THE POST. H'OLKHt Rll.. ..SEPTF.laRttl 1, Ho. KMYIUR liil'NIY - REPUBLICAN TICKLT. JUlIN 11. I'.at.kF.K, or trMiti at. eTna, llKNUi .inii.v-ns, or i iTfi ,mi. ollit., WILLIAM II At-ll.'t, of Snyder. FCOTT CI.I.NOAN. of laiun. YUU)IK)BB U1LL, of Incoming. a)a-tTii imxir, ' ' ' nr tntri, . ""nctitoof , JEltKMIAII t'Ktu SK, Bcoistkb It Srrrmniis. i.nii Ki. u. JTiiivh!, i'F winnt snrut. HK.NMAMI.V T. VAKkf, op irtn.iirrn. tiimiKiinu, I'Miur KiNNtr, r msavbb. IOIOTT siRrirna, A .llttllt K. OIK I1, vr winiLeca. jrav roiBintn. IlENHY HKOWX, OS WASaiKGTOIa, mtiii, CALVIN I. FISHER, or mil - HA5D ,RFrritU( l H4S8 UEEinii , AT MlpDLKBrRfr, Taeaday, Septombdr 27, 1870. "'W. 'IIIIW Ft PAi KF.R, MDV.HKMHT JnllNSUN, HON. OK.u. F. MI1.LFH. AN I J OL. A. O.'mMPsNjN, will rMrVTt . fit' II lh patriotic cttlaen nf Snyder and adding entlee tarn mil end kair these men, laauesof II, day. I oine In witg.ios. In l.ugalea, on h"rH.df, delegations, aud i .in In with yiua banner, niakinga grand demonatratl,n,a,tWtir Iti.ouii.oiirln vanity esnii mamay and e-miuaion Into Ilia rank or tt.a Heinoeracr, and hn tkem llil we mean lo m. .."il!!. 'l l"'ncliilet of Ika Republican party at the raetuher election. ' lariat ""nd l,,lh,, ' F'Mturg y ortar uf' ' - . a . " W 51 1 VKn, Chairman. Ia. J. 1 . ftninrat., Secretary. C'oiiiuilticn JIeI'ilBjr" The members of the Republican Standing C'lmmlrtoe ol'Snr lor ennuty ere requested ttf timet in the C-orl House, in this plnoc, on Tncsilnv, September 27, 1870, ( 11 o'clock A. .M. A foil n'.toud.ince is requeue I. 1JT ordor cf D. 11. Mov.n, Chairman. The following mniod gentleman compost) the commit (de j Reaver peter Relget, Nenrt . Frael. Waal Heaver li. t Kui.p, A. A. R.unlg. 1 utr S, H..or.. rruh ni,L I hapuiau llanry M. Freed, J. .M. 11 .r.mao. ....... j., . .-coirii, itrurv uantHf. Jackson (larrlS'in Bronte, Y. . Wanner Ml.i.iia(.r-.J. V. Mils.l.l, aall IMud-ir. Mlddlecreek-A. Mnrt.urger, bum I 11. Vtfilor. Jduwroe Jonn Younir, Ji.uh li.iaet. ron-T.tii K.iw, Oa-i'iia .1. llhfKh. 'rrTT-I'r H.M.Mipi, apul,n hroolJa Waal I'arrj Abrau Uuiarll04 U.K. Ilurrown. allntirora i"arli B Millar, A 7. Hhoch Vt.-Jofc J Kalla. II. J. O. HarroM. WaalilLton-U. 11. Grluim. U. It. luar. Wnr Item. Ao armUtice appear probaM., nnyt the (iy of the 14th icst., on J bofjri tlifi rtifeti the public cje rc ma; hive iiitcllieocd thai ono has been de clarcd. Italy, Austri niil Jl isia nrt working together with tU object in view, and Holland nnd Spain will probablv eo-optrute with !hoe pow er, If an armi.nice be declared, the preasnre fjo'o neutral nationa. miiy in duce 1'i'umla Co ofl'or ronsonaMe tcrmti of peace. Hut, who i to represent Kranee . In the negotiation!) ? The l'rurs'ati kln-j refu-ca to reeogoizo the rep n bl ie, emrtho pmrisionil ministry, aad how Oao term be made with Na poleon oolert they condition for hi reatoration? lie ennnot bargain for the retontioo of the HourbooH, or what amounti to tbe Birne thing, the urieanistM. it would be trange if lTUvai thoulj comit'iit to uch terra of aetllement aa would place tnattrn t'n statu quo auU Irllmn! Siepheo Blackpool would any that tnatlura be tween France and Prussia are at prci fnt in "muddle," and we ihould Hgrte with Lira. The repnblio i tbe grind trouble now. What will tbey do with it? It ciaoot eoDfistentlT cooaeot to a settlement to which it li not a piny. Will the neutral power jviu a lUBia 10 ignoring in republic nd compel peace? If m, who rhnl! treat in kehair of Krooca jod who hall thefeiftor be at the head of the Freotb goTernoient? The nre quettiont which we rtumt refer to Fa ther Tiin, who, we trut. will at !at et all thinga ereo, though tbey are very odd at present: Wfial has boeuwc of the French ttrf f h it raid to be the lare.-t uod moat powerful in the world, not ex cepting even the boasted nary ufKog laod. What hi it dooo fur? Capture-I one or two am a II merchant Teeeela, we brieve. A Loodon telr jrram of the Viih ioforma nn that aix Freaeh Iron clada were aecn off Goud win that morning. teerin eoutbweat. Why ia that direction? We trust tbey are not Vinnd for China. Why did iber not tcer to the north-etat to the North tea or Baltic? Thus far her ony has proved ol oo service to France. It i blitb tiwo we should bear of its having accoiupliHhed aoini thlng, aad I bo eaiue.tnay be said of the army of Lyons, aM ta be 150,000 ftronj. m litre it it? It ia not need ed at I.yon. Is Huraioe to be left to meet tbe fete or MeMshoo. It Is biw denio I that our porcro mnl lately aeot "three enerjfeti dca. patches". t liar lis ruteat.ii against tbe farther eon'iiinsnco of tl war. Il appear thai a despatch wae tent to Mr. Daueroft, copies of which were eoot to Mr. W..I,Li iro nod Mr. Mot ley, (making thre dapube-of one,) which waa not particularly energetU, 4 which did aot proUM. ete. Thl deapwtxb almply aeyt tbat oar gov. rameat w'Al net interfere aalcaa asked U U m If xMk 'belllKerMt partiee, t4 exertejiM a iiilow ae ho the HMiU of Ike war. it refutes to lo- J'ric tli Rrcutcst 'il cnrjorjilnifi. Piati'Dn k la dr.iinins till (lrrmnny if reeii'nr rrMHr.a, and hiAti'iitM t II l lorn! f..r;i('faii"M with t l u liodwebr. f r ti c purjHve of tliiowl.ig en owr pfverii'i firro liiti rruiice, . II in '.lea eliire 1'cl ia t " rwelitatiee, mil (pr.'inlly i4firirnt i-vetywliere ;ie iiranl.n' i .n of now French nr niii ..' Tl.c t!i rilinn anny in 1'riince ill Mini bo nt K;i.t dOO (HXl i-rron. Il the iv a' m to' ba citiiiiiiii'l, llio l'l'li"li will li'ive tr 1 ax tLcir ntiuoKt errg;e end rcajunci lo repel th irfva'cr. tin battles sli-Chdy fottsM ire hut it lorctaste ol the future, if the worJ it lo dceide whether Frilnce Is O ucciimh to I'ruarian dcminda; bnt hilitbu niriigtfle prneeedt the repub lie will hnvo the svmpalhy of millions ia other parts of Eurepe, which nmy prove v.'ty tr. u'leaom to their rnlera. Kven I'riiS'.la mny eiporiencti trible in th rear if ah prrsiaU in tho at tempt to put dowe the French rrpub lie. She will certainly fln l inuoh to io in front. Active Inquiry is boinir made, says thi cable, " into lh distribution 'ol the vast reetct seiico fund of thi empire." Hiid'nt the preacnt author ities bet'er plve thei- attention to the public ren-ice? Why bother with what Is past and p-ne 7 Does not tho present afford sufficient to occupy the time of tbo government and peo ple? If not, th future may. Thia is no time tit cry over spilled milk. nrr even to inquire whether soy linn been apillcd. Hotter look after the eow. elue there tnny be no jnilk to use or spill hcrealtet. Pbrtnpql Is ' represented having recognised tho French republic. The rreopoiting povtrnnionts are now Italy, Swiiierlani', Portojrul and the I'tiited States. Knglind. H'i'sis, Ppaio and Aiutrla do not tike tho repubiie. li d land nnd llelpiunt are weak and in dangerous proximity trt Prussia. Den mark and Sweden, iilio. ' eomrk. however, tinder the circumstance, intht be exps'-lwl to favor France. Yet, Penmai k ia ruled by a king, nnd kins do not like republics ' Franc bus isolated herself Napoleon ac quired the jealousy of all the crowned lieiid'i by his lite ml policy, although wearing tlio title or emperor, end the republic is tbe special object of their comity. Tbo wonder is that Portugal and ltn!y have recognijsed it. The Pru-siau losses in kil'el, pris oners, missiug And wounded m t ho battles from Wieseiobouru to Rcj!n ville. sro s'nted at 170.6j.", of which U'lmber 7-'.'".r) sre set down kil I, prisoners' and niisslng, and OT.OJ as woui'ded. Tlie losses in the i-ubsc-(jiietit battles tt Stnisb'ourgh, Sedan, Monlmedy, te., must hive nt least enunllcd the above. k i i -r The Itecord. Sennl'i.' Morton, of IuJmnn, gives I he o!Kiviurec rd in tho Kepublican arty : It aboll.-b.'d Si lvery I Il established L'niverjol SuiTra'O ! It ;avc Litiortv to all sectious I It pmiefic-1 the CtvU ItiliU of ill men ! It defeated KepuJiatton ! It pave Uepullican tiovcrnuirnt to the Suutli. It built Hie Pacific Uailroad ! ' "Tt pussvd tho llotre-tcad Law I It opened Nw Roads into tho unin-( hiibiled publio domaiu !' ' " It aeonred I'vu-ions ml llomc stcsds to tbe t'niou Soldiers! It bus reduced the Natiomd M one hundred and forty-MX millions in sixteen mootht, time certainly securing the extinction of tbe whole debt io less thm fifteen years. hut rtiltu-fd Tuxati'on Eighty JIUHon of l)"Uitt in cue hill. It has paed a Uuvonue Tariff with full iociJeutcl protcciion to Amoncao Ub..rJ It has rrdueed tbe f ropectiro iu-, teresl on the National Debt. , And we nifiy udd : It supports the Liberal Priocip'n of United Germs oy, aaioat th defpolisiu of the pres eot French dynasty, the enemy of the United States during our ureal Re bellion. COMFABSn WITH TUB UlSASTROUfl RfcCOKD Ok' TUB UIMOCBATIC I'AHTT Sympathy with the Rebellion I Devotion to Slavery I Hostility to Universal Suffrage i Persecution of tbe Freed Peoplo I Opposition to the Civil Ribta Kill I Favorable to Repudiation 1 . ' Adverse to the Reduction ef the Debt I - Votes ia C'ongrest aga'ost Reducing laiauoa : - . i Prejudiocd opsiost t'oe Union Sol dier! - ' ' ' Commiitsd to Lr Wo gas and Free Trade h it.,' Tlienomiustion of A II. Pill. Esri.. of Lewisburfr, for Senator, by I bo De- morjratlc Uooteresc oo Mooday, eom- pitne ma I'tatrlei ticket. We now have for the Senatorial race Messrs. Henry Johnsou, of Money, on1 the Republican treket. aud A. II. Dill, en the' Domoeratie ticket. We believe both tbeso ernt lumen to be men of iioo-l moral character, both lawyers, either of whose election will reflect credit upon the district. Is tki we rejoice, as it will online ibe coolest to political issues. . We hope to see every Republican of tho Distrii-t fall- Into line -sod thereby redeem ibe District by cssM iu majority for Mr. John son. The apportionment., the elee ton of a U. S. 6 90s lor, tbe tntetl Re publiean tusj-sity in the Svnate, make it particularly hai.trdou at lid time tu east wy tingle lUp jblican vote. So party ever, presented a teller msk for tbe ofllce than Mr. Jobeson, and we trust every lUpublieaa voter will ssy to Mr. Dill, ' N, thank yoa, we hare as koo4 usa, and one who will vote a. we would when ae fret io liar 'Isbajif , aad nut bl alnat evry ' poKri- rVOOHM-l ' t I aavaaaaaM for aiailig. TJilllTV-r m CtI. rrui.-." iiml tuitions nre St. Petrrdiurg and Viennn, nnd the prospect for peace I therefore quite chceritiif. .Pnriuir tho past week the now French (ioverument has been woi kiiw- energeiiualiy to bring il iiv'S'ii'lon of hostilities, in 'which el lerts ii has been bourtily seconded by th people, and there is no doubt it is leady uud anxious to inaks an honors, bla s'ttleruonV.' with Prussia. Tin lii-rmsn people nlso nro prnyintf for pmco, sod unless some new cms- iirisea tboy will sustain a further pros ecution f the wr with prcat reluo tsm e. It iseXceediliglv Utltot'tuCat. b-'wevor, tlmt in those Korouean 4n al ter, tbe people have so little to any. Nevertheless, tnonnrebs aod rulers arc bepinning le real. 2 that il is dimprr "us to takd oo log absolute and iofulirble airs, nnd tb-y are cooae inentiy prone to take more bred to the popular will than in tie are therefore led to hope quite confidently for the peueufui settle ment of this great 1'ranci-Prussian qoai rclat nn early day. Vfss. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iif'lala of POLLY LfcA litH, "d'aii'ji f FTTF.HS OK AliMINI.HIWATIlii noon lilha astala r fot.l.V I.KAI't K. lata of i:ravtr town Hi Oao'il, hsTlna ln aranU'l lo me unnarrinnaii, an paraons anowina IhainHilvM lnilaltil to Ilia art la ara ranuaaiad to n.ka rymnL aa4 tkuaa bavins olalua aaalail Uia uui will pfoasnt than lo aAKuantr H At KKNBI'Rfr, Ailuiiuliiralrli. Baarar Inwnsblp, Hapt. 14, llto. n A liTIONl-The publio is hereby v rautloLs.i not u roclJla with lha following artlolrs, t.wlt t Ona St.,va ami Plpa, ona sink, ana lluraau. ona laaia. ana Drill, ona Woo J I nasi, Miir uail. tliraa I'lm. ona Cnrnar i:uu- b-mrxl. na Ml nf I'halrs, ona Sallaa, ana Wh ! barrow, two nnokaia. two Tabs, two larga Maal Tulx, two llarrala, oaa ri.urn. Pll, ('HDaanS Sandra, anil oaa NUad, whlob artlolaa t. tha sulwxrltiar, pnrobaaed at bbarlll'a ala on lha tad of July larl paat. a, the nf.irty of Julia if row. jr. jvnn unuBB), bbw A uut 4,li:o. "V"()TICK Wher..s mv wife Mart i.1 RAfir.P. l-n wit W4 an boartt wlthaat any ul rauaa or prnToalliD on Ika 2ila day vi riiiKii'i. i7. inaramra warn ma nni to eradlt bar o tor aovouat. aa I aliall pay ao utlla untraelad br bar a liar Uii ita-a. JOHJS B. R AHLIS. Parrj lownahlp, Autcaxi M, mo. piAI'Tloy-llavinu purehssed ih v iniiowina naman rwrannM pmrmriT ai i-n tulila'a mla, .'ld as Ika Mo', and lafl tha rama In .ha prouartv ol Krubaa 1 lb tua iinaposlnn nt Mrs, r-arah kl iaa, all paraona ara hri.v (anrlonad not lu lntarfrra nur lu any war rucddla wttb Ilia am: Ona I n-.klna Htova and I'll, ona Parlor Mora ami Plwa, two ltadtiada aad Wadding, am lui vi vbivvu una iiau; i iw. jAiron oross). PKTKH HUUtL Ilaavar township, Aoimit J4, n:o. 1 11KMIUM LIST OF T1IK FIRST ANM'AI. FAIR OF THE hNVIII; . en. ahkii'I i.ttrai. sn'it:rY Til UK AT KKKEIltHO, OCTOBBa 3rd, 4tb and 6th, 1870. fiFF!CF.NS:-T!liMAS HnWF.R, PreaMant. Vll'K PHKNIfiKVTS- tlnavar, M.imm Spai'ht; llravar Wnal, Hi'nrr II. Knapp, t'aul'a II K. Sainlnrsi I'iuipinan, .M. Kin! Krstikltn. .I0I1 11 H. llaaaii'Crt .taikaiun. A. Vrari lllddlr. croak. Henry Wa'.talj Munroo, .loliu Huaiuitt, Mhlillalxirw, (la.Taa Montr: Prrrf, Sllclisal Wnonitri Parry Waal. Jaawyh Klatiari Prnna, J. -tin S Wallori Srlijgrov, llanry U. Kvar; 1'nl. r Stjiittl BaholT Wnlulnglon, Uonrga HH RKTAR V Paolal B. IIVr.' - ' COKKtsPoMU.Ni MXV Tbi.aiaa J. Smith. OfXiMKHsr-Franklin WtlrlrV. TNF.AM'RF.K Allan rhnoli. l.lUK.VlllA.N-Jubn 5 Dearer. Aarlenltural Adrlraas, Ttrasday at 1 a'rlook, I. IU., oa Ibe Ground) and In tba valng at 7 o'cliM-K, In U-iyer'a Hull. Trial nr Fal lluriaa, Tuaadsy, 3 a'clook, P. il. Ksiuilv I'lukvi, lor iii'asun, SI. It) Single aduiistiou each d y, Children Hnddle horses not on eiblhitlnn. (In addition toadwlaalun of owner) Sinpe Ciirringa, (In addition to a.lmt-ilon of owner) loulilo Carriugr, (la addition t admission of owner) ."PREMIUMS, CLA43 A UOlliSKd. Rent Stsllion '.'nd Cit -. . : Reat (iciJillg . " Mro " ', Jiroo-1 Mais with Colt " Team Light Prsft 2i 1C 10 ISO f."i.00 U.Oi) 8.00 .r.oo 4.00 '4.00 Heavy 4.00 Cult between 1 and 2 yenrs 2 00 two years old 2 00 " Mule Team Fiistdst trolling Stallion " " Horse or Msro " Psrinir or IUi k'ni horse 3.00 5.00 10.00 8 00 JuJges T. I). Kanti. K.Ti.WalKr. Irvln Smith, a. laprwguian, 11, iwinur. 11. januaa. j. u limia, lir. Charles Cruuaa, John Ruualg, and K. S. Facb'irk Kntranea iaaa oa korsaa Is tan par cent, of tha . prawluui. lliADS If. Rest Dull 3 years or upward. " " 1 to 2 years Cow Second beat Cow Rest Heifsr 1 to 3 years " Calf nader 6 nontfis " Yoke of Ogen sny a:o " It. 00 3,00 4,00 3,00 3,00 2,00 11,00 Judgwav-Oeorg Hllblsh, John Hurnrsa, Ahram W.rla, Peiar P. Mem, M. U. Moyar, John H. Ilasalngar, A.J. MbhUaawarlh. R.l!. Ho ear -log, Jacob bchoaa aud William Murkier. CbAf 8 C. Rest Buck of any ago (2,00 '. Ewo 1,00 " with youn sheen 1,00 Judg John Hepnr, Oonrg llltaer, B O. Hit. b an. Jouika Orion a. it. 8akah. Jaeab O, Waller, Oar. - Uosta, Mathias Bhn,SOil John Norman. . CLAM D. B'lt boar any breed, , $2.00 l'. liog " i 2.00 Second best hog ay breed, I bO If sit bow sua piKV 3 00 Jadga Jacob J. iloyar, 8. B. Kants. Kiq , F, i. lines, ini vriiinmyr, jaaoa Holeaser, kUckaal ckk and Oavrgo Ott. . vLAoq fc. uei coop oi lutucyi, 1.50 Rest psif or coop of youotr ones. 1.00 50 1.50 Second best poo turle'vi, ' Rest pan gtese, Second best pao geeeo, Rust pun duck, . ' j Second test pan duck, ' .' Rust coop of cb:ckeii. Second best eoop thickens, ' Jalic-Wia. Mover. Henry H. Orion 1.50 1.00 50 1.50 1.00 John lluuiaal, Valanuae Sehlur, Ma), llaarf A. baJHk, II. i. Ikgar, bulooion liowarso. . , OLAbS P. I Rest I lushel w heal any virlety, 1.00 Second lest do, C ' ' 60 Rest 1 bushel rye, f0 60 - 60 .' i , 50 50 ' 60 60 '60 Ja60 Joaa " oats,' ' .i m barley, 'r ' i ' - lot lodisn eoro not les Ibfto :'10 ears;' ' ' ' ' Rest beshel bueksrheit, '-y Reel peek eloveroee l, ' ' limotby sod, ' "" ' flaxseed, ' '' tssns. ' V J sdaaa Jo, tiaabt,-Oosaattae arag,t Klatlligev, Philip Ullldah, 11 L. sUudi udaubuah, Manas Arab, uaaarg KtuHaMlgar. ' ; ' .. . ,i.,, Beat sib Uilloul. orresksntt varurt i ' bushel eiriy J'oiatocs, 60 " " lato " l9 " sijhsmIiok, ;.t M..nX, "IiO fArjrest poojpk in, , 60 T ntviU waiermeloa, ' , ' . r. 60 Rest J peck jaroipe, , . '60 tornstoca, ; . ,r 40 Host peek turnips, ,, ; . - DO t ',""". .-'talUstd bops, fQ ' . sweet puUlons, " 6t .ta.laraa Abraham F.vnr, l. n. Mnvar, Palr H, RoigM, kiaanurl M..m, J. A. fcuiltk, Tatar lUmoaa. 8. r. Kohlar. . . I.A- II. - . ' Rest variety of fruit grown by one . exhibitor. 1 x . , ' . MOO L'est Collection of apples, ' ; 1.00 " prsrs, " 1.00 ' ' plums),' 1.00 " peaches, 1.00 " - iplincoi, J.U0 " pi's. - 1.00 So eon d beat coliaatiua of srspes, 76 Jndirs ,T. 11. Adam, Kl. llaaalnr. Dr. J. C. Shsflar, II. O. tloiar, J. O. I. hbln.ll, Snmual Visbar. H. li Flaliar, Laq., Uasnavllla Krainar, Yi .r. V agSDiollar. CLASS t. Rest suit of clothes, 11.0(1 Rn-t roll woof carpet, 1.011 Rest roll n csrp'-t, 1.00 Rest coTcrli'l, 1.00 Rest pair woolen socks, 60 Rust patchwork quilt, 1.00 Second bes' do, 75 ThirJ best do, 60 licit worsted embroidery, t!0 Rest pin cushion, 25 Rest lamp mil, 25 Rest crotchet worfr, 60 Rest hearth tug, 6'.) Rest door mat. 60 Jndgr Mrs. Samnat A Hainan. Mr. Fli-d l(..alor, Mr li. S. Iluyr, Mra. altla liarti, Sllaa Jan Smith, Mja II I". Fyar, dra. 8. H. Hrbook, MUl slat Swlaalord and Mrs. Prof, itors. CLASS 3. ' Rest 3 lb roil bu'ier, 81.00 Rest 2 lb roll butter, ' 75 Reat 1 lb print butter, SO Soeond best 2 IS print batter, 2.1) licit loaf of wheat bread, 25 " ' rye bread, 25 Rest box honey, 60 Rest fruit cako, 25 Rest jelly cake, ' U5 ReVt sp'oniro tsko, ' 25 Heat enrol ham, ' 60 Rest Jellies. " i ' 60 Jndaw Mr. J. W. Knlaht. Mrs. T Unwar.sira lrln Kialta, lliaa Liaula Roaak. Mra. Joba A Iltrlra, Mra. AlU-n Sch.nh, Mlaa M L.Nhln drl, Mra. Soptiarsa CHmbtillng, Mra. B. T. lrks. .... CLASS K. A Diploma will be pfven for Ih best or tho following articlei j Colloe. tlon of farming implements exhibited by dealer; reaper and mower, fanning mill, broad cast sower, grain drill. straw Cutter, horse hay font, nke, two liorso plow, cultivator, corn cultivator, harrow, threshing machine, piimn for well or cistern, churn, l ee live, clothes wringer, wafuna muclilne, tfrn plant er elevator or cxtenslon.Hui der. post boring machine, baking machine. Juitrs Panll Klaiihart. I'haa Millar, llrnry -l.i i"i a mn, j. n. nan. rionrf rM,n.n'n, Oaoraa J. Mclici-k. Julin 6. Waluir, Wlllinin II. ssntdor. .Iiiarnti f'l-h. .tacub Sciine. Ml. niaai n l oomor. J. P. lilchtar. CLAlSa L. Pil.Iomss will be itiven for th . r- ol tne IjIIowiu ui lli let : i-utiu wauon marktl wagun, rsrfice wngoo, bupy, loao; siea or Ijoo, w lieeiinrrow, tenm hstoess, ravrine, sail. lie, saddle aod bridle, bents nu'l elioes, lot ol cnbicet wjro, si euiuien of deutislry, flpeclmep of rn nt-t.le work, 6petimon of turuiu. nttisiiiciitul bouso, ot of llu ware, eookitikT stove,' heiitt r, display of pho-toL'tapli-i, lot stoneware, pcpruansliip. cnll' klin, pr'ntinij, harness leatber, role l ullicr, do7xn blooms, R:wiog lua- niiino. music. ..... Judaea Mllca Welnd. Micob II. Phlrlf. Phlllr M ile'. I. T. Ilhoad Hr, ValUrc-hanip. Oajorira .by, ile irg II. ntritub, Wllllaal llulus, J.U. Klulth, iloael Spcrht. S'l.AHS M. Ueat aulUrltoa of work ( Art or Natur by iineeihlhitor a2nn lleet eollaetlad of Natural Flower M liaaleolUnlliin ol A rllliclnl Flowers hi jnnges K. Wetrlck, Jo. A. I.uniUM, Daniel M. Moyar, J. P. i roomlller. Jerry I'rouae, lir. H. F. Wgencller, L. N. Myers, W. U. lUu, Kev. R. Luiaru. CLASS N. Musical Inatriunent nt any kind Diploma Ileal perform imp Piano, Organ, Ac- eordeunar Violin (ronSnad toaennty ' Judge J. W. Kolahl, Prof. w. H. Noatllnr.O A. F.rlenmeyer, I. t. Royer, la. K, llalnea, I an il Rokrer, Lmi., Howard Sviisura, Hiram KauU, Lr. J. V. Miltiilel. CLASS O. All article not wtentlnned In th above elaaae will b relerred loth l lai-allaaeou I'uuinilltr and tba Jaduis will ba authorised to place aaoh premium on the aauiaaa Uy may dm uroptr. Th Kisi'i'Tiva InnwiTTBB ol tba Aocioty will ant aa Jwdgaa oa aU mlacallsnaooa artul on eiblbitlon. Daurhy & C'v'i. Adv rtiicment. IiOllTL'NES offered to Liro M Rara-Ohanc. SaStl btamp. Iilamom! ea. nil K. Co., Wilmington, Del. (Hep I ACJF.NTS W4N11.1) FOR . , FREE LOVE. ITS VOTARIF.S. iy Ia. J.o B. Th not avaBTi iao book or modaro tint. Tk wkolarabjaal laid bar aad lu bldaoiiaaeM aa posed to universal aseorstlon. Wrltlea In tba interval of OlvllliMlon.Chrtattanlly sad nabHo Worlalty. rieod lor clrjuUr and aarui. U.S. Publlshlsg Co., N. Y', Clacluoall, Chicago Sod ULIaauJ. I'. , t - u -tw takOAftA Tr 7,M sod aspen gaarantaad C C llt to all amblllou man and women salllag our world ranownad patent Silver SI Id Oira clothe Llu. Fut lull rllcular addra th Oiaaao Wina Ml lis. i, fan. Pa. tss-tw to bsll ui a rseria noma. IMSOSIMATIOH tortri PaaaitfA. aswaorw in ruva i kiun r a, an. owe TL.BI)wrMJOirllraMTa, , CMkOwpwajt Pamir MMas. tft MalOAV. - fk fAikaLaoo,ri .' r "pniLDREX CRY FOU THEM." ' . WELLS' Carbolic Tablets. A spaclha f..r all dlaaasaa or tha raaplrutory nrgnor mueal waiubrawe. No family ihoald urn iibvui IH. W WtUa' (lAIiBOLU) TAULKTH. They Ihould b prniuplly lakan In all ea of Dyihorlo, , nasyrai anasa an is au SBNtioa of lu Ikroat and l.uu a krvat aod l.uu. hik wuHsin in i.HiT.ORFSf ' tkey aslmuly laveliuihk) aad n asoallest rut ty wkn the k I. Inu)a do not perluroi thalr rune tlon pavparty. 'Palo ' eoale pa Baa. by mall ou, the receipt of Ihe pflc. by J. U. K tL I.IHHI.S4 Plait l ,rt: VKol. agent hir ika Van klata. Mi by .lrgta, uSM A0RNT8 WANTED (MALE OR rKktALb'l pE THK.i, ., , w , , rm-iai uif e- vomit, ,d- .. BY UKuntJK U. NAPUKYM. At. D. Thie usavs. Pess Uoog Is the great so artkyr. aajkav alseadr kia aoia thl Bsavs. Pes Uorig Is th great lueeas'a artkoyaar.. okav alMali him wdd, it veadwilail. reauar iT V:.,m 1TA ft ' mil VA A " 1. V I will aen.l th re elpt bv whli-k I was aurad nf 'a srrh and tarnaa traa. Addraaa Mra M. f. l.rnuiiTT, UoUikan, N. J. riETTIN VP ci.inw. .. Ureal utitlttK io C ftosiimrri. Partlaa anqwlr hnw in aat npetnli. imr a. awer laf aeml lur PTIca Mat. ami a I lub fnrni will s'C.iinptny It with full dlri-tlnna, uiitklna laraa aavlna to aonaumara and rauuncraUrs to I'luborgaiiliara. TUB crcat iwm tu fosmY. 31 K 3.1 vesej atrcrt. T. P. O. Il.a (UA , .fSan t-4 ' - r-S tnm TiaWtfW 1 1 Twclre Years ' Wild iteFlaiE TI1K LIFE Vf GV.O. P.'CEL1KH, who fra m a lev of wild advrntur and Ihlral fir s knowledge of lb Indians, llielr I'nsiosis, ? port a. Tradllions, Wars, Ureal Iiiiflalo lluai. ke., fte., left a bom of plenty in Ohio, joined lb Indians, adopted their made of life, married ids lesmlftt VTaab lells. breame Oreat Warrior, Hunter and Chief of Ludiret, wsa appointed Lieu tenant in Ibe li. 8. Ilegiilar Army, for meritorious acrrioe wilb bia braves ait iiuai tioalila Indians. A book of ihe most thril ling interest, a reality wall authenticated. Truth atrnjrr than fiction. Kit per My ill. list rated. 70 enyravings, with purlrail of lb author, in full frootier coalume. I'ric low, Should on I re', I any bonk eilant. Hend st one for Illustrated circular, tahl of coolants, sample pagra and lerma. A. II. IIIMIBIRD. Publisher. et Cbsamut Bl., I'UUad a. auflS 4w t J t . rpiir. M.4KIC OMH will change X any colored hair or heard lo a perma nent Mack or brown. Il eoniainsno poison. Any on can os it. On annt by mail for l. . Address MAGIC COM It CO., . . suglS-tluJ . Springfield, Mass. THE CEBIT MCD1C1L EISCOTEBTl Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA via.; uak nuvn:is MrtRETflAN ann.oeo PFRHiiNS) --r S3 derfnl t aratlre Kflrcti. WHAT ARB THEY t y a at- a ?3 THtT APE OT A VILB FANCT PRINK, Made nf Poor Rnm, Whlaky, Prnnf Spirit, and Rsfuro Lhttor, d.ietnretl, aulred and aelnd to pleaan vlie taale, cri Tnnlos," Aliiel. rr." Reatorera." Sc., that taaul lha tippler en 10 drtinkeneas and ruin, but waa true au-dlrliie, made lrm tha natlia Hoot and Herb of fait, fiirnla, fre Iroin all Alcoholic miinalanta. Tk araiiieiiiir.A l ii.tiuii -i Hit IKK hd.I LI Ft llIVIMl PKINt IPI.K, a pm-teat Mcnoramr aud lu kforator ol Hi hyaleui, carrying ol all mir.'iHiu. inniit-r, ana rvaat.riua ll'p li.Ml in a eauiiy ronniiion iff Y X Sfri Kl 5S"v til H mr.:- si b a . a a 9 ill Nu sraon ran tak thaial 10 o'clock A. M. BoOndwl on tk arnrth ly WM according U dlra.tluu., aad romwu lung , u II WCII US will haulran man Ineiiraklrraaa.nrovlded ino iHine- iar w n-,ruyri ny niinerul p..anua nr other meana, and the vital organa waelwl ba- yonn iiieiHkini , reptiir. For lnnionitory and Chrnnlc Rhenmstltm end leout. llya iya. or lndlclnn, Hllllwis hemlitant. and tntoru.ltteut Fevers. tlla.a u the RhaiHl, Liver, Kidneys, and hhidder, tbnae nuier nave iKen inuai aui-oeaaiul Kuok ills, etiaes arecatiacat by lllillvd llluo.1. whlrh la tr,a. eratly prndared hydaiangeaanlof th l)liraUv iirgaiis. Clean! ae tha Vltlatad lllooil h., rn n-.l ia miiuriiiaa uureiiuK aarniaara me saio in r tm I lea, triil'llimaiir Korea i rlonae llwhcn vnn tlmt It ntwirsicted and sluggish In lha vela I elenaa It wnen ai u loin, ami yur Icwilua will tell yuu .uvu. nrr(. iiiq i-iquu liura auu III neailQ O lha system will fSHow. '- Pl.N. l Al't, and other WORMS, lurking In tha syrteirt of so many thousands, ara eScetually i.islroyel and removed. lu liillioua, Kaiuiiieol, and Intermittent Fe- ver,ins inner nv na r ai, ror lull dlrac tluiil read caiolully the iiri-ulur aruuiid e.ek iviiio, prn.reu in f.ur language l.hgll.n, or tuan, rroavk and iipanlah . , J. WALKF.H, ' ; t'oinmre M . N. Y.' ' R. H. Mi-HON A LI) a LO. Ilrugglau. and grne-sl Agenla, San FranClsn anu RaerainenTn,caJirnuk, and aa a at sjoaa. laan e M , N. y. . . , AaySIILI) BY ALL DRt'OOlSTSl AXD DtiLLHS. i , t.lal-tw CERTAIN - ASD , ... l Spied Cass Iros HcuTalfa; AS AU. ' LTMriPfoiir 'NERV0U3 OISLASCS, Ibt-txttar . AatTNFA L1XO llSMVOT mr NaesaMUA r Ai iaLia nnn ftcllpg a iarfot euro In a aba gleday. No r nd Narvusa III laihie yield lo III won.lorlul unwee. Kvan la th saver eases of ( hronle Neuralgia, aVeeaing theentlr ayaooi, ue at vr a law day anonui Uia moat aalonlahlng relief and rarely falls to produce a eompleia and iiermanant eoro. II reatalua BO uieMrlalalo the lightaet dgia lajurlou. It baa tha onnuelined apiiroval ofihe beat pbysl elani. Tkoaaands In every pert of tba oeuntrv. gratefully aekuowUda III powr to aovlh th uiriaia nrv, ana rasioriag tn lairlag traglh. , . ,, . heni by mall on receipt ol price and poatre. fnt peg l bla Paekacu. . A 00 rkaga . l oo . Pustafl loaotl It h sohlTiy all dealers hi rfragi and mailletnas na uy i . no.. Mala Tramont BT. UoaToa, Mass.. Proprietor, ISO oie vjir ANTPfl AFttT-T Mil ha maSIE INK. P.O.. IV bllllTTI.K HKWINO MAI. HI U. It makaa Ik " l.oek Ktloh" i.lll.. I both lid), sad hj th only lleanssd aader krad bbuttia Machine sold for less tban 0u. Lloid by Wheeler a ' Wilson, Omver a Maker anil Maaier fc Co, a II otkar snder read bkuii le Ma eklausold for lea than oo ara Inlrlngements, and 4h aallar and wwr llahl to proseeatlow. Addraaa JnHStoXvIJLAUb. a (JO., Ihieua Mui.. Plttagurg, I'a., Chloago HI , or k. Louia, Alo " '. . -. i - ' . i... , f it ACKM8 HA-lTED ( ! PER DAY) by ih AMERICAN KNITTIXO MA CHIN E t'., Baaton. slaw , or St Loots, Me (kw mniSa.i q Hoiicca i . oc . JL . i' . Hi ssnding rjt eesla. wilb age, belght, color of eves sad bair. you will receive, by relura mail, a eorroet pletur of your fur baabsad r wlf. ilk warn a aad data ef suarrU Addreaa W. FOX. P. O, Xlrawv , 21, fubauvilU, Nwork, . , ,i . train4 IAYUaslaa aalliwly sew anal vs asriiusprabla. Liberal.! InJucouisnU. Hriptlvelrtiulr rr. Addraaa J, C. II AM) a ca, illdilelurtu ajt. .. ., . , , J h ta . JiaueUtli) AJterUmf'li. .... I aVIarhUr. will t fail, foal -Lea Ika any other Uoauaaii will plultnloawueksifaoa. aOLD BY ALL OKALCRSflV PA4NTS. J. II .WEEKS A CO , Manufacturers, "" lit lCrlk 4tk StraH, rhhsdtlpkl. 01CO.CCO tsd?.TnM..a laaaso nues la a aaiea. aoa, saalaaiaj a. i... -taj, w''lr'urt ,i p,aif sstayj QtMCKS. A victim of early vereiion. cuusini nervotia itrhilitv. prcmnlura decay, ate., kaviiia tried In nin every arlvr'lised remeitr. baa s simple manna of twlr-enir, wliek be will send fre in Ma aVllww-iirTcrrs. Addrraa J. II. TTTTf.Et IS Nassau Si,, Near Vork. - 1 '- - - - ' pMrCMOIIANCT, OR KUt'ta IHARMIX1 I paweai ninth. This wedf(ul Umk baa lull inaariicllons linnblelhrailrto na.alnal alt bar tx. or any animal, at will iamrlam, M.lrlt.illasi. and ln.ndrk of other curlmie e prlaaanta Itoan be obtalaa by aen.llnit ad draaa, with le rants pnatnya, to T. W. KVANS k CO., ISO. 41 houlk tlshtbMtravt.Phlladalphla PUICK RRDUCKDI X THE IIE8T K THE COfNTRTj THE ICE If YOltK OHSEkVElt 1 -'- wrn AHNGM.- ONE MONTH FREE V? TRIAL. . Eldnry E. Horse, it . fompioy, T Past Bow, Kaw tons. ACHANif: SELli'OM OFFKRKDt I own tnterast In nne f tba best Silver Mines ol lha dy, developing, Ae.. aaar Oawrga town. Col. (an satlafy ji of lie undoubted valaeaas good laae-iauaat awl a payiag iaa. lien ef rfrrn gln. I wlek tn ll mi kaif f It vanr rnaar ro i n. Addreas my At- iorna, TOWeiM.raii UUOd.lU South Htreet Pblladalphla. i;i:iia r.srAii;. A VALUARLK FARM IN Bt'FFALOE VALLEY For Mule! - a .-' ( , , - The enfleWgn"!, pTenfnr of PhtlfpOwmlian Una, hataol l.eaat,urg, 1'nlnn eonnty,iloaad, willatnoeaat puhllnriala, at the Plvier Uattta, In Ika borough of Lewlakurg, on Tuesday, September 20, 1HJ0, at lOo'rlock. a.m.. all thai VAM'AHLK FARM annate In Kelley townablp, t'nlon county eon. talnlng lo aerea, mora or lata, oa wblok la araoted a large ,.r,n-. WBlTE"rttAMHTW1ITfRY iWrlLLlIvtl large HANK IIAR. WA(MM SIIKb, ORAISAHY, C'lbfll PRF.SM, and all aider aoaary anal i, . ' '. aonranleul bulldluga. Alao, about Uteres X VslnaJ.le Tluibar Land within alaiut Ave inltra idald farm) also two share ol Lea If burg btklge btoek. Thla Is a rara ehanea fnr anv nrann aaliAaHwtiaia al i in pnronaaeone 01 ansa nasi rarma in Hnrraia ai I verv iiaat limestone, with a srwd lltnevtnna nnar. ry of tha heal quality nf alone. Tbere la a asell of good water at the kouaat alaa, a navey fiUllog epring of water, which ran be enrrtrd to the house and Sara, ert torauel in th halda. Is eltuatad In katliy tonuahlp, nne vi the bet town ship In Iheeoanty, and eonvauleatan ehnrekee, sakuola, aad to markata, It being about t mllaa front Lealsbtirg, tkeaouoty aeat, and about three miles from Slllton. It ka one or the bast Apple orcbards and every variety of Fruit tint taenia In ibeeouoty. , N. n.-Tama wltl Ua mail eauv. a abnnt saves or eight ihoasand dollara ol lha pu nrrhaaa money enn remain in Ike n-are during tn icy i wld ie n'ace durlnir tha nr. nf th widow, and rrsntnairaanaarlrag.iritsi par ehar so desire. Those wlablng toe the prop erty ewaj. do to by calling un (J. Oembnrllng, of I.ewtaburg, nf Joint Pwl(at of Kelly township, or Win. iMnOeser, Ike Altiarney mr the eatata. . CH ULM1IKBLUIU, ' JOHN PAWLING, Eaeouuirg. Angoal la, lrr. E" X EC. ITORS' SALE OF VAI.l'AIILB KEAt LiTATt. Tha fullowlna- dotcrllieil Rani Eatnto. altnate In l!aver lowcahtp, Sii)der county. J'a., will he I aip-jad In Public oala, uu lha pieinljaa. oa Silt unlay, Octolirr I, ITO, will, ill n.ui, ni'. .11,1 iibiivip. d'iuiu.ib land at Vaieiiitn Kneaia Kuat ha I'otar. Oaisa ' atd -lolin lUah, and Swl ky Menry tiaaflir. now. talnlng ONt ; i IUUI Y ACRKS, strU-t meiiaure, atmnt 100 acres elearoil, unitor leuo. and In at wood state ol evtttt'iaUiis, the txal. aoca well llubaaed with Paua. nakaud Clwelnut on the said tr.-i ta em-ted a m.jd Weather hoarded Log liwelling House, new Rank Itnrn, and ol nor naoaaaary builillUK. A aoier ullln well ul wiaior. a vouua aeula urnhnrd. and u excellent water jatwur ate convenient to the liiu. Thla pr.p.rly Is loaalod within three miles of th rl. a L. lullrasd, aud eonveolanl to churi'hea, sidioola and bill!. Tn I auld umlrr the laat-wtll and testament nf Peter (loss. For tnrther rmrttmlare a.ldr, the undaralgaed at tSniiervlHe. tnvlr ouuaty. ... av4i a nl.ja - i'. I.. . j. ..AUAJt WatsNK, Aug. ia, 1S70. ,-,Msstlvrt. A,NS' gOUUT SALE. .i Io narsuann of aa on!r (ran tad by tha Or phsu' Caitrt of Vnydar t:uualy le the under algned, Admlnlatreluri of tk carat M iVimham ltaaer, rate oi i-erry eiwaiaif, nanaaM, win haaasneed t publlo lata, oa the prvniaeee. In Pfty tuwaalalp.oa ., , a . , j ,.. Satorda), flrplem'bri' IT, A. B.; tSIO, th follnwlag deecrflied valaahl Real Palate, tn will All that certain wwiauaga. aad TRACT id' l.ANI tltuale o Porry lownahlp, Snyder County, P., bvundel as follows, to wlt;-ln tha North by lands ot the helra of John Marks, de oaaaad, bast ay wait of David Kalia, aud John Frymyer, Soulb by land ol beutuvl liarr, aa l Woai by land ul Jaouh Swab aod A nun ShuUr, oontalnlng ..' 120 ACIiESl.1 more or lass, nn which ara erected a large Two. M'.rv mono Moose large Rank Hero, Wagon tailed, aad other necessary owt-kulldlngs. Tkeie 1 a largo Orchard i( tJholr Fruit, also an eelliaiit aurlng of water near the door. About 09 acres of lew above Iraet Is olearod and In a arnud a late of col U vatkaa, t lie balaao I good wowallaad bale toooanmeaco at IS o'cluvk, uuon, on sakl day, when aiteodam-e will b given nnd terms oiave gwuwn ay isnut iiCssM, Awgoal IS, 18W. . k . Adiuriilatralor OUPUANS" ' '-' s J.' I COURT SALE.' Th undersigned having been appointed TrUkte I aell Ihe "Heal fcaalal of alasob Uoiriok, Isie of MiJdloereek townsUip, dw , daainl, win, on i , ... ( r - THUUSDAY. 8EPTi;MBKR 13. 18T0,i at 11 o'clock, s. m.. of sAiil day, tspok th follou iug trael or pices of laud lo ' public vendue, or out-cry, st lb lata reiidene of ih laid Jacob DeirlcL, gr. oVo'd , hounded nnd dficrilied follow! vis: Nnrtbwsrdly by laud of Ilcory .f. Harmon. Wen by land of Wairen rdly,. Boulli by Jacob Aursad,' and t'iut bj Usury Hoyer Containing ' ( 4 i 140 'Acven, . ' Oood STONE tlOCRB and PARX on Ih plac. . Moat of lb Isnd cleared. -' Terms nikd known op ey or i.- ; ' ' JOIIS . WOLr', Truste. Aagusl1!". IITO. ;, .'.' YALCAPLS FARMATMIVATEt ' ' a . i( : BALK. -a - - ' Tha subseribey offers at prlvat sat lis VAI.ITtni!' Villi alaualla la, Masraa Uwnablp, Snyder Couwiy.' V. sdVelwIng lands of Abraham Fisher, Mlohaal Hustmei aud others, coalsltiiBg sbout ' ''- 175 Atui;s, - mora or I, alaet ylv aeroa ef which sy oleered and In s high htas of oultivoliurij lb balanoe I' eovorest Wrlk lbs boat of liax her. Tk lu1proinul'euasisl el a gwd Urge, ' v-i.1 ku'i ,j. Due Illnff . Hons e, I LA flOr: BANK BAUVkn.l all neonoiary sulbulldlngsj good water voayaulaSit fur sU purposes, a purgi?" ' ' '"" ' ' ' APPLE ORCHARU roalslnlng ohol c gralted' frnrr, ete. Tk farm I under it0d fenc. natwrnlly farll sndTblgbly prnductlv I In' ' beak by country, aboil I bfea mpe 'trass 'v)eMn ana two nine rrow nssmsina wag. AVOID tndlvc pADKR CRAFT, . X1 8CCCESSOR TO FLECK & ' CO.; ' WMOLESALr- ; no. n itnitTit TTfiftri'BT.; t ' r PIIILAUKLPHIA.; ' ' ' A full sawortment of for, feet Irfnerf," Fmits. lire Wm-Vs, fvrnps. - w. biwb(t, dii nanii. 1ALD EAOLE HOTEL, i M " ' M ,',r", Third fllHef, PHILADRLPHIA, .i. JOMM VLYMER, Proftht, . i . . Jsousrxia, B7U-tr .. It-nheotlJ Bow lost, flow' Restorti fsajolssi pnellsherf. new edition of Vr. Cnlverwelf. C.lebrs.vd Es- inrti..-T 1 ,',JI'", "". fwiihoiu jretflcl"') of f permslorrhoes, nr Seminal wsskneas. Tnvnlnsfgrt Lnswee. In,pni,ncr. Mental and pW.lcat Inespacr.y. PImP-di: mem to marrliige. etc. i also. ConsUp flnn Epilepsy and Fits. Induce.! fee if rj-. ilulgence or ton I eitesvlgane. m' S"Ui ". ,ix ,,.. .Tl oel.braled amhrrrin tiifs sdmirshle ewioy elrarly demonirse froth a thirty y awra a.icresaful ysrwef l. ihm the slanrel nf eorKoque.nees of .eff alnrse rrrvr hw rad r. ly ewred wiihen Om .frrcrrwee ixm nf interrml mc.,eine or Ihe prlirti,.eof ibe an ire: pm ,M , moJ Me,tr0 M rfB. simp e. rerun, nnd afTcotiinl. by means nf which every auflVrrr. no luaiter what bin oomlllinn may bo. raajr curskiiun lf cheap- "''' sudrauWlr, ... This Leolurs shnufd he in tn ftgmf f evcry yonili ,,J Mcrjr mn In Ilt Bent under scat, in plain enrednp. o any sddresa, postpaid, oa receipt of Sis rem, or lwi pealslsmpa. ' Also. Ilr. Ciil Tcrwell S "Marrlag, Oitide.'.'prio jr.eent. Address the JiiiMl.lieT, - ' .' CHAS. J. P, KL1NR ft Co., 127 Lowery, N. Y., P. O. ling 4,5Sfl. Sept. I, 1H7U- - II. P. IIOTTEN'STKIN. M P. ' . PHYHICIAW ann Rt Hilkfisr SKLINSOROVe, S.NVDEIt CO., I'A. OSra hi profaatlnrml sarvleaa In th eldiens hf bllngraveaad vlelnliy. . . . JaaeJi, is;u.u JOSEPH. S DULL, " Manufaoturcr of and Wholesale Dealer "in Clothing:, Cloths CASSIMERS AND VEST1NOS, aSORTH THIRD BREKT, FHILAtVA. LLEGIIENY JJOCSE.-. ... X01. 81 1 811 Market Street. (Afore t:,ktt.) PHILADELPHIA. KLECKNER & CAWLEY, rsoratsToss. fO.Clti: terms I) 00 Per Bar. pEXXSYLVANIA UUU.SE. , J. b'norrMAN, rroprfctor, ' OP fsBCON'D AND I.OCt'ST STfi ' ' I . . ' TIARRISBPRO, rEK.X" AJ-tvcry eTr.-rt necesvsryto fnsur th m mrt nfgsssiiwlllnauia.lo. Th koue has teu newly lontloal. linay,lMuU RAVE HALL HOTEL. ttrtn rnori. PtofruUr, Went Dearer Tw'p , Snjder Co., Pa. ' ' ' . r I Taks Notice tli art 1 bars purchased foe Itrave Hull Hotel, frheve I nm olwnys pre pnred lo iiccotniiiodul lroera, Blrangt-ri, nnd 'i'lavclcrs. . ' I sbiill bo liberal In my charge nnd en desviir In na everybody Well who favont ma wilb liia custom. If you nr not a.iua ticd, nn nhni!. Oiv moo call. 'April, e;tt HALF WAY HOUriS. , , PH.NNS TCWNSHIP, bny lcr Co., Pa. ANDHEW SHADE, i Proprietor. Acoouimniitluns good and "chsreia m'odorate. Th patronage of tho traveling rattlfe Is eollelteO TAMES K. DAVIS HOTEL, J H UIA .1 .XI ROVE. BNYDER Oo., .( ' IIKNUY A. BOLIQ. Propriel.. Tki! well kuowe House having been1 r fl'led by tli proaenl propruielor. otTrra ri- eollent accomruodalion lo lb trave.iug coiomttniiy. Choice liquors nnd Cigars si lbs liar, sud lbs Table supplied with -lb beat lha market affords. A good liable. sitendrd by careful bustlers, in cnuneoiiou WUk tk koue. . April 6-'70tf 1000 MEN WANT IB DI) , r . , .TO WORK OS TUB. avxraimT LAwzf7owzr SI HKSIK am wealed Itnmedlatefr, lo whom th JL miiiiaet oeaa prir win oa iwia. Apply to the obasrllar at MlUNHOSOVK. or tuanyot IhenueMienirartorsoa Ihallneufth road Thutlr grndanroriheToad Mt'MT BK i.u.sroKi tv Wlliun I i bU MONTH FROM t Mtm vans, it ") aac-ijwy,ajq a vujf ttl'ARYMEN AND IJKIIOEtl ILDKRH can Sod mroymnt Vy calling. uw tha nudsT- kiay SI. laid. . T. OHLS3WLLL. TTNION JLANUN0 MILLT , j BELlRSOROVE, SNYDER DO., PA. t t " linmbcr Dealer. r j AsaMAgviAOTvasa or1 Boars, Boor Boxes, rYlndewi, bkaltcn. 'VUdWBoiea; Bllads, Sak, Btalr' rts'loaldlaes. flnorlnc. BOROI. .ta aa W I NO J A Bl N H f Tl II N INO 8hlrjgle, Lath, fto,; Vot I .Order solieilrd Slid Ailed wilb prontpl- n ...I iluS.lhkil (Vmmm .11 -J ...... " - - r " .- II ana wpe iue our aiwujg befoi purchgaiug eUeabrre O-OOII .lob li-ikiiltiir Office. ' . tsWiALKUVItV. fpirtH-R; VU-i V' ' ..- ilL KTvnicor 'ion itiNTLVti NKATI.V. ClillAPLY. ri I Jil'lIUlTlOIIrlLY KXKCUTg n 'H i If law tit v avj . a ' g ws v si