.. . . a T HE POS T . Pekllebee' tvtry Tburtdy Evening by jkklHIAH CBOtfSB, Proprietor. Terme of Subscription, TWO DOLLARS TEH ANNBM, Payable tibia sis mom hi. orsK.oo lr not paid irlibin Ih veer. No paper dieoonlinued tinill all arrearages arc paid unless at lb option ortot publisher. Subscriptions outsido of the county FBTABI.K IN APVAKCR. Sjt Persona lifting and axing papers addressed to others become subscribers, and ere liable for the price of Ibe paper J P. CRON MILLER, e -ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middloburg, Pa., Offer bit professional services to the pub- lit. Colleollone and all other professional vjuslaets entrusted to hie ear will receive proaipl attention. fJan 8, 't57i f AC. SIMPSON, e ATTORNEY AT LAW, So I improve Th., Offers hie professional service to Ilia pub- lie. All business enlrueted to hi oar will be nrompllr ailended to. fjen. 1?, 'C'tf 1 W. KNIGHT, V, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Frecburg Pa., Offer Mi Professional service to Ibe pub- lie. All bueinee entrusted to til ear ill be promptly attended to. Jan 17,'GTU WM.ViNtJKZKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisburg Ta., Offer hie professional service to the pub lie. Collection and all other Profession al baaine entrusted to hi earo will re ceive prompt attention. GEO. F. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowitdmrg In. Offer bla Professional aerTice to tlie pub lie. Colleeilon aSV) all other profession al business rnlrusled to Li cur will re tire prompt attention. Jan. 8, 'U7tf. JM. LINN, e ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ltvlrburg Ta., Offer lie professions! services to the pahli. Collections and all other pro fessional business entrusted to ibrir cure erill receive prompt attention. Jan. 3, 'tiTif CHAKLES HOW' It. ATTORNEY AT LA'V, Solinsgrove Pit., Offer bt professional services to the pub lic Collections and all oilier professional usiness entrusted to bis care will re ceive prompt attention. Office two doors nerlh of lb Keystone Hotel. Jan 6, '0 SAMUEL ALLEMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selintprovo Pa Offers .lii Professional services lo the publio. AH business entrusted to bis car will b promptly attended to. Col leeilon made in all pana of Iht Slate. II can speak the English and German language fluently. Olhce between Hall's and ibe Poet office. LN. M YE 1!S, ATTORNEY k COL'SSELCR IT LlW Middlcburg Snyder County Pvnn'a. Office few doors West of Ibe P. O. on lain itrett. Cousultation in English and German language. Fep.'ti'tf JC. BUC1IKR, s ATTORNEY . LAW, LewinburR Pa., Offer hi professional sc'vioeeto ibe pub lic. All business entrusted lo bis car will be promptly attended lo. Jan. 8. 67if G ROVER BAKER SEWING MACHINE. Persons In need of a good and durable Sewing Machine can be accommodated at reasonable price by calling on on 8am- k Faust, Agent, Seliusgrov. f Jan. U, '68i DTL J. Y. S1IINDEL, SCBGEON AND PHYSICIAN, . Middlcburg Pa., Offer bla professional services lo th ell lien of Middle Jurg and vicinity. March 21. '07 F. VAN BUSKIUK. SURGICAL MECHANICAL PENTIST Sclinsgror Pnn. JOIIN K. 1IUG1IES, Esq., JUSTICE OF TBK PEACE. Peon Twp., Fovder Co. Pa H. WAGNER, Efvj., e JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Jack so a Township, Sayder Co. Pa., Will attend to all business entrusted to kit tart and on tbt most reasonable term. March 12, '68if It. J. F. KANAWEL, 'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Centreline, f Bitter Co., la Offer hit professional services ta lb public. 0 88tf FW. BCII WAN, M. P., SURGEON & PHYSICIAN, Port Trevorton Ta. Offert bit profeeelonal servloee to the eillsene tt tbit place and vicinity, lit tptaka German and English. r April 18, '68 FA.BOYER.Jr. AUCTIONEER, Ft ttburg Snyder Co. Pa., Matt raepeot fully offert bit services lo Iht publio at Vtndut Crytr and Auction eer. Having badj a largo experience, I fool confident that I oaa render perfect satisfaction to toy tmployees. Jan. -, '67t BT. PARK 8, . ATTORNEY AT LAW ft DISTRICT ATTORNT, MIDDLEBURO, SNYDER COUNTY, Pa Ottet la Court Hsuss, Sept.16, '67tf LEWIS BREMER'S SONS . TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRDS' 6.88 PDILADELPHIA. M ERCBANT HOUSE. a U. MANDERBACn Prop'b. J. 0. NIPB, Clerk .41l k 411 Kortk Third Street, Philadelphia, VOL. 8. Q.REAT EXCITEMENT IN BANNERVILLE, 5 XEW OOOD9. 11ELFMCH & BllOWER Wish to Inform the cititens of Bannerville and vicinity thai they I are opened a new slock of goods, and will keep constantly on band a full assortment of. IKRKSR (ll)OIIS: ComUt log of A I.P AC A S. PO PLI SS.r L A DS, LUST H EH, DELAINES, CALICOES, 4c. Cloths & Cnsslmercs II ATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. :7ik7&ERiKrt.: IIARDW RK" AND OfEF.NSWARB. SALT AND FISH, Aad In fact everything usually kept In a first class country store. All of which wt offer at greatly reduced prices, for Cash or Country Procuce. Having bad large experience in the business, we flutter ourselves that w ran please and satisfy all our customers. Hoping by dricl atlenlion to business and a desire to please all, to merit a liberal slase of publio patrouage. Our motto Is "Qitv k Sales and Small Profit,,." We, ask at least that the public examine our slock and trices before purchasing elsewhere, as wt always show our goods with leisure. lii.l.r men nun lu. pannerville, Jan 14, 1870. if nines balei sjaUi rnorzxB. MIM.UM II. IIEAtTR Re.pclfulry announoea to the eitixens of Middlebiirg and vicinity Ibat be I now ready lo supply tbem'wilh tbt largest aud uiost complvt stock or S I'll IX G A SUMMER GOODS ever brought lo tbis place, at greatly re- doc et prices cheaper than the cheapest He invites attention to his large stock, of MUSLINS, CALICOES. IEL1NES, T,AWNS, SILKS, BERKUES, UNENS, Doots unci Shoes, HATS AND CATS. BEADY-MADE CLOTH 1X0, SHIRTS, and everything usually kept In a well regulated atore. Give me a call and be convinced Ibat Ibis ie the place to buy goods. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exctutng for goods. Wm. II. Ucavcr. Middleburg, May, lbU7. EADIXG RAILROAD . Smunior ArraDgemaut, Monduy May 1G, 1870. Great Trunk Line from the North and North west for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shnmokin. Lebanon, Allentowo, Eauton, Eplirata, Litis, Lononsler, Columbia 4c. Trains leave Hrrisburgfor New York, as follows t at bib, aiO 11. i'5 foreuoon, and 2.60 p. ro., cinneoilng with almilar t ruins on lbs tbe Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now York at 12. 10 noon, 3.60 ,05, and 10,00 p. m., respectively. Sleeping cars accompany tbt 5 35 a m. aud 11.25 a. m. train, without change. Returning i Leave New York at 9.00am, 12,00 Noon, and 6,00 p ui. Philadelphia at 8,16 a m and 8,30 p in ; Sleeping car ao ompany Ibe 0,00 p m, and 6.00 p m trains from New York, without change. Leave HarrUburg for Reading, Pottsville Tamaqua, Minersvillt, Ashland, Sbamokin, Pinegrovt, Allenlown and Philadelphia, al 8,10 a ro, 2,60 and 4.10 p m, slopping al Lebanon and principal way stations: the 4,10 p m train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville tud Columbia onlv. For Pottt ville, Sobuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Sobuylkill and Busquehaona Railroad, Leave llarrlsburg at 8,40 p m. East Pensylvania Railroad trios leave Reading for Allenlown, Easlon and New York at 7.: 8, 10.80 a. ra 1.27 and 4.45 p. m. Relurnig, laavt New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.00 noon aud 5 tK)j. m. aud Allen lown al 7.20 a. tn. 12.25 Noon 4.20 and 8.46 p. m. Way passenger train leave Philadelphia at 7,30 am, conneoling with similar iralo on East Tenna. Railroad, returning from Read'ng at 6,86 p m, stopping al al) stations Leavt Pottsville at 6,40 and 9,00 a in and 2,60 p. m.; Ilerndon al 9,80 a mi Sba mokin at J, 40 and 10,40 a. m. Ashland al 7,06 a m, and 12,80 noon, Mahaooy Cily at 7.61 a. m- and 1.07 p. m., Tamaqua al 8,83 a m, and 2,20 p m for Philadelphia and New York. Leavt Pottsville. via Sobuylkill and Sus quehanna R K al 8.16 a m for Harrisburg, and 12.06 noon for Pinegrovt and Tremoni. Reading Accommodation traUi Leave Poltsvill at 6,40 a m, passea Reading al in. m, arriving at Philadelphia al 10,20 7,80 Returning, leavea Philadelphia at 6,16 p m, passing Reading at 8,00 p m, arriving al Pottsville al 9,40 p m. Pottstowu Aeooramodalion Train Leaves Polistown at 0,25 a m, returning leaves Philadelphia at 4,00 p m. Columbia Railroad Tralaa leave Reading at 7,20 am. and 8,16 pm for Fpotato, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, At . Prrkiomen Railroad Trains leavt Ptrkt omrnJunolion at 9,09 a m, 8,00 6,80 p nj; returning leave Sobwenksville at 8, 05 a m, 12,4t Noon, and 4,16 p m, conneoling with similar trains on Rtading Railroad. Colbr)okdals Railroad trains leavt Potts town ol 9,40 a n, aud 0,20 p so, rtturning leavt Mouut Pleasant at 7,00 and 11,26 an. connecting with similar trains on Readlnc railroad. - Cbesler Valley Railroad train leave I Bridepori at 8,80 a m, and t,06 and A.02 p m, returning, leave Downingtown al 6,20 a as, 12.45 boob and 6,16 p an, connecting with almilar trains on Reading railroad. Ob Sunday l Leave New Tork al 6,00 p ax, Philadelphia 8,00 m and 8,16 p as, the 8,00 a as train running only to Beading; leave PotltvUlt 8.00 a m: Harrisburg 6,86 a as aad 4,18 P as. laavt Allentowo al 7 25 a. as. aad and 8.40 a. m. leovt sV' at 7,16 a . aad 10,06 pmt Ta MIDDLE BURG SELECT POETRY. BEPTEMDIB, Bepteistwr strewa the wno1Unil e'er, With manf a Wrllll.nl eulor i The wnrlil I. brighter then hetore Why shonH our heirt be duller! Sorrow enl Hi soarlet leaf, Nail thounhM end ninny weatherl Ah me I this glory and this srlef Agree not well together. Ttal Is the parting season this The lime when Mend, ere lining And lovers now, wlih nuny kin., Their Innif TArewelU are .Itching. Why Is esrtli so irmly ilrewed I This pomp thai auKimn heareth A fuuerel em, where evarv guest A bridal garment wearelh. Each one of n. perchanee, my here, On some tilue morn hereafter, Return to view the giudy yesr, Hut not with boyUh laughter. We shell theu be wrinkled men, Our brow, with niter laden, And thou this glen way seek a g 1 1 n , Hut nevertuure a maiden I Nature perhaps rora.ees that Spring W1U lourh her teeming b-..im. And that a lew hrtel months will bring The bud, the bee, the hloMom Ah ! the.e fore.t. do not know Or would le brlnlillv wither The vlmln thai adorn, them pit W III never more come hither. As Tou Sow mo Will You Urn p. BT MILOTIS. Parent who leal a virtuous life. who Him-rroly gourd to letmo n jjohI c!-ar cunscienco, nail lie honuralilo bo- loro Clou ami tuon, Imro at one of their IuliIu'si aim of lifo to ninle thoif ck ldrcn huppy. Tlioro isj on sacrifir-o too jjroat which they will not cheerfully make, in order to securo their wclfure, nod for which they do serve from their neighbor he highest consideration nod pniiso. Hut uufurtuiidtely many of the pa. rcota Dow-n-duya lake wroox "tops to securo the future happiness of thrii children, by tbeir cxumple ol'extruvu-gant-o of dress, modo of living, and urrngnnt pride, considering it bulow thoir dignity fur the hubnn3 to work uioro hiinioif, instead of boaHtin about, and tho wito to do her lioti-o work to ft Kreator extent alone, in stead of rocliinj io tho chair, and idling th timo other wise, dojiendini; oo eervnow, aou continually complain iop of their tardincus and waste. This common prnctico eiuon the higher and mid'dlo clatei of aocicty makes the impression onjhuiniud nt the youotr that they must give serious attention to out ward apiicarnnce, ihey must bo d reused well by al! tuenim, and if tliey want anything for their bodily comfort they do like their pu reutri, command to bo waited on, uni thisjs the Grt futul Nlrp in their lifo ; ibi'y b.-ooHie dopeo liiijr buiiiu; and never will be Bell-relying; which is tbe safest prop of success iu lifo. The same I'uUe pridn, and evon laii nesMhat so firmly nestles in the bo som of ao many parents, makes thorn say our sou shall not be a farmer, a uiochanic or a sea faring mno. No. Ibat is loo lmrd work, and besides that, ht has too much brain for that ; he mu4 study and become a doctor, or a lawyer, a book-kocper or a clerk Our dear daughter cannot do a tiling in tho house, for sho has to much to learn, besiJes sending and writing, lirnorin (teoj;raphy, she must learn French, Latin and Greek; sho must draw in colo', fhe niuht play on the piano and guitar, and ting well, and if poiuiiblo, learn aUo limey sewing and embroidery. So the tons go to school, many of tnctn until tlioy arc twenty-rour years of age, the paronta footing the bills. At last they get diplomas or are ad mitted to tho bar, or eertiQontes that they kuoiv bcok-keepiog and aLo tbt preliminaries of merchandising. Hut, alas, youag doctors are ut a discount ; their chance for a remuner ative practice is very tuoare ; and as for lawyer there are more lawyors than clients. Book keopera and clerk are as plaotifnl as Canada thistles. It is the hardest work to got a situa tion, and if one Is obtained, the sala ry it so small that only a bare living can be obtained, and if not by some lucky chance a good footing is ob tainod, that clerk or book-keeper can only eipeot to lead a life ot poverty to tbe end of bis days Tb daughter is also full grown, ber eyes hare an unusual bright lus tre, but her intellectual face is very pale, aad she sootns to suffer from a very weak cheat; liar dross is fault less, her manner graceful, her conver national powers charming ; she quotes French, Italiuo and Groek readily, and plays delightfully on the piuoo. It is oitural that ono of Iheyouos dootora. young lawyers, book-keepor sod e!erk, woo bas up hill work: to get along, thinks that highly accomplished young lady would make him a good wifoj he proposes, is accepted, marries and starts housekeeping! she never made up a bed, sb never swept or dusted room, she never kindled a fire in a stovs, she knows out bow to prepare a eup of coffee, or evon sot a table, and sho is also physically uoablo to boa wife aud mother Tbo disappointed husband hires the best female help be can let. to do the cooking, housekeeping, nod wait on tbe Invslid wife. Under euob btlps snd circumstances tbe scanty means get rapidly exhausted. What is to be done bat appeal to thoir parent for help. But the parents are In no condition to render aaaietaoee. Their sxtravagaot modo ef living, their do--ndr-e t ttraagers to bare doot SNYDER CO. PA., We will not attempt to dwell on this painful scene, but etnUavor to de. scribe the natural result nf another mode of living and education. " I have no trouble with my chil dren aid sorvait eir's.'' remark a plain, neatly dressed, unassuming ml I-dle-sgcd lady ; "every one of my boys had to b'trn s trade, mid keep steady at it. Wo nudo thfm a pron ent of the board bccino wo cvild af fjrd that, but they had to clothe them selves. As for my girl I only give them a pool plain education 1 did not even lot llietn leirn lo pliv on the piano, for several reasons. First, bo cause they had' to help do tho house work j tlscy are excellent conk they Are q'lick nt washing and irouin, and they can scrub nicely, und bein ascus tnincd to it, they httvo the streogth to do it without getting tired Another reason why I did not allow Ihent to learo to piny on tho piano, is, hceati'c they may umrry a man who may not be able to buy a piano, and bexiJu that when they once gut mnrrird they InvnJ to-look alter their house affairs J j:ct to i.. .1 .1, t . . jpleasanter than our neighbors who! navo cuiiurcn, mey win nave iiiudie.rv j-.-i enough without a piano. Tlnso arej,,wl onrs.ll, if I hsvo it all back in my views. I know Ihcv nro not popu-!,w" S'ar il ,io' I was no spend- lar, but I seo that wo get along lar,,"'irt I'1 "'V young days. 1 tin I my Invo daughters who know a great nlW!,3 " "vt ' wu"' piain ; worneu j wc He,.,, 8, ,i,i i, count uitly kccIv many refined things, but nre depend wu could ouisclves, anldil ti'H ing new mpplies of fivsh t.ir thttm-li enton others ti do their woik." .tlir-nv our money nwiy foolishly, on I i ,. doors, win. lows, or fire-jdnees.' A young, cnergctio meehnnio was i " wn ure position to assist our If a peiso i's lutis are not well lucky euouh to marry ft daughter thathouo; ho brings Ini young wile to his new homo, which eonsists of on ly a few rooms plainly funvsliod, but everything looks neat und tidy. 'U'hnt have wo for breakfast J' ho asked affectionately. - Hash, biscuits and coiTee.' 'Unhand biscuits! Vou frighten ed mej 1 havo had enough hash nnd biscuits in tho boarding houses.' They repair to the table, its soowy white linen, tho polished cutlery, the steam iiiK hash with it inviting flivor, tho tender biscuits, tha butter crowned wlh its little bit of ice, tho nicn coffee nnd cream, all havo such an inviting appearance, that tbe husband sits down, tastes of tho bash and biscuits 'Ah!' exeliims ho, 'this hash and bis cuit is different from tbo boarding homo hash and their stone liko bid- cuits ; ' but why don't yoa eat V 'I cannot cat a bite if you do not nv n nenvf.P will. m. fir!.. M .ron.l : mutber leirnod mo to maU this basH nml liispnit toil nhn alio lenrnnd mo to prn) nnd give thanksgiving to God. In my parents' house wo always pray ed before wo naitoolt of a ineul. Io. mv dear, tho sauio. vou will make , . 1 ' me so happy. Quick as lightning the husband laid down tho culinnries, cluspod his hands together and lifted his tearful ryes heavenward, and prnyod from tho in most recedes of his h 'art : 'I fliaok Theo, Heavenly 1'athor, that Thou hast bluised mo with a gojd wife. M.iko me worthy of her. Bless us both with continuod g)od health ; wntch over us wilh Thy pnr enUl kiuduess ; keep us iu tho path of righteousness, that wo may fulfil our uiissiou ou eunh honorably in thy sight aad the sijjbtof our fellow-men. Amen, Vuu pray well,' said his wife, 'for a new beginner.' 'It is tbt aim of my life whatever I do to do it well, aad hpe to improve io praying, leu nave turned my al tention to be thankful lo God lor the many blessings that lie so bountifully showers upon us. We will both of us bo good, will w not T asked tbo bus laid earnestly. 'Yes, we will be just like pa roots, cheerful, Industrious, sell-rely ing, char it able and saving.' 'That is my view of lifo, but I must bo off to ray work Shall I advertise (or a girl ?' 'No' was the prompt reply i 'Moth er says that a servant iritl costs per week, wages, board, and what she wastes, at least six dollars that would be nearly ono-third of your weekly earuings Thank God, I can do with out a servant u.irl, snd euvt thut much to my darling husband.' Thtre is a pi.' ting. kis between which two bourts are forever blended ioto ono. Years pass away, and six pledges of love now sit tt the dining tuolo, each rosy, and the very picture of bealtb, and tho happy mother shows no signs of futigut. As she serves the noon meal tbe father cives tbt sign, tbo children clasp their hands and follow in tho prayer of tbeir parents. 'Husband yoa do not eat as heart ily as usual, and seem Inst in thought ; what ta ttfo matter? You never had aoy secrets whlob I could not share.' 'i os,' answered tbe husband, 'I have something on my mind. My employers are iu a critical condition. All the partners lived high, drew too uiuoh from the business, and now thsy are forced to sell out Tbe low thou sand dollars that I bavo laid up, are oot sufficient t if I could make a loin of'ertral thiuaal dolhrs, I ooull buy oat the entire coneeru at a great bargain, and, under my niaougeruont, il would yield a large lacomo, and as oar family is a growing one, it would bo desirable, snd betides that, I could, by-aod-by, take my boya in business, learn them tha trade, aod tbis would be excellent in the future.' . 'Father will let vou have tbe money. They have lovltod us several times to SEPTEMBER 1& titinntcly. 'I will follow your suffoca tion.' . There was n gey time at the old folks', when tho daughter with herrs emplnry husband, end their well drought np children arrive!. The Christum Tret was; in splendid trim, and grundfslhcr jtimed about like a hny. Fvery thing i ail riuht,' soidhe 'That son-in-law i a eipilal fellow, but there is one thiui; tint 1 do r.nt like, he has never asked d mo a favor. I would fe-lumro fatherly toward him if I could render him a favor ' 'Father,' txei timed tho daughter, 'coul I I and my lui-lmnd t ilk to you in privile on business J 't'ettii'tily,' Miid he. 'Thanks t)llie Itiiildcr of -all tho world, now emiles my chanco to show myself lh:it I uni o ioo I fat hot'.' Tho plan to buy out the establish ment was nervouly stated, and read ily eruutcl. 'Ye, my dear son. yon enn have ton thousand ilo'l.iM with ut interest : . 1 ibin't Witit your noto. just give me credit in your books, and you need not I i.'i- irm.il.nf.liii nnu 1'aii. 1 ,1,111 ' '' ,U1 IIV0 " Kranit style. e f,tii'servin cnti.iroii. w ir t nii ircii aw nil deserving children. J banks to the lluilderond Preserver of all the worl Is, wo havo in jJol sous an I model dun tcrs.' If parents like ti hivo model sons onu mojci aaujiitiiM, they miwt set them the example of humility before Col, of industry and temperance in their modo of living. The plainer nnd more imas.su in in.; they live, tho better it will be for them und their children ; and let thoir sons, by all means, leuri) s trade, and encourage them to becomo uiesit-r iiii-eiiuuit.?. And let their d luhtors learn prac - tieally the art of cooking and housckeep' in.', lint they in ty retain health and grow physically strong, to be cnabloJ to fulfill the duties of wifiiand mother anl tube a helpmate, ns Uol his or dained The fat-hiousof our day spoil, ami tho penalty is a lite a lite ot misery . ul 1 . Hl y.?rw - "'" OI'IIHWM .(I.VIIIO It IS W01I W Prolit b! llu "aJ""' of others. A .iiurut?rfr ifurifti aiivc. Tha Mouitihis fTennl Acilnnrh of Aui. savs : The officers ol the steamer Check tell of tho lynching ol'lull that sort of thin l . .1. !. .. r I . A I i....i ... : . i. . ti I leek, who is said to havo murdered Mr. anil Mrs. Oooue.on l uvonlo Island I wo mouths ago. Heck was in Austin (Miss.) juil, where be hnd been placed by the hlienff of Tunica county, who had brought him from Indiana a few duysugo. On Wednesday morning a large number nf men gathered around tho jail in Austin, took tho prisoner out by force, brought him dowu to the river's edgo, placed hint in a ski If, nnd rowed hiiu up tho river tu Favorite Island, and hangod him to a treoovur the spot wliero tho nucd tlondcs fell beneath tho murderer's axe somo two months before. A proper investiga tion would have accomplished nil this if tha man was guilty. Whco will peoplo learn to havo confidence in nnd .respect for the law? Another ac count, from what appears to bs a reli able source, say that there was uo lynching, properly so called, but that the uieu took lieck out of jail, manned a fleet of skill's, as a sort of guard, aud the prisoner was rowed scrosi the river by tho wuoing light of Iho moco oo Weil ties lay morning about three o'clock, to a suad-bar on the Arkansas Shore, and there, uuder the long shad ows of the trees, the crowd gathered around t'ueir victim and feasted their druokoi eyes upon bis pallid lace, trem bling lips and tottering limbs, while our-essnd blasphemies disturbed the quietude or t lie uionmg nir. As tho first gray stroaks of dawn shot upwurJ from the eastern sky, a grave was scooped out of tho sand by n lot of men who sppoaroi at that moment, more liko demons thai) human beings. Minding tho wretch's Linda and feel together, thoy ibrew him luto tho bole. Two or throo of the stoutest alood upon bis body while tho hole was being filled up, lifting thoir feet every now and thon to beep ou a lovol wilb the rising atiid. As the aand went in tho'io men actually daooed upon the smothering victim beneath, and the whole crowi broke out iu so unearthly son:. At loueth, when tbe nolo was IU led up and heaped over, a "stag dance" was improvised, and the twenty vigalaotera carried oo the revel until tho sua rose above the horizon, wbou they hurried to thoir skiffs and disap peared u p and down tn river iloog the Mississippi shore. Sato Coun Now is tbe time for farmers to gather their seed corn for next year. If every farmer would go into his field, sod, selecting the best ears, gather enough fur next year's seed aud place it where it would get thoroughly dry belore freesioir weath or, there would be no trouble about oorn rotting in tbe ground. Tbe ex- fieritnce that uiauy of our farmers bad ust spring snd the anxiety sbout the Southern oorn not ripening ought to convince that a half days work now wight says much trouble. Our expo- 1 1870. urtolllcis ol llrrntlilnir. The tnl'er men are. other tilings bc - ing equal, the molt liins they have and tho (.'renter ntunlirr ol euhie iuclie ol uir tliey cull tnke in or do liver nt a single I renl h. It is grner- ally thouuht I but a tniin'H luiis urr sound aud well developed in pi-qw tion to thi gir'h nroiiii I ihu rhest : yet obHtfrvntions ehuwi th itslim meii 41 a rule, will run 1'iMcr. otn! fm iImji with less fntiguo, having "more win 1" than stout men. If two ersons nt e taken, in all rtspeets alike, exeepi that one uietuurcs twelve incln's more around !io eMesl tliau the olhur, the una having tho ex 'ti-s will tu t deliver morn uir at one Iti'l lueuth. by tnatlie matieal mcasui nieul, lliau lli ulher. Tlu more uir n inun receives into III.- lungs in ordin-iry breathing, the more h.'itlthy be in li ilile tn tic; bi- iiusn an important ebj -ct In breatli iti is t rem.tvr imputities from the blond. Kaeb breuth is dr um in tu t lie '.lunifs: on its out e.nn r. the noxt in- f airtnt, is so impi:i, so p.-r : tV-otty detituto of iiouri-l.tne-it. that n. rc-nre u no i wnnoui an v niun t,lro nf a p irer ntmosj. here, tho in in Would die. Heneo, one ol the cmdi- tions neeos.iry to secure n hi.'li s'a'e r . 1 .1 . . 1 . f health is, (lint tlu rooms in hieh vch.pcd, tho heilih will bu imperfect. but thn .levoloiunent m !. io .,,! ;t.Vcrai inches in a few in intln.'hv , daily onl-loor runnus with the: mouth closed, beginning wit lj twenty yar n un'i on k at a linic, inei easiug j , tPn yards every week, until a hundred nro ,, ovpr 1. 1 1 rtou a d iv. A siibstj. tto lor ladies n il djisoih in cities Is 1 ruiMI;ni, Vit , tails with the mouth l ..,cii whicli compels Very deep in- I (.pirations, in a natural way, at tho end 'of the jouruov. ,s consumntivo nconlo are decln ing, ea.'li week is witness lo llieir ilia - 'Lilitv m ili.liv.r ns mo,.ii ir .w -m. U'le utit breathing ns tho week before ; hence, tho best way toke.ipthit fell diseao at bay is to maintain lung de-, Volopinent. All .ti Iuiiisu I'uIIci 'm Atlilrc To Ills Sou. Hob. you uro about leaving homo for strange purls. You are goin to throw niooiitof tho gamo and k it mono, i no o iis ara ngin you, liot remember that imluniy utui pci'seve runeo are tha wimiinir onr.ls ns ll.nv are tho ''bowers.'' lljok li'ariiin und will do to till up , with, like small trumps, but you must i have the bowers t t back I hem, or tliey ain't worth shucks, if luck is ciu you pretty strong, don't cry aud look ike a sick chicken ou a rainy day, bill . hold up your hand uud make believe 'you are tlunh of trumps, nud they won 'i p!ay so hard aiu you. I've lived and travels 1 around somo, lloh, and and I'vo found out that as soon us folks thought you bell a weak hand, they'd all buck o,'io you strong. So when yoii'ro sort'r weak, keep a bold look "but play cautious ; besati.sSel wilh a point. Many s tho haaJ 1 vo seen em cuahrs cause they played for too much. Keep your eyes wall skinned, Hob ; Jon't let them nig you ; recollect the game lays as much with tho bead ns with the hands. Ho tempera's, nover get drunk, for then, no mutter how good your hand, you won't know how to play it; bulb bowers and tho see wou'l save you ; for there's certain to be a "miss deul" or something wrong. Aod another thiur', Hb, ihi was spokeu in a low tone), d u't go too much on the woiiun ; queens is kinder poor cards, tho more you have of them tho worso for you ; you might have three and nary a trump. I don't bay discard 'em all; if you get boid of one tliut is trump ll a all good, and there's sartin to be one oot of four. And, Lbovo all, Hob, be honerH ; never take a roan's trick wol dou't belong to you, ner slip cards or uig, tor then you ran t look your man in tlia !aeo, and wheu thni's tho case them's no fun in the gumo; it's u regular -'cut throat." So, now, liob, farewell ; remember what I tell you, aud you'd be sure to win, and if you don't, it serves you I'Uht it you get "skunko I.'' Thb SeCKET or it. An old farmer being asked why his boys stayeJ at home whoa others did not, replied that it was owing to the fact that be always tried to make home pleasant to them, lie luroisueu them Willi useful and attractive reading ; and when night comes, and tho day's labor is ended, instead of running witb other boys to the railway station tad adjoin ing towns, they gather around the great lamp, and becomo absorbed iu their books aod papers. Iis boys were still st homo when the eldest boy was twenty-one, while (hose who were furnished with no rtading at homo sought city life and city dissipation as soon as they wero teveottee cr eighteeo. All will do well lo bred this testiuioay of s (armor who has known how bard to struggle for a footing on a free soil without capitul is, and bow valuable snd comparatively cheap sro tho aids which Rood reading briuus to him. In Ibis age of general Intelligence, tbe wind must be catered to sod boobs aad papers furnished : and not only tbis, but in ibis age of cheap snd artistic obromos, pictures cap aba be broaght J . u. TIATKH OF ADVEBTISUTQ. On eoltimn one yttr fCn.OO One-half column, one year, 10,00 ine-fiirth column, one year, 14.00 One square (10 lines) one insertion 7t Kvery idililional inserlina (0 Professional end llusisese rani tff net more than fire lines, per rear. 6,00 Auditor, Eiecutnr, Administrator and Assignee Nutirrs 5,50 Editorial notices per line 15 All advertisements for a shorter perioa thau one vesr sire fns!le at the time i they re ordered, and if not paid Ibe per son ordering them will he held rrspontibt fiT ltr moiirr. 1 ' y u t " i i' j' V- h i rntii.u i 1: i -I il'anv .. i I . '. . , i - n' i . I . ' a .i- ,i - i. i - i ' ,1.. t V. I I IT it I'l" .-l ll V-'I.S 1 1,., li . . "1 t I I' I . I T.i. i.-l ; 1'iit of t : r : j - Ul.i. In i I . ll.ullMIU'i l - liri'iiliiu; 4; i a ii's I iil-r (.i otinl , A c MTe.s;oiJctit of the fr iyw Cul-titi'i-t .-ays : 'Many vnrs ago. while in the Ifr- i aery I'lisinrvs, u cu-toiner wunted sonm I vines ol Hi', tin I whiii tiiv were being I lug tli li-iisk ' I me il l kept my gripe) 'overwinter This wu in .Much. (IT lour.- he ;;ot a nrgilivc rep'y. "We!!." -ni l n, "wli.-n 1 eomonext ! eck for trees I i I l.riiiL,' you somo ulon;'.'1 J l.u ilnn sretned lil aj j' ko (o mrf nl the tituri, but ol cur-e I thanked lilni fi r the kind otr-r. True to hU pr.'ini'e, wlien ho came n week or ton ui vsi ttieu nner, lio lii'iuigiit mo Koine; Not u low berries, ns iniyht hire been expected, but ut least live pounds. They wore I-u'icllxs nnd I '.ituw bus pcr- i 'l'(,,y I'lump. sweet mil Ire-h, although ' "")Ht "l0 ''O1'1'"" "ad dropped Iroui ! t!ll 'r H,1',"IS ' '''' l,,p exception of it jvery slight earthy taste, they woro !l'r''l"y excellent. i , 'l'" ", ieir.i i 'lf" do you keep them thus? Tho reply was, ilmt iu tho lull, ns lato as tho cold would admit, Ihey were gathered in a clear day when perfectly dry ; it layer of green leaves was taken from I ho vines nnd laid. on the billon; on these a layer of crapes, nn I theu ii liver of leavea a.'nin, until the box was full, finishing wilh a layer of leaves, I'ut the li l on tight, aud bury doep enough to escape tho feo-ts of winter. (l course it must be where water can J not sett lo into the box. .'I' lie stems of grapes were unite Ireah wlieu : Rlvt'" aio. Tho man toll me bis father in-law had kep. them thu fot years To ibis tho editor if the journal adds : "Wc have often dug np bunches of crapes on layers), lato in ihc fill, when all the grapes on the vines had been frozen long before, and louui them plump, svveet and fresh. No. do not lo iU thu method is u gojJ ouo uud worth a trial." t xefiil liituriiiuf luii. How to Lav O. f a Sqkk Acub or til'.oi.wn Measure "IT 0. leet ou eavli side and you will huvo a s pure icro wiihin an inch. Contests of an Acre. An ncio contains 4,710 s pure yards. A square mile comoins 010 acres. MKAsi nv. or Distances. A tnilo is .V-'SO leet, l.ltid yards .n length. A fathom is six leet. A Iculmio is three miles, A Sabbath day's journey is l.lfi.V yards this is I S yards less thau two. Hiiro ol a mile. A day's journey is 321 miles. A cubit is two feet. A ban ! (horso uuasure) is four indies. A palm is thr.'o inches. A spun is 13; inches. A space is three leet. llAHHEl. MKA-iKilE A barrel of fljur weighs r.J.i liouiiilH. A barrel of pork -00 ponnds. A keg ol pow.ler 2 pound.. A firiiu of btittrr .VI pounlsw A t ib of I utter 8 1 pounds. IkstiKi, Me.uu bk TIm following ate sold by weighs per bu-hel. : u heat, beans, ami slovirserd, six'y pouuds to the bushel. Com, ryo an I flaxseed, 50 p uuds. Duck wheat 52 pounds. liarlcy 4H pouuds. (Ms 32 pounds'. lirao ''J pjuuds. Coarse salt 8i pounds. Various Weights and Measi uks. A ton of round timber is 40 feet j of sqared timber bi cubic feet. A o.uiuiuioial bale of cotten is 2(11 pounds. A paok of wool Is 240 pounds. A soulioa of government laud is C40" seres. A liquid ton is 252 gallons. A box 16 by 161 inches aud 8incbc deep contains a burhol. Wn. A groco lookiug chop, from tho Green Mountain Statu, went over tho line, aod on lo Montreal, "to Vndi around a leetlle." Qolut ioto a lufgo' and hsadsouse dry-good besise, bW t er. daoey attacked the attention cf the proprietor, who attempted to (rats bint, but having an impedinyeas) la his speech, ht bad to sive it up, snd hi olork cawo forward t speaa ft hha. lie begun ' Mr. Uull wishes to knew if yot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers