The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 29, 1870, Image 1

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fe.LJL! rH"".! - .' L
T HE P O S T .
rklihed every Thursday Evening by
'itBEMIAli MUSK. Trorrtrlor.
Terms of Subscription.
within sis. month, or $2.60 If nol pai.l
wltlilnth year. No paper discontinnei
Itolil ill arrearage re paid uulew at
the option of lb polilieber.
?gbcriptions outsido of tlx county
iGJ-Ternon! liftlr.g unit using paper
MJresei I other beeome subscriber,
nd are liable for lb price of tbe paper
-- - - -
Middloburp, Pit.,
Offer bin proletionl services to tin pnb-
Ii. Collection and alloiber professional
msinrss entnulsJ to hi euro will receive
prompt attention, f Ja 3, 't7tf
Sclinsgrove Ph.,
Oder til professional trvir to the nh
Ite. All business entrtiVel to bis cure
will bt promptly attended la.
I.1nn. IT. 'C7tf
rYccluirg IV,
Offer hi rrofeiuiinnal service lo Hie pub
tic. All business entrusted to bis cure
will be promptly attended to.
Jnn 17, '('.ill
W.M. VrtN CiF.ZKR.
liCwisburg I'n.,
Odors hi professional service to It.e pub
lic. Collection Mid nil other Profession
nl business iitriisled to hi car w ill re
ceive prompt attention.
LewiKlmnr, Ta.
(DlTer hi l'rofcfslobnl service to the pub
lie. Collection and all other profecMon
nll buainess enirusled to bistre will re
t'eiv prompt alteniinn. Jan. 8, MiTlf
"l 'M.L1.NN.
I.owislnirg !..
Offer hi professions! service to the
public, Collections nnd all other pro
fessional business entrusted to ibeir care
w ill receive prompt atteuiiun.fJjio- 8, 'liTtf
Sciinsgrnvc Tn.,
nirr hla profcmlonal service to the pub
lic. Collect ion and all oilier prol'c'eional
bimincr entruaied to hi rave will re
ceive prompt attention. Office two door
liorih of Ilia Keystone Hotel. .Ian 6, 'ii
SclitiK(rrovc Vn
Offer hi rrofeatilonol ervice to the
pul'lic. All buine entruMed to hi
enro will b promptly nllended to. Col
lection made in ull parm of the .Stale.
II can apeiik iho Kngl'rh atuKicrman
Inngimge Huenlly. Ollica bctweeu HaU'r
nnd tb 1'oH oflic.
MUaicliiirg.Snytlcr County Pcnn'n.
Office a few door Wrat of the Y. O. on
Main etreel. Coiiaulintion in EiiKliidt
and 0rman ngunge. Pep.'tiTif
c:. HUt'iiKH.
Lewislutri' I'u.,
Offer hi profenlonnl acivlecato the pub-
lie. All buaineaa enlriiiited to hi care
will be promptly lit tended In.
' Jan. 8.
Peraona In need of a good and durable
Mewing Machine cun bo accommodated nt
reaeonable price by c illing on on Sasi
VtX, TAfar, Ageul, r-uliuagruve.
f.tir. 21. 'OSi
Midillelilirp Pa.,
Offer bla profealonnl tcrvice to theclt
lxo n a of Middteourg and vicinity.
March 21, 'C7
SulitiHgrove lVnn.
JOHN K.11UG1IFS, Esq.,
. Teon Twp., FnydcV Co. V
Y1I. WAOXKU, Kstp,
JacVson Towtmhip, Snyder Co. Pn.
Will attend to all bualnea enlruited to
kl eara and on tho moat reaeonable
term. Marob 12, 'C8if
CentreTlllr, enjdrr Co., r
Offer hi profeulonal ervicei lo the
pubiio. fl-satf
W. SC1IWAN, M. P.,
Port Trevorton Tu.
Offer bit profeaional ervioe to lb
cltlicn of Ihia plaa and vicinity. II
(peak German and Engliah.
F April 16, '08
FA. BOY E It, Jr.
Fieeburg Snyder Co. Pu.,
Jloit rerpeot fully offer hi lervloe to
lb pubiio aa Vtndu Cryer Ind Auction
eer. Having bad a large experience, I
feel eoofldenl that I ean render perfect
atlifaolioa to ny employee.
Jan. 0. '071
Offio ia Court Htuie, Sept. 16, '07lf
No. 322 N. THIRDS
U. ll MANBERBACII Troi-'il
J. C. NU'E, Clerk
Ke. 41S k 416 North Thlri Htreei.
- Philadelphia.
irutrii a vi tivu.
w 1 1 g,
TOL. 8.
I new ooops. :
Wish to Inform lh cilijcn of Rnnnerville
and (ivin'.ty that they have opened n new
atock of gnoJ.s and will keep constantly on
hand a full nmimont of
:liltKS! (KMilis:
Clothe Sc iissimvvt:s
1IAT3 and CAI'S", ROOTS and SHOFfl.
iiito'tl .Bits':
And in fact everVthinir utt illy kept In a
Oral cIhm country atore. All of which We I
ofler at greatly reduced price, for (. au or
Cet'titry I'rocuc.
Ilnving had Urge experience In the
limine!., wc flnllcr oumclvea llml we cnn
ple.ine and anlisfy all our cuatouier.
ilopinir by olriot nlteniioti t.i buiinena
and a desire to plcae all, to nieril a liberal
at-aa of putilio patronage. (Jur inolto l
"Qni:k Hnh'H mill Sinai i'rnfiia."
We nak at leaat thai Urn public examine
our rlnck and ricea befoie puiclia-iinr
vlaewhere, aa alwuy ahow our gonJs
with lUuaoie.
Bunnervillo, Jane 14, lt7'J. if
mall morns
Mii.Mi.vt-u. iiKivr.n
Reareclfullv announce to tho -ctiaciia of
rNliildluburg and vicitiilf' thut ho i now
reaily to aupply mem wnu tuo lurgesi anu
moat compici"ktwcK or
ever brought to thi place, nl greatly re-
I - .1 .1 I. Hl,u.,.n.i
Hover pricee tuviifivr iiii.ii tun .mvi'v..
II iuvile alteutioa to hi large itock of
Boots ami SIiocs,
SHIRTS, and everything uaually kept in
a well rrgulaled store.
Give me a enll aud bo convinced thut
thia i the place to buy gooJ.i.
COUNTRY l'ROIL'i:K token in exchange
for goo. l. H iii. II. Itrirr.
Middlohurg, May, li,7.
Suuiuier Arranociiicot, Mondur
Mt.y 10, 1870.
Great Trunk Line from the North and
North went for Philadelphia, New Yoi't
Rending, Pollsville, Tiitiiniiun, Ashlnn I.
Shiiinokiii. Lebanon, Allenlown, Easlon,
Ephrnla, Liti, Lancavter, Columbia Jtio,
Train leave llrriaburg for New York, ne
follow t al b 'i'j, 8 1" H.'J.'i fiirenooii,
and p. ni., connecting with eiinilnr
Iriiiua on the the Pcniiaylvania Railrond,
nd arriving at New York al 12.10 noon,
il. 60 11,05, and 10,MO p. rt., iepeolively.
Sleeping car accompany the 5 a ru. and
11. Ti a. in. I ruins, without change.
Reluming t Leave New York ul O.nda m,
12. till Noon, aud ft.OO pin. I'hiludvl bia at
M,15 a ni and 8,80 p ui ; Sleeping cum no
onipuny the 11,00 p ni, and fi.OO p m iroina
from New York, without chango.
Leave llarrbiburg for Reading, Potteville
Tamnqua, Miueravillo, AMilaiid, fihaiiiokin.
l'inegrove, Allenlown and Philadelphia, ai
8,10 a nt, 2. 00 and 4.10 p m, Hopping al
Lebanon and principal wayilnlion: the
1,10 p in train connecting for Philadelphia,
PulUville Bud Colutahia !. For Pott
ville, fchuylkill Haven and Auburn, via
Schuylkill and 8iiuehnuna Railroad,
Leave HarrUhurg at 3,40 p m
Eaat Penylvania Railroad trim leave
Reading for Allenlown, Eaaton and New
York at 7.U. pl.ilO a. ni., 1.27 and 4.4ft p.
ui. Relurnig, leave New York al 0.00 a.
m., 12.00 noon and 5.1X p. ni. aird Allen-
town at- 7.20 a. in. 12.2& Noon 4.20 aud
8.45 p. m.
n ay pauenger tram leave I'liiindeipnia
at 7,80 am, connecting Willi aimilar train
on East Tenna. Railroad, reluruins from
Read'ng al ri,86 p m, alopping at all nation
Leave I'olUvOle al 0,tu ami v,ou a ni and
2,&0p. ni.i Herndon at 0,80 a mi Sua-
niukinat 1,40 ana 10,40 a. m.t AablanU al
7,05 a m, and 12,80 noon, Mahanoy City
at 7. CI a. ov and 1.07 p. m., Tamaoun at
H,83 a in, and 2,120 p ui for Philadelphia
and new i ork.
Leave Poitaville, via Schuylkill and Pua-
qucbaniia R R at 8, 10 a in for llarriiibiirg,
and 12. ')5 noun for l'inegrove nil Tremoui.
Hcadlns Acoonnnodallon Leave
Pollsville at 6.10 a m, pasaea Reading at
in. a m, arriving at Philadelphia at 10,20
7,80 Ilcturuing, leave l'lnlaUe:plila al
.16 p to, passing Reading at 8,00 p m,
arrlvina at 1'otKvili al v,4U p m.
Point owo Aoeoiumodalion Train Leave
Pollsiown at 8,26 a ni, relurniag leave
Philadelphia at 4,00 p ni.
Coluiubla Railroad Train leave Reading
al 7, 'JO a ni, and 0,15 p m for Ppaiata,
Lit It, Laneayter, Columbia, &.
Perklomen Railroad Train leave PerVI
omeuJuaolion al 0,0'J a m, 8,00 ft 6,80 p in;
returning leave 8ohwnkville at 8, 05 a in,
12,41 Noon, and 4,16 p ni, eonneoting with
sinillar train on Reading Railroad.
C'ulrbrxikdale Railroad train leave Poll,
town ol '.t,40 a tn, anil 6,20 tn, returning
leave Mouut Pleasant 7,00 and 11,26
am, eonneoting with linllar tralna en
Reading railroad.
C'bealar Valley Ballroad tralu leave
Drldeporl al 8,80 a u, and and 6,02
p m, relurnrbg, leave Uownlngiown at 8,20
a m, 12.45 noon and 6,16 p ni, eonneoting
with eluiilar train on Heading railroad.
Ob Huaday t Leave New York al 6,00
p m, Philadelphia MO a m and 8.16 m,
lb 8,00 a m train running only to Reading;
leave Potlaville 8,00 a mi Harrlsburg 6,86 a
at and 4,11) P m, leave Allenlown at 7.26
a. ni. and and 8.40 p. . leave Reading
at 7,16 a m, and 10,06 p as for llariiaburg
at 7.21 a a for New York, at 4,46 p a for
ill. ninnt4 4.26 p m for Philadelphia.
ior. at iti:hi.8T.
" Vlenc, fir, will yon giro ma a pco
ny ; mily u penny !
" Xo o lonir with yti ; t neVrr!
Ijivo money tn street bi''Hrs."' .ilialitlln pirl nt hvr fiieiiit li i
And Mr. Parker "at. a ttifli ttiorp ' krown into a tll, li:inJH.iino y"Him
crcot. if it were imysible, in her bn tY-1 woman . Out.' m irr we cuter llio in-Hlo-clisl!
iti)Cl wngon-acnt. titu! tfi'itap-i nor pnneluitt ofllieir live,
fd Iter blu cotton tl'tibnlU tijblcr. I " It in Cithfr's Meo motlier," Hiil
Hut Iter litubitiil, Paul Par her, on ' Ijtipy Parker, jumping up to open the
wlii)o kindly luco tli8 buy Inrub l liu.'iMi)r. " Well lullier. what Inek V
cri.o. t-ni.t i II nl ciiniirli, i liil l. r;iiil old Paul.
' Seo hcrP. liny Pvd only coin
filtj-cenl piet'o, iiiI im nioro in nicy
tliim I olljlit to ctvo awiiv. 1 eliall be
here at three o'clock thU 1 iy week 1
opporitc iliin Very Invent j will ymt lie I
lu-ra to pay it buck to mo ? Mtntllj
only letnl If to you ; am may bj I'll 1
lie tiblo to linJ oomo work lor you by j
thut tluio.
"Yea fir." Raid the boy. eW-nilly.
,ts ho acratnblcil up at tlio vrhcol.
will bo here, nitre.'
Piiul Parker, yon'rt ft fool I'' annl
ilia woman, angrily. " You Kcuticr
moiicv a limit ua thuush there
wu no end toil. IK) you iiiiioo
to it. Po you suppose
u your fifty cents
you'll ever mj your fifty cents 'you ?''
Tt;aiii ?' ' Xnt aa binl a th:lt, I Inpo," a:iid
" I liopn ao, wifo," aaitl tlio filj mm, the old man cheerily though I he niu
louchin bin pliiciil Iioiko gently with de of bis lip and brow ipiivrreil.
the roins, nnd urging him into u aleepy
joi-trot. " I alioiild bo aon-y to think
thoio wasn't tin truth in thai brihi
eyed little fellow, (live tho world u
fair cf anc , tliut till I vo ,t to
The blis'ciinR Auuht sunshine
wan pouring into a littbi garret room
in one nl tho most Hqualul nnd nog
Icelud puriiem of lha . town, where ti
bruial-loukio mn 8:il smoking u
short bhiek pipe, nnd twoof threo buys
lounged around hull as'vcp. A hnnd-orjr-m
utood iiitiiiiist tho wall, un l n
monkey dressed in soiled red rngchat
ted iu lha window. Nino's no erdcuti
and a thumbed tinibouritia lay near
by ; Nioo him. 'If, with tear Btatue 1
cheeks and henvy eyelids, wna orouch
od utiin a cornor, wistfully wa!ch!ti;
tho door, aa if resolved to avail him
self of tho first chouco that offered it.
self lo escape
Tbero was a wild benutv about the
boy, Iu spito of b i fwarthy cheeks
and forlorn uniforui of ram. and uu
uitraeiiveness that was difficult to tin-doiv-tund.
His bnw, overshadowed
by thick bhiek lucl, was fiauk nnd
open ; bis eyes woro Kofi and liipii I,
mid thero were both sjiirit and iteutle-iiei-s
in the well outlined inoiltli. II id
Nino Uorhim been tho offspring of ar
islocr.iiio lino;i;:e, ho would huve been
etiilci linndsnnio ; but r:i!;s and pov
erty aud blows are anything but beau
tifying, un J N'iuo bud known little
olso in his brief mi l Mitil.'ss existence.
Presently tho uiun kniKk.-d the
ashes from his pipo mi l luid it down,
with a vicious Bldolong glmico ut the
So vou'd tjot filiy eonts bid nwny.
you whs gotii;; to Biituinon tno out of.
eh 7' he demninleil. "ion youim
vtinbond. I'd like to kuow what you
uieuo by it !'
" It wum mine," mbbo'l tho bny : '!
canted it ainuin' undi r tho great
winders, tiller working hour,
over. 1 cavo you nil l earned in uuy
tinio, I did.''
"Your!' growled tho niin, fhv
nsely : "nnd nil you earn is mine.
uud if I ever catch you nt any ueh a
trick a'uin. 1 ll split your lnud o ru
for you. Where are you going to now?
Sit down again.''
" Only out as far ns Wcst-Lnndhill
tuvurn," said Nino, cutraatiuly, a
his eya marked tlw elowly cronping
tido of aunsliino alonir the floor, thut
formed bin only eubstitute for a clock.
' Well you won't lo no such thing !''
said tlio man evidently ifa most on
trnrv and qunrrolsoine mood. " (Jo
back to your bench nc.ain; d"o you
hear 7 You're not poin' to ttir out o'
this pines before night, and not tboo,
unle you bi have yourself.'
' I'll be buck in ton minute, sir, I
will, indeed.'
" Hold your noise !' brutally ejacu
lated hi irato keeper. " I tell yo
you sbun't stir another pe ; there,
now I- Pnvo, to one of tho other
boys "giy ns a light here for this
Nino watching bis opportunity, as a
wild beast mijil I watcb for an escape
from iia enie, gave a forward dart just
as tho man stooped over to rub his
match ogninst tho olo of hi boot.
Hut ho waa not quite quick enough ;
bis tyrant seized i,jm rudely by the
arm, and elung biro aero the floor as
if he had been a toy. JIo loll, Ins
tomplo fctriking auiust the leg of a
bodatcad standing iu the corner, nnd
lay there quite insensible. .
"liltst if I don't tbiolc lie' dono
for, dad said one of the hitherto iro
pnesivo spectators of tho scene, n bov of
thirteeon, who was geneatly dressed as
a wandering Uuvariun" wilb tam
bourine and bell'.'
Le lihn alone, T say,' snarled tbe
rather ''I'll laaob him a leseoo."
Just then tho bell in the old squre
tower of ilia town clock struck three.
; M I told you he would'ot be bore,
Pauir exultantly exutuimed Mrs.
Parker, projootiog ber keen gray
eva luto every nook and corner
around the dull street in front of the
" Wost-I.iindblll House of Eotertaio-
meol for Man sod Ueaat.'' " I know
it I Now what do you think of your
fine, honest boy T"
' ' lit
trotn a laJj
Well, lOlH
(I I ITC I'll
Tlio awift follin ycftr:t ha I pritik-
I. ill lll. il- .llli'l1 ll lit I'L. idl'tlti
futlv on ttio had of Paul Parker, nn I !
tt1nrd tlccitor line in wifV face.
tnoeklv Hliukin tlio pciwdory Irinifp ol J
-now ftoni Uh Mvci " .nilion
ilon hk'ii witli lovef'ti j;uo ; liU wil'u'a
poorly, uul Rniuc lin ImJn stroke, m)
Ikj ran'i work no moro."
An J tliy ili'ln't prxy yni I In
nvnoy f you were u fo il for evor
len.lini: it, hlovikcJ hi wifo abrtlly
" And what nrj wj to !. Willi law
ver Murttu writin' mil writ'm furlli
iimtiev wc owo him ?"'
" Wo can do uotliinij, wifo."
" We hi'. bo fold out nt an
iiinl tlio in it poor lioii'o yet. tlh,
Paul, why diJ n't you pny moro heed
to what 1 vo u;w;iv.' Kent loiuu
" l iitliot', is it t. Joliu Mirltn, tlio
LpciIj Klreot lawyer, t) wIioji you owe
this inoncy r
"Yes: what do vou kuow
ubout !
him ?"
"Not much : but f m -t Irs at
several pirtics Inst fall, and I I think
'if you woro to jrj thero and tell him
just bow it is, or write, even '
No use,'' cr Hiked Mrs. pinker
despuriuly, " olhcrilk aint s i ready
to lot e;ool their uioney as your father
is, I.ucy."
'Miy be it's worth trying, 1 a.iid old
Paul, hopefully, "we'll write this very
night mid unst weel; wo'll iro up to
lt.t..n and eo what answer ho m-ikefj
And then Lucy, blushing liko a
sweet pen, ran to jict the pen atid pa
per, timidly truitiug in tho clllcacy of
her plun.
' For bis father can't be si very hard
hoartod," alio thought, "and they are
so vary rich that aurely they will be
willing to wait for thia (ho hundred
dollars until wo cm pay it "
Tho clepantly-furiiislied littlo office
. , . 1 ' I .
m l.oed.s fireot uui um oiiun nave
such outro equipages drawn up before
it us Paul Patker' tnud-bc-pliisheil
box wa'iiii nnd thaaoy old pony, mid .
tho fleKiiuily altttvJ y.uiti' lawyer
who sul ul tho desk cxii uiniiiu; som.i
nopers, (;l,uieed n) in surprise ih ibu
liiootuin.' n'lt l nnd I bo bout old mail
entered together, like May and De
cember. Iiucy!"
"Niuian I I thought that your fa
ther I did unt know thut''
''My father is detained Hi hi coin:
try .iit, mid I nm netiue; ineiiiber of
tlio firm, I.ucy. Ha tool; mo into
partnership lat week; mi l this is "
lie turned itnuii in'y, un 1 with
i.)lilothiiir of tl start , to tho brown
faced old nun, win stood modestly in
tho background. I-uey introduced
ji,r Pal br, nndftitoi their business.
with a profusion "I very becouuiiu'
blushes. .Iio hid nut expeeted to
fiud her gallaut youiivj civulier ol the
past fall iu the ollieo of St. John
M irlin.
' Wc are in very strnightend circum
stanoes, Mr. Muitaiu,'' concluded I.u
cy, ' and my father cannot nt present
hope to dischnrgo this debt but I tun
soon lo hneo n very pood situation in
Madamo l'.lvaiiio's school fts music
teacher, nud wo cun get uloiig and pay
a part at n timo if your father would
bo ho kind as to wait a little "
Lucy stopped bbort ; her voice wis
gelling unsteady, nod she was lar too
proud to yiold tn the lnt mining tears
in Nintuu Martin's presence).
The young man bad liitendJ in si-
lance, bit now he took a tin box from
its shelf In tho safe and uuloeledit.
disclosed sundry packages of labl'ed
no'.es, receipts, ete.
" Let ma soo," ha sail, runuinz h
eye over them, " it waa a n ite for fivft
bundreJ dollars, 1 believe."
" Ye, sir," answered the old man,
" fivo hundred dollars."
" I this you note V
"Ye, sir."
Miuian Martin toro i( in two, and
laid tbe lYiixinont on Iho firet i'uul
Parker and Luer giu-'d in sstonisiuont
4 tbe yooug lawyor lifted bis dark
eyes calmly toward them.
" Mr. Parker, you will please con
sider that you have tbia day received
payment for a very old debt. V'e
havo ballanced acnounta."
" Sir, I don't understand you,' said
the bewildered old man. '' I don't
rouioniber "
lbit I do. It is ratbef ' more than
ten years, Mr. Parker, ainee you put
that moaoy at interest '
" Sir r
" 1 will be more plain with you."
said the younv, into, smiling," Per
haps Miss Parker l. not aware that 1
sin ouly tbo adopted son ol my more
than father. My roar name ia Niuo
lierlsni. I am an Italian by birth.
Just leu years ago I was begitiog in
tbs streets of Landhill, starved and
peuiless. A Uud band you know
wbote, Mr. Parker eiteuded itsoll
to uie in tbo hour of need."
Tho oil man's face lighted up.
" I do remember now. It wai
"a ni.i i .! MoIlLvou tn
ouj-ht to expect niiich
l,i.i,i..t( in in I K, ate.iitt
) 1 f li.'
Tcvcntcd liy ilia Irtitnliiy tif tlio misui
lll' UrllilU"1 I WM' UCll, I t)P)T:oi
my way to lionou. iiavitiu rmi nwiiy
frnm in v runt. St
.iMitt Miirim
found uiO one lii.'lil
in the htirclH
pei tiiinir irmn cit,i nnu viiirvn' ion
lie hud jupt lo.t di.4 nnlv I'liild, n 1 v
of ulo'Ut 11 1 y own aje, ami tint imiiUe
iiie in pcri'iiiiul nppe.irince, ntnl Millie I i,.t ili ..i.- ri,. mil i '
price in ma nenii. I res'iivru hkii iiime iruiiH. li n I ii.,j.iiii i;r.ipin ( , ,.
it ever lay ill my power I w mM return ! ainikc. whose hi..(. ,,.- iVipp.-d
tho cil'l n t Ik -ti-.. ll. 1 lob I. Pint I never i wiit bed in nun 1 Kim. .nie 1 tow inl
drcmiod thai Lucy 'a fulh-ji- wa.a my Utucied umi f..: 1 iu-,tj up i,
fetii''or." Iiiuiand a-keil him
l f t- l. l.t .
II tUI'IIC 1 to her With A bright COII.
iirutul.itory Hiiitio, i ho cutn hi led .
whilo tho broii f.ieo of old I'aul I'.irk-
cr worked with emotion ho CJul 1 not
coupon I.
" I I lioti''1it vo'l WiMihln't bn' rliea. i
vl mo, boy ; I lltmit'tit your f n-a was
:k (;oi. and honest one ! Hut I hnn'l
tin ritfht to your jeiierusitjr. Your
fiithnr '
"My father and I aci one, sir, in
thoti.'ht. deed mi l wieh."
" 1 don't know how lo thank you,
yoilni man.''
' J lieu do not nttcmpt it. rcrhupa
onoofthe.i days I m.iy as'i you for j
Vet moro fivors.'' I
t ii Paul Parker want hoina to bis
wilu aedately triumphant.
" lie you ve mini ' I told you so,
nil your life; now i'.'s my turn."
" lint on until do you Inenn :
LM'itinl'led hi- ascetic helpmate. I do
you're guitiiit' in your dot-
" May be I inn j iutluit case thj:iii
I wish I'd t:ot into it hui n j.''
And ho told his udi'ent'iro, while
I iey enC by, siii.liii lika
a lu ji niti
in May.
" Pidn't 1 invot llml fifty cents to n
pretty tfoo.l;i!itu,'L' V ho a-ked.
' Well, I uovcr !' was her ultima
tum. " llo wants new f.irors noma day
from mo What do von miy, mother ?
Can wo np.iro our littlo irnl hero?
" I'm I l.illier: crieil liuey, liM'.rii
tier face ; but bho didu't look very an
gry attor ull.
I'ltilit Ullli a Itallli'aiiiiUo.
Last Saturday tuoruiiiir 1 wns the
witnass of such u aeeno as I pray (iod
I nuty never aeo auiu. I beheld a
eombat ix'tweuti a young ui.iu and n
e. ni wnicu uio nn iuer w
billon, nnd died in ten minutes there-
otter. Tho parli.!iilaiof the terrible
all'nr ahj in follows :
tin Friday lust a youn' tn in nanioil
' raytior asked tno lo s;en I the ui-lit
wnli Imu ami f?o eoiui litintmif wit h
it. ui uio iii'Ai, hum iiiu, iu wiiiitii ii".'.i vein's ol "e V
ipjc.,1 1 rea h.y tts-oniej. o Marlci . ,;, ,.,po the widow Nancy visiu .l ih
out nhout threo o'elork A. M., uinl near ! ,.e.,i,i, ;tlt. uf j'jip, niiierc"l pnrcn
lay the donM ojHined on . trail in tl.e'.,i, lu.-ktly fonul brr in the field an
swamp ul Hear free k . .lust lU'ter , l,U tho house. N.iucy is lo nil it, lha deep baying of lh d, u,u,s o practical biisiues., wotua:i. nu
iiiloruie l us that tho bear had taken a wont lo work at one, pruwiug up
treo. We proeer 1,-d to make mrr way sl(0i t0 foot av nlie. li,
througli th b s and I brush and K.vr. 'hoiv d you like to marry '.'
vines in the direction of the dogs, until ; Savs 15.11, in reply, "fust rale.'' .uv
woeaiiiotoasiiillsai eol firi-. iound. ; Sincv, rtriiiglileniu,' bfrsclf an.
which was covered with a low growth ih,-wij out her uiaguilioont t-hesi
of oak bushes Hero wo halted a iui, how d.iyou .kr th-.t I'
incot to li.sien for the ilys. I Savs Pill, bullv'' Sivs Nanv
e liiU barely pau-etl, when wo were
!'iirtl d by u brnd., rail ling
sound is-uuiK from beneath n low.tbick wa; n uu uiuiuiiit i'.t S-viervi!!c. In.
bush, within u lew feet of us. Th..uKb ,ie license, liut ulis ! Pill halu t th.
I had never beard that peculiar noise : neees:irv sutu when be reached thi
btlora, I knew Inslinetively that it 'c,.rk'. tl!co to pi. -euro iio-e. S
Mils a rultl. stiiike, and I sprang back ! 10 treu-ped homo iigain, entered hi
in terror, reir.arUiiig, 'Uraynur, Ids
l.ave hero
' What, S ," saiJ be, nro you
1 eS. I IIM Ql rulu .
-Well. S , ha coolly remained,
"1 urn going to kill thcMiake j it would
be a pny lo leave such a liuo lellvw
her. So here goes "
Wbild (..raynor was speakioj, I
cauubt a ghuipso of ll.o soake, which,
aa neaily as I could judge, appeared to
i. . .t.... i ..:..t.. r.. ;.. t i. i .i .
I ba about cilit feet in length, aud three
inches iu dmmetra in hilaivet part.
Ho wus ly ion c lifed up iu perfect cir
cles, with bis bead drawn back in u
terribly graceful curve, bis small eyes
arUhng, bis sh-nder iorkud teniae
tlar'ui;' swiftly back and forth, aud bis heck swollen with fatal wrath,
while over uud uimii be twirled the
warniug rattles iu tho air Willi a barb,
blood-curdling sound.
'ForUoi's sake, let's 'gm" ' Ii
Bhuudcriug ut the terrible siht.
' 1'ou't get, scared,'1 suid IS. ; ''just
climb a tree, and ba won't bite you.
It aiu't every day thut fcilow meets
with such a fine, large snako as this,
and it Wouldn't do lo loose hi in.
JIo bad picked up a una!! stick
about a yard long.jiud while spcakiuo,
was drawing back tbs) I'ustic liom
above the snake so aa to get bight of
him. lie threw bis loot arouud over
tbe bushes, sill tramped Ihetu dowa in
such a manner thai the monster was'
fairly exposed to view ; but jui as be
did an, nud belore he bad time to strike
thesuako made a s I idcu spying at him,
and I turned auy iny faoo iu boiror.
" I've got him, hy tirergel"
1 lurued to look,' and with bis right
hand be was grasping th anake by
the neck ia sucb a manner that be
could not bite, while ibe monster was
KOtohiug bis teeth most furiously, and
twisting and writhing in bug folds
round Uray dot's arms. All uf a sud
den, iu sotive aooounlable wanner, tbe
snake freed bis had, asxi quick a
liahtuiiig oluadgotl bia droppieg oa
the ground, he Rlided a few paces aud
sguiu coiledod himself ap, keeping bis
bead sreet aud ringing bis roarlul rat
ties. U. turned deadly ph, paused t
1U. U
fpraii nt him, nml he niaiii '
knot led him off will, nxtiek; but be I
f...e be cntil.l sihU un-.thrr b!w tin-'
-in. I;,. 1,, i ii..,. i i
I it
(iiuviior's arm. 'I'ha fniu In
ininitucl t.. feip tl p mon-ter by the !
iWfU ; nnd ili .ii puij; the stick, he'iln w j
bia k:li' with mi bilml. nppni',1 it ill
bia teeth, ntnl t ) ileliln-intelv cut i ll
il.i, .i,!,L..V i,. ...i fi....i , . i r.
. .. I .. ... '
j " VYhllt in Ilia liaiuc ufti.i.l C:lll III.' mmmmmmmm
. f r mi '!'' j I'l olilahlf llflok-Urr l tig.
' Nixhiiii;," H.illie, chIiiIv. ' I ' 'U ho ha bought the handlntuo,
living I 'IVil llu-m L"i,ni ::nl.lle, .Inim ?" itupiired a (s:iddlo and
ift'il hid tiik'iire.4 hee'iinc friirbtlallv hnriicsi iLiikrr ia Philadelphia, hoiiio
contorted, hi erea t'tt 1 1 I nver u ll 1
stiirtinit fioin their im-I,w-i, rin.l h
lilm k, Kwollci t.iiij'iio pr trni.d frnm
bia inoulh. Thru he lixed M re. I.
wil I, k r ti r i 1 1 l: ryex upon in, and heaved
a dei p, piereini; jrnati ; a hiver pi.-
ver his Iranic, nnd then nil wni vlill.
I waa nlolir with It. iinJ !
M il kini the p'aceas well ni I rottid
I hncluiiud In u house we had tm-m d
on tho toad, some lm!f a mile Misiatit
from the faliil Iradei-v. P.illiiifrs were
Mint through iIk neiihhiiihu id, an I in
thu Voursa of two h.iurs sotne iweiv
ol tlio nutu'li'mri hn 1 ciifere l We'aliy. Mi'd tof boss, oratvhin In
proceeded to the place, which I found 1 eal, oiuu tuolc tnut Ui! deTe J ti
no difiieulty in p lititin cut. jf"d nut the purehisi'r and get pfcy fof
1 iod Heavens! whiklu siiiht. nut, tho "alJIc. Ay. I have it, John t
our view Tho face and Imilv h id 1 1 Mmro every nuo ol our cnstomern
tunic 1 to a deep purple, and wer swol -
len to three t rtir.- their naiursl
prcsenltnir tho most Imrrilde annenr-
nnce I ha I cter wititnss. d The srinke
, lay wlicre lie lial been thrown, and a
A litter nl' botj'.'N win lmstily eon
struHvd, nn 1 with heavy beans, we
took our wny to the residence of bis!
twctits. I will not atteuint to iloserih '
tho heart-rcnilin scene when theyl
avf the body. ru ifiiko theirs cannyt
i ...
oe porirnye.1 hl'ylm Ala.) Vur. C
Hujfafo A'ctw.
A Ti iiiic.. ( uui Ishlp.
On tho K'lb inst.. in Sevier ct itit"
by Win. Pickens, i:s, , 1J.U Jty,.M t
widow Nuncy K. Jiailey -This
saya n correspotident ' was oue c
the tnoHt txtr.ionliimiy exibilious c
lormuue una deurtiiinntion. on th
iwtof i two mr.,n. int.ei.. i
over exhibited in r at Temiee
Mrs. P.iMov was wi.lon r i
months' inournin;-. She was lair be
, j.(,,j ,lB u,u:l t..inivs of her av..-i
!atl. j; WiM hiins, ll ;
comely rou-l, country youth ot iilmu
we.'k bit..e, 1 1,
.. ,.vl oul u veusc u;l ,j VUIS;
jsays Hill, 111 ha
e .ii or ill..." II.
i,,,,,,,, i,,.i.lrrt i,;rf t,,,u. .i - ..i,,,,,
suviui: a word, tool; from the shell' ih'
rillo i-iin. uud tlaeitii: il on I. is shotil
I dor, again left. No ona si.'enied ti
I.i.rv i.i.v I'.ie.l.oe M, li.
1 1
tnown ih .1 1MI not! the license, bu
i,rmlV(M llo Kll i,uv bilu. A
jj oVKk-W at i.i-l.t. F.-quire Picken
I was caiied lor 'most iu.pUiugtv. t.
(perform tho nurriige cerewouii-s, am
il0 jij it iu ,he m;,ht impoSnrf ,.
U(,furo l!l0 i,ri;i.U)t piut.LDot tire thut
i . . .
blazed on the hearth, aud iu tho p'v
ouce of tho select nudiaurc wfi.i had
a-somli.J. After tbo vows h.i I Icon
uiaJe, nud the record lender.' I that
they were Ht.iu aud wife, Pill's llrs'
ejaculation wa " Nancy we've ha i a
hard tiiue, but 1 told you I'd U u:
them. J.eLeoV go huuie. ' Aud they
A tiuiuic Urltz'y.
On the lSlhaulr., savs the San Jose)
linfiy nJuit, throe men whose nauit'S
uto unknown, but who bad been1
keeping a diary on tbe San IVuitot
lUnclie, canio to death in a nvst hor-!
riblo manner. Ou 'Iliurxlay one ol
their cows strayed away an 1 was
lost. Ou tho next irJoroioi;, before
breakfast, two of t lie ut staled out to
look lor tho uiissln animal. After
traveling up the ravine for some dis
tance they discovered tbe row lying
among tho brush. Thinking she was
asleep they weul up to stmt ber home ;
but it appears the tow had been killed
by a guxzly, who was at tins time ly
ing at ber aide. As toe rooa ap
proaohed tbe boar leaped upon the
toreojost one, and throwing biia to
tb ground, tore out his cslral, and
theu soiling , the seond, caught ai
brad iu bi mouth, at. J bit it entirely
off, manlint it tearfully. Tbe bear
then resumed; its ponitlou by the body
ff the dead cow. The waa who wa
at first attacked did aot die immedi
ately, but bad strength eaougb let lo
drag hluMU a abort distance from th
spot. In the mean ti wo the saan left at
tbe camp having prepared breakfast,
weal out to call his t vuipauioas. Kinds
ing their trail he followed it axil he
saw the e Ivies; ia the bushes, ad
line colwnnone year
i 'tie-ball column, one year.
One -fourth column, on enr,
One uare (It) linra) on inaerllon
r.very a.l.htinnal iusertion
Professional and llneimOa citrIa at
not moretban five lines, per year.
Auditor, Kmculor, Administrator
nnd Asiatic Nutie .il.
rMimrinl notice per lute li.
All advert ixemenl for a skortrr period
tlniii one venr are payable at tb tlu,
It Ley ara ordered, and if not puid the per-
jun ordering ibem will be held responsible
r''r '"'" . -
iil ttniiner. TL' Huiivin; victim,
" '-T'ni '" " abort
ll ,"1 be acrne, Wltncwd t-.
i. "tun n mn in nut, uiu wj no tern.
lily wiiiinileil ho nimble lo
4ive tiny V.iruin. Tb Iwnliea wcro
iii'iti.l u -li.itl timv tlltet w ir N and cin
vei I'd lii eji.ip where the atirvivnt'
dii dnrtr.i i be ( ti-uino; ni;bt. niter
iri i; ii'o t'o iiii.ur r:i wo have ii:ii.'.i
ibi'Ve 'i in' l-'ur in the r.itne imik ll.i't
b:i I'l'i'fi in that ripiiiilr lor tli pun',
ten .ir;., il I rill-; hni'wii from its pe
mi I m r triiek. b.oiti.j n three of hi1
ii IVotu tine of hi li el .
time airo, ol his foreiuHtl. upon uouiin:r
. i t t tho Khnp aud liinlitiif that ft Tory
liitiidtui! new f Idle bud disappeared,
"Iitdeed I cutinnt tell vhuii vra f
'"d the Wol'it ol it ia, it lia not hoell
td I was very bu.y Ihia inorn-
"i-- when a nllemori rune in tin. I
i priced it, told Inn to chare; il lo hi'i
'accotilit, threw il into bis Vehicle, all I
1 dr ivo olT before I could incertuiti hi
! n"e- lam ure, however, bo i ono
"four cii'touier. fur he has Iteijueuti)
l"u:rht articles her; bfnre."
i That' rut her a pn.ziup ciMf, ro-
jbo have accounts open, with the snd-
;dle; tboiw win didn't 'cot ll. willot
CMiir.e re! us.' t j pny, nnd in that way
wo sliftll reach lha right one."
Jubu did us be wus ordered.
Two nr three weeks after the July
bills bad bean un its o;i', the foremua
was inleiroatod as to whether bo
bad succeeded ni tiuJin out tbe pur
' tt is iinpos-iblo to sjy, air,
be an--
fur abou. fortv have paid for
it without Huyiup; n word.
Too Mun) Suiillii.
In a cortuio We-tero city a dt
tal'iniiiei to (,'et oul :i itirefloiy. They
' t, iiiii'iyf
All ovti llitf city, tr.rtrin, said Uri
AH over lb ctlv, rrpIleJ mvlao
liVinniMC lo wander what lirhl
nas Jriv at ; aui I tow much does
collect ?
Fifty or lxty ptuo.l4, ani so
Jays a hundre l.
You mean ti.i, or s'uy doliura, i
p.iunJs do'.Un, ll:-idel, wtid ui
jtne, with riiibasis.
No mar in, 1 doUt tno dollars
mane grease.
Sbure I do, for Pat is a sutv ere
eol lector.''
As AMtstNo 1noip;nt. Api
man from New Jsrsey was taken
a friend in Philadelphia the ether
roesatmuelhe place wberv tbe Pi
treaty tree oae eloo4. When t
reached tbe around, the tnoud bom
to Ibe place, sod reusarketl that it
the exact po where Willians I'
stood wbea he eiifaed ia the' on
oraUe traneaetioa which aiade
famous in history.
Tbe Jery ina Wkel at
place ft a knig while, aed a
around it thrae or four liiaea s4i
aud puuobed his news ia tbe sw
9 a, a a a
ouce or twice, aaa arO.iieaai,
llablasd Very iaUriing, vi (
Tbea he thouaihl Kara lew aaiaale
said, "Hut wbie did the sow i
whea William shot the apple
bea4 H . ...