v. TE post. PaMiekad1 eeerr Thursday Evening by U&Uliai CBorsi, rroerletor. Term of Subeorfptlon, TWO DOLLARS fER ANNCM, Payehle mn aivaine, r 2.ou ir not paid wlihln the year. Nt paper discontinued until all arrearages art paid unites at toe option 01 ina publisher. Sabacriptiona outside of tho county POTABLE I!f APVANCt. JkJ Persons lining- and using paper aoarreeea it titers ceeome subscribers, and art liable for lha prloa of iba paper J P. qiONHIT.LElt, . ATIUUJ.KY AT LAW, Middleburg, Pa., ejflars liia prtletsiotsl services to tba pub lit. CoUeotione and alt otbrr professional aslneee entrusted to bit oara will rtoeivt prompt aitantioo. f Jan 8, 't)7if AC. SIMPSON, ATTOK.NEY AT LAW, Solinsgrove Ph., Offers kit professional service lo tht pub It. All buelnest tnlrutted to bia cart will bt promptly attended ta. f Jan. 17. CTlf I W. KN'KHIT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Freubiirg IV, off.ra bia Profession! service to lhe ph. Is. All bueiness eotrm-tea lo bit Car will bt promptly tt'JJ lo. Jan l','67tf WM. VAKZER, v ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Lcnvisburg Pu.. I 'fart hit professional eervlce lo In taih lit. Collection and all other rrofe-eion-al hneinesa entrusted lo bia cra will re evlvt prompt attention. GEO. F. MIT.T.F.l?, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lcwirtlwrjr Pit. niters his Professions! service In ihepiib 'ie. Collection and all other profevalon all business entrusted lo bis'osre will re scivt prompt attention. Jan. 3, ''.7tf. I 51. 1.1 NN. A. IT. PILL. lit (iiiccessn's tn V M. t.lnn.i ATTORNEYS AT LAW. l,ewi.iiir. ! Offer Ilieir professional services to lite ulil'f. OilleeHnns ami all other pro fessional fciieiness entrusted In their rare will reeeivepronipisttentlon.fJsn. 3, 'CTlf CUA1ILFS IIOW'ER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Selitisprnre Pn., Utters hl professional eervices to ihe pub I, Collections and all other professions) hnslnsss ntruotcil In bin rare will re. seive prompt attention. Office two door north of tbt Kejitone Hotel. Jan b, 'ft CiA'MlIKL ALLF.MAN. O ATTORNEY AT LAW. Selin(rrove Pa OtTere hi" Professions! services to the pul.lif. AH business entrusted to hie imre will h promptly attended lo. Col lections ms'le in all parta oftha Stale, lie can apeak lltt Fnal'ab and Germm lant usee fluently. Office between Hall's ami lb 1'ott office. La. myf.hs, UTCRNEY UOI NSKIOR HTHW Middlelmrg Snyder County Penn'tt lifliea a few donrt Wel of the V. O. on Wain street. Conrullnlion in F.nr'hh and Ceintn rtgurflte. Fer.'liTlf T C. BVCITKH. J . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lowinliurir Pa.. lideva bia professions! seioeslo the pith ) 1C. All hnsiiiess entrusted lo bia enre bt prompt! al tended In. ' (Jan. 8. '67lf Trover a iukv.r VjT--'- PEWIXO MAOIT1NE. Pemona in need of a food and durable Kewine: Maclilna enn be aeeommodated l reasonable pricea liy eallinf on on Hau nt PAraT, Agent, Sallmgroe. rJn. 24, 'C8 DTI. J. Y.81TINTVF.L-. BURGEON AND PnYHTCIAN, Middlrburn Pa., OITara hit. prnfeiaionaf tervicee lo tbt ell item of Middleburg and vicinity. f Marcb 21, '67 P. VAN UUSKIRK. ?l'EOICAL k MECHANICAL DENTIST SelinKgroYt Tenti JOUN K. UU01IES, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE rEACE, Peo Twp., Soyder Co. Tt Yn, 17 A ONER. Etq., Jt TICE OF THE PEACE, Jioknoa To w.tsblp, Soyder Co. Pa., Will alland to til buaintat tnlruated to bit eart tnd on tba moat reaannahle lerml. Mtfeb 12, '68t R J- V KANAWEL. PUT81CIAN AND SUROEOff, omrcTllit), Snyder Co., I it. Offert bit profeaaional tcMioet to tbt publio. ' 88tf W W. BCnWAN, M. T., X1 . BURGEON ft PHYSICIAN, . . Port Treorton Pa. OfTertbit professional terrleta to Ibt oitiiena of tbil pltoa and tiolnity. Ht paakiGerttiaa and English. r April 16, '68 U A. BOYER, Jr, X' s AUCTIONEER. Fieebnrir Snyder Co. Pu., bloat refneot fully otfert bit lervioea to lha rnhllo aa Vendut Crvtr and Auction aer. llavint bad t larct txperitnee, 1 teel confident that I tin render perfeol saiiifaoiion to uiy tmuloytet. ... K Jan. , '671 BT. PARKS, s ATTORNEY AT LAW ft PISTRICT ATTORNY, bllDDLEDCRO, SNYDER COUNTY, It Office it Court House, SepMS, 67tf LEWIS BREMER'S SONS T0BACCOWAUEH0USE No. 322 N. THIRDS 6,88 PHILADELPHIA. JERCHANT H008I. ii. U. MANDERBACII Ywv'tu - J. 0. N1PE, Clork. Rm. 411 ft 41 Notli Third Street. . Pbiladelphl JOULES ft ELDER WIOLKSALK BOOK SELLERS Stttlootrg, Blank book Manufactures M featert lit Wrapping, matting, Cur mi Wall paplrt Ftptr Bttf it (ie U1 jab Prlnltrt . . , 3N Itrtk Third atrttl fttta ! --v- VOL. 8. READING RAILROAD. Wintiwr Amino anient. MniiHue Not 21 1870. Orett Trunk Lint from tht North 4nJ North weet f.r Pbiladelphl. New York, Rtaiiint, Pollsfille, Tama.nia, Ashland, Hhamokin, Iebannn, Allentown, East on. Fphrala, Litis, Laneaaler, Columbia ke. Trains let nrrtaniiri tor new lork, as followst at 8.10, 8 I t, 1U.50 a. m,. and 2.60 p. m., e.inneeting with similar trains on tba tht I'tnnsyhanlt Kailfoad, and arriving at New York at 10.10 a. m 8.60, 6.6U and 10,00 p. m., repeclirely. Bleeping rart accompany tbt 3. V m., train, wiikoul change. Returning i Leat New Tnrk at P. 00am. 12.00 Noon. andn.OOptn. Philadolphia at MO in and 8,30 p di i Sleeping cars no ompany the 6.00 p in iraina from New York, without change. I.ente Harriahurg for Reading, rotlsTllle Tamaqna, Mincrstille, Aslilaml, Shnmokin, Allentown and Philadelphia, at ".10 a m, 2,60 and 4 05 f m, flopping at Lebanon and principal way alaii.me : Ihe 4.05 p m train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottirltle and Columbia ouly. For Pott. vide, Pchuylkill li nen and Auburn, via I Schuylkill and Suaiiiehannt Unilroftd, j Leave llarrishurg at 3, 10 p in i East I'eneylvania Railroad trains leave Reading tor Allrnlown, Easlrn nnd New York at 6.00. 0.:jiia.t.. 12 4 i noun. M 4.I."I p. in. Rrtnrnig, leave New York al '.'.(Ml a. i m., 12.(10 noon and 5 tat p. in. and Allen tnwn al 7.'J0 a.m. 1J. J5 Noon iy 4.20 rnd S.l6p. ni. ay passenger trmn leaves I'tiiiniiolphin a. 7,'!o a tn. conncciini with eimiliir tmln on East 1'i nim. Itailioad, rcluriiing from Iteming at 0,'Jitp m, eli'i pttig nt all sintiuns Lvare Poltsviltr at tt.OO a, tn and 3,10 p. m.; Hern Inn nt 10.1. am: fUn- mnkin at 1,40 and 1 1,-ti a. tn.: Asliliiml at i.Oo a m, and l'J.AO noon, Mulianoy City at i. 61 a. rn. and l.ilj p. ot.. Tiininiiii at K.83tn, and 2.40 p m for 1'liilndelphia New York, Heading. ll.ivrilurr, io. Lenve l'otleville. via Bchiiylkil. nnd 5us- liielinnna R R at 8,16 a ni for Harrisburg, and 12.'I6 noon for I'ini'gruveanit Tremnni, npading Accommodation Iruu: Leaves Pottsville at 6.40 0 ni. pas.ra Iteadint nt 7.80 a m, arriving al Philadelphia al 10,20 a, ni. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4.46 p in, pnxsing Rending nl 7.2" p m, arriving al Pottsville at M. 10 p in. Tottstown Accommodation Iratn Leaves rut i Mown at 7,00 a tn, returuiuif leaves Philadelphia nl 4.00 p in. Cnliimliia Hnilrmd Trains leave Heading at i, .11 a m. nnd o.ij p ni fur rpotata, Litii. Ltncnster, Ooluinliia. Sit , Perkiomrn Riillmad Trnlna leave PcrM- nnirti Junction at 7.4't, H.05 a m, 11.00, and 'i,:)0pm: returning leave Scliweuknvillo al 7.00 and 8.20 a. ni, 12,(0 Noon, and 4.U0 p m. connecting witU aimilar traina on Rending Riiilrmd. Colehrjokdule Railroad trains lenve l'yils lown ot 0,40 n m, nnd 6,20 p m, returning leave Mount Plensntil at f ,00 and 1 1,25 am, connecting witb similar truing on Reading railroad. ('hosier Valley Railroad Iraina lenve Bridepurl at 8,30 a m, and '!.(l" and 6.02 p tn, returning, leave Dnwningtown al rt.5.1 a ni, 12.45 noon and 6,16 p m, connecting w ith similar trains on Reading railroad. On Sundays: Lenve New York at 8,00 p m, Philadelphia 8.00 a m nnd 3.16 p u. tht 8,110 a ni train running only lo Rending; leave Pottsville 8.H0 a m: Harriahurg 3.10 a ni and 4,5 p in, loavo Allrnlown al 3. 4 ' p. in. and tnd 8 45 p. ra ; leave Reading at 7.16 ni, and 10,06 p ni for llariiaburg al 5 trC a m for New York, and 9,40 . tn. and 4.26 p m for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Rrasor., School and excursion tickets, to and from allpoiuts at reduced rates, Rnggage checked through ; 10O pounds allowed each passenger. Q. A. N1COLI.S, Qtnrrnl Suprrinlendtnt. Readlnt. No. 21. 1870. CABINET ORGAN AND MELOliEON MANl'FACTOKY, Wart Room tod Slort on Tint Street, ' Faotory tn Snyder Street, Stlinsgruvt, l'a. If yon want to bear and set Una toned ant beautiful Uricans and Molodeons sail at our Wart room and 8tore. Wi use nont but the best material In maklna Instrument. Try one Ul .uom inn 7.u wii, v. Ri.ij.nwit Kvery Instrument Is warranted for live years. Dealers, AKtntsand Ministers or the Gospel, are Invited to eorresonad with us and send for price Hit. We are also agent fur the beat New York and Philadelphia Pianos. Violins and Aeeordeons Irons ts to tie. V tot to Btrlom, Kneel Musle, Picture Frauiee, 1m., sm., Pianos and Aeeordeona oorraetly tuned and repaired, Call on, or address by letter K. Z. (SALEM U CO, ept. I, H7t... h.lioitrore, Pa. OiUll FATIIEK'8 IIOUSK, THt UNWRITTEN WORD. By Panibl Hanra, D. IV, author or the nono lar "NIkIiI Keeoes." This master tn thouaht and lanKSUKt shows as nntold riches and beau ties In the (liMt House, with Its Hluomtnic flow ers, SIdkIdk birds, Wavln aims, Kolllna elouds, Huutllul tnw, Saered mountains, lie. IlKUtml rivers, MUhty oceans, TnamleiliiK vol. c.t Hlaiing heavens and vast universe with countless belnas In uillllonlof woraW, and reads to us In each tne Vaorttleo Word. Koee tinted paper, ornate anarevlnge and superb binding-. 'Klcb and varied la thouKbt." 'xliasle ""ty and sjreeeiul ta style." "Correct, pure elevating In it teniteaof." "Beautirul and aood." "A hoaselndii treasure." C'omoieadatlon Ilka the above from ikillene PreslUeuU and Protessors, mlnlssers of all ueaonilnatlunst aod.tlit reunions and steals preea all over the country. Us fr.no nMJM Kuril, nll.r.ii.-a with .lau. .....i. , Ant steel enKrevlnite, substantial blndlnst. iLd low price anko It tie book tor Ihe uiasM. Ageuts are sellltif from tojto 160 per week. v.w.ii. Livrayiu.n, pciiooi leaceera smari young ai.n ahd twites lo Introduce the work for us In every townahlp.and we will pay liberally. no luiauixeni man or woman Been ue wituout a payruic buslnaea. cieou iweireuiar, ran ueaenpioon ana Mrms. ZltrULKR MVUVRUY. ItH. flu St. Phlla IN Haottit.Uln. O. t Monroe ML Uhl tos N.tthBt Louts eoi.i. m or 101 main it tsprlok-neld. Mass. i.srf. CKAMRLLO, WATCH at CLOCK MAKER, Market St. Widdleburg Pa, TTAV1NQ located In tbit plact I would XX rtsneat fully inform tbt oitiieni el Middlebu. tnd vicinity that I am prepared to repair CLOCKS AND WATCHES obeap tnd tipsditlously. Tbt pairooagt of tbe publle it reepeotiuliy toUeited. W. ORANELLO, Uiddleburg, Nov. 24 1WB. . LLEQHENY U0D8E. Not. 8li A 811 Market Street, v .. . (16e AyAfa,) PUlLADEtrillA .. art Vfwvu t, ntwi vv k . rtertiBTot. ' a,51tf MIDDLEBURG SNYDER CO. PA., SELECT POETRY. TUB nRIDKF. OF SICillA. "Drowned I browned t" Haxlit. Ont uinrt unforlunatt, Wi'wy of broHth, Ksnhly Importunate, (Jout to ber death. Take her op tondtrly, Li II her wttlt cart ; Ftihbmeil to teii'lerl, Young and to fair! Look nt her p nrmtnH Clinging like ooremttlt; Whilst tlit wavt eoostantly Dtipa from ber clo'klnjf ; TsVt her up iosttutly, Laving, not loathing. Tmieh her not icornfully ; Tliluk of her mounirully, (Jently tnd huaianlj ; Not of I bo ti t ot ol her, All '.hit remaint of her is'ow, ia pure, wowanly. Malta no deep acrutioy Into her mutiny Utsh aol undutiful; l'il all hibnt)or, Draili hat left on her Only the beautiful. Still, f if all !ip of IteTi One t' Kre'i t'atnily Wipp lluo pour ipnof bort (Ijzio tto clammily. Iioop up Iter trtsci Kitoapoil Irom tht comb, Her fair auburn tresses ; Whilst wouiJeriiieiit puttees Where wu ber lioint? Who wan her father ? Who was her mother f Had (the a Hitter? Had Hhe a biotlmr '( Or itt there a dearer ono Still, and a tMnrti' one Yet, than alluther '.' A1:i t fur the rarity Of ChriH'.i.m charity I'U'ler the sun Oh ! it wai pitiful 1 Near a wlinlt city full, ll'iine ttht bad uone. Sisterly, brutherly, Kniherly, tnotberly, Fet'lings bud clinned ; Love, by bnrah vvideoce, Thrown from its eminence , Kvcn (ind't proviileuce dooming elraoed. Whore the lumps quiver So fur in the rircr, Wi.li mftny a light Finn! window nod vasemont, From garret to bitternest, Slio stood, with attiaueiiitot, llountlena by uighL The bleak wind of Marob M ule her 'ri'tnblo ood tsliivor ; lint not tht dark arch Nut' ihe blnck flowing river; .Mad from life's history, Cilnd to death's ttiyslery Swift to be hiirl'J Any where, any where Out of tbe world I In alio plunged boldly No matter how; coldly The rough river ran . Over tbo brink of it Picture it think of it, Diteolute Man! Lave in it, drink of it TbtD, if you can 1 Talce hor up tenderly, Lift her witb cure, Faibioued ao alenderry, Young, and 10 fuir! Krt ber limbi fritfidly Siiffeo too riitidly, Decently kindly Smooibe nod compose them ; And hor ryes, eloae tbora, Stariog 10 blindly I Preadfolly itarioj; Through nin 1 Jy impurity, As when with tbe dariog Liit look of despairing Fixed on futurity. Perishing gloomily, Spurred by contumely, Cold inhumanity, liurniojr. insanity, I nto ber rett. Cross her buoda humbly, Aa if praying dumbly, Over ber breast ! Owning her weakness", Hor evil behaviour, And leavitg, witb meekoeaa, ller alna lo ber Saviour I A Kuttry (Maine) youth who de aired lo wed the o fcjeet of bia affeotions bad no interview witb ber pateroal anoettor, ia which be staled that, al though he bad no wealth worth apeak- of, yet ha was ' chuck full of day's saarv ..a t wore, ii gov tue gin. Carlyle aayi i " Make vourself a good niun, and then yoti may be aure ibere ia one Iba lens rateul io tbe world." There la? a nan eenteoeed , to 25 rears' imprisonment 'n aa Ohio peni tentiary, who has alread apeot 25 years to vartoua jatia. veteran ahop keeper aiyi that althuugh bia olrk are vary lalkalive during tbe day, they are a I way a ready Coutcn lu of a I'taleut Sletll cine) .Man. From Halph Foelor's " Confession of a ratent Medicine Man," In the L)ocoroler No, of the Atlantic ilonthif we niitke the riiraci : My corn salve was aiale of patab and itutn arrahic. It would do it work io fire minutrt, but. ol course, it mnJo the Knit outrieouly aore sf lerwarcf. This was matter of Very little inoooveo eoce to tut, bucunse ray buiiuoss required me lo bo moving continually iron) place to place I always managed lo get out of town oo the fl'iod tide of my reputation a. an effective chiropuditt. It will b easily belvivod tli.it I did not ac quire my skill siJ seir-reliance, as tn operator, all at once. My corn eulvc grow in my coiilirloara from the fee' it fod on. You tlnok tbatitaqneer eiprsiiin? lull cunnot, then, be aware of the corrosive nature tf fot ali. Well, sir, exporienceaaJ speilil knowlodge ara evrrvthioi; in one's buMtiea. I will confess that 1 iva nervous before tuy lirai patient The tulve had nuver been ttiod, and a friend told ma I had better not tty it. Hot my auhject wan a good one, rather an aiomly, ton, in life. I think you hardly ever heard before ol a poor shoemaker with corns. That describes tuy lint pitient. I m u-ilcr-fd up courage at 1s t, tin 1 fl uirishcd an old raz ir at bitn with quite a pro fehsional air Ibr a youth of 10. The job was not as neat n one at 1 learne I to Jo ativrward, but Ht 1 11 it pavo tern poruiy tut infliction ; and 1 soi l that shoemnker two boxeaof tbo enlve. And tliu I went about overs ilo extent vf territory, loavin I know not what number of sore feet Mi in I mo I hnvo no b'.'tter idea how much more podal d if ties 1 iititfbt havo worked on a ere lulo'J community had it not beio tor an socident which, at lb ) end of a cotiplo el years, overtook tno in my earcer. 1 ha I Itft a great quantity ol my s,ilve and lo.oogers stowed away in a towu which I wjs then makiug tuy headquarters. They were carefully j packed 1 remember, in noil paper busm. un my return, alter au un usually Ion ' trip, 1 lound tb it tho in twt tul poiaib had eaten up tho paper I'oxeii, and. m:iUiu its devouring way to Uiy iMugh-ln.enert, und iovolved uiy whole stock in one agglomerate tij iM of ruin. Out ot uiy temporary despair, how ever, riiianu' a lu:kv in.-piration You have doulillcM heard much ol the' huppy elaiticiiy uyonth. Tlicroii.) I gtaut souiething svailuble in that, but 1 louoi Momotbiug a great deal better tor tuy business iu tbe rapid j growth aud physical chunks of thuli period of my lift. Tho fuel is, I hud to wo and altered so in appraranco sitice I bad first alared out with my I com salve, that, st the lime of alt it tp! palling aoeideut, no oaool'my first pi tieots would hsvo recognized uo Iroiu' a mere surgicul acquautiiice of two yearn bofuro. I may aay here, in fact I that those riposted changes in my physical appeseuuee, aided by the coropping ol bjir, or iho ttbuudoniuc; of it to excessive leogth, au iut la-t, by tht coming of the beard, were all through by early experiences of un told advaotare to me. 1 litis in the course ot li mo I became personally ac quainted with all the people who: could he duped in a given region of! country, and with every new project or nostrum, I returned uureuooi.ed to thorn, ovea aod over again. Now out of tba potashes of the agglomer ate ruiu ot tny entire slock intrude sprang, Phucnix-like, a lackey inspira tion, at 1 have before said, without ihe present iuditl'ertut joke, which ia alto- goiuer accideuiul. iVbilo contem plating my irrotriof able lust, 1 cou ceived tbe idea of a patent pain killer, wbicu 1 would go about selling tocure tbe sores left by corn salvo. Asa general thiuc mioty, or, 1 should aay, the want of it, gota the ImiDorral work out of umtclaxa braiua. I read tke subdaoce of tint remark in a newspsper ; or was It a magaime f It doieii matter; I believe it, and 1 verriOod it in the production of that puiu killer; that's enough. Well, sir tbe project worked la a c liana. I commeuced operations, ot course, in al most the exaot traces of my former chiropodal exploits. It was oot long, therefore, tdl J came upon my fit at pa lient, the shoemaker. 1 began euu- liously lo extol lha stomaoie virtues of my medicine, and gradually led up to tta external apilioatioo. It was good, 1 asured dim, for btuiies, spraiua keeping my eye,steaUbily on ma, I rem uutier my Hat, to estcti any taint gleam or recognition bruises, sprains, wouuds, sores " On tne lost r ' axkeu be, tntertnpt iug ue io tny cauloue of poniiive curee. " CetUioly t better for tbe foot than anything tlst." ' Well, 1 liave aore feet, and that s i he fuct,"aid the shoemaker. "You aee there) waa a rogue of a fullow around here a eople of yeara ago cur ing corns, and be made my ftet aore. It 1 evtr catch the villain 1 II use a strap on him; lhal'a what I'll do. 1 now felt sure, 1 need aoarotly add. that my former patient did oot tecog- one sue, and ao J sold bios two bot tles of paiu killer to core tbe aura I bad made two yeara before. It was not, perhaps, a remarkable fact thai my paiu killer went faster toaa my pain mater, ton euro naive. did a thriving business la this ao thriving, indeed, tSal 1 gradually eaug ht up, as I may aay, witb the in terveoing time between tbe sale el Ihe latter and former artielea. Tbat it. DECEMBER 8, 1870. my earlier truces became so recrtit that my disguise grew pettloat. But there wis such a demand for tht pain killer that I went nn, notwithstanding tho danger. One dsy, however, I en countered a a'urdy young fallow upon whose Icrt 1 had operated not very Ions; before. Ia hit eagerne for ra lief he was in the net of purclmiini it at my hands, when u Idenly recogniz ing me, he changed ba mind, nnd gave me a sound thrashing instead Tbat pat an end t tho piin killer business. 1 returned considers' l bruised, lo my headquarters, and set all my energies ti work on the iaven of something less perilous to others us wtll as mrselt. I tnny say here that t always kept the little town which I havo calh'd niy headquarters, opin to me as an asylum, by leaving it nnd its imuiediiite tieighli irhond free from nil my tnedieal sud rtiirgiral experituuntx The result of my arjou- creative inought ctiluiioiitc'1 tins time in a pite to make old razor strops new. It professed to do it rrjivennting work by a simplo applirntion ; jet it did not sell very well. From lite very nature of things, I did not have the credulous woman hall of the world to work upon; Hi y had linlo er ni in-fat tercst in viineratiniiatLMl raxor slons It 1 , was this consideration more than ar.t other. I lliink tlml whioli in-nirod dip Willi tbo brilliant uftcr-ih luht ol chantug the namo ol my piio into that of a healing Ra'vu This the maio article became nt onee endowed with universal c irativo virtues, and beeams nUo tho profe.-sion dii ier.t lion of all liuui iU nature. I .tupp'. t it would not be modest in mo to eay that mv Mi vs Was too l'ooi! lor l!s or.u-iual pnrp.we. It is nt least true I hat, if it tailed upon razor strong it aueceedod adtniiably upon mankind. Vou will hardly believe mo when I toll you. but i stil it is ul.o true, that bv means of n iuoipient Ivard, and my hair grown long, and of a broad brimmed slouch hat as a disguiso, 1 sold a boi of m celebrated hcftling salb to that anno innocent eliootnikcr, who liad already twloo ligiired ns my customer. ( (wing to my pain auter, or ino recuporsuvo iiuiu oi inn iieaiuiy iraiur. ins ivei " "' V, ' V '", "!" .viu.iio up. ns ue wus enntidont ' i, ut well; uud t am glad tojthat M..cy wasahvo.. A tew daysa-ol there was nothing in my heal- Cisntncr and Judge I'.cid stunej ijr' that would materially ,ro-McKcnre. a town" at the jineiion ol" sIrimnAtMtDAesa) I., tl ... . l ' aa V wero aooui add that I ing sattro vout his ultimate recovery. KuperatllNon about Moriue. Caverns were supposed by the Ro mans to bo secure place ot rtfuge dur ing thunder-storms, and they believed lllllf. liotitimr iiMr ri.fltaiAit nm.n lhan two vards iu tne earth. ActinL'1 on this) superstition, (he nipernr Au- uuitususod to withdraw lulosomo deep, vu u It of the palace, whenever a tern-1 pent was feu ro). und it is recorded hy S.isiotiiiiM tint ho ulw.iyswore a eki'u of seal around It it body, against liht-! ning. That b tth prcua'tttntis arc rqttiily I uuavitiiing. uee.ls seurcely lo bo wen tioued. I.ightuiiig bas been known to I striko 10 ftet into iho earth : but noli.u;"reJ Keutlemsn.nl good bearing, busy eveu ihe marvelous uccurry of modern sjiuco can deturtiiiue ul wliu'. dulaoce tr jiii the surface a sato ret i cat may be found from tbe dtceuding (bud; aud even were this uscorluiiied, the dangers Iroui ascending eleotrio curreuts remaiu tlio same. With regard to seal skins, we tind lhal tho Homans attached so much laith t) theiuas noti-conduclors, thaL talits wera made ol'lhdui. boiumth I which the lim d umjJ to lake rtlugo. It I is a somewhat curious fact, lhal, i.i the! neighborhood of Mo int t'evennes, iu ! Langeu loe, whero aneiontly gome K0.i man colonies were kuowu to have ex- isted, tho eheperds cherish a similar i sunerslitioo resuoclinj the sLina ol s. r- lingers in the mind ol ibe peasant Cevenoes und tho more costly super stition held in reverence by hit Latin ancestor. The Km per or of Japan re tire anto a dead grotto duriug tlio tem pests which rajo iu their latitude ; but, iiAtiin iiaikM rnaav purnni i u itn unr nii.t " ei.vis.w viMmitoin, ntni uur nit' KY You had letleV leave.'-j XtTXl I...H..K., .ii.Auni.ua . ...t....i "os : but Bonne vim r.-,l r.., i.. i'n.'urs in ii.s e, ami he saij i ....-.io.... a L'.V..,. j ... ;a'armed. I've been ati.on,. thit a,.ei .,lnju l,!'irQl!a u't,n ,U Sju,ll tleman. who writes on this tubiect. ia ' Pple belore. ou mti-t tell me , .'.IT.,...,, disposed tosee al.uk of iuwreatingM.!"" 1 fiud,,J",r" W L. cotiio 1 1 r e s h it I v' w Vn r P' . 1 i . ... , . . . . ' n't , , " ,t ; cotno. Here t h it 1 ve won trout aiogy oetweeu me icgauu wuion ret - . ... ..., . n i ;, Blm. , i ,. notsatistiad with the profuuJity ol,lbe'hb' about 4ft yeara old. weight l?U eieavation. or tbe atrenirtb of tbo atooeslr". ,u" lu" " ,rl " of which it ia built, they complete their precautions by having a reservoir of Water sunk into their rttteat. The wa ter is intended to estinguieb the light ti ing a measure equully futile, since many inMauces aro known in which tba fluid baa fallen upon tht water with the aauie destructive effect as upon land. Tbe Lord' rittyer. A maiden kuelt in tho twilight and claiming ber bauds fervently breathed forth : "Our lather who art in Heaven, hallowed be tby name." A tnolber, in greet arfsl aod agony. gaiied en tba child sleeping bar long, last aleep, a loiilo wreathed her toll pa, and with taoda folded across that still aud njlstless brart, and kneeling there, tbe living and tbe dead, tht prays: Tby will b done.'' At early boailie of oritnt gild tbe sleupiog land, a widow with beriufrr ing little ones ebilttd by poverty aad woe, bowa al the throne of graooe and fervently prays: "Giva us lb ij Cay eur daily bread,'' Aa ..Tied t'.tlter, at Lie loved and loving boy goes forth from hla cartels! ear to brave tbe eotd frowaa of III raeele betide bisa on the eve ef hie de parture aad plead : u Lead hlds out iuto umptstioa, bat deliver hitu fit) a evil, for Tbiue ia tbe kingdom, ahd power, and the glory, forever. Anita." wMSHMBawawaBaBBHHalBBSS The atoek et' Milan ee hand at 8a- frm .... I Ml NO. 31). llisunfval ivovtii. Aout II m di tut ago a cold blooded murder was cotiinit'ed in Coahoma county, by .Mr. tieorgt Stacy. The .liiiliimtte of that dute) gist a report, which our readers will douhloss ro meuiber. Mr. $lry killed a .Mr. liilcy in his own Held, while be wa at bis work, lloth wcr planters, nnd, we think neighbns. They resided east of Friar's Point, nboul 1I miles, fuey weisrresled, iudiciud fur murder, gave bond foi his appearance lor trial, run uw iy und left li s boads'uitn an 1 sjrety Judge llarrioo KniJ to pay the bond Tlio circuit iude nronounceil judgmotit again Held for i 0 )' about tx Dioutbs ago. Iho Court give Ueid to the 1-t of December, to ring up his prisoner or jay llw U,0.. mil ttiK prisoner w.ih not to found Lulgj Kunl applied to nil tho police I'luceia and shcnlN in Mivsieaip;,! nnd! Arkansas. He applied to iho detee- ...o in .iiMiijiuis, nut ait to no pur-! pH. This was not calrululed tl iiiiiko .lU'ige Keu CKinlortitblo, for th '1 1-1 01 in'cetuocr wjs tapnily approach ing, and there was no es.ipe but to pay tho b-iad. t a a f 1 a 1 AUont ten da s n ti intra,.,,. ! ..: 1 tlm instunco of n Iriend, laid hi I iriml.l l,..l'.,r t. '.. 1 " " - 1 " v ... 1 ... 1 no, 1 n-t 01 t li is ;eitv, who. havittir .! all tl, .;.. fJ io-.iii.i-j I ,.. .1. . 1 .. i... . i . 1 ,. ' ; 1,'uid teiiirucd hoim t.i IM-v t-..i... in he'ter tipiiitH. but tho 1, of Dceetu ber haunted him. Six thousand Jo- .... n nrrurilT lnum'V II no ijl hut new U.M....wl. t.. ...i J. i . ... u .iimu'juv oinei. and snitureblo nud wnYilu..l I't... judge wat not hanov- I I'ranmer, whoso hpirit of ttd venture haa eirrm I l,im t.. '.!:,. ., ! plains, stid buck to tho Sta'tet won't' vigorously to work. The fust point fur Craumer was ihef.ict that Siaev has a brother rciidin r in JaeUuti Miss. Cummer visited .l.i,'t. i,.' came inliin-ito with Mr. Sturv srs-m j his umuey freely, au 1 wormed loiit of , nitti enough to satisfy Crantn, r that j (icorgo Siaev. the murderer was r. Isidiug near Hunt iug'on, Csrmli Co j Tetin. Criiiuierretariu-.l to Memidn's! wrote to Judgo lltid that ho desired I Dili) 10 Come up. a be was enntidel the Memphis and Louisville and North western railroads, about 150 milts from Meiupbi. Ilore Judjre Keid was icquesicu uy i rauuier to rerniin ho returned, nn I, without iulbrminir Keid o his t urpoos. ('runnier Jei.nrie.i for Huntinyion. county seat of Carroll 3"u'"-v' lt,u l,ai" Bin-' t0 'a-hville. I (viauuici ainvru uiere on iiiOMiightof I . . . . I . , . . the litli, and, early next moruing, U a eompauion to Iretpient a g.uubliug hired a horsU. ju a very cirimis w,vlhou-e. He was young and yitliling. Cranmer learned that a Mr. Clark, I '''s M" friend old enough to havo Jusiice ol the Peace in iruiitinatnn. I D"'" h 'rsch-rous Oneeveoing knew .Stacy aud where he could hele lwo l'd been drinking aud .amLi lound j but that Clark would uot givel !'"- 'earfully the yosng man losing any information unless lorced to d ) po '" v-'ry game A new vaine bad jusi Craumer lound t'.urk. who is a gray-, in ins iront yari nailing on the broke u pailinu of a feoce. fquiro Clalk, 1 euppoc, said Crinmer. "Ves, sir," he answered. qutre Clark, you know where Ucorge Stacy can be found and I camel to get lha ltifonustion.' "Who are you?' bristled un the U gsntlemau 1 am a" "r'c,'r of iho I'nileJ ta,e''' ru"" abalge which ""I'P0"'1 b sl'awl pin ; but th; words "officer t.f the Fuited States.' P"keri "' ft'1 V0c 'd rather im PJli,Ul1 u"l"rr ir. '''l ' ffect. tell you, a r, ssid datk, -this keep you till you tot or tell me where ; ' li eorgo Maey ran be found." This forcible speech ol Cranmer bad the desired e fleet. A broad-shou'dered. fu'l-brtasied man 5 feet and it inches broad race, of weatber-heaten eolor-l. and an oilie r of the United States, V t . f f .It), . ..I,,,. k ...I . I... .m i .il'"n 'u " . w m ' ' H 'w bum uuui"r-VII l.ini overcoat made ao imiression Ksipaire Liars, tne eommuui'y. to be aure, was desperate, and if the 'bort'' learned ol Crnnmer's presence, h:s life would not te wotth a broken jug but Ckiki was o t going to rot io prison "Well, Mr. officer, I r oppose I hsve io tell, but if it is found out that I have told you, my life will bt in danger " "Never mind that j get your horse aod eome along, sir, io a hurrv. Tbey rtste toor miles south ot Ilunt ingtoo, and about V a. tu.. t ame in sink! of a mill. "There,'' said CUik. 'on the bill.Just beyond tfca milt, is tbe bouse where Sucy l.ve; ia the mill be it perhep now. I tan so no lurther.'' "Very well." raid Cranmer. "I am obliged to yoa." Cranmer dumoucted, tied bia horse about a quarttr of a mile Iroaa the mill ktid turttd oo afoot lie crossed the ill raoe viii loot-log shove tbe mill aad rae at a rapid gate, bat jutl as ht waa usceadinw' tbe hill io ita rear and a f.r yarda off, Stacy was in the act of joiueiog ont of a bole, eat for the par post. Crantatr drew hie revolver aad' told hint t atop. The auule cf a aavy repealer pereiieJet) State ao lo j4op. traaoter eetered, pltwed band- ouOs oo hiai, aad weat to tbe bouse, a few verde off, te tpt ready lor the trip While at tee hoete, Staey'e brother, orotaerta-iew, eame op frees the aaiU, BATfcS OF ADVBBISINO. Ont mtsnisMH J One-half column, one year. vw.o. so.ou. On r-fnurtb column, nnt year, . (' tquara (Hi linea) ma in eart tot Ferry additional Insertion rrufcielnrul and lloioeaa tarda of' ant mora Ibaa Cm lima, pur yran Auditor, Fnacutor, Administrator and Ast-nre Noticra Eilitnrial aotloes par lint IV 00. ;. x. t,00. 16. All adicrtiseoieslt lor a shorter pert.id than one year art patnhle al lha litfat bey art nnlered. and if not paid ike per ana orduritig iheta will bt held respounklt lor Ihe ironcy. . . of them had rifles s hl.-ht that (Van did not like ; it was calculated to make) him fee) hnely among at ringrts whose character waa not altogether good for peaceful pursuits. Hut a wool chop per tame lo tho house lo re'ieva t'rsnmer's anxiety, and aa he wen' out ilia hack door, of conrae Craniurt felt doubly comfoi table. "Who tire those men V atked Crtt in er. 'Oce is tty brother, snotbei wife's brother anil couiin.'' my 'Aha! ate they in tho habit of esr- rying those rides? they are biititiu " "Ali- Presently they cams un to tan houso i'ranmer reminded .Stary tln it was tims to go ; Stacy was ready, but Crantoer. was nut. He turned to Ihe men with tht rifles und with the staie emphatic manner with which liu hud everawed Squire ('lark, s.iid : "Mr. Ftaoy anl inysclf are ready to leave, but we are not g 'ing to mote a !uc until you leave. And the Ot-r. inan who makes n tuolion to lute his rille oft Inn shoulder, I will sli t thru" ihe benrt." Aod with this he drcor his onvy. "And," cotitinue I Cratt. mer, ' I wm;t you all lo march to that yonder hill, ('about three hundred 1 & 1 , . . i-:.;,.r'ls " ) n"J " ?"a dj" 1 0"ve qaicK , l " Cmnicnee tiriut? nee tiring ' They moved nl when thev tor to Ihe place deslgn-itcd trintner and his prisoner monn.'ed t horse ol't'Nrk's , St icy first, Cranmcr behind honnl for l.l i i the railroid 1 ht train for NAhvilJsj ratiio litof, und as t'ranmer pielerreda rmlroid car. going anywhere ami in any (jireetlou. rs'.hur limn remain their, if. thcrifO of It lleMiarntn tnun ne.r, it. tncrgo ol it ilehliemto I ' ,l'"',Vr "f a of outlaws. t,vk i V" i,efl"e getting into tlio i ir'i (-,''r,l"ucr llckeii 'ii to ii ' H? t:"-'y's- t0 Kuard against lt'',C;iIc T,,ey rtturnod to McKenxio I nTt lnoru,r)f tuet Ju Ig Ueid, UJ- ,u,T,i ' """'I" Th" 'j'W i n,,',ou lo I eurprisea atu bapp:rtt ct WO were not to he eliere Ueid r any other nisi! Ueorgo Stiry i's now in jnil at Frisr a Point; will he tried, found guilly of murder, (IouoiIchs. and hung, unless he escatios or is reseueJ. li.. .m l,.,r i V t arre-t ef S'ner is one of tht most tmarkable nn I daring fiats tint has ever l'fn lierformcd be anv I'nite t ! Mates nlh er, er anv other s.tt fudge Keid has been oaved fMm pc- Cllliiiirv ruin an. I iiiati.M K ..t ..... until;. ' U'Ji H'l "?u,t j been defeated. .lA-myis .rati,i,7i'. s' be rosi er ofa room; A youns Anteriran rtilln -r nf I I I ..n 1. - I 1 1 '1 . . """S ''een idi:u et i v " ''. a"-'1w""J lu0 'dcr man sliuf- 1 eu ul" T' ll)e .vunger leaned 'a-s- "., U ICI la rua r sn i carelessly I c 'inmenecd to hum a tune. Without '""utn no sang me I'cautilul liucs ot I'h'cbe Cary, begiuoing, Mine ewcrtly eo'en.n ihouglit Coin-- io me o r and o'er I'm nearer to my l ather's honsi lliau 1 to mer Usin before. " The elder gambler stare J at tlie slngrr a tiioinetit, then, throwing his cards on tho floor, exclaan.vl : ' Harry, wbTo d:J you Lai n tbit, tune?'' What tune?" " Why, the one you havo be:n sint iog." The jnung mro said he di i not know what he hal been sinoiuif rds he hovl ur- ioso. As lor mo, as tlosl sees me. I uuvo pluyrd my last game, tod drauk tny lust (Kittle. I have misled you. Harry. and 1 am sorry. Give me your hand, my boy, aud say that for thl America's aal.e, if for no ol liar, you wPlqmt this tnternsl lusicess.'' iU ,B,' ; fambl.ng 1 11.0"" tob'etber, aul walked away arm f'oiupuUua Interest. The Chictgrj Journal gives a new ru'e for computing interwt. ami says it so aiuiple, and ao true, that every bunker, IrUer. meretsnt or. c'trk should post ii ap lor retet eoce. l'r oo other arithmetical process can tbo desired information bt obtaiued by to few figures : Sir pt C'tnt Multiply aa givtn number of dollars by tht number ot days ol interest desirvJ, separaU tho right band figure, and divide Iv ail. tbe result It the true interest ot such suet, lor such Dumber wt days at six pet tent. , , L uhtper teal Multiplv aav circo ant mut by the number of days upon won. a u ia uetuea to atiiain tne In terrat, aud divide by forty-Bve, aud Ibt rtsuit will be the iuiareti ef aucb. sums fur tbe time required al Eight per etc. , Ten per Ctnt. Multiply the earn aa above, and divide by tbii tye; j, and ' iu resun wiu enow tbe rait el lutereet at Tto per ceer. A Kantae City arleat coaatititl eaioide tbe eikar sy bteaue bo touldi . eol pay hia tailor. Tbe tatar wsits t know how that Itlptd matter. Triaa Dtoera brum a hull 1 twi. eiU,ttoaeaa4 mils of rsd- - - - Hail. v M KK A e to snuijip at B'K"'!. , ' , WwwJatrWVJtXjiees v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers