The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, December 08, 1870, Image 2

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mmrsss-i ggagaag"
JidENt R. Ltial wai jester lav
nominated by the RepuMiean of the
Fimt Sroatoriwl district, of I'hiUdfl
plii, a th candidate f..r 8tte Sena
tor. The fuel ttit lo (ipTitod nm
tnt, Mr Lf nilnll win nominal! hv
tijrly a two-thlrl vol intbron.
tentioo, i proof of h rypiilstity in
l,m own party II i in orery re
rt, a lho.lily ifooJ man, a strong
.nli'dat, nn4 wM be power lo the
Netit. Th diatriel I Republican
I'V nenrly 1.000 toton, tnJ io tlifs
csk iototfin; th control of tho Sen
ate, tb whol vote will be polled, and
.Mr. LoJll will be rkctd.
Trig Legislature of North Otroiinn
itoeotly elected Hod Z. R. Vane
United StU Fcnator from that Sttto
fur th trrin commrnrinjf on the 4th
f. Match Mil. Uy (he laws uf th
1 'cited Statet this man ia iuullible to
i.t i.ffn ( public lioU"f. a fuel w!iih
tb l.(t'ltur wa w' igr of
wlirn it elected him. It i.t now pru
ptd lliitt art exception he tiiii'le in
I i eur, anil '.hut ho bp ailmittr.l lo a
. it . . - .
air. Mum nan a yei gmTj do
Ti !rnie i f rt't rriiniir n!" the srtn lor
which he was di-lrauthi- !. no I i m.i,, cniiilid to tho riUK"'il ol
I I diaiibiiitie. Hi clrtticD wan luud
i:.i!rfiunc of tb luw, and deiervin
At-Mintr. I 'oin I 'i U just now the
target fur maurole ci'iijcini II, a
rffeiu rouiiet in having wiiten a
privy. Idler ti Sorrotar,- Wellt msr.
)f. six jcar ago, io wliicli b iuluUed
in scmio severe trio'ur.-s on the k'vuer
elship of Uooerul Qraut. Thi lellir
LiaUcn tibrarthtyd l I'ortrrV entuite
and patilmhed for the tnittiil'ont pur
pose nf creating ill-loelin between
tba President uuJ Vire Admiral. Tra
it wu written- bo( ri prul;tiiili'.y of
Jo. Ornnt ' occupation of the ei.-c-utive
chnir had occured to anybody,
except in a rom ito entitinciii-jr
The latter itself In of oo coortience,
and has oo baarinir up-n public affair
are a, ao lncideol allVciing the np
poiotmeot and cduflr iiim iin of ibe
writrrto tho biirh po-iiioo lei't vacant
by th deuth of FarriiKUt. It lio.irx
the mat ka ol lia-tr, an I is liulo Dmrr
l!in tho informal c unpluint of a ami
whos ambiliou rocfirol a ai'ii
oua cluck. Jtiit, without neli o, it
reflecta thamiud of th Admiral a it
tod uffeotod toward General Grant
I (he tint of it date.
" Hi offenfe,'1 ih frtu, "
not preaier tbao thut of a tin aar
thai hate Keen Icrouni tud fur an.
No oo nuRern Iroru it but liiuia!.
od yt t he i araailcd pml-t ly n il
be bad itilirted a Kr"M injnrv
upon others. lie acknowledge' hi.
rrir ; lie atone for it ua bent he ctn.
Hat thind 'ti not satiety hi livponii
lea I ceuaora. Thcj will hare hi
Hood. It raiT be little out of fihin
lint to join in lb wild halloo; bit. if
it ia w plead the fact flen. ral
Grant, the party u.ot atfnevcl. do a
not prup.iK to punish a brave o Hi err
fur an itidicretinn whieh li.n been
ful'y and tiunl'ully reitretti-d. Ad
U.lral I'orler will outlive all thrtn.
hatri'dri if he i half philnsophii'ul
ai bii eonn;f a" r.nnori'.-."
At twelve o'clock no a Monday,
tbe ibirii enainn ol th l-ir -fir-1
Co!io;r'iJ wa benu'i. Ahoul mxiy
ecftlor.i Hnd tie bundled and 8 -venty .
three rrptvHeiitativrs wrj pre.'iit.
nnd all look IK'hbor and better on ac
count ol then' nuuiui9r iuct Ol. For
au hour or more prior to the hour of
opening, the 0 or4 of the iwu Icoisim
wore crowded, nnd in c unji ui uni
uproar. The "alierieM of both hou-n
were well filled, and prencute I a c y
appcaiauc. Tho aenator from Mion
Windona. in place ol Norton doci'iial
wa wrn in. A lev'i t re-
lativo lo the ordor ol hu-i"e were
pa'S.'d in the aenaie, a few bills oil' r-
ed biting dob! pnne I. Tinvo now nicni
bcrs, nl'ier anno iitt'e op iitinn, wrro
sworn in by tho apeakcr of tho lions ',
tod before tuo o'clock both b.Mliea tm k
a b xl reeeaa, lo await the return nt
tbe comnii'lans to wait on ihe presi-
deut and inform bin that q'loru'n of
both hoiee were pre-eui, reidy I
proooed lo bua neaa, nnd would receive
aoy coiuinunicution he cnght cbtoe
to offr - At half past one o'clock both
house were again called to order when
the prV'idot' meMK0 wa received,
and lh roaiiox of it immediately be
guo. A lilt' lee tbao one hour wa
consumed io reuduu it. S-ive tlm
forejniu the aeu-doQ in b-ilh boue
oo Monday waa devoid of more ibu
crdioary Internal.
Til toul airenyib or Ibe United
Slates army, aoeordiog to Geo. ber
nao'i report, 1 34,870 meo, io ludinv
twoty-8vo iolaotry rettimeota, 16.4H6
Deo, ten cavalry regiment, 9,$ti u"
and 0v artillepy riaot, 405 meo
Tho tnttl emiml'ooed officr, for
II branch ot th eervice, i 2,488.
Tlii number moit b reduced in 9,277
Uforo January 1, 1871. a4 ti aum
twr of inlUUd mo uitut b tdaeed
nr. rui irri
- ... .
Th Mctiaie, - .
Th aecnod aennal rnrtxnite of Gen
eral Grant, ih e?e nteraili I'neidctii
or the t'uiiyd Stan read Monday be
fore lb l wu hourea f Conarcaa. in wll
written, (rank, ftraiKhtforwarU, nod
(bough nut lo)f, doee nut avoid any
ol lb iret qurriiutit ojperoiO't in
public i'U dviation. II rvluroe to
'.lio Sao it DnD.'0 netatina treaty
early in t' in'aiRK. ud pre?ao iia
importance upon the attention of CVti
urraa with a btldnai which ttifie
(0 hi earoetl dcnirc for tbr ruti&cation
of lb treaty. In thl w regard the
Prtaident In tb ripht. Th time ha
conic when the Weitern Atlaiilic
inland ahnulJ obey tbe law of jcravl
taiiuo iiad barom part of tbe cooti-
nental republic. The t'liited Stale
b u!d control t be porta of the ifland
u a maitrrof aafety tm J a we now
ubtaia pririlrgt-a in iiduod prt of I he
Kattei o Ileniiaphere by ftror of the
power of that quarter of tho plohe,
there i no noi reaaoa why thcae pnw
era rhnutd not be indebted to thia tut
lion fur eimilar pritilrgei in the Yi
India porta. The anDeaation f Sari
loiii!tU'0 will do an an ei.ti-iini: wedue.
mi I i lie proole, if coiiMilied, would
pndorini the art.
The Prudent laUea the ronmon
rnt view ( the tinliory (pieNtinn and
dirua tbn rjurrtion temp ntelv.
Ili i eromnieo'lati'in of Ktej to avcure
fhenp aud rapid itau-pintiiiou from
tho Wit.1 I" tb At. inn ic eab.ird will
Oieel the apf rd.a'iiti ol all lairmin Ird
men At. J the mihi'Mioh of (( vrrn
ini Til nid t'i Aihi iicun wt hi ship line,
niiiiie as it l in ide iiiiriit ui i ur
UnKiliBl'iliK ruinnifi re, canliut fail nl
xrry general a; pi'idi .t mi. Antotm
iiii"ii, the inp.U(;.' ili-ou-af it t.riilh.
yrt fruakly, tin I i:a virwi and aik!a
lioni appeur to u, a wo preriitne ihry
ill lo n.oHt people, on nlicction, u
ijust and practieiil. lint Imlc apaco i
devoti'd to the (I'lectiou of the t.u ill,
and the view M.hiuitU-d will m i-d thp
mtia-ea rather ihan the i xlrcnii-tK of
eiihcr party 'J i-urli ii r the n
i'luiui t'ie Preaidi-nt ia not char,
Ilia anhjecl involte more eoiibid ru
tionit than tan he e i prong. d in a a.njle
'bort paraurnph. which in all (he fjiufe
aili'ttul tn it io the meoaao
The aulimit poin'i ttvealed in thin
mefc-ae are the extraordinary increaie
ol national proaii'iiy ; the rapid fi'
ducliou of the public debt hiid the
public taxation j Ibeare'ul neutrality
between emillictiii Inreigo tutiona;
tbe imiititenance, ax a fon-rqiieoco, ol
he publie faith and ihe puhlio ernlit;
and lb- frreat tutidumcntal fact that
while nearly every other novel ninent
in both hcinixplicie i eitl r die
'urhrd l) faction r threatened ..r torn
! w,r, the United S ata of America
ia at peace Willi ull mankind, with no
difierenc with another power that
may not be eaa ly and prraianeullv
nettled upon the jut baein of coiinnou
We will make rom for ibe entire
tueasage in our next is-ue.
'lteuue lletuini.
Pi raident (iriint hai given tbe no.
cQ'Ir.l Ht veiiue Ki f.i nii'in ib iiardeni
Idow ibi y bavo yet rrc. iv l. Thev
meet Iheir Ap'Onialiot at the beL'in-
ii i DC iutenl id' at Ihe end of their
'ulnpaijD. and, to a Id lo their diieoui
filine, Secretary Bouiwll tollnwa h in
with tho lullowiu kigudicanl ileeliira
tioll :
Il u riotiecAhl fuel thai tbe cat -
muled exendiiuri'n loi Hie next tiecai
ir, liii'ludnig py iiiriila i'U aecmiin
l the ninUiuo lu'l'l, and fur ibe in ci
e-t ol I be i u In- ilrl.l. aif m lo.urli
I4 II I..I III itll. IMlill IIM Itl ill'il.' m...t
ile. mi ud the gi eme-i caul ;ou in ile-l.iu
with ihe r"Vi'inie n I toi-ri n of ihe'a
C' lliitry. it in aiipB'i 111 ihut a dii-naii-r
or i en a eola b ck lo loiniie-n.
ivoul I r. iiu.-e ilii- ivveniii'n bcl.,w our
In ci ury ex I endi'lin a.
It in itpiii'eot, a so, that the pro.,
penma cuml 1 1 i hi of 'lm emiiitry i
liiUJily duo ro ibo I'tveiiue nyn'eiu
Hi.niLUruieJ during ht war. by which
iiihii utict ti 1 mid 1 ho inccbiiiio aitn
have l.oen txlein'ed and enialdi-hcd.
Th in policy cannot now be r.iil
ahamloiied. or nud iruly ami r.ilicliy
iliauif'd witlioui ureal injury 10 hu-r
ne and ami nerioua coii-c.j icut
lOfsea lo reienuo
Now take the I'n s'dciit'a words:
A lU'ther reduction of cX.cuc, in
a ldilioii to a rciiui'tiuii .d 1niu1v.1t a
.oiint, may be ul e l uu to iiialiK lhi
erael ic.ilde. KcVinur rrlorm, il .t
meali I Im, ban tnv hear V Mloiiorl. II
il iiiipnea a colleeiiou ol u It liie rev
nue lor Ihe nupp'irt of liovoi uinvm,
for iuu pawnoul Ot principal and in
iret ol toe puliiiv ili'l.l. proi-ion., i.'.
ny directly t.xinn the tipople, tiivu i
am agitinet rvrunue ri for 111, and con
tjdeuliy believe tb people ar wub
If it means failure tn provide the
uecreniwy neatis 10 defray all ine ex
pellee ol liovtriiiu'int, aud Hierel.y
rrpu liatiun if tlie puhlio debt
p-unionn, t li it I am mill lllur nppoeb
to such kind ol revenue reform. Ue
ouue roloroi ha uot beea deUued by au.i
1 ite aiivoeatea 10 my soowieiiue, but
eeins to -be ieepieU nomnliiny.
wliicb ta 10 npp'j eviry niau'n wuuu
Itliout any coat or allor. on bin part
true revenue reform can not be
in day, mast be iho work 01
au ool luilaliii) and ol time. A
an lb revenue eaa be dipeunii
wub, oil duty should be rmovei horn
cuffee, tea. aad inker artitile of uni-
vr-l ose out to b produced bj our-
aelve Tb oecetiiiee ol ihe ooemry
compel to collect revenue from our
haDort. An trtnr or Meor aad
cidleetor is out plea id t igbt In lb
citirn. but tbai or n tariff lur revenue
i DvevHurr. Such a tunff, o far i
il iti'la a ao eoitiiiriiri nieot to borne
prorltirtlnn, aff iriN ernplnyitiettt t Im
lr at livttiif wauoi, In contrail to the
pauper labor of lb Old World, and
aK In iho Jerelipinent of ban re
onrcos. Il will be obiert 1 1 bat ibeae are th
utterance of two entirely different
meo. on (r-iii New Kng'ao I ao I lb
mbrr from tho Writ. Iioking at the
'(UCKtlon frnm dilTiri-nl standpninta,
i bey bfth airivo at tho iiftie ennclu
ion. Tb best pendant to the re
markable atctneota is tb following
from tho Philadelphia Kurth Amrrtean
of Saturday let t : "One of the njoit
p'sin aod obtruaiv fact that meet the
pjlh-y of thl country at Ihi.a tin. i
that we hv a debt of about $2,500.
000.000. To pay the current eipeo:f
of Government nod meet the aoniiul
inlareat on the debt, it ia neetAeary lo
raii-e :!00 000.000 per annum, while
tb effort ha brn made to pay off
about 1100.000,090 of the principal
annually. The revenue thut ba hero teen pollectrd ha been derived
lo the ext-nt of $170,000.010 fmni
'i'ert or internal taxea, and ftlmut
ilO.O Ki.00) from taxe on iniitt.
Tlie 30.l.00.000 luu-t b raise ! in
oilH w.iy f.r year In cnuie. Th-re I
no doiluo uir prwiii i.'at'oe by which
it can be avuiilcl.''
Tlif 'I rcumir) ! arliiient.
Aflrr Preidfiil Grmt'i uiee-age, in
wlich the vniioim l.pnrnicnal le
p r pnH in link id'ifC ptc if vii'W, the
document .-Heiria th iimtit inter-
I at la- ti e ( O'jnUV III l.ire. Ha Well iih
the tinancier and tlie "'atra.imo, eill
lie tho onnuMl report 'f Ser-inry of
tin' Tru.i'.iry IS mtwvil. Parly dillei -
icqi p. lunjj.i on the in'iject of nliiih
I it treat', and now that ol 1 iliiliiu
; lima an I oclnULV 'khii'S arp dinolv-
' inj bef io the enfurcpd profrr-ti!i o'
the oppn-hion, thrie ure'rxtiiiiih
I which aitai h uuuu il impnrunce lo thi
! '-xhil'it of the money ba..a and fiuuu
i cial policy of thu Adniitiinlrall n.
Wi'h the li.'i l adlienlu'e to pcD'i
ii. y and ronrcientii'Ui rolloctiona of
it vi noes whieli have 1 liaract-riird the
Gouruioi nt ever ninee General (irunt
asUii.'d the Preaidentiil chair. Dune
other that favorable ntaternent of
the Goanc'ul eonditii'C wuatohuve
been exprcted. Thne nia.'iiific'nt
n.outb'y cuiici llalion- ol the national
iudnhtednra which havo soothed our
heavily taxed people and made I bum
content nitice March 4, IPC!), form an
vxpoeiilial index to the report of Mr.
Itoutivell. The receipt oflbeO-cal
year ending with June Wft were S41 1.
5.),47T aud the cxtiendnur.-a for tin-
name pi-riod JoO'.'.OS l. jUO, ahowini; a
nuridu of $l01,6dl 17, to be applied
to 1 bo rei'ui'ti'in, ol ibe dil.l uml ihe
l ira ion ol a aiukniit Innd. under
1 he act of l'Vt.rt-ir 2't. 18H2. Tiiu
lece'pta lor tin- 6it (pinner of the
present fi-eal year have bi-u II l" -lOl.'ioO,
and 1 lie leccipm of ihe re
iiiaiumg Ibren uuriera are csiimato l
at $!ll.0J,t)Ji. miking a tout lor
ibe yeur of 8o.r),10l.2"0. The ex
peuiliturea for the firl quaiter Were
8l!,ir)(i-.tJ0 ; lor ibi ri'iuiiinng three
co.i tern they are rntiuiiiad at 8203.
5 0 000, n atim: a total lor ih-year
01' $2 I ).U(i-', l.'O. lini'iw' a irpiiH of
proli'i e ri c ijit- over cxpen lil u 'ex of
tli'.t U.1S ;U0. apidieal-l' lo ibe red u
(1011 ot the del't and the creation of a
inking fund.
Keen Willi ihe law which went into
ipcl'alion on the firnl ol October la-t.
ami lnch i 111 it'rial'y reduce. I the
rerciiucn and lnJi'enrd the loiny
but Ucn ol the ta
pyi'l, we will he
lo win- out f 70, OO, ovO. in
fund niliilihern, of tbe pll'liu debt
luiiny; the pivnenl lineal ymr. We
I'otnjiii'ud thin fact to tin' llemoeraoy
1 he irna-era to run own party, -nid nil
uilc.evcr in tin fjnancial btnblSity
il the country the Jiepoblicaii p-ny
Inn aliulinhed ! ihtt lliild n dol 'a ol
t.xes, and yet, ill ihe very year this I
act i ma'ii!ii'atel and put in pro'
tical cpi-l anuii, a U 'oild c.iu Admiui will uboiih nevmity million
ol ili bl. In the Pont niplaliou ol'nucb
figures aa lliesc one run huntly r-
Irani ft urn eoiliusinHin sn I iho I II'
mill American induulr'ciieo of bypec
It U v. ry prol shle that tb a n.a,'ni-
lieriit piomine id' Mr. Uoutwell will in
npire a mill liiriber reduction of lm.
ition a coiiiinofi cy he anai I'
amici ' in bi ci-t inatea ul the pruh
it In receipt ami cipendil urea fur I he
linen) year ending with Juoe, 172
which he fixe re.pectively at 83 M,-
418,100, and 1300.039,8111, accord ink
o wbicb 'here will be a surplus l
810,774,689 epplicahl to the payuieui
ol the principal of ibe debt io addi
tion lo payment- mode no thai aci-um
ihrnuixh ibe sinking fund. Aimly. n
of tbe expenditure, buwefor. developn
laci tending to ntie th opiniio
that ihe balance will be larger tiian
ppiar' Irom tb nhovi- islirnates
The wsr brtwei 0 Frame et-tl Prut
ia dsn, to Mlt'eneoi t pievioi ,
know, di-oinved the luanee el' the
country; and rendered iiu-lnry u
Iim onant act of C'ltiife-I. vi 1 the
luiniing bill of ibe hut eeesioe. Tor
wr loans fureett upoo ibe euirken of
London, Ilamburf, n4 Fnokfort byi
th ncccsaiti rf th two eomhatants,
bav advabceil the price of moony, and
made it doubtful whether thn fourad
four and a-hslf per fent. ran eon tees
plated by our Government would be
taken up. The Secretary, tberefor.
and very wisely, we thiak. , reccm
mend th authorisation of ao lo
of tLreebuadred mil!oo -additional
bond, bearinc five per eenl. interest
A Ion ns the rate i - kept st or be
low Cve percent, il will bo a relief to
the country, sod as sacb we welcome
th nt)grtion of Mr. lloutwell and
eromnd it to tb eonslderstion of
Conreai. He slno reecommend that
the loan net bo s modified si to allow
the interest to be paid quarterly in
tad of lerai-annnally. Should I bene
recommendation meet with tbe ap
proval ofCongrcas, bo sski ioimediile
Every ono whose means r busi
ness makes him tbo bsndlrr nf tare
amounts ol money, and particularly
national lank bill, will second the
utreatlon of the Secretary In asking
for an appropriation and sulhorily to
make an innue of eew hi IN, upon such
paper aud in nuch form as may be de
signated by the Secretary of lb
Treasuty The frequent complaint
if th worn-out condition of thca.
billn, and tho (act that no new l ank
tire 10 lm created, w-ul I neeui lo ni'ike
this lecointneodution nne of ptactica!
A mono; t'ie ni it'-rs ul u I d to ine'
lenlally. and to wh';c't the aitenti 1
ol t'uii-re. Is et Ij.I. I the hill p .
pared by the drpnilinent and "iilnii!
ed at the lt m- 01 r a ie t the
mint and coioitie ys em ami liie re
vival of Ainericiin ' oniio.'r. c, couccr. -iiii;
which tbe So'leia'T remaik
thut. while he cuti'iol ap'cify the
uicsn by which the revival is to he
accomplished, kn will not u 1 Jerque
the importance of nucb leiri uti m.
lie ul-o recoinuiend'1 that th pern a
neut appro'iiiiiion for Iho co .-p'ii.n
f tb. cuitoim bo in. r use I to 82 CO
000. an I alio such ttilvMU'in iu (.lie
aw at will provide for one priiK.pil
appramcr at e.ieh rloi't when them
are 00 w I wo of eq nil power O.he
ami important reeeomni '11 l.itiona are
made, nmong them i fur apprupria
tion for grcuui revenue cuttern, for
marine honpitnl, and for eiptalix nion
aud increase of tho ealeriei of tbo otfi
cer nf his department.
Itf concluiion Mr. lloutwell exprca
e the opinion that ihe nettled A otn
cial policy of tho country should con
template s rot roue nufflcoot t iue."
(bet ordinary rxp.'ii.'ea of the ( ivern
incut, to pay the interek't on t b dbl.
and 10 extinguish from tivn.Ty-five In
filty inillioos ul the primtipal anliUtlly.
Ile further nay that while ihe tin"
cial proapeet l big ily favorable, it in
not nuch an will wurront any r-rc ma
terial il the revenue sviem
tbe 1 repeat ne-ion. but should tbe re--nil
dorio;; the foui n yearreelir.n hi.
expi-ctstioun, it will be pns-ibl at tb
econd aemion of the Forty-econ I
C'onirre to make inuoy iiuportaot r
duciioui in the rereuu a wjiboitim
parirnt the abilitf of tba Goverumant
10 make " payiueaU ol the
puhio debt.
Thi tpp irt of Mr JJ.titwll, i b
i ing exb it of the moneye I
pro-pen ty nf (lie niti I Hie nati--tticliu'v
Arinncial condition nf ihe
nnimny, trfl cm ere lit nlik- up m h!m
nell', tbo Ad nininiiat 1 m, and the It
publican put iy. S nco ih- feuniiy
ban lien rescued Irom the De ui-
rucy, our C'lt-r. n "V nun apprpi-l ile.l q
hn vhI'ip nearly eijht -en t-rfeiit., a .d
publie debt reduce I 3.'91. 1"4 7'i.'..'(5
with a Coon iUi'iil red u. oion in the i"-
t 'lest ai'i'. nnf of more than 3 10,01 iQ.-
ODD iniinilly. T.nne aibii'Veuienin
have never been, -.pulled, and coovi.
lute, with our m ra! Iriuniphg and
murt'al-tii't rle, by wh'ch we rcii'iir
ed the cumiry aid m;ilo il u perfem
repuhlie. t'i gf 1 1 1 fuor I of th J Ite
puMicim nirty. Im perfir oaueen in
tbo pvt -trei the prelude in iu o;real
work i i ih 1'iitum T"' Vesi.
I?!.K"T ON Or' (M KiVkkT OK
AJ raanaraaiCa, aOBKCiTCaALoriarT.
I li- ele illmi f-r rifflrara of th- Nnydar .nniy
II a., at iUldlbur un MiiMia v ih'..i'!iU.
of-Jaanaay A. I 1(71. A nrl Hi.rn.Uui !
la raaartl
Ike. a, 171
T. il'IWkH.
....... or WA..aT IlllHIIIUI BT.,
A'illeHbtirrt, lt., IS6T.
O. DoBBAaca. Pre. L. It. KHoaw abbb, V. Praa
H C. bbitb, e)ertarf.
IiiootorM t
C. DoBBara, L.. I. r-uu aiiu, U. O. Mwitn.
I.aniu, Joaa k una an. CbibtCullib.
li. M. Habuiao, O. A. aliaaa, Taua Foao,
ALiiaoa Muaaa, C. E. Uctlob, II, Wtliata,.
lumitiry 1, 1H70.
;miIImI Ai. pNrplua. K'ill rveto to.
navoiuia lur low STU.OW Iki
Expenditure kl.air aa
V. H. v, last
...SI,S0 Ml
uu Moeree nral Nallonal Hank I ..awl uu
a. faoroa "oouuo riailuaal UaiiB I4.IM UU
u .Bar wyotalai lluaal Uaak.. , uu
i o. .'ar r uaaAb.rra naa iwiauaay e.uuw uu
aaskaro Wllkorborr BildaaCuupaay a.aau uu
l.oaoeand t ollaiarale ,. uu
V aau rora-.aai aooBriaiia o,ouu on
JaUguiauui and Morigag Il.iai at
Do irua Agaale -B i uuiaea iiia.
C'aa.. uu aud la Baak .w yu
Hoot Ealaia.,
ixaoo t araiMM aad afa
l.auw ui
tuu uu
IOMMea) a
StlrVIW tu
at la twlr yaara
1 tiaowio A
aajut4 awl wot doa I.
.... Saai
Qera Agtat. '
x trttnrit Tftit pws law.
KfTICt la harah-Hlran lhaliha latantorrxf
P.IK-balh Hioea, l'ln of r.m-nntl stnrk, u
Of W-el BTer towwhip. dtn. nf Calkxrlna
BOif..n. wliliw nf WIImh Kmkton, laiaot Parr
tnveufclp, 4ne--l. Me b-a lnl Willi Iht
Clark tlntMrptian'tOrart of Mifil-r enant-,
aat will fca iiiaaentarf'to nM l oan ror apprarai
a Mumtaf, tfca Itvk ill at lXcaiubM Baal.
karekf utren tk all eoaeernil, lhat th
mil. .!.. aui.l iwr-not ba-a wttl-U their ar.
.ddu In Ui Ntaltt"a lirfle. at Mliliilebary.
n-aaeeiiualv, ami lhal lh ulit ai-connu win
lrpantil tor eonrtrmatl'in anil allMWuac !
th Orpliaua' l uurl tu b hnlit at ,XI.I.IIbiir,.
ili I'lianif of Mnyilar, on th nnit M- nility of
lMomtir, balna th IJlh dr of Ml.l munth. -li:
1. Th aocount 01 J.ihn !. K-ltur, Ailaln
I'tralor uf th anal of t'r0rlck Krltir, ila
deil S. 1 ha fleet aoecant of Dasktl Walrlek. F.i
aeatnr uf tb tt mil ! tlmot f Jtouti
"JT, lt or 'rnktla ti-hlp, iIwmmi-i.
ikenBt f rrk lekrlat and UaaMi
K rba .Truw aupolnleij tfll Ik KmI htl
of Jnbn HMhriat, lataof I'alnj toanihlp. rt-e'd..
aodr lb proo1loa:a la ParUlloa la th Or
pbaa'a Court of eatder eounty.
H. R MjHttCK. Blttr.
Rlatv'l Offlc,, Nov. S, lata.
V'lwhy A Vo't. Adwrliunient:
I. w--;-j'.-jp;-f p
by almpU rain -Of and will rn Ih raelpl Ira
l-4wj AJna. M C.L..UOB1T, Jr,f tit, fi j.
A WEKK paid asnnt. mal or fkmal
"v In B n-w manul 'lnrln Imnln (
b'lto. Mo enplul riuliu. Addraaa Ximati
Co., saee, M. 1 1 4w
KJ llalln.i hOBonbl. No enaiptlttnn
rat p alma. W. K UN P
it. w. k:nnkiv.
I tontk tk at., fbllaoalilila.
noiuathlnu uramil- aritil by r-bod. Call
and eaaraiiio.ur samp-an feiif fpls iald) lur
Weia. tbat retail iljr lur 10. M.k. Wntoi.Tr,
HI cbklhaia n.ura, A. Y.
1011,000 AUK.MTS W.tXTKD 10K
nnd ulber bl lluokt In th murktt
X.'Kiim Mas i in, IM Ckmluut 8lr
rail dltulk til
A E .'TS W IM I til VOH
Sexual SdencS
;-. ;.,irr!.. i...: i;,: ;. . "v: vv
r.d i. . Ii.irui -end lur i irrnUr i a
arrtinn paaei. A.bireaa atiobl Hl -li.ll
in Co.,, t'a. ln-
(f NTS W inted ror tleadl)'a Nw, Fraah
M rlttan In th Vntror'l hi.n'. all to. mid aur
B.a.lnu In. ak . .1. ..L hjia,..l.i I., in
k lum.,1.1 i.i in
In-lnna by inr Artl-i wh'i b ainl ihir aira
Hi iii'mo i.aii.1.. i no l lorkry nn.l ma t rail ar
i. uu in it iirai-. Aiirnt ar iiinkina' 'nuney
rupdly. t, II ranar a. Co., I'uolnurr.. ust
Uruadway, piaw 1 or. Dl-lw
k wi how luduulila Ibe nrtiAta of tba Fa It M.
and h.jw firoiaraaod tbalr koua cnn eh aiak
Si.'O I'Kll MOM II
tn Winter, in ooo l'npi will U mailed fre lo
rarmcra no'iii nam nii ailiireat lo ZiMll.r.H
aoiiccriui, ruiiniiaiptiia, ra. HI iw
At)!'. NTS WA.NTKtl !'!
by l.r Jan. R. F.Llia l.a,-K aaloa, Iramana
pniflta Mtuind.iu' rartlill na ami atarilluK
dlm,.iura. Tb wh.d ulot laid bar and lit
hldiuanti iiaMk to unlverMl icrati-n.
Wrltiao In lha Imcroale ul Cl'llliatlua, i'hl
Itiknliy mil . ub.ln m.irahty. daud lur clrrnlMra
anil urina 1 . s. Publlintog Co , 411 Uroom
tri, iw York. l)l-4
a.jl aciiv niao ann women setting luoaprru
lluui fur lb tirat rollgluua and ll arary ki
I lip. liltallHta I iilaiti.
Hating la Ita ourp uf l.'ontr butura lb -blat
iHlvntol I. a I in. I. A hhirmlua; aorlal iiry by
th wurld. union autnoreaa nf tt,..N loa p
l ai."iuai Iwjua. r.aart aui-vrlb't fur ia;i
ra-aivra tbe nir .r alaht ureka, atid (wiuia'a
Urerli, iUhihii i i Wahi nroi. lalunt
rib ,) r una. I bla n-w nnd ano-iualed inni
bi.iailon ia taking Hh wild nr All .ro i..n
aali, m ny mukirg Iriun io to m uvlNr-a dy
Now la Hi harva-1 llin. act wiarly and qulrkl.
Thero I "I'lrely nulhlog thu will py . ..u a,,
wall. Coiiy ot pipor. cli'iuter uf atir Mnil rarr
loruia Fkkk, a ;dioa A. H III 1111 . Nil.
DI-) tuO I'baatnul aliaat, PblladalpbU.
YT N I EU AGENT'' To aril our Den
tl Ulum rated Uook f Tran'l
H t ut. Thuinaa W. Knni: a enmn-rhanalra anri
raluiiiil -ip .Hun uf Hi ouuni ir i.l Alaak
MMria, I'hlnt and Huaala aa ihay ar today
Mnlrhlnir mir K lrlii,ln.n'i "l i-n.l tk Mi
ala," and Mi k I'wmii'a 'Iioi.M ola brd'
In atyica, fcn. .d lor rlreala'a and trm uur
ailr larinai oddrvaa lli-io
AM iait-A Pi nLiaHiin ro., Hartford, i ouu
And fur ailo Wbultli only by lha
('P'nt ttli.ilc t'Riltl.- Ten On.
P (I. Ik.a, Wmt. s I'Hl'KCII at , f Y.
' R ' WELLS'
Cnrliolic Tablets.
An unf tiling Kamady for all H'uin h'al IHIP-ul
t tea, I 'ml. In. Culda, .yalMn, 111',
thnrli. Irrii.a ,,f th( Tbruatur Wlud Plpo aud
all i atarriml dl-oaaaa
TL wnndnrlul imalarn di"0.ry nf Carladlo
Aod, a da.tln 1 1 uu ul lh vreall
bleAliivi tu ininklbd In Iu. tu il l.
aaaea uf th ti and il gra il euia It iuall
(! In all atlxrliuka ol th i bo.t an.1 l.unga.
I N. W r.l.L' It l k Hi i TA Hl.k Ts.
I blda th- gr.t iinedll Bant Carbolic .Vild
le - 'b'i'n "tboe liiarrdl...n aulreraily rvi.ui-
y";'?1, "h,''k '''""' " ' P"lla
Tabtl mor hiuhli mr.leinal and littler ado
toil fur diaeaao .d the Ihiual than an) piapara
i.'a v.r wiim, ..norau IU .u. luiunn.
t!Al' I III K. -Ha .I'M. to" oai Wai.L'n Hab
bolio 'fABLurai lioa'T uraaauoooa na
PAiaeu nee oa roc in tu oh n.A.'U.
FOK I III (IHn a Nil Clil.DS
Walla' Carbulia tablet art a lure ear.
r ' m i iikm.
J.Q Km tiMiii. M Piatt llraai, M. Y.,aul agent.
Huld by Druggiru. 1)1 w
"laiitlies of the
White House."
Mtandard aad orlal bluraphla nf every ib
trwaofik frorWouu Maaalua Ironi Waahlug
toaloltranl r.uMtrbly lll. un alaal
Fur alrruiara aad bi. addraaa, Cat lad mu
Pl'BUaaiB Co., Naw York. Nt-w
. I.iichI Attcnta Wiiniod.
I want a Loral Agn In aeary
Puaa aad Vlllaga lo lb I'uanlry,
la aaaa for lh avira .
I MagnlSnanl 00 Promlam tl
Eavrnvlng le aanl gratia tu avery
'ubeerlher Fruai l.uu f lo ou oaa
.ai.aally mad la aa 'OB 4
l.Wrala-ah eoaiialaaluB nlluwal.
nd alaoiD for itax lmai. art Prli
lriar. iddra,J ICELLIorr,
vw, wioav. r 1 1 -aw
mm: us
Tka aioat Pupa tar Prae'.r la Amarl.
Aa-nta tlllt.lltHl.kl .. aaal nr loioala.
all Ikla giesf wu k, fc kenor laau iar. Twala.
au ao troabw) to roll. Big Pro la ..i
Urai. aad lllutlratod It uaa 41 .alar, tu lym
lou.'wi. Iih torltiMl i4ir.l InmaiiF,! iin,?"t' nn under fmi Id fortiir le a r In
1; i g
Mn PkltantairaYra. NIMw I
btvp.ib m u-. a aaiiiaaia bibl aau haiiium
A -av
InA MaV nr 1- Mr. Hatmi ilmki
nnnvtrairfiv, no i tin Tarpri', rr utimftiJir. itl
4r It. MtMr KBidy, rittibarg p. (K1T.4
PartlM aaqalT knw ta wt a elaba. frar an.
aer nnd lor Frlr, a tla Form ai.l
roompaav II with full dlivctlnnS, aikln
Mflii lm aoaaaaivra aud raatanarailr lo Club
In flrmt Ann rlcaa Tea Co.,
St ka.l M VtfT.X ..TKEEt.
P.u.Boxteu. new York. Ntra
to tn M par Meatk by alllnc
fly J. O MdCati. Jr. K, trek and rtatBal
I'r .fmaly lllaitrai Bad katirlly boaail. II
a,ntr aiBf),eue ooo-.
banker. balnhar'a apprantlt lh waaliulant
aiaa la Aaierli-a, aa anknnws aiwbBal a BUI
llonalr la mil yoar, with wiany ainr aurk
aiamplani how ', talnt, and int In.
how k mor hAir blind -a On. Imiim & Mt
duntri haelay mat with innctwahinfm
it -riifi mw mmrj run oo maaa b-iomii
.1 wliknut naerllle i.f i.rli.rltml hni fur
t Irealar. ()., and nutio mi KrB lama. Daw.
niuiii rubiuaar, 71 baoaoa blrat, Phil,
dflphta. Nlt-tw
I?OHIT'NKS ..rTored In Lire Men.
JL Rare I'liane. rHa Staaip. fllamnnd K.
i , Wllnilastoa, Dal. (sopt-ai
(BxlflA tA Y Bualnana atlrly naw aad
O VhoBorhl. I.iberabla lndurmnt.
Poarrlo'le rtrruUr fr.
Addreaa J.C. KAMI)
A CO., Ulddrurii, M.
VbKMS WjtTKn-(10 I F.Bl)AY
C 1 1 ft E C., tlottoa. Maa.,or 81. lxhj, Ma.'ta
UrASTtvir a' T--1t nrt th tirrMP.
Mil TTI.K !P.WlNl XfAnNfXK. Prtea
ru. II miiKoa III lvk miah.o (allk nn
bjth ll) a,d la thoonif rl-n.l undr-rai
I. lit tie Murlilm- a M rr Iran ihn ) Llcrn.!
by Wli-rler, Wllaon. ilmvar a Mniter and
Ulnar a t'n. All ntrior nritrr feed HhalU Ma
rtiinaa Id for lean itiaaSiaiar IMrlmcnniania.
and ih aetlorand uer lubl in 'ruariitlin
Ad.lre.a .lOHNnuN. ll.AIIK k in.rlamn
inn , I'lit'KOrs-, fa., C'kli-ag-o ill ,or XI. Uiula,
.II.' OMII will cImii..
hair nr heitril lo a ntrui't.
""'CK ,,r "r"Tn cnn : r"!,r;n
An ell enli Uac II. (Ilia K ill tit mail foi
l. Addreaa M All IT CdMII CO..
iugl8-3inj 8prii gfirlJ, Maaa.
U' AN TEH AtlfNTn T.itelllh fK'TAOOV
HK'UXl MAi HIK. It I- a.l,
iiMkratho ..l.iaor Lork ail.'h o nnd l wrrau
- "" i'i'i)' rrirn aio aii oin-r nrniow
friimrniaill. A.l.l'caa nil IIO.N .KUINll
li II. IMI. ci I., Si. I.ouia. m., c'hlcasu, III
Pllt.burg, i'l, or Hoilua, .tiara. Su
A t.KMS V.aNTEI1-($J A MOM'lli
L'hl ECO., BOSTON. MASS., or St. I.DflS,
" u. atp xi aw
ANTHD-AOKNT. (8 0 p-i
lay tu nil thcelliratd HOMK H1'T
TLKKWIN(I MM'K NK Kaa th inlir
ffrd. mabaa Ih "lurk tllrh" (allk un aolh
i.iof,) and la mil f lieanao.1. Tho ial and cbeip
rai Uu Ita - awing kinchin In tba'tat. Ad
lire. JuHX-oN, i'i auk, k Co , lluatun, Maaa ,
rntaMirg. ra., i:mcago, in., or tit. laouia, aiu.
Tbe nnr.arr.har nffers si priyat tale hie
VALUABLE r'AKM. eiiuaie ia Mnorur
tnwtialiip. Hnviler t'oiinly. Pa. ailjoinlni
amla nf Abraham Fitlier. Miclnal Humuial
tuil other, containing about
171 ACHE,
unre or leal, ninei y-lle aoren of which are
uleareil ami in a bigb male of cultivation :
lie balance ia covered with lb hl uf lim
ber. Tb itaprovraunis eotnid of a guo.l
Dwelling House,
i LAKOK HANK HARN ami all neoea-ary
uiihiiililinirn, foil water conteniant for ail
.iiirpu-ea. a I'trge
nnlaininn choice grulied fruil. He. The
rm I umlrr nni fence, finiurallj fertile
i' il highly prmlnciit ; in in a bralllit
uiinirT. nhuil iliree mile from 8el na
ioe and two milea frmu !liuniok'n Dim
. iti west Lank of itie Sii.rtnelmnna .-i'.
-ia rnufenirni in Mnrkpn. Knilroaiti. I'm
n'r. C lm retire anil r'cliuoN",
Will IivmiIiI nn enay ici oia. and poneaion
jiven nninr Ja'oly if deaireil For further
particular iopnir of lb tubacriberen ibr
Monro twp.. Jnn 8, 170.
tflataol teAKIA HALL, de'4,
-i th rat Ate of Maria Hall, lit the bo.
ugh i..' linrnr. dre'd, haying bn granlod
i., tho un..''alvn.l. nil oarauna knowing them
rlyoa In.lti.'nl I" a bl nun ar requested t
tii-K ivirmeni, ann mo. navipg riaona againai
tba Mime will praol tbm l .r rttlement to
W. t. r.l'MKWT,
Oct. so. IOT0. Kiaoator.
Tnnsa FX.V rsx.T Aoonxro
t'nltaa thhat Walor nro if 'Vmialllnn with
il Water pruol ai.-l" In lb bra I manner sad
at ih ..'. prl' In tb eni.eiiinar.
tier i". iri, a luunuaiiun ur , arron r ai zn
lTO'of wa'ar-im-.f Ituninualllen i !. anntliar
I vrr f Fait i 4ih ai olliar iayar olC' mpualliuo
Iih anullior Iny-r uf I ell.
V nn lur i ircuiaraand tsaupiaa.
A An TnrJan merit
"nffrlho rinae p'irrhe In aeh plan
VOouaquar ioi uf 'ha tnana t.i FLT, witk
u nw..aary soiling, lur I BiaiY iiobLABa.
Thla Paint la enmiwel uf gnma. olla. and r.
a iu ma auljataura eumid ! with wittll-l tnr
iul lb l knuw.i itryara. It .i.alna nu
1 lueial O' 1'lgiii. nl. and ia uroparad, rraoy f r
Uia. al.-ut Ilia minat'trney ol ordinary mU.
..iilioa li m. muon oaa. otalna 111 aUalluity
I'liiger an I II I muro durabl.
luuniy ilglii. Iuraila
tot ciroui "a ..d all pirlleuUra, Addraaa.
MIO i KiiUf OO C' P W V.
Mat. Ira Luna,
iW YuKK.
Oo. 20 1170 -I Bl.
Kccly As Sillier,
Lumber Dealers
Doors, Door Boxes, Wladow, Staolten
window Boxes, Blind, Saab, Blair
Fixing, Hand Balllnp, Brack-
et. Mflaldlar. rinorlnr.
xCBCLL r A W I NO a c A kl.N fc r T L'KNINO
Suinglua, Lath tic, fro.
Order an'lclieit ami Iliad wtih prompt
nena and ileapaMk. Plea eall and eiain-
In ir atoek l.elor purokaaing leewbere
il-h IIOTKL.
: J. A. bflBLXETKIR, Proprietor. '
Haylr g take chnrfe of ibia old sod well
ttiabti.hrd eianrl. the proprietor prnp-ae
n liovoi all hie atleallna la lha nrA.i.llMa
if hit Table and liar anJ lha annnmrnnda.
, ia. . .7 ., . 1
unn ol Link am Bad kraal. He tolhtiia a '
Ilboral ehara rf ike auhlio ml......
. 1........ 1 a in, . , "
eill'i .- ' 1
attoinrt at itv,
a rrwioaatuasi auai ma aa ana Bulla,
it. PrafMak.Bi
A. WATCH FRER for ercvbodyl
TAMK8 K. DAVli liuiEt..
lltNKV A. ROMO ProprieW.
Tbit welt kaowa lloua kktioe heaa ra-
t't'4 hj Ike reeral prnproletor, or et
crllenl acooaiO'odation Is tbe Irate Ins)
ommiuili. Cbeio li)nurs anil at
th Bar, aad lh Table bppliad with tbe
beat ibe to kraal affioda. A good ataUIn
ai tendril by earvful boiiltra, In ennnactiori
wiaik kua. April CTOtf,
Ravtlldb Vo.'u AiircrHifmtnU.
rii'iTiiKijf TivW "
awd rnf
Tkl aoarUr'a U Mawbare aRItT rats i.
all ubMrlbln,, Ur..r ta r h.
am yar-s Hty-Two NauVbra!
.J'.' ,,ratawlalutltyar la ant !
LBrna.1.. iroalaiiae Juuroll of lu iilsaa la Ih!
World I N.,l,..n. u karaeir Abi
aaprbly l,lu.traud aJVrTatl. H la Ika
It la Ik Mtaadard Aathorlty oa alt brMiu
orAarkullar Hurti.aliar. i. "a a IMiZ
tam'aailllta all otor th V, S??.
laeaad kui.e, hea" k.J "V, li"2?WS
;. h Urtan IlluatrVud P.U?
lh. Coatla.Bt-Mk nut bar aoalaiulM si.
to i Ir. ( uluma PaKea, (dnabl tka aai ie
u. i p.b,j, ,r, ,.,.,;., 'it I. Taa Safi. A,
tk Laat, Wt, Nurtb and Soatk. 9 1
ira .ni i n i.." i"".va""ar I barn-
Inn I
'ili!? i '' " 4r- ax 'r to all fur.
rry iona. Addraaa
I) tl T .UiioUi
Tu.' V"l ' " ' lb "tit . full.
Addraaa I ua MTU JT, lu '.SaUag'St , TjfT
J".. aP' 'J.'1" " b'l'tmat ratory. Mpt.ndnf
""k10 k , la ir.Ki.' .ti.i
-in nr. .,b r.ealpt t i n. aiuinp f'.r ,!oai,g'
Ad Iran. Ati.t.M , f ...p., rubiuh.,1., BuHub.
fur t'trent.r. A liVJl
P.... ua rimoii a at , Naw Yurg. ".
at lalof iba.Tuurnal to ae h.i.r Ihry Ilka
""..!' l"tt Mj""" un 'ottDk;i
Plctiir.aqu. An.rtea, eoni allng of anlendll'r
rxouiod .few. of Ain.rlr.o seooVy. . ?,?., i
G:S. KOltl1 K I.KKS I.IKE.
Nearly ready for Poblleillnn, th Blngra
I Ly of 11. n. Kubi. F.. Leo. by .luhn Wien Conk.
O'lior .. LI of si.iii.whII Jackion."'
ng tba Ore;." etc I rut.. I to., too paa.a. 111.
u.traled To ba tuld by eubaorlpllon. AOENTO
Sir hit
mlnot I
IIXD-5H Wtilili,
mlnoia la Four Wek. fend two Stama
for clraular.
0. llo a 4MI, N. T.
btaatngup as old AXE. fiend SI M k
LlPriNi Oi l' a BLAKF.WF.LL. Pliuburgb,
Pa, an I tliay will mdiI a tip top Ala. Klprv
agapilil. Half a day lo griudlng will thua k
J li'.lll.LJ Jit V
'W-wfJBIaTfJaWJ m ATf? Ill & II IJ
- - - - . aaaw
MlCrALlC iKitOSiNK LiUf.
habaulutaly aif fiona aipmloo or brMklngt
kurna any llual CM I, good o bad gleaa laur
lighi, nu whir, and uaa. loaa uH.
It ta poiSa-lly bub iptultr. Th llflit I
baniar Ihm If peiaiauaal by oy oilier lamp."
W. n. i I rrk, PiWut Aaaaaghuaatu Aarloai.
tural ttolrag.
"It ! DB-lditlf ami atplnalr, aire, a bait.
Ilgrlaa r la m . a ennuuilual th in aay othar
laiu. In ...o w. W. Wall, hint bauatlnMaV
daol Publlo irliuirta, Chloag.1,
lha ain-alll ig dlb and ffraa from glaa
lamim letido'llng and broaklog rl a ureal
i.oiand lur thla lamp. II PA Y lo ..II II ..!
br anvaaxrai A iron l. wnI
Sad for t'ltoular and lerma tn MoaTOogaar av
o , Oleroluul, llula. it HaroWy l, N. Y.
ja"C A WEKK MALARTt-Ynung m.b
v" W.nio.1 aa I wal and ira-e log aalo.
Ol0. Addraaa (With lunul at. II. WALaTklB.
U t ark Hop , N. V.
430 A DAY, (or. LA fTA A Co., PltUborg.P
Atental RinJ lb!!
ot 1 9 lor waok and oanonaaa. or allnw a.
larg roiuta'aalun iu ril our now and wuudarful
klaraball, Mick.
Aiiaree ai. wauhkk IO.
I i'l Pri.M'l.M IKY HALKA ll ' InZlf
Th. i.ld aiandard f.r I'uavha. Ilnlda.
Cuuaiiinpilon. ' Nothing bur." OuTLaa)
ua.. m 10., uuaivo.
Ar parlor load other, lor C'nngha , (N!,
Aathm. Hr.inrlilal and l.unv rilrBrulllaa. ara
r.d ugly unlut.hla, bar nun ur that aiua.
atlng l.rrrrll.l. i taata, are vary aothlna a.J
a.. Ilka a rhirmi Ulnm.ra., aod Publl
iAiir' will Hndtl.T are aapaol illy adaplad b
lb voir o. iiv Uniiilui. Alan
MltHTflM'i(P. V.) 1 'Oil LlVtB OIL,
lor Cuniunipilua and iterofulai ua aoolkar.
ia annorflanaa hair la Flea
Mlnntaa. alikuat lujuty tu tk aklu. b.ol by
mall fur l, la
Hcllor. mutt Tl'drnt paroiyam. la Ara ralnutwi
and alfria a rprdy our, frlc. ,iai b - mall.
Color ih wli.akart an I hala a boauliful black
ur Bkowa. it ounala nr only a .0 propirailua.
It rna by aaalk. Addraaa 4 .1. HPil .t M, No.
7il J .yo Sira.t. PlilltilalpblA, P. Circular!
aoulli Mull fc all lrn.glatt
Prti.a eaahad aad Infurmatlun furnlthad k
OtOBOE ll'HAM.Pru.WoBca. K.I. '
M AOIC EO'tS.-BlgthlB. Sand ltar Otnu.
,.r,ii T""i W Waahlogloo trl,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
PYCHOUN!'Y. Anv l.adv or
OaBtlmaaa can aikaai.tooa month, eeoure)
ikelmwa koupln4 and lud.nd-nr, by oa.
lalnlna P.y ..ii.v, Fa-v batiiib. or etoni.
BglMH, 400 UAWOal olotb. Full lualrunllona
tu ua. tint piwar uv.r aioa ue anliaalt at will,
how lu Maamorlio. bum Tranr or Writing
w. .u.u., ...,hi"h, np'riin-iiiaiw, Airaaaty,
Phllivoiiby nf man. and lirMint, llrlahaoi
Y'.uog't Harem. Haul, to Mii.lwi.Ai .11 a...
lamed In Ibi. booki lul,U) auld prloa ky mall,'
In el-Hk. l Si. papar aurer 1. Norica. Aay
ia.iupi ul in. work froo. Aa ao eapltal ta
quired all d-alraua a g.ato.1 mplnyai.Bl
uuld -nd for th bu.k. auobuiinw lu miu ff ir
pi lag, in T. W. Etab. AOo., Il awaik ta
airovA, rniianaipuia.
J A,lra'
ddlag la Aalorl
red a aat aad tlaipl
.rruaa Wokta Earlf
I'rinary aad aalaal
o a ri.Miary, nieraearan a
ramaiio a.r ik.i'.r..i i...u
lea: lHaaaa .1 lha L'rlnarw
JOra.i.a. and tba wkolairalaaf euardoM hnaabl
fl A V E ! K It !
1 P A V, ..r lla.rir.rd, t 'uno t a
..aaeia, t,.VD,ouo. iIkmi 1,1 Kh ai
r.S D W at E S r Puili lr. of all ai p
TJ lorina. Ample aourlty,luw r .1.
A'an 'nl"r. -.1nst Vu lllKVI
caualng or total dlaablllty
Pu loir, wrlticn by tb yoar or Buul
IU pAld uu r-sn Iiat ru ,s
11 lo bon.ata tu pilluy huldera.
f"oa by lMnafuld Tlulooa fcaMia, 0al a a ay.
?"1,,2V'1!: '.TH' r",B -f-
rruwi - Hwa ny aaoiro iw aaaani la a nil. too raw
to aat ueny wka aaanls II. Fra nf akaaaa (
o rroa j 1 1 t . r n t. i n aa
AN, fvatlkB A liwt
! . . i 1. (. .'..
IAraWHt U .aawis t
bbbj ng, arawt aw y ara WW .
awaaaar-a-i " ' . i '. i.Marrr-ry-..