JAIKIl CU A FT, FLECK MCVLP.-OR TO & CO., WHOLESALE toFF. nonius and nuiTinnns. no. aM north third st., PHILADELPHIA. A full assortment "f Confectionery, Fruits. Fire Works, ."trups, I IV always on bml. J5 A LD EAGLE IIOTKl. PHILADELPHIA. .IriMN (LYMCR, I'r.n l, .tmtisry I '-To if llatitiiioil : How I.o llow Restored iSaatiM pnplihi"l. it n edition of j lr. f ulverweX ('elibrnled E pav on lh) rvlirnl I'lire, iwithntii nn"lipine of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal .pastes, .tivomntoiy ....... ..ppT. .,.,,,.,,,. , m,ci. .;.r,.T. ""l'--I, imnu .n ,, . pip nlso ( on,.,..,,.. turn K,lrr ai..l rii.. Jn.lucr.l l.jr .elf in-, diilisriu- or sexual pxintifliinrp 'rirp. in it St'thil l.tiv'l' 'p. tir nmtt. The cplehratcd miiliiir in I'nin n lmirnliln Iny elrirlr pnmnlrrlp fi-.im lliirly ypii iipcpfiil jiMriicp. ihnl Ihe ilarm iff ciipi)iii-nppft of ppif nltiiyp iniy lo raJ -rnlly rurnl without llio ilnnfrrdii n" of Inli i mil rtic-liciiip or iIip npplii'ntinn r.f llip knifi': pointing mil nmp of cure til oiip eiinplr, cprlnln nml efleeiunl, liy nipnn of w huh rvvry HiITt rer. no liimter whnl tip nwlition nrty I p, tnny pure hiiinplf rlirnp ly priva'ply nnl rnlimlty. 1 hi t.ppiure thmil'l he in die Imn U of ctpry ynnih tu I npry mnn in lh Intnl. fcnit unilcr ppul, in plnin nii'hpe. lo ny rt !rp, rmnpniil. on receipt i f lix rptit. or inn popi mnnip. Al, Vr. Till eerwell'i " Mrri(rp (ini.lp,'' price 'Jicnit! AJilrppe the pulili-lipr", CIIAH .1. (', Kt.INF. ft Co.. U' llowery, N. V., 1'. o. Uux 4,.r)M5. P.pl. 1, .;i-y IL HOT! KNSTF.IN. M D. I'M YMR'l AN AKt ril'RU '!. ipt he' p ;.ri'fptnnl .prTlpei lo the pl'l.pna of iveenl tlclnltf. JunvU, Ib'.o tt SUnufHclnrrp of nn I Vlii!nle tinier iu Clothing Cloths, CASSIMFI'.S AND VKPT1NOS. 41 NOKTI1 1111 1! I) SUKKT, I'HILAP A. A i.li:;iii:nv in.ir.i:. M'i M I Mnrki I nlrert. JjIK'IP .l.AIl.) 1 1III.APE LI'IllA. KI.KCKXK U k CAWLKY, rnoi'iiir.mii. ll.fillf Irrnu 1 00 l'ir U;y. j ) i:nn.sylva.n ia 7iou.sk. J. D. HOFFMAN, Proprietor. t'OHNEK OF t'EfOSl) AM) I.OCIST STS iiAnnisitnin, i-enn" -Fvery etlnrl nppppry lo Inmre lh pom fort ol iiiiphIp will he inmlc. Di lionp Imp lipn newly lentted. t in n y o. I P7ut I Qo.ii i: a v k nAij77ioi7:L ii:ti:u rnoti', v.r,,,,.,, Went Dcavcr T'p SojJcr Co., Pu. Taki Notice thai 1 Imve purcbiied Cop- cmve Hull Hotel, where I am a. rave Hall ilotcl. where 1 am a.wnys pre- pnred lo oceoinmoHutc I'rofer., Mrangeis. nnd Travelers 1 pbiill be liberal in my charges and en deavor to use everybody well who favors lue with bis custom. If yuu are not uniis fled, no rhnrgej. (jive me a call. April, 'liTtf. H aTf' 7XrlTocsKT 1'tNNS TOWNSHIP, Sny.lcr Co., P ANDREW EnADE, Proprietor. ApeotninotiitlonP iioi'il anil ehsrypi moilerpt. The palrotiuKeol Ihs trsvsllng pnhlie tppollcltud IAMF.S K. DAVIS 1IOTKL. tl Ktl.lSSOKOVK, SYIlKR Co., I'a. HEN It Y A. 1K.I.IU. l'r.ipiielor. Tliit well known ll'iuse having been re fi'lid by the present proproielor, offers ex eplleiit aceotnmodiitions to the Irave ing c imniuniiy. Choice lii)iiora nnd Cigars nt Ihe Msr, and Ihe Tublo n.pplie I with lh best III market utf .rdn. A good stable, nilrnUed by careful hostlers, in connection with Ihe house. April tl-'7mf lout) mix WANT EE TO WOll K OM TIIK CXTXTBTTILV A X,JlWXTGWH THESE men writp.l Imnipillslely.to whom tb Mlltierl earh prl,- will b pli. Ai'ieiy lo IliesuliserlUra at M.I.I VSO ROVE, or to any ol iheSub-t'ontraelorpon thellnpot tti rsd I li mtlre ktsiIIhk ol Hie rojil M I pTHII I (iMI'l.E'l r II WiriU.N MX MONTH I KUJ1 iliUM 1ATK. a JOHN K. MC'UOVEHN k CO. QT'ARYMEN AN1 IIH1POEIU1I.HEHH t an nml eniio)inent by callltg on Ihs uudsr sliinrd si r-elluKrie. MaySl.JsTO. 1. V. CHES8WE1.I.. y.NtON PLANING MILL! PtLlNSUliuVK, SNYDER CO., PA. Kcely & Milllcr, liiimlicr I) vn Itrs AND MAs'l rACTI Sk or Doors, Door Boxes, Windows, Shut Urn. Window Boxes, BlindH, Sash, Slalr Fixings Hand Ballings, Brack, rt. Monldlnes. FMorlnr, CBCL.L. SAW IMI k CABIN tl 1 1 KN1NQ. Bhingles, Lath, &o., &0. Orden solicited and filled with prompt Tift and despaliib, Klespe call and exam ine our stock kefure purckaning elprwhere. u-umf -TUB YOST- Job Printing Office, MIDDLE U l' HO. 8NYUEK CO., I'A. ilL KINP8 Of JOB riUNTINO NKATLT, CHEAl'LY. Tl yXl'SDlTTOl'SXY EXECUTED AT TU18 OKt'ICE. JAULK J10TLI M1DDLEBUR0, VA. J. 1. STlHLXKt KEK. Proprietor. ', yA.MMNOV i.S HoCsE. 9 Mnhihbnriu Si''li'r ('rn'i, pa. I'ANX'p.oLENI'ER, Pr..iictr, IV, j ,ii f.(.ir;iff :it this IfntiMO will find til nrei uitno.l.i lulus, fn- .Villi mi l T-i-;..f.l Heist. J S. RURKHART, JS f7nyriT, Snyilir Co., Pvnna Keeps constantly on Imtnl a large nnd well mule iri niptit t4 Tin, Sheet-iron ware. Srovps. ftc-Ae. Iln Is Agent fr llio fallowing nnnicil ni lie ten. THE MORNING GLORY l.lttlcficid' Patent Improved ltnse Lurning COAL. STOVE. , of Tnt c,. m.w nll, mrrlnI f,.ninr biive , , mhllic,,. ,, Clin , , ,,., , ,,r n.,.iri,. Tlli, hFV),llll( , ,.,, ... lircly i.f cast iron, so tilted ns in he nirliiht. Mil run oe iimne wiin ptieet-iron tipper ppi'lioii when prefrriej hy the purehnor. lip i.rnnniriiiel finipli i ilmpcry, mriking it Ii iii'lpomc piece of furniture, f.ir mine o limn nny ple herrtofnre nimle. lip in ternal eonptrtiction, llioiirh rpon.l.lni( pome of Ihe former pnUvrna of The Muniiiii (ilory 1p 'lillerenl, innkii.g It more ilurnl lo. ninl fur 1pm li llicull la be ropnireii. The eptlngnre of I lie highest order, fully e liinlihu I ho hiiffl ci'lingi iiiikIo in Ihip country. Aniotiji ihe miny AHVAXTiir. In llicuse of Ihe Morniiipr (ilory nre Ihe following: ). Conlinuorm Hunting. Qimliiy olihe llenl. '. Yetitiiutiuii throiigli the Piove. 4, Anti l"Pl Stove. 6, .No Lptnpe ol Vina. 0, Economy of Fuel, "TI1K IJARLKY .SIIKAF.-' Ant!DvA Air-Tnjht Cuoling .SVrp, with E.rti nifcd Firr-I!ox for Wood or Coal. rm'enied Mny Kith, lsi;5. We Inke plemnre in olfmnf our rnto- .. I I. - U.nMA T...I. - V... ., .! mm nun mi "u.r i....r,..r H,U. lop, nml wouM callwir,p.,,iP0,nf,ultrS' pi. i 11 . .w-a...i h 1.1 to ilt m'tny attrufttte omt tulullt imyrovt mtntn. Thip Stovo lim lieen curefully leteil for pevernl nionihp, nml the ropultpniveproeil o highly piitipfnotory, tlmt pevernl ol our oMept mi'l niol eperiencel Plore ilenlorp predict for il pule far beyond our ut ility lo eitpply bi peitpon. .tirfi7 front tirr door; giving full line of I the hcrlh. An additional tlidr m tht orrn, to nrrnnaed ill lo (live more room in the upper purl of the oven; it prcnl convenience muiti iiredcl 7ie oi'fd if neni ly m vidr at tin tup iip hi I lie lienrili litie.wUicb mil only increnpci i Im awe. Mil will oe recoi;iiizcil hp i irtut aiU antiijt in hahnp. )( ITY'S CLOT I IKS WAFIIEH. The bepl, chenpvrl, and tnopt popular Wnphing Machine ever invented. Il le enpy loopernle, pilling orplnnding; liikee bnt liltleroom ; injurea nogarniPius ; fmihhcp it work from in two to four Min nie ; ie durnhle Mid convi iii.-nt ; and the only W npbitiR Mnrhinu known that ia liked the belter the lunger it ie uhcJ. THK UNIVKHSAI, CI.OTIIKS Tht "CUPA r l AMii. r i:cnsoMi.h:n, The lot urn of our Talent rtillour Mncbine Wi'iigcr.' enraof experience prove iii.No to lie a H'ipt exc.'i:ll:xt viAPiixn. Vi ben we re luce every invention for wnb ins clothes to n l.rincii.le Ihey all ninount lo llnit of liirppiuir nud p.iiipwinr, nud :,; . ' lcr ,,,10Ultl, ,hlM11. thus re- ..,' ,he dir, j., w,hing Machines do it by rubbing. The L'uiversal Wringer oes it by prcsiug. JOHN LAl'l'KN.SLAUKK, BUGGY MAKEK, tSELINSOROVK, SNYI'ER CO., PA. a Having purchased the well known stand in BeTinsruvo, foinier'.y owned bv Philip lllecker, 1 niu ptepared lo accommodate all who may desire anything in my li", and watrnnl salisticlion iu till ca?o'. 1 keep comtnntly on blind, nnd nm prepared lo manufacture at Ihe shortest notice, DUitilK. SULK1F.S. SLKKiHS.Ac. Hi ing experienced in Ihe business, 1 Hal ter inyseir Hint I am tally prepared lo meet il, nniita of niv ciistouiers. The bunds j employed are among the best mechanics in the county, mi J their work will not fail lo rivt liliiverHIll sat ista cllon. gtiV" Special ntleniioii paid to repairing in nil its branches. -isa Shop ou Market stieei, it few doors south of ihe Gel loan lleformed Church. JOHN I.Al'DESSLAGEIt. Pelinsgrove, April 7, '70-tf QI IDK KOil BAYELEIIS : Tassengcr Trains leave the Harrisburg railroad depot daily as follows! PENNSYLVANIA t'KNTUAb RAILROAD. (ASTWAHIl. riillad'a Express exoept Monday 2,10 a m East Line " " 6-2 " Lancaster train (via Mt Joy) 8.00 Pacific Express Train " 1-M" p m HarriAiurg AccomniodaUon " S.fift ' Cincinnati Express train daily 10,45 Southern Express SJ,0 " nssTWAltn, riocinnili rxpresexcepl Monday 12,10 p m Pittsburg Express l.'-O a ni Pacifio Exiiresj train daily 4,15 ni Emigration Irain except Monday 7.4 Mail Iraia except Sunday .. Kust Line " " Erie East line " 1.15 pin 4.16 " 4,20 NOHTHEItN CFNTUAI. RAILROAD SOBTIIWABD Ituffiiloo Express train Nililit AcToiumodalloa Mail train East Liu SIIIITRWAIID, BuflTulo Exjrepi Train Mail irain I'aoifio Exp 2,0 a in 1 1,65 p m l.io 4,20 " 6.15 a m 2.41 pm I2.uo p in York & Hurrisb'g AcccomoiiUion 4.110 p m Cinoiuati Express 10.45 " HCIIOLKII.I. AND Bl'KQl'EIIA.NNA 11. R. A passenger nnd mail train leaves Ihe Lebatiun Y alley depot daily, at H.UO p, m., for I'megrve, Auburn eud i'ollsville. V C FLOBAL GUIDE FOK 1870. The First Edition of On Hundred and Tseoty Tboiuaiid copies of Ylck'a Illus trated talalogtie ttf Seed mid Moral iiuUlv, is publtsbed aud ready to send out. il is elegantly printed eu flue tin led paper, wiib about 200 tin wood Engraving of Flower and Vrgefnbles, and a beautiful colored plate consisting of seven varieties of Phlox Drtiniinoudii, tnaklnft a On BOUQUET OF PHLOXES. ,U i lb most beaatiful, well as the oikst instruvliv Floral Ouldu published, giving plai and thorough directions frr ih Q AMUF.L FA fr, Merchant Tailor, Has lnf received nn entire new lock of ! t'l.1 IIH, CASSIMEHi'S At VlTlMiS, nil of s nil jK-iinr iinliiY which he is pre pared lo tna'.e iiji in Ihe IkI style and on "In ri notice. II nNo keeps Itrown anil While rrrnrli Yoke Linen Sbiils.nnd a gon 'ml assortment of ecnt'emena' Kuril ili ilia linods. nil of wliich lie ollpj j lo 111 public nt very reasonable pries. Tall at my place on Tine Street, between r.i-klipri'n corner nnd I he briiljre, Sclins drove, Pa. Jane 4, IHtiH if. A USE ASSORTMENT llF THE m:sT oi.n r.Yi: wiiiskky. i n:rii whiskey. Hlt.MY, (JIN. AND MISI'PH. .I.it rpppirpil nn l for pule nt the Kagle Hotel, iu MiiMU-li'trir. .lollN A. STAIU.Nr.CKKIl, Attf. H, 17I. E. C. HUY CO. WHOLES A LE OEOCEHS AM) COMM1SS ro. ME II CI1A X IS, 522 MARKET ST-, Ileiween Kiflli nnil Sixth, 7,1 ly rillLAUiariltA. (i."C TIIK FOI.SHM ivrmiVKD yam'Wt Twenty. Klv linllor Kmily pipwlnit Mh' IiIiip. The rheipt V'lrrt I Ip Wnohlne In the Mnrket. Aukstp waktpii in kvkiiy towm l.tiHirnl eotiunf'Pl'ini nthmpil. Kor lernip nnil ptreulnr. Kttrpp, A. K II a Mtt.Ton, Oen. Airpnt, No. hi hrmnut M , I'lill., I'. l-t-7. am Grover & lUxUvi' Finsr ruKMii'M ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY Sewing; Machines, S'i.-V UllOAUnY NEW YOP.K. o a 1,1111 It. II 1,111, JOINTS OF KXCKLLKXCK. Itcnuly nu 1 Eluaticly of fc'lilcb. j IVrfcctlon and Hitnpllcily of Machinery. ('ping bulb lUrettds directly from the j ppuuls. No fintenint of reams by hnnj nud no wn,te of thrvad Wide rnti(i of npplictttion without change of Biljumiuvtit. The seam reUinp ilp benttly and firmnePk tiler washing nnd ironing. HcpIiIcp doing nil kind of work done by j by other Sew ing Miicbinep. Ibepe Miichincp rirLiiia mr lliur . ui riii-iui i.,. -i i uihii, it, Eniliioidery tin I ornunieniitl wvrk. tXTb HighePl Treniiump at nil the fain aud exhibition of lh I'liiled Stoics nnd Europe, buve been nwiiided tho (irover S linker rlewing Maulnncp, nud (be work by them, wherever exhibilvd iu compel ion. InVTheTery hlgh.-t prire.THE CROSS OK THE I.I.I il' N OK llti.NOll, was con fered on the reprepetiliiiivo of (irover & linker Sewing niiicbitie. at llio exposition I'liiversellc. 1'itris. IHiiT, thus attesting their pret superiuriiy over all other tsew. in it Mucliiiie'i. for Snlo by grove, l'a. SAMl'El. FA VST. Sclius. April 'till. Forney's I1 TIIK (.REIT BOIHAL KlVSrArKB! (tt Ihe lb-it oud ('ln'oint AV'ffjinywT Iii the U'uiutry. tmeThess Is a Crsi-cl ips double-sheet right page paper, containing 4n columns, publipheu every morning, (exeepl Sundays.) TFRMR DAILY rilESS mi per aiiniiin: $2.00 fur six monibs; H.IHI for three months. Tlll-WKEKI.Y PltESS. l.tMI per an ntiin : tio for six months; 1. 00 for tbreo month. THE WEEKLY rr.ESS.Tho most Tttlu able Weekly Newspaper In the World. It contains items of interest In all. HEAD THE TL'RMd; One coi y one year $ 2 Five copies 0 Ten conies, aud one corv to Ihcectlcr up of club, lo Twenty copies, and on cvy to the getler-up of club Fitly colli cm. and one corv lo tho eetlcr nn of club 6'' Ten copies, to cue adJrttt, nnd on copy lo lb getter up ol the club 14 Twenty copies, to one addret; and one copy lo the getter up of the club 25 Fifty copies, to ont adjrt, and one copy lo the getter up of tho club 60 On hundred topics, to ont aiblrmt, and one copy of the Tri-weekly Press to ihe getter up of the club 100 All ordri should lit addrntri to JOHN W. EOIINEY, Editor r.d Proprietor, B W.cor. "lb and Cbestuut St., Phila.Pa. Ktt or CHARLES Ht'OIIES, Deceased. IETTEU9 TK8TAMENTAUY upon the J estate of Charles Hughes, deo'd., late of ihe township of Penns, Snyder County, Pa. ,having been granted lo the undersigned all persons indebted to Ihe said estate are requested to make payment, and those hav ing demands against lh earn lo present ihem without delav lo joiin k. iiroiiEs, ,. WILLIAM 11CG11KS. March 1, 1870. BOOK A0ENT8 WANTED FOK 8TUCO0LE8 & TRIUMPHS OF P. T. BA11NUM Written by lliinsolf. Iu one large Octavo Volume nearly MM) Paces Printed ia English and German. 83 Elegant Full page Engravings. It embraoea Forty Years Recollections- of his llwy Life, aa a Mor ehsnl, Mann'pr, Hanker, Lecturer, and Showman. No book published so accepta ble lo all classes, Every one wints It. Agents average from 60 to 101) subscriber a week. We ofTi r extra induoemeiils. Ill ustrated Catalogue and terms to Ageuls enl free. J. 11. lib' UK & CO., Publishers, Hartford, Coon HE DAY Is published every morning (exoept Sun liny), at lb ofhc. N. W. corner Sixth and Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Prioe One Cent por Copy, Served by lh carrier Id any part of the city, and in the adjnoent cilie and towns, for SIX CENTS 1'Ell WEEK, payabl lo lh carrier. Prio for mailing. THIRTY-FIVE CENT8 per month, cr FOUR DOLLaUS per annual. in tuB'li'a mm i EWISBURO The subperiber, thankful for the liberal pn'ronsgo boplowed on his establishment at l.iiiirel'on, hog leave to inform bis ft lends and the puplie generally, that be bur bad his mill at Lewishurg fitt d tip in the best possible manner, with I to Latin! hxjirofril Machinery made In the country, an, with thesilvnn tsges of Steam Power, which can be relied on at all lime". He feels safe in saying that hip establishment W not surpassed by any in the Slate. Ilnving engaged a sit i f good Workmra he is now pieparcd for manufacturing all kinds of WOOLEN GOODS SITU AS C LOTUS. CASSIMEHe's, SAT1XETT3, TWKI'.liS, JEANS, FLANNELS, LLA.NKKTS.CARPLTS, YARN 8, &c. In tht Irtt manntr and at ttduttd prieet. ArTexcellenl assortment Af 0 iods nt all times on hand, for sale or exchange for Wool. Ill U.I, CARDI.NU done on short notice. HajrTEHMS CAll.-Kr MARK HALFPENNY. Lpwi.luiig, Union Co., Pa., Dec. !,; jr CIIOCH A LUtOTUKU Would rpspectluily snnoun.e te (he people of Snyder County and the public, generally, that they have just secured, and will constantly keepon band and for inle, a very eitctisire assortment of H1W QQQmt in their Commodious New Room opposite the Lank, Seliusgrcve Pa. TIIKY WILL SKLL ATRI duckh PiacKs: Their extensive slock consists of a Well selected assortment of FALL At WINTER HOODS. Tkcy bnv CLOTHS. CASS. MEKS. plain nnd luuey, Satinetls, Joans, Tweeds, Muslins, Drillings. Flannels. Checks, ke. Also an rlcgnul assortment of LADIKS' DUETS (JOODS J Silks. l!oniLa.iiu8, Alpnrns, l'.Inck nml fancy Dtlainn. Lawns, (linpliains, ft Itiro variety of fine AVIiito (Jootln, LADIES' FASAIONAI1LE COATS, Hoop, Skirts .SIihwIh. Ac, &t: I! K A I Y M A I K C L )T 1 1 1 N ( J.CoatH, vfts, Panic, Shirts Ac. A variety ol NOTIONS &H0SIEKV. Collars Linen nnd Pnpe Drosw Trim niinp;!!, IJutlons Corsts, Zut pliyr? common and uplit, Moravinu uml SlielltiinI Wool Ac, Ac. fisiusaiTandiron, STEEL, STOVES, FORKS, SHOVELS, SPADES, HAKES, (.LASS, NAILS. PAINTS. Ilanlware (jm-onswaro, Oltitifiwarc, Cedarvare, 'i!low-waro Crockery, I'LASTEIl. AVLito & Ulue. Also, a Urge quantify of different kinds of 1 1. MS A (APS, FOOTS & SHOKi. of eteiy style, vnriity nud quality. Also, all kiuds of CAIU'ETS. HI Crnrrrlrsi of nil kinds, fresh from the I'liiUuelphlit nnd New York Markets. They keep constantly on hund a large ..'i.jr oi WHITE LEAD AFD PAINTS, ev rry cjoslity and price, received direcl from tho mnntifiicturra nud coiiseiiHiiiy can sell at ihe very lowest prices. Also all Kin. Is of OILS. WIIALK. HisowN i.rnnicATiNO, .SUliSTITUTK and L1NSKKD OIL, for Pnlullng. To the taller they call par ticular attention as il is eutiul lo l.i lisped oil for colored painting, aud cost but one uan inr puce. lliplit'sf prices raid for Couutrj Produce and All Kinds of Grain. t37Uivo tlioin s trial laTuros ing t'lticwliero. SCIIOCII k I5ROTHEU. They nre else Ihe ageuls forGElSERS PATENT FLY REUU LATINO OsWIN EPARATOII CLEANER ANDnAdGER. Tht latest Improved and most celebrated In Ike world. Just the Machine Fa.'tnrr have been seeking sfier for years. It will thrash from 2U to 40 Umbels pe hour, cleaned rea 'v for market. They will a those ni" bines upon lh jil merit Wurrancd ns rrpreseuled. April 18, '61 ly J. V. SHIXnia, M. V. JfcEAD THIS. ruiLtr swissros Klilnde AND Sttln?lord. DrI'UUISTA AND ClIEMlHTS, Offer for 1 Winn xsal ami Retail, DRUOS, MEDICINES, PAINTS and CHEMICALS, Embracing PURE ZINC PAINT Oreen, Ulue, Yellow, Red aud Illack ; Puiut ground iu Linseed Oil, Denur Varnish Spirit Tarpeutlne, Coral. Coaoband Whit DRYING JAPAN, KNOTTING, window Glass, Putty, Pine Oil Alcohol. Starcu, Ixniuo, VanHiiiioH, Taikt and VARNISH BRl'SHES, Halt and female Truuei and -Hnjiporter etutr Concentrated Ly, Fint Sponges, SHCES.CORN STARCH k DIRD SEED Flower and Harden Seeds, T which lb allexiooof dealer i called, a w will sell at lb very lowed M3 P.jhrrlpp ln"'JtUaifltUlb4Wiapili'"1'' J II. WALTER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IS CHINA, GLASS, AND QUKKNSWARE, '251 y. Sd Slrrcl.lirlTfccn Hire t Tine 7.2ly IHILADEI.l'IIIA. Walter Hart man DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, II ARDWAI'.E, Qleexsware, Cedarware fie. Ac if-e. Ac c i:Tiin UAAK 14. Bp.The II Hi II EST market PRCES paid for all kinks of Country Pro luce nad 1)111 tU MIL IT. JARO'E ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT J. Vf. DHEESE'S STORE, N. W. Corner Market Square, Middleburg The stock embrace in 'part Dress Goods, Pluck Silks, All-wool Pe Luitics, Coburfr-4, JIorinoH, Puplinft, Rctnis, Ao., Ac. Muslins, PouMc-witlih Slieetinors, lrilliii(.M, Islile Jliaprr, Ononturg, Kxtra Tickiiin, ('liccki, Shirt .iiin, ( ililinins, Jaconet, il I'llU IIPKOI'OIICIlt of Culit in, I'IuihhIm, IlcBvy twill d, fltiniiif:, Dlnnkct.i, Itnlmorals, IIoxiM'y, Gloves. Ac, Ac. CLOTHS AND CASS1MKRKS Ingrain ttttd Linen Carpets. Woolen, Linen A cotton Carpet Chain. HEADY MADE CLOTIIIXG. Floor, Tublo iiU'l Stuir Oil Cloths. Iffats and Caps, DOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware, (ueeimwarc. China wtiro, (ilai.swarc, Wood und Willow wore, Cutlery, Oil Window Slnnles, Looking Glasses Ac, Ac, Ac. TORACCO AND CIGAPS. SALT &. FISH! The highest market price paid for nil kinds or country produce and lined frul's Confideut of rendering perfect salisfao lim both in regard to prices ahd iiuliiy ofgo'Pls. 1 rcspeotfully invite all lo giv me a call before purchasing elsen hrro. J. W. DUEESE. iddleburg, January 7, ISli'.'y I' m u a it man. 11 r KRKSTKTTX It UNION HOUSE. G ARM AN & K.ARSTETTER, J'rvpritton, MU)ILEBURG,Fnyder Co., IV 71i proprlelors resiieclfully announce lo thoir Iriends and the nJ'ho generally Ihnt lbv have rented Ihe Fryer tavern stand, which has been refuted and replen ished in stylo, and is a desirable place for strangers and others lo stop. Their table is nt nil limes spread with tho luxuries and suopltiiit mis of Ihe season, Jhoir clinmbei's arejargelo promote the comfort of their guests. Their bur is supplied with choioe liquors. No pains spared by the proprietors lo render entire satisfoe- lioti lo all who favor Ihem with their patronage. i-21tf ATT KMT KIN j , Hurrah for the new good just it. ceivcl by .John Huffman At Ilummels' old St nml, (two miles nln Selinpgro) which was selected wil great care, aud will be sold at low privet It includes, NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. OUEENSWARE WOO&lllid WII.I.OW WARE, Stilt, Plaster, Oils, Coal, Nails, QiatMug &e I respeotfully invite the public to come and examine my good before, buying elsewhere, believing it lo be lo jour in teres!. I also pay the highest price for all kinds of CUMIN, SEED, and all kinds of Country Produce. 1 am also well provide with stabling for tennis supper llreakfusl -nnd Lodg ing, for people who ooroe ('"in a dis tance. 1 always accommodate my cus tomer ,0 th best of my ability. JOHN I10FFMAN.- Ootobt r 10th '67f I QIIARLE3 R. MILLER, ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR. I BULDEK Walnut, Street, Solinsgrove, Pa. Is at all time prepared to furnish Draft, flans and Specification for (11 kind of Uuildings, nt lb lowest possible rate and on short notice. He is also prepared to coulraot for putting up buildinss either by furnishing all the material or otherwise. May 1 1, 'OSly KAVKRTOWN STOVE STORE AND Tinware Manufactory, J. P. SHIRK Would respeotfully'luform ihecltiiens of Snyder county tbul h keep ooustautly ou hand a large assortment of OFFICK, PARLOR, and COOKINO STOVES Of lb latest style and most improved Eaterns, among which ar lb eelebrated mpir Gas Ilurner, the Susquehanna WM. II A R DINO. INq , JUHTICE OF TIIK PEACE C)NVEYANCER, Frsmont, Snyder County, Penn. Collections of all kinds made at the shortest notice and on the most ressonable terms. Conveyancing in all lis branches expe di'iously executed. Dr.sns. Mobtoaois. Notss, ami blanks or all kinds ennatanily on hind. Person at a distance having claims for collection within his jurisdiction need only address him by mail to insure prompt action. Terms resonnble. May '08 EW BUILDINGS, AND NEW PRICES! WAGENSKLLKR A SON, heroLy respectfully inform their friends and the public generally that Ibey havt opentJ STORE in their NEW BUIL.DINO on the spot so long occupied by Dr. Jacob Wagensellor on the Isle of Que where they now have and will always keep a large and well selected assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS. In Ihe Ladies' Department will b found a full line or SILKS. POPLINS. BRILLIANTS. VICTORIA LAWN- FIGURED ALPACAS, SWISS MULL, CAMBRICS, PRINTS. JACONETS, DELANKS, Striped ttnd Checked N untuck, Ac ALSO A Great Variety of Ladies' Dres Trimming, Latest style Hoop Skirts, trench Corsets, hall nt vie Rul morale, Lodie' Umbrel las, Parasol and Sun Shades, Bonnet Ribbons, Laces, Ruf fling Embroiders, Lintn and Paper Collars, Ac, Ac, Ac. A SPI. EXDID ASSOU TMEXT of. HOMS & SHOES For Ladies. Missies and Children, in end less vatiety, nf nil siies, styles and prices, selected for tin Fall and W inter trad. a p.. n ..i . ..n...i. i. .i,.t, r CLOTHS, PLAIN AND FANCY C ASS I M Kit 1 ;S,CU 1 J I t.N A UL8, JEANS, Ac, Ac COAL OF ALL KINDS! Groceries, (Jueenswnre, Hardware, Villow- ware, Ccilnrware, Olassworo. ie. All of which having been 4o.it very low for CASH will be sold at very small profits, Our motto is (Juiek inlet and email profit: We also pay the highest market prices for nil kinds of grain, WHEAT, RVE, CORN, OATS and SEED. We are prepared also lo store good, nt small chni ge and to do a general Commission and Forwarding business. We hope that the public generally will Ive its a cull a we believe il is to their interest In do so before purchasing else where. Give us n lriw.1. W. F. WAGEXSV.LLEH. M. L. WAGENSELLER May 9.'07, tf N EW FIRM AND NEW goods: H. O. HI'TZEL. P. 8. HcCULLOUOH UEXZEIi Cl IKcCUZXOTjan, (SUCCESSORS TO JOIIN IttTZEL,) DEALERS IN ALL. KINDS OF MERCHANDISE! HIGHEST CA8H PRICE TAID FOR FLOUR, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIES, Ac, &o., C H APMAN, SNYDER COVNTT, PENNSYLVANIA. March IT, 1870-tf. jJNlTED STATES BONDS BOUGHT, SOLD A EXCHANGED OS MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD Saugiit cSg Sold AT Market Rale. Coupons Cashed PACIFIC RAIL ROAD BONDS liottght and Sold. STOCKS Bought and Sold ON COMMISSION ONLY. Asosunts rsoelved and Interest allowed on daily balance, ubjeol to check, at sight Delia veil & Brother, 40 Month TulrflMreet, AVer's i-iair vigor, For testoring Cray Hair td its natural Vitality and'Colcr. A ilressinj? li!rk Is nt once nreeitliUv Itcnlthy, ttlid effect lis) for preserving ths hair. Fadrd rf jeflj hair i$ noon re$lcreit to Hi oriy 'mal rop villi the give ctHt frtehntn of youlk, Thin linir is thiik- ened, fullttli hair checked, nud LhIJ. nes often, llinnjrli not always, rttretf by its ti.so, Nolliiti ran restore I lis !mir where tho follicle. a, re destroyed, nr tho jrlatldil ntrophictl mid t'.ccayerl. Rut such ns remain rnn he saved for .iBcTiilncs by thin application. Instead f fouliit'T tho hair with pasty scili. iiitiit, it will keep it tlran and vigorous; Its oci'n.sionnl use will prevent the hair rom turning gray "t ftllins; fcfT, ami onspquetitly prevent biildtiess. Frci rom those delcteriotta stilislatieeg whieli 'ii.ikn Minii! prepu nil ion liiii(.'fiiiia nn, lin'.'ioiit to tho hair, the Vior entt ilv h 'in-lit hut ! lif.rin it, ll' wanted ie rely lor n HAIR DRESSING, lolliini ele) cn!i lu found so desirable. 'o.iiuir.iu in-iihi-r oil nor die, it d.st .ni eoil tvlii.o i tu.ilil '.r, and vet lii'lf 'on-: on llio huir. gitin il ii rich .'lossy initio fiuu it (:t'iilcliil pelliiine. Prepared ly Dr. J. C. Aycr it Co., Practical and Analytical Culmist LOWELL, 5IAK3. ' noes tt.oo. QALL AT Focklcr's (Saloon (Opposite Sh.ndol & W'agenseller's drug (tore) I.N SELLNSjiUOV.K, If you want a gits of good It E A D 1 A G ALE. OK A . Plate of lee Cream OR O I'STEltS, prepared ia any way that can be dcsiieJ, OK A Plate of Fresh Trine, OH SARDINES i FCIIWEITZER. I.IMBCROER OR 3LL CHEESE, OR ANY THING CSC ALLY KEPT IS FIRST CLASS RESTACRANT. lay-Other Saloons supplied with Alt an! Oysters nt nliolosale prices. ".g T til sr. I.. W II OALLtXT. i STOl'OHTOS 2ISEL, DALLIET & STOUOHTON, VEXERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AD DKALKRS l Country Produce and DomeUie Fruit, Si-eih, rfr., Xo. 22 South Watkr Street, IHILADELPHIA. Ilrrunr.Nt'ls. Jacob R. Rirerl & Co 83H Market street; Lipprnrott ft Trntisr 21 N. Water street ; lfoesl, Uonhrlght& Co f)l!!l Market Klreel l.x (!, Jmn. Inlln.-lr 80 south Gtl Ii rod; John WeistiiOS tValmil street ; Harris & Graham, 'HI Aich street Ketilb'.lif J)AVID WILLIAMS, Manufactures of k Wholesale TlrnXorin tilt, MiilioKiii:y, Waliuit nud Rosewood LOOKING GLA5R Picture & Photographic Frames, nux. 2.stf nnu z.fi An n Mrert, l'bilndoltihin l'a. Frames llppaiied in lh best manner aiso, lu'giiuing iu an it crancbel 11, i JOMETHIS WAY 1 ORE AT BARGAINS IS NEW GOOl s AT THE CHEAP 8TORE OP tV. r. KCKilCH'T, SELINSGKOVti I'a. ' Would respectfully annonnc te tkef people of Snyder County that be bss juit received from lb eastern msrkei and h for inle a large end well selected slock sfl Nw Goods, which be offer at astoniss lugly lot prije. Hi stock eubraoeslkel very beit FALL and WINTER GOODS II ha Cloths Cnsslmers, tt Skin Jcaus Snlinela Alpaccai, Lusfres- Detain Poplin Print, Muslin Drilling Shawl 'Cambric Callooe. French Merinoe, English Mtrtupet, BEADY MADE CLOTHING fall kinds. HARDWARE, QCCENBWARJj, HATE and CAPS, E00T8 SHOES, GROCERIES CARPETINO, WALL PAPER, 8HOK FINDINGS, Give m a call. No charge mad for Inspecting Good. Country produce ! en in exonange lor goou. May 21, 8U8-ly GRAYlilLL & Co., WllOLSAll PXAIIM II WOOD AND WILLOW WARS Oil Cloths, Window Shade. Ilroims, Mala, Rrushe Cotton Lap, Orniu Hags, Fly Nets, lluokel. Twine, Wick, &o. No 845 North Third Sired, Philadelphia, Feb. 7. '07 B. J. COOKS WHOLESALI DEALEE IS ) t CLOCKS! tm 110 North 8d StreftJ I'bilalelpbia. Aug f , 1800y BBBOB3 or rouTil. A GENTLEMAN who (uflered for years' from Nervou Debility. Prssaatur DecayJ ami an ie eaeot aryouthrul tndlsereiie Wlllfor lb Skpf so'arlBekua.'" x
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers