The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 25, 1870, Image 2
thp: post. ' '' ' r '.' " 1 ' ' ; ' ; ; A ''' T M 1 ! "NYi y.n rnrxTY UEPUflMCAN TICKET. f .'SilKnAS. JOHN It. I'Ai.KKIt, i r scssray. 11 EMU .inn (', nr t.vciisn, sf t Vat r, Wll.T.MM l.llN(i. ..ffitv.lcr. M HI T I ?Ni A N. of Inn,. iiliioli.M.l: 111!.!.. .,f l.jc.iuinf. '" I At S JI'MI. I T.S'.'AMIN I.. i:u i.lVi'.i luotni'SnraeT, ii vii mn .-:, or nm uhi i. S:olTlB fc m:i iiTt'tl, ! MI H. II. M III i l or miiiiii.i.iic an. fit, l t I !:.N.I XMIN T. I'MIK", run. ii' ki.nmt, aiiAvm. nl'T 1 RVLTOIt, A.AKUM K. I.IH', O1-- dtll.UtlIW. ri'Mr .KMi'icyf ii. HKMiv i;kd: r A"linf.To, a r i.i tub, CAIA'Ia I., usiitrt. or P KB s A, Our ( aiiilliiilc lor Ncmilor. T!: rcult ofthe ce'i).,l m,.ctif;.f ol to ('..nlticSi id' tliU S tutorial I -! t.K't will he !rnriitl bv ivadini !!, mil.- T il eoJitiH f tt.o Coofe i i VLtmo i-i it.ij uu.ciiMiee pui.- i : -1 1 u I in another cniiiun (.rthn rnncf Pi oni tin o r i ee.lits wo loai ll tint ( J I -t llehrv J. hiinn. ., Main-.-. iv- ive 1 li.e iiiiai.iinous luniiiiiatio'i for . efiiior allot the lii.-l ,n; .t. Mr. J.lin-i.ii n, ,t ,mr fl. t ..I, 1 I I- I.i... . . . i. ( iiuo wo neiievea wmi l lio claims lit i!:o wo believed that tin! claims nf i:.i i:er i. oiioty ii mo lliim.neo were i .. i . i . . . . . friP(;cr He ll tho o f cilhrr of tli otlier counties id tho litrii:t. nnl we would hive been bilily li-Aed t' seej t- I. Simpson nominate I. Yet n ohaiii ... i I. . I. I. . .. : : a. . I .i . ll 4V . j: ;t I.l I.- Ill Mil li;t I I'ln Ol 4llr. I -.1 hnsan, knoWIn, to ho one 0 ! il,..- licit And liiihtDnidlar ih,mi in tl.e , 8 ate. a man who, Ir .iii his cxr.criciine . mid hi.MlnccM ,i.,.l;fi,.uii. ':' rtni- f uutly flited lor the nn.itit,! tf Htat'.1 S.'iMtor n.... i. 1 1 , .. . . i nai uu win it'll !'.rt'DL!lli t our ticket, and curry tho full pni ly .. . .1 .. . . . J i veto in this county, tlicto is no doubt, 1 ho Money Luminary suys : 'That Mr. Johnson difpinycJ "teat i:idu-try mid ability when lm reprceulo 1 the old di.trict compose J of eh counties of I.ycoinin, t'liiilon mi J C-niie, a fow yenra ngn, is conceded en oil fide., mid is a s it c.unrautcc ol'un enrnect nn I i-.iril ii. I Kit t in. rt nl ll.n ,,,,m..,.U' . election. Them is a .l. ,.;,!.., I!.,.,.l..' limn nioiiirilv in ll.t. ,l'.-.,:... l., i:... i.. .11. .1: ...... 1 ... through bad u.auacsnii'ut Pcinociut iitiiji'inv in una lii-iiiet, out! i bad u.auapsnii ut Pcinociut leon returuoJ at tlio Isnt two " is terSimitor. ThiseLotilJ uot1 feel will not occur a-uin. T!ld , have been elections UtiJ wo n im'innt inn .if Mr .1. I. ....!,.. ..I., iosDired eoiilil'..!..... in r..r r,.L. tic. opinion prevuilj tlut the district1 will Do ri'tlceiueil by Inn elnctlou by a laivo niajoiity. There is nothing U prevent eitcii a result with micIi a eun ditlatc, if our friends tctnuin trim t'i, tbiir principlosnnd party or.Mi.ization j nnd ill.eliuri.n in. aim 1,1,1 ,lntv..l i. inu out to tho noils. And this . Ime reason to buliovu they will do in tha i 'ehdiu! eli ui,'u'lo, not only Kir Senator, but for tho other dir-trict tinJ couutv Uomiuutiius.N The Co 111 1 11 ir lolllUnl blruxi(p. Tl, Pittstur I'isp'iUh Hiys: ' Prom present nppcarunrcs, tho lem ncratie papors ura lal;in' to them selves consobtiuti n liitle loo toon on tha supposed we:ikeiiiii7 unJ di.rup tioo of tho I'epublicun parly. Thoy icetn prune to uikuiiio tlmt there is 11 tlissalirifaelion bo tiervtidioi'. that the lower Iloti'o ofCoin.'isa may change poiitical'y, und in local elections the! lniocracy conic out triumphant, tunny ! teoond, that the province of 'J'hcro arc several masons for bolicvii.j' AImico, toolhcr with tho ci'y of Stras thcir hopes entirely Illusory. In the' '""')? civen to the Grand Juchy )f 1 '. 1 1 . , ' . . . II... I I.I.I 11.... II - general 11. nua unen mo knliirj n the1 ' l,MI". i navutia reemvu n pust by our pibtieul liistory, that n'"" mnnfJ compensation in o.inMjora. cUanj;u of popular coufideuco from oue j ' ,Jl!r e'-'rvices and expenses in party ti anoihir. has ulwsva been nt-;1' war ; lourtlt, that Napoleon 1 II. tended with unmistakable circiiiii-t.iii-fc an iatonso und pervadiuu popular aversion to tho party ia pow er, and n correspond ioix enthusiasm favorable lo tho rival political 01 uniiizniion. This liaa been an pulpuble thut wo tu cd not slop to illu'truie (ho reniatk. Put who will pretend to say that either ol tho conditions exist ut preeiit f There is a mvusuro of disitislAetion with lime specifia ilonuol leislulion su uctrd by tbo late Congress but it can not ba doubted thut ihoro is n general and very dveided eaiisl'aclion with the administration of President Giant. The inci ease of frl'J.OOO.OOu in rcve liuo receipts, and ?10,00 ),OUU in cus toms eioce General Grant's inaugura tion over the previous sixteen months, nnd tbo lemoning of exprnaes S.SO.O' O. 000 ; Ibe payment of 8151.000,000 on tbo uationul debt, und $?0,0(JOOO reduction in taxation sro palpable acts which can ba easily understood r-nd Appreciate J. Moreover, the drift pf popular aeiitimcot is, uot toward the lemocrstio party, but rather to cor rect any evils that may exist, by chang ing when otceir-ary tlio delegation in Cuogreas, substituting those io Ihe Ilepubllvaa party, who represent the popu'ar view for those wbi do not. . J'bors is not (ho slightsat eulbusiisui ' for tbe Democracy, nor any disposition ' to trust tbecn. It is elesrly seen thai their purposes ara revolutionary, and - I bo people are not desirous of ao up . beaval in behalf of obsolete institu tions." V Although on Stats or National tleket is lo bo voted lor (hit lall, tbe lUpoblicaua ara maoifesiicg ao anqs- '''''rlt'f.ujljllir, JJlTO"ilillnrtl l!llirnnni -flo- coneerna 1 vm 1 ' ll'mmtb Phi:sdelbls 'iw Punt in art ol Wtu- .mv., Aiiiisr P. An ofP-iul despatch from rlin slates that Handier attompt. has been I made by Inlso'l In niske peatU be tween UraiiM mnl I'riiS-ia. Xipotcon recently cprt Vrd Tile rcadim-a to treat tor peace, Lilt Ktn- William declare lie will I rfT to no proposal ol tha kind 'in. I'M ih I'iciivii k mi arm'siire in; lf. Wiiyi Frederick. !uko ol Si'lili'v.'iif, ha issued a nirmifcsto im ploring nit (jermntia in sustain the Frii'siu!! jr. (icticral Sheridan tins arrived fit lliO Iicntl.jil ftriori f Kill) William. A navel en";remout between Ficnch mi l war vnn ii k J pine i, IT tlio run-l of tho ihland ol' Ril Ivtco. in llif U.'llic. oti Wedncsibiv. . .... j I, ii i . t I l-oM ,r.. cliJ,t1nl ,s reputed at tW K'lt i'ii I iifdiy an I .cIiickIiv. i I ftpptMi fi tlint ii luro force of I'ru-i iik ntfiK'kml tlio retieaiifi I'mnch c ilumii liort '.itamM' (,iii!ivi?i nf Metz on T lay, :i 1 1 . 1 after a 'V( ro cni.u J ini'iit Li', ku their lino nf buttle, coin p-!liil .:irt to lii'l Im k t ) Mot uml ' I . ml.. .a . v 1 M't .. I . i I. V V II I t ' i VI 'III I. I IIU 11 1 HP W. U'.L,.. !.... i. ..I , . l. I jwlint rc.-u!t ii tint lumwn. The nc-' l'1 reinforce mcnt wit be un eniiiru mo coi.f iscil ami ctinflieiin. jnl'lj lojninbiiu. Ti.e Crowti I'rinei Tli ; I'lenili rl iiui n victori1. hut ' it pn-liitirf on towards l'uri. hi I hk- havi- ifntin in i ver v inn'nneo. I! linim Iiak a tr.'inrn'l"in hefnre him jto Keep lii-i w:y open t . Clialuns. The I'rnAfInn mtny now in Tratiro U iaiil tu number fully f'X Inindre I thoiHaiol j men. Tim Crown 1'i luro I'ro luriuk ; Vi!!:iun is tm-l'.iiiiion t .urdt Ch iloni, ,nn' U'lT-'nc tr'inrl wero wit'iin lvnty tmlis of tint plai.e on Monday I no 1-ieneli rnvertiuioiit ivpreont. 'I"' I'i''vi"ii reverses of the armv .... . ' ,h.ivo Leon fully cheeked and tliftt. the ntttnts "'''l Ol tho clleil.V t iiitcrlnre iih ii ciii(eiitniiiiii)' ol' r.n in fit ! . . I CiV'!';u have I ecu coniriletely re pni-ed. The iMincidcnco in time of tli? recent ........ .... I ... :.. l I I """"'' j "iiuir.iti i.i i.un mm tl.n ri' li'.li of Pratieo Mi;tfe.ii! ... . i .. ' poiit-e evii'.enee ol A combine 1 utlcu('t t ) (..euiarc a n lun-l.c. I .-rt KDAV, Al'Ot PI' 2J. TelepraitH rccpired nt T.nndnn ., - 1 tcrd.iy rep n t t (in l.mpenr N .p.,!.. i cX,rl:m.'!y !l. ' ynipnnts nfintcv,. vt-i - v hi ninn nt,. uu inn ill 1 11 il 'he hai Icon lielr.tycd Tlie irrnuml between Mutnnd Ver dun liiis been a secno. of const int car- nv:e "n'-c Mni'luy. A npeeial telejrum fi'nin lt.-rlin flaf Mm li'onli ni'ini hn-1 been separated by the victory ol the Prii'Miini nt Miiv-Ia-Tonr. The main body Ins been forced bick on Mel. Hint brouuht to n stand by tho j Pir. nnd t"ceond ticriuan nrmies, tin j.ler Piince Prcdeiet; C'lnrl:s nnd i tSencrnl Sieiniuctz. The rond is now 'ien to Chalons fiir tlio Crown Prince. "P"1 who Ins only uonoi'n! I imi Iiu uml c ho bis only lieoei'nl Timi-Iih tun Isonio fi'-T'incnts of M.irshn! McMahon'ri sotllO Il'l-'llietH R Ol .M -irslml .M C.MallOII n l:or'". t0 t'n,''5u,,u'r " wa'- Tl,c ' , ,, l:orl". t0 t'n, 'JU,,U'r " Wfl 1 l,c impen-Ia. "f ' fw P'"'C'' marcbiii' to 't;uk I' roanl, and ISa.aino will be cmn .eiien to cut ins Way tnruuali the ''iernui! ur-iiv. or tlu Army of tli Kl wi!l '"J .,"'c;'1 l'' ""I1'"'!:'."- Pfinco Albcrr, net.iiew of Kin William, nnd (Jen. I.e 'raid woru killed lou Tiie-i lay Tho pcoplo of Paris havo been -f''Bl -v r"J,J'l "l '" "'fy wero tol l "' m'-m. ....n iv i'.i ice. ...ii-iii K'""1' l,"u'fl f,'lt ' Haiiiiie, also Gen. 'I'rorhu, who lias been appointed c immauder ot tho National GunrJ ul Puri.s. 'ol intcci inp; coutinucs in all parts of the Kmpiro. Nativo chiefs of Algotii are rep irtcl to be raiKino; J.i,0!Hl cavalry for the French army, wh cli will so in bo ready to start. Prince do la Tour d'Auvcrne lias tnUcn pnasi'ssinn of tin Ministry ol Foreign Alf.iirs. Piiuco Xnjiolison Is vritli tlie nrmy at Chalons. In London it is stated tint the do i tunnds of the Kin of Prussia in tlio I""'8 ""' crsi' nre : Firt, that he, Kiuj: William, ho declared Fmperor of Ger- ne 'I'.'po.-ci, and that no Orleans prince bo placed upon tho ihroue of France Monday, aimust 22. Tho military titualion does not ap pear tn huve changed materially since Suturday. Tho result of last week,' tihtin;: around Meix has teen to shut up lia.aine's army w itbin that fortress nnd he will not b able to i;et out un less powerful assistance is sant dim from Paris or elsewhere. There i some tnyetery about tho French forces of Canr.bert nnd Me Mahon, recently known to bo io Print of the Crown Prince near (.'batons; but it ia huJIy likely they have d.itd to 'a- iiboiitaii l inircb back to th re 'ief id linzainc, and thus leave Paris entirely in Ihe band of the Crown Prince, who could make short work of ibe i!lyrrauixel force under Tro- chu. II, however, MoMahon still eon fronts Frederick William, a treat bailie between their commands must certainly take place within a very few days, aud as Milters now stand, if tbe French b defeated this light will probably be th decisive balllo of th war. The utmost consternation prevailed in Pur is on Saturday, when the tirst intelligence of ibo defeat and entrap ment of Jiuzains's army was mad known. An ImniAnae crowd of people surrounded tbe Cbsmbers with loud expressions ot anger. Revolutionary deuioBstraticmi wero made, but do ai Is of violeoee ara repoi tod. Tbo power of (ho i:mperor deereuses every day ; he is entirely ignored in all natters ol importanee. General Trocbu, military goveruor of tba oapital, has almost iu prem power, and the people look to aim to Helena (Hem against tli invader tilked of in Knelind. Queen Victoria has ahlrcaed an sntoraphic letter to each of tho sovereigns in the CO ifliet. It is believed in ltruel, UeUinm that Poland end Italy hive determined to inteilere jointly tu save Paris, ami tli At Austria's concurrence is inomeu Urmllv expected. There is sreat rejoicing In Germany it tlit successes nf tlio (jermaa nt-my. At Ilcrlio, on Saturday, tho publicn tion of lit Kind's depatches, anuunn-i-inrf I lie defeat of liaaiou'i rmy, ore atcil inwon.' etithuiia'in. The whole population turned out, olircritiK and waving flags. Churches, wore thriwo "iii und lliniik'iviii services held Similar demonstration! ware hivla at llambur.?. Frankfort and Merlin. Tin- furlresi of l'fjlzhurif, in tli Voirc M.iuutiiiui, snrremlorcd to the iri;i .mijuu llliu. niirreil'ivrf u Worcn,b..faar.ny on St..rdaJ a j j TLKKPAY, Atdt f 2.J Tlicro iiot'tjii to lie a lu'.l in tlio t; Hit'-ft, nu ri'pt rtu of tl'htln leina rective I from any taner. Io I ti I in it is tiatrd that all reliulila a In ri' from the ecat of Wiu ihow tlial Itli I'm iriinn nnnimin, ii'i m t.i . ut k In tlx I'iuiinn comroiinditrn arc !cekl " vniiy.iirnii-aiv iii)( in I'll'. ! iin 1 mn r..n ii.l il H... . c' having uppca rJ at St. lit.T. n town on the river .Maruc, ... miles louLhe.ixt f Chalnus, and 1 15 in.'Ien s iti'heitst of l'atis Tin I is.-e-i in the teccot Imt'.lcs nrj ai I to Ikito been euoroiom. Paris eontinUk tu prepare for a viu nrous defclMC, and on report places tho ounil'or of trnop in tliat yicinity upwuri oi nrco nunnreu muunin i The .'nAi(nlinnii pnlliahc. a circa- . i . .1 i ... i .i . f fioiii tlio Mini-ter of tlie Iiiturmr f' pi Cl'eel.i ol iK-jl ll tll)D'. nutiouucm th it crdeid hare be i give i for a di- , i rt I tribntioiiffarmetv the iicopl. from thnri s. ml. TIM MinUtcr continues: " Arm l:.i... .i, .i... v ; m. i 1 n r i i.l il VV .t ..r.ft n mi. , '"" -j- - i. ..... u I 1. 1 nmtiii r, f i I... il.- I. - ItllVO i"" vw M M l I 1 . I UBIIIW lll I youni; men by uur patriotism, .in J u.-c J ' 1 . . .. .. iviice oi mu cunuiry. inuainii uie i every uiOiius to luuko voldicrs Ol' thiMU." It i now 1 that Ollivier is still I'm is, an 1 U anriously ill of brain ver. Cntilnt licti.ry etatcttieats continue to he 11111 le about the hmpe.'or. It is quite ccrfaiu Ii'm power is rnpid'y on tlu decay, ti'eiiui'cl Trmdiu is the authority in Ihn Frcunli capital, and it is ulleed lli't hi is ptivu'ely prepar ing th way tor tho rjstoralio.1 of the Orlean futnily to pr.ver. A litter Irmn ijjcen Victoria to the I'.mprcHS KiC'cuio, datud Ailiirt l ). uppenred at lSerlin yeslerday, 1 elating to mediation, btio regrets her nil' n IIIL-.I luvi.'i. . .j.iw iri 11. 1 . . . tiilit y to moditate. SI10 intimat that ! ..... ... . l that ii an aifair fur tho Cabinet, aud the Cabinet tliit-Ls th) time iuopjor tune. It is rcp'irted io Londiiu that tbo ininister of Prussia nt Plorenco Iiak commiinictitod to the Italian covei n- met a cof-y or Ihe o..te l.ivhinga!'; ,J'- Himon C.eroo. tJiid 'r i 11 I .1... C...I ...,l I l.oic ul. I. nrm cmilorenee ..I ll,u I..-... I 'ni.ri I .i the consideration of the internal con dition of Prance, and what r-tcp may bo noccs'iray ti jirevent anarchy. A tfllci;r.iiii from Vienna sisius tbul tlio Austriuti (iernmus have proiiounc od in fovor of Germany io lb present war. A proclninaiinu is said to have been issued in their uomo calling upi'o all their nitriotio brellu'vu to rally Io tlio support ol Prussia and German unity. Princo Napoleon Ia at Florence. His niisnino is to demand the media tion of Italy. Wkhni'.sday, Auvibir 24. Tbo military situation, despite all reports the last few days lo th con trary, appears to be aliout, as follow : Marshal liaulne, with tho Army of tha M OS' IU-, remains in the vicinity of Met.. Tho Piusm.iik cl'iavly invest the placo, and i'ilunily u.:rl every entrauee to it. Marshal MaMa hon is eiiv'acd iu sti alcieal manu uvring between Ciialons and Uheims, with the evident intention of distract iuL tho attention of tbo Crown Prince, who keep su eyo towards Paris. H uh armies ura tecrailio and pre paring for conflict. Paris continues lo prepare fur sie'e. The war loss is beiuj; rapidly taken. A despttclf from Home announces that there is a general movement of Ital ian troops the Pun li fleal frontier, un der General l.orouz It is believed ictor r.miintiel is unable lo control llni fee I in,; of Ila'y for tlie pasr-cssion of lluuio. A l.ono anl protrscte l drousht bis rendered th forests of many portions ofCansdass inflammable IS tinder. A 11 r in the woods has now been ru ini: for nearly a week, destroying towns, village, and everything also in its devastating cours. Th tatir neighborhood of Ottawa has or sji eral days bea ia flats, at tbat city itself threatened with destruction, which oothing but tbo most energetic measures averted. Several lives hav been I ', and property to the value of millioos of do'larg soaiumed. Th fiery elomont has ravaged tbt Do minion to a greator extant tbae O'Neill's bold invaders. : :i. It Mini singular that tbis country does not produce eaougb iron for its own consumption, whan it possess unlimited snpplies of or ana coal which ara nor aoreasiblt and and nesrerto each other thaw in any other cnuatry. Great Hritsin is the largi iroa producer In th world, andeiports two-thirds of its entire product. - We produce about one-qnurier as much iron aa L'rcat Britain, and only about ihree-Coarteta ' of what we eoeauaie. With InexhausUble raw material, Ibo United States ought lo be the greatest iron producers ia lb world. Till latest invention for warlike purposes is laid to be tha adoption of steam loeoniotWea for tb steam locomotives for (bo transports- Senatorial anil Reprnta(lt e CunlereHce. At an aljnurii'j.l, inelin; of tb Conferee pf ih fionatorial and Rep rentntive diatrlol, conipoi.! of the coootifs of Union, Snyder and Lycom ing, bold nt (ha lUrdie Ifo'ue, In Willinro'port, On th 19ib of Antini, IS70, Ih toomig Cuoforo were present: I.yrominn U. MontzOrrierj.TKomas Wood and Peter Hcrdic. . S'lyiirr V. J. Scbo-b, i). F. Wag nnHtllT and .To h l.umlmrd. I'oioa William Cameron, William L. Hitter and Jrph fihriner. The rn!laVlnj ttfuJifialiona for Pen alor wcro made; Henry .f.ihnson.of Lyronliri county. Simon Wolf, of I'piiiii County. Anthony C. rfimpsoa, of Snyder sonn'.r Af'er Cnnmltiiion a billot was had an I Henry .f.ihnsoo received five ota. nnd A Simpam font, whereupon ltnV Johron. of Lycoming county, wits declared duly nomiuated, auJ on motion of V. .1. Schoeh. ol Snyder 'roimte, seconded be W tlham C amuroo , . . of I ninn coiimt. mo noini.iauon was nnd nnanimotis. Misai". U P. Wagonsoller Wm. Ci-meron and P. J. ScUuch were ap pointed n c immittee lowaimpon Mr Johnson, and inf rra biin of bis nom inition, and request bia nttundanca be fore tho Ci'ttferenc. Upon tb i let'iro of the camniiltn. Mr. Johnson beia by thonj iotio lnc ed to the CnnTenti'Hi. io af. remark nerepted the nomination, un 1 rotnrned thnnks for th honor c nifoi ied upon him, nnd the confidence tnanifeated io him. l y the innini'u nomioiktion, of whleh ho hnd jut been notified. The r..llowini rolnUuu were uoan- immmly a loptx.l : f .....-.I 'I It'll (,.'.. I hft I bee "re nni sen t CJincrnn, ami f'apta-n W illlnm Hard f. tlie nominees of the coni.ici of I.veoniin''. I uion and rnyuor, lire , . . i i i... nei tut on - ! Confe rente, as the iiepuhlicin cundi- , - , Hates for represctit.ttives ol this Uitf ... t I . I....l, r Lia H.A Miami If. tnct, and WO neieoy menu; iimni m I he en'trely worthy oi, anu an.iue.1 io receive tho ve:es oi ercry ivepuuucan . . . ... . . j" ' l, n''' 'T.,1,,. w tiled 0 burselves nd tlm whole Jtepuhlicnn .Ai ty ol I.I.U llwtfii.l In Ih. unite, I all ! a.! live fnippoi'I of tlie lion. Henry John son, the anther of the amendment to the Constitnlion of Pennsylvania which anenrad to our brave noldicrs in tho field, Ihe elective franeblMi, of which they bad been deprive! by ar. nrjut decision of th Siipretn Court; and we further declare tbat bis form er Senntoi ial ciireer. m-.-rits us it I irnivil iiniviArAiil commendation. , , .. . - , '' hraiehea ij.ire ...dicslion of what .:tt 1.. : . i!.. ini.n. it will be in th future. J!'ttlrtl, That Ibis conference heart il y endorse tbe ndmiuistrAtion ol President Cranf. anl lioveroor tieary. and we as boarily approve aad sanc tion th coui-sh f.fonr United State II 'll- I'.niu '"vii. .... ...... and unwavering support, and advocacy of the intsioa'i ot tliJ Kiystoao S'tnto. mlrnj, Tlmt theso pMocedinps be published in nil the llcpubliean papers of this iliteit KOBK.ll KT M ON Tti )M iiRY. yVe.iii I tut. Attest: 15. F. WAHONsii.i.ra, Sre'y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. wf'.FTK.TllIRR tOl lir. COURT P I OU LA M ATION. w fbereas lb Hon. P. S. Wood Presi dent Juila nf ih Judicial District oomposed of lb couoti of Snyder, I'uioe and Mirth and A. K. Midlewrih and (ieorg. (.'. Mojer, K s Assncim Judges in and fur Snyder eoiinty have issucl their pri-ceipi hearing; dai th th S-IU day of May, l N7i), . nnl la m directed for th holding ef an Orphuaa court, a court bft'oumiuB 1'Uss, cuurt of Oyer and Ter niiaer and Uou.ral court of ( usrtcr Ses sions of lb reai al Middlebttrg, fur tbe Cuuniy of Snyder, oa Ih 4th Monday, (he- iug lb '.'til Jay of Mrptctsber, 1T0.) and conuau on week Nutiee ia therefor hereby given to the t uroti.r, Juelie or Ih I'eac aud lonsla lit in aa for the county of i-oydcr, to ap pear iu their proper person uu their mils records, iaiiiisitiuas. etaiuiuaiiias sad o bar r.merul.rsuora lo do iboa thing wbiuh of their office and ia Ibeir bchall parlais lo be iluu. and witnesse and per aona proavculiag IB behalf of lb Common woalib against any peraon or persons are teouiredl be then aud Ihcr attvading i ud not departing without lrv. at ibeir peril. Justices ar reiiuented le be puncl uul ia their attendaue at the appointed liui agraealily lo notiei. Uiveauudarny band aad seal at Ihe Hherit a othc ia Miiblleburg, th 2)1 day of March, A. I., on ibouasad eiget bund aod aeventy. J011X 8. WOLF, Sheriff. LIST OF JURORS DRAWN FOR BKI'TEMBr.R TERM, 170. eaasu jiaoss. liiartr Jacub (lroa, Keuban Drees. U'uiir Wtit .Solomon Krebb. lly. Bcofer. L'hapi Adutn S- Ilerrold. fruaWia Saaiuel Qilberl, ll. D. Mitchell. urAaoa Jacob Leitiel, Oeorg K. lk-nfr. Jfiere Jereaiiak Hubl.r. Jfoaroe lasa Jar rait, Liaai.l Bvor, Wm KsUer. PtnmtUtDTj Artley, Oeorg J. Boh-oeb, William Hughes. Ptfrt William Harding. William H.lg.s. Veeg Philip M. 'fal. Stlmtfrmv4lt, M. bchnure, Samuel 0m. hrrlii g. I'nion Harrlsoa Witmer, H'aiArnyfeN Joel Kew, Oeorg 0. Olese. . , rstiv vcaoss. fiea.rr Daniel H. Kline, Wm. II. Droo, Abrahaiin Buook, Win Uavr, Lsvl Uili, Juba Un, J.aob 0. Bnydsr. BtMtr Hal Uvl Pickkart. Jack. Orwlg, Elias lioriaaa, Hear Ulsh, Abraham Snook. CrarrtGeorg H.nry, Sr., Robert Has , singer, O.u. W. Bboeera, David Kelcbly, Juba fiowarsox. Cltjpnanfim H. Bllttog, BeniievlU fcr- mer, Henry M. Freai (i.urg Kllngl.r, Jr., Daniel Oldl. Fraaai J. Uoyr. Jobs Klinglsr. flemael T Walter, li.rnbard Klin. tlMltkwf Antbuuy J, Bpsobl, Ilsnry Z.obmaa, Hsnry Bacbuaa. MMhcruk Aadr.w B.nfer, J, P. Yler. ifear William 8. ltil. i'ea-Wir Uosiereisa.ilonry Row, Lewi. iviu Ty p sriejiui.r, eieurp fhslwr, wriMeMFXMMmwMMm rpHlALLl.Si'.gKI'T. TEHM.WO. Ural fc Bl.och.rd v. Willi Am f ll.rrold, ernn. ft lr)r. WetAt a Hnrna, llowm a Meier tm VI itAni. n. w Jsob Men.lrlokl t. at. bran lis.hefinaa r Fnot V. Walter wep tione At m.diai Httmin.l r$ tnm .1 O -I iltlailnl, Tr4a'r. fc" n K. '. Koahiuk I. fc I Pinin Ute ptrie.rt he A.S l'ninoilnl ?.r...k Mliita .ml wns ...lli H. l.Ur Haiaunl I. Sack t Avon V. Mlteli.l , M am Knmla k Juxph It.lnet una Vi A'Um Hclil 4 (aiul Welttl Mm. t John Try OsnUI l.ittra n itbsrfn nmntl Warner Ue-.rrt ln-k John F. H'uMmi r.llAbeth Hlrlit.r .laeob K Kmllli it Franklin Krelder Mmun il.inn l'tir Melnal UKUJSrKll'.S KOTICK. Notice is hereby !vet to all cincerr-l, (hat th followlna n.miil nermint hat aettle.1 their an. emini.ia Ilia Hitr'e um.', at Mliliie),urr. Mnylee e-.ontr, ami ih.l the .a 01 arfounn mil lie ir.nt-l Inr cinhniiAll'in anil .1 th. HrpliAn.' I'.iurt I. im hl.l tMI.I.ll.uri,l..r the I.'i.iinif ul Hnjnler, n th Knalh M.m.Uf nf e.tmir. Iln IhtM'k Iat nl e.l.l itionih, f In I. The secant at J.rnk rtwarrn .ml li.He rm. Kaei-ainrinf the Ut mil Ami lantainent of .n.ih .Hw-.r... aei.eA.eil. 1. The acrniint ol llenrr KrkM4, Ailm'r. of Ih. e.iAt. . f I'.iiir c.r.ll. ic.-.. k. I hi onl .if Henrv Tr.Aier. Kieiifor of Ih. It will anlteALii,lul t.hi.lrtlh fres'ler ilei-t i.tit. 4. Th.Ae"onnt or nenrv R k'naMiinl llnr hnlr, h'tl ..I lheK.Ule..f li.i.irl kn..i, lr.l t. I flA A.-omint i.( SjoiuI W lltetnnver. Ai1 irn'r j 'um rAi.iini.niu vf th. e.lul f Hohert W . -iihh. il.t-eAAe.l. 1 h. epoiini i.l Sol'iinna Klirlnht anil John I SwArti. Kie-utor uf tli. en Let. i.t J"hn t:l. right, I im ,., uni ot tlrnrr ttnfer, Ailmtnl'traUir of th. uf Iraac ifsiner Oere..l f. H. si'HI I K, HWer. RpRl'ter'i tifflce, Ml.lill.bur, Aug. u, l;o. I NVKNTOHV OK" WIDOWS I VNDMt TIIK .TfiO LAW. ItoTH'K I. hfr.t.y ,lvm triAi the Ineentory of Ni.i-hia Hre, w...worM.miiel llnn.. I.i of ll.o II iri.uKb "I r'ln-irntr, .le. '.li ..f Kimiu i Ki'iim, wi.le ef Samuel Kuhn. lute of tentr. tu.n.hlili of Km a Htm Hreii, willow of Mft 11'Hh. 1st. of Terry tuwriihlp, illKfapml, h.ivn h.nn Cle-I with tli. Clerk of the OrphanA' C'oiifl ot MiMl.r ei iinlf. ami will h. preeeme-l to on I.l Curt d.r B' un .Huu'lay, Ih. SAth .lay uf !ttit.uiur Belt. .1. I'Hot rir;, Clerk ororilbant Court. A SSK.NF.K ACCOUNT. Notice 1 Ih herei.y alren that Ih. aeeonnt of .lohn bel-h. of :hii. ! h ll.. I.rnlkuiiii. .reVintVl ,5 ,h1 1:. o.r!itcr, tt lane. 01 ii.nry K ibao t.iwB.hli., h aa he.n hlc-l with tary ani thai 11,. a.m. will I I t ..un tur ouB!lrrnBtlnB ob Aliin-lay. h.ptemii.rl w, l".u. j . 1 ; hi 11 r r,( Au 34, l:o. rrulkuni.taiy. ;i:iks si'P,pKNA"7N )I.U I. v Olil'f!. a as 1. U His Ynf.K llfil'Sf TY, t-": Tha l'lmmiina..llli il ( S tu Ilia Miami nl M.).lcr 1. o. (Ikkatimi. nmi., AtTAham ll'ininer ill I nn ih. Hih iluy of i iK A. IL, nmi, prel.r bia tltlB tu tl). .lu.laoa of iur aal.l I 'ulirt ot i -iiuiid.iii PI. .a I '.f ll. C'uunty of Stiyiier, praylna for the eaii.ea ti..reln aet lurth. Ue atiaht t" I Itoin Ih. U.nda i.r inatriinuny .nlerxl Into with ChArtott. Itrutin.r. I W. rf.i Iharali.rM annminil Villi aa hAral..r,i.a ' rou war. .1, the al.l t.'harlott. jlruu n.r. retiliia all. all oihcr huain.aa an I.i. omeA whatanAver. h. ai..1 nnbear In vour jrrOTtnjn. ih. county uf Sutilar, on th. until day of Mit.ii. . t-r, A. I) , 1170., to answer th. ptli..n ol th. aal-l Al.rahatn l!riinitor. aud to ahuw came, ll any ou hat., why th.aal.i Abraham Hrunu.r. your I. mixu I, ah-.iii,l unt ba ilit,.r.'d fimn Ih. Hula uf inAtrlin'inv to th. ante i.r (ha; iien.rtl Anombly In auoa oaaas mad afid ira linv... ami u.ra.1 lau uu... Witne th. H. is. R., Hreitilent Ju.Ue uf uur aaivl Ouurt at MldJI.lHira, inly si, A. 1. I lie. . J. drtOL'SK, rrolhi'Butarr. ' A. VAI.UAHLK FARM IS Ul'r'i l.O VALLEY For Sale! The nndrralsn.!, Fteenlnra of Philip flam her Iin. late uf Lewlai.ura. I aiuu uiii.iy,dui'eaa.-.. will eiine at puUll.i .-..i.e. at the Hltlur llouao, In the b'.ruuaa uf Lsa)l..burg, in Tueday, Heptenilifr SO, s;o, at too'clni-k. a.m. .alt that VAI.T'AHI.K FAnH a ituat. la Keltey tuwn.hlii, l:nl..n eouaty, e.-a-titttun lou aural, oi'ir urlM,uu which la erec ted a lara. W'ltlTK KnAMKTWIi.STlinT PWKM.yNU lar.llA.stK IIAMX, W(l(IN SHhU, UUANAUV, I'lHKH PKKM.-S, and all uth.r iiw.aary aad eunt.nleul huiiainaa. Atfo, about t& her of Valusbl. Timber Land llhln alwut ne iiiIIoa uf aaM uruii alij i.i abar.aul Lewiahur4 btuck. Thla la a rsrehen-. for any parson who wt-hca to purchaa. un. ot th. lait Urmi In Hultal, Val- ivy. il i uo'ier in. nianeni aime in ouitivuliou. with Ihe beH ol iuiMt.i..uts. ' la uMh. very llin.i...n, with a tfimtt lloiMtoti. iuar ry ut th. It .piAllty iifatui... Tuor. la a well ul a-n.iil water at the hm.a ; also, a neter falllnu lrir. ol water, wnleh can I carrl.,1 tu th. linn., anil u rn, .an in rooai oi tn. ll.l'ia. 11 ia eituataa la Kelly tw o-hip, on. uf tk u. tnwn-shli-A la tk. oounty, anU cunvani.iit to i-burchea. achiidrt, an-l tu oiarkaia. It Iaiu4 ahout s mtlc. Iruui Lainuiirg, u.oiunly, an l aiiul Ihrea mll.atr.iiii .lili..n. It hat nas nf th. bant Apul. rchnrila aa.l .vary ul t ruliahal there la la th. ouunty. M. H. Tcnrs will b m,ta.eaav. al atmtit satin or .lahl thauaand dllAra"it th. iniri-kaa. oi.may ean r.matn la it. phi., during tbe III. of Ih. al'li.w, an l I'ranlilln Oaniherllna- II the pur ebater su ileal res Tkot wl.nia tu aa. II prop .ty ca Oo eo hy oailln-un t). f lenih.rlliia. "t l,rl.bor, ur 1,'lin Kelly tow a. hip. ur Wm. Va')wi.r. I ha Mtornee i.r ih. ei-ltl. . I U I. I . rilUllL'U . L L'll t-11 I 1,. JOII.V PAWL1MO, taacaturs. ' Auguat IS, UTO. 0 It l II A NS COUHT 9 A I. K In purau.nce ef an nr.t.r srantei) by tha Or phabi' tvurt nf Msylar County tu tha un i.r. aiKul, A'liutnlitratots uf the o.tala uf Ahrah iai leaker, lata of I'erry townablp. ile-Mae I, will he eipoa to puhllo sal, va Ih yrauiiece, tu Perry luaaship, ua baturdiif , fptf Bibcr 17, A. I)., IHiO, the following ilaarlbl valuable Rail I'atate, tn wn All thit c.ruin meaAuaae. earl THAI T t'S L.ANI) sltual. In I .rrr luwn.hln. Nnt.l.r County, Pa., boun'le.1 aa follows, to wli: On Ih. Nona by laii'ls of ll.a h.ira el .loha Marka. C--a-t, l.aai by ln,la uf Hat Id H.har ami John rrynt.r. South by lamia nt SainuM liarr. au,l West by land ( Jacob Swab and Amos b ha liar, ouuiainuig 120 ACRES! mora or leal, en whleh ar .reeled a larao Two .story Mtune Huaaa. a lara. Ilauk Hub. Wum he.l, aud otfa.r uM-.aaary nut huililioua. Tker. la a laru. (Irckar.l uf Imle. I mil. als an as e.ll.ut aprln uf wal.r naar th. dM.r. AbuutOO B'-rM of th.abov tract la el.areil and In a bsmhI alaleol .nillvatlon, tli. hatam-a la g'XMl Woodland Sula tu vuiaiaenc. .t 13 o'. luck, uuub, on said day, wh.n atlandam-. wlU b alren aud Itraii uia.1. kuoWB r 1SAAU A. l.kNkKH, KMULA THI KsruM, Aagust 1. 1170. Aduilulslralvrs, E iXKCUTORS' SALK OF VALVAULK REAL, ESTATE Th.Silluwtnc dssertlstd Real E.tate. sltnat In Heater tuwnahip, bnd.r euunly. fa., will b. aapuew io ruoii. mi., oa v.. pr.uisa., ub Sat urdM) , Octwbor I, ISIO, atlOo'elook. A. M. loundl on tk North by land of H.nry K. Hn.pp anl South by laud uf Val.nllu Kncpp, teat by l'.tr (ha and Juhn I'lab.wnd W..-t by ll.nry lliful.r.nua' Ulalna UN h till, V Ilk tllk KOHTY ACRKS, alrlot maaaur., ah al lul a.rvs ulaarad, und.r f.aea. and la a good atat. ol outtlvailuo, tk. bat auc well tlinlwteil wlia P'aa, Oak aad Ckaatnut. Oa th said tract Is f eote.1 a sood Wnihtr bearded Los Hwellinit lluua, new llaak Kara, and btli.r aw-Msary batldlnas. A B.v.r.fallina' w.U ol water, Juuna apul. orchard, aud an MO.ll.nt water piwac ar to the hoaa. This pri.Mrty Is bieauid within tkrwa aula, of tu. tl. L Uallmad. ad lo churches, sahixds and mills. 'I'u Ua aula uad.r tha last will and testament of Pater Una., l or lurlb.r particulars addraas th und.ralgued at Oaanarelll.. hoyd.r euuoly, P. . i , i. tioss, ADAM WAONKR, , sag. II, 1170. . Juwoutvrs. QRaVUANS'. C0UKT sSAIiE. Tb aaeevwignea feavtag ba sppi is sr-'A ah Heal Ifsial of J latd Jaoob the esld .Iseob fetrlub, 8r. rlee'd., bnnnded and ilrscrihe.l as followATii: Nonlirrsr llj by l.ii'l of Ilrney W. flnrman. Weal J lan,1 of Wirren I'.r.lly, rionlh liy Jacob Auraol, an4 laat by llonry I'njrer Conlaiuio 1J0 Acres Ooo.IRTONK IIf)U8Gnd IIAR.t on Ih ptare. Moat of the land elearad. Term rtil known nn ilaf ef fs'e. JOHN 8. WOLF, Intilce. Angus! 19, 1870. , fALUADLE FAUM.tTI'KIVATKSALC. The luberriher otTers al priest ante hi VALUABLE FAtlM. ltnai; in Monroe InwnAhip. Snyder t'oiinlr. lj.rlii1n lan l.of Abraham Fi.lier. Sllctienl Hummel nnd others, tonlalnlnn about 171 ACKKS, more or los. nlnriy-flt acre ef which are clearc'l ami In a high slsia of fluliirntion i III bslnnce is coeere'l wiih the brat of lim ber. The improvements consist ef A food hrpe IIvel!iiifi: lionise, a I.AHr.t I!AK H MtN sml all ner-a-ary oiilliiiililing", pool w.wrr coot anient for nil prBi. a lurg APPLE- ORCHARD, ennlaininn choice penile 1 fi-uif. He. The farm I. under gonJ fihce. nnlurnlly ferille anil highly roJuclitu ; la in a henllhy country, ah int three riiiles from Hi'llns groto ami lien miles from PlinmoVn lam, nn the west hank of the f ti9ielianna river is ennvenient to Mnrkeia, Hailroade, t'a nriN, (itiurches soil Hchnols, Will teeol'lon easy terms, ami roir.l(in aivtn immcUlolv if JeeireJ. Fur further I " ... ... . . , , . .. p-.rtti ul.irs inpiuro of Ihe aubscriber nn the premises. dpt. ,!t)!IN HEIIN. Alntirn twp., Jnnt M, lfTl). QKPMA NS' "t'OU U T " SALiT, Will l,e A..I.I at Pul.lle Vendue by lrlilof ao oriler Of Kal. fArttcd out of th. llruana I'nurt ill JnJ'isr '"univ, at th. Iluui ol Ira Str. la -aln" t.iwn.hliv ."'t1' "nV. Ar.lL'STTlllV?0. The fiillo-tln iteerne. roat rtat vlr: A eartain tract m Intnl .un ite in t nl, n town. hip, snj.lcr ciniity, I'a al..lnlna: lanita ul John II nilralinan ami I'et.r I li.lal. n the amith it sn.l ...iithwv.t, ami tan. la ..r .l.ihn Null nn the n-Tt cutamlna tan acrea more ur lera all claaml. 'I arm. wlllt nail, known nn rlav nfat by 11 i). 11 y.R nni. 11. (luartlan nf th minor ohildtun ur Dalilal K. Ii. in. :!-. Inly i", j Ihtwhy if ( o's. Ativrh'irmtnf. Asms ar.atAl fca Twclyc Years 'ih:8 wild MflnsPlaM THE I.IFK OF 'JCO. 1'. I.F.LI-KV, wbo r, . . i.,fc. ,,f 1 ..i..,,.,.. t ,1 l 1 r r . V S'lyeuliire iiml lliiral for knowlarig cf tin Indians, llieir t tKlnins, Spurt s, Trmliliune, War, (Jre;l Itiill'.ilo II nnl n. e.0.. lie., h-fl n, bniue of tiltnlv in Ohio, joined tbo Indians, adopted Uoir mode of life, nmrricl ilie bcnnlifut Wash ii'lla. becamti a Oioal Warrior, Hunter nnd Chief of lm) Lodges, was nf pointed Lieu tenant In the 0. !. Kegulnr Army, for mcrilnriniis seisiiee with bis braves ngainst hostile Indians. A book of the meet thril ling interest, n reality well auibeniioaied. Truth stranger than fieliun. Superbly ill uatiuted. 70 engraving, with porirsit of 1 1 o author, in full fruDlicr cnatuuio. 1'rieti low. Sliould ouiscll any book fjiuut. riend at once fur jlliiAtraled circular, table ul euuleius, .ample pigc ami term. A. II. lll'HUAItli. I'ul.lUher. 40i t'bo'.aul St., l'tii'.a l a. aogl.s Iw rnni: ii4f;i; f o.'iii wm cbsng- X any colored hair nr beard te a perma nent black or brown. It contains na poinm. Any ono can ti-e it. One sent by mall for J'l. Address nlAH l(. I'OVII ( )., auglS-iuJ r'pringtleld, Mass. A tiKTH FAIW MOrt A W01ll Ki'lllurr AS- JoUU . t). Ahboit'i last great work, tha Xdvea of all the rrcsidonti. Over Mo psaea, nenrly filly atcel and wun.1 ea ravlnna. r-ell. at aiabt. More nuenta wnnt... M.nn tur iieacription and rerma. trankllu ruh llahinM lyumpany, Ul Mark.t St., I'hll.llphla ria. Auauats. iw wkll' Klf WORTH SDI.Il 1U.IMI AUhNT IN no K HY flME CIU.V1IIS. AKVIIll tYUlUBil or by Jsam.a Purtnn, fireclay and ether prominent writer., it te tn rauat complete and eoinpen dtuiia literary an I artlatta work ever pul.ll.Ll. It contain, aaot.-hea nt i'harle. Iilckena, liurliii- gam.and huuther protnlnont Auierlcuna. l.ritf. In iN. N KW YORK AND IIAKIi'liHU rtlU- i.iHiN'icoair'AM(. auowaia Kaai win nt. New Yurk, AskusI .WKLL'8 C.irimllc Tablets. THE ORKAT H EAI.INU HALSAMIO RK- .11 KlU lurCl.lUUS.l-OL.DN, SI IKK THROAT ASTHMA, acae. V'ir Wormy I'hllilrea th.v ar. tntalu.hi.i fur Kidney IHilleulty a Npwina. iry lovin. rric an cenu per nux. hent t.y mail un th. ut the price, by J. ). K r.l.- I.O'Kl, 34 Pl,.tt r-t . N. Y. eiele (eot lor th. i nuexj ataiea. vii uy iruaifiaie. -Aa sw LIFE U UTAH a tws MYSTERIES OF MORMONISM Py J If. IIFADf.r, K.lltor .f Ih. Hall Lake naii.rt.r. nr. iiai. an r. rl is e. ul l ll c,l H n e. rip:r KITKS, I'KKKMONIKS and CMtlUKS. With a full anil aiilhati'la hlatnrv nf PIll.VO. AMY ana Ih Mormua SVMt. froui Its orluln to ui prwaeni tna.. AHoniaar. uiaetlnp; witn unprece.lonted sue. on. reports las auhacrltiera In (onr days, another 71 la wo daya AOKNTH semi lor circulars. Addreaa NATIONAL PI U LlailUNU CO., PbllaJellila, Pa, Al-lw ATArT, CEITAIH . ABB Speedy Car JOB ABO AJUb NERVOUS DISEASES. U Effects ar .HWt . Aa 1TNPA IiINd REMEDY for Nbcuaxoia l ALlAUaollSAi .lleollng euro Iu a aln Hi. day. No form of Nartuua Dli.aae falls to yield tu Ita wonderful power, Evea la tb Mv.r eaau of C'hrunlo Neinalla, allectiua the anllr. ayaieui. Iu lor a law Says allurus Ik. oiuet aatuuUnlng relief and rarely fatla to produce e oumplei and urman.nt our. ItaoBtalB. no maurlats la the lluklwil iBjurttms. H bas tb uoiiualinad apia-uval ul th beat pbyal eiana. Tkuu.auda Iu at.ry part of th. euuntry, kraterully ackuowlclir. In puw.r t aoolk th. tortured nerves, aud featuring tb lalllng atr.Ktk. ta.ul bt mall OS receipt ot prte and pnitag. On parkaa . 1 no . Postage 4 eanw. Six Paekaaue, . so . - . SJ . It Is hild by all dealers In drues and mallcln.s and by Tl'RNKK A UO., 8ol. Proprietors, lau Tr.niont ST. Beavo, If aa. Sot. WANTKIl AQVNTS To Sell th HOMB bllt'TTI.B BEWINO llAOHINK. Price I6. It make, lb " Leek Sllch," (alike on butb sldee) audi Ihe oely noenevd underfeed SUutlle Maehln anhl f ,r than 00. by WkMlerat Wllann, Oroter A Uaker and Hlner A Oo. All ether amtar leed bhiMile Ala chlneaaoid Cut lees than eoar tnlilnaemenu, aad th seller and naar' Hssl to proeeoatlun Addlwae JOHNSON, I'liAKK OO., Ruatna Mass,, Pltteaarg, l's OketaaH iU.,or HI. Luula, lo, . Ita IIANTEO AOrTNtfs-To self th OOTAOON yy stwinti staohine. ii is makes tb " sfcvstl auk Sllek " sad il warrau Wd tur I yra. Pile at, all other aaaohlBM with aa an.ler faed lute for gtl or le ar In. i- 'i.,,m . r Mia .t- I at . J TnB CSC1T RKDICll'tllsrOTEITt Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA viaixiAk in rn;i:s itonr.THAWwooooPKnsuNS r Hear tMtlmony In thole W a a. II m - 3?i all - a ?? it inrmiTt r.ll.r., WUAI ARK I'llt I TH AFK JSO-t A VILE I AfstY DKink', of I'enr Ram, W hlkAy. proof Rplrlta, ana) Kefii.e l,l-tinr"., .l'd ami elenr,( In plea., th. ta.te, eallril " Tonlns,"' er." Heiti.rer.," fcr that leait th. tu itrnnkcno". .ml ruin, but ara a Irn. nie.lwlnr. Iiia.le frum th n.tlt .n.l llrrl of I'all lurnla. fre lrin all Alinhniie llmiilanl. Ther ar.the O H KA T MI.IM HI I'I 'IMKIKH .n.l I.IKK IIIV1MI HIIM tPI,!-', a perfect Hennrator anil Intlip'raluT of tha Wy.iem, earryln of all r .l.nno.. roitier. anil re.lurlna the W..l to neilthy r.iniMHi.n. No irrua can tak. theM llitiera aeeiinllng to illr.utlunt, and r.inaln Inn a unwell. . . w. loo will beili-en Inan lnMirnhleea",prnvli1e,t tha hone, are nut il".tni)rrt by mineral pel.nn or mlior inean. ami tha vital orKAsa watl Ii. . ynnit th.niiint i.r repair. rr Innnnnnatiiry and Chronic RheomatUtn aril tlnul. Ii"'c;ya, or IniMmibm. IIMIhin hainlitont, anrl Irrlormlttent Keter, lilnearea v . in. iiliH.ii, i.itar, Kiuneyi, and Hla.liler, tlie-. "" hav ber-n iii...t eurrewrul. Such Ins ea..A aroi'Aii.f l ny t uteii ll noil, whlrli l en ,.r.My pnviu.-e.! bjd.raDK.met.iof ih IimiIv tlraana. I lean, th Vltlsted Hlnml whenever To And Its Iniiiiirltira l.iirattiiK thruitah th. ektn tn I'lm 1 lea. f.riiptlon.or fnrea 1 elena II alien y.. And ! It t.tArai.-te.l anil altica1-h In Ih. veina t rlena. II I when It la Iiml, and ynnr feellna win I. II ya when. Keep Ih. hlnml pur and th health S ' in. ...inn win iuiiow. I'lN, TAI'K, an.l other IVOR,!, lurking In Ih. ay.tetn nf an many tliouaandi, araafleotuatiy deatrcyeil anil retnut.,!. In loillniia, K.mliunt, and Intermittent F vnre.theae Klttera hat. no ei'i.l, Fur full illrwi tiona carelnliy th. circular aroiiml eaeb lntlc, printe.l in four lanua.a Kngllah, !' man, Kittiicb aud pAntaU. J. WAI.KF.n, Pronrl.tor, t M , K, Y. ft. 11. Mi-noN alii a cu. PmaKlata, ana Kcnarnl Axrnta, Man Frsnctaeit) an.l acratnento,Calir.rnui, and aa a SI Coin mere. M , af. Y .-Mil.ll WY ALL llKUOGIST-S AND DKALCKS. lJ7-4ir millS 13 NO IIl'MliW ! " X Hy sending eJ'Jdcnt'a with nge, height, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct picture of jour future husband or wife. with mnie nn l 'Into of rr.srrlie. Addre-s W. FOX, T. I). Drawer Ho. U, Fullonvilb, New Voik. jim7-,v kiln1! PAY Ilnalneas entirely new .ad a.Hii.nurnll.. I.tlxrahla Inilucinent. I)c-acrll'llv .-Irrul-ir fr... Addreaa J.t. HAM) irf h CO., lli.Melord, SI. Uoiretl it- Oi.'s A'rcrtifiminh. INNKNTOltS nildress Knsns Hsoa., Patent Agents, 4 W Ninth St., Wanb.nglon, U.U.' for advice, term and reference. la TltluMnr. will not Varle. Coats Lenthan an' other uecauaoll will pilot twice aa much ur (ace PAINTS. J. II. WKKKS & CO., Mr.ouMurors; ,m North Itb treot, Philadelphia. . . HltillKTOWN CLASSICAL INSTITL'TB fur Voun Men and Hoys, hrnd for circulars lo Dev. J. K. AtsxAsnss. Prin cipal, lligbstowu, N. J. -.i.i .1 i ' 7 Newspaper Advertising. Iv'. r.rinted rsrea. latetr laaued. oontAlna a ll.t of the lat American Art. MeiltuinA, givln th nainea, circular tlona, and the lull particulars eoiieernln th load In a Hilly and Wicklr Political and Kamlly NewpAiera, lonclhor with all thuee bavin lara clrcuUtiona, pulillahe. In thelntereatel Helialim Aarlcalturn, i.ltaralure. ko.,k.a. Ktery Adter tlaer. anderery nenn.n who eonteinplates becora.' Invauch. will tlud this bouk of yrcat vein. .Mailed free to any addreaa on receipt of nftwri cenie. OKU p. ROW l.l.l. fc OO., Puullakere. No. 40 Park How, New York. 'I he PltiahurK (Pa.) Leader. In Ita laeueof May 55. 10. aayai "The tlrm ol U. p. Howell fc Oo , which i.anisi this Interesting and valuable book, la tlio lira-eat and beat Advertlelntf Ay.ney In the 1'nlte.l Statea, and we ean oheerfully roooni' mend It to the attention of thnae who deatre ttf adr.rtlre their biialaeas Ht IKNT1HOALLY and SYSTKM AT10ALLY In such a wayi that ia, so aa to secur tlie lariceat atnoant of publlollf for tbe least xpenditur ol money." tnventrira who wish le take nut Letters Paten ar a, tneoansel with MUNN fc t)0Mll tora of th. Solentino Am.rlean, who have pruea. ruled claims before th Patent Oftloe fur over Twenty Yeais. Their American and European Patau! Ae-ency ( the must extensive In th world. Charaes leas than any other reliable eir-ney. A pamphlet eonlainlug full inatruolluu tu luvenlora la rent aralis. Wl'ltltl COn 17 Park Row, New York. A VOID QUACKS. A victim of early 2. indiaoreiion, caaalng psrvons debility, premniure decay, 4c, Oaviog tried in vain every adveniscd remedy, la a simple) mean of self-eiire, which he will send fee to bis fellow-sufferers., Address J. .1).' TL'TTLE, 78 Nastau St., New York, i 1 il i ; J :j NOTICE M rtRREnY Oim thai Issao' Wbtsu, ef lleaver township, will, be a eaiididnt for tb nomination of Jury Commissioner at lb coming UemocralUi County Contention. '',.!' ,, tisAVia. August 18, 1870. . Estate of EMANUEL STUCK, deo'd. LETTERS OF ADMISISTB-ATION opori tb eaialtof Emsnusl Bluci. If of Wost lioaver township, deoeaied. harving haen ireanlail Ia Ilia iinit.Mt.n. ' all n . sons Indebted to tb estate ar request ad lo mak payment,, and Chose , bating claim against lbs same, will preterit them' to' ELIZAUKTll STUCK, Aug. 18, 1870. ' v Admlnlslralrlg. On lb 28ih day of Jaly last, the lobseri ber found a OOlL) WATCI1, worth perbap f IW, on fbe road a few mil abovg . Ad smalnirg, Tb Mtir of laid watf hj eaa hav lb ismii by calling on me, proving property, and pajlng all charges. for I rouble sod expense In taking ll up. Otberwts 11 will be disposed of aa th las directs. EDWARD WACJSLn. West lleaver, August (1, 1B70. A ,LNB AHBOUTMEKT 9 TUEBE8I - 0X0 RTB tVBIRKEy. ' ,.. 1 PURE PEACH WIIISKEV, . BRANDY, oim, ASD .;.!. i ;i , , eVR'Tfr. w a just receivea ana rer sal al ih,Kagi Hotel, lo Mlddlebur. r - JOHN A. BTAULNECkER, Aug.l8,iB7V (,, - .,,, ; ., mi I hi . - a 1 Tfl 0. EUY 4 CO., . if nnr.p.!jr.ii! ifinnvn