H32 HaawalaaRtaSJlBaa ' Hi THE POST. wmm.tm'iin,..- hkptem her , i:- REPUBLICAN IICKET. roson-aa, JOHN II. l.u.KEU, ATIlA, IIKM.V JiHIN.'ON, r tYCPWISU. minur, WJU.1AM It A I-HI Mi, nf gnydir. HCOTT L1NOAN, ol I nicti, TIIKODOUK II 1 1. 1., of Ijcominp. ' "" ",o-i.ta JrM:r, ItKSJA.MIN I. HAl UK.Sbmi, nr aiivia, tli disasters to tticir ermti, they trill fruition-! to rroufcnto lha war ti the bitter end. New m iiijon, it iit mi I. ore r.ii minir nt Pui in, Thrto i irrekt"' r'jo'cini nt Tlorlln "jlhri.'tijhoiit lietmmy at tlio jr;ret uc of the ll liMafl tm, rimI the poo- pin believe the wnr It virtual. y over. I lie r.iiirpiM nj iiii((l Prince -pi. Icon In ictufil tu Parle. Ho hat refuf'd, tiii'l a decte'1 lint been i-xuM --tpppitirr him of hi rank of Trine onil Senator. It i t Imt llic Iiijioror Insi't d upon n surYori'ler c,f tin! iirtny a;:hiitt tlio withes of tho younger, oiliccu," a rr.riTtin"of art, J Cl KM I A II I Ki.LSr, or ridoi t.nt ru. OrclKTm nrrnnniR, PAJIl KL ll. :Ht I K, r HiMiUM K'l. IKYRtrT ATTOIIStr, XI..NJA.MIN T. I'AliKP, or mriaiut iKi. row wissiowkr, 1 11 1 1.1 1' Kl.NM'V, tiKArsn, cnrs-VY M ivrrnii. AAldiS K. OUT, or tntii'i.t m mi. Ji RT vtiu tnsatnt:n. HUNRY Jtl.OWX, pr WAAHlKnTOS, AII'ITO. CAI.VIS I.. HSIIKR. or re. VrttMoNT Kl.KMIo.N. l'lift flection flpl r which 1 mm purest nf (' 2 fret. AtllrM.Mr ienTr KTT.JJG W CLU1W. I (ai'cni ai mR io nnnnmrrR, Parties rrfrnlre bo to tet nn eth. Our an twer If: mi l ..r I'rle l.lt, and club form will rvnoiniet.y It with Hill direction, making larss .tn to eoosuraara so l remunerative I" CHllj nritaiilieri, .j- 11115 IT.IIT AUERiClJi TEA (W.Uf. ill J. M Venf M reef. X. V. p. j. Uox uu., . , S'pM -- 1 " iaxaixs A VOID QUACKS. tlnllm of tnrly 2V. Indincreilon, enuiinc nerTons ilfWHty, rrmiiliir clfeY, Sc., httig lril )B ti firry jdwHIti lAy? 1 ilmjl ffltmif of Mtf-iiri. which it lll mi4 lra bit fBtlo-:r AddreM J. d. Tt'lTLK, NiMH K York. : ; llT )IOMACT.'t'i 0Ht HPMTWJ I hi pnaXi IWU. flwirii tonnk ho kMi'Mi, or attulnMi. M. VUiiocrhm,' fMrlUllRl. ri huMrtcra wrikr ovtIimh 1 rlraiilR Uan tw m ialnnt oRiiltif 4 I 7 1'lfc, Np.4 .ntitULisiiUt btrctl, KlillMio ill. In wni iiuk-Ii ghoclioJ I'V ti e ffif' f . I . ... .i U 1 . I . 1 flM j1 Len;;:;; Tir;.:;;. w Mto Yean WUi miiansPlalni l ilm rlor rf lloso Cacl Kill Ic lligllt'J t'J lIlO Killk' piucirnRiinKni J. . THE JlEijT l!t THE TOVNTBY. ran v shite rfukkk r:u ailal ONE MONTH HiLE Oil TRI AI. Sltlnrjr K. Jlornp, Jr , 4 rmpn, S7 Par Bow, Wtw To. TrtsnAr, Sept. (5. l'urin 1 1 n I, con iu n tumult rxcita merit oint'e SaturJay nilil. On Snu day tlio Ktri cla woio lliroiicil M'itbrx citfil irg la of pii'i!e, who f mS'lo'l tlio Htrccl plioutiiH 1 ViYO In 1'cpuL iiio," tin? t' niin don and Jctroy : Cut rveiyttiiiiji lii-nrinj: tlie irbin il linpi rlif in. Tin1 Tuili riig nc run k ai 1 VotcrJay tliu rrvi.ioDnl ( lovni iiinciit iiiitiicl a procluuiution nn niMincintf tliat it Io uljlio lino tten pro claiinoJ. A uovcrnnicnt of Xutionil tlrfnrc c.ii. p. fit il nf pIovi-ii ini-m'jvri', mi'l oil ilcpulit's of r;ii i, lias lfn cjom itut c4 lnl niiiHei liy j,onilur acclama tion f!rnil Trnlm w at lit .m ttmf nr Stilo anil county ofliocr anil iiirm-1 , .. ,, . , . , . .,,,. ,it. i.,... Kovtrimr o I I 'urn, tmJ i. rrpoinlod tier T (. oiipvesA and tlio Jifiiiblatnr.' i ... . . , ... , , ' , , , ... , ... , . " , . Miiii-tir of ;r in pa. o if tieiitral JKII. niuk iiiL-v '-'It, 1 ' I It M 1 r . . . 1 . . I.. Ii L an fih. i.i mil. lint. rillKr. rC'l upon Lint t l.o jiri,'id;iify lor Ida nest two yonm, took 'ei niont vn MwRhv. Tlio KcimM run Stnta titki lwal hcadoj l y ,1. V. tcwurt, of Miilillcliury, ainl tlio llcni rrntio Ikkct by llunur V. Ilcti tin, ol Mnnlpi'li-r. A "iniill voir nu.t cant, llicm;h Iipiiv'kt tliiiu lut year. 'Hits result ii ilia cl clion of lb? en tire Kcpubliron Slnte and (.'iinfrtMi. v ion til ticket. Tbe Svnatn will be nearly tinatiiiious'y ltcpublirun, ml 1 lie House will probibly sIhuJ iibuiit two bundroJ Jlrpubliean to tbiit leino.'i'utf. I'.ciuins Irmn about tbii'ly town, einlii'ai'iiit! onc-Iil'ilia ol tbe vote uiM. Hli.iiil : Stewart, llcp., 45.GCS j Ilratoo. Dcm., '.'.012. I I'nioi th I'liiladalj lil Prasfl.) iunimwry ol Wur rua. Fin day, Sept. 2. Notwilh'tAiidinr; the lorriblo tlelcnt of Marfbal MeMnlmn on Tuesday and Wedncdiy, t!io L'iria ncwupapots bava won him xeveral lorioun vie toric," iind aeonrdinn to their stale tiiPBlx, da and Har.nino bnvo been com pletely auocew.rul, Tlio Ministry, ul rYiume. have no news trom l ho Vailcy of the MeiiKC nad Count l'alicuo in a Tim live .of ji:o. v. iu:i.ii:.n. wi,n fr.xtn a !. of wild idrrnture and third f jr a knowledge of I In Indiana, their Cuon.. porla, Tradilinn. Yt'ara, Ureal tltiffalo Muni p, &., ka., left a hnma of pttniy In dliio, j. lined lot Indiaua, adojited tlair ni'i Id of life, married ilio Lonnlifnl Witi-h-iil!.i. Lei-nine a llicnt Warrior, Hunter and t'liicf of V) l.ndirea, wn appointed Lieu tenant in 1h 1'. 8.1 Rofulir Army. fr nieriioriuit nerrica iiu hia brarca actual liilile lu.liaua. A Look ul I L moat liiril ling interest, a reality will amboaticaltid Trutb flraojjer tlmn fictinn. Kupeildy 111 mtrate.l. Jn enifrMlnjf. with porlralt of ilia author, in lull fronuee eeluine. I'rirt low. SbimM ontaelluny book niant. tead at ouco lor iiluiirauJ oiroular, talU id euuteiili, eiitnple I auJ lorun. A. II. llir.liAlUJ, rul.lislier, d')0 Cbe-'nul ft., I'hlla d'a. aiiflH tw . rnilU i1IA.l.' C'O.-IIH will ckauite X any culnrvd imir or teurd lo a peiwu nciit l.Uck or lirin. It cunlains no pri.m. Any onc.cnn ni! It. tine ent ty Dmil for i. ..Jrca JIAHIL' fiiMH ( n., aiil?-;inij bj'i-i npliclJ, Miu. The new uoviTiiinont nJ Iho peo ple aro dott'riiiiiK'J t rufuciltt! ibc wiif with rciu'wcl vi,;or, Oreut to-tbu-iahiii prevail tut without France. Tin' frown Fiir.ci' ol Frusota liu f:ioid hi u i' in y towards 1'uri, mi l be en) bis march in t In. L direction if!tl -diiy iiccouipiiiiicd ly tbu ICiujr of I'rifoia. 1l iTMirtrd in Vii'iinn An-.tii!i .1 " . ' i a e tli.it nciive uc'")!iatioi ure in pri.-io.-.-i a 5 i t .. !;.. . . . i .... J.'-2 I" lllLTIl IliU UII'JL IIUV'PI.) IU L-fll. ' Tili! (.I'EIT )!bl)ll'U KISI'OVEKI I Dr. wALKEIl'B CALIFOKNIA VI.i:AK II1TT12KS Wya. in Fttinnvl ikI toelia.. T',w"- NTK.D. Lund nlk fur Aa'h and ifl SKKU lil.ii.-l., U tfovlfe llilrd .si., rilUJ'a. f II AN OF. SKLltOM OFKKRKJU XI I nwa Intarait In ca ol taa lt bllttr llnf or Ita 1av. ilrrii)ttira, R".. near rnria toon. Onl. (an wtunr you of Ita B.I.ltt vuin. iuk t.u.i'1 inva.4tinaai nntl a oavlna ona llajt el rrreiira ian. i wia in n ona nan nl it vaur riiiir ml i'm. A'Wrtni aiy At- tnrnT. TDWVNiMU MKOM.,1.14 Soutk SUaat I'liiiaiitii'BiR. DVKKTKSINU A New Itm.k of 1M i.aim. Prt'a ent Itrmall. A MT'.Nll'AN W EWHIto.. Ww Tr XTKWSl'AFF.ll 1 it It'iUKTII VNMjn.oaj PK 1C-ONH ir le-tnninr to th..r Wua. Uuriiil Hurntlva KiroctK. 11 .11 AUK In In it il.-ti. rl it .r,ti.l .1 ti. 1 - - .... ... .. , . W . M .. ..... w- ...tw U.1U..UU. A' .'lit jost.cally wavca the (U. H.ona put to . crl)iluia,il)n ' i,)0uj fu. ; ii r.DM sday, be pt, . . The French Iloiuillie has beon on tbui.ikiiiMlly triclaimcj at Havre, 1,1 'II x'. ... .'laisuio. .Nanicj, ijiiic. rercL'iicux. Mi.nl; flior. utij other plnecs, thu I'ar'iH Bitv joui iittlH pronounco lor tlio new -oveiiiincni mid s:.y they wiil nupputt him eiinccrninc recent eventa I here by atatiniz that a large nuuibcr ol (rnian eatelry (.two or three bon tired at moat, probably), are ain roiiud cd nt a eortnio point, and their cup ture is rerlnio. 'J hia ainiounoi'iiiciit. ce f rcninip, cnuned do iinniedinte rife io rnodlea, io nutieipatioii of a grand illumiunlioa. Intellirrnce fKnn tboaeeno f f tbe Into conflict i CKcrrditicly iiieare. owiojr probably to tbn deNlrueiion ol tho wiroa by both belligerent, lut cnonph Iia been received within tho pant twenty-lour lioura to warrant the belief that the enuticumonU neur lienuroont resulted disabtroualy to the trench; that McAluhua baa utterly failed in bia attempt to reach Mit. and that bia broken a.'iuy it now ui .i Injr a de-perate ttf.irt to esrapo frmii ita peiiluu poeilioo ly wayofSvdun and Meiic. l'iylitinc U reported Yesterday, ami doubtleea with troth The Crowo 1'rinco will liol bo apt to let hia eooiny got away w ithout an other "truffle. Stra-but 'till hchls ont. The Truraian bombardment has icflicteil torrible duuiaco on the city, and rcat autTer'oga among tho pecplo i re ported. - It in said Marshal MncMabia diso beyed tho orderaoftho Ewperur to de tach thirty Uious.U'l troopj to protect tbe Prioce Imperial. . During . tbe light io the brittle ol Tnedoy tho ernjy of the frown Fiinee of Saxony, comported ofl'ruasian vurp in laid to have captured over tun thou aand prisoner. loldiera cacaped into Ilelgium after the (ibt, but were promptly tii.-ann-ed. PatubiiA v, Sept. 3. Another preot battle oceured belore Fed an on Thuraday. A Ik liun de apntth atnira that the cngagemetit yics very blcody, and resulted d ;-iim-trnualy to the French, nod that I hoy were compelled to retreat to Mi zeires. A deapatcb from King William kh)a the l'maMao arms wero ficloiious Manhil limaiue nude a deaparnto ef fort to pet oway from Mcizon Weduc day, but Von fcteiumeti objected, and ltaaaioe hue eonclucod lo remaiu Yrbcre he la for tho present. Tho loa a on both eilca during tbepicbeol week nave tcoo eoorniou. Cenoral Ulrieh, who baa comrumd c( tbe defeocei of Blranburir, a La lea tl at notwitliHlandinir the boiubnrduient of tho city by the 1'ruaaiana beleauucriug force, tbe fortress will aod can hold out agaloit eYety attack. , The I'ruHoiane bate iwuej a proc lamation declaring thai every portion taken by the l'rustian armv uuat, ia order to be regarded at a prisoner or war, be actually a rrenoU aoiuicr. attached demonatmbly to iom (login o orcaoized rorpa of militaiy charac ter, proved by military inaigna of uul lorru", etc, (Jlbera taken lain. arai io tbeir poaecMion will bo tried by drum-bead court martial, am), if con victed, condemned to at leaat tea Yearn' bard labor in German prisons. .- ' . BIondat, Kept, 5. , The tbreo dnya' terrific battles iu tba valley of the Mour resulted, io the urrender of the Kunperor Napoleon and tho whole of Marabal MeMahoD'a 3 S3 "'a t about nn euiicnl'l) puitllct:wnt le-j-i-I ween l'rti-iu. mid tho tew Froiicb ! j ;3 covcruiiient. ?." The boinbarJnunt of ?trs.-buri con tlnues viuroulY, ntid uir.ch il.'iinrtre S Iius been inmetciJ. 1 ho .iplendia c;itb cilrul hns boon partly burnel, and the wontleiful ftiintotuienl cluck iind chime of boll in tho tower badly injured. A dci-pnlch from llcrlin aay tbe tho fici inaD have discovered an I do 'tioyed a hidden iitjuoiluct on which Met depended for water. They uUo captured lazainc'n dcfpotch-bng, tie euntents of which eliuw llic French to i . r a Sit" X P t ,a 4vt riaa THtV ATIP. TffiT A VTf.t! FANCY UKINK, r. 56? Va.lanf I'.v.r limn, Wl.l.kt y, I'ruor Spirit, ami Keltii. I..iur, tl.ietori'.l. pirf.t an. I iiwi'aipnMl 1. 1 ilao ll.e timte, rallad " Ti'iiUf," Ai'i-a'l-r." " Ite't.irer"," le., Hint lend tti ll .lr on to lrunkt'n ati'l rnln. but are a true ititll-tna. iiiriIv irijui tlio nntlvo hootn anil lU'roaol ull liirnlii, iron lr.m lilt At. .iln.lle stlmnl u.t Tl r-o.ii HI I- AT lll.i'OH I'l HlUlH.n.l 1. 1 1 V HIMI f HIM HXK, a vi'tliui i;i-n,.i.il..r and liirlit"rntnr "f the Sy-teni, dtrryinii rV all ..rnuiii inntier, ant ti'-u.rltiK tli hl.iv.1 tit a mIi!) f.'li.U'l. n. No l.rMiii cm tiiUi. lliav r.ittiri acconttiiK to illroctlun.4, and remain .uit una-nil. HO wt'.t l eL-lven tn.in InenraMe rt, nr.ivldo l the I'linuM aru ant ileftrnycd tiy mineral iulm'tw rotli'T meitn.an.l ttm viut ontiiiia HUKlvd kto- l-'i.r Iniiauiiiiutory ai.U ( hri-nla Ktittimnlli'in l.tiiiniii' it tn national deletieo, didcitrdin all other ceiifi'lt'iutionsi. Jlceliirctiuii" have already reached I'tit from loiei'.-n comuiiitoci) of ncv prul State of Kuropn concrutuUlins France on tie peaceful and auriucafiir lurinulii i) of u F.epub'ic. It ia icporlcd in London tli.it the I'riissiun pnvi rninent i in receipt of a fnniniiinieiith.n from Jillcu Favre. French .Minister of Furcic.n AHuir.". pi'upUKtiii. in tho event of a (jenornl oilhdrawal of tho l'ruifin army frorn French huil,au ittiiiicdiatn JLuruiimiiLt with gtiaraiiteoi of future peiio. J lie i rtii-bian army eontinuea itt march toward 1'ntiti, nnd it is not known whether Kim William in yet ready lo receive prpala of pcaee. Napoleon U in Germany, nud the KnijirerR nod Prince Imperial in Film land. Contradictory -iitoineutH con tinoo to be mala about Mnmluil Mr Million, and it i impo.-siblo to tell whetber be 1 dead or nlivo. Ho wu eertainly very t ally wouudod at the battle ol Fedan, y.mil tliepi'li.t T r- itr. l-'i.r Iniiauiimitory ai.U haaditanl. aiol liiturinlitont Imiir', IHia-''"'o tint lllu J, Llvar, hidiH. and l;ial.lcr, thu.a IlitierN buvo l.rtn ini.t vtuer.tl .siu'h rii. font-v ureraunf.1 iy ltlutil IiI'HmI. whti'ti le n nilly .ri.liu'i"l I y .lcinii.:uicut .! ii. l;uoiitt iirvuni'. tie in-e the Vlttnled ll1o-l aln?r.ever ynu 11ml IM lli.pilrioi n I'UrKiiuit titfUKU Iliu klo III I'lta I'ltn, k.rui.ll.inr Kir.i t elan. a li wi,u y..n tlnit it uLhlnu-U'il and fIukm!!! Iu tii whim ; t'lt'i:. it wtien It In f-'iil, aii'l .ur trfllnu-i fill til yoa alien. kwi ma iii i.ti (ilia ana tna neuitii lh" vl III 1'illi.w. J'lN, l ATK, ttii.l i.lliir WfiHMS, lurklnir In Ok yliu in io u.stiy iliuu.anila, art elleaiuulli ar(ir..y.i ittui rtiuovi.n. In Hl.ll'Mi". beuil'tt-nt, oal l!it."nilllpnt F rrr.tlio liuur l.:,vp i.u vaanl. fri.r lall ,lli-a llin ri'i'.l earcliilty ft." etiritlur nn.nn.i a.'ph tHittlu, rint4l Id ivur li'nKUiiKt'ir.tiKllili, Ijar uiau. t iuik-ii ami r Li.ii.i-ii. .1. W AI.KKIf, I'r.'iirlat'.r, v2 t uuiiniiroa M , . Y. It. 1l.MrIiONAl.il A. l t . Iirntvtatt. an.1 aounrat Auttnt, Kan rranelpa aua niietiiineni.., UulHuruiu, una . M Luui mrre m . l WW'LII UY ALL. 1IKUHU1HTS A NO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "Vfofir k' Wbr r. ' a my w ite M art i-Y KAM.V; lurt iiiy lied and lnar.l wllhout any I ml rutin t.r I'rdv.ootl.n on Iho wh ilay of Aliau-I. l;o. 1 ttieraf.ira itrn th niil.lln nut ta .. .... l...e l'.ft..L ' rrri.n hit uii my ai-'ruuni. aa i mail hi no Ull If Illliuticrol t rench i oontraeted by her after thl ' ' .llilllY II. RADI.K. Perry towntlitp, Aiihii."! M, W. CERTAIN ., 8'tedy Cun Viiwhjf if Co'. A ill'1 rliHiiifnfi. ? OKI" I N I IS n rii' red t o i . i v o Men 1 l.'urt 'I,DC. Hand Stamp. Mnnirml U. I o , AVllinliiHt.in, Pel. St. am AUKN1S WANT:ll KUK FREE LOVE. ITS VOTARIES. t Da. Ja. n. Krt.ie. Tht riimI aTABri mn Iiook nf imalarn tlntaa. Tlia wkule ul'iiwL la . liara an I ita nl.taiminci'a pi'Pe'l ri unlvarvrfl eiecr.Uiin. W'rlltto In t tie inlrrlii IMvUltatl'in.Hlirt.tlnnlty and pn'illc Mnrlalty. t-end f.'r elrjutar and i erim. V.I. runlliMng Co, N. V, C'lnclanatl, l'lilro anil iit. 1uU. f p a-w ar w v.. 4&OAffl paryaar and aipanaea uarantd m -tIU l" all RBitltlout man ami women rrltln our wnrl.l rannwne.l rtent Silver Moul.t (Mia i.lotiiM l.in. For fail partleuUra a.llrvo ma uiaiau w hi oilaLB, t'Hll,. I'A. . tia-4it Tt u ma merua wokf! I china univo arAYaf. iMroaaaaTiOM n, w.ni. 17 atoforath FOUYLIUHT. u . .. . - - - - . . ChaMipoet Int Family ajihlaav . BaalTMwwi'a-tra. AIfMR.rCiiMlAiw. ralHIUt SO., r.ai..fi., r. "piULDRKN CRY FOR THKM." Cnrbollc Tnblcls. A tpaclAo for alt tlltanaai ef tna rvlrtory nrajaa or niaeaa aianuraaa. Mo lamlli akaalil bevltbuut OH. WEM.a' OARHOT.IO TAPT.ETS. They ebnuld baproiuutly lalun la 'all eaatt nf i.yin-riu, finrranf ft uii ir uu auac liana 01 Ilia ThroRt and l.nn. - - ion whwhb in imi.vnr.s . they a tiai.lt lo'.lu0. It and n aieallant ram. aity wkaa the KMneytao a.'t wrf.ra tlialr funa- ivint proiiany, rrica aa aania par cut Riall on tl.e receipt of tka iirlca, ht J trlf U aanU lr Hue. Mel hi nt of tat orlca. ht J. Q II:U M"iu,itri'ii n. t. ria aataat ivr tea Valtad kUtaa, Boh) iij UrRaaUM. . t 4 , on Friday laat. It U alaerumor- a GENTS WANTKD (MALE OR rw'i. I arBa . ' ""ajiaa anritterRdielijL t'k tUtmm l.i l1.,.'atX I'r'O' rEMAEEl IDB THE nailtr I'rioe lor niallifi TIII11TY-KJ J'B C&SXi awJOl Alalt HERV0U3 DISEASES. Itj EtTacti ar VMt.ltal. An fSIA MNfltl'MtriY for Shramiia Vacialir nitan anootln a perfect pure In a tin ItleiUy. No loruiofMeriri.ua lilnenfa fallf to ylelil to It womtortul tywrr. F.ran ta the ter-re I'atea of Clironio Kaaralirlii, atlaptlnit tna aatlra hymeta, ua for a law tlaye artoriU the mott ii"tonihlne relief and raraly fall In proilnce a ruiiiiteia ami iMtrmanent euro- Uenntaina no mMi'rl,iW In tlia IlKlita-t dPicrra Injurlotin. It hat the uniualinail a.-rnval ol lha lt ithyM. I'lime. TaoutHbiia Iu arury part id lha et.uutrr. itrntefnlly acU')wle.li!a it" rowrr to tooth ilie tortured nerval, ana reflortiuf the lalllew iireiiiu. Sent by mall on receipt ol prli-a and pottnaa. Ilea parkaita l i I'uiuiKe tault MX I'n.'k iar. . Wl " ST " It l ..l'l i.y all ilf Hlait In ilm a and melpna n I l.y Tl U.VKK .Still, Kola Pn orlatoie, 1 lin'ugin .11, u...!,.!!, At". 1 1 r A T K 1 AQKKTS-Tu ull tba Y hUl TTI.E SKWINll MAI H1NE. 9ui. HOME Vt ca U. It uakat tlia ' I.oek tillrb.'1 (allka on l ith rljtn) and la the only llrnuto.l nrdar teeit Shottla MitPhlua f I.I for le'a than tM. I.li'fnt.l yt uoaitr R- wii-nn, u rover a Maker and Mnr & i :o. All i. il. or molar lee.l Shutila Ala elilneatold for 1im than feo ara lolrinKeinante, ami ina aeuar aao uer ii"ia io rwarait,n Ail'lratt JOHNSON. I I. AUK a CO.. Kortoe iklaaa., Piuigurg, Pa., L'klcaao lll.,oe St. Lonlt, Mu. . aiu IV ANTED AtlEMTS- II s.WJii(i To aeH the OCT At ION MAl'HINr. It It llcennJ. maaea tna " aiarrio ri r men - anil it warritn tel (of a yaara. Prie aih. All etktr laarhlnat wltk an underfeel told fhrflAor le. ara In MnitPir.nit. Addreee ' IX TArwm HEW1NO mai iiinr; to., si. irfiuit. aio t'blcaiio. Ill I'lttrburR, Pa, or Bo'toa, 31 ait. tin AiiKXTg WtSTK.lt (flO PIKKAV) hy lut AMUKICAN KNITTING MA. C U IN E la., tteaton. Mau.,or St. Loolt, Mo in, millS 13 NO HOJdlilO I : - O .? -L .. ' . -Uy aenditif eJtJeeoli, with e, height, enter of ayea and hair, you will reeene, hy return mail, a eorreci pleiiire ef your fulura kusbaod er wife, with noma and data of marriage. Addrtu W. f OX, r. 0. lrawer Mo. VI, Kuliontille New York. , jiiBt7-4w MA DAT Botlnee entirely new and ;'' VR,.fMirRkltAi l.iaaraela - Imraramenta. panerlrtive eirpnlar fraa. AUJrtHj.C. UAI k CO., lUMeror.1, Ma. hia Itouell it t'e. 'S A'foertiemei)t$. . la BrUktar. will net Ptoo. floata LaxtRaa any athar aacaiitalt will palui IwloeatBiueRturtaaa. fcOLU Itl ALL, HKALKItS 19 , i i'" PAINTS. '- 1 -1 'Mwtucn . 1 t.pilnu 1-roi'laiuatlfon. A1THRUE W. In Anil tY an Ael of Iho (ienrral A-eembly in thia MIAlo, eu iitled"An Act lo re jul iie tl.e geuwial elee iii.ua of Ilia (,'uiiiuiiBwealih," euacte'l tbe id day of .luly, Hi:i, H 1 enji.larj e.poo uio to (live public police of aucb oleitlnn lo he hel I, nt d enuntrr ita what othceri are in hi- eleolvd, therefore I, J. '! wt.r. Iligli blierl.r of tbu oviiuly of .Suyder, do hereby ruukekuowa to the quulitlcd Yotui a of aai.l couuly lk:U a (leurral Klecliou wiil be held eu the recmd Tiiestlay of October neit, (bclnt the llib dny of aaltl iaouifc)to and for the avYcrnl llleeiiuu Uuiiiuta ol uid eoubty, to wil : 1 ditirtdi, at lha I'niou, ScUool llutue, iu Seliun oiovo botoiii-li. 11 fliatiici. l the Umieortlcorr,e I;yer, in rn.l for Perry lowtml.lp. . III illiiioi, nt the kouite cr t briaiopker Wentnel, in and fur CiiUpruMii lomnuiip. IV tlintriol. ot the Lou.-e of liev Moyir, In uud for Wnihir.gtotl lowu'hip. V dimricl, at the house of Ktr.'letlvr & Curiiuiu Hi ami for I'ranLIln twp. VI tlimriot. Alike kotite of Ueorje A. m'-ili la aud for Heaver li. Vll dlti.l, at the Lous ol 1'eUr Trotll. ia and lor Wed llcuver l. 111 diairivl, at Iho hoiiiO of Jnmea V. bong in aoJ for 'ei te tr," IX district, nt the house of Jaotb A Sm.lb iu and tor Middluorrek Iwp- dituici, at Iba Luuse of Abirow Uo- mi a iu Rial tor l'enuiwp. ,1 tli-i ricl . nl the linute of Geo, Prou'e in mid for Jackaon two. XII dlfirict, at the tiuuno of Lap. John llrhn in nnd lor Monro twu- Mil Uitirict, at Iho boa. a of Julia tub er in an. I lor nesi rcrrj iwp. XlYdiiiict, nl the t'oiirt home In fled for the borough of Middlebtirj. XV district, ul Tort . iTrtt.rton School llouae lu and (or L'uion twp- At which Iliac nud idacce Ibara are to be yulud lor aud elcc.ed hy halot Hue peinon lo rcpreactil the 111b District in llic C'l iurosi of lie Inlied Otaiea; One pvtMjii to repraaetit Iba l lib Lialricl in the Bruaio of I'euusyUautiH Toree pclti-ua ua ilemLvrj from Lyouui- in(( udcr nud tbioucouutiea in lh llouti' ul l.epic.iL'iuoiivi a of Peuutylitula; ' I'ue peiabO nt Aasocinlt JuUgv ufbuyder oniity On person aa rroikonotary sf baydcr Couuly, tiuti peraou for llcjister & Kaoord-r ol (iny lor ooiiuiy. Duo t-virou for Uuiriut Atlorbcy of Siiydvr county, tine I'tmou r Coatiuiaalontr of Buydnr eou'ily; ... Obo ier. n an Purveyor of nvdrr co.i Ouo ci'iM.n a Jury CoUiOuexiuner ef ?n tl. r couuly: 6 e pervon a Aaditor of fnyibr eo, lu er.f.n aa tlero-wr of Hnyd. r eo. M I'll fc H lil.HLDY Ul tN. 'Ti.nl every reraen, ttvrywg Jurlict of lb Peace, who ehall hold any uffuo or nj'i'Oiiiiuivni ui irunt or iruai UDtl.'r toe L'niied hiAtea, or of Iki Rtnte', or auy eily or mooTperaieu innrii i, whether a cone raieaioiied oJJEcar or oiherwiie, . a auhoidi- ca'e otlicoror iirnt, who ie or ehall be em ployed uuiier Hie leg pitiite, exccuilve, or itidicl.ry d.'parlineiit ot tliin fialeor of lie I tilled sniua, or or any inoorporaleu tlia i ricl i and alao (but every tneiuher of t'uu- preraoud ol th biatu 1 gulaiura, aud ot the itlvet or tuuoioa couuoil of auy eily. or couniii'aiuner of any incortoritd dt. irict, la by Uw lncaphle of holding or ax ercieiA( nt tbe aanit lime, me otbee or ap poiutuient of judae, luH)(alar or ; o'era l nny olee'ioB of thia Cvumiouweultu, and Ihkl no inspector, judko, or ouy jilbcer of tuob tleciioD i-Uuii be eligible 14 be Ikeu voted for. ' ' "No pearon nlmll be permltleil lo vote al iirv eleciion na afiirena.U, older than- a freeman of the ape of twenty-one yenra or more, wboaball lia'o raniilad ia thia.ciiic al Itaat oue year, aud iu tb elerl'on dit n ict wbcie he alfera to vote at lean ten daya IruuiediAtity price ltnjt euch eleetien. nnd ailhia two yeara paid a htai or county ax, wbivit kna have btoa aaieMcu hi kaJ tea days before, lha olectlon. . Uul a eill teu of the I uited btulva who ana prev ioutly 'jurn a quuiibud voter or tnia suie, and ro moved therefrom od returned,' knd-1 who hna Teiidtd in ike eleoliun diitrkt nnd paid taxea aa atoieeaul, pball be enlilU to vol Alter reidiua in ibu but air. uioutha: Provided, That lha frei n.en, oiiiretia uf Ihe L uited DiAtea, between Ihe Agon nf twenty' ouo aud i weniy-two yeaea, who have rei'.d ed in the eleolion dioiriot aa afuneaaid ten ilaje, ii bull be enilitod to vole, alikgugk ihey ahail not bate paid taara. So person aliall bo periullleil ,lo vole whoa kaniabi But ei atalned'ia the liat ot laanble lobabitanla fumitlied by Ike tloni. niiaaionera, uulea, Ir'lrei, he aroduce a re cripl for lu pajiiiiam wlihiu twuyearaof a Klat or couuly Int aaeevd auracAbly lo the Conbliiuiioa, nud ie aaiUfactory e idence either on bia own cath or 'atlirma tioa or the oath or Athrraatioo f anoibor thai he baa paid eiieh las, or on failure no product a rcoaipi ahull uak oath lo Ik payaxni Ibervof, or Second, if he elulu a right la vole by being au eleelor. between tbe ages of twenty-one. and twenty-two yeara n mail depone aa aatb ot afnnca- inniioa thai he has vraidatl in lh rlate at leual one yr bol'or bia . application and make auob proof of residence in ill diatriel aa I reipiiied by I bia not, and I bat kdoe vtrily bouevt from tbe aeoounta given him thai be ia of lh aforesaid age, a ail give aueb other eiideuce aa la required by ibis aot, whereupon lb name of lb person eo admitted 'o vol ehall be iuaorlvd n the al phabelicAW'mt, by lh In-ipeolor. and. note made Oppotil thereto by writing Ihe word Liz if be shall be adailil4 te vol by rraaoa of having paid lax, or th .word am. if lit shall b admitted la vole by roa af eucb age, shall be called out jio, lh cerk, who hail WAk lh Uka Hot ia ' lb lilt of voters kept by lhm.' " ' ' 'lratiy f traoa shalt vol at nore ' than or altalUia tlisiriol, or oilier! fraudu. leatly vol asor than one on th srio day, or ehall fraudulently fottt anil deliver to the ianbeelor twa tickets together with lb vol, or aUvie and pro- "" t ', " ' ccpt lh eon of qualified cillicns,) shall appear al any place of election for the pur pose nf lartrnt liekel or of Influencing MieclMi qutHGed l Vote I shall on out'ctloa.Jorfell and pay any sum net Ring, wtnj nun.ireu uouar- lur oT-rr piitii ooaoee, Bi8 l iciprisOnetl for iny term not aaoeilinff Jiree eonil,t.'' . oajeoruanrf.wfigi tne proviiiiuia oi twv SiWweolion eTanlfrl ctitiiled "A'furtbev supplewicnl la tbe Kloclion Laws of thirl Oeiffifh'onwealth' I publiali the fulloW'mw : Wnr.rtr., Py the act of the ongreaa or tl e United Stale', eniitled "An Ana to ntniti I Ihe teVenil ncla heretofore f aaed lo provide for Ihe enrjllinm And ca'.IUr out lh natienal fn-e-e, and lor oibar purposes.' nd appifvol SiareT'diuf ik"fviiligiit hundreej Ad I rixly.trve. lalll t'-V-V'" I Vi iiRT ieaarioti tbe auliiary ex naval .aartitc of th I oiled t iteit, and who have not been ditfharff.! of relieved from Ihiy petv !ty nf liMlliy ' therein -trne'iileR," lT deemed and taken m bar voluntarily re-, linquiehed and fo feneil tbeir right of eil- isensliip and IheierlghlA lo become carat R and are deprived of eiorelsing any righto of eilisene thereof: And wberoae. Persona nel eititena of in l olled ) ate ar i not, under tb t'onailtu tioa and law of Puanaylennia, qualified eleelor of this Comaou wealth I eacrioa. I- . Be il enacted, Ac, That In all election hrl'ier lo bo bell In this Corflfflnnwealih. It ehall bennlawfulforlhe judge or In-poctor- of nny such eleetlon lo receive any ballot ot ballolA from Any per- eon or proa embraced In th irotinli n and tubject te the UiA.itinty linionu oy said aei ol Conrrea, R prove I Mmcli fd, one tboiiennd e-lbl hundred and eiiiyHvc. and it ahall be unlawful for any urh per son lo otfer l voia nay ballot ar ha lol. Sscrio, ii. That if ary iwh and inspectors of election, or nny oue of teem ball rei-vive or cunaenl lo receive any ai oh iiulawful ballot or ballola from Any eiich ilisqualined ter-.'B, he or Ihey eo oifcndinn holl be gui.ty or a lulsaeme iner. aaii on ci uvtctiou lUt rei f in any court of Vnmiter Serai'iue of ibis Cwinuionwealib, be 'kail for rack olfcuue, be seuieoced lo puy a Una ol no! lens ihna one hundred d..ll ii. and In undergo an Imprisonment in Ihe jull of Ihe proper eotiuty for not Iwtt than aiity ilaya L- -i. i'i.... : . . .. .1. PBUTIl-a u i Aiiit' if an vi avu .,,ii.vh of ciiKanahip, and diau,i.alitic. as.ufji onid, thiil'., al any tlcciiou beicatier to ho hil l ia this conibionweiillb, voto, or ten ler to Ihe olllcers thereof, aud offer to vnta,, a ballot or balloia, nny peraou eo aflctidtng ahull be deeaied guilty of a niimlemtnuor. nud i.u coveicliou llisrauf In auy court ol lioaricr elon vf this cvuniionnealih, tliull for each uMt iico I' i uniel.O'l In liter manner a provided in the preceding -etlon of Ihi aul in Iho cat of o flu-em of eleeiiou recoiviug euoh uu. awful lallot or bulluia. s,iiom4. Tbal if kuy prreou rki'b hi'teallcr I oriuade or n.lvnn auy ptrv.u or deva .na, deprived of eiilrenthip and (li HUilified as Afuresaid, to oiler nny ballot rr l allots lo the idhoeio of any election b c re ader I J be belli lu Ihia couiui jnnea'.ib, suoii pi'is.o so olludiuj a'auU bu guilly ul a uiisdcuieauor, aud ou couviulioii tlei'ent in any court of Quarter Srl-iouj of thit Coinmouwealib ehall be punished In like oianucr as is provided ia Iho 2d suction ol hi aot as la lu ease of . otlioer .ol uh eleuiioa receiving suU uulavrlul ballot oi ballut.. , AN ACT ' ' Seguletleg Ihe mode at' voting nt nil eluo tious In tlio saverul couuiins or Ibia outii iaoaeulib. . i i 1 , Kan. I Uo it enaclC'l, ic, Tl.at tin r.ualiticd votora of the eeveral couiitiis oT ibis Commonwealth, nt all gi-nernl. town thin, borough and epecial eleolion, 'aie Leroliy. I.eiealier,, auihoritcu ana ruiuireil to vole, by tickets, printed, or wi tiu n, ol partly priulcd nod firily willttn, eeevrlly claslbii as lolows ( id tUKei Hliall em I rnoe lh nnniea ef all jndces ol rcuiia vol ed lor, and lo be labelled, outside, 'Juilkl ry : one liokol afaatl vaiurae lb uatm e ol ull the tjtal oliicev vo.s I fov, aul be luhvlled, 'aialc ;' ou lickvl i-lall eu biuc. iLe u noes uf nil count y otCcois volo-l for. octU'tlnjt ortice of senator, tnrml.t r, and incmbera of imtvnihly, if toted lor, and lueiuher of (ougrosa, if vol.d lor, nud In luuellcd, "euiiuiy ;' one likl ibull i mi nce ihe uumes ot all loYiinUip otocn vole t tor, htm wttb a taa nntlrff, at In all other rates, his or affirmation, thall be unit and voldi and It thai ncenpvtlon, real.lanoe, wheiher a boar.W or a ! the Aury nf Uw eonrt letulna ttia-aatn. apoe h'.ii"Pkt-p"r t II a botnl-r, with whom be board i aroof feme ntsila rwfore It ttiat It Was frando. and whether nalnratlapd or Ha-lanlne t lt, hjtitle oalalnetl, taka IrtiaRWUntawwaanres for r. marking In all ni-h caaaa thetetreroiijtttth - alung the urn (oreanoellatlont annany parson nam. 'N.. or ! 1..' at th eaa may liatlf tb . wha idinll n, oe attempt to vtrt, on any pPe tart'tn elalnan to I artatteil lia natnritel. ' ' obtalni'd, or who shall In any way alii In, eon e ahall eh)i t lo kb lmf J eprtlflpnte of alv t,if kav mf HH 'WI.KMifar en Its natnrstlralleA t antl H ha atalwt that ha tloatant ' lertie, atri'iilatlon or uaa any framliilent naturab tlon, he 'w II eshlblt IAa cortilient nl I to lo nnt rtaltreil tipfere the r.ett-enauina el-i-1 wittoo eertmeat. ettall hti dsametl anllty of a tt nrla- ailaUem-anor. anu upoeiennvtrtlna ibarenf. tball tmrotali. wieuahlti or r Inm Iwit "V fcisra prnrinci, ha saetanr shall not In all hit aaaptam mte th eleelion preplnrt In whlek aaeb elotor eaid, antl ahull make a teparais reUtrn lor for aaoh lt tl.e rountv onm mllier,rn all cea In wkleka rel'irn It re qutied .iij Mm by th .ralat'1is nf this sett sn.l thee.nnty eomtnl-atoners, In maklna: tlu-pll.-sta poplet cf alt aneli return, akall mnkeilu j'lwata eoi le of th nsnie of th votart In p1i pree'net. SPparataitY. ami shall mrnlth the tame to iris Nt.a.aor t an.i i ne coic. ruiss pv. w set to oa mrpp.i q i in nors "i, or on eii'fltit.a t'lapva, on or before the 1st of A naval . In Va4i ysaei swM ka plat til ik auf l, rtttn JliT sltietlon place lu irh ol aahl prpplncla. Smth. I. After tkatneaut bava lwn eoniplnted on the lnth ilav preoaillna tbatocoail aaaaay t't 1 l"er pi sa-R yeas, -itl at't r shall, nn the M..fl.ty irrifne.ruierv r-dlowlna. sjink a rpttirn kn tha ennnty ptimtalal"nera. ol the nampt of i persons aaierapil by hl.n tlnep th return rroutr! to be marie Mr hint by the kit teptlun nl tiiia att. notl .u- ni-po ta ani-h name iiiei ptarvatioi.s anu ctpianjiion rvinircii uu a.ita.i a aA4ftli1 . ni.il th rnttrile ru"RIal.i4 sresran tnsrenpt'n ranat. to tarae lo las- saoe.i to tl rptam re-iulrnl by that unit ril..n of th'k ast, ami lull sn.l correct eopy tbrtf to b Rin.ln, pofi'alnlnic lha ntmet of all pproti ett re turntwl A real'lent ttttal.te In taltl ward, be.ro1, towi.anlpor pre. nnt. aad furnltli th anmp, V -H-thcr with the nvpr-tary aluciloo I.Uolil to tl. ornct'rsoi tt.a iertitnin ati wnru; latrt.na'n, loan-hip or prpcltipt. at or Ifior alt o'rlork In the mornlt.a nl the 'inJ Tuetilay ul (tptolri ami a tnr n thail he f wrtnli it1 to vtitcnt theelcilon it Ihftiiity wboaa i aire Itnot in eaiil ll-i. un- la-s n ehall mtke prwil ol lilt Mailt lo vote aa hareln liter prvvnlt.l. fSrt'T't.a 4 tm th.lt nf etapfl.m anvperarn wl n.e n'ttna la not on the anttt Hit, amt liiiiuiiiu lh rl tlit to vote at mid aletotiiR. tlmll f !a.t at laitat ot.p qiislllie.t vofpr of the tllatrlrt aa a wltne.a to the re-t.lpr.'-e nf tbs elnlinsnt In the .lit trki ia wlaiaa ha eUiui to l a v-ner) lor tha W'" iai i-vt lannaT" afw irn,.iiri a; aniti ele.tt-n. wht'-li wltne-a arinll t;iltenn. anion l a written ur partlt orlntetl aUttlaril to tka lo t Itatnl I.y hl'n. wl.lrh alA laeit brill ilonna Ptear ly a bets tbe rt'tlilei.c la cf tbr pereon to elatin tntr to I a volar i ni ike peraoii io i-t:imlna the rulit Iv vote ". all altotaksanlitii.i rl!ea r i t -Ini, or piittly written ami p'lrtly rlnted nth. la r.t, stittlnit to the tic-t 1 I.) kn'iwlr.lve nno l.e lief, beta and when ha was J oin i tl.at ho I a eltiteu vl tLacon.mooaenith bl I'militvlyiiltnCl ol tka l.'aliet rPii'liibl lil sa lrl.l la tub CviauKjAtrtaituona yanf tr II It rnitrlt a crMren tliers.n.nn.l hut inovvt tf.frcl'ri.m, that be I.h rir-l ltd tt.ateiii tlx tn'.nths iirxt pra--aOnie e-ii'T !.'t h.n t thai h i.aa n'tt m.ivp.l Intn th il ifrlct lor th pnrp..te ol V ulna: tbaieln i (lint be bat mIii R Aiaia ar Couuly lua wit'tin lau years, e tilth st. a-tCv-ed st t.'itt tu lay I or.ire to 1.1 Iscitoti inil. II a iiiituralir.e.l eltlran. thai! a1n ttata when, wbare and I.y what ot.rl be wa iiaiurnlistd, aii.l ttuill also oiottuet) bit oertUj. rata ol iixtursllr. iilon for . .ml tint t.-n : tl' -it IU ail'U'ilt l.all alto atnta when un.l whtre the tan rlalmail to lap ml by th sllmnt wns ar'Ptnal. n nl hen, alia. a. sr.. I to bm al.l, ana U.e Ins rue"l),t llirei"r aiinu no ,'ro'iuoe.l lur eiiiimnn t!on, ttiile, the nilmat lisll ttnie In httnrn Hvlt li st II kta besn I. .-I or re U")'l.or tin. l he l.ov at received eny. but If the ) er.h n "laimlne the tlHl't Io vte snail take su.l tulMirll ua ailirtn lit, that be U a ukll botucitlts-i of th tnl:l sttitoa, tor It norn elpwiirre. htll atata Ibnt laat In Lit aKI'iavll. anl almll orotnea aviilenaa Vint no r. i i-evn naiurauteu, or tt,ai u is anil- tlol lu silueuMitu i.y ia-ob ul lilt l.ithor ratu ialitrttli.nl, ami -hull Itirtlior aiato In hi em. In v.l that be la, al tbe II moot laklna tt.eainjaip. Imlacsn lus nuff ul twenty one ami tati.it )nrt i Cut l.a L i- iPtlili'U in tbe state une r auti in tut a p.-ti..n uiati-tat tan a ia iaai)'tet f.i liiauatt fcattkliRll poMir pattl -tH'oa i lha aaaf nir.iItTlie"f all ptire-rte-teitklh"; uelt claims, nuii nt.it Hie aiii.iaviia oi tna wntirtr io invir real ilem e. aliajl l proaarn U by tbe nluotiun bunnt, and at tbe ctma ef the elei tlnn they ahnll be en cloiil with tl. Hat of eolara, tally list and other papers rciulri-tl by law to lie nietl by th retuta judae Willi tue urt'tbotiotar)', aud ahail leinaii. on tlio lharM irh In tho rrnfhnantiiri's oince, auh, vet to axiiiniiiatioii, as oilier elertlon pnara arll lb aiseiioit "iiiuats siMil nun lital u.aap plieriot or appllfanti i.Hea Htl the loitnl rtuafl. tteatlims ot vui art, ua ur u.sy ri.au t iMtriiintva to vuia, and it. Hum or buuirs . hull le uihlet' lo lh li-t "I t . v.i o'ts ly ll.e t IrclU n i ffo-ei a. tin wot, 'ts' Itlea aOttivl ahore tl. clutiranl rlaliua I" V' It- oi. tai au.1 Iks-wont -okc' ahori hp 0-uti.it to vjio or. ngo : the tnuio words It Ins s.bifl by the vlvrks it. oauh t-n..a reapatiiy uu lh ll:i' ofp I rait vatlus;".lsuthlevlk. SaXI lor, J. Il -hull lu Uvtllll IOA alty tlUAll lied I'lUSIl oeth'ltrlt't, UulWilb.t4.0iJiU lit iisme.il lau jrpjM'.l vjisr. I t.n.snlB!' a to list ul rui-olvnl I .11. lilt ', l t-hnll'-lo tbe vot ol au'h luraou : nkareiil-ia tbe sni'io pioul ol the rigtil oi agiimoata ai"w rviuirni try law atiaii l puhliuly ma.le and acterl on by fie elector board ai d lha vnt alii.lttetl or reisoiad. ape.-rt! I nar lo tna evi.kiK-a i evi'iit oaraon usluilttw: to be a UAloraliiod cilUuu tJiall bt re lulieu to pto.lui e lis i.riui' n.'tiii'-n tpriiiii'aia in 11,0 ciccii.-n tiv lore looiuf, t xepl wl eta ba has been loe ten venra, eourveui-ivsl), a v..ter in lie ilptilit n lilcb iu yiuis to.i.i,iiu4 on tna vine oi autn n.lor iT.aan lm"H"nmrt In lh penitentiary lor sa twa yeara. tna pay a nn t not atnr rrili.'R un law Pllon , in ail rs-sa trnora any wnro, , atl'lPrit" Rati,, kn i, ahlii or nlaptlon iltatr pi la tllr rttil ' nor thaa Iva vaara. ana tiav inrn tin ri.mi'ann iionsre titr eTery supn onene, oreltksrov hoik, al tb dlseretln nf th oonrl. Ctst-tloa 14. Any aattessovY eleetton erlh- eerr person appninldt aa aa erereeer, who sunn nreirei or refiraa in pwrrovm any duty enjoined -by tbla art, Wlthdat roa- aMe nr lraeseew'hall t allbieet lo a f enalty of one hundred dollar land Ifar.t at e -tor than a-.tess any person ai a vofer wh is not qualified, er ehall refuse to. as j mvu, alrova twuuty oue yeais of age, elaiuiina; to ira iiuaiiuoii voters hi ine waru, onroui(R, lowa ship or ilttirirt si wblcU hs Is ihs aatausor, ami tippaltaaPb ot said nauias slal whether sal.l Irseninb la or la not, a boaaktir i aud II ha It, tbu bun. tor oi bia residence, lu low in wbars tl.s sam ant nuiniatral, wllb the Mieat, alloy or a.iitaL ll. wk.eai altiiliul . and If lu a u.wn hIiu. I iheaea no uau.l.oia. I no ii-tneol th sum t al lay or sourl no wklck at hi beat Iroula t alsu, lb oti'iupatiun oi iu parauo i an wnaro ne is not a liuuauawvpfT. iu tocupaia.n, pi? or Doaruintf, and wltb wIuiri, aad il autkli.a lor ansiber, tbe nuiu of th oinplor, aad wilt oiiiat ucb a warn, -vows r tur is Abd be Inl.ellcd,- 'lon-lil' r one ticket ahull toil r. ice llio uames if all lioroul otiioera voted for, and bJ tabeilsd, -bore ; nud each vlass slill be douoailed iu arpa aiitle.ballov-bon.ca. Mkc. L'- Tbal il ah;, 11 bo the tlu'r of lit rbeiiifs, la the tcveial c.iiuilrs of luie eotii iiiouwaaltk, to ln-vt In tltetreleotioii proe laniRtioua, bvranfior issued, tho 1st section olttliisacl- . . Jas. H. Ktibf. tpi'ukur nt lue uoueo ol iiipieieuiuuvis a D, 1,1) ii. mi no -1 1 speaker of Ihe Senalor Arraovao. Thn ihirtlctli day of March, Auoo lionilul un tbouiuud eiubl liumlied nud kiAiy-iitn ' . A. U. Cukiim RVTilSTIlY LAW. I al'o ulv orflrlal notice to the letra nf Snyiar eauult that, by n aet eniltlul "ar ael luriUer tuppl.iuiental to tbe up! rslatlva lo ll.a eteetloae oe this 1'oiainoiiwsalih, apprnvej Apr. lib. a. li. ItW. Il It provi'lad aa lolluas l sst'Titi" 1. B It anaeteil I.y Ihe Senate and Hooaaol kpruiRakiivaol tba l ommonwsaltk ta lysijaai-ivaiil.h lu (Jenerai Arrinhly met. uud Il It haraoy enacted hy the authority nf tun same That tlsuall ba lb .luly ol at. b ol thaae-aott wlllilu tuts coinni "naAUh,op ths biat illoiila lu .lane ol aaok year, to take up lh trnrrip' he baa recew.eti trout lh county i-ouiuilttloooit up. ler tb sib mh-tlon of ihe act of l.'.tli April. IrOl, ami prottaad t an lmree.lltt revbtl'.u el tbpsabia, by tlrlkluy tbsitliooi the nam o( ei. ry pvraoti who la known hy hliu la hat dlpil or rvatuteJ sine lb lust prvloi asavateasot trt.ia lb dlairlul ol wlili h be In lh ust-ttror, or pburc lealb or raiuova,! frooi th sriiio shall Ik maua kbo to Inm, and lu add lo luaaauio th naiiie ol any quoin, ad vter who ahull ha knoan Ly hliu to bat uoave.1 luto ibtUuirlotslm stks last praviousaa.tw.iiiaiit.ur nboaa rsuioval lulo lha tumv shall boor tint It have been made known to klie, and alao tb aauias ol all wbo shall snake i-Utlui lo hliu lu ba qualibed veiers thaiftn At soon as this revision Is untuletad, h shall Ylail eseii twsllluj' bouts In bis J.alncl aud Uisl.o careful inquiry If auy peraoo ahoaa name U on his Hal bus died or laiatvad IrouitU dlslrlpt, and ll to, to take lha same tksrelruiu, or wtivib ee any qlinlll a.1 voter realties ibarelu wharename Us.aou Hit Hal, and 11 to, to aibUL aauia ibar to l and In all eat-s w I. era a nam la adile.1 to lb list, tax etui h.rihalik besaseesctt aalnr! lb poraoRt aud lb at'Sator sltsll lu ull eaars wtevrtaln, by Inquiry, u)nn what RTonnd tba trkua so Bsseatea claliuato b a voltrv-Utwo th eotuplfitou 'l Ihls work, It ahall b tb duty ol'aaeh atsaasor as aloraald to proceed to make iiiua a y'"' p i "o "w ... v i au, ii taub leau re. efvn1. It ah.ili be tl.e .Vity nl the claciion oiticura to wrl'a or elan iioutttt-a Carlil icaia lbs void -vulad.' vt lib lua u.ouib aud aur: ami II tti.y uluctluu olio sr.or; i iluora thail ru. atta a rin onil v. (o an Iba sun ea , . I.v t Iriu ol tl.e aiue cwitnt Aia, aMepuuM tyl.eio noua ar ail. I 1 to v. io o) vinculo ir.a uiiiuiai.i.l ou ot iLtlr littl.ura, ll.ty ami thepurai li R bo absll Oder aucb B'ci.i.'i via. iihii pooboiiuiuu than beanu w ol a hlah hut leioo llior, ku.l ua conrlcll.-tj i here -i, b Ci ad or Imprla itietli or lavth, at tht diAuialiou ui the cuuri, tin Ibe Uue aball not ci i'lo.1 one buii'lre.! ilellurt In oach euae. nor the isipt l-otiuit'it on yens t lha Ilk aual.-lier.eul tball ba liilltcled, ou coiiv.ciioD, ou luooUieersul nlvciiou wbo aoaii licuiiH-i tia reiue tv mitk.it, oi 1'iua lo le ll. rt.li', tba ln.lii-anu.nt ifiiulreil at aloreaald uu sstil natamlitatHii cenmouta, patriotic it key leoliou.otlit'r ahull reiuts ir neRlcut lo tt'iull audi pr ol ol tbo rlKbl tutu uu" ss it Piespuoeii oy in a inw, or the l.iw, to whlph this Is a euppleuioiit, from any portoe oilsrian to vole wliorm aunt la nut on lu ii-t ol saa.scd vultus, or wnoie riRitl lo rulo la cbni Ismrcil I v auy auallhvtl votu iireaent. Hint ,hnl jtlnill sn.-h psraoR to vnlawhboul miutrtnv larb 1 rout, every parson so ocauuina,siisii upuneou tlul.uu, be u.ll ol blab uil-.ieuuauur. aiol aLi.ll be rei.U'iuoil, lor every such otl n.-e, to p a hue not vpeeillntt onehuudrtait dollars, or to underaToan iiupibtouiiieot uol inoretbuuoiiayaer ur ellbor or ouiu, ai ioa uncreiauu oi iu cuuri Ski i K.N i. Tbe tame rule and reuulatleui aim I apt ly at every seiai elm llon, ucd at ev vt y separate eily, oruiiRb ar ward leollun, lb all rsapeclsat at lb ytoaral elccUoka lu Octo ber. 8Rt-Ttoji. Tb rpollv sssBirs; 1nepe t 're und jii'ln" ol ft election slutll each l.aie tueK.werti) administer oaibt lo auy lertou tilnliulna the rUhl lo it iisappscd ar tb rlht n tffMrnke. or in n uar.i io anv t.innr ninicr tblr.M requlrpil to ba ilvn ur lu.aulred Into by ulv ol Buol oiutor i.e. lur in is not i and any wilt. lul tulaa twearli a by tiny person In relation tu itn V r niter or ll.lnsj eos.-ernlna which they shall ha l.iwlol'V Intt'rii'sV'lMl ly auy ol said oUiears tbull be pueiaui! at injury. , SktT.im 10, Tl.s atseaiors thall each' reeelv th sam oieponsall'itv tor ih lima ntoestarllt Siol lu wilo.-niiiu U.a.lallci hervt.y pujolnstl, r laptotidc'l b laa for tUei eiforinai.eaol ihli othes dutlt', to bo paid by if.o ionr:ty coibmls tl mora us In other eaaasi and It ahall uut'b Uw. lul lur atwy atwissnr lo aneas a laa aifniual auy iHiraeu vhstavur within leti day next preeedtb ll.e leeliu to be bold vn the V.I l ueaday ol Oe tuber, lu any yaur, or within tan days twit bal'nte ay leeili.b lor lul' rs ol I'raaldoiit u b'l Ytr I'isaiduul ul lha Tulle.! states , itny vluhilloy ol this ptoeltton ahnll he a mlailnitetunr, and sub jaet lb ollicar raolicadlo to line, un eoavla iIju, um elceeuiL one buudrsd tlellar. or to liuprlaoini.viit uol uicetdii, tbre uibbths, or both, at the dlscrallon ol the eotirt. sat Titia II. On Ike pviltloa ol a or nior eltltans ul lbs ooui.ly autiun, snUt ralti, that they lurily luillrv ihnt frauds will Ik pruatUei) at tna elei'tlon about to ba kebl in any UiattK-t, it shall b lbs duty 01 Itstourt el oeaiuionploaa ol aaai county, ll iu aoa.l. n, or li aoe a yu'lH Ihvrool In vacaiiou, to uMnitiit two liull.'loti: so. bor and IntullliKaut eltlens of Ih county ta irrt out Ull, In alphabetical onrsr. Ml I lis wkltoitee I s ovurreera at swail aKsilon i asi.i vur.aore shall If said naaisa tl.s war. I soy lair- twa olalius to yula by reason ul Ra.luraluA.uou. us anan vxiiioit nia t'ttrtinaat metooi lo-iua as sessor) aulas b baa bee Kt bv onteutit frs usxi praiadiuu, a voter 4a said ttlatrlcii utt in ail -wee wiierv Toe peraou nits ootju Qllia rallutl, tka usuta aball b uark-! wllto tb lev ler 'N i1 wbsrelb iravn list merely dec-land bis lsitatbns tb baaoweaeUtsMi u4aesis;as t mi uaiuraiiieu eaior las bekiaiecuun, Ibauaiu shall be marked 11. 1." where lb elsliu Is to vol by taauR of kolas; aeiwaaa, atb sires ol taiily-on and twenty. two, al provided by Ian lh word 'sa1 elull b nlr4 And If th per sou has moved RAu lb elex'llou dtubt to rttaiil siucs ids utsi Kurjorai sisuuon, th letu-r "11. iaa t lis II It Ulso lurlber duty o Suva ksresaus as storaaaitl, uikiu itstvoaUa lb sam. It aball ba the- th eomi'batlon ol th duties herein liniH.red. to t.bk out a tupurAte Hit ol all new aAs-iaaoala aia.ie by btui, ainl tba autouut asseaaeil upou aelt. sad Furnieh His same luisastliaiaiy to Uis Souuly uuiiutssluure. wbo shall liuutwliabsly add Iba nam to Ih (ai d uul louts uf ihe ward, koseuak, towashlpardlsKIM lo wlok Ibsy have ssj0 RtttACaWesTst bai Tioa t (as Ik list hehi(.enmpleftl and th asastaatsnbs aaa'ls as aiortMaUl, tb suai halkforlbwub be returned to tbe oounly eoui Rtlsslofiers. wbo shall Musctlaiiltaala ouubi or said list, with lb obatryaliou and as plans. stuns riuujii io u uoiati as aiurenald, to be aiadaoulas oa A praolloakl aad plaeed In lb bauds of tb assessor, R ba shall, pi kr lo lb us oi auaass ir yaur. pot or esos thorajl litaca door of. nt QJ.O'f buna wher th elepcloR b suIsaUiI brutu ulliaiii.l rs'lillsi.1 laities, and where loth of siild Itn-hectors tfolocit to tbe rau.s polltlonl pitrly, RolA el th overseer aball - tw iRkoa trom Iho optatili paityi sil rrstss, aitall buve th itabl lo b tfutunl Wiib tb t ltt our of U-o el, lion, ilurlon ina whole time Iba sin. le bain, th vol muted nd th roinms tiiad ori and Unea by tl rlsclluR uaicw s t lo kesp R Hat ul vulsis, tl lby see proper i lu clml lenae auy peason olll-rlCK lo vol, and Interra irate hliu and bis wllnsaaee under oath. In retrial it t bis rliihl ol sullraii at su!4 slvoliou, Rod U sxauiliio bis t satrs prutl bowl: aud lb olfluere ol tuid lscilua arareqalrinl lo atturd lo said over tears re selected ana ai iK.lnisd, vury eewvenl. sue an facility ksr llusilisehariie vt utairilalla au-l II auhl alautb'U oUtc-are shull ratuse (o rsrailt laid otoistars to lu pre'snt aad perform their ttuilaa as aieroeain, or ii may mull aait-au sway Iruiu ibaiMlls by vb lsmsor IniitstiiaiioR, all Hi vol polled al auult olosllou Ohirisl luay b rejietod ht any luch ttlounnl irylue; o..a last under eald aleriloo ftovifleil, That o pes. lou alKOIllg r ptlUoRltbtasi b RUOoluVed RO iverraur. i . , svi Tiost n. Tf any pr.ithonotsry, eterk, or lb tteauly ul ltheir,ar buy oilier vsfon, sksll sou Ike seal ul bOSc loamy usluraluuatloa u. per, or peruiil lha sauia lo k aibxed, or give out or oaitro or patntlt the same to las alvea tul, In blank i hereby It may ka Irauritiltrotly asael, or lurulak a oeturulltalioa ci lineal to auy pr lou wbwshail nut hat beuu only eiuiiilu-1 aud worn iaopen court, In the pratare or toBi ot Ik jRiIho theraol. aeeortiins; tu lh act ol UoR teaa, oe aball Rid Ir, eoault al, ur lutMiy way. rerasit th btsa ul auy IrtuJulsiit ba' araUd on enineiie, be sksll b aullty of a hluh mil dent smear l or If any ou tkaU kraaduleally ass auy each cr lineal ot aataraUiailoa, kuow)usl that It was Irauduleull) Usued. ur shall vol, or aiiatni.t to vote theraon. or it any cua siiall vole or Atlas, pt a rot, or sny eerliOeatta .ol nata.1 rallzRilon roi issrm to blut, lis shall IP a nntjt u ( hltik uiisdouiesnurt and sliber of any of lb aaisous, tbclr alders or sbeilora. irullty afsllber ol lh ailtdeiReanuas afbraaald, SRUII,aoovle tlsa, a aa4 Ir a etna not iw liasj it tbooa. and duJlsrs, aad Issprtsunad iu lb proper peoi taultsry for psrlou not xoaadtoc thr years. 'Wa -"aaauAeweiwMeaweR aats. ' - sees Any nhn who le qualified, he shall be rt.tttee. HP R ,tsWBWle'.eta waY'MA'esR'A'a.af u. m h.i.uv.i.ihi. , oi u.i.vu, n u u.a .innvicliorl be punished by fin ortsnprlsof aietit. and almi be ttibleet Jo an action .fhi ynmRpra bjr ll.a paely n(r(incvcd: and If any peron man iiaii.iui'.'riiiy alter, nun in, ur . '," or destrny ft hy lift of vo'rrs made nut ss rlitecleJ by hi act, Pt leAf down orfe ethve the same from1 the place where ll lit i b-rn ftpit, Willi fraudulent Of nil'chleYoi I i item, or for any impmpcr purpose, tLS person en oflendini; shall be gtittiy of a high oiisdcmeshnr. and on ennvlclihn, shall "be punched hy a fla not eacreding ffve hun dred dollars, or Intprtaonmenl not eieeetl-' int Iwn years, or boihvnt ibe discretion of the court. . ii t.iia i- " ' . PrtTKi 15. AM elet lionl fo city, ward; horoiigh, township and tlertlon offlcpre, ball hereafter be held on the IA Tuetilay of iii'iotiiir, siiti.lecl la All the provixon. ef tho law reftuUlilig Iho election of aucb of 6cr nul Incunsitivnt witji this Atli lhe peisuna ilccledilo aucb elhooa at. tltsl lima, thai! Hike their place at , ihe e piralbon of I'.ie term of the peril ni holding iRe samo at the time of such election; but no elec tion fur the vftice of nesessorebAll be held, under I l.i aot, tiiuil ihe year one lliouthad hiiutlicil and eerciify. SrrTinK. In. At all elccllonA hereartet heM, 'under the laws of thia cotnmfitiwcAlth: the polls a'iaII le rpened between the houre of six nnd -even o Clock a. a., nud closed at 7 o'clock r : ' ' Skc-.Ii N 17 II shall lye the July" of llifj secretary of the commonwealth te prepkr 'o:nis f rr nil tlio blanks hied neccssnry by . h:e net, end fnrnit'u copies of the same lo h i oonniy comraisf loners of Ihe several counties of tin commonwealth anil lha t oniity eommisioner nf each euunly ahail, ae soon as nrecssary after receipt ef Ike tame, nt the propet eipenso of the eounr , procure an I furnish to all the election olll ccrs of the efoctlon distrleieof their rearfecj live coniilie. copies of such blanks, in fitoll qitatiiiiies as may be rendered aecematy lor Iho disiihurge of It. etc dulica oli'lec tbie set. ' - " ' a -1 . i: if . . i - . . a .., , Carrto-J 19. That cltisene of Ihia filnle lemponirily in Iho si't-i-tce cf IboBlrtfo or of llic I'uitcil Stales governments, on clerisal or oihtr-duly, and who do not vole where ibila employed, ahall not be inrrcoy ue niivcd of the ilihl to. vole in Ibuir several eieo lou ilisiriote if olberwite duly qualified fa th Connly Coianiiaeionori Bad Ehsri.1 of the county or t-nyucr. WiitMiAH. The Flftoeatlj Ametidioent of he Cui.atiluiion of tbe United Siaita le ) lolloW I . "tfe.eTtoM 1. Tho rmht tf ciliieu of Ibe I.' nited SUUa to vote shall not be denied f ub. idgcd by tins ln t.'dSintei, or any State, on nm-ooiii ot race, color, or prettoua eon mion of tcrvuuue. , ., "iSkt rioJi 2. , Tho Coniress ehall hove. pewcr lo enforce Ihia article by apprprialc; ic)iislnl:uii " Aud wbvreir, 1 let. ongreaa oriuo biiii'tt Slula", on - lue olat day of Mai'l'b, 18,0, pasrd au net entitled "An Aet lo enforce he riakt or eitisena or tbe ttiiieu Btaiesto toie in the tvveral Male of this Cnion.an l .or other purppso"," iho first and eccond ttcliuua of which aro as fullows : tli:OTiiN I. I'.e It enacted by the SenKtrl in.l lluiire of Itepiesciiiutivespf tbe l'iiil'I Siaica of Aim-jiia iu Ci-'nffea Amh)'a I'h bl nil ciiUct.s uf the t'liilfd Stales, aim avc, nr shall bo otliciwirie, qualified ly law .o vote nl any cleeilon by Ibe people, In nay hiatc, Territory, district, enmity, city, unii'li, tottuship, echool-disiriot, munii-i-pil ty or other tciritorial iib-d.viion tl.all nc t milled and Allowed lo vole at all eitcU lie ions, without dUiinuilon of raee.euhir1. r pit lion condition of ecrvltudc ; auy Ooiisiilni'niu, law, custom,, lumgn, or reg iiUiiua nf auy ttul or Xririioiy, or by, or iiu-lor Its aulhoriiy, lo tie coulrary not w iibtanding." , . , ; .StiTioK t. And ho It further enueteJ, That if l y or under Ihe auibority of iho vjuutliiuiioii r law ot any Uiai or Ilm law vf any Torrliory, any not it or shnti ;,a requu-ed lu bo uVuo at a pcrquisiie or qualifieation for votiuK, aud hy such Con stitution or laws, person or oHicore are or shall bo charged with lh performance of .ulies in furnishing to ciiicns an opportu nity io pei form such pvtquisiles, 0r lo be com qualified to vote, il khall be the duly if every tuob perse ad oificer t0 Ki,a Bt oilitetii of ibe l'aile4 Slate tbe sam aorj equal orportuiilty le perform anvU prre. duiBite, and le become qtiliej la .wg without distinction or rnc. color, or pre vioua condition of servitude; anJ f nj aucb perou orot&oor ehall refus or knew ingly omit lo give fall effect le this feotlon ha shall, for everv such otleiioe, forfoii and pjy the auut of five hundred dollar lo the person aggrieved thereby, ta bv recovered by an aciiou on ibe case, with full coeia and tucb nllowanoe foroounacl fees a Ine court tbal) deem just, ana ahall also, for every aiu'e ofleueo, be deemed guilty ef ntiMaateaaor, and on conviction lhsroot.be fined not lesa aban bv buudrd dollar, er be iuiprisoued not less Ihun on month anu) nl Una than on year, or butb, ml the dia cretionof ibe court." . , , . .. . And wliei'i'i, It ia declare"! by Ih seeotvl section of the Vlih anue of Ibe Constilu tiou f ibe V I'iHw tt.aWs. ikf t "Thl Cou tttituiiciu. and the law 0f ilie l ulled Bute which shall be made In parsuoBO thereof, ahall be the supreme Uw of tbo land, , anything in tbe Constitution or lawa of nny htaK U the eoatrary netwlth sianding." . -t !'. i j , , i f. i - , Abd whervaa, The leglslaluro of thl t'orauihnwealih, on tb hlh day of April, A, 11. , n;o, passed n act emitlrd i'A tun her supplement lo lh aot rdming to election iu ibis C'omuipuweallh," the tcntU eeatieo. of which provide at follow: "rWTiox ID. That to iimchof every aet of Assooibly aa prov'uloa .tho I, Ohly w liljo freemen thai) be entitled 10 vote Or be 'reg istered a1 telora, or a claiming lo vole at nny general or speelal eleolion of Ihia Cow inouweaKU be and ike same la hereby re pealed; and that kwrealier all freemen with out disiluotkta ef eolor, aball be enrolled, nnd re.isicred and registered aeoordlng lo Ibe provisroae of Ik provision nf Ihe first aectfoa uf Ihe ' act Approved seventeenth. April, lKti'4, entitUd "An Act' .fun her sha plciuu,tul tOlh.eaol relating 10 th eleoflotl uf thia Commonwealth;' and when oiher teiso qualiflkd ufrdc eiiatiuf. lawaj beeatt tied tavute at all gaueral aad apaeUl also liobs n (hi Coiuitioiiwealth, ' :! oOjJIN W.Gmv; governor. " ' (avia tiUeflfift He) fcsJTpsnPsi ef . the) bohra of l i kna seYen lb the Wefcoba antt couifliao" until aeron o.'fcktck in tbo evcaivf, when the poll ehaU be elool, 1 . Tbe reluru Judgea of Snyder, Lycoming, and l'uion count ie are resiikired lo ineat at Ibe Court llouae in Iba borough of Lf fi burg, uu Tudty k Ituk day ef ykstober In )ua)if oul retui ua for tb three mimboia. er Aesembly.. ,- i,t, , -, , . ,, , I The teip.ru Judges ot the aeVeral dltlrtcla of the cvuuly will meet .at Ira o'clock lu. ihe farenoott, In lb Conrt Uors Ui Mrdelle burg, en Ihe third day after lha eleotlui