The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 18, 1870, Image 2

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    T H E P Q a T .
fWIlJ TTT Taurdy Evening b
jCBEVIlB CK018I, Proprietor.
Terms of Subscription,
tiro DOLLARS TER ANNUM, rayabli
. . .1.. ..IDKAIf --I 1
frllflin . nBDiliHi vr .-.u-i nwi pan
ltlilntlie yr. No paper discontinue
coiil ill arrearage art paid unles
the option eftbt puhlleher.
Subscriptions otitsiuo ot the count
ar PeraoB liftlne and Mint Mdm
J.lrfwd other beeom mibserlbers,
Md ir liable for th prlee of (hi paper
. L . . .
T P. CKONMlLTfclt,
Middleburp, To.,
fifTer bl profefennl service f 0 th pub
lic. Collection ni niimner rirerrrasionai
biialnep nlruled to lili car will receive
prompt attention. Jan 1, 'OJif
Helinsgrore Pn..
(Iter hi BTofwtloant etrvi to lh ptlb-He.-
AH bnlnes entrnafed to bit carr
ill b promptly attended In.
fJn. 17, 'CItf
Frecbttrg Ta.,
offer Mi I'roftMionat service to ttif pub
lic. AH business entrusted to bia cart
trill b promptly attended Id.
Jan 17,7t
Lewielnirg Pn.,
Offer Kiaf profeselonal ervic lo I he puh
lie. Collection and all oibtr l'rofeiou
at butinee tnlruated to bia ear will re
ceive prompt attention.
Gi:o. r. Mii.Mtit,
Lewishnrj; Pn,
tiffert M Professional crvlee lo Ibe pub
lie. Collection and all oilier profession
all buaineea entrusted to bia ttt will re
celv prompt aticnlion. ilnti. R, Mi"i
I M.LlNNi ' "
Lo wishing Pn.,
Offers bi professional service lo Ibe
rmhlio. Collection and all other pro
fessional business enlrualed lo thrlr care
will reeeivepronitaltenilon.fJan. B, 'Oilf
riii ARLl-fs "l 10 i W K R.
Sclinsgrove Pit-,
Olfere bit profeeeional servic to the pub
.la. Collection and all other professional
Suslncse entrusted lo bia enre will re
eeiv prompt atlentloa. Office two door
ttnrlh of Ibe KcyMono lintel. Jan f. 'II
Selinsgrovo Pn
Offers hi trofelonnl service lo the
public. All busincs entrusted lo bi
vara will h promptly allended lo. Col
lection inIe in all part of the Ktnte.
i. . l r .. i ; ..l. Bnii nniin
lie can Bj'caa.nio j-iii r..
language fluently. Oflico between Hall
mid i he l'ot olbc.
Slidtllel'urtf Soytlur t'utmiy Pt nii'n.
ttffioa a few door Wefl of the O. on
Main alreel. Coinuliallon
and Oerman language.
in Englili
C. lll'CIIEIl,
jji'wiMlmrfr 1
Offer bia profewlonni aenriorMO the pub
lic. All l.uine enlrualed lo bi care
will be promptly al tended In.
' ' Jon. 3. '7if
Tertona In need of a good and durable
fcewing Macbiua cau be accomniodnted at
reaionalile price by calliug ou on 8a
icl Kai.t, Agent, Minlrofi 4 ,,.p
Du. j.Y.siiiNni:ri.
i Miildlcliur(t IV,
Offer bi prnfcaSionai trice lo lb cil
item of Middle'ourg ntt vicinity.
f March 21. '07
'.''. Selinsgrove renn.
'JOHN Id HUGiniS, Vq,
Teno Twp., fenj(er Co. Tt
Y1I, WAOSKR, Enq.,
Jackson Township, Soyder Co. Pu
ivm attend te all btilnM a(ruld lo
1.1. Knit on lha moat reasonable
i.rmV . - t March 12. 'tlBtf
Centreallle, rnjtlcr Co., I'o.
' Offers bis profelonal scrvloe to Ibe
public. 03Kif
1 W. SCHWAN, M. P., .
Port Trevorton Ta,
Offers bi profelopal aervloe to th f Ihla clao and vloinllv. 11
Freeburg Snyder Co. Ta.,
tioat refpeotfully offer hi rviee to
- Ike aaMie as Venda Cryer and Aueiion
Il.elne had M lart rrlenee, I
fl ooofldcWi that I eaa render perfect
fallifaclion to By Bployt.-
Jan. 0, 'il
I) '. PARKS,
Offiee ta Court J". I"!"''
.a it a-i r T O
W'322 N. THIRD S
... nmi a tklft DU I af
.:, J. C. NU'E, CUrk
BUtlooen, Ulank book aaaufsctaros
, - taaasastf VlllfCa
Ha JnM reeeleed an entire new etoeV 'of
all of a auperior quality which he I lire
pared lo make np in Ibe beat KyU and on
bert notice. II aluo keep Drown and
While r'rencb Yob Linen Pbiru.and a gen
eral aMortmeni of gentlemen' r'urnitliinK
(I oo I ii, all of which be offer 10 the public
at very rcaaonabl price.
Call at my place on Pin Street, between
Eckbert'a corner and the bridge. Srlim
Orote, 1'a. Juu 4, IWH if.
Kcely fc Milllcr,
Lumlick Dealers
anu MAai fAit'iaa vr
Doom, Door Boxca, Window, KhiKlcra.
window Boxr, Blind, Sanh, Stair
Filings Hand Bulling, llrnrk-
Moulding, r'lonrlnc,
Shingles, Lath, Lo., tto.
Order njjclled and filled with prompt
nee ami deopaiib. I'lea call and eiaat
ine o-ir alock before purchasing eleewbere.
Miixitn ii. itKivp.n
Reapeetfully announcoa lo Iho citiien of
Middli-liurg and viciuily that be i now
ready lo eiipply Ibem with Ibabirgent and
miirl complel (tuck of
sriirxo tt- svMMF.n coons
ever brought lo I bia plnee, al greatly re
docei1 price cheaper than Iho cheafw!.
Uc invite alleniioo lo bi large atovk of
Boots mid 8hocs,
1. E A OY-M A 1K OU TH I NO.
Sill UTS. and ererytUing ueuallr kept In
I a well regulaied alar. ,
thrc me a call and bo conviuoea lual
tbi I Ibe place lo buy good.
COUNTRY ritODl'CK token In exchange
for good. Will. II-. IICSMCr.
Middleburg, Mny, W.
Nuuinier ArraogcmcDt, Monday
May 10, 1870.
Great Trnnk Line front Ihe North and
North west for Philadelphia, New York,
Reading, l'illsv(llv,' .Tamaqua, Aslilnnd,
Shainokin, Lebanon, Allentowu, Jlaiiun,
Epbrnla, l.ltln, Lancaster, Columbia 4o.
Tiain lenve llrriatiurg lor isew I ork, a
follow: at 535, 8-10 11. Hi forenoon,
and 2.60 p. ni., onuocilng wilb eiuiilur
trnina on lb Iho l'cniiaylvant Railroad,
nnd arriving al New Voikatl'J. 10 noon,
8.60 ,06, add 10,00 p. m., respeclively.
Sleeping eara arcdinpany tb 4.3") a m. and
Relttrtiink 1 Lenve New iork al 0.00am,
12,00 Noon, and 5,00 pui. Philadelphia at
H,15 a m nud H.HO p a ; Bleeping car ao-
ompany Die v,K p m, aim 6.UU p m train
from New York, without change.
Leave llarrlabutc for Heading, rotUville
Tamaqua, Minerevitle, Aahland, 8baaokin,
I'inegrov. Allentbwn nnd Pbiladelpbta, al
8,10 a m, 2,60 and 4.10 p m, atoppiug al
Lebanon and principal way nation 1 Ihe
t,10 p ni train eonneciing for I'biladelpbia,
l'oil.villo and Columbia only. For Poll-
villa, Hcbnylkill Haven and Auburn, via
Bcnnymill and Busmicuanna itatiroau.
Leave Ilarriaburc at 8,40 c m
Last fcneylvanla Hailroad trlnt leave
neaaing ror Aiientown, r-nsion and new
York al T.5ID, 10. ao a. m., 1.27 and 4.45 p.
notnrnlg, leav new iork at u.ou a.
m., l'i.w noonand5 and Alien
town at 7.20 a. m. 12.25 Noon 4.20 and
8.46 p. m.
way passenger iratn leave ruuaucipnia
at 7, HO a ra, connecting with eimllar train
on Kaat l'enna. Railroad, returning from
Read'ng al 0,36 p m, slopping at all itationa
l.aav I'ottavill al 6,40 and V,oo a m and
2,60p. m.i llerndnn at 0,80 a mi 8ba
mokin at 5,40 and 10,40 a. m.; Ashland at
7,06 a m, and 12,30 noon, Mabauoy City
at 7.61 a. m- snd 1.07 p. m., Tamaqua at
8,83 a m. and 2,20 p to for I'biladelpbia
and New York.
Leav I'ottavllle. via BcbuylkiU and Hua-
quebanna K R al 8,16 a m for Uarriaburg,
and 12. ')5 noon for I'inegrov ana Tremout.
Reading Aecommodatioa train 1 Leave
rottsvill at 6,40 a in, paaae Heading al
m a m. arriving at Philadelphia at 10,20
7,80 Roturning, leav Philadelphia al
C,1S p n, panaing Heading at 8,00 p n,
arriving at Pollivill at 9.40 pn.
I'oltatown AeoommodalloD Train Leave
Poliilown at 0,26 a m, returning leav
Philadelphia at 4.00 o m.
Columbia Hallroad Train leav Readiog
at 7,211 a ia, and 6,1 1 pm for Fpaiata,
LllU, Lancaaler, Columbia, ki I
' lerklomea Railroad Train leav Prkl
omenJuuotlooat 9,00am, 8,00ft 6,80 pm;
reluming leav 8ohwnkvill al 8, 05 a to,
12,4t Noon, sad 4,16 p m, conneotln with
imilar train en Beading Railroad. -
Colebr wkdal Railroad train leav Potts
Iowa ot 9.40 a nr. a ftd a, returning
leav Waunt llaawat at .7,00 and 11,26
am. eonneciing with similar trams on
Readies railroad; 1
Cheater VelUy Bailread trains leave
Brideoort at 8.80 a m. aad 1.06 aad 6,02
p in, returning, leav Uownlnglown at 0,20
a m, J4.3 noon ana o, 10 p m, emaaeoiiug
with alinllar trains on neaaing rauroaa.
ii Bunday 1 Lav Nw York al 6,00
p m, pn-'Udvlpnla 8,00 a m and 1,10 p ta,
ka H m a id Irala ruoaiag only to Reading;
1.... ivii.IIU 8.00 a mi JUrrUburi 6,86 a
m aad 4,10 p rn. leave' Alleatowa at 7.26
a. a. tad aad 8.40 p. IB. I lSt Reading
I la a a, and 10.06 B for HanUDurg,
.1 1 si a. m for New York, at 4,46 p m for
AlUotowB, aad 4,24 p at for I'biladelpbia.
iVmnntaiiaar. MHmm. Beaaon. Bchool
sad Mouraioa lieketa, 1 aad fraat all polui
at raaroeed ralae. .
Bafsge ekaeka tkroah 100 we
Tha llcrinari nhlnr. ,
at aiaoi.At a nacRr.
U Iterer ahal ba France'
Th free, the Herman Rhine,
Tho' raeen-lik ahe glancea
And croak her foul deiign.
So lone; a calmly gliding
It wear its' mantle green,
80 ling a oar dividing
It mirrored wave ia een,
II never (ball l France',
Th free, the lltrman Rhine,
to long a youth enbama
Hi fervor wiih it wine.
Hn lung a aentry keeping
The rock it margin iud ;
80 long a Dpire are Bleeping
Their image In ii lleod.
It never ehnll be' France'.
The free. Ihe IJertiian Rhine,
80 lng a festive d.incea
li lover-group roiuliinei
8i long a angler brinjrotli
In Itiniy trout 11 aliore,
0 ong.ilii.iiiiiitirrl aiugi'th
It prait from doorlo d our.
Jl never slmll b France'.
The free, I lie Ovrmaii Rli'oo,
L'niil ila broad expunge Ik
It but defender' ibrino.
Tli Slory of til' f.ood l.lltle
lloy W ho illil not ri oapt'l-.
Onco thoro wa a c.nod little boy b)
lb imme of Jacob lilivcn. lie al-
way obeyed hi parent, no matter,
how absurd and unreasonable their do
manda were; and he always learned
hi book, and never wa lato nt SaU
bulb bcliool. He would not play
hookey', even when bia anber judc-
1 meut mid him It wa tbo most profita
ble tbina bo could do. ono ol tho
other boy could over inoko that boy j
out. he tu ted no Htrnniroly. lie would'o.
lie 110 matter bow convenient it wa.
lie jtifl said it was wnug to lie, and
that wa kullicirnt for him. And he
was so hino't that be ws simply ri
liculo:l. Tho rtiiiou Ways thill
Jacob bud soi parsed uvciythinp; lie
wouldn't play marbles on Sunday, be
wouldn't rob bird' nota, he wouldn't
H'wo ItOl pennies to orgno grinders'
monkey; bo dim t aeom to like any
inturea.Jin any kind of rational amuse
ment. So the other boys nsod to try
to reason it out and route lo an under
standing with him, but they couldn't
nrrivo at any satisfactory conclusion ;
a I said before, they Could ouly figure
out n sort of vague idci that ho wat
'ufllotod'1 and so they took him under
their protection, nnd ucver allowed any
barm to come to him.
Tins good little boy road all tbo
Sunday school book; they were his
greatest delight. Tbi wustbe wbcle
ccret of It. lie believed in Ibe good
little boys they put in tho Kunduy
school books ; he bad every confidence
io them. lie longed to conio ncross
one of them alivo, onco ; hut he never
did. They all diod boforo hi time,
tnty be. Ybcii be read nbout a par
ticular good ono. ho turned over quick
ly to soe what became of bitn, because
be wanted to travel thousands of mile
and caso on him ; ba( It wasn't any
. . ...... 1 ,
use; ttiul goat.1 111110 dov always uieu
in tho last ebapter, uod there wa a
picture of a fuooral, with nil his rela
tions and the Sunday school children
tauding around tbe grave in pauta
loouS that wora too e-bort, and booneis
that were too largo, and 'everybody
crying iuto handkerchief that bad al
much as: it yard and a half of stuff io
tbom. lto always headed off la this
way. llo never could toe one of
thoso Utile boys, on accouut of bis
dying iu tbe last chapter.
Jacob bad a noble ambition to be
pat io a Suoday school book, lie
wanted to be put in, with pictures
representing his gloriously decliuing
lo lie to bis tnotbor and alio weeping
fir joy about It; and pioturoa reprs
tooting bim standing on the doorstep
giving a penny to poor hegar woman
with aix chilJren, ana touiug ner 10
pond it freely, but not to be extravt-
gaot, been one ostrariganee 1 a sin ;
and pictures of him mngoanimootly
relufing to tell on ino baa ooy who al
ways lay in wait for bio around the
eorner, at bt came Train sen 001, and
welted him over tho head with a lato,
and then chatcd him home saying,
"Hi! Hi!" as he proceeded. Tbi
was Ihe ambition of young Jacob liliw-
tnt. lie wituea 10 do pui 10 t ouo
day school book. It made blin feel
little uncomfortable tomettrrotwheo
bt .reflected that the good little boyt
always died, lie loved to live, you
know, sod this was iuo tnosi uopieaa-
ant feature about being a Bunaay ectiooi
book boy. He knew it waa unbouhhy
to be good. . He knew that It was
more fatal than cootumption to be so
auneroaturally good as the boys in
tbe booli were ; he koew tbst none ol
tbem had ever been able lo stand it
lonif. snd it pained him lo think lhat
if they put him ia ft book be wouldo't
aver see it. or even if they slid get tbe
book out beforo bo dlod,.it wouldn't
be popular without aoy pioture of bit
funeral in tbe baok part of it. It
couldn't be much of a Sunday school
book that couldn't toll, about tbt ad
vise ho save to tho eouttavoitt when
ha waa dvioaT. 60. at last, of eourso,
be bid to make up his rolud lo do Ibe
best be 000 Id oodor tbe oirouui stance
to live right, and btng on as Ion;
en lie could, ' and bare his dying
aaeeoh all readv when bis time sane
! Hat aossebow nothlua ever went
rl"ht with this (rood little boyt B"h'
1 ' V n- wy
in tba book. Tboy lwaj haJ a jjootl ;
timo, and tho bad boys bad tin brok-;
1..... . l.n, n l.i. man iUr.iv,l
crow looo faniownaro, nnu it nil linn-1 wnu am me vk m i -i "
penod jttat tbe other way. When hc'cmno out iceordin to Ihe lumka.
Kmc J Jim Ulnke aUoliit apple, nnd 1 Kvery boy who did ho di I propor
when tinder tiro lrci to" road to liim'cd exotfpt liim. Hi ense in truly r
about tlfi had little buy who Ml out! markablo. It wi.l fnlnbly nctcf be
of the hciirhWa apple tree and broko
hi arm, .1 im foil out of the tree too.
but he foil cn Aim nnd broko In nrm,
and Jim wnon't hurt at all. Jacob
coulJn't nndcrntand that. There
wasn't ftnjthintf In the book lillo It.
And once, when come bd hoy push
ed a blind lnnn over in tho muJ, and
Jacob t an to help him up and recelru
hia lloiint.', tho blin I nun didn't cive
him any bleating nt all, but whackrrd
him over the head with hi rlick ami
old ho would like to tnteh hint ihv.
ing him njxjin and then protending to
help him up. Thi w.i not io accor
dance with any of tlio boukn. JhoqI)
looked them over to aeo
Ono thin t lint Jacob wanted to do 1
wan to lind ft lamo do? that hadn't
any place to may, nod was hungry
ami persecuted, una bnnn him uomeiihcy bare been tho ineno of cpicu l
aml pet him, and bare tbo d.iir'a im-iB a lo.itlicoinc diMenso from one end
perishablo gratifudo. And at last lie 1 of tlio con u try to the other, anil nacri
tound one, and wa happy ; and lie
broiight'hint homo nnd fed him, but
when ho wa coimr to net him, the
door fl at him and tore nil the clothes
otT bini except those that were io front
and maiie a ipectacie ot linn llial wn j
natonisbinji He etaminod aulhori -
tie, but could not understand tho mat-j
ter. It wnoftbc fame breed ot do
iilmt wan in the booka, but itaolod very
dill'ercully. Wlmtcver tbi bov did.
bo got into trouble. The very thi U
tbe boys in the books sot rewarded for
turned out to be the moat unprofitable-
thing he Could invert in.
Once wheo ho wa nn the way lo !
.Sunday school ho enwaiima bnys vtart-
in off pleasuring in s sail-boat, lie
wa tilled with consternation, bcenue ;
he knew Iroin reading that boy who!uut in it tnual virulent form among the I
went H.iiliug ou iSuuduy iovartably -unvages. T ho devastation wa so ter- Jiy llice x'eiitio mui nations in
gotdrowned. So bo ran out ou "a'rible that out ofl.'JUO uieiubvrs of the . tbe tntip of Kilivpc, two iinporlanl
rufl to warn them, but a log turned j tribe, 750 died. Kingdoms (..Naples 1 nnd Hanover) I t-
with bim and Mid bim into the river. Jn removing the Indian it is a cus- aide utimcruu minor Stutes, hive
a man cot him out pretty ston, and , tom, wiihout deviation, tJ lay iho dea l ( been blotted out. Itdy ba giiucd
the doctor pumpted the water out vfj upou tho grouud, io llio robe winch ; toirilorr which Aufrtria b.V lost, be
hiin and gave bim a freab s'.art with Ivucuaed Ibmu while living, and cover's! lo her other gain on tho Italian
b is hollow, but bo cought cold and I up tho body with brush. There ate, IVniiiMiU itc!f. France bu gained
lav aick abed nino week. Hut the : aneculutur in tlio Indian countrv. 1 territory which It ilv hi lost l'ru-
most unaccountablo thing about it wa
that tho bad boy iu the boat had .1
good timo all day, and then reached
homo ulive and well, in the mostsur-
lirifiing manner. J.irob Illivcn
r-tvj ,
there was nuihiug like those thing in
llio book. Ha waa t-crfecilv dutnb-i
r 1 1
luuiioeil. I
v lien lie goi weu 110 wa a nine j
ditcoursged, but he restdveJ to keep
"U irying any now. 11 e auuw linn. o nine ueioru noariy every iuiii. 111 j-uri mu u'iku ' "!' " '""
lar his vxperienco wouldn't do to go I HjuIou was a small pox hosptul. In icily cei.e iho 1'russiau lertilory west
in a book, but bo hadn't yet reached j thu fuct ol ibi terrible viitiitiou.thoso ' of the Kbine, and annex to hi own
tbealloted term of lit for good liltiu who enjjuged in tbe unholy Irsfrie did Fmpire. It appear ulo by tho "pro
boy, an J ho hoped to be ab'e to make not deeiht. They usseried that the! poicd treaty," lately publiehud, that
. l 1,1 I. . - I
t record yet, 11 nc count noui nn nniu
ii..: e..n t .1.
, ? . "TV?' ,
VIHVJ IUIICM tlSJ SI CO '4 Sfl lllg r-rivwil V
lall luicK on.
He cxaminod his autboriliot, nod i
found it was now time to go to sea as
a oaulo boy. Jlo called on a ship '
captain and raulo cppncutiou, nii i
wbto tbo captain tsked for bia rcoom-i
mcndalion be proudly drw out n tract
and pointed to the words: "To Jacob j
niivens, irom nit ailoctiouate teaeiici', '
Hut the captain was a coarse, vulgar
man, and he tnid, " Oh, that bo blow-
ad ; that wasn't any proof, that ho
koew how to wash ditdica or handle a
sluib buokot, and bo guemd be didn't
want bim. ' This waa aitu;ctbcr Ibe
most extraordioarv thing lhat had
ever happened to Jacob io all bis bfc.
A ootnpliment fiom a tiaclier, on a
tract, bad nevet failed to movo tho
teuderest emotion of ship captain nod
open tbe way to all otllcer of honor
and profit In their gilt it never had
in any book that he had read. He
could hardly believe hi cqo
Thu boy ulwiv had a uicj tuna ot
it. Nothing over camo out according
to the authorities with him. At lust
ono day, when he was around bant
ing up bad lillle boys to aluiouish. he
found a lot of them in tbe old iron
foundry, fixing up a little joke ou four
toen or n ft eon dogs which thoy ha I
lied together in long procession, and
were going to ornament with empty
nitro-glycereioo cans made fast lotbcir
tails. Jacob's heart was touched. He
sat down on one of tboie cant for he
ntver niiuded crtcst when duty was
before him tnd he took boll of Ibt
foremost dog by tbo colar and turotd
his reproving eye upon !Tom Jooe.
IJuiJuust that moment Alderman
McYValter, full of rath stepped iu. All
the bad boys ran sway: but Jaeob
Ulive ds rose io conscious iunoceote,
and began one of those stately tiuuday
obool book: speeches, which always
commence wilb "Oh, tit 1" in deed
opposition to tbe fact that no boy.
goes or bad, ever starts s remark wim
" Ob, sir I" Hut the Aldoruian oever
waited to hear the reel. lie look
Jacob lilivens by ihe car, and turotd
bita around, and b t bim a wback io
tbo rear with ibe flat of hia Used
and ia an instant tbe good little boy
shot out through tbe roof aud soared
away towarJs tbe tun, with the frag
ment of those Dfleea aogt atriogiog
after bits hks tha tail of kite. Aod
thert waant ft sign of that Aldermaa
or that old iron foundry left on the
face of tho earths aud ss for young
Jaoob UHvens, he never got a chioce
to make his last dying speech after all
bis trouble fixing it op, aelesa be made
it to the birds boeaaae, although Ibt
bulk or bim cams down all right in ft
tree-top la ao adjoioiog eounty, lbs
rest of blni was apportioned io four
iMMshin, god o bad to bold five la
AUGUST 18. 1810.
dnd or not, tod how It ucotiroJ. Vi 0
ue or saw a boy it attereJ ao.
Thua t)eri?lieil llio irood little lov
acrounted for. 7tc (m .r.y.
All I uiuralltlrl Crime
During the pwlyettr, it Im recently
been deTftoped, riiMinitnnrc bnve
irnn'.pired in the Yclluwrtono country
which will riojlo indinntinii und
alarm tin ouglioul tlio wb do Union
A crime line been committed whiidi
cxeeW in dinboiistn an tiling which
ihe hihtory of lbl world bua jr.'tlueed.
nud w bich plaecn Probst and bia com
peer in the lilil of moderate (dTond
tt. A few men for tho purpose of
aociimulutin fortune, liavo nHcinptrd
to aoiitlvr throughout tho United Siute
robe which aro kii'iwn to bo infected
with mm.-iII mix ! Thi hi been done :
premeditated and knowingly, and with
ul knowlcdo that in doiiijj no 1
(ico bumau lives in unknown nuuibcr
1 luring last rummer, tho ittcambcut
Cub plied, wo believe, between Sioux
1'iiv nn.l V.rt It.-ntim D.irliu mu.
of her trips tbo small pox broko out I
iiniong the pan-iencr ami crew, anil
i0t,o dcalb occurred uii tb) trip ; tlio
boat laudcJ a abort dietanco below,
Milk river, and there the corpse- wa '
bitfiod. Tbo burial was witne-od by j
a number ot JnUiun, 01 llio ihos;
W 1,1, 111 UVI VI .MM'..., V. J"
Ventre tribe, oud a aoon in the butt
resumed it courao, tlu body wa Uis-j
iutorrod, Iho clothing atrippod from litutatcl the Uuilom ol Hanover, 1
tbe remains, and diltibutod ttmonir iho'aei.ud the City of Frankfort, and 0-1
liau perpolratca llic
not of deecrutiou. Tbo couavquence
may be imagiucd. In Iho prnior course
of time, tho dreadful colitiigiun broke
whoso sole object in life ccems to be toi
makomoucy wiihout tho slfghtet rt- mark bus lost, beside iter owo ga.n.
gard for Iho manner iu which they do in Germany itself. A map of F.uropo
ii. Tho robcswhicli enc'o-ed the Jend'len or twelve year old, I quite worth-
!..: ...I...I.U Tl...
The specula-1
. 1 '
mined to L,rnt
te o roam the
UUJ It n , i v e ftiUHinc,
tors, awure of thia,dctermi
bv it. and did nut hesi'nte
. I ..1
conuiry 111 ijuosi ui luiecieo rone, auo :
convey ineiu lurriorage iouwarenoue
in Fort llenton. It wa but n Hlmrt
.!. . I I- I- l . I- i
piaee wa auve witn amnn iox, nntt
... i. ill...... .1 i.
in.i. 1.0, .. .m-
00 ttillJtcnco. And Ihu,
midst of death, dcsulalion
iheo human vultures coaiinued
nestileuce-lnveJiug dcalh-Jcalmg cor
rupnon :
One white fund added gc.-t!y t i
thu sufTeriug. Whilo butler. ng with
tho diteusc, be obtained two yeast
can, and ullod them both with xcn
:abs I
i, he'
As soon s bo was able to do so,
took an old shirt, rubbed it thorough'?
. . ... . . - i , . , ,. , . ., n r 1
then placed Jtbo iufcetod 'garment ouand might consolidate the Confodera-
ibe trail of Ibo riognns, 00 llighwo.d i tionr of North nn! i-ot!h (K-rnnny
cieek, where the Indian would be uro into one great t'onlederntcd Kaipire.
wiiii ino content 01 ino coxes, nnu
to liod it. Thev did so. aud io a short
lima nttorivai-d tho moat frielitful of
calamilio Wa visited upou iho tribe
It snread w ilb wonderful ramd'Hv
among tho Ulackfcet, Uloods, and 1 Franco suffer defeat, we shall certnin
Kivcr Crows, unlil .be wbolo country My two another Al'eration iu the map
within a radius ol One htiudred miles jot' Italy thnt will renter fuiihet chin-
fiom Fort Ucutou, aud extending along Ige of it necessary. Wr shH cc
the river 0 much greater distance, waj the temporal sovereignity of the Pope
iufected with tbo disease, and death abolished, nnd It ime b"cnmc en in-
occurred by the thousand
In this frightful manner thousand
ot buffalo routs, all iufcclod with the
disease thai, bad killuJ tboir tavnge
ownerj, were colloctod, and tho ship
meut of them down the Missouri river
for sale iu the Kaat began. Tbe liov
eminent becoming iuformcd or the
matter, Hon. llsncock was ordered to
prevent the thipmont of soy robot tbat
could not bo proved froo of infection.
This diverted tho busioca to Iho Pa
cini) ltailroad, tbe authorities of which
are using ovcry exertion to prevout
tbe carrying of any robe uot kaoen lo
be all right. Hut, having eoue thu
fur in tbe nofsiious buaiucat, its
wretched author will, if i Ibe least
uoetible, got at some way to pay tbeir
expeutes by selling these robes in the
bast. V ma na ivraiti.
" You pull teeth hero, 1 suppose V
inquired a vegetable tooling customer,
wbo dropped into e dental omoe lor
" Ves, air, take ft chair,'' replied the
proprietor, "oar charge ia only City
cants, and I can do it iottautty
" Well, I gueat I'll wait onlil I get
home, for I can't pay tbat prieo, be
cause our doctor only charges a quar
ter, tnd it take bim two Jioure, besides
be pulls yon all around the room, ana
you get the worth of your money. 80
good flay."
. A kVvneoemu owed rata eight
hundred trance, aod be made ft propo
sition to give bim eight notes, payable
monthly, for one buadrea Irenes each
The first note was protested. The
oredilor demanded on explanation
1 didn't waot yu to lose eight ben
dred f.aao all at at once, to 1 divided
it up thai you toes night fall upon
. I , A A t . L I
"The .Mny of :llro.'
Tbo msp of I'.uropo will pfobably
unilerjjo n number of importnUut nl
toiaiions bid'or Ibe prraunt war ia
ended. Il but bern altered very Ire
ipieully. and in aevcrnl. wit) a, mid in
many place, dining llio IhkI tin 01
I vrvlvc year. Tho map of Kniope
was cliiii(f 'd in 18.")'.', when Nupolunn,
after brnaUini tho power of An-tria
loro from bet I. mtb ird V . an J deliver.). I
Ihe province over to Victor Kmanurl
It wiii Mill further uttered nt the
anu time, when Najiolcnit, ifr leturu
for bi ervico ti Italy, ld frmn
bor Nit'O nnd Savoy, which iminedi
tlely ceaswd to belong to the llulian
Kingdom, and becauio pitrt at' tbo
territory of France. It wm altered
toon ti'tc'wjrd. by Ibo revolutionary
movcuietit throii-li whieh tn aepei'
ate existence of the IhirhicH
nfiusvany, Purmu, nnd .Modccn, and
mo-1 of tbo States id the Church w.i
obliterated, tin 1 their nllcimitv trans
lerird to the
K'xon id
It fit v. It was
a.-ain altered by O u iliuMi in is HI.
w ben tlio Kingdom of N;iles wn-.
blot tod out ) nnd when, fiuully, Itul)
which hn ptcvinui-ly been mcn-lr u
'geographical cxpronslon." became
iilmont entirety unucu unuer oi.e jjov
ernmeni, the noveroign of which wi'thecldeM eon returned home, while
tho former King ol' Sardiua. The j
ntnn of Furotio Wa niiaiu changed in ;
another ijuurler
in i.-n-'. wneii
iuo nrtuie 01
uHtria and IWjia
uia lo war upou Pcnmark, and t're,,r f.,tl.- (r brother, nn 1 thoti.di bo
fiom t hat-ancient kingdom tho Uueh- ! tClj jj,,.,,, i,,,, t,i-i Jo would mt
cs of Scblcaw ig and llobtien, which prr,njt ,j, t relurn 10 a bnme froftt
were linally annoxed to the territory
.change iu I'-Oti, when, nt t!io close ofL,.,, j,.,
iho Prum-Au.iriau war, Piusia ''-' o!do-t s
01 nuci-ia. 11 mu-ii- nun nu.umi
iuuuiiua me -oi i '' num vomi-u-1
cliitloll 111 it prenent rlmpc ; Title ,
Italy itciuirel eiietia I'lU llio small
poiiion id Lomhirdy whit b remainiid
to Autria utter the war of I
ia has gained tetntory which Ien-
less now j nnd it is not iu.posiih!e lhat
., , 1' . . 1
ibe map or the m s -nt day ,,,tiy h.
o.terod so .so be '-out of, 1 site be f; ro
Ullin.- .m It s n.ll u.11,11, I I III
,1... ..( . I... If l .vl... U
nu i m , v.....,.,v .
1 ih rnuuni uh-iiih 11u.--.1u ""!,
!etent which eem extremely unlikely i
. I... I.' 1. I. k 1. ,.11 ...,.l ...I.,
i no womu men mo umao niiemiu
- . ,.,.:...' .1,.. Ii,,,.l.u of 1 ...,, . ........... ...w . .v - - - i,okccp a irgearuiy in AL-er.a.ani.tli.
, Could maU;bourg and 'absorb' the Km-dou sof, uh k.r 80mcthing
.iml.e very, lelgtum c may also uppi,.e that. )of J;
n and depair. in order lo cripple b.s prostraie 1 rus-; - nmrmfa-tui -ng center..,
a.mued their .an adversary, l.o would r1.'!" Kmnce would enter Ihe Wr ctcr-
U ... -v :.'-'"
louii a vr vs w ... ----- I'
'....rl li,.L- loutt i..-1 Itittein
1 1 1 1. 1 n i . - - -- -
and would re-establish the iudeper.-
U, V .W'., ., 111.
IJjt ir. on tho other hand, I riM.n
were trr.tnphant over ranee, K"-'
i . r lf..A.....
.11 am might a.c-e snd annex lo hi
dominion- tho 1-rencn prorrnces of
Abnm and Lorraine, might take the
nrov nee 01 ouiia.iu inrni i'i-imhbf,
If Austria were to tako part 10 ho.
tilitiu. it is nroHubfi that borore tbeir
j close wo should ee alterations io her
: mn! of a very sorion cbirseter. If
leernl part ('bwibt less theeapiiol) t 1
the Tnited Kingdom of Italr. It il.
. . . 1 , i r . 1
useless however to indulge in fun her
omectuiY or speculations it to the
.timid w tislliM
probable alteration of tbe F.oropean
map, which ha tcei altered so fre
quently and extensively during thJ
last fe w years .V. 1". Trthuqt.
Always b: Civil "My young
friend," said a gentleman on btrseback.
one day, to a lad wbowts standing oear
11 well, " will von du me a favet to
draw a pail vt water for my lnre, a
I fio j it rather difficult to pet off.''
Instead of giving a prulf reply, a
many boy a would do, tho boy drew
the water tnd gave it to ibe liorse.
His manner was vo pleasant and cheer
ful, tbat Ibt stranger delijbtod with
bis spirit, asked bun bk some and
residaneo, au 1 after tbaokiog him,
rode 00.
The good-natured hi llrongat no
more about the act of civilly, til! some
in 3n lbs later, he rectved a tetter from
the gentleman, ofleriDi him a clerk
ship in his store. Tbo offer was ac
cepted. Th lad prospered, aad unai
ly became chief UMgteirete of a large
That yoo soe inat a utile aet ci
. ... a,,, a
civilitv to ft stranger was tbe first
round ia the ladder ty wnica tbe
bov climed to honor and wealth. Now
I do not say tbat eivilty will always
lead to itch honor. Uot I say that it
always raises ila poaieeeor ta the onia
ioa of 01 here aad te hi own eeu-rw
tpcc lo tlvil, therefore, my loya
and tlrk Civilly ia an ornament all
should pntaces.
There is farmer la Yorkahirt who
una ana w cnuuren, ilia mm Is
m era Mil F .LII.1..- ,
r uriong ana oe hu Tottr boy aed fW
-a l'jixA r 4.
OnteolumN eft year frm.rv)
One-half column, year, ao.DO
On-fonrth column, on yef, 15.0"
On prpiaf (10 line) one inrerlloa m
Etety additional Insertion r 6'J
Professional and llualseea card of
not more than fiv line, per year. 6.00
Auditor, F.ieciitT, Administrator
and Aaalgne Notice 2,Kri
Editorial notice per line 19
All advertlitenieati for a skorfrr period
than on year ar payable al h lime
they ar ordered, ami if not paid lb per
son ordering tbem will be held respooaible
for Ihe mimef.
k Itwiiiunc ! Ihe War.
The Knnn City Timet rlufe thin
tory: T'-n, ye fifteen yiaig act,
there lired in St. Joaeph n fnmilr by
the fitiffiu of Ailttrn. the head 0! whieh
was n stern leub kiiid old geiitlennn
wh mi t;liy winter had touched lightly.
He w.i t cult by, but whnt be prized
fur ulniva u II was tbe pride of bis old
n.c two noble boy, tSocro and
Frank, ned repeetitely eighteen and
ienly. The wir rathe on, the terri
ble airife in wbith brother wa array
ed nuiiiHl brother, nnd fn'.bcr avaioitt
n. Mr. A lama was an uncompro'
misitiit I'nion limn, nnd hi vilest
on t ieorpe cspouned his father' cause.
Frank joined the force in defence of
iho atitinv South' under Willinin V
iSlilck. When li im lulber learned of tbe
(ponrTO tak-.-n by the voUiirer an hi
, Knew 110 btmudii Ho acnt hint
;wrj (a r.., r,, 10 wr no longer
, ieir lo t-llt ,rrt:1j .r0!( nr , rovipiviit of
j i.:, i,, 11;, .(. ro,,jP,t H,,,, Do in-
duccnicnl wnuld kUchim to surren
der bi principle. The idd pentb m; n
drew up bi will, bavin! lie youngest
on p nnilcss. The war ronlinued,
each id' the brullief Itjlitlntf Taliintty
in di'l'otiee f'f theif dilT.'rcfit bnnncr.
I 'cure mice more bl-'sscd tho land, and
,;, younger ,,Pat,., in ihi city, nn J by
1.1. r,. n i...,n li. nin,r i,n,l pIimo nthm
f irtn (., busiue4 ifainoJ lios'i of friend
; whereabout wa unknown to eith-
Ubich bo bad been cat off in a mo-
m(.n nrpafrfiin. Tho oi l ceutlemaii
icred to In father, nnd In
Hun liconiiie c.lln lifir to hi
Woulth. (Je-irco wn no aooner in
pie. ! c pi rrerfy than bo
ili ii ilili 'cnt seari-h lor lii brolher
jift.-r a time tinCjd hint to thN
c tv The meeting between the broth-
cr reeitrrcd only li-t week, nnd wait
both cordiiil and effecting. The eld
est cau-e 1 11 deed of ball hi estute lr
be made out in fav ir of hi younger
brother nnd forced the acceptance upon'
him. Such a spirit is noble, crawt
and magnanimous, therefore wo give
St. Joe the credit a f-tated above.
ThV incident i true, at person in
both citie can testify.
Kind lr Trailer.
. . cnvsnondenee of tbo
T1' "J ' iM,,;4n.,0?f J' J
c" or.k " "-W '
i DO,v, 7':utu' ' , -"v "'If '
1 lor I do not reckon, Austria as un ally,
, , b , j , f . f, .
Wer Auiris' u ,1
- "" "'ft
woulJ Ji'.il'fear irjm Iho
0r j.',,,.,,.,
. '
e. Her tiermnu popula-
woulJ heeomo 1'russititis ; tho
kingdom of Hungary would aborb the
other. It is n'uii.-t cettrin I'.ua-ia
would join I'l U-sia. and they might in
duce Italy, by proliiiuieins all Ihe po
sioti Austria still hold in Italy and
, .,,ir ii.n iiilbno Dliii.el
ikonu, .u ruici 1 hl ii iuih . '"V
1 lo keep a large army iu Ahjera,
weighicd. Hb: might w in I'a'ly to
her ride by ptomising Ron Oa'id Au-
tgius n.
..J Austria Vtlu urrftorv.
T,K,e UWMMtt wou'd. however, mske
1 lU CMt,lu!io e ,(0tiKs ,0 Kla.
: ... . .;,,. ..Cr nana wi.b Pm
fV9mM h
iui n nr. nsnu di .csiu, iiaii, , in
mJ vi. V(W 'wou1J mo thf
owei.:lllv,,0;IM I mi-bt avwa
j. crrvji tunii v lo ove'rwbel
., ....,.. L. .:.. ,...
A lli os Tuts Mr. t'barle Al-
, i . 1.. 1 . . . . . .pi. ..I
I origin, 111 a ifner iu - in s.raui
lArmy.'' dated Mariposa, California,
.Inly 4, relates that be had visited iho
' Vosemite Valley and the .lariposa aod
Calrrarat groves of big trees. tf tbo
latter be tay: 'In regard to these
monsters of the for.t 1 cao.oulv siv
this, that ve!i,T(l;iy 1 wa in a billow
1 u ce. vol autuu ui; win. iw. vitivt k-'uw
. ,
abreast, anj ibero waa room for three
h rso ni ire' ome of tbs'J trees aro
:li) tipet, and upwards ia diameter, and
over lt'i.t feet in ci-etimference. Tbo
latlv is from IS inches to 4 feet in
thickoess, nud some of these trees
grow Sou huh. tnd would grow higher
yet if tb wiu J did not break the top.
Tb statement cf Iheto tb'ng is almost
incredible, sod if my eve bid eot seeu
ibam 1 vrouhl not wnto about them.
Tbo wood ol ibese tree is red sod very
enduring, aud poli.hee very finely,
that it looks like rotfvwood. '
' Almoat incM.illde,'' indeed ! jet
others have told tbe tame story of tbee
giant trees, sod we are not dip d W,
doubt the fact.
A Fansn is Nbkd. t.o . 9en.
sion two ladies were M(tr.jur4 ,,
Mr. Llueolo. briegins; if'.roJuellanB
from a Kntucky fne j "So rod
il 'a'resideot, after
.bak.oj; haodi 1 tii',,,. wjid fc
over ell yve 1 heir hinl ,0 hi wif f.
Thu ladies knee.. ...
- svuiufvi ii, wim
maicb-Wimer ,roc-oedKl to give a djtr
itilod treou Bk o( ,b, affjlir 6lKw
hast tnrfr. .Vo u
rnee to pop the
iV lh roc'Wf' J Void
-1". , N?H for kim, aaJlke
anew l nit un . r .u.i
Po'Uca wilb bias, bat U both 4 u
ware Wbifrv the Ulk wwrwr vwrv
lively. Thai ttm to hadp I tura-
W rerar aad ibe eU aaala aot m
I . a k. . ka .a . . r
imsru isms a. atva t oaagbter taat
agtsl le slip out ot tbe back rwrvh aad:
Jijtai', e-