The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, September 15, 1870, Image 1

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T HE P O S T .
PabUab every Thnrtday Evening by
Jkklklit till 81. Preprlrtof,
Tirmi of Subecriptioft,
within til months, or S2.60 If eel paid
wlthl the year. No psperdiseoti tinned
ntit all arrearages irt paid unltat at
ik option orrne pubittncr.
labscriptioos outside of the county
MT rnoBt lining and using paper
esurettea is on erf mhoi auitaeribert.
ad art liable for tat prise of Ike paper
i ' Middleburg, IV,
Offers tit professional services to the pub
lie. Collection! end all other provisional
butlnett entrutltd to bit care will reoeive
prompt attention. (Jan 4, '0flf
Melinsirrova Pa..
Off ere bit professions! service to the puhr
lie. All bmintM entrusted lo hie care
111 be promptly attended .
. Uaa
'671 f
Frecburg Pa.,
Offere bia Professional service I the pub-
Mel AH baeiate atrusted lo bit rare
brill be promptly atlendtd lo.
Jaa 17. 07lf
WM.VaN gezkk,
attorney at law.
Lewiaburg Ti.
Hffert hit professions! servloe to Ibo pub-
lie. Collections and all elber Frofe'tion
al besintst entnuird to bit car will re
eeive prompt attention.
Lewieburg Pa.
Offrrt bit Profettional tervte to the pub
lie. Colleetiont and all other profession
al batinest rnirudtd to bit tare will re
stive prompt attention. Jan. 8, '7tf.
Lewisborg Pa.,
Offere bit profeuional tervicel lo the
pablie. Colleetiont and all other pro
fvesianal buaineat ealrutltd to ihrlr esre
trill receive proaipteltent ion. Jaa. s.'e'if
Solinsgrove Pa.,
nrrtrt bit broreriional servictt io tbe pb
tie. Collection! and all elber prefettional
sutiaese ent rutted lo bit care will re
Seive prompt atteuilon. Office two doore
north of Ibe Keytione Hotel. Jan 6, '
Samu:l alleman,
.SflinHirrove Pa
Offera hit Profeatlonal tereicet lo the
public. All butinett entrusted to bit
care will bo promptly attended lo. Col
leelient made In all parte of the Stale
Ht eaa tpeak the Engl.'th and German
laacuaae fluently. Offioa between Hall't
and the Ton office.
MiddlsburgSoydor County Ponn'a.
Office a few doort.Wenl of tbe ,r. O. on
llaia tlreel. Contulialion in Englitb
aad German langutget. Sep.'ti7lf
Lewidbnrtf Ta.,
Offere bia profeuional teivioet lo ibe pub
lie. All butmeta enirutted to bia eare
will be promptly attended to.
Jan. 8. 'C7lf
Fereont la need af a good and durable
Sewing Maebine ean be eecommodeted al
reasonable prioet by ealling on oa 8ah
il Faoit, Agent, Selintgrovo.
fJan. 24, -flSi
Middlcburg Pa.,
Offera hit profettlonal tereioet to the eit
iient of Niddleburg and vlelally.
March 21, '07
StlinigroT renn.
fcon Twp., Snyder Co. Pa
Jaokaoa Township, Boyder Co. Pa.,
Will attend to all butlneee enirutted to
hit earn and oa lb moil reasonable
termt. , March 13, '68lf
realrTlllt PH
Offort bit profettlonal terrlota ta the
puDita. i sou
FW, 8CJI WAN, M. D., ,
Port TrortoD Pa.
Offera hit profettlonal aervloea la the
ciliieaaof thia plana aad vieiniiy. lie
apeak Gtrmaa aad Eagllth. i
April 1, '6S
UJ-1 rfaaburg8nydrCc,Pa.,
Motl retpeetfullr offere bia eervloet lo
iht publie at Tends Cry or and Aaetlon
ter. Having bad a largo exptritnoe, I
feelooafldeat that I eaa raader parfeot
aaturaelloa to my empioyeea.
.1 , i . I .i, 671
Offiea la Ceort Htatt, Sepl.16, 'C7tf
N. 322 N. THIRD S
i. G. WIPE, Clark
K. 411 41 Varta Third Street.
rrrhT. u m nil i4'u wii mviiii? rvi u a ulmit.uiilm ir; iutii xti oj
With lo Inform tbe elllttnt of Dannerville
and vicinity that the; hare opened a new
stock, of goods, and will keep consttnlly en
band lull aitortment or
"in riA'i'oKU!t":
Coatittlnitef ALPACAS, POPUN8.PLAD8
Cloth fc Casslmcrcft
And la faot everTlblBi ttottall bent In a
Orel elaea country atom. All of which we
offer at greatly reduced nrioet. for Oath or
country rrocuea.
Hasina had larte einerienee ia tbe
business, wo Bailor ourselves that wa can
please and tetisfv all our eUttomert.
Hoping hr ttrict attention to hulnete
and a deaire to pleaee all, lo merit a liberal
bate of publie patronage. Our motto it
"Qitir Salei and Small lofitn."
We atk at leait that the tublio eiamtae
oar eloek and pioee before purcbatma
eltewbere, at we alwayt ehow our goodt
wlta I leweura.
BtanerelUe, Jane 14, 1870. if
Itetpectfully announcee to the eiliient of
Mlddleburg and eiclnily that ha ia now
ready lo tupply them with the largett and
moti compiei etoci or
eier brought lo Ibia place, at greatly re
doced pricee cheaper than Ibe cbeapett.
II inritet altenlloa to bit large ttock of
Boots and Shoes,
SHIRTS, and everything utually kept la
a wen reguiaitd ttore.
Give me a call and be convinced that
tbit it tbe place to buy goodi.
COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In eicbange tnn.u. urntcr.
Middleburg, May, 8ti7.
Hummer Arraogoruent. Monday
May 16, 1870. '
Great Trunk Line from the North and
North weat for Philadelphia, New York,
Reeding, PolUville. Tamaoua. Athland.
Sbamokin, Lebanon, Alleaiown, Eaalon,
Ephrala, Litis. Lancatter. Columbia ke.
Traiat leave llrritburc for New York, aa
roiiowtt at 5.3, ri.10 11.25 fort noon.
and 2.60 p. m., eonaeoiing with aimilar
iratat oatat lb feontvlvaaia Railroad.
and arriving at New York at 12.10 noon,
8.60 H.06, and 10,00 p. m., retpretively.
Sleeping care accompany lb 4. 35 a m. and
Ii.o a. m. iralna, wltLout ohance.
Kelurninc i Leave New York at 9.00a m.
12.00 Nooa. and 6,00 pn. Philadelphia at
8,16 a m and 8,80 p m Sleeping eare ac-
ompany tbe 9,00 p m, aad 6.00 p m tralnt
from New York, without change.
Leave llarriabora for Reading . Polltville
Tamaqua, Minertville, Aabland, Sbamokin,
Plnegrove, Alleaiowa aad Philadelphia, al
8,10 a m, 3,60 and 4.10 p m, aloppiag al
Lebanon and principal way ttailoot s lb
4,10 p m train eonaeoiing for Philadelphia,
Polltville and Columbia oaly. For Pollt
ville, Schuylkill llavea and Auburn, via
Schuylkill and 8uiqaebanna Railroad,
Leave iierrlaburf at S,o p m.
Eaat Pentylvaoia Railroad trim leave
neouiag for Aiientown, cation and new
York al 7.8, 10.80 a. m, 1.27 and 4.45 r
m, neiurnig, leave Now lore: at W.UU a.
m., 12.00 noon aad 500 p. m. Bod Allen
towa at 7.20 a. m. 12.20 Nooa 4.20 and
8.46 p. ia. v
Way passenger tralaleavet Pblladelphia
a: i,su a connecting wiib similar Irala
on Eaat Tanna. Railroad, returning from
Btad'sg at 4.86 p m, elopplna al all aiationt
. Leave Polltville at 6,40 and 0,00 a m and
1,60 p. m.t Hetadoa at 9,80 a aai 8ha.
mokia at 5,40 aad 10,40 a. m.t Athland at
7,06 a m, aad 12,30 noon, Mahanoy City
at 7.61 a. av and 1.07 p. m., Tamaqda al
8,88 a a, aad 2.20 p at for Philadelphia
aaa new iora.
Leave Potttville. via Boh oyl kill aad flut
qothanna R R at 8,16 a as for Harritburg,
aad 12.06 aaoa for PlaegravaanA Tremoat.
Reading Aeeommodalfoa train Leave
Polltville at 6,10 a at. paaaet Readin al
m. a m, arriving at Pblladelphia al 10,20 naturaiag. leave I'blladelpbla at
8,15 p m, paaeing Reading at 8,00 f m,
arriviag al Potuviil at 9,40 p m.
Potuiowa Aaeommodailaa Trala Leave
Politiowa at 6,25 a at, returning leaves
Philadelphia at 4,00 p m.
Columbia Railroad Traiat Uav4 Reading
at 7,20 a at, aad 8,16 a at for Ppaiata,
Ulis, Laacatter, Columbia, Cf .
Perklomea Railroad Iraint leave PerM
omeaJaotiloa at 9,03 a m, 8,00 k 8,80 p m;
relurniag leave Schweaktvllle at 8, 05 a m,
12,46 Nooa. and 4.16 a an, ceaaettiog with
timilar traiat aa Readiag Railroad.
Oolt bnokaat Railroad traiat leave Poila
towa at 9,40 a m, aad 4,20 p m, rctaraing
Itav Meaal Pleaaaal a 7,00 aad 11.26
a m, Maaeeting with aimilar traiat aa
Reading railroad.
tThaafsr Taller Ballraatl tralnt lav
Brideporl at 8,aO a as, bsnI t,0 aad 4.02
p m, teiuralag. laav Dowalagtowa at 8,20
a aa, 1145 aoea aad ft. 16 p m, eeoaeotlag
with aimilar trala oa Beading railroad.
Oa Saadayt I Laav Ntw York at t.OO
p m, rbiiadetpaia a.uu a at aaa 0,1 m.
the 9.00 a m Irala raaalai oalv t Readiag j
laav PoUevUI 8,00 a mi Uarritbarg 6,86 a
m aa fl.ta t m, leave aueatuwa a i so
a. m. aaa aad 1.40 p. m. laav Beading
at T.I6 a m, aad 10,04 p m for RanUbar
' A Rait) r CklaieMrC Cilrla
I taw th aal of a family lent wtfk
io Hong Knox, Tor debt, lb honbaod
and rather of which waa in.taltioroia
There wer fiv cbildron, two (firls
and three boys Titer Hood livatd
the road, drcwd In their btIMty at'
tit of black, lb ailonce tbey ob
irrvod whenever any person pntaod.
ao'l tliair dawocnat lookt, rreatod cu
riotitr. Ah Hung, onr wniter, ma
rallnd on nod asked tno rnuMorthe
tiltlo pnrtde. " Why,'' trtid he, Ihf
Xiili and perhaps th whole family,
ar foraelr.'' W stopped our chair,
and stepped out to hare a tttik with
them, using Ah IIuop; as ao ioterper-
Tbe mother was wrinkled snd gray,
aad boot; ber head, as if she wan afraid
lo look us ia the face. But th chil
dren, with the exception of tho old
est rfirl. looked cheerful, and were
roach pleated with their holiday at
tire. The oldest girl waaaiitero, aad
the oldest bor was fifteen. So laid
the gruff old broker who had the
party in charge and who seemed anx
lonsto dittpoM of his wares. The
broker told us that tbe husband and
father was fn California, aad bad nee
leoted to pay bis oolo given for hie
nnaMaon. and that hia fnmilv Waa now
oO'ere'l for sale to pay bis debt. He
hoped to bo able to pay Ibe debt with
tho tale of the two eldest girl, but as
vet he bad received no offers. II said
tbit the family became security volun-
Io reply to our questions, lie sain
that whoa a euttomer bought a child
or person, tho person was road at once
tho owner or tbe same, body and two I.
No Chinaman would dispute the pur
chaser's right to d whatsoever he
pleated with tbe banian beirt he had
paid for. Tho boys would make itood
servants, be said, sod io the course of
a few yetrs be worth a fortuoe to the
owner. I he ciris would make eoou
armor.' 'or uurses, s they are colled
ia America. lie would show ut their
pbysreal besaty would make them
tin? and pUy tricks if wo thought of
buy in. How much would we etve r
The oldest girl be would sell for 4400;
tho next one lor ezuo, and the Itttlo
six jesr old for )0. Tbe boys he could
not sel! until ihegiris weredlxpowd of,
We thought the pneo too hiith. Tho
msrket wa irtuttod with saleable r Irk
and ho must not tbinkof gottiog over
100 lor tbe oldest and handsomest.
hue for the little oocg bo must not
expect overt IW.
He sneered st that, and said tbat
Koclishoien always talked io that way
when they wanted to buy. While we
were talking a part; of blue robed Chi-
orse aritoerats came up snd began to
inspect the family. Ihey opened the
mouth of the oldest girl, rspped on ber
white teeth to tee it they were sound,
pulled open ber dress, thumped her
rib, laughed at her little feet, told her
to show the whites of ber eyes, ordered
her to sing, sod to show them tbe
trinkets which the fond mother bad
given ber as a parting gift. All Ibo
while ibe salesman kept up a constaot
jabber, io which we took no interest
Time .pressing we pasted on, learlog
tbe parties disputiag about the price
sod dlaeusHiogibe probabilities of their
running awty. -
Wa returned the 'earns day to ss-
eertaio the result of the sale. Only
tbe inothor sod ber boys were left.
The debt was ooly 1300 and 950 of it
still remained unpaid.
I Rave otten been told or tbe reti-
deo.s of China that the parents would
as toon sell their children as a eow or
ajrig. And I bad begun to think
tbat such was the esss upon passing
the group tbe first time. But tbs
seen bad changed. 1 be girls wer
gone, and now a boy mutt go also
Tbs mother sat in tba dirt, with her
arms around tbe youngest, wailing in
s most piteous manner, and, aa Ab
Huog said, cursing tbe men tbat sold
ber b unhand a tii kct to Ameriea for
1300 which coat them but ItO. Tho
broker sat listlessly by, smoking bis
pipe aod twining bis osne. looking as
if it wa tbe smsllest mattter of busi
nee with blm.
Tbs boya were erring, and seemed
very muoa slraid of as, now it was
certain one of them most go. Bat we
passed oo aad left tbara io their mts
ery. Wa never knew whether tbe boy
was sold to a ehildles mao to be treated
aa a son, to a Portuguese to be carried
to tba West Indies under a nominal
eootrsct, or to a native laodovner to
be hia slavo. But tbat on of tbem
was sold Into aervilado for tba sum of
150 there can be ao doubt Tbe girls
were doubtless pnrchaied for th vilest
purposes, unless thejbed tbs rare lusk
to fall into tbe baada of some native la
search of a legitimate wife.' I am told
that tbe price of girla baa gone up
witbia a fsw months, owing, perhaps,
to tbe faet that a less on rubs r of ami
mats have forfeited tbeir bond lo
California thaajwas tba case sis months
ago. I was tbowo four bright, plump,
rosy girl ycslerdsv. who were our-
t-baseel less than a year ago (tbe whole
lot) tor eu. now tbey eoJ readily
for $300 ssch.Zorw JCona Cor. ol
Me Bottom Trawler.
In Boatoa, early oa tbe seornlrrg of
Iadepsardeeoe- Day, the neighbors
bear a prodigiona tvmpws In a boos
oooupled by a sblldlessj oU eon ale; and
on fbin to as what was goitx on,
Fatlcalag Hogs.
There is no time io tlio year when
hogs will fatten ao fast a now. Feed
.1 . II a aa .a
mem euro, aiatss ami an ; so long as
the corn is io the milk, the hog will
rliew every blade snd lbs eotirc stalk
Tbe weather Is such ttint very little of
a . si '
i no too'i is consumed to seep op an)
mat beat, bat all ia used to produce
A , l ........ 1
nenn. pnny one null oi ail the rood
given to hot; s dtirinir the firtcninu sea.
irt is lot nltcirly ro. The following
rules should io strict It oh.icrrcd in
rattening Imijs. First havt a pen for
ibein aulTicietitly larce for moderate
cxeieisr, rrcund, provide n good warm
place for them to sleep ; have it so
covered tbat nt all times tho oti or
bed will be dry, atd. tf posslLle, give
them plenty of etrsw to sleep on
Tbird, have a good cloao floor to feed
upon, and never, on sny account.throw
their food ioto a muddy or Glthy place.
A wet, muddy bed and 6lthy feeding
place render the meat always more or
lots strong sod unwholesome food for
num. Fourth, four bushels of eorn fed
now will produco more flesh than sis
will io December.
The fattening properties of (he dif
ferent grains, and tho canacitv of the
breed to take on fut, to convert grain
into the greatest amount of pork, have
been experimented upon auOiaiently
to form established fac ts
Ws uod thst corn, the best train for
fatteaing, will yield ten to twelve
pounds of pork to th bushel whsn fed
in the ear, When It it aroood. several
pounds more are gsined. When It is,
further, sUsmed or scalded, thara is
still crestsr increase, runnioo the
bushel ofeoro on to tweott ootind
double the amount of the same corn
when fed in th car, much of which
will then oaly be cracked and some
piHt whole. Grinding snd tteaminv
of scalding well will give nearly all Iht
strength of the corn if not fed too plen
.'I tl s . . .
iiiuny or erowued in reediog. Fed
rcKiilurly, snd eaten clean, with easy
aod perfect digestion, thia is th way
to get tbe slrength of the corn. The
msoor is world less. But where ms
uuro is so little prised ss in tbe West,
this ia of little eonteqtieoee. It may
be expensive to steam food to scald it
can hardly bo said to be ao. There
are eleo minor members of the family
that can aid in thia There are few
things more spt to be neglected bow
ever, n e feed corn ia the kernel or
ground. When ground we think we
hnvo done wtll ; and so we have ; but
piggy will do better if the artifleial
beat is tr.plied, preparing tbe fuod in
advanco tor tbe sUunicb,
Whttbsr it is cheaper sod more nro-
fitable to fatten spring pigs, 1 believo
is a point that may be eooshlercd
This makes the beit aod ehcnicst
pork, especially tbe best if kept till
late in the aeasoo. aav Deeomhar or
January, while tbe average of pub
. .
lished experiments show that snrine-
pigs muoh oftener exeeed 3l0 pounds
AP a .a .
in oays man wintered hogs 450
paunas ia io months True, if the hoe
cooia bo made to beep up tbe aa
average gain tbat is ofleo secured on s
pig tho profit mit;bt be tbs same per
centage on each. But as pigs from
8 to 9 months old sre ofteo mode to
weigh from 300 to 400 pounds net, it
is doubtful whether ibiaaverau ioerease
can bo kept up as much longer When
pigs or bogs are fattened up to a cer
taia point, it saems that tbey cannot be
fed to good advantage any longer
i ney are ine aame a buisbed and niav
aa well bo killed.
A littlo consideration will runko
plain to most farmers tbat pigs thst
gain irom i to j f pounds a day, are
precis on, wneo ted to lbs best advan
tage. Still som will ssy it will take
a great deal or grain or otbor fetd to
make such fat, heavy bogs aod pigs
uup it dss oeea snowo tr the most
careful axpsriments thai a busbet of
goo) corn, what ted in tba ear to good
bogs, will average 10 pounds ol prk.
snd bas made from 12 to 18 pousds ;
wneo ground or cooked, Has averaged
15 lbs., aod when grouod aod cooked,
or scalded, made two of three poands
more. Nathan 0. Morgan of Union
Springs, N. Y., who "keeps accurate
accounts of all bis operation!, ''baa fouod
that "oo botbel of corn tbns prepared,
(tbat ia, grouod aod tbe moat aculded)
after deducting tea per eeat. toll for
grinding, and having oaly b4 pouads
for the bushel, will give 20 pounds of
pork or at tba rai of l pouads of
corn for each pound of. pork. .When
pork ia 6 seat a pouad, h obtains at
tbs rata of 1 per bttehel for bin corn."
It la troo tbat tbls ie one of ibe most
favorable results of leedieg hogi ever
published Bet ibo ubov average
are aumciootly favorable, tbousb it
would be impossible now to And roera
for even, a small share of the published
experimeete thst prove or suttalu
tbem. Amerioa Stock Journal.
Coaldm'i Matii tko Cutn.
Weat Hickory, beside bsina noted
for iu big wells, dry bole and rati I
snakes, bas nw aad ehsrmlog fea
ture oi atiraoiion to lb vast number
of wildcats, or eatamounta, that are
to b round io tk aeigkborlog forest,
and which mab nigbt hideous with
tbeir meliiflooM not, bo oa a for
tea. Sine to latiaaely demise of
toe wildsat at Pscwodaa. a mm ana nl
aa evcjoanter with a bu It-dog, no' vsr Dtaiaa tb debate ia tbe flrstAsMi
aaiaU bare beea sao, aad it waa ieao Ooajfteao ew tkw aetabliabaseal ol
hoped tbat Ibe eoivawM aaltaal tbe Fedtral array, a stwmber offered a
rtfi'tmed Ifld oprscd S.lrt.'o bank, aflj
with ths scrumulntiunt of tt veral werkt
reiirrd from business, out of the bnek
window (s a police officer entered the
front.) anil pun Ssihg a few acres
-oil bejrso to farm it. Not having pre
vinusly sttHied Lydia TlionijHi.n'
ihrillmg work entitled What I know
nbotit fianning," his first year's work
was cot n succet. Ilia pumpkin
were devoured hv potato blips, grass-
nnprs carried on bis cattle, tbo wee
vil got into bl.i sheep, and tho corn
crop failed under the combined sttaek
ol hoof-rot snd murrain. To crown all
hs was himself nttacknd with hop
cholera. Tbi was the situation on
Sitdrdsy night but, When rrom a
dreamless tleep he was awsktnptl by
ao unearthly howl, a crush of glass,
and Ibe striking of a heavy some,
thing" upon bis fcfenf. At'drst h
thought it must bs a horrible night
mare, rauied by loo rich vianda, but
when he considered the fact that there
were no horse within ten miles of his
cabin, Slid tbo only supper he had
psrUken ol wss a eon pie of bock wheat
caks, tuuh reasoning" scooifid errooe
ous. All was quiet, and finally think
iog it roust bare beea an Oil Creek
bed bug on a raid, be dismissed the
rubject, and was preparing for so all
night's sleep, when a scratching was
heard beneath tbe bed. llasily rising
bo jsrken on hi antaeotiooablo. and.
dropping oa all fours, began to claw
beneath tbe bed after tho miilniirht
intruder. He Ibuod it, and in one
fourth of a New York minute all tbe
clHhos there war upon bim would
not have made a bib lor a china doll.
He finally found himaclf in the corner
partly scalped, with his lower limbs
looking as though he had been through
a wool cardiog machine ; while at this
juncture, with a spit snd a growl, s
catamount dissppesred through the
OPTO Window. Such ia tha lain nf
Adatn Goodman, lis now desires lo
eniigrsls to som spot wore tb insects
ar not so troublesome. His I'nrm is
a good one, but be says be cannot
stand tba ciTitu8vIU Jlrrald.
"lb" ll.
A certain constable, a short timo
since, espied a till peddler pursuing bis
irslo, and like a pioUer! alter a min
now, h rushed at bim and Inquired i
"Have yon a license lo sell V'
"No," coolly replied the itinersnt
vender of pots sod pans, "I haven V
"Well, sir, I'll attend to your case,"
stys tbo Dogberry.
"All right," sayt tbo peddler, "do
i ne eager official ruitbct on to the
nearest trial justice and obtains a war
ran', and armed and equipped with
the awful document, Harts on a chase
after tho offending ilinorant. Some
time, we believe, the next day. after a
long chase, the represent at ir Yankee
was found, and bustled belore the jus
tice, who read to bim tbe watraot,
and as a matter of form, of course,
asked him whether he Was guilty or
oot guilty.
"Not guilty," ssyg tbs unabashed
.; . J vjvHi,
S.Vi.7 B
Inn lllatlen anrl MnalnKln nrmnmA
sVeiL .urh
"Not guilty?" quoth tbe formro.
'Don'l you peddlo goods around
ber V
"Yes," replied the alleged culprit.
"Well, bavo you a license t" asked
Rhadamaotbus, in "ssroaatical" tones,
'Oh. yes," tays tbe traveling tgeot.
"Why,r says the justice quite an
other expression com iog over bis eoun
tcoance ."didn't you tell tbi gcatle
msn that you bad no license f.
"No, sir'
"Yes, you did I" sbonted Tipstaff.
"No, 1 didn't,'' quietly replies the
"I say you did," vociferated tbo
com lab le.
"I swear I dide't," still persists tbe
"Well, what did too tell me, tbeo V
"You asked me if I had a license to
mII, aod I told you 1 hsdu't, snd 1
haven't a licenso to sell," eootioded
tho peddler, in an iojured tone, "for I
want it to peddle with."
Rcssiam Slurs. Tb population of
Rossis Is eighty-two millions, of wbicb
bctwaon fifty snd siaty millions are
emancipated serfs ; gome sefeo or eight
hundred thousand, pot more, are of
tb noble classes, heretofore the owners
of tb serfe and all Ike lands ; some
100,000 er 800,000 belong to tbe clergy;
tbe remainder, som eighteen millloo,
is maae up or msrebants, meolisnict,
profettfbual men, etc. Under th old
regime, ilavet could not own lend but
they were required to reside, genera
tion after eenvntiow, on tbe asm bad.
Tbo noble did not troo owo ths
slaves, but ss tbey owaed th hind to
which tbe slates by law wer attached.
it amounted to the same thioir. Tbs
werehsata and some few other classes,
not ssrfs, could oWa a small portion of
land. Tba absolut poWef to reaulats
the ooen pat km f tb serf and lo arrant
or refuse bia claim to redeem himself
was vested la tbe land owner. Jltuv
serfs wer thus controlled who bad
arisett to a respeoiable atssioa at mer-
obaat and aseeaaaiea --LipprtnvU.
The llwrrora ol Western Url.
Hftidersoo county ie atlo gilnfed
at this time wi it la a raso of MiculUr
oflnorror - I' orn out thst in tbo ltter
ts:t of Msy, ISC t. an old man about
sixty years of age, Whe name we are
nimble to learn, crfwsid the ferry from
this cily with a ciDM.Irrollo t-atn ul
money in his poncessinn. It amounted
somewhere from fl.flOO to So.OO'.t. lit
had just sold hit l.irm in NinMiufi
soti luienueu to ptircliune lan 1 I it
Itenry county, li:inK lie slopped
al tue lurm nous o Into Anderson
a iicnoriou character, who itai run
out ol the conutry during tho wur
but bus miiqc returned. lli talked
with White nwhile, and than went i
io i no larin tiotite ot I'e llacuu with
tbo lotenlioo of remuiniiig over night
This lie Ungues father settled on
the family place many yea's npjo, bi
is now dead. IJe W4t a lerocious char
acter, snd was n pints on the oceuti
lor eleven years. lis served under
that fninous Frenchman, Ltfitie, and
who mat reoouoiaue cbieilain wa
pardoeed al tho request of (Icncrsl
Jack ton for heroic conduct at I he
battle With tho British at New Or
leans, Jle looked tbe very picture
oi savngo newness, snd was much
dreaded by his neighbors. Before
bia death be was considered rather
wealthy, owning n Goe properly, snd
being otherwise well established. He
lelt several boiis. This one seems to
have inherited many of bit father's
Late in the evening oi which we
speak tbe present De Hague turned
the old ttaviler out of his bouse and
sent him over to Squire Parka
I'aiks then sent out for llubrrt Von
Pan McCuo snd ono or two othors.
De Hague also wont over to bis
bonne. Io a short time afterward the
old mao. who had uone to hnd nr.
"t,,r" bJ 'bis time, was called u
i)d un and
urougnt out, to tbe Iroot yard. A
horho belonging to Von was found
hitched to the fence with a pair ol
saddl-bns on it. Tho old man was
asked ir bs knew the bone aod equip,
ments. He ssid be did not, but tbui
be knew tbe saddle -bags, us they
wereiis Ho wss then accuH.1. i
beings horse thief snd of trvinir.
steal Yen's animal. Ho was tuken
out into tbe orchard and bung twice,
for the purpose of extorting a confes!
tiou. The poor old victim had noth
ing to coolest. II wa, thru taken to
the wood by Yon, Do Hague nod
Squire Parks. Tho balance of the
party were requested oot to follow,
but they buanl bim .being beaten
with rods until his shrieks Tilled the
air. After tbat both his bands were
chopped off with u hatchet, while be
wa still alive, and be wus then mur.
dered. His money, it is supposed,
was divided among tho three. There
is now no ort of doubt but that Do
Hague is tbe mau who cut bit hanJs
off. Home girls discovered the body
concealed io a creek on tbe following
morning. Tho matter wus kept quiet
until evonioir. when the ihr mur.iP.
Ira tinlr lit ky,.. ... -It I
I i, ... . . ..-ii
uiiuu cisiero on lbs prsine and Buns it
- ' -Tb - w.1; sfXerward.Uil1ed
',by th driRmg of th. prairie s.nJ.
Somo tun ao a farnjir went to the
old cistern to obtain the brick with
which it wat vailed. Io digging out
the rand s hired mao nsmed William
Cook exhumed tbe skeleton of the
murdered man. It was evident tbat
tho bands bad been cut off. The so.
lire cittern was cleared out. but the
skeleton bands could not be foilod,
This hideous disooveiy brodght the
whole affair to publicity. It bad long!
ooen wnisperea, put poopl lesrtd to
speak tbeir minds Oo the subject.
De llaguo, now very wealthy, is
under boods in tbe sum of 110,000
tososwer tbe charge of murder. Hit
trial will shortly coino off at Oquawks.
Von left (or Missouri tome time ago,
fearing an exposure of tbo outrage.
Tb prioeipal witness sgainst De
Uuguo ia Dan McCus, one of tbe par
ty who met at Parke's house, but
who did notf actually take purl in tb
murder. It ia reported, however that
be received 1100 aa bit share.' All
tbe victim a mosey was in gold. De
Hague and McCue bsv long been
fesnurand hauua aak other. Thev
both carry two revolvers encb, and
are always oa tbeir guard. It is re.
ported to a that De Uaaoe has not
slept io bis bbus for two years, jest
o snouid oo murder. He tonoeals
biinsalf in hia lias-stark Whu, k.
viaiu Jjurliogtoo, b is nvr seen
without a carpel bag in his band, aad
tbatsoatsios two large sised narr re-
i i , . . . j
vutvera, loauta ana ready lor instant
use. To people living about ibo ferry
leading hia sppearaseo is tefy famil'
iar. B abort time ago, and sine De
Hague's arrest for murder, McCue one
morning fouod tb water of bis wel
impregnated with arsenic, aud also
louad arsenic scattered about ths curb
ttooa. U immediately assert ad thai
Do Hague bad mads aa effort to noi.
soa bim, Iu order lo that off hia tU-
moay at tb coming trial. Both these
mea lis Id moiUl fear andanrjreben.
sioa of ooe another, lhir mutual
dresd aad hatred making life a hell.
Whit Anderson, ooe or th gang, ia
aeomwd ol all torts of aiaddy aad
i bum quit wealthy, .
Tbe aafarioua deed af th kind
of men, shielded by their iilettva
wfiub bars rVrlb. r-jj'
Oneeolnatn erieyftr j
One sslf eolitmn. one year.
tCO.Otf "
t'BS-fdftrth column, crfle year.
One square (10 line) one inretis 78
Every a'Mlifontl lefll(n
I'rofeMirrfisf aad ItiisleetS esrtfs of
nol tx ore t haft te lines, per year. 4.00
Auditor, Eteedinr, Admlaislrstor
and Aatignee Notices 2,80
Editorial notices per line IS
All t'lvrriittmeets fi a thoHer perlne,
than rne are payable al tbe lima
they aft ordered, and if nnl paid Ibe per
son ordrflng thtia will he brld retponsiM
for Ibe snouef. r i
i r-T-r Tj
French RetelaitiVna.
Within ths last seventy-fir tears,
Franrc hai been ihr times a reptTh
lic, three times an imperial monarchy
tinier the linnnpRrtca, fbree times
llourbou kingdom, onee n cotiftilulioo
al mnnarrhy Vtl ler Irtis I'bllirjT, fn.
ones a military tin tutorship under (4t
vsinac Hut even that s'.stement
does not ehow nil the chnni'rs in tlm
form of gorrn(Tient witliiu the pvriO'l
tmiiie I. Tho first Napnpnr whs Con
sul for a tef in of years, thn Cotmul
for life, the Kmperor. Louis Napo
leon wns (irst I'lesiilcnt. then I'reii
dent for ten year, then President for
lif', iben Kiupemr. Of all tbfre vsri
oim forms of governuierit lh repoblfee
have loco the Shortest lived, with that
single exemption of tbo "hnndrel
days" of the first Nsp Idoo.fioin Mrch
io Juno, IS? l-. The dnratioo of the
rule of ljutiit Napoleon from i3i0 to
HlO, as rrosidntand Kmperor, was
the longest of sll ; aud neat lo ibat
wrii the reigo of Ibo '' coostitutional
kin," Lou ia Philippe, fioto 1890 to
I84S. Of t huso who were aoTfreigos
for lile, or who have held executive
power for a specified term cf yoars in
France, from the day of Iiuls tho XV.
down to Ibe rr3nt III, only otrr
mao. Louis XVIII , renrhed ibe end
of his terra Lou's XVI. died on ths
teafTolJ ; his " repul liesn" succe.'sorei
were either puilloiined or a-aeiiled i
the flrrt Coosnl declared himself Km
peror and then ili. d in escilr j ('harle
X. wss driven from tho throne by tbe
revolution of 183J and died io excite )
Louis Philippe was dethroned by tho
revolution of 1844, snd ended bis ca
reer av nn exoile the proviiional re
public of Lsinsrlitte, wbicb sieceeJo4
liiin, was a short-lived failure, succeed
ed by the Military Dutatnrdiib of Ca-
vaignnc; Ihen came the Presidency of
L'ltiiu Nupoleoii, which was ended bv
bis coup d'eiat of Det ernher lSol, to
bo followed by tho 'Knipire'' in De
cember, 18.V-, uod this, altera lops
o! eighteen years, is followed ,by cojv
tiviiy, dethroDcment, and exile ia
M'hen to lato
and the fflisolieif is
WoB w lenrn totakeenreof out e vet.
I P!irl ( te body is mors trifled
iui inaa inoto uenosie organs; iney
are ores worked, strsineJ, expoted tr
bad IL'lit, iinnronerlv Used, deprived
of their proper rest. Sic. When tber
is no inherited weakness, tbe eye cart
be ss easily kept healthful a any part
of tbo human frame. Io order to do
this, we sugirost to our readers to have,
when usiog the ryes, plenty of sunlight
io the day, and plenty of artificial
liht io tho night. Have a steady
light if possible, and avoid ths blaze
which flickers and wavers. Take tbo
light ulwuys front ubuve rather than
from aoy point beiw or io front of
tho eye just above the bead, oo ono
side uf tbs otbsr, so tbat It may com
over tb shoulder, aod illuraina's th
space between the eja and its work.
Avoid working continuously until tbe
ryes sro fatigued ; do not use them
when they sre tired ; stop sny kind of
employment when any wearied or,
paioful aoosution is experienced in tba
nerve or iu the lidi; give them plenty
of rest not only by lUiEoitot sleep at
nigbt, but also rest in day. Wash
them with cold water several times A
day. This will restore vi.or, dense
away irapurititiet, and prevent cor
ruption. Do not rub or bat die the
eyes. This weakeni ibeir force, makes
them mora sensliivs to tbs touch of
dust, reddeos tbeir surface, and tub.
jeda tbem to Inflammation. Refrain
from urlng foreign substances upoit
the eye oi its coverings, and maintain
good digeition. Jf dial I nl pendent
Indian JtsTKaV Not long ago
Peon township, in tbe county of bt
Joseph, ludiuna, was thought by tbe
citizens of the eastern part of tbs towa
to be rather large, aod tbeir voting
place too distant. Accordingly a pV-
titiou to divide tbe township wss -
cesxful. An election wss held ia Ihw
smalt tillage of O , and old W. waa
oleotfd justice of th pesco. As taws
were no trials to attend to for soma
iime( th boys got itnpatioot fot oim,
and thinking" to have some fso wi'h
old W. got op a thnm fight, On party
of the bolligerentt caused lb arrest of
tb other, aod tbe affair esmt to trial
i Us tic W. presided, and appeared very
grave, as bcSm hie offio After'
several witness bsd been examined
the justice announced as bis decision
that seven of tbe dsfeodanl should bw
fined f 10 etch.
Then tbe boyi laughed.sod mfotnvsol
him tbat tbey were only ia fern.
"Fun, th f You may bsv bewa U
fun, but I'll b smaahed tf i am I
Every man of yon must pny tbe flu,
or go to Juil 1 '
Tb buysdida'l appretraf lb faaj
when they had to "pony up." (
Two New Orreans kind ispeealat onf
reoeaily went lo kx a nw porcbas,
not yet kaprovod. Voder Ibe gid-
aoce of a negro they dweovtred not
laati bat a broad shvat of water,- aa
df bfoh, they war assured by their
guid book, lay the aartal ettstofet:
which tbey sought.- Naogka broho
the' ttl:iDes ooctauenedi by the) diaapx
pointaaeat tav tha aviaah af asekas
cbaty rroff wbeeh Isatly atiai of astamp
into Bits, .. Aii. i., ...., - -