"I J i i li t i) n o rn 1IJ Ji I WO I, Wilt T"l O'T Timber, ron FtNf I'u i m. A nT-"ponJcn' til lhi Conn t ty (ifn'li'mnn say : ' .1. T. Warder. t ji innfi. M, O. Iinl two lelce pn-n.sut tho Suae Fu, which had b.'cn set fur n'j Ti'iif, i;i'iin! ( curinim ii'lu-trn-tin;i of 'Lr durability of timber iit rtf-riem-e td ; lie KoSHOn i f culliii.' The I'L.iis strre both id's aer-nd growth on V nil ill the e:iinc irinvr- f, in trers sinnd ins near tnifillier, one cnt in An.lt. 1 "XI, niid et sum afterward. r I the it her was c ut id Msrvli. 1?'2. buiI ei In t inJuin fdluwing. 'Jlirp-l-cro Lobsitia black bulto'n hiu I. our roJ njiiirt ; both were the ht- Wlll Inif llOlU tl0 stlllllp, nil'l ftbotH equal in ei.- Tbu post cut and mi tnirly-to'vcn year ni:o w-is n ttmilei iiml in btt'er if" vat.oa limn the ononul rit set eighteen yenrs ai'i. Both posts looked lo be poed lor a Hindi entice is thev In J t,lre-idt rnJcrcI." Mam ta ri k: t l!i i ro. Tin fi.t ntin'.il'K nirvr nf lutt t !) iniliij i-Mi'ilry n5 Suinui'l WillM'Ht. W ) I, fit? w.'s iiru'tirf h'om' n. n ciiiiiitrv I t- ri kivjHT hi -y- lav!nj;f'itiVi luiu Ahilu tmlviiiir fur the ministry hi ttdO.I w;lv In-tin n.'lit hT thnl ho iiuui-1 c-ivi-r, hy dun I, tln wwhL-h bui toiis cf the time, and tlm-i earn iui l,.ii rgt jKimy Krom this ill- pouj-h-' H'lv-iitrt I in tht-ir jiiihitiin until ihrv I n l fipi fi- l tine hint'l T for toTorinif luttoni ; tho (Ii i-iii ployed for -nrii in tlii remit.'', l'min tL' piai(r on iiniiii-ti-o I'ui-inry, s:i. then iilhrl, linlil S:iniiirl W 1 1 i i i-1 n nmilr l.a'f Ijuttnm of thowerl.l. II j, luMoric.nire fti! running ut Ka-tlnniip I i.m, "iiinin wonlth lor tho f n.privtnr- j x'hI kimwn in bntloim tho wnrl.l ni-r ll i, noW between TO inl v.r- ( ifi', i- w ir'hfive or ix npilli.nm. nd ha iiiveii ?i;0.('0-i to Kn-thrmp ' t'lii I'nr oii.iunrv (il l chnrehe. j J.'t O'a tu Si.ut li" llail'ry I-Vmo'o: fi-tiiii-ocy, nml f.V'i) 0"' to Anihrry-t I.1'E ofi lleiH. In uticaar to u if rrnt inquiry lor romoily f..,- l.co t-n ; I f.S. .low mo t HJ tb.t I htive an uprKriice of tarelvt yi-nra ariib hroc.l li;j hoja. Tin' panl live yi-art I lnvo . nurd the ftilhiwinir, wheh will i leun ntT the lit-e in to davi: Put ab-uit nnoi ,, ,, :, . . , , . ' gt'I or k. ro.no oil n.to an old dwh. mid with pint brush or old wrxilonl ifl rub tho oil up and down the bar!; I ol tbe r.iaials a ;d behind the foro lck' and on tho flank He particular about ., . . . , , '. . , , tlie bat twoji'atr, for it n wlicro tin- boo deposit their tgg. wbiob, il t.ot ; doatroyi'd, will botch out ill about hi no "lay. If it be n black bnir thr rL't:-: J . ... Pl w h- i an ro rlainlv ern. lem ubnut tb iie il limuiby acid and It ing cl. o ti j Iho ekiu aid la.4l tn tbe buir. N.i cut'' need tear tu use the nil in the loal. Hot water will not kill thee lire, fur I .!.vf aero them trawl after the Loir had ' . ,. i . ii.. . . lieeo a. obied, in a barrel alter I utchend 11. Woodruff. lillli. j roll i:IF. ; . eoreipon lont i f the Au-.oricati 1 Slc(k Jou-iiil bad u horr-e with cri ry y uipi in of pull evil the cause bt-1 in,; a irui-e le.'iivoa iwu luoutiis pr vioim 'Ibe editor ndviies : Ii there ia only we!ling and alight ten erne-s, lut without lunituatioli or i)re:ti'e from conUiuud ointtft, nivo the hui'e as u h,xtive five ihubtu-i rM 11 PIlQlsi HarbudiK's ni.e. and tub the poll no i , ' 1 1 1,lLO,J tiv.l, with nn ointment made b'y miJ,, - "f Wtf fiial vxx ot mercurial nnd in-line v,ry mori.inj. .eieept Sumliys.) eiiiiui-Dis. i.i tiat (ui aiMii'ai'ti. ti ktvi'si-urv. t-l iuJuoo xniiia I 1 k-h-Iiv. action. If n.Ntf. e I. r..r,...l ' a itiaicaieu ey me ll actuation or r r-a- jr . il - A . I... .1.- il. , s iro, the nwelliiik' hhould be at unce opened a- as to lot it escape. An opeting should then be mu-le Irmu the very low(t o nt of ibenuc, si that the umtter may li nv liotly (ia s.i-ii a l..rmo l If oli--tin;ito, it may be in iciti'd several t-nics a week with a l-i t.on C'lraioinj bull'u druthin of c'alc-lid-.' cf i nc to t pint of water.'' Tit Wtkt lu IUiioiic. 'ii inrok au.i'c-f ir-.ui iiio vuq'i 1 neat of Kurort Iei.ee do room to hopei : t j. . t a.ii . . . . .... .: ... thut liiattet will bo ambably scltleJ n re'alioit lo tho hatero cjue-tKiii. Ilu-sla ei nii dotiTuii' el to vwallow up furky in Europe. atld in diiill ' hC lio will cvitainlv hive tn whin I'.n 1 n o J and the .-u.ian Loth on bin! and aoa, A I mt' and bluntly war will m-1 etitably be tbe roaiilt fnni this ata'e! i f affaiix. Austria id b ld.D(f alot f 1- r tbas parpen of crushing her uM enemy, l'ruia, an s.ioo .a (iet eral. I'aUdiusa. tbe l.tro of iLe hour 'ebal. siicceeil in driving the hitherto Vic utiou urrnaoa irom rntnt e. 1 lam e j p, ,i;nvin i,n granted to tbe undersigns! did I Ue a work in KM, and tbcniall pers .ns imKbred to rhesnid ensie ara aonie Of her lenders fought tor per- re'iie.ied in make (ayment. and Ihosa bav. sonal advar.CfnieDt Tb-'V wofo not Frrovbmon cr llepuLlicuo, liowever. 1 aod bene riot patriots, but really trai tor aid icron-pelents liko HttVaitie, l.adoaiiult and I.e Ruuf. We ailuJe to the state of affaiia it, Eorepe , here only to wara or pro lu cerstbat they will find a demand lor all tfifsits nrfil.a f..t t I.M nn .Hai.t ra..a. .La . a J i Vr , v V r".r and a good market for dcuMe crop, , j I'll. Our ILI&lifuctcrcr have b eo ' eiperieociu the weij'ut ol UQ increaard I JfliiuQl or ai tiib-a t v th naiintia nna at war already, and when all Kamj e it convulsed ia war we shall si thi irnportatu e cf oiu beiog tbe granary if the world tran"e a it may aeeto, tie war be tween Franc and 1'raaaia ha done more to pay off fur war debt than th rffor'.aof Mr Uoulwell, whether bis v!s bo t'cenied sound or iiot. Laat rear our mi pvrt ei..seded enr eiport In value by ner llOO.COO.Oi'O. This y car tie ciceii will it culy a little ever otie-laoih of the anouot This ateaoatbst our aterrbaota have ju.-l OJ,00O,(SO -ore credit ia Europe (ban they bad io 1SC9 lo tbe eveet -fa general war io Europe, our tx j otta will greatly exceed cur inip-oiU, ar.4 ii Coogrea will aid el is buiidiog p oar oceaa rarryiog trade, tba com' mrc of ik country will, io a few years, make lb n.vivoa! JU onry tbe sboio of tba political bbzaboo it bow is, eepetiilly witb aa Koooibical avd. asioiatrauan ol tbe 0vttaeBt-CW t$4stt'rt TractlUr. iciamuel FAlsr. lO Merchant Tailor, Has jttt receive! n enilr new stock f lotus, casmmkriis a vi:rioj, nil of it uperior quality which h Is pr pared lo muk tip ia the be.l style and hen noiioo. Hi! .n keeps lirown nnd While trench Yoke Mum Shirts, nnd gen eral as-mrtment of g cnileincna' Fiirnl'blne. (liiii.lt, M tf which lis offer la lb public il very rcu-unnlii pi i . Call HI id y place on Pin Street, between Mikl-eii's comer n J I be bridge, Srlins Or,ve, V. J'ln 4. IH1S if. A I INK ASSORTMENT Of TUB BHIf OLD RYE WI1ISKF.V. P C ft E " K '" II WHISKEY. liKANDY, (.IN, v In.-t rc-rivel and fur ails it ikt Kig'e 11-11. Ill Mi l l!. ..ir JiiHN A. STAHLNBCKKR, C. EUY A CO., WHOLES A I.E UHOCMMi AN I) co .i.v.s s ( .v .1av.' t77. .v rs. 522 MARKET ST., Ilolwcen Kifili Kh.l Hiilh, 7 . 1 1 t I lllLlii:t.l'!IIA. TIIK Vnl.SlIM IMPROVED Twfnif Hv ImlUr Kaimlv ipiihi I M iili 1 1 c i -lien Hrl I U" Mm-lilnsla tlie M.irVpl . AimT. u immi is K'lir tiiw ' l.t'-irnl i'iniit--..-ii nllor4. Vor ltrin" ml i'Ii .-li 1.1 r. nl.li. A S It .hiitiih llirn Imm No. TU' tlliwtl.ut M , fhtlB , P. ('-;. (.rover & Halter's MUSI IT. KM I I'M i:lajstic stitch i FAMILY t .,...! r 711., ! itm ' 1 Si lTMiH.IIIHj l:KO.uV Y NKW YOIU. 1:SO nltJiT'St1, ST 1'lllhAliELI'ktIA. 10INTS OF KXrKM.KNOU. Iteauiy and Klnstirty afyiiifh. IVrtVi-iion aud Siuipllciiy of Mushiaery. i Ving Imih ill von Js ilirecily frsai the "' Nl) flllrtliuf lfllm, k,iai tll(1 a anient llneiJ. W i le r ingeof applicativjii rk..l skuge uf ',.i,''"'"-'''i- . . The ae.im roiiins im heauiy and firianats ,fltr ,ua ironing, Br.l.loa doing all kin U of work ilorie k. 'i,rT s,'wi"' Mnchine. dice Mm liinea "'"V "n l''iuinneiii l.mtiroidt'ry and ornini'eiital work, c.The nighpi-t Pniniimii. al all Ihe fnirt ami raliiliiiinna l llio I'uiied Suies nnl ''""I". '"ln nwar loj the drorer k t;..; l ....I. I U IWkrr Sewinf Miiolime., aud 'lis work hy tbeui, wborerer exhihitc l in ccnipeiioa grirTlie ery highet priie.TIIE THOSS OK 'IIIL Li::inN Or IlKMiK. wno c.n f' red no the rcpri'sentaiise uftitosrroi " "f"--. ep..snio I nierelle. Purl.. 1 fi. . . Ihi iiliesnni il.eie ri'.o aimri-itiril v ntir utl oilier Saw I ina M'H'htues. Korfiile by S AMfl'.b FAl'T. Delias grove, l'n. April :M. 'tin. ' Ol'llCV S I. TCSSa j THE (.KKiT r.AUU AL NKM SPAfK.R I . 7 t th at mill Chi'iiffl yirtpiiptr Jit lht' (''iiKitrj. I tKM'i : DAILY rtUS T . on per niinuin; ?.' '.' fur ii m-nth. : fl.no fur three moniha ri. I -tt I Khl.Y ritr.SS.-f4.lMl per an num; 3-J tut for sit monibs: $1.00 for Ihree tnonrhi. TIIK W K.KKLY mKSS.-Ths m .sl vaU ulile Weekly Senspuper in the World, li coiiiiiins items nf liueie-l lo all. HKA1 THE TUKMS . 'Ins cory ens ye n 9 M I ive copies Ten copies, and en copy tu tbe geliar up of cluh, Taen'y c.ipien. and ona topy I ik peuor-np of c'tih Finy enpii'4, an 1 on C"py to ihs geiier Up ol Cl'ill 1 en oopii'S. t i copy to ihe $r i l l r e. an I en r up ol ihe oluli tut itil '-',, and tn Twenty ropie copy It lfc ffoiler tip nf the iluti I'if'y copies, to vnt n.,rc., atnl one I r. i.t tn llm inll.i. on jtf lli. riot. One hnn.lrr.l r oniee. to ,.itr nl.lrsu. sill -1- eoi y of Hie Tri weekly l're-ts t Ihe gi'Mi r tip i f Ihe oluh I'.t .l 'l "f-r.' j iolj'.f A w-f.fr-.. s JOHN W. KHINEY, 1-liii.r at I I'roprielnr, 8 W'.c. r. Tih ao I Curniuui Sis., I'hiU. Pa h.utei.f C1IAKI.KS ItT'OIIKS, Iiscsaia-t. JKTTF.HS TEsTAM ES TAKY upon tba J rsia' of i liailes Hughe, dej'd., lat .1 .I,. ,..nui.;. . f I' - c .. I.. ,"'J ?l"st i sam to pressal i ihcui H'iilioul delay In JOHN K. lU'tillES. , . WILLIAM HIOHES. E""r" Mirch I, lsTO. B OK P. Ar-l'.NTS WANTED FOR STRUGGLES 4 TRIl'MPHS Of T. BARNUM W.ii.enbT Himself. In one largs Oc.av. v.,i11Bi.Ma,!y af)0 I'.ges-l rini.d ia Etig i.h and German. 3d Elegant Full pag biigrnving. It emhraces Eoriy Year Kecmieaiii.BS of hi Ilu-y Life, as a Mr ch.ii'. Man.iirer, P.miker, I.erlurer, and Sbuaman. N hook published so aerepia lils lij all clases. Every on w in'a il Ajisnis average from '-tl In Im; t-ibscrihars twsik We nfler eiir inducements. Ill usiraled Calalogu and terms t Agsai -til free. J. It P.LKR A CO., Publisher, Hartford, Coaa THE DAY Is ruMishsd every morning (etseai 8ia- dayi, al lb otic. N. W. corner Sink aad Itisstuul sir sets, I'hiladalphia. Fiico One Coot per Copy. Served by tb carrier in auy part f tk city, aa-i ia ias a-iiaesat rinea anil lowoa for SIX Cf.NI.S PER WEEK, payable le tb csrrisrs. rrie for sailing. THTRTY-FITB CE5TI per month, it FOUR DO IX A to par aa auai. CELL A BCUONOUR, V Wboieaal Dsalar ia BRANDIES. WINES. Glniu Wlilwkejrii, &c. woat Jatfaif '. . lavgl Ttt'itTr r i y t cmmBT WyS Tie Greit Mrdlrai Wstwfrj t Dr. WaUII'I OALXTO&irtA. VINEGAR BITTERS, Handredi of Thootmndi . f trlifiiioiiTiihif wr- 7 o n-l(.nUit Urn, It !i WHAT ARE THEY ?Sj ris s iu ilFANCY DRINK, M1 of P..r nam, Whlakur. PrM Hlrlla4 Itefaae UaBtra4oeion4.inlel ad twtmxrA to plvaaa tha iMta. Caltad Toa. V,"" Arpi?lura," Kmnrera," Mthal Iaa4 tia tipplar oa lo 4makQDeaa antf ruin, ant art a traa Mnl,cio,niaJ front Hit Natlta llnoui anil llartxof allfornia, free fraaa all Al. ati.lle HllmMlania. Tliara- IhaUH . T Bl IIOII rt KIM Kit ami I.IPK I'KM ('I Pl.K a avrf.rt Itcnotati-r and loviiroraTirnf Itir ayiti ra, carrjing off a!l iiliosonii mm lr and rttorlBii Ilia blood to a h'atttir ronnltloa. No Barton raataka ttiane Pl'tani according ioilirvc and reuala loaf nnwtll. Far InflammiilorF Chronic ltiei iiatlnm anil llaal, Drapraala r Indu rrilaa. Ililloaa, llaailiieni and lairr nllteal Faaera, llUeaae af Ik Ulaad, l.ler, Hlduaia, aad lllaililer. iicm nit. Irra liav tii-oa mott nirri-uful. Iiark litn. aa.ra art ewl l.f Tltlalei Blsad, wtiirli It fiinerallf protfufail tif dtrautiimnl of Uia Ularailvp Orcaaa IIVKITI'MIAIIR UnUJUaTtOI. )KanacIi0. rata In th fthoalilan, coaa-at. 1 igtia naat of Ilia iliMI, DialnrM. Soar Kraciiitkiai of l. SI.Mi.Ai.il lUil tn.l. tn Ih. Unnth Mlllon. At. larka, I'l'iitlMI -n of thr llfarl, InllimmailnB of Hie I.Biist.l's'iila ilia rraionsuf lbs KldBi.ri.and i ahnmtrrj oti.er palnrai tjmptonis. ars tlis cff. ipringt. t t'rpi-pla. iTin-r mioraw me atomsen ana timaieie ins j I'lrptitlirsrand bwrls. whioh randrr Ihtm of an. 'inallfd tfflrarf tn elean.ltig Ihs Mood of all Impunili . and Impartliuj nsa Ufa aad sigur la ha whole Ttam. r'HR KKI1 DISiEtMElS, Fmptlotw.Ti'iirr. lall lllttanl, lllotrlifla, nt, llnipl... 1'aslQl... n ills. Ctriincloa, lung Worm. V.ld llrsd, Sora I'fes. RrflrlM. Ilch. fieurfk, l.iolorallotiS tf In. Haln, n'mors aad IMaraaet oflhs akin, at vnatsvrr Bins ornaiare, ara HUrillf dag andfjtvtcil out f the .jrilcnt la a short Itios br Ihs ate bt thir niitera. ens bottle la snra ciri will ennviBsi Uia aiost locrsdaluas of Ibalt enrailvsoffocis. riran Vinstsd nioodwhrnsisr rou and . lmAnrlt. h,.rlln ,l.,...pK tl.aablt. In IMm. ! Impurltx bt-nuinir throach Hie .kin In I'm. lift, Krapllnnt cr hnrai rl.-ante II wh. a r"a C id II vV.truti'i and slnggi'h la lbs veins i ! 'iw n whvn it t. font, ami y.-ar fNlimra am loll r'S whan. Krrn t:ia bluvd pure auJ ba b Mh of I'.e.y.h-m will f. ll-iw. ti N. T. I'K an.t oih. r tt Ort H, Inrktnr la Iho trr'r m of o mMf lhonanl., are rffrelusll dMtroyed anil rumored. Far full dlrei-tlou. ri si rarvfullr tti rirrular aroaad each bonis. J.WAI.KF1I. Pro,rlolor. R. II. WrlTll At r i:o,, pntiml.tii anl on. Agnnu, San Frani'lKco, Cal., anil ?sn1M ('.imtneree atroel, Nrw Yora. SOT n BV ALL PHLUOlata '! UKALKlli. CBABLIi A. DA5A. Idltor She SonavHrrrMH Svuu A Newapaaeraf IkaPraMal Tlaiea. Iniendod far FaaaJe Maw aa Bank. Including Farmers. Marhanlas. Ilsrehants, Tro. ISMional Uen. Wuisars.TBuikera, aad all fctaa aar of llonaat Folks, aad tbe Wives, bobs, as Psogbtarsof alltueb. OJLY OM DOLL AS A VEAU I OJIE I1CNDBED COPIES FOB tit, Or lass th.n Ons Ont aCnpr. Le thsra bo a 30 Clab at srerv Post Oates. StMI.WBEKLYeiC, 9 A TIA. af Iba s.ma slis aad general eharaetar as tM wkprit. bo with a sroawt vtnstr of aianalianaous reading, and fuiulibloj iha ai-s la Its saoserlbais wtlk rum rrssbaaaa, Baeauia II oomsa twtcs s wasklntwad of oucsoolj. i ' ' TnE DAILT 81 N, A VEAB. , A praSmiaantlv readable newsnaaar. wiia Iha lariMl eimni.iloa in ik. -.Tii.'.rJ,".A K!.',J'!!i' '"arises la peutios. Ail u-s' b.ws TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY HVS. rm copies, ons vsai, Mi-sran v addreesMl, Faar Dollars. Tsa eopie. oas r.sr. sen.ratsir addreSMd i ..it sb sura oopi lo lbs g.Usr ap Af elioi suibi uoiiars. i Tw."!;v "S Tsr, sennratalv addraii.ii i.jvaBezu-aeo., lo iurtti-ropof ciubi. ruieea vaiiare. 'liiTn.'iriS :.IM u"""' agrees taed tba Kemi n sck I ua )tar to (.tier na of r)ub). Tblrt j-tbrea Dallara. tV! 12!". m"".,!'- 'Psrsti-lv kidras.ed and li.s aeu.1 W,.:f ou.)t-inii., or ,,.m v , . Tklrtr.ave Dollar. ' m hnnnr-ii eoriia. eee star, to on. - - -i.nd ,k. j,.,., tZu Wi t j.tXfit Ons bandred eneiM. one Tear, aeoaratelv an. SpW raSS6S TI1E SJE.Mf.WEERLT SCM. Five eoolsa.eas jsar.sepuatelv aMt.i, ... . Elahl Dallara. sa sxiis cop, o (tur up of rlnh), Hlaiaea Oallara. !D 1-OCB MONET ?oFk"hJ'"!.r,1,,r" ',""',(. Bf "rss on Vew ) ors, whar.var e.-nvaalant. If nns. im, 1J....J" Ins l.li.r. coouiBtug iioa. AdiilT ntu" I- W. EimiAjn, Fabiaaae, Aim offlca, Ksw to CUf. QOMK THIS WAY J CltFAT DAR 0 ATN'H IS NEW GOO AT TIIK CHEAP STORE OF W- F. KC HllCltr, ttLIN.SGHOVE Pa. Would respectfully announce l Ih people of Snyder County thai be bas iusl received from th eastern markets and has for sale a large and w!l selected slock of Sew tjoods, which he offer at astonish iogly low pruea. His stock embrace lb" very trri FALL and WINTER GOODS He bas Clothe Csisimsrs, Do Skies Jean Ssiinsis Alpsocaa. Lustres Delaine 1'oplma Prints, Muslins Prilling Shawls '('ambrica Calicoes. French Mtrinoen, EnglUh ilrrxnot READY MADE CLOTHINO fad kind. HARDWARE, II ATS andCAl'S, Ql'CENbWARR, IIOOTU k SHOE. -iHO Fill KH CARPETING, rt ALL 1'AI'Ell, Giv m a call, n-peciiug Good. 8HOK HM-INOS, No cbargea mad for Country produce ta kn in exchange for gooda. My A, lliB iy SB ROBS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN wbo uflrd for year from Nervous Debility, Pretnanu Dsssy, aud all tb sffecis of youthful iodiariioa will, fur lb aake or suQering buinanliy, nod Ire lo all wbo ad it, th rscsipl tod dlrwjiions fur Baking lb iuid rsmsdy by wbiob be was cured. SuUsr r wishing io proBi by lb advsrllaer'i ipriDc, can ao to n aaarstng. la pfl ceatdsuc. JdriN 0, (ai)gL . . . . it C4tr fti;f iw TWk T S, IjURKIlAUT, , J i . ' ' Felintyrove, SnyiUr Co., Penna. Keep tonafnOtty on rWnd larf and well mail amrimeat of Til, Staeel-lron ware, fio. ae., Ao. He la Agetii lor lh fllolnj aamtd articles. " TIIK MORNING OI-ORY." ' hittlcSeld Talenl lmproril Bn'aa Barntag COAL. STOVE. In thia pattern of Tna Manisn (lionr. ereral new and in purl nut fcaiurca liura hean ein'iinlieil, wblob enn only he aeeo to ne nilmire 1. Thii new tne it mail en 'irrly cif eaet Iron, to filled lo be air I ifthl, lint ran le maile wiih eheel-iron upper lecliun anen prrierren oy in purclinRor. tm ortiamontnt flnieb l drapery, mnkiag il a liim loonia piece if furniture, far mora ao ilinn any elore heretofore mail. Ita in ternn! ronnlriiclion, though renemliling' aomeof lb former patterns of The Morning tllorr ia nnile ditrerrnf. maklnc li morv liirahle. aoJ far lena iliHioull la ht repaired tbe camits ara oi tn lilgheal oriler, fully oipialing bs fined curlings mala in ibis .Miintry. Amonu tbe rainy AtrNTo in tbenae of I ha Morning iilnry ara the following : I, onliiiiK'Ua lluruing. 2, gnalily rf the Ural. il. Veniiialiuo llirongli lbs ainsr. I, Anii-lMut Sine. 6, Ns i:nea)is of Una. Kdjnouiy of I'ucl. "TIIK HARLKT PIIKAVV Anti-lul Air-7hjht C'tvL-ing S'tKf, ttith t'.xhnilrd Ftrr-lios for Wood or Cool. rncmel Ma H'lh. IP',3. M e lake plesmire In offering our custo mers nnd the flose Tr.iile, a New 6rl-(.'ls plat-lop, nnd would call parlieular allrnuon lo im muni attractive and tjtunble infwt This flove hns been earrftilly le.ted for eernl mnniba, and the retilts oaserroTcil po highly :ilUfHClnry, thai peTornl of our ohlet and most atperienced aiore dealers prt lict for it a sale far beyonJ our ahility lo supply mis seaimn. SViiiny front firt-Jvtri, giving full uso of ibe brartb. An aii'Utwnal lU h in tht rrn, so arranged as to give more room in Ilia upper pari or I be ovi'ii; a great conrenienee niueh aee ls4 The nun is nearly as iriJr at the ti,u a ' allbe beanh line. which not only increii.ca i be sie, hut will lie rccogtiiietl as s artal aJi itntaje in bakint. POTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. ;T1 c,r,.i n, ,,, p.,.ir .. .. - . ' . ' ' W s-hlng Machine ever liiTi-nli J. It is easy tooprrale, sin ing or standing lakes lull liltle room ; injures nogarnienis fitiirhi'S ils work from in two to four .Min utr: Is -liiriit'le and convenient j and lb only Washing M I'cbme Vuown ihul is liked ibe heiitr lb Linger il ia used. TIIK UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRIM1KU. ! the "till HA f .it A J fVO.YuVIZKI!. The terms of our l'uu nt call our .Machine i a Wringer.'' Ycnra of eiprrivnct j rove til llNo to he A MUST KM'Kl.l UM Wasiirk. I lien we reduce every invenliou for wash - inz rl'ithfs lo a principle ihev all amount lo Ibal of pit'M-iiig anf sqticeiitig, an-i I ore i li g lua waler inr.iug'i iiiciu, tuus re moving I lie dirt. M-mt V'tiing M ichiues lo il I'y riitiliing. The I'liivcrmil Wringer 04S i t by pressing. I OHX LAl'DENSLAOEU, BUGGY MAKER, j HKLIXSOnoVE, SNYUEF CO., FA. Having inch .nil ihs well known stand in Si'lii-iri)ve, formerly owned b Philip Plc- ki'r. I am prepared to aoeoiutiioilHie nil 1 who ni'iy 'IcBire anyihing in my line, nnd I tvairatil s iiint'iiviiun iu nil ohuvs. I keep oil-1 no i ly mi liiiu-i. and am prepared 10 iniiiiufuclure at the shoneil nuiico, UIMOIKS. J urti'i va 7H iyfu i-M-mnli ri.r.ii.1 n.-. . I I'icing eipi i iinred in tb tuiHiness, I flat. tor myaelt tuiil I am fully prrpareu to meet the wunls of mv customers. The luin-1 l-lovcd are Hiu-ing the best mechanics in ihe counts, and their work will not fail to give universal sitisfiicilon. 8Jf' Special aiivniiou paid lo repairing .in nil ils lranchra.trjI I Miop on Market si eel, a few douTioulli of ihe Herman lleforme-l Church. JollN LAl'PKNSLAGER. Selinsgrove, April 7, '70-lf pAI'EU CRAFT, Ik mCESSoR TO ! FLECK & CO., ! WHOLESALE tO.NKElTKlNEK.S AID IK11TEKKHS. no. :m:i north third bt., FlULADKLl'lllA. A full nssotlmetit of Confectionery, Fruiis, Fit Works, Syrups, My &o. always nn bund. FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. Tbo First Edition uf Ona Hundred and Twenty Thotremd copies of VU'k't Illus trated Catalogue of Bred and Flnral (Hide, is pulilished and ready lo send out. it ia elegaaily printed on tin tinted paper. wiib about -00 nn wood F.ngrasing nf Flowera and Y'rgefables, and a beautiful colored plate consintiog of seven varieliss of l'liloi Drummnndii. making a fine BOUQUET OF PHLOXES. It i ih most beautiful, aa well aa ik iiitul snsirucuv Floral Uuid pubhsked, giving plain and thorough direclioas fcr tba Culture of 'lowers and Tfgftablri. The Floral tiuidn ia published for II henrfil of my customers, to whom it is set I free wilboul apilicaiion. but will b fcr wardtd lo all wbo arply by mail, for Ta CaxTa, whicbl not half the eost. Addict a JAMES VICK, Hochetr, N. T. H. HOTTKN STEIN. M I). PHYSICIAN .SD rirKOEON, BEL1NC1ROVE, SNYDER CO., PA Orlsrf t Is profsealonal srvlo( to th etiisan f .' - or aau vwiaiiy. juaasi, is. u JOSEPH S DELLj Manuf.tcturtf of and Wboleial Dealer ia Clothluff, Cloths CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS 41 KORTH THIRD 6EEET, FBU-AD'A. QOSGUAVE HALL HOTEL. 1'eteii rnocp, rrrrUfr, West Dearsr Tw'p., Eoyder Co., Pa. Tai Nolle thai I hav purahascd Ce grav Hall Hotel, wbr 1 a as a.way pre pared to aomnodai Drcvsrs, Htraogsra, ao-l l ravtitrax I shall be liberal la my bar aad ea dsavor lo us esarybody wall wk favr m wiib bia cuatem. ir yoa are set sti tsd, a eharaei. iv a tan.. ' April, '7ti, j , 3 J H. WALTER, . IMPORTER A5D DIALER IS CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEKNS WARE, Ml R. Sd Ktrrrl, bntirKda Riw A Vine 7,21 PHILADELPHIA. JyVUGtl AUH1VAL OF NEW GOODS , J. W. DREESE'S STORE, N. W. Corner Market Square, Middlsburg Tbe 'ock embraces In part Dress CjJoo.Isj, Rlack Silks, AII-wihiI D Lain, Coburjri., Mi-rirrun, v j opnnn, Repp. Arc. Ao. Musliitc, Duublr-width JShPCtings. If1lltiifa. Table Diaprr, Oflaburf,' Exttu Ticking, Cheek, .airt injra, (j iiihum, Jaconet, a Cull nsaornuriit nC (.'aliens, Fliiiitit'N, llonvy twilled, hliiitin, Hirtnketc, lUilmorula, Hosiery, Gloves. ,te., A.e. CLOTHS AND CASSIMKRKS I iirniti nnd Linen Carpels. Wonlen, Linen A cotton Carpet Chain. HE A P Y M. PE VL O Till 'AY. Floor, Tullo nnd Stair Oil Cloth. Ilnfs and Cups, HOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware, (jiieenawnre, Chiaa ware, liliii'fware, Wood ami Willow wore, Cullerv, Oil Window Shndf Lookitiir Ci!a--toa iVe., A-?.. Ac. TOUACCO AND CKiAI'S. SALT A. FISH The biehesl market price paid for all kiniU of country produce and dried frui'a. Ciintident nf rendering perfect Satisfac tion lioih in regard tn prices slid quality iifg i' li I rcie nfu Hy invite all lo giv me a c ill before purchasing elsewhere. J. W. DKEKSE. i Idle burg, January 7, IHli'.iy e m ti ik m, n r ssK-Tsrun UNION HOUSE. OA UMAX At KAHSTETl'ER. I'rrprirtor, MIDDLKBCRU.Snyder Co., To. 71ie proprielora resreetfully announce In ibi'ir friends and the public generally that they have rented the Fryer tavern slnu-l, wbicb has been refitted and replen ished in elyl. and is a dcsirirhlo place fur strangers and others lo i-iop. Their table is at nil limes spread with tb luxuries an I siil'-tati! inli of the season. Their chnmbers are large lo promote Ibe comfort of their g els. Their bar Is supplied wiib cbiiu liquors. No pain spared ly ibe propii-uois io render eu'tirv saiifao i ion io all wbo favor them with their palrunnge. 7-'J4lf A TTENTION s Hurrah forth new goods just ri ceived by .loliii IIiif.ii.nii t Iluninifli' uld Stand, (Iwo miles bi Selini-gi'iive) which w-ts selected wil great care, nnd will It aold al Ijiv price! Il ihcluilc", Notions, Dlt Y iiiiolis. OP.oi'tiHfrs, II A It DWARF. QITINSWARE uootspiut i i.i on v4iii;. Sail, Planter, Oils, Coal, Nails, QlQthing I respecifully invil lh public lo com nnd examine my goods before, buying elsewhere, believing ii to b lo jour in teresi. 1 hTsu pay ihe highest prices fur ali kinds of (.ki, st:i:i, and all kin-l-i of Country Produse. 1 am ali-o noil providec with siabUng for teams supp r Drenkfat and Lodg ing, fur people who coin fe-uu a die I ii nee. I always aecomtnoilaio my (us louiers -oths best of my abitilv. JOHN HOFf MANf.- October 10th '67ft QIIAKLLS II. MILLER, ARCIIITKtT (ONTllAtTOR A BtlLDKK Walnut, Street, Polinvrovo, IV I at all time prepared to furnish Drafla, Plana and Specitioniiona for all kinds of liuil-lings, at th lowest possinie rates auu on short notice. 11 U also prepared to contract for pulling np nnildmaa sober by luruisulng all lb material or oluerwls. May 1 1, 'OS ly 'RE AV ERTOWN 8T0V E STORE ASO Tinware Manufactory. J. P. SHIRK Would respectfully inform ibseitiiens of Snyder county Ibat be keep eonstantly on band a larg attorlmeol of OFFICE. TARLOR. and COOKING STOVE J Of ihe latest atylea and most Improved patern, among wbtcn ar I tie ceienratea Emnir Gal liurner, tb sutqnebanna Cook, lc, which b It selling at prieee that defy competition, lie also manmeo lures and keeps on nana a general assort ment of 8lov Trimmings, Tinware &e Speoial attention paid to Spouting and Hoofing, Uit iu a can. J. P. fcHlUC. leaverlawa, Oct. 21, Ue.9. Walter & llartman PFALFRS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. IIardwarh, QoiENSWARI, Cedarwaei Ae. t. fte. if c. le CBRTIYBTILLE PA. ! taauThe HIGHEST aoarkat FRC1S naid fr all kiake f Oeaalry Fred aad LEWISDURO ' . : tk700ZsBXf r AVT0S.T I Tbe subscriber. Ihankfiil for the liberal patronage hoslowed on bia estsbllshmenl at Laurelion. begs leave to Inform his friends and th puplia generally, that he has had hia mill at Lewisburg Sued ap in the best possible manner, wilk Ibe ... . i Laiitt Improved Machinery made la ihe country, and with Iho advan tages of Pisssa Power, wbicb ean be relied on al all limes. He feels safe la saying ibat bis esialilishmenl is not anrpassad by any In tb State. Having eagaged a act Of good Workmen ho is now prepared for manufacturing all kinds of WOOLEN GOODS seen as CLOTHS, CASSIMr.IlES, 8ATIMFTTS, TWF.KDS, .IK.ANH. FLANNELS, ULA M K i:TS,CA HPbST!, Y.VK.Nd, &;. In the Irtt manner anj (f reduced fneit. An ticrllent assirlmrnt of ftiods at all limes on hand, for sale or exchange for Wool. KoLL CARDING don on ebon notice. Srr TfP.Mfl CASH.- MARK HALFPENNY. Lewi.burg, L'niiin Co., I'., Doo. 4,liKy S CH0CI1 A BROTH KK W'ould respecttuily annnttn: to in people of Snyder County and the public, generally. I hat they base just secured, and will constantly keep on hand and for ante, a very extensive ansnrtintol cf in their Con.modinis New Room oppoil i n v iaiiKf oeiiDkgrtTt i n. THEY WILL SELL ATRP, lt'CEI prices: Their exlensive slock oon.i.i. of . n stlecie-l as.oriment of FALL k W INTER tiiinps. Ttey have CLOTHS. UASSI M ERS, plain nnd fancy, Salinelts, Jeana, Tweeds, Muslins, Drillings. Flannels. Checks, -to. Also an elegant assortment LADIES' PIIE7S GOODS I Silk. Rotiilinzinea. AlpncaH, Illuck and fniiey !elaina. Lnwntt, Oinglmms, a lurno variety of Gne White Goods, LADIES' FASAIONAULE COATS, Hoop, Skirts Shawls. Ac, u. READY MADE CLOTHINO.Coate, veetii, Punts. Shirts Ac A variety ot NOTIONS & HOSIEKY. Collun Linon nnd Pupe .Drenrs Tri iu lllitio-s. Buttons Corst. Zet'obvri. roninmn and nplit. Moruviau aud Mii'tintut ool Ac. Ac FlSH,SATr AND IKON. STEEL. SfoAI'.S. Vriltk-M SlfOVKLS, SPADES, HAKES. GLASS. NAILS. PAINTS. Ilurdiiara Oiieonswin-M flltiimi.ni-. Cudurwure, Willow-w'aro Crockery, PL ASTER. White A Blue. Mi, 1-irge qutntity of different kinds of H.TS CAPS, BOOTS SH'OKS. of every style, variety aud qiiuliiy. , Also, all kind of CARPETS. Ri orrrlei of all Lio.i. ...i. th Philiiilelphia nml New York Markets -ri i. ... . . ""J F conaianiiy on band a large supply of AVIIITK LEAD AFD TAINTS, every iiiinlitv atnl i riee. rir,l.l .llii from Ihe man ilacliires and oon....i..mlr ran sell al the tery loweaf prlcet. Alao all kin-Is of OILS. WHALE. BROWN LI'BRICATI.VG, SIBSTITCTK ami I.IN'SKKIY nil. for Painiing. To iho Inllcr Ihey call pur lieciilnr attention Ii lu ..n..! irt I tu...t " ' ' ..,. i u uiiic-rcu oil for colored piiiniing, and cotia but on 'l -I V. Jlijrhchf price paid for Country Prmliiec and All Kim.sGf (.miiie C5'"Give tbotu a trial lieforego ing fbsewhere. PflfOCII & BROTHER. They are also ibe agenia forGEISER'8 I'ATENT KI.V lilnt'i iTivn -uiiv - . ....... ui-,,1,1 AEPAHATOU n.KANFIi mnnoioi'ii The luteal Improved and most celebrated In the world. Just Iha Macbl have been seekinir after for years. It will tbrai-h Train 20 la 40 Itn.l..l. n hour, cleaned rtav for market. They will ae these ni" blues upon ibiii oitriisft arrani-1 as represenisd. April 18, '61 ly t. t. viiinukl, m. v. rum twiaeroRo EADTI1IS. Atiiusle AND ' ft value-lord. Dui'ooibts and Chemists, Offer for ale Wholksali ani Ritail, DRCOS, MEDICINES, PAINTS aud CHEMICALS, Embrt.clng PURE ZINC PAINT Green, Blue, Y'ellow, Red aud Hlack ; Paintt ground in Linseed Oil, uenar varnisn Splrlia Turpentine, Copal. Coach and Wkit DRY I NO JAPAN, KNOTTING. window Clnsa, ratty, Pine Oil Alrohol. Stascm, Isiiioo, Vannai ioa, raiHT and VARN1S1I DRl'SHEH, Vu and Female. 7Vnf end Bnj'ptrttr , Btuflt Conoentrated Lye, Fin l Ppongea, SPICES, CORN BTARCII k BIRD SEED Flower and Varden 8eed, Ta wkleb lb al I nl ion of dealers i called, as w will tell at lb vary lowed Cash Price in quantities to v.il puiobs- aara. WstUa kaap on band and offer for sal Whole sale aod Retail, ell tb lead ing Patent Mdioin. Also, NOTIONS, CONVECTION EH IE0, TOBACCO fc SEOARIi Mlddlabarg, bnydae C. Pa. Hares -n, ie7- A gfr mm 9nmt Ayeri3 Saiaparilia,' jreoaa rrmrviBo tub' tMOD, The repntatlna this arellrml mo-lliine enjoy., ks Oeaivad frnta IU cure, many of whfca ar tmlv snarvalleria, lareterafa ee of HrroTnloos rll ei. vrbor Ui system .eeoineit saturalrw with eornttitlon. have boon r9. . purulcU and rurod by IU hemriHone affii-l Ions aail .ejitA i,. tlieonlnrs, which worear- T?atT iM?" an'iivated br Ih semflt. A- aTL.. Ji mf ' . . bin ronjaiiilnatlon uotil . the srere pilnlVII affllrtln'. hav been raJirnUr eureil in etit'li ineitt niiinl-ers In alinn-t every nec llun of Uie country, f tint the i-ntilic scoeely noed 3 I b Infortneil of IH' viiluoaa-r nee.- - Krromiou poirea Is ore or the most dostmrUvw ni'mle. of our rAre. Often. Ibis nn-een nml nnfehj lenntit of tiorgnniim iimlvruiino die r-ntiltitlon, ' ihI Invite, tlie mini k or rnrerlillng or fhtnl di-eaa, without es-'ilins a riiph Ion or II" reeenne. Again. It si-em. to hreeil Infei-tion throinrtiont the tiodv.an-l th- n.on some favorable oeea-t.'n,m-t.lly ili'velos Int on or othee of Its bsleoas forms, either on th iiiCs- o or nir.one Ihevltnla. In the taller, tuber ele amy be stulilenlv deposited In the. lunge or henrt, or tumors formed In the liver, or it how Ils pre-em e by eruptions an Uic akltt, or foul ulcer ation on some r-aiA of the bo-lv. Ilenre the orca slnnnl u.orf a liotlln of thl. Unnnpnrittn is sit-vl-AI'le, oyea when no active) svniiniii of ili.aa.o sni-cnr. rerons altlutnl with the follow In com phiinla genernllv tUid liuii inlinlo relief, anit, as lineili. cure, l-v the u- of thU HA KM IP A HI !. I .Ii HI. jti.thtmft'i fire, tt-m ee JUrgnlpttiu, Trlter, A-il Hhr-m, KralA llcatl, IUitfrormt store .'fea. hnre i.nrm. and oUter emiiiions or iimIiIo lorms of Sero'HfoMa illeesee. Also In the more concealed form., as Ttirnpryutn , Serf;-, llrnrt lnnntte, fit; KlAtrt,, Hmralylm. anil Uie various f frernwe anet:livak of the mn.cu l.ir snd nervous svatems. AyiMfsor t rnerrni and HereuHttl Tiiienmrri are t uii'.l by II, Hi.. null a lone lime li rc-iiir.l f.,f siilHluing ttiee nlo-Uluite mnlioHe. by nxiy nie-licine. Hut l-iig ecilniied in- nf Uiis mo-Vino will rur tliec'iiiiilit- I rHcnrrliira or M Alrs, f Irrtrte ( lorrofloni, and irmnle 1lmr.t, are eont monlv soon relieved and ultimalely rured lie II norm Ion nnd Invigorating effei t. Minute iiirer. lion. Air eacU na am found In our Almanac, sup pli-il ir-'alis- Hhrumttttitm and ilont, when anted t-v aTiiinutatlim. of extraneous metiers in the lil-iod, ji.'ld iiuii kly lo It. aa also 1 fVe Vnmtittti tttr, TiirfAmUte, S'OMieaflAM or eifite. siifirfon of tin- f leer, nii-l 7ntifi-f i ee, when erl.tng, s. tliey int.-.- ilo, front Hie rnnkllng poisons In th bl-ioil. This HAHH.4fAHIII.iU a crval r toi-er for hestrenirtn and viror of Ihe avslem, I ho'enhii -e . nnd I Inline, amhh efnif , Atre-Jcss, and Iroulileil with rmt Ayt. preheHmltim or t'riera, or any of Iho sffertions Bymploinntle nf Wrnkxrma, will And Imtne-llsto relief ami convincing wdvuc of II resloralii. power iipoo t.iol. rnsPAHun n r Dr. JI. '. ITER dk C O., a,,rll, Klauss., 1'raet'.. I nnd AHutytlcnl CsnsMt. BO! ?J tt" I L DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. ("HLL AT Fockler'w (Saloon, (Opposite Sh.ndi-l A Wsgeneller's drug store) IN SELINSGROVE. If ynu wan. a glirS of goad KlaADI Mi ALES , . A Plate of lee Cream I OR O YSTEitS, prepared in any way that can b dejir!, OR A Plate of Frcsfi.Tiipf, OK SARDINES j SCIIW E1TZE1I. I.IMI'L HGEE Oil HALL CHEESE, Oil ANY THING I'SL'.M LY KF.rT IN A FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. XiaT Oilier Saloon auppliad wilh Ale aad Oyaters af Wholesale pricea."j?a a t nisgt. w u RAi.i.irr. t a smrenTaa MSEL, UALL1LT k STOIGIITO.X. tiEF.RAl COMMISSION ERCIIA5TR, S'S'OEAIKP IS Country Proiluie and Dvmenlitt Fruit, Stella, Jr., Mo. 22 Sot'Tii Watfr Stbekt, X HIIjADELPIIIA. Rr.rsri!KrEs. Jao-b R. Riegel k C., 8:13 Mnrkel street; I.ippencolt & Tiolter. 21 N. Water street ; Hood. Ilonbrlgbl A Co. 6:".) Market Street t Ex.Gov.James Pollock, CO south 6il street; John tVeift 308 Walnut alreet ; Harris it Graham, 827 Arch trel. Foli4'bllif VVID WILLIAMS, Manufacture uf k Wholesale Dealer ia' (lit, Jlulinuniir, Wuintit and Kosenoo LOOKING GLASS Picture & Photoernphto Frnmes, os. 10 and m Arch btrirt, riiiludolpliia i'n. Frnmea Repaired in tbe best manner Alv), Kegilding in all ils branches: (.7,1 WM. HARDING, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE TEACE ft CONVEYANCER, Fremont, Snyder County, Pcno. Cullectioua of all kinds made at the shorter', notice and on tb most reasonable terms. Conveyancing In alt il branrbea exp. diiiously executed. Dr.Kna, Mostoaoss, Notks, and blaukaof all kinda consianily on band. Peraon al a distance having claim for collection w ithin bis jurisdiction, need only address him by mail to Insure' prompt aolion. Terms resonohle. May 'tiS , JfKYSTONE HOTEL. " Helingrjrove, Snyder County, Pa. THE ttnderatgned bega leave lo inform the publio that be baa purchased and will keep, in good style, the above well-known aud popular house, Bay Having large, airy and well furnish, ed rooms, good servants, witb the untiring efforts of the proprietor to please bia guest, b hope lo oicti witb alrgahr of pub lic patronage. J. F, WALTER. Selinsgrove, Sept. 1, 1870. JEVI KELLER, Manufacturer of and dealer ia FURNITURE Would retptatfulty inform the citixene of Soliugrovo and vicinity, that be manufac tures io order and keeps constantly on band OIIAIHS Or ALL KINDS, AND Furniture of every Peaonption, at the very lowest price. If respecifully invites an examination of BEDSTEADS. BI'REAT'8, TABLES, SOFAS l.OLMitS, NTANDS, OUAIHS; fco. AW A special invitation is extended Its newly married folks to call and toe my slock befure uruhaslng elsewhere. LEVI HELLED. Seliasgrove, April G, 70-lf GKAYBILL k Co., WHOtXSAla DlALBt IB , WOOD AND WILLOW WABX Oil Cloib. Window a'hadas, llroom. Mala, Prushes Coilou I.s, s, Graiu Hags, Fly . Nets, Buckets, Twines, Wick, &. No 1145 North Third Slreed, Philadelphia. Fob. 7, '07 J. COOK! i WHOLESALE' ' DEALER. IX1 CLOCKSr 10 North Id Street; Philadelphia! ( Aug f,;3ti? -