The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 25, 1870, Image 4
THE POST. NtDDt.fcRt Hil. At'lM'STM lT A Ilrilb1 Moij. Another inatsnco of l!i? disholical ferocity which clmsclerixos the pre datory bunds of SpsmVh robber In IcKlinrf cff'nin sections of the "ever faithful lV It Mute J by lite Ilannvn journal of the 27lh tt 11. Somoiiin during I tt May a I'1''? f ''v0 r"'' be'S appeared ( a Cibnti plnnt.1t ion. r weaned thnnclves of several fn,v orso., taking ulso vat-inn nrtte'e. of clothing belonging; to sn American en (,'iticcr on tin Imitation, bim! then diippr'red. Tho cncinei) who wn absent flt till) t il)') of l!n 1 1 1 r t wn r 1 1, nil Ins return liiiiunel hi Severe inrcul a;2tnl tierpr-trn-l loraoftho roll, oi ic. Tho Immlili I (a Irnrtiinir of this tlirr at riiiiirnrod a row day 'nlcr, took tho engineer ly urprise, t cil lnm linml and ro:d, niiil then proceeded to In.ih liim with whip tI tho:i'H t ill tliannnlm l fainted three times iVinn I he lor or blood aid pain. They then t:cl li i tit upon n ch lit before hi t wclliii jr. nnd two "I tho number wniked into the hni.e nnd violated his wile TIo eninerr niter thin inhuman evcol, became nlino-t a n.nni:ic, hi only tlmuh's hy Juy mi l liij;ht hoin lh(e of rrvuiipi', WcCi'htl.V Icnrnin thut thcclvo friiJii wcr Moping ni n tn'ih'hlinriii plantation withnul ndvisiu iinvhudy of hit nlioiitioii lio ni uird lumscll nnJ had thrx(iil furtuiic to fih'l huth urtliKiii lyin on tlio fliinr in nn ino li ia'o end' inn. I lo mfiirel tho wrolchos by tyillrf tboi liiit) with Ftron cold, and wiih t'10 htdp ol fonio iii'vuc, ronrrynl ihem to own Iioiim", ordered Dioh to bo lit, and then t hi ow Mb or' tlio ttindit into Into t'eitlei fillud ui'h wr.ter which hoou lnsan to boil. Tlio men lived from fii'iven to tweu v minutes. Their at'emptii to throw tliPinsi'lveo nut ol tho kvlilea, nnd their demand fur wa'er and trie fur pi'y were licnrtrondiiiir, but their cxecii Inner toU n linJ;li delight in tlivowin,' in ec('alonally a lit-1 o cool Ml er, whieh. liuwcver. in n moment bean to boll amiin. At the end if twetity niinnte luitli hi victims lu lcen.-e l to ex:t 'l'h fiigineer BWdurs not to rest tmtil li ha ennght and 'Unifhed tho vlhui three a ciinilnr way. Sfi-rotn ol .ilnoiir)', (M Zneli Wbifler wii ijuito n character in hi time, beitir a clover. cay ROir', confiding ninn, who tnuii Di;od to let everybody h;m out of his inhcrituJ estate . Jut a hi larm wn about to tdip cut of hi bands, ho ftieteeded in ruirtinp the money to lilt the tiniinj;e. Aaron lteiner, a promintnt M.ion, accotn panicd Ii i lit to tow n. A they were riding alun on lioixliae.k, Zach auy to Aaron, in a cnufiJin tot.c. ""Now, Artrn, we nro hro alone, and I wnnt ym to tell mo tho society of Maonry." ' I cao't, Zm h, they wonM kl't in " " Why. they won't know, thoy"l! never lind it out." " Yei, they will; you'll pcalv of it." "Xo, I nwcur I won't.'' " Well, if you'll title c'ono o'on rido ol'nie, nud put your hand nn my thili. and tako tho oath I II ii lunn -tcr, I'll tell you the necicts of Ma Homy." ucli was not ilow lo comply; an' n most powerful ' iro.i-clud outli" wns administered and talrn, " Now for the eeret,M exolu'ined the iuiputiout and uufuipeetin:; vie tun. ' Well," aaiil A.iron. with mock I enmity nnd pecrecy, " in ll r tlr-i plueo, wo M'i. n eombino t''eilief to cheat everybody ns Inueli n no can. This i tin) liit niMini M'cret." "The Bccond i bko unto it. When wo can't find nn) body cle tn cheat wo edicat each olhor, bat n l;ttlo m we can." " Well," cxthiimed ZjcIi, with evi dent purpri.-te, " I swear I'll join. I wmli I bad uono it twenty y,i,r ao 1 niiht hnvo been a rii h man nloro tow.'- From tlf Coltimhui Sun. I'Kni'ECT tiik AnEt. Many an old person lata tl.o pain not bodily, tut nhurpcr still of feeling himaelf iu the wey. Somo ono wonu hia placo. 1 1 ir. Tory chair in lliu chimney corner is grudged Liiu. Ho i a burden to n aon or a daughter. The very nrm biili props him is taken away fr im Home produetivo labor. A ho aits at tho table, bi own gue-t are too i lloor too unkind to mnka bim a Hhnret in thoir mirth. They -irude tho In uhle of that ruined vuieo whieh titono cotiM make bim one of them ; aud when, he peaks, it is only to bo put nsido n o;nonnt, or desniaeil as old-fashioiied, obsolete. fh. iittlo do youn.-er per sona know their ower of piviny; pain er plcatir ! It is a pain for any mau atill in this world to bo maibi to feel that he is no longer of it t i bo driven in upon bis own litt'o world of ton scious isolutiou aud buried enjoyment. 15 lit this is bis ron Jii ion; and if any fretfulneas of temper bus aggravated it if others love bim not bociuss bo is not amiable aball Wd pity that eondi lion th) lets J Shall wo upbraid it una lint laull wbiuli U itsell tho worst (art of it ? Am Iowa John lyoly com ted and enup;e( to marry ti youun girl, who iaaroitrat soui neglect oo Jobo's fart, revenged herself by marrying saao, John's father. John countered by morryin tho moths r of bis rseenl betrothcdJoho bcuoinio;; tbo atep father of bis own step mother, while laauo's wife was corupslled to become the daughter io law of Iter s ep-son ! An exubnnga tells the following story of a polite do? t " A pig kaviujr Invaded a drv-goodj store at New lirltaio, Conn., tho owuor's mastiff first bit off lbs tail of the porker, aud theo led it by the ear to its pen lteturo- lug, the dog picked np the tail and restored it to- its owner." A man who went fishing In priests pooi 14 homo) sBDurono tow a, com pisto tust be only he only got ooe bite, aod I tbat waa from lesWy"? SELL A SCHONOUU, Wholesale Dealers In BRANDIES. WINES, iihis, Ylilshey &c, W(iMKLSIHiRr I'.EKKS CO , Ps. Jnnnarjr 1.1, lt70-lf 0"I THE n.sot tMPNOVri) Twenty! Ive IMIar Firmly Sewing Ma.Mne.. The ehenpen First I Machine In the Market. Afihut WAffTBti I ivmr Tnww. I. liter. I eotnml.1nn etlowrd. Fur terms and circular, a.l.lrr-t, A. ! II axii.tpx, Ocn. Agent, No. J. ('he.luut Ml., I'Ltla., r. (!t-T. Sin ('(MKT PROCLAMATION. w Tberea (lie linn. S. 8. Wood Prrsl- driit Juice of I tic J nl'oinl Di-iricl ?.iiipfi. of the counties nf Snyder, Union and Milllin and A. K. Mldle'.wanh and ticurge C, Mover, Esq Anclate Judge in anil fi.r .Kliv lf.r enntv hiva I. .tin, I fliutp preceipt hearing date the the 2dd day of May, ii I, nnl in mo directed Tor 'he tm of an Orphan, court, a court "inii"B I'ira, emri ot nyrr ana Irr lltvipr nnil llini.pnl emri nf 1'imrler ft1- ion ol ihc rrnce nl M iilillrlxirc for llie coiinly of Snv'lrr. on the -It h Mfnlnr, (he- iojl I lie 'Jiiih ilnv of feiminlier. 170. 1 nml cnmimie one Meek. otij ia therefore liprchr plrcn lo ll.e i'tirniier. Julii e of lliu IVuce aii'l t'onrt.t tilra in an for t lie cntitiljr nf Snyder, In np poar in their proper pcron eiili their roll i r'c iru, in i'iiiliiiti. exannn iiions anl o ner rcn eiiinrnnrea lo no moee nilfi(r i n I ii.n.., c, sc.. anu am connanoj re in hich ol their nllieea nn.l in t lie ir behal" ! eidving new f ooda and new aiylea. I'lea'e perinin lo lie lnne mil w i i n - r and per-' give me a cail If fore purcbaniiig eluewhere. ! eon prot'ciitiii)( in tirhalt of I he Common-! I will poitiely erll a ehcnp as any Midi- a:ini-l any pirnon or prron are ' reirrej In tic then ami there niti-iiding I ninl liul Jepuriing wltliont Irate at tlirir peril. JiiKlii me re pu"l l In le puiiri . nut in their ailefithmre at I lie nppointrd linio arwealily to holii ". tiiven iimler my hand and era) nt the 1 Hherill a ol'.iev in Milllclnirjr, the 'J Id 1 1 V .of Mtireli, A. I'., olio thouKun I tigel timid and icvetitv. Jo.'IN H. WOLF, SliorilT. (-rover V linker' nnsr I'KKMit'M HLASTIC STICTI3 FAMIL.Y Sewing If JH'IlilK s, !). UltOAHA Y NEW VOKK. Vin rilESTM'T 8T. I'll I LAIK LIMI I A. l'OIXTS OF F.XCF.M.KNCK. lieaiiiy and Eluslieiy of Slileli. l'rrfeellon aud Piinplteity of Machinery. Cuing both thread directly from the ppoola. No fnieninir nf icaiin l y band and no waste of threa I. Wldcranjieof eilieulion without cbinge of BtljiiMmeiit. The Irani retains its hcaiily aud Crniucss n fie r WHflting aui ironing. Itoni In lining all kinds of work dime hr ty other Sewing Mnehine, Ihi'se Macliine I'xrcuto I lie tni'-t liranliful nn permanent Euiliruidery uu.t o n.i'uenlal work. BrtUThc Ilighot I', 'ininin al all the ftiirr ninl exhihiiinti til' the t'niied Hlales nnd Europe, hare hern awnrded the tiiover k Uaker Sewing Murium, and the w ok t y tli-m, nlierever exliildttd iu competmn. tr.VTheery hiilie.O prim, Till: ClttlSS of 1111. I.EtilON tIF lIU.Ntllt, waa Cell frrrd nn the repreeiilaiire offlroer.v. 1'iikcr Sewing maohinra. al llie e.ipouil ion I'niverselle, I'arls. li7, tlius nursling their grcit auperiurity over all oilier Sew ing Miiehine. For Sale hy 8AMI F.I, FAl'ST. Selitu. grove, l'a. April S'l. 'ii'.. Forney's 9 TIIK (.It KIT I1A11H AL M:Msr.rta 1 u, t ii, 7' ftiif Clii'oj( 2Ceirjijr In llie C'luittri. THE PRESS I a Vrsi-i.liss doulilr-tbeet eiglil-pa'e paper, cu'ilaiuing 4H columns, published every morning, (riei'pt Sundays.) TERMS DAILY IMtKSS .imi per annum $i.'n ', for r X monihs j J? 1 for three men I he. TKI-WEEKLY I'llE.SS. ! per an num ; fW for six months; tfl.uo for lliree innullia. TIIK WEEKLY l'HESS. The mnsl valu- I able Weekly Newspaper In the W orld, ll : uoulttili) i.enn nf hill-ion In all. 1 EAD THE TUllMU I One cory oue ye-r ( 2 Five eopiet U Ten ctipies, and 000 copy to the getter up of club, 15 Twenty copies, nnd one copy to lbs gvtler-up of eluh 2" Fuiy copies, aud one copy to ibe getter up of chili fi.'i Ten ropir, In atltlmi, and one copy lo the getter up ot the club 11 Twemy copies, lo one ml Inn, and one copy lo the geller up of ibe club 'i't Fit'y copies, iu oitt uttJrtM, nud one copy lo ihe gelter up of the club 0 Oue hundred copies, Iu uttr athlrttt, and nne cony of the Tri-weekly 1'reaa to Ihe seller up of llie club ICO All uriirj tmuld bt ail lmtt I to JOHN W. FORNEY, Editor std 1'roprietor, 8 W.cor. 7th and Chestnut Sis., I'biU.l'a ltateol l'HAKLF-4 Ill lHlLS, Deceased, 1ETTEHH TESTAMENTARY upon Ihe A estate of Charles Hughes, dei'd., lale r ihe lewnsbip of renns, Snyder County, 1' ,bavin been (ranted to ibe undersigned all persona indib ed to Ihe said estate are reriiraid In make payment, and I hone bav lug demands sgaiust Iks iauie to preaenl iuvui wiinoul uolar lo JOHN K. II I CUES, .. william iaunEs.itlecu,or' M ireb IS, ls70. BtiOK AGEST8 WANTED FOR STUl liOLES & TIUUMPH3 OF P. T. BARNUM Written by Himself. In one largo Octavo olume nearly MM) Pages Printed is English and Herman. 83 Elegant Full page r.ugravioga. ll enmraoes forty isars Keeolleetiont of bia llusy Life, sa a Mer chant, Manager, Hanker, Lecturer, and Showman. No book published o accept... ble lo all classes. Every one wints ll , Agents svernge from 60 lo lou subscribers a week. We offer eat re inducements. Ill uslrated Catalogue and tersas to Agents cut free. J. 11. BUKK k CO.. Publishers, Hartford, Conn DAY le published every morning (eseepl Sun day), al lbs office. N. W. eoruer tiisth and i'bcslnul streets, Pbitadelpkia. Prioo On Cent per Copy. Served by lbs carriers in any part of tbs ally, sail in the adraeent cities and towns, or SIX CENTS VKH WEEK, paysbls te in vamera. 1'rios for mailing. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS I WLrrHHt" msilsPJ. Tlint t i-HIms V JKVI 11KLLKR, Mannfaelurer of anil dealer In FUKNITURE, V'oul I reupcctfnlljr Inform the clliiena of Srlinrgrove and vininlijr, that be niKnnfuc luria lo orJrr and kerpa eoniiiaiilly on band ( HAIKU or ALL KIMiS.AXD Furmturo of every Description, at the tfrjr lowt prloe. He reapeclfulty inrltca an eiaminaiion of MKIiKTKAH.x, lnnFAtS.TAnt.r..SnfASl MM'MIK, KTAN1IS, UIIAIH, kc, t-,"A aiiceiol intilatinn i eiipinlrd lo ncwl; married folks to call anJ ace nijr flock bcfuie iircbalng ttaewhere. LEVI UKt.U'.P.. Sclinngrove, April 0, ;o-tf MILLINKKV AMI Fancy Store, Oppnihe Sbindel k f intlurd'a Drug tilore, Midillrliurg, l'a. I lake this tncihol nf Inform' it the ell I (Mil nf lliia 1 luce and virinilv. ' at I hare !jni rrlurnol from I'liilaJelpliia with a huge auppljr of Millinery and Fancy (inota, eon-Ntln of HATS'. llf' NETS. FLOW K.KH, ner In tin or adjoining cniintie. MAKY A. II AI.TF.MAN. Middlel.urg, April V"1. lMn.-J'.ra MiSTAM) & UOYKK, Wholesale and Kelait liraleri In II A II DWARF., CFTLKRY, Coaclniiakera' Materials, Shot Finding", , 5 c. Pitinsgrnro, l'a. S-ltf IAtii.i: 1I0TKI-. MIUHLEIll Ufi, FA. J. A. hTlllLNKf KKK, Proprietor. Ilnving I nl on charge of lliia old and well etalilis'ied stand, Ibe proprietor propose 1 1 ilrvo.e all his attention to the providing nf his Tntdo and liar ami the aeeotinnod k tit'D of tmib man and lirasl. He solieiis a litieral shine i f lite pulilio patronage. January l.'i, 170 ly I F.F.MONT llOTKL. FHKKJUINT, SNY1IEU t'O., PA. EMM. II SMITH, l'reprietor. Tlii new hotel is now prepared lor the accommodation nf guests and will afford tirl rate vuterlaininrnt to persons visiting I'reeniont. Every cflVrl will be mnilo lo promote the comfort of travelers slopping at Una noue. Lnolce lniiiors at llie liar. and the Tatilo supplied with llie best the market atlurda. An ample rtaMe In eon iK'Clinn with llie bouse. Aprilii'THtf JANSKIX V aiF.W, liemsons to (immi keutw, cxiocxrnv jikj Xo- 21 ortli Fourth Mi I'lllI.Alil.LPUIA. crt, Original rackaea Cunilantly nn Hand. Iteireeutel I f THKD S KWINLTOKU. Vuo.:'6 & luiCrrukiw, Muuufacturrt of aud dealers in all kines of HI I.I. TI.MBF.K. Ll'MHF.II. l'Al.INt;, KIIINGI.KS, LATH, Fl.llDHINO, etc.. Shamekin Dam, Snyder l ouuiy. l'a. All orders promptly tilled. 1F.I,', Clitrni, J'i'j lur, nml !.i,tn l.unhtr eomttmtly on hitntl. 7 'Oy r r.oki.i.i, j b ok AVHit.i, juii.i (iiiitiusn J. F. 7.0KLU.N i CO., (8iifces.irs to Seiberllng & Zoellin.) WAOI.ESAI.K DEALF.ltS h IMl'ollTKT.S OK DWXJVtS & MEDICINES. Noa. 4C3 & 4.0t North Third Et. ,dij PillLADELPwIA. A"AV!:Kf(x' hotki t'KNTKKVtLLK.SNYKER To., Pa. WILLIAM 8S. l.ONf l'ropnelor. This well known hotel, loc.ued in the I own of Centre ille, has bren Iboroughly epairrd and refilled, and is ia the best con .ion lo aecomnioilaielhe traveling public v e 'ot will be made lo promote the of gurus. A share of public pit ige is sopei ed. A" i't-'70,' A T II 11.1.. W U SALLIBT. t S arol'UIITOX ISFX, F1ALLIET & 8T0101ITON, (iK.XLUALCOVVISSIOX MERdllMS, ASP DKALKBS I Country Io?u! anf Domestic VmiV, iW, rff , JVo. 2-' South Wati b Stuebt, miLADLPniA. nrrsssxess. Jacob K. Rlegcl ft Co., Market street I.ippeneolt 4 Trotler, '.'I N. W aler street ; Howl, Uonlri ;hl & Co. 6'J'J Market Street ; Ex. Gov. James Pollock, :i south till el reel; Join Heial iit)8 W alnut tirect; Harris lOrsbam, Airb e.reel. FcbVn'.'if J) AVID WILLIAMS, Manufactures of ft Wholesale Dealer In Lilt, Mahogany, Walnut and Bosrwood LOOKING GLASS Picture St Pbotosrraphio Framos, noa. zMt ana r-n An n bim t, Philadelphia l'a. rrames nspaireu in ms best manner. Also, itegildiug in sll its brsncbea. 7,2 HOOT ft SHOE MA.Nl'FACTOY, Alnuya up lo time I Tbs undersigned respectfully announces to ius eoitena or Alldilleburg and vicinity, that be will continue in manufacture MEN'S BTOdA, KIP and FINE ROOTS. . Women snd Ckilren's SHOES, And In abort everything In bis line, in Ibe latest style snd at low prices. Work made to order st Ibe shortest not lee. Give bim s call before going elsewhere. UiKAM eCHWEXK. auctToxkkr. The undersigned alto offers bis services to tbs publ'e ss Vendue Cryer snd Auction eer, llaiing had a largs experience, I feel confident tbat I can give perfect satisfac tion to all who employ me. Give me a trial. I1IKAM St 1IWKNK. Middleburg, Pa. J'a.'i, 'U8if WASH. tBASELLO, WATCH CLOCK MAKER. Market BL Middleburg Pa. H AVISO located in Ibis placs I would reepeot fully infbrm lbs- elliiens of Middleburg snd vicinity that I am prepared to repair CLOCKS AND WATCHES cheap ami expeutuoutiy. iae patronage or 4be public la respectfully soli jit ad. GRAY BILL ft Co., W IIOI.SSAt.S DSAt.SSS IR WOOD AND WILLOW WARE Oil Clolha, Window Sbadea, Itrnims, Mala, llroshee Cotton l.a S, Oraln Ilaga, Hy Nets, lliiokela. Twines, Wicka, he. No 841 North Third Slreed, Philadelphia. Feb. 7, ti7 SQR0R3 or rourn. A GENTLEM AN who tuffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all Ihe effects of youibful Indiscretion will, for the sake of ruffering humanity, send free to all who need li. Ibe receipt and direction for making the simple remedy by whieh be was cured. Suffer era wishing to profit by Ihe advertiser's experience, ean do so by addressing, in pelect confidence. JollN 11, OUOEN. No. 42 Cedar it reel, New Y'ork s KWismuo i The subscriber. Ihnnkful for the liberal patronage hrslnwed on his establishment e l.niiri-linn. beg leave lo inlorni bis I'riend and the puplio generally, that be has ha l his mill al Lewisburg fitted up iu e beet pussible manner, with Iho Lai'it Iinjirovnl Mailn'iu ry mndo In Ihe country, A war i t Is the advan tages or Sira'u Power, wnich can be relied on at sll liirt". lie foe's isfo in saying that his esiab'isbinvui is not aurpasseil by any in Ihe Slate. Having engaged a sit of good Workmrn he is now prepared fur manufacturing sll kin Is uf WOOLEN GOODS HIT II A3 CLOTH. CASSIMERE.s. SATIXKTT., TWEEDS. JEANS. Fl. NNELS, LL AN K ETS.C A Kl'ETtl, YAUNrJ, o. il Iht but manntr and ot rtJufi frirrt. An excellent assortmen of Gjods at all limes on hand, for sale or exchange for Wool. ROLL CAIUH.NU dons on abort notice. JuTTERMS CASII.-YfsJ MARK II Al.lTENNY. Lewisburg, Union Co., Pa., Dec. 4,0 FALL AM) Wl.VTKfi.FASlilOXS: MRS. M. A, 1'INDEH has just arrived from Paris ami London with llie la tent designs personally selected from Iho Ibe grealet novelties; also the most ele lant Triminga to be 0 scoured in Palis Laces '(iobons. Velvets, liridal Veils, Flowers, Fine Jew rlery, ami Trimed l'uper I'ulUrm, liiess nnd Cloak Making Exclusive agent for Mrs. M. Work's eel, bra. ed system for culling ladies' dresses, incqilca, basipu-a, ?. N. W. corner of Eleveuth and Cheslntil Sis., Pbiladelpbiu. 7,".JnHi 13. J. t'OUKF. WHI.ESALK DEALEIt IV CLOCKS I 1 10 North Sd Street, I'bilaJil.,U. Aug 1, lS'i.iy 1U.ME THIS WAY I fiP-EtT BARGAINS II NEW GOOJ S AT THE CHEAT STOKE OF w. r. i:t hiii:iit, cLLI.N.SOKUN ti Pa. Would retpeelfully announce to the people of Snyder County that bo has just received from the eastern uarktla aud has f r sale a Urge snd well selected stock ( f New Goods, which be oil era al axtotii.b iegly low prices. His slock embraces lb" very best FALL and WINTER GOODS He litis Cloibs Cftssimeri, Dee Skins Jeans Kminels Alpacc.ts, Lusirsa Detains Poplins Prints, Mu .ins Drilling Shawls 'Cambrics Caliooca. t'rrnch Mtriiwet, Enylinh itinuev READY MADE CLOTHING .fall kind. HARDWARE. HATS andCArS, GROCERIES WALL PAPER, Give me a call. QCEEXSWARE, BOOTS ft SHOES, CARPETING. 8I10K FINDINGS No obargrs made for inspecting Goods. tountry produce la- ken in exchange for goods, .vry si, intiH y A WORD TO CONSUMPTIVES. Helng a short and practical treatise on tbs nature causes, and symptoms of Pul- nuary toniiimpilon, Ilrouobt Us, and At' i bin and their prevention, treatment and curs by tuhalalion. Sent hy nisi Free. Address Q. N AN HUMMEL, V D., 10 West Fourteenth St., N. V. 12. QIIARLE3 B. MILLKR, AlKUITEtT CONTRACTOR I BlILOER Walnut, Street, Sslinsgrove, l'a. Ia at all limes prepared to furnish Drafts. Plans and Specifications for all kiuda of uuiiuings, at me lowest possible rates sad on snort nonce. He is also prepared to contract for pulling up buildinss either by furnishing an ins material or otnerwise. May 11, 'Co 1 JJEAVEUTOWN STOVE STORE AND Tinware Manufactory, J. P. SHIRK Would respectfully inform lbs elliiens of Snyder eouuly tbat be keeps constantly on band a largs sssorlmeot of OFFICE. PARLOR, snd COOKING 8T0VI3 Of the latest styles snd most Improved patsrns, smong which are the celebrated Empire Gaa burner, the Susquebaana ii - AS ' -'- - t-fta .-'-t- Sa.. V,fn ' i'i--..-JL-. Cook, sic, which be,is selling at prloesjbeat" wherever need. Ibst defy competition. He also maaufac-' If your storekeeper doss not bees tbsss lures antl seeps on asna a general assort- ment of Btove Trimmings, Tinware fte. i iM J II. WALTER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IX CHINA, GLASS, AND QUKKXSWARK, tl Jf. Id Btrrrt, brtwrrn Race k Tine 7,2ly PHILADELPHIA. Waller iV Ilartiumi UKAI.KRS IM DRY OODS, GROCERIES. Hardware, Qleensware, Cedarware ko. . tie. ke. fc. &e cxxtrkvilm: pa. tOA.The HIGHEST market TRCES osidJor all kinks of Country I'roduoe nsd DRIED Fill IT. JAUtiK ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT J. W. D REESE'S STORE, N. W. Corner Market Square, Middleburg I'hs stock embraces In part Dress Cxoods, niuck Silk. All-wool I)o l.tiine, Cobnrg:, Merino. l'opliii, Reiip, Ac., Ac. Mualii, Ilouble-wiiith Sheetings, li'illiii.', Tublo Iiuper, 0uaburg, Extra Titking, Check, Shirt ing), Ginn;liiim, Jaronct, u tull nortmeiit uf Culii dm, l'l.,niu l, Heavy twilled, Sliirtili":, lllaliket, llulmnrslft, Hosiery, (j loves, Ac, Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERE.S lnurain and Linen Carpet a. Woolen, Liuen A cotton Carpet Chain. nKAitv made cLormsa. Floor, Tublo und Stair Oil Clotlii Hats nnd Cnps, UOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware, (jiiccnawnre, China ware, (JIubHware, Wood and Willow wnro, Cutlery, Oil Wintlow Shade", Looking Glumes Ac, Ac, Ao. TORACt.'O AND CIO APS. SALT &. FISH! The highest market prico paid for all kinds of country produce ami dried frill's. Confident of rendering perfect aatistnc tion both in regard to prices ahd quality of goo u. I reipecl.ully invite all lo giv me a call before purobasing eNewhero. J. W. DUtESi:. IJdlelurg, January 7, lt!'.'y I' M UAKMA. U r KKIISIKtTI'.n UNION HOUSE. OARMAN & KAUSTETl'ER. I'roprittvrt M IDDLKDrRO.Snydor Co., IV lie proprietors sesneclfuliy announce In their friends and Ihepublio general!) Ibat Ihcy have rented the Fryer tavern Hand, which baa been refitted and replen ished ill style, and is a desirable place for I strnugvra and others lo step. Their table is at all litres spread with the luxuries and siiliianliaU of tho season. Their chamber are lare lo promote the comfort ofiheir gurita. Their bar is supplied with coulee liquors, iso pains rparcd by Hie proprietors to reader eutire satist.ic tlon lo nil who favor them wiih their patrotiago. 7-1' llf A Tl ENTION t IturraU for tbs new gooJs just re ceived ny .lohn Iftiffuiaii At Iluniiuels' old Stand, (two miles abn Selinsgrnve) which waa solecled wil great care, and w ill bo sold st low prion It Includes, NOTIONS, DRY GOODS. GUOCER1F.S. HARDWARE. it EENSWATtE WOODnnd UII.I.OW HIRE, l t, Plaster, Oils, Coal, ails, QlotMng I respect fully invils Ihe public to come snd examine my goods before, buying elsewhere, believing ti to be to jourlu terent. I slso par tbs highest prices for sll kinds of GKAIX, SEED, and all kind of Country Produce. I am also well providec with stabling for teams suiD'r Hreskfaat and Long ling, for people wbo corns Ivnm a dls- Uuoe. I ulways accotniiiodalo my cus tomers to lbs beat of my sbility. JOHN UOFFMAN.- October 10th 'C7fl ORIMARD'H "EUREKA" Smakltiz Toharro la an excell ent article of granule' ted Yiigl oia wherever introduced it is universally ..dmlred. It Is pnt up In handsome mus lin bags, in which orders for Meerschaum . i.ies are dully packed. LORILLARtl 8 Yucht Club Knioklns Tobarro classed by all who consume it asthe"flueslof all i It is made of lbs choicest leaf grown ; ll is antl ner vous in Its effects, aa ths Nicotine has been extracted il leaves no diasgreeable taals after smoking; It Is very mild. light io color and weight, hence one pound will last as long ss 8 of ordinary tobacco. Ia ibis brond ws also pack orders every day for first quality Meerschaum Pipes. Try It nnd conviune youraelves it is ail il oluims to bs, "THE FINEST OF ALL." LORILLARD'S I Tils brand of Fine CENT U R Y ceu V.s o"; (bealnr Tobarro. surerlor anywhere. It la without doubt tbs best chewing to bacco la lbs country. LORILLARD'S have now been In Ceneral uss in tbs uiled Stales over SNUFFS 110 versa, and still acknowledged " ths articles for sal a, ask btm te est lasa j they arc sold by resnaniahi rj.t, Aycra Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Irfinga, . suoh as Oooaha, Colds, Whooping Oooah, Bronohltta, Asthma, and Oonsumpttoa. fmhril SMrerr before In the whole htstmr nf melh-ine, has anything won so whleljr and soile-ilf opon Uia Minniienee or inanamu, as mis rxoriu-ni rvinailjr for pulmoaarrromplninta. Through a InnJ artes of yeurs, and among mwl of Ihe races of ten tt has risen higher and higher In Uwlr e-lunation , aa tl ha become better known. Its uniform ehtiraf-tr and power to mire the various affeeuona or Uie lung and throat, have made It known as a re lialile protector aaalnst Uiem. W hile adapted lo nilliler forms of di.ea.e and lo youna rhildivn, It Is at Uie same time the most effei'timl remedy that ean be given for incipient cmnumpllnn, and tlie Una. gerous alTn lions or tlie Ihront and lungs, Asa pro. vision against sudden attacks of t'rfiMp. It should be ki'H on hand in every fiiniily, and loih-o-l as all are snniellmea sulijert lo eohls and eooghs, ell should be provided with this antidote for Uem. Although settled f"MHmffi Is Ihoiirht In euralde, slilt gn-al num Iters of eases where the ills eai-e srml seuleil, have been eonipkti'ly eureil, and the paUent restored In sound health by tlie caerrw i'eefern. Ho complete la Its ma.lory over Uie disorder of Uie l.ungs and Thnmi, Hint the mot olxtinale of llirm yield to ll. W hen notii big ele could reurh them, under the Cherry J'ec terat they sulislde and dlapear. Mngrrt anal J'MhMe jieu;er find great pro. teeUon from It. iiasis la always relieved and often wholly euroil by It. lironrhlll Is generally cured by taking tlie Cherry I'rrinrnt In small and ft-cqinml iioe. o generally are ha virtue known that wo need not pukliKh llie eertlfli-ate nf them here, or do moi o than assure tbs puulto that IU qualiUe are fully niawtauied. Ayer's Aguo Cure, For Fever and Ague. Intermittent Fnmr, Chill Fever. Iteuilttont Fever, Dumb Anne, Pertolieal or lliltone Fever, &o., end tudeed all the atTection whioh arise from malarious, inarah, or miaenialia poisons. As Its name Implies, It does rre, apd doe. not fhll. t.'ontnining neither A rsenie, Quinine, lllsinlllll, Kine, nor any other mineral or poi-onon ulilanre whntever, it In nowise Inlnrea any patient. The hutnlier nnd linportam-e of Its enres In the ague dis trii'ts, are liiernilv bevood ai-eount, and we liollnve without a parallel in the hilorv of Ague innlielne. Our pride Is grnllKed by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical rure eireeiwl In olittnnie ease, and where other remedies had wholly filled. l;nscrllmiite,l nersnns. eillMr li-.lilcnt In. or travelling through nitn.iuatl'' loenlitles, will tie pro hx'ted lir taking the AOl f. VI UK'. Knr f.eer Vomplatntm, arlioir from torpidity of Ihe I. Ivor, It I. an excellent reuieilj, sliinulaluig the I. Ivor into healthy aetivltv. For Hilton. IHsnnler and l.lver Complaint., It ia Sn eveellent remedy, producing mane Indv re markaltlo cures, where other medicine, bad rinded. Pn-pareil br I is. .1. t. Avi ti ft l a, l'racticnl and Annlvtlcnl lieinists, LuwuU, Mass., aud sold all round the world. VKICE, $t.VO VSR BOTTLE, QALL AT Focklcr's Saloon, (Opposite Sbindil ft Wugcnsellcr's drug store) IN SELINSGROVE, If you want a gUs of good lltiiA I)liCx ALE! OR A I'latc ot Ice Cream! O YSTEHS, prepared in sny way that can be desired, OR A Plate of Fresh TrJpc, OR SARD1NE1 1 SCHWEITZER. I.IMUL'UGER OR HALL CUEESE, OR ANY T1IINQ USUALLY KEPT IS A FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. fciy Other Saloons stirn lied wllh Ala and Oysters at Wholesale priocs.tsl gci;oc :n & BROTHER vrouid reneeiiniiy annnnn:e to tSs people of Snyder County and the publia. generally. Ibat thev have Just secured and will constantly keep on band and fa ale, a very extensive assortment of In their Commodious New Raorn oppottu tne nana, ociinsgrovc I t. THEY WILtTrF.LL AT RE DUCED TRICES 1 Their extenalve stork enn.lals nf a a,. it selected assort ment of FALL A W INTER GOODS. Tkey have CLOTHS.. CASSl. ii run. piainana lancy, panned. Jeans, Tweeds, Muslins, Drillings. Flannels, Checks, SiO. Also sn elegant assortment LADIES' DUETS GOODS I Silks. Ronihiuinca, Alpncas, lllnck and fnnry Delainn. Lawns, Oinjrliamg, a Inrte variety of fins White Goods, LADIES' FASAIONADLE COATS, Hoo), skirts Slmwls. Ac, Ac READY MADE CLOTHING, Coals, vests, Fonts. Shirts Ac. A variety ol NOTIONS & HOSIEUY. ('nlliirs Linen nnd Pupo.DroKMTrinl minjru. Duttonit Corsts, Zeephyrs common nnd Hptit, Moravian and Shetland Wool Ac. Ac. FISU,SALT AND IRON STEEL, STOVES, FORKS, SHOVELS, SPADES, RAKES, GLASS, NAILS, PAINTS. Hardwaro Quecnsware, Glassware, Cedarware, Willow-ware Crockery, PLASTER. White A lllue. Also, a large quantity of different kindsof HATS A CATS, LOOTS A SHOES, ofevery style, variety and quality. Also, all kiuds uf CARPETS. &0. firorn los of nil kinds, fresh from the Philadelphia snd New York Market. TIlCV ktfCD COnalunltv ,,n k.n.l - 1.. . - . J - -" " .apply of WHITE LEAD AFD PAINTS, etirv r.linlity and f rice, received direct .,-oin the mnnjfaelurrs and consequently ean sell at the very lowest prices. Also all kinds of OILS. WHALE. ItltO W.N LUURICATIXO, SUUSTHTTE , . and LINSEED OIL, fur Talnling. To Iho latter they call par iiecular attention as It la equal to Linseed oil for colored painting, and coals but one half ihe price. Ilifrhes prices rnid for Country Produce and Alt KiuasofGrnlii. J':t7Givo tlieni a trial befurogr ing elecwhero. lUUVll liUUl lll'.lt. They are also the agenla forGEISER'B PATENT FI.Y R Ell U LATINO UKAIN f EPAHATOI! CLEANER ANDRAGGER. The latest Improved and most celebrated In the world. Jusl Iho Machine Farni-r hnvo been seekimr after tor years. It will thrash from 20 lo 40 llushels per hour, cleaned, rea 'v for market. They will so these m Shines upon tk ail merits Wunaiied as regireseuted. April 18, 'C7 ly -I. T. SIIINtin, M. P. I'HIUr SWISSI'OBU EAD THIS. hliliitle AND Swlncford. DltfOGISTS AND CniMISTB, Offer for sale Witoi.silai.a and lieTAtt, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS and CHEMICALS, Embracing PURE ZINC FAINT Green, Itluo, Yellow, Red and Ulack Paints ground in Linseed Oil, Deiiar-Varnish Kpirils Turpentine, Cooal. Coach and White DRYING JAPAN, KNOTTING, window Class, Putty Pine Oil Alcobol. Stabcii, Is moo, Vtsmtnos, Fsuiy and VARNISH BRUSIIES, Hale and FemaU Trutm and Bnjiptrltr yefitulfi Concentrated Lye, Fins Sponges, SPICES, CORN STARCH ft BIRD SEED lluwrr and (JarJcn Serif, To which lbs atteullonof dealers Is called, as w will sell at the very lowest Cash Frlcss la quantities to suit purcha sers. Weal so kaep oa hand and offer for sals Wholesale and Retail, all the lead ing Patent Medioines. Also, NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERIES, TOUACl'O SEdATb. Middleburg, toyder Co. Pa. March 21, 18u7. PHILADA. St BEADHfO B. B. Through Route to ib s Susquehanna t THE Sbamokla & Trevortoo Rsilrosd being completed, a tbroegb route la opened between Herndon (on the 8usque banua River) and Philadelphia Trains' will run as follows i EASTWARD. No. 1 Pasaenge. leaves Trevorton8 10 a ni.i Shsmokin 6 40 a m, arises at Phil adelphia at 1 00 p m. No. 8 Passenger lesvss Ilerndoaatfl 81) a m,i Trevorton 10 07 a m,i Bbamoata 10 66 a m,i arrives at Pbila at 0 iu pro. No. 6 mixed, leaves Herndon at 0 40 Trevorton 13 m,t Shsn-skia I'd 87 f m.j arrives at Poltavllls at 8 IS p to. WfcSlWAIlU. No. 2. Fasssnger. Leaves Philadelphia 8 16 a m Shsmokin 4 00 p m Trevorton 4 80 p m arrives at Herndon a1 6 26 nt. No. H. niixeJ. Leaves Asblsnd at 7 80 a m i Bhamokin 0 80 a m arrives st Tre vorton 10 J7 a nt t lleradon U 20 p m. No. 10, mixed, Leaves Asblsnd at 0 uu p ni i ensBiOkin t us P as I arrives at te ... .. r. im M r.ivnoa u F im. , , Passenger tralus nos. I ana a make connoolion at Reading for AUeotowo.New York, Lebanon, Uarrlsburf, Columbia . and Lanoaaler. . , Psasseagers arriving la Fbattokla vlaj N C ll W, about 10 a m, ean aonnect with No 8 Passenger, at 10 66 a m, for Phila delphia and intermediate points. Tbsse arrivlae. M im S tl