The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 17, 1870, Image 1
THE POST. . fubUeiird every Thursday Evening by JbtURflllll CBOrSK. Proprietor. Torms of Subscription, TWO DOLLARS FEB ANNUM. raj-ehle within sis eaonihs, or f 2,6n if tint pnjj wliblalbe ;wt. Ne paper discuniitiui , til all arrearages ere paid unless at Ike optloa ef (a pahlisher. tabacriptions outside of the county PBTABt.R IN ADVANCE. taV Pereone lifllag and aeing paper SSiireseed la ethers become otihsorihers, ea4 ara llabla for tha priot of iba paper JP. CltONMILI.KK, ATTOB.NET AT LAW, Middleburg, To., Offera kit professional service lo Iba pub lic. Collestione and allothrr professional basinese entrusted lo kit eara will receive pronpt attention. Jan 8, 'U7 if A. C. SIMI'SON. ATTOBXKr AT LAW. Sellnsgrove Ta., Offer bia professional service lo iba pub lic. All business entrusted lo bia esre will ba pronipt'. attended . f Jan. 17. 'C7if W. KM OUT. . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Freeburg Ta., Offara bia Profeeaioasl service to tlx pub lie. All business utrutted to bia cart will ba promptly atlaadtd lo. Jan 17. G7lf WM. VaN gkzf.k, ATTOU.NET AT LAW, Lcwislmrg Ta., Offara bia professional oerviee lo Ike pub lic. Collreliona and all olbtr Profession at business entrusted lo bia cara will re ceive prompt atlcoiioa. GEO. F. MILLER, ATTOK.NEV AT LAW, Lew ..Ton rg Ta. Offer bia Professional service lo Hie pub lie. Colleciioua and all olher profession all business entrusted to bia cara will re ceive pronipt attention. Jan. 8, 'llTif. I M.LINN, A. II. DILL, t) (SjueeasMra toJ.F. J.M. I.lnn.) ATTOK.NbVH AT LAW, Lewiebur;. Ta. Offer their professional vertices lo Ibe public. t'ulleellons and all oilier pro fessional bueiiieH entrusted to i heir rare will reeeive prompt alieni ion. f Jan. X, 'OTif CHAltLKS HOWF.R, ATTOK.NEV AT LAW. Sclinsgrove Fa.. Offera bit professional service to tbe pub ,io. Collecllona and all oibar professiona, businose entrusted lo bia care will re eeive pronipt altcmion. Office two dunr narib of Iba Keystone Hotel. Jan 6, '6 SAMUEL ALLKMAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrove Pa Offera bia Professional services lo Ibe public. All business animated to hie ara will ba promptly silendcd lo. Col lecllona made in all pane of the Slate. Ha can apeak iba Engl'sb and German language fluently. Office betweeu llall'i and tbe Pol oflico. LN. MYEHS, ATTORNEY fc C01NSEL0I AT MW Middlabitrg Snyder County rtnir Office few doors West of the P. O. on Main atrtel. Consultation in English and German nguages. Scp.'UTtf JC. BUCHEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewinburg Pa., Offers bta professional setvlcetio the pub lic. All business entrusted to bia cart will be cromMl attended to. fjan. 8. '67tf GUOYEIl A llAKEIt SEWIXG MACHINE. Persona In need of a good and durable Sewing Machine ean be accommodated at rtatonable prioea by oalling on on Sam I'il Facsi, Agent, Selintgrove. f Jan. 21, XPt Tt. J. Y.SHINDEL, Sl'KUEO.N AND PHYSICIAN. Midillobur' Ta., Offer! bia professional services to tba oil iietit of Middleourg and vicinity. f Murcb 21, '07 F. VAN BUSKIRK. Sl'BOICAL MECHANICAL DENTIST Felinsgrove Tcnn JOUN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Tenn Twp Snyder Co. Pa Ytx. WAGNER, Enq., s JfTlCE OF THE PEACE, Jackson Tor.)8hip,8oyderCo. Fa., Win attend lo all bualneae ealrvated lo bit care and ea Iba moat reasonable terms, March 13, 'USif DRJ- b KANAWEL, PHYSICIAN AND8UR0E0N, Ceaitre)Vlllt Snyder Co., I a., Offara bit professional terviset to tbe pubUo. -88tf FW. SCHWAN, M. P., s SURGEON & PHY6ICHN. Port Treorton Pa. Offera bit professional services to tbe citUeas of tbia place and vicinity. He apeak t Otrman and English. April 16,"A8 FA. BOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEER, Freeburg Snyder Co. Pa., Moat respectfully offera bia aorvloea to ike publio at Vendue Cryer and Auction eer. Having had a large experience, I feel eoafldeat lb at I ean reader perfect aiiafaciioa to my employees. Jan. 9, '671 BT. PARKS, s ATTOBNET AT LAW ft DISTRICT ATTORN 7, MIDDLEBURO. BNTDER COl'NTY. Pa n In riirl tteuaa. flfl.nt.lB. 'flTlf LEWIS BREMER'S SOUS TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N.THlRLiS m on nmi a rwr mil a 0,00 J JTUlieAII-aVraiA M1 ERCUANT HOUSE. U. U. MANOEKBACH Paop'a. J. C. N1PK. Clerk. ill 4 16 North Third Street. ruuauviyuia ILLER ELDER WHOLESALE DOCK SELLERS etatlootra, Blank book Manulacturc 4 dealera ia Wrapping, Blaatitif , fur Ma and WaU papere Paper Uaga Ae Gea ralJob Prlatsre K 9Up Vartb Third tlrt abev Race raiiaaoipata i rww m VOL. 8. SELECT POETRY. After lli hsflla at Fnrhsnh a frenrh nf. Acer nf Cuirassiers wu found dead, with a letter crunpli'd n k.a band. Il w only a crumpled letter, In a careless, girlish hand l ll v ss only a childish msss ac Frnm the in kifed southern lanj. It was only a hrlef memorial Of tha leara Ibe absent i-hed It was a trifle from tba living. And a menage to tba (lead I Father, dear, yon are gone to battle, Put I think incessantly. As I mils your morning blessing, What your differing must lit 1" 8o she wro'e. and so he held It, With a blessing on her bead, Whea the lokea of ibe Using Wat a message to the dead I "I'm ao good, dear ab, to steady You would wish me lo he so j If I'm quiet, balf your dangers Dear mamma need never know. So, good bye. papal Ood blesa you! Gusrd and blesa you evermore : Seel I tend you fifty kisses From an aver ready store I" It waa only a crumpled letter In a dead man'a hand that day. Just lo show bow hearts were aching In bia own land far away. Il was only a loving message From a loving child Ibal sped, Put the words the living pencilled Were a massage to ibe dead. Take II nol Iben frnm hit Angers, Lay il with him in tbe grave, If il he a consolation, 'Tis the Istest be will have. Fori think the bullet reached him As the lender words were read; So that when the angels luld it, 'Twas Ku message lo iba dead ! Two lierda of i:irtli. Two yards of tanb and a marble bust, Reared aloft from the common dnsl. And a hero's sabre covered with rust. Tbe sunset's splendor streaming round. Anil athousnnd gloriea under the ground. Two yards of earth and Ibe poller's field, With milrciful angrla alone lo shield A murderer's grave, a convict fled, Into the future lo meet tbe dead I And Ihe rank wild grasses scattered around. And lue crimes a curses under the ground. Two yards of tarlh and heaven's air Fanning Ihe lilliea while and fair ; And modest violets gathered around And spotlsBS virtue under ibe ground. Two yards of eanb, and a woman' name Whose life waa woe and whose death was shame, And the cold rain beating a naked mound. And a thousand miseries under Ihe ground. Two yards of earth ! 0, wbo shall say tVnetber of these ia the better clay I Ood givea grace iu our hitplost round Tbitl leads os lo tbe kingdom under tbt grouul. " THE TWO PATHS." "Come U orga, jut a drop at pert injr. Heavea only knows wben we tuny meet agniu. You nre to eclilo among tie hills of Uni kchire iu I lie Wrst, and 1 atuoog tbe vules of Mid uiouei, io ilo fcuht. juat a glus lo our success.' "No, Miilconi ; if I would Accept u true Jildga of success I tniiBt not u'ml it io the wine cup. 1 bold tLe cup a ;rial ot fuiluro.'' Ihey were young mon.dorh nfthrm just admitted to the bar, ami tmdj 10 enter upon tha practico of their profosuion. An on thtaj bright, cr'ian, autumnal ufternoon, George and Malcum were to separate. lhe bud sele. ted tbctr held of labor, aod wore prepared to coter upon the work. 'Toon I crlej Mttlcotii. in respoose lo bta frieod'a last remark, "iberaa promise in bright wine if ooo knows bow to asa it Come and take a part ing glass with me." "No, Malcom, you must not ask me. Ware 1 lo 4iki tbe cud to mv tins. I khoulo four it as I might a vipea Ukou tn nit hiuAm ' "Do you mean to aay that jou srs goio'i to be a looioUU r f ' "L'pon that course I ara resolved, and let tbe future dooide between us.' And sborily after Ibis ibsy parted. Malcom Csrllog removed to-Middle-aex couoty, where be very sooo saineJ for biniholf a host of friends and an esteosive practice. His imelluct was brilliant; bis wit was rcdy and caus tic ; bis butnor waa rich aud esubor. snt, and bis flow of luoiruaue waa from a fount of tbouebt and imagery that never tawed. ua path seemed pleas ant. Only flowers ot rarest colors sod moat esquiriite fragrance hedged it, while sweet musio kept time lo the droppiog of theglittenog asuda io the glatH. It was tbe patb He bad chosen I rum the first. Iu goitl was tbe high eat possible plane of tba sojial lilK and tbe presiding geLius was the Spirit of ibe wioa cup. lie readied me goal ere be knew it. All tbe joia oT life be had chosen ba l been tasted ere lie reacbod bis primu A brief space, aod tbe flowers began to wither t the thoros protruded, bare and sharp J I ho tweet oiusio grew (sinter as discordant uoles crept Iu t mar and break the harmony : and the sands of the glae drvppiug, drop ping, droppieg bad lost iheir glittor. sod now toll darkly and solemnly into tbe back Sowing tide of tbo time that waa lost. George (Nixon Brians estahlii-bed hlmsell in lierksbire, and pursued h. wav in ibe path he bad choaeo. Alt that be waa he owed to bis owe ea endeavors ; scd all that tie must hope for in the future must oome ibtoub the aume ohannsl. At the aue ol thirteen be bad been apprenticed to s hatter, At While Creek, Near Yrk. where be remained two years. Zi the age of itfu-en bis brother bad taken ht front the batter's abop u4 teat I MIDDLEBURG SNYDER CO. V A., "NOVEMBEft IT, 18T07 bun to aa ncadetny. In one year thereafter, his brother bad died, from wblcb time h bad been left it steer his own burk, aud ,to select his own cbtTt. True to the loftier iostlncts of his nature ho bad selected tbt patb'ifhjror aod moral duty, lading n-surcd that if be sought first the kingdom of God and Ilia righteousness, all vthor things would be given nolo him. He win a social man pre-eminently so and a more genial companion never blessed the social c.rcloj hut he did not pros, tiuito ihe higher nature to the allure inenttof tho les ivo board ; nor did he allow liinielf to 1st doccivod by the false glittor of tbe bacchanalian tinsel. He lived into lo the pledge which he had taken io bis early usnhood tho pledge ol lotolab'linetice from Intoxi cation liquors sad the looner he lived the more reason had be to bless Ood for the choice he bad msdo. At the nge of thirty be wes dec tod to Congress from the llork shire dis trict, snd iu that capacity be was re tained during sx successive terms, declining further service in that di rection npooboiiig nominated to the office of '.iovernor. At tha uge of forty seven ho war elected (iovernor of M is- siicliUHetis, lo hich office he wss un ouiiliy re-elected from 1813 to 1851. It was a cold, bleak day io March, Uovcri.or Iti'iggs had just descended Iruin his room in the State House, and wus leaning ogninst the ruiliug which guards tba a'atute of Waibiugton, io conversation with a friend when a pago approached und hunded bim a note, lie broke the seal und read. It was from the Mayor of the city, informing hi in a iiiuu had been picked up in a gutter during the night by the watch, and was now pronounced to be dyio of dulcriuiu tremens, ' lie says," wrote the .Mayor, "that ho knew you once tbat you were his friend and schoolmate. He will nol give his name. If you would liko to sue him, come sin in.'' Tbe liovernor hastened down to the City ituildiug, sua with Lr. Smith, the city pbysii'inu, be went down ioto tbe pence Button where the poor inuu tsy. Alas I be would never have recog nized in that wasted, shattered wreck of bumunily tbe Irieud of bis youth ; but so it was. Ob I what a aud, sad sight ! ' Us8 he any cot)8ciouiie.s led?'' anted the Governor. "He has bad one or two lucid spoils, but I Li) dcierium basabout spent ttseif. Ho can ravo no more.' At this moment tho sufferer started and opened his eyes dark, csvernou eyes, bleared uud ghastly, but with a n les in of inttlligcuie iu their Bucket) peptha. Who spoke P ho demauded in a hollow, wbifpered tone. ".Malcom, it wus I. Poo't vou know me P Tho poor man struggled to ruiso himself sad the uttendauts helped him; and wbcu ho tinb been lifted to a sit ting posture, with pillows ut his back, he lot.kod up. "1 kuow the voice," ho suid. "And doa t you kdov the face ? Look at me, Molcoiu." A little lime, uud eomctbing like a smile broke over ihe wan snd bsgavd luce ' lleorge ! is it you ?" "Vot, Malcom. 1 jro your old school fellow. Vou surely remember mo now ?" Mslcoin Carliug grasped tbe band ol bis friend aud gated up into his faoe. Auoiboj fuiut stuiia crept in upon his scarred snd tortured Icatuaea, but it quickly faded away aod something like a pearl glisteued upon the drooping lushes. Malcom, what can I do for jou ?'' 'Nothing notbitigttirorge) l am past help. 1 chose toy own path snd 1 bave truvcled iu it und here I am liut you yoa. Ah 1 why should 1 murmur t You chose tbe bolter path, Ueorge, and there you are. You Gov einor of Msssivbusutis ; and I I " The Voice choked, tbe features wore convulsed ; a moment so, aud then tbe eyes were opened, tbe smile fluted buok.and uo murmured, aa tits bvud sunk, "&ic tranu't yluria munJi ."' lie bud rssuhed tbe eud of the wesry wsy, ami snot her victim lay wrecked upon the Urrible reel which a pernicious appetite bss reared amid ibe waters ot he. DcbJmoiIu t-'i-anklia uud Sam uel Mlcavlo. Wlien Uonjuiulo Fianklln opened his printing office ia Philadelphia, be wss obliged to struggle against many auverse virunmstauces. Ho wssyouug and poor; tbe coun try was new, aod lbs public mind was unsettled, aud two printing office of established reputation were ercady dniiig u thriving business in Ihe place He kuew that he must succeed, il lie succeeded at all. by honorable dcnliuu energy, and perseverance. There lived in Philadelphia, at this time a geutleuiuo of wealth sud posi tion by the uume of 8tnue Mickie. He was oue of those morose person who take a most dismal view uf hu man affairs, aud go about prophesying disaster and ruin. He looked upoi. the ssttleineots io the New World us failures, and expected ibat Philadel phia, woiild ape lily deoline, aud re luru to the primitive wilderness, Havug plenty ol lessine, be made it a eon oi a m sai mary work f ois euTuiiuate these stsnliug opiuioos snd to warn those wbo were prospering la business wsy, ssd those wbo were engaging in new euurp rises, of the Imneudietf doom. Jieafiof that yee Fraokliokad opeovd a printing office, be Cooeluded l make him a call, and accordingly appeareJ at tbe door one day of the new extabtishmnnt. Franklin's eipc rence in business had not been prom ising th'is far, and his view of the fu ture wa snyohiug hut cheerful. It s brichteneJ, .nowevec, when he tw the portly old urntloinan at the door, and noticed hie eleuttnt an.i Irtfilirtli Klin. l1ii,it!tt. 111. I In, tiluht have come with prcpoaU for work. " Are you tho young msn thst ha jut o coed a priutuip' oflice V ssked .Mr. M. klo. Fiitokliu answered in tbe nfTirma tive. " 1 am sorry very sorry," ssM lu old gentlemsn, looking very soleiim. snd speak m x in an linpicsivc milli ner. " It must bean expenitive under taking, snd your money will all bo lent. Don't you know Philadelphia isal rendy falling in to ilcciy. Most of it business men are oo'ied to call their creditors together. 1 know as so nn doubted fact," ho continued, with grest emphasis, ' that all the cirootn ces that miiilit lead one to think oth erwise, such ns the erection of now buildings, uud the advuuod prices for rent, are deceitful appearance, tlmt will make the ruin more sweeping and dreadful when it does come 7 He then procoeded to illustrate these statements by detailing tho pri rule affairs of a number of individuals iutu whose business be hud been pry ing. " He gave mo,'' ssyi Fianklio, " so long a detail of misfortunes actually exixtiug, or about to take) place that he almoet left mo in a stale of de spair." Kranllin, however, recovered his self posscssic, and resolved t' redouble his energy, and to work as bo bad never worked before. "The industry of this Franklin." said Dr. Used, at a meeting of llio Merchants' Club, not long alter the occurence of tho incident wo have re lated. " is supecior 1 1 anything of the kind I hsvo ever witnesd 1 sro him still ut work when I return from the club at flight, sud ho is at il asin iu morning before his neighbors are out of bed." The success of Franklin aa a printer is well known, snd wo need only al lude lo it here. Hut poor Mr. Mic klo ? " He continued,'' says Frinklin " to live iu this place of decay, and lo de claim in the tumo stylo, relinin for many yeurs in buy a house. Iieruuo all wss going to wreck ; an 1 in tho end I hmi the sutUfaciion V ooo him pay five times us much tor one as it would buve coot hint Ii4l he purcluncd it when ho first legu his lumea ra tions. Almost every youiijj m m of enter prise enciuntets a Samuel Miekle. To such the cximplv of Frtitikliu utrrds a wholeioins Icksi:i. low to !lik- a Tliuusand Dollars. My genii:' the belter of tny wife's father is ouo of Ihu richest things on record. 1 II tell you how it was. You must know that he is monstrous stinjy The e npimnt scenm to run in the family, and everybody rouud our parts ued te notice that lie never, by any cbsnce, asked any bodv to dine witn bim. So one day, just for a chunk of tun. 1 Huid to a friend of mtue, Jobby Dawkins- a dmsdlul nico fellow Is Jobby 'Til bet yen u peony worth of shoe striuus ginat u rw of plus that I got old lien Merkius, that's my wile's lather, to ask me le dinner.'' 'YejU get euut," said Jebby ; "why yeou might as well try lo coax a cat mto a shower balb, or get weunbzsius eout of coweumbera." Well," raid I, I'm going to try." And try 1 did, snd I'll tell you how f west to' work. Jit ns old lion was silting down to dinner at 1 o'clock, 1 rushed up to the bjuse. ot a high pressure uco, red bot in tee face, with my coat tails in the uir, my eyes rolling about like billiurd bu'U in convulsions Kut tut 1st ding a liog a ling. 1 kicked up un awful rumpus, aud in a f!ah out came eld 13on himself. I had hi ruck ibe right minute. He hud a onpkiu under bis chin, and a curving knife in bis baud. 1 smelt tbe diouer as be opened the door (), Mr. Murklos," suid I, I'm tar. nation glad to see you. 1 feared you uiougbt not be at borne I'm almost out ut breath. I'm eome lo tell you I can save you a thousand dollars.'' "A thousand dollars," roared the old man; aud 1 doly a weasel to "pop'' quicker than his face burst into smiles. "A thousand dollars 1 Yeou don't say so I Du teli 1" "Ob!" said I, "I see you aie just haviug dinner now. I'll go and dine tuycelf, sad thou I'll eume back uud teilyou all about it " JN'oiiecun-,'' aald bo, "don't 'o swuy ; co:ae in snd sit down snd on joy yourself, like a good fellow fellow, sou iiuve n smack wilii mo. 1 am suxious to bear wbsl yoa bsre lossy." 1 pretended to cvuiice. "I'd come back;' bull tboroegbly stirred up tbo old cbup's curiosity ; aod it endue by his tairly pulling me into the house, uud I tuude a r<lioj diuaer if beat. a. 1 managed for soma time lo dodge tho uain point of b!a inquiry. At last 1 Anil-bed eating, and there was no lurtber excuse lor delay besides old h o wss getuug ugoiy. 'Como, now," suid bo, "no more preface. About tbat thousand dollars. Come let it out." Well, I'b toll you what," said I. sou bare darter, Misery Aoat to dispose cf in marriue, have you not" "What's I hut get to do with it'?" interrupted he. "Hold yo'ir.proud steels don't nn ..w .... i. - . j.i i. V. i "Well," Si.i l ho, ' I have." 'And yen intend, when he m.irrics ti give her flO.OOJ for u imrliou?" I do,'' he said. Mill, neo w.i here s the pint I m coming tow. I,ct mt Imvo ber. end I'll inks her with SH OO): and u'.l.OO.I from $10,0 I ', aceordin' to simple suli trselion, jisl leaves f 1 .0 Jt end that will be clean profit suved us s!ic!; as a whittle !'' The nexl thing I knef there wnen rapid interview goin; on belweon old Hen's loot and my coat tails uud I'm inclined lo thiuk tbo latter gut the worst of it. (Gambling. While gambling is forhiddsn by law in this couatry, as well as in olh vis, it is ono of tho growing, a well as gm-srst, evils cf tho day. Though money occq'iited by this mesns cannot he recoverod by Inw, uucouuled sums, fabulous amounts, ate loi-t sml won at gaming tables. Uiinu s of mixed cliuuce und ekill were lurbiddvu by tho Komuns, and the players reputed infamous. Tacitus mivs, the sucicut wero pas sioualely devoted lo the vice of gam ing with dice, when sober, as a seri ous employment ; and, wheu stripping ol everything elo, slaked their per Honul lilierly ; if losers, Ihey suffered I Iiini4tlve4 t.i Iwi a,. hi I I V I I I (of Kiighiuil, issued a proclamation 8r'aiiisl dice, cards tables, and howls uud Ihcso were eie l and destroy ed in muny places hut the kiug him self wus a great gambler, and lo-1 much of tho plunder of suppressed abbeys at games of chance. The cleetiou of a notorious New iork gambler to Congress, was a great offence nguiust virtue uud good order HfCotitly ll uus lccil altouipied lo brave public opinion, iu tho establish ment ol a buns- ut Siratou't Jokti Morri-sey, the Congressman trem New York oily, elected at an expense of oue hundred or more thou s Hid dollars, au elcgnnt clubhouse- j It was opeu lo tue public last summer, during certain hours ot tbo day, lr tlieir examination and ndiomiioii. Ilesido the room especially an 1 e le gem ly titled up with gaming tuldus und olher luciiilit-s for gumbliiig, there is a i. go diiiin-rooin, whero IVco duiners, wine and .igir wcm uie udcd,' daily served Hi 4 o'clock 1 1 put runs. It can be easily interred from such outlays what must ba tbo proliis nf ucli un cMebbiilimeiit. The regular eoa w! ruuuing this house, duriii.j "So 1 jist dropped abroad him suiii, tbo wateriuj season, is eslimalud ut sud l.tokcl aiofi t see what I ha I UOI). Igaiued by ehaiugiug uu'ers, and. Auetlicr nn re recent slteinpt to le-jj-oiitloiuen, I'm a liar if thut wasu i u gu.ize ihe gaming suleons has beeoi,' iu.-hol of j s:i;ii,i" varinlnts miido in llaltnnore. Tbe eiblisli j iva ly . pileh into mo when the word incut is h-nil to huve co.-t some hue t go ivas iu Well, I reckon ihey got arcdv of thoueaudH of dollars : tor tliu u. lor ull 'huuda' stalled lor our cmn- incio furuiture cost .ii).O00, nnd the uiniier serv ice sjii.imii, Hie two itet.i making $70.0, 0. Thou tburoare r ch tiutiugs, unit tupt illy ricti s'uluary. The prxprielors must have ' invea-:d'' fd iO.UUO in the hull ling uud fiiruit.h li. g and dccoiutio; this maginlieent Kuuibiiug i alace. There was s ruml ' upeuilig." lo wbii b were invito I cm. iuel member of the Ihil jluud legis liituie, ol ilia mtliilci;ial itovei uiiient of Haltmioic, judges ol'tne highest courts, c &e. Tho dinner ass of the mom sumptuous character, wiih so me ui mo ricuc.i wine, i ne morum.eis buz. hi aud hliiK-iu . of tbisgruuu leant is lout) I iu fie play wincii canio utt as a matter ol c iorsej; tbe proprietor of the esubltsiuueui won I rum his winc-imbitiiag uticsis 8J0.000 enough loay for his diouer set vice. t'i ri.'a Min or. Eilucullng liUUrcu. No mm or woman can educate chil dren propcr'y unless their precepis are coutii-iue'l by example. TaU lo your sonus us hjui as Vou reuio upon the advantages of lumpcruiil-e, uud ih-iu let linn see you i:i t tttn.o or inioxica lion tbe next day, and ull your labor will be fruitless. Eularge, in ibepre- neuse of yner dacgbt.r, uion (tit1 val ue ol integrity, and thoo allow her to hour you utter a falsehood, aud she will contrast tho theory uud practice, and coiicludo that the former is worth less. Piireutr must edm-uio them. selves bul'ore they cau hope to iu-tnict lUutrcliileren, t.tul must lead a 1 1 Iu in conformity with tho principles they teach, it they expect any bviivlivisl re sults from their ouHeavors. A nol bur matter of the grostost im- portstico iu educating children is tli- winning ol iheir ".clldaiiee; tb.-ii' hearts pine lor syiiiiothy. If they are in trouble encourage them to re veal their perplexities lo you ; stub with them wheu Ihey nre ssd und re joice witb them whenth'-.y are happy. A ill who lias been in the habit oi imparling all her childish sorrow to her mother, sud as there found a heart which weu'd beat ia ucisou with bet own, uud not withhold ber eotifld-ooo ss she gicws lu yesrs. Ilcmer-iber thut children while s bicxsing to their parents, ure alo u responsibility You baieth-' power to train tbem to good or evil j you cue tuske them useful members of Sooiety, or ren lor them nu sano s to tbe oomuiuuiiy ; to you de-tioy is cootided to a great extent, rnd from you will be required sn S3 eouut of ihe stowsrtship. Rum dd l a'l, said a wan on the sallows, and I'll never drink anoth er drop as loug ss I live." ft it NO. 36. flow Jllke Ito.te (lie iJnii. .Mike tool: a notion tn tro in swim- miiig, aud he had just got 'his clolhis off Vhun lis a.iw Do Smith'. I 111 1 1 - -- making nt him. Th bull wss a vi cious animal, nn J had co-na uer kill. in;( I wo or threo persons cors'jqnant' ly Mike felt rather "dubus." He did j not want tooll for help. r.nd the ocsr-''-.t place) as;s'snce co-h! arrives va llh meeting -.oue. whi:-l wss. nt the time, fiilsd with rnrslnpers, among whom was " .tie pal Mike wa jstvinu his devours to." S' ha ld.'e i ihe hull, as the Animal ram to him. nn I inating. d to rsteh hurt I y t!io t ii!. He wss dragged round till he was nostly deal, no J when ho thought he could hold out 1 1 longer h i ms.Ie up hie lui le he hud letter ' holler.' And now we will lot bim tell hie own story. "Si lixkinir at the mutter in all its hearings, I cum to t!.e conclusion that Ir bfttur let one know what I . So I gin n y ol I louder Ihnil ll locomotive whistle, and it woru't long before I seen the deacon s two dogs Coming d.nva as if they war seeing which ciuld get tbar first. I know ed who Ihey were srler they'd jine tho bull a"in me. So,' sez I ; 1 old hrindle, ridin is as cheap as walkin', nt this ro'ite, and. if you've oo ob jeoiion, I II jit take n deck pn'Mg. on thiit sr' hack o' your'n. So l warn't very long gitttug astride of him. Then, if you'd been '.hore. you'd have sworn lliur warn't notlilng Im in. io in that mix. ill') i'e flew so or fuilv, as the cnttor nod I rolled ilu field oue deg ou one si lo un I one on the other, Iryiug to ci nch my (eel. I prayed no 1 cussed, aud cin.eil and prayed, until I couM'nt tell which I did at hut and neither wnru't of no ue, they were hj orluUy mixed up. " Well, I reeou I rid about a hill'un hoar this way, wheu old brin lie thought it was tune to take in a .-U' ply of wind, and tool off a little, yoi14 nicktnmo. when he gut loimd loa treo that stou-l llmr, ho naturally halted ; so, siz 1 old boy. you'll lose one passenger sur tain. Si I jit cluni up a branch, k i'kerlating t ro-wt tbar till 1 starv ed store I'd be rid about that sr way any longer. I war nuking tracks for ilm tree, when I heurd Hmethiug un orful bu '.i!li' overhead. I kindjr look ed up, uud if tlmr wusu'l well, there s no uso s went io' but it war ihe big est h ru 1's uest ever built. You t aas a ;ui iii now, i recu, .! sv. Un-i ise thar'n no help lor yoa. Hut su ides mrue.c mo then thut I stu 1 1 u heap ho t-'i oli.uice beu ri I n' the bit I than were 1 wss S,- I, old f her. 'if vou'll hold on. I'll rid.) lo the unit htaiiou ttuyhow, let that leivhar ii 1 will. I nun v. Some on 'i-iu hit the do" ;Hhout a ipiart struck me. uud ike rest on briudle 'This time the dogs led offl'usf. dead bent for tbe old deacon's, and -is soon as oi l hrindle and 1 could get iaTSV. w loil iwo'l : so I us I was ou K- i ii ileck paseiiirer, 1 lis) not bin;' to d wilh sicariu' the eralt il 1 had, we Hlmiildii'l have run that cb.tioel un v - Imw. llul. as 1 kaiil hefm - il... .1.. 1 look ihe lead, brio-lie und I next, and ibs hm-uets drekly arter. The d ig velim', briudle holleriu', uo the b iiu - " W ell, wo had git about a huudrsd ynrus rom mo nrnwe, una the ileauoo heurd us ami emu out- I seed lu.n hold up his hands snd turn whi e. I itck- on be was prayiu' ihon, f..r hj didn't I , ... i h i i . ... , . i cn;ti i.j un vuiieo ior so a ou ; uuu il 1 1 warn i long ueniier siore lLa wticle c-i.iuret'ili.iu uieu wouitio und cbil - druu cum out, .-'ui! then nil iiai:d weal to ycllin'. Is.u0 oil be in ii ,i the lust notion lliat the briudle mid I buloyg i.j this world, l .just turuol !,a' uur' I 'iKt the 1 teed the run would be uo -o.:it, fir brindls couldn't tu-u au i.icli from u fence I h Si oid r'jad alu-ud Well, v.j readied Ibe leucc', uud I went ashore over the whole critior's head, luodiuj on tbe olher side, and lav there stuuued. " ll warn 'l long i tore soma of tb -m ss was nut scared, ruiiniu' te see whal I wsr lor til bauds kulherlcxid J'llul llielull Ut.d i Loioll je.l togCllle,-. I Hul "lieo biiudle a'e i on by buu- suli, ihey hyw is, wr.r, uud oue ol uiu said ; " Mike Fink baa get tho scrummage once in hu lu i. : ' C'eailoiiu-u, from that day lo this I dropsd the courting bi iness and bai.i'l spoke to a girl -inco, sod wl en my hum is in upon this cirth, mere w m l be buy more Fin!:, and .i' al i owiuir to leacon Smith's brnd.. buli." Pit. Hall thinks (a some ri-k in ntteuip. ino; to reduce or add to one's wcigln. After instuoeiugtt t'al man, in g jod health, who succeaJed in rcdueioK his bulk io a uumber ol pounds, bul was soou after attacked with s psialttl and dangerous mulniy he says, if s man osn sleep soundly, has s good appetite, with oo unpi?us aul remaiuderi aAer meals, tbe o. dily bsbits are reuulsr everyday, he bad better let himself alone, whether he is as big ss a hogshead or as tbiu sod dry as a rail. What is boats without a mother?" as tbe young lr sal I wiieu she seut . L. - -1 I 1. I . L iuw viuj tWJJ ly CUOV WWII R.ttHf OP ADVSHTIblKG.' Orecnl.,-..une jxif un- i.sir Mi.:nm. ops year, Onee-fonrib rn'uuin. f ne year, One sitisre 10 lines) one inscrtlea lery S'!'fitiir,l itisertiwi Professional and Piosiurss cards of not more thn five lines, per year. Auditor, Exfiitnr, Almluiatralor and Asslgnes Notices Editorial notice per Una 8000. IV 00. ; A'. 6,00. 160. 15. All advertisements for abort. f period tbsn one year are nayaU at Ihe tin. ihey are ordered, aod If act psiJ tbe per son nrilering ihem will be held responsible !r the inoner. t'ai:ner's Alnilnux. Josh Dilling4 has just prepared a hurlcsqun upon tho old fa.diincd 1'arn.trs' Alminso, full of weather prognostications, family receipts, nnd moral advice to farmers. We niuko tho tollowing extracts from tbo work lor the yeor 1870, which is Mated l ie ' few yenrs from lenp ytnr, nnd ninetv-four years since the Americcu pr.fp,o bit (ireat Ilritaio ta take enrrj of herself, nnd started n snug little business of their own, which 1 sin in Iriicfeil to atst:', is payin well, con taining ail that is neccii'sry f,)r nn Ai mins., nnd a good besides.'' When a rooster crows lie crows a'l over. A new mili cow r? w Hep tuolhT to every mon's baby. I'ool.i nre the whet dluns uv society. It n mm hnint got s well bal-uci tl head, I liko to eo bim pert bis hair in the middle. Flattery is colono wntcr, to be smelt siv, not swullcrsd. There is one rood subs titute for tV endeurincnm of n tti-tor, n l tlmt ij the endearments of some other !c1!jr' i sister. Ho wlrom tho good prase, snd th' wicked hate, ouht to be satisfied win. his reputation. About the hardest thing a foil uv ean do is to rpsrk two girls at onet, and preserve c good nverag-.'. Ooing tu liw ix liko skinning a ocv milk cow fi.r her hide, nnd giving tl.J beef t ) the lawyers Mother! I'lie holy thoughts end meinor'uM that cl liter nround tfi il ium est never ho so well eapross-nJ as in the culm utterance of the '.bum its 'If. The man who his jut fiunl out that he can't sffork to burn gre, :i wood, has taken his fust lesson in economy. A lie is like a cat, it never cj ihs to vou in a straight line. Tim loti'.'cst-livel thing I know ofi Most men go through life os river.' go lo the sen, by followiutt tbe lay ct Ihe ground. Oi-r Hands. The human h-nd U so beiiiiifully fotmed. it has so lino a st-nsibilty, that sensibility gov. rn its inotirns si eorroctly, every efT-ri of ih t will is unxwerel so iostinctlr, s if the hand itself were the seat of tho will j iu aetiiins are so free, si power ful and yet so delicate, that it serois to n iss-ss a ou ilitv instinct in its-.-lf. ' w'' use it us w draw our bre; unoon-ciooHly. 1 have l"8t all rre- oh-ciions of th feeble and ill directed efforts of its first e.'-rcises by wlre'j lit his been perfected. In the hand t'le1' "to twenty-nine boues from tbo uieeliaiiisin .if wli-ch result strength I 'hih-y an I cl.nt ieity. On tho kn-ili. -irenglh, free lateinal motion, and prlect m dnlity of t ho tlm thumb, do- '"'ids the power of lb) hand its I s reoglh h-iug e to 'hit of all tu- j lingers. Without the fleshy hull ol I tb hu lib. i ho nvcr of iho fiog ts would avail nol bins; nnd accordingly 1 1 bo la we ball linnied by the must .( I tie tiiii'iiti is ttio tlistinguisij.u j char.iotcr of tbo human hand. T.IK Fa'I'E or k Yank Du i i j our War their was a girl, and sii ) wsr toll ' lik she was in U.-o i hceau so slu lived there. Writing f u noitiierii fr.eo.) one day alio 1 1 tnat tlie e was u w uu led Va i c i tliei. bo iso an t sbo wu e.ii.i , t. .. I. ' n bim Writing ugaiu. slie si. I thai there were southern girls who v re 'ecerlu - tiiuly "g ing for'' those hi io- i-outed Yank, and ti.e should never I speak to tliem UO inure. All h -r letter suid that tbe wound ed Vault w!r was s'0iping nt ho house wvs cpliing along finely, sn-l Islw ha'ed to kill him, but she kuo : her d i- oty. There were several It i- ters a;ioi tnsi utM llio la t on c r- ters aliei time; und the lit t on ielu led ! ' lly the wiy dei. t at I wounded Yuuk wants to marry nip i ! and I've finally delerut ned t ) let hm Ido so, an I lu p izni htm ntterwird. I jtbink I kuow my do-ooiy." Slio -- 1 taitily did so, for she and tho ur.hspny Vauk, sh. inly t.'erthe hist let'or was written. ono of tlis best fain lies that Vermont ever bad. At one ol ihe railr ia-1 depots in the vicinity of El.Zibu'h, inteii.iiug tr.t elers Wv.f.1 reccutly sm iced in 'hi. wis.-. A merchant ruiclia-d a ticket, ai.d then ud irocd the sgent : ", 1 waul to leave my d i in il.u ere 'oif-co until the train i.i-t.. I in slVa.d somebody will steul bim "You cau'i do it," said tbe clerk. "Well, struuge r, that is cruel; bit your boili lit ipo-itiooed alike, and lo s kinder oompany (or you.'' "Take htm out !'' roarod the) clerk. "Well, stranger, I don'i thiuk your'n honest, sod you wsnt watching. Hera Urairon. said he to the dog, sit down uure and watch the fellow sharp, nod turning nn his heel, said to the clerk, put bim out, sir, if he's troublesome." The dog iy there till tbe train started, watching sod growling ut every movemeut of the clerk, wbo gave him the better part nf tbe ottlco. J-J u A oood store i t 1 1 of a ratber var iant agricultural labover, who haviog by hook and by e ... e.' raped togethes dlVy dollars, took it to his employer; with a request lo take charge of il f.f bnu. A year alter the labo or eot to a friend lo kuow what would be ll e intorest on it He Was told three dol lars. Well aaid be, I wish would Ian. I au Ilius AnU.m e - -wwii ior m elav or iwo. My bvfshss bee, kc.nso Want In Has Me 'r j v.n " mg tyr m , i 7C