I: i ' t e THE P0ST7 MlDbt.EBVIlf), StHTl MBLH U. 1170 TOWN AND COUNTRY. Ox Moadnr and Titosday DihtK of thiii week this county wis visited lj blight fronts. . ft v hay Republican should see that he ja registered. Karl tlteotlon to lli lustier Is advisable. Tut lit of premiums olftrsJ j ttie Snyder County Agricultural Society Will be found io auetlier column ol tlim Japer. IIt referent4 to another column it toil! bo seen that arrangements arc be tng made fur holding a grand Mass Meeting la this place co the Ii7tb lust. Thk returns Irom Mains are mes gra, but enough are At hand id show tbtt Hon. Sidney Pcrbnm, the He publican eenditlstc, has been elected Uuveraor by a handsome majority. Duldinu hardware, lock, hinges, aerews, aaile, glass, paint, oil, Ac., Ae., Itr sale at tho Selinegrove hardware store at lower pt iees than ercr before. Special iuduceiutaU oSered to build re. Uon. Wm II. MlLMit, of Hsrris bur, wb represented this distriet io Congress from 1862 to 1804, and who Vas well koowo to mauy of our citl Eeos, died suddenly, of roogestivc lb ills, oo Mouday evening lost. Accident As J. I'. Cronmiller, Esq., of this plico, io cotnpsoy with a lady and a little girl, was on bis way to camp meeting last Sabbath afternoon his bugjiy was driven into by some Brainless scamp, and upset Toe oc- punts wero thrown out. tho lady Was pretty badly bruised ami the tuix tiy broken. Mr, C. and the little girl fortunately escaped uniojured. ox. J. H. 1'ackkr was, on Tues day of Inst week decUred the nniini mous choice of Duuphin county for Congress. This cli- the list of vouDlics in the district, each liavinjr, declared Iiini their unanimous choice fir re-election. This is certuitily a Jiigli eoaiplinn'ot to a worthy servant, and proves that his eonstiluehts appre ciate hU vul.iablo serviees, and that they are sat lulled that he is the r i r t t man in thu riuht place, is election I ft. a certainty, anil wo nr Inppy to nay, by a much larger minority tbao be lore. Camp Mertino. The Cuuip Meet ing In Bower's" woods, (uudor the aus pices of the roiled JJielliren) for the Middleburjt Mission, commenced last Thursdny, snd Ciiotinued until lut nillit. Tlie grounds had Lecu late f ully nrrsiijrod 15 tents ervrted and the minister in tlme, 1'cv. J. !. I)suheriy. l-esidii.g Khler, hnd leeti repnritii( t lie pvoplu tu lonk fur nmi expect " a time ol i t f. i-wliin'' duriiiu' the encntnpiiisnt. Ten minister were iu stteuduuee, uud the Word was f'uitli fully preached to largo sud at ten tivo ou lienees. Tho uuinber of con versions wss not Isi c ; but the meet ings were ununua'ly (uteresting uud iruproudro. Turn. Hill Lsy. A correspondent of the Williainxport " (inr.clte & Rull tin" spoaks of this gentleman ns fol lows: " A more n ble, honest, patriot ic and liberal gentleman never atked (lis suffursrs ol a free people, nnd it Is to be seen whether the blustciioL's ofs few corrupt politician enn influ ence the minds of sn honorsblo well thinking community liko ours. There are many Demucrsts who will vote for Mr. Hill, becsuse they know him to be fair, honorable gentleman worthy of the position and eapablo of filling It Mr. Hill is not eapablo of stoop Injr to meenuesa he bss a beurt and a principle that soars above it, and these who are endeavoring to traduce bin will find it but waste powder! When an Otricta can make an Arrest. A parly tried at the recent Court ia Montgomery county, for ns asulting an officer nude the point in his defense that the officer had no warrant for his arrest, whereupon the Court defiood the rights and duties of polios ofneers as follows t An officer, as any private citicec, has tho right anl it is bis duty to pre vent a crime with or without a war rant; and where a breach of the peaee Is imminent lie ought to interfere sod arrest the offenders i and when be aees an assault committed he ought to interfere aud arrest and follow in pur suit, with or without a warrant. Whenever the officer has tbs offender within bis view at tbe time of com mitting the offence he bas the right to mako the arrest with or withouta war rant. He bas tbe power whsa tbe offence Is committed In bis view, but when be acts en information of others bo must bsve a proper authority. In esse the officer saw an affray or fight, which was stopped by bis appioacb, he had the right to arrest ibe offen ders. North AiDoricso. A Test. Lst month tbs Repnbli can Administration of Grant paid off another instalment ol fAtrtven ami a half million of thf yullio J tbt. Now, in the approaching Congressional alee tlous tbs people have a chanoe to say whether they approve of this reduc tion or tue publio debt or not. lite Ieaioeratio administration of Andrew Johnson never paid any, though the taxes were much heavier than now. That of Grant bas never yet failed to teduoe it at lbs end ol svery mu&tu. Jf tbe people sre diasalisDed with Ibis they will defostlhe Kepublicin esndi- dstes for Congress at the polls, and re puaiaio me Anminiairsuor, u iuej are not they will defeat tbe UemocraiU candidates, who are loll of promises And berreu or words. We predict taat the rebellion. We find it i.in 'niMhe official acts published by authority of isw : fecliou 23. Ami te itmlhrr en- atfr(, lint every private aoldiur and officer who bus sorted it tho nrmy of tho United States during tho rebellion. for ninety days, and remained loyal toino uoveroment, sod every srawso, marine and olllccr. or other person, who has served in the nary of the I'uitcd States, or mnrine crps or rev odus marine, during the rebellion, for ninety days, ami remaiued loyal to (bo Government, shsil. on payment of tho I'to or commission to any register or receiver ot any land olllco required ly law, bo entitled to enter one quar ter suction of land, out mineral, of the alternate reserved sections of publii lands along ino lines ol an? one of the railroads or publio works in lbs I nitod States, wherever publio lands Live la-en or may be gr.ntod by nets of Congress, and to receive a potent therefor under and by virtue of the provisions of the act to secure borne steads to actual aettlers on the publio domain, and tho acts amendatory thereof, and ou the terms and condi tions theirio prescribed ; and all the provisioaa ol said acts except as hsreio Modified, shsll extend aoi bo applies ble to entries under this act, and the Commissioner of Ibe General Land Office is hereby authorized to pre scribe the accessary rulss and reirula tioos to eurry this section into effect and determitio all facta necessary tbsreior. TrRRtRLB KrrEcror Hitro Gltoe Rinr Last week Mr. W. A. Thomp son lost hl life la tue oil regions by tbe explosion of some torpedoes whian he was carrying in bis buggy. The Titutville Herald gives tho particulars as follows: It appears that tho deceased loft home iu a hugy, nt nn early hour on Tnesdcy morniug, tbe 30 h ult., car rying with him a torpedo to be explod ed io a welt a few miles below the town. . Arriving tbero he found two old tupedocs which hsd failed to ex pioue, aod were to bo returned to the factory, a short distance above Frank lin. Taking these instruments ol desth in his buggy, Mr. Thompson stsrted on his sclurn homeword, an J the cstsstropheoccurcd within about s miiu nnd a-hull of the city. The body wus thrown about fifty teet from the plaoe whero the torpedo exploded, aud was lying terribly mutilated at the side of lbs rond. the lei t arm above the elbow disaevertd from the body and missing. The borne and the fore wheels of the buggy were found sbout one hundred yards sway, which dis tance the horsu hsd ruu before bo fell. The scene srouod showed the terrible power of nitro glycerine. The after part of the buggy was rtduced to chips, aud a largo portion of tie axle wus not found. Oue o! the tires wss hanging iu a tree, some twenty feet high, and oue of I he uuforiuuate vic tim's bouts was liimgiii' ou nuolbcr. The main charge eft lie torpedo had en tired tin; left bicatt jui-t above lbs hip, and dctttli mut have come like a (lub and vvithont physical Buttering. Thu hesd nud luce wcro ui uiucu diligjr ed, showing ouly slight sbrtuioiiri, cuu.-c I doubtluB by tiie tail of the body ou tho ground. i i . I, A !?! Oma. The llctlilchcm Times says, that "Dr." Joliu Kiudt, ol hamuli, ow ned s lot of wute Isud io Columbia cuuutv, for whiih he paid 2,0bi. Judge l'tckcr sud others ss eertr.iuing Unit the land coulainud dt- potiU ol coal, offered Kindt C4'.)0,0UU lor it slid be took tlieui up at their offer. He would have becu a fool if he hail'ot. c LOSING 1'ltICKS OF DcIlavcnV Brother 4U South Third Street Pliila 3 o'ctot k, J'. M. V. S. tl'a of '81 Srpt. 5, 1870. 118) llljo. Ill )iiir nii lioj(., iioi 110 1IO(.iII0 106 (.1,1001 lll(Ui. liajr.J.imj '04. '65, 'lift, sew, 'U7. ' '68, Si. 10.40 a t. S. 80 Vesr 0 ttr deal. Cr. Oold, Hiver. Unios PseiRe R R- 1st M Dohds 810 (f. MO Cemrsl rseillo R. R. 87& ("Mti Usioa PsoiBe h. Or.nl Doada, 120 (u.750 Ue srs Drebared IB furnlih Rsvenus fltsmps of all denominations Io ou- custom ers, allowing tbs following disoounl ; on S 2a and upwards Z per eent. ' loo 8 " 800 4 We (II snd forward all ordsrs upon the dsr of tbeir recsiul. MIDD1.EUUKG MARKET. Corrsoied weekly. Potatoes 60 20 Butter 80 Urd .allow Eggs SO lrid Apples Sets P'ebssanp'd 18 els Soap t . 9 h us 1.00 80 20 Cherries Plsasasd Ueeswss llusklsberrlss ('berries seeded 1& Ulsckberriee SEL1NSGKOVE MAllKET. Wbssl No 1 (I 26 I Onions T5 Wtieat "2 1 i& I Duller 25 Cora W Kggs 20 Mve ' Soap lolO Osis 45 Urd 20 I'lasoeed 2 00 Ham 22 Timolbvsesd 1 60 Hbouldsr It) Clovsrissd 6 00 Side 14 CAUINIT ORGAN ANIi MttOUKON M AMI FACTORY. Were Room sad Blare oe Tine Street, 1'eoiorr on Bnjrdsr Bust, Bslinegrote, l's. If yon wset to bear asd see Sao tosed asd Miiillul Uraraas sud Mlodmw hII at r War roam aod aturs. Wo n subo bal Us tost aialarlal la raaklns IkitiiuhU. Try sae VI ...m . fUVJ Will WHIHHN. fcrary liutnineal Is warraalad Sir Ave rears ItMlera. Aihii aad Mtnlsl.ca of Ike do. Ml are Invlied l ourresiiond wlih tie sad sead Sir prteo list. Ws are also saauisJof Ute smi nsw York aad P.IImI.iiiUi. fUaus. ' Vlollus aud Aowirdoiias (rum St U ail. Vkilla StrliiMp, bkiMt aluaie, f loturo traiaes, as., as., awys urn b.bu. fuaua ad Aesordouaa sorrstl taaed sad PH.ir.li Call , or address br letlar k X. a ai.im a co.. Uii.lillebu and vlcinitv that t am prepared j 10 repair CLinK. AND WATCHER rheap ami expedltiau'ly. The pntrnosgs of I lie puiiiio ts rerpecliiillr eolioiieil. W. (IRANKM.O, Middlebure, Nor. 21 Ifr.'.i. E' VOLE HOTEL. No. 227. Nnrlh Rnl St . (Iieiween Race snd Vine) I'liiUOelpMa. R. 1). tTMMINOS, I'rnp r. v M. PWARIt, Knperintendiini. r,.n; On tlie 2tt rinr of .fulv taet.lhe euSncri her found a GOl.li WATCH, worth perhnpn $M on the rosd s few milr stove ,VI smhnre. Ths owner of euiil watch ess bsve the snms by rslling on me. prnvint property, snd psjlng sll chargM.fnr irnii.c end etpense in Inking ll up. Otherwise ll will ns disposed or the taw direct. KDWAKII WAGE. West Pester, August 11, 1870. MI-TKMIIKIt COI ItT. COI'l.T PKOCLA M ATlON. yhereas tbe Itnn. 8. H. Wood- Treel V T denl Juilge of the Jmllclnl lltrlnl composed of ibe eounlles of Snyder, t'nlon snd Mifflin ssd A. K. Midli'Swsnh snd George C. Moyer, Esi8 Asoeiate Jmtiies Id snd for Psyder eoaniy bave Issned llieir preoelpl benrisg dais the Ibe 23d day of May, IH70, nj to ns directed for tbe kolding of an Orphaas eotirt, a court of Cornwall lless, eotirt of Oyrr and Ter miner and General court of I'uarlrr Ses sions of the rrace st Miildlebiirg, for the eonsiy of itnyder, ns the 4th Monday, (be ing tbe 26th dsy of teptetnber, 1870.) sod eoniinns ens weeh. Nolies Is therefore hereby given le lie Coroner, Juetirs of the Peace and Conels bles la so for the county of tinyder, to sn pesr I Iheir proper person sriib their roils records, tntnlsillons. esoniinntions and other rernembranoes to do those things which of their offices snd ia their behalf pertsln le lis doos and witnesses snd per sons prosecuting ia behalf of lbs Common wealth egainM any persna or persons sre required io be Ibea snd tbero attending and not depsrtiog without brave at Iheir peril. Justices are requested to be punct ual ia tbeir attendance at tbe appointed time ef.recalily to notice. Given under my hand snd seal st the Sheriff's ottice in Middleliurg, Ibe 23 I dny of Msrch, A. !., one thousand eigel bund sud seventy. JOHN 8. WOLF, Sheriff. rpiUAL LIST, SEPT. TERM, 1870. Cralrtk Dlaaebard vs Wllllsm O. Hsrrold, sswe s iieorae v aist same vs llnrns, Howrs a Mover m vs satno saeia vs Jacob Hendricks et. al. same vs aani Rtan liauberman vs Enos V. V alter lieu Bulla a Haakl huminal vs satne J 11 I. hhliiflsl, Traae'r. Sees t:. r. lluebacK I t I, Nmiih lata r.rtoari k vs A.M liuiunilags .In tob Mlnlv aal Wile vs .loilah l.ahr baoiual I. llacS vs Auwn K Mllehrl aims vs ham Homta a .insepa Hainan earn vs Ailain Sicht fc Maml Weusl ssui VS .lubn Try Pants! Slattern va Catharine Matters Manual Waiin.r ts (laoraa Mark J.iha V. Mlchtervs KllssUth Klctitnr; Jaauk K Smllh vs franklin Kramer Slssoa Zecoaan va Peter fislsl LIST OF .lUllORS DRAWN FOK BEPTKMBtK TKHat, 1ST0. naasu it sose. Bravtr Jacob Grose, Reuben Dreeee. Untrtr lr Holomon Krcbbs. H jr. Deafer. CArzimea Adam H' llerrold. franklin Paniuel Gilbert, II. l. Milebell. Jirkoii Jo coli l.eitsel, George K. lienfer. M i err, k Jrriiiiinu llulilar. M-oirtr l.sac Jurtett, liiiiiicl I'vuver, Win Killer. I'liint llcnry Arlley, tieorie J, Httocl, William llngbiM. 'Try Willintii llardinf. Wiil'iHIil lleiges. Vrn Weil I'hilip M. Tosis. SelnimrurtV , M. hcl.uure, Syuiuil Geiti- lll'ljil g. fmon llarrinn Witnier, H'ruiiiyCoi Jovl Row, liturge U. Glass. I I TIT JlSOSs. Utartr Dsnicl II. Kline, Wm. II. Preee. Ahrhsm Snuok, Wm Heaver, l.iuOiil, John tieit, .lec.ili 11. Snyder. Btavtr H r Levi I'U-khart. .luck. Orwij:. K.li.n lloituau, Henry Ulsli, Atr.ihnm tnouk. Cmtrt George Henry, Sr., Robrt lias singer. Geo. W. Showers, Uavid Reicbly, John llnwersoTi. Cka iinn W m It. Hitting, Ilcnneville.KrS nier, Henry M. Freed. J.irkiim (iaorge Kliugler, Jr., Ilsniel llldt. rruucls J. Hoycr, Jubn hlinglvr, bauiavl T Waller, He'rnhsrd Kline. MnidlthurgAnihnny J, ttpecbt, Henry Keehnmn, Henry Hacbman. MidMttrr'k Andrew Ucnfer, J. P. Voder. .sWor William 8. Itile. 'Nni I'ctsr Ilosterman, Henry Row. Lewis Miller. Cbsrles Miller, George Fisher, Lewis M. Hnyder. erry Charles lloyer, Joba D. Verger. S'limiyrort Urnjamio llousewurt.b. t'M'jn Kllas WeiiKel, Kmanuei Auker, Henry Rums, Ssmuel Witmer. Walkingon John Arbogssl, Daniel D. Moyer, Joseph Hoag. K MUSTEK'S NOTICE. Notice ia hereby srlvsa ts all eoaeerned, that tba lollowlna naoied parsons hsve sstilsil llislr ao- eounula tba Haalster's titrica, at aildiiletinra-, KnT'lar eounty, aod that the said eeeouBie will do prassniau lor connraiaiinn aaa allowance at the ttriihans' (feart to ba halaat Mldillaburir.tor tba Dauotv of Knyclsr. on tbo fourth Mueiiaf of &slaMr. beln IbaSSIk day ol said Boats, vis: I- Tkeseoounl ol Jaeob Swatin asd Isaac awaras, Ksaautorsor Ibe last will and laslamsut of Josank Swarm, daewsed. a. tu. aarouni oi staory nsraoori, jiaavr. 01 toe aslata ol Polly rarwall, naoaasad. S. The account of Haary Traastsr, Kiacnlor of the last will aadtastaaisator LllubaLS Traaslar daeaaaad. . Tka aaeoant of rtaary R. a aspp and 'Hsnry titular, Kt'rs uftheKttataof llaolsl KnepiMled. a. The secant of Namuel Wlttenmyer, Adin'r Cum Tastaaaautu anaaiw of tba Sstats ( Hubert W.tSmllk, deeaaal. S. Tba aooitunt af ItaloBiAW Cbrlaht and John J. Swans, lasdulors of tbe sstats of Jobs tvb- rlabt, dsueesad. Tho i Beaaunt af Haarv BaBmr. AdailBlstraiar of Iks aetata al taaae Ramar. daeaaaad. 8. a auHUUK, Register. Register1! Otsee, stiedlebwrg, Aug. ts, Ino. INVENTORY OF WIDOWS X tlNltLB THK SSJOS LAW. roTIOKIe karoby given Ikel the Inventory of Bnrnia Have, widow of Hamael Haua, late of fhe ktorouyk of BBiinsarove, das'di of Raaaooa KoHaa, wldaw of hamusl K abas, lata oft satra lowathldi uf Kl.lsaaaTB Bi'sil, wldaw ol Usees llu.k, lata f Party tuwoshlu, daeaaaad, kave baaa Sled wltk Iks lAerk ol the Organs' Court ol 8BVdar eaaatv. aad will ba ursautal to said t'ourl for approval eo sluaday, tha teth Say of BopioB)iu.r aaai. j. oHuina, Clark of Otdaaaa1 Court. ARSIONEE ACCOUNT. Notice Ik hereby glvoa that tbe aeeoaat of Jaka t). k rait tar. Aw la dm of Haarv HaWh.or )haa au tuwnaklu. kaa haaa Blad with lha PrMhawa. Ury aad that tbo same will ba presaBtod to the t uuri tot soan rata uom 9m aaBBuay, rj.pi.atur J. t'noUsi:, St, ISTS. aaa. k we. rraUoaoUry. PltVRIES VOKUK. erorcENA in di- 1 1 RNYDRR COUNTT. RS isaat, I Tka OeewatoawBallh el feaasylvaala v-w to iko Khsrie ol aavdar ( a. UaaaTiaa. Waauata, Abraham Rraaaar did as tho loth day at Itoetwbar, 4. !., lass, prefer his pelllkMS to the Judg-at of our said t'uwrt ol IHwtiua floss ol lha t'uuBiy ol bayiler, prajlug Sir tba oautas thsr.la sal lurlk, that bo aughl to bo divorced fruat tba bauds of Biatrlutuay autared into with Cliarlutla liruonar. Wo da theratoro eoatraaad you as keretoSira yoa wora eowuiaaBan, iaa sbhi t aariotio nruB' aar. that sattlaa aaide all olber butiuau and e outae wkatauerer. you so aad aiar la your Siili'd'iLorjhB Brut? p.r 9"r lurj.Ui raTTRr sn i i-i Rtsos tiRKtrrea. IMt'OHTKItft AMTK HKAI.KH!l 1! iliti lilt-. lllnHlC9 E3RANLJIES, WINES A N l AM. liTIII.K (ORKKiX AXD nilVKstlC IIQIOKS. ft". i;M .Hill Mite:, Aug. -3. ititf.l l..SMI.I,r P.. j ansi'.i.i. a t ni:w, M' t'Kss'iR. To Mrtmtii Si iuw, CXlOCSSn-aT AK1) OZ.AB8WAS.S, No st orlh Fourth btrrrt, riiii.tin i.i itiA. (Itiginal 1'sckagcs Constantly on Hand. Represented Vy Tllr.O'M HWItKI'llRlt. Q lVt)S.-rAHI()TilKl;S, Mantifacttircrs of snd il.-iilo s In all klne ol mi.?, timkkr. i,r.Mi:r.i:. I'.M.lNti, SIIIXnLKS. LATH. (LOOKING, etc . Khiimokin l)nm, Snyder County I s. All orders j rotnpily tilled. Walnut, Chtrrv. -.iir, nnd .inn t.umbtr tnntlanllii on hanJ, 7 "ny V.lerlloai I'rorlaninilon, WHKRKAS. in and by an Act or the General Assomlily in this Hlsle. en titled An Act to regulate the genera.) eleo ions of this Commonwealth," enacted tbe I'd day of July, IH I'.i, it la enjoined upon me to give pnMic nmlce or such elee tmns to be hel l, and enumerate what officers are to he eleeted, therefore I, J. H. Won, High Sheriff of tbe county of Snyder, do hereby make known Io the qunlifled voters of said eounty tbiil s General Klrclinn will ha held en the second Tuesday of October nest, (being tbe lltb tiny nf said month) in and for the several Election Districts ot said county, to wit : I dietrtdl, st ths I'nioD School House, in Selins Grove borough. II tlietricl. al the llou-e ofOoorje Roycr, in snd for Terry township. III distriel, al Ilia bouse of Christopher Wenticl. in and for Cbitpmao township. IV district, ol ibe bouse of (I to- Moyer, io and for Washington township. V district, si tbo house of Kcrslelter ft Gorman in and for franklin twp. VI district, at the bouts of George A. Smith ia snd for Reaver twp. VII district, al the bousa of Teler Troup in and lor West Heaver twp. VIII dielriet, at lbs bona of James I), Long in snd for Centre twr, IX district, at the bouse of Jacob A' Sm.tb in and for Middlerreek Iwp- A district, al the bouse of Andrew Ro- mig In snd for l'enn twp. XI district, st the bouse of Geo, llrouse in snd for Jncksun Iwp. XII district, at lbs hours of tap. John Helm in and fur Monroe twp- XIII district, at tbs house of John Fish er in snd for West I'erry twp. XIV district, at Ibe Court-house in snd for Ibe borough of Middleburg. XV distriel, at Tort Irevorlon llouse Iu aud for tpion two. School At wbicb lime and pieces there are to be voted for snd elee:sd by helot One person to represent tbe I lib. District In Uie Congress ol tue uintra gtatee; Ont ne person lo represent Iho Mlb liistrigl io lbs Mensis of Knusylvania; Three persons as Menibors from LyeoBi ig .vnydJ-r and t niou enuniies in the house id Ucpii-si niotivee of renti.ylvonla: D.io t ctton ni Associate Ju.liro of Snv. Icr until v- One jeiton ns Trotbonolsry of Snyder Oumy; One prrou for Krgi.lcr .V lleworder ol Snyder rnimtv One l ..r..l. f..r Ulstlicl Altornrv of Snyder comi'y. Otis person as Coinniitfinner of Snyder county 'no person as Surveyor nr fnv.Irr co.; One prison ss Jury Commissioner of Snyder county: One person si Auditor or J-nyd. r c.i. One person ss Coroner nf Snv ler co. J.OTICK IS HKIIKIIV f..' 1.S, "That every person, ejrcpling .Itisticcs of tha I'eace who sl.ull bold anv office or ' - appointment of profit or trust under the lulled Mate!, or of ibis htnte. or any oily or incorporated district, Whether a Colli' mi. si. .lied olrcer or otherwise, s suOunii- na'e otlicer nr a).'eiii, who is or shall he cm- tloyed under the leiiisiiilivp, rsecultve, or judifiary depnrliiieiit of this fimeor .-I' ibe l ulled Males, or ol sny incorpnrnieu dis trict i sud slso thai every member id Ion. gross snd of lbs tftale Legislature, and of the select or eomtnon council uf sny city, or commissioner of any iueorporuied die lriet. is by Isw mcapabls of holding or es- ereising at ibe enineiime, Ibe otbee nr ap poinlmenl of Judge, inspector or e'erk el anv election of this Common wealth, and that no inspector, judge, or any olttcer of 1 ucb election suall bs eligible to bo then voted for. aK .a..,.. .1. .11 t,. a.en.lll.,l in . any eletiion ss sfuressid, other limn s ...... , . . "' freeman of the sge of Iwenty-ouc yenre or more, who shsll bsve re.idS in .hi. at leaal one year, and in lbs election die- trim where ba offera lo vole at len.i e. day. Iuim.di.t.1, preceding .ucb election. and within two year, paid a Blale or eounty las, wbicb shall have neeu assessed at least l.u day. befor. tb. slee.ioo H, . . sen of Ibe Culled States who ha. previously Seen a qualified voter of this State, and re - moveu loere.rou. anv r......, aim VDO i .i r ... ...... i ... . basrselded in aeeieeiioa oisinot and paid laxea aa aforesaid, eball be ent iled en wot. Sftcr residing In ibu Btats sis montbst Provided, Tbsl ths freemen, eitiiess of ihe tailed tiisles, bslween lbs sges of twenty. ods sudlwcnty-two yesre, who hsve resid ed In the election district ss aforesaid tea days, shall bs entitled to vole, although ibsy sbsll aei bsvs paid Isses. No person sbsll bs permitted lo Sole whose same is sot contained ih tbe list of taiable Isbsbitsnls furnished by lbs Com issioasrs. Unless, First, bs produce a re ceipt for las psyaieni within iwsyesrsof s 8taie qr couaiy las assessed agreeably le ibe Constitution, sad givs ssiitfaelory at ideace either eubisowsoatk or aftrroa lies or lbs osik or sffirmaties sf snolbsr tbsl bs bss psid sucb iss, er on failure Is produce a receipt sbsll Bisks oath le Iks psymsal thereof, or Vcooad, if be elalns a rigkl le vols by being aa elector bet wees ike sgss ef twssty-oss and Iwcnty-lws year, bs sbsll depoas oa oaik or a ft me nial ion Ibal bs bas rsaided ia Ibe State si least ons year before bia spplieslion asd make suob proof of reside see ia lbs distriel ss Is required by Ibis sot. sad tbsl be duet verily believe from ike accounts given kiat tkat be Is ef lbs aforesaid age, aad give euck elber evideaec ee le required by this sot. wkereupon ike Basis of ibe person so adeutled le vats skall be laaeeled a lbs al phabetical list, by lbs tnepeetora, asd aots atsde epposile ibsrcle by writing Ike word fs If be shall be adssiilsd le sole by rvasos of bstlag paid lax, ee Ike word age If he shsll be admitted le sole by reaesa of euek sgs, sbsll be called out lo ike clerks wko bsll make the like aoies la ibe lists ef voters kepi by then.. "It say pe. son shall vole at more than one election district, er eiberwise frsudu- l.hllv vula wtorw ikaa sses us Ik. aaaia da. irf Tt tu Jacob Lorb. ri mi orpt the anna of ntialifled rlt liens,) shsll -I i r.i. - .r,...r ,.vr .r,mi . -r . r v - pose nf Isstielng lickels or of Influencing the eltliene ntialifled te vols, l e shsll OB i r...t.L ....i ... ... 4'ttencr. ahd be imprisoned forany term not esccctlinff three miinths '' earcc.iinginreomi.nins. In ticcorrliince Willi the provisions nf the 'in HtniFii ri nn nn 1-11, i, iri, n inn iivi nit plrmcnt In the Kleetum Law s of this ; (..,. ,n...niii. t i,..m..i. hi. r,,u,..vi., lenllli, I pnnlili . Hv the sol of tlie I'ougrssa of - I - i',e l iiiie.l Mifies. m illed "An Act to iitmnil the srvi rnl arts heretofore passed toshrl tbe o- outy f..niml-et..ners, in msklny du ti iti'le fur llit ennillitio and callms- mil Mliata eopiaa nf all aurb reinrn. shall makaiiu ihn nntioral lorerS. aad lor other Mirnnson.' and iipproved March Sd one thonmn I right hnntlre'l nud sixty Ave, nil persons woo have Ui srili'd tho piilnnry or navrtl service nf the Vniied Sillies, nnd who have not been dilchatgrd or relieved from tlio pen ally or dt'sliility therein proviilsd, ais ilei-nied and lukrti Io liuvs Volnnlnrlly re. Itnqnirhed and t fcited their rights of rit-iii-tialnp and ibeir rights In become cult, in nnd arc deprived i f vxi-icititig any lights . . - if en ieti thtft enf : And w I, errns. lrs.m nol cilirens of the I'niii il Stnlrs me not, tin ier Ibe t'nntiiti- inn and law s of I't-iiitsy Ivnniit, ipialineJ eln tors nf Ibis Cuinioonweailb : -riTHiS, I- I'e il marled. Sc., That in 11 elections hereufirr lo bs held In this Commonwealth, il ehnll be unlawful for I he judge or inrpeelers of any snch election to receive any lialtct or bnllnls front any per son or persons rmbrnccd In the provisions and aotijeet Io tbe disability Imposed by said art ol funres, approved March Hd, one Ibowssnd eight hmidred and aiaty-lvo, aud il shall be unlawful foe any soeh per son lo offer lo vote any ballot or hullols. HrrTlos, '1 Thai if any such judge and inspectors tif election, or any one of them shall receive or consent to receive any si.cb anlawful ballot or ballot, from an, disiiialitied person, be or they so offending shall be gttil'y of a inis.leme innr. nnd on cunvic.ion Ibireof in any co f gu.rl.T i-ffssivus ui iiiis'-vuiMiuuwvniiri. ur siibii icr each offence, be sentenced lo pay not less I him one hundred dnll irs, a line of , , anj to isiirru .u irn ' i-.w,,.,,viii in nir jiu vi mg proper county for not less I Una eiity tlai s. ... ' Hai-etiiB .1- 1 iial II auv l..r.nn ili.rt.a.l 7 " , ,. ,i - . 1 . Ol ciritciinriip nmi ui7iiii.iinri as Rinresnin. shall, at any election beri-afier lo be held in this commonwealth, vole, or lender lo the otlicer thereof, and otter to v. la., a i...ii... I..II...M .n. ... ...i...i:. , !, . . .' V. i shall be denned guilty ofa misdeuisaoor . nnd on Conviction I hereof In nny eotirt if gunrter Rsssioa. of this con,moBw,,h. shall for each otTet.cs bo punished in Lke "",bl!:,M, ci''i:tiz oi mis aci in iuc en. . 1 1 snnri oi election receiving sucb unlawful ballot or uniiois. riKCTios 4. That If any person shall hereafter persuade or advise any person oi i i .....i i t . , , . dersons, deprived of eilurtiship and ills - riuauneu aa an'rcsaiu, io oner any dbiioi or .ft.!, b. bald ii. ,l.l,'.r1B..i:i ...ii . .k. ..et;...-. .t -. - -i , , suco person so otfending shall be guilty of --- -- niing sdbii be guilty of I ou Couviciion llicrenf nar It ,1 . a misdemeanor, and ou iu soy court of Qusrier l.omuinnwetltn. suall ns punt.netl In like manner aa la proviuea iu me section or ., i , .. .... ... ; .: ,' nctl I or Lie .U. M ,u. v.-W VI nntvt,. UI . election receiving such uulawful ballot ballots. AN ACT tJcgulsling tbs mode of voting st sll clec- liooa In tbe several counties of lots com monwealth. Kac, ! Us ll ensoted, tie., That lbs i:b.J ... s.k 1 ia...,,,aa aviri. a i.. arr.ri., vvui.tii. va tnis lomtnonweann. at an aenerai, town- .h; k.K ,. I .i..in. ... en.p. oorouFU anu special riec. una. are hereby, hereof tar,, autboriied snd required io vole, by tickets, printed, or written, or parl.y pnn.ed snd partly written, severl,, J clsssified st follows Ons ticket shall em- truce the i.tiu.es of all jtidirrt of cruris v..i- d for, sin) In be lubellcd, outside, 'judici- . ary ;' on ticket sbn'.l etubrsce the names ; nil 'Lo Mine ulticers votni mr. an l L4 . tHoeiien. niiue ; timnri'i uan e ruce , 'l.o ntintis uf ml coiiutv orlireite voted for. nmuuina urieen. M ii.iioi, ii..-in.i..-r. at. I iieinl'vrs of ii-ren.l.ly. if voted fur. sud ! nieiiil ers of i-n:t., if v. .led for. and he .labelled, 'liwuniy i nnc lie. el sbml i-intinvo i l.e ,.,.. of all iouu.Uipo.hcer, v.ted for. JKU t-.h.. 'aJw, .nd "IZX nnd be liibrl'.ed, 'lown-hip; one lukel ...eo tecmul volt, itpm .....tl.e. tins el.'.i; 1 uil-.-1, n 11 i nil. l ine the nmues of u'.l lorng!i i ly "t a l.iuh mls-letneanoe, sn l on mnvictb-n ,,,, ... , I r- ... i t I !,,i . i . i .1 - tl ersnt. Ie m.e.1 or l-i ne. ne.1. nr both, at tl.e i llicvre voted for, and b. 'ul.e.l.-d. -l oro : ...., , .. ,,', i,. ,: e .,, , . and racli class el, jil be ill posilvd lu st a-' ree l tn I tit ,lra. dollar, in e..-b cu.e. i, ,r tt. .11 Kl e bsllol-b. XI .. imprU.BU.etlt otie e.r i Ire Ilka Lunl-I.u out ..' TI, ,i .loll it,. , e . I b..ll Ii ii.tti-ie-l. ni. .-. ns eti ,r.. .,n tl.a i.t:iter...f on. . Thill il Mini' r,o Hie duty oftnC aii ....-. ,,. ,..,., .L. ... I saelilH, lu lue setorul onimiies of Hits com 1 .. 1.. , I. ..I . ..... ; .... . ' ' ; "V .i .T . .. ...... - I 1 U4B ..nr..,,. n.i.i.i. f pinker of lie Iloiiso of Keprcsentaiives. I. .v.i. la'i.uiv.. 1 A V . crenaer oi i no M'tnttrr Arritovsu The thirtieth dny ct M uch. AMU.Uum.al one thousand eight hundred tiU4 sia.y-s.a; .v- o. i. stik CKItvTSV t ttr I also lr. offleui nnilc. t. th. .lecters of Hnydsr enmity that, by aa act entitled "an aei furibsr euppbimeotal to tbe act relative to tie TSTt'uVsTrr." MiTii.a I. Ha It enaeosd by tbo tienate and HOU..OI r.T..i...v...;.n.B. ornmoowsauu annhvuai.ia in (ianerai A.armr.t n.er. and vivai.iainiiaovraiA.semri ntei. and II Ii hereby euartsd by Ibe authority of tbe tsrrs That II shall be the dutt uf each ol th a.'etsnrs - -, . no the 'hret Moo.lay In Juue ul ssrb ysat, to take up wiiuia .hi. nii.ai,.a...iiii,i.u , ha has received from the eounty enminlttionen op... .r ...r p nty eom.n ttionen ander the Sth taction ol the act of litti April. i ltMi and prorewl to aa Iioibi ft-"" S'SiSSwiVTC r.uiove.1 sines the last prevtui tba dl.lrtel of watrh ha Is the immediate revision ol rem tbe name of ev. hlistohav. ,lte.lsw rswovl slsee Ibe lut previous wassnenl trom lbs. I Uriel ol wairhhelstbes.se.sor, or wbo.s I Srorid'WhVsV u?e ZT. 1 i any qaatlheil voter who shall he kanwn hy blra to have moved lalo thediatrieiaincelhelasi SRrraiVv! aim, and also the usnies ol all who thall make 1 elalta l klia to bo quaimed voi.rs ihsrein At aaB .. i.t. revision is eouinieteu. na tLaii viae I ..... ...inn. k., i. k,.' .i,.,,,... .... : ear. ul laqnlrs If say irsoa wa.M. a.me Is oa hit Hit kaa died or isiao.s.1 Irvaiihe dl.trlei. aud it so, to late wo sarne ia.erair.irB, or wketa-1 aa n .a. llrt a.! ...... a aa . h . r . . . k. . ... . .n. --. ., ----- - " - IsBolun Ike II. I. and llsu, to add ihasaiae tbers. ?iirrb:r:,.s aassBshall In all esses Ihe llet, a tas shsll I tbe perSMB i and the ascertain, oy inquiry, upon . waat ttroaad the Girsoa so assessaai claims tub. a vntar. I 'poo l.r re.oiv IfiussssluB nr li .Jr. . . eo.pl.ttoa of thu work It ib.llb. the dSty , VhI Un illmlVS. TSmiiSn, 53uh-i?! oi each Bssassor as siorseahl X srwejed u Bake , t.r d l.tsmi(..l ciii.li, i R, JLamirV.' iT, OBtaim.lBalpkab.tlcaloreer,.ltMwkltoireel.,af,r,r,.,kl,lJ msn.soova tweaty aae . ye.rsoeaiB.eiaimiBslB baasallaed voteri IB ike ward. keroSak. hip at dltirtet uf wklek ke le tha asseenar, and opposite each al said asmss stale wkeiker s.kl ftsemaB Is or Is aol a hnasakeeuar : aad II ke Is, tke aUBabsr ef kit residence, la towns wkero the asms sre BOnbored, wltk Ike siissh, alley or eourt la wkiek snooted an t 11 In a list whsre Ikaaa are ao lUBbsrt, Ihn Bamaat tke iirwe l al lay or eourt oa whleksatd k...a fruoit i wis. Ike uddapaliua ol tke psraua i aad wkars ka le not a koasekeo-er. Ike BeeBpatloa, plaeaof koanliag, aad wltk wkvat, aad II aarkiac lor aaaiBoe, Ike aaes of Ike aiBpioyar, aad write oopotu ewsk II aahl aaaiae the wurd, 'volar i" wker. any par sub elalais to vote by raaasa of BatsrlraaiWa. ke akall esklkll kis eortlkeala Ikarsul ls tbo as. aaaaori aalaaa ho aaa hsot Sse avo esBsBewltve yaara aeat BTModiaa. a voter la aald Sutrieti aad la all aasaa wkero I tee parses has bao aala rallsad. tka aaaeo shall bawaraad wak Us 1st, tse 'W e whato the parets has atsewsy AaolsnC hie laiaaiivnt w bBeseae a elilaws sws easts as to be satBrallseal beSaeo ths asat slseuas,lhs amae skall bsaiarSad-le. I "(Wkusths elslas to W wis by re. a.a l ksh hstwasw hs aaes sf twsaly-oaa sad IwasAf two, as yr.vk.e4 by Isw. tke ward 'airVshaU bsaatsrsd i sad M she par. Ht kaaBsssseisksiasseseUBadlsirlsltstsatdc eiaes ths hsal bsbbsbjI stsatbss. tha kMbae "a shall be Biased ayyatts Ihe ssata. II shall hs Wo l.rlkee dwli of shsh ass seise as BBjrattad. saua tksowplsUaslksdBUaa harslw Ibiisss1, W seaksssAS ssyasais Umalsw asw lieieieniali sdc he klew, ssd ths sstvsat eesaaad Bewa sash, aad (Bratsk the asave lataMdisisiy Ss the ewaaty snwlssssasis, who shall Saw ad at tall add ths aaasse t. tka Ma dasissais ol ths ward, baeuewh, tvwaahlpiMvhesutef W waleh tktvf have bsea ai.ea.sil. kM-vtos a tVs ths llsl hstsa cuaslctsd asd tke aa tatosie wsds aa aesrssall. Its saa-s skall loetba uh he eBtwessS be las sbbsis esa wlawlvuwa, who shall eassscaplkesis ouplM al aahl lasts, wMh tas ohssevstMa ss-1 aaylsas Ib.as raeqstssd ts ks WotBd so srerMakld, W be at it i hi. i i.i i I i ; him with a tai notlnir. as In all other rasas, his . oftlPAtton. rrr.Hlanc Wliatha a hnar1.r ur a ( houripllM.r , h, UaHs , and whalher' ..tural.tad nr dN,ma: t. I. niarklna In all irh car thrlvtiarionivsltolho' ii'lvslte Iho' ha I If Ibe ! . name, or "l I .' as the cs.e sjii nnttirallrstlon i soil If he claims that l,o rltslprns in no nsiurnllfrrl iiefnru thn rut ensatno; elro ; tMn, he thsll hiMt ths ccrtltirutr. ,t ,. dccln mlicn of intrntii.n . In all cars, wbaia any want t . .. i . .. te.roiiKh. Inwo.hip or e:e-tl..n .ll.tnn Is illikd . .-... . i. r.r - , himi in iiiritifu " i n , , ' , , ' , '.:':"': ,:r:.;::,:"'".", "r ,,n.. r-:nr t " ""'in nttii tiw tr ivsftra, uri'l s m ) TnajBeasj separate reinrn t.n- for e.ieh to the , " r.Tr.Ti'?, ":hV,, " ' return I. tm. I !".""' fl ' ." nsn,s.,l ths voters In eseh uirr nor. si epnratslv, and shall Inr nl.h thr mhs in lh sjfNif a l iho rottios reiinlsed bv the tpt In .) n Ih ili-tsrt of. or vu tloMltin 'Urfr .it nr tn-fir lit l-l nf Amen t In fHh )pir. win II le .noc of, Jte sJ-Mir utt nr oft lit wiwtiumi I'lssttj in urn ii iii-i r-ini m Ny...... m Ali-.n......... t . ciini.iei"t on the li i ti ,lny 1 1 rnllnv tl.e.e. i n. I TurnlayTn N-irl.r ,. taeu year, in. ts-es rr.' .re,::;,, i.ii.:7:a,.t,rs U.f rriurn rtiuhw to ctimi r.y hfin lj fh f(Ur.n ttt tilt nr. fifllfiK i.M(.ilr sn. ss l.na ll I..,..e.i,..v. fj ....i... '.V ! n"'-jl " ?:n. "' " "' e,,a.a,i,smn. t riiieisi I , tat , y- r. . oorr n w -n ri " war ait I -hi inaile, rnnlnliiliis- Ilia names ol all vr.ni .., rs tnrnen at rs.intni latai.le. in sate) waril. Snro', towarht,. ..r pi.i in. l. and (urn Irk -h. . KMbar with ths nectary eWsitoa sstnks in lbs srs of tba sle.lKini.il rM .t. i-,.aui. twn.bipir practnrt. at nr rnHre .It n'rl.N-k In I ths aisrrnlna l lbs mil Tvs.dsy t iieiulaeri snd ! wwi wjin. .iii.il vm )'.! Bill.". PI Vula at tliSSISCtl iti a Ihstitajr wh-iranaait ta..t ,-n aalO ll-t, no ir.s ne nsii msts preuiol hs rJaM tu vma at Hvrvin.iivr pre.ineri. I Mil t. on 4 tin Ibeday of slestlnwtsy iwrton wliee euros l but nwlhe s. 11,1. Bn4lali,in. . lha rnjbt to vma at ahl eieetbm. shall p-n.ls.-e with..s to the twrr.nco .ri tb. .".vn;.." 'ha "a, Ilstrlrt In w hich be cUimt in tt a vi'er lor tl.s psrlnd ol at lea.t lea .lays nest .rt.-r.lin said I written or partlt prinia.1 aitnlavii i.. ti f. i, j;;-.;. tut in ! a vser iu. ir.n sn ciaimtnt: the ' ', ' "i'1 Vo tnk Bini.uirrib a rlt. &7b7M l nn, . .era an. .nrn nv ws. i-irn i tunt I e Is "," -I t.st.H,a...n...ltbn. I-siiu. yl vols s nil "I Ida I allot Mate, i that ha a. resoled in tbe enmrnoawtaith ..na year. ..r If lurmarly a mil. en nirr.111,1,. ... ,iu.ii .imiiriiiu, Inst ba hat ".Ideii taoraiii i rlt months esit precs.iloir tai.l ' slaellnn i thai ks kas nnl fn.vl Inin ik. -i... . r ' l'iiri. .1 vreiiny innrelB that wblrh was ai-e-t at lea.i l. dyt i.ei..ii said election i ami, 11 a aat.rnllseil eliwen eb.a al-n stale whan, whore aar t.y whal exart ka ... ' csta nl aatursllsatlna r.r at irslWMtf,.. - f .... .i.i I afll.laqlt shall also rials w ken eti whert lha tat ' cl.iioe.1 1., bepau b, i! ,,. . 'l,Z,. J : aim when, wntra, ami in wh.'Sn psM.an.l tbe taa J:.:.;:,! ,'. 'SStS tuat It bar ;len l-t or d.stmya.1, or that ha nee. ...:un:.'.. ka It a saliva bwrs cllltao ol the 1,altarf istatw.mr It tro el.es Uere. tba II tuts ihslifoe ibe discbares of tl.tir duties t.bicr tList j 'set In bis am.iavit, snd shall prcdur. orldeneef. 1 !,l.h V" "fT". "i"',,,,,;,,,IU, h ' tle.1 to cltlrsa.blp by rsafo nf hi lather's nalu. 1 ralltatlnn), and .ball further stats In hi. sm.la- ' mei n ai uie nine ni laainu tbe afnlavlt Intwaan the asatottw.nty ouo Snd twaaiy.lwol l'r!J'r..' .nu u mi m,iH Hiiiiii-i i,b u.ii nri. ms sueu election, as tnsti i entitled to vote al "'"nsb '-e shall not hava paid 1st... ; ih. ,.i "",'" 'kmc such claim., .V. 1 l"K such election, ha shsll he entitled in vute. a denee. shall t-e preserved by the election t ard, !cb.sl with tba Hit .it v.. tan, tally iiei and other i i ,.BpBrtro.ulred by law to ba Ole.1 hy u.( return1 j.Ue witB lbs iirulhonntary, and .lull i.nialn ' ,r ; 1 cb'se.1 with tba Hit ol vntais, tally liti and otbst on tils tharswlih In the tiruilmaotarv's i tllet in Me, -t to eisn.lnat.on, si othsr elrrtl'.n iiairs arss If the election ntneers tball Snd that Ibsen. I.) lee ol or applicant! pusteaa all lbs Iraal quell, ncatlnni nl vuisrt, be or they shall n parwiltcl t,i vote, and the name or names ihali l ad.lsd ts lha list of taiaMas bv tha skMllna nfflr... ... word Mas' bslss added where tie slalaanl claims to v.. le ou tat, aoJ tbe word -aae' where i ua u l -.'rr.-"'.VT " "s ! anUfM P III, IHI.I IB 1KB CM r.SeValy OB I in. n... wi-aav..,.,... .iiur.BiKitni. Mscrioie . iiin.n na lawful low any qhsll ((H oMht ,,lrkt, totwHSeusJln; the i asms of ths proposed volar is containa.1 ih. ll.e.rrutd.nt Utahlaa. to.ti.ll.... .k. ........ J, CTi IVJm t ,,ui,lloi ma te atd seted on ty Us e!e I cn In K to t l.o evidence, : every person . IsIiiiIi.k to la a LHurallrM rllltsn rhall Im reiiiir.l k. ,i,.du a hie tiatur.-Ilrntl. n ec-MtK-ate at i:,e eU-c!lin le lure VntlPV. ev,'e t wt.rn ha I.e. been t..r tn year, enoreeutively, a voter In tl.e .liatri -t In' wbleh fca ntlurs tn Vnie ; ab.l nn the vote ul ucU 1-r.iiS LeltiK re 'aire. I. it iball liati.e.luty .1 tl.s , ie,-ttiiil I'ltieer in a ltn or .ttitnf, nn iti-n fi rill I. its tba W"jd Vi.le.l,' WHO tl.e uiooth au'l )evr and II at.y ele-Ml.-n m -er ur theer- b.a ie.-uive a -eennd v ta on Us .me .lay. l y tiitua nf u,a . certin. are, s. opun wiere ne are entl ' eau.s to be mad., tl.s tu.tresn.ai.i re.ulred a. ......a. ,,1 a.n ..1,1 ...iurHlli.t I. ....,',..,. " '' ') '"'n ortirTr iuil" re.ue. nr negie.-i to re.iuire u -u r ol . f t... rut.t 1 1 nyitr..t(. ...i.wriw. u, in., ue, ur o.t use I lo which tins i. a .i.poieu.sut, fr. i , - ITerilis tu vole sll.!- hstne Lent las.e'.ed voters. r,r wfco.e rlht t.r in auy r.jll it i n tne It't nf vote II cb.!. leiwe i l y ai. r .lil III .-I vote ine-i le-eul. ai d shall 1 admit eu.-h pereonto vote.ul.out re .u.rli.K iuu I'OTsi trS.uh':; Vn".i I shall bs eentsticed. lor every tmh ollcuea, lousy iannsat,iei.a.liiiaon.hui.are. dollars, or i.. i than be eai.tsiiceu, lor every sm-a oticuea, to pay unOe-vieo imprleou-eot not miirBtLsimneyaer "H,;.Trni s. The ...no rui.! and leiulil.T.a. ! ,h4u apply at svery tpf-lal e!e.-tlon. at a at ee. (r; einarate city. I.ruieh or ward eleetlnn In ; m,t.os . The retlve a.eeors, In.'fo.-. t..rs and lu.liies of tbe election shall each have ............ a.. ............ ...,. . . ... ... ........ ... rlainilna tha ri. ,rtrs, or to r.nsrd to sny other natter or a,,,, a, a aa.-af.-aFr, nT 111. riHOl ! trinrsss, or in rit.ru iu ant oiner mailer or i thln rciolrel In tx done .r lnnlre.1 Into ky : , , f ,ui,i otTt'er. under I nis a-1 ; a nd s t y w IU. r. r.t.. .....ir. i.. . ... ..v matter or iblna coi.eerntra which ibev .ball i-lawiuliv Interr. m.tfl fv anv ol sail nifl... r. .i,.n i punished at perturv 7, i k . - the earnaea.mpeo.atl-in for lb. lira. Beoeit-:iy . ,,, p..tormlr Ihe dutle. heret v ai..,.t.,.,f as Is provided hy law for the per!..rnaacool their olbe. dune., to U paid by lbs e"unty r..nms- s.ia.rt ts la other ra-os , and It .hall not !- law. ful b.r any assessor to assoss a Its aistnsl any taerton whatever wtthla leo dvyt nett prere.ting Ibe ilint-i tu be kel.l on lha f Tuesday el lie Uber, In any year, or wlthlu tan dars aest bef ire any slsetloa f-.r electors Pr.ekl.rl and Mr. u..... ..- ......... ... , j: Y'J '"T. .'..:" ,,".F'",rt.h. f ,b. e.u.l j,, tkeefBcrs sootsndlns To a Sne. en e.te ii... ... .... h.,.i.... ......... ... ..' lapprlenamem anl steeeaiittc thn. b,obiL.. or . .... ..... ' bora. Bl la. aiitcre.ii'B " I ... eari. I 5 tiob u. Oa the peti'loa of Sva er sinr ,tloa a I. nt to bo bald In aay OltirttV i .. ih. ka tha duiv of the eourt ..I ..,:.-7.. U Mlaele.1 Iro-a dlt i.r-i .1.7 wb. t.tk said Iterssim e.,..,b lt. .. political party, hoik ai the .vers.se .k.ll t lak.a from lha optss-lls tarn i kl ..n V""VT1T T w,," aaniolekete. tbe vols ea wnled aad tas wtrvl wwlBoal awe satBsd ky tkeeleetisw aSJeotsi ib BieBf. b IBS at voesre. ii ta.v sta yvpaee 1 1. tlat iBBBB BBI PewIBB wSfrSIBB SB Sula. B.J IBI.r. taiokliB at kfs wliBBssee sudor oara. la nttrS ib Bts nvai ut swarwew at sasa Bisctioa, aad ta e Base I ae k's papers yivds.sd : aad ikaosSa-sea of - said slaatlM sr. t.rau a af.nl IssaM s - we - sawrs ss selwtwi ssd sppolsie4. svsry soael. i sses sad aWellity lr tke dleekaryrsaf ikstrSsilse' as-1 II said sisethaa sStrsra akall rthia. . Mraeit I ssld svarssert is ks ereMBI sad w lor Ik. i dailas as Bkirasald, er u they shall bs del... awsf lraw Ik. Us by stolsscs ss isllwtb, lias, ell Ihs vmss pulM si ts-S slsvO.Hi tatrtcl away ss SBjwsted be aay sash leikwasl tryiaa a sow UM sssksesBld steetl.a. lr.sMed. Tha last se Ba aigBiBg ths pstliloa ahsH k appsiaisd aa as. acsrveoa 11 ir was peslksaothry, derfe, ar ihodepatf srsltSee.se say sthse yseans. ebsU aau tbs esslsl vMss assay SAtaraiaiBiN ss pas, se pepaM ths aaaas is hs aaliil. e Blew ssl ae esais se saeatll Ihs sssts Ss ks .eras saL la Ms ski ehstaay It atas hs ttwada easily BaewL se Iwrslah a aataewlltsisss esrv.Beia i say Bass. M wksshsaj Be has. kaas Ssly saewlnS ss swsra Is syaa owewl. tm las ytatasis s escas sf ths ysdgsa Iharavl bsbssbIbi Ib ihe asS sd Ow grsss. ss shall aid Is. eeaalvssa.se to say way ysesalt ihs Smb e say stwlssl astseslisa. l.sa sssuaaala. hs eswJS hs gsiny sf s bash aa deistBB.it tar It aay ass ahsU Srsa4SasUy mt ay sweh esttlSasts sf Bst.rsrraalxa. kasaitsa thai It wss assdulssily IsssW. wr shall vmb, ee aliaKoAot lo ess thsrss-s, er a say ess aaaJI u-)s ee saKwaeS Is svts. ss say ssnihewis ! ssta rallaetkrs at bweed te kin. kaehafc SsgsHiy ad a k-sk a.i.s. ss. assrt sad sithse sc aay ts. ta--3aSAvaee.s,v.iiswsar i, . in i ii I . ! i i,.M jli.isjii ' or afflrmallna. shall ho null and void; and it at L. Ik. il.t r.f fh i.t. ,k...u i.,,ir Ma Vasa he Owe It thai I S was fra. &tl otllla eallln Hieearnefnrcaa-erie(lrieaSent nan e eallln theearnefnrcaa-erie(lrSieaSeny pan who shall vote, ev attrvyt la tots on sny pt I lss, rtrnratl"A or oe any rrsiVilnlvst nalur rralnia cerltncate. shall I rleetnrrt aulliv 01 mis ten eaniT. ami li n rmvl tHa there..!, ib - .v i, i-.nuiri i in lie I'Tt'eu, j i hors tV,..n two y.rs. ami a Vfre nf m.l tm. n'ira i run 1 wn ya4rs. anil l. v a I n nnr innovann uitiiars liT avsry sui'h onrnr i ut -' ' ets.a u.e M Ki'Tios 14, Any as.e.aurr eli e.ioti oil cer nr prrs-m at pointed an ersce who shsll m gleel nr sefnee In perform at duty enjoined l-s this t. witlmui rsisoi able or legal suise, sbsll bt snlj.'rt in pennliy of one hundred aWrkers; and if an aeuoe ehill ass- any piso a em who h ftav )tiil ie.l. er rmH fefui to a scs any one lio ianuolileil. ho sl.sll I IS-"' I r-utriwun.rr in rinr, nnii n I ....if,, .r - .. t.i .. , : '"SVisliow he punished by fine r.r imprist t !l'ii ut. nnd sle.. - snbji e'l 10 an aellou Ar:r: Tin r "; I ! or (I-tmv nfiy iir of foirrn ondi m 'a. .I.iai..! t.. il.. &.s . i ' ' "t 'i"n fir i I ' ' ""'V ' V' 'rr f" h U vn awatr!, n HU Iri IJU H It? II I Ol II) I l il IP Ti'fi i I" r"u" " ndlllf e-liatll l e ylby nf V Sif , I iiilUemen..r. and on ronviclinn. shall I ,Mll.,..l .. . , , ,eee.lii,ff Ave l.i.r, ,' ' I .i ,t ' excermr.g nve lint ,,f,,.fip, ,ir iru iirisurinii-ril rim pscpt-I ng iso yrui, or both, at ibe disrteiiun tLa court. Sit'Ti'is l-i. Aff eleefitrfis tutrhf. wsr l hnronb. laneavkip snd rleetinn .'Hirers l.ll lisseoVer ! held on the '.'d Tue.dst ;oi irnotirr, siiSjert lo all the provisions c I the Is reculilisg tbe o'ecti. n ofs icU nf I B"M n" weonsisfevil w lib Ibis scl : th. ' persons eleeti d to suck o licet at that tiim I hlv ne their plaeew al I he eliirstfon r, iho tems of the prjii holding the sami ni Ike l:are nf snch elerdea ; but no elec tion fo the rjflice td a.esnr shall be held, 'Unlet tbW aei, until I lie year oiie tkousand sigh hanrired and eeTenty. rr-;ytor. 1ft. Al all eVeetiena brresfter ! , i, ' it , V. , i il. l v Pp" 'hall l e opened between the hnura ' of I I and seven o clock A. St., and eloscl I nf I . i o'clock r X Ssi-Tins 17 ll shall be the dnty of tt.ee '!". 1 ' """lo nece.taiy ly tli;s net, and furnish copies of the same f . ibe county Cnitiinis.i.'neis tf tbe seve'Sl 1 county commis-ionere of eirli cminty shall, , Jn as necessary nf-et receipt of H e of III ........ ! f rocur. and f'orn'.sh V.'m lb .loclio, etn-' tcrrs of tbe election districts of their ret so i . o..ie.. .e. .r ., -.? b.?k,. .. l, 1 inantitiea aemav be reu lerrd neccsssry SB Ssctios 0. Thnt rifll-fia of Ibis Slates 'emporarny in the service or tse .-late or ol oneleric.l or other duty. sud who do Dol vole where i.i ' , . n lb,1 cmplojed. shall pri.ed nf the rlht lo not be thereby de vote In tbeir S' vera? otherwise duly qualified To the County Commissioners ssd Sheiiff of the County of Snvder. u'. ... Vk. v.r'-l.L . i . WinatAg. The Kifieentli Amendment of the l onsuiuiiun of the Luiiel Siatee ia as follows ; "Hscrios 1. The right ef eltitens of the t'nl'ed rls'et try vie shall not be denied or abridged by the I'nited Statee, or my Sinte, . , - .... ..... .-..: .. ..... union oi r.rvi.uur. Ss.T!o2. Tbe Cnnerete shall have pewer to enforce this article by arprprlate i icgielalin ...ik. . . i a.,.,. .f. t-:..t wrt; I nc " on cress ni in. wn,.e "wi an set" illH "5 ! Tafe ih. r:hl of ciltien of the L'pite I !tetef t t vote in the st-vernl Males of litis I'ltlin.a'hJ for oil er purt ov s." the firl an l siciiid -ecli.'tts ol o lileli tire nt foltniea ; 'rcTius . I'.e ii enacted bv the Senate snd llnti.e ot I'.epreseniilivrs.if the foiled Stales of America :n Con-re. n..eml ... lbkt u'.l ci'itens of ibe V r. i : c ! Sts-e, wl.n are, or tl.nll he niln-rwi.e n -i I . h -1 I t law lo vole nt any election by the pe..,ie, in any Pis e. Territory, district, county, city, rsrish, township. srhfinl-,rricf, mun-ci piiltly or ntlier let rit.irinl snS-.rti.ion s' slt l.e entitle 1 nmi Vlne.e.1 f v.ve at al! s'lell It e' ton wii tntit .list ;nc i ion cf rare. color, ..p i-rvius ci n!.'.in of servirv.de ; sry C jntii'inn. Iiu, cutn::i. tttjr errrf u'. iiion of ui.y Stale . r T . : :n i . o. by, cr under its aiiti.niiiy, lo tLe couirary ml wiih un.liog ." Ss. not i- And he !t further cnseie I, Thu if by or un.l.r Ike amkoriiy of the ('ots'it.'.li. n er laws of any fiat nr the ls ofntiy Territory, any at is or sua'l be re.uir d lo he d.iite a. a perquisite or re re. ' SeiltS'. lor voting, anl t-i euch t.on- , ,,, u - j'.,k shsll be charged with il.e performance . f .littles in furn.-l.ins to enuens an opportu- 10 f 7 - . F . 1 k ,, k' . , ; come flo.vlir.ed to vole, it shall be the du'V of every such person sud o.ticer lo live alt elilicaief Ike I n.led Mate. Ih. sal., an l equal oppo-'uuiiy to perfurm such jrere- ,1.. ti.e. and to Pecomc 0,...1l.d lo vote --- . .rfe. color. ' Pr- v'ous ccBditu n ef servitu,jf . ,nj if any v-uu. w - a. -- tuch rersou nr i (Ecr shall r,... B, know- . . , f,.n , . f, .,., insly omtl to g ve iu.i eoe.. . ,k , fecnon be shall, for iv .ry tilth off.. M rnrfeit and ... L. . . n m nf I.VB Ii tin.l - . . . , i ,. fk. , '"" , . . re i nirr. 'ter.on sir i-4 iherbt t,, r,,orere hy sn ae'i" the rs'ss, with fall eJ, ...I -.k atlowanee for i e. hj "' k.-ldeSn iuvt c "T" , ' urt shii' dre.n juv. inJ a'.so, ft ever tnee Ottence. te Mrnt,,J guilty of . mi. ietBeshor. and on ,onTiiPB iherenl.be . . . .... .let Ii . , , , ,V fl"ed 1,0 "e hundred dnllare. cr l e iir.pr S.pcd not lea, nne s(r n,-l le.. .1 .n one yea. . k.k ,k- j. Ardwherer. I' is e). c'fired sytbe see! . .f "7 . B'c.ion of ihe Vi a ar.ic!. of the Con.litu- Ii .n of the l ailesl ,-lrtc. thst "Thie Cum. einutijB. sad lb" Ivvrs of Ihe I'nited Pale b. pw, r.. ,h eaprnie law . f iho land e a ...,k. I. .1.. ... I.,. , . , ............ - . Vf 'nJ Su l ,k e"""-T '. I alandiag' twl.K.r..v Tha r.l.t.(r. sf III. vi" ',.k 'ZZ. . . ,T , ' j ' " ., ., n.. a. , I' . I-', passed aa aei earlilr-l -A further ear.i.ltwetl ts lbs set slrie la .Lm.ii.. we Blbis loavmewwewMh." the lewlb Bestiaii of kick provide as f afloat: StcTioa 10. Thai ao stack of overs ast nt Attarhv as pre. tales rival ealy abtic frcemea abaB be ealMrl ts vnic or be roe- istarad BB VBIasB- we aa al.in.aBS Ia wots At ... esses.! ss atv-i.l aIakiiaa mt ihia I'.-ai "y ' .7,. 'Tlk , I ? " moaweallk b aad lbcsaa la berrhy r psle.t ; aad Ibal bsresaflcr alt rVcessea wlraj u oWiBctiaw sf sulor -tl v. a-i. . . . . : Beerslieil B4 rtgtsiersu sbi rerareesiaesscisac rw ike provisioaa sf lha arsuwioscne of the ir eedica or Ike aei apprcssd eovewlesaih. April, 1809. sol it lest Aa Alt fwrtkee ctasx pIsKsstslieibcae relaeiag ic the elsctisa of tkta Csaeasoawewbh. asd wbesa she- wise qaeslttesJ awtsr eslsliB hws. he call tied Ic sole at lt gcwsrwl wad if cakl elee lisaa ia this CtaMswswIih. MU.N W. UKAiT, Gwryrsor. PafdefeeHea le bs evsaed Wists fie beerrs ef sia aad sssca ta eh knim aad esasiaa asiil sevse c' slosh ha the eicaia(. who She peUs shall be c!aad. The rstara Judges d 9ylec. tycoawtag. aaa taws sssaiiss aec sc.iwirc4 is bmss as ike Cvarl Hcass l the Wsrssgh Lewa. hurt, va Tssadar. ibe ISta tUj ef Oeishsc is asshe si retaewa Ke the three siksco mt AsssaxUb . , . v. . - 1 I i ,1 . t t i . V awe ! ri a- j. ' J