The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 22, 1870, Image 3

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tNurntn iiMrnnmn, isn
wiii ii ri)miw in iim i
CnrinttrtK ToT. In emllcs variety, At
Fblndlo A Prim ford's drug more.
Fi'Mirar I Improving lapidly, tv ssys
the Ancricon.
Tnasrsaoa for bunting deer eiplred on
lb f hk in..
Tm Tveoliera Institute of this county
will meet In Fre burg nrt Tuesday,
A Kkpmai rclonl will bo itillt In Dintor
ctnnly nril summer. The building will
eott ft j,(H)0.
Bout valuable rl eatAle la offered fur
sate through lb advertising colunint of
cur paper.
0 Mondey of this week, Samuel YVitien
myer, of this place, slaughtered I wo Urge
kog, rsaeef which weighed 4.17 end the
Ihcr Hi pounds, dressed.
II. M. Taoaat. f.rrmily of Norlbumtier
end. ami at present clerk In the Treaa
ry llepArtmcnl, ia named aa a candid tie
for Slate Treasurer.
Tin Residence of Senator Onin'jron ami
lion John II. Pucker, t WAhlnnion U ai
the Whitney Holul. Fenetor Scotl it tt
610 l ith 51. street, N. W.
A PiitLipj hi mi merchant bought abcAti
tiful, got. Ion colored roll of butter the oth
er dAjr, and on cutting it open discovered a
good (iied stone imbedded in Ulf A pound
of lard, in the centre of it.
Or friend indifferent per: of the
eotinty ore rArnc:Iy rciueMe 1 to apprise
Ul of all inciden.a Intereat. No:lt
Jog adda an much to the value of a paper
plenty of home new.
Jolt B. Pioll. editor of the l.iji.mer
ltvnntr nod the ..ry.nro Ar.;ut, paid visit
to hid friends in I hi place last wok. lie
looks well aii I report bis Ind an paper
IB a flourisliiiigcoudiiiiiti.
Anoso the numerous preparation for
gray hair In the market, wo commend to
feeders Hall's VcgetAhlo Sicilian Hair He
newer at lbs beet. Our dr.i,:.ii keep It
lor isle.
Turn were nine tchol building erect
ed the Uai sumtiier in Snyder county, nt
loin cost of About $127iMt, viz ; Wen licit
ver i, jrKon I, Monroe . IVnns I, i
Terry 2. Svlmrgove 2. Wa.hingion 1. ol
these seven ai o brick.
V. M. jAcoot a, D. U., Coninientator And
rrnfe-'SMr in Tlmological Seinin iry, A!le
ghany, Va., ia of our Father
Houae aaya; lliv lo.dci a.e ti. hii.I
nii'M"': thtAiv- ia highly culiivnled
naor:iAte: the hook is f isciuating. in
etructive nod elevating.
Tim greAt c-iuse of ao miny yotni pen.
fie heing Jlgray be.vln I i oil nccaunt of
tnelr bAving ued the vile co.npi.ulid
which have flooded the m.irket s.i long.
Kati'bk'a Hair Hrfirnurivr. i a eurctom
edyfortLia. Clear ti crystal i no poiaon :
perfectly ewcet, clean and reliable. All
JrugKiMssell H. jJea
TftANA Daniel, of Wood
ward Centre Co., will plei ascept the
thanks of the editor of il.i paper furs sack
of thecelihialed Woodward Flour. Dan Is
t present engaged in Hie itierchaniile. lum
v. t a . .
irr, nu nouring luinnes., nnd is ouo of
Centre county"s moat successful and fn-r-geiic
business men. may be flouriah
. Or young friend J. Thomps,.n Baker, of
Lewisburg, after panning a very oredilnble
lAniioAlion, bAa becu Admitted to practice
ia ibesovetAl courts of t'uiou and Pnyder
county Mr. Uaker is man of ability nnd
tinliring energy aud will be an honor lo
the profesione has ebnaeu. Ho baa our
test wishes for bis suocess.
FlTi ef our Deavertown nel lihora. J ohn
It. MiddUswarib, Henry S. Freed Ephriatn
Itoweil, Adam Specht and John Oilberl,
were out bunting on the nufUloa Moun
tains, In the lower end of Centre county.
Hat week, and succeeded in eapturiiig Ave
tut deer, Thsy will please aoorpt our
thanks for the piece of venison saul to this
Dos't roaoiT lha Odit Fellows' Fair and
Festival at Selinsgrove commenoing oa the
Sltb Inst., and oonlinuing boib day and
voulng until the 8al Inst., numrrons ar
tioles of value will be di-lrihuled by lot,
such as ad org An, sewing machine, furs,
gold-headed cane, regalia, ke. Int. Oys
ters and loe Cream aerved in evnry style.
The grand Mas.mio au per will he given
a the evening of St. John a Day, Dee. i!7.
in the new and beaut ilul hall, which will
be handsomely deoorAird And Oiled with
nisny objeeta of Interest and value.
Tag Millio EiiTtoa. We learn ihut
their ia now in press, an edition of IIxi.iikx:
Till WuiTaCuiar. lo be oalledahe Mii.i.iox
L'uiTioii, and lo he sold at ii 5:1 per copy
which should lusure for tbe wmk a plaoe
in every family, especially a the cheap
edition will eonuiln all the matter and ill
ustrations of the $a,fill style. This w irk
ia made from the manuscript and diarie,
of Oaoaoa P and edited by (la.i'i.
Jamkl 8, UuiauiH. V. S. A. neldou furm
erly lived in New 1'biladelphia, T.isoaia
was County, Ohio hut Impelled by a real
Use and insatiable desire fur a wild and
selling life, he joined the indium ami lis
d with them for several year. He w i u
mere visitor or guest lie entered
ly iulo tbslr very lite and spirit. II.. J. -in
ed in tbsir esniplng, their bunting,- liieii
f ghtlog. He beoame on us their ehiuta,
g-nd bit narrative, fouuded upon bis aetual
iperlenee, Is tbe most ooiuplsie (luxirah
Mr of Iudlaa life and we'ons which '
ever been given o tbe public. It is a story
of thrllllog and absorbing luteresi, aud
proulsss lo have a iintuans sat. Ii i
I published b A. H. HliAau. PJilU,,pUia
Ld tl e4ldB'OtJUul"!l'l'll',
Tim I.aiit'a PiiiKsts for JAiiiiAry. IS1, A
New Venr number, ceriAltily stirpae
anything this thagatina hna heretofore Ac-
rmpliahed rwo eleel plalea, a colored
two paged el eel fashion ptAlr, attperlor In
anything of Ida kind, also a, full p-gc
wood cut, A Colored tamp mat, a pnpttbn
piece of no-isle, and a mo"t profuse varirH
af i'luFtraliene of dress And fsnry work.
The new f-Hlttr.'A nnnnttno d In tlii nun
her, thai pnltcns of all tin- Jarkrt. over
"klr'A, dreires, Ae., Ate furnianc.l il.esply
end postpaid on Appliditiuti to i!io pub
lithcr. will be resell welciineii by the
I adics. since it responds to I be greet qu -a
ilon preaaing upon them at all season--
' VMiat -shall we wear, end how shall we
get It nisdet'' The tilt-rsiy n-Alrr I very
Inviting, ns none but the t el writer con
tribute, f lM a year, wltich Include i
large sled engraving i I'uur copies it . le
cou A IVtirson pdlilinliera I'I.Ha.
RrAn. Every person who has An Inlelli
gent family of children will acknowledge
thei a nrwapaper is one of lliilest .t
means In fliin g In jourg mihds a taste fm
reading. Children a eagetly as grown
pcreotit await the approach of the carriet
oi the arrival of ilm mail for the piper.
They listen mure rorddy to the red n( o
the periodical than lo a book. In lie form
er they learn of hicid.nia that arc Irann
plring at home and in their own country.
And lhy not only listen but r. ad them
selves, and in so doing learn in lime to be
come good readers All. I gel a fair Idea ol
every dny practical life. Uo Into a family
where a uewpapcr of no kind ia taken,
and you will find the limine ignorant.
having no knowledge of iho tin-t common-
pUee eirciimalatires which are tran-piring
in the neighborhood, eieept as ihev leero
them through the inotratucnintiiy of dii
lorted gossip. Their plea in hiiiig.l.ur
dliliite of Inforniniioii ia too poor, and
hate no lime lo read " They are loo pooi
to educate their children. Ion poor lo take
the f:rt elrp in ihu way which will render
them fit nocite for iho-o who walk in
wisdom's way. Such persoin are pooi
indeed, atul always will be, a long a ll.ev
sutler Ihclr ofl'.-piing to grou up ignorum
of the bl.-cd privilege of reading l'.in
their povi-r'y, pecuuiari illy roiiiidered. i-
iiul worth niciiliuiiing in ciuipari ii io
the poverty that keep llicir iiulorim. d
uiinds clad ill the ragn of Igti'rnice. If.,
man cinnol read be uuniiwt rite. Wh.n
more hiini. liming spect icle i iUer tli-m
to see a man in the middle ago of life o
beyond, who. when it becomes neccsrurj
in iht tr iii-ciiii of liu-in.-- i,i bi
ll tine miiai be p -tiled to uny inatrinu. n
ol writing, tn be oblige I to c tll upon ..
friend to wiito it lor him. white be ih. r b;
pioeb.iiiis to iho world by m iking n .V,
or hi mark," lb jl hi e-lu j .lion ha-,
been sa ll.v negleotsd. An I yt ihcr are
ll.uuiiii ls of rucli pei'KuiM lo be f . in i m
every Kinte. e e.-e their tn-n k" in
ulino-l every departiu: nl nt huiiie. W,
have known men, conei.lorably a
in In e, who, because tii.y cunii-.i real
hcinselvis rcfufe to take n paper Hi it then
e'-ildrin tuny Karn, and bam
seen tin same children asking lor ol I p t
fer. and picking up scrips up hi Hi
"treels. Such person an I eeh c.!iiblr.-n
arc lo be itied. We believe ii ihe d ii.
ol iei; mall lo lake A ) a per
to while leii.-uuily mi l protii-tidy lha lona
. inter eveiiJii and stormy .1 ,y. i
help lo keep one postel in llic way of
the world nnd prcpar. ihe mind to receive
-tody, and improve upon the nut l.-uiie
of lifo. ViHi Uiitu pntt ISOK tUMIAVKN ft. Hbll
J 4j loiitb M .treet. Hi'I.m',I
lUree, I'. .!., Iteueuibsi VI. ISM.
t'. "i. ft Ol '!
' 'Its
" " ., new
" " W
" " M
" 6 e 10-iu'a
V. S. 30 ear 11 n.r e.nt. t'v
,.'l;i ill;t':
,,.u.r ti b.T
..In:' ,'.( I. T'..
. b.7 ,' It 7'
- -j -- - 4
..In.. ... ini j
1 1 1 : 'tlltHi
.n.u 4t. ...ii ., -
llt.'.lt llo:,K
I'liloo PaclMe H. H. lt HI. Il-.utl-i
...i no .'.i . in
. it a n a
.."'.A II i"i
, viitiii ra.-ine it. K. .
t'Ml',rMaTetH7venu.'r,-W,rl!.r" i
1.11 .(I....I
r..f...fn. ..r.,.iiw.,.: i
n IpV" "'T.44"4' r cent.
(juZJu . i I
sow 4
Weekly by Wagcnseltui' tt Son.
Vheal white ft 23 Onions
Wheal red 1 'J'i Uuiter
fl (lit
a5 I
l!o :
76 81 p
. (l .
On is
40 Lard 15
Tiuitilbv seed
2 00 Hair. k'.'
8 60 Shoulder . In
5 UU Hide 11
01 Cherries, niited 18
73 Hay nor ion 1' UiJ
Duck wheat
I'lllt.'ES OF COAL O.N n'UARF.
Pe l Coal 2 '
Minniokiu Cheat 4
Wilk. sbm r- I'hesl ' ft tl't
Sttiimokin Egg end Stove t b i
w ilkesbAire t.fg and Siove (i III
Lump c M
Deo. IHiU. by Ihe Rev. J. IV ftliindel, Mr
Jstne llii gait 1111, to Mis Amelia A. How
ell, both ul Miy.ler couniy.
tin 1 he same uy, by ihe same. Mr. Juhn
Heiautl in lise Barak S. tiiiitli. Iiolh of
Soyder county.
In Franklin twp., nn the 'th last., Ma
liuda, wife of Harry Kteitiiiigor, Hgnd abotp
JH yi iii-s.
EJU 1.1.. ii
It Is a le'teel ami w mlrlul ertlrle. I nir
li.lili e-a ti.ka. hair tirow a lall.i d'ea tn
III SI SIIV -Hlle I.S i.Ium II ...II.M. l.r ..
try aao air hair Int.. Ih auiilul all,. 1 1 a - p
Hut ab vm nil. In a ' i innlrr I His rnt.plli
I10 wM.-li Ir rt ImiHiii IIaihtu .t, nn,
Ih. wtiltaai Al worst loolie hslr rrautne
lt yi.iilnliil laiautv by It tt It , at, , Uis
Ik hair but rlr.kei at tbe r ol ami litis li Willi
! t,!c suit eiilortnir matter.
Ill Ur-l appili-alioii will ,o ttoeJ, yon will see
the .a n K.t. i'oi oa reiiirni.tiia eveiy tloy sn.l
Ill'I'dU U .... Lf ......
he eltt.drty. illseii'lnreit apiataraneeiaT Ih hair
Anil I hsiuiilul f 'iS" ,UU " 'u""'ou',al,''"e
A.k lur It. li H. Illlau Itetr Ksiisvsnno
ether la el all l.e il In ena(.
s-ve (hat e.i-h bonis i,aa enr itrlvat'e florera
" "an.pi.ver the lopoftu. botliei ell otusts
H. P. H tl.l, A Ca. Nsihna,
02m of J. 8. WBSIWS,
4S0 North Biunlh St., Fhilad.
A, , . . ,,,
color and drosriing that will
not burn tho Lair or injure tLo
It dooa not protlaco a color
tmolmnicitily, aa tho foisouooa
preparations do.
It gratluall reotorcs t!io heir
to ita original color and lustre,
by supplying now lifo and vigor.
It cauae ft luxuriant growth
of soft, fino hair.
Tho beat and enfeit articlo
evor offered.
Cloan and Pure. No sediment.
Bold everywhere.
TjCl.K 1I0TKI..
J MiM)i.i;nvua, v.
J. A. STi:it.K( K.n, rnprirtor.
tlivr-g taken charg.. of ihi old And we'l
eatililirh. d the proprietor prpre
n ilevme nil hi Hit.-iitioii lo ll; providing
of bis Table and liar nnd the ee.-nmmoda-linn
of both nmli and benrl. tlesulicit A
lii.ernl share of the ublie pAtronsge.
.lanoury 1.1, IS70 y
K.MJi.K lion-:.;.
Lt No. 110 North Third Slret
JOHN fl.VMlii:, Vrerrufr
January tit
I.VVtM.E llOTn.
J No :?. Nnrtli .Ird St .
between Hare and Vine) I'liilndelphin
II. 1. t r.MMINtiS, flop r.
M. M. fM'Altll, huprriiileiidt'lil. W
ina M;i iitnc.
't!t ir..r le I. new 'Pike tip, new lle--n ir.r.
c , la it w ollered I-. a-t'lit on more ll.ei.t
letlnii. ,lo, Spen t hau l .Ma hlnr. I.l,,.,
e t-t.ttl'ite. or It-e tievf lM.itnenitMi.- i . te I.
Kef tti... htttn I. t..nnte. fillet t' ,...,
..ti-t II the .ir--li ttt-r ilor. not .o fu,tt i tt .tt,.r
in tl, he c in retuiii 11. 1111.1 tit.o.rv r.ttinle I.
N . It. Wa tr.1 rllnir , t., v I -It e elt
town, .llMrli.iitlnire.r.-utara.ev-liilnliia it... tm.
irovemeiit. ne .etc, who tun make f.vj ..Ci
T A,y:.7,w Mt rt.u. s.
. . ... .
eiit K-aon th ri nan. rasw,
No 21 Xortli luiiriii str.Tt,
I'llll.Atir 1. Hill A.
'irigiiial I'nckagr- 1 iinsiaiilly nn Hand
Repre.enietl b TIIKI'S SW V :yt ivjli.
A.S'U I III-; M.vV
I nltriNiil toKit 4 VTi lngrr
tntorovett With Ili.W-t'l.l.'H PATrKT lliiri.f.v-l'..,.
, ...... . " .... w .. it- ; . .up-rlor to .ny apniriitii i..r .
wii-ltinu elmhe (ter lliventit.l, nn.) will a iv.
ino.r ensi twice A year, i.) saving labor ami I
Initios. !
1 ii- 'e who hare ikciI tlictn kivb te Hinony a '
loll '. .
'v, lli.n our mtu In noill nol e tair
ej-rtriu.W'i-ti,' ,l''n;,,J.,n:n:r;i;i:--:-;
V?, '"" Vi "l" "'.V P"."1".: '."'"'' Z It I AY . l" l" "" II
1:., "V ' r ,n'Bm,,u- i
-Hvery week I,. kIvco It a .tronK.r h..M ii.n
tlie .. ibe luinatsa of tho liiumli y."
N. Y. I llttHrver.
"I heartily entnmenil It to eeunninlntanr time, '
money, ami eo,,ien..neni."-Hv. Us 11.11
"rrlen.l Holy Vltr l-ial linprnveiiient of your .
Wat-hiinc M lehlne l a e.o vie an. t e. 1 it. ,
ura vu 'nor Miielillte, alter a oar'a n.e, I
tl.nuKlit ol more to tins than ever. anl wont 1 not
' I'srte.l with molar any olrcoinntiin-i-i," 1
-The M.T ". Trllmne. of .5 is-ia. ,
snwer to a eorru.i,.leiit. : '1 if IVarhrr, .
luore Is nuns to tat cutuparetl wltli Koty's."
f. . a . !
r i cc s A f a I r o f f e r. i
If the. Merehsnts In ynitr pine will not fnrntfti
nr Mtl.l f..W I I.. l 11. . I. ... ...I ... .1.. ... .11 ...I...
" ...... ... in. ig.nn ... . ,( j
v. n.nrr via, r.H. n HII'l Will or-
, ... ... ,..r or i .n,-ni.i.-n. i. r. ..t I -rill 111, IO
pla ei s here nn one la srllln. t sn.l o sure a' '
we Ihev will he llketl, that we sirree to reiuinil '
tne tnonev If nn. .me M.e to return the tint.
rhlne dee of Ireluht alter a mouth's trial. ;
cor.llnittt. t'lie.-tlon. I
No linal-aiirl, falliar nr Itrnlber shouM
tn ortiouorv oi waMiltnr Willi the hail.:, nily-I
I at. tlay. In the ye - r. w hen II ealt lot Utter,
more i siwilltioiialy. with leia lui,.tr. nml nn In ;
jnrv to the ga'inen-a.iiv a lioly t'lollic Wajher j
stnl a I'ttlt-ar-al vcrluuer hy ilenlera tiensral y, to whom liberal all s
eoums aro tiuuln.
It I'. IIHIUVMNU. Hen Aaent,
(lol.'JT, '70-11111 1 aa ( St., Vest York.
.Iaiiih Histiia UnKirres.
Lpq? Pro if ii (5s,
lil Vin e WhKIiovs,
w. : Mill Mterl,
Aug, 4. iitir.l KANVI1LK. PA.
MAtii rsiorxTs ii. iii:vi:ii
rtepecitiilly announces lo ihe citizen nt
Middti-hiii-e; and viciniiy that he I- now
i e i. I.v in supply ibein with Ihe largest anl
in : t eniiiptet stock nf
s jiixi.' t summeh noons
v r hipiiulil to Ihie place, at greatly re
I i-e.' prieen-t heaper than the cheapest,
te invue alicsiiioii lo Ma large nock ol
HI. KM, nt-lllKiLM. MNKNit,
SootH and HIiocm,
MIFtl'.-t, ami everything kept Iu
Well regulated siois.
Uive his call and be ennvioced lhai
this I the place In buy goods.
iu uotiiei sll otuetsl (i)IT-,T ItY piirviilw 'v i.b.w (A ...l. j.
LliU.rill 1 lUill b IAlleilteiehatge
TAMKS K I'AVl.s nurttL.
BbtSMHioVS. B.N T Hill !., Pa.
IIKMiV A. I'OMtl lrepnei.r.
Tki wi 11 liniiAn ll ns I , r !
fiMed ly the pren til ( ri. miei.,r, eD.iaeA
Cell, hi ocmii ii i,i miwi io iKe tt tteiag
tonip.M i'.. t I cee n a, Cigar at
ihe bie, an I iha 1 ' I, j Iv.; una i.k
'e H'H'f A friul 'rie
!An,n ie.i iy ,Meiui u.i'm. i'.n.. r,9
I Atll f-Ttr.
ti'luli'lA i'u Atflt.Kf Ht.tU.
UKoi i.s:-lirMMLNTS :
n,',yu,'rt'V'U lw.'-ere AHTnirtU
alLull-crlMlm. ..;.,r. .. 1,, ,; ft,. "
nt j i t ear t Ii y t wo .Mni.s.s s'l
, , IViOOrrlr.y
t'OB lOWS ANt. ,(i,1 ItT.
nil".."1'? 4.';' I"" '" Tr. I e.-t e.
t' e Luet. Ile-t i,.l-,e..P...t. b- i, ,,,r ,wl
"r1V."v,r' ul"1'"' "" "I Its . if- I hS
V",i. ti. , ri,,r.,.,.r. AI.!, rsnee
.U..n-is t I.Mrate.l ami fil,ui it , , '
i:i-:sr a mi: it tew w r:.K-i -1
AJ!.1:.!.!",".'.'"., !h"'Hy..a!,.
f ,'- ttoriu-ni;'"-; i e A t'lleTiTti
.' '"."I'.'.". "' '"."t'e fu,,., t .! L.
", ' " " hi mi. I,. I., a, , , ..,
i r.n.-iif..aavsAr of 61
tut .,at
eri...nt miK, K. olteie.l !,, t,.r , , cL
li tin l.. r ifc-i . . V ' ' o-w
N Oi
I lok
S e I
r,"n.',,.r" ". tree ,V, ' r'
ins lu'.,-ai.. e aunt a Ina I lui , a
''! bow, i,,,,',
rn;li:i v YoinrMi- iiiupisi
nw ,-?,. Kr,,v.v;,v
- t T . :. iro
M - 1
i;t)( i;s
.-'"I t..r I Ireitlar A u:.?.:?
lull .
I flll-iiM, .,. "
' ''' ''II' I (I 1. 1
Ye.ilvs rli nr. tn a ..;, , , ' .
l'"WIU"-l Wie'.iy r, i'i,u. -,.,: ' ,,, '!
e..l. ... 1 ,r , Uout... , m . . V .
Hi'?;'..r" ,
;.r.,JV;v.,,r 'VV':'. .' v-'1''' -.i....t.i! 1
. ... I llii'l. ii .. 1 1 1 a lllm ot l.-i .ti I'k
f.Xa., ". .I'lSli-A
Is li jt'i IS
ir 1 . i l li 1 M i x.M S
' ll' Hi. r:f nl . . .1
.'.-r. ..,,.....,. 1 1 .. 1. aei '
I Mni.t K I' II. Ir.,.1 , 1 ,,.. 1
te.l loro.- All .ls .ti I . . .... '
A'-o lii.or.- .1 it 1 1 1 11 1 .
I o 1-1. . wi ilt.i, ,v ina . r ... ii ....ii, .
II pa el 7... 1 k.t av f..a
11 . Ill 1-01111 1 a to )4 j J, ,,rr.
n :s. icoitr F. i.kks;.-
n v.artv f..r Pi.i.ii, -,i.... it., in.....
; i-i, . tt 1. ttoin r. i.'-e, 1. 1 .loiin 1,-len
or .11-1,1, ,0 M,,a ,..,.n
Iir 1 1 rev " etc I vol a . 010 in
it' l 1 olia ,.bt l,y iii.,.-riiil.ii. i
U.tiat. l l..l...M l,y ., ,,,,.! !,,J:.X I
l Afl'l.lirt.N A fil uoliLtrs. N. V
Qil.lUT II M .'-ii w , ,,
Uit.tfe III Koiir ', s-ett I tao tiatnn
j iiii.w. r. ii. 11 v 4-1;. ,. V
nMNT W V - I i; Tl VK , , ;ti:t
be 11-ln up .11 il.l AM! rn.t i f'l 1..
I.ICflM III i , hMKt'tl H. -,tt,l,,,h.
I'.i , nn I tl ') will -ei.O a lip l. p A .
ein.l. Ii.i.lijj) llj i ii..'ih w .ll l;:ii Lc
1I i:kis iihi sks i'Aii;r
mki 11.1c ki;i:i)skv,; i. m
Imr . i n.l'ii.l t ...
t. .1....I.I...I. .. i. ....i. .i.. ... ...ii. .
ii,; -i i . io. o. it. ti t ll -o- I.--. i
It i. pet te,.ly nne.l.invs The I ii'.t I.
l-to ier I If prn.iii. ,,y v ,,n, r .,", ,,.-.
w. s. i Ink. I't i-i.oi.i .V,.i..,u.o.ti Aiin-iil-
tlir.ll I'i
i I- p invlly noil epl ikIi. ulve. a I . -tier
''np In ue." W. w. Weil-, I. to ucilnteu
O.'l .11. It III .1. Mill-:. I ..M I.I.V ..II...
"Vr."::. i';' -: '!':
If.., t'lovelatoi; ti.,. liar..;.,,- N . V
, '
... " -'
JNIS.D ?,,.. t . . ' """
1;,,.,'7" ,1,,.., 71 V'''! ,,!'!'', '.Wi'f k'"u
'Ii I il , J 'UM ' H. WALK. -.It.
1 "r" """
t-IH A HAY. sure. LA TTA h t'n . I'lllaioinr I-.
K'lH t U, ;l,l I UU
II tilirli an. I t.i.c... or nil... a
Iniei.tlon... A.l.irs.ts At. WAUU A I'll,
I IM I.MilN A H Y H tl ' N I ( I
'I'I. ........... . I . .... ... ..
inru. ...i 1... ...i......... 1 . ....
, ,m i, ii it. ii n inwiy I ir I otit,., I niim,
I oii.ll inpi i'i . i0lllg letlatr.'
l II or., a U., Ilolllill.
yj.. ,- ., ,, .. , . ,
( I ' " ' ' '' ' l'"CHI'.S
v Ar p.ouetl.r loall olhera tor I toiuh.. f,.l.l.
A-thmi, an I l.ui- 1 1 ,ti .-1. 1 la-h. are
ea.-ee.l.iisly .11., I.av, in ue l Hi .1 n .n-e
nlinu nnrrini I iiIh'Ii tax, ara tart f.nlihij an. I
'll - I Ilk a ehartnt Ulii.Ura. M'.yo... nii.l I'nlll.t
ik.r. will liml tl.ev ate ei.e 1 1 y tj
lb voice. s..l. t.v tru-l'i. Ala..
ll l SHTl IN'- ( I '. V .1 l llll Ll V Kit 111 L.
lor ( iiiiMiinptloti an. I M'rxfulai n- no other.
I Ti I u M s hkfii.atoky f w-
V nt a I eirove .nperfi ioua In I'lv
Mini.i-, wiihoui injuty to IU akla. Moil ty
mall lur l '
i i'iiamw AsTit vt crnii
Hell. era tno.i violent .iri.iyin. In tlve utlntitr
ami ttf'l. a "tneOy cure Cvli-a Si.11 n inall.
'i'lIK J AI'ANf.Si: II A I ti I'AI
Cnlora the whl.kera an i liala t heiiiit-tnl hi u i
or en.. w. It eoii.l. ot only ti e preparation
74 . em. hy ui ilb. s I -, I I'll VI, No.
7;l . I yn .street. I'lul t.lelphl ., p. Ur. ulari
ut lie S..IJ h all lnual-ii
IttlsMI. llVt I.0TIIHY7
I'rlres ea.lisl anl ipforniatloit fu nlatiad by
ilKtiKdhl t I'llAM, frui bleiieo, H. I.
MAOIC KKI-a.-IIU thlna-. fn. for i't'.-n
larioA THimaa, Vm M arhlnatuu street,
Itro. klyn, N. V.
IJ-YCIIO.M . 'V. Anv tr
1 (lentlsaisn ,in tuak l.o-:o month, recurs
llislrown liapplne.s anl, ly ol,
islitine K.iiiioatttt, t'-i s rot, or mu.
H .AMiail. Sou piaeit j .th. l oll lii.truell ina
to uae (hi viwr vr men or aiiiinilaai a III
how in MvMnerlie, la). out V'rajic or Wrlilioi
Ms.liuina, lUvloatl. ti. e.nriuall-in, At h.iny.
rl.l...phy uf i losas sn.l iir.ama. Hrihiiii
V..ui.a' to Marrie, ke .all en
aiue.1 In till teuai luo.isat pries hy mall
In elotii, el i.1 piHr sovaia SI . Nonca Auy
larraun lions to aei a aasul will a
...inpi e.,py ol the work Ire. Aa no rapltal Is
riuii.t sll ilestrow i iint.l aitiployniei.t
houltl .etui lor in, eiirloaiiig Iu run t o
I. tuite. to T. W. KvAk. At (.'o., ill aouth Ilk
tree i, i hiUtlslphle.
A 1 Ul).
A rieirityniiin. while ruil,llna In Hnuth America
as a iiil.fl .nary, e sit au l nlmpls
iaM.It r ihst'urenl Nsrmus Vsnkiiin.l.-rli
l.eeay, Mneases ol the t 'Unary auj
tiraaiis, ami tbe whole tratauf liaor.l.ra erousltt
ou b liaitsltil ami vh l .ui h.iblla. Oisul tune
her have ba.n rutt.l by ihli n- ble reinisly
troniiteil by a ile-ire lo Un.lil the altlicl..! rut
anfi.rlonalo, I will tenit Ih rt-celpi lur .r. par
IkH sad llama litis msob-ln, Iu a seslsu envebipl
I ! aa u.iu. inn it.aoi.-ina, (u a seslsuenvi
U0 edy uhs Uu a.l It. Iise ol eltArae.
.... i.iiiih I..;
ottfV tf-ty-P tftif.
"lt7'heie the lon. H. S. V. end l'rl
M dent .'nib're nf the Judicial liMrlcl
. , ...
comno.e i ni me connne- ni ."inner, t nioii
and Mlflllii ol J. (I. I. W.ImiIi-1 nnd
IJeorgii t', Mt.yer. lo,a A'ro-it J'ldg--
in asl (nr Kny.ler rmimy base l-.ued their
prei elpl benrit g. ila'elbetbe If.ili rtav of
I't-et utlirr, IHiM, to n.e d lor
the bolilii-g nl r it I it pi .Hi" com t, coorl
of t'nn it-nn 1'le ct url of I . r and Ter
miner and ('(i.i-rnl lourl if Curior Hi s-
loit ol ihe I'eaee AI tlitlillebiirg, fur the
roimry rTCny'lcr. nn Hie -f : l Slnntlny. (t.e
in .4 the iltih day i.f 1 tbttiaiy, 17I.) a'ld
t-ci-iTop one Wnelt.
Nt lice I tin refot e hcn'by given lo li e
t nroiit e, .1 It'll,'" iiflhe I'.-il. e JO. I I OI..I.1
ble in anlor the enmity ol n I. r, to ap
pear in their proft-r ptr-.on ih ih.-irroli
records, in iitt(iii-t. es-itnintiitti anil
other lun.einbretiee to do th.ivo Ihitiy
which ol tl.eir ollicea and in tlit-l." tn Imlt
pertain to be tlotin end wiitie.e an t per
on ro"enliiig in behalf c.1 the Conilnoii
we.lili -iirain.1 Mlly peron or ptr-.on an
te.;mrt d '.i t e then end there niti tol t a
an I not tlcp uting vt i: Ik.iiI base at th ir
pt" tl. Ji.aiic. i.r rciiie-t. d to be pur ji
n il in II I ir atlr'tdiirce at the appoints '.
unto iipi-erniHy iu nutc.
liiveu under my hand and rat At Ihe
Sin ritr i. flier in' Mi-hlleloug, ,,, ).o, .a
I In ceinbrr, A. I'., mis ihcn-an l t;gl.'i
nuudir I and rvemv.
Jt( IN M. WiU.K, 51... i, II
- Vtief WII.MIM IIATIIt-DM.tlsi-'.t.
I: I I I K tnl' AbMlMlM l tiii mi,
ll ln ' W it.iii I-ev lip.., In. ..I I'.-if,
t-.o h-liip, ile, e i-e.l, I nii. u-i, .mhi.i l.tli
nn ', i,tt .,.,ltl. .(o.n.t, t .ip.eUe.
ii..I,i..h.i t i. ate rejite-t. I to it. tke
I " "t. ei -I 'I ..e hit leu tl.l-ir. ii,,i ,t
i.iue, will nic-tut tl .-ot i . i
'1'"' n il .l.ur.
I'erry t .ar.'il, Se.lenlir 5T, l-To.
Ktitooi n A It A II A IT, .'e -ei.e.l.
I H I'llltS l.f A 1 1 M I Is '; i i v ,;
It tti e-tn teot S in ii A i-e. ( w llow n I.eoiM-.i
A . late - a1 I'p.iii- town. t.. i!,,. ea.f ., h-t - It a
' rt. at.' t-. t!i iii.leiltfin.t, all t, ,,.
V row ,,u it eii..ri, . Ir,.,-t t- l lo in. --u'h nr
re.t..,tpt to tna.t ..)t.ii, .-tii.l 1 1, a Ii tvit.n
'. I.. lit.. .4.1111-1 ll.v .me w ill .r... el 1 l. -i to
J 1 1 uk s h; t; 1. 1 . 1.
A lt ".!' r.
r, rn t..wn-l.l, t ntr 3T.
r mi'LLix. J tt .. tt a v 11 1 i.t., Joii.s okHii inn.
I F. iCoKI.I.IX A (Ml.,
iSticoc-io: lo f -il siting A 'oe'.lin.l
w.mi.i:.sai.i; m:.i.i:p,s i i h;ti:i:s
No '.'(U North Thr-I : t.
."I l'HII.Di:LrnlA.
(jnoss a r.!;tiTiii:Ks(
x "
l , ti 11 fu ,1 .1 , .1 . .,f ... I ',. . 11 L
l 1-Ti n I u 1. 1 1 1 1 , 1 or and dcii.cra in 'ill k.ui 1 of
'' i.f m in .
k. ,slL;N,;!-,:v 'vn'-1
1 '"''- ' M . km I ,s, ,, , r
" ' - -M! -" p. in'. 1
!,..-, . ,,,,
11ml I ini I irnlrr
7-T-v 1
ti.iw AN
ANI XF.W 1 !.J( !,s
W NCFXSI I.I I'll a so !,,.,.,!
lultillly inform iheir ft ie,i U an I tl..-'
I 1 tit. lie e- n. 0
I y tlial Ihey bust ! en. I ,
n ibe epl long I by I t-. ,l ,,.
VVl'. it. . lit r on tin. I. Ip oi i tii..'i 1,... 1
''!' r!" " ' """""" 'I
m:.n.i:i.i; i.txu s.
Iu I .e I l li..' t'. i. r t in c 1.
1 lll'.i 1.0 1 cf
F!!ll,l,lAXT"i. I
Vl' l niil I. a v I
i itii i:i:i a !,i'.r v.-'
WISS Ml i.I, '
,i. oni: is. i),.L;s,
ir j . -l Clin X :,:,in !; , r
A I -.1 .
t iivvut V;iicS o.'
l.-tdit".' ro. i iliiii.tnj-, l.oti-t -lt
l!titii Skirt. Fu'iifh Cui-o .-,
ftvle l;n'liiitru'. I .:i i I'I,.,..
Ir.s, l'uiii.,,1. mi l Sti.) SIh Ik,
J"lllf liibloin-J. l.-ii-, s. ;.'.
Ilni.-i I .tiil.iuitii i s,,, ti
utnl l'it i r t' .!ior.;,
Ac, A.-.. Ao.
.1 ', i:sju ,,' 7V.;;.v r-r
, , iioiiiSv1;- siloes
I nr I mill .. Mi. IIMi l t ' ii i : i -- . m m l.
Ie v irieiy. 1 1' all -We, style an I p.
svl.-cied lor ih 'U inol W inter (ta lc.
K foil nnd complete slock . f i'i Y. FA I' FXFITF.M FN'T IX
'ItlTMS I'I,. . XI FAN'i'VA
( ASS IMF. I: F .1 (li IM IX A FFS,
.li;.X', A.v. A '
COAI. OF A 1,1, kixis :
t'lioceric". ym eu w are, H it. Iw-tie, V illu .y
ware, (Yd.-ii-w at e, (il:i-?.w .if.-. Ac,
Ml i.f which hntiii I u ..,..vit nrv .j.
r eiu-ill piollia ..
Our mot.,, i, V-.. s.W-s :! -i-iH , mm,.
We al.o pav the hit-ht-et prices
for all kin-l. i cr.iin .
V li J' ItVF I '1 1 1 V
' .
t' I .-I :ilttl . I. r.i I. i
J I I -i-O 1 w' I t- I . I
li e ore pr p ire l nl.u io aiore goo la. nl a
.mill chaiye nnd lo.luu nciiei.iltoiiiiiis-ioi.
au.l Korwaid ng I.,,,;,,,....
vie hope that ll.e tiblit-genrr illy will
ive lis a call aa we believe ll la lo' iJ.vir
interest to Jo ao belore purche tig elee
alieie. OiVf u a liinl.
M. L. HAU tN.-tl.LkR
y t.'IT. If
HXK AM.-llKYli..' of 1L1K i;Kr
ULIl ftVK Ylll.wKLY,
I L ll K I'CAi 11 Vt IIISIiKT.
BKd.MM'i (it.V, AM)
Jii( received and lor sale at ike hi ialc
ll.. tel. in .VI .Uleliurg
JO. IN A. cl'Alll.M.CfciUil,
Ag. h, i;j.
MaiiulAcluirr of au I ds-tler ia
IVoiibl respeclfully inform the citifrns ot
Selin.gruve and sieiuiiy, thai ke noiiiiif .e
lures In or.b?r and keep conaianily nn hau l
t'MAlKS (IK ALL klVllS, A.VU
Furutturu ol every Jicscr piion,
at ihe very lowest price. lie) respocilully
invites an ei uiiinaiiuii of
Hr.TKAItS, Bl'HKal'H,TAni.Ks,Srtr'AS
l.dl'.N.J t.s, I'.tSU, l U.ilW.a, k.
Ictf' A special itiviialion I eilciolcd lo
aewly married folks to on II and see u.y slock
bvt'oie urchaslog elsewhere.
8clinsgrort, April 0, S7n-it
K!'f9 Tweaty-Hv I '-liar l.unly r-.wlni
kai Inn lb eltaia I lr-l I la. a Alachia la
th Atariet. Aussr. u a a ru is ivvai lows
I .lb ml eutsuilMleul allgwrtl. ur triti sn.l
-i. ! ' ' a-wii ,1-i.m - - Pow ,o.l, How ltttir,vl
' f-.' nl pupl.-lo ,1. a new edition n'
I r. fiiiverwe'.l'a lV!el-i;e I ft
v -'i . .. . ...
le kM- say oil tn ra.lieal rnre. (witlioiii
, m. .I rine) i.'f riierm-ilorrlioe a, nr Heinlnal
! W eakne-s. Involiiularv l..e. ner,
.Menial Hid phi- ie .1 Inrap. iiy. Im-i- Ii
ni-nf In n.-rriee. etc. ! at-n. t'on-uinp-
ion r iiiepy ami rin, inuuren ny sell in
dtilreuee or aeantil enriviganoe.
'nre, in n S'nilrd 'nrrlupr, irx unit.
The ce lebroted autbiirtn tlii adnilrabla
esy clearly tleiiiniiatr.ilo from a iblily
yeais nc.'efiil practice, thai tba Alarm
n ci nv iptenee nt sell abtie may be rd
i y cur.d wti:iunl the ilanger.'iis tie ot
'litem.; uie.lieii.e or ilia ppli."ition of tl,
Hi'te point rri mil a tun !e f or t At o i"
'lop: i, e, at:. I elfen ! .1, it f
hi.'h . e -ry .iiiSrer. n. inai'er eUii I.
on I ti. ti m iy l e, n, y cure it vi.cap
y pi IVji-ely noil n itcvllf
Hit,! l.n.iii,e 11 the ban l of
v. ry y o,ih and every 1011 in r,e iti.d
Cetil tin I. r te .l. in a 1 lain env !
any ad-lrt . p.. -I; a tl. u receipt .-I' i
cent;', or two . .!, J .. A . 'e. Ci1
tt r. l'' Mart i ; - 'ini Is." pi-.c 1 cent.-.
tldiestiic pttt.l.-i-i ra. '
niA-t .1 f, Ki 1 ;r, v.-..,
I JT l;..wn. N. V., !'. tt. .i.. 4 .', .1.
"! . i. n; 1 )
- a k n -
h 11 liirr.n.. r s. k( ;i
tsrt, H!tiipt?i ro jnwjt ni.ri.i.)
siKAI.IK lw ALL KlX'tfc or
pafj r-nt
r.Aiii ;o.i Yiy.,
Ac, i',
sMi r.u tot-Nrr, mv vi.vam .
Mar Ii ::. HT.i-tf.
. r-,., ,.1, r T
uoftiii r. su a a ; i:i
t.N must i i",i:iii, ti:i:ms.
c; o is . .
'Boiil Sold,
tliilUtd tlitlca.
CoisS-aeESs w'ai!iaiJ.
faititc f.aii, i;.x:
.'..light All I
Ibt'inU an I :-.,il
(N ('(.MMi.VSIt N MNI.V.
A vomit reci i -d ;
i ..t ii'v l.alatice, .tl.:
i ! ;nl. r I a 1 .
ct to !... i, i,i
x . ..
5? v 3 ? ti on A: 15 a lUv i
to w(!ti!i Tt:tnJ Mrrr-1,
M'irrii 7. 17..l y
NS-.W l f ill - ;
,, . .... .... ... !
"rl' "e riii.r... f f llar-.c, v;"v
illl I VU'lllifV I lllll llll'V fl it n r.t. .... 4 . . u-
'.""''l "''.'r ''"' "'' "'" t'"' v-t.siai.t v .
him In.. k.--i it.ntit i f ,
: 1 ' I : t .jtn,i-s:
i, , . . ,.,
1 1 ,"1',':f u ' V 5-'l t.1XS.ri. !'.-.
t.i i it i m i. i i.i,
t ti:s, e
, . icing pi i.u an I io..i. ... 1 i.s f,
11 A IS andCArs, lit ' TS a id fiiut S. ihe
! ( n'I'.irp of lrw. r s ' Vrc- l:M.
iiiHut VitlVV i, ti""l '. "e pu- 1 lr It
'.-tit-n 1 . I m v eo-i on rt, 1 1 vl n il i. ae-
jl'ree wil haul "p !,; 11. I ill w 1 h f,
itvr.i'W'iip ami orrrviw t rr i w.t.i .1 1. u'.i wi.o i p v t v jv : r Ta
S I fit . Vl PlOlf i IMS. J,i'. ion hill 'ibe co.t. A. 'In a
a. Ij 1 1 ) V loll,', JAMcti M. K.
I 1 , tr-'cr. N Y
And iu fact rvcvibiiiaT itnallv Uei-t in a -
first cl.t. ,-,.i,i, , All ,. wl, ch we . I I I M ' I I I. I i.i X M I
niter a' rre-it'.y relticed ptice. f. Ca-h nl fit Y MC! I ad M'kU 1 OJt,
Coniin-y I'r.te.;,.. S 11 I I V ' ' I.t i V tl. f-S Y I -EU fil, p V
lining h i I I irg evrerien -w In llir'cfli t , r. -tv!. (a it, a ri .., f
bus-ne... we f.ittrr niir-el've ihi we i ! 'cUI's Jsesh.lwl
ple:ie an I .ui .ty all unr i-.itomei-a. j t"...., . ' .,
Ili-ping !r i.ii,-i aMenttou lo bae'nea - lOM-.l'll S l'i.l.l.,
ii n.l a ile-ire to ple.tse '.!. to n.erit a liberal
' ae uf pul.lie patronage. Aur n'oii.i i Mantfittrer of and YV l.olssale Psslsr Ui
Q:i, S'J SmuU VW..." C'lOl Cl0lhf
YW ssk si lessl tbai the i ublie eiamine I
our .lock ai d pics belore pincWin.
'hiT.uVe ,b"" uur t0"d'
ti it a uowk.i.
Hanasrvillr -lane 14. 1070. if
Hv)i iiplolliuot
The undersigned respea-ifu'ty Antiooaeea
to Ike oilitens of Xliddleburg and vie ai'y,
that he will roniiiitie la BianuUctute
UKN M S li bl .
KIP and r'iNK ll.s. IT.
Women ami t'hilren e MllOtS
And In short everv.Uing ia hie line. iniSel.
late..l .lylei-ad ai lo.v p-iees. V,k ...del
lo or.ier ai is shortest n once. Civ hint a
J 'myiotiit, SnyArr t'O, I'tnnr.
Keeps ennsisntly nn b vd teg ar I
well mi Is a.oriutl of Tin, Hhes' tree
ware, Stoves, tie., h.
He la Agseii fer the fe!l"Wlrg as
Litllstt.ld falenl leapieved Ujs
ta this pattern ef Tne. Meinso tit. a
evcal naw anl iu.po.iv'' fe 'te.-f l.ave
'.en nttr-I.e I. tvlneli can i'v l-s
Ii e Inirel. Tins l-s r.jtt 11 1 ,'..,.
I "rel.f ..feast n ft so r,n s lo -je A 1 nk a:.
',u "M . "'' '"
, Ml .l... . -r-.-J
. ' i, . i.h.r. ,j .r .;
h ari l-- . f rtii'tiititre. r.r en. "
t' in any sio Acretofnr. a. 1 . I' u
11 Htl ..:mr-i..ti , t'l'i-.i rsei.'ltis ol 1 i- I . losf -aitei-iis -.1 I I '., -. -.a
;! r is . o 1 it ' e.ti. t iat .
ll-r.l-'l sn I I if It. 'I f'iw .it lo I : - ej.:,
ii. I'ti'm.i'l "I oeiii.lirt -. i.1 I
. lal't, ( IN kai l SJH sk. 1.1. t. a
. 1 1 ti I IT.
Amiitig the mane AneTAnt a iVeea
.f th Mcvti'iig ll y are ll f. 'l t i :
I. t' lniinuon H i g 'J, l.'.uli'y uf 1 it
ileul. 4. Veui iim. 1. tit iltrotia ise ti' re
I. Vtii 1' 1 - vs. ..'. L.sst-s ii 'ial
.;. Xk-sow..' of oel.
T!:i: I'MILKT .-lirir.''
.tfi'-i'tist .H" y ''' ''""' . s . t,
U.1V1 .'. ",i I F r -l'. jji
f.,r ll'- of r
Pn'etin d May lie It, M.i.
V e la' e .leaiir .11 rrt.ll-' 01. e cute
! !Mv ..n-i 1 I.r Si ,e l'r.le. a Na Sr.i as
!'!..i i'-p. ti-1 -o.l I ca' I ' ifi. .' 1 - 1 'f
' . 't :'! aa- si .' uti .e'Ksit.r isiv.s
a 1.
I ni- velia lie-n earef.i'ly fv
'.f.e: .1 nioiiib. an I ll e te-n'.f S tv. o-oe I
ii.ltv'i'v lift i-iot y. thai . .-r.i "f .'
. '! -1 ..n l in i.t ei 1.-1 ,enca I stove elt 1
1 j if be) f r t a .ve lai licjoi.J 01.. sC.ii'f
to m . . . . t -1 tlii- e f-n
! .....' 'riil,,i.'-f..itir, giv.a fi.llois f
La 1 nh.
j .11 iii ten il 'i.'- ia 'S' ii't. o iirtstpsd
) . i" y r. oa iu tlieitpj i r p-itlof
lU-'t-n: I'lul r '. 1 I ' i'- I. frb wesdf
! . : to- .y 1. If ot '.' i-1' -
ai-he he.inii in-it i iiy mi 1 !
I .' -..e. I .1 wi l Ik is. uiSvu ae i friM
.r. ' I . et..g.
j ii'vrv.- ' i.t 1 1 1 n v iii::t.
Ihu l.-i. ', att I uio'l popular
J '.V.' M fl.ine ever litV.-lite I
I i i. py ipei"iie. tning 1.1 eist.ding
f 1 e k . s I.;, 1 . 1 1 1 ; 1 -ioiu ; 11. ;'r.-a 11 gsi i; t :
l. i.-!i.-- it wnk tio.ti 111 I." i fur M 11
' 11 ; 1- .tut a' ! i.i'-t nT.-ii.nil ; snd lb
,., V. ...1.111 Ma. 1..IK ktf wn bat is liked
: e In 1 tei I I .i 'i ll 'S used.
i tmi: f:;i kii.m, (T,othh
' wimm ;;".!!.
j III l.l. l T I A V I1 i '' Kit.
I I. .-:!. iu .1 our I'.l'.'lit e .'.I "in- .f-ltne
v.i in;- t Veuii ! t-).ei-iene r. e
ii i.i. . i io i.e : -1 i'
V Pet. .. i I'd it-.' 1 1 -y i ii v.-nt -.on fot w-i
if r :..:l.. - to a pi .in .pie 'Ley all a-nuiml
r., i,.,,i ;.t.-- nt' nti 1 . plci Irr. atl I
t o ! 2 i k 1 w i r i r l b nil! ' 1 it '-nl. ' l.n rf
,., ,t,i o,.i.. .t. M-.-t Wa-hiua M .cl.injs
I. :i it i.b'Ani; fue t'niicrial Wiluef
o.. it I y p. e, -ni
jiiii:. i. a i in;xsi,Aiii::i,
iu;(;r;v maker,
U.1.IJS 11!
I'm nt I '.'0 cy , HA.
! i! r '" ' wn 'r-l
Ill .-
t. ,., .' ,. I.. I i.v I l i '
I i i- i I to a '" 1 1' ''
,. ;n v I nn;. -lung in m" a : Is .-. Atrl
i : .t.i .... - a i i in n.l i a- ". I kcs..
,.,i'v n !. i in I am p-'i'i ari te
.i.-i!'.... n f a: '' - .o ''.' o us,
;A sr'.Kir-:.
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.". i v I .,:.;;; ' ' '"'
tl... Il.i - . I o : . .' M : 1 e " "'
' .;. , I ,ic 1..11B n.e I" a in. ci.ani' in
'. -' c .... io 1 i w.r w-ll ' -' I-"! '
,e 1 1 n .-r- 1 - . I . -' ' 1 ' .
A.-.-' 'I 1 ' 1 is i
in I ...i.- a 'v.-.
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-t . :.. j. i.i i:e"--i n-' i t'l.f
.''iN 1. M ! UaM.ACtP-.
Sc'ttiiL'I 'is. A I '. '. '" t
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Sl(ri.s;.in Ivi
I Vi-l '!LFSI e"
; tO. ML' :!('.'. MS AM) i I.I IULIT.L
1 :m.i. :i rt nii' tu'.i.j sr.,
1 UII.Al)!I.i'li!A.
' A 'n l irent .-f t'"'i'.fi:. rre.
I 1 11 .. lie .11 k ; t ro it.
1 Ik.
C rS '
1;..- i .-.. P!' i
l w e-.ty H ii-ur t
f "!,- II .- !.. I and
f vl.'la lili!,.
, ;r. i; M t:ii:i:utiit r i c.N ;'i,J HrI
. (-! 1 f. 1 ' i - .- el i. . I re. I . to rt 'M O..I
-. oi-lt i i i i.r.-J -1: t n.- i i t( ,1 ; rt
il ii tire
-l i
.lav It e"
l. ne:. Mil t e ' c : , . . . , ( lt 1.,' II, lit,"
: O'.'t ce I I 1 ilc .-nit-,o; ,i j ,,f acven vtr.,-lige
I of I'l.l v 1', i. o n In. ma'ilng a ttne
! I: : id.- n o-t ' .-a t-tio!. it, n tl . it
ir.-i n-ii iie !.- ia! Co ) 1 1 li'tsl,.- .
riirin lumr, r .-,
Vit Ft vr Tw'p-, SniJ.r C, P
Te N.tiis Ikal I he p ire'.iJ Cew.
gisie lisll Hotel, ! e: ! in a. ways pte
oaird lo itecoitiuiod: bui.ta s....,.-&
j aud Trav. lers
" ' "ral ia wiy ei re i e.
,,7,,: 1 sve
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