The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, August 18, 1870, Image 1

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f.Ml.b every Tkr.d.y Evening bl'
Terms of Subscription, dellsaprieer-
thin l monms. r .ui no, F"",f TTftn Tube,
Jiihln .h. ,f. N. paper "''rdV.?, AI
aatil ill arrearage are paid sales as uieui OB lire
... .miIaii f iha nuhllsher.
kuhacriptionn outeido of the county
Parson tinls and aflnf pSfieTSl
J.lrfWfd I otber become ub!ribr,'c0unin,
(nd r Hebl for P1 PPrj ry '
afl??B"5???"iir lint
l . ATTORN fcf AT T.AW.
IMidcilubiirfr, Va.,
Offer Ml pfofelonal service f lb pub-
I lif. CollW,,I,a anu a1 inurr prrfpfliionRi
business emrusiea i in car win receive
prompt mention. (Jan 8, 'Oiif
rMMmSirrove Fn..
()ftrt bit profeealoaal sefviee to th ptlb
)lf AH bslnes entrusted to bit care
will b promptly attendee! In.
I Jan. i,, uiii
rret-luirjj Tn.,
Offers hi rfoftselenal service to lli pub
lic. All btiKlnrUn entrusted to bit ear
will b promptly attended to.
Jan 17. 07ll
1TM. VaN (irKH,
Lewisburg; Tn.,
Offers hl professional ervice to the pnli
lit. Collection and all oiber I'rofe.'sion
al business eutrusted lo bit ear will re
ceive prompt attention.
IjCWishtirff. I'll.
Offer! b rrofcssional service to the pub
lie. Collection and all otber profession
ll business entrusted to bi raf will re
ceiT prompt attention. ilnn. 8, 'Hit
LewiHburg; I'n.,
Offer bi profession! service lo Ibe
pnblie. Colleetion and all other pro
fessional business enlrualed lo tUIr cure
will reeeiveproniplaltenilon. f Jan. 3, '07 if
Sclinsjrrove Pn.,
Offer bl prifeionl servic to lb pnli
.lo. Collection and all other provisional
ustneas entrusted lo bl enre will re.
eeie prompt attention. Oflice two door
finrth of Ibe Keystone Hotel. Jn f, '07
Selinsgrovo Tn
Offer hi 1'rnfesslonal service lo Hie
puMie. All busiaes entrusted to bi
car will be promptly attended lo. Col
lection made in all part of the State,
lie can apeak, the Fngl'sb nd German
Imijcuaga fluently. Ollice between 1111
mid lb l'ot otlic.
IJ TOMEn fc'filMlOR IT LiW
MiJdleltur Soyilur County IVim'n.
Offi a few door Weel of Ibe ,V. O. on
Main flreet. Conmiltallon
and German lanRimge.
in KnglUli
J.owiHlutrjr i n.,
Offer bi proeionlli eeiTiceelo the pub
lic. All liiiainen nirnled lo bl eare
will be tiroiiii'tly at tended lo.
1 1 Jan. 8. M17il
T skwinc; maciiini:.
Penon In need of a good and durable
riawing Macbiua can be acconimodilod nl
reaionabl price by calling on on 8am
IBL Fai.t, Agent, Hclingroe
U. J. Y. 811 IN I'KIa
tfl'ItOEOX ASH rilYSICl.VX, -
Mi.lUlcl.urg Pa.,
ftffer hi, prnfeiiitionat etreice to Ibe cil
lien of Middleourg and vicinity.
fMrcb 21, "(IT
. ' . SelliiRgrove Tpim.
' JoiiN Hi nuoin:s, Knq.,
Teno Twp., feeder Co. T
Y U, WAONKR, Knq.,
Jackson Township, Snyder Co. Pa.,
TTIU attend to U bttslne entruated to
i.i. and on lha Juofl reaaonable
term. . 4 , March 12, '68lf
ft. J. F. KANAWKL,
Centreline, fn)dcr Co., I'n
Offer bit profeMlonal lervlce to lb
public. O-flHlf
1 W. BC1IWAN, M. lt .
Pott Trotrortoii Ta.
Offer bl profeloial enrloe to the
ritiien of thl plaoa and vicinity. 11
focal Oernian aid Englieh.
April 10, '08
?i A. HOT ER, Jr.
Fibttrr Snyder Co. Pa.,
liocl reepectftilly offer bl lervlce to
. the eaMIe at Vendue tryer and Auction
eer. Having bad larg axpfrieaee, 1
feel confident ibel I ran render perfect
aaliafaelion to WJ eaaploye;
Jan. , 'n7l
, ', PARKS,
e A'unnr-i ai
Office i. Court JIu.e, Sept.l. 07tf
' M. 322 IM.TMIKUwJ'
-'',0,88) ' PHILADELPHIA.
U. II. MANDERBACn Prop'il;
I!, J. C. N1PE, Clerk
e.418 Kertk Third jure. .
BUttooeri , Ulank book Haoufeotoree
r rniiADKLrnu ma
rniLADti.rnu,. Apt
receipt for wbcvA dtrinn
htv ben unnanAilj Jtc
U8T II, 1170,
OT.ovu irnraet-oia'. . jh
light, "ftW, itlH ort'sttnl
tmmrl'. . Xh
wftll ooinstanl
toviMjniifM f
irJ toodoncy '
usheU do. do., 1
id t. 000 baahels
farther' !
l.'W bushel
brttM48MUO. R.
000 knahel oJ l'oooayl
I 0$. "Coro It comina?
fmilroitd, fcui tho refwlpu
vKtitf tn aeunod lit 11
irv-rnw urcilliu , Ole 01
i rnn3 iTnu ytllnw at
Alt -RtNiis or jon VRrsTiNd
Ha Jt reeeUed an entire new tob 'of
II of a superior nnallty which he I tire
pared lo mke up in the beat atyle and on
lien notice. He aluo keep llrown nl
White French Yoke Linen 8birl.and a ren
erl ortmeul of tenllemen' FurnUbinn
Good, !1 of wbioh be offer 14 the public
al very reonatU price.
Call al my plac on Tine Rlreel, betweea
Eckhert'a corner and th bridg. Seliu
Grote, r. June 4, IXiiS if.
Kcely tib Milllcr,
Lunilicr Dealers
and MAHi fAiiVi a or
tloor, Door Bom, Window, Khtillrr.
window Boxm, Blinds, Sah, Stair
Fixing, Hand Balling, Brack
rts. Mnultllnc. Vtnnrlnir,
Shingles, Lath, &o., &o.
Order riJjciled and Riled witb prompt
nee amf deipalib. l'le call and em al
ine O'lr itork before rurcbaalng eleewliere.
neeierlfully announce to llie ciliien of
Midillrliiirit nl viviutiy that lie I now
ready lo eupply Ibem with ibe largest and
mm complcl (lock of
ever brought to Ibi pine, al greatly re
doced price cheaper than llio clieano!.
lie invite altention to bi large alovk of
Boots mid Shoes,
SHI UTS, and everything usually kept Id
well regulated alar. -
(live me a call and be convinced Ibat
ibi I the place to buy good.
COIN THY I'RODICK taken in exchange
for good. Win. II. Heat rr.
Middleburg, Mny, Jrt'iT.
Summer ArrtingentCDt, Mondav
May 10, 1870.
Great Trunk Line from Ibe North and
North west for Philadelphia, New York,
Reading, PmiHvOle,' .Tamaqua, Axliliind,
! In in ok In, Lchnuon, Alloiitowu, J'ailon,
h;brala, l.ltln, l.anvasler, toluinbia Sc.
Tiain leave llrriatmrg ror rew 1 ork, a
follow) nl o'ib, H. 10 ll.Uj forenoon,
and 2.60 p. to., einueciing with aimibir
train on the tbo Pennsylvania Railrond,
ml arriving al New lorkatrJ.iU noon,
a.ot) ,06. aild W)0 p. m., letpcclivoly.
Sleeping car accompany Ibe V3j a m. and
.. ... ..:... .1......
Pelnrnink t Leave cw lork at 0.00a ui,
12,00 Noon, and 5.00 put. Philadelphia at
H, 15 a m Bud 8. HO p m ; Sleeping Car o-
ompany the V,tHI p m, and o.uii p m train
from KD lork, without cnange.
Leave HarrlabUtg for Heading, rottaville
Tainaqua, Mincrsvitle, Ashland, Sbaavokin,
Pinesrov. Allentbwn nnd Pbiladelpbla, el
8,10 a in, 2,60 and f .10 p m, alopping at
Lebanon and principal y station! the
1,10 p in train connecting fur Pbiladclpbla,
Pollvila aud Columbia onlv. For Polta-
ville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via
Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad,
Leave Harrisburg at ,4H p m
Last fcnevlvanla Hailroai Irin !ev
Reading for Allentown, Knston and New
York at 10.30 a, m 1.27 and .45 p.
m. Keinrnlg, leave New i ork at H. IK) a.
m., 12.00 noon and 5 (H) p. m. and Allen-
town at 7.20 a. tn. 12.25 Noon 4.20 aud
S.46 p. m.
Way passenger tram leave rutlauelphla
t7,K0am, connecting witb similar train
on Eaat Penna. Railroad, returning from
Head'ng at 0,86 p ro, stopping al all nation
Lav Pottavilla at 6,40 and 0,00 a m and
2,60n. m.i llerndon at 0,80 a mi Bha-
niokio at S,t and 10,40 a. nu Ashland al
7,06 a m, and 12,30 noon, Mahaooy City
at 7.61 a. nv and 1.07 p. m., Tamaqua at
8,88 a m, and 2,20 p ro for Pbiladclpbla
and New York.
Leave Pottvvllle. via BcbiiylklU and Hue
nuebanna 11 R at 8.16 a m for Ifarrlsburg.
and 12. ')6 noon for Pinegroveand Tremout.
Reading Accommodation train I Leaee
Pottavilla at 6,40 a tn, pae Heading at
m.a m, arrivlug at Philadelphia al 10,20
7,80 Returning, leave Philadelphia al
,16 p d, paning Reading at 8,00 p m,
arrivlug at Pollavill at 0,40 p m.
Poltdowo Accommodation Train Leave
Potistowo at 8,26 a m, returning leave
I'liUailelphIa at 4,00 p m.
Columbia Railroad Train leave Reading
at 7,20 am, and 6,16 p at for Ppaiata,
Litis. Lnealer, Columbia, t '.
' Perk 'omen Railroad Traina leava PrVI
emenJuuoiloa at 8,00 a m, 8,00 6,80 p m;
reluming leave Sohwenkivill at 8, 05 a n,
12,4c. Noon, and 4,16 p ni, eonneellng with
similar train! on Reading Railroad.
Culebrxrkdale Railroad train leave Fotta
town et 9,40 a Ml and 0,20 an, returning
leave Mount Pleasant at 7,00 and 11,26
a so. eonneeling with similar train oa
Readlnc railroad
Cheater Valley Railroad train leave
Bridepvrt at 8,80 a m, and 4,06 and 6.02
p m, reluming, leave Powniaglowa at 0,20
a m, 12.43 noon ana o,io p m, eonaeottng
with ilinilar train on ueaatni ratlroaa.
tin Hunday I Lv New York at 6,00
p ro, pbiladclpbla 8,00 a and (,16 p ea,
ika 8.1m a id trala running only te Reading;
leave PollivUl 8,00 a ma HarrUburg 6,86 a
m aad 4,10 p ro,' leave' Allentowa at 7.26
a. m. aad aad 8.40 p. a. I leave Reading
.1 T ib a m. and 10.06 B a for Hartunurg,
at 7 a a m for New York, at 4,46 p m for aad 4,26 n for Philadelphia,
Conimntatiov. MHeaa. Beasoc, School
ad eieunlea tlekela, te aad free allpoial
Brg ebeeked tkreagk 00 yemd
1 1 V ,
' '
1 1 J
TIij tijerinaitf Rhine. .
' T IIICfll.Al' HKCRK.
H never ibal be France
The free, the Oernian Rhine,
Tho' raven-like ahe glance
And croaka br foul deaign.
Po long a talmly gliding
It wer 111 intnite green,
So l)Bg a oar dividing
lie mirrored wave ia veen,
II never (ball be France'.
The free, the titrman Rhine,
So long at youth enhance
Hi fervor with it win.
So Inng a pentry keeping
The rock It margin stud i
So long epire are ateepiug
Their image in ila Hood.
II aever' France'.
The fre. Ih'o Herman Rhine,
So long a festive d.incev
Iia lover-group combine ;
Si) long n angler brinyetli
lie limiy trout 13 shore,
. So ottg.rln.iiiiiisirrl aingeth
lia prai from doorlo d oor.
It never almll be France',
The free, I lie Oernian till I Do,
Until it broad expanse in
It hist defender' tbrino.
Tli Rlory nt llie' (ood l.lltlc
Hoy rVHo tlltl not I'roaptT.
Onco there was n unod lilllo lioy by
tlx imrue til' Jacob lilivcua. lie nl
wnye obeyed bi parontft, no mailer
how absurd ami nnreasonablo their de
mand were; nnd he always learned
liia book, and never wih lalo at Salf
balh hcliool. lie would not pluy
hooky, even when hi ubcr judc
nicut told liini It wu llio most jirolit.
Iile thin lio could do. Nonu ut'tlio
oilior buyffi'oulJ uvur tnuko (lull boy
out, he lu ted ao Htrntiffoly. lie would'u.
lie mi matter how couveniont it wa.
lie jiift aii'ul it was wron? to lie, ati'l
that wa auincirnt fur hitu. And he
wag so lionc'l that lie wiib aitnply ri
lieulo:m. 'J'lio ruriuu that
Jacob bud 8iiipa8cd ovuiythinp; He
wouMn't play marblea on Sunday, be
wouMn't rub bird' nots, bo wouldn't
ivo hot pennies to orao jit indorn'
monkey; ho didn't aeom to tike nay
intuics.Jiti nny kiud ol' rational amuse
luont So t hu other boys nsod to try
10 reason it out and route lo no undor
eUmlinp; with him, but the' couldn't
nrrivo at nny g:libfactoiv coiicIiimdii ;
us I suid before, lliey cuuld ouly lijurv
out 11 s irt of vaue idei llttit ho wai
"yfllotod'1 nnd so they took him under
tloir protection, nnd uuvcr allowoJ any
harm to como to him.
Tiki good little buy read all tbo
Sunday achool books; they were his
;renlel delight. This wustlie whcle
secret ol It. Ho believed in I lie good
little boy they put in tho Sutiday
school books ; he had every ronKdoaeo
in tlieni. Ha longod to como n cross
one of them alive, onco ; but he never
did. They all died boforo his time,
mir bo. When he road about a par
ticular good one. bo turned over quick
ly to see what became ol bun, ueciute
be wanted to travel thousand-of mile
and goao on him ; bat. It wasn't any
ue; that good littlo boy always died
in tho last chapter, and there was a
picture of a funoral, with nil bis rela
tions and the (Sunday school children
staodinar around the crare lo panta
loons thut wore too blurt, and bonneis
that were too largo, and everybody
crying into handkerchiefs that bad al
inuoli ad K yard nnd half of stuff in
thorn, lto always beaded ofT iu thin
war. Ho never could soe one of
thoiu little boys, on accouut of bis
dying iu the laat chapter.
Jacob bad a noble ambition to be
nut in a Sunday school book, lie
wanted to be put in, with pictures
representing bis gloriously dacliuiug
to lie to bis rootbur and ttho woeping
fir joy about it; and pictures repre
sontins bint standing: on the doorstep
giving a penny to a poor begar woman
with six children, and tolling her to
pond it freely, but not to be extravi-
gnat, beenuie eitraviganae ie a ein ;
and pictures of him magnanimously
relufinct to tell on tho bad boy who al
wave lav in wait for him around the
eorner. as be oame fretn school, and
welted him over tbo head witb a latb,
and then ebased him borne saying,
"Hit Hil" as be proceeded. Tbt
was the ambition of youog Jaoob liliv-
ens. lie wisued 10 be put in a sua
day sohool book. It made bim feel
fittle ancomforlabld sometimoswheo
bseflecled that the good little boys
ahesys died, lie loved to live, you
kaow, and this was tbo most unpleas
ant feature about being a Sunday school
book boy. He knew it was unhealthy
to be irood. . Ha knew that it was
mora fatal than consumption to bs so
supernaturally good as the boys in
tho books were ; ns Knew inai noun ui
Ibem bad ever been able to stand it
long, and it pained him to think Ibat
if tbev nut him in book be wouldn't
ever see it. or even if tbey did ret the
book oat before be dloO.'.lt wouiuo't
be Donuur without any pioture of bit
funeral in the book part of it. It
couldn't be much of a Sunday school
book that couldn't loll, about Us au
viae bo cave io tbs community when
he was dvinsr. 80. at last, of courso,
bs bid to make up bis rnlud to do Ibe
beet he could ondor tne circumstance
to live right, and btng on as loo;
m he oould, ' and here his dying
(Beech sll raady wbeu bis Ume cams
1 Hal soasbow noihiuf ever went
rlo-hl with thic good KftS boy; notV
in the book. Tbey always had a good
time, and the bad boys had the brok-iue
en lege ; but in bis cso tharo wis a
crew loose soniewhoro, and it nil ha
an- 1 1
iienad luat the) other wiv. hen I
he 1
found Jim Utnke stealing epplos. nnd
when under tiro Iron to read
ead to him'
about thi bad little buy who foil nut
of the neitfhW apple tree and broke
his arm, Jim fell out of the tree too.
but he fell on Aim and broko hit arm,
and Jim wasn't hurt at all. Jaeob
couldn't nndcrstand that. There
wasn't Anything In the books lilte It.
,ud oocc, when omo oi tioyfl ptisir
ed a blind man over in tho mud, and
Jacob ran to help him up sod receive
hi blessing, the blind man didn't give
him any bleating nt all, but whacked
bun over the head Willi lit suck and
aid bo would like to catch bim Ktinv.
ing bim again and then pretending to
help bim up. This was not in accor
dance witb any of tho books. Jacob
looked the in over to ceo.
One thiti I lint Jacob wanted to do
was to tind n tamo doj that hadn't
nny place to May, and was hungry
sod persecuted, und bring hirrt home
and pot him, ami have the doir's lm
perisbublo gratitudo. And at Inst lie
lound one, and was happy ; and lie
broiight'bim homo nod fed him, but
when he was gotnt; to pet lnni, Hip
dog flew at hi in and tore all tho elutho
ofl him except those that were in front
anu mane n aprciacn 01 nun iiiav wan
-..j 1 .i 1
astonishing no exsmtnod Bullion
ties, but could odI understand the mat
ter. It wnsoftliO same breed of dog
thut was in the books, but it noted very
differently. Whatever this boy did,
be got into trouble. The very thiug
the boys in the books got rewarded for
turned out to be the most unproRta
bio things be Could invest in.
Unco wheo ho was nu the way to
Sunday school ho enw some bnys vtarl -
ing ofT pleasuring in s 8ail-bnat. lie may be imagined. In the proper courso Italy iicpmel enetiu isitU Ihii amull 'city. The meeting between (he Iroth
was filled with consternation, because of time, tbo dreadful contagion broke portion cd Lombirdy which remained !,.,., r.rriti-red only list week, nnd was
he knew Irotn leading that boy who,0utiii it most virulent form among the ;
went sailtug ou huuday ia variably
got drowned, bo ho ran out ou
raft to warn them, but a log turned
witb him and slid bim into tho river.
a man got linn out inatty aion, and
the doctor puuiptcd the water out of
him and gave him a fresh start witb
his bellows, but ho cought cold and
lay tick nhed nine week. But the
most unaccountable thing about it was
that tho bad boys in tho boat hud it
good time all day, and then rem bed
r J "
home nit ve and well, in tbo mostsur-
prising mauuer. Jacob Illivons said 1
there was nothiug like those things in
tbo books. He was perfectly dumb-
r. ...1 ' '
When lie got well ho was a little
dicou raged, but he resolved to keep
on trying anyhow. He know thttt So
lur his experienco wnuldu't do to gol
in a book, but lio baun 1 vet reaciiod
t lie allotoj term of life for good littiu
boy, uoi ho hoped lo be ab'e to make
a record vet, if be rould hold on until
hid time wa fully nu. If everything
else failed, be bad is dvini: snecch to
fall buck on
lie examinod
his authorities, nod
found it was now time to go to sea as!the-o human vultures continued
a oalilo boy. llo called on a snip !
captain and roado cptmciitiou, nhd
wbea tbo enptaio asked for hi rcoom
mendation he proudly drew out 11 tract
and pointed to the words: "To Jaoob
Hliveos, from bis affectionate teacher,''
Hut the captain was a coarse, vulgar
man, and he snid, " Oh, that bo blow
ed ; that wasn't any proof, that be
knew how to wash ilibhcs or hatidio a
slutb buokot, and be gucsid be didn't
want him.'' This was altogether the
most extraordinary thing that hud
ever happened to Jaoob in all bi bfe.
A compliment fiooi a tnaclier, on a
tract, bad nevei failed to novo tbo
teoderest emotion of ship captains nod
open the way to ad ottlocrs of honor
aud profit in their gift it never had
iu nny book that be had read! He
could hardly believe hi tea's
This boy always had a uicj tini3 of
it. Nothing ever csmo out according
to the authorities with bim. At lust
ono day, when he was uround hunt
ing up bad little boys te almouish. he
found a lot of ibem in the old iron
foundry, fixing up a little joke ou four
teen or. fifteoo dogs which (boy hal
liod together in long procession, and
were going to ornamtot with empty
uitro-glycereioe cans made fast to their
tail. Jacob's heart was touched. He
aat down on one of tboio cans for he
nsver mluded crecsa when duty was
before him aud he took bolJ of the
foremost dog by the colar and turned
his reproviog eye upon JTom Jon.
IJutjuslat tbal moment Alderman
McWalter, full of rath stepped iu. All
the had boys rn away : but Jacob
Dlivtos rose ia conscious innoceose,
and bogan one of those stately Hunday
school book speeches, whioh always
commence with " Ob, sir I" iu dead
opposition to tba fact that no boy.
good or bad, ever starta a romsrk with
" Ob, air I" But tho Aldorutan never
waited to hear tbe rest. - il look
Jacob Illivons by the car, and turned
bim around, and li t bim wback In
tbe roar with ibe flat of his hand
and is an instant tbe good little boy
shot out throogb tbe roof and soared
away towards tbe tun, with tbe frag
ments of those oaeeo dog atnogiog
after bin like tbe tail of kite. And
thor wasn't a sign of that Alderman
or that old iron foundry left on tbe
face of tho earthy aud as for young
Jaoob BHve ns, he never got a ehince
to make his last dying speech after all
his trouble fixing it up, sales be made
it to the bird ) boeaute, although lbs
bulk of bim caun down all right lo a
tree-lop la to adioioiog county, lb
rest of bim was apportioned Id four
fvwffcahlne, )ixi bad to hold fiv in-
AUGUST 18. 18)0.
; dend or not, aud How ll ocouroj. iiti
er saw a boy scattered an.
1 hu prrif liu tno gooa nine noy
who did the best bo could, but did not
como out sccor'ltng to ine tuxike
. . .
Kvery boy who did as ho did prosper-
cd exoept lnm. Jiiacnheis irttiy ro
mal leable. It wid 1 fi'bnbly nevef be
accounted for. 77ie (I'a'ixy.
All I upurallclcil l i line.
During the pnt year, it hu recently
been developed, citnimstniioc hnve
transpired in the Ycllowetnno country
which will cioalo iudiiialinii ami
alarm throughout tho wb do Union.
A crime has been committed whieh
excels in diabolism anything which
the hihtory if the world bus trnluced.
nnd which places Probst and hi com
peer in the light of inoJcrate offend
era. A few men for tho purpose of
accumulating fortunes, havo attempted
to Sautter throughout tho t nited Mutes
robes which are known to bo infected
with binall pox! This hts been done
premeditated nnd knowingly, and with
the full knowlcdgo that iu doing "
they have been tbo menus of spread
ing a lo.itlisouie diseiuo from one end
of tho couutry to the other, unit cA
Pico human lives in unknown numbers.
During last summer, tho ntcamhout
I'tah plied, we Ik lleve, between Sioux
Cilv nud fort llcntou. Dorinn one
of her triis tho small pox broko o'U
among 1110 pasjeugcrs ami crew, nun
one death occurred on Uu trip ; llio
boat lauded a short disUmco below
Milk river, and there the corpse wai;ssol clileswlg ami noiMten, wiucii
Ullt'lOd. H10 burial Was Wlllieisoil liy eru iiuuiiy niiuuni-u iu inn wiihui;
a number of Indiun, of tho (iron ofL'iui'ei. It suffered still auotber
Ventre tribe, oud as ooo ns the b .uljchatie iu lUli, when, at tSo close of
resumed it courso, tbo body was dis- the rrunj-.u.striau war, I'russiu ob-intnri-xil
lint nlnlhin r strinnoil from I litot mod the Kingdom of Hanover.
the reiuains.anddislrTbutcd among the
party who bad ncrpotralcd the I
1,01 uf desocralioti. Tbo consequence
iavave. Tho devastation was so ter.
rible thut out of l.'JUO nioiubers of tho,
tribe, 750 died.
in removing tho Indians it is n cits-
tout, without deviation, to lay the des l ;
upou the ground, in tho robe which '
cucasod them whilo living, and cover!
up tbo body Willi I t Uttli. mere ute j
speculator ia the Indian country,
whoso solo object in life seems to be lo
imiko mouey without the slightest re
gard for tho manner iu which they do
it. Tho robes which enclosed the dead
Iodic were valuable. The spccuhi-
tors, aware of ihis.dctorminod lo profit the map of ibe pi'cs.-nt day may bo
by it, and did not hcnimte to roam the'ulicrod so ns to bo "out or date" before
i..iv.-i.i.M...u ...,i il... rl... ..fil... vp.r If lorexnbiVdB
convey them for storage ton warehouse
in Fort licnton. It was but n short
time before nearly every liott.-s in Furl
lljutou was a small pox hospital. Iu
tnu lace ol ilus terrible visitation, tlioso
who engaged in the unholy trsllie did
not debint. They asserted that the
nlaco was alive with small not, and
that, uu It could bo no worse, thu aril:
v:d und storage of robos Could make '
uu ciitfoienco. And thu. iu the very
midst of death, desolation and despair,
liestiiencc-iiroeUiii dcatli-Jealin
rupttou !
One while
fiotid added g-era!y to
tho sulferiug.
Whilo with
tho disease, b obtained two yen-t
cans, aud filled them both with scabs
As soon at be w us able to do so, be
toon au old Binrt, rubiieu 11 morougu'y
. 7 . ' 7 .
with tho contcnta of ll.o boxes, and
then phice-d jtbo iulcctcd 'garment on
the Uuil of the P.ognns, on
cieck, where tbe Indians would be sure
lofiud it. "hey did so, aud 10 a short
titno afterwards the most frightful of
calamities Was visited upon tho tribe
It spread with wouJeiTttl rapidity
among tho Iitackfcct, Illoods, and
Kiver Crows, until '.he wbolo country
within a rudius of ono htiudred miles
from Fori Ueutou, aud extending along
the river a much greater distance, was
iufectcd with tho diseaso, and deaths
iccurrcd by the thousand.
In this frightful urn 11 nor thousands
of buffalo robes, all iufected with the
disease thai, bad killed thoir savage
owocrj, were collected, und tho ship
meat of them uowu tho -Missouri river
for sale in tho Kaat began. The Gov
ernment becoming iurormcd of tbo
mutter, (Jon. Hancock was orJercd to
prevent the sbipmont of any robos that
could not bo proved froo of infection.
This diverted tho busiacat to Ibe Pa
eifio lUilroad, the authorities of which
are using ovcry exertion to prevent
tbe carrying of any robes not kaoam to
be all right. But, having goue thus
fur in tbe nofaiious business, its
wretched authors will, if ia the least
possible, got at some way to pay their
expeuscs by selling these robe ia lb
best.--Omaha i I' raid,
" You pull teeth hero, I suppose V
inquired a vegetable looking customer,
wbo dropped into s dostui omoe tor
information. '
" Yes, air, take m obalr,'' replied the
proprietor, "oar cburs is only Qlty
cents, and I can do it instantly.''
" Well, I guess I'll wait until I get
home, for I can't pay Ibat prioo, be
cause our d 00 tor only charge a quar
ter, and It takes bim two jiours, besides
be pulls you all around tbe room, and
you get the worth of your money. 80
good dayv' f
, A Hreochtuuu owed s man eight
hundred francs, and b road a propo
sition to glv bim tight note, payable
monthly, for out hundred frnooaeaoh.
The first note wa protested. The
creditor demanded oa . explanation,
"I didn't waot you to loss eight ban
dred francs all at at once, so 1 divided
It up that you loss might fall upon
NO. '2i.
-ine.Tinii mt.iirope.
jJ0 m:ip 0f ;urofo will pfolably
undergo a numlior ol Itnporiutaut
11 1-
torntioiid In lore I he present war if
ended. Il bus been altered very Ire
ijucully. end in nevetnl. waya, ntid in
many jilnees, dm ing llio hint ten 01
twelve year. Tho map of Kuropc clnng-d in 18.)'), when N.ioluiui,
ufter briiakini lh ) power of Antrin
tore from hot I, unb.irdv, and deliver.).)
the province over to Victor Km an ml
It was Mill fun her altered nt the
same lime, when Nuptdenn, in telurn
for bia rrviee to Italy, dein -.u o. from
bur Nieo and Suvriy, which immudi
ttely ceisud to belong to the Iiulinn
Kingdom, and became s part of tho
territory of Trance. It wa altered
soon a'tc'ward, by the revolutionary
movements through which the aeper-
ute t1011t1c.1l existence of
01 1 UfrMiiy, 1 uriu.i, iiim .Mu ivLii. nun
.! I, I M . I I
niiv t of tho States nl the t'littrcli Was ;
!... . 1 t.l -.ll--! ...
nil iteriiieu. nil 1 uicir oiiciiiiuce 11. ins 1
lerred to the King id Italy. It Was !
' tauin utietvd by (JaribaMi In IS it).
1 when the Kingdom of Naides was
blotted out ond wben, fittally, Italy
which ha-ptevn.ii.-ly been merer? 11
'geographical cxprosinn." beeaiiie
almost entirely unilrd under one gov-,
eriimetH, the novcruign of which was
tho former King ol Sardiua. 1 bolno younger locuted in thi city, nnd by
innp of hurnpo was again changed in 1
anolber iiuurter in lfl. when
.1. . c t..ui..:,. ....1 .
iuu nriiiiu.1 ui .iu:.,, ... ...v. ui..
ma le war upon I'cnmarK, and tore
from thal tUiciont kingdom tho Pueli-
sei.ud the City of Frankfort, nud cs. I
tablisbed the North Oriiian Confod-1
crntioii in Us present elmpe ; while
to Austria ulier the war of !...
Jy tltcso cxtetihivo uiicriiai ions in
the map of l'.uin.e, t wo important '
Kingdoms (.Naples nud Hanover) be-
side numerous minor tutes, Inve!
been blotted out. Italy bus gained
tot ritory which Austria bits Inst, be-
side her other gains 011 the Italian J
1 eiiiusiii.v iisea. 1 raueu nus gaiueu
lerruory u.ucu iiiiv 11.11 MM 1 ru
sia has gained territory which 1 'en-
mark bus lost, beiu! 0 tier own gnus I
n. I man i.Pl..,A.:
111 IVi iiibjiiw 4a iij1' vi nun' if
. . .,vii ' ..-.k
IV II UI IWl'liC 1 I'll I 1 WI'Ji If ' I 1 1 1 Teafllll
1 .... f :. s . .1. ..
113.-1 llUfT , UIIU lb 13 HUI Ii.iirr0--iiiv iii.ii
1 France hboifld overthrow Prussia an
eveut which secin extremely unlikely
j thu French Ivnpcror will un I nilI
icily sci.o tho 1'russiuii territory west
,01 tne Kinne, nuit unncz 10 ins own
Finpire. It appears ulio by thu "'pro-
poiod treaty," lately published, that
ho would then also make nn attempt
to "iiciuire'' tbo I'm by
of l.uxetn
Kingdom of
bourir and "absorb'' the
. r ...
ISelgimn. W'e may also suppose that,
in order to cripple his prostrate Prus
sian adversary, he would permit I'm
murk loget hick Schleswig-I lulstcin.
and would re-cstnblisli tlio inileper.-
denes nf Hanover.
Ildt if, on the oilier bond, Prussia
wero tri'tinpliniH over ! ranee, Khu
WilTam might sine and onnes to bis
dominion tho Frent h provinces of I
- - r "
I , . r t. 1
province of from Denmari.
and might consolidate the Confodera -
tlonf ol North nn i-ot,'h Mernnny
Atsaee tinu jorraiue, mii.. nwe lnrli;,. Pven were Franco
into ono great ('onl'oderntcd Kuiptre.
If Austria were to tsko purl tn nos-
.tilitios, it is prohnbri that boore their
close wo should see? alterations in iter
mop of a very serious chiraeter. If
Franco suffer defeat, we shall certain
ly hco stintber Alteration in the map
of duly tbnt will run let' urthor chan
ges of it necessary. We shall sec
tho inmnoral sovoroiiroitv of tho Pone
...,. Iilu.,1 nn.l It.nn l.iwnnw. nn in-
uiiuiimm-ii, uii'i h'mho ii'-i-oinu ni in -
tegral pa t ( less the capi.ol) ol
.be Tnited Kingdom of Italy. It is
u.nh.M. howeve r .0 induce hi furl her
useless, however lo indulge hi furl her
ccinject tires or speculations its to the
probablo alteration of tho Knropean
map, which lias Icon altered so fre
quently and extensively during lbs
last fe w years A'. V. Trihugr.
Alwav bb Civil "My young
friend," said a gentleman on horseback,
one day, to a lad wbo was standing near
11 well, " will you do tne a fuver to
draw a pall of water for my horse, as
I find it rather difficult to get off.'
Instead of giving a gruff reply, as
many boys would do, tho boy drew
the water and gave it to tbe horse.
Ill manner was so pleasant and cneer-
ful, tbat tbe stranger doliybtod with
bi spirit, asked bun hie Dome and
residanoo, and after thaoklog bim,
rode on.
The good-natured Ml tlrooght no
more about the act of civilly, til! some
months Inter, he rectved a letter from
the irenllemac offering bim a dork-
ship in bis store. Tbo offer was ac
cepted. 1 he lad prospered, and noat
ly became chief iiugtutrate of a large
thus yocr sue that a little aot of
civility to a stranger was the first
round 10 the ladder by which th
boy clltned to honor and wealth. Now
I do not say that eivllty will always
lead to sach honor. Vat I say that it
always raises its possessor la tbe opto
loo of others sad ia his own elf-re
spect. Bo elvil, therefore, my boy
and girls. Civllty is an ornament alt
should possess. w-" ,
i-"--a-r- ' '
There Is farmer a Yorkahtrs Wior Dwiuoerar. aad the old. bim colsa
a aa as ilai . .L1IJ - . I . . A n. . Si a. . . r
a. : 1 . m 1 1
nas mug m cm area, JXI mom (s
1 run uira ainnansinsTM.i
OnKabimN efiyr fnn.or)
One-klf column, r4 '
One-fonrth column, one yef,
On ernier 110 line) on inrerlloa 0 71
Etefy additional insertion r 6J
Profession! and llulee card of
not more than flv lines, per year. 6,00
Auditor, Kiecitlnr, Ailmiiiinlralor
and Assignee Notice i,M
Cdilorial aotloe per line 19
All advertlnenieets for a sbnrlrr period
than one year are payable al the lime
I bey are ordered, ami if not pnid Ibe per
son ordering ibem will be held responsible
for the mimrV.
A Itoinuncej ftitlie War.
The Kansas (,'ily T!me$ relate ibi
tory : Ten, yes fifteen ycats sgc?,
there lived in St. Joseph n fnmilv by
the fiaflio of Ailitms, the head o! whirl)
w:is n stern tough kind old gctitlcmm
wh tin t'-lty winters bad touched lightly.
He wa wealthy, but what be prized
far ubiive nil was the pride of bis old
itc two nnblu boys, tioergo and
rriink, noil rcspectitely eighteen nnd
enty. The w-ir rsitie on, the terri
ble strife in fthlih brolhrr was array
ed nguiiist brother, nnd father against
sun. Mr. A lams was an nncompro'
miitig I'nion man, nnd hi eldest
ni Itcwge cspouBod his father's cause.
I'rsnk joined the forcei in defence "f
tho mitiiiv South' under Williain Y
Shlelt. When his lather lenrood of the
otir'iw tnki'n by the y nl iijer sn hie
J iii.'i' knew no tn'iiiidi llo sent him
iivnr.lfii r.'tni'ii of tin tefi. no IntiL'el1
1 .
j W(ir.j f
i,.:. ,.. 1.;.. i,rn.,.i ,...,. , . ,.;... nt nl'
I. I
bis Inve. Ilis tO;t replied that no in
ducement would aiie him lo Barten
der bis principles. The old genth m: n
drew up bin will. Icavin! bif youngest
son i) 'iiiiilexs, Tbo wnr cotitinued,
!esct, , tic 0tbrfs fljlulng Valiantly
jjn delVn'ee ff their difT.-rcrit banners,
Vuro ,. . ,i,u An,it A,I
I l(cKt ROn relumed home, while
i.t , cittooii slwaiinir tin J hIm nttcn-
': .,. .iiisL':iiooJ ii,n'i of friends
j.. . . ...
t IlH wnercauiiut was unknown to eitn-
,.p f.,,1,,,,. r brother, and thnu.-li ho
()tflj (1P1 i)f)tll ltyl, t
prr,jt I,-,,,, t0 return 10 s hfune froftt
bich bo bad been nil in a mo'
trtenf of passion. Tho old gentleman
was gathered to bis fathers, and bis
e!dot Hon beeniiic rolo heir lo h'rs:
mad,. n dili 'e
wealth, tjenrgo was no sooner in
bis prrperty than bo
nt senrcli lor hi brother
uft,.r time traCud hint to t Us
both cordial nnd offectiug. The MJ
i.s, t.,.0,i n j.j t)' ball his estuto lir
,c ,. nt j of his younger ls-r nnd forced the acceptance upon-
,, Such a spirit is noble, crnrel
.lM, magnanimous, therefore wo givo
.s't. Joe the ( red it as nUlod above,
1"ti;a Incident is true, as pewons in
,ot, C1,jci 0nn testily.
Uuil fr 1'ianco.
m 1
I'uris correspondence of tin)
. . - . ... . . , 1 . ,
iNcw irk H'lreV bova: ,riaucoii
. . ,
1 now Isolated
She has not ,iu ally ;
, . . , . . ' , . ,'. . f '
''V ' . ,,.,;;V ,
"ele Austria v.cak enough togolo
f . 1 4 .. .11..
war she would disappear Irjtn tho
map of F.uivpe. Her iJermtiu popula
tion woulJ beromo Prussians; tbo
kingdom of Hungary would absorb the
others. It is ulmo.-t rotirin llus-ia
would join Prussia, und I hoy might in
duce lt-ily. by promiuising ull thn pos
sessions Austria still hold in Italy and
Uumj, to enter ibe alliance. Obliged
to keep a largo army in Algeria, smith
er 011 tho Spanish frontier, something
of an army ut I'otne, stroAj. forces
near all the uinnufai'tuiing centers,
Franco would enter tbo Wr over
weighted, fe'fw tniglit win I'n'ly to
bur iidc by ptoinifting Ron Osnd Auf
tgiu's A I fin tie possessions, reoonipns
ing Austriu witb Prussian territory.
These measuie would, however, make
the Catholic clergy hotilo to the Km-
uti.i iimho in ..i nun, w 1 itiii.
iSitt. 1. ven wen i ruuco u-cjiu
I l()B w U((.a L s ; ,(a ,,
1 ,.( d ' moM t
,)0WrrKm. ' ,Jn, I might ,sy-i
sai'ejssful ia
say wait
for on opportunity
to overwhelm
A Ht'iiB Tuts Mr. Cbarle Al
bright, In a letter to ' The riradd
Army.'' dnted Mariposa, California,
July 4, rulutes that bo bad visited tho
Vosemito Valley and the .Mariposa and
Cali'Vuras groves of big truus. Of tho
. . .
'',,ler e hays
In regard lo those'
, r.i. .. I ... ..I.. . ..
J-rs of iho foNat I can. only say
eHtTday was in a hollow
t.reo- y tandis.yr wtth two other gon-
tlemcn on horseback. Our bor6s wore
breast, au l there was room for tbre
h irsos more' Some of lbaa trees aro
0 feet, and upward, in diameter, nnd
over 101) feet in circtiinlcreoco. Tbo
bark is from IS inches lo 4 feet in
thickness, nud some of theso trees
grow Sal) high, snd would grow higher
yet if lbs wiu J did not break the tops.
I he statement or theso things is almost
iucrsdiblo, and if my eye bid Sot seen
ihoin 1 wouhi not 'write about them.
Tho wood of these trees is red sod very
enduring, and polishes very finely, so
that it looks like rosewood.'
" Almost inereiiibfu," iudocd f yet
otbors have told tbo same story of theso
giant trees, ami wo are not dnpod V,
doubt tbe fact
A Fbiemo in Nkkd. Ow Jr j0 ccei.
slon two Isdie were mfi' .juci to
Mr. Lincoln, bringing ii-'.roduollaim
from a Kentucky frier '4, toq
kaowo 11.," aid the V,.!:,!.-.
baking hand wU, thein . ,.di'd .
over tollywu i hclrd him t0 hi, wife ...
The ladws koer, .othlnsf, of It, so ths
mM,u.i.m.Ui yroceedea lo give jr?
tailed trceou'ov 0f tbe affair I- 'u'IIk
best mtur.e,. ..yoa u
queatloo, beco.iM 1 he lady ' father wa
alway io tho rooovj so Iwr 1 told
!L "-"" H for him, aodlh.
linssrBu called 1 went with him-,
anew nM man n 1 u1Ldil
. , 1 swutsl VI IVU Ml-Bl v.
PO'.'.vic with him, but a loth of ut
ware Whin, th talk m never vorv-
livIy. Tbal I tin, to- help B., I turs-
seihtd' that 11. ad the oWhter ma-
ayed te slip out on the back porch and!
runong. nua ne Us lour boy s4 fVuf