rYA ...H,MMM.tetl4C0 t 7 . m mmwmm T LI E TOST. UlUI.tU'HU. NUTLMIIKRU. mo It is Sail lint His Ka Indian gill the roilrnnl track in their country (or the J'nrp ) of enticing cattle in I'nnt . i bo Cara, they eon M their car in.. HbtrAt.o hum, tv'ii'y cut rot nf th hind mm ir fit ot tlit lulli1ii. with I tic akin left on thorn, oll In the town f line. Knn.. for l..V r:eli They weigh from too lo three htur.lr? ponnJ cit-h. Tho haws toiun. nnd rnrri a'.rak of the tullulu are do liciius etitg Ntw Yt'liK riiy Ijiinta of a renivk able luitnrul eurioeity cat with n 1 two li p. If l a ten a'e about ii tiiontha o'J. Mul toff, unit a Inco ht tiom Fui'on IVmty, N. Y. The lor log vo perlecty f .rnuJ. nnd so ia (he iet (it the ho.ly, mill the eieep tiot ' f iLt hind q'tarter.. w huh .l t t rxitt ml tviti n b ne Uiiiu pirccpii Ho Ti e littla cu-aiui 11 vrlccMy (.b'o tu wnlk. Thk Li 'J "( e below Phu cot tiiinii.i: a Inrce ri'vk. culled thenprnk inc alocv by tlic I'ccpU' Ouly ir titurnt die pt'iolrn iir uy tit tlii t'lck trriitiir rla.l lr, atnl it ln ;i prsrrj rbuve li e urfni-e new afrain lr thr Cn. time in many jrur. It if cul'fil lb? vrnkipi; rock tocnu'' tha f'llow 0 da Inivr hern rhiarllcd lo' it : Th."e wb.i linv rei-ti tuo have wojit, and tlue hj will e tuo will wce." Mrs I'ttsK, 1 Ki liD.-ly, Conn , c'ain a tu ho the elilot wooian in the L'nhe.1 Suite who rrt;iiu rotnplete ii'Sr;on of hrr fnruilira. She wua lorn on tl:t "Oih of October. 1?.V, nnJ b-.ia a viid rrpollertion ot very many imroitent eranta in thohintoiy vi'the llepnhlif. Her fiher John Grnrca. am n anhlicr cf the llcrvlu tii n. Mra. I Intik ia prchnbly tba onl citi'craiian In ihe country who dor a lit t c'ii'id ibe lxiur of brinu on tot i mac? with Gcoive Wiialnntfton. RKADIXr. RAILROAD Full rrungemcot, Ifondaa Sapt 5tb 1870. Orrat TrunV Lino from tha Norlli toi Sonh rt Tor Vliila lMpl'ln, New Vork. lirmllnif. P.'Mlllc. T'lmniia. A'hlanJ. Phnmokin. Lrtmnon. Alhniown. Kluo, trhraia. Lilli. Lancatcr. Columbia e. Trln Irate ltrribiim for New York, aa foltiwt at 5 3;. fW a. m-. and 2.''0 p. in., einnrciin wllh rliniUr trniDK on the ihr rennvvlt tnin Railroad, ami arriving at New York at 12.10 noun. fl.SO and 10.00 p. oi., rrroiiTly. Slrrpinr eara arrompany tha i ij a m., train, wiit.oiil rbangr. 1'riurninir: Lrnre New Vork at P.00m. 12.00 Noon.. ami a.o p in. rhiU'trlphia al F ia m unit o,.iO p m Slrrpinit cum no iDipnrv Ihr 6.00 p ru imint fiuui ?'w York, wiilioni rhnnje. Lrnre lUrriktiurs for ItradinK. Tolliitlllr T.iii.nqiio. Minrrmllr. ArbUii'l. Mmniukin. AUrnionn and Philadelphia, ai 8.10 a m, 2,f0 nnd 4 10 p m, aioniiinir m Lehnnon mid principal wy eluiont : ilir 4,10 p m train cinnrciinp fur rbilinli'lpbii, l'.-i irvtlle iikI CulninM oulv. For I'oiu tillr, chii Ikill lUtcii nn Aiil'iirn. viu Scliiiylkill mid fooin hunna Riiilruad, Lem-r llarrii-biirn l !t,tn p m En l'enej luin K'lilroiid liVini lrnee Frdin? for Allantown, Kaion nud Nhw York m T.iA. 10.8'i 0 4.i . m.. nnd 4 l.'i p in. Rriornifr, len'r New Yurk al t a. 0., I'l.DO imn nd SO1 p. in. ami Allen town al 7.'M a. tu. 11": S Noon 4.20 and t.4 p. rn. Way pntwncer irniii Iraere I'liiladelphi a'. 7.'M a ni, roniii ciinir niih aiinilnr irain On Kal Prnnn. P.ailroad. roi urnitifr from HfHii'np at n,"A p in. i-iopplna: al all iiiun l.rari' PoiiteiHe ai &.! and V.IMI a ui and J.ftOp. in.: Ileriid..n ill 10.00 am; 81. a nu'Lin ai V40 and 1 1. fi a in : Aikland ai 7,i''i a m, and l'.'.t'O immi. Malianoy City ai 7 fl a. nc anil I II" p in., TniHiiin ni H.S3 a m. nnd 2.20 p ni for Pbiludelpbia and New Yin k . Lraur Poll ili!r. via Hrhnylkill and Pun quelinima It it at tt. 1 S n ni fur llnrriwlmrjr. aud 12. 'j noon for Pini provp and Tronnnii. II' admg Aci'uninioililion Irui.i: I. rate rmi'ville al r. 411 a ni. 1 I'rnd.nir ai 7.30 a m. orritinir at I'liilndelpbia al 10,20 Bi'l.irinrg. l.'HTci I'biladelpbia ai f.l'i p ni, parainn Icadinir al f,00 p ni. arming at I'oiipmII al V.itl p 111. poilKiown A cci'ii. infil l 1 ii'ti Train Lraeen ruiuioitn al i'.2' a m. rciurning U'" rbiladflphia al 4.00 p m. Columbia Railroad Trnln leave Reading at 7, 20 a ni, nnd . 1 " p 111 for I'pmaia. Liilr. Lanraorr. t'oliniilia. Sit. Prrliiouii'ii Paiirnid Irain leave IVr'i omen Jiinnii'ii ai 7. lo, n.o.'i a 111, and R.. M.S.'i p ni: miiriiiiiy leiivr Sohwenkuville at C 80, and f.ln.a ni, lJ.'.O Noon, ami 4.4 p to. runiiertiiifi with eiuiilur iraina on Revlirfr It ii tr .n l. Colel'r ok hile Itnilrnad lraln leave Polia town 01 'MU a ni. nnd 0.20 p in, returning: leave Mount l'li'annl al 7.00 and 1 1 .'" a in, cmineoiinit witli timilur iraina on Bea I ti tr rntlrond. Cheater Valley Ra;lroad Iraina leave Bnai M.ri at H.;!u m. and 't.0"i and fi.n2 p O; rrlurninj. leave !. niniitown al '.'JO a n. 12. l.'i nut 11 and ft.15 p in, eoiinei'itnit with eimiUr HntiK on lie idinir rmlro'id On Nindiiya ! Leave New York at .'.ltd p m, P1.M11 lel.iia H.cii ni and 1. 1 5 p n. the H.IMi a in ti.iin riinninir oti1 1.1 Reading; leave i'nltviMe ,i"l a in; Itm n-l.urn .Vl'l a m au l 4. in . m. Uuve .tlleiitnuu at 7 a. m nn latidH.lt p. m ; leave Itei lin I 7.H a in. and l '.n'. y in fur IUriil.nii 7.2I a in for NiwY'.ik. at 4,4 j p in foi A vn urn n, anl '), l ml 4.2 i p tu fur I'll 1 1 a'll.i.,. vimnliulon. Mile ige. Peaeot. School and acuraion nckein, lo uud from all poinn at recced ratea. Ram ice rbecked Mirough j 100 poubut Uuael i ck pumenjier. U. A. NltdLIS, Gtnrral SiiftrwiniJfUl. Paadat. pept. fi, IH70. HAL! WAY HOl'SE. PENNa TOWNSHIP, bnydrt'o, Pa ASDBBW SHADE, Propriotr. Aeniiixtatliia gnml and ehuriiM amdarat. Pti loaaail , (ravallDK public leiulldled wiSO. CKAXKLLO, JVATOd 4 CLOCK MAKER, '.Market Pt. Jt'JJlobu.v Pa. HAV1N0 loealad in Ibi pl;( would reapaotfully Inform lb tfiiieu of MidUlebu.'g and vlciuiiy thai I am Ireuared to repair ChOCKd AND H ATCIIE8 ebeap aud eipediliuuly. Ybo patronage t the puhlie if reipeoifurlr lolioiied. YY. URANELLfX Uiddl.burg, No. 21 IHtitf. TTtAOLB HOTEL, ,. " ..... M. w wrr aib at gAMLEL FAUST, Merchant Tnilor, Ha ,u-t received an entire new loek af t LOTUS. CASSIMF.RES VESTING. 1I of a eupriior iiiliiy which he ia pre pared lo mnka up in the hot style and oa hrri Holier, lie nlao keep Drown and While Irencb Yob Linen Shirts, and gen eral neenrtmeni of gentlemen' Furniehlng Ooode, all of whiob he offer to tha public t Very reasonable price. Pill ol iny place on I'ina Street, between Erkl.eH'e corner and III bridge, Seliuo '.rove, fa. Jig 4, IHliK If. A ii.vK assortment of tiik best OLD RYR W HISKKY. i i'RB peach wmsstr. BRANDT. GIN. AND SV.Rl'P". tnsl received and for Sal at tb Ksgle Hotel, in Middl-tnje,-. JOHN A. SrAflLNBCKRR, C. EUY A CO., WUOL ESA I F. 0 ROC EftS ANl CnVMlSSfOX MERCHA X TS. 522 MARKET ST., Between Fifth and Pinh, 7.11y PlllLAHtLI'IIU. C,r THK Fnt.KOM lMPRriVFP Fe Twenty-tlv liollae Vaenlv sewtot Vs.hina The cheitf( Hfl I la Vaehlnalo the .Market. Ahum- idtiii i erVnv Towa Ll''il f.imml.,.n al..ae.l. her ternia and treiilar, illre". A. ! II a mi tun, Om. Aireol, No. tuo Chettnut M., Phlla., I'a. n-T. lis Grovci Sc Haktr'N FJRST rHEMtl'M i:lastic stitch FAMIL.Y Scwinp: Machines, S'JTt KltUAUH al t tOKa. 130 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA. POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Seamy and Elaaticty or ditch. Perfvuiion and 8iuipllcl'y uf Machinery. Ceinj both ihrtaJa directly fro tka epooia. No faaleniua ui ktataa by hand tmi a waeta of thread. Wide rnnpe of applicaiies without ckaie oi aOjualtoaut. Tka aeam relainalta beauty and nnn after watbing aud iroaug. Hreldes dolna" all kin 1 nf work -!i-e hy by oilier Senin- Macbiuee, tl :i '. ' : bi ? execute the moat ber.utiful at perutabtoi Euibreiilary aud om t n ntal Wuri. ta-VTbe IKjiheel l'remiiiii. J i -11 t'J! fa'?' and eiliildiioiia of Ibo I n'l.'i futet a.iJ ICuropc, have been awarded lb liru;r A linker $ein)f Machine, anil 'he vcr!i by tbeui, nbertver exliii.il . "1 In e"aj tiin lefrTbe very bifhel priie.TIIE CROSS OK MIL LKHloN OF HONOR, war en fered on tl.e reireenllive of (irover li linker Senium ninebinea. al the eipoeiiion I'uivereelle. I'.irle. Iii7, tbua atleminit ibvir irreat auperiuriiy uvev all other tiaw in )i Miicliinee. ForSule by SAMUEL KACST. Selina grove. Pa. April 2. .'. Forney's jrVess. TUK (iBEAf KltllttL KU"oPAPK f7r the Rett ami Cheowtt Xtmmyapfr In ihe Co '''. THE PREGo la a fri.cl ie double ebeit eight pag paper, roniHimng In coin n..J, ua iuel every uioruing. (eicrpt tiiud.i)i.) "T FT R fvl r j : PA1I.Y PltKSs mi per nnnuin; f J 00 for I'll tiioiilba; 1 i"l fur Ihree llo nllia. TRI-tVKF.KLY PRESS. -4.0ii per mi n ii in ; 2"0 for til nicnlbai Jl.iH) for three montiia, THE WEEKLY PRESS. The moat vulii able Weekly Neuep iper in ibe World. Il oouieine item nf iuieien lo all. HE U Tilt 1'EUMd ; One cojy one year Five copie Ten copies, and on copy lo the" gell?r up of club, Taeioy copie?, and one copy to ilia getter-lip of club Fifty copied, aud oneccpy 14 the getter up of club Teu opie. Ij o;ie U'hren. and on copy lo l e gutter UP ol the elnh Twenty copie. to nor .-. and one oopy lo the geiler up nf ihe club Fifty copioj, to w.t 4,lrt't, and on ropy in iha vetler up of ihe club One iiuU'lred (opie. (u n lilrni, and I 2 V Ift tl a: 14 2.- ao one e..iy of llie Tri-weekly I'rea lo I lie gftur up ofibrctitn 10 All orltri thaiil'l ht u.llrfrl In .loin W. FOK?.'2V. K li'u. atd .r..pri.'.ue, H W.cor. 7lh an ll besiu'tl .0 .., I'eT'a.Pa Etatori;HA-!T.KS Ufa. W ttt .1. 1 i:TTKK 4 I'hSTAMKNTAllY u the, U estaie of I h irlee Hughe, dej d.. l ite I the Ivwnebip of Pelins, ny.ler Coui.ly. I'a. .having been grained lo ibe under idled all peienua indebl?l lo Ihu euid ,.in Me requraled in make paytueiii, and ihnee huv. ing demand. agaiiMl the lo preaviil l be m 1 1 limit delav In .joiin k. iirniiKs. ...,.. WILLIAM IlLGHEIt. pxeci.ora. March tH ID70. AOKNTS WANTED FOR eriaoui EM Tnirupii or P. T. BAXINUjM Wrillen hy llnne.lf. In one large 'I.Ihvi Volume nearly SOO IVgen -Printed in Engliah aud tiermnn. .1;! K'.eianl Full page Kngi'HTing. Il ei.'.hraeea Foil Year Itecullectiima of ki Hn-y Life, aa a Mer chant, Manager, Ranker, Lecturer, and Showman. No honk puhli.lie.l o accepta ble lo all elae. Kv,ry one winie II. Agent e average from iVI lo Dai euberiber a week. 'Ye nflYr extra indiieemente. mural d Catalogue and lerma in Agent --eat Av-e. 1 D. I I' UR CO , Piihliiber. Hartford, Conn '1HE DAY Ie puhliahrd every morning fefeept Piik day 1, ai ihe onYce. N. W. corner filth and l.'bitnul Jtieete, rbilaibr'ebi. Price Oua Cont par Cop. Served by the carrier in any part of the city, and ia ihe a.ljneenl eliie and town. (orei. I'tH ntcK, navable I ih carrier. Price for nailing. THIRTY FIVE CENTS per month, ce t'UUU DOLLARS per aa num. CELL A SCIIONOUR, Wkoleaal. Dealer h ImANuIES, WINES, J 8. BURKIIART, 8tVngrovt, Snyder C , Finn Keepa coaatantly an kand larfe aad well made aaaonment af Tin, Sheel-iraa ware, iMoveo, it., he. He la Ageit far tka fallowlej aaaia4 article. " THE M0HNINB OLORT." Lililaletd'e Paleat Improved Baaa Strrilaf COAL- STOVE. tn ihle pattern af Tna Meaaiaa Ot.oav, several new and importnnt feaiurra have been embodied, which can only be reen la he admired. Tin new eiave la Bade en 'irelyof cat Iron. to fined ae lo he airtinbt. hut fin le mail wun aneei-iron upper section when prererrei ny tna purrhaaer. lie ornamental tlnieb la drapery, making it a hui'lforo piece of furniture, far aiore to Mian any alove herelnfore made. It in ternal cvntructlnii, Ihouarh renembline e nme or I he lornier pai'erna oi I ha Morning tilnry i inite dilfereni, making ii more durable, and far leM dillicull to he repaired. I'h e.tKiiiiKaara ol lbehiheal order, fully equaling lb bnail camiog mad ia tkie ciiuntrv. Among Ihe ninny aii?nTao la the ate of ibe Morning (Jlory are ibe following : I, Couiinuoii lliirning. 2, (Jo iHty ot lb Ileal. . eoiiiauoa itirougb Ibe aiuva. I. Auli tnl Hiove. 6, N Kaeapa af Oaa. 0. tooaoaiy f Fuel. " THE BARLEY SIIEArV' AnU-lhml Air-Ti'yhl CooL-ng S'oi, with Eri'nhil F.r-Jo fur H'wiJ or Coal. Patented May K.th. 1S05. We take rlraeure in offering our enpte- mere and lb Hlove Trade, a, New Arel-Claa Flat lop. and would call partiritlar tttmtttn la in many erimrrive "i r a ! imrrert Tliie Stove baa heeo carefully tealed for aeveral moolbe. and the reeull aave proved en highly aaliafaeiory. Ibal eeveralofonr ildeei and ml aiperienrel atove dealer predict for it a aal tar beyond our ability lo fui.lv tbi aeaeun. i.ini Irvnt Jirt-Hoort, giving full in f ibe hearth. An ud litwri'il tlidr in Iht orit, so arranged a I 'i give mull room ia lb upper part of ibe oven; a great convenience iiiucb needed. 7Vi "i 't i" nearly aa vi.e rf (Ae "' a aitb hearth line, bich noi ouly iaoreae ibe tiie, bill will b recognuod aa net e.run(ayr in hikinp. DOTY'.S CLOTHES WASH Ell. Tb beet, ekeapret, and moel popular taa-hing Machine ever invented, ll I' ey looperate, ailliug oretanding: lake tml lutl?room ; Injarea oogarmeot ; tini-hee it r t.oia In lo lo four Miu uu; ie durilili and coaTfnient j and III only Wa ibinj; MaCbiue kooe.0 ib( it liked tb bet.cr ' 1 nt;r it ! ueJ. T1IK UyiVERdAfi cwr.'W w:iCEii. r."C iiffv.'Uirrco.Vi, v.Kif. iket. jr. fun. l'ulenl call our Machine a linger.'' Yca.-a of eiprriinc j rot it alt) j b a tio.tr fxn.urvi '.V.aH'i. '.'ien 'S re'luc every invent mi for wp.L irj .!olhe. lo a principle they all ainounl to tj it 'f preaiug and aiueeuR. ad forcing iba wier lhruu;,' thru, ihi'.e t--ovitigtbe dirl. .Mot Waebiog .'I mhiaej J) ii hy rubbing. The Uuivvtertl V.'n. ;rr oea i I iy prjj.m. Olt.I LAt JOKNSl.AGEI", J BCTSGY rr -rrtt i;. 'ii. x. !livk.j piii iliL 1 id) will koo.id rtau.1 ljtn. - .lin."ri... jrl7 o. .d ui I nilip oiec.er. I am , ppnt.il f .vtf.!...J9.lia all v?ai limy (.ejire uyi.. ni my me, ...ii warrar.l ..iii. r .'li.:i in VI mier. 1 UcSji c.o'lunly oj l.-l. -.Tl 'a rci...:ij I. uaaut.t .. at the t snti ,e, v jivii;::, lteing euperietiee '. In '.hljilil. ..a, I ilat ler myitlf thai 1 am fully iti 'l I -i'ei the wanla of my cuelouiera. T.i hn...". employed are aiming the beat HHCha.iica'. tbe eminty. and ibeir wor'; vill out fad ie give univei ial ttUlacilun. iKDr-Specinl aMemiua p.iid iJ repairiag in all it lira..vhei.- i Shop ou Market A eel. . i'a rf dooro eO'ilk of til Ii.. . b'efov.-.el Ck'ire'i JOll.i' LACLiE.'aSLACEK. Selinngiove, April 7, 'iO-lf TAI)EU CRAFT, ii i SUCCESSOR TO FLECK & CO., WH ' )UES AL t (UMCtTIO.YEUS LID FKIITEBEBB. NO. 3-2:1 NORTH TlllliU ST., l'HiLADKLI'HIA. A full ....-orlmenl of Confetllnn.. , Friilil. Fir WirV. f ..'.-J, -1 1 in. ! 'ays on bm. I. V r'LOIt AL CVXut FOR i:70. ib Fleet F.dilion ..f On. Ilundri 1 -,nd j Twenty ThoiK.ir. l cc..ie of Yrli a Ulu r.i-ii ii.Ui(igiii ti J;ua . . t Moral 'lUliltf. i loibiiHlied V.i I rnKiy lo :rt d cm. il ie eleemi'iY primed rn ti' 3 ti i.'d paper. with about 2l"l Ane oood '.ngruviui of Flirver.v and egefaiii", mil a beautiful colored c!ie cii' ulinK of ..even vaeielie of I'liliu Drnm.iio jdii. u...k'mg a Ane JJOy'lViSP OF V (LOXES It i ibe ri-.i'i brauiilul. -ill aa Ik mojl enatrurlive Flnrnl tluld publiabed. giving plain an I ttur.ib direction frr ike 4'Mltiiir 'lowei-a r.!fl Yegrlablea. I be Klnral Ouuto i putdmbed lor Ii a brneili ot my customer, to whom il ie aei I free wiiboui np'liin'ion. but will he fir ward d ia all who apply by mail, foe Taa l'lKT, wbicbii ant half ihe eoal. Addit a JAMES VIC II, 1 id i'ei, N T. HI'. !It)ITKXSTElN V D i'HTwH'la: Hl'ROEOH, LIN'" 'HOVE, SNYDER CO. PA . rofeulenal airvtoe to thael'lienf nf S' jeve aM vicwiif . 4Hvn,iiivn JOSEI'II S DELL, Maaufacturer of and Wboletale Dealer la Clotliiiiffa Cloths, CASSIMER3 AND VESTING 4 WORTH TBI1D 8BEET, PBIXAD'A. QOSORAVE IIALL HOTEL. ' PETER rBOl'P,iVr.f, Weat Baaear Tw'p., Sajdar Co., Tt. Taaa Nolle Ibal I hate purekafed Cee grave Hall Hotel, wkere I am a.waytpr pared lo aocommodae Dror. Stranger, and Traveler. 1 .k.n K. tihM-af fa mi efiareea aad aa- deavor la ua everybody well wk favor aea J II. WALTEK, IMPORTER AND DEALER It CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARS, tU J. 34 Street, between Rate Tina 7,3ty PHILADELPHIA. IAIUiK ARRIVAL OK NEW GOODS AT J. W. DREESE'S STORE, N. W. Corner Market Square, Sliddleburg Tha alock embracea In pnrt Dress Goods, liltick Silka, All-wool De Lainea, Cubmf4, Mt-rinoa, l'oplins, Repp", Ac, Ao. Mnalina, PoiiMc-width Slicetina. Urilliiijra. Tlle Diaper, Onnaburfr, Extr Tickiiifja, Chcckn, Snirt inga, Ginhuina, Jaconet, ft t'uil ftjsorinietit of Calirn Flannel, Heavy twilled, Shirlinir, lUiiiikdn, Ralmorula, Iloxiory, (ilovea lie, Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSI.MEKES inrnin nnd Linen Carpets Woolen, Liuen & cottoo Carpet Cb.iiu READY MA DE C'LO TlllSG. Floor, Tablo and Stair Oil Cloth. Hats 'and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware, (joccnawnre. Chiui wore, (iUawarc. Wood uud Willow warn, Cutlery, Oil Window Shade, Lo kintf (Jlaaci Ae.. Ac. Ac. TOBACCO AND CIOAPS. SALT &. FISH The highett market price paid for all kind nf country produce and dried mil'. Cotin leni of renJering perfect fniiafiio linn both in regitrd to price ahd quality ofgiodv. t ra'peoi fully lnviie all to giv in a tall before purchasing eltewh. re. J. W. UKtESE. Iddleburg. January V. !?! r at oaaiiAa. o r xaanaTTia UNION HOUSE. fl ARM AN KAttSTEiTKIt. rropritlor; MlpDLEBl'RO.f oyder C... Pa. JTie riptleior rwnecifully announce o !!' I l.-ii'.'j and tba publio generally Ihut liava rented the Fryer tavern eland, .iiith haa been teStlad and repleo i.'Iij.I in ilylj. and ia a deairable plact for frar.g -ti aad othorj to atop. Their table ij al all lit. .J .pread wlib the luiurie and ich'tauliala or tha aea'on. Their thambera . re la,'ge lo promote ibo enmfor' nfibuir jui u. Tbeir bar la eupplied i lib cboiu li.iuon. No paint apured by i ."op'ieto.a entire autiel'ac- iiui t all uj Uor lieu with ilieir p.urriunge. 7-24if a ttl:.tio.v ; fl H.i.ruU fcr ihj Dw gooJ jul c.-- M Jtuuoiel 1' old ;;i .-J. (two niflea ahit -linaxro) '.ili.'u i.aj atlecled wil . v..l l ie. and will be fold at low pricei 1; i..vlu.:.J. Notion t. DhY OOODS, CK0 ElllEfl. I1ARDW ARE. fjl.'KKNSW'ARE eVflOU . -J '.flLLUW WARE, HJl, Plaater, Oile, Conl, Nuila, 7 rcipec:fi:lljr invito the public 10 come and etrtuilr.e iuy gaodj before, buying .. cwb b?lievin3 ii lo be lo j our in lenfji. t nl.10 pay tha bigbeet price for all kind of iAJX, SEED, and nil kind of Country Produce. 1 am also well providei with etablliiii for I:-iiui" eupp r llreakfait and Lodg ing, fur people who come t'om a di- nee. I alwiv acrommndaie my cue I oiner .0 the best of my ability. JOHN JIOFFMAN.- October 10th 'fi7it QHARLE3 B. MILLER, A"(3I!TEfT COSmiTOR k BULSKK Walnut, Tlrect, Sclioafrrore, Pa. Ia at all time rrnared to furnleh Draft, 1-1 n ti 1 ad itneciAcalinna for all kinda of Uuildinga, ai the loweal poeaible rate and on ehurl noiico. Ho ia iilao prepaied ta contract for pulling up buildinaa either by furniabing all Ibe material or oinerwiae. May It, 'ti ly IF.AVERTOWN STOVE STORK AND Tlnvrare Ivianufttrlctrr. J. P. SHIRK Would reapeeifully infnrm ibecnlien nf Snyder county thai be keepa ouneianny oa band a large isaorlment of OFE1CE. PARLOR, and CttOKINa STOVES Of ih laleat atyle and mo improved paterna. among which are Ihe celebrated Empire Oaa Horner, the Suianebiinna Conk, elo., which he i eelllng al prie ibal defy anmprliiinn. Ha alaa manufaa lure and keep on band a general aaaort meat of Stove Trlmmlnga, Tinware Ac. Special attention paid lo Spouting and Rooting. Oiv ma a call. J. P. SHIRK. Beevertowa, Oot. 31. 1S69. Walter & II art man Pt AI.KR4 tv DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARftWAttR, , Ql'EINSWARa. CEDARWAltf tt, tt. Ao. fo. Jtt CEIf TREYILLE tk. EW J1RM -a iv- mvr goodei R.O. BETtlb. . f.B. SaOtLtOUOH M&MZVL A MeCUXtXrOTXOK, (SVCCSSitOtS TO JOHN HETZEL.) tALIKS 11. A Lb KlWDit O nEKCHAADISE! RIOHEST CASH PRICI PAID FOB FLOUR, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIES, Ac, Ae., C H APM AN, BltTDER COVKTT, PE5NSTLTA5I A. March IT, HTtMf. TJNITED STATES BONDS BOUGHT, SOLD A EXCHANGED ON MOST LIBERAL TERM". GOLD AT 1 fflraiel It tea. Coupons Cashed. PACIFTO RAIL ROAD BONDS Bought and old. STOCKS Bought and Sold ON COMMISSION ONLY. Account received and Intereet a'.lnwed oa daily balance, euhject to cheek, al eight Delia vrn & I Irot lier. 40 Stfnlh Tlilrtl frert, PIULAtir.LPIIIA. March 17. 170-y HOOT A SHOE Yl AM'FACTOY. Altatiya up lo time I The nnderalgne l re.pectfn'lT announeea tn th c'ni'ona nf Yliil.llehurg and vicinity, I b 11 he will eoiitinue m muniHacture MEN'S STOfl . KIP and FIVE BOOTS. Women and Chilren'a SHOES. And in ahnrl everything in hla line, in the lalear fiyle nnd at low prirea. Work made lo order al the eliorie.t notice. Give bim a rail before going eNeuhere. HIRAM SCHWENK. Middlebiirg. Pa. fjan 2. 'DHi f CI YXTION -The nilhlie ia h rphv J eautloni not In me. I. lie with th following ariielM. to ll : On -t..v an. I Plw. una -Ink. one llure.ii. ona Table, one 11,-nk, one W.mmI ( hal, f..ur IunI-, th'ee PlK. nna I'omer On l..r.l, one ret ( I'hilre. .na -atla., on Wh-el- narrow, two iiueva1. ten tuni. two inrae neat TnlM. Iwo Chter Karrele, ona ( hnrn. I'lor. I up and Man. are. and on Stand, which anl.-lea I. Ihe iulKertber. Dueehaeed at sheriff. na Ihe 23.1 of Jul! laat patt lha .r..inv of John Uroae, .tr. JOHN QHOSS, a. AuHUit 4, ItTO. QREAT EXCITEMENT IN BANNFPVILLE. ! MtwoooDs. HELFRICH & HUOWER Wieh to Inform the cltlien of Bannereille and vicinity that they have opened a new stork of gooda, and will keep eonstaully oa Uau'i a tun aaauriinent or :DHKSH ootiiis; Comitlingnf ALPACAS.POPl.INS.PLADS. LUSTRES. DELYINES, CALICOES, Ac Cloths & Cnssl incrcs II A T3 and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. ORItRfEfl.': HARDW'RK AND OUEENSWYRB. SALT AND FISH, And in fact everything neually kept in a Aral olaaa country aiore. All i f which we offer al greatly redueed prioea, for Caab or Country Procuca Having bad large eiperieno In tb buainraa, w flatter oureelve Ibal w aa pirate and aatiafy afl onr ealnmra. Hoping by etrlot aiientinn lo baainea and a deair lo pleat all, lo merit liberal a ase of publio patronage. Our motto ia -Quirk Sule aiul Small Vof." W aak al least that fhe cublie eiamine our flock and rieea before piirohaaing elaewbere. aa we wlwuy abow our good wuu inaaure, rYELFRICH A BOWIR. Baaaervillr Jaa 14, 1870. if C.ABINET OROAN AND MELODEON I MANUFACTORY. War Room and Sior oa Pin Street, Faoiory oa Snyder 8tret, Seliuagrove, Pa. If eoa waat to bear and ea ane innad hMatlnil Urgeae tmi Melod.at eall at oar war room ana more, we ae a..o out ma beat material la maklnr Inatrumanta. Tr on. ol thaia aad yoa will tie aaiUBad. cvar, laairumeni 1 warraated roe ave year. Dealer. Aillll and atlalaun of tka ao.ua!. are Invited lo eorreauoad with a aad atari for prlo Ilat. W are alto agent for ta aatt New York aad Philadelphia Pleaoe. Vlollet aa Aeeurdeua frum S l U. Vlolla Slrlaa. aheet Matte, flour FraaMa, ae., a., el wart aa bead. f-uana .a.annnrnanaa imrranr-a; Jaar fail. N JEWISBLJlU woovbbi rAcxoar i The anhecribcr, thankful for th liberal patronage bestowed oa bla eatabliahment at Laurahon. bega leave to Inform hie friende aad the paptla generally, that be haa had hie mill at Lewirbarg fliied up ia ib beat poailble minner, wilb tb LatrH Imyrovnt Machinery made In th eonntrr. anA lib (ha advm tagea ef Rieara Power, which ean be relied on at all tlmea. He feel aaf ia earing t Dal nie eeianirebmenl la aot furpaaaed by any ia toe mate. Having engaged aU of g"t Workmen ha la aew prepared for manufacturing all kind of WOOLEN GOODS tea At CLOTns. CASSIMERES. PATINETTS. TWEEDH. J KAN'S, FLANNELS, BLANK KTS.CARPETS, YARNS, Aa. In tSi Ittl manner and al rtdutti pritet. An aicellent aaaortmeat of Oiod at all tlmea oa hand, for rale or eicbange for nnni. KOLL (.AKUI.Mi don oo ebon Doiioe. ftartERMS CASH - MAKH HALFPEN'NT. Llwinhurg, Union Co.. Pa., Deo. 4,Wy gCHOCU A Bit OTHER Would reapectfoily announce to toe people of Snyder County and the public. generally, Ibtt they have Jul aeoured, and will conaianlly keep on band and for ale, a very eiientiv aetorlment of KSW 6-00BS, ia their Commodiou New Room opposite ibe liana, belinegruve I'a. TLIEY WILL SELL Af RE Dl'CED PRICES I Their xtenalve slock ennetala of a well aelecled aeenrlmenl nf FALL fi WINTER HOODS. Ther have CLOTHS CASSI MERS. plain and fancy. Satinetlv, .lenti" Twce.lt, Mutlint, Drillinge. FlatineU Cheeke, Ac. Aleo an clrganl aoriini'til if LADIES' DRirs GOODS Silks, nonibnxinea. Alpnorn). Jilnrk and fancy PcUiiia. I.nwna, Ginfrhatns, a tnruy vurktv of lino White Gooild, LADIES' FASAION ABLE COATS. Hoop, .'kins MiiiwIh. Atv. tn-. HEADY MADE CLOTHINO.Coat. vcats. Pnnta. Shirts Ac. A varioty ol NOTIONS &H0SIEI.Y. Cnllnri Linen nntl Pnpe DreariTri in tninffs. l'.u"i.n CorsN. Zcplivi conincn and aplit. Moravian and Shetland Wool Ac. Ac. FISHwSAT.T AND IKON, STEEL. STOVES, FORKS, SHOVELS, SPADES, HAKES, I.I.ASS, NAILS. PAINTS. Hardwarn Qticinware, Gltissware Cfdarwiire, YViilow-wure Crockery, PLASTER. White A Blue I110, a larj; quantity of different kindsot 1 1 .Y T." A CAPS, LOOTS A M!OL. id every etyle, variety and (jUulily. Alao, all kiuds of CARPETS, &0. C.rorrrfru of Tl klivN. frdh from file rililMfUlt.Kiat fktl.l Vaaia V.ie XI.. -I ..... I " a u aa .i m i ri f. They kef j. conaJiiDMy on land ft Urge Mlltttil V ttt WHITE LEAD AFI PAINTS. ever iinlity nut price, received ipn-ri from the nian.ifaclnrea and cniiaeiiienilv can tell al Ibe very I u wen I price. aIh'o alt K 1 inn of OILS. W!IALE. BROWN LT'BRICATING, Sl'liSTITCTK ami LINSEED OIL for Painllne. Ta ih. I.t.. ..11 liccular attention aa il la equal lo l.ini-eed on ior nuioreii painting, and coat hut on half ihe price. lliphesf price aid for Country I'.fliH'l- rinii All liindsofGrnin 5Sr ivt them a trial hcf. ro i;o lug else w hero. SCIiOCII A BROTHER They are alio theagmia forGEISER'8 -Air..i IL1 RElj I LATINO OltAIN ALPARATOU CI RAVI-' It Hii niniiiii The laieat Improved and most celbratd in Ihe world. Jut I the Machine Fa.-mer have been seeking afier for year. It win mraau 110111 .-11 to iJ Vutbeli per uour. oieaneu ree 'V lor market. i ney win se tnea m 5 binee upon vutii uiarnsnarranea aa repretiuteJ. April 18. '07 ly J. T. flHIXORL, H. D. rUILIP W1N0BD EAD THIS. 8Ilade AND italnefortl. DniooisTs and Chemists, Offer for sale WiimeaiLB aan ItaTAit., DRUfiS, MEDICINES, PAINTS and CHEMICALS, Embracing PURE ZINC PAINT Oreen, Blue. Yellow. Red 'and Black; Painla ground in Linteed Oil, Denar Y'arniah Spiriis Turpentine. Conal. Coach and Whit DRYING JAPAN. KNOTTING, window vlaaa, Putty, Pine Oil ilcebol. Sraacu, lamoo, ViaMtLLioi, Paint and VARNISH JIHU8HES, Halt and Ftmal Trv$sti and iujiforier Elutl Conoenlraled lye, FintFpongra, SPICES. CORN STARCH A BIRD SEED fluwer and harden td, : T wWoh the yailention of dealer I called, a w will aell at lb very lowest Caeb I'ricea ta quanliliee to auit purcba- ara. Yttkiaa oa band aad offer fcr alat Wbolaaala aad Raiail. all lb lead lag Patent Medioiaee. Also, NOTIONS, CONFKCTrONKIUES, Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair to ili natural Vitality end Cukr. A (Iri-iny vli'th r . . ii.. tha unX 'reithnett vf jijutli. Iiiu hnit ia ll. oed, fnlttDfr hair chocked, and LaUl nea often, though Dot always cured by it ose. Nothing ran rettoro lh hair where tho follicles oi rlcatrcyeJ, nr the clauila atrophied ntnl I'.craycd. But ftich a remain ran la anted for uacfulnoM by this application. Iuatcnd of fouling tha hair tviih a peaiy aedi ment, it wilt keep it clean and vignrotia. It oeeasional na will prevent Hie htilr from turning gTay or fulling Mf, atnl eonaeqttcntly prevent Laldiicra. Ercn front tho tlcleterloii aubalnucea vthiclt mnka soma preparation dmiL'oroi.a auif injiirioni to lha hair, tho Vigor can -inly benefit hut not harm it ll wuiitvd merely for HAIR DRESSING, no!hi:i uUr) r::r l -i found to dcrirah!.. Cmitttiuio noi.lirr oil nor ! v. il '. not Boll w!,i.e (iiii.l.ir'. nnd jet lti-n onj; 011 ll.. hair, y,. iu t i a r.. !i i.K.'-y luairo ntul n giutclul pei tniiic. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co.. Pr.'.CIICAI. AMU AmAI.TT!ca(. .;. J!U-r , LOW!. I I,, pri;.-" o r.-. QLL AT Foe k I oris Saloon, (oppotite Pb.ndel : Wrfenelloe'a drug store) l- !"hl,I.YMjlll)VE, If von wnn a gl . of good. ki:ai)i(; ale: (,lt A Ilalc of Ice rreiiml OK O YSTEttS, prepared iu any way that ean be deiir4, (lit A riate of Fresh Trine, mi SAKDIXESi FCIMYFITZER. LIMBUROER OR 3 M L CHEESE. OR ANY TIIINU ISUALLV KHPT IN A FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. HjjrOilier 'uluiin.4 tiipplied with Ala aad Oyater al W'lioloiilo pricee.-d A T blPKL. W II HALLICT. i f aTorOttT JJ1SEL, BALLIET A STOUOHTON, ciE.NEBALCOMUlSSIOX MEUtniSTI, afDEAiiaa ia Country I'roilure anf Domes! ia 'M'Vx. Sreilf, (fc., Ao. 22 Soi'TH Watfr Street, 1II1LA DELPHI A. RrrrnrKrra Jacob R. ItiegrI ft Co., Slid Market etrecl; l.tppencoil A Trotter, 21 N. W ater elreel j Hood. Honhrighl A Co. bZ'i Market Sireel i Lx.Oov. Jamea Pollock, on fouib i street: JoLn tVeial 808 Walnut atreet; llurrij 4 Oraliam, liJ7 Arch ttretl. FchfbHif JJAVID WILLIAMS, Mnniifnclureanf A Wboleaale Drnlerlo tilt, M;ilitiEiiiiy, Halniit and Rom-wool LOOKIN G GiASS Picturo A: Photo-reploo Frnmeo. os. M ni'tl m Arch Slrctt, 1'hili.d.dpbia i'a. Frninca Repaired in the het manner Alro. Ilcgililiug in all It branches. 7,1 QOME THIS WAY I OPE tT BAR OAINSIN NEW GOOJ 3 AT TIIE CITEAP STORE OF fiELINSUKOVti I'a. Would respectfully announce to lb people of Snyder County that -be basjusl received from the eastern markets and ht, for aale a large and well aelecled slock of New 'jooda, which be offers al astonish, iogly low prloe. Hi dock embrace lb 1' eery brrt FALL sod WINTER GOODS He haa Cloibs Caesimere, Do Skin Jeana Satinets Alpaecas, Luairea Delaine I'oplina Prints, Mualina Drilling Shawl 'Cambric Calicoes. French Mtrinoes, Engliah Mertnoet BEADY MADE CLOTHiNO ef ail kind. HARDWARE, HATS and CAPS, GROCERIES WAU. PAPER, Give ma a call, inDvotinff Oonda. QUEEN8WARE, BOOTS ft SHOES, CARPETING. 8HOK FINDINGS. No charge mad fot Louniry prouuo ta ken in eicbange for goods n ai, -uo-y GUAYlilLL ft Co., WnoLasAL DiAtiat 11 WOOD AND WILLOW WABfi Oil Cloihf, Wiudow Shad, Broom. Mala, Bruthes Colloo Lapa, Grain Bags, Fly Net. Buckets, Twine, Wick, Ao. No H45 North Third Strced, Pbilad.lvhla. Feb.7.'li7 B. J. COOK 13 wnOLESALI DEALEQ W CLOCKS f UONorib Jd Olre! Philadelphia. Aug r i3Cy a in unci' ir.i M'.ii.in, liCllllhy. liL.l ili'CIUut " for pl'C.-e; ilirf l!;.t hair. Ft'dtd ot Q -n f hair i' 9or TrrtvirJ to ill oiixiwd caie IBBOBS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for year from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, and all the effect of yoaibful indiseretioaf will, for tb aak of suffering humanity, ' send free lo all who aeed .it, lb receipt (ad directions for aiaklsg tk (impl remedy by wbicb be wag urd. Suffer' are wishing ia profit by Ik advert leer's 1 j .. r-. m , , , aaa 1 'in ifdwie1 11 ioi aaamwaauva n einy 'mi tae'rTIURTYr'CUXg rn? ' -r?r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers