E POST IIATKJ OP ADVEHriSINO: I pubtlfbed rX Tbnrtdny Evening by ikkkxiltt IROrBK, Proprietor. Terms of Subscription, Oncr.ilumn one year fi'I.OO tine linlf eoltimn, one year, . fln.'(M une-rmirth column, on yr.-.r, .".on On niuar (10 lineal on insertion Freiy addition! lnertioti Prolcninii) and liuaiaena enrda of not morei thiol five Dnea, per year, Auditor, Eae.Mil.if. Adn.ini.ir'ah.f and Aaaignrc Nolieea Fdilorial n.uieea i.er In. TWO DOLLARS PF.lt ANNUM, Pyhl r.o 1J A wilbm HI monin. or s.ou 11 noi paw within tb Jr. No paper diaeonllnued until H arrearage are paid unlea at ik notion of tb publisher. Subscriptions outsido of the county T H .Ml ailvertiaenii ul for a hurlrr periiw, than one year are paynlde at II.. lima liny are "r l.-rrd. and if nol . ,.. ,, prr. un ordering t licit, will be held rrapouaible for li.e iii.urev. Josir lilllliiK, Mpcra IHI". A NT. 1'nVAM.K If ADVANCE, fir rerson lifting find using paper addreel to other beooir.t aub-cribcrs, od r llsble fur lb prieo of lb paper VOL. 8. M1DDLEBUKG SNYDER CO. PA., SKPTE.MIU:n' 1. JS10. Jr. CRONMILLKIt, . . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middlfliurg, Vn., 0erhl profeailonnl fcrvlcedo tht pub lic. Collection and nil othrr prnfcisionnl buainea entrusts 10 bl cur will receive prompt ultenllon. Jnn a, Uiir Jk C. SlMPSO, 2V. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsp-ove nt., (fifftrt hi professional rvii"io the pub- lie. All eupinct entrusted lit In cure 111 b ptoui)llj alloudcd to. I Jut). 1., bill 0V. K NIGHT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ffei'l.iiirsf l'n.. 'oflori M Professional frlclo lh pub lie. All biisinei entrusted to kit care will b promptly attended to. jnn 1 1, 'Hi TUll. VnN C.T.ZEI., ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lowisbtiri; IV, Offer hi profesaionnl service to the pub- lie. Collection nd nil oilier rrofn.nun- I buiincM entriiafed to hi car will re ceive prompt attention. GEO. F. Ml LEEK, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. JjCwikIhii'! Pa. .Offer Li Professional service to I lie pub lie. Collection nnd ill oilier profusion- business entrusted to bi cor. will re lv prompt lien'lon. Jai. 3, "li"! JiM. LINN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lew isbni-ir I'll.. Offer 1.1" professional service to II. e publie. Collection nil 11 oilier pro- r.j.lnnal l,.ia.lil.a il1 aniaieil In l heir enre will reteivcprouiptaiteniion.f Jen. U, "07if WllAllLEK hOWEK. J ATTORNEY AT LAW. SplillMiri-nve IV. fliTer bl'priifclonal service to llie pub lic. Uolleenoii nnu u ouicr proicssiuiu. Wineaa entrusted to hi erne will ro eeive prompt allenilon. Office two lior n.nh or Hi Keylone Hotel. Jnn i, QAMUEL A EL EM AN, O ATTORN Kf AT LAW. Selinsirrovo. TV Offer Li Professional services to Oic public. All huaincss entrusted to 'h car wilt b rromiHly attended to. Col- I. clion nmile in nil pan ofili Sim. II. en ipenk tb Knglish mid Germn Inngting fluently. Oiiice between Hull's nd 111 I O'l elite. T N. MY EES, 7 XJ. iTTfiRNFT l rnrxsn or at law Midilluburx Snyder County Emu '. . Oflic ft few door w el of I be V. (I. lin ureel. Coiieiilinliim in Knul"" nd Crin"l lungmiKe. Pep. T C. BUCHKR. J. ATTORNEY AT LAW. r.uu-iliiirr Yil.. Offer lito-prnfrmiontil rvieeeto tbe puli lio. All luiHinen elilriiiileJ to hi citr vill b promptly atlcudvd to. l.ran. o, ,ii i G ROVER 4 HA K till SEWING MACHINE. Tenon In need of ft cond nl durnble wing Mncbiii cn be nccommod'iird nl rronl)l price by eallinu on on f- Vll r AtiT, Agent, bclinsgrore. Jan. .1 uni DR. J. Y.SIIINhEI,, 8URUEON AM PHYSICIAN. Miclillcl'iirjr Ya., Offer hU profelonl ertiee to lh oil- lien of MiuUleuurg ncl ticnniy. Mfircu .1, hi F..VA2J liUSKIRK, SURGICAL & MECHANICAL UUNT18T Selitusgrove Tcnn. JOHN K. HUQlIFEHq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Teoo Twp., Bnjder Co, T YII. WAONER, Eq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Jtck8oo Township, Snyder Co. Da., Will attend to U buaine cntrnated to bia ear and on tu moat reaaonnnie t.rm. . Warob 12,'U8if Dlt. J. F. KANAWEL, rilTHiriAN AND SUKCEOK. Centre Tlllr, Snjder Co. rn Offer LI profe!onl cn!ce to the publio. .." 0'f Ii W. SCHWAN.M. P., ? . . Bl'RQEON & PHYSICIAN, Port Trevortut) Ya. Offer bl profeaalonal rTlcea to tb. cUli.a. of Ibi plac and Tioiuiljr, He "ft . !... ptak utrman aou tngiiau. ftl la u, vu FA.130YER,Jr. ai ir.TinwFFR r . . - - ' -a Fiecburir 8nyder Co. Ya., Moil reepeetfully offer hi aenriee to lb, publio a Vendu Cryer and Auotlon- er. Having baa ft lrg experience, i feel flonndent that I van render perfect allafaotiou to my inployoe. i.jan. v, on B T. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW k DISTRICT ATTORNi, MIDDLEDURO, 8NYDER COUNTY, P Offlo In Court II.ui. Sept.lfi, '07tf LEWIS BREMER'S BO US TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRDS' 0,88 PHILADELPHIA. VJERCUANT U0U8E. 11. U. MANDEllHACII Prop. i ii'i j ' J. C. MPE, Clark "No, i k 416 North Third Blrt. . - . phllaU.lpbla. 11 ILLEtt M ELDER ; I vait poOK SELLER8, QREAT EXCITKMKNT IN BANNERVILLE. NEW OOODS. HELFIUCH&MIIOWEII Vib to inform the eitiien of nnnerri11e and vicinity that ther hare opened a new iiirk of fi.o.ln, anil will keep conatanily on hnii'l a Mill nmortment or :imt.s ikniiii: Conitin:of ALP A1' .POl'LINH.PLADS. l.tSTKKS, ULLAINKC, CALICOES, Ac. Cloths & ('nsshi.ercs MATS nn.lCAPF.EooT.S and BIIOES. jWit''V.Wits.': II ARIW. RE AND OI KFNSW ARE SALT AND EI SIT, And in fact everything imnlly krpt in n Ural claa country aloro. All of wlilcli we offer at greatly reduce 1 price, forCaab or Country Procure. Having hud largo experience in tli. bu.ineea, w Hitter iiiiraelvea lliul we c.in pleae nnd aitivty nil our ciialomera. Hopinir by airli'l alirminn t liuinea and n licire to plena nil, to merit liberal slaso of publio pnlroiiaito. Our motto i "IJiiirk $.iti'iiiit Small i'mjit." We nak at leant tbnt lb publio exnmine our Meek and ) rices before purclininir clcwhcre, we alwnya ehow our good wilh llcnaure. iin.niicii ii ROWER. Banncrville, June 1 1, IHTiK if QXTZC2I 8A&X33 ASO SMALL IHXrilS. MiLLioi ii. itr.ivr.n Re.peeit'ully nnnounce to I lie riiitena of Miihllehurg nnd viiiuily I lull h i now rrmly to Mir ly ihein with tbcbirgeat nnd monl coinplvl alovk of Sl'tl! ,t SUMMER COM) 8 ever bronchi to thia pluoo, nl greatly re diicei1 price cheaper than tbo cheapeal. lie invite allemion to hi large Hock of MUSLINS. CAMCOl. liEHINES, T(.WSS, BILKS, UEltKOEi), MSKNS, i5oots nnd Shoes, II ATS AM) CAPS. READY-MADE CLOTIIISa Sill UTS, nnd evci'ylbing usuiiUy kept in ft well reguluied hi ore. (.iivc Me a cnll and be convinced Ibat lliia ia I lie pine to buy gnuda. COUNTRY PRODUCE token In ejehnnce fur niimla. Win. II. tl-ntt-r. Midiileburg, Mny, 1 b'.T . READING UAILROAH. SuiiuiuT Arraut'iiicut, Monday Mny 10, 1S70. Oreat Trunk Line from tlio North and Nonh went for Philadelphia, New York, lleailinf, Potlaville, Tnmaiiia, Aalilainl, Sliamokin. I.ebniioii, Allenioun, Enlon, E;ibrnla, I.ilil, Li. iciialer, Columbia Ke. Tian leave llrriabnrc for New York, follow: it 5.yft, H-DJ ll.-'.'i fo.ennnn. and 'J.60 p. m., cmneciing wiih 'milar Imiiu on llie llie Pennaylviiiiia Ruilroud, and amviniral Now York at 1 J. 10 noon, 3.fiOH,0.'i, and 10,111) p. m., reaped ivfly. Sleeping car nccouipnuy lb. 5 3j a ui. and ll.2o a. m. train,' wii bout change. Returning t Leave New York at O.COa in, 12,'MlNoon, ami A.OO p in. Phi ndclpbia at 8,ia a m and 3,30 p ni i Sleeping cur no ompany tbe 0,0U p m, and 6.0U p ui train from New York, without dlmngB. Leave Harriaburg for Reading. PoltniHe Tamaqua, Minersville, Aahlaml, Sliamokin, Piuegrova, Allentow I and Pliiladelphia, a e,IO in, U.r.D and 4.10 p ro, slnpp'ng t Lebanon and principal wjyalnlioui toe 4,10 p in train connecting lor Philadelphia, Poilsvill nml Colombia only. For Poll ville, Sohuylkill Haven and Auburn, va Schuylkill and r!u.iieliar na Raili-oad, Leave Harrlaburg nt 8,40 p in Eaat Penvylvauia Railroad tr!n leave Rending for Allrntown, Eaa!on end New Voik at 7.:3, lO.r.Q a. In., 1.S7 and 4.45 p. ui. Ucturuig, lenve Nowioikal y.uu a. in., 12.011 noon and SO) p. m. and Al'eu lown at . in. 12.U5 Noon 4.20 aud 8.4.'. p. m. nay ptiieneer train leave riilinuoipuia at 7,30 ft m, connecting with aiuillar train on Eaat Penna. ItailroaiL reluruiug from Read'ng at il,35 p m, aio ing at all nation l.vav l'ollavlllo a. rwJO ana ,uj u end 2,6(lp. ni.; Herndon l U.30 ft mi Bha- inokiu at 5,40 and 10,40 a. m.i A.uianu ai 7,06 ft ro, and 12,30 noon, Ma'iaiioy Ciiy at 7. CI a. m- and 1.07 p. m Tamaiua at H,33 a in, and 2 20 p ro for rhilade'.pl la and New York. Leave PoUeville, via Sohuylkill and Hua- quahanna R K at 8,16 m for Harrlaburg, and 12.')6noon for Pinegrortand Tremoni. Rnailinj Aceommodation Irnl.u Leave Poltivill at 6,40 ft ni. paaae Reading at m. a m, arriving at Philadelphia r . 10,20 7,30 Returning, .leave PuiUdolpbia, at ,16 p ni, paaaing Reading at 8,00 p m, arriving at Poltivill ftt 0,40 p m. I'ottatown AoeommoUullon lrinr.eave Polialown at 6,25 a ni, returning Uuve Pbilidelpkift nt 4,00 p In. Columbia Itailrtad Train leav Raadiug at 7,20 ro, and 0,15 p ni for Kpoiaia, Lltlt, Lncaler, Columbia, &i . Perkiouien Railroad Truina Uave PrVI omeuJunotion at 0,00 a in, 8,00 & 6,80 p in; reluming leav8cliwenkvlll at 8, Oi a m, 12,46 Noon, und 4,16 p ni, eonreollng with aiuillar train on Rending Railroad. CalebriokdiOe Railroad train leave PotU town ot 0,40 a m, nud 0,20 p ni, reluming Uave klouut Pltaaant at 7,00 and 11,25 a nt, connecting with limllar train on Reading railroad. Cheater Valley Railrond train leave Orldeport at 8,80 a m,' and M and C.02 p bi, returning, leave Dow uingtown at 6,20 a ni, 12.4a noon aud 0, la p in, eonnee'iug with aiuiilar train on Reading; railroad. , On Sunday t Lenve New York nt 6,00 p ni, Philadelpblft 8,00 a in and 8,16 p in, lb 8,00 a ni train running only to Roudiug; leave PolievilU 8,00 a uu llarrlabur 6,85 ni and 4,10 p m, leave Allenlown at 7 26 a. w. and And 8.40 p. m, lenve Readiug t 7.16 ft it, and 10,06 p u tot HariUburg, I 7.28 m tut New York, at 4,45 p ni for Allenlown. aad 4,26 p to Pbllatfetphla. Coiumulaiioa, Mlleam, Brewc, Bokool and .xeunlaa Jiekalato and froiuallpolftl SELECT POETRY. rtlJilXV IHP.O A(;IST THE STREAM. In the worlJ I've gained my knowledge, And for il I have bad la pay, Thonnh I never went to college, Yet, I've heard the poat'e any Life ia lifco a mighiy river. Hulling on from d iy to day, Men are veaaela Inuiyhed upon it. Sometime wrcckld and oaU away. Cnnri,: To, ihen, 'In your let for one nnother, M iking lile a plnifnit dream, Help a worn nnd w'ery brolh , Polling hard eg aiiisl the airenm. Many a bright goo'l lienrlcd fel'ow, Mirny a tiobln iiilinleil man. Find huii'flf In waic--liallow Then, nit him, it you can. Some meceed at every turning. Fortune favora every Htheuie; Oil.ern, too, tin. ugh more il""crving, Huvv to pull agniiiHl the airr.uu. ho, then, do your best, (to If llie iivl i In your favor, . i "" .. - , i..uot t I loop SKn tH. Ircnrli Corsets, llul htylo Riiiinorul.', I.inlii' riuhrol- lllH, l'lll'IISol.4 II II J Sui Ml. Illi'.l, liiilinct IlihllOIIH, LllCVH, Kuf. iWwv EiuliroiiliT, Liut.u u, Iben, do jour boat, etc. Don't give wny lo foollh orrow, Let il ia keep ynu In goml cheer, Itt iplner d lys nny cmue lo morrow, It you try mid peraevere ; iMrki'fl niitbtewill bnve a mntning, '11 (nigh I Ii a fky be overcnai ; Longfi lane will have a tinning, And llie tide will turn nl Inn. So, Ihen, do your be.it. etc. Tin: n tsoMc ;iiuisT.iiis. " I ctmnot (lo it '." Tho pcnluT wn a nobhi looking mnn nf nbout fifty year of Ujfi; nl euinnviniliniz picsciicc, hi hiiow while Imir umt Ik nrd giving him veneru blo appear itice, no I it moro ailvunee l njo tin 11 that tu wbieli in hud uctuuly arrived. lie wa setitoil iu nil iny c.iiiir in room in which, ut tt Iiuilv, it (vill i he M-cn that comlort nnd not j sliuw liuil been conatllte I. A lew choice pie' lire decorated tlio wnlli, n library ol chotco nml uppareniiy w.-u II id. i.oulirt oct'lipiml tin out iro aide ol Hoi nparliiietit, nud unpretending rnl'i, I hi-siili'M tho circular ccntcr-Ublo cov- eied with bonk, iiiauziuoa tin J pa pers, nnd niLslniiiiii): 11 liriiit.nit luiun, w.'a tho ino-it .retculiuua pieeo of fur ui ire. A lire (d coal burned in the irrile, for the uncninfni table, uncoinely and lnelani'h"ly nir-lilit ftovo lul l not h-'en iilluwoil to nutriijo the aenne of hat cnti' itilted coinfort eulcrtuiaed by tho p.inoiple neeup ut. I cannot do it !'' Tlio wo.'d wcro Kpoken kindly but firtnlv, nnd th"ro was ulso an accent of sorrow which tlio nttennve observer mi "lit have di'licn'.l, ni if they were C: 'led out to in niioo-il heart. An ilmuuli tlio will waa ovorpowcred nnd controlled by .'ho judKeinen'. us tbouph the convie tion of riiiht held in tlrullthc nnxioit- winh to tiequiesco in tho proposition and urntit the request. " I cannot do it '" Tho word wero spoken to youth ful nnd yet not youthful looking in Ii vidunl who leaned on tho buck of the easy chair In which tho elder sat The lines which cn ly dis-ipatiun never fails to engrave upon tho human cnui, tennnco were lo be fcen ; not the deep furrow which i.o leaves on brow und cheek, but the moro shal low nnd les honorable, ones that late houra, wl.10 nnd Pcoutioustie fail iml to bes'ow upon their dootoe3. With a form beautiful us a sculp tors drontn, n he'd that iniRht have lioeo the ca-kct of a mind at noble ns ever dwelt in human inearn tion. . ' aded with luxurant ma s-es jotty hair, he looked littlo lent 1'ian urchac- f,'el fulleo. and be looked wnai lie we rcaiPV na iriHu.u. y. " i llCO JOU Will iwi preauuk III nhl tho younger of tbo tiro, after a brief psu-ie. I buvu already C Id I cannot," wa the rcnlv. " I would do cnythin.' that wculd reclaim you you, my dear hb- r child, ovecl us It you were my own, but even for that 1 will not brine dlHgraee upon tho inst'tulion 1 bo f'er. venlly love and bo proloundly rever cneo. I have no doubt vhnt your pe tition might be received, noted upo end you bo iJuii.tod into t" lodne could I give eiviufence of your refor mation." Hut I will reform.' 'You h' re 1 rotnlbed often you have pci'fnrincd never " . . . . 1 11 Jtui, uncie, 1 Bweur . - " Nnv. do not nwear it ! You will brrk it If vou do, and I would not liavo per,ury on your nnui. ' Is this kind f When I wish to reform my courso you thrust luo from you keep me nt an nrm a icoi will not rocetve my proiu'sea "Gnd knows how much I ucsiie to ho'.iove your proBte-totioni how niuoii I wish to confido in your primly. Hut I cnonnt. Kill not lorirot t your eonduot bis been such a would diHgraca tbe Institution with which vou would connect yourself. . I can not but remember that in tlio future it may bo equally a bud, or worse." No, no, undo not worst) !' It may bo worst). That is the al most unvarying consequence of tho courso upon which you hav entered.1 " True, but you navo my prom- leave entirely thocvil ciuiiinion with i the old iiinn, but wiih n cliiitiil cs whntn yo'i now n-oei.ito. You tuuat pfCMti in. It la now the rxrcaion o! miter upnu nti entirely now linn ol jOtili lenuo an l trut j thi n it wan liiir lil': ymi ntUHt clinnL'c yotir linliit : ton! tliainist. u ltlie fuco iif Iho you tiui't. iMiltiVul'3 a liuto fur vii nt ynnnurr hm uiiilernni' n elnn.'o. Thrj nnd fjoo Iiii'-h. Yon muMt bi-inr yo-ir- i-'iinitninnco N itiore IVoli. the i'Xire.; i!if to lliat nt:.to licit yd t I i.itli'j "on in n-acir relu tit, llie iiKii'i t Hi iro 'we." Ijnyl'til. t wu .hurl lil lit fpti'to;! "Sohnril! Su nitcb to dn I'' "hour Ivlwanl.j.'ii n acucily litvc 1 Surely. All Ihi ntul timre niut fmvotten t'.ii! vonvcrriil iuti wv Ik'11 unr i ho iliino. You mu"t livn iIoa i: llifjyu:ir jih." I liriiinil i,el flint, vniir ruIiiKitoil,,..! I,.,. . f 1 .. .. .t r.....liM :i ItM i'l rati' I ilir:iint V im Y,m iivul vi (Icui.'iin your'flf llmt tx-otili) will for iMt t lint you werooiioen J,lioteJ to di unk ennel, nn 1 ll'!CtitiiiiH'iii." " I wiul I do nil tliia, oivl yt y-vii rofil'iii () qhm.U mo in tlio Ion po.n"- li!o iloroc. Yim ri'fiiso lo thriw iIiono enl'i''moj.' nrotiu I niy pathway llmt might prevent mo fruni Btrnyiti:; I'r.nii tlio .nilin-v uf virtue. " Hut ymi ut rly rel'.iic (j ihi it !" ' Yuil initiiki). You uro now al ra iti2 from tin) pnth of vifturo ; we in. not. pruvent you. It i iiMililo to ri - ili volt Iroill Wumlcl li'i:. I-i that ill') l.in.ni e nl a mnn ? 'f Iho unco pnni I mm. atroii in hi wn power to bo a ho would . ' U. I hive li-iirnol that I inn , owcrh'8-i to r'it tlio njiproat'lics of vii'o.'' " An I you ni! mo lo ba iu-truinpn- on 111 111 r luui'iiiz y nu 10 nu oi iior i.'l,iii-.i m.rill ,,f lil'., ,,,i.t p....l..i.1. r.l'i 1 : . . c..n.l..,t nr. prer..,,,.iaiU.sr That I tnijrl.t ho poro .... I upright, I...I I., a I v.......t..a i And. hli I'll'l V i l tall, think nf the diitrace to the body of which ymi would thun bj an uiiwjrtliv mem ber." " Il wmll be B!iam')ful !" " And to aavo ymi from that i-hnme I will not he ia.Htriuuetital in niacin!? ymi iu u pnfitioti wh-ro ymi will bo nhlu to eudiire it. Hut thia I will do, and it ik'H'iiiU ontirely upon yu-cll whether 1 can ymi in your ro- formation. Yotl dc.iiro to locoiuo u Mason." Such is my earn ! de-ire.'' Mnonry is nut strictly a reforma tory institution. It does not to tin moral lazirettoa nnd brinjr forth the iniimiics in lnuii tiii'in nt tiieir imu nlies. It rather lakes the sound cn I perfect tu ii n nud pr.'vcnts him from lulling a victim lo tho e.mtU'jrion." ' Ami I nin ulivaly in the pent house.'' ' Hut you tiny cct into (.' el's pure u r. nil I with r. fovere l honiili yon may n-sociato ut length wiih those who have never h?cn all'ecfol '' ' What would you have mo iliT" Vo.i Jrc not just cut 01 in upon nn other eonviv il s-a-on. The holidays arc approaching when usually tlio tem tilliiiiist) vice nud excess nr.; tlio strnnyest. Forsake your old habits 'h'oiil this moment. 1!) tomiieiv.'e I : .. v trir year, ami it y rocord oo tho Christmas eve of the next, I will then nrnnt y ittr rcoitest. and o far ns my in II tenco isVoneerncd it shall not stand in tho w-iv of y i.- eiitianco within tho veil which I hope is to bo a milennrd for you tlirouli i lonir years of life." 1 he yoitli cud'lenlv left the posiimii of leaning on tho back of tho chair, knelt ut tho feet of the aed man, and ruisiait h's Iniiid rxcluiiued "A (od lets mo lire, so willl I he all vou u-k of nie fur tho coming year, and forever.'' " tlod assist you to keep your scd enin oath." wus tho reply. E lward Lincoln was tho pan of a man who was much ia public lifo nnd' paid littlo attention to his family ; (lis wifo died when his hou was just! I , . . r I Ins teem?, nud f.ir several , i . .i , i years the boy was exposed to Hie dan-! gers and allurcaients of eolleeo In, . with few home roculli'cfons to condv 1 " I his principles or to repress his thmiahis. j iVaturn,'y ofa jovial nml encisl di-io-jc,jvo ion. ho tiuturnlly contracted huliittc trdissipat'oe, nnd when be fi ne t . Uo wiih bis undo, William Leslie a judO of consider iblo eaia'neneo in ;a westeru state at tho nu'O of twenty, it wr" ono found that the vicious hab 1 wero so 8'ttlod iu his nature tbnt they wero not eisilv overcini'. Tho undo reirontratej nninst his ptnetiee, nnd tho nephew promised umondincnt ue lil r 11 C'lifiLein a in promise end oath was lot, nn 1 rr alters, so far as the'vnung tujo habits were conce ' Kwiitly went from bad to worse. Somotiancs, lo a paroxysm of despondency, ho wo d acliuowle Ijfo his vice and solemnly arco thn" be wou'd rulorm. nod for a few days or wto'stho piotnise wu kept; hut coon he wou'd bo ore ' ke. und tho ' t s te would be worse t I'io first. Tbo father of the young man had been n A on. ud his devotion to that order had undo a strung improsion no ,v. : iniod of hi f on, a.nl this led him In desire himself to become a metuhpe. II soomeil to belivetbut there .ruin, which the ' v2 would throw n' " 2 J hi. n would - oriully nhl in his refer alion. This uuy have boon po ' Ve, K.tl lliA iintlia lisil Ll tln I rinl rinaiilanAa m, rorurnmt01) 8t,ouij prCc0(i0 r.,hei .an f0-0w iuitintloo. refund topre- -cot or irrominond h'a petition to bi euino a incniber. Th'a wa . o cou dition of i ''ogs when our atoiy coui niened. Hut the undo had promised if the acptiew would abstain all Intoxi leutiog bovernri for one year hi would then, witb croit pleasure, present bis petition for n s luidutioa uno year iiftd eupsea iooetne eveee . ... .. it.m .. ro'v In, .m .,t.tr " u u. a u ri'ply. I heliovo v.m. Ivlwail. And have prepare I n lit'.le Hiirpriao li.r voo.l which I li ip.i will prove pl-iai.t. 1 uu are ehi to.l to rctvivo iiiUiation in tlio 1. 1,1 nf wh'cli I mo n 1110111I) 'i', nml ymi can he received thU uvcuiii if you j HO ll.'MIV." I " t Mi, t'liink yon. tin l ! You uiv ever Kn hind a;vi tlioiiirlillul. 1 have wislicl ti put you in 111 nil i.f your proniHe, out I111I nt the courage t .f 1 1 o. I almli Ih too luippy l ) Im-coiiio m . .. .. . . ., meinlicr ill any tunc that Niuta tliu von- vciimmico uf tin) lod .... , ,, Si I aiitipoipil. U 9 will t'"'" tT' Ai it l ahuut tlio hour. Ii.it let 111c aay di vnu that you lire not nl.out to enU i upon uuy liilil iiuj I rnlinif (vrcniotiv. 1. : 1 1 1 . ' 11 11 ni ui'i'i a 11 1 1 ftoiruni hihiiiiimih'o. 1 Tlli'ti h-t Voir lllill'l, v.iiip thought.; 1 .. . " . Utm your loeiiti," lit' Moi i'Mi-i mil h i.cui I H'l.i.i ...... A ..1...... ....I.. I .. . iii.iM.rtu.il inlluenco over Voar wlmlej l,P,lal "' ' ' '"'.r ,4"' fu-ure l.fi. l'ro.,,e, in tlie'w.uk in the 1 j'r',.,,ci'"-l"" f 'r " ' Vl O ' '-' :.! 1 11.1 ,tu Ik- mu J lor lOl'l r.'.Mi. ir.I h l'ili- inthisnnii all yo'ir liirlablo umicr- lilUtll.nrl.'' It i minorc-siry to follow the neo phyte Ihroiioji tlni crtroiuouic of ini liaii'iii. The (Mtiliou of the iiurlow- . ,. ,. .. not lest iiprn hiiii.tind ho ni'o-o limn .1111 . .1 1 .. .no nme iii'voi-'oit wnu i. i 'i icr view li-U.f the imp'.riaiicoi.f tho wmk in which nu m i-n'j iirc-'i , nu in i i u i iii.e , ,, . . . ... r foi l- lntl.ri.hM.1. U'l.l, ft,,, ui.l. i,n 1....., u ,.,...v 1,1V HIIUIIUJ, .BUVI- of I he oiilcr, 'Wei' brother Edward, what arc yi'Uf iir.-t illinres-ioiM of the lir-.t ilc i;r. of .M.i- iiny 7 ' :.kcd tho iiik-Iu alter arrivm-' li inv. lioiiutiliil exceed ir.iilv, foleinn he- ymi'l exp-cs.-iui and impressive Lcyoud eonceiitii.il. I no linger wonder that i ynu related to reeuiiiuicud too wheu 111 SI I eon ou IU uu M). ,. 1 . . , . . .. I .ll.l.l.t.. 111,. Il M.t l,I ..J 4..,, i , . i .t i i i i . i Uith i clean hit. Is. in J mro hearts 'O'')' viiiii.Iil uu iititiniii'li tit. uitir ii Mi. . -w . ii. ."J pioni.-. IU1., "ii'jtit'i uiMM'r. iLii inn uit ir ui i i" .. M, . . . . a uuy. ,,c w.io ooes uol coutrm tit.,1 .iss.o.in n no ri:',.ll in . . . t . worshtp ut its statue. ' I lis worflrn would bo ii "ll,tr niockciy. " 'Even mi, Ehvaril r-as n I conld not bo nml for that ! i'lstruiiieutul in i le.diiu'. poliu'e I t.s y,.u vro.o tl.cn, us! nilh- joMVoy , ,',,, n- 11I1V a.. vi.iec at our ..It. .f. ! birds mentioni'.l in 1 1, didVreiit nee- 'I bltlsll when I leilienihcr the pre-',:, ,.,,, . :.; ,i.,M suinntioii I - . I i .i exhibited tu intuitu the .ii ou knew inure ol I "tichitii's than vou Ueloru iiuntlier 'Christinas shall visit us vou will have .behold liiefiylviiliic bl.t. which uino In-bold liierii;l v pliiw It-I but cra.tsmeii ever h iv.' tin d that as new beauties tiro revealed, rlmD'or resolutions for ri-lit und truth uLall be iiuplauiod. "Su-'h is my hnpo und prayer." The ciiuvorsilinn was iuterruntrd by the ontrnico of a servant benrini' tt iHiy of nul.sl tint ittl faro, I'iiroishod Willi lew dvli"neic8, nu I followini; wus the aunt ol the new initiate witn tbo s.nok- ,i . , mi. o'. ill beautiful (jM, whoso I o-embl nice to tho patriarch of the c;roup, iudicn'.cd tho rel itiniish p of f.il.er and daughter. The coilatio'i was placed on tho table 1 1 on) which the book? and removed. papers were This is tho anniversary of our Ed ,, r . , ward's pnninso a nrounso tlmt lias , , .-, ,. ,, . .' been fu.th.u ly.amid many .einptat.uns. reli-'toiihly kept. ou. my hu-baiid. luro expressed your approbation, and in this hutuldo manner permit we to oNpression to mine. Around thi table we rejoicn that a oa is I' Uuu, and a family ina.lo Impt.y." 'Thank you, my dear wile, for this loUeato ua J app.opriu'o trstinioniitl 1 doubt not It will bo lully 'preeiiieJ. I'he best way lo ptovo our bank ill ness is to do jus ice to'llio via'ids lc I'ore us.'' On mum nctllinn .ini lo hnfom we ""PP1 'DlCtll. 0 UUU tllO Satin) l Ili rtOv uue more petition, uat.e. tetore '.'. ,..,,,.,.. . .n.rj -. part iko of tho collation. Moro than a yoir H'jo t clnre ynu so uttuily re fused ti prrsont my reipiest to the lodge fur iuiti.'ttion I asked you for youf consout that this dear girl," and ha 6ciz.d her hand in an impsssiouod manner, nud led ber in front of ibo .riarch, ' chouM bo wy wile. You very properly relused. I renew my reiiuet. Ann's dear, kneel wiih me aud beseech a blessiui; t.'om our fi.thcr our nioiber." 'U!es you.ro j chilJren I Hies you,'' ejacululod the joyful old mill, and the emotion with wliich the mother re sponded "Amen," p'oved beyond dis- pu that there weie no Uivldea bearts l.n that business. r And there, with beait overflowiot! wit'i love lor each other, with gratitude toward ibe Hd All-Futher whostnt hi Son iulo tbo world and hallowed that day as an anniversary ever to be rotueuiberd, they held their Maionir Christum Nied we deacriUi tbe ooua t'uithorf It is unnvecasary. Mfitin Slur, In the bull-lighting day a blacksmith whowt rearing a bull pup, induced hi father to go oo all fours, and imitate the bull. The caniue pupil pinned the old .'ontleman by tbe nose. I a son 'I lit' (;iitii l.iiM. We piinl ln'l nv tlio :uni law (il our Sliitt1. Such l.iws liuve lu'emiK' ui'cc-Hiry in nil a if ttu imir.' lli'iUy pi.pii'nli- I 1'iil'iiiiiiM cf tli.1 country, nin! it ia ecry iiiiin' duty In ili iiiunu e nn ilifi ihkirtlirlit nl llit'lil whii-li nutv rolni' o llH lli'ticc. In II. :! V (illll'l'a thr.i'iL'l nc :'rrt nl'llii', uuiiii- nfnll l,iinN liu '.e n iilitm-t or ulli'U-'tl in .S: I'l iiiinaled ivvory f ii'tiiri' .,n l Im.t ui- i fln u'.t - fn.tke it lii. t'litii'ii-. In m i' 'lial ini Tt ivoriuiR i.inla r.iTtvr all tin ii'ii"iiu tli it I ha.- law ufloi x. I. 11 i-lnili in l t o l.iwlul I il n' y i t.- hi wit lii n l Coin iiimiwr'a't h I" -li n nt . kill, nr in nny u i lt.tr. or I , tiny n'iy liliicliinl. "ixnll nv, m iiiin m litlllT illK'C'i ivi'l'il l l il'l III HI. V M':i.(lll of the y.'iir, tin I. c the i iia'.iy id' two ilnl In. '. .Vn por-nti hall 1 1 t. till, en . nllif "wi. ' ilo-lriiv an p!i a uiii.l.elw cm i the I iv-1 d..y of .l.inuniy i.tnl the fourth , l.iv of .lu'y , or nny piiririil" or ijM it t..'.. . i" ,r.... .'i... r t .... .ax ,ioi nei'ii iiui iii-i n... in .iiii,;ii lino ,, , . i .. . i .. .1 . .1 1 uie iiim ii.ii ui r uvi , in in.- 1 .1 e.-tiii i I eio.r noil ii. I'fii'li mi. I 1 ii-rv V, i'.l .'...I. I I... ..." (loHiirH fur f ii'h I cvn y o!'rrv:i I'l i.vii .Inn'' fir! tu Sciii.'inh ! ,. '.' ,. . hrst 1. 1 emli ilti'l evci v vear tin 1 IV it hIuiII Ii" iin'awltil t..r any pcr- ui o. pi oni to r-li i"l. kiil. trap or .!elii;. ru:'-!i'-.U l' r- -Mi 'l-i mi h i' lb. t'10 olfi'iifo wt'S i-iiTii to it l.-il , inn, -hull of thi) pitmlty f r tlio n.-e ol the iuf .1 user. who til. nil In n cum it uitnev. tin nt her h ilf f r the tin' of the pour ol titR'ni- 1 10 10-1 1 IV , 01 1. II 11 II OIV ,. .. ,. 1 committed. w :i - . v . .. ul !! t. ii .-i'i. ri 11 I lc.-trny nny plu;iant belwei n the ftr.l i , .- i . ,. . , ,. ,. , day id I' el ton ry nml llie fl-t .lav ol A'ljitisi, or nny whuci ck in t wen tl.e " .'"" I'u-uuiis m-cii c ons .inflnin, lirst d iy of lVlmiary nml tiic loiinh j WJteli the nt,ts nml he jtivii;-: Ikm.i 1. day of -Inly, nr .my purlr d.-e or ral.' I ' I'"11 l:l') bin! (udi.'eil to hi tnnority ) In tw.cii tl.e liM if ay of February und ; tbe pashnns nnj rrit nf tl.oc ntoma of the II. -t day of Oetolvr in the pre-cnt :"'ini'itrd nature, every inoiinlain oil year .ad iii'cai Ii nti 1 i ry year here-' '"'zz un of the cnrtli woul.', heforu alter, under tbe penall y of live dollars ' 1 1''' 'invi' ''c 'i leveled, and every uta for each mnl everv idieii-e, and I l.al ."' surface Would sen inn w ish fruitful tin. ... .i. ..I . I ..i,i !.... . I' I . a i..i.:..t. i'i',. anil eonntloka i.f btim.,,. ..P;i.... . Iinu iviin ri iiinu vi -'ivii.vi" nill.ll ll,;- i- .. di , . ,iT. . .ii.i i l.n I .1... . i in ni. mi'. outlll i , . - , II hereby leiiculi'd ..J .in pel-Mill shall buy or cnu-c to ' i" i'-oii i-ii.iii i"i iii i-uii-e iv ; ,,, I,,,,,,!,; or tatry out out d this S-atc i .. .. r . . i .. i . . . i i I'r the puritovc (.. Miimlvinir nnv j ,. iublk. .,.,. ,u;llU7 ;v ,., ,,..: I..... ..,.. i. II..-. , t .1. ii ion, i'i.i,,, ii j-iii.i'i oi iiiuimi, . , .,.',,.,,, ,,nVl. , , .... taken in tho p:np. r season as provided 'for in this (id, under u i.rnaliv of live I, I1.HS for c.icli sui'l cvei v .iifci.se. I', V,, ii.r-.i, .1.. II ... ,!.., - -....,,, 1 1, i oi u ill lit". I ni ,t .. .i .. .,.,i .niiiiii, iiumi in ii ..ii , in i n j uonai 1 cncli ntiJ every nlteiise. a 'I-. . r t.er-on t. i ne ii .-se.ssinii i,i within this I'lenit'onwcaltli of nny ol the eftiiie cud birds nn ntioncd in (. a'illei'cnt M'ctiniis nf this an-t klu.r killed (if otherwise ilesaroyed out o! the Pell-en as nfiiro-aid, shall he prima faoia cvi .U nco to cut.vict uuihr this net. fi. Any person otTcnditi nainst nny nf the provisidus of tliis m l. nnd brine inercoi cuiivieiod IipIits any AUrrninii r-lii-liee nf tlc lVi.ce iifnrnjiaid, or uy inooa'ii or utiiriiianon ot ono or in a-witiicss.-s 'liall. Iir rVerv teach j ,,,, lf ,-, k.U ,c ,, ,. filK.,a,tl),.lie,, til I IIHMiin r.,., ... f Ir, .1... .,1 ,1. (utility in which the comolaint is made mul the other half to the tt-o cf the, itiformor; and if the oirend'-r ehull ' refuse to pay the said forfeiture, he ... 1 . . . . j, m (j, Cl,uil.,t,j t, ,nc j.ji of the proper comity, for every such c 9 en so. in inu rl'Hll. Ol IWII'IU-S, H II IIUUl 01.11 . . ... i , . . lor the spneo nl two dnv ... :. l .... l. : . mm ii nriso : i rovnic'i iiowcvcr, i.ia: L , . . ' , 1 ,i ,,. ,, r.t.--v. II. That tiny net or acts C'itil;ctiuj; with this act. be and tho same are hereby repealed. ki pi i.FJtrvT. 1. The time lor sin) din p.irtridcs shall coiuiuenca on tho inili day of October, nnd end on tho -Will day tf I'eeemtier in c.eli yer. o ti,-. .h. n.o.nin, ,.,..:, I .. ,i. llii.t the pctialtv provided I.y tUei 31 section cf the acf, to which this is a . . ... . . . the remedy provided by sa d law f.u ieM,,. ni1 V I:'" eol'ecli.)'..l penallic .hall be Bnd is ! 'M? J ".' '.'""n bu"s o ere by umeodcu ; and nil b.vr.) ano purta of laws iuconsistent bore, ill I and the same nro hereby rcj of h' i. l'i'ovided, That the P'ov'sietis ot th" j tet .hail not apply to the coirilioa o ri...... Pun.'. It.uilf.nsi s!i,,- 'u. tuingo, War.ea, I'.ko, Wuyoe, J.r hTfth, Caoibria, Jefrernon, Clinton, Ceulro and Nts'inor.'lunJ. ''Seciion 2 was rcpea'cd by section I, but w. a a( erwanls ie-enucteJ for the counties of York, Montgomery, Fuyetto, Westmoreland and Greeuo. A sickly wan, slightly ronvaleicin?. recently in conversation with a piou frieud, eoucratulatiuK hint upon hU recovery aud osl.ieg hita who his phy sician was, replied : "lr. Jouoa brought ma through." "No, co,1 li d bi friend, '-tlod brought ysu out of your illness, not tb doctor." "Well, mty be ha did, but 1 am cer tain tbo doctor will eherjj lor it. A grizzly btar was killed recently ! n.i:r.....;. .v.i ...I i'-... 1 1 . of bis nc; tt) hh Isle 7J feet, aad froaa Tltc 1. lit i 11 1111 nny Ini.f oil ir-ivl. j 'I licy live iibi.ut i.tt.i iIkiuhhiiiI fjvi.. j liiinilicil mi l ftl'iy (,f ,., (,urt, ,,r Moil in tin- einiu I1..I0 in t,u rounil, 1 und hold f lit-i proju iiy jn ruliitnon. 'flicy have i t. holy lay, nu riL'V". 1 hour ay-l 'in. nor nu. r Miiko l-r nnv j llliln l- ;f.T. They ,u. i ry 1 llli l liil , ot'l. I.M'ri', an (,m no riiul.d', tu r lilt il in 1 .1 tl.ioi- ,e:ir. ' Tin 1 i f:o r., nijiiy lonfV'.'ii rn.i mj liliein. m.i y.ni in vtr mi oiit (ut i a job 'I li' V pit il' 0 .1 ! ,', fc-n to oi .t( tti'i'i, n I tl.r tinie, mid rut on tli" tun. ! mviTfriw l,o iikm iiitutii.r ' -nine li'o'i i'n htti.ii tt.iit- iii illnf (if j til. 'Ill iliiln'l Uu. lM, l ; ,(.y ,., t li no wl.c ' i-r the 1111. on 11 i ilialiil. i i,r nit, ttbclhcr ti lih. wi it'hiiiL' t ; iuiii'I'. put Into a pail of wifi r uln- nly ' I, will wnKe the 1 111I -.. tvi-r i.r I ireii'h iiKiro. I y ain't liuntiiic lifter tl.e I.I.1I- ojii..c, h sKine. nor L'ittin; crury over Mt'dlrli 1 urtliiiii:iL(". C c i f the klJ Tiirv ili.n'i (urc wlirih. r npitrr it j thirty or I h'rty-tivr iinlliiim nl mile u; 111 'lie a r, nor wIic'Iht I he enrth Imh ll olllnl nil i'M ajfefl or ll"t, Mi hni!! n-i it Inn t hob vi r then-1, .ru ct ib nud i-pill tl;:r liul li y. 'I'hey li 10 iin!,, lil 'c aitl., full ov faith, ..i !in huril. Iivif' truilii.tli- coniini.t in ' mi mil pt 1 1 llul iniiilin tbr'.ri'Wii .u-incf h. nml.lv ........ . . . 1 iy ii,. wih-ii in. ir nine 1 i.ih , I.) m lor the next lot nf nnis. tO.'lll They ar.i U reproach to ti e l;iy eneoiitaj.-ciiii'iit ti tliu iiidii-triuii no ivbuke in i lie vicmirt, and a btti'lv tu I lie i lil i 'uu. If yo ii want to taken lesnn iu nr II or ( tl.ei wi. I kiteetiire, B'i. sit down i.y (lie fidi. "f ' l.oir hole in the uriiimJ, nnd wuuJcr ,imv so n.uny can live m. thick. - . .....uk,.,,, .lll,. I ivnulil Live l.i'.oi nilil.-il i, il,.. :..l...l.: . - ......v iiiiitiut- 1'iu fed nu e'""" 0"'' "thrr fti-i. . - 1 Imve s t by tho l,o.lr and a half ' i . ... . ... down neiir nn ant hill, and nmrvfllej I have wo,. re, at (heir instincts, ami ,-ivo ll.oil.hl. hour l.i.. - - . j-,eka. win wa ati,!!e in u -1 d fo I . II' HlO Id lii ve 1 hat even (,n nnf, the least of the Im-s i ''",l!l1 "nv3 ''cn created, ino lo bi izy, "nt t" wtk by chance. ! Oil. hl.W I ll.l l.ifv ill., in, fa.-. t ...t ..i. . , believes that n'l tl',it,Ks r,. are the 'work of un meident. IK- ml. hom-clf i of .i'l l.teasnt ,. on ...rih .. .,! ..II . :..t . t v .. uu , mi IIL-IH in I I hud rather If nn ant fevrn nn ' hiinihl.'. ban.Ir leo.'ci! profane snciriai ' ' nnl) l""k upon thiny, (,f t Ii i i wur J as I would uputi the ihiuw nf tiie iliee'. Ant- are cM r than Adam. -;l 'o (for very v i-e reasons.) weren't ! ''" ' ,1Dt'' ether thines were Hiiii.oiI i and pr jr.ouneod cond. " " h id bei o made fust. ho I '""' ' ''"ve '""istcl upon tos-in tin) rest of tho icb. lie pr.ibal.ly vvoil I hive ol jectcd to hnv o.' ennv I t lo bizzv nnl, at nil !" " 'annus otlier oliieclions Would 1 have been ouvrcd er,.nily t-rcCn. 1'iiiiy jjrecn. tn.-.u wuz the lo- t ' 1 AIU L O l Uu I ! made. If mm h.iden't of bin in.ilo nt all. T"a never woul 1 l,av lieard mo tiuj , ('n"v ,;tu't i i . .. nil it. I haven't much faith in man, not '"rintse lie kuut do well, tut b.'caa.-o ho wont Ant Imve by laws and n poiistitutinn and they ineun sunn thine?. Their hiws. aint like our 'ott, icnle wiih n hole in fii -ni. so ihut mm Lan stcul blew nud rile thru them nn a walk. 'l'ley ilnn t have any w ln'-k.-y rititr, tlmt is virtuous, "imply Wciitiso it ho-! by the inilliou, and Ihen legali zes its own nkl. Thev 'hin t hav ennv l.-rrislators thai I vou kan Inv, tier eotiv .Jud.'es lav i it arotini on me nan sum, re. My to bu SWi,ll' rfJ' ,., , , I rnthi.1' ikl Ihilinli iml lh il ..... I . ., " ....... uo- I shall sell Fell out my mrnev aud real or heirs. I like their nrals belief Tbe bulls und bears handle niom money, it is true, and ni-ike a rtt deal nve noJse no Wall Street, ono of cm st;ckiug tiis hor.is into s ilabbv piece 'ossinij ii up into the i.ir. ' ftna ,n other actcbioj Jt when it ! ?0,,u's dowD oi .''l"ni 't uodei hid haws. Tbis may be pbnn for tbe bolls and bear", but is wus than tbe cholertt morbus for poor Erie, Aols never disturb Ere : ye eoaldn't sell one cony Erie enoy more than ynu could evil krip on tb codfish banks of Nafouadlsnd. Ants are a honest, bard loggias; little people, but whether they marry,' and live in luarriayo, Is beyoad my strvnittb) but if they Uopt tbey are no wus) opb thaw they are out West (aeai the city of Chicago), where they marry to-day aad apply for aa iojsokj ehuQ tomorrow, nnd are rvddy lor tbw next day to furbt it out acaia ea tha .other line. Wedlock eut Wet. (near ihe great, grata market of Chicago), ia on of ibeni kind of loba tbal lu.oat taaj a a tk ' WI k" kk tha UityCJ?'ljiJi:'?'lJ00' b) bead j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers