The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, November 10, 1870, Image 1
fcJg'-L.. I '-" -- " 1 TMFPQST. fuUlatied every Thursday Evening by JIUIUH (ROIBK. rroprletor. Terms of Subscription, TWO DOLLARS PEll ANNUM, farnMe wlthia pit months, or 9'J.r0 If tiol paid wltbln tli j r. No paper discontinued iil (II arrearages art paid unless al lb option of the publisher. fabscripliona ouutido of tho c-ounty PBVAIIMt IN ADVANCR. " rnoai lifting and nalria; paper Jdread to other broom subscribers, 4 r liable for tbo prie of tbo paper 1 J P. CT.ONMIM.KI. ATTOtlNEY AT LAW, Midillcbiirp, Pu., Offer hi professional services to tlic pub fit. Collolions anil alloibrr professional beaintas eotrusted to bit cure (till receive prompt alitniion. fjan ft, 'ti'if U I ItATtS OF ADVBHTISIWa One enliimnone yef WOO. o.oo. line ban eolnna, 00 j ear, (inrr-fonrtb column, on year. On spisre (10 lines) on insarU Krerj ddilionat lusenioa I'rofsssioosl and Iluion-ss esrds at not nor than fir line, per jrtar. Auditor, F.iecutnr, Adalaialraio 16 00. 7. M. (,00. 0 and Alnr Motloa ,(o. Ediiarial nolle per Hn 16. All advtrtiseBeai for a shorter peri ad thr.a on jrtar ar payahl al lh liu tbej ar ordered, and if not paid th per son ordering I bain will be held responsible for ibe monrr. VOL. 8. M1DDLEBU11G SNYDER CO. PA., NOVEAlBHR 10, 1870. 1 1 6 SIMPSON, ATTOllNEV AT LAW. Sctinsjjrove Pu., Offer IiIr professional servica to iht pub 11. All buaines entrusted to his care will b promptly alteudedln. Jan. IT, 'CTir 1 W. KM OUT, W ATTOUNKY AT LAW, Frcclmrn; Pa., Offer hi Professional service to the pub lie. All bunitirn entrusted lo bit tare rill br prouipiljr attended to. Jan 17, 'li T.M. V.i.N (JKZKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisburn; Pn., Offer bin pmfesslinal sonic to the pub lie. Collections nnd all olbcr I'rofr tiuti at business entrusted lo bis car will if trite prompt aitrntion. GEO. F. JI1LLKR, aitoiim;y at law, J.ewisliurn; Pn. Offera lit Profraitionnl sortie lo liirpuli lit. follee lions and nil oihrr prnfrrainn all business entrusted to bis care will re ceive prompt ntnottiou. Jan. II, 'H7if Ll.N.v attorney at law. I.'vilur Ph.. Offer hi" professional seiiriees lo the auhh'o. t'ullrenons nnd nil fitliiT pro lAfii tiuewrss eiitriiit'd lo ibrir c oe frill receive r imsi 1. 1 nn i-n . ion. Jim. '''. I til A KI.KS HOW ATTOUNKV AT LAW, Sdili-ufove Pa.. Offers bis pr. fefioiia' service to the ( .10 t'olleciifl!. an I all oilier rotVioiii jitfinifs etilrusted tj lii cure will re eive prompt ui : e u i . n . dlhce two door north of llie Keyioiie Hotel. "i. "ti OAMUKI- A 1. 1. KM AN. i 0 ATTuiiMiY AT LAW. ; Selln-jirovo I'll ! OfTer his rrofesslnnul servire lo the I 1 ut'lie. A'l burlness entiii-ifl to bisi -r will lie i ailrn le l to c,,i. lections mide in nil ynrf of lite Suite Ito enn s-Hk the Knglli and iSeinntn luncnngo tlmii'ly. I Itlica tetween II ill's and the I'o-l elli.e. -t V MVI'I'sT 1J ' mi.r.v'Y t r.(irscLna it lwv ATTI fiMIY i r.(irSL'L0a AT LWV Mi. hi e oi'L' nvhr I 'tnnlv I Vun a t'tl'rea IVw (Inns Wf-I ef tl.e 1'. O. on Main uriet. t'l'ii-iiliniiiii in Kni:li-h hii icnot'ie. hep. li'tf J. C lil'I'HI'l!. I ATTtillM'.Y AT LAW, . Low i -iittr1 I :!.. ; I'i.-sMi.' a smull wo heard vo. OlTiTS his pi-. f-ional .ovieiMo the pub- ; , (,, Hoinelhiii I'linidiar III l it" Ill- lie. All biiMiu.s enirn.ii"! to hi c,1,f ! -luliet1 that w.iy. Thero tio yst'.o l will be prompily iititioltJ 10. i , Mo .V aide, mv till di md all 1 u worn- ' ' ( r.uvhu & II K till SKWlNtl MAC ill Nr.: I Persons In need of a good and dm- 'hie 8ewing Maeloue can lie aeconoiio l ited nl reasonable pritfo by cslliii;; on on ?am rib KavsT, Agent, Ian. 'Jl. 'it D" n. J. Y. SIIINIU'.I.. Hl lttiK.DS AMH'IIYSiriW. Mithlleie.: Pa.. Offer! hU professional services to the cit i.ens of Midilleoiirg and viciniiy. f Mai eh -:. '07 Jj P. VAX UUSKIRK. BtKGIC.VL MECHANICAL DE.NTIPT FidinHgroye Ponn. JOHN K. IIUGIIKS, JUSTICE OFTIIEI'EACE, . renn Twp., Fnjder Co. Ta Yi. WAUNKH. J.. Jb TICK OK TIIK rilACE. .,t;Dydert'o. Ta., Will attend to all hiisines entrusted lo his aara and on the most reasonable term. MunA. 'J, 'iiif DUJ- V KAN AW Eli. I'llVSK IAN AND fcl'KOEON, (4'bliisiMt-, fujdar Co., i n Offer hi profesonul aervlc to lh public. 0 oMf T? W. K'HWAN. M. 1., X KlllCLON : I'llYMCIAS. Port 'l ieVDrloii Pn Offer hi professional eervice to lh eOiiens of this I'lace and vicinity. II apeak German aud Euglisli. v April 1(1. 08 1,1 A. BO YE It, Jr. AUCTIONEER, Freiburg Snyder Co. Pn., Most respectfully oOci In lorvioe lo th puhlio a Yeiidu Crycr and Auuiion eer. Having had a huge experience. I feel confident that I eau render jerleet satisfaction lo ray employees. (.Jan. 0, 't7l 13 T. PA UK 8, a ATllJllMil ai ua" uisrnicr AiToitsv, HIDPLEBLTtO, bNVUtll COl'MV. l'a Office la Court lUua. Sept. 15, 'OTlf LEWIS bltEMEll'a buna TOBACCO WAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRD 3 6,83 HULADtLl'lllA. "It f tKCHA.NT IIUL'SE. 11. II. MASDEUUACII Pnoi-'a J. C. Ml'K, t'Wvk Nil. 413 k 415 North Tub d (street. Philadelphia 1 ILLLU It tLULll WHOLESALE HOOK 8F.LLEU3 Btatiooera, lilank booK Muuuiacturc and dealer In Wrapping, blasting, ur. laiu and Wall paper I'apur llag 4.0 Gen eral Job l'rintar Ne. Mi Nu Third atrl abt Bae l-hUae-alattU If. SELECT POETRY. LITTLE I1T LIT I LK," ' Little by lit lie. the torrent said, An it swept nlonir In it narrow bed, Chafm In wralb, an I pride t " Little by little . and day by d ty." KnA with every ware it bor away A grain of sand from lb hanks which My Like granite wall on either side. It came again, and the rushing lido I'ovored llievilley fir aud wide, Kor I lie mighty banks were gone; " I.iul by little, an t day by day," A gram at a tiue. they were swept away, Ami now lb fields and ir.eadnws lay I'udcr Ilia wares, for tb work as done. L til by litile," tb Tempter said. As a dnrk and cunning snaie be spread Fur tb young, unwary feel ; l.iule by Hi lie. and day by day," I will tempt the careless soul asiray Into the broad and Huwery way l otll the ruin I mad complete. " Liltle by litile." sure and alow. We ta-lnon our future of lln or wo-, As lb present passes away. Our feel ur I' tin- airw.iy hrlglit, l'p to lb region of eii'lle! liglil ; Ur gliding ilunw:ird inio ihenigiil, "l.iitle by little, and dy by day.'1 "lull Catuool .1y Joalouav. I It was a mi-ty yet, sweet. Septem ilnir oiiit ( I'ti hp tt o sky its it ! I u iji o'.er our co'.tn hiiuo, sutry I I hie wit h hero and then a pitch ol !h,te, flouliui; jrouiiirr. and t ha h n I test nr. on comiiiir am II .odin all the world with ipleti lor, , l.r ln:w the criuivxi tn-es biitiu; uliove lh1 lj r wiy, heavy with t lM.r -vu -weet-iii', a'i'l what i"i";i f live olors II mt e l u'p 1 1 ,iiii thi) lloWkt-l'e Is iii the dim oi l mlen. 1 c in even rennim'ie. the tlie.-.s I wore, pure whi e. befiil-e Mini wiisthn tlie"K in wlueli my liu hand lnvod 111 i bl'st, i I he I ie me at iiii Or was it tny yeilov i; l i limt won him 1 1 in tied utoly after our marroii'e w went to Kurope, wherj wo ramhlcJ about fur a year nr two, wintfiin.' in uutnc, una fpeti itn oik mimhiitio the. lips. I hell we reliirneil llotue. Hut tlio .' apirit win atill up H , W(, t,. wil)l ,mi. ()ltl e. Utitry nTitd-d .in the Way of jrip-v il! - I " tlio iiii 1st of this WO'ldl-rillU '"' litliu 'o""y ii'fiaH. ' ll:'-l ttoul'Io I'Ulie. (In loo hoc -li I 'lav ol our Mirnuin at lh' pl iee, to ' whie'i wo tame, in uec iiila:i' to tin j liil-lismls w;.i, I in 1 linn. II' I u-ristiiii lor trout, uiio id our put) ''TfIeted ; nlld III toe ulliiiuoll We -tr .toi iloo tn'.vata ino eircum. u ! I. ..t.ut I'.iv'iiti li'ili t I ii is- nil, i h alosy, raven hair ! etl oil inti.h'tieo: b it llilit, ll1' I' my hushatnl r.tuiut'd utilboiht in i was r.'served and o!l I r.-liid-.l lo il;i nee, and wo.ii l not sin IK' billowed inn from t.laeo I'ne luiii to t.l K'e liiscNes full of oravo H ilicit tde. The install', we wrreiu ourrnni he cauejln my liaud in his. ' My ! riin,'' be sai l, ' what trouhlr yon ? ' Fur mv I o'e ! could not tell him. I wa to let Idm know tint I doiililrd his iiitr.'ritv. " U.naee," I quo" tioneJ timidly, "do you love nie'.' ' " li line .) opcooJ wide with fts. tonishiuent. Uat bo answered timdou ,. , ,. , . 'i iip'"i-wip t an I a i:iri cr of a . I inlet, ' hn sill, ' l may not be peek ol dried apph s, si yearn old. ""Jiove vim ? Ay, better thou ynu ! ''"ro l" '"",M'- ''"'l wait foriili'j, Tho iniuisti-r. of I'otirs.'. had to fir will ever kown, Violi't " 1 11 's imports. hie." , nisli rel're'hui 'lits ; :ui I llie company Did yell 'have VOU loved nuy one " "'o "', 'XC'isP, sir." I rrjdied, not only di-eoui acd four hams, tlne'e el-ei" I inhered. " ! Ini'iKhldy ; "none is iieedtd.'' and a ball' p 'Und of sixty rent bulvr. V..v...,1 ..n mv l.nnor " th"SO U'I, reprouehful f08 ! , 111 I thil'tUi !l loaves of ."ad, bill liiev 1 was hnptiy, yet not cDtirtly ati- Ikfl.ot I v:is n uriiimin. l''.vo uto lliO' forbidden liuit with Paradise all un un I her. Then who was bIic," 1 falter. il ' that woman I saw you with this af- turniiiin f ' JIo marled and flushed very reJ for'0"''1' ,0 ,n lik'' 'urriblo '"nu ! To a moment, then he lnm-hed. 'vunl ''Vi'uniu my aa-ny bceamo uncn- " Oh !" ho said. " jeuloua arc you. Then I am sure you lovo me. lint, setinusly, dear, 1 oii(ht to liave apul no;izc(i lor my long aUeme. That uiniiaii wsa 11 Irieiid an old Iricnd ol mii.e; hhc'a iu dislrcsa, anj I hud to,""'1 U'entleman. help her. Are voti sitislicd ?" ," N hy. ihai Mr I uodded my bca 10 anient, yet myp1 '". s heart was not unite at real. After that we went dowo to our litilo sea home, and Mottled into sober, married life; und for moulba our bliss was perfect; aud thou lint dreadful oilu cume 1 Horace bad beno KOno all day. He did uot come homo lor dinner, ua was his cti8lnin ; an, after buriuo; ordered lea, I dressed uiyscll. otid sat dowu on tbo rose-shaded porch to await him. Sunset, duk, eveiiinn;, tho uiomi boar 111 up ahovo tbu aea! Mill ho til l ma votiie. Diuner aud aupnor bud both spoiled ; the flower in my hair were ladinu, and 1 wua 8icK aud weary with waiting and suiense. Horace had never remained avy an lotiir aiaee our marriage. What coul 1 dttuio bim o? Very alowly the nijht went by. Twelve oVlaok came, tbo moon jropidoul of siiihr, leavm me Iu dai kuosa. An owl booted Ironi tbo top of lite willow, and the ami beat witb a weury, aubhiu aound. I worked myself up inio a perfect tremor of alarm and nervous exci'u uioni, and by degrees the old doubt or fear or, whatever it win. atolr bick to my mind. My husbaul wm cruel to k en me ia luuh auaneiise, 11 did not lov m I Ii never ones o oured to ine that hemiuht be detained sea nat hiu will. When ai laAt the eloek was on the atroak of three, I ' caucbt the Quick iraiup of bis liorao's feet. But n;ry, ltd lo-tJad nrrunnini tn mi'i'tj hi n, as my womftn'.s n.uuro prompte I mo, I yiclildd to nit potty will, nn I kept tny nent Hi did not utop to tnkn down tlio turn, but c'o.ireri tlioin wiili leap. When he reached tho porch, lie "pt'in,' down (1 tshsJ anJ rner. 'Violet." b! oriel, the momnnt ho raitL"tif iK''t of mo, ' tire Jnu up yet htforc t die. I wnnir u t to I am so a.jrry " ep tin all to yoti from the 1'irnt. I'll' ll) approached, bo'h hind-" otN-nl-l I ili--irot lo.j uroy .u what yi-ti tni-lit e-l. H it I titriod from hmi. an J walkod itii Irr a iJi-'i-ai-o I I'mii.-l-t y-i to tue otiier emi oi tt-e p irt-n. 'i 1 1 a-M wo tu trni ?. it wn niv ll-t .t i I'lt'.a in n i it i-i ib'n' a- : .i -t-r ytm mivr. Siio wa.a vuin un-l toniahnipttt, then llowo I, tin! took ; IVivolo i in I i-'op" I wiili it profligate1 invh in l. tlioti if'i I kJ,'t tny I'a-J I Th" imtriini- t ill- ,;:il, i:i I Kino! pcrg:n'eiulv ivertvd. I wm lis ruiol. Slii" ranio to mc f--r Vk-Iii,' hi nil. ' wSit i it j h-'lp I whs t ikitiij Ii'.-r to a safe Aro you ill, tiri-d t I was irry lo j 'irn when I was alucnt that flight keop y 'U wi'niui hut fiiji.iiii:aii- Y -it nn loi tiin 1 It all :i nr. I '.'n't he cc '' ! " Xovor m'n I Ihi nw !" I exc!a;me I, ctivniiistano p-tiiiMv. " nin ir tirod, no I now that 1 kno.T yon ate mifi! I wilt irn to my hul " lie liosouod his h 'I I on my Innl. but looked afrt r mi! Hi I left him. with ii ii'tine, 1 ah:i!l neref fn'ot. Iran see h in now a" h tlood i a the) In ton li.'lit. si lnndoitn) un I n.ihle ; mil I loved him wtM ! I w. hi lor why I t tr ied tl 'ill knows how hilll ti lt I'L'lit ? lio I it piiirioi tnr) lilt the; Hiioi'c I, wilful temper that ha been n. y ruin, ir ite- on id von ev-r spe ik a harsh li'.-l no ne' r 1 i i 1 1 t l O'M' VO'I I IV'1, II lid "'" " " I" "''"'i vitispci u'l "Iter: I ir-ti voil tin lOitin(l liow i! wis tit it I left mv huslitiud xtanl llier". weirv mil stl-ipoless. " Vi ilel, ileir," he sui I. s.ilily, ns I ; i'i-i d inv liii'iMfily at the h-a 1 ol the t -iii a, "i- nin luelt an I let nie ex plain ; y hi k'Hi'v I havo uut kept yo i wa-tiiij w ibiiuly." ' l!ul I went on without n word, no! to our t'h'.l'ii'ier. Kot t t 1 1 1 1 ! dre.s-i ior.ioui i'X 'laively my, mil eloseil ami I n'k 'd the ilnir! I aoi sure the evil one inut have h ! i'o'iirl iI'lii'' that tiiu'ht. l i a little wh le he fiimo un s'uirs iitid ti i I tlio loek ol1 i mv door ; then lie railed my name Holily ; hul I did uot uii'Wer, and bo ivent ii w ty. ! A dozen liinea that id 'lit I lifted ,nv jtlirobhiii lieal fro u mv to-ir-wt pil low to -o to linn .ri I iniploro li s I'nrjiveiies.s. lint prnlo k''pt Hi i hark. Toil. I lav iei'pl -ss I ill in irni'i i; It w is a wil l itiorniii-, too, with diii'.iii tan in i s .tljiui win Is. und the iea tl.n i li red on iht' Ht i.i nd M v Ii i-hi'id wm u'rea ly In tl j hreaki.i-t-ro in when 1 went down He turtle I. in I vii I kin l'v : 4 ! ''(a nl iiiorotn.', inn dear Are von iprte wall I"' ' lite weil. think yon.1' I rp-ip inl ed, ri'ossinu to a win low un the oppo site i le ul the r mm II ur ir, :i'i I I ii ip.'d h w is i'oiihi ' to un' side. t'll t ho ell V looUed U h'j wj'.i-Ii an i J''I : " lie kind ciKiii.h to let ma have hreaki'asl at once, Vinlet, if yo i em I it'll in ti hurry, for I havo imoir t vit niittlera to look al'irr." 1 rauj th" bell ut onee, a'l I p aee I 'iiv.-olf ut tho bead oil he inldn When the rlieor!cs- rop;rl wahover, and mv hu-t.and r..scioCi. I e't 1 1. ,oi ;blindini: me. 1 cmid li d let him n ave i m "h-1'1'- I haliurlea step to- : Wi,r'' bun when he t-p 'ke, nil hi ! '"'ds ra'.Ko 1 all my old r.ner and d;s- Mul his lips n'. tired no remit, lie , only sai l, "tJoad-hy, dour," un l wont out. I watched him from tlio window. , hidden behind 11 curtain, as ha role away tbronoli llm driviu.' rain. lite ni'-ni'iy 01 mat my eones luralde and a the rain pmirod in torrents. I delernuuci to drive ovcrtm my linsbaiid'il office, iu ;ho liel.'bbor.' in;; Villre. About half way wo mot a rovered enrriae. C Mitaiuin alaly Peed !" cxelaitn- tho vehicle dashed l'11"1 ul One clunco cotifiniiO'l bit words. It was my basbitn l, itml hy his side wua the some womun 1 hail seen linn wnb tmeo brfere My res Million w Inkcii on the iimtatit, I ordered my servant to drive back to Swati'a Nest I would not wait niy huband' return. I said to myself; I coul I nut even chat'ire him with bis infilolity; I would t-'o away at once, and uevor lot him fee my face aaiii. In a shurt lime I was ready for my departure. I wrote a note fur Hor ace, tellin.' bim lb it I believed oar marrii'ir an unwiao one, nnd tbat I should be It a pier with my friend. I Ui-i'L'eil him not t i hunt ins down as a lu.'iiive, but leave uie to follnw the tient of my inclination. put the note upon his table, and then went out (mm tho home where n y tile hud been so happy. In less than a week my father aud I were on our wuy to Kuiope. At the expiration id two wr-l'-he l yean wo returned, and learned li'im our lawyer tbat my husband lial sail ed for China, flret iDukin over In nin in fee simple, all bis real es'a'e. II never, ao tho lawyer add expelled t" return. I went back to Swan's Net. Kvcrvtho- waa unchanuej. Tim room were just n I lial left them My husband would not let them be touohed, tbo liouaekuotier said. 'Had she ever hear! Irom hint"' 'Only oee, lio replied, "and tliuo tho let' tcr contained another j, Una oo my i!roasiti:-t:ililo." I wrnt for it myself an J read it, eiltinj thoir iu our obi room. " Vio'ot.' it liptfiin "you mut pat don tlii intrusion. It will lie (lie Itisl lor, in all Ini man probability, the die- 1'itse that tnw eonaumi's mo will pivi- inc frnve in a liircijrn luid. H it tlufrc are n l'cf things Hut i wish to trmMo 1. doir, hut;ot m and ! happy. My ni-tor is dind now, and! I hivo not, I !nr, lotii lo live, (iil t.n m ini cm. ho lm-ti!y rirculir.'d Ii!hs 1 d-'.ir! I i ho iron nil tins anions tlu crowd, mil nppr..ui hii. thin.'s will bo ri-hte I '' our tiiMnphiMttratoil friend IVom th IVr livi yc-.irs I lived nlono at iUvrU. asponsti'd him in n u o k but :iti s .ost twiiyrnri ol inxprif. b!c a;;ony tlion th tiew rutin ! A stcattn r, liiiim'warj hoii'id, from ('til ciinii. was hut. mil Horai'O I! I was one "t" t li i pjs.rnor.s. That waa the don' ll ol b'tpe! AiOli:i' veiir d'H el by. One weci't M iy o.'etiin.' 1 tr die 1 down lo tiie Tlio huh wisM'tliti-; in Wives n ;.il.J :m pu "pl.i, un I a f lo mo 1 1 cinie up 11 nif tlo invit tea. an I fie l ui s'leti h ol 4lilternii sam) w lh ini-t f ;! I r. Tim tido roiled in will; 'i low musical uiiii'iuur. I sat down on a i''ck. I'ur n il iiii mi the bar a stately vo se auii ut aneh'ir. iiti I a httlo lioit I'ii mi it w i'i e ' nin.' in. I w it. 'he I the liny era'l with a kind tin I'l-eiini 'on. Presontly it L'ta'cd o i the sail I. and a ill ill pr ,ti r-. n o. A will, iiauioir-a hope t; ah.ipo in my hi'ait. I nro- an I tott oe I t u w.ird. hlin I. and b ilf uiic"nri M. I'lr' iii-tiut after a strong una clir-ped mo. I looked into It wj wun und by iufferiiio;, but I looked into the fuefl ahnvo no It was wun and Worn, mil eliiti'.' I knew it in un iu i iiii. ' t);i, it iraeo mv liu-hmli" erie I, fore; ye me." The i I l.dt his t- ars upo'i tny elu rk his kiss o i my l,p-. The h i p. Win Id. driWiie l in tin; -piend 'r ol lie - rin' s', .,, led K it, and I .-ai.k into his iirins nis 'tisihlo. It w:u all over, the rein T-'. the loneiia- ss, t'.ie nehin. p iin I at Swim's Nest. tny dear hushuid und iii'.aell. Wo live I ir;:ivin- ' I Iu 1 iMi.'i.'el 1117 fH"n'e," lie sail, iu the ! earner tliut was lost, hut I fell ill and feu Id not rone ilioii, nud lit. i' hi.k'ioss has restored me ,j ynu, Hi. ml; li t i : ' I thank 1 1 i in nisi, daily and hourly I'm ibis und. si rve I, Miis pe'lec' hl.s. A lili;itloil I'.ttl.v. So'iiew hero in iIimi S ti'e lltere is u I'lrhhyieriun elireyuoiu v'ioe iioini inl sii ary is lo ir ii md r I an I tiily doll us it y ar. . as it was h'x iiiniillis in arrears. the euntft-roat jnn tleterinin patty to to elo .I Vi lli. II donaiiou al.e - 1 1 r una ill t ho don ilion ptirtr did. Tie1 rutin' tl . ' was en IiumI. and the presents cousis-ed .,,-' it roiling; an" up t wo poinds "fsu'ir und all tho next wiutrr'a) s ii);dv "f preserves in it'owu r.H, lour s.oias wrr uiissini; 1 I Tim c'o rgi m in 8iy ho wants lo have ju -t uno mor-' dni-itiiii pirty ami 1 ii oil no win ci iso up ma iiiis'iea - inn I beam hie over pauper ai the al.n-hm kin us champion iihj. Ho is t articulat'ly down on one sis- tor h 1 jiuuil'd herseil'l'iill of ham an I preserves, un l ououli o'lier sucilmit diet. In keep the entire family for u weeli, and then laid ' rtj the wal ptcteioiiiie; lo leel re'liious, and'tlo best thnu he ceil I tin was to ainifitm 'Thero is rest for the wo try." He is willing lo u 't'opt hots th it idie will never weary its Ion as llicto js any urub abut tilis sister won't. : . . . .. 110 woull like to Iced tier lor o tho board walk reitutiiiL' ip hi the de tU'intli mi those roUing-pina und the'ecptiun that is practiced iu this w orld peii-wijier just out ol tevenoe. 'tio" AM "Comk." ' If you want your badness done,'' mya the proveih "UO and do it ; ir yon dmi t w iut It loiio, scud soul " one else.'' An indolent gentleman hud a free hold ea'ale, prndiiciiinr ubui five luin Ired a year. li"eniuu involved in lelit, be sold hull' the o tilte, and lot tlio reiu iiiidor to un farmer lor twenty yens. About the end ol the term, the farmer called to pay bi rent, aud a-kod te owner whet tier be would sell the larm. "Will you buy it?'' a-Ied the uwmr aurpiiaed. 'yea. if wo can atoe itbjiil tlio price." That is exceed in ly slrano." oh. served ibe itentleiuan ; "'pray tell me how il happens thul while 1 could led live upou twioe as much laud, for wiil -li 1 paid no rent, you mo reuuUrly psyiu) mi two huudved u year lor your larm, aud un utile iu a lew years iu purchase it." "1'hs reason la plain,'' was the re ply ; you sal 'ill an I said tlo; 1 not up uu I said Come. V'ott lay in bod aud onjoyej y mr estato ; I roa) in the tnoruiua and ruiodud my biioiue..'' 4 Lin k lint en liirldrnl. We re infoiniod tlmt I 1 tile trick wa Mieoi'ssfiilly plnyod at ibo di-piit in I, oik llftvon ut tlio arrivul nftlm II il l F, tu lo train ouo ditv lut week. -J'Ihi vio'ini wi a nuh-r, kin I In ane . 0j K,-ut!omiin. who rosi lod in I'l. in i i.-ton, an I wli.) U hut little lik n f ,r t,0 linstlti a'lil onl'iisioti id tbr yunti city ali.uit tl.o tim. train ! jrifes. ()o tlii ocrnsioli, hoWfVrr, bi 1 d ,, di-viuti-il IV-ru liia niul ru-to'ii ! noil li.i.l atrjik-d d-.w:t t the di-tiot I wli-'i'c bo vriin walninj p'.itf ir;U run is.y o kin elisor!". Anion.: tl.i'tn sulitlii I'o'lin. well dre- ;il out r ul lh I'll tl Was n Lri-n I' I, M illl I, , ".-Itiuy hir and police I h ion, l., with .1 littler d 'Hti'ii't. tiiol'ri h i! ; o '. whieh in liente I that koiio mis firtuili lial depressed hi.s oj!iii.i1 ua ri v As" tlis train was detained aVvii a lie inauber. A It'T miiiirkit(f npnn the ilampiiraa ot 'the day. an I the henry rain that lis I fallen dnvin.: the eiuly pait ol the Itiernin ;. lie l vati to re hit o a dolelul Ht'iry 1 1 tin-l'ortiine H"d trd ul.ition. iluiin whieh, by de urees, he (gradually die w I he old iT 'll lleiiian am ml to the rear ol' I he de pot. At tliu opporl '.ino luuiuetit he drew from his deiiato l'in." r a nm ivo Jil.dn rinj Ntampi'l ' lk"line an I appai ant iy Worth twenty d ll:.r--Thero were sundry initials an I d ite engraved i n l he inside liniteat iiiLT i f i) u tlio practiced ey es tliut the jewel , Was a sotiviovir ol weal1, aje, and In t I' T lays. W 1 1 n pelio't a tono tl.e , s: i all t iil hov le' I Ivou Inh'd nt Tyrone thetnjlil hftorenl the last del ar In1 had. and w iili heeotiiin inol esiy and jgreat he-it iti ili. slaled that , he ha I ti"t a in tit to buy his dinner at , Wil iauisporl, where bo would have to liy over lor tho next train, belnre Le colli proii'ed lo his home in Hilti i i in r' !! was n l'ielaiitly roinpi II e I, ihel'i.'totc. to oiler the piwn ol' hi ileeH.lsrd wile's Wtddilie; l ine; until he e..uld yrt hi'lne, when hu Would remit H e inoiiey lo the tii ket iitft-nt h r its r i!eiiiiti'i'i. W ould the o ciilleiiian lie si k.u 1 sis to aOvanei; hilll 'ell dol la )' t II th so cnliil itioiis ' Hi re the nam coursed down Ids t in rks, und Mih aluio-t choakt'd his u'tet anee, as he spoke ot lh dear one lo wh'iiu il h id bi I 'i i i' . 'I he old yoiil Ii limn was moved. His heart livite I ut the pu'lii'tic Hppeuls nf the unloitiiaite y oi ne; man, mi l l.v was litsp'is d to 'aii'Viale h sdstfie by l.ikinej i Ik. r in j ii paAii. I ir s j'iui ha i Ineud kind y' (liew h.s "weasel -kill.'' und Keleetilig a new ten djllar l ill, handed il ever, and in turn leceivrd the tiia.-ivo rinn I A ".mil ol uiati' udc th -ii rli-iii d, in ' who'll the hein f icliir n-siii'ed tlm re 'eeipii'tit ol Ins cioielosiiy t li tit III! fun Was lii'iiliie. and that i' all n'l d I iin I'I'iiMllu to he ..hie Id;i', i.ini. I'he traveler lie.'e i lo!vithe sac 1 1-. I jewel utire inoi'e. an I I In n ns-nn d h:tii that i in tiK'l t.-i I it V at his :. nival hnio' tic III ll'V w.iuol hi leiiintel 1 1 pay !'ur tiie return ol tne line;. '( he w!i tie ."Outi'leil. ati I th.1 forr ialtl. loiri in in and tl.c II miiioi,,iiian aited with a tor lial alien, w le n he j .lilpeO ui'.ii llio Haiti and was si. mi out if si-ht. I'h old (:-n; !-i.i tri t ittud l.utne W il l, und us hu pf d ied lip the hili en the nuirow boiird n.i.k. clni ccn in in el a H a nd to uln tn he inn rati d hi- i.ilven'nre will: evident mi' i-t'iC'iiui. Tl.c villi; Was piolnc-d an I eXiuleted 10 I. is Iiii lid, vi.icli, t 1 liviild a hi).' stoiy, rcsulti d in the di-euveiy thai tin) class to Wlii. ll it hi I illed was eli i'i u linj; "bray. ' un l that they 1 111 be piireh.isid b'l1 ' prr uW.eil ! I'liO oid man with wonder, idns'ied with vug, I thru -w ue I ki; the army in I'l tiehi",'' on reulizme ( li ut imuuliluov lie liaii in en snii tic even talked alum il.'ieciive., the tele- c apli, halliKiUS ci ri ler piceons, lie. die ' ouos, if j , by which he colli appro Inn I the scoin li'el und liivo hiu pun i-bed lor so tuineiy oeeeiTiii;; b in ul 101 r HeeMuu ho t oneiud d lint ti,e money con! I n it ho raeoVere I, tt'i I ' rocket Ins ten dollar bra- riuj an be wide uv.ike lor Ueb eti-t iiiii.l a iu - iho futnie. Ho exacud a p elo ol secrecy Ir in h'.s f.ii u l aul plo-l.ied un I 1 II.ii. in u imviiiti.'i.'iii in, tii. i e-ubjeel ol lin-s ever siaee, crolil-lv uvo'idiui; the depot ut train time. Ti,, joke was to plod to keep, unit wo were put into possess on ol tho facts on i.roiniMiitf to suiipress all uiiu-s. ' . . " . . 1 ' . Mini. i nnrcli.isii rinjs. watches, imr leud in.niey to strautjerh at luilri'iil d.i.o's. iiu lirsneli patlu ti cinutuslances. (fiil'ttr mill I'nilhtvi TllS loliowiiu scene recently neeiir red in ouo ol our unlive eoaris between be J il I jo und a 1'u'cb w i'ness all I be way irum 11 ittema u : " Wlial is your u nivo l.iUiiUae J" " I po no native.' "What is your inotlicrtoii)ue ? ' "leli hub uo muddcr, mynheer.'' ' Wluitdil ynu first learn? Wli.1l language did you speak in the era In-- I did unl speak m hi tit; in mi is do dalle I only cry in lnoleli." An Irishturu who wu. tr niiiled with l be toothueho determined lo hive an old i ffendor extracted, but thero b -ni no deulist near, bo rxoolvej to d the job bimavlf j whervupou be tided tiie exeavutiou with powder, bu bo In j alrsid to tuuuli it utf, lie put a sit w inatoli to it, lit it, and then ran ttround iht corutr lo oat id' tin way. Orriwlna lor I lie Ilnir. It is so aolJoni 1 hit we finJ an ar ticlo oil preparation fur the hair written ithout rpiarkcry that we liuvo 1rro.1l pleasure in qtiotma the i lollowinj; very san-ohl.) prnclieal re- marks It 01a the 11 mon Juurn il ut ( 'hmittrif : I " The Irctpirnt use of "iuIh," "hrar'ii ! Urease," "pomades,'' " roeemoty ! wsshea," and euch like, upon tb 'hair, is a ptacticc not 10 he vominen I Oed '1 he uiajoi ily ol these mis nnd tca-y pi.n lies urn inanilaetured 1 ironi I trd u I and simple lard No ir al bear's pri tso is it r 11-r I. Even il' it itnlnl bo pr.ieilled r-a llly, it -li 01 I not l.e applied tj tiic hair, as it is on' ot the in sl r.iiik and II tliy ol a l lots. l.nie a 'e man v ! ' pel sons w hose hair is ii itinal'v very 1 I dry and ir.-p. an I in must I'.iioiu . j tht'tu is a w nit ol Milne inno.'ci.l nn I , a j.iouablo wash nr dres-i'i j; nn j bo u-e I moderately and judiciously. i he Olivine wlueo 111 iy bo teeaided' as lie; iuol nreatilo, clrHoly , 11110' sale, is 1 oini.e-e.l ut ( ,ci Je 1 11. 04110 and j pure castor oil. I'he loli.miuj is n I fiirinula : l'ur lush castor nil, tWO I oitiics ; cau du coioiio sun cu oua.'e-. ' 'I'he ell is Ireely Ui-sjivel il the sp. l it, it it is ot ton proper strenjt Ii. i and the silulii'ii is iiear and to ant In'. . it 1 1 1 1 y be puluiiii l iu any wuv to1 suit the (any ol lh1 p itilns r Toe ; oil ol t lie easier Is ua lu.s I r mini years been euijiiel i d t dr '- the II nr. U it Ii umoii the siVno an I i ivi.i-cl nations, mul ll p"s-ese- propiru s which aduuialiiy a la, it it li I li 1 - 11s1 II docs not ra i iiy ilty, mil no uaiumy oMelKiVO te-llllin Ulll.lllis ulier 11-pas-i -e Ihioiili (in- -.ii ' cluue-vviiii-n o.-e 11 iu Uil 01 - iit"'ii capo e 11 to I' Jo an I air. It is t ic I c.-l u t lused by tiie 111 ury ol Mi'eii'i "pir.t III which ii di--.u cs. T'u,. uleo'i .I nr -pint rapidly rvapoi ales, and does not, in toe slimmest ilerrc injure the tex ture of the hd'.r. ibid prc'inratiui , nr dressing the hair ol children or ht lies will uicci uvaily uil or iju.te nil ro'i'i ii c un tils. , ' A Clleap nil 1 Very jro i I dre-.oll i lirade by ili-SwVUio; Luir inine.s ol ctleetiy puro. den-.- p iy or r. no . iu I .veive ounce- oi ro-o-' it. r. ( yeei ine d"cs no' evap ira'.c, CK' Cpt ul a h ii leuipcriture. uil I lliclelo.c under I s lliiliieucc tlio l.'i:r i- retai led in a nioi-t fuidili'iii f r n hue; tune. As .1 cia-s, tlic vc'ctab'e nils nro b for lor ilie bar th 111 annual ids 'J bey do not. lei'iitiio rain-id and 1 ll' iic:e - 1 ripidly and they ire ubje t iu rent 1 b I'hji'etinnable idiinuea Olive oil uuJ that derived lintii the e .oanut htve been hugely ttiij loycd. but they are lar inti'iiur in every re-pc.-t lo li.a ol th enstor oil beau. 1 1 a raticlie 101 tiie Carson live. el.:ht miles bid 1 V tho mouth of the Six-m ic t'anyon, an I ahmit ,-evta r-:i inili a ea-l ol I he city, is to 1 e seen n Ii1' it I id bVi'ti't-ix camels in this Sl.ifo. I ti t t w.i' ol t'ie o! I held nl 11. ue or ten he uht Vriv sj no veai' aj;o ii' e Mia iiV.n'. 1'. w on d serin tip! he utie,,,,,! I it !.-i 11. t lh" Ii in Is nl M'Xoatl-, wh i trei'i'd til 'in Ve:y baby, nvcrli'iiditiej a:id .il ; . 11 j tlo'm I'he lie 11 who now have lh.111 it1 e I'lent'litii'Vi, iitid men, il M'e'il-. wil l I ti I (oiiifily s III,1 IXpCIK'IICe with rui.icls in'pe. I I ty lied n 1 d'llie i Iy iii ri'iii.n,' I 'n 111, m. I cm ll''W snow .w rut y I. ur line, l,e Itiiy .lll'im. I- Illl '"I Wa.ill'C L'.'llWtl':. T lie e.itiiei msy now lie siid ti he th r- uiljhil U cloaittl iu ! his Sta'ft. T'bt iKiiei- nl tiie I. cm liu ) it no til"i'i d.lli'ilt to I'li c I an I rcir :!n"n that Woil I I e c.'.pt'l .enee I With tar s-iue II illiiier id "ilis till 1 du ihev The rain Ii upon which lin y mo kept is s.iuiy und .-toii.c iu the tutr'ine, vet li.e .iiii 1 1 1 it s l'e.i-1 and ro.v fat 01 Mi h prickly shrubs and Id t' r weeds as 11 1 ti Iii-r annual woull t ll !i. ! Win 11! ;t t ' tlvin-c'v-s tiieir )r a' de Llit, ul'ter liil.iij; thcui-ehes viitli the coat ro In rhaoc el li e deeit is t i li ' uinl li ll iu the hot silei. ' hr aie ued in.pitcklii Mill t the 11. ii. 'on the nver li.'in lie1'.-iie- lyiut; 01 ' 1 ho lesor a a 'ino cily n i is on the ; eust war I. They have nnimuls thai I p ii'U 1 neiliousiiid po.iud- I Vri'u 1 V.AVe. ) J.'n v, Ji. I t. ; A Miv and mle ci . ppo-m candidates lor an ollieo in N y in ti , i . i ..... i.i i ... I... t. i...... an 1 I lie i) los si'Ciiuvi o in) III ntvor u the hiishiili'l; bul ne iroruin.' In i 1 ratlin Uow n l"Wn ImKn Wta'l ani i l-U-fpy. aul lo'uiily wun livw Icon; I tho ranvass in btvor ot his wile, wil j ,v"h triumphantly clecto I. I hey sav i '"be b'i" him uw.,k h-vcii in. lit- H y , , in:; ta in Iu o l.tai to withdraw, a ml ! e. ... I .. . I I f.. I... I i 1..... I .... ' , .I'll ' i mr i. " i '" j around Ins head an I wio arm in a s! n as he would di auytbiu far : hie. A t'IKlliV.M AN ill Masf.srll'isi tts r li i m' I a I miner minister to pn-nch loi h'lil one ."Miii'lay. aud ul seipi.'inlv this wa years jo eii b'icd b in tin u-u.l Ci'liliieitsul on. ten dollars. He scened hardly sili-lied with the 4mouoi, und rcmarhe I, as ha hloalt put it away in his wabt : " 1 talked o the Sivudav svh .oi neiriy Ii nl an hi'Ui", and, besid's. I bid some coll cm sat urn, m i b an impenitent stuuei 111 the elm 0.1 steps, ll'ld I luouut tiny ce lis m o'e w nil I h i ah mt rijlu.' - J iu Mr. ti, was a most luveterste p'tns tcr. Lyioij vi ry ill ot'rblera, bi' nur-c prnpo-el to prepare ay un tender cbieken, ' 11a in't yod better taken an old In n V said G., iu a low wbtep r h ) waa toi iil to spek lou l er "lor she wou'd be wore apt to lay no mv Weruaeb.'' U. tell bavk rx Uauaud, aatt ib nivMfaiutad. (Troni Laltar lloara ) A PLC a roll li:il C. it taaiLKTT. .vrmii.. On. pile the fruits of liaitle up; Uo. hi lo llie wreii-bes slaio ; M (In i! tiuio uisl aruhiilua'a cup U'erfl .if with tears agaiu; Must women a i at ti . M ist losre tnru 'lis, Thul t;iut kiucs amy icig'a? V. wind, 'hat wail slon the sky, tlo, j' Utny rounl. ihc woildj Assise Hi earih with ptv.iiiit cry, Jy I 'leriy's Itiipen-lr I, And fied mi I r glil Onoisl U ' 1 ' K ' jr lnilit, Is on'y I'eibly muled. The earth Is l, l( wi'h dra'itlis of blood.' Tlis iy is l lmd ai li tcsrs. And .r on (.Ic. I in ihe irnry tielj L'e ! aud lender )Crs. Vl.i;,. I.y his liro The el i'v lisiri d sire Tali's ej'insel web his i. an. Vo '!. i,tl eiri-l far ah . 'i'li.s lio-ne nf iiicti, I'eili, in 11 ;n. mIi is.i n uu! is Ljo, T i rive us p 'a e a tin. It nii ii e h o 9 rl"ud, 'I Inn distii'il h- n I, C'li unit 'd . s '. u ',. Humorous llfina. M 'tuy tntt'it's (ha m in whttr it hill , tiie V, r. ii,u:i. Pytti i.t love o,, .rin; yiu n u -t itne in i', a-e your dueii. A ep ;: I cbil I Tho one that p'aye.l villi the ti r -cni -'amp. l lie ti-in in oi of th-' po'io i The I 'iili.iot.-i c.ivi'l ers iu h'rnti'1!. Tne only J ersnus who really f:i j V bad h i.iMi nre lhe doetol s. " U I y d i Ic ns al ways lay !:i dav- iiiie ? Hecaiiso nt niti! tht-y ;ne ro sfeis. Aii anviteur nntiirilists offers n re wird lo the man who will farni-h him wth the live specimen of lbs "Lriclc hat." New Orleans base hallists are a 1 dry that they keep dos trained ti rhnse the bulla at:l trim; them to the pitcher On soni'' of the lrie .;ht-cars wliifli went title! limit lonlel with tier man s ill s wis in- ribe l the sen- len.'e : " N ot to bf" kept dry " . n n'l. id d s ilver fit a .hihli v '.licit re was lul l by it wj1 in (lie gal lery to come nut from behind bis Ii i.e aad s'.n his s.mj like other pen. pic." I A yonn man iu Ohio tcconllf P'ne I a clothino; store, nu 1 was sent tiijiilfor it. It'Msoii : Tin! eijlhiuej store h'-loniT'd to ann'her li.ll'l. What I ii I i- that winch t is al s doteiv ii.H-cs-ii' v that we sh m d havo 'at i.ur dinner table, an I yd ucel titv et li.) c 'iked of served up? A low. ' l'a. arc rinnihaU pi-.if lu 'hat live nn nth r fo;s ' ' Ye, my dear." 'Then. pa. Idn le tieor.o tuil-t bo a eatriihi'. f r muivi he's always Ir. in on somebody. ' A Wisb'tn editor, h a placed over liN niiri i i.;e iitm mi. ecu en's a Cit I'et l es( ti:;ni a hir'" trap spru.i.', with t.e ii, n't, i ; Tl.e trap d ;i '. an o1 li 'r i.inn v can j;h: I ' A tiveir.-h :s er. vaantini' his kii'ittl'iLe of the wol I, wis uskel Iy : w iu' if he h id ever b SI iil Alebr.i. . 11 1 h I yes," -:ii i Ii . ; ' I lines pass:! it I'll the top nf a c 1 1 di." li"lilov i 1 1 v . 1 1 loosen his r ieli'i-l,'ir .e the il iy it Was ImtiL'bt, his in iinm t hen t i se il l. win u ho s' li'll'-c I her I V ilnpiil'ilU "Wh't is the uo' d nl a li r-" till It s l,ioo ': ' Ms l'.ii tinetou says s(,.i oj.J riot nvirrc I. t sec ni l iiu-biio becauso -h l"Vcd the til de si x, h it lecails he was jus1 tin si.'o ol her rifst hu, cou' I wear toil h i old chit he. 1 A Vi'i-c itisin man, eoirin to Mi' ."iuk"C on hiMii'ss. was entrusted ,w tll a couimision to puichaso tuasieal instruments I t a Sumliy siliool. We hroue'iil l-atk sis tiles aud a baas- In. to An c'i -pi.. nt st Canandaiun is sail te be rontiu.'l t bis be I from er .up i b oim ii s u, brontiiiui-. and l.'eiiei'iil del i.ii v. It takes seven dou-tor-n'l rri bim, nnd bo uL'-8 umd ' ino h i the hosluad. The owner j w.i'il- I i i) to die. c no e I c oi'i nt Clint m. I. s , hroijhl it-pr i.n li npoo hcrsel , aad a .ai;;e upon the eoi 1'iT.ttioa, by U-ia' slryehiiilie us u tl U e 0 illj; jxtrati .nr rustji' 1. The whole lauiiy pfr sh.'d iu '.In utlempt (0 kintal thut Ciis'.urd. II iw many feet h'OJ ilt) st ise'r ' it - k d a pi son ol atrtvrler .vho Ii nl j ist lela'ed a a ny of t if f ll eoittilci' ol' a boa c.nisti k . i kilelby I mill. " One b'llo'ie l anil ninety IWJ me. 0 ,'' was the reply ; ' a.iuk have 10 let Out west they tell 1 atory il ont a I".' wli eli w is ijie.nly urcrj.'teil in iiiumc, which alien b'd a Mno;nclii.'l art I w suhseipieiitly found ii tie ti:t' k yard Willi a nu-ie b sjU iu front f li iu, bcatin.' lime with Ins tad on a uu pan, an I biwlnu " O I lluudrel.'' I "tic ihiul fiut sola water ia not reliable lor a steady d.uiU. It ia too ca-sy. The next ruoruimr "fler irinkillj thlrly-eilit botllaa, li fttuod iiniie'f lU'l ol ; is mi l as t.hl as a lialln.10. lie hadn't an in tn'le of cletli- inj be could wear except his umbrella. A iiMchiuc haab-'ou iuveo-ed in I'.O' yla'id b. which uie ai k velvet eao la ucole from est' a' 4 rabila' feabt ra Paopla who bav e-tstbat have HOI breu cou'i'lorvd Valuilda b ritoo' ill u'il love and chei'irb them until the m ichiuo arrival here, when tby can make lbs lur fly and dress up. C't should 1st ouoour 1 154. 1 Ul did ftot sraatlr ralieya . I felt er" . -'trMirsj'"--'-