The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 15, 1870, Image 1

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    v '
r L.m' .4tw .vtja. v . Y - - a.
fabiitbti vry Thurtdty Evcalng bf
yimiHUJI.tEOtSlt, froprlctor.
Verma of Sabeorfption,
uuiia mi saoatB, or S2.DO ir aot paid
wiihiathiyear. N paper discontinued
mill all urntirH arc paid anleet at
Mi option CTItt publisher.
labsvoriptlons outaido of the county
Ptraoot lifllag sad using paper
IMrmil la ether become luoaoriher.
aui art liabla for th prioa of lha paprr
Middleburg, I'll.,
Offara bi pr1eainl aar? ioa lo lb pub
Ma. Colleoilon and all other profeeiional
tailiHi aolraalad to bia aura will reeeive
wraapl atttatioa. Jaa , '07 if
Selinngrove Tb..
Of art bit erofettlonal (ervlc lo Iba tub
la. Alt butlnet entruiied lo bit eaie
will ba sroBDilr alUnded, la.
(Jaa. IT, 6711
Freoburj Ya..
Offer bit Profeetlonal rviclo In pub
fa. All butineit ntrueted lo bit earr
will ba promptly atttoded la.
Jan K.VJ7H
Lcwiaburg Po
oler bit profenlon! itrvic to Hi pub
lla. Collection and all other l'rofeinn
al butinea (titruiird lo liia cart will r
alt prompt attention.
Lewirdilirg Tb.
Offtrt bit Professional aervlce lo I he pub
lia. Colleotiont and all other prolrrtion
all buiincai entrusted lo bli care will re
lv prompt mention. Ju. 3, 'W7tf.
(SneeMra to J. F. k J. M. I.lnu,)
AT'lOilNfciS Al LAW, Lewitburg, Pa
Offar tbair proleeaional service lo llie
pablia. Colleeilona and all other pro
feloal business entrusted lo their cure
will reivproniptueniion.rJau. 3, '7if
Sclittsgrove l'a.,
Offara bia prnfeetional ervict io ibe pub
ila. Collection and all otUer profession,
asiaes eutrusted to bi cure will ta
eiv prompt ailamioo. Ofiic iwo dour
atrlk of tba Kyion Iloial. Ju 6, It
Selingrove l'a
Offer bi Professional services lo llie
poblie. All business entrusted to bis
ar will be promptly attended to. Cul
'leationa made in all part oftlia Hiate
Ha aan apeak lb F.ngl'th and German
language fluently. Oflica teiweeu Hall e
and ib Port oftc.
Middlcbiii-k Snyder rminty IYnu'n
f fliea a few dooi Weal of lie 1. O. on
Vain etreat. CotiMillatica in English
ato tiintr. r.ues.i. u"
Levvihl'urjj Pa
Offer bi profcMlonnl eeicet0 Hie pul
lie. All buinee entnuted lo bii care
Will b promptly (ttended to.
Jan. 8.
rron In need of Rod and durM.ti
Hawing Macblita en be accommodated nt
Veaeonable price by calling ou on Stu
ff. rct, Agent, helingro.
Jo. !4, t
MiddU-burir P.,
Offr bit. profewlonal erlce lo lb oil
ran of Middlejurg and vicinity.
f Mnrcb 21, '87
Selingroe Tcun
FetJD Twp., Snyder Co. P
Jackson To .iship, Snyder Co. Ta..
Will attend to all buaine enlnuted to
kit ear and on lha tnoit reaeonahle
Itrmt March 12. '08t
Centre IHi fJlr
Offer bl profeiiionai rflce to the
publlo. . . ' '8B,r
Fw. sen WAN, MP.,
I'ort Trevurtoti Pa
Offer bi profettlonal erlce lo ibe
iilMB of Ibi pUc and vicinity. He
Kfeeburir SnvdflCo. Pa..
Moat ratpeolfully offer bl erioe lo
lh publio a Vendue Cryor and Auction
r. Having blrf experience, I
fel eonfldeut Ibal 1 can renavr eneoi
atltfaclioB lo my employ.
LJn. 9, '071
OlBoe la Court Iltute, Sept.lB, 'u7ir
No. 322 N. THIFtuo
X C. N1PK, Clerk
K. ill 416 North Third Street.
Stationers, Blank book Maautactoret
km waaler la Wrepini, uiaetiBg, or
VOL. 8.
Winteer ArruoecuiCDt. MotldftT
N"'T 21 1870.
Great Trunk Line from the Nnrth and
Nnrib weal for Philadelphia, New York.
Reatlina, rntlnville, Tamaqua. A.hlan.t,
Sliamokin. Lebanon, Allentown, EfB,
P.phrata. Litii, Lanratter, Columbia An.
Tralni leave llrrteour tor s ior, at
follow i at 3.10, 8 1'. IU .V m,.
and 2.60 p. m., enneciing with titnllar
train on tba the Penntylvtnia Railroad,
and arriving at New York al 10. H a.m..
8.60, 6.50 and Itt.OK p. ni., repeeiively.
Sleeping cara accompany lb 3 10 a in ,
train, witkuul ibange.
Pel uitiing i Leate New York at 0.00 m.
I'i.ixiNoiin, andA.OOpui. I'hilvlclt liia at
8.15 a Bi and 3,Stl p ni s Bleeping rare ac
ompany the 6.0J p Bi ir.iiot from
New York, without change.
Leave llarriuburg for KeaJing, Pollevllle
Tainnqua, Minvreville, Atbland, Bhamokin.
Allentown and Philadelphia, al
8.10 a in, 2,50 and 4 Oj p m. ampping at
Lebanon and principal way tlntlnut I Ibe
4,0 p m train onnnecting for Philadelphia,
Ponrville and t'olumhi only. Kor I'otlt
ville, t'cbuylkill Haven and AiilMrn, via
Schuylkill aud SuauurbanBa Ruilroad,
Leave HnrriKhurg at 3,40 p in.
Kai I'eneylvutiia ItMilruad Ira'.n leave
Reeding fur Allvntnwn, Eaatnn and New
York al A.nO, il.iiita.ui., 1. 4') noon, ft 4.4.S
p.m. Rclurnig, leave New York al H IHI a.
ui., I' nmm and 5tfi p. m. and Allen-
town at 7.20 a.m. l-..i Nwn 4 S ami
S.H.'i p. m.
W ay piutenger train leave Philailelpliia
a! 7,:itl a m, connecting with imilar tniio
on Kant Penna. Itailruad. returning fi-om
Heading at tl.Ju p in. ttoppitiK l all atalionn
Leave Pmlevillo al U.uO a, ui und
S.lDp. m.: Ilerndin at 10, IS a m : Sha
molt in at 0.4 and 1 1, a. m-! Aeblaud at
7,1m a m, and 12,6 I noon. Mahanoy City
at 7.51 a. in. and .8j p. u.. Tainaiiia at
8.83 a m. and 2.4U p ni for l'liiliideljilii
New York. Rending. Ilnrriehurg, o
Leave I'otlxville. via Schuylkill and Sue
quehanna R R nt 8.15 a m lor lUrrisdiurg.
aud 1 2. 'I j noon Tor Plnegrove and Trenmni.
Rending Acfomniodiilion irai.i: l.eavea
roimville at a m, pae Iteadiiig at
7.8t a m, arriving al I'blliidelphia al U,2i'
a. m. Returning, leave PhiUde pliia al
4.46 p ni, parting Reading at 7.2'' p ni.
arriving at Potiaville at O.ln p in.
J ottMonn Accoinmodiiliou Train Leavet
Poliiiinwn at 7.H0 a ui, reluming leaver
Philadelphia al 4. (Ml p iu.
t'oliimliia Railroad Trnln leave Rending
al 7.20 a ui. and p in tor Kpniuta.
Lit it. Lincaoter. l'uliiiiilii. ki .
Perkiometi Railnmd Trnint leave I'erVi
omen Junciinn at 7.4', i'.D.'i m, 3.IMI. and
ao p ni; reluming leave Sclieiikville nt
7.00 and 8.20 a. ni, 12.J.0 Noon, and 4. lid
p in, connecting with tiiuilar Iraiua un
Itendipg Hailrnd.
'.'olebr mkdnle Ruilroad trains leave Poll
town ol ''.411 a in. nnd 0.20 p in,
leave Mouul l'le;itanl at 7.00 and ll.2ri
ant, connecting with ainiilur traiu on
Reading riilroad.
tbeeter valley ItaOroad train leave
Hridrporl al 8,il0 a in, and !.II5 and 6,t2
p ni, returning, leave Dowmngtown at 0.66
ni, 12.1.1 nnrn nod .! p n , connecting
wiib eimilnr truint on (lending rnilrond
On Sunday i Leave New rk at 5.0(1
p ni, 1'liihulciptiia 8,1111 a in nnu ;i, i. p u.
the 8,011 a ni train running only to Reading:
leave l'otlville H.ili) a ni: llnrrinliut g ,1,10 a
iu and 4.115 p in, leave Allentown at 8 45
ni and and 8.41 p. m : leave Reading
at 7.ln bi, and 1 ,. p m lor llamtnurg
al j.W a Ui fur New York, and 0,40 a. bi.
and 4.26 p ui for Philadelphia,
Commutation, Mileage, Seatne. School
and eicureton ticket, lo and from all point
at reduced rale.
Raggag checked through ; 100 pouueu
allowed each paatenger.
Gtnrral Suprrinltndtnt,
Reading. Not. 21. 1870.
Ware Room and Store on Tine Street,
Factory on Snyder Street,
Selintgrove, P.
If von want to hear and tea An toned and
beaotltul (irKnnt ami Mslodaon xall at our
War room and Mora. Wa um n.ioa.bnt lh
boat niderlal In ikln InntruintaM. Trv on
ol ttatin and yon will u ta(UM4.
r;vry it warranteti ror nva jraart.
Dealert. Avenlt and Mlntnlert nt lh (lomwl.
ar Invitad lo eorratuond with at and lead for
urloe Hit. w ar alto tatnti fur tut bttt New
York and plila HInot.
Vlollnt and aeeunleont Iroin 03 to ttl. Violin
Strlntt. HliMt Mutle. flotur Framtt. ko.. ao..
alwaft ob hand, ,
riano ana Aooorutoot eorraciij lunto ana
Ctll on, or auurtt iir letter
8pt. 1, tare. btllnigrovt, Pa.
tly Pail Manu. D. 0.. author at th nonu
lar "Nlnlil Khih'i Thlt niantar In Ihi.uifht
and lanaaug thi.wa at untold rlehet and beau
UM 10 tut i la l liou.t, wild ua Hiiiomliig llnw-
ert, MUKlno" ulrdt. Waving paliat, HoltlD
eliiunt. Iwaatlful bow, taerd lauuntalnt,
rat Hl.ilna btavtnt ind vaul nltrn with
euunllett btlnai In nitlltontof wnrldt, an.treailt
to at In each In I'nwrllteo Word. Hom timed
oraat enaravlnat and luiwrb blDillna.-
li b and varltd In tbouaht." ' i hall '"(T
and graeelul la it Jit " "l.arrtet. pur elevating
In lit unilenef o "lUtullful and good." "A
hou-.lmlil trea.ura " (,'oniinandallnnt Ilk the
abov frnm 4!iiltaa -PrettilenU and FmleMort,
nlnliMri of all ilanonlnalliinti and lh rtllaliiai
and ocular pre all ovar th eounlrjr Iu trtuh-
new, iiuriiy ui language, who citar oiien iya,
tint ttetl tiiKrtvliiin, tubiiantlal binning, alol
low price make It i h book tor Iktuiattet. Agtoti
ar mIIIuk rrum tuto loo par wttk.
wi vipt i.itrKyniaa, r.euuoi itacoert traari
founa m.u and Udtat to Intrudue tht work (or
ui In tr.rr towatklp.and w will pay llbtrally.
No Intelligent man or woman need b without
paying; bu.tnatt.
Hand lor elrcular, full deterlptooa and Uroil.
iClfcULEK fcatcUUHDY, 1 a. tb Ht. Phil.
im RteaHt.lIla. (I.
I Moaro Ht. thl
o N . ih Ht. I-ouU
oct.l. 4b or IM Mala at HprlugOtld Mat.
Market St. IJiddleburg Pa.
HAVING located in thl plao I would
reapefltfully Inform the clliaen ol
Middlelm-g sad vloiulty that I am prepared
to repair CUK'KS AND WATCHES cU.i
The patroatg of Ibe
nulilla ia nunealfullr olioilil
Mlddleburg, Nor . 21 1800.
I. 611 811 Market Slree.
iAkft KiuklkA
'nils NATION.
Second Annual Message
of President Grant
lVuce a?k lroicrlty !
WA-IIINtlTH. Dec. 5, 18T0.
To Ml Small and llovt of UtptttmtitUrti:
A )'cr of p,-n nul ttiurl prue
perity to till nuiioo hut pnd ince
the laat nMinlilin of ConitreM. We
lure, lliro'iith kind Profidenor1, bren
hlpNueJ M'i'ti biiml:iat crop, ami bare
been xpared (rum coniplitMliotie tod
war with foreign ontion.
I . our midit ODirntio barmnny
baa been rritureJ. It lo bu rcfrf!t
ed, hnwever, tlut a Ino cxerciae of
tltej electiei Iranvbian ba, by violence
und intiiiiidaiiiiri, been denied to t-ilt-Z'ii
of eicptional cnxe in several ol
i ho State lutelr In rebellion, and tbe
erdict of'tho ppople M thereby been
rovfMed Tin Suitctof Virginia Mis
inippi, and Tcxilbuv been rentti.vd to
icpreneiitittion in the National C'ttin
t,. (ii'oi((!n, the only 8tut bow with
out representation, tuny potifi.lenily be
expeelfil to tiiko Iter place there a! no
at tlio begiiiiiing of tho new year, and
then Kt ii hope, will bu completed
'lie work of recon.trueiiwo. With au
. l'iioeiic on tho part of the
m IiiiIc prople In the iiuiiniial obligation
In pay lie) public debt riented aa tLe
price of our Union, the) pciiion to
our ilimililctl MolilicrM and fuil'ia nod
i heir widow and ocphaii, nnd in the
elian'f in their CouHlitulion wbieb
lue befit uiado nflcvHNary by a (treat
p'to'lliou. then ia no reuo why we
mi,hi i not advance in material pros
perity iiih! huppine ua no oilier na
tion did after o prti'actcil and dc
tarlaliua war. Soon al'er the c
inline war brnko out in Europe the
roiection of the I'niteJ SutuH miuix
trr in l'ariti watt evoked in f.ivor ol
the N'cr ulirruiuBK dotuic-iled in French
territory. Inotriieiioua we to isui'.l
in iitunl tba prutecticu. Thia ha-
t een followed by tho exteiition of
Am lican titotection to eiticns ol
Soii)', Hvaae, and faxe-Coburp,
Goth i, roltitiil'i, Porttiii', I'ruuiy.
the loiiiinicao Republic, Eciudor,
t'biii, l'aruuuy, nnd ' Yior.tiela, in
Puii4 Tho cliuruo wjs so oucroux
on, tcquiriti conatsnl uud feveie la
lT. as well ax the ciorriac of patience
prudi'uco, and good judemvut. ll
hu been performed to tho entiro aat
irifat'tion of tbi (ioverumeot, sod us I
am nfTieially informed, equally "0 t
the tiritvtion if tho fjovemnitul of
Nottli (ieriuany.
Aa a ion I learucd tint a repub
lic hid been proclaimed at Paris, and
tba pivpe of France haJ urqiiiiscod
m ihe change, the niioimcr of the
I'nited Slates wan diiecieJ by tele
.'i n h to reconizo it and tender my
congratulation and thofe of the
American people. The re-cat abUon
tneul in France of a aysteni of noveru
nient discoonecle'l with the dyoiatie
tradiiioos of Europe appeared to b a
proper subject for th futicitatioaa of
American. Should the preantatru;
glo result ia the attaching: of the
htsriatfthe Frrat.h lo our simpler
form of repreat.'ntative lioveromenl.
it will be a suhjoct of still further at
i.'faction to our people. Whilo wc
intika oo rff ut lo imposo our ialitu
tions upon inhabitants of other coun
tries, aud while we adhere to our tra
ditional neutrality io civil context
elsewhere, we cannot bo in litferottt to
lha spread of American political idea
io great and highly c'vilized country
like Fi'soca. W wtro nuked by th
mw government to uso our ool offi
ce jointly with European powers in
ibe iDtoresta of peace. Anawor was
undo that tht established policy end
trade interest! of the l uit I States
forbade them to interfere in European
questions jointly with Buropean pow
er. I ascertained, informally and un
nffirlallv. tint the government of North
Germany was not diapnaed to lifter) lo
such representation from sny power
and. earneatlv wishing to oo tho blen-
aitiga of peace reatored to bellluorenls
with sll whom the United State are
on terms of friendship, I declined on
the part of this Government to take
tops which could only reault in injury
in nur true Interest, without a lraoc-
inif the object fur which our interred
t ion w invoked Should the lime.
come wheo lb action of ths United
Stales can husten the return of peace
hy siole hour, that action will be
heartily laken
( dremed it prudcht, In view of
the number of pernons of German and
French birth , lirinjr in be' Uoitetl
States, lo issue, anoa sfter tbe cfficisl
0"tic of a suite of war had been re
reived from both belligereiits, a proe.
Nmstioo defining tbe duties of the
United Sute as a ceutrsl. and the
obligations of perso riid'nr withio
ut'Oo Thia proclamutioo was fol
lowed by others, s c'n umNtanooa
eemed to call for Th peoplw. thu
aeiiuainted lo advance of 'heir duties
ami oblitfstioas, have assisted io pr
vsoHnu violatioos of tho oeutrslity of
the United State
It l understood tbst tht oondl'ion
of the loiurrsclioa io Cuba has ofVer
tally changed since lbs eluee of the
last session of Congr Io an rly
atsge oftheoentsH the authorities of
Spain Inaugurated a aysttto bf abitrst r
arrests, of close ooiitVoieut. of nil
larv trial and tieeutioo of poraoos
tunpected of complicity with the io-
iiriienu. ana or oromsry eniosrgo ot
lbs r properties ann sequesirsvoo oi
thip revi ouJ b tioatlT w'r'P'jlrehe j'tof ""j!" eeeMpa-
tmmm mm m W WPht ettr-tOai . T-i 9K&&949Ki ' 1 ' w
of lha United Httlea an I Spain. Hep
ro'entatloti- of injnriea reulilnj m
acTertl ptrsun clitntng to be cilnen
of the United Statea. by reason ot cuoh
violation, were made to the Spaniah
tjovernroent. Fmin April, 186'J. to
Juoa InMt, Ihe Spaniah inininter al
Waahinzton had breo clot be 1 with
limited power to aid in red renting aurk
wroacN. That power wa I'ouad to
be withdrawn, io view, a it vraanid
of the favorvble aititaliin in which th
Iluod ol Cuba then wat i whii h, how
ever dil not lea J to reflation or
auapunaion of the axtrao. diiiary nd
arbitrary function eierc'iBeJ by the
executive powor in Cuba, and we
were obliged It make our roinpltiiBt
t Miirid In the negotiations thin
opened and Mill pending there the
United Statea, only claimed that fur
tb future tho riebta aeeurcd tothoir
oiiir.etiN by tre.ily b mid be reapei-led
iii i una, aid io m pun, a juuu
iribiiual almuld be oalab'ixhe I in tho
United State, with f ill jurialirtioii
over nil mich claim. Jteloro audi tta
impartial tribunal each claimunt wi.ul I
be required to puvo hi cae. Ou'the
other hand, Spain would bo a, liberty
to traverse every material fact, nnd
ihua complete equity would be done.
A fj wliich at one time. throatHiiod
.(riouly to afTet t the relatiou between
the I niled Stute ami puti hi al
ready b'n dinp)4ed of iu thii way.
The rliiim of the owner of the
('eloneI I.'iyd A'pinwnl', for the illegal
leir.ura and detention of tbtt ve.el.
whs rel'erred to an arbitratien, to I lu
-int o been paid by tb Imperial gov
nitnt. Another, and Ions pending claim of
like nature, that of the whale-ship
I'ana la. hts been diped of by friend
ly arbitrament duriug' the prcsnt
year. It vraa relerr.d by Ihe joiut
ennaent of and the I niUil
States to the decision of Sir Edward
Tliorutoo, tier Hriiantiio Majesty's nun
ttter at aaliiiijrton, who kindly iitj
dorlooU llo luborinu Uk orexatuio
inj; the voluininoui mv ol correapun
Jence and tenntuotiv MtiUontted by th
two governments, nnd awarded to the
I'nited Slatos the huui of $I0'I,7 10 tK
in i.'o!d The recent examples how
thut the modo which the Uoited State
have proposed to Spain for adjiMtiiii!
pcu iini: claims in jut aud feuaihlo, and
that it may be agreed lo by either na
tion without dihnor. It is to be
nope I that thi- moderate demand will
be acceedrd to by Spain without fur
ther delay. Should the pending ne
gotiations unfortunately and unexpect
edly be without ieu!t, it wi'A beenme
my duty to comiuuiiicato that ucl
to Conreai, aud iuvit its action to
tho ftubject.
Tlie long-deferred peaca conference
between Spain and tb" allied South
AtiiericuuM republic baa breu inaugur
ated in WaHhingtoO under the au
spices of tbe I'nited Sinte.1, Pursu
ant to the rcccoiumendaiion eoutiiined
ia the regulation of the llottae of rep
resentatives of the 1 7 tb of ocriubrr,
1 8(30, the executive 1'opartoient of
the Uovernroent offreJ IN Insod
Iv ofGca
toi' the promotion of adbiuce to the Monroe doctrine.
)tty between Spaio ai.d tbe! It i a inoimura of uatioual prolcctioo
iiblio. Ilesitutiuit aud ob- It ttosertioo of our junt claims to
nd bareuony
allied republic. Ilesitutiuit aud ob'
ntucle oeitured to prevent the uccep-
lanne or tho offer.
Ultimately, however, a conference
wa arranged, and wa opened in thia
city on the 20th of October last, at
which I uth(rir.eJ tba 8ecrtry ol
the State to preaida, il waa attaiued
by tb minister of Spain, Peru, Chilli,
and Ecuador, la couaequeoce of the
abeence of a representative from Bo
livia, the cooteruiice adjourned uutil
the n.toodsnoe of a plouipot- ntiary
Iroui that repuhlia could be secured,
for other measures could bo udopted
lowsrdacorupaaaing its object. The
allied and other republics of SpauUh
origin on this continent may see in
this tact s new proof of our sincere
interest in tbeir welfare, ol our disire
to eve tbetn blcMed with good govern
men ta capable of maintaining order sod
preerrvin Ihe r territorial integrity,
und of our siiicaro wish lo exteud our
oo commercial and uncial relation
wilb then. The lima it probably Out
Tar distant when, io tho natural tours
uf events, ths European political cou
nectiou with tbi continent will ceuae
Our poliey hhould be ahapsd io view
of this probability, so ss to ally the
coiaoiercial iutereat of the Spinielt
American Stntaa tuore closoly u our
own, snd thus give lh United Ststet
all lbs pre-eiuineoce sol all the advan
tage which Mr. M'liiroe. Mr Ausm.
slid Mr. Clay conlemplated when the)
propoaed lo join in' tbe Uoogfcts ol
Uurtott ths lat sensinn of Congres
a treaty for the annexation of the Ue
publioot Sao Domingo to lb Uoited
State failed to reeoive lha rcqutaitr
iwu-thifda vote ol the Senate 1
lliouruugbiy convinced thee that th.
bet interest of thi country, eoui
merciallv and nialenally,- detuaodod
its rtt'flcatioo. Time ba only eoo
firmed mo in ibis view. I now liruly
iielieve that the modient it ia knows
i bat the United States have entirely
abandoned the project of accept iug as
part of its territory tbe lilsud af San
Dotniugo, a free port will be Defoliat
ed for by European naiioue, and ou
ths Bay of 8tnoa a large commercial
oily will spriog op, to which we will
bo tributatry without receiving eerre
pomiink' btneflig Tkeo will be aeee
ibe folTyol oUr rejeetiog eo gisst a
priss. The govsrooitot of Baa lo
uitdgohaa voluntarily aooght this io
nriatioo.' Il I a weak power sun
boring probably bee tbao 120,000
til, and yet puawoeeiag ooe of ihk
DKCEMHKK 15, 3870.
pl of San ,louiiuvi ar not :apbl
of miiinlaioin; tbetnaelve io tbeir
areaeot cunditioo, sod mint look for
ou uid support. They yearo for the
protection) of our free inatitutioti sndsirei si early a aiar be canveiiienl
laws; our progrees sad civilisation
Shall we refute tinmr Ibe lie-
qiiisition of Sa l'omingo ia dei
ruble becsuso of its georaphiciil
poiition. It cmnntaods tho en
trance to th Caribbean Sea and the
llbinu tratiMf of commerce. Is
P tho rieliet soil, the best snd
moHt rspscio'i liarbor, tht tnot l
uhriou climate, ami the moil vulua
lilo product of the fireat, mine, au l
aoil of any of lha Weat India Manila
It poaaeH:i)ti by the I'nited iita:e
will, iu a few year, build up a eot
wi.o commert of immense it u i r
which will Ur tnwirls rennu t
the United Slatea our lot merchini
marino. It will giro u lhoe articles
which we conaunis largely and tit) nut
produce, iliu equvl 'zing oure.xpirt
aud iinporU. In ca of foreign w ir
it will u'ivo u Ihe aorniiiaud ( all lite
ilatvl rol'erteJ to, an I tbu prevent
an enainy frmn ever ugin potcsitv
himself of s rendezvous upoo our very
At present our coist traJe between
the State bordering oa th Atlantic, the Ilea thai dii cotitet, extending
and th'iae borderiog on the Gulf ofj to Chineae water, w mi! I neut ralif.
Mexico ia cut in two by the Hahaiues' ihe Christian ititlucnec un I p iwer, ami
anJ th Atilille. Twice wo lini'l, elht the tiin, wa coiniiii; when th"
it were. pa tin oagh foreign coutitiiv ntpni'.tilii) M iine tn ght expol all
to get by ca from Gor:ia to lb woit, l'iioi).'U"is ami ret n the Mandarin
count of Florid San Itomingo, with influeuee. .nti,-ipilin,: trouble from
a liable government, anJer wliich bet thi luurec. I invltcil France an l North
i:nineue renource can be davelopod. Nieniuiny to innlie uu Si
ll give remunerative 'waes lo
tun of ihouaan J laborer not now oo
the island.
Tine la'w will take aJvan'a.'e of
every avail ible laetn of trnmporta
tioo to abandon tho aljaeent itltnd
nnd seek the blettlng of free, I, to and
il teii'ienco. Erh inhabitant receiv
ing Ibe reward of hi own labor. I'ort,,! ISritiin lor nh ilisliing th inixe I court
Uico and Chioa will hav to nboliah for the H ippia-sion of the 'av
eUvery a a meatiro of eelf'-prcscrva-1 liave heoti(cxcluiD c''. ll iittol.tvei
lion to retain thoir laborer. Sao f..that the luvc trale i now confined
mingo will become a laru cooumor to th e.-islcni cnn-t of Alriea, heu:e
of tho products of Northern farm an I ' Ihe !ve i e talen to Arubian mar
munufaRtoiie. Tbi cheap rate atjk:.
which hr citizena can be furuishe l I The rstifl 'stions of the natural!-
with lood, tools, and machinery, will
tnako it necsaary that contiio'oa i-iu and the I'niled Stales havo nlu or to trade there except in tho pur
Ian 1 ahould have th aume advantage been exehuued (Inritiir the rece4. sit I .ebae of lo,) l and wj'er, aud tliH- they
in orJer to eoui :e in ths pruduetiou ' thus a Irng ttan iing i) input between ' mu-t dspart aitbiu twenty-four hour
of sugar, ootlee oua tobacco, tropical
iruita, !to. 1 bis will open to us s atill
wider market for our projects. Th
production ol our own 'ipply of the-
article will eut o.T moro than one bun
dred millions ofoursnnual impoiti, be
aide largely increasing o-ir txporm
With such a pictnroTti eay to eee how
our largo debt abroad is ultinutaly to
be ei'iiicuinlied. i ith balance ol
trade ag;tiot, ui iucludiug interet on is abo'il 4 "00 lent anilh of tbe true ineut.
lunula held by foreiguers, and money po-ition of the IIMh parullnl, an I that J taring tho conference wliieli pre
speut by our citizio liavelling iu for-1 the line whn ruti on what is now tup- ccoif,- ! t ho nogotiation of iho rotivco
eiiin laoda, equal to the eutiia vield posed to he the tni' p.-wition of that 1 1 i n of 1 ; 1 the Uritiah eomin aiouer
of the precious metali in thia coun -
trv, it i not easy to e
how thia result is to bo otherwii so
Ihe acqmsitioo of San Dotninso i
iut clsitus to
a oootrolling iuluenee ovar Ihe great
commercial irabc soon to Dow from , important, However, inai tins pan ot or merclinJte whatever .except such
weal lo et, fy way of the 1st liaius ot the boundary line should I s definitely as may It necessary f 'f the pr iseeu
Durien. It it tu build op our tner fixed by u j oint comuiision of th tw i tion (,"t ih. ir voys;e to uad from said
tbant marine; it ia to furnish new mar- .Government, nod 1 uhiutt li-rwiili j d-ijiti yrnnnis. Ail any veasel of
kola for the products of our farm, lestitoit-a of the t xpere of s nh a com- jibs Uuite I Stae which "halt contra
ellops, snd iDsuuf'aetoiics. It is to
make slavery iuuppoiUb!o in Cuba and recoinmena that an anpr 'pnai, on
and Fort" Uieost on e, anJ ultimate-J be msdo for that purpose. Tin? bn I
ly so io llraxil j it i to acttle th un-jbiundtiry ha alienly been fie i
happv condition of Cube, in I end n'nd matkel fmiu tho utiim!t of 'h
exlermioating conflict ; it is to provide
hncit mean of paying our hone-t rletila It "tiooiu now c in nxi' manner m in, fin;.i aieu ly rejected I'y the A utri
withont overtaxing the peapl ; it is ed from tho I.aUe in t bo Woods t I roiumi'sioiit'i a, and lu-rcitpou wis
to furnish our cilixeiis with the necei- the summit of the Ilorly M oint.iitis. ..luiploye by the llnti-li p!eiiiioteii
arie of every day life at cheaper rates
than erer belore, ana it is a nprl
stride toward the greatni which the
intelligeoco and industry an I enterprise
of the citiz -n of tho United Slate government diriuc the rebel. nui I he
eotitle thia country to ns'tuno anion Cabinet of I.on.lmi, an far lis its view.
nations, Io view of the imporisncu, have been expreh"- I, doe not appear
of this qu-ation I osrurstly urge upoo lo be willinc to concede that bet Mij -
Congre early action expre-sive of itt'esty'e govei ninetit was coi'ty "f any
views is to the best mean of acquit-
ing San Domingo. My augae'tiou is,
that by joint rcsolutiou of the two
b'Jtiaes of'Congro the Executive be
sulb rized to appoint a commiseion to
uegotiale a treaty with th authnriiir.
of Sao Domingo for lite arquia'tion ol
thai is aad. and that aa appropriation
bo msd to defray lhexpcuc of tich
oom m lesion The question msy tben
be ilet. rinine l, either by Ihe ooti n of
the Senato upon the '.reatv, or joint
uetioo of both hojse of Congress upon
a resolution of anuextioo, a io the
ciaeefihe scquiaition of Texas. So
convinced am 1 I list I lie advanlat;ea
to flow from ihe acquisition of Sau Do
njingo, and of the groat disadvantages
1 might almost tay calamine... to flow
from lh oon-acquititiou, that I believe
lh suhjoct ha ooly to b iuveetigattd
to be approved.
It ia ba regretted that our rcpreieo
tatiun lo regard to tbe injurious rffeet
especially upoa tho revenue of '.he Uni
ted States, of tbe policy of th Megj
cun goverumetit in exempting from im
pool duties a large tract of its territory
on our bor ler. bav oot only been
fruitless, but il is even proposed io that
country to extend tho limit withio
which the privilege adverted to ha
hitherto beeo enjoyed. The expedi
ency of taking iato yoor eeiious Con
sideration proper sjeaiurca for mho
tsrvailiog ll.epoliey referrod to will, it
io presumed, engsge jour meat al
toniioa. It ia the obvioao interest, k
peclally. of peif bboring nations to pro
vide agaiael impuoily le thogsi who
oay "ae esiejaiitaTj ig erimoa wits
extra Jit ion trail ia have been con Iu
(led with at'vsral ef tho Ccntrd Aturt
ican lUpublie.4, and othtirs aro ia pro
gress Tbe ale of Conreu il dt
ttn io Ike pi ocoediuus of th conrnN-
slon of claim against, V'ciiezuoi,
coinmunicated io tiif meHvtga of the
ill of March, IS'.O. Mattb 1. 1870, ami
Mar. h 31. ls7. It has ml been
deemed alviabl to diflribuie any ol
tb money which hua been received
from government not J C'tig;-e
la at II have S' ted up. a ihe itthj.'ct.
Tbe iiiaHoac e of French tvi'l U'tiai.
ree'uletilit at 'i'ien-tein, ntnler eircnni
tlance of grrnt bnrbiirity. were ftp
pioe l by s ous to be premcd't de l, an t
lo indicate a purpose nm mg th j-op-ul.ire
to extreniioal lor ijners in the
Chiiieae F.tnpiro. The viilctue fii
loeaisb'iah euch a suppoili n. lot
aiovvs a fonipliclty between th lo''tl
(titliuriiir.4 ati'l tho mob. The ;:ov
ernmuiit at l'ekiti. howovcr, neenn to
bsve been dipord to lull! I its trra'v
obligation Nil far R1 it wai ublc to ilo
o. Unfortunately lbs newa of the
war between Franco an I the G.'ftitati
State reached Cliina eoou utter the
imi'-'icre It would thttt the
puna'ar min i became posars-el with
petiloii ol hi'tttlitie iii toe It"', wtiere
tliey wets tetnpurarily au-peiidrd by
a-t of the eouiinaiuleii. and t act to
gether fir the futire protect ion in
Chin nf the live nnd propertie ol
A inerieaii and!.
Sine lh tiiljoiirnio it of C iti.'es
the ratilicatioti of tbe treaty with litent
Million couvi'in on ueiweeii oi;u i-
; ti fuuvent on between (Ireitt Hnl
I the lw governnienta nn tieen Nettie, i
in accordance with the principles al
way routeinlud for ly ihe United
In April last, while eujs-'e 1 in lo
csling a ajiilitary reservation nr 1'. tu
bina. a corpa of rn 'iheers discovercl
that tho commonly received boiindarv
lina Letuean the Unite, I Sialc and
the 15iitili p,ise!.fiou at that place
1 parallel would leavj tho fort of the
; tlu l-on lay ( ompany at i-ctnttiu
witb'o tho ferritory of llie United
States. This information beiug coin-
municatel to t lie Itntiali gnvertnont 1
j wa riie-ted t couteut, mid did em
ut that tho Hntih ofupatiou tl rJe
fort of th Hudson 11 ty Uoiupiny tb o! I
fort of th lliid(in It ty '. .ouipiny tho .1
conlinus fir tho present. I deem i
i nili m oo the partd Ibe I nn I Stuti'.-
K "city Mountains to the Ueoti-un 1 .y
I regret to say that oo ooneln-itin
lias ncen reitencj ior ino uj t- u.ent m
j the flaians against Grest lirmtin. urow-
in: out of tlie cnnsi nd'pte I by thut
ne.'n.'.'inM, m ill l or p 'faun e I any net
during the war by which the Unitel
Suites has a just onus nf complaint .
Our firm an I uiiilteraM cviviets.i i
are directly the reverse. I therefore
recommend to ( ..n.-rcss ti untboi'iz'
the npointment uf a commission to
take proof of the smonni snl il.e
ownersnipoi mrte eeve-ai eiainis, en
notice to Iho represent itive nf Icr
t.e.l II;.
Majesty at Washington, nnd tint an
thority bo given for the srttVimvit ol
thshe claim by the United Sta'ea. ,)
that tho Government shall bnve th,'
ownetlnpof the pi ivat claims as
well at the rnp'in lilti control cl all
the demands against Ureal Britain. It
emnotb nreessary to add that taben
ever ber Mnjesty' government sS.U
entertain a desire lor a lull and ft! nd
ly adjustment of thete claims, tbe
United Sta'ea will enter upon tbeir
consideration with an earnest desire
for s conclusion consistent with tbe
honor sod digoity of both nation
Tho course punned hy -he Cana
dian authorities towards the fishermen
of tbe Uoited States during the put
L-.. 1. L . .1 L- .
aousou nn" not urvs iuriii-u u a
friendly feeliog. Ujr tb first arti'c!.
of tbe eonveotto-a 0f ISIS, between
Qef E'Usin and the United States
it wa agreed that the inhabitants of
the Uoited States should have forever
io coamno vrieh British subiecl the
rlcbl of taking nh ta certain waters
therein defined, la tbe waters hot
iooledsd In th limits named in ihe
convention within three miles ot
parts rf the Uritl.h , co(l, it ha
been th eostnta fo many yokra to
' Ms V JW .
On iitr (10 linea) on interlia
r.very additional intertlon
Prol'aational ami llusiur card f
not more than fl'e hurt, per year.
Auditor, Eiecuior, Aduiiuiatraler
, nn I Aa.igne Notice 2.10.
I'.litnrial nolle per line IS.
All advertiaenieni lor a tliorltr prriutl
than nn year ar parol.! al tlie lit
'hey ar ordered, and if not paid th per
son ordering litem will be fadd reapoaaib!
tor th money.
of tbeir violation of tho teolitiical
light of Great nr.tain.
Ti.e I m pi r al tfovei ntieot la under
Heed to have delegnled the wh or h
hire of its juriadiutiau or touirol of
tlioite io ehore fishini; groun la ti tho
cob authority kn iwn i iho Do
minion of Caiada. and tlii acini ioh
pculent but irrrvp.iusible aont
in dc'eia J imwer in an
U'lirienlly war. Vei-el-t havo been
i red w;rli.iut notieo or wainin', in vi
a;ion of the cutoni priou,.iy jrr
'aidng und hive been taku iuto . -lotiiul
p. ft, their vnvje t.r'ko'i no
ud the vtS'ela c.iDilc'niiad. Thete i
leaSuO 1 1 lu'lievi; tbut thia imfriemlly
Sad vrvitioti Ireatuictit Waa di 'gnaied
l bear h ir.ilily up m the Inrdy liaher
aieu ol lb I'nited S ol', witii view
lo f )ln tictt! a I'eet ii)"ti tbii GolctU
The staftilos of ll.o l,,ni!ninn (1f
t "n li a.J.i !.suni! u Mill b:o,i!er ui 'l
mote tinti'iisbl jurivt ction over tho
vo-U of the United SUlc. Thev
uutlwiio oiliccM or pcr.vii ta bring
veseN In voting within l nve marino
mil . s of any ol the c 'asin, have, creek
or lurhot, of Canada, into" port, In
oarch the cargo, to examine the mas
ter ua oath t tho (argi sud
vopne, anl t inflict t:pn him a
he ivy reiinUr,- penalty. If true at.
scri ate nut given. "and if budi a
viesd is found preparing wiihiti ihreo
luarino iii'les ol liny of mich cjas'S.
bay, cnek. or liorborn, without a li-eon-e,
or uliei- the c.xpiraiiou id tlm
pi iio I uttine l in the la-t Mcchm' giant
eJ lo it, tliey provt.lo ihni the ves.el,
with her tariile. ,Vc , Khali be tore
I'etted. It i not known t fitt any eon
ili iniialionv have been ma lo umler thi
mutate. Mi, iUl the aathot itics of
C'ans bi aetnpt t i enfurco it. it will
be .'oire my iluty to At melt ateps ni
limy be ueeesny to protect the rights
ui the citiz -nt uf Uio Utiitud Slate.
It bu I cvii claimed by he Mjtj.-Htv'
i fVu-frs tlmt the fi-hitir veaacl.i of the
Unite) ai;ute have no right to enter
ibe open p..r:sof the liitlti.U po;.a
iu N rih Atn.'iicii except for
Ibepurpoa-d if shelter anl rejrioo;
datnig', of pui tlnsiiio fooiandob
ta niv wa'er ; that they have ho rUil
. . .1 l. .:. ! .1 .
lornici i in in iuh:i cunotll-noUHiS
stter nntieo to leave.
ii is uii kuuau tnai any ictzuro
of a lihiiig vei-el carrying tbe (big of
the United Slatea hits Iwo tua le un
der thi claim. Sj fur m the claim is
louii iel oa an allcagcd conttrucli u
ol tin) conveir.ion ul l!, it canu jt
he acq ilcerd in by tb: Utiile l States.
ll is nape I that it uil! not be in-
' si-tc l on by her Miii ja: v's cjvcin
proponed to exprts-ly exclude the
li.licrmeo ol the l.uitcd tat; from
tho privilege of carrying on
with any ot hr ll'i'tantnc's
sabj 'uts reidia within tho limit
jsncd l-r thei
j li.ill not be In
iihci'itited Stnt
their use. an l IJ that it fjr tho vee-iul uf
,tht.l nited Smteaenu'sjed iusiiJO-L-
cry to have ua board aay good, war,
yciio ih, r-gultttion may bo eiicd,
(I-I),iem no J , uuJ cot.acatca with I. it
t Jro.
'J hi p! jps!l'on, which is iJenlical
j mtli tl,.-eoimrulion now imi uniu
;tK. laa.-uag.' of the convention, wa
j ,jai ,) lirtKle 1. it now tsndi
, , e ,.(VeiitioD , Huintiiuteil. 11
however, it le -uid tlmt ibis claim ii
; foutnle I on provincial or colonial tt-
: , llh, ,i,u the c nvei.tuin tbi
(i,,vernnieut ciinoi I but re'sr i ihein
H! unlrieudly sud . in contravention
j the spinl if not of I bo letter of lie
i T l)r ,,0 faitbtul xec ilion of
wbirli the Imperial govoiumet laaljo
Aotieip:it!ii tint an ntlentpt tray
j j, iily In. male by the Canadiu
llt Jt.-jfit Io in I he coming aesaon l i
repeat their uuue ghltoilv acts towirJ
; ,. rbrn'rn. I t cmiioiee I you M
l.oaier utuin lh Fx. c nvo th n twur
to kipcii l by proclatiia'.i.iu the opera
tion of the law authorising the
f goo is. ware, snd men . ami's in
bond leross iho territory of the Foiled
Suitos to Cans. Is : and turiber, Houl I
such an extreme uieauve become t or
em v to suspend the operation of'st y
laws wl e ebythe ve.ei of the 1 -minion
i f la are permitted to en
ter th waters of the United S'ates.
A like uulrieudlv ditposiiinti has bceu
aan liS sd on llie part ef the Cansdat
tu lh maintenance of a claim ol right
lo exclude tbi citnens cf lLo United
States Iroui ths uavigstion ot the if..
Lawrence. Thi river contiiuite e
t a u a! outlet to 'the ocean Ux tibt
.Stalea, wiih sa og'reca: nr-pu'sliou
of 17,000,001) i-itiuiuntt, and wilbao
a."Tegate tonnmr of Cdl,3'. 7 tua
n tho water which duciarg into it.
The forays comrtirrce ot our port oa
th.e wa er I o.ieo to Itriti h compe
tiiion, an I tbe tunjor rai t of il it doa
ia llritsti bottom If lh America a
seim.ta be excluded from this nitorsl
atou to the ocean, th monopoly cf
the direct comniereo of the lake port
wild the At'aotio would ba io foreign
haoda. tad their voawU oo trant-At
itntie voyages Wou'd hie ao aeoek la
our lake per, wh ch wnu J he deaied ta
Anierloio vest Is on similar voyage.
One column one year
One-half column, ont year,
tin e-fnurlb column, on yaar.