm.l rr a term of nearly rtx
aii..nt,t. m. Please aaad lor a circular u
Acailtmla, Pa,
Pend for tha UTAH I TIIR WtT.
r'lnelnnktl. A larat I naat weaklyi esiahllah'S
ISt. II mtr all lha wants or lha family ts AO
par year. t! 5H months. Try It. Mperltrent
Ire. A.Mie.. WILL1AMSU.1 fcCANl VtL,L, Ohlj.
J Meet, and adrtcate. Prim Hire Chrtrllanlty.
Ilest and ehet Family Waaklti a iiaaesi 41
eolumns. Klllrd by Hilars lAe F.naaTT and
.! Ls was. nly ti a ytart nptrlmaaa frea
K. W. CARROLL h UJ.. Publ , Clnolouall, II.
lTWfl Flel Parsont tn luVetarfiillf eaneart
VJ AJ X for Premiums wa oiler, a4 reeeira a
M Watthnm Watrh fur Adilrats
rKtil'l.t's WtKKLV, lityton, Ohio.
Genuine Norway Oats,
and At.ASKI ' t.OVt-R. Sample pfkaxa
aeot f.ea lo all Farmerri alo a copy uf the
lr .lamp to N. p. liovaa a to. Parkatbarc,
I'bt.tarCo., Pa. "
A GBNTS! Eeere Honk Ai-entand
i ALL who sat thtt, writt ma, and l wist.
Art.lrtsa r. w Foliar. Puhllihtr, Nprlagfltld.
Maas. aW-lv Will rv.
VTHW yilKK Raritv Steam Pwe.
-' .Co. J-laam FnalneS,' with nd without
rut oil, and Nect.nal araty Steam Holler.,
hunt In quantities by fperal machinary. bead
for circular, 44 tonlanilt ri., M V.
The First Edition of One Hundred ani
Fifty Thnusanil eopiei nf Tick's HIllS
IratetJ O.tolnirue of Beetls and floral
wwi'li t) . etil'S Itjilill ne atl-IIU VUI,
awlLA Ii tart, I aea Htf Im,. aa-..
dxrhi Klowor uml riailii ll ! UvabiIt
printihl uo flu tlntsxl pal!-, Illunrnlsvl with
" . wva sshi wmI saassj WV
0lorel llateH.
Thi mnat htaatlful and tha mo.t Inrtruetlre
Floral (toldt vuhllrkad A OrN.XA.N Kill
Tit iff tiuhllrkau, la ail rt.ptctt UmlUr to tht
bl'R I, all.
Maul irae tt all my euatnmart of 1170, as rap
liny aa pa.'ioia. without application, bent to
an oinara wnu oraar main lor I to tints, which
Koehet'er, 5. T.
Pt I.MllNARY IIAlitSAH." loll)
I lia iil.l mmiT. r.,B I 'ahI.
C'onrunptlon. " Nothing better. " CliTLaa
ii Roe. a K.O., notttB.
V nan. Raraoeaa tuparflunua balr In Flrt
onnuiaa, wiiuout injuiy t tht alia. Bcul by
...wi, aw,
ttrlletaa mo.t rlolent paroiyrmi In Set mlnutat
ami tflecta a curt, i'rlit fS,ou by mall.
I'ntors tha whlakers an.l hala a liaautlful .nr.
or nuo, s. Iteonalat.of only one preparation.
7eenls by math. A.hlraaa N. V. I.'PHAAI. .No
711 Jaynt Strati, Philadelphia, pa. Circular!
'am nviu oy an
..! A WEEK SALARYI Yonna tnaa
"' Wantwl aa local and trarailna sslei
men. Ail.lreaa (with alauip) H. H. WALKEH,
Employment for All.
of Mo per week aad eipaniet, or alrew a
larva coiumisalon, to tall or new nJ woodarful A. I. lira al. WAQNEH a CO..
luaieuan, MlVUIKwIlt
Air fills I Itrud Tills!
If of .o wr wick ami aipenaas, or allow a
laia-a rouiuiiaaton. to rail our new and wouderful
Inraiitlon.. A.lilrei. M. WAtJKLK a C'O..
k v.t.ial I "it Int.
A C A It D.
A Clergyman, while raaisina In Seulh America
as a nilralouary, illacoeareil a $f and
remedy ..rthef iireof Nareou. IV eakntM, Early
liacay, lilaeters or tha I'rluary and caniln.1
Oraan., and the wbola trait ol di.ordan bruuxhl
on by I. an. ful ami .l.'lotu hiibit.. (Iraat nuia
bera h ive bran eura.1 by l hi. noble remedy.
Prompted by a deaira to benehl tht affllctad rod
unfortunate, I will wnd tha receipt lor prepar
ing and uaiug this uia.llrlne, in a aeale.l anraloaa
luaniuai au.i mmi 11, r raa ol enarga. Aa
ur.aa .xir.rrl l. im.MSM, MMUea U
alaa.a, k'ew Yark City.
Ihiwhg tt- LVi. Adv- rtiMmtntt.
In lha llH'Mi'tV LVITTlVil via
CHI.M E CO., MOiTOX. AIASs!,or ST. f Ol la,
w. o,v .ai
O Itmlneaa honorable. No tompailtlon, Ilk
aial pur gleaa. 8. W. Kr'.NNKDY.
lM-w too Ik tih it., Philadelphia.
enn enepoktio farmkks wantei t
i--j r mm wanu io eas oa) lasdt auring
the nlla Winter uonthi. Hoilnai. plaaa.nt aad
honorable, lor farther Darllaulara ,.f thla am.
ell chance addraaa at unci A. H. HUllllAhll,
f-auauvipoia, ta. litis Sw
Agents, Male & Female.
SlOoa wtek,-SS per eeat. aad eiSOOO In c.ah
Prliet. Information frea, addraaa Amerloaa
iiooa bn h. n iiuan ttitat, w. 1 . 13IM
want! a number nf goo.! attnit, alto a good gta
tral auenl lor Wratera Peno..inie. at...
g.KXl gauaral agent for tha Oeratan Counilaa of
Ptunaylraula. Addrast Hand la Hand Slfflra.
nw. aie ouuiu eta e., ruiiauaipata. U2S tw
OK OOA payday aad no risk. Do you
W IU VAlXJ want a situation aa taltainan
ai orne ir noma, to tntrodunt our atw T strand
Whlta WlrtClntbee l.lneatolaat lorerer. laon't
mine thlt ehanea. oaaiale free Ad.iro. Hudson
Hirer Wtra Worka. It William ilreet Naw York
ur iv vearoora tireei, ajniuga, 111. UW-tw
Free to Book Aerents.
Wt will tend a handsome Proaneotua of our
Ntw llluatrated Family Ulble auntalulng oear
Son Snt Sorlptart lllusiratloui to any hook aaaat
free of charge Addraaa
Natiobal PttBLiaaiso Co., Phlla-, Pa. 4w
ia-SVEO JAN. 1ST. lift.
1AAohO",K ELEiTIi)N8 NO. a,"
. JtW aootalnlug tha bast new thlnga for
ariaiuaiion, necitailoa, no. Hrlillaai Oratory,
Thrilling Henllinei.t and Kparkllng Humor, lao
Dates. Paper as tenia, cloth T! cent a. A'k
iour book aollar tor It, or tend arlct to P. (larrett
Co., Phllaaltlpkiis Pa, liV-4w
day) lo aril the celebrated HOMK8IICT
TLEriKWINtl .M ACIIINK. II.. ik. ...i.V
feed, makes tha "lock tillch" (allkt on both
sldei.) and la rtilly lloen.e.t. Tht heat and ebtan.
eat Uuilly htwlna Slaohloa In tha aaark.t Ad
trass JoHaaoa, Ci aaa, a Co , Boatoo, Maaa.,
Pittsburg, Pa , Chicago, 111., or at. Leal.. Ma.
agents wasted fieviva
UXl U it UXX PO X U, D. D.
From Adam to Iba prtttBt day. Light bualoeet
For ataa and Isdlat every hare. Uood pay.
end tor circular.
ZlfcOLLH s MoOt'RDY, Pklltdtlphla, Pa. I
Reduction of Prices
My Oottiner p Otul.
arSend for oar Ntw Print LUt aad a Club
fona will aetouipany It, ooolalnlaa folltlreo.
Horn making a largt saving to toosumert aad
ramuoeratlva to Hub urganliert.
TAs Or't. Imcrt'cas Tea Company,
Uy ttadlug Ocl taaU wltk atra,
kalakt. tolor of avaa aad hair, vow will raaialva.
by raw a mall, a eor reel plat art of four futurt
ku.baudor wile, with aatue and data ol warring.
auu4Mt w, oA aA vrawur at. eaiiwa
Tina.q.T. i.
flask an iSiaja
Ttev Wells'
Cnrbollc Tnlilcts.
A a anf.lltne Aemedy for all ftmnehtat THfnal.
tine. Conthe, Colds, lloarsanra.. Asthma, llln.
therta tirynea. nflha Threat or Wind Pipe) aad
It Catarrhal rilaeaaee (
Tha wooderfol modem rllarorery of farholte
Ae'rl, fa Se.ttne.1 to baovime one of lha great!
hlesalnas to mankind In Its application to rils
ensea of the throat and Its treat euraMra noalus
tlet In all aOeotlona of Iht Chest tad Luagt.
rawifV. the great rlmedlal Itent Carholle Aald,
contain other Inuredlenta nnlrarsally reonm.
mlnd., which eh.mlcally ermblna. prodaelne
Tablet more hlBhly metttclnal and better adatv
fed for dlteasea or the throat than iB. prepare
lloa aver bffort nfftred to tht pubtlo.
t'A t'TIOf. Its araa von ost Wart's Oa Tasi.tTat I)o't t.T OTnaaooooa aa
r im orr ns voe is Tuaia placb.
rnn corona and colii
Wells' Ctrbnlit Tablets area aura curt.
F Q. ftstiooo at Piatt ureal, N. Y., tola agent,
Sold hy liruggt.u. Iise-sw
LIVE AOENTS Wanted for H7()TVI K W
Wonderful dorelnpmentt among tht artitoerter
Married Woman esooaeS So at Price 4a TI.
The beat rtnnk to sell pahllahed. Tka beet terms
tnaaentttver aleen, Addreat N. Y. H'"h Co.,
141 street, New York. OSS-tw
Ati EN fifWA N T r. 5"f U sTf ME
Containing Fltetwnok't
t , r. Hr -k.i.. , I
.Iveaoftht Apottlta
Evancellat. ana Slav.
tvra," tvartdrldaee "t vlitencea nf ( brbtlaulty,
"Hl.tory af lha JSwi," h Joerphust Hlaloryaf
all llellalou. Iienrrelna .na,"wlth treatl.t andf
tablet relating lo tvanlt connected wl h Mtbla
ttlatory, eontalnteg many Sna anaravlnge. Tha
whole forming a lomulatl Traaaugynf I hrlttlaot
Knowltdgt. W M.I NT
4w se toatb flh itrett, rhlttdelpkia.
Q.KTTIN0 Ul' CLUllsl.
Partita tasalra knw tt gat ae elubt. Oar atv
twar sand for Prlrt 1.1. t. and a ( Ink Form wl
accompany It wltk full direction!, making lerg
aavlna to dansuuitrt aad rtmuatrallrt tt Clw
1 he Oreat Amerlosn Tea Co.,
The Library of roetrr and Sbfif.
Tht han.taomeat and cheapest work titaat, IS
haa a mr thing In It nf the best fur every tn
f.r tht old. tht mlddlt aged and tht younc tnd
mnat tiecome ualverrariy popular. Etctptlnx
tht lllklt. thla will baa tha book moat loved aad
Urn frequently raiarraxl to In tha family.
Evfy pigt hat pa. ltd uudir tbt critical tya of
tat grttt pott
Rart ehtnet for Btar Aoes-re. Tha only book
ol It. kind ever ahl by lubtcrlplltn. al
onot for circulars ae , to
OEO. MACLEAN, Piibll.kar,
4w Til bantont tit., PbllAdalpbla, Pa.
And for salt Wholesale only by Iba
Great Atlantic and Purl lie Tea To.
P.O. noa, (uot. a Clll'KCH It., N. Y.
SEND FOll riIE V-NECr.l'. JlllL'L'l,H.
Tht ttit.ser'iber offeri at private ilia hie
VALUABLE FARM, situate in Moaroe
township, Snyder County. Pa. tiljoialug
landtof Abralmm Fitbsr, Miebtal Huatuiai
nd otberi, eoniaining about
17e5 ACRES,
mora or lot, nlnat y-five icret of wbiih ara
cleared and in a high stall of cultivation t
the balance ia covered wiih the bitt of Iia
her. Tbt improvement! consiat ef a eiS
Dwelling House,
t Lltl.r. DANK BARN snd sll necefirw
niiibuildings, good water couvenieul for alt
purpose., a lnrgi
roiilaiuing choice grntled ft till. Sc. ba
farm is under good fence, naturally fertile
and highly productive ; ia in a healihy
country, about three uiilei from !eliaa
grove uud two miles from Bbanmk'n tiara,
on lbs west bank of tht Susquehanna rites
it convenient lo Marked. Kailroadf, Ca
nals, Chore lies and Schools.
Will be told on easy tsriui. aud poiieeelea
given Immedaiolj if dei Ired. For funkir
particnlnri iupuire of iba aubtcribtr oa Iba
Capl. JOilXHIUK.
Monroe Iwp., Juna 8, 1870. -
Estate of V ARIA HALL, dte'd.
the Estate of Ma m A HLr., lattol tktkwr
uuah o(r-llnaarove. rlee'd, hating laeaa granted
to the undersigned, all peraona knowing Iheaa
aelrea Indebted loaald ttut artraqutttttf 44
make payniant, and thnaa having elalwa agalatl
tbt taiut will prattot them for tettlement to .
Oct. SO. ISTO. Eltouur.
tbuib n.T rax. moorzxro
t'nllet tba bait Water-proof Com poet lion wltk
tht Water prool Fable la tht beat asaaaar tad
at tha lowtat prlct to tht coBSunitr.
Thtrt Is. 1st. a foandatloo of Tarred Ftlt I SS.
a layer of waur urool liompotltlta i Id. another
layer of alt t 4th aaother layer ol Comt
another lavar of Ealt.
Wseud for Circulars and Bemplta.'
a An Induoemtnt. . .
Waaffeetht riaar nurehattr latehplatt
1,000 .quart feat of Iht Tnaaa Plv Fblt, wltk
bt Boottitrf eoatlag, for TaiBTV PoLLAJaB.'
Tblt Paint It eompoeed of gut, tilt, tnd rtv
ilnout lubatanett, tomblued with dlttllad tar '
and tht btat knows drytrt. It Bee taint
wlntral ar plgaMBt. aad la artparad, raady foe'
us, about ta tvaalaUBcy l ovdloary BahleS
palnta. lt eoalt aiacb lest, ratalua lu aUallallW
ionuer. and It ta moia durable.
t ounty right lor .jl -r
For Circular, and all pari leulart, Addrata
. Malilea Laat,
ew Yojtk.
Ot. (0 1IT0.-I at. . .
Kcely , & Milllcr,
liiunlier .Dealers .
abu MAstrACTi'ssa or
Doors, Doop Bom, Windows, Skoltens.
window Bom, Blinds, Basb, 6talr
riilirrs, nand Kalllais, Brack
fls." linuldlnes. Floorlnc.
Shiogltu, Lath, to., Ito.
Ordcn solicited and fill'.! with prompt
nett and despatch. I'ltit," ill and liira.
ini our Hock bifore purcbuing tleewbere.
e-sHir .
1 Jr.r jJk. tS).