1 Jk? fill! JOHrJ. t-gbiiehsd every Thiimtlaj Evening b; JERFsfUn C 1:01 HE, proprietor. Tortn cf Pubfrtr'rthm. fWO IWIXAR8 THR ANNCV. rayshle trfibla pit month, or 12,60 If ao paid Wftbaa tbtyete. N paper discontinued HUM ell arrearages srs paid unless ( Ike ptloa of lb puhlither. Ssbssrlf tione outsldo of tho oounty MTABLI N ArVANOC. ff Parson llftUK and atlng psper iSnYssiH I ether become iib.orlher, ana are liable for lbs prl of the paper J P. cnONMILLKH, . ATTOn.VKY AT LAW, Mid. II. bur,?. Pa.. Offer his protce.lonal service, in the pnh Re. OolltHtone end all o her profe.ional Hesine.e tntrti.ied to bit our will receive ereaapt attention, f Jan 8. ' t7 1 f AC. SIMPSON. ATTORN KY AT LAW. Sotinnriv Til., Offer hit profeMlonal aervice la the put) 1. All bu.inet entru.ted lo bi. care will b promptly attended . Un. 17, "CTil Jff, KNIGHT, , ATTOK.NET AT LAW, Erccliurc; Pn., 4tmm hi. Penf..tnn.l aervieeln III Dllb- It. All bu.inet. entrn.trd to bit Krr will b promptly attended to. r Jan 17,'CTlf WMJiN (ir.ZF.R, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I.owNluirj: Pn.. Offer. Me profce.lonal .ervic to Hie t ub he. Ollceiione and nil other Profe..i.n al kuainee. entrn.led to bit tart will re esivs prompt attention. G EO. F. MILLER, AHOH-StY AT LAW, EoW Ihl'lll'jr I II. Offer hie ProfeMlnnal .eivire lo tl cpul' lie. Collection. nJ ell other proOf ln 11 biiaine.s entrn.led lo Lie care will jrc iv prompt atieatiou. Jan. 8, '7if. 1 M.I.INN, A. H PILL, tl t ISucc.tx.re l J. F. It J. M. Mtin.) ATTOitN k S AT LAW. Lewi-ltug. Pa Offer their rmfc..iomil .ervice. to llie pehlie. Collection, and nil utln-r pro fet.ional bit. met. entrusted lo iluir riot will reoeiveproiiipimieiiiioii. Jnii. , 'OTit CHARLES HOWER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Seliifgrove IV. Offert hi profot.ional .etvicei lo the pub its. Colleetione end nil oilier prolee.iona satinets entrusted to bi e.re will re wire prompt eitemion. ('(bee two dour aorlh of lie Eeyalunc Hotel. Jen C, I SAMUEL AT.I.EMAN'. ATTORN KY AT LAW. Si'lin-'ptrove Pi Offers his rrofe.sion.il .ere'tecs lo tin public. All bueineae rniriiHrd to hi are will lie promptly aiirnded to. ( id leeiiona made in ell pari- ol the tiatc. u - ...aut ilia I'nul li ami flprmen lniige nuntl.T. UCica t-elwceu Hall e tad tb I'ott oBica. t v Mvr.ns IITGKMT k CCIASEIOR T UW Mi JJIeburg Pnydi-r fi unty ri-nn'a flflirn . fw doore WcpI of tbf V. O. on llain etreel. CbiieultutiuD in I'.iigll tod Cl en f f i'tee. fij-ll JC. BUCI1ER, e ATTUKSEY AT LAW. Lowihl'tirj; Pu.. Ofert bit profei.ionl ei nii'teio ihr pull lie. All binineee eninuted lo bit cure will be promrlljr attended to. r Jan. 3. OTif GKOVER & BAKER SEW IN (J MACHINE. Tereona In need of a prood ami lnrMi Sewing Maoliine can be accoinniod-iled at reaeonahle prieee by cilling on on Sam fib ri'eT, Agent, Beliuegroee. Jan. 24, tr D n. ,t. y. shin pel. BURGEON ANI HI YSIUAN, Miil'll. l-ura Pu.. Offer bl. profeeelonal tcrtlcee lo the cit lata of Middleuurg and vlciniiy. March 21, "67 F. VAN BUSKIRK. iimtJICAL k MECHANICAL I'ENTIFT Selinigrove renn JOHN K. HUCnES, Esq., JUSTICE Or THE PEACE, renn Twp., Fojder Co. T YK. WAGNER, Esq., e Jt TICK Or" THE PEACE. JackaooTo .ishtp, Snyder Co. Ta., Will attend to all bueinee. eairu.ted lo bit ear and on lb mo.t reaeonable ttrm. Mrcb 12, '08i DRJ- K KAN AW EL, rUYeitlAN ANUSLilOEON, Centrevllle, Sn yder Co., I Offer bit profetilonal ervloe lo ibe public. , . OUB't FW. BCIIWAN, M. P., e BURGEON & PHYSICIAN. . ' Port Trevort'ill Pn. Offer bl yjrofea.lnnal terviae lo the auiient oi on. palia Ocroau and Zngli.h. J, . . . . . April 10, '08 F'A.BOYER. Jr. AUCTIONEER, Freelui K Snyder Co. Pu., Moet retpeelfully oflere hia kcrvice. lo lb publio at Vendue Cryer and Auction er. Having bad a large experience, I fel eonddeut that I ean render parted aatitfaetion to iny tuiployeee. Jan. , 'OTt BT. TARKS, . -ATTORNEY AT LAW ft DISTRICT ATTOHSV, XlDPLBBTJrjp, fNYUEIt COUNTY, l'a Office In Court lliuae, Sept. 15, 'U7if LEWIS BREMER' 8 BOSS TOBACCOWAHEHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRDS 6,83 PHILADELPHIA. TyjERCUANT HOUSE. - JI. U. MANDERBACII Prop'r. J. V. MI'K, Clerk. K. 411 1 15 North Third Htreet. Philadelphia It CILLER It ELDER . WHOLEflALF. ROOK SELLERS Stationer, Blank book Maimlartiire and dealer la Wrapping, 111. i lug, ur rata aait Wall papert paper Hag. 0o ral Job Printer )f,3U JUrta Tklrd tiraal .abf Re lis VOL. 8. REMUNC, KAILROAD Wiii r'1 Arrnnj.ciii nt, Moiidny Ni ? 21 1870. flrenl Trunk Lino from the Sorlh and Nnrih wot for I'biladrlphia, New York, Keedinit, l'tieille, Tvnim. Aliln I. Pheniokin. Lebanon, Alletnown. Eitslon. Ephrata. Litis, Lanceier. Columbia e. Tralni leant llrrieliurf for New York, at follow! at 3.1H. 8.P, W..VI a. m.. and 2.60 p. m., onneennn wlih elmilar train on the the l,eiinyl'' Railroad, and arrivinn at New York at 10. 10 a. in.. .r,0, 6.W and ln.OOp. m., repertiely. Sleeping car accompany the 3-10 a m., train, wiikotit change. Frturning i L-ee New York al .00 tn, l2.lMloon. andfi.tHI pin. I'hila dclphi al fi.15 a ra and 3,no p m ; Bleeping care ac iimpaiiy the fi.tm p m irmne fnnn Nrw York, mithout change. I.enee llarrixhuri fiT Reading, I'otlnville Taiiiaiia, Minereetlle. l.ln l. Miiimomii, Ailentown ani i o i i y . . in a ni, .."' ann t ". p (nig Lebanon ami principal way aiat unit : the 4.i. p ni irnm conneeiiiig for l'bilndelphia, eillc-ehuylklll lU.rn and Auburn, eia Schuylkill and HM.,.i.d.an.. l.mlroad. L. ae lliiiri-lMirg al .M; p m Ea.i IVi,Vlv,in. IU.lr.m l rain lea.. Reading lor Alicumn La.t ,,, nd , York hi :....'. .l.:i....n I., . . ' P.m. It...rn,g. t-.e- N l-rh '" in, I'.'.Mi no. n and 'j If' p. ni. and Alien-j own at a.m. TJ..6 Nnen J 4.,: and , l'-, ,l, n'- . , , ., , , , . I W,y pae.eng.-r Irani Vare. I h.'ade phia , at 7.3H .m, coi.neciii.g with einnlar tram o Ka-t 1'enn.i. IUllroa.1. rei.,ri,;i,g from LeadMig ui ..Jt.pin. etopp.ng al all Ma,,,,.,.! l...,!Vi. poil.viMe at '.'".. "' , I'.lup nu: llc.nd.ti at M.I ' ami Sim-. im. tin al '. I'i and I I ." m.: Ah and ai V I..1 a in, and l'J.f'' noun. Miihaiioy I'uy :':,!, fJC'i::: I'ollNtl Me an I I oimnniii uitiv. r or i "i.-- Nw Yuik, liendiiig, HiiiliriMirg. .vc, Leave 1'i.nsville. iu Heliiiy ikill au l ru .iiieh.nna It It m H,l" a tn lr llnrnnliiirg, tmi U.'iououn for 1'inei.rote and I leiiiem. , "rzv a n., arriving al f l.il id. Iphin nl I o. J i , c a. in. Itelurinng. leave. I'lniinle phia al l.l.'i n in. ii!..'iig Heading at ".' pin. nrrivitur .1 1'nll.ville ill t'.l'l P m. l oittiown Aecominod.iioii Train Leave. I'nti-imvn al 7..-0 a w. roturnii.g l.'avet I'b.ladelphi at t.m l Cotumhia Kailrmd Train, leave Reading ai 7.'.'( a ui. and.l) pin for Epmaia. Litii. Laneacler. .oliinibtu. ' . l'rrkiomen Railroad Train, leave I'er'ii-1 emeu Junciionat 7.4 i. ii.o.Sam, a im. and .. . j i i ,. . . . , ., ,. .'..:10 pm: reluming leave Sehwenloville al 1 1-cw.lc.l I.) the hlli tldo ol huid 7.00 and H.JO a ni. I'i.M Noon, mnl 4.:in iner fn-hiiiuabltt4. Moro'jecr. '.be fnrc p ni. connecting with auuilar iriin. on Itoit'lii'g It'iilr.ii'l. I idehr ii.k'l ilc It ulroail train, leave reii. j town ol tl. 10 a ni. nn'l ...o p in. reniruing l-ave Mount I'lea.nnl at 7,00 and ll,2"i am, cnnn.-eiing wiih timilar iniiin on Reading ruilio.d. ('brnter Valley Railroad train leave Rridepori ai t.::u a m. an I 'i.tl'i and ft.2 p ni. returning, leave ll.iwningtown at ti.Vi a ni, U.t.'i noon and !t.'i p in, coiiuecliug wi)h .Imilar train on Heading r-iilrnad. On .Xund.y. : Leave New York al ft.fHi p ui, Cbiliidelpliin H.OO a in and .1.16 p n, ihe H,(I0 a in train running only to Rending: leave I'oli.ville X.O'la in: llnrriebiirg 3, III a in ar.d 4,lr p in. leave Alleiilown ut 8. 1't p. m and an t 8.41 p. ni s leave llemliiig .1 7.15 a ni, and lo.l'.'i p m for llarii.l.iirg al 5 ( ett a ui for New Yoik. and lu a. to. auJ t. 2ft p ui for Philadelphia. Commutation. Mileage, Sea.ot, School and e ieui ioii tickeia, lo and from all poini. at reduced rate.. li.ggnge checked tbrniigU ; 100 pouieo allowrd each pnt.cnger. . A. Nil OLI.R. Gentrnl Sufirrmtfinlfnt. Reading. Nov. 21. 1870. C,AUINET OROAN AND MELOUEON ' MANUFACTORY. Ware Room and Store on Tin Street, Factory on Pny.Ur Sirtel, Selinigrov. Pa. If von want to bear and tea fln toned and beautiful llrmnt aol W.loOeon. call at our War. room anil Ktnra. Wi n.t none hut the Im.1 material tn mnklng Iptrumeutt. Try one oi ineiu .no you win u t.iinefi, Kv.ry In.iriiment It wnrr.nio.1 for ttve year.. Iiealer.. uent. anrt! Minister, of the Ou.iiel. re Invlitd to eurreti4ni wltu u. .nil ptnA for l.rlc. lint. Wt .re .l.n .a. nu lur the ban New V'k .ml Phillai.i.la l'Uii'4. Violin .ml AeeorilMiui. from .1 to tft. Violin Slrln.., Mir.t Mutie, Picture traiuet, ko., ke , alw.r.oa k.inl. Pl.na a d Aeeordeont correctly tuned aod reiwlr.if. Call oa, or adilrett br letitr It. . MAM'Mkt'O, f . t. , m;o. helintgrove, Pa. Ot'K FATHER'S HOUSE, ut, TIIE UNWIU i TEN WORD- rty Panikl MaaeR, l. !., author of the popu lar "Night Mnet " Thli ma.t.r In lh nglit and I.IIU.UICt tliowt ut Ulltohl rleliet nllil lie.u tie. In Hi. li nl Hi.u.e, with Hi HlnoiulliK Mow er., singing llnl. Waving palint, Kolllna el.iu.l.. If..iuilt.il tiow, s.ar.,1 loounf.lnt, l. tlKlillul rlv.r., Mt.hly oee.ut, Tuunilo'lng vol oe III. ting he.veu. .ml t.t universe with eountle.t Iwinu. in mllliontol world., an.t re ott Uiutlne.ebtneVn.rlli.il Word. Ho.ilui0d i..ir. nrn.t. .niir.vlnn nd .uperb hintllna 'Hick and varll In f IioiimIiI." "i h.tlo "-l-.u.y and araceful lo ttyte." - orreet. fiurt r'.v.tlug lu ut lenonn.-y " "I1..11111111 nn.i aoou " "A hou.eholil Ire. -lira " I'.iiniiiend.tlon. Ilk. Ih. nIniv. Iroin l.oll.ut pr.iiie..u .ltd l'r fe.r., I iulmt..r. ol all .l.iioinlnnilon.t .nit the reunion, and tvfl.il.r pre. .11 uvvr th. anuntry lu ire.lt lie.., purity id iHimu.g.. with ol.Hr open tye, una tieei .nar.vinir.. tuu.i.nii.i o'nniiitf, .101 lew nrle. m.ke It IN. Uiok t"r Ih.matMit. Aa.uit ar. Mlllnv trout Aoi 1&0 iitr iarl. vt.w.ni 1 1. ravin. n, rtcnooi ie.eo.rt tniari youtia men alio ii.t t. iniintiuea tn. wnra us Iti rry iiiwottlp, mitt wmlll iiy i(rrly. N ltilelll(nt inun ur uinaa ored b wtlUuut t M im) turvlrculiir, fit 1 1 deerlttooa and trm. AiMrmt ZltOLhR k McCt KlV, Ifl n. tMh flt, PiilU. isu HacN. Tin. (. U Mudfi Hi. i'hi VJI N. 6t ti !,miia Mt.1.4Pi or lof Mftln ft HprUitinaU. Mm. A: W ASH. tiKAXKLLO. ITCH t CLOCK MAKER. Market 8u Middlehurj Pa. HAVING located in ibi plac I would retpeelfully Inform Ihe eitiieu ot Alnldlebu-g and vicinity thai I am prepart.l 10 rep.tr llot K8 ANU WATCHES aheap and eipediliou.ly. Tb pairoong of Ihe puldi I retpeoilully tolieiied. W. (1RANELL0. Mlddleburf, No. 21 1H(W. LLEOHENY HOUSE. X01. 81) A 811 Market Street, (Jioee A.yAA.l riiiLAnEt.rniA. KLECKNEU k CAWLKY. ror 1 a. -(OVtltf AllDlVLKUlJUU SNYDHU CO. PA.. SELECT POETRY. hii:ui:tiiof a rnn:o BT CLIO iTAM.e.r. Our irorl 1 eft'n In l'aredi'e, And 'lie a liritlit world el ill, When we ha left our early way, To climb tunic huppy bill. Whereon an E leu benniy ahine, A preeence full of litjlit. We heed iiimnrrnw while we Ired Our yuiiib lime'a funny height. Our worl ! a begin in Ta'a lite , 'I bough ilea. I men .lumber mun i ; W cannot grieto for lb -ir poor dual, At reel in holy groun I. The tmiling .tare look down on lie, Our hopee ri.'e mounttin high, And we forgei that life bat thorne Wbilo hit e blight rote it nigli. Our worMe begin in rradie. We toil and toil fur naught : Li'e'a hnppiet hour, are nearest birth, l ife . crown with leitm i- Imuiit. :n.-i,iii...iiig mil .Ireain "f Heaven Itnim grar.-cotere I grave, Where hid .hall dog ewerl tonge In priug, An I green bought penile 'o. , ; , ,,,,,, , , ,.,r,rlKl.t H ,. iy,. ( fu , w, our languid bold, A , )ir Kind re-i .mid Ih. pla.ant pa.he W,e ra,M,rIll.rj Udly mciu t ' nfW ()irj u on )owt). I'heir voices d .in I l..w. U( ( ( u Thul in the rileii.-e grow. A., , ,,,,.,,,.,,.,. wu ,v Ur nf ()r ,,ey who climb frrtm e.irihly beUlile T . ,,,, fuluia? """teM"eaeaawaweaw Aunt 3etss Adventure. ... , ...... . ... I:,.. If wan a hot July iilterti'ion, thonlrl :u.l ui .Iiin,li(ro. elec'.riei'v. u ml tlia1 the ut (f.l.a in front of the Merrilield ho tel j while) (Intra in the ulen toward ihe railroad track, you could diftincily hear the (ret and rippla of tbo trojt-..treaui over it. la'd of in.i.y tonet. MeiTifiol J v, a a pretty, Bcqucatered pli'.ee, I'lll of pictunwpifl wovl n.K'h ami i e:sfti,t l auille.. and IIS vet. not was I jw, nnd the botol chnrea mo.lcr ate and that, wan thu rcom why Mi. 15 tsey Whi.'Hetoii had coin thither wiih hand boxes her tortoNe tjhellcut, mi' I In-r nicee KllriJa. Mia lloliy wua a ni-iiiuiieu iii:iiuon iH'iy, Hiramicd eotne- I ! - I - I I . . . wnerc on 1110 ieti.ii.-iiie hiii'l betwrou : irty and fifty, with n ! aihery eon.-1 """". "t nlit.i t In tho neck, cal , l.lai k eye glac.-y rather than bril liantand thin, cidorlcs. lips. A. the Freneli .ay. '-thuro uro yjim in-o'ls and old tnaida." Some tiro pel f, ct'y ii're.iathilo in their suooy good humor and tmbaniio!nt -innro bewitching ihan any nixleen ycurJ girl, because! their arrows ar tipped with the barb of experionro. Hut aunt Belay did out belong to this "luro and rudiuiil" few. Mi.s Whuatloton was an old maid veii' inoiifa radical opponent lo any- tiling savonng 01 uiairinmuy a be liever in catnip tea, total depravity, and iho approaching- end of the world. Aod above a'l things Miss Whietleton detested a m io. Llt'lo E frida was totally different IJlriUit was jut aeveo'ecu, witb a rounl apple bloom face, eyes as blu as wood violets, and iniKchievous dm. orpinip'og.fomiriK anlfjoino;, like the at.. .1 miptesa ol I'npid a fingor on her smooth ran.inat.! by the awful atm.e-pbere pink cheek An! Ellrida wore whiteA,j what' this curious w.aiden thing' die.ses. witb blue ribbon fluttering ubcul them, and ro.es at her bolt, and rea I poetry nub ronu, and believed in uitiukiud particularly in Tom Castle wyn no. Con.rtiicotly, it may b easily in. leered that Elfrida led a dnlorou lite d it, wiih her aunt Bet'y and bet Aunt Betsy 'a peculiar views. Thi i part iculur afternoon, Mies Bet ey sat bolt upiiuht. engaged in hid eous pieces of patchwork, which had Ik'vii boor EPrida's "black beast' ever ineo she wsa tall enough lo wiold a nesdle, nnd ticoldud ber niece persis-t-iitly. "lon't talk to me, Elf. Ida Martial' tho laid energetically which wa quite iiiiuoies.'ny for poor ElSe had not opened ber lips In a quarter of aa hour "I know perfectly well thstita all thro' your doing that Thomas Cast iewy one and hi. riottious eigar-.nioking friend, have eonie down to Merry Hold and tak en the next room to oura th vsry nrxt r.Miui. I should think you would bo atlnmed nf you 1 self Ellrida. to be walking about ihe house with him. aud th uoii.o full ol respectable board ers." Elflo rolored here. "I am sure aunt Betsey, Mr, Caatle wynno is respectable." "A pottifi.gjrer, distlpatsd,- young KMMl-ror.tinihin) lawyer aod Frank Krinmo ia no beitor. Elfrida if you doii'l stop takins; such long atitcbea I'll ruakeyourip tbs'm VI out again. Whiit 1 witiityotl t'iandcrtiil ltlii: thnt t!ii lore-mokin;r biminci litx (rt lo lop. I wou't tolcroto Tli"ti. CH.tli'WTtnu'e jire'iirnntuoiisnUoiition. no not for nnothct diy, I'll pack up and cae MorriGoSd noouer, In you ln'nr mo Ellri U f " Y , sunt lWiy, I hoar yon. "Vtry wcl!, then. I'll trouble you t head n wo l Pcihij a yoti think I ilidn'l oco you liopei in on t'i very tliro.hold of their door tb.M rn'irniiiL' tallini nonene nSout I lit IniMipcry ao l wild ro.eyou Lnd hni'n tatlierin;;. On tlie ihro.liold ol' ft yntinif niutt'a room ! EH'ridti t don't know wliat yon nrp poming to." "nut Aunty, th door wm w..' "pon. u'i.1 Mr.. (ilou w a. in the hall, iiii-l Ighvlln ll.-iy ttton.l , and Mj.r Par rr'a ilau.'hUT '' "I don't care whether tho twoive tribe of I.rrnl wnro thorf. it tnnkiM ..! " i nine t lie ln improper I'.r t.m'' j nn l hcto nun t RetHOV rolled up her eye. in ft frurful cntnh'plic ninnticr. 'N .wj'l"",S .top .IroprifS l.o l loara over the ff-LiM Kr.c,o'm. ' wcretly a , . , i r .1 turki-T red jominp of that nuiit. ncrer diw Mich a baby iu my life never." What a ratUof it wa to pnrr hunted liitie Ell'rid i w boil Mie. Major I'arker rntnp in, wrh her MifV iti'tliiij; nilk. and her ha-kp! i f knitting work, and ..i ....... ii .... i . . i . . .i kiic na niiiiM e i io a ii away nun mo , inner tuoui, wiib ptii k.d lit gvr. nrh- iiiL? lii i'ial fnlumn ami ini tel ilait, v with tear ' " t n 1 1 . 1 1 II lie iiibi 1 iru Fuun efr can." th'Hulit Elfic with an in. noiit or the eherrr line 'ill Uuni I Ihould ever h 1.11 old -n.id hku.iot Hol.ey, I d jump into th river, I would. And Elfio crept aw.v for a walk low-tpiriled em.u -h. ' Tha afternoon a well advanced h. foro Mia Parkor deimrted : Mi-a Whiutletotl politely eceino; h. f to the door, alood loukinj after b'.T portly form. "I wonder whete Elfridn liu "nc to." iiiitnlcrod ih Ktiitiater mm .own in (I., grove fl. ti,, with that!A'101. ,J'll,HJr lw u ' odiouii ('a.illewyoiie. I've no doubt dear nie, what triuN i;ir!a hiv. C'aa'lc wv'ine'a ullt Koine where. I know I. r lull, eT.ar.ly.tllC(1,)OPnlUroomla half onrn, ... wuudcr m :uait..,. v.i-1. ...... .1 1 ll(,r Uwg tll.,k ,t.rioluK. ,ie! 1.-- JJVl'V nit iton htn'tchp'l ni.il.1,nP ., !,, ,.... e.,., a tou I in aif,'lit. ' "1 don't really believe thry ehlltige notes," said Miss Whistlet'O. 'hut il they did and it's really a vert' oxco'- lont opportunity " She pau..d aga.n and l.stcne.l; still noa..ut,d, MVO attar foot.tetis in ,he hull. "I think It's my duty,' raid Mi- Betsy, getting her colorless lips tig;ht ti g'tlirr, ami advancing; on tint . into U, Upartmcnt of Mes.rs C'u,tlewynnc sndEriniuo. "1 never was In a man's room bo! foro," thought Iho latly with a little . bridle and a. impor. "War mo what a variety of hdots and slippers right in j the iiiid lla of the llior. Is this bran.i I ,y and water ? No, it's lemonade 1 a box full of cigars ns I ive, and L n.jr.i, (), tLe depravity .f young ,,, I really hope I wont bo ton - Oh, I siipp 'so it mu.t be a hoot j. k A drofsiug case, too, with chtse.l sil ver steppers to nil iho hint Im dear me. thu cologne is really very nice. I wii.li I had LroiiL'ht that enm'v rara- ..ric boitlo alon- with me; Idou't be- " ' lirre they'd ever tn'sn a few drops. Piok pomntutu, as I live and breathe and a "houtrwiie" all filled up with needles and tluead. My goodoes., uie if it isn't lined with the very hroea lc si k tbst belonged to my grandmoth er's wedding ues I thought that pattern caaia sliorl when I measured it to make a silk quilted aLirf I do believe Elfrida took kit to make l hit piece of folly aod nonsense with. Mies Whist letoo elevated ber eyes and hands with pious horror. 'Two whole iuvbci. I wonder il E'fiidra ever thought what a (treat ain it is for any oa to steal 1" The impulsive spinster tp-tnd obout the room, peeping into boxes, opening bottles and looking behind sofss but she still found do condemning proof of correspondence bntween Mr Caatlo wynno and ber niece Ellrids. She was jest turning to come out rather disappointed then otherwise st the noufuoeeesof tho scouting expedition when Tom Castlewjnte sprang up tb stairs, two steps at a lluie. stid strode along the hail, followed by his friend Frank Eioiine., Miss Betrey wade a rush st tho door bat she was too lata. Tom's aee4 of ooomotlon had beea great r that she 1)K(JKMKU W. 1870. had calcuV.od on, mid wi:li u Llnid impulto of concealment Mio darted in 1 1 tl ( lo'ict an I xliiit hcrxcll' in iiumig Jres.iii(-o-.vna shootino; toata nl d I I .king; liifurcAtril gai'iiienla that lliled Iter npiiiatcr acul wilh Imirur. "Thay'll io out :i((iiu prvlty goon,"' thought Mia Hetey, pnntin;;, nn ohf hull on dejprately t.) the innnr han dle of the door, "and then 1 cuii j 'I ft lip into my own room.'' Iln'. U' H'h donoiiinvnl appeared at ha id. Mr. Ciiatlewyniia tind hitfi eo J ;it th'Xtim li'ca d iwn nn l deliberilel. I K'lted their ngara ; tha hlue vnpur mo'o .picy nnd pungent tliroiili the !y-liul Ih:ill ch ke," thou-lit Mi.a IM -1 y. ' Now !..k hro. T ini. '.itil Mr. Er initio, tichtly rcau tiling iho con verlion which Imd been ten.p Tatily . interrupted, '-thtre' no uo bv'v ' r . . . . . . . t.iint-lii'arti' I ruol. .Many tbo little I K.t'tida il abo hart forty old inaidi u i I'M ai vu iiiu vnin r uii ii Ii1 . 1 I .ay. though." paid Cintlewynne. "-b-t uu oil cit Mini luteey ia. I'll - ly, if ebVa a diy.'' "ixtv, I hboulj 'thiiik,' rfniurleil Frunk. ' rin- i in J.ii J'jnort of the crciiturcH !' i:ii.rii iiio iiiipr.nijni'u ui.'icui vi era- , . .1 . ... ... ..... 1 . ..1 I. . . . 1' . . in. ! "Hut at ill,'' pursued Ca.llcwynne. ' i"E!fio ha a.'Uie tender notiotii al.ou: I ,.1,-A ...... ,., U, ..ml 1.. Mo.. l a never ti.nrri 111 ti.liKtianl,C",'C"t'DlJ if W0C'"'1J I0"1 ,,r'ofa.i Inuiun village, ur.lva- he hi. tliou'ht il P1V'' leeii ptriuifel tu c imo a TO", the BVir M,J ' ' d prairie ihto. gh ti hut e.i.i,.i..r a bini. .coul ' inv.!e. up oil Joa-el .,,d .uJ.lenly .iicovei . o:,e net'!, d mi jikutbut to hill!..: what', tliiitnoiee?" jcr t,q Lrillij s)lJ,y Uft. e.; I F"r Aullt Ul'l"f'' ,",lf b,i,!,"J '" " ru.minj; etn am, in a green a h v. o'o.et, nnd choked will, c.-.r t mok ., llow pi..:t.ar tho ttua. then lo.ka ; ,hv t?iv!" tt T1" ,l" fow .ef,e-hit.,. tha hriht water., aul l"l''l- li..wcytho tall h.dje. with lliei. .vuniinu bui me cut on 11. u Mr niiil:i rititf." I ' I till you it ia aouiethin cl'taet."' Ermine ro.-e and tried tho doer , her irl of it. ' If it ia tho oat,'" hai l Castlrwytme eotiiiui to tho r- a'-'iie, "he ia temi.tk- i;'h le ,l,"1 1,1 Lor ""r ., ...... ...... a ....r..l . ,.. 1 .... t II. uicu , g'.c a 'oji 1 un, . i4ui 11.1- For t!ie door How opcu with jerk. r' Tt"linn " l,,,- " """fI"" '.1 ahi inking haek into u eoinur- One; iiiotncul C'oi-tlew tiiie .tincd the Ui. xt brilliant idru llu.livd ueiiua hi. n.iud; he -hut tb. door ai;. in, and bolted it inataaiaticousy . j ,''l'l'i"'" ff in "'"''y prea-eu mnea. i...,.urr., uurg-.r. . "Oh my goid Mr Thomas,' ..pjeuk- ed Mia lleuey wildly through th- key hole, ''please don't. P!ia?e atupj cryitij; lor help ; it's obly me, Mi-a IUi.iv Wliiatlelon : it', all a lui.take. ! 1 . - ' 1, lui-uouvrMBu-siog. 'A "'-"'dcrMandin- eh!' .aid Cast Ic wj r no. ' It ha. a rather burB- '"' iou louk- 1 ehould be sorry to dc - livtr .vou cuMjJ' M,' NS lM' " "' too. but'' ' merry on roe. un nie i .-i:. 1 Jeiisl.t t'.il. repnseiitiug a e'eur h.Le ! l'l'UV T"u!iu'5 ,lt door-knob witb trees, mead and villages o.t- In'lvtJ: il d,,'J 1 n',nnt 1,0 1'l'm""it ''''(f ' bote. but it eCifeely '"" uiisiakc, u.on my wmd. PW;,q0i,i;,.j lne rea'ityol iLs .ceoe when. I . .11 1 1 I t I t ' 1 i el "" out' ''u" '' lf,ort' ,uy oc QUUts' ' nuJ ww '" U:"''', roim' t"-" L: eadi'ul." groaned Mr. Eru,ine Too Irightl'ul to thiok ol,'' bollr wly echoed Caallcwy line. "Oh, dear," wailed Mia Betsey, as all thu horrors of ber situation duwoed "I00 I,or' "J,) ll,i,M let me out' ,r 1 n-i . I'll : .....I". t 1 nonius, sou 1 n give you anymiu 1 have iu the world.'' Mr. t'attlswyntie paused; ho ap peared to bo deliberating, M.sj Betry lo.'k heart of bop. ' Wi.l you give me your niece Eh fjids !' "My niece Elfrida ? N over reaU ly, I could not" O vi ry well, just as ycu elect. Ermine, will you have the goodness to tep down stairs tud call up tb land lord T" And at tbe earns instant Elfrida' soft voice was heard calliog in the next toon. "Aunt Betsy, aunt Betsy. Ob, Mrs PsrVer. where eau my aunt be goer? ' tnj.reb, no ej;oc and deteelloo were lOetuing ever the wretched victim ol t-iriuinstsucvs ; she rattled madly ugaiukt tho door. Vou needn't g, Mr. Ermine you need u ego. Ouly let tee out" 'You will freely bestow the hand of your niece upon uie ?" YiiaD) thing everything." Mr. Castle wyou unbolted the doer. and threw it e-psu with a low bow Mia Betsy stayed not to reciprocal his politeness, but darted frooi the rvom like s arrow flctisg from tbe 1 1 mi; i in ..) . n Imw, ucecr no ppnirf till ho wiii eafe in her l o it'. ''Aunty, " el.:!.i:iu'il tha et.ti:bed Eifif, wliero on earth have yi.u been ?" lint that wnn j'il whit ' aiiiiliM ' tier cr wuuld lall her. "Ellridt," .kid Mia Bvty, when the haJ culini'd her ngitatcd tiervca Ly green tea and a nap, "I've thanked ui) mind thou I jnuu Cm tle Jtill". It you and bo are rvully hciit on mtkinv u n.ati'li id il' heie juiit llcfy grim ai'ed. aa il tiie wr taUii(( medii ine mly yiui nrist liueo jour own way, 1 .up p.e.'' Elfrida'a face fc-rew raditct. "Dour Aunt 1 ty." i-he cried with a uli v L:e upon tin; pun htneiil f im hcad ol tiio old Inly, '! am to ft id '' 'There, lin-rc lm ft'uli;," i-uid M Wlii.t'pt' ii, iinnnci.'ualy, ' I want to lip up my caps I'.r lb wih, and I can t bo l. thcrrU v.iih k iirtf '." .ii.. . . . , . '. ., . i h ioi ii tLoutu ly ..: Elfte tripped uwtiy, "It won't twil tln.t child tho wh ilo story.'' lint tlicni wiii a m'' LieTi.'U .par- klo in Killc' I OJ hD 'iO t'Httl. up thut nicht, which llilfd Aunty Met. ! ' a st.iI wiih duud, imd c titimid j ;luTthu Ca-tie wy ntit had hum)i. j 'he "fcTit 1 1 her .-ieiro an J inevh t. .-m i hum, auiii ii;;-y, a re:y nn-i t . i .i . . her will, ui Ii lived U help Cit.il l.u.L M n '!.... it, .uu lb T,.. v.. ,, inu io i.ui v jiur Ala! pnorAutit Het-ty. I.OVC. All luillao lllagc. Ot'oean Imve im appreei.t.vs i.lcu shaded verandah of thickly it.tiiwc- ven h.itii;h. All d-.y lin.u' we UI toil.-. over th ' . . 1 . . . 1 . 1 .1 , . cireuitijrp;;uu ll.rj'UU Clou.Ja ot irt a---h 'lfira lli!i "tt'-n Uru' k un fn ti.. tuee i' Ii ni!B' ieijt f.irea t to..U' tl.e kir unrt for et-vera! nri u'e- Onre at' ha I een tniruj'' el it l.eu:,;'u lake, Irin jtd w ith treti ;u. 1 M.rp.U'i ! cd ty ttrc.'U H-tur. w hit h ine.t'-d u to pnr-ue its lleeii-ig: hl.a ! m ... hut Wi Wf',1 kl.ew aii uldUt tin -i. i!,-ep ,ilini, h). PH , j.t.ritn(.a, ,,, 'Meadilv 00 over the buruii on M. 'j,e.e ntVltf U-u ceiivot'.c weat v tiavekr of the ile-'.rt. tulJea , ly the hor.einau erci a i.Viruriuk' spai ei.t ly. juBt ahe.i I cl l,im,uu)l, IriJe on au J uu, hoping to c "tne up tj it- Fo. hours it lies bcfire hie eye-. llh,j t.,en , B IIi0ln,rit j,,,,., I i...v;n.. I. ;m rnilea an I miV. .mi.,:, his wny, and in iho midSl of deven lninH.' Men have ri l lcn all -l:iy etrivif.g t . 1. .1 . 1 .1 .' ...... leu.utiie lu-i.uitiui river l'.i neire. -- - them, and tbeu at tight tunibj. Lto . r.iej ,Uir v'svy vty ,,whoto.l.ey hlj M:4rU.j jrofn in morning p m;r.ge often ha I to the doa'.bV both n.an and !.. rc. 1 l.e nun.' wo hu l seco was rocs lto in the alt.rno -a we r.uvo Ld i ! in '- V'"". "d -w le..w u. wide slresm lined w.th preen tree and n its Isuks a lur go ltd. an en- 1 lainpment ! The poni pricked up their rat and neighed " i'J 1 leisure t.s th.y siuelt tb water, and our own delight was unbounded W li.le I f ti uionteut to ndu.ire the bcautit'ul pn- peot. Through Ibo m.jist c tree., jtbe pJa'.-o i& "kicb i; was served, .laotinir rays of the sun shivered 00 I When I r traed to n y t'.je, I be grsts. Ear awey, wiud.ng l.ke alfouud il surNus.ic 1 by a c;xed 11 d.r. t ! . .1 I .-l.l - L liuge auvcr-.erperr, rau in r.ver 1 ty eutwa sna tu..-: .a, t were ia while oesr by in s shady gn.ve, st.-ed'teot tpen enoiiu ig everything s.i tbo vilitge the children at p'ay on hal. 1 ordered lLen . J, aa I eoa'. l the j;reeo lawna, not tusde by han.ls u.d he'p hi'-'gh ng whea I ivmpared The white side of th terrees booe nt the setting sunlight, atid the am. ke curled la-'ily upward from the dinpy tops. Bright ribbons and red cUs le. k!n like strenaiers on a ship, f ut- tered from the lodge poles, sod gsuii - ly drvsse 1 sqaw and warrior wvikrd ! end thrse Indian weaura hsd coane bout, cr sat on the grera sod under to a y lodge wuh tbe same htud the trees. Tbero were madsns, at side object. I aos n.t certa a that ba betutiful s. Jl aatha. er as grseeful aim rf j'o is ihj. ssjuo every herf, a Minnehaha, wondcrioj, hand ia but I am. quite wrtaui that worusnj.- bund, along th slresm, or listening under the shade ot'sono wide-sptvsd-mg tree to words of love, as soft and tender as ever were jvurvd into si" man' ear. Near ths tillage were huadieds ef boree asd posies, with bright feath ers flouting ia their manes and tails a they crepiei ths rich grass of the vallsy. A greap of sory ehilJrea wvre f !jid al a 5e sab rceetabhag tro.-co. 10 (r 7. . cv. 6,00. 1.09. la. (cried than one Tear ait p. table at the tlo.o Ihey are crdernl, an I if not paid the per. on ordering Ihem will be bvld rceontibla for the innne?. 1 . .' '.J.' L ten pina; eotno I oy wero tihootin at a mink with arrow, and tip tho ftrento a-vcrnl outh were returning home with rod tvu I liuc, and luo alilntt of pel kle.J troilf. .Scoff, of mrn aod Women were) awinilni'iu ahoiit in th" rivir, n'tw d.e. i nu, and then doii.in' carli other, atuij .i rcainn of iuu;;hler from the Lyitand or. on tho rb'.ri llifo ii:d thote a younir giil il.otid aho'it like a fi.ti, her t'li.ck hair itreauiin' behind Lor in i he w titer. While wo l inked, tho little children i.Klonly o isu'l I'ri'in p'ny ni'd rm into tho li' ljo. ; iiiuuuU'd men ui ii'Ut.di' I tl t) herd. a'lJ the ewitli'iiTa in I pn.iii 'iia l'ir.4 lia.4'end t'jwnrl tl.' mIUc. Vi m hit I heen pftc i Vcd I V tl e Viiln, t. and t h" UtieXJ fitted fcl rivnl ! .Matio licr-enitu ut n Iiriiatt . ii'-(iui 'in cut ii!m4 cr. iii. l-ioi1 ux- I'itenictit. i in-y n.uv ho In tii.,4. tut tl.cy no tnir i !:. ii el eii.ii aj tl. vil awtr uro a!y tctdy a sui prie. Si-in men were wen running to un ir nitli ituiiit in, I !" w, nnd in it few in.ri'iU'-, kmiuu In .;it.I i witrricia lelC "he i-iR'atiipmetit ntid r If titvarl u, coimr first t the top f thj hi.diCht in'.nn I t .et- ifth-y i"uld diivor . ot' er ..i;a tu.-n in I he l'iar. or to tl.e Siiihl cr 1' It . tn.. V ..I I , I . .. I 1 .-'.. pu"i;;i 'ill iiii ii-' 'i.H.u oai v J weta I ut thrt'c in tho piirty, than they ! d.' L M'y up ui..l j-kci u. our l.usi-tiii-. I t ! I ti e: 1 0 we were, an 1 ' " tc e wre tt 111. nt .11 whieh tley e .l'nikiiy itivit.d u-i to tl.e village. A .a i.;r ai'lirl, men, womca an I ( did Iron pouie I cut of th cticaui " merit to i 'ok ut the etinti:;.-)-, nuJ l.atit g tutieScd th'-ir c'jfi'.jity, tl o potts mid Minit-r:ietjti of the eMbiog wero r mw'.'d. I a-L.il 1 crm!--i . n txarup T ni t.e, 1' r liitc'ud n.ne. . this wd 1 iy I '.- la'i 1. u 1 ti'd iwticl I y ratttiMts U..1 ii-t t ei". Hj ru'j'.o-a j I II.-..!' h' l tight down t tie.' CelllM cf the v. .!.?, ntid tin liti,' a ra-iiot .pt-t pi'el.ed tay Udre. I-. wasnV. nec- -:ir ij purcha-.- a t "Wti-iui here, r t o odp, ear.- II :u hIj ii a a'. I, l.vM ICftl C-lk'f. A w 1 . r. ti UUI .-hLtt ".'.-roUlwUt 1 with thvtn, w. tr itn 1 .wtl they were in- u: V liW- utli 'tl- to h at tl tl.tf I, id.- r ver. So in., t'n'. t.-r.. :n w .: D 1 1, !,i - i-i. I the IP' Ut jloii tig jt tli'l i..g if tl.e 1 .!gs, I Jer -d tl.ti lo n 1 -' 'tie ui I tLi V wei-t ij'iie' y w-y. s'cu ip ; 'he roL:s t '',. to gr.nzo Hit fit ia irjvr fur th ,1'he l..ik' wjs hi.; i k 1 a 1 I "( ! " n tLi'g. I Vil.U!) cat tl.ivU.-h ths i..ig t". .e:.rn tne t.tws. 1 . ngr. ceah'v m -t r.'t J. when t ''kri.fJ there w:,s a v, Lite u. ia !lu in h w.y ha i hem -bt o:t to tl.J ' l'"l.Jt.s a a n.ieinary. Ail ll.o ....... j... I- f I In. k'n ll.earte.l 1 - - , - Ja,"t'r - - - - - ed rnai. who wa- a L'rest fi.en d ot th e i refit pr,t: au i oi ti e K j 1'. ti.er at WtBhictoB. I ti.ale ha-'. ti pay ruy reep-'e'.s t my w l.itt. I r't'.er, and found hi ni it u ed a to I t 1 r.-tn ti gentleman, lie h 1 I a w ii'e w ,!c and child . aud Is ar.d jbey were l.v.t.g c.tnf r'al ly a"i p:?aa;it'y w.tb the- wiii child: ea of ti.ediMtt. 1 t..lked tn.'re than a t i.o.r w th the giir-t-.; ii no d.'i ;h;.rul t. s.e aul j e.L with 0:.e ct" my owu ll.'d at.J celor. When i. it him, I premised I w . uld re'.jrn ths sext Jay st.d J nt. with t n. whiib I Jul. It n ay 'j-.d r.vi-;.' to l.rar . . e ttlk ef J.uitig oil' ia sn Indliu eaa p. tut" I can a-nire ay civil. is I rcsatr. uy m.ai a. not the lvs wot :eo".ie or nbundaut 00 tivoua: i-C 1 ih cut ie.ty of the rude 1-. !'.an wo tnsn with that 1 had seen sxhil 'ed si jcburvb, in ths Sia'.ea by wilie w.-.ir There tbey go to ctorcb, est to Is - bear tie g-pl tut ta ve bti Ithrir Tivigt-bors have t- wear. t jte is the saw ad tho world vr. From Fsira-v : Tas Wsml'mir, pub shtd ty 11 11 llvsvs8. I'bils dcljhia, Ps. si sid Vj j .Ver:rv .K'SV CiiLrni are at sj U tslsvsl ioee the uiothr have tskea to wear ti- tattoaed hvwi. Thisisse. pt4 to he a jest ea the d-sase t f J'pprr ie epwos wg fvirjv'w.w. 1; . - - . . . One column cae year One-b.lf column, one year, I te fi.i.rib colt;aMt.M4vye.r, One eiuart ( ID linn ) tat laearMtA Keety additional in-enlon Frofetrional end Itn.luea ear3t f not D'vte I ban Are line., per year. Auditor, t'ltcuinr, Admimiiraitr and A.lgnr. Not!u t E.liioilal Boiier. per line All t'lvirll-r mroi. fur a .borler 1 t" ease' 1 okj tfTrtSTTTeS StS.J---