The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 24, 1870, Image 1

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f tbUtksat svsry Thursday Evtnlog by
JCBEMUH CBOt'BI. Proprietor.
Terrfia of Subscription,
within lx months, or f 2.60 If not paid
whbln ibt yssr... No paper discontinued
sniil all arrearages ere paid unlee si
tli option of ib publisher.
SiUoriptions'outsido of the county
& persons llftliifc end tttng papers
addressed te ethers become subscriber,
Mil or llbU for tho pries 6f Iho pYr
MuHlleburg, I'ft.,
Offer bli prolcMiotml services to tho pub
I. Collection snd slloiber professional
fcesisess sntrustsd to bit or will receive
proapt attention. Jon 8, '07tf
JSoliiiHgrove Pit.
of, ore bil piofessional eervlce to Iho pub
is. Alt buainee entrusted lo bit cor
ill bo Bromptlv attended to.
fjn. 17. 'CTtf
1 Y. KM GUT,
Free burg Pa.,
OtTeM M Professional service lo Ihr pub
Ik. All business etitrutc.l lo bio ore
ill b tiroiDDtlr sttended lo.
Jon 17,'OTil
Lcwitdjurg Pa.,
Offer bit professional crvlcs lo Iho pub
lie. Colleoiiou and all otber Profession
1 business entrusted to bi ear will re
ceive prrnnpl attention.
Lewieburg; To.
OlTeri bia Professional service lo the tub
lie. Collection and all oilier profession
all buins entrusted lo bi care will re
reiv prompt attention. Jan. H, 'o'tf.
I M.LlNfc, A. II. PILL,
Vt (Successor to i. V. J. M. Linn.)
A'IUlbit) AT LAW, Lewieluirg, Ta.
Offer Iheir professional service to lb
ouhlir. Collections and all other pro
:sknl business entrusted lo il fir rare
ill receive prompt at teniien. Jan. 3, 'tiiif
pilAttLES I LOW Kit.
Sclinsjjrove Pn..
OCcr bia professional service to the pub
ic. Collection and all oilier pr0iosiuiia
vniuess entrusted lo bi cre will re I
eeiv prompt attention. Oflice two door
norih of tb Keystone Hotel. .Ian 6, 0
Scliingrve Pa
Offer bi Professional services lo the
public. All butinr entrusted lo hie
ear will be prompily attended lo. Col
Iretion made in all pans rih Siat.
II can apeak ibe Eigl:b aud German
lanpungs fluently. Oflic beiweeu Halls
and lb Toil office.
Hiddlcburg Snyder County IVmi it
Oflies a few door Weal of lite P. O. nn
Malu street. Consultation in English
aud German tigtmje. Sep.' till
Li'Wxllirj 1 il.,
riiT.r. lila nrofeseinnal se'tkeslo lite pub.
L.. All l.uaine. entrusted 10 bi care
will b promptly attended to.
3. MlTif
It sewing machine. In need of a Etiod and durable
lewing Machine can be accrtniitiodaled nl
ieaoiiable price by ctllinR on on Sam-
ll(L rHT, Ageut, .ltugtoe.
Jan. 24, OB,
Muiai. l.urj! Pa.
Offer bia profeasional tcrvice lo lb cil
in of Middleurg aud vicinity.
f March St. "07
Selinngrove Pctin
Penn Twp., Soyder Co. P
Yu. WAGNER, Esq.,
Jaekaoa To Jsliip, buyder Co. Pu.,
Will attend to all buainea entrusted lo
kli ara and on lb moat reasonable
March il. 'bbif
CcDtretlllc, Snjfler Co., . a.,
Offer bi prorional erice lo lb
public. amt
FW. SCll WAN, M. P.,
Port Trevortuti Ta.
n... vt. nrnfrailonal terviee to tb
titiieo of ibi plae d eioinity.
peak German ana tngneu.
r April 18,
Fteeburir bnyderu. i u.
Mot rerpectfully bfler bi rrice lo
tbe publio Vendu Cryar and Auction
eer. Haeing bad a Urg eipenence, 1
feel eoondnt that I ean renuar perieei
... . I r.. i in m amiilovaea.
' ' tJan. . '7l
B'i'. PARK8,
OSoe la Court Hu, 8epl.l6, OTif
No. 322 N.THIRUb
t7 uMANDERBACn Pbop'r
i. C. MP, CUrk
tot. J 1 Srth Iblrd Btre.
Stailonera. blank book Mauulscture
and 4alera la Wrspplag. BUsiUr
ill hmmmmmmm, LL I. RJ....XJL 1 .1 ' 'U I L'L L J,
Sit a. IjM-
VOL. 6. M1DDLEBUUG SNYDER CO. PA.:jlTEAlBE24.187(. NH).:,7.
ST rHlTl't CART.
Unce trap baild
With k piece of cbeete I
Il tickled ao little mouae
It almoal mad him anoete :
An old rat (aid. There'a danger,
Becarrful where jta go 1"
'Nonane 1" aaid the other,
"I don't Ibink yon know I"
Po be walked in boldly
Nobody In tight :
Firl b took a nibble.
Then be took a hit.
Close Ibe trap togeiher
Knapped a quirk a wink,
Catching) mouy fast iher,
'Cauae be didn't think.
Once a lilll lurtiay,
Fond of ber own way.
Wouldn't aak tba old one
to bet lo go or clay i
Hhe aid, I'm not a haby,
Here I am balf grown ;
Solely I am big enough
To run about alone '."
CO ah wnt, but aaoiebndy
Hilling raw bor pa":
8oon lik mow her feather
Covered all lb trass.
ro the made a aitpper
For a ly young mink,
'Cause she wa ao head-atrowf
That die wouldn't Ibink.
Once il ere wa aVoldn
Li red outside lha door.
Who wauled lo go insid
And Imp upon the floor,
"No, no,'' said I lie mother.
"You unlet lay veil b me;
Little bird are anient
fit ling on a Iree."
'I don i care," Aid robbiii,
Aud itnVe Itia tail a Ming,
"I don't think the old folk
Know (iine everything."
l)o iv n he Hew, and Kilty auiied him
Hufiire b.'d tune lo bliuk.
"(Mi,'" be cried, "l in aorry,
Hut 1 didn't think."
Kow, try little cliildrea.
You wbo read ibis song,
Don't you ee wbt trouble
Come of Ibinking wrong ?
And cau l you lake a waraing
From Ibeir diendlul fate,
bo began their thinking
When il was lno late?
Lion'i think there' alway aafaty
Where no danger ahowa.
lion'i euppose ou know mare
Tlittn Hiiybody kimwa ;
lint when you're warned of ruin,
Pauee upou Ibe brink,
Aud don't go under headlong.
'Cat'sc you didn't iluuk.
"You will dine with me nn Thanks,
uivintl I)ht, will jou noi ? It in bin
a our talilo 1 fun offer you,buaJu ;
nut Imt I once apread."
' I wiil come.''
So tltey pm ti'il nt tliu street corner;
uu old beiitit'tiiiiti and one wbo if mil
old. whh pal th iuriuil d' Uiiddle nu
Old t-niDtca lltry weio. who tor tweuty-
hvo yen ra hud not been men ot libr a
Ihi'ih, and w bi, meeting by wbut ia
nt I led actident, niade I lie cnaeinrut
just recorded. JJ:trtn t olvet ion.
Hourly nliiy yrarH nl aue.aud tleim iit
I.tiyl'erc, houio twciiiy yeura ViiU'ijror,
bad uccu in the atliue uuae l tui
u. V lor lou.ton year., tm-ii llwir
path il lite tiiverjjed, and tins wus
heir brft biiodraup lor u quarter ol a
Tbe TliiiDkaivint; dinner la'l beta
let red I'rnin tba lablO : and tba two
drew their chuir eli sor to tho tiro Tor
ctniBdential filter-iliiiiier-clntt. in
whicb ao utu-n beurt fpvuk to heart,
and InUK-l'Ui'iud Hpcteta often arc
titoul.l up lor friendly diecueaimi.
Till uie, now. Isurton, h.w tin-
wond bus iiaatd you,"emd the younger
niiiu, alter h ri'citul of a die einerteuoe
that 1ui no i-noofctioo with my atory.
Il ow ibe world bus Hi-rveJ me! II
ia rutber a aud atory lor Thanksgiving
Day Tu ge antnvenaricH pna nurd
upon oie bearta, oi l t'tiind. und ibi
one ia painful beyond expresi-inu lo tuo
let, uod be t bunked lor all ilia oior-
eii !" lie added lerfieuily, "1 have
been rich. I atu very poor. I am lone'y,
cbtldleaa, widowed, und lust hurryiu
to tbe ttrave; but I can still koccl
down on Una day. truly thaoklul lor
wbut la Mill apareU torn
ill it paiu you to tell oie how it
i you aro poor aud lon-ly? When 1
laat beard from yu, your wealth was
lurye, and Etnuia'1
"Whcu you and I parted. 1 was, as
you aay, weultby; a wile 1 loved aut
atuty table, and two brave sous shared
our love. Ibvy all died, one alter
unotber, but there wus still ojoney left
me. It was oo TbuDjiviiif: Day,
iwcoty-loui' yean ou, beinre Eiuuin.
my wile died, when wo wore ni'uroiU)c
tor our lust child, that wa were iuvbed
to spend ibe day with a Irioud aoniv
iweuly mi lea ftoin tbe city. Anion
l h trursia there was a widow ladt
who was a achoulniaie of Emma ,
wiib one child, n little girl, about tour
wars old. Her aatue was Maitie
liuiucfl: indeed, mother and chili tor-
ihoaum name. Ilel'ore the day wu
over, Etuuitt bad woa from ber old
BObooluiatu a almy of poTcriy uod dia
trvaa thai iuoed her to bog ua lo uflVi
ber a home, until mi h Uiuo as alit-
could ond em ploy moor. We were
very loooly ia our )trest bouse, and
were only loo glad lo bear the Voles ol
a child rlnxiog exam iumuub in
room. Some buhl etuplnyuieot ol
awing tt6ad Mrs llaioee' acruploa
about deeeodruce, mmt the reroaiued
lib us uotti So uiea, leaving nine
Matlie, thea to rear old. lo our
care. Twe j ears later Emm too
1 ean never tell y a, Clement, what
,,4 c,j was to me, IllUlU
heart, and repaid my love by the af
fection sod tsndernea of a daughter.
I cat) not tell you if she wna beautiful
to other eye tbaomino; but tome her
fsco was lovely beyond all description
and ber gentleness and eweetnee suoh
as I can never describe.
"I have said that Thatikpiving Pay
is bow tho moat painful of aooiveiaa
riea lo ma, but it wee tbrn our prt-al
voatly last ival. No! a day for company,
but the day wa spent Wethers Ibe
day we celebrated as Ibe one which we
first mot, tho day when most eincoroly
we gave tbnoka that we were first
thrown together, each In tho futuro to
save the other liora utter loualtocs.
It was again to become A day of aso
elation. Matlie was eighteen years
old wheoilhednyappoiuted for Thanks
giving fell al'o upon her birthday.
This was ft double cvsnt that called
for tome eilra rejoicinp;, so uiy darling
and I had a dioner party. 1 b ive now
to tell von of a third person, a son of
an old fiienil, wh had risen from an
unimportant portion in tny employ lo
to that of ConQleDtivl iletk. Charles
Giirrett was ten j'esrs older than Mat
lie, but they were ft Irlxnus, ami
nnirb together ; sol was not aur
priseJ. nur indeed grieved, when our
btnhdjy fc-ilvsl und ThauUsuivin
party proved also the occaia lor some
whiMiered vows lieiwooo uiy ciera buu
uiv child, which they camo lo oie to
uaclion sad bless.
I did bless them, Clement. I
trusted Charles Gurrell With the csrt!
of my desret ir saurs. and jus, before
iha wedditik' d:t I msds him my part
ner in tnisiuess. Nany, luier oiam-u
me. beciius" I sooo after begao to ox
erci-o so old loan's privilege and grd
uully llt my bu-intsa care mors ana
moro in in w psrtoer's oonirol. Could
I huvo iveti Matlie to htm, if 1 bad
not believed bim honorable and true to
the heart's cure ? Tbey lived witb me,
my children It was not long before
I saw that Maitis was drooping
Cheerful aud tweet aa ever, she wtil
lowiuit pale, willi a look in her aofi
eyes tlml wjs something like fear.
I'ear. Clement '. lttr-isleor. He beau
by neglect, sometimes a hartb word
to the young wile, wbo had never
known liny but ibe most loving of
words und looks. Four year later
fhe i TJ-I. Clime. lie had tprculttled
in ibe nime of thn urni till wo were ru-.iit-d.
Then (.'Mine tecnea of despuir
and remorse that were heartrending bi
iine-. Wa :ave up everything
lioit-o. furniture, business sndsailei
anew in lilc. Kul tho billereit trial
was j el fo come. Charles was offered
a nofliiiou at ibe Went by a L-eiitlruiau
who probubly knew nothing of the
Cause ot our lailurc. '
"Did you not publit-h tint '"
' Ha was Mattta's husband, old
(lien J Us went to h e new home.
Mad his wile accompanied hitu. If
tlity wore only Imply, I could bear
my owu share of thn poverty aud lous
luiess ; but a demon hsd entered ihoir
new home, tbe demon that is most
powerful to create misery intern per
unco. Whst Matlie suit err 1 can only
ItuesB or tslean from hearsay. All her
letters are cheerful snd lovinif, and
li'oiu her own hard earnniK she sends
len lrifl lo ber 0,,.
1st her. Hme-
limes a delicacy of her own cooking
or piexervinj, soinoiimes a little piece
of needlework. Mydsrling! mydsr
liuit! where are you Ibis Thsnksgiving
Day V
'i here waa a moment of silcncl in
ihe mom. unw fast gathering the
vI'Mims of s winter twilight The oi l
friends grusped baoda ia silence.
A siir near the door passed un
heeded lor a moment, aod then a black
robed figure camo near to where Barton
Wolverton was seatsd Hi bowed
bead wss gathered y,emly imo loving
arma, uod a voice, low and aweet, full
of lender love, aaid "Father may I
come home ?"
Ho much was sbe in his hsart, ao
near always in spirit, tbst he wa ant
eveu slurlled. Only folding ber closely
in his srms. be said : "Charles r '
"Dead, lather, a few weeks since.
He died peacefully and penitent. We
cao give tbanka for bin, my father.
1 can find aont employment '
"Hash! butb: dear one. e are
ot ao poor as that. You are nnno
airato : come home 10 me pore more
upon thanksgiving Uey. Uumy
LuAj $ JJook.
tthat Uretsfc Uswa VaDg
ill ess.
It is tbe commonly i:eivd notion
that hard study ia the unhealthy oie-
menlof a college hie. liut iroin tne
tables of Harvard University, col
lact. d by Prof. Pierce from ibe last
irteuutal ia cieariy uem-
Ouati ated that the excess of death for
ibe first ten yeaisufier grsdustioo it
lound in tbat portion of each clas ol
mlerUr sobolorsbip Every oue who
hss seen ihe curriculum knows tba
here Eaebylua aud political economy
mjuru one, lute bours and rum punch
es use up a dor.en, and 1 heir two lit
de fingei t are heavier than the loin
.f Euclid. Dissipation is a sure de.
stroyer, and every young uun who
tollow it it ss ihe early flower exn-w-10
untimely frosts. Those wbo have
beeo ipvoiglod in tbe patb of viee ate
namee? Lesion. A few hours' sleep
.sch niiibt. high living aod plenty ol
" soauahss'' mske war 00 every portion
of the body. The braio, tb heart,
be luogs the liver, tbe spfue, limbs,
the bonst, the flesh, tvtry part aod
faculty ovsrlssked and weakened by
the terrific eoergy ol psssloo loosened
from restraint, aolli, like a aiiapma'
ed auaoaion, the " earthly bout ol
Tta Latest llorrr.
Tt has been kiown for sons limo that
a dirty wrolched o'd mm liieloutsid
the city, about a mils or so. in a filthy
little cabn. entirely alone, ao I that be
was a hermit. No one over went oesr
him, for it was sil that be was a mat:
ician. ilia only companion was a e kel
ototi-lookinjj di. He camo into the
oily sorne limes t bur, ami would pit
eoualv implore lor nierrv, stating tbut
he wna starving. Sometimes he
would u at her rsa or scraps of paper
and aell them. Evory ca supposed
him to be wreteVsdly poor. He h'td
an evil look, and uiniher would remove
their ohildren when they saw bim
snming. One day last week however,
a cbil I, tho sou of Mr. Abraham Skiu
oer, went out alone to fish in the
stream, sod happened to wander W)
nntil, before he knew it. bo camo to
tho hovel of the old man. At first
he wa frightened, but, aeeing oo one pltirketl up couracjo aud
went nearer- Everyihin wsssilent
tie went and peeped through a crak
in the aide of tho hut. lie almost
creamed nt what be saw, for ho be
held the old man bending over a bag
of money that he was counting. There
wero otber lan hea'.ilo him containing
large qtinntitiea of money. Mr. Skin
ner's too wat J terrilied that, wheo he
attempted to mova he stumbled. Like
liuhtenmir the old man rushed out
and seised him. " Ila !" be scream
od, " I've caught you, have I? You
saw me, did you J Well now you'll
ray for it." Aud belore tbe boy
could sys word, the old mnneter.
with ao awlul laugh, drew out a koire
aud (oh, horror 1) eut the child's toogue
out! Then be chopped off his finders
' Now," he aid, ' now you cau go.
for too can't tall." The poor boy rso
off, overcome wits sgony, and ran to
hn istber'a bouse, only U fill them
with cnsieroatien. What wa the
uattar with their child? He could
not apeak to toll them. He could oot
write for bia finger's were cut off.
Still the pour boy, after efforts of the
most horrible pain, managed to fix a
pencil betweeu bi bloody aiuuipa of
miners aud wrote the awful tale. A
party wus irtinjediaiely orejattimd and
hastened to the miaer'e den. lie wat
at the door as they approached, and
fired a revolver six times at them,
wounding two of the party seriously.
Mr. Skinner returned the fire, aud
the uged villain fell with s piercioj
yell, itioriiilly wounded. " My money !
lily money I ho mosned, " my
beautiful money !'' and be crawlsd to
his bfti;s of atold sod sank upon them
s iMirpae. Over 8 10, (bid was dis
covered, which wrs presootod to tb
poor house and other cliaritiblo insti
tutions. The event will nover be for
gotten by our citiieus. Tho child is
slowly recovering Tbe mixer was
burned tho day utter, and the nut was
toro down. Sitgmaw Jlfpubliran,
Our Uojs
Ths dresm of every toy, anJ c
peciully every poor by. is ' When I
am a man.'' There are croakers eve
rywhere, wh'J are always ready to esy,
"Ah! boy, yourdroam are vain;
your golden days are oo ; you will
never he ao happy as whilo you are a
toy!" Don't believe them boy.
There iss beautiful, golden die.imlsud.
full of grand possibilities dreamland
now, but all to be roul to you by and
by I hut land is manhood. It ie
well for you to dream of " When 1 am
... . 1
a man. uut oe surs to remuiunor
Ibal wheo any boy, be he poor or rich,
waatet hie time iu dreaming, and fails
to nrensre lumsolf lor manhood, ho is
stsuding ia his own light, aud will be
certsiu to have 10 suffer t. r his fail
We know, by exporiencs, what it is
lor t boy of fourteen to bo thrown en
tirely upon bia own resources, with no
hope of ever obtaining a dollar or a
favor io tbe world, except by lbs favor
of God, and by td,i2rely ealniLg it ."
We know what it tnea-e in "wot !; a: a
trade" for three yeara, far Jinrd
thirty dwllnri f-.1 tbe T t ys .t. fiviy
dollars for the ocond, rr.d "fty tc!:.r.
for the third yen.'; io one hundred
and twenty dolls.'j fcr clotting snd
sounding money, for throe long ys"
W bavo uol i"orotwa, and is havs
no desire lo forget the rough ro l
from fourteen to twenty one. and il
any words or acts of ours can belp t
make smooth or mure ploasac't (lis
sumo path Tor other poor sod aspiring
boy we are fully repaid.
W beru there are nunureas 01 ooy
whose boyish days are golden aod
joyous, aud full of happnete aud ease,
tbera are tliousamla to whom toe pain
of boyhood ia a rough and rocky road,
full of toil, trial and temptations.
Many stdmble aod fall in the Ty.
Many yeare for some on to give them
just a lit'le help, just a lit t la good
council, )ut a lew am i vrerje 01 an
I'O'irsgotuont; bsvmg thsse riintorcs
ineots tbey conquer, wheo without
'hemthoy wonld fail. lhousoioi
bruee fesivt are to-dr fighti-g single
hm led a mors torribl. lath thsii
Napulflon ever loevrt '.v hi la Ave?)
oeof then, wheatber poor or rich,
is all the time looking forward iatu
ine glorious dreamland,' aod saying
Wbeo 1 sui a man ''
Work oo boy a; fight 00. Mnbil
it worth workiog fur. Ii U worth
watiog for. It is worth pii.;
for. See thtt yod dt prer lor tu
Nias. daratog. a horve egei ttrr'.y
three yeara died tbe other day, Id tbo
aerviee of hit owners wbo hsd worked
bun faithfully since he was fear year
uid. This horse, at' well at 00a agsd
Home Mlqiiett.
Beyond a doubt, n tree Understand
log and failhf ii olnervantt of ths r
qtiisite ff (tool in saner at hone, are
more important than all acquaintance
and eomplianco with ths deavands ol
etiquette elaV where. Indeed, gooil
home-manners are ths foundation and
irs superstructure, too, ol good nan
ncra everywhere elae. The idealist
it ia of liillo moment bow we behave
at home, providid wa are courteous
aod polite ia company, is a very roieu
keo U1 radically wreng oo. Pertoas
oflea allow thsjmee.Ue te be ill-bred
at home, tbinkiug ibAt I bey can put oo
good manner, when tbey choose, and
appear ns well abrosd as others ; but,
anconsciously, I boy arc cuntiuually be
iroying themselves. Fw things are
so subservient oo habit as those ever
occurring little proprieties, graces aud
amenities of sirial life which go lo
make up tho well bred man or woman.
The etprcssion, tone, carriage, manner
and laniruairs of years, cannot be
changed, in a day, for some special
occasion. The "qtiiaileaof wood utau
tiers at e so mal'.itudiocu it is imp issi
bis lo give them all ; and each, like
tho snow-flakes which form the ava
lanche, though important, is somioute
in itself lliut it is diffioult to select soy
as ''most essential.'
Good manners at borne, snd eNewbere,
are but tbe outward nuuileitutiou, ib
the best way, ol love and that apirit
"which tultersto long and is kind;
which vBvieth not ; vaunteth not tUelt;
i not pulled up : doth not behave
itielf unsreaiiy ; aeckeib not its own ;
is aut y orovoked: thiokelh oo
evil; rejotcetb not in iniquity ; beareth
all tilings ; beltevelh all things; bop
ttb all thiotta ; euduicth all things."'
The well bred man and wuiuao ex
pre by their manner tlisl they regard
tbe judgmeut, feelings, taste, (vishes.
convenience aud pleusures of others
as highly aa their own. Tbey alriva
to avoid all habit which offend tho
taSte. all expressions which sbovk the
sensibilities or wouod tho frolings of
tooe about tbeiu i and all needier'
w IViwsK slBJ VI sjUV V U WV UJ BUtt VWvvU
iioualities of society.
Tba following particulars will fsll
under sud illustrate tbe above gsoersl
principle! :
let. Avoid nil sxprcssions which
tarJii 10 irritate, euibartass, mortify, or
pain any member ot the family.
Jd. Never alluds to any fault or
' failing, unless wilb the purpose to boo-
it,, auu uv,i iu ,iniiv.
3d. Avoid sarcasm, bitter words,
"sors'' subjects, sud re Is .-e nee to any
ptrsousl dcloriuity.
4b. I'o not ridicule, nor bold tuo
opiuion of others la contempt.
5th, Give attention when addraased,
and do not interrupt nor speak when ia tutkiog"
Olh. "ever contradict.
7th, eVer scold.
tb. Keep your temper.
Kill. Never spuuk iu louJ or ipieru
loua tones, ror order ia an urbiirsry
or arroiut inuctier, child or sei vaut.
ltlth. I'u no slung pbtes, nor
rude, dierespsctlul, prolaue, or iocccu-
I'ale laogusgo.
lltb. Never oim tbe "pka-s ' and
"thank you.'' "good-iiip'bl" aud -g wd -
inuiunig," nor lail to gracefully ai
knowledge by some word or look every
act of aileiitioc aud kniduess. Tbte
ir.tle word oil ibe barsh usebcuery
of lile wonderfully.
PJih. Do not enter even your near
est relntioo's private room without
13ia Uevcr clam the doors, nit in
the vnuiiows, hum, whistlo, or aiog in
(lie bill or p -si us: nor acveam to
persons out of windows as J ep stair
wsyt. 14th Teach children to offer pre
cedence to oaeh othef and to their su
periors ; t avoid awkward position
snd movements, aa 1 not to indulue ia
disugresblo, er filthy pcnoual habiu,
such si yawning, ecratebit g ths bead,
picking ihe nose, bawkag. spitting on
llrj fl ior, clcauiug tbe nails in com
juu, cto.
loth. Hold ihe fiernon and personal
pos.Cw.4oas of another sacred.
wUo obeervaa ih n rule will not
livhle, nor V'r"'-. oor pttoi h, nor poke
31 T!:31 ? "sjl.. K: Will Dwl, LnlVSs
be L.Vi sn.ciiil trirtii u. open tb
lot W.j, mw. j 1L9 Ora-.vers. utatk his
book, ;!cer bia clolhea, nor ur) hi;t
private propony
Tut Borof ytit Pe.-icu. A l"y
wa'..'.oo; aloog Caocl sue2 .J jt
tisolod by the blight eyes and b ond)
curies of a ll'.ilt urchin aoslud ou t' e
ourbing. She approuulied aad atkU
bim if be Vut a newsboy.
" No. Ma'am ; I ala't notnic.'
" Have yon a mother f"
Wouldn't yoi like on ?"
You bet I '"
L'ou should not epk so idl, ray
n. M-i 09tue how wiuld yoc l -t le
have me ior a mother J
Tbe little fellow sernr.i '.c: from
bc-i to foot for a m,oti cod then
11, 111. IV.
j i
I Hei mef
tl "..J"!', yc .1 ,Te, iird. '
, '.
"!.. tvliooof"
"ito; ,
Hrjoko f
"NO". ...,:.',, J
Thee goalon rith yfrjj y
don't liM. ".Lk. roooij c:.t
vou'4 say & 'elloT sLkJdot srt bl
legs and slag 1 Lo,a iln.. Ju ' r
mtiik 1 f 1 Te; t "'W
The 1ng continued Itih prion ol
but t wr is estisrei inrily explained upon
saarcantils principles, and it ptovea to
have not hint! to do with spi ulstive
operations or combination smong the
1'srnieis. It seams thai tlis invieiisi'
of rbaese factories bis been ao extta
ordinary t lo have affect d usvly sll
ths diary regions where butter eted
lo be a staple product. These ftctor-
tes buy tbetr mi't from uriuers sod
front it osaaufHOluie cheese. Ths
farmer inatea-l of bestow mg any at
tention upoa tho oxhnuativs labor ot
butter making, content tbetnsslvcs
wlh soiling ihoir milk to lha cbst'i
laetories tot a kooI price, meiely
making butter enough to supply tbeir
ntt n tumilies. and is iiisny cuses, not
even that, prst'erring to buy ihoir but
ter in tbe town with part of ihe mou
ey reeeived fr the roilk
The chesxe factory furn'ehss the
farmer wilb a market near his door for
his milk si a good pries, while it b
makes butler he must find labor ifil
carry the butter to aarkot. Ine
farmer knows by experience be
ran mnko mora in one tiv aellill'? hi
milk lo tbe Cheese factoty than by
makio it into butter. Tho cone
. j - j -
mi cue I that tbes cueeae isctones
bavo been ooutpb?tly successful wher
ever tbey hive been eetsbliihe J, uu I
butler muking at cta-sl in inmy di
triot where il ws formerly eirrcat sta
pie. Tbo high pricss of buttsr can
aot be regarded aa an uomiiod evil,
niuee all trade experience show that
i this is ths ooy process ky wbii h the
production of a scam or dsucieit crop
can be stimulated. Tsmporary bih
prices will uol accomplisb this, for in
such eases ibe sisriculturist receives
little o' trs profit, the brokers ia tho
large ansrket generally taking most of
it. Hut when the hitch rate aro coo
tinued, and Ibe scireily is tun render
ed indispulttble, tbe buyers traverse the
rural districts and com pets with each
other in the priuos thsy otfs.', so that
ti , bl4f k a ,0 butter mak-
tbe farmers then really leal tbe temp
We export annually from tho Uov
ted States sous 1509.000 Worth Of
butter, uod neatly 19,000,000 worth
ofeh'ete. This tells the otory. The
milk that goes into that cheeie for
export is taken away from the pro
duction of buttsr, and we feel it io
the prlees we hsve to pay for butter.
This making increases rapidly
because the lorsign domuud is lure
snd a'sady. Ths factories cause such
a demand lor milk, that the (armors
discontinue mkiog butler snd make s
Inrger profit cn Uieii ruilk Srth
iOrlfla.ol the Splrcw.
Nutmeg is the kcrosl ofanmsll.
stnooth, pear-shnped fruit that grows
on a tree in the Mcllucca Iilands aud
other pans of tr.j 11,. Tbe tree',
commence beariug in their seveutb
year, snd eooiiuus fruitful until ill
are seveutv or eights veari
Around Iho nutmeg or kernel is u
bright brown shell This fbell bus a
Inoft scarlet cuvoring, which when
. flutieucd out sn l dried is known ss
mace. Tbe beat uutmeg are solid.
and emit oil whso pricked with a
Ginger is the root Of a ebruh C''t
knows in A'0, snd now cultivated
in ths West-Indies au l Sierra I. e rne
The eien.1 grows three or four feet
nigh, aud dies every yesr. There
are to varieties f giBLer, tbe while
aud black Caused by ukiug more cr
lass caro in eslectiug sud preparing
ihe roots, which are always dug 111 the
winter. wbu tho at ems are withered
The white is tbe best.
Ciiittinon is tho iuuer bark of s tesu
liful tree, a aaiive ofCoylun, that
groA' from twenty to thirty feet in
eight. and live to be est, tunes oi l
Tbe I'nited Mutes has imported nosr
ly 10,000 worth bfciuuarouu ins
aiugl year.
ClovJs native lo the Molucfu Is
lands, sod eo called from tlieir resem
blance to a Dail ('foi iJ). The Last
Indicna call th-m ihangkrH. from the
Chines teliunkia Irajraut oaila)
They gro.r on s smooth l arked nee
ubriit forty feet high. Clove are uot
Iroile, but blossoms gathered belore
1 bey aro qoite uuloldud.
AH'pios a burry, fi oslltd because
il combines ths odor of sevSrsI epit'ea
;;ioj shundsuily on Ihe beautiful all
spire r bay berry tree.jnai tvea ol tJ' mb
Aneria and West Indies. A single
trj ha been known to produeo oi.e
hundred sud fifty pound ot berries,
'l'hry are purplo rvhru rips.
Jilaik prppsr i made by grinding
the dried berry of a climbing viuo uu
live to ths Eust Indies'. White pp
per is f'btc.iusd'from lbs saue bt ric
Irsed .":i.m3 l js 'ius: ir riud. P..d or'ue p.-rr'JP obtbinod by jtriud-
bs ecarist pod or ael-vessel 01
ironical p!'l)t that is now cultivated
k tl-.o-t p.'.ris of tbo world.
ctrarcft Jiom
XES . 1 U' Union of November
?v : ' P.. Dejoobfeun,
i 'J.'iil'r.Stt.-Jsr, iidgawM, Uj shown
ol .cn ol apples, in aiaoabuut
; . vl a no s egg, WDieo uro
...j .seumi croD 00 dio tiees tula
T!-e j bi'-Mbe June apulee. He
!"rj.i;.l va i-vi noma of.a
u! nr tr.a en ia bluosn sod u lb
i.-.-e'ii'Ssr ecitio.;; be ? lo'k
. . , : - .
r, .'.':uia crop er caei-riea
e hare fk great oouatry
'.bit Wiudle Teaoesss) of ours. Many
of our fi.:me:j an now gatberluu
Ihslr tsc; J crop 4 ooUtoeo. aod coc
Sates of advkbttbiwq.
f eolufcifi brie year
pne asirestuain, an year,
Oaee-ioorth eoluma, en year,
On sqiiar (10 linea) on Imertlo)
Kvory Siditlnnal Insertion
Professions! snd Pttsiueaa eards of
noi more than tve llnfS. per vtar.
Audltnr. Pieetttnr, Admiiiisiratar
and Assines Notirvs
Ediiorinl tiniiee per line
All sdveriiseateats for a shorter
16 00.
than one year are payable at the liu.s
they are ordered, and If ant paid the per
son ordering tbm will be brld responsible
fur the tnonev.
IHseoTcrlr and Invcnttoos.
Vjolirl luvetilen 1177.
Puttlps invfuteJ, 1 J5.
Camera obsrura invented. l.M;" ,
Engraving on wood invented. H'V
K mes first planted in Knglsud.l. ').".'
Paper flrt made of linen rut.'. 1 117.
FhillinifS first coined in Iln.-'cii'J,
Mamons CinI polished sed eut.
Alraaoars ret tr.b!ibd in PocTn,
Oua.lxks lovcttrd Id N'arcrcVnvf .
Print ie, inssnttd, by Faust, U"
rasny, Md I
Wsiches tlrst ruudo'uHN'orenilrjri'.
Hal Gist made !o I'urope, st Paris.
1 0I.
Soap first to ado si hoodoo add
DriKiol, l.r2l.
Stops and pnfsc Qrst red in litera
ture, 152)
Theatrical performances trst piva
in Knglaod. 1 178.
Muskets inverted sdJ Qtsl used iu
England. H21.
Poa' rifflcHS first estallisLsd in Ku-
rope, in I ranee, ito,
Printing Introduced
iuto England,
oy nil ii, i ti
Mao nnd cinrt Cr.'t brought to
Fnjrliknd. Hs9
1'oriifioatinnt first built Jn the pres
ent stylo. 1 50.
Sus'sr reoning'flrsl practiced, by a
Venitisn. 15i3'.
Chncolite iniroiluced iufo EnUnJ.
from Mexijo. 102U.
Turkeys introdnred into Englscd,
from America, 1320.
ogravin-r on copper ioveo'.ed by
Fimiguerre, Italy. 14GI.
Canals, in modern style, fiiat innJe
in Europe, Italy, 1451
Algebra introduced into Eurcpj by
the Sarueen, 1412.
City atrcets first lighted io modern
Europe. Pnris, 1523.
.Grselc lanvttste intmcuccd lo'.o
Eocland. ly Gmcyh, 1491.
Csata in' Plater, first Invented in
Florence, by VeriebK 1470.
Copertiicu dia-oversd tho true the
ary of tba folar ayatctn, 15?2.
Gardeoins firtt introdnced into Eo
gand. from Netberpinda, l5(W.
plav'mg csrds invented for tl.o
amnstmcot of tho French Ring, 1390.
Dice invented 7500 11 C.
Shipping wheels invented at liruoi
wick. 1530.
Air irons were invented aa early as
Hallan were itivontcJ ly Gderrnty
a Jesuit, 17. '1 1.
G'liHoiin, the inventor of Ibe guillo
tine, the dreadful inJlrnment of pun
iabmcnt in Faance, was born at Saintes
20ih of Marrh. 17"8. It isja f!e ru
mor that hf perished by bis own de
vice. He died io bis bed.
llutterini: rnms were used 441 B. 0.
Pellows invented. 551 II. C.
H its investod, 1 101.
Tu K Free Masons of Tennessee are
at present taking steps 'wi'h the view;
if pulling in operation a novel plan
for providing eomfortsble homes for
the widows aud orphuna of ileeeaed
brothers. "In each grand divinicn of
the Sute." say an exchangn, " A.
thousand r nmre acres of laud arf fo
acquired ly itll or urcb:ise, nnd eat
1111 into small lots of oue or two seres,
with hiiisII collate on each. A por
tion of the land will bo reserved ,for a
school h use and tbnrch ; thus mak
ing the locality it sort of community
by it.elf. In no a: c'-es. there will be
ebildrea old eni-in;h to ears for the
land, ruixino; vsgaUble and 1'iuits for
ibe mnrkot slid any deficiency of food
und raimenl will be supplied from the
lienevolelil fund of ibe iinnd division.
The t-'veiiiy two Maonio lodges of the
Siaie bsve'sltealy ra'fd n"iuly $0,
000 tiiward tho object to be scvotu
nlished.'' A Pious old g.'titii iujii, one of the
suit of : bo earth sort, wont out into
th fi' II to cutclt u 111 a rv that was wont;
to bear linn tj town 110 nmveu on
the most iiu;iroved mole. Ho shook;
s measure ol c o n at her to ('elude hi r
into Ibe belief I bit he wjs 10 get it;
out the wa not l be dereived by soy
smh specious act. ,v'ho would eorni
ui 'Ii an I theu dash nfi ncjaio, until lbs
oud man was fretted bally. At last
be got in a coVncr among s tne b,nars
nd lli:ide a Uah si her, when she
bounded over tho waM and li ft bin!
pruwlng anion ' the bushes His
christian foiiit'ide v,nv way at tins,
m l inhering himself up, he cried.
tin. bell I bo ejaeiiiation badpsssea
his bps before hethontht but imrne-
Mutely consctoas nl its wickeaneta, ne
-aid "Ivluiah !" and translated tbe
p' ot'sno woid into a no'e of triumph.
Mii-K. " II yon desire to gA a
'are yield of milk, givo yonr c6w
bree lini's u day, water slightly sail
ed, in which bran has been stirred ai
the rule) i'f one quart to two gallon! of
water. Yu will find that your co
will gain twenty five per cent, iiutn.
diutsly under the effects ol It. a nil she
will become so alt ached to tbe iltet aa
to refuso to drink rlesr-.watsr unless
isry .thirsty, bul this mess the will
aViuk almost at any time, snd aak for.
more. The amount of this drink it an
ordinary water pailful ,st saeh time,
moraing. aooo and nigbk Your aoif.
mal will tbon do her beat at disuorV
ing Ibt laoloal." So tsw tt jnsf ."4
can farmer.
?"Mii04'k.ioilt mdtln
sou ofV. w eostOf n eentt.