THE POST. rabllefeev every Tbareday Evening by JKBKMflO CierSR, rroprklor. Tarma of Subioription. TWO DOLLARS TEH ANffTJM, rayehle within six nonine. or2.6U Ir not paid within the year, lio paper discontinued ' i until nil arrearage are paid nnleM at tht option of the pnhliflicr. ubseriptio outaido of the county FIITA1II.R Iff ADVANCE. $Sf IVreone link and using papers SJdesel to other heroin subscribers, Mud or titbit fur lb prle of lb paper M-HJM JP. OSONMILLEK, ATTOHNKT AT LAW, Middh-burg, !., Offers kle professional tervicee to tbo pub II;. Collection! and nil other professional busies oairseieil to bis ear will receive proapt elteatlea. f Jan 8, T7if C. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgmve Pn., Oflert Mi professional sarvie to tht pub lie. All baaioev entrusted to bit eere will Ha tieAMinll I r r . - -.. I fJao. il. '67lf JW. KMQI1T, ATTOHN'KY AT LAW, Freebiirg Tn., Offer hit Professional service lo the pub lic All butineta entrusted to bit curt will bt promptly attended to. Jan 17, fiTif ATTORNEY AT I, AW, I.owislou-g Ph., Offers bit professional service In th pub lic Collections anl nil other frofc-slon-I business entrusted to hit curt will re etivt prompt attention. GEO. F. MILl.KU. A riOHNKY AT LAW, Lewisliurg Pn. Offers bit Professional terrice to the pub lio. Collections and all older prnlVroion all bniinett rntrustad lojiit care will re ceive prompt attention. " Jan. 3, 'U7if iM. iilNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewi.shnrg P., Offer! lilt professional service to the fuhlio. Collections and all oilier pro fessional business rnlrutled In ilirir rare will receiveprumpl attention, fjari. H, 'OTif CHARLES HOWKIt. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Selinsgmve Ta.. Offert bl professional services 10 ilie pub ilo. Collcctiiio and all oilier professional tttalaess entrusted to hit care will re eelve prnaipt aiteminn. Office two doort tierth of i lie Keyaione Hotel. Jan 6, '0 SAMUKL ALLKMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrove Tit Offert hit Professional services to the public. All business entrusted to hia rare will ha promptly attended to. Col leoilont made in all pan of Ilia State. Ha can apeak tht Engl'ah and German language fluently. Otlice between Unli t ami lit l'ott oftiro. LN. MY Kits, bTTORNEY I COHSEluR IT LAW Middleburg Snyder County Penn'n. Offioa a few doom Weal of the I. . on Main ttreel, Coniiiliation in English nd German ngusges. Fcp.'OTif T C. UL'CHKR. J. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lcwisluirg Fn., Offert bit professional seivleeeto ilie pub. lio. All business entrusted to iie cart will be oromrtlv attended to. Jaij. S. 'f.-lf ( " ROVER & RAKER T SKWINO MACHINE. Persona In need of a good and durable flowing Machine can be accommodated at reasonable pricet by calling on on Sam fit. FtiT, Agent, Seliuagrove. r-Nn. 04 ,m Dll. J. Y.S1UNDKL, BURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Middleburg Pa., Offtra bit profetalonal eervlce to the clt iient of MiJdleuurg and vicinity. f March 21, '67 F. VAN KUSKIIIK. SURGICAL & MECHANICAL DENTIST SolinHgrove Tonn. JOUN K. HUGHES, Enq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Tenn Twp., PDjder Co. Ta Yn. WAGNER, Enq., -Jt TICEOFTHE l'EACE, . Jacksoa To e.iehip, Snyder Co. Po., M'ill attend to all bnaineta entrusted to hla ear and on lha moat reasonable terms. March 12, 't)8tf DRJ- V KANAWEL. PHYSICIAN AND 8UR0EON, Cenlrcvlllc, finjdrr Co., I a Offert bit professional ttrvioet to the public. , o-ooii FW. SCIIWAN.M. P., e BURGEON & PHYSICIAN. Port Trevorton Pa Offert bit professional serrices to the itiseot of tblt Vlaot and vioinily. lit tpeakt German and English. r April 16, '68 J? A. BOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEER. Freebtirg Snyder Co. Pa., Moal teipectfillly offert bit terrlcet to Ibt publio at Vendue fryer and Auellon- tr. Having naa a urge exptrianoe, i feel eonfidenl that I ean render perfect tillsfaclion to my eoiploytet. Jan. fl. 'OTl BT. 1'AliKS, s ATTORNEY AT LAW & DISTRICT ATTORNT, MIDDLEBURO. BKTDER COUNTT, Pe Office la Court Iliate, Scpl.16, '67lf LEWIS BREMER'S BOKS TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRDS 0,88 PHILADELPHIA. M ERCUANT HOUSE. If. U. MANDEKBACII Prop'r. J. C. N1PE, Cle fto. 411 It 416 Kertb Tbird Street. Philadelphia M ILLER ELDER WUOLESALE BOOK RELtERS 6tallooera, Blank book Manufacture! and dealers la Wrapping, Ulaallnc, Cur. tela and Wall papert Paper Btgt it Oe oral Job Print ert - He. 3TU Henk Third ttreet beft Xaet Philadelphia fa. w lit 1 W VOL. 8. SELECT POETRY. If Ton lill ever net Married. If you should ever get married, John, I'll tall yen what todo Oo get a Utile tenement. Just big enough for two. And one spare room for company, And one spate bed within it And if you begin lore' life aright, You'd better thus begin it. In furniture bo moderate, John, And let the stuffed chairs wait. One looking-glass will do for holb Yournelf and loving mate, And Itrusaelt, too, and other things Which makes a Ane appearance, If yon eaa belter afford it, they Will look better a year henoe. Borne think they must have pictures, John tUiprrh and costly Ion. Your wife will be a pioturo, John, Let I hit suffice for you. Rememher wbat the wise man laid, A teul end lure within It, la better than a splendid limine. With bickerings (vary minute. And nne word aa In cooking. John Ymir wife ean do the heal : For love, to make the biscuit rise, lahetler far than yeast. Nn mailer if each day you don't llring turkey to your Inble 'Twill relish belter by-and-by, When you are belter able. For all you buy pay money, John Mmier that vary day ; If you would have your life run smoolb. There it no boiler way. A note to pay it an ugly thing II thing you choose to call it. When It hnii(t over a niau who lias No money in bis wallet, And now, when you are married, John, Don't try to ape the rich ; It look them many a toilsome year, To gaiu their envied niche. And if you shouid gain the summit, John, I.onk well In your beginning. An. I then all you win repay. The toil and cart of winning' A LUCJAI. TEXDER, BT JID .K Cf.AltK. Saul ScrelrnT was the paraxon' of bachelorn. Jim ago was n puzzle in chronology. If you judud na jock ey g do, by the U'th, y"U would net butt down about thirty for they were perfect, 01 white aa peurl, and. nut one miHOing. lli!i jjlosny chestnut lucka gaotinu it was'nt a wi-; he Woru bore similar testimony which wan fur thiT corroborate J by a fWure wlioo njiiinielry apoka well for tho handi craft of milure, or of art, whichever was rutitlcJ to it. Ho boarded with Mrs. Xorlher- matm, a respectable widow, who furn ished accommodations to a few firm clnss single gentlemen, parti; for the Kko of Hooiety, and partly not. Mr. Sorelcaf wit a inno of steady habits. He had taken up his abode with the widow on fimt ootnitin to the place, and had never since thought of changing. Indued, neither patty had nny reason to bo dissatisfied. Mr. S.'s room was nlwayi tidy, the wid dow i butty, lie affable, and bis bills never a day in arrear. Wbat more was wanting to mako thioss pleaaant. After a time Mr. S. got to be tbo senior boarder. Others had come nod ttono, but bo romaioed "permanent.'' To tit facinjr tho widow at the table say graco, carve tbo beifateek, aud lead the conversation, were preroga tives more lirntiy bis, by prescription than they had over been of the dead and gone Northei'tnuDti, by martial right. It was Mr. Sorelcaf with whom tho widow jouiiKellcd in her trials, and iu whom she reposed bir cotifldunous. He conversed with her to church on Sundays; and any littlo diHU'ulty in tho sermon, or knotty polut in the trimniing of u lady's bonnet, ho would clear up on the way borne, iu a man ner equally charming and instructive Whether tho twain, io time, would bare been more or less to each other, bad tbe widow adhered strictly to her rule to receive oono but "sin gle gentlemen" at boarders, is one of those questions always uotolveablo, touching what would have happened. had something elso taken place that ocverdid. Knough to say, Mrs. Northerruann, yloldiuii to ioflueutisl references and the offer of a tetnptiog price lot her best rucaot rooms they were next to Mr. Seieleal'i to a family compos ed of a geotleuiao and bis wife and bsby. Uabies were Mr. Sore loaf abomina tion. Ha looked npon tbeni as tod dling monuments ot original ain. He had no patienco with them, or any that bad them. Tbe tight of one gave bim a tarn, and the sound drove him f'rnutio. In this particular baby, all Mr. Serelosf a objections to bibyhood in ins a Detract were summed up io the conoreta. It wi! subject to eroup. it naa cone; ana when it baa oeitbei it was troublsd with teething. The flrat night Mr. Seirleaf rtufed tbe blanket In his ears, but be might s well bive attempted to stifle thun der. He Iried to eount himself to sleep, but the suqalla put him out; and wnen be strove to count tbem. tbty became ooofluont and undisilu guixbable. Thejoext ahtht it wat worse. He couldn't even say bis prayers io faoi didtt't feel lik it. Ue paord the rooinjin sleeftleM agony. Something hid to be done. . He had been a boarder io ilia boas for five years, and bad neveryet uttored ajcomplaiot. ue wu very lotn to ao it now , uut needs, must, when a certain person drivos " I'll Drenose to Mrs. Nortbermaon" ad b smote hit tsi tjpwa1 ilia table, MIDDLEHOHG SNYDER CO. PA., by way of emphasis "I'll propose to Mrs. Nolbermann.'' ha exoluimed, "to pnt me In another room, come What will I" Tho nlr of moody metsnchcly with which Mr. Perelenf moped through the following day csused tho widow much eoncern. wns hor in t."e pidalii'ti abated when, nfter tea, he intimated a desire to see her slons. "It is with much hesitation,'' lie be nan, io nod ngitstcd voice when they bud reached Mrs Nortbrrmnnn's back parlor "il it with much Invita tion that I venture to speak." Here lie quiet broke down, and tho widow turned very red snd trembled violent "I nm sure, mstlsm," Mr. Sorelcaf resuniod, "if jnit only kfiow how much i have suffered" 'Ob! Mr. Serclenf !" sighed tbe widow. "Mrs Xorthcrmnnn!" said Saul, making adeperale effort to come to the point "1 have crmo to propose " Hut before ho could explain what it was he hid "coma to propose' tin tu'iy envo n littlo Nt-reain, end started to tall. Ito cniig'ht hor, ofcour-ie, and ilioiitcd for help. The Grst to nppcrr was the mother of tbo cxcrnble biiliy. "What's tho matter she cxeliiitn- Oil buriiinrf into the room ss if dui charged from a cfttapul. ' I was only proposing ,'" Pail eotntnenced. And a pretty me yoti'vo mnde of it !" the lmly cut him tii irt. at ilu aiuno time roliuving him of liU burden and ndvining liitu at unco Io leave the room which ml vice lie gl.i'ily fol lowed. MonificI nnd confoitnled, Fan I pteko hia trunk, called a pofter, nnd went from thn houc, like a th'el' in tho nighl. l-'rntu the hotel at which he took up temporary q'tartor he despatched a note eticlasitig the bal ance due to bis landlady, and sonic thing ovrr, in luoof notice, but mak ing no allusion to his sudden depar ture, or the circuma'anccs lliut led to it. It was 8m weeks later that Saul presented himuif at my office and re quested n private ioterviow. We at once withdrew to an inner room, where, with much hesitation and nianny blunhcs, tho story ol the "pro posul" was told substantially aa the reader already bns it ; after which Mr. Serelcuf placed in my hands thn following billet, which bo had just re ceived : "llnDi-ivit.i.r,Msy 10 IS 'S., Kq : " Sir Our client, Mrs, Cluopntm Nothernintio wishes to bo apprised through u; at your earliest convenience, ol your pur pose touching the fulfillment or non fulfillment of a certain promise of murringe recently mado by you to her. We desire an early and cxp'iei t uunwer to the question: lj you intend to marry her or do you not ? Yours, etc., SCUVYTEH fc SKIN.NKR." It wns so much like the Ilurdell and Pickwick case, and tho letter sounded ao Ilodson tc Foi;gisli that it was im possible to suppress a smile. "Whit's to be dono?" queried Saul anxiously. "First snd formost you might niur ry the Indf " Saul shuddered. "Io tbe next plice " Het what passed was under the seal of profes sional confidence I despatched a nolo Io Messrs. Schuysler & Skinner, soliciting, as Mr. Here Irs fs attorney, a coolerenco on tho following day, and asking tbem to have their client present. At tho appointed hour, I found tbe lady and ber legal advisers drawn up in order of battle. "This is a singular case,'' I be gan. It's a very plain one, at all events," interrupted Schuystor. In addition to oar clients testimony, we have that of another respectable lady, to whom Mr, 8erelenf made a full and free con fession oo tbe spot. "I have not come to nrgue tbe rase," I answered, "but to propose terms of settlement." The firm conjointly Tabbed their bands in anticipation of money to be handled. "Please send yonr boy to conduot hither a gentleman waiting ia a car riage at tbe door,' I aJJed Schoyster looked at skinner, and the widow at us all, but the boy was sent. At the end of sovenl minutes sj ilumpiiKj sound wsa heard. The door opened, and a decripit shriveled fig ure, supported by one leg snd a erutob, hubblod io. Ooo of Switl's Utruld bragt could scarcely have looked more gnoicut or dilapidated. He was" rain ua an eye, hollow-cheeked, toothless, aud bald as Time. "I have come to make a personal tenJer of my client, gentlemen,'1 1 said, "in fulfillment of the contract he is neeui-ed of making with yours. Tbi is Mr. 8erelcaf." Tbe wMow ttartod in amazement as first sloo'k of iooredulity, and then ooo of convietion flashed ovor ther eountenaoco. " Take bim away, fako bin away J he cried. "The wig, cork leg, glass eye, fult teeth and pluicpeas are aH!bero io the carriage,' i proceeded, sad will be du ly tendered in a asperate lot." Tbe widow stsyed to hear ao mora. Her lawyers bad ashrewd suspi cion that the tender was sham, and that, bad their client accepted, mine would have . backed out But they couldn't afterward nring tht widow 10 try lb txperlmeat. Rllcklag- to the POInt A friend of mine, who was in busi ness, and in need of a clerk, advertis ed ; but out of tho whole number of those who presented themselves, only oie shut the door tight ss he wettoul of the office This on o was immedi ately called bark on I employed. A little while afterwards snnther friend, a successful lawyer, advertised us f illowt i WANn:n A yonng man fo woik In in attorney's office, and also to read law at his lonstire. Apply to John Smith, 13 Ihinlap Street, 11 . It was tbe conviction of my friend that whnt is mot desired In n lawyer is a certain cool judgement, which holds on to tho main point in a given case, und Allows no side issues to warp the mind Irani its snehored posi tion. I have often hrird him any. "In the end, tho lawyer vh', having hit I bo nail on tho hcuil, keeps driving it in until il is cniitiicr-utik in the I'ouvietiou in both judge and jury, i lha pleader who succeeds best at the bar of justice. I always select for m students suuli young meu as have this quality, sud I iiltno-t invariably l.n I ! it lodged in minds that arc itielini'd to stick to tho point. " tin the day loliowing tbe puhliea (inn of the nbore noiiee, Mr. Smith had iu the forvuoon a dozen applicant in person. Ilo bade them wait his pleasure; then, whrn they were nil seated around Liiu, he oiMiesstd them us follows : 'l?ef ire wo proceed In business my young fiiellde, I wish to tell you a h Tt story.'' Of course no ono objected to thK And, if il h tent 'J n bttlo oil in n lawyer, it wus the way our beloved Ulu t'l'CMilcnl had, im 1 there was this ciroumstauce ill least to rccom m ud it. ' O j leac m White's bam,'' began Mr. S , "there perched ouo evening an owl. The deacon a lightly si persliiiou. uud not f alio) in,' tho hoot ing of the lugubrious visitant, he took bis old gun, stolo out soft ly, got with ill good range, levelled his yun at the luminous iultuder, ami tiro J. Now the burn was Lid and full of chinks and holes, snd it buin a very dry time, trencher mm wadding immediately set I tire to to the buy inside, uud in an instant tho rtuiro fabrio was in names. ' 'O, dear I dear !' cried tho deacon 'how can 1 release ull my cows aud oxen and yearlings, uud my sheep und horses, io season to save them i for tho wind was hiuh, und, as it al ways happens, it increased iu f'rcsli-iie-s ss the tire guiuod in fury.'' "'Help! help!' lie shouted. " IMd the folkes here him in the house?" atuked Alfred. (I shall cull I lio applicauls by their christian unmes.) "Not direoiiy,' said Mr. Smith. "The deacon lost no tune in getting out the cattlo. lie fouud them limine with terror and unmanageable. While esgoged In uulossing u stout young I bull, the latter suddeuly tuftieii his bores and pierced bim. "'I'm gored I I'm frorcd !' he ex claimed, in agony, just as bs terror stricken wifo came to his rescue.'' "Did ho die?" " He was injured seriouxlv," reum- letl Mr. fmilh. "Feeling loiut was obliged logo and lio down. The woman run for a doctor. When she returned, tho piteous bellowing of the loriurcd and dying cattlo fell on her elrs. Tho thrilling thought struck her, whoro washer husband, possibly ia the burning ruins? Had he ven tured beyond his strength sguio, aud fallen a helpless victim ?" " 'O. my bushundl my buband !' " ' Did be answer ?'' Inquired David, with ao unxiout face. "Was be in the tiro ?" nskoJ Char ley. "'Tboro was no reply,'' confined Mr. Smith, "save from the crackiing tim bers aud ruoaiia of the doomed ani mals, l'rcsently she heard the voice ol bar only sou among tbo ruiucs. " 'Help I help I' be cried. " The mother's heart wss ready to break. be butcned to rcs'.ue her darlina son." 'Did eho savo him 7" nskud Ed wid "O I hopo sbt didn't get burncJ ber self," said Frank. " I'lesse tell ua sir, whether they were burned to doalb," pleaded Grant. 'Well,'' returned Mr. Smith, "tho poor deucoa died of bis wounds." "Too bad," said Ileory "He was a brave man.'1 "And bis son was badly burned.'' "O, awful' exclaimed Issao. "And the widow's clothes caught (ire, but, luckily, one of tbe noigbbors (there were owe living very nesr) ar rived at tbe acana of destruction jut io season to extinguish rte flames " "(lood I good t" exilsiwed James. "Ha was a brave asaa " Your ara rtgbl," said Mr. Smith.; "And bo released oae of tho beat boraes "Was ba buroeJ at til?" asked Marl. "Only a little acofCbed," said Mr. dmilb. And so the narrator wont on until be bad depleted the eoneeqoeare in detail of tha aid event. Then he paed. Ilie audleuoe was silent Tbeir avaipathles had been deeply touched. Keen, one seemed silently pitying tho poor, afflicted family. Bu' ooo hoy had sal unmoved through tbo whole story,' and said nothing. And now that tho' narraUvo wnj 8a isbed, and a panto had eomo, bt de 49 OCTOBER 27, 1870. liberately looked into Mr. Smith's face In a straightforward mannii', and naked ! " Did bo hit Iho owl ?" This wns the youth that a'nclt (o the point, nnd tho ono that the Inw yer scleeied from tho twelve. The story had simply been tnanufucturcd for e fleet The Mrnaboursr i lncU.' The famous clock in tbo rathe Ira, of Stmsliourg is thus described t ' For ingenuity and compliention, nil ancient clock must hide their dials in the preen re of the Strasbourg (,'utliodr il. Ifelorn this clock stands n g'ohe, on tho ground, showing the liutijtis el the heavens. stnr, ami p'nui'ls. The heavens tire rnrried about by tint first mover iu twenty-four hours, S.i'iiru by its proper tnoti io, is curriel nbont in thirty years; Jupiter, in twcle; Murs, in two ; tho Sun. Meretny, and Venus, in ond your ; aud tlu Mxm in onn niuti t li. In tho sloek its-ill' ure two ! tal l'S en the rih t nnd left bin J. show I iug the cfli,)os fiftho s-in ao l mo m j II oni he year 157- to DiJ I. 'J lie i thir l ta'de iu ll.e tniil.lle is divided in to two p iris. Iu thn first part, lln ( st.'Uiu's of Appollonnd DmimsIi.hv tbe ;cour-e of the year uud the tiny Iher'n', I being carried about one yeur. The I second part shows ill" yeur of our Lord and the equinoxial days, the hours ol each il ii y, and the minutes of each hour, Latter Diy. nn I nil the oifn-r fi-asts und the ilominieul Ltlur , itnd the third purl bus thu description ofall Uermany, aud pur tieul irly of Si tasbourg. uud tho ii hik's of the inventor und tlio workmen In the middle I'rauio of the clock ia an aslroliihe, showing th sii;u iu whieh each planet is every day; aul I here are statues of the seven ptiiuct tipin a t ireular plate of iron ; so that every day th plani-t that rules the day coiik-s forth, the rc-l being hid within lh frsmeitill they come- out, of eoure. at llioir d:iy, as the mm upon S.mdiy. and sit for all tho week. Thcro is a tfrri4tl-I:il irhiho ivliii-ll sbowa tin I - r i ; (jiinrler, tho half-hour, nil I tho tuin ules. There is a figure of a human skull, and statues of Iwu boys, where- i ol one turos the hour-gbiss when the hour bnth struck, nnd the other puts I loi lh tho rod in bis hand lit en -h j stroko of the clock. Moreover, there are statuesfid' Spring, Sumiucr, An i tn inn no 1 Wittier, and iLiiny obser- I vat ions of lha moon. In the upier part of the clock nre four eld men's Htniues, which strike Iho quarters of 1 1 he h ar. The statue of Death cmc out ut each qtl irlel to strika, bul is jdriven back by tho s'atuo of L'hrist, with a spear in his liutid, tor tbroo quarters; but iu I he fitirth quarter l'cnth strikes the hour with Iho'lmuc I in bis hand, and then the chimes sound. On I lie top of the clock is the imago of a cock, which twice in a day crows aloud and chips his wing" jlltsides, Ibis cluck is dcrkiid with ;luauy rare pictures, and being on the inside of the church, curies mother Iramo to the oulsidu of the wulls where- on the hours of the sun, tho hours ol i thu sua, t he courses of tho moon, the J length of day, and such other things are set cut with much art. Hut per ihups the most striking part of the hi jtory of thl-fuiiiotis Strasbourg clock is, thai it was made, or at nil cvc'it-' peifectel, by a b'ind man. The art' sall wh'i contrived it l ist his siht. and wus superse led j bit since elso would csrry out his ideas, ao! he refused to coiniuuiiicato them, ho was reinstated iu his work, snd actually r-ariied out the affair, in all its intri cate Jelicncv, to the en 1." Ul Bib FshtCITV IJJ IaCI.ANit Sometimes in resiling about Ireland wo are inclined to ba surprised, nov so ninth that they are absentees as that they nre presentees. The IVu tra'ul LmiiluH X te has Sent a special cor respondent to Ireland to eiplain to its readers, both by writing an I drawing bow gentlemen live in ilisulT.cted do. trieta. He has paid a visit to tbe ret idence of Nicholson, in Meath, w hose couch in un wus lately murdered ia mis take for bis master. Mr. Nicholson, when he walks oat has a rids in bis hand at full cock, a policeman walks on either aide of him, and two more briug up tho rver, all armed. There is a detachment ef constabulary io the bouse. Ao engraving depicts Mr Nicholson lakiogao airing under these exhilarating circumstances' When be drives out, aa Indulgence npon which he seldom ventures, a ear with four policemen follow that which convey him, and they curry a Udder to enable thsro easily to pursue any one who may be disposed to take a peep at the gentleman from behind a wall, which it might not be easy otherwise to scale This sort of life continued for months would prove rather trying to meat men's constitution, w fancy. Rivcnob. Th noblest revenge' we can take npon out enemies) U to do them a kindness; for lo return malice for malice, and injary for injury, will afford bul a temporary gratidoation to oar evil pasaions, and our toemie will only be rendered the morw bitter a gnieat at. Bat to tak th first op port uuity to show theos how u porior wa ar to Iheta by doing them a kind aen, or by rendering them a aerrieo, th sting ef reproach, will eater deeply la Iheir souls j and wbil to a it will b a noble relaliatieo, or triumph will not frequeatly b redaarod complete, not oaly blottiag jut tho ssalioe thai had otherwise stood agaioat , bat hy bringing repentant btarta to onVr tbtaiNlvea at tn annna or ineadiaia. Iff u " noTH Proverbs for Teachers, The best wny of making friends nf parents is to ma!cj fricnls of I lie i i children. A teacher whi lr' Io please verv body wi'l be Very bkely to pleisc lew or nobody. Il is easier to k"ep eul of dlflloul Ips thitn to eel out of iIkvii. A sehofil which Is controlled by the lest govprnnient is tin; best 1'ovcrneJ. The general tonn nf a school never tises above t lit: t. of tho lea her, A pleisint fill's In school does tn rr than s crosa one. Tcaelrrs wh- cannot gnvcrn them sn'vi'S esiiuot g ivern ill -ir m'i nils. A noisy, hlustoi'inu trnehrr N sure to I, nin n noy, blos!i rin' s'tionl. A leather's ski'l is betrr shown hv hia nr her neees viillidull pupil than with bright on-. In tpieblng, quality I more itlipT I lint than qiianil'yi . , , - .. . . , thoretl'h rti '-l! on ol pi uieililes . is raorn vi triiji . t , than sp li ! II. O I s ol operation. j Kv.pi-inti'ioiis should I"? tiven in .few worls curcfudy orran'd. unl slowly ulleri'd. Instru 'tt'i'i to fo v.iluaMe. should j be clear nn I exact . Mo'nnrv and reason hIiouM be tea:n- P,1 t,,,!,,,, not ene lo the l.egleel oi i no ntners, t'hildren arc quIcH to dierrnn teach er's weak points. They are prone (o annoy a tca her who in ea-ily nnneyed. They loco a tnarlirr who iiriiiifests genuine love for I hem. They nre Infl leneed liinre b- exam ple than by prei-ept. I'prpet'iill scolding il 'C tliotn tlltleh harm and littl.- 'I'lieyjare much more effectually -.'"v rrtiod hv lat;eot kimli.oss t lilt bv jdiysienl fiT'e They hoi nine w.irthy of car; fi I-lire , in proporlion t) tlu cmfidence placed jinlh'tii. I (,,)'m1 '','f,l,r,, "" I ''I ''l,,,:ir' (aro nnccssunly nntecedant and cohm- . riint. I A Innnl.n, mnilnnnfl nhl int I o ho limited t i his own school, hut , should be extended to hi or her fid .low teachers nnd the public. J The tenrber's power nt homo and ! abroad depends lirely nt n the ex tent and character of bis or her s"!l culture. I Tube more lhan a ppdangin. they jslioilM know what is tran-piriuu iu the edui'atir nnl world. Teacher, should, therefore, do their part towards making realiti.'. and sustaining the current education I n' lilcraturo. I Th"S teacher n 1m nr.s tinwiliini j lo do what they ean fir the general cause of edueatioti. and encourage ment of other tcaelior. fail to perform . an essential patt of Iheir duty, nnd ; have no claim up in tho HitnjM'hv 'and conlidenci' of the cdiia'iotial fra ' tcrnity. ...... " i Clinics ol fr'altculiiif II074. Not a few f.irmtrs fee I corn in M10 car. and some even raw potatoes, to their fattening swine. O iu bad w i'I.J 1 probably be all under e-tiuute 'f ti c j loss by ihts easiest and tu i-t slji'en'v j anJ costly praetieo, J A lurgo nuiiiher tn'x dry rei! with cold wter or slop, uti I ioune I i il-ly Iced it to their Ins. The los in th.s easo is nt as much a in lee. lio j the 'corn ungroiind, but it cannot be les jlhan from fil'lcen to tcn'y firi cr 1 cent. Slill tdlics co .k llieir meal wiih their potatoes, both ilirouh'y. com pletc'y mixing tho one with ihei.ther. and then adding lo tbe cungloiiirrate water sulTieient I make a th eK tiu-li. present il to the gratltiel and heuriy eater, thereby saving nearly ail 1st producing Value CoiiU'iud iu the graiu laud the p itat es. 1 For several years we luve al.'ptcJ 'this plan. Kverythiii,: feJ to our hi.- lubilo tutteuing. is c'ked, but netli- ioif ia ro iad. To ono bushel and half of potatoes (masliel) we ad I thfee pecks of dry rorn in the kei . 1, und Ifaea Willi a liberal ssjpp.y of water in a kettle aimoel sU-aiu-ltht we enik lor at least three hours. Tbe k rtu-U are then three or four times thtir or iiual sixe and the Dotaturs are mu-h aud when thor'u-h'y mixed '.he tl.-la is ks aeccplabla s can be presented to a lot of fattening hojjs, And as every pariict of food isj (or fan be) redu.-J to psS'e by tne slightest tniutlfh-atiuu much more by the aetiou of the stout- a'.'b. there can be Utile if any loos. The advant.i get art, tbut yni save the tune ol taking vour gra n ta t b mill, the tulL and hiving your gr;u alwaya st hand ia a a projwr eonditiou lo u.o ; there j a atea It now about tbe fool tnat is ono nf the ma;o elements of success iu feeding latteti'.ng ani mals. An addition of a fo qa.r( of t ye aud an eceaional peek ol oats, making cbiuiiievs than lo to keep 00 e otn a little variety, is always it judieiou.j if yiM i to back and bard. plan : either of which re a easily . . a. . r i :i choked as heavier and bhtcr kcraeis of com. A 1UT Swallows a Rat. Aj New Oi'lean hous-bolder, d'starbei by an aged drkey who each day seat ed himself on her porch and weat to sleep io ihvi sua, with upturned head ope mouth and prodigious ore, con cluded aba would try au experiment. Kor this purpoeo she prxvureJ a saall piee of io aud dropynd it iato th hug oria- that setve-d as Sambo's mouth, It disappear! Ilk a shot, and. with a eougb and a suorl, Sambo slatted to bis rest "I'sb 1' he eried aa the ic ent violent thrills ibroafh hia atouach. "What die?' aad hia BATES OF ADVSBTISIltOi One eolitmn one year fen 00; One-half column, out y air, Sy.OO. Once-fnnrtb e-ilnmn, est year, 1 J.OO. Una square (10 lines) ena Inienion T. Pvory addillnnal insertion b. rrofessiunal and lliislueas osrds of not more than fl re lines, per year. 6,00. Auditor, Kiecitlnr, Administrator and As'ijrnea ffillo-1 S,M. Eiliiorlsl nntirea per line lii. All ailrerliarnieSla for a shorltf period than One year are payable at the liae ibey are ordered, and if not paid the per son ordering them will be held responsible foe the mnnev.. fin. era clutched nervously the afhVlfil .s la. Just then some one cried out in the li'iUso (list a big rat had ruri down ' Uncle Sum's" thront. This sJdod terror to hit paia, ho rolled on tho banquette and cried lustily fur help. 1 Tore !, missus he's gnaw ing out'n toe. I feels him. Oh golly, ho kill'n me," uii I tho whites ol (ha darkey's eya pniliMili'd like saucers, and tho c oi vol..: I aiijaniuisli. il f.ico 'bowe l that rrnl piin was strongly en banced by bis im.iuiunry terror. "Oh k'olly. how ho do jump ond kiek about," and Sutii'io ai'tiin gave himself nf li paroxyin of Iniiieiitation. "Drink ivaiin itater. I 'i.kle Satu, l.n I drovti him," the hid silcesled, Wit lioul, t moment's hesitation Sum stal led I t I he water pliu. He turnetl on the and the water s'arled, Sani itlnc I lii-lis In the murk' until bis i li s were pnRed out I ho an ii.fliled liilliMti. ' Il iw il i von f -el now, l.'n- .U- I'illll . I 111- III,. , I III I II I I VI, ,-UIII . i i i . i" . ,i i l I., v: ' ,i... 1...1.. i ,.u w II" s Ul Wlieil. Ilii-stl; but lil'I'C s shut'" Irouli'iu thi'i chile, hiw'a da rat pwino yil urt'ti dure ?'' OlI.INil i'sitvl I MP.' LM KM s Rverr1 f'ai iiiet slo til l bale a ( im tT In v ed iol ml ;i leu-li on inti l, hiiiI w!n io'Vi' iio Ihm s a new tool lu shoii.d souk it with j,-, (, v f,i,, ,,v fjro , , -till b'd'ore using. Tho Wool by tbi i est iu Mil i lou henril aul si re ng! hen and rc.ltii'reil tinteivious lo water Wi t a new hay r.ik , and wlieu it dries it will begin to bo luo-c in tbe joints , hut if wi ll oiled, the wet will have sorb? ell. ct. Sliui i U and forks ure prcai-rv "d Ironi ilnt kin' nnd cracking in thu top of the ban lb- by oiling ; ihcwood liee'itii' s s'uu'il li a f.'!as by tU1, oi.d for !es lik.-ly lo bli- 'r the baud when long ii-cl. Ax Mid hiiuiiiiT hanJies nfleti bi'euk ell where the wood enters the itvu, tliis i-irt osrticulurv should ,,.,' i, , , j,,-,. i.j.y, i)AwJ, 1C ;vo,j' , t)U rvo ! of tho ex will prevent it swelling ond 'htinkitig, snd sora.Mimos getting loiwe. Tho ,1Jol8 oll , Uru t,lrm eo,t Urea um of m nicy ; they sboull be ol th j .... . . ni'isi npprovvu kin is II is p iorecon- .omy, ut the present extravagant prices of labor, lo set men to work with tho ordinary, el 1-l'a-hioneJ implement. Ln'iiitcr-. -lieulil be icquireJ to return their Inn's to the convenient places provided f ir them ; after ui"ij. tlier . -bould be p it away cleiti nud bright. 'I he luoiil I boards ol plough arc upl lo t'i t rusty Iro'iH'li .' season to an, i veil il sheltered; ih.-y shjtlld Iu brushed over with n lew drops of nil lien put nway, mil will then remain iu ootid order nil wanteJ. L'irm Jvi'r- 1 id,'. A II ui". Tiie mnu who cani!y faces cfitjin anil speedy ifeith is hero. Here is ii c.iso where pa'O, sutlcting snd death wcte till looked upon en only and luavfly : John T. I livens. S ipcrris ) of the io i I, showed u it'ttiatUable in the I'lu.a le! l,u unl Wilmintm Itailroal nccident, recently. Us um ti ling en tho ct gine ivben il s ovtrtuneJ. an I as thrown under (I. o v reek. With th; hot coal lui nal e pjuriug d own up n Kor I w ) li ut'4 and a-:i if I tangled am me the havy ir iTei o s): e. ly pre in.' oul while tho lir co.isiai:J I ru.-el an 1 brikeu arm f.- "ti th i li ! !y e ,:iV t"l is iv h ch Ir ! -, :ie e! t.-s lie a s perfecily cnneiotis uii l h J lim-en-versing uith tli ..s win were, usiu every cxerlxti lo htt toe tcnit'lo uias ahj locoi'l lb.' b-H iron, utttered tin wt-rl of invi i'ienv er k unplt.tit. i ti J bore bis intcw 'i;erin with a , lot'titude that i- alto i-t .l-ei hi!ti!:'.r.. rtiur-day morn n,: he ilied Ironi Ins injur!. 1'iOuiiuoiit an:ong the p.s 'cbgers w!to us-i;ed iu lifting up tho tuginc and i-x't ieating the suffering -iii p. .j rtmatcr iloneru! t,'reer. who labmed for t vo hours in remov ing the d In of the C'lhsi ir. , Si'KNO Wlji.IV 1. 1. k !' J..!." . spending Na m.;;t. r what etca in. il oi-'i' ijnti out, yea n ill ' v .y bo !i,.s.r. The ai t i u-'t in maki. -j iuji- . v. but in ki.-: it : lilt's en ense i"Ke itiee in ala-n, wb.-ntr.ev nts : many, make ureal v.-:o. iLir by :h - r' beads L-ethill. S.r.w hv straar ih.. iK-.t.i. ,tr m... .k.I dtvp ty drop the rain come iototlu : e'lambor. A bu-ral is s sia emj'ty, if j ,t ,he UB ci,t but drop a m.n'uto vt u 'ti yau incs'i to save, bera your m iuth ; th"i-e aro many thievrs down the red lane, t'ha ale jus U a wste. In all other th;ngs kevp Itluo omris. q cloth ebo.i '.sui'stde and Is-fni st'Jg and oil taw dry lo bo warm is the main 'b o, ; never niiol lb I vkv Neves strdeh your hv further than tho blaiikcit wiil reach, or you will ksoi be cobl. A fool nisy make reoney. but it need a wiso eutn to sponil it I Kemoinbor it is easier to b iiUl lwV 1 w . - there is nothing left (or th saving bank. Fare ban! and work beru his von aro young, an I yon hava a chance f rest warn yon ire obi. The tuoVrtur. imposed ffpon the" anfeetaaate Frvneh who bv ia th c-f lii active e Lssra. io tbe wat art), aecosdiasT to at) couatt, of a fearful deerip:hn. Arooasl Metl aud liratckxt aud vlher paswes where fries, visaged wr b ahuwa its wrinkled Irout in Hsgriuiuiet aa pevt, iherw is nothiag left fa law pas aut to eat, no rhelier reaiataa for tbem, ao pUee of rerww off ce. Their frieadt cnasl hvfp then, aad their fossa have nothing t five.aitaer ia th tHasss est tarbetaiMarts vr iar rrnayatiyv