The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 25, 1870, Image 1

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r'ublUhwl every Tbuisjrlay Evening bjr
attMUn CfcOtBK, Froprlctor.
BATK9 or ADVEnTisma:
Onecolnran on yenr f'IO.00
One half column, on year.
Une-fourth column, one year, 16.00
Term of Subscription,
Twd bouAns per ak.ncm, pyw
lihin til urn I UK, or S2.60 If Dot paid
within Ihe year. No paper discontinued
until all arrearage ore paid unlet at
Iho option of tbo piihliiber.
Subscriptions otttaitto of tl county I If APVASCK.
tea? Person It n t n ft and using paper
addressed to other beeom subscribers,
end or liable for lb price of Ibo paper
One sptare (10 lines) one Insertion
Fvery additional insertion
Professorial and ear 1, of
not morellmn five line., pnr year.
Auditor. Kteeuior, Admiiiisliator
and As.ifnee Noiirp
F.ditortal notices p,-r line
VOL. 8.
Middlcburjr, Ta.,
Offer ll prolesslonsl service to the pub
lic. Collodion nd Mil other professional
business entrusted to bit ear will reeelv
prompt attention. Jin il, 't7i
SolitiKjfrove Ph.,
Offer lii profession) service to lb pub
lie. All business entrusted to lilt core
will be promptly Mended to.
(Jan. IT, 'G7tf
FtTclnirtf I'a.,
Offer M Professional service lo tli pub
lie. All busines entrtint l to bla care
will be promptly attended to.
Jan I", TmI
Iicwiflmr I'a.,
tiller tiil professional service to the pub
lic. Collection and all other Profession
ftl busines entrusted to bi car will re
eeive prompt attention.
GliO. F. MIM.KIt.
Lcvisliiirif Pit.
Offer lii Professional ervie to the pub
lie. luiteotlons ami an otnrr profrrsioii
all busines entrusted to bi cure will re
fire prompt attention. J no. H, M'"i
Lewislmrg Tn.,
Offer Li professional servioee to the
publie. Collection and all other pro
fessional business entrusted to ihrir rare
will receive prompt attention. Jan. U, 'OTif
C'lIAltLKS lioWKR.
t;. ......... !..
Offer bl professional service to the pub-
.... '..II I ! .1 . 1 1. mm. I all ntl.aa. .faikiiinn
Siislnee entrusted to bi care will r
celv prompt attontinn. Oflice two door
north of lb Keyelone Hotel. Jan 6. t)
SuliiiHcrove Til
Offer lii Professional ervlce to the
publie. All business entrusted to hi'
art will b promptly ltnded to. Col
leetiona made in all part of tli Slot.
II can apeak lb Euglli and German
language fluently. Otlic between llall't
aud the Pot oflic.
Middlelmro; Snyder County IVun'n.
OlTic a few door Went of lb 4P. O. on
Mnin atreet. Ousulliiliou
ill EiiK'i'h
and (lertnui language.
Lewixlitirg Pit-,
Offer lii profcional reiTloeeto ibe pub.
lie. All buineiMj entriiiiled to bi cur
will bo promptly attended in.
Jan. 3. 'OTtl
Person In need of a good and durable
Sawing Machino can he acconimod itpd at
reaiooabl price by calling on on Sam
VIL FatiT, Ageut, Sclinngrore.
(Jan. 24. 'C8i
MiitdU-burR To.,
Offer hi profawlonal (ertloe to tbcil
' lin of Middleburg aud eiciuiiy.
March 21, '67
Selitmgrov renn.
JOUN K. 11U01IKS, Ksqi
Venn Twp., Pojcler Co. T
Jaokion Towntthip, Snyder Co. Pit.,
Will attend to all buaine onlruitad to
bit earo anil ou ' tb most reaaouable
torn. March 12, 'VHlf
physician and surgeon,
Centreline, fnjdrr Co., I1
Offer Li professional terrlee to tb
pnbllo. 0o8if
W. SCllWAN.M. a,
Fori Tratrorton Pu.
Offer bl professional rrioee o th
Itlieu of tbi plaoa and yioiulty. 11
peak armB aud Eogllsb.
r April J6, '68
Fieobui'tf Snyder Co. Pu.,
Moat rpeal fully offer hi tor ioe to
tb publio ai Yendut C'ryer aud Auction
eer. Having bad a largo xprieuoe, I
fail eouftdent thai I oau render ptrfeol
tifaiiUoi to luy aiuuluya.
Jao. , '87t
Offiu In Court Uiu, Sept. 16, '67tf
No. 322 N. THIRDS
11. Ur MANPKHBACII Phov r. .
J. C. Kll'K, CUik
Wo. ll 416 Xorlh Third Street.
.Toll Printing Office,
Merchant Tailor.
linn lust reeeled an entire new slnek of
all of a suiirrlor quality wbich be 1 pre
pared In in like up in the lel sfvle and on
hort notice, tie also kerf. I'rnwn and
White trench Yoke Linen a gen-
eral assortment of gentlemen' r'urtiirliin;
(foods, all of which he oftVr to the public
at very reasonable prlr.
Call at my place on Pine rtlreel, heiwee
Kekberl's corner and the bridge. Pelins
(Irove, Pa. Juue 4. m;h if.
Kl:i.l.Vs(luoVi;XYi)KU en., pa.
Keely ifc Milller,
Liiiiilici Dealers
Door, Door Boxes Window., Shutter,
window Uoxra, Blind, tiah, Klnlr
KIxIiiri, llnnd It.tlllii, Brark
t. Mnulrllnri, Vloorlnir,
SL'IR'I.I. SAW1NU tABIM-, l I I l(NIN(t.
Shingles, Lath, Sio., tto.
Order solicited and filled wilb prnmpt
nee and despatch. Pleas call and naut
ili oir ilork before purchasing eNewhrre.
BMAZiii rucrxTS.
i i.i.i ii ii. iii:tvi:R
Itepeeifiilly announce to Ibe citiien of
Miililleburg and viviuity tli it he 1 now
ready to supply lliein with tie lnrgcat and
most complot stock of
srnixa summkr goods
ever brought to tbi place, at grenily re
duced prices cheaper llian the cheapest.
He intile attention to hi large alock of
Boots mid Shoes,
Hill UTS. and verylhing usually kept in
a well regulated store.
Gire me a call and b contiucvd that
tbi l the place to buy good.
COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In exchange
for good. Hm.ll. Ilrntrr.
Middleburg, May, lhiiT,
Suinnii'i' ArriiDgt'tncut, Monday
May lti, 1870.
Great Trunk Line from tbo North and
North west for Pbiladelpbin, New York,
Reading, Pottaeille, Tam;iua, Ash'aud,
Shamokin. Lebanon, Allenlown, Easloo,
Ephrata, Litit, Lancaster, Columbia kr,
Traiusloare ilrrieburgfor New Vork, a
follows: at 635, H 10 11.-5 forenoon,
aud 11.60 p. ni., C3nuecting wiih eimilar
train un the the Penneylvenia Railroad,
and a. riving at New York at 12.10 noon,
3.50 . 05, and 10,00 p. m., reipectireiy.
Sleeping car accoinpauy lb V3i a in. and
ll.?5 a. ni. train, without change.
Returning i Leave New York at 0.00a tn,
12,00 Noon, and fl.00 pui. Philadelphia at
S,I5 a m and 11. MO p ni ; Sleeping oar so
ompany the U,00 p ni, and 6.00 p u train,
from New York, without chauge.
Lear llarrisburg for Readiny, Poltsrille
Tamaqua, Minerseiile, Ashland, Shamokin,
Pinegroto, Allculowu and Philadelphia, at
S,10 in, 2,&0 and 4.10 p ni, atoppiug at
Lebanon and principal way elation; lb
4,10 p ui train connecting fur Philadelphia,
Poilavillo and Coluuibia only. For l'otla
eille, Schuylkill llaeeu and Auburn, via
Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad,
Leav Ilarrlsburg at 8,40 p ni.
East Paylauia Railroad trio Ie
Reading for Alleutowu, Eaiton and New
York at 7.. 8. 10.UO a. ui 1.27 and 4 4i p.
ai. Relurnig, leae New York al 0 00 a.
m., l'V-00 nouo and 5 W p. u. aud Allen
town at 7,20 a. ni. 12.26 Noon 4.20 aud
8.45 p. ni.
Way passenger train leave Philadelphia
at 7,80 a ni, oouueoliog wilh (iniilar train
on East 1'enna. Railroad, returning from
Head'ng at tt,a6-p ui, slopping at all atatioua
Leav Poliavill at 6,40 aud 0,00 a ni and
2,60 p. ui.; Herudon at V.80 a mi Sba
uiukiu at 4,40 and 10,40 a. u.t Ashlaud at
7,06 a ui, and 12,30 noou, Mabauoy City
at J. 01 a. ui' and l.Of . au, Tamagua at
H,a3am. and 2,20 p in for Philadelphia
and New York.
LsaveTotlsville. via Bsliuylkill and 8ua
((Usbauua it R at 8,16 a a for Harrisburg,
and l'J.)6aoua for PioegrovoaatsTreaiom.
Headlog Aooomoiouatioa train I Leave
PoliivilWt al 6,40 a ni, paesea Reading ai
ai. a n. arrlviac at Philadvluh' k at 10.20
7,80 Reluruinc. leavea PbilaJalDhia al
t,l6 p ni, passilg Reading al S,00 p in,
arriving at Potts, ill al U.40 p m.
roitMowa Aoeonimodaiioa Train Loavoa
Potniown at 11,26 a ni, rluruiug leaves
Philadelphia at 4,00 p ui.
Columbia Railroad Train leav Reading
al 7,20 a in, and o.lS a at for Fpoiata.
Litis, Laocavler, Columbia, ki .
Perkiouiea Railroad Train Uav PerM
OuieuJunolloa al V.O'J a m, g,00 at 6,80 p ai;
raturulug leav 8chwnklll al 8, 05 a u,
12,44 Nuoa, and 4,16 p ai, ooaneollua wilk
similar train cn Readiag Bilrad.
t.ilbrokdai ttatlroad train leav Potla
towa ot 0,40 a ai, and 0,20 p ui, returning
leave Mount Pleasant at 7,00 aud 11,
am, couueullug with iiuilat Iraiua on
Utadlng railroad.
(.'heeler Valley Railroad tralua !
Rridepurt at 8,80 a ui. aud 9,06 aud 6,02
p ni, raturulug, Uav Dvwalngiown al 8,20
a ui, lit. 45 noon and 6,16 p ai, euousotlug
with similar tralua ou Ueadiua railroad.
On Sunday i Leav Nw York al 1,00
p w, Philadelphia 8,00 a u and 8.16 p at,
Ik 4,00 a ni tralu ruouiug ouly to Kaadlng;
leav Pollsvlll 8,00 a ait liarrUburg 6,86 a
m aud 4.10 p u, Uav Alleulowa at 7.16
a. at. and aud 8.40 p. . i leave Ueadiaa
at 7,16 sn, and 10,06 p at fur llarilaeurg,
at 7.28 a for M York, at 4.46 ai fur
aueoiowa, auK,so p m lor rattadtipkia.
utaMinMigilinal ' '
Don't crowd ; thin world i broad enough
Fur you a well a me.
The door of art or open wide,
The realm of thought t free.
Of all earth' plnccs, yon are right
To rhonee the best ynu can.
Provided that you do not try
To crowd some other man.
What matter though, you erarce em fount
Your pile, nf gulden ore,
Whit he en hur lly, bnrely krep
Oauul famine from hi door?
Of willing hnnd. and honest heart
Alone should man be proud :
Then give him ell Ihe room he needs,
And never try to crowd.
hr nioana w. M'duat.
"Ftpward! march!" th bravo captain
sid ;
Then through Ihe term nf fir and leaJ,
Where Ihe warm rain wa fulling red,
A the fnigratil flowing wine.
Moved the bravo troop, of gallant men,
tiver the lull and through the gleu,
Dowu to Ibo clauio Rhine.
Amid the .moke so hot and dun,
H fill man to man and gun to gun,
Free as wntcr Ihe blood did run ;
The blood was thicker I bun wine,
t'nnnon thundered Iliro' ibe summer air,
llullets like here bulled everywhere,
On ihe green banks of th Ruin.
n prancing war steeds, strong and fleet,
Through lire and smoke and leaden sleet,
Like foaming sen the udmns meet
tin iho tuition's bontid-iry liue.
Th sky s".ems a I'lutoninn hrll.
Loud tolling many a hero knell.
On lb bank of lb river Rhine.
The bravo battallion, halt and wheel,
llefore I lie in gleam a he lo of steel,
behind Ihew red moulded mortar pnl ;
The bound ry is dead lino.
Killcs riug out upon the air.
And saber clang wilb sabi-r there,
Where rolls ibe rhythmic Rhine.
Th purpel vineyards trodden down,
The shattered dwrlling. in the town,
The aching bead which wear Ihe crown,
The regiment Ibal fell in lin ;
Th red sod smoking in Ibe sun.
Show tbo sad work that war has done,
Where flow Ihe river I'.biao.
Thelirro, horse, and shattered .he'.l
Show where tho fated iniile .",11,
Shrieking into th crowded
Oh, many mustered out of lino
Have a lunj furlough from lb.- sky ;
lbey live, for heroes never die.
Who fight fur freedom on lb Rhine
f'iirrnohjicut J')urnttt
" mm mmmm . uf enmlorl. And wbat and oi l
Til SOLD I Lll ATTIIKUOOH.iwas to cry, I thought, when I
" rso Irnnps her,'' gaij I m,
shut tho door i,i h's face. The wind
blew so I could hardly do it. and the
s.eei wjs teattnj on tne patiei, ano
.,...... . . .
the bare tree were groaning and
moaning just tit ii they botferod in
tho etorui. "r.otratnr here. I'm
a lone
womaa, aa l I'm rttal-J ot
JDeo, tuo i:na l ha in't aeen yet anouiiier straps, cml hearty as it be
fur tho daric, weot away from the! bad never been through any lird
door tiamp, trnir.n, can. tbroj;:h ;. ships. Ho had to leave me to put up
the nhn-h, a 1 beard ibe Ihe cree bljbid hor-e, and thou 1 bal bv the ate
tbeealoh then tra.up, trswp, carne
the mnn haet .xea;n. ftud ha k hocLmI
oo tho doorJknockod out half o
a bo bad befare ar,d I onened il hut
and nnL'rv. Tbi tiuo I nun hi, fa...
witu ycuoiv i.oi.n nan, cri.ppeu eioeu.
and treat ctftfing blue eyes ; nud be
put hi hand aaifljl tue doot end
held it opeit.
" Uow far is it to tha tixl house,
niadaiu ?" said bo.
....1 ..... K H Ln 1.1 1.1 ... I
'Th e utiles) or moro,' I aiM.
' A ad Unit U oot a tavern ?
' No,' aid I ; 'no driuka ti b got
Ihere, it' Mis Ilittoo'a nnd iho i as
et anitist tramp as I ant,'
' I dou't wnut anything to drink,
but I dv want food. You needn't be
afraid to let in tu.idam. I've
been wounded am not ablo to walk
far my clothe) are (bin, and it bit
ter cold. I've be a trvinj lo gel to
uiy pnreuU ut O-eeub-iuk. w hero I can
rest till I a tn bolter ; and all tny uioo
e aiHit utoloit frout me Ibiee day ao.
Vou needn't be afreidj juat let m
lie before) tbi (lie, ami ouly
give mo 11 cruet to keep me bom atari
ioit, and the Lord will bleaa you fo.'
And then ho looked at roe with bU
mild b!ue eyea in way that would
have mad) nio do it, if it h tdi't bee a
Ibal I bad novo ho much of tho iui
poatera. The war was just over, a id
overy beggar (but cam a alon grid Le
was a aoldior tt aveliu bom and bad
been rub bod. One that 1 had been
fool eaou&a lo aidt, looped away out
of fcight, a ha thought, aud tbou, for
I wa at the garret wiudow, shoulder
ed bin cralobea uud tiatupod it wilb
the attuugett,
'INo doubt your pookot la full of
uiooey,' auld I, 'nnd you ouly waut a
olianoe lo rob itud uturdur tuo. Uo
way with you.'
IbostllH, uiy niece, wae baking hort
cako iu tbe kilobtta. Juat thou abe
came lo Ibe door, and tuolioued tfl.b
ber uioutb lo tue t 'Do Ut hiu nay,
aunty,' nnd if I hadn't had goodaeuM
I wifebt, bul I kuaw better than
girl of aUiea.
" Oo away with you,' aald I, loudor
thaa hfor. '1 wou'l have lhi any
And he gave a hind of a groan and
took hi baud fiout the hitch, and went
tramp, tramp, through the. froseu now
aualu, and I thougbt elm gone, wbeu
t horOqj' fRjvr i.U kvithsjjviuotleiiiljisj
'Well nf nil inipiilt'ncf,' said I.
II Icokcil et me, ninl sinl lie, '.'lad dii hne tint nuicli to give, you knue; .
ntn. I hatro n mother nt (irienhank. l and vowel nrviT t' purt with it vhi! ,Kl,r A-hcrcft hurried through ih.
want to'livt to ft br. 1 sbaM not I! I j he livnl. II, dnl it come here, .,"v"' nuiia!!j eailr h nir m
trtr to go Iiirthcr to ni'ht.' 1 iiiuth.r ?' , ii.w morning ; lur in yem-rat he w:i-
They all want to n-e tin-ir moth fill hsrk In mv rheir. tthitn nnd -"vr" '".Ul" '"''' h.nnit, n. k., t
cr,' aniil I, nml jut tlu n it rnnio ii,-jcli. mid sai I I : "A wandi rmi; liamj .. ,i'1' "P '." ""r"lf,it wh.-nerer h.
to tny mind that I h ipcJ tny a it. I. ll it hne, nt ver, r.evrr vmir Hob. my 1 ,,,t ll l" ti-.t :itir until )
Clmrlp who Im l bf n u soldn r an
oflirrr he had cot to bf. min i von
wanted tl aoo his nn I would noun.
' I vej b?cri woitmlJd, an you ace,
aiil he.
1 Pon't Ri showing mo yottr luirl.,'
nil I. 'They buy 'rut, o they t. jl
mo. to ro bivirtnn with ti-w. I ri'tid
Ihe piipera. 1 1 1 yeaol Pm iriiuipled.
o'a our dervyiiiHti. ngain ilin; any
thinif. tinles it Is throui;b hoiuo well
orgatii.otl aoeiety. Trauipit ur my
ahominatinna. And ta lur kcrpiiiL
you nil niirht, you ciiu'e expect thatol
ilecetit I'olks yo I'
I'rnsillii ( ii inn to Ihe door, and said :
I.i-t hi in tay, aunty.' with bar 'lip'
acnln, but I took no notice.
So he went, and thin lime dij not
fi'nin buck. I a. t down by the fiiv. and
li e I t the wind indnliot, and felt
tli warm fire, nidi tho I a'iinjr
eski'H. and at'tilo, n and t a
drawrinir on the kitol.en ttove. ao I I
auuht tobavo beon ery c niiioi".abl And tln'ti I nvver nw the yirl in
but I wasn't. Surncthiiii; Heemcil toointch a (lurry down went I'niMlli on
le tu-ifin,' at my hear", nil the t t.i,!. her kiifes, :n if k!i vviv-i havni:; h"r
Iavethe Tiro a poke, &nd ht ati -
other candle to cheer mrwif hv ami
went to my work ba ke't to cet the H , aunt, I he been trembling with i i"f'''y m t ci, .,! iu;ne r up
nor k I had lx?en knit! injr for t.'harlis ; IVi-ht, nol knowing what you would lJ '.:ue ;i en,ir re.' -n."
and a I went to got it I naw some-. my to me. 1 tooli biiu in the kif.hen ." '''member it p. r cf iy. I ,i !
th:nj lyin on Ibo lloor. I piuLed ilay. 1 could net ee him so f'tiint and )'ou 10 liat0 0"thino' to Jo w.Lii
Q. It wan an old tobacco pouch, i liiinarv. ami wounded, and I rut iiimi'1 .
ovjr en liiuth like tho nno I mvn Ch.r.
iir, with fringe uround it. and written 'aud 1 have bcti eorri0di:enul all the
on il in ink, 'C. K. to Ii. II.,' and in-'tunc.
sido wan a bit of tobacco, an 1 an old ' ' Lord LVh yon, I'r'iflila,' j.nid
pip, nnd a letter; ami when I l'larb, and Anwn,'aitl 1. And she.
spread it out I caw at tbo top, 'My 'Otiin bolder, wcut on. and 1 took
dear son.' j htm up hot ehottenUe? and applesauce
I knew the hec-ar tntut have drop-ui l tea, said nlie, and 1 took a candle,
ped if, asid my heart givo one tiiif and a hot brick lor hi-t feet, and tnl 1
thump, ni though it Lad Loet turood , biia it cat ar.d o to bed in tho bcrt
iulo a trimmer. jcliauiber, A'int t'airi'ax, with ihe
Perhaps hi atnry wan true, and hoi whit j counterpane.
iitt'i a muiner. i shivered all over! Atar ictj, t.iinrie tint netr. un
aiid tho fii'o, nod the cat. die. and theirntetu!, nor poor nither, bolpcd Unb
nice and comfortallo amell. uiiht iu'.o bu-iue-s. And bo t orer his
judt as well not lure been r.t all, I i wouti ii at, and rrw a.4 b-ind.inie
wai ao coM and wretched. la a pieture, and to day a week he is
And over aol over a.-ain I bad to
aay to ray molf what I had heard my j I would givo you anything I hae.'
pastor euy o often. 'Never gitre aoy-'snid 1, and 1 won't ri:'ue you even:
thinir to ciiaoee boL'sarg. uit dear! L'rus'.ila, when be c-ked me. lellia; m.-l
r, ieii,ls ; alwiya bestow your charity 1
! 00 worthy pernuas, throuh well-oran-1
j ized Hoeielie,' before 1 could "ot a bit!
my cheeks wet.
Hut I did not rrv Ion" foe whili.
si.tln there dah cru.-b and jiole laomo dty (.'barlio will briuj her home!
camo a aloiirh orcr the r ad. audil'ia lirusilla place. j
1 . . ....
isioppe.i at our irate, ana 1 Let'.rd my
' Chit' lio's uioo crytr; 'llalhu,
j tao' " I rent to tho door, and
hid Mm in hi arm uir irraat. tail
, huu.lsomc, brrjwn son. And lit:-: be
w;i,in bin u.oibrm, with Wa pretty
aa:o mv ov.a bov. And li
W ho had beeu un i sn.l h i.l h-,.n
jcryin ', camedowua'I ii a flutter
I for thev were liku n. brother and ,i..tor
Und he ksed her. and siu Lisnod him
---""-" -..'
40U away sie wcot t set the table. i-is name, atca iuo name constitution wneti ..'arrted to iheexce..'
for euppec How Cba.lio ,,,j,,y,,j ;d the aociety or frioa I who o-ive j
them. Hut once, in tho midst uf .11 ; l' there all P-nt, aa I ho Lo you n aily thlnktbat J"
I turnod rery palo, for l-uM aai J, " ol k?eom- his uad on it i " , ,-. I do.'' 1
What is tho matter Aunt Fairfax r lhrou-h tne performance ot tho opeia. "I never thoucbt of thaf. IVihi 1
l law DOid'O', out l tao.'jjat X hearJ
aou.ih o; lilv the j;bot of a etep.
lax ir. ton, ti auie., 0ver tbo IrosoQ
eouw ; kind o'liLe the xhot of a vuico
orvio : 'JaI me liie oo the floor be
foie tbo fire, and give me a kind of a
ciut kind o like "eioir eouie une
tiiatbad u mo. her. dronninu down un '
the wiuierv road. aodf eezin aud i
a arfiii to death there.
Cburhe and 1 drew up together bv
tbe tire, w hen tea waa over, and bo
told us thine, about tbo war, I'd nev
er board of before ; bow tho aol, Iters
JtToied, and wbat weary marches
and borl intions tbey a"mt'mc bad
Aud be told wo bow hi l ie bad beeu
sei upon, and be wa badly wounded ;
and bow at to r'ak of h a' owa life, a
.elluw Holdiei' hud avd boil aud tur
riv, hiut away, fighiitig hi way back
to CUUip.
' I'd never have aeoa you but for
hiu,' mv my 'And if tbeie't
a tuau 1 love, it ia lUib Hidway the
dea.'oat, beat fellow. We'vo abared
each otber'a ra.iuua aod drank fiom
the aauie cauleea uiaov a time ; uud
if 1 ever bad a brother I d.aVt tbiuk
uio.e of biui.'
' Why don't you br'og biro homo to
see your mother, Chail e f" aaid I
Why, I'd love bi m too; aayihiiij; that
1 could do lor hi u, for Ibe mn who
auvud my sou'ili ', cosiluVt be euouh.
Solid for hiu Charlie.' itut Charlie
book b'e hoao aad eoverjtd hie face
with hie bunds.
'aMoihs.',' aa'd he, l don't know
wbeulbei Kob lla lway iaaUveordead
.o-day. While I as'eiill in the rauk
he lakeu p.laonei'. And tbe aria
ou a ppor p new to live io, toother ;
I'd give uiy ii"bt baud lo be able to
do hiui any good ; hot I eaa'l tiud ao
Uuoor b ut. And he baa a mother,
loo; h liv at Uieenbauk poor old
lady My dr, gotd, noble Kob, the
Dreamer of y life I Aud I ante
Charlie nearly eryitiK. Not to Wl a
ae) the leara, he got up aud weak to
wny (lie tlsy he a:ivcd me. We nol-
drsr. liever four P..,i. lie mu-t havi
i lucn nn iin'iin-lne. I w uiMn'l l.av..
Inrnr I nwnv it ?.r.,.n eenl in w:nl
Oh ! no, n.; it U on'ithcr iioik L, m
liilil ; tint yn h. ur t'l it. A
a I trlloi with bin eyr ami ylloY
lifuwti, vj.nin leil, hi) xni l, anJ l'"
inj to liit mother ut tirci'tiliatik. Not
ytmr Kol".
Ati'l Clmrli Mtixnl i-tarini nt m'
Will. r!....i. ..! I,.,n,l, f.T.,1 a,, it bo -ft
S ll, ! it w i4 me dear ni l II.,
wh nvil tuy I fe, iiml you hivo ilriv
fii him riiii iiimii'li a ni .lit un thta 1
motiier. My motlit-r, t. ne lol h..:i"n J'''r t,1,J' r """ '""'ll'. t -e.i'.
' Ciii no Clirtrlisi.' niti-l I. '.uti 'l"ri.'. f"' wl''''h '"'"'I Ki,,!lirir,:.
me, il' vou hke ; I'm uTraid (lod tar ill.
Three liir.i'the only nkel (',r: rru-t . i
-i nd a plm'o to Ii1, ami I drove htm
nwray, 1, 1 and be'a Inyiii.' on I but'
r a I n w. Oh ! if ! ha l know
A ml (T.arl.o ca'iiht up hi hat.
i'.l find him i' h i.4 "live, said he. f Hi, '
! K"b, my ,1 a- friend !
' p,ayer, and it he, ' I (nvl 1
dare I l; do iL!' And tthe viv to ni.
i in the dure chamber over the nurlor
:loir.i to tnary '!
h hal loved her ever sinco she was
kiad to hiia, oa tbo ti'at i'vu tol ly iu
fuol I And rhar'io is to stand tipwithi lTxta- "u "" ' " ot up by ,wm
fouBdibitu, an I I am t ) ,iivo Prmilly away, i i'''1 cheat the cmitiiiuc public uiu
nt liob's sister Ir.iui i ir'teiiha'i, is 'to of their money. It will c dowa to
ho bridesmaid, and 1 have a irtiet.s that
1 dun't dtive berir from ihe door
no, ai 1 used to, and no doubt 1 ami
icipo- ed upon ; but this tit wlial 1 aay.i
bjitr to bo ini'tosed upuo ebva" than
, lo Lo cruel to ;me wLj a really in uoe J
ofyur bein.
How Sj.tio Thiuiri nre Done.
A .laeor caso wis that uf a physi
cian of II infer 1, C ma., w!d, un
i '" 'o th ! opera with a friend, was
jaatioucd ticket tli.-, to K.oU
"i' '" tho pocLeU. Uo elisred
lbii hau l on bii watch, a valuable one
.. -
v" '-"""a " 's o.-wu
iBiiuiuui iu ii ij. i his wiiu-n "oil, : it
hud been taken in spile if his watch -
, uluosa. ltetlectinc that a watch ul
engraved could not well bi disposed of 1
easily veu io New York, be adver-j
tised bis lo iu tbo next moroiu'si
I'apcre, ml alded that A reward ( wo.
believe lU0,) would be paid for it
ui-uiuij, uu un ipaci.ioii a-noo.
Hlhre uoon tbe Udl tanc, and a
very ir-aut dresecd man, iu appear-!
auee, a p.rfect wnliocuan, in.piiicd
- U ' . I... ,u I.
ivuny B.1VIHHI wt iv. w is, vu.
" Have you got It f ' aokoJ le doc
tor. iiiiietlr.
- i uae, uooiy rviuraev in airaii-
i i , . ...i.. .. i -l
i;er, 'aere it i. 1 claim lo re-bui I 11 aree to five ii. Tbo yuu oau
"""J" .... . i'1' out..ur "j1"- ad xet oo hun -
"tlcro tbe money,' said the.dred aod aity JoMam auncad iutere.i
doolor auJ now 1 waul to a.-k-- ou wont ia le... TSi.t will xiN you
"O, but you aaid there would be (seven buud-ed and dlty dollar a year
no diieetioo. ' auswored tha uu-1 annual iuevme."
"T'0," faid the doctor, "but I on
ly want to kuow how uudor heuvee
you (jot that watch, wbeu I kept my
bund on it ail tbe time f
" Are you sure you ien your hand
over it allhe lime "
" Ye, posiiive.''
" Now, lot mo re.rosh your memo
ry. Dou't you rouioiuber, as ouo in
tares! iuc t.-e per.orai.uK-o, there
viae a dy lit en your ear, aud you
raised yeur baud U brush it odf"
" Ye it i a fact," aail tho doo
tor, " I do rkuuibvr that.'
" Well, air," auid tbe bttHiaot aUan
ger, thai wai tbe time you loot vour
wateh. 1 tiokled tbe top of your ear
with a atraw, aud you btuahed ou the
auppod dy, aad didu'l aotioa whu
your hand went back, that your
watch wa no lotigor there. Ciood
uiotuiug, ir,"
How to Savb vou a Shob Sous.
It couaiat merely iu melting totthmr
tallow and eowuion roaia iu the pio-
porttoa vf tw part of tha toieier to
- : r,' "r" i"t-"i 'f oi unni i.r.. k Ii. ii-
I "' ,r,,, t "'' Kiiminij the hrl
I t;i' lifr eril rill v. hr n t lie .erv;iii
who uinvrrt-d hn Mitiiiiui.
Iirr tiiti-ter wj in.
' Yrt.. air."
"II m l Iiim to;, c.rl au 1 n-k
lie will imt see inc."
T lie (! Ullit l lii l,lv I i 1 i;
v it Ii tl,o re. in ,i 1 1 r K,l u-
lii ;n
pe X i.
-I w il
1 1'"'"" ii' T lii'-i In r
lii. i .! i
I'.l I , .-.
1,1 I'M lf A-hi r . t W
it,er,- I int., j,
pie i.-ant Milling roijio , !, ,; f. j,.il
' 'h:ir:e, tl.iMf ii, a sr I to iiiiwi at ! :i.'
I . nil n miotic. i i!iii:ijiin it.4, w,,, !, i,
liH li:i l tiruijlit iiiiiii" I ,i- evi'nini'i hi
t bus iir-:t h.' ii tliut o!' :i
.i wyer
t lit e;n
avj er in
lui. trniji you
hour. A-liefiitl, '!" a-k
ie:ir ui
:l the
su1 j rinf.
'Had ti0'.v.4." sa'd 11,1,'ir. thriptii..'
I.i -i lia'i U in hit i. r p ,i i , ., i
"peiikili ill an jr,,.i ,,,t..
"Had Hewn! I am sorry r luai
tha!. Hat whit it
" Voil I 'nieiil.-r I 0"ni'te I vol
lll" mn' In :io,, ahurit itiv,'-'i;i ' mv
' ' I wnb I ba I taaen j'tii- alvi, i'
Miii was i, no etioii.'n to l e dai'.iel
by the briili'iiif pr uii-i. .,f tl,,t .J, rec
tors ; and tho I0114 an I short nl" it is. I
iiivesinj n,y ruliro forluno in the
eo:ifi rn."
"Is it possible ?''
"I wish it wan t. but it is."
'Wnd, liow has it tuned O'lt? '
''The sluros nrj -clhii.' . r live dol
lars, where I paid ,t bund red."
"How many l.a'.'e you '! '
"I'ive hundred. That is. invste I
lifty thousand dollars, and I cnu'd n!v
I' . 1 .... , ,
1. i,iciii..i)n nu'iur'j 1 to-
"Sell out," said Hulden. laconically
i '.nat. an! aacr.iieo oiiutecii-
twont n'i!t of my foriuno 1'"
"lletier that thin the wlc !c."
' Hut do you th. tilt it is uj' n th
I'uytiitn .
"N.'t ac
"I here:
:irc soiim uo ir, mines there "
. Qothmc.
"f1"' iweoty-tiva bunu'red d, l!nr
won't auppirt tic, " said A-liorult in
a 'l then.''
' "'
I "r.arn your iwm
y yur o'.rt) ex
1 liiit I have ticvsr been bruac'it uti
to work.-'
' r!verbodv oijuht toj.i .omlh!n ' '
"Hut eonii!ei
My e-ius;it'itiou
my del
is vrv
adur you.
"I ilioull think it micht he. Vou
tun nich:into Jay and day iutonicht.
Late liouri at parties, soirees an I thea
tre are enough to undermine anv
you hut no nciiw ; pui a t asm siiie
i w ual coui'i l .la . j -.v ou d jn -i
' uie ai vietk 1"
t Iot wuld you I'ij to follow
-A a lawyer
Isn't it hard work ?"
"(t curs It ij. Anrboav thatev.-
- peets m succcj in any pr .re.S'.on rau-
look 1'orwanj '.a had wori: '
"Wjnld you rvcoinucul :(.
I ' would receraiueed vou Co trv it.
It'll .1 . L . t .,, " ....
i ii iv.i you wnai i i, jo. i, it en
( vou as ru c.a.- c:jr ana pT you mty
uunara J m.Hiui. mat :) ill Vou
i . , , .
ean arn tne U't year, perhap more ;
uow can t live oq tnal V asked I o Wiar tisrr.4 tbo uauhter ol
Kdgui ie dismay. "l-ur you my ui ll'usa.r. lie at caee taken
tailor bill auouni toaeariy that " " 'tutu prti:ibi by b' friend lloiden,
"1'bea you must cha j yeur tai!oe.'nd to-day lie i a millioaatr biuMelf,
In fact you must chaoce yJur plan ol l avin g .i.ovnied th buik of bU lather
life. ou must JroD tbt uiaa el' lash io-law a.'oo-itv. So hs bad luck
ioa and Uooui a aloaJy-cointj cleit."
"It will Pe hard, aaid idle yoot
uiaa, bi ipreaicu indicating amenta'
"Hut it i uccth.rv. Then ci.
cou;drtht it i uni for a liiu. It
you work with euei-gy, you will com
uiaod a fcood iecoin. 'i am w.liiet tolnht!
eaieuu eveiy a auiace m my loeer,
auj upon you will depend the rs.
What Jo you eay"
"Vou ready thiak my hvaUh will
allow of tha aoceaMiy labor.."
I Jiv"'
"Thea I wiU tuaie no nay ruled to
it.' r '
"Oouie ia next Mood ay. Meautim
waia tae aeuai arrauiiemeut."
vo t ant
loo to be a Uwter."
thought Kdgrvr AahoroA, a he tVuU aod trma l.i hta hd high
hia fheed a houo. "It any eee havd tie rssat uf the wvreX yv
Wld ia taatahaI aboeld havi'mkun A ir- -
All a'lvr!i."mi'iii for a shneter peri'j
Tian one year are payable at the lime
they are ordered, and if nnl paid Ihe per
son ordering ihcm will lie held responsible
for Ihe m ,fiv.
i lerk in tho i.ffce t.f u ren! eafafe law
yer acrinvd to him a yreut ib-scrnf.
th'ui.h in tb"ticwof riL-ht thii km
pe'.pl.- it W II be tejiir lei an -iljt .
In a wc k the iluii') wa-i made .
I. Iir rcihn I the uin be eipci-trd oil
hi ii.inni.- liari , and invented it i'l
nil i'. nit ia! r. k n'ltiie. which yiel lc I
him i iii-t"iiici"iii of one t. it-. lr-- and
j seventy Sue ib illars a year I p ,n tin,
I m l h -i.lnv i,e mint live. I ri -. t -jefahly
n im-t Lin will, h t . k q .ar
t,r in a rou.fii; -faMc but model at n
, priced boirl.'i." leoi-c, and L ,'in I. ft
i on a n fluting.
I A be a'ltic pate l. there was c.n-l !
! T il.le fa'k ahout hi chane nf I .rtuii-,
.w,diiiot of bit I ,hi..icri!e :ioiU mil -,
incc-i t . r'.,t to iticl'i le him :n their
: r'.ure iiiviiaiioiis, while nome l.,ei
I In: hiiil l.icwri inl 'in.i i ely appear -d t
.r r--I til it they bad ever briown Ii in.
I hi. t r '! !! J hi u cot, eld. ra'.ly at l.r-t
lur ti.ere w.i.s m,e fe'd etlicl re-u't-t
,ii' Ir on t:.i i,c I -ci by bii I i-hiuii ihiu
, . i ii'ti'h .N .1 ! , iii- in kid il t par' i.-,
; h" no ,,'i.'.t I, i I occa.i r tn Wo-p I.iln
bo ir., atid Li. In a!- h an 1 hT-Iii?' Ii vi.-
ri-ed him.
j wotk .1
he Wit i
t lli' th.
I.i v
i-'.r'-. i:
I ll, ,
le' .1 i.i n" ,( ir,
,tri I. in tin, I, t
I - I'v :
hi ' Ilc"l!l
i -Woe!;
le tl'C rs;.
i ! fe. I
; "I t Id v
Hut I j.
ii- M iwrcP w!' h J'ou '
I r t Inn ti
ll 1 v it w I'li l
! t lehovc
I f
'I.-ilo '
I. at" hi.ii's :i f.
con-1 itut; .11 th 1:1 !
I "S i I Ii 1 I . "
.lu-t a' t!r-t !"
, .r'i a t i.-U : h if
'(lea-. nit Ib h
'h proleoion h"
rnoci try in
ird Wifk.''
.-r r.un l l,U
-10:1 il l'.'a!l to be
" i'iic ia'.T'sted ill
had ch -eii. nn I as
I he is by n 1 me 111. d. fien'iit in nutiinl
talent or p d'.KMt i. tl. b -forii iho vcar
elcvl h-b-carii'. 1 raluabh' avi.taat
ti hi- IVi. n 1 Ilo;.vi,
J i-t hc!or tti ! el )-.; of t!i ' fi t year
thu l i'vyc" Hiid
"Kdtr. if you have n 1 obj
m."in to d'UiM'i -aiirv."
.TI,.,ntr ' tr .1 i.. i ...
c!i 'O
T don't
think I
: "",
"11W"1 '.'I'liiuo,-.
y m
nn w rtn tti increa'o
"I do til nk si V,)n havo miii
y lufse'f v. ry :iiita!.!e to mo and Invo
Tilly iavt-r."l the rvitine of tbo work
.'a t!i (T..-.'."
'Then will a. or pi it L'la'lly; f t
ili'tuh I 1 n't want t "j buck to tho
o.d vale of expcii i.tur.', 1 would 1 i Tec .
be er pM'til an ! .1 li'tlo be'ter tabic.
So the arr in.'mei.: wr. made.
n d iv IM.-ar met in the street
M" Hit. Ii.,n, a heavy man. in th. par
liaticr. ot'th'j -ir-.M i president of etto
.f the city banks.
II..' '.rted to av. ij him. having tw.,
vears l.-obir; proposed f r the band of
M -s Far. or Hail on. aal. though f'a-v-,
r d by ih yn ini, lad b'.'tt
uiici.r; -e;e. ted It the father.
Hut - his vurpri., Mr.
a Iv.incvl Ij hiui aal s.ji.i
II,. do vou do. .'dr Asticrtt .'
Very weil. than you.' w. I Ki:r,
ra'hor etuhurri.e..
'. une r uj 1 to th: h ji-e. Vc .ha.!
he 'l;l,l to .i o you.
Ki ir - li.e "vinyej.! h i s irpris...
"I'll tell r.iu a eerrt. youriij matt.
To yon-. o I ra:'ised your ni.t V
in, uniL.i,,, 1 1 . , l n' il . ,iu i. ii v :
It v-.u pie sir
H,.ca t, t -a thai t m w i mer
man of (aehioo. d inc n'othm . u-elul."
.1T, t- rul OJt of m M f ,
,llU UJ ,,, .,,, ,. , ut,u
ju lot vour niciiev sooner th;i I
..-...,...t .
but to my
hkt a man.
sorpris?, you
I bear -ood
, have acted
rep.':'. of yeur talents ar.l iuJuairy.
Cottir; to rvy hoaie whenever you like,
nd. if vcr yon h-iv any pr(xitioa
to iiu';o to tue, i will take it iulo cou
i If a ioa.
! ' ;- r n.edod ro fn I invitation.
!Ie ma le an early cn'!. and f?nnd thut
Fiiny l.-'liiVi', heart was -t..'l h.i.
Cue aav he made b. 1 i to lay the matter
b;o-j Mr. 'Jjllun.
l aoav !ov me, and I kt her.
he a 1. bat my ary i.a only twelve
haa vl do.lar a v.r uj n. fi.ri,,
is r.'ducf-i to tw.-mv-are hundred
j dollar.
j -Frauilv sp-eo. vra.u. mo,''KI
! Mr. Hudu.'n. "I d..i t enre fr yonr
,w.e,i,. Yoa .01 rre I'.nnr and
l'i si -.hat y-m have eaousa to'krep
''.k- k. ...... . r
t llar jVJt t'UIIIU
turned out lo be tbe bvsl ol'ood luck;
liter ai!.
How toKvw a'joo- " N jibcr,
uioiber eiMid a youut rvo return
iti bui t.eJly from it trt dlbt, l'm
o f. ii.bvud t I've deeu each a
What aijjbmay aoa akd tha
" Oh, white creature tcvvaiaaad
riumiax, and tr.uiu ihe.r k aad
holding ibeir hedser e high ! $,
wot ber, thete they go '."
u Ueeaa. oy .u, raervly c.,"
calmly ntnId tosi pireat bird, Kaukieg
over ta coataioa. lareuata Df,
cLild, obaorv tbn wheo yoa as nay
iaoa iK.i uk.a & ew f . ..K... w-.