ir TU V lflfr MIDTlM-.R'-tiiY. S '"i'l" m" ! SM I'lN 1 M t V REPUBLICAN TICKET. c.,.irii( if", JOHN t. I'.M.KKB, uif pcnni nv. si:-; rop, l!KM;y joiixsoM, nr ivrciMiio. A.s-wnr.r, WILLIAM IIAMHNU, ofPnvJer, W'nl'T LI.NtlAN. of Inioni '1 IIIXUxiKK II ILL, nr Lycm-cn. ' i.nn jreor, scxjamin i.. it .t, nr astern. rit''T'toitiTtHY, Or'.llr.MIAII I'lHil'.' or muni tut mi. SAM I I I. II. Sfillflv, V ailitH.hllt'H'. Tt'BTItM T ATTtlll-tV, I'.K.VJ "MIX T. l'I.Ks r aiDMlkllt'RO, rnwwiesin-Krt, i itti.ii' Ki.rr, vr tr. tn. rnrsTV i hviitoi, A II' 'N K. till-I', r u:t.i.i.i.rn.i. 11 KY I I'll Mlieili-rt, iu:miy I'.i;i x, Of WAMUMlToN, MTml, I. Ki AI.VI ll m:. or rKii. Our l(4'trrii(allc fYomliiri' -tliiiUiiiK, Hill, IIimiiii. It in tint ucce-snry for us to com ment upon tlio manner in which our ticket was formed, but milli-fl it to siy tliat the above named ";ciitlomen h ive b'en declared our statidiird hearers by tint popular will. We desire to lav Irio.'o ll o votcm ol 1 1,1 s dintiict fiirly und candidly their claims Hlho suppoit ol the people. 10 thev peaje-ia tho reinrsitiw of. lioiKtv, ttilojritv, or e.ipu'jiiv i II ive lliey remit lo t audi fcervioe to the j Hintu or cjuutrv as to ciititln tlicm to the cotilidcui'o or support of the people if I ''J dilliuulty. Not otily tho conlereca. i tho speedy exiini:uiliiuoiit of tho bur- mlior until fa I icsoui c. of Noi th I'ar Are thev tuen nf urivaU woi-iii und ' hut tbo ctiliro party in tho tli-triet don, thev aro alroady akintr the tux-1 ohn.i. which Invo bin so Ion' ion mural charni tcr w In comiuiii I the esteem and ronrJ nl' their fallows ?, Are thev l.ivoriil'lu to mi ecouoinicul n luiiiiisiraiiim of nll iiri ? Wo claim that uil i f tha candidates come up to these reipiircinetits. l'lulei-t unity ex-ir-ti tbroubout the district an iiinut sivcli move! by personal disupnoiut men's; and wu'belicvo the inum ol tho people ore icuJy to pivo their aup poit for tho ohctioa of houost nun ciuipctotit tnru. Our candidate tiro not moneyed liabobi who revil in wealth and luxury lit tho expenso of tho tax-piycrs, but nro men from the raiiUs ol tlio tuaM-un win sj interests uru ideuticiil ; hence. wo assert Ibut thev nro hennilv nnd disinterestedly devoted to Kcpablieuti principles nud tut. b ti tul' i i:U of th,- iittiiit'. 'Unit they nro hono.t ami eaniblo iaiatid Centre, un l was one ol the uldest settled, l eyoud :l question of doubt, by j debaters and loading members of that the fact that an honest nnd iutclliitc m i body. Wo trust he may bo elected, j onplo have selected tln tu us thoir The I.eoislaturu of l'ctiti -ylviiiiiu ticed representatives in the Hulls of the I jus-t such men to redeem itfroinlhc JiCgisluturo nf rruu-ylvaiiid. Their iuteriiy is proof against corruption nnd iuiiuituits s-ohtiiiinuf, and .hi liin ol Icislaliuu and npcciul privilcoos to tho highest bidder. Thin, especially, is unquestionably truoasto Hon. Theo dore Hill, of l.ycoinin, wlunprcou ted us Inst winter, to which liiuiubor of both parties bear testimony and nceradit hiai with soilud iufpnty, u. ilotibtcd cupacity sn I unswerving tide! ity to bis political doctriues. Tho war with Mexico olfi red llie fltiit lit opportunity to l,L Col. Harding to place himself in a position to demon atrale his tovo of country und jjootl quiiliiies as n soldier. When the em pties of our country assailed tho mtioual fine:, Maiding und Clinuu entered with all the vi'or of youth iulo the Hiout battle to put dnwu the rebellion, nud tin ir course throughout tho war was marlioJ with everything thai tlistiogu Bhe8 tbo I rue Boldict- and patriot. They pledjio tliomsclres to suppoi'l any inousiiro which tends toe: iniiuiuiio and lesscu the expenses ol uuvciuiucut, and tho reduction of taxation. itepublieau unity throughout the district makes their e'ectioua foregone stooped nud w ill not stoop to any base conclusion, oc vei thelcss, ice rxt. d an i iuiringtics. llo goes to llurrisbur,! tHCi'fWiVjM Iu yowl mill huii, t (A;;ioi;(ff Ion honest iii-iii, or ba will remuiu at to Join ua iu sending good, honest ! home. wiliurtj Chumi' l: representatives to llarrisburg. Iu this (enncetiou wo may conclude by anying IIov. Hknuy Joiixsox. Tho con to tho lux-payers of Snyder Ciuuty forces of Iho Senatorial district com tbot last winter, Andrew Dill, u domo-i loscd of tho counties of Lycoming, crut. oiiu represented us at llairisburg U iiou, aud tsuj tier, Fuut tiouth dit-li let, that he origiuuiel and secured tho idid a good tlntii iu uiianiiuoiily nouii jmssago of an act requiriug the rc-'nitiug Hon. Henry Johnsoti as the surveying of tho county line.', the cost 1 Kepuhlicmi candidate for State Senator of which will amount to ?JH00, nnd I This district, durine; the hist rixyears as useless its uu ituaginury lioo au'o's; llie moon that uo wjs a warm sup porter of the bid to puy fiuudulent claims for properly ilesiroM'd by the rebels in rennsylvouia, u iiich would have tukon millions of dollars out ol the Treasury that 'a doinocratio eco noDiy. iio.. iii:mii Luo hi Xuinimilioii it Keuivfil. Wo Rivo below tho rommciiU of neighboring papera of lioo. Henry lobiisuu, our uouiiuce for Siato Sona tor. Hon. lleur JoIiiinou- Tln 1'epubllcao Senatorial Confer ence has placed la Domination Mr. lleory Jobusun, of Muucy, as the Uo publican cuodidute for tho A lVth Dis trict. Mr. Johnson was a Senator when tho labt sppoi tloomoat was mado aod aided in tho formutiou of tho district He occupied a leading position In tho lion at o and was lookoiF upon through out the State as likely to become the &peakor of tbo succeeding session of the Senate. He was u candidate for ro-nouiiuation before the first Confer ence of tha aew district, but was de feated by the coalition ofUnioti ant) iSnyder county conferees who nomio-et-d Mr, C. II. Shrlner. It has Ions A t . . i :. a. .able and ctlicient Senator, nt a timo,atid it is uot truo Unit I'uchunan's '''"'' ct-pceinlly !) him. j Harm;' tliii !n remembrance, lind in , contrary it to-t tiiorc. I- roin a stale distant. Jloit feemed about to rap (the liht ot' uhreipicnl event", we i meat lua.lo out in the Tieaui y I'e "ixe. when newly made hiubanJ th iuiiht tliit.k 1 moil nnd ShviJ-T counties I ' tifil'v liinil l now lupo tlu-ir ci'u 1 pi ui' r.'iici. an I j;tvn neb support to Mr. Join, fon, n will in a measure ninko reparation fur tho past, wurraiu hi i-liTiioii nml rnU'pin tliii iliMr'rct Ir'Mii tin! Iiiiml rfihi.i I jn"rrar Tin Jiriticl irt l.iri(vly I! piiblioaii. Mr. Johi)"r in a 1U'miMicjii, nlilu cinqiioin ami ub'ivu -uiiicion anil flout 1 1 i o.t ivith llii' intiTi-n's of our ili-ttirt, wliii is cntitlod to m'cry Itipublioan vote The IVm jfiain i.l undoubtedly ve irmiitiAto ilirir jirosi'nt Svnatur, Mr. ilock, who U npt-iily diMiounrcd, cron y iduii of ti own party, ih i ltci-I v unlit lor tho pu-itioti. Hut if t li i -wimp not m, li.; ii n dcmof'Mt nud liicrot'niv is not tlio nua to rcprociu lio XlVih di-'iiit. TIip rtti oftlio !;cui!.in of the t uto me up 'ii U.4 mid Kond men eveiy wlu'ro c-port m h- elect Mr. John.ion and pi'Kdldy tlni'fby cavu tlio Senuli-f-ciin Pcwoir.itiiTule. Xc be.-ei'eh ovcrj Iti'publicun id I'liicn county, wlutevof Iii m prli'ienci,. may have Ikcii lo cm- HiiT tin1 iiiipurianiv oi tlio npi'Macii : uidcrat-y pmitto t lie rituil ol tlmir uwu ini; ili't ti u ii tul en Iravcr to rrtrivt machination an 1 treusni nu nil evi 'iii r I'alh'ii fiiriuiii't, and not only this, i donco of di-hotioty anion;. loyal nnd but render tho tardy jutieo duo one I patriotic nu'ii To lint incito a rc- f the very t ent uiii fureimi men amoiio; (lie Kei'ilbliciiH of thi di.i trict. MijJhrJuirj Yelxjrai h. TriE f.iKtinr.K Mkktin'I. It will be ."eon ly t h j proceed in's oftiio a Ijourn eil uioetinj: of the conferees of the Senatorial und Keprveutative district. eonipoed of I'niou Snvdor and I.v- eominn countiea, which np im iu,genco cxoeeJa nil b uiids ol lieliul. un 'tiler part uf iIi'h paper, that the Lonj years of toil and labor will lluti. I loury .Ii'hn-ou, of LycouiiiiL: 'bo rmtuircJ of the peoplo to vurn the fouiity, rec-ivc 1 tin uiismluitiua innli in f'r Senator from (bit dirtriet . flic ut'iiot u'laniiuily an 1 l"mi I 1'ec'-, i" prev lile 1 during t'u tiim.-titii, nnd "n' coniureea inn on tin! noni- m ition ol Mi1. .lobiHon with vei'y lit 'Uti're in oncclin ' to Mr. Johnson nb tli j ability, experience, mil other q in', ilieutious req ii-ito to the l roper n'i'i autiMtnctury liliuijr ol ttiu linporlanl . lollioe to which he lias been s freely . i iii'iiiinnted. We shall not be mirrris- ed to see. Mr. .Kdin.-oin ruiiiiiii:1; .u' I i;uished, will never venture the ex ubead of bis ticket. His sticersidui perimcnt ol tru-iting its authors io n ello rid iu si-curin tin1 franchise to tlio 1 mention to iullict tnui'o harm au J mia- snUiers in tbo Iii. I I, his endeared bi n to tho gallant survivors and their iVietids who w.ll not fail to remember and nppl'i'nuti) him when they conic to deposit their ballots -tVac'tVi; if Hi'iiry Jolitist n, Iij., of Muney.ha" i been nouiiuaied for Seintor, iu th l.ycoinin,' district. Ho was in the Niiiuto several years iyo lioiu tlio ill.,- iriet coinptsed of Lycoming, t init iu .odium of bribery nnd corruption into which it bus I u 1 1 c n Hi' i ' i M 1 , L:1: Jinx. XIVtii SENAT'utiAr. Disrr.ifT The Jlepublic.iu Seuatoiial t'onlerec- of llth disiriet met yesterday n. William-port, nud nominated Henry i .. i. ...... . .... 1 1 . .. i ..e i.- - i n.u v.., u . , uiv pa, j lor ?C l .tir. -llr. .ioll lSOIl II IS been u Senator, is a man of .... h..... u.iuji i-, euco und ubilil v. of nnd mbted bunes ty. no I will do honor to the district if, elected, nf which wo think their is no doubt. ilii)'fit)trj Ttt'iiiijih. We enter tho campaign with a jubi late, becuuso we eutertain tho host prospect of eleetiug Mr. Johnson to tho Henatoi'sbip, regardless of the popularity of his opp. neiit. Mr. John son, during his Soiiatcrial career, w.if one of Iho most boii'iuhle ui 1 square deulicg men that ever graced our Sen utorl d Hall, lie has un honest heart, a clear brain, a cultivated intellect and a strong determination to back up hi conviction. Moreover, bo is identi fied wiih do cliipio or ''ring ;" he is a Republican at large, and has never baa been misrepresented by democratic benatora. 1 lion eh tho two parties are very evenly divided, thero can be very lif.lo doubt of Mr. Johnson's: trium phuut election. Ilia creat ubility, un swerving honesty, aud known lecord as Senator during the rebellion, will givo him sireiiglli. His soldier con stituents will remember with pride thut ho was tho author uf the amend ment lo the Stuto constitution which secured to theiu in the field the elective franchise. Ne bettor uuniiuation could have been made, not only for that particular district, but for the Slate ol I'eiiii&ylvania at large. i'hilutMphij i'lYSt, C'untruwtca Ailnilulatrutlons. It is a favorite argument with the Democracy, when alluding to the heavy taxation whioh the war forced the Uoverument to leuvy to preserve the public faith and crodit, to poiut to the rhrop. Adtuibistrtttiou ( liuchiiuan, and comparo it willi tho assumed ex- travagaut ooe ot J'resi(Jaotiruut as an ovideoco of the grater eooiioiuy of the party. .No ono u ueooived by tins prolence. It is well utidursteod that the interest on (be national debt, the immenso penatou list, the coat or na tional hospitals, and suiull ioorease in the nrtny aud navy aro matters extra and outside ot the ordinary expenses of the Uoreruniont ; and, except the two latter, are la process of steady sod 1'rioe lor mailjin. TlintTY-n Vfi CltfTaU'-i .. than President 'i:itit's ; but ou the ; iinrinicut and olhcttilly protiiulaticl.ol' 1. is found that tho last year of B i-! eliuii ni's Adiniuifltrntii'ti tho pe ) pb f J. 01 f r each man, woniim. nnd :lii!d in tho I'ouuiry : wlrlu lnkiti;j the fxpeens.s of the past yar, OHtiniuliuV on a ba-isol forty nitliuim ot popula tion, uiid t'O'hh iiii; tli J Mini 1 1 a jioid biit, an 1 tho r .p ,'ii-e per hca I amjuots to only $1.01. In B u hanan'a time th? receipt anJ eenditiii-e of tho Treasury were both in K ild, or coin xcliniely. Very much of tlio apparent oxci-a in ex pan litures Hiiwe llm war jjrew oat of tho deprct'iuiioii of the currtucy. I'lii.i showed itaoll in every colli ract in a io, eitbi r fur puli.ij works, bu;il inn or Mipplies nnd addeJ tJ the b'nk of the limine, witho it reully ad ding lo the thIuo ortuully received 1' tie vrai it sot f cost in paper one-third, it ti l n ball', min e thru it would had "pvcie payment been p isaible. It i ibo penalty tho nation had to piy to n'o it-ell froin destruction ; an I it if in especial i;ritfViiiK'o that tho Pe- bullion, t lion to npoloii. for, un I jj lilv it. nil 1 finally to uliuro the oont of uppre'-init it to thoso who idled tbeir blued lor the Ktilvnlioii of thi country, is einiuetitly clnractei itio ol t ho party. Kut when lo thin they u Id ii demand to be ruiuxlati'd in autbirity bcmuHO they create! this ciiormmi mimbief, tho iiiTrout to public iitudli- m ,0oy to y tho aireitu debt wliioli iJennn rjt io wcuUiks nud to: C liniT cntn.led on their. An I yot, when l'leddeiit tirniit, bus but b.irelv inado n fair cdiiiiiie.iccmtmt, and put iho liunuco in a w.iv to termor certiiiu I inivcri to trua tliem nifiiin, and give .t'lem a i banco t uudo nil thit hueX!implo urue your iieiijbb.'r to ti r 1 1 l eeu done. II the people, are as wirc , as we believe, wbeuever lliey cast a . ballot they will remember who niudu . tho debt, and, until it is (ullv cxtiu-i cry ou tho country. Sum mui')' ol tui- ('i. NotwitltMlitiidin) all reports of heavy fitbtiu)- the pixst low days, nj.-i to iiavo t'cen iiotiiing tint ncavvi, skirniisliiii''. TbO I'ril-sian I'oreo nre 1 tloinf iu nil Marshal .McMihon, whojfllko ,,,c, s.irsapuiiihi (or herailt.ient. .is concetitratii bis torccs . tbi . ,.g that ho aire idy knows to ""s"1""" ' ."ii'i'v.j, I..... .1 -' bebeved, inteotls iiiakin u desperate as,a..!t ou tho Ucrman line, rcRardlcis . .1 , j ....... I. il. ..-. I. ..(!.. in io, ,ooi noo' i ot ;ioiiiuic..y, nn.i it of its btrencth. 'J ho great battle is A lliuH , civliti0 rcqu:r"s. ucar at hand, but th .-ro aro no evldcn- .s...,!111;1,,,.,-. litri r,.P Wiscontln. cos that it has yet commonced. Tl.olimI Ml. W0I, you g-i there i .in I or is said to be in tbo rear ol Ir i ,,,v,.; it it v News. MeMah. m'rt army, rend pin case of 1. L " " L ' , ' , ,' lout, to (ly to UuL'iuni. Tlutro-psel ,, v .1...1 , i ... ,i... i inab vviiuiiv uiv iia.-oi iiiu ,o 1 ' iroiuior to proicci ii nouiosi, iiivu-iou by cither of tho belligerents. I It it reported that J'alikao wiit nn-: uoniice thi week to the Chamber that I the work of proparin, 1'aris for tl.ej:;iU ' ' n 1 bv m' uicjo is completed. , lie v . i , , . -. .viiiniig nas in-en rr-ccivea irom tne; li-i. Ill .V.....O ninu.i.j ,,io.,i.ii.ii..,i.lill engagements I.. .ii-. . i- i. leriiiiuui ni! lavorai iv io i no i reucu.i Tin. t V 1 1 f h,.r.iiiaa ini..,i.i" twice daily, ami its measures aud or- den are promptly executed. Measures have been taken to How up the bridges ami tear up tho railways around I'm is promptly ou tho approach of the enemy It is understood that the diplomatic a..rps, io case the city is besieged, will go to Tours, which, owing to their presence, will bo considered neutral. mi l will be respected as such by the belligerents. Tbo ministry is said to be nn the eve of departure for Tours. Thirty ihnnsmid persons entered I'uris nu Muuday from tho neighboring country. The police aro organized into regi ments. The expulsion of Hermans from tho French capital caucs sad distress. Mr. Washburn, the Ameiican Minis ter, has a hard t i tuo of it. The Ger mans in Franco are under his protect ion livery German who U arrested under iho recent proclamation of General Troctiu duuiauds at onco to bo Inken beloro Minister Washburn for exami nation. Army correspondents In France are faring badly. Austin, of tbo London Times, is imprisoned at 11 hems; Hal!, of tbo Graphic, U imprisoned at Nancy, aud HohUvvorth.of the News, baabeoo escorted back to I'uris under guard. Tho London Times agroos with the Prussiaus that 1'rttnoe must be taught to know the power of her neighbors. Two French iron-duds have arrived olT Frederickshaveu, Jutland, and an uttaclc on tho Ualuo fortresses is ex peeled iuimcdiutaly. Another great battle ocoured on Tuesday. The Prussian Crown 1'rineo. with lour army corps, attacked Mar shal McMahon near lieaumout, in the valley of the Mouse, and after a des perate coollict drove his forces beyond the river back toward the JJelgian frontier. The French lost twelve can non nud many prisoners. Tho bombardment of Strnnburg con tinues, but its surrender is hourly expected. The sufferings of the in habitants are terrible. They are starv ing, and are compelled to live in their oullar, day and oiirbt, lo avoid the in creasing tiio of the besiegers. Preparations for the defence of Paris are Btill beiug rapidly pushed forward with energy, Houses and tenements outsido of the fortifications, likely to Interrupt the liuo of 6ro or cover for ao enemy, are being demolished. Tbe Dei Moines (eyitter tells the followiog i " A fellow got married and ropared to Clear lake for a honeymoon. At iuai iaae ia a boibii sieamer wuicni j.a,. - s ,r.-,a loeai inter r it -cared, undressed in the board to mvim oslioro, uiy fire mile unsettled business on shoro, and attempted to follow tha minister Uesii'i tho bri'lo who did not wish to be.nnde n widow 80 mtrly in the (In mo, eaiit'lit him, pinlmioi bia baud), und (latdo'.To on him until tho ntorni wis over.'' Wiutnkv'3 M (jmc.w, t!ur- 'TliU exiu'llont nniMi'.il inofl'.hly i a wel emtio (Jttiti to every hm-eli' ll where it ba ever Kiiiuw 1 adm'is-ioii, nnd it i :i niviitcry to lift, how any ono would think ot' doing without it. It i honn l alieet musio uix', neat nnd tatc fully, ( be'idps n otnnbcr of paires of exoclent readioi matter) frem oine to twelve piijca nf nuisi's io each number ciMtiiu in nhi'ot from thirty to lift) cent r ich, but here proscnted for lit tlii b"9 than three cent : thfM'eby ins duriii'! the Tcr, nlout fl.i.UO worth of tnudu for 91. U I. Thia Un reat savin: of money, and no one who i.i int 'lerite I in inuxio nhould fail nf procuring po choiee n moulhly 1'h it Si'picinbcr No. cuntiitna tho fol- losrnii muMie, winch la nlao nuiiiiMtioJ in abect form : ' Mi,m'n Moynr," I'.irlni'ia' (ie (oi ," ' Tulip n,-k:- )l.h" Terms 61, 00 per jenr. r-pcciiuen copiea ten cent. AJdrea, V . . llll.M.l, lo- ledo, O, I ftron eontni't to tho courao of ill'! rebel joill'li:Ma of the iSoutli w ho preit in wjiginn a bitter war upon the (1 ivainiiient, the whito I'lii'iu rncn. and tho enfranchised froodmon, i the sound nntl uiipnftian advice coiitaiii ed io the following par:iirtlph Irom tho Ahville, N. t'. V.iik i; a lending Hepublican of tout Mate: Wo appeal to ovcry man, irrespec tive of putty, to co to work nnd do uil in their power to t romoto tbodovi p iiit'tit of tho UL'rieultural, mineral, iiikI dorm ml condition, and by tirerept and . tho past, and riubtilit t tbo laws Hint 1 be. 1 I.M, mi l this alone, will restore our cojtitry to its piospcroue) Condi tiuu. Shins the .oiUAc, A pbttoso pher iu llie West, rovn into ad intra tinii ofthi! Cherry I'l'doral, wiites Pr. A'cf lot" iiislruetioiis uuler which .1..,. I... ..I, .11 l.n li'iol uloeh lilUlereil l,,", Ml V(,niiu.( u'u, cr which ,B ,.,, t ,,. Wr-B vdU -t)f n.,0l.. noi iii Mm neer ; n so iiti'ier wen- i .. i i .i.i. i. i ,;a ,vrr., kIi.ii.I.I i-oininnnen to wean his tuivos uutler Tai il4 j Scorpio, cu A . j jU f ,',s .'.ilvcs iiudcr Taurus, cbanoe ut his h'.i'.r in in I'lt-Pi'S nr '' . J (, vi' ll'.CM I C.lU1. 4, an I was tho bv wont nf II ilious T..-1-iyU, beoar is a rare si'!il, nnd t'ermany bus uiude . . . . ... ier uiaio us in.' j:ri-ai iviropcrtn pow ah nit ' lol'protecti ' . 'i.. i . .. which has enable I her , , .--tiiile 'iit and an ever- . .. . iuerea-iii.' ditvr-iuvd industry ;!! 1 a i -. -i ... ,L ' 1 n .-m Ia ISiOrt there were not oue ft un dred IiutiVO liritCHtatllS ill all I lidi.i anil liiiriiialt. Now there aro not ii i- 1 v t .. . i from eighty thousand church meiii bcrs. Vii'R AtMiR.vr. has been nppointed Admiral luthe U.S. Navy. I ' ,! i i .1 ;filino the Vjratiey 0CUSotied by tlllt I iliiulb fif Viliniral I'al i i. miI ( 'ouitnia I UCUIU 01 AUIOirai lallUJUl. 0'"'"1 linn to (laid Irom All'-flst. 20. 18T0. . ... ., , . 1 UK ll'St Of 111 .' lull e.CCtlOUS Oeetirs .i r.ii. i.iui i n,i,o,,.i i i . a lll ,1'U vi ll. lljii,., , .viiaii'MV. v State is no overwhelnr ngly Itepnbli cuu that thero has beeu no canvass made by cither paity. aaaaaWMa-aBaaawoaaawa-jMiaiw.aBaiaaiieiaia NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C UiTlO.V. Havina purcbasee! the fnttnwln; uameil persunal I'rinierly at Cuu ptable's pnle, pobt as the iroierty ut Iteuban Klnaa, anil lell the same Iu tba mne,iun or lira. Sarult Klosa, all ruua ara Uareby raullanaj lint to Interfere nor Iu any wav meilillo with the same: tine Cuoltlnif eituve ami I'tjio, one I'urlur Stove ami 1'lpe, two OmlOeaila aud Jiu.lOllig, ana lot ul L'ariiel, one (rmli Cow. J ACOll tsnoss, l'l-TKK HtlULI.. Heaver towaihlp, Auiiunt 'iA, WO. jKViiTONK UQWL. SeliuHgrovc, SnyJ'T County, I'a. TIIF. nnderslgne.l bega leave lo Inform the publio that be bus purchased and will keep, in (rood style, Ike above well known aud popular house. tejt Having large, airy aud well furnish ed rooms, good a, with the uulii-iug ell'orte of tbe proprietor lo please bis guests, be hopes to moot vrilU a large share of pub lio patronage. J. r WALTER. Helioigrove, Sept. t, INTO. OUI'TI.MUI.U COIHT. COUKT PnoCLAMATIOX. Wbereaa the Hon. 8. 8. Woods Presi dent Judge) of tba Judloial liistrlol coiupoaed of tbe eottutiee of Snyder, Union and Mitfliu aud A. K. Midlcswarib and (leorge 0, Moyer, KsiS Associate Judges io and for Huyder oouniybara issued Ibuir prcoelpt hearing data llie tbe 2Ud day of May, 1870, and to uie direoted for lbs lioldiug of au Orpliaus eourt, a oourl of Couimou Pleas, couH of Oyer and Ter miner and General eourt of ('uartnr Sea aioua of lha aae at Middleburg, for lbs counly at Snyder, on lha 4iti Monday, (be iug tbe -tiib doy of tirptember, 1870.) and ouuiimie oue week. Notice ia therefore hereby given lo lie Coroner, Jmtice of Ibe Pence aud Co net a blea in an for ibe eouuly ef Suyder, to ap pear In tbeir profer person with Ibelr rolls records, luiuiailiva. exautiuallona and other reiuembraueea lo do Ikoea things wbiuh of tbeir otUooa am) In I heir behalf pertain lo be, done and wiineaaea and per sona prosecuting la behalf af tba Common waallb against any person or persona are required io be ibea and I Bore elteuding aud not depariiug wlibout leave at tbeir peril. Juatioea are rea,ueted ta be punct ual in lb sir attendance at Ibe appointed una to uotiea. n. a-i..'iJc-j-T. i-- -- . - !rpP.lAL LIS 1 SrH'T., 1870, L'rilx fc Itliinchard r winum 1 llrrol.l, Mm i Hr.iricw w cl, l is in ' t liurDu, II Ik Moj-cr nm un m Jncub llil Irloke et. at. ma r inn ttrin DitnWman V.ti'f Y. Wltr 00 H'OU li liftlitnt lltimiTf,l VP ,nm J O, irwiT. fcn rs K. r. nn- i.m I. Miniih lam iruiiri r A S 'amniliii .lncr,l MltllK f Uk v, s l.ihr Mkiiiu-I l lli'i'k veAiiiun V. Mllilirl rine V Hln lmlic .l ,opli ltln ixniii t, Aiiiim Snht !inl Wettol .un TP .It'lm Tr v nnll Mittrrn t. I'.itli irlnn Mnttern fiiiul IVnuni-r TnU-orue stii"k .1 hn I'. Hl-htitr Kil l'l'i Kl-hl"-.l'uli K Smllli r Knaldin Kri'lilsr Miaun echuiaa ti I'vl-r Kli-I i n:i;srr;u'3 notick. otiro w I W hrliy KlTn W all cunrarnol, lht lh lullotttnir titinil rr,nn hva mot'! th-lr no. eniinfa In I lis H-Kllr" (nitre, at Mllllcharg, Snjrilr enmity, ami tint tha eaM tr-imtin will I) pra-nlnl Tr Ciinflrmallnn an1 nllowfinee at tli DriliaDa (?"Urt to l li"l'l IMI tha County of !n,l,ir, nn Ilia WiurHi M,nlay tit Mt-imlir. hrliiK tlir'.M'li tiny nf tahl month. rl: 1. Tha atvfaitii nf .faooh fwarin nnJ Ipaaa Svdirin, Kicciiioriof Ilia UK will and leMitinant ot .l"iili Nwnrin. ilr'aural. . Hi a- 'oiitii ul Itniry fTartirm'', Ailm'r. of Ilia atta nf I'olly arwall, ilorand. 8. Tli a'-'t-iint f Henry Treimar, Fjarutor ol ha Ut mil anl LlUaballi Treailar'o,l. 4. I haifaiinf of Itanrv R. hnapp anil llrnry llanfrr, Kt'ra ol Iba Kilatanf I !! Knf.u,.hi( 6. 1'ha at"unl nf Smniii! Vlttrninr. A-lin'r rum 'llatnaiito annaiu uf thacmata uf liolHrt W. rinllh, .l-- 1. (I Tlii' afP'innt l Soloinnn Ktr!tit ami .tohn t.."ort, Ktaeittora at tlio a.'tatu or .lohn Kb rluht. ik'cvtmail. The n 'fount nt Hemy IVntfr, A'lmlnli'trator ol 1 1. a t-nie oi ifaa n.iiurr. nr fn-ci. W. H. M ill I K, Hi-ultnr Hcljlefjcmcc, Mli.lcLui, Aug.. i, 1-;'). iNvr.NToiry or wipdwh I Tin'. vn i.r. NIITH'K t barttiy kIv-ii thai tha Invatifnrynf Sni'MiA llAlii. wlitnw nt Sainil-I Hiiuv lata of tho llornuiili ul Sflituiirnva. ifti 'il; ul Iti.'lnriA Kviik,, wl-fow of Miuui'l Kiihn". I.ita of ra lt,Ml; ol :t lAnarH lll ail, whlnw pf JMoPOP li'iMi. istc I'l I'arry tnwna'ei iipoca.pii, oava ' l-pn olnl wllli llio clerk el ll.o f '!lll,:, Cuart ol n).air i-uiiniy, ami win i ira"i-nip.i i fbi.i Court lur apirm a nu Monday, Ilia 'Jotli ilay ul Ki iloiul!r utt. .1. Cliul sti, Clork of Orilbanji C'nyrl. pLriar.s 1 VullCK. SriM'tliN.V IN iTraT I T ( -.- M"l SNYtlKIl Cdt'VTV, SS: Tho fonuniimv-ulih nl panii.ylratila Ilia t,lU'rlll .if MI.llT l.n. 1 1 K'.KI ISO. Whkiika. Al-rahiiui Iti iinnar itl.l on Ida lath it iy "I Hii i labor, A. I , tin. prnlar bl petition i.i ilie .tu.Ura ol our alil Cum I nl Coinmiin Uto of tlio Counly 1. 1 .sny.U'r, prfilnl-ir tbo rau,Mi ttiiTi-ln m-i lor 1 11. tnai i n antil lo no itivori-iM Irom tba li'.n'tp nf matrlumtiy entered Into with ,.i:"Vi,,uo irriinnar'.' J V1V'a,,,;h' rtr '"'u r i. .VfaT' iVron nar, tui miiiini a.ria all .aiut ininumt aoati ca-e4 wh.ii,iH-vi-r, you ha nml ap.i-ar In your proior poraon lieturpour ,lnilaa at Aildd'abiirx, at a Court of d.nonon Plaaa Ihsra to i baM r tlia ciiunly nl Snyilar, nn tha'Jiah ilayul .itam. A. II . li?o, noxt, to anfwar tho aitliiou nl the -iil-l Abraham llrunm-r. and to allow aau.a, II any ynu hava, why'i Abrabaiii llruunor, y.iur Imn'.iiii.l. should not ho illvoria-.l Irom the b'ltidp ot inatrlimaiv areeablv to Ilia niU, ul tba ili iiarsl Aieiuily In sack va.aa uiailo ami luo tl.l.- I. nml li.'reol fall in t. WIltitM Cio Una. S. S. Wooiia, 1'rnalilanl .linUa nl our iuiiI Court at Mlit.tlahurx, J it ly 11, A. II. I'M. J. Clitit Si:, ProliienoUry. . it Us. I. VALlAI'.Li: FA KM IX liUt FI.O VALLEY For Sulci A The un.'er-liined, Viarntora of Philip Oswilwr liny, lo ro ol l.uw.slmri:, I nl. .n emu. ly. .li . t.ii .l, nlll axi' ire at patill" hala. i:l Ilia I'lvlira 11 ol'v, in lha borough of Lawlabtirif, on Tiicsrtnj, September SO, I'JTO, attin-cli'.k.a.iii.nlHIial V A l.r A HI. K FA KM ou .ito In Ki-Hoy ti.iiio,i(i, I nl "ii i-ninly. mn tainiiK loosen.--, mors or Ik' wuli-.i laurce loo a luiita win i k rtt m rtwi i stiu; v hwki.t.ivo lalJcllr,K I1AHV, W Alius SltfcK, linWAIiY, CIKKM PKIiSs, und nil oil.eriii'i'i'n-'Kry un I eiinvaiiiaiii builuitiKS. Aim), ali-.ut I.S aore ol Valuable Tlu.bor I.m I ( wlihtn al.i.ut hvo tulli. ot ,aid f.rui; ulo two . , hare uf I,cwl5bur-c llrtdroMai-k. This Is a rare 1 1. nine I -r any mrioti who wl.ho, tn pui'i'h no oan nf thu t.s-t la ; in In llutf ato Y at liv. It I- mi. tar the IniOmst a'ata ol cultivation. I with the L"l ul tuiproteinlMits. TIil,ui1 ', ol tlir vaiy im-i liiui t-iiH-, with a usi nl l.iaitnne -innr . rv ol the npiit uiiviity ol ,111110. 'I'tiara l a well ol an. nl water at I'm tuune i lo, a iiuvit fallliiK il'nua water, which can he enrrkil in ilia :lioiioi piluateil In Ki'l!y Ion n,loi, on ol tho tiet town iiii)p Iu Iho e-niniy, anil eonvonlnat to ehnrul'V,, Holiiiola, an.t to UlUi'tkUt, It tielllif ati'nlt 'J Ullln Irian l.t'ivl-iHiri;. i he oonnty iieat, and uisiut tlirao iuIIps Irnui Milion. Jt baaoiiDul tlio Inii Ai.ii on a ir.l uo.l ciury variety ol Fruit toul there ! In iba county. N. II. T' rtas will ba maile easy, as ,fVen oreUhl lli.,u-an l J,.U.r. ol ll.ei n iiiiiiieV esn remain In Iba l.n e ilnrli. ike u wWuw.un.l Frankllo Oeiubarllmi, II lb N. II T riaa will ba maile easy, na abnel ur. ha-a e Ilia nl eluiper an ilr,irea. Those woloinr luavo Ihn lunn laity can do an by enlllnir on D. I lainburllua, nl I I.ewUburjj, nr .lulin Pawlliia.ol Kelly lowm-lilp, j ii . "'. " o " '-7. '- '.-" ' '-" cuius roi'itKii UKinKUL,t.u, JOHN I'AWl.l.VJ, laauuluis. Angual is, lafo. 0 11 L' II A N 4 C O U HT S A L li In pnrnnro f an order aranfad by tbe t ir- liliaui' t'uiirl ol Snyder Cuunty to the unnar slKneil. Ailiillnlilrntorl of tlia ealule of Aiirnbnm l.caker, late of Ferry timuablp, OoL-ea,e., will lmaiMi,ai In uliliti sale, ua tba yreuiWe,, In ferry lowtipaip, on Saturday, September II, A. D., ls.o, the fiillowlnif itoiorlbeil TatuaMe Real r'stala, In wit: All that certain wessuaKe, ami THAI!!' 'F t.AN'11 allaate In Kerry tnmiahlp, Snyder Cuiiuty, fa , boiiinlo I a Intlowi, tn wit: tm the North by laiola ol Ibe hairs of ilohn atarkp.ila oeuneil, kail by lan.l, of liavlil lleber ami Julia Fryuiver, Soulb by Units oi Hauiuel liarr, ami Wen by laiiils ul Jacub Swab and Amos Sbnllvr, ooulaluitia 120 ACHES! more or tul, nn which are ereeteit a large Two. Story sums House, a lame Hank llarn, Waaoa Shoil. aail other neeensary out butliiliiLna. ihura Ii a tarya llrebarO uf Choice Fruit, also an ei eellent aprloK ol water near lbs door. About so aerea ol ilianUiva traut la tiloareit aud In a gnoil atateof cultivation, the balanco In ginnl wooitlunil Sale to euuinieut-e at li oiolenk. noon, uu said day, wbea aiteuilunco will ba ulveti anil terms uiade known by ISA All A. L Kl ill 1 f L' V L' L 11 KMULA T1II HSVON, . , Ailinlnlstrators. : i . . August 10, 1K70. TXKCUTOKa' SALI5 l i nr va i i'Atii.v it r OF YALVA11LK HEAL ESTATS. I Tba following ilaierlbed Real F.itate, sttnate la Heaver tnwt tlilp, Suyilar county. Ha., will be exposed to Publio bale, on tbe premises, on fs'Hturdu)-, October 1, ltffO, at 10 o'clock. A. M. Hounded on Ibe North by land of Henry It. Knepp and others, South by laud nf Valentlue knepp, fcasl by Peter thus and John t'lfh,anil Wel by Hnnrv ltenfer.enn talnlnnllNK HUNUKF.D A FOKTY AIHK8, strict measure, about 100 acres elearail, umler leaoa, anil In a stood stale of cultivation, the bal a nee well llaibarl with I'lne.Uakaud Chaalnut. Oa Iba aald tract la erected a H'""l Weather boarded lat liwelllng Houaa, Daw Hank llarn, and uthar aeoeaeary buildlnira. A naver.talliiia well nf water, a young apple ornkanl, and au eu-elleul walar faiwer ara eonrealeut to the houaa. This properly Is locala-l wlibln three miles of tba IS. a L. Kailmad, and aoBvenieot lo churches, schools and mills. To ba sold uuder tha last will and testament of Paler Unee. For further particulars antrtrvss the uuiterilauodal BannervllU, Snyder cuunly, Pa. pmsR miss, AUAM WAIINKB, , aug. II, 1870, Fjieoutora. 0" rilANS COURT SALE Tbe nsdrrelg ned baving been appointed Trusleeleaell ibe Heat Kstale of Jacob Ueli icb, lata of Mlddleereek township, do Apt'-" - J ..-. the mid Jnenh Dntrielt, Br. rlee'd., hounilpil ami Uppcrilird a follows tii: Nnrthwar'Hr by I'inil of Henry M. Ilarinan, Wast j,r An, ul Warren lil!y, foiilh lijr Jacob AuritnJ and Kiist lijp Henry J'myar Conlaininj ' 1 10 Acres, OnoJ PTONK I!liK8End flAP.X on the place. Moat of ilif land cleareil. Terms maile known on ilay of a!e. JOHN 8. WOt.K, Trutlce. AiiftiKt 19, lttru. "r.VLUABLE FA It MAT I'RI VATEf.VLK. Tli nifiaeritier ofors nt private ralo tip VAI.LAIil.K KAUAI, .Ituuio in M.mrtie Inwnaliip. Hnyiler foioity. ). atl.iolnlnir Innrta of Abraham Fl-lier, Mielieal Hummel ami others, containing about I7-1ACKI.S, more or les, tilnely-ne acres of which are eloarcil and In a ti i k' "Kte nf oiiltlraiion ; I ho balance is coTered with the hcul of lim ber. The improvements eonaisl of a guoil lirpe DwclIiK House, a t. tTtflE ftANK ft UX an I alt neec..nrT oiilbiiltilinra, gnoJ waterVitiveuknt for ail purpii-r, a large APPIET ORCHARD, entiliiitiin rln. Ice (cmlled fruit, ,Ve. Tin farm i. niiilii- (tnii.l loiiec, nniitniPy fertile an l lilgldy pni'liielive : Is in a nealllij coiinlr,v, ab uit iliree miles from Holms grove mi. I two Inilis from .Xlianiok'n I , m . on llie w en bank nl'tlie Susiielmnna river is convenient lo Market. Itiiilroadf, t'a-ii'il-, Oliiiiuliea nml fioh.iol. Will licp"lil en cny lerin. am? pn(i-!fin giveii iiunn.-Jiii!y if ileaiie.l. Kor particulars inrmro of the subserdicr on tha proaiisc?. ("apt. .ItdlN HF.IIN. , Jnnn n, s;ii. .Monroe tp. hi why it Cu't. AiU rtiwmcnt. ASS1773 tTitttl tar TwelYS Years azg Wild Mans & Plains t i nr. i.n t, ir tn.ti. r. i;i-.i,t:., nlio . I'ri m n lne nf wlid nilveiiliirs ami iliirsl fir In kiiovvliilrje of llie Indiana, llieir Cu Untna. Sports, 1 raililiobs, War. (Ireat Dnlfiilo Ilunia, &e.. kr., lilt a Imme of plenty In Ohio, joitie'l tlio Indians, adopted tiiolr tinulc of life, married ilio bauntilnl Wasli fella, tire one a Ijreal Warrior, lliinlcr nnd l 'liief of lot) Lodges, was nppuinlrj Lieu tenant iu Hie ,U. IS. tlegiilar Army, for iiieritorloua service witb Iii braves tijritinsi lioslile linliaiM. A book i( the thril ling, inieresl. a reoliiy well aniLvuiiealeii Trulb stranger iliau fiction. Superbly ill usiiaied. To eiigiavings, uitli puriraii nt the author, in lull frontier cnsinme. Price loiy. Suoi 1 1 outsell any buukt xtunl. SemJ at once lor llliis'ralcit circular, tuble ol cuiiieuts, sampln I'iircs nn I lerms. A. II. IlL'l.llAKIi, Publisher. P0 Cbcetuut fit., l'bilad'a. aitplS tw rpm: miuu: ton it win riiange L any colored buir or beard lo a u-rma-nenl black or brow u. It contains no poison. Any unu can Use it. lino hiiii by innil lot l. A blicss MAlilC t'OMli CO., snuH-doi J Sprinpl'ielil, M,t.,s. tbKMS I'.tllX "iiH MOM II fil'lllug a- .l.ihii S. C, Aubiil'i last iircat work, Ilia Zdves of all tho XTcsidonte, liver .r,Hia"P. nearly My ptei-t smt won.l en r.ivlii-. Mills at l bt. Moro airnnM wanlv I .sen. I lor ilam-riilIou ami Tonua. IrauUllu I'ub llsiiiiii; loinpiiiy, TJl MarUat SI, rnllailetii In I'a. AUKU.-t I 4W i?l'l.)'M' A'lhNTlX 1 lit IC .Mti.srus. Aaams V.'unteil lor ny .lan'iic I'arf.iti. Oreeloy ami ntlmr prmnlneiil Willi',. Jt la the n.o't i-omi'litu ii nil e. nini-ii ill. .in- tilerar no. I nrtlit lo wort: ever It i-.iiitaliiii niioiul.e' oi Charli lileki ns, liurlln loiii.i- ami .',intlii'r i-rouiiiintit anno li-ui,. I.HX liil.V. N KW YHHK AMI II AK TKllHI) Hi ll 1. 1 sill. Ml t tl.UI'AN V, 'tH, U M Knst li i St. Not iuii.. Aaui-t 4 tw Carlmlie Tablets. Tft K O rtK T 11 F.AI.fNd HM.SAVlA RK M KliV for Ct it'll OS Dlil.lls snKi: I III1HA I As l'll.l A, fcr.,he. Fur Wormy I liiMren ll'v) arc Invalu ablai lor Klniiry HUH. ally a Siaoltii' fry Ihom. l'rl--, cent r Hot. Sent b mall on tha rcalpt ol the pro . by J. f, K F.I. 1. 1 1'Ul. ::i I'l iu nl., N. Y. Selo uui lor llie l ulled aiales. Sold by Ji.'UHol.u. A4-Sw iFEirruYAH ua tus MYSTERIES OF HORMOKiSiM Hy J. It HKAM.E, Editor of the Salt Lake iii-l-orinr. nr.i.-Mtiin r.. I'l sp; o rilt-:i 1 ' II F. r II IT F.N, I ' K If FMl IN I F.S and C H I M I S. Wlih a lull and ailtbea-.lo 1.1,1, of fnl.Yll. AMY uuil the Aliirutuu. Seel, Irom Us orlisla lo inv imicni nine. Aontsare meet Ina with tinprereientsd sue eenst one reiwrta list eaaaerlliers la loar days su'itlinr Jl in two oays. AOKNTS WAN1KH, Sand lor rdrrnl-irs. A.lilre-s NATIONAL pt'll- t.iisitini cu., riiliaiiaiphla, Pa. A w THE GREAT MEDICAL DIsmTERYl Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA vi.ix-An Birnius MORETltANMO.OOO PKIISUNS p r-j 5 Hear ti-.tliuonv lo their w rrrnii urn live'fti, 2i WHAT AUK I'Uhi I -T '"3 THKY ARE KOT A VILE FANCY DKINK, Mad of Poor Rum, Wblrkty, Proof flplrlls, and Hefii'u Lliimirs, dootra,l, aplrad and sweetened to please tha laata, ealled ' Tonli-s." " Apietl ters." " Keilorers ' ., that lead Iba tippler on to drunkenuM! and ruin, but are a trua aieillolne, aiade from tba aatlva Route and Haraa of Call- loruia, l roe ir.wi an Au-onnim Miinulanta, 1 hey a re tlieli It K AT III. I Hii I'UHIFIFlt and LIFE IIIUMI f KiMCit-i.r:, a parlect Renovator sad Invluorntnr of tha System, carrying- or aH poisonous matlor, and reatorlng tha Mood ta a healthy oomllllnu. No jierson eao take these lilt tars aovordlog to directions, and remain long unwell. Sl.Mj will be Riven loan Incurable oase, providsd tbo bones aru nut dnstruyiMt by mineral poisons or other means, and the vital organs wailed be yonu tne point reiair. For letlamuiauiry and Cbrcnlo Kbaumstlira and lleuu llyaiaipaya, or Iudlsesiluu, lllllious fantltteiit, and Intermittent Fevers, tllseupes o the llloiul, Liver, Kidneys, and llladder, theaa Hitters have Iwun moat sueoeaalul. huca easas arecauaed If Yltlubad Ulood. which li aen- arally a-oduued by derangeuioul uf Ibe lllgaatire (riraus. Clwanie tba Vitiated Blood whenever you And Its Impurities bursllug tbrounh lha skin In Pirn- fdea, Kruptlnnsor Soici etensa It when ynu Unit I obstructed aud aluaMlsk In tba veins i aleuse It wbea II Is loo I. sail your Iselluiis will tell j when. Keep tbe Wood pure uxii tba health the srsteui will follow. PIN, TAPK, and other WORMS, tajrktng ta tus systeai w so maay lususaaua, are eoaeliuiliy uastroyeii ana removeo. la Hlltloup, Renilllent, and Intermittent Fe vers. tbeaa Hitlers bare ao enual. For full dlree lloea read earalulla Ike clroulas arouud awab bottle, printed la lour languagos-!;ugUb,Oe)r- maa, ireoca anu npaiuin. J. WALKRI, Peoorletor. 1 . I., SSCuesaserea tit.. N. V. ! s!V Sil 3a2 ' f c?5s .v.i VmI C J?1a. lit SmZ ' m a S : . ,. "1-g . a 8nff, rerlalti nnd lifflrlrntj It t tba rt rntSaftlr trrrfily yol aifeorenid, sml at erica rolipvaa anil Invlv iratal all tba Tilal fiinoiinii,, nitmnit raiirln, lioury to any i.l tbpra 'I lia mo.t eoni.tta ,uii'pp ba lonar atlcriitoil us ina In many location, nail It la now cilereil In Ilia npn-ral pni.tlo wlih thaooivlrtloo tkal Itaaa novor fall to ai-eimiiinh all that Is flalmv fnT It. It prmtna lltilaor no pstnt laavaw tha or-, ana frea from Ijrltallno, ami -vef over lata or ptcliaa tha narvon, ay.tam. In all tlttoaapsnf tba akin. Mood, atomaah. Hoaals, New, WO nova ofcbllilran. ami In many dllfli-nllim pamllar to woman, It brlnira prompt ralKfnna reaift er The ha't 4ivloln munnniml and praorllM It anil nn porpnn who onra uas thlt will rnlnnta rlly retnrn to tha na ufany ulnar aathartlo. fent by ma II on racalpt of prlca anil ieatnir.a I Itov, an . . Poataira, a cants, t Hovpa, 1 isi . )s ii tl l anlil by all iiaalon In dm an and Bipillcln; ami hy TI KNKH fc I'll, Sola Pruprlalorp, lit Trainonl Ht. Itoifn, Mel. aill-o.-wrnr U'ANTKtl MIVNTM-Tt Mtt Ihff lKlrf Mil Til. I! M.WI.Vl M ADII INK. ffloW It tnakaa Ilia " l.nrk stn-h." (allka nn Irnlh alilp. and ta tba i.nlf llani uniti'f-fao.t Shutib) Msehlaw P"M for taaa l Kan Irwti-a f iiy Whaotarai WiT-on. tlrovar Jl llakar an.t ln-r & Co. All oil it umlor for.l Slmttlo )l pblni-p nl'l lor than aio ara Infrtnir-m-nK .- an-l tha polUrr and nm-r llalila to prmeriitlnii, A.I. Iran .li HIS. NUN. CI. AltK Ik ('( l , llorloi,' l IrR , I Hli-OOft, It, lHK'.l 111 ,OT bt, 1.00 1",' Mo. ' .-, r ANTKH AH FNT 'To pelt tha HCTAtlUN iiialia lha Kin-Hi- i.nck stlrh " and p warran tpd for a aar I'rli-a aia. all nthar mai-hlnaa wlih an iir-ipp.f-a-l aiild afl-or lep ara In, frlnaioel. Aildraps liCTA'lti.V SKWIiVU Mil HIM' I'll. M. I..ul". .Mo., Chicago, , Plttfbnrif, Pa., nr llmron, aisip. Smr t.KNTS WlTr:il f I I'KIl OA V) iA li- llie AMKHIt'AN KMTTIN'tl MA t I11XE Co, ftnstin. -Ma.'s.,or Mi. Loola, Mo.(SoV rnui.s is no HUMitfo y .1. I'y sending O'loeole, with nee. Iipiirlit. color of eves and bair. J you vi ill receive, by return mail, a correct piioitio ol yuiir nit me husnaiiuT or wife,' aiih n one and tlnia of rt-arrinpe. AiHro- W. I'OX, I. . lirnwcr No. I'l, Fultonvifl, New York. June"-lw VfakA II A Y lluslnpa entlrpty new smt a W.Fi..mirHiili'. I.llierablo Inducement ratilo III licscrli'tlve i-tri-utar lieo, Address J. C 1, AN ir I'll., lll.l.iel.inl, Mo. 3 I'nwi'H if' f'o.'s A'ln'rtitcntent.i, IXXKNTOHS address llnsoa Itaos., I'alenl Aci'iits. lo'.i Mntli Si., Mab.ngloiR UX'. .or advicp, lerms and references. saxox ain:i:. tl Hiluhtur. will not Fsde. Outs Lam than an uther bt-eaiiie It will pilut twice as uiuchtfurlaco. MIM lli.4l,l.lF,iM:R(i l. PAINTS. J. II. WKKK.S& CO., McDufacturcfii, V12 North 4th Street, Pbllailalphia. UMill.sTOW.N CLASSICAL INSTlTl'TIi fur Vdittiff Men and Hoys. Send for .Honiara lo lie v. .1. t. ALt.vAariKU, lliu eipal; llir'lisiuio, ,. J Advertisins:. A ltvf.k of T??. rToffly ftrfnttnl pfle, JatitT I-iiiiI, riditiiltin a Ht nt tit wl Amrrlviin Ail-vertl-in- iMirlttiin". irlvtitK tli nuinon, nlrcnln ' I'titrt, nit I I ho lull inirf liulnrn rtinpurnlnit; th :tUiit( Ihitly m l W-t-Kly 1'tsJItival iml I ainlly Ncwf li tiit-r?. tivot tii'T wlt'i nli thfinflliatvliitf htrtc .Irt-iii it I np. r'-'i'lfil in tlio In'tirl '( KrHvl'iti Vurtuti.diri, lilHTnturp. I'.vrrf Aitr- i japr, rtinl ovrrj (ormtft k tut eunimniiliitt'i bt-t'um-inur fttli, 111 Jitnl till h-mk iif wrcul vnluo viiii, i-d fiM t, nny ml r vti rifilii( r IHEpii -.i'l.. u:o i. kowki.Ts bt co., rubiiiiitn-. Vti -Iti Tirk Hitvr. Now Vurlc. Hi ratfi'Urjr.i.) Liir.ln Its i-Huof My U7i. nyn; " The firm ot O. H. Howell h, m , which i-i-iti-i thl Intftrcntlntr; nml rulnnMn trontr, l (hn 1,11 tit-.-t nnl Iwnt Atlvrtli.iii AKoney lit Ih I 'tiltwl Mtittx, nmt mm cm oltMrioMy riwout nif tii I It tti tho nttciitlon of thttr mtmt rfjalrc t ml on if 6 tla-tr buMnen Sl'lKNTll'KJAJ.UY ana SVST K M AT li A LIY In ni.h way i tint in, no nctire thnlrtTCtt ntnimntnr publicity tor tho lu0t t:vj tt)Uitur ol mtmy." PATENTS lnvonlnrswhowlfh to take nul t etters I'alenl sre advUeil tncnnaiiel wlih MliNN k CO., lull lurs of the Sclcntlito American, who have prose cuteil claims lielnre lha Paleul liUloe far over 't'weniy Yeais. 1 kalr Aniprlcan ami F.eropenti i'a 1 1-lit Aaescy Is the most eiteatre In thw woil. I. t karaes la,s than any other reliable ssi-iiay. A isiniplilstrontaiBluKlullkaslraollone ti llivcniors l sent gratis. Ml NN a UUSf Park Sow, Mew Tort. VVOID QUACK8. t tiolim of early indiscretion, cnusing nervous rlebilfty, prenmtura decay. Iii., having tried In alri every advertised roiufily, fcns a eiiuple means nf self-cure, which be will send frr lo bis fellow-stifTersrs. Address J. .. TITTLE, 78 Nassau St., New Yoi. 1ST OF JURORS DKAWN FOIS SKPl'KMUKR TERM, lata. ulusu arsons. ' . ' 1 Iravtr Jacob Orose, Reulieo Dreess llnterr Href Solomon Krebbe. Uy. lienfer. Chapman Adam 8- llerrnld. ' f ' Fraiitlin Samuel Gilbert, H. D. Mitchell.: Jaekiou Jacob I.eiliol, George It. Uaufer. MMUerttk- Jeremiah Hubler. - - - Monroe lsaao Jarrett, liaulcl Bearer, Wit Keller. t . . . t Penut Henry Artley,' George 3. Behoob, William tlugbos. . if . I Ptrrj William Harding. William Ltefges. Perry H MfJ-Pbllip M. Teals. S-iiiurofr F. M. Soli oure, Samuel Cera-' bcrlii g. . . . V r'aiee Harrison Witmer. " H'oaAiiyfoa - Joel How, George 0. Glass. 1 pstit jcaoaa. 7 . Beater Panlct II. Kline,' Win. 11. Dreeae,' Abrbaiu Snook. Wn Beaver, Levi QUI, John Uela, Jacob (1. Soydor. lieaver Wetl Lel Plckbart, Jack. Oewlg, Kliaa ltoruian, Henry Ulsb, Abrabaua, Snook, i ;.!': i ' .f A 1 Ccnlr4 George Henry, Br., Robert Ilea ainger, Geo. W. Showers, David Heicbly. Jobs lioweraox. , CAaosun Wiu II. lliulug, Deuno-ille Kre uier, Henry M. Preel, . J Jaekton George Kiingler, Jr., Panlel Oldt, Franoia J. P-eyer, John Kiingler, Bouiael T Waller, lie ru bard Kline. iliililUburg Anthony J. Upecht, .Ilenry eoh man, Iloury Uaohuiau, . UiiUtterteb Andrew Hauler, j. P. Voder. .Ifonroe William 8. Uils Ptnni Peter llosternian.Houry Row, Lewis ' Miller, Cbarlea Miller, George Fisher, Lewis M. Snyder. Perry Cbarlea Itoyer, John D. Verger, Selinfgrot Uenjauiia Uouaeworlb, . , UuivH Elias Weiiliel, Kautnuel . Auker, Henry Uurna, Samuel Wilumr H'asAiuyfon Jobn Arbogaet, Daniel '' Hi Moyer, Joseph Hoag. . ' )..::,; ISSOLl'TlUN Of VABTNEltSIIlP, Tba aubeeribera bare tbia day by mu tual eonasnt dissolved iba Co-parlnerebir heretofore eilsiing between lliem ha lbe Lumber liueiuaaa. fa ellneff0Te . Pa. "Ail persona, iudabted la tbe Arm of Moyer . Bowea ti Uurna will settle Iba aaese wltk ike new firm ef Moye A Vewea wko allU eoollnue Ike business, and all persons bar ' jna; ella lnt wa will kad i-a la, f-r Mild,