.: I arac . a. r-yt;ya ,r . THE POST. iDDi.nuiwv... avoustis, iro. COUNTRY. i Th poutnbuf tin mid ttli ipptr- anca in mis coaoty. ' Mrs. Packrr, mother or lloo. John Ilcker, our Congressman, died oa ttre 7th Inst., aged 68 years. ti Persons desiriog to pure)' Heal iUW may find it to tUi wdar.atsgc to consult our sduertisioe; Column. KvtRTTOiifrt itj; tW Vii4fir4 lint can b found flLVbe 8eiarr)v Hard ware) Storo. Priors, to tait th time. . .... .. , Thc thoo1kpowi.ro th klejlat Mondaribr Rtisa Mitotan ts well nt-jtewtot-r ad the pupil speak well of the teacher. . . i A BAM bolong'fm to Philip llilbith, located at McKees I Falls, wis liuro cd to the grouad, with iu content", Ust,iot. I. In tuppnoed to have own UK) troth of to inrondiry. f HI Broadway House, in Milton.hm been leuad to II. K. Wcisel.of MoKoee i Falls Thej llrosdway la a Ant olaa house, and Mr. Wctr-cl known how to "keep a boUL'' . . A rtw wteks apo, while pnoKioa loogtha road leadioir from Adatiisburg t lwirtnwa, .Mr. Kdwntd Wagner, of Wast Bearer, funnd a gold watch worth, perhaps, 9125. It in supposed that the watch wss dropped by some one connected with Thayer's circus, which passed ntong the road the mora ing It wn found. Now, that nil tho preliminary sr rnngemrDt for holding tho first Agri cultural Fair of .Snyder county have been completed, it is to be hoprd that our ciligens will do their rhare toward making it a nticwas. The officers, we lire nsurcd, will do tboir duty, and il our firmer and mechanics do theirs, we csa hare an exhibition tint, will reflect credit on tho county. Dn Witmork, a quark from Phila delphia, tins ben visiting some ol our nvihborintr tosnn fLecing nearly evry person with whom he had lsttioi As a general tiling those trnuliup "doctors" srs notorious eouumlrela, and it would be well for the pcoplo to have nothing to do with them. It' you are in need of a pbysiciafi call in one with whom you art ttvquuinWd. Oi k Diercbniitit, and others in Mi's end of fco county are compliinint: very mwch about the trouble ami ci puae they havo in getting gMda from iIjo liailroad atation arr tho liver at .Sclinsjimve. YYc) don't know whose fault it is, but there is cortsinly a prom Jiwi of sccooiniodat l.io at the Soliin urovs atation, imJ a great cleul of ur-e-k'ascipense, Irnubloiind delay, iu get ting goods to this nidu id the rivei. H.w.i.oi'h MAtii.ixK iok Sr.frr.M iiKit is fi k-d with orVinnl stories ol love, of adveuturo, nnd the os, and ' withal hat sows doren or mors illu IrsloJ articles, scenes iu this or oilier eguutries. The prtttj of Knlluu's Ma;,, nzinn is so cheap that it should be iu en'ery family In tho country. It U on lyClfiOpcr year, ir 13 coins sinulc co;yt sud is fur site at every pr'ni.Ii cal store Iu the eouoty. Ad lies Thnuioi Si TiiIujI, 68 Congress St , Ho. tou. Tn r. SiuJrr County Tribune np ficurcd lust week drefsed la s Franklin (nil-sido and "otherwise improved. ' llio insula is purely oi iyiual sna 'H tidcdly rich, mro nod raey this remit is wholly uttributablo to tho " uncpios fiotiablo lejiul ability " of the one, and tbo omiueai literary sttniomonts ol tho other editor. Through its apavioua columns wo sro informed that "d arrhca " prevails iu this county, sod at this we nre Dot surprised, btcaute tw doses of their local column will disarrange the bowels of ntuo-tenths of tho wholo population of this Oou pressioual Distnut. Commensuratiou .... .... ...v.... ...... the loss the Muicrrne has sustained by , a single net of indiscretioo upon tbo fartoflheao lellows when infants thus, whea but six mouths old, they eodesvorcd to rival Su Patch, and leaped ovor tho foot-boards of their cradles sud destroyed the equilibrium of their ponderous ornniuuis. Meetixu ov Senatorial Confer::?. The Coof'srsss f this Sooaioriul Distriut met at the lleviers House in Lewiiburjr oa Tuesdsy, ths IClh lost. "!Ths following aamud gouttomsa rep rcsouted their respective counties : It. Montgomery, Thomas Wood and Peter Ilerdio, of Lycoming. I WilllMlM flamnrnli .Ins W MlirinAl sod Win. U Ritter of Unhid. ( fpr. B. F. Wsgonaeller, F. J. 8ohoch, K snd J.' A. Lumbsrd, of Bnydor. : , Oo motion, liobsrt Monigomery was cliossa ChsirmsD, and J.' A. Lombard, Heerelarv. ' Tho President their declared the Convention ready for businessand reqnestod that tho names of the various candidates for Biato Senator IS an nouocod. (imi ' Peter Herd ic,Ktq.,uomlnstsj Henry "Wm. Camoroa uomlnaleJ Simon , Woir, orCuioa. ... . i , Simpson, of ISey'dor. .- (In hiollon of lr. II. F. Wacfl'nssllar , it was agreed thai the voAiog" bo done ...,vtm roue., . a . . i. . the Beoretert then called the . list ' of Conferees and the voting bogao. . Sevcoteon t allots were tsksn. Up , to th JoolU ballot the vole floo'J tie, , ash csudidste bsviav three voles, Oo the eleventh bslloVJohuton had four Votes. t oil throe end Simmon two, Oaths slxteontli and seventeenth linllota the vote stoOJ four furSlBinson . threo for Johnson., sbU two for f olf. ' Nat balasablo to maksanouilnatlou. tho CenTsntioa adjourned to msst at ' the Herdls Home, la Wllliarasport, oa Y Friday, ll0i ntCt ul 1P o'clock, f r rnitADRU-nu markttm. PniLAPti.rniA,, Auptiaf 16 Ths receipts for whoe dating the past week nave nsn nosaMijesfy, reaehing 87.600 bursWolif. . Jhe tfotesnd is lliiht, HAd, witll cMto'stantn wecomma- laiiw, ttot,iJrJes hsve ti decidedly downward te'bdcncy ' sslen M A,0OO ouidwiV tadians red $1 40(oil 45 1 1,90 bushel do. do., vary choice at t 4, sm i.ouu bashela Siissouri sm bsr at M 48(U)1 50. Rve Is auiet snd t)00 bnshels old Pcnosylvsoia sold at iito. voro is cominc in frcolv bv railroad, feut tho recelpta by water are nitni me oeaiami la limited at the tfftttti declino J sales of 400 bushel Penosrlvsnia vsllow at ftl A.i i ROD Vushels Western do at tl(tjl 03 1 2,000 Dusneis Western mised at J5(rt 9c, snd 2. M0 bushols Western whits on private terms. Oats srs dull at for mer rates; sslesofi.QO bushels old Pennsylvania at &C(aH0e: l.fiOObush Is old Msrvlsnd st 6-'to : 8.0011 hash- els new Western at ol($.3o, and 700 tumhcls now Delaware at rOo. QLOSLNQ PltlCKS OF DcIlnvciiiV Brother 40 ffoutls Third Hrrct lhlln 3o'cVfc, I. At, Aug IS. 1870 iui(Stm lUJlli' tllit lll 1tnjr i I I0'J((n0ll C. It. 6s of t " " , 'n?, " " 'iM, 'US, " '63, aew, " " 'li7. i .. fiM, " 1 10 " a. lo-tn a IOTf.i mt V. H. Btl Year fr ifni. Cy. 1 1 1 1 Pue t'omji. Int. Note, . , lt t, Oold, tl7jUli;2 Silr, hi rn.U I Dion I'aflaV It R- tat M IlcU H'.'D t H.ln Onlral Purine It. R. R.'.r ( 870 I'fllon Paul So I., flrant Bscl, IbA ( TM are frpari l fiirniah Ktvrniie 8lampa of all datninatitiia on eim. trr, allowing lha (olluwing diaeoiinl ; tin $ and upwarda 'J fer crni. " I INI :l ' 4 W Ml unit fnrirarJ all urdrri npnn tbt dar of their recrlfit. MII)iI.Klll Hi MAKKKT. I'orrerlnl wrrkl.r. ;'oilofj 7'i llniicr ifi Lard li t'.gK. s allaw D DriHApplpa htlr Chrrrira f ria l'cbrt uup'U IHd Klataced fl) 8oap 8 llrrws :i 'lirrriir apfilrd 15 llucklcbrrrir 111 j lllackhrrrif a 7 SKLINSCKOVK t'urre"ld wrfktjr. niieal o I Mkcat i L'on H fill Oniun 7 I ii Hudrr '.',") I mi r.f' -.'u l mi 8unp fi iu iu ,-il M 1H i OO I llNI J'J 4 IN) I bauldrr 18 (I UO hide 1 1 ILL ' Klnieerd ' Tiinulhyired Clnirrrd E. V. KUY & CO., MIQU:SALK CHOC EllH AND COM MISS IOX MKi: ClU X TS, 522 MARKET ST., ISi'lwrrn Kifili nnd 8ixlli, 7,1 ly I'lllLAUELI'IIIA. yiiV DON'T YOU THY WKLL'3 CAHUOLlU tAIII.ETS THKY ARK A SURE I'l'RK OH MiRK THROAT. Col.l. Lrmi, lhiturl, I'aUrrb r llitrintf. AIM a urMiul raina.lv fur Ka lian Ulinaullloa. I'draUcmU ar V. Mnl l all am rel ul artr. hf J U. KKI.LIhjU W Hlu HI., H'w York. S..la Agent f.ir N. Y. 80I.U Y URUUOISTj. lMajl-w 1 AM US K. PAVLS MOTKL, f HM.lNSUKOVfc. SNYDKK Co., Pa. IIKNHY A. BOLIU 1'roprietor Tliii well known ll'iuse hating beeii re- n'le.l by the present proproietor, offers ei- cellent sccoiumflilalions lo the trate.ing communliy. Choice liquors and Cigars al ihe liar, and the Table supplied wit, (he best the market afford. A good liable, aitended by careful homier, In connection wilh Ihe houae. April U-'TOif 4itFrl:.iTiNTiN ' BANNERVILLE. : a kw ouuus. : a HELFRIGH & BOWER Wish lo Inform Ihe eiliiens of Dannertille and tlolnlty that I hey hate opened. a new si 00k of goods, snd will keep eoustanily on hand a full ssaortineut of :iihksi ootiDs: Consisting of ALP ACAH.VOI'LINS.rLADa, Ll'8THKM, DKLAINKS, CAI.I0OE4, As. Clothrv Si Cnssimeres IIAT3 sndCAI'8, BOOTH snd 8II0ES. URtictKir; '.': HARDWARE AND QUEISNSWARK. SALT AND FISH, Aad In faol everything uautlly kept In a first elass cuunlry store. All of wbioh we offer at greatly reduced prioes, for Cash or Country Procues. . Having bad large eiperlencs la the business, we latter ourseltes that w can pleas and aatlsfy all our customers, i.-. .Hoping br alriot attention to bosiaeas and a desire to please all. Is merit e liberal aUsse of publio patronage. Our aiotlo i "Quiik Sole ami Small Vof." We ask st less! lost ths soblle eiaatlae our slock and (rices before purchasing easwhsre, as we always shew our goods wits 1 lessors. sa sm a aeaaai smww aV niAtif tin nr.i.r nil 11 (t nun r.n. lfsnnervllls, Jane 14, 1070. If lOOO 91E1V TO WORK ON TIE i UW.T e& IVLWIsTOWM i rT.HESRatks want! Imiaadialalwtswkem the 1 hlahwt asak prlo will las paid. A1.0W is lha aassrlbars al !a,l.tNiOBO' or U aay ol Uiaiult-tiuatnoioru tl. Una at th ewd. ThSMltNgraillngof th road MVHT SNa t'KOM DATE. ' John . mcqovkbh a co. o iutt ivn .mntnpn.nti EAOLE HOTEb. ' ! ' " Ke! 227. North 8r J Rl , ' -"-(bttweea Rse's snd Vlnil) ' PhlUdftphis. ' R. n. cuMMishs.rri. , U. J5W ARR, Hiipcrinleadcnt, . (.$.) WM. HAKDINO, Kan , JUSTICE or TDK rtlACR k ' ro.NVKVAMr,h, Fremont, Snyder Connty, Pann. Colleelions of all klnda mad st the aliortert aoiiea snd on tbs moat reaaoaahla lerisa, t'oaTtjraoclos In all its brsnvhe sp dltloualv eieeuitd. li, Msstuaos, NoTaa, and Mankaof sit klnda eonaianil; oa band. Termna al a dim a nee bating olalms foreolleriloa wlibln bla Jurliidloiloi. nd only addreaa bin bj mall la Inturr prompt aatlan. Tenna rranaahle. Mjr '08 KW lfOlLDINOS. AND XKW PRICKS! WAOF.NSF.MjKK & SON, hereby r"prt fully Inform tblt friends snd I puMIe generally Ibst tbey have cpvntJ a 8TOKK la Ibtir NEW BUILDING on the apnl ao tnng occupied hj Dr. Jacoh Wagrnarller on the tale of Qua where tbey now bate and will always korp s large and well arlecte J assortment if FHASONAIILK fiOODS. Tn Ihe t.sdlca' Iteparlment Will be found full 1 1 lit ef SI1.KH. POPUNS. HUILMANT"'. VK'TOIIIA LAWNS, FKJIIKKI) ALPACAS, SWISS MPI.L, CAMHIMCS, PHI NTS. .lAt'ONKTS. DF.LANKH, Striped nnd Cheeked N Miturkx, fir A lo A Wrent Vnrlrly of l.a'liva' Drea Trimmings, Latent style Hoop Skirts. French Comets, Kali stvle ItuhnnrnK Ladles' 1'inlircl f, Parasols and Sun Shades, Kuuet Hiblmns, Lsers, Hul flititis Kndiroiilers, Lima and Paper Collar, Ac, Ac, Ac. A SI'L h'Xtmt ASSOK TMF.XTof HOOTS & SHOES For Lailir. Miaalra and t'liildrrn. In end- leas variety, nf all eiira, al.vlea and prices, 'elected fur ill) Kail and Winter trade. A full and coui'kl slnck of CLOTHS PLAIN AND FANCY C A SS I M K It IX,Ct)TTON A DKS, J F.A.N 3, Ae., Ac. COAL OF ALL KINDS ! (Irocerics, )urtnware. Hardware, Willon- ware. t etlnrware. tilatawnrs. r. All nf wlilcli bating been A t rry Iok fur VASII wilt bt sutd al very smalt profila. Our IllutlO is V" t I' "4 4mtt prolit. We alan pay I lie liigbeat ntatket prices fur all kin-la ul' grain. WI1KAT, HVK, Ct)RN, OATS and SKMI). We are prepared also to atnra gnoi'.a, al a mnllrhnrge and lotto a general t'nmmiasiuii and Korwanting litiaini-a. We lipe llml Ihe ptiblta generally will It us a call as wa bvlietq II la to llieir inlereat to do ao hefnra rnerhs.laa else-1 where. Uite us s trial. - . V. V. WAflKNSI.Ll.Kll. M. t,. WAUKNSF.I.LKH May 0,'C7, tf KW VI KM AN'll N KW aoons! II. O. HtTZth. P. S. Mil lXLIIfflH BZTZZL sV McCTJZXOUaXk, (Sl'CrKSHOHS TO JflHJT HETKI.,) I1KALE1IS IN AU K1MIH OF .11 AiVDISIJ! HltillWT c.vsii I'RICrJ f.VID FOB FLOUR, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIKS, CHAPMAN, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Msreb IT, lere-tf. JNITKl) STATES ii ONDS BOUGHT, SOLD A KXCIIASGF.D ON MOST L1BKBAL TERMS. goi;i) Beuglit & Sold r I AT Mdrfict Rates. Coupons CashtMl. PACIFIC It AIL ROAb n6ti . i i. Bought snd Bold. STOCKS Ilongat and Bold ON O SION ONLY. I . - v. i . Aooounls rslv4usad Inttrsat allswed on tlally" baloBoe subject 14 check, at siglil a. Delia vtn;& Urother, . 4ofc)lW Thlrsl ltr)t. , yyAsuiJioToK nousu. PAN'L HOLKNPKH, Proprietor, rtrao'nk tAppiga this Hon as will And cellent accawiMmlallons, for .Van and ""at. l7-4rtf. j 8. niHKIIAHT, Mi'nnjnve, SnyAr Co., Vema Keeps rnnalanlly nn band s large and well made sasorttuenl of Tin, Kheet-lron wart, Utotea. Ao., Ac. lie Is Ageai for lbs following aarteO artielas. "TIIK MORNING 0l.OtUn Lhtlesrld'a Patent Improved tlanj P.Mrning COAU STOVE. In this pattrrHof fns MMn ti.oT. aeteral new and Important featwrea hate been emlmttleil, which can only he eeeaj in he admired. This tew aot la wndc en ilrelybf east Itnri, so fitted aato hesiriighl, but can be mad whit aheel-lrnn tipper aecllon when preferred ty Hit puirlinaer. Iia ornanienial flniah la drapery, making il bandaome piece ef ritrtiltdre, far mnrc ao lhan any store heretofore wind, lis in ternal cnnairuettns, thnngh reneiuMing soma of the firmer patterns f Thf Morning (ilory Is w,uiie winerrnl, making it more durable, and far leas dilhrull lo be repaired. The catlings are of the highest order, fully eenaliag the Snail ca.nngs made in iLi country. Among the many anvAXTaoaa In tbeuae of ihe Morning tilory are the follow ing : I, ( nnlinuoua Kurning. 2, yualiiy ot the Ileal. 8. Ventilation through the atete. I, Anll-Uiil Mote. 6, Nq tieape of lias. ' i, Kcuiiomy of fuel. "TIIK HARLKY SIIKA1V Aiti-Iiit Air.Tiyhl i'miUnii Stn-f, with Hjcinuird t'irr-li.r. for Wonil or Coal. Valenled May Kith, tSi,."., We take pleaaure in nlfering our cinto mera and ihe Hlote Trade, a New firal-l'Uaa Klal-lop, and would call parlirnbir ntitmiom In iVamony atlniclut ami r.iluxhl, im.rvtf mnl$. This lotebas been carefully lealed fur aeteral monlha, and the rcaiilia kate prote.l to highly saiiafaolory, thut several of our oldest and moM eaperieuced alote dcnlera predial for it a sale far beyond our ahiliiy to supply ISla etjaenn. 't.ineroar lirfdwrt, giving full use 0(1 ike hearlh. Ant'lilittnnal tliilrm ikf oer a, ao arranged as in gitt more room 111 me upper part or me nteni a great cuntcnienn much inteded. Tht nrrn la neailv aa ri.r 01 Ar fou na1 atllie hrnnh liue.which not only iucreaeea Ihe rise, but will ha recviriiiied as .1 av-enf ulvanlajt IN bajtinji. IM IT V" J I'l ll'I'llt.'C W 1 ftll.-tl Ti.. . , , i...t . Tbs be, cbeapeal, nnd moat popular Washing Machine eter inveiitt-d. .. Tl Is enay tooperaie, silling nrslf ni!ng; lakes bill little rouia; itiiurea noearmeita :! fit.lahea II work from in two to four .Min - ulaa- la iluratila anil ennveliii-rtf 1 .anil I Iia only Washing Machine knowA itial is liked ihe belter Ihv lunger il is uacd. TIIK I'NIVF.JtS.Vfi CLOT 1 1 PS VI!lt:.'ll ... . ,,1. , 1 i-,.ii-r,i 7r ". K rV.4 T .IV .I, A C'fA OMIf. II. The lernis of our I'alenl cull our Mncliinv . ....; Y.. nf ..neri.na ". . ' . L.7ai ....... ... .:.... . 11 nou iv aur. .n..,. . - .. W hen we reduce eterjf intentiori for wash I ine elolhes lo a lfinC'oU Ibe'V aM hlnvtllll 1 i- . - . 1 - ' . . 10 i Iwit of pretaing ami siier-ing, nun forcins the wnter ihrouV1! I hem, tbiia. re- muting ihe dirt. Most Washing Macl inea ' do it by rubbing. The tnitersal Wringer! uis il by prea.ing. . ISJ AS ' Sills fc STdUK IN S i:i.I NSGROVK. (I'rffj ihti AMI SMALL rnriFITt' ... . ,, ,. ,'aod i.dt) p. IT.., cni-cjitng wilh aimilar Weareelllllo tttlinrgrote and ( rrpared ; ! i tl,rifiv.li, H.llrnad. 10 furuiah Organs ilIeloi1einii4 Accordeons Violins' VfM Vc. And all kinds nf Mn-lcal instruments CllL'Al'Kll Til AX KVtill I We warrant all our Inelriiineute for Seel years. I'laoos, Organs, Meludvons and Acoordeons correctly luueit and repaired. 8.ire npeii.eiery WtUNKSU.VY and i RATl'lAY. luatrucllon glten on lh riano, Mlodoon. Violin and Aooordcon, at reasouabls rales. Oive us a call. We guarantee satltfnc- linn. P.U.F.M i HTUISlNOKIt. Nnvtoiber 17, Isr.rttf JKYSTONK I10TKL. St'liHigroiv, Snyder County, J'a. THE nnderslgned .beg .lre.rj. (9 Inform the pubUo that ihey bate purobel and) will.. setP,, in gooil sti:. 101 snot weu - known aa.1 popular honeeJ Tlli:iK 1IA1C will always be siocksd nh lb brst and choicest liuurs thai can be prooured in tbs I hilailelpbia aiul IknrriaMirg mayketr. TI1E1K TAisr.tr Will always, ba supplied wiib th best delicacies and ntevt anfbsiantial tood ibat tb market will ultord. TJIi:ilC STAHIsI, Will slwaya bs attended by careful and, trustworthy bostlora wbo will a justice done lo any burs eutrusted lo Ibvir ease. I far listing large, airy aud well furnish- SO rOUl, gOUU raailia, ana in Hiaiiri.,: etforls of the proprietor lo plejire Iheir guests, tbry bop lo meet wilh adargc share of publio patronage. msylo-Ui.ir it. v, at. r. tt aluh, IOUN LAUDOfeLAGKK, BUGGY JLtKEK, keCiVscikuVb, 81ft ItCB CO.,' PA. Hating purcSasrd lh well known stsnd in Bolinstrote, formerly owsl.v l'hilip Uleeker, I sat preparvU Is sooowmodale all wbo may deairo aayibiog In aiy line, aad warrant aaiiafaotloa la ll os. 1 keep cousiaafly so. hand, aud saprpsiel lo aiauofastsrs al theliorlet neiie, ULliUlL, . , SL'LlK , . - sSLKUIIISsio. ltsiBgtsrrleoril la tb business, 1, o- Isr aavaoil ibsA I sai fully krepared I nisei the iSlwals ( sas eusluuers. Yks kaads employed Mamsja lb beak Ms-aAssesa ia ibsaousityk st4.lsis asslt will act fail ts lt null ts,l ssUiaiaei-u.e tf .,- ' ' fMrcafittalal auailga.f4id: to repairing 1st all lta brahavsa .. - i lUtsy aa Mark atraMt, n fw doots ssnia JitjhJ1M.J,",,'"KI ft'uei-V, i P. IIOTTKNSTKIN. M P. PHYSICIAN aao SDIttlKbl, 8EMS90ROYE. 8SVDKR CO., PAi OrTers Ms nrnfaealnnat sartless in elUasna f !anagT0ta ana tieinity. June 7. isto tr JOSEPH 8 DKLL, Manufacturer of sad Wholesale paler In Clothing, tlrtlhs CARSIMER8 AND VKSTINC.S. MORtM THIRD flSCr.T, PlItLAD'A. Nttv SI1 A Kfl Msrkrt Rtrrrt, (Jiore h:,.,hlh. ) 1 1IILAIF.I.VIIIA. RI.KCKNKU A CAWLKY. rsoraisTnas. O.t'llf lrrms M 00 Per linr. noNSPMPTION. HKONCHITIS, J Asthma, and 'nirh cured by inha'a lion. AMinita Inhaling Fluldia Ihe only remeily thai operate on ihrl'utige-tllM'dTea tho litlierclea, which are lurnwn olf, ihe catt lies heal, and a cure is eHented Trent- nieiil by Ivller or In person can be had only of U. A. III .11 .MM. M. II., I 'I Wf-I I4lh St. S.V. Hhii jARNS WORTH A LOWF.U, W hnleale dealers In Cedar, Wood and Willow Warn IVrdnge, llronma. Looking lilaaaes, tro. " !o. Norlb Third Ktreet. I'hilndelphi. w.t- rtaa.woatu, AprtlTif ctVLnwaa pl.NNSYLVANlA Hol'SH. J. D. IIOFFMAN, Proprietor. CriltNKIl t)K hKfDNII AMI MM't'ST KTS IIAKUIHtlCIUl, PKN.V Kery etlort neeeararf to lnnr the rum. i fort nl icnena will li mails, lha hou.a haa Uen ' fcewiy rrlitlexl. inayt.ta;ntl I Qi )S( i II A X K TlXl.77 IH TF.L j ri:n:n ritot , rirumr. ; , , " eit ResTCr Tw p., SoVdCf Co., Ps. Takb Noti. e thai 1 hate purrhsed ( oa 1 grate Hall Hotel, where I am always pre ) pnred to nrroniniudnie lirtnera, Kirangera, and Tratelera. 1 I shall be librrnl in my ehargea an I en 1 dcator In ue etenbn.ly M ..11 - u r. 1 all ho fatnrs m wilh hi etialotn". W vou are not Bmii-- Red, nn charges, liite nit a c.ill. ' April, 't7lf. 1 IALF WAY IPH'SK. 1 I !EN!V! TOWNSHIP, Hny.ler Co., Pa. ... Jj rtt.TW pMr,,i.i, ANDKE W oIIADE, Proprietor. . AeeonamiMlatlonf jood anit 'eha's1 rnolerata Ths patrnnaiol lh tratellnaj pnlille lsollcUwl TlRITIK ANIi IIRIDE'IROM. Kat for Vmin Men. tree. In araleo ent.loa Hi iw A Kl) AHtH. I ATluM, Hoi P,rhi;lrl phla, I'a. " " " T.'. ' J m f'aal w , " -S-aJa,. III pat for ttie New York KrHlV Ji'iL.I.AHurN from novr 11 .lanna'y t t. (1)11! tiril.r.AR will iay for ll.a Sfc.MI .WHVK I.Y'lo.ilo 10 eehla a mouth isyi for TIIK I'AII.Y M'N. A.Mreaa. 1. W. WILtMi, rslilM.s:, Nsw York. allkS-ISk JaSSfSra earht oiiniy In Hi Main, tn I .rVel anl tak or.lera l.y snnipl lor TKA, l. 'K . VKK an.l M'H'M. To mliai.ls mm we will alve a aalary ol lo l,tia ) ear. au,e ira.rl "') "J"'1 """.r lnea, ami a reasonable 1 Hiime.llai niiaaioitooaaiea. .plli-atlnna ar solllte.l from '""tf' !artlea. Neferani-ea esi'banire't. Apply to, or a. Ireas lnnn.iatviy . PAl KKSt l ! . ' tv.r tiret.tal M Ilia ' llowcr)'. Net York. f KAMNtJ i!Afi.un.rlv 1 B t ........,.mi r iiii.nn'r M. 13TO. sill . I in " t -4 41 Msv I fire-. I franV.I." a frr. lit Vorlh and , Norih weet f.ir I'Li'.nlflnM. New- York. , lieiuing. roitatillr. Tan a pia, Asblsn.l, ) Ijliniiiokiii. Lebanun, Ailvnluwn. IsVou, r.jiliraia, I. ills, Lancaster, t.niuini la Tinnsleate llrrl!iiffg f5r si lorlt, as ; follows ; at. y.ib, S I" U "J.i fun-noon riiiooo, an.l arritiug at rw lo:H nl I.', in imon. I :t.."itl tt,(i."i, and l',il p. m., reapertively. Sleeping cars acccmpany Ihe ' Y. a en. ao l ,tl.'i a. m. traina. wiiLoill cLarge. j 1'i-iiiining 1 Lnate New Yr rtt ai H.oia. m, j 12 l"J Norn, nud .'i.OO p 111. FLi'ri U-lphia ai . l.i a in and p tu ; rilecpiiig cars ac- vuipuny lie '-','J p ni, sJ "i.'i" p m train from New Vurk. w illiot t ch'inge. Leate llarrinburg for Iteadiug, rotlstille Tania4iia, Minef tille, Ashland, Sbmniikin, , . in.V,... ...I i-l,;i.,l1. 1.; . in.lU Dl, a. oil ana .IU V m, aiuppiug ai .. , . ... l.ebanou and prinuipel way tlaiivnt i lhr( 4,10 p m irain cmitieoiing fur Vhiladulphia, I'oilatille and ToIuuibU only. For Volls-! tills, Schuylkill lluteu and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Sm.iieliiiun lUilrooJ, Leate llairisburg nl 3.40 p m Eal I'l-nsrltaiiia Railroad Irins leate lUsding fgr Allcnlown, Kaaloo an I New orlt nt 7.S1. '.3' a. m, t 27 aud 4 i't p. . Ittiiimlg, leit New York il '.US a. m., U.INI noon and MSt p. in ,-ta l .Mien- lowiiat l.W s. m. li'Ji H'tva 4 "J'l end S.lop. 111. I Way pYasenier train leaves I'h'.Indc'pbia ; t. T.Sn a m, connecting with similar tnio on test 1'euua. hailroad. reiurnins frum Ht'ad'ns at li.Hiai m, stopping at all siaiiooa ; lat I'oiiSvtlU ah 6, 10 and 9,00 a ui and ; i a, an p. m.: lieruilcn nli u.JU a nt : Mia-. niokin at i.4 and H'.4'J. in.; Ashland ai 7,03 a m, aud 12.1H nCoB, Muhaooy Ci'y at 7.M a. m- and .07 p. tn.. Ta.aqn. at H.Sa.in. and.,.0 p m for 1'UiladeU Ui. and New York. Uatl'..iievill..tia8.I.MvlklllandF.u. oueliaiina H It at 8.1 j a iu lor lliirri.bin u. and li.Oo noon lor 1'inejt'Ot and Trvmoui. Heading Accommodation trai.it . Lat foii.tm at i,o a m. .piiaei itaoirtg at 7 U. a uu writing aj Fiiladrlpbial Hl.20 J, Sjt, )tturuirg, .rarea 1'bila.)' atb al ,.IJ p p, yttAi.t r.eaio; a t,t0 p m, rrtttnf af .Vctirvil!e ai ". tl p W. . retuiown .Accommodation Ira n Lat IVliw-fi jtl H.Zh a , rlur::!tig lat I'bi'.sdflohis Kt ,1)0 p to. ' t oltiribia U.vlrv.u Trains leave Radiag at ' aV'.'H a rt,. and H.tA p m for Fpatata, titli. l.snea-arf. OoJunibia. 4j I'erklomau Uaiiroad Trains lest 1'erM euieiiJuuoilewm VI. Ul a m, ri.H' a p nt; Nl wenltig Uats liwnkstlll at it, 05 a m, w,r. r oi-ii, .nn , io p m, ceonevtiug with similar Iraina on R.lirg Ritilr-yad. t-oletr aokilai Kaliroail trams leave rolls. town ot 'i.4 a m, and S.Htl s tn, roturniag leave Muut I'leasaul al J.Otl and ll.liS am, connecting with itmilar trams sa R.adlnra:1rtS. . r . e StastsT A aUy iP.ailrtM J teams Uata BridrpH si ft.SO.a ai, sinJH.t4 aad 6.0 p si, iwturning, seats Ucwntnglown at tt,A a ai, Vi.tb noon aad 5,1a p iu, eoaseotiag US similar, itaiasaaa lltading rsilrca l. . OuPunJaySj Jt New oi at i,0t p ttt. rutlaUrlpb; KSXiw a 4 g,li f ,, lb iStu a ut uaia ruomag otily to KJiug. leave FMISVttts S.00 a ai; Haretbrg o.o a ana e.iu p iu, it Alsruiown at J.So a. at. sas sua a.o p. as. Lsatej Headiug al 7,14 A St, aad L0,u. ia for Itarti.bur -at a ai for Hsst Yotk. si 4.S1 a tut AUMiawa, sua s.m u en for rsusJeiphta. t'oatsiulstiBa. MilaMa : 8easav tftowavl aad kturiai livWs, u sad fruiu allpoiat al rsdus, raloa. , . . Baft"tte eaeeksd tarougb ( 100 posao II. aiioaca sssa wasaensve. U. A.NlCOtU, .... " t i i 1)SYCMONlArY, On'iKiKlf. llMARtir A wnndarfal book 1 II shews how either set ran raaetnals any ana that wish. iMIantlr. I All awasHi tbl power.) Il teach hew to at rtK Alekcmy, Horreelea, Inesntailons, lMAVtnnll t Maale, Slaamstlaia. fal1rSaaii:mt, Marrua Onl.lavSntt a tkosassit Jiw.4ra -Mallei In U eDla. Atlitree T. WILLIAM A. V ., PuhlHh era, HaS'.HTta steest, PttlmAalpMa, rs. i ;Ti il t icrj:cniToid THIRST MORTQAfiK HONDS J.1 . OK THE lHHirB Or il,50O,0O0, r - . " IIY TltK St. lOSEVn V 9IfVR CXT ItAlLltOttf COMPit. tn itnnmlnall"n of Sl.oon an-1 f.3, aannnn ot rea-mtere-l, with lntrnt si KlI'l It earn, per annnni, lattalil IMh KeHruary JMi'l Aur"t. In tit ll.ll lrot I'nltaS mat" Uam. In Nit York ot Knroi. The l.nrt Haa Itilrlt teara to tun. ital.la In Mw Vork In IHil.li. Tm.t--. V'arinars' l.an arwl ran 'iitxny nl Nr Ytk. The niottaaae uhlrli en-area ihre l-.nJ. I. . .I.k ..I Al .jut ..n .illM. eittp nm nlal.! na.l loreterl tximl lmHe, ami ! a fltit I n1 IIM.Y mnrtaava, Tlila line, rnanerilna M.Jr.h with .rl Kearney, will n.akl a ILurt ani inriiuKii ruuia w i a:n.iiiiia- The Cnmpahe have a I'apllal !". k nf. .. i : 4n,ooo,iaj AM S srant nt Ijin.l Ortn 1'nnarep. of l.ngti,i Aera tslne'l, at Hi Klrrt MorlRii! Il"til, I.W-V.OP Total eiiai,tio Total lenalh of oa.l, tTI mile": ill'lane In cla.leil In I hi" Mortaave, III nlle.t prlr. VTU and acrriia.l Inlereat, In I I K H t.Jim . t an l I ulitalniHt from the tinilerlineil At . pm thlrta. mapa and Inlnrmall.fli relalln thrreto Thma tnn.1'. Ulna ao well rnrJ an.l ylahllng a lr luooraa, ar illrl.l lo nekina ln'l lurratl" lnTattnliU. We rerouiliiaail them ellh entire eonn.lne. W. I'.t'uXVKkalia t!.. t'onmiarelal AatnM. No. M Tin Mrevt, fow York. TANRf.H I. fi. . . I 'ml Srnl, Ni ! ft ret, New York. Mnj J-Srao. , . ,., . A rewm'ra A'1K.?IT are WATHif"i one nlfrefllKAeKJirjinil HfcST tn Im In IIim Wt.llA u'ahMl natsarallata, ISuiiall. Aaaiats. Wie-oV ) il'iih, A ul"eri',shil manivl'iffi "tttw-Jbla . ! 1 ! 1 i!i. li ia 1m ..a I.'. 1 . j . IIkUU'I wl'h It, nM a-TiT yon 'k, 1.1 t-a or enuo - l.y. Nottilfa I'kall l.i tut lie.. I AiinU ri-rl I iininta Imm 4 I" aw pr -lay. ami aeit in e.omee . tin ! '; ' ,'- "" ." '"'r.'""; 1 I lor llhi'lrateil ttrrnlar ami our most linral leruit lor II h.Ii an.) MM A. II . IM'IIII A Kit. l) rui'lbher. faJCt annul M. Fhtla. I'a. rrilK lUiUt IV II4.M ill Tt Al. A l.ir lnurani-a fompany watita a nomhea ot Soul Aaenla, alan, a icool tleneral Aaient tor I'lttahura- xtvl tlrlulty 1 ala... a ilanaral Aitanl, lor thr ileoman coontlea of Prnnatli ania. A l : itre.a the jtiff.ie. No. IU Mouth 4tk M, I'blla I iia'ia ('a. ' I.AR'iF.ST IJF.ST ClIIaAPKST.' I' . . ... .f. J l.ilieralllV. i 1 theltrat Talent, bate . a,-, TWrtl; Y Ire. y .,-n Moore's Rural Sew Torkrr, An-I aa a reault It la n"w, pre etnineniit, mr l.arur.l. Ileal an1 rhrail li l t'aTSATBi. Hi 11, l.iranaat tan Kawnt Wnai.t If triw I iWiTl.l. lliultuouaanoa'uaaior ae.ir F"l;ic H-kM f..r If aspcri r A' 1 I'll; alne. llluatra-1 1 ! tiooa. Hr't,t, Ttir PrrH nrfrf Prnple PmIh1 II ! Knr eta'mi.'a. ai Ftrhansn snya : ''Tna Re Hai.iatlte moit r.lcarantiy . Wl.lely ri.cuUiel. ami I'rlntr.f. Alilt Mitnl. lii'irllly Welcomed uuw ftn'ls lis : . 1'iuinr, aa a atiole, aUlrh aniootf the reople 1 Vol. XXll WMna .Inly r Try l Holy )ar. 1 140 r toluai of h'i nainiaira, or V) per .nrftto lnia. Nil l.a.-rlliW ow ' A'Vlrraa 1. ! t. .vtiiiRS:. 41 Park Ro, Nw York iNt,w LEW is ii f. Fi m k"t ) si 1? 8LRIBK ri'K THE YORK WEBKLY, 1 tiik rro; Lt. s i av'irhe jta R.tAt. I T srhit Intereatlot atorlea are always to b frun.i Iu lh Ntw vrekiy. m . v m w (Xt II Ol fJIr'Ht; a rlear tlraerlptlnn ! n .rlyeverr kn.n ; rlioin,,f r tlv rectlted, Ihv following ltciol rila. Illtga. Klabea. ln"H, Kpllla , I rftn.ri ' to mil- I li I'onk Inir 1 at-, So.. et,llv,.,e. l,y liaig .plrltt.4 lllu.tratlona ' lr'un J 7rUv-A ' V 'JT . ? ,, 5 j a i l raiilrt wnheirltlnaan.t ainiiint aner.lotea Mnte( . . r.Mra. I f 1 S a 1 MnnH, .1 If wl - ol tlielr manllnlil li-tillarlTiea. 1 n rrain 1.1 me tteai!4 and Ifi1tiir P. ' I hair. 1 Knrk At preant there ar SIX H K F.AT STORI I.S . a , 1 . 1 1 ca-s may be. mat enre himself rtleap-runnina-throush HrolMmna( soil al lsaal uji ...,(-, . ' awry la hea-on ererey m Blh. 'J Pr! 'J B ' vertically. 1 Near auUrrDwri ar ir-assvr or ratine ine rommenrruisnt of a n'w ' ".ouil .i rr, D 1 metier when thay iuH. tt-a. I . Haok cumUtr npn.. VRW.YC'RR Wy.KKI.Y t .nr.t' 'na avral f'.eai:li il I.HlftralMna. I minle . the of Hi-tiillatf atler nf any paiier nl ita elaaa. I imS ;hfVf ti hes. hort Morlra, p.ina. ir.. . . , , . roi. It ilona not confine naelutnea tn smmement. I. til pillitiahea a urejl 'luannltty ol reillytn airucllie Batter, tn th m.xt rilmul Krx Th ,"ir Yorb II' . t 'y '"l -''. ''"' hate altalreA a hlKh repnii.a tr ni t!.-l-rrvl,,r. ttcellece. .u I .-.r,.. ln...' Th' l'LSAt Pnir.. t.- .-is nf of lha ciocentrattd w!t oii La:nir ol icao; aln.is. Ti a H iri not U einfln-1 la aralul In' itmai.on on a'.l mannei of .u..'.-!. Ttt New tTstje via In th loweat w orJi tht moat noiaMe .luli.aa all ovar lb wurl.t Tus Oneaie wuh CoaairoaiiasTa e-m ' tslnasniwn t laiulrar uia all laazinahl ' aUI.-f . Aa unrltolaJ liiarary rir is the pf,'' '01i WCClilVo ,,wt roaiamt irum iiit u io iorti and aa.toU. an.l aii loieu poma.luawi '" "' ,l1 "rUI ,,r,', r'lrI 1 iliTi.iii rSntfin-iMf ms Year ia,a-cou.. Tliiri o:r I ., ' "fa,--mZ:" ? ;". I rriiot an i"a mukuf .i.t, aul nt ' " tim. il be cart:.-.! a c-py ran eic'l aft.rward aj .iuie 'p srKKtT a M(TH. Proprietor. J .No.i luitunStraatt, N. T. "WONDERS OF THE WORLD." i,r.L kaal ..Inu. aoJ anat aur.rti. iu - aenptloa Im. air puutiahe.l Senl f.-r im , ''ldTiT .ii H.Vi"'V " M. 'l!tHt:sU c"- U HrwB1 ' tiiv kh iivh vi.li mk nr THlslAUXB n u sti.r ! F ID r r W I 1 1 . I C Jl N j I P T II C ll J rsil I V7 I las I 1 1 Baa I ta Oust Hl.iorr ol t9s S ir w o naoy. Aaaai. anl.l. SieaS Sr I'tfraiar., llk tra. aai full .leMniHlv ik ajrk. A.hirea .lloal rubiuhiu t o. I'btlailalt hu, P. ! is I will lib re eeipl V wk.rk 1' waa r jtaal of k' n a . ir. e si o i.'o.int, Hr -it, N J. PROMPT. HUXOKAPLt K II-A Bl.l ai-M.Hkl-hi W AOKNTS VANTKIin ever v eitv sis:Ti1Mi-l.JfrM, .,1 Uaa4ttlta( fartk. Ivl "ali0' ,'h, I.!. wibjaistaa', aucaaiul IKl.Ae: JtnHf ifTMrr'.ry- BOUQUBT OF THLOXES- itlM.Y tiMsi mtff . JUS .h-V" 'Sl-a-a -w4t ! lrt saltaUelHni, wr wataniaas. 1 1 AajeaU avl lell4. 1 ... i.m Uaitj. Iva koae - . ame rkaka, atAt 4 r a 1 I ...!. m aHMaual alt kt oawt4 la ...IMMiriie' Maiiraaaanaa-au aa. wmw wm thla U.ei.aiMe.. ...l aa riaarai Rtv rawtuw. ot us Mta r-tra aa VhkMBO. "IkTOTirB IS HKRhBY tVi.X IfeU XI bat pwrhaai IkefoiUwiag rsvaneal t toper' t, sojil by virtue or s trr, - turn 'aciaa, "lswd Ml f t Court of Coosa." riesa of -nvlr eoua'y. M ttTprt KwcU Rotkrwek. Is .. :--tim i-aa.iM Sit t I'bsir, I Kiaad. t Table, f eV ef ebsirr, I eWk.t leoklag Qlaaa, 1 pttti r WMt, 1 I .ltail e4 Tt Kria. Jul key. i Tons tvav, -r moot, rwui. ., i at-sf llaraeas, t'loaat. 1 Wo4 . I ana, kse.kreaw, trl Marat aa4 b Vis Ufl aaas la bla ao I aetabt easiwaW a-H la ar utrlr wtih lha aaaaa. - JlkSlbPlf 8..VUtM. I' IDF. mat KAVKLlBSi ' t atsehger Trains teats tbs. IU' v'sbar'f railroad depot daily a follows': : ' ' rKMNatLVANIA CftNTKAt KAiLROAP. SASVWASn. . fhitad'a Kinresa aieert .Xfoadar 2,10 a at raat Mne ' 1 V 6.2d l.anraaier train (VlkVt Joy) " otj .e I'aoinc Kipreas Train ' '. 2.0p an llarrlslmrg icoktmt8aros ' " ,65 ' I'ineinnatl Imprest train dally 10,45 " Souiherh Krpreaa" ""'i ' ' WSSTWARtl.' I'lnfclhsi'll epreexepl Monday 12.10 sm riitaburg.Kipreaa 1 U 4.'.Oam I'aeiftc Krpt'eas train ilsil " 4.11k am r.mlgralion lramnseen'.Monlay 7.S- Mail train except ftuiidaT Kaal Line n KilerVHIms 1 . 1 i p nt 4.1.1 4.20 KiihTiirnw :r rrnvf; pAtf.itou KotflfVaa". Ilnffaloe Kaprera trairl Night AcToiumoilaliob Mail train Ka-l Line " " 5,:H a m 1 .Si'.t p m l.to 4,'."l aattsitanr lliilTii1o-r reaa Tfain S.IS a m I 4'" p m 12 OA p m 4. HO p m I0.4S iimnriMk , . I'aiilc. V.aii " ' York A l!nVrib'g Accccmi laiion Cir.citta' I Ksprras 1 ' 11'liytl.KII.I. AMI jl XHANKA R. . A "isaengrr and mail, train leates the l.r'.o iiVti Valley depot tfaify, at X.M p. m., foM'tnegrte, Aulmtr. kt :l f'oit'tille. 1 AIKP CRAFT a-. i ' Sl'CCKWttn V) FLECK & CO!, wwolEsaLe t'OSKICI T'O' KKH A1IK fRtlTKIIBR. Nt. :fj: NiKTi("ttint) rt., I'lllLAI'K'.PIIIA. U ' A full nMitSiail tf, ('cnfnciionery, t'riiii. Kirt 1crk. Strop, 1 ly As. alwa s n Land. kTliTK I I', l.t'HHj'jllV.tllVKN Ir r eia.fi erf Tin ptirchaaed Kimnii ma. I Iron l,ei(le. 1 '.T r. j Iik-i ; and bating rli ihe fimf . ioLc foae,tiia of the said I riuinn .C'-linan ali , , .cantioni'l Sn( lo ,nt pvrsoiis are hereby .111 ct fere with, nor ror- i lia-e 1 f caaie. J. f. fl.KH. t'eb. t, 7'. 1 ISFf.i.MTl'i.N tiF I'ARTNK.IISIHI' 1 The aiiliarribera hate this dav by miit lual consent diaanUed ihe t'o- parlneralnp hereiufurt esiaiing between thrin in lha l.uir.Ver lliiiiitcaa. in .Irlmagrnte I'a A l perso.ua indrbted 10 the ftrm of Motor Howes A Puma will srille the same with .1.. . 1 w . a, 11.... .k. ...li jtrWinueihe hUaines.and all per.on hat. I if.elima ajainat u rill hand ibrui in fnr ,. . ff,yr R fa , j ( , rtl RNS. Selltiaarnte Not 'J 1M: LX-. I nnilROHa 5 HOW I.OM, How Restored Jurl piipliihe-l a new etJeJiton f Ir. 1 niterweirs reise-raUil Ks IfwasS' aay on ih radial t !r. (without meilieinei of hipermairrtlTei, or Seminal Weakneaa, Intotuntaj-y l.naara, impoiency, Menial and phinieal Intaparily, Imp'di mi nu to matrlape. He- : alao. Cnneump lion rpllrVaynrH Fita, induced by aelf in-diilgr'-.rt nV eraunl esiratiganew. VrrV, i .S'arfra4 A'aeoi, sis Wf I Ihe crjib:-ird authurin ibie admirable -ay c'raf'y di'mnimrates from a Uifriy .veara ! . ejr; Tut practice. Ibat the a'arm- '"' r,r'' 2 wiUfSurih- darrrgerous ef knife ; pointing cut a mod nf cur i one simple," renain and efJretoal, by means nf wuicn rrery ain,rer. no matter anal si This Le. tur should be in lh banda of ietery yvnib and etery man In Ihe land ' n nnd'r real, in a plaiu entelrji. 11 any a'ltlreaa, pneipairi. no' reeipl'r ait cent, or two po.l smpa Alr- ?r Tti'. 1 erwell t Marriage Ouile," frict .'-larn'i j Addicts lite puhliaherr ' -i 1 eHA..j.'. :t;Jir..N, JT llowety. J". ' . . Bit t. .". w vn i ri'-A'irvr? fT TO ?2PO PEB MONTR, Kterthere, rule ac frusle, 'o ir.tr? duce 'he ' ' hrnslne Imcroteel fositton Sen I FAMILY SKWIMi MACHINK. This Machia will stitch, bam. fell, tuck, ...ill .....I 1.1. I t.r...l ...1 1.. a ' -! .w- ..-.v...., , m.l aue.riot manner. ., cfeTaCa . T "l"- Vts!;?. ! t'u"l "trailed t9t FIT Tears W u il, pa iaj for aay maohis ibat , i" ' a siroogjr. more biuifnl. or ! mote eia.lie .earn than nnr, , m,ke ska. I "KLASrlt? I.( H'K Si ITCH 1 Eer.r sreon t ileh ean be sai.'had anl. ''he cloth ctan.4 r pullej wpart wnhnu i tearing it. W py Afcat from J7a'" f y.0 p .,!, ..j .tf.. r ram. j miseioa f:-oi which w!c thai aastnnt eaa 'homed. Afire - f FTOM H ft ft V . mi .nine, i a ; n:ion. taau r ."' Louia. Mo. CAl'TION- Dewrenfll Agents eeiiisg Mael inra rr"alr rf "wii asm aa our.. ' unlr-s mry MS.slow a CeriiSc f 1 . -.1 IS . k.lt k a! i , mirl vaiepoiisihl for wanbret Ma. ehme a-i'fr-y aaher parliea, a1 H' Prv""e l (11- eiihee filing e .... g I Maeh.ae .W.iae -b, ...... in th i.lt e, . I of the law, uaJe-a ssk Machme wer ! , iit,H frv. ky .r Agent Do mm I a Unpo.eJ uron by pariw. wSo eopt a.r ' tnia.mes and circular aad oft? nk lees llac'iinet ai a teas prk. Feb -!. ; yj rc s. KAL CTlDK f OR lftl'X Tli rvl TMlYle at r SrwilrJ aS ! T.u.. l kJks..k ..'.r wa. s an i iraiea tusaiorae r reverts narai vaise. ' punao: at i.aaiy eeaat . j I, ltfaa'lt iriaieJ kaa Inst tat aaoer. It elegaa'lv ir wiikabnul la t nattiac ef Flower 'kBd Ve-f.5Tf; .at N ". M I, .. ,.. l.ie.:V . -.11 u -k. , twoal ses'nteti. FtsraJ tJatl. blUke-l.' e.tine prra e tharoogh dirvctioeu) fee " r , t ,k . t UHie Of VIOVfrs S"t tewTtMVr. TU tlvral liuula at pooluhot ly a 'oa. . wa ... ww - watoaw i alt whs apaaW M saaik, sW Tsa Cl, wbifhia skW ball Ik ewa. Jkdot Kawftataaoe. S. T. . . I - a BALD IUt;i.M iiotiuv ; ' ' N.tMNnk Vttrat 5lrft ruiiJkSKi.rHXsi. H. V'LMKeV, rVamreae. ' Jaaaartt, )f. . '. . V" VVSf Bi'tk' t't URft IvyjaUy tai.a ) rt. Yia. tadaaak, (!hav aaai G ..J lbr naaiex las peraoaa rvwa aay 5Ma or ..LllTITlCuaaiTy. ftV'Ma i iWis TTiT.. drSa . oaHMapt).. ts. saSesa. mr lsa.- Sa.ai.vjri akaf aawkt ii m vossa eaaasa. ftdtUa Isaaaaaaa ajIMI i. i . ii - T I- MJV-wkV ' ItJ ...I""' ' ' ' " .