it- THE POST. RIMlf.KHl'RO. ... AtlM'ST II lTO Hhnl I l.llcf A little crlh the bet, A little far above t lie spread, A little rrork behind I bo door, A tittle shoe upun ibe floor. A little ln with dark I rce-n boir, A little blue r) f l f,i-r mi l fair. A little Una tint leads to school, A Unit pcns.l, ii.ute an I rule. little blithesome, win.imf nrti.I, Itllle b a ci ' I iili'D ln I nd ; little co'taee, acres four, little oi l 1 1 in u filiiuoci store. little family g ithere round ! little iurt I, e. '"l. rear. Jewel luouiil; I ' t ? e ml If I I.. v.dl, little ri.-l It ui.i nr i'ct t il. little silver !. his hair ; little stool, on I eay clia'r, little night of earth I t gloom ; lit 1 1 o ci r tee in tl.c t.nith. llllllnit' ttUler I0CI1U. Il Iiul nuia coiil I l e tot li no liial. N ft .ok a ate. it' il" vT tliom woulil probably Le reinriif.l. I. tit tLctc iloti't HJCUI lc he hy liv Itlf Huh. I lu re-1 laro, gtfU, ya wi.I mc Chat ultorju jtl man yu imvo a iu rip inm i von i n yu l cu en liim. ( ju liavo j;it tiny !l flyuLfo I'll liim. ('i.iiseiinenlly, . 1 1 1: .1 s 1 tc " ' -"v h-u,b .... ...... i u v. ... id . . ,iiv ; rt wounry mmmII, tll'l ll Lo Hwullrmi tm Well HJ .- Will !!( wmo n..r. Lou au.Ait who. Jictl Line .-li.)llliy Vllllli, Kill WII.SII W'.'il. s i . i . ii i ii Uoii t nmrj a hi-llu who M nhviivs k Uiiig lion Sis uiolhcr (Iu iLins A m il) h(.e wli'Je licit lien in inu-j sick (.and not, very he fly at t hut niti t j no Letter lor a Liihliauil iLun a mc.I Ii'. puwiliT, Lut it' he loVt ti lew listen ' vthileyu nin' (tutu gci.tle LnlldJ yu Will ttml Iti tit mellow nnJ nu ih.!l. J-ul I fay onu I hri ny. p iris. If! yu Kun fmJ it Li iLi-cyt'il, healthy auJ will bnlliiutcd h'y, wLo ,..Le uon j pove-tty ii. aJy m u 1 lo Is u ji wnaltL ulioh.iJ ralhvr nil down mi a i in b-tnti iu frtit.t ov the fih rciiii hotel ,'iti'l cut a 1 1 it in i-r.iid iiu tluii) tu po iti.iilc ami inn in ileLl fur Ii . din-' her aii'l loolI.-.:ck uuo who IT. ailiieJ with tl.ti kits I i,l i'ucli that ui'.stolic it ilclc;it fut' a viilni v, n. v advioo i t re In lie him Icily uinl hoIp viin.'u him in nt inmt, fur ho t. it stray trniit, ov Liiul in our vrtitrt'4. 'J'uku hiiu, I ray, and bit.l unto Iiiui. u. huructe LuiM unto i tivc. ill llir Hlflrrrnca'. On oi.c ot'cusioti a youni ood rnl iuh Inwjcr, not over j.uiictili'iua iii Lis nlliiiii iw li ll. court, nor very formal in Lit iii.iiiiiit, win n ' i i m u fjtirsition lie f. 'i o it jtitlc, mid iu tlto cotitrte of his itrcunii'iit, iy way of illusliutioii, w ir-liod to Stl i. hO u use. o will Eiipi't'tto, your Imimr,' aanl I - ml i i . .. . , , ..... ip,"lhi it yom-ltoiior vrc: to Mcul a , lltllMC ' I 'No, Ui, HO,'' III eri-ll J li'.J tlinjudo i 'Not lit nil ; not lit oil. "J'aill't It U-1 ponohlo raso. Mr. S., lainl It fUOposu-1 t . ' 1 " I lilo rnso.'' "Very well, hoiking your buuorV pardon," j.rtji'pctlej the cutjor lawyer, with in. He mill limn prudcuro, -'voiy well ; thro sii.ioning that I hhouUl kteal a liorr-t " " Ah, yos, yes, yea," Faid the the jii'ln i "thiil " viry elilToioiit thit.g 'Very likely. Mr. S., very likely. I'ry cee.l, Mr. S." Mr. S. piocecJc.l to tuke heat. lin,iJctilic;t-liotitrt of hid 1. 1 cil. ren, and Lad the uod tne to lake the joke iu ul pail, aoj repeat it oflco to his llivttJs. TwoQi Aiirn hkKim am WATnit. A tuuuiii tr Icing out of money hod out of credit, tluvifud tho follow 'tup achcuie lott hin " hitters:" lie look a four qnnrt juand filled it hall full of r. ntcr aad then directed hi tdepa to Mr. Murray's tore, aud or ilctcd to t,uarl of rum. II is order be too; honored, the grocer handed cut he jug, and 0"kcd for the price of the mm. "1 liuvco't got any niOney, eiiid tho tnppr. Thva hand ml tlto jug, ami I will pour tl.a n in Lock into t lie Luirul.'' "Well, Mr. Murray, dou't pour out ninre thao Lull', Lctnune I hero were iwoejuaris iu lirfiire 1 cudio Lit," ci el nit ued tLo " rummy. Mr Murray porf.-rJ out tLo two tiart8 leaving two quui ta ol rum uod water icinoiuing there. ' ' . A niee little- boy in Iitthur, l'a., went lo tho circus the other day, and elided hiniftlf throwing Monca at the elephant while Le w as drinking. When he not through the Loy tried lo propit iate lum by oincrini' inmt piece ofiiiu .'erhread. Before uci epliug the cake, the cli pliant cmptiud about Bixty-loui paiion oi viaier, uottr measure, over tho Loy, aud thru hluiift hiiu iu the third tier to dry olf. Thin Loy Uvery iiidiflcreut ahout circuina now. He my s Lo doctf n't care lor them an much iia Lo used lo. As Guvui'iior I airthild, of Wiscon aiu, aud a liieud were riding by rail from Madid' u lately, I wo young ladies with their heuui entered the crowded car, aud tho distinguished ceiitlcttitii eui'icndeicd their 6cuta lo the fair ones, llul great wan their aiM-prie to tee tho young info occupy their seats and take their compinioue upon their laps, "liy feprge," said ILe governor "wo oj't,ht have done that." k reeently heard o joke on two rortboioutu drummer. Whilo pasv- mga house in Virginia, they observed a very peculiar chimney unfioiBUtd, and it attracted thuir altcotico ; they hked a flaiea Laired urchin standing mar tho l.otio if it ''drawed woll,' whereupou tho urchin gave them the Blinking retort : "Yes. il drawa the Attention of all fool thut pasa tbia I AOim WANTEIt a oeUve aaan, la V'VFeaer. Cuuuly in llie Ktalaa, lo 1 travsluDd lakeonlars by sample, for TEA, COK I KtB aad hfleJtS. To sulUble taan we will , clva sUr orilol,ueiejr,abevalravel. lag ana t-iber eapcauMM, awl a reaahle itm I lulselwD on sulaa. I xunwiute epplleatloee ere eollelled from .1 rwiwr parlies. kalerauoM axohaDto. AptUf A WASir. R15EIL, w.irc rf CLOCK MAKER, fniet Pi Middleburg Pn. II AVISO lortiel In Ibis I'llOC I woulil rcipeet fully Inform the ciltien of Middleburg and vicinity Hint I am prepared (to re air t LOCKS AND WATCHES cheap nil expeditiously. IBc pairorrnge cf the public i respectfully solicited. W. GRANELLO. ?:iddleburg, Nov. 21 Infill. . COI'lIT PROCLAMATION' rlicraa the Hon. 5. S. Word presl- V de nt Judge of the Jinllcial District composed of the comities of Snyder, I Hi cm an. I Milllin ami A. K. Midleswarth mi l 'ieorgti C. M'.cr, E.. Associate Judges tn an I fir Snyder C'tiity l tcl their prrat'pl tearing dato the the 'JM day of May, i.Stl, an I to mo directed for 'lie rtulitlnjt tf u tit j'linin coin t, a court ..f I'K'ia, cturl of tijrr an. I Ter tnitirr atrl ( court i f Cu irii-r Hrs- j n.ij of the I'tai-t at Mi. 1. Hoi. hi g, for the j county of f'njtlrr, on the -1 1 1i Mi. n. lay. Ilia i in the Utitli Jay of September, IHTti.) and . cotititnie otiu k. Notice i tl.i rcforc lu rehy pirin to tLe f or-Hier. Jiitirc uf the Hence nti'l C.nfla in an lor the county of fnj Jrr, to ap -pear iu their pr..t or .rron atili their rolle ..v. ,,..,. riaTiiinaiions an. 1 liich ol their olli.-e.i an I ""V. )"". "'. ' "- hie h ol I . e i. i. I In ,l.i. K..i-lr citam to l.e.lo.te nml wi:iiva nnJ per- lllll 9 Irtwflll.llf 1 M nr(k r r,r ll,a J ' n , ... n ,H ,.n , , V I I 111. VIII III VII if'" Kmlu a 't any pemon or persons are reiiiini..iipii,fii.tiiii hp. .ir...i... Ibin ami there rrenliny ' nml not 1 tinitriir n 1..... ,i..... , - - . - " per,,. j,e nre re.,ue.te. to be pu,,ci- "' mifnlHiico ul ibo appoiute 1 "f."-'"'' ''Vo T'.. ''.'m . n'' f,Ni. I1" i "V. " -.""- - ' ti - ""J ,,(' r,., t l one iIuhi.-uD'I Cl8"' bun I mi l seventy. J'.i'l.N S. Wul.F, Sbcriif Ut Ml KM I CM ' I'aT 'UUi w-riaTranaai ili.AIN I Blv IS 1 11 I II FAiVilLY iSr.winu 3IjHInii's, riiti.'uiWAV ni:w mux. V.U CIlll'.MT ST. IMIII.AIiU.PIIIA. roiNT.s of i:xci:!.i.i:.('i:. llrneiey nu.1 Kla-lhty of S-'lilcli. I'crfi ctUjo und Simplicity of Macliitievy. faing both threats directly from the epoula. No fastening nf eeaina by band and no a-t of tliic.ij. W He range of ap licaliuii niiboul clutter of U'lju-tiiicnl. The retim rotiiins 'Mm bemity and fuuiucss after washing i.u I iioning. 1'ei lea doing nil kiii'lt of mule June by t.,v other Sewing Machine.", the-e M:H.bines ii'riii me mn. i iieiitiiiiti. nn reriuautlli l:ilil,roiJ erv ,., urimIllClltl,i uti Bn. Tho lliglicM Premiums at all the f.iirv "' e hilitioiia of the L niie l Suns mi l Europe. Imyo been awurdel the drover IIuLmP Smuinit V nr on... .! Inn M.irL by lbv:n, Ltrcver exhibited iu cumpction. f-jyThe very bighcFt prise. Til K ( I'.OSS UK llll. Ll.tilDN UK liOMilt, con fcreJ on ae rej.ri scnliitive of liiover I'.aker Sening maehitirn. at the eiponiiion t'niverselle, Purls, 1M.7, thus attesting their gieni s.iperiiiriiy over ull olber Sew ing Miichines. forSulu by SA.Ml'Kh FAl'ST, Selins. grove, Pa. April an. 't'.H. Forncv's Pi(ss. mn tnKiT radical nkiVspai'ku ! (Jit the Hi ft mul Chriijirst A't','f"f r Jit Hie tijHittiy. TIIETlaESS Is a f.ini-cUss ilotilile sheet cight'page paper, containing 4H columns, published every morning. (exept Sundays, i TERMS: 1AILV PKKSSjoe.on per annum; f 'J.'lO lor six mniitiis; j-l.tto Tor three months. TIU-WKliKLV PltKH.S SI.OO oee nn mini; f?ot) for sis inenibs; Jl.lKr for Ibree inonihs. Till: WKKICLY PRKSS.Themost vain able Weekly Newspaper in the World, li contains items of iuierct l all. Il K A li THE TEK.M3; "tie copy one year $ 2 I- ive copies V Ten copies, and one copy lo the getter up of club, 10 Twenty copies, and oue copy lo Ibe gattc r-tip of elub 27 Kitty copte. and one copy lo the getter up of club 65 Ten copies, lo m tJdirti, end ono enpy lo ihe getter up ol Ihe club 14 Twenty copies, to out adilmi, aud one copy lo lbs getter up of Ihe club "5 Kifty copies, tu i ne i-.hlrnt, anl ono copy to Ibe geller up of the' club CO Oue buadml topics, lo ot .rcj, and ono eopy of tbo Trl-weekly Press lo lite getier up of the club 100 Alt utjiri tuiul'l tr aildi runl I JOHN W. HlRNCV, liJitor anl Proprietor, S W.eer. 7lb and Chestnut Sit., Pbila.Pa ltateof I'HARLKS llUJHfcM, Iiecsejail, ItTTElia TKSTA.MESTAKY upon Ibe J estate of Charles liugbes, dei'd., late of the lewusbip of Penns, Snyder County, Pa.,Laviug been grained lo ibe undersigned all persona Indebted to Ibe said estnJe nre rriitated lo make payment, and those hv ing demands ngoinsl ibe tenia to prctcul Ibciu without julay lo JtlllN K. lll'lillKS, .. WILLIAM HCailES. -culore. March 1!, 1(H70. BOOK A OK NTS WANTED FOR hTItlG0LE8&TKIU.MPII3 OF P. T. BAKNUM Written by lliuiavlf. In one large Octavo Volume uearty MK I'ngee Printed In EnglUh andCierman. 33 Elegant Full page Engravings. It embraen Forty Years Kecolleciiune of hit l)uy Life, at a Mer chant, Manager, llankorv Lecturer, and Show man. No book published ao accepta ble lo nil ehuoea. Every one winle it , Agenia average ftuni 6U lo lou eubaoribere a week. We otter extra liiduceuienle. 111 uitraled Catalogue and terms lo A gent t teulfree. J. U. BL'UR & CO , Publish tri, Jlurifoni, Coon fJHE DAY 1 published every mianing (exoepl Bun day), at ifae office. N. rV. eoraec bixih and Chestnut aU tele, pbihidWpW. Price Ono Cent per Copy. Served by tie carriers ia any part of tbe elly, aad ia ihe edjaoenl eiliee and lownt, for 8IX CENTd 1'Ktt WEEK, payable to tht oarriart. o. 111 ! 1 1T mr rutin nnsvms I yyAJIUNOTOy HOUSE. PAN'L IJOLENDER, Proprietor, Person slopping at Oils House will fin. I excellent accommodations, for Mnn an Beast. 7-4'i-lf. f S. LTRKHART, XilinHjrove, Snydtr Co., Penna Keept constantly nn lian.l a large an. I well made assort wrhl of Tin, Sheet-iron ware, Stoves, Ac, Ac. He ) Agent fur lb following named articles. "TIIK MOKN1XG GI.OIU." l.illlinclJ 1'jHftl l in I rove J U.wo r.mning COAL- STOVE. ' In this pattern of Tin Miti.n (Hour, several new nnJ imporiunl foalurea bare l.een embo.liel, liich can only be, seen In be a.lmire.l. Tbia new store is mmlo en tirely of cat j ne lo be air light, but can le ma.le with abect-iron itppi-r section tvlurn .referred by the purrlianrr. Its ornamental fuiirb la drapery, making: il lianJiome piece of furniture, far more so 1 tlm any Hove licrelofort lua.le. tin In tenia Cunslrtiotioii, thouab reM-tnMin . .1 . r ... " . ' ""'iinp r.lry it .,nitc diHerent, making It more . . a j- t . .. . luralile, ami fur lesa tiitliciill to be repnlreJ rim pM.iinirs are of the hiiplii ,,r.l.. r..n. i ruo ciiii(ts are cf the big-beet order. Tully .- . . . I e.pmlinj the fiuesl caMiuga male In lhi 1 couutry. ' . ' AmJnf ,bc many awantaoics in the u-c f ,u0 MoriiiugCjIury arc the followina Cun,iliu0ua , (Jliiy 0 il,. Vemilaiiun ll,stM,KU the store. 4. Ant -I'ust Move. 0. .u Lne,.. ,ri:.. ! li, Kvoiioniy of fuel. " T1IK 1IAIILKY SHKAIV Anli-i't Air-T!yht Cooki'ity S'orr, Villi l'..rtiiX'li'd Fi'v-Hux fur U'imhI or Coal. l'atcntel May l''.ib, lvn.',. ' In erfeiinf; mir ciikIo- mora nmllka Stove TraJc, a New first-Clnss ! I'lnt-top, nuil wuuM call .ror.rr altrntiun I lo I'm many vltruclut uni valutlttt i..rn'i Thie Stove bna fern carefully tested for I Hevei ul month", and (lie reult huveprove'l sn highly tiitisfnctnry, that sevonil nf our I oblenl and niojt ex pi rieticcd stove dealers pi e-licl lor il u a tie fur beyoicl our ability Ill Hlj ply tbi s te'isi.ii. I ,. .. front ;'.rt r$, giving full use ef 'the heiii-tli. I ! .liiii.Wii..'i t'vl' m il,f nven, so arranged ! j as to give more room in the upper part of i be ovcii: it gi eal convenience much needed. I Tht villi U llllllly lis H vlr ill tht Inn a. jadhe Itenrlli line, vi hicli not only increases the aiae, but will bo rnoguiici as i jmt uiil Hllltljt III 4jih;. ! IiOTVH fl.OTIIliS WASIIKR. ILe ht, obeupest, und most popular Wanbing Machine ever invented. It is easy looperatc, sitting orsmnding; take bill little room ; injures nogarnients ; finifbea ila work from Iu two Iu four Min uiei; is durable ou I couvenicni ; and the only Wuxhiug Machine kuon n that is liked tbo butter tbu longer it ia used. Till: USIVKllSAL CLOTHES WUI.M.M'.-U. TU' "UltKA T KIM 1 1. )' i:cn.-jMlZER. The terms of our Patent cull our Machine ' IV ringer." l ears of experience prove jit also to be A most r.Nrci.i.r.M Wasiikb. hen vi v reduce every invention for wash ing clothes to a principle Ibey all amount lo tLtil of preying and eiiieetiug, and I li.rciiig Ibo wmer ibrougU llieui, ibus re- iiioviug the iurt. Most n ashing .M.ichines Jo ii by rubbiug. The L'uivcrsal Wriuger o es il by pre ii n g. NEW MUSIC STOKE IN SELT.VSCRUVK. ItrifK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS ! We are dill U Seliurgrove aud repared to furiii-.lj O rgniis, IYIcloileons Aceordeonse, Violins Vc, &c. And nil kinds of Musical Instrnineatt CUEAl'Kll Til AS EVE lit We warrant all our Instruments for five years. Pianos, Organs, Mclo.leons and Accordeons correctly tuned and repaired. Store open every WEDNESDAY and SATl'HIU V, Instruction given on Ibe Piano, Melodeon, Violiu and Aocordcon, al reasonable latea. Oivc uaacall. We guarantee aatisfac tlon. S A l.EM 4 fcSTElNINliLll. November 17, lhittf JKYSTONK HOTEL. Htlinnrjiovr, Snyder County, Pa. THE nnderslgrrwf bg leave lo Inform tbe public that tbey have purchased ami will keep, in good style, the above well known and popular house. TUHlIt JIAlt will always be alocked with Ibe belt and choicest li.iiors that can be procured in the Philadelphia and llarrisburg markelf. TIIUIK tahli: Will alwaya be supplied with Ihe best dclieaciet and most tubttanlial tood (bat tbe market will attord. TI1KIH STABIJ. Will always be attended by careful and trustworthy huatlera who will tee justice done lo any borse ealrtuted lo Ibeir are. ItiT Having large, airy aud well furnish ed rooms, good servant, vilii Ibe ualiring etforta of ibe proprietors lo please Ibeir guests, they hope lo meet with a large there ol'publio patronage. uiaylO-67,lf . H, P, 4 J. F. WALTKU. J01LV LAUDKXSLAOKll, BUGGY MAKER, BEUNSOROVE, SNYDER CO., PA. Having purobated Ibe well known eland In Selinsyove, formerly owned by Philip Ultcker, I am prepared to. aeeonimodaie all who may deeire anything ia my line, and warrant sailsfaotlon lit all easte. I keep eonitantly on bond, and am prepared lo manufaolure at Ihe shortest notioe, uuuuwcs, SULKIES, SLEIQIIS.&c. lleiug experienced in Ibe buaineee, I flat ter myself that 1 aw fully prepared lo aieel tbe waata of my outloiucra. TW hands employed are among tbe beat mechanics in ibe county, and Ibeir work will not fail to give universal eatiefaetlea. fttrtipeelal aUealloa paid te repairing la all lie branches. Tjua rJbop oa Market el reel, a few doereeeMb .. ! ... ClRAYRILL Co., ' X WnotssAtn iTAirm in WOOD Xfm WIJLOW WARK Oil Cloth", Window Shades, lirooms, Mala, Hrushf Cot tun T.apa, drain II ill, Fly ! Nets, Rackets, Twines, Wicks, fto. 1 l..l. K.FII. Thir lK.r.Al,.,ln!nl.U Feb. 7, '07 errori.ot youni. A OKNTLKMAN' who sulTered for years from Nervous Iiebilily, premature 1'ecay, ami all the effects of youthful Intlisnrelion aill, for tho lake of suffering bumanily, send Ire to all who need It, the receipt and directions for nuking the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suffer era wishing to profil by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addreslng. In pclcct fititblctinc. JOHN II, OllllKN, No. I' t's hir itrco:, New Vork JKWISIJUIKJ WOOLEN rAtZTORY! The subscriber, lltnnVfttl for the liberal patronage bnsloned on bis establishment at l.aurelton, begs leave lo Inform his frirmls and the puplio generally, that he has had his mill at Lcwisburg tilled up in tbe best possible manner, with the lil'J.rOfnl Jlfitrhi'mrlJ tnndo in the conn'ry, atil a ith tho advan tages of .Itentu Poner, which can be relied on at nil limes. He feels safe in saying t tint bis establishment is not surpassed by any in the State. Having engaged a sit of good Workmen he is now prepaied for manufacturing all kinds of WOOLEN GOODS HCCIt AS cloths. cassimkbe., satin ktt3, tivkkus, jkans. h.annkls, ulanki:ts,caupi:ts, VAHNi?, Aic. In Hit l-t mannrr ani at TtJumi pricet. An excellent assortment of U tods at all limes on band, tor sale or exchange for Wool. lluLL CAKLiI.NO done ou rbori notice Itgy-Tl-HM.S CASlI.-fn MAKK llAl.FrE.NNV. l.ewisbui'g, I'niou Co., Pa., bc, 4,tj-y KiLL AS I) VIXTEIIJASIIIOSS: 1 US. M. A. L'lNM'.R hat lust nrrlveJ i froia Paris aud London witb Ihe li test designs personally selected from Ibc the greatest novelties; also Ihe most ele gant Triminga lo be e secured in Pari Laoes iibbone, VeWela, Krilnl Veils, f lowers, line Jewelery, aud Ti inn d Paper Patterns, Diets and Cloak .Making Exclusive agent lor Mrs. M. Work's celebrated system for culling ladies' die.ises, saciiies, basiius, ko. N. W. corner of Kleveutb aud Cliestnul Sts., Pbiludvlphiii. 7,'JiiiO J. COOKE W'HoLCSALE IEALEll IN CLOCKS ! 140 Norlh 3d Street, PhilaJel L'xi. Aug , l;!iy iff JO.ME THIS WAY ! crtKT iiAna.iN.s rv NEW GOOJ S AT THE CHEAP STORE OF u. i'. i:t u in: it r, SLLINSOKOVE Pa. Would respectfully announce lo Ibe people of Snyder County Ibnl be bas jttst received froui llieeuslern market and has for sale n Urfe and well selected slock ef New Uoods, w hich he otfer at aslonirb iugly low prk'e. His slock embraces t b very trrt FALL aud WINTER GOODS Ho Una Cloths Casslmere, lire Skltia Jeans Satinets Alpaccas, Lustre Peliiins I'oplini Prints, Muslin Drillings dbwl 'Cambric Calicoes. French Mtrinoe, Engligh MitvioeH KEADT MADE CLOimiNO tf all kind. HARDWAKE, HATS nnd CAPS, filtOCEItll'8 WALL PAPER, Give roe a call, inspecting Goods. QIEEN5WARE. riO(iTH ft SHOES, CAKPETINO, 8IIOK FINDINGS, No charge roado for Country produce la- ken in exchange for good. May .-i, lft.n y A WORD TO CONSUMPTIVES. Itclng a hort and practical treatise on the nature cause, and symptoms of Pul miary Consumption, llronchitis, and A Ibuia j nod their prevention, treatment and cur by inhalation. Sent by uial Free. Addrese Q. NAN IIL'MMUL, V. D., 10 West Fourteenth St., N. Y. llii QIIARLKS V. MILLER, ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR X BlILDER Walnut, Street, Selinsgroye, l'a. la at all time prepared lo furnish. Drafts. Plan and Specifications for all kind of liui Wings, at lb lowest poesible rateeand on short notice. He i also prepared lo oenlraot for putting up buildinss either by furnishing all ihe material ex otherwise. May II, '0 ly B,: AVERTOWN STOVE STORE AND Tinware Maautactory. J. P. SHIRK Would respeotfully'inform lb eltltena of Snyder county thai be keepa conslaally on band a large aaaortmenl at OFF1CK. PARLOR, and CO0KINO STOVES Of ihe latest styles and. moet improved paterni, among whioU are) lb eelebealed Empire Oa llurner, lb Huequebanna Cook, elo., wbich b ie aellina) at priee that defy oomptilioa. He aleo mtaufao tare aad keep on hied a general eaort- mens of Biove Yrimwinge,- Tlawer &e I fltna. Jt i taJ llnllnn Wtaiifl In ftnutaallnaa .a J . i B. Mm J II. WALTER, IMPORTER AND DKALF.R PN? CHINA. OLASS, AND QUEENSWARK, til X. 3d Slrrri, bflwprn KnrrrlVltif 7,'Jly PHILADELPHIA. Waller aV llnrt limn I'tAI.FHi IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. ILvUDWAItF., (CEENSWAnE, CcbARWARE .tc. tit. tiO. ef'C. Ac pa. BvX.The II Hill EST matkel PltCES paid for all kinks of Country Pro luce tiad (KIED KMC IT. AlUiE ARRIVAL OK NEW GOODS AT J. W. DBEESE'S STORE, .V. W. Corner Market S.uare, Middleburg. The slock embraces in part Dress CjJoods, Itluck Silks. All-wool Ho Lainc'i, C'ohtll'g-i, Meriiuif . I"bplins, Repp", tit., Ao. Mnalinia, Drinhle-width, Shectinga, Drilling. Tahle Diupor, (NnaLurg, Extra Tickings, C heek, hirt ins, Ginliama, Jaconet, u, lull ftstoriiuetit of I'alicnri, riiinneN. Heavy twilled, " Sliirtin, Hlniiketn, DalmoralH, Hosiery, G loves, t, tie. CLOTHS AXD C'ASSIMEKKS Ingrain und Lineo Curpela. V(olcii. Lilian .V cottou Ciirpet ('hail,. iu: a n v ma nn cl o tiiixc. floor, Tal do nud" Stair Oil Cloths. Hats and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware. IJitooiiswiiro, Chiua ware, Olatiwuro, Wood anil Willow wore, Cutlery, Oil Window Shade , Looking G!ase Ac, Ac, Ac. TORACCO AXD CKiAPft SALT eSc FISH! The highest market price paid for all kinds of country produce and dried fi ul'.s. Confident uf rem bring perfect sjtisfio lion bulb in regard lo prices nhd fitar1ry ofgojli. I respectfully invite all lo giv me a cull before purchasing elsewhere. J. W. DKEESE. hid le bur;. January 7, ISV.'y I' M UAUUAN, f KKUSTKTTKn UNION HOUSE. lUr.MA.N ,M KAI'.srET, V.mors, MllDLi:m'R0,s-tiyder Co., I'u. 7'he proprietors' rcspeclfnlly aniiouiice to their IVv'nuV" and Ibe public gi'tiernlly Hint Ihry have reefed the rryer Invein siaud, which bas been relitied and replen ished iu style, und is a di le place for strnngeis and others to slop. Their table is al all lime spread Willi the- Uiaueies mid substantial of Ibo season. Their chambers nre large to promote tbe comfort of thuir giii'sta. Their bar is supplied ith choice liquor. No pains spared by ibc proprielora to render entire siuiefae liuu to all who favor Ibtui with their patronage. 7-24t4t ATTENTION j lltiriuh forth new goo.lj just celved by John Ilnl'Ckiieiit: Al fluniniels' old Stand, (two miles ahu Seliusgrovc) wbich was selected wil great care, nnd will be sold at low pricei Il includes, NOTIONS. DRY GOODS. OUOCEItfES.. HARDWARE. Ql'EENSWARE noon nnd niu.uu wari:, Sail, Plavler, Oil, Coal, Nails, Glotlitng &.c I respeol fully invite Ibe public lo ennie and examine my good before, buying elsewhere, believing it lo be lo J our iu terest. I also pay lb highest price for all kind or gimia, si:i;u, and all kind of Country Produce. I am alio well provide with stabling for teams supp. r Itreakfast and Lodg ing, for people who come from a dis tance. 1 always aoconiibodato my cus tomers to lb bcsl of my ability. JOHN H0FFMAS.- Ocloher 10lh.'C7ft ORIMIRD'S ieaaexeelU en I article "EUREKA of granule ted Viigi Kmnkiner TofeJtrco nia i wherever introduced it i universally admired, it is pnt up in handsome mus lin bags, in which order for Meerschaum Pipe are daily packed. LORII.I.ARI 8 Yncht Club 6moklnir Tobarro claeaed by all who consume it as tbe "finest of all : It ia made of ibe choicest leaf grown il is ami ner vous in ila effects, as Ihe Niooline has been exlraoisd ; it leavee no disagreeable taste after smoking ; il is very mild, light in color aud weight, beoooone pound will last a long aa ft of ordinary tobacco. In Ihi broad w also pack. order ovary day for first qwatily Meerschaum pipe. Try it and eonvlao yourselves it I all Ii claim to be, "tH F1MU3T OF ALL." LORlllAlD'8 I This brand of Fin i"l VlVrnI T D V I Cut chewing lobeo UIVI co baa ao equal or (hen IllS Tobacco. breriov anywhere. Il i without doubl lb best vhiwing to bacco ia Ibe eouuiry. I.OniM.ARP'R I have new been In SNUFFS I K 'Ce'a'ev.: UUyera. and still acknowledged " tbe besk" wherever used. If your storekeeper do aot have tkeee article for lale.stk him teget tbeu I Ibey are sold by respeol able Jobber almost Ayer's Cathartio "Pills, Foe til thr purpoaea of Xianttre MecUolne. reriitrM no ne Cine Is so universally re quired lijr evi-rylHljr at a eatliarno, nor vms ever any lieiore so universal ly adopteit Into nso, la e'very country ami amaue all cla.., a UUs mild but efloient purratlie fill. The ebvlous ree. eVir 25? llalile'aml far more ea . - tual remedy than any " " 1 1 other. Those who hav,i tiled II, know that It en red them; ihoewho have not, know that II cures llielr noleiilra and Irtends, and all know Uiat what K does om-e It iloes alnnf I tlml It never Colls Uirmigh any fault or netr. tof Its eimiiositlitn. We have tboii.ands nMiu thou, sands of eeruneatea of Uielr remartsal4e eurea ol Ml i f.illuwlDa;eomplalnU, but biicJi cures are known In everv noleMmrriood, and we neeil not publish tliem. Adajileil to all are and eonditiims In all elliimtesi containing neittier calomel or any dolotorioue dnie1, thev mar be taken with safety by anybody. The sugar ro'atiiig preserve, thom evin- Hvsh and tniitel llii'in pleasant t.i lnlu, while lielne pnrrly vegetabl I no hui-iu ran arise from Uielr n vi in any fuantlly, Tli"V oiimile by their powerflirinltiifmee on the Internal viieera to purify Ihe hlixxl and silinulato It Into healthv a"l Ion remove Ilieoli.lni. Uom of Uie ftima-h, liowel", liver, and other organs of Uie liodr, restoring tfioir Irregular action lo health, auel lr emreeline, wliercver they eal.t, such derange, pient. as are tlte Aral origin of diMiaac. Mhnire iliwtlons aro given In tho wrapper the lm, for Ok- t.Hlowllig cemplalnla, which thost Jls rapidly eurer lor irviii or VwsllcrMtlow, I.lMle. sira. l.iiMgnM. and mt AtsfMiflfw, tlM.y slimit.1 In luaen mMtrntr!y to stlmiilmo Uj stiaae et'h and restore Iu hentUiy tme and a, -turn. Kor f.lver C'ttHswIisl'tit and Its vartutis avmrw torn., Mlllawa llvisiiisrlir'. aurls ileMitist h, iaviitllre or exrr-ris silrkiseM, llllluwa t'olle and lillloNa Bver, they should bo )t, ila tiken for each ease, tn correct the dlcaec acttorr or nmiTe lira o!itmrtlon w titi-h cause It. "T Pyiealery or IMasrrhnsai, hot oue mild elnse Is renerallv re,oln.-l. l..r Hhewmall.M. ewewV. tQntvel, Iilnl siaca anil fc.i.1, mey nnuui.i lie taken, as reiiiiirr.l. to elmnee the dlw-nseil ni-tiirtif, Hie sy.icm. With su. li change those complaint tlt.iiponr. For Itropay nnd lreiwHel aweniwra they sti.iut.l lie taken In largo ami l'rcUcnt doses lot ro Uto'e Ihe effect of a dntstlc .nnro. for ftwrir-nala a large dose should be tt ken as it produces the dclred en"i"ct liv svmtnlhv. As a Itlnnrr Pin, take one or 'two 1'IHs to pro. Bioro digestion and relieve Ihe stomach. An nccaalnniil doso stimulates tho stomach anil bowels Into healthy action, rc.torea the appetite, and Invia-orntes tho sy.teni. Hence it Is oPen ad vantiivenus wherw no serious deranovment exists, (me who reels tolerably well, oil en tlml. Hiat a dose nfUiese I'lllm makes hi in ret decoleilly better, from their cleansing and rcnovalmg effoct onluedlges tive apparatus. 1)11. J. C. A tr.R CO., rrnttirnt CAemUrOj LOWELL, MA.33., V. 8. A, c 1 ALL AT Fockler's Saloon, (Opposite Shlndcl & V'genseller'dnig torc) IX SELIXSGROVE, If you want gl ir of giod ki: l)l (- A Ii 10 ! )J A Plale of Ice Crciiui! o YSTEItS, pceparesl in any way Hat can he deiired, OR A Plate of Fresh Tripe, OR SARDINES i SCHWEITZER. UMRl'ROZR OU HALL CHEESE, OR ANY TULSQ USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS BESTAl'QAS'T. Other Saloons ewrrllrd witb Al and Oyster al Wholesale price. gCHOCH1 A BROTHER - Woulif revpeellnily annonnie le (ho people of BtryuVT tcimty and' ihpiihli8, g nel-aTT ihMt rtrty have lH secured, and wllfcbnttanlly iceepon bniM and for sale, a very extensive awscrrment of IhVKr T1IET WTLL .KLL AT R E Dt'CED I'RIC'ESf Their extensive stock consist f a welp selected assnrlmrnl of FALL ft WINtt'H MERS plain and fancy. Kal,Mf, Jc,n(1 Tweeds, Mualina, Dellllngs. Flannel,! Uieeka, So. Also n rlegani assorlment. LAMES' DRE7S GOODS! Silks. RonvlMtxinog. Alpnwa, Rlapk and fancy Dcladi.e. Lnwna, Gintrhnma, a Inrjre variety cf fines AVhite Good, Ladies' fas.monabi.k coats lloop, Skirts Shawla. Ac. READY MADE C LOTH ING.Coalg. vchIs, Fautu, Shirts Ac. A variety of NOTIONS &H0SIEKY- Collars Linen and Tape, Trim iniiifrs, ISutfons Corsts, Zp,.pl,rts common nnd unlit. Moravian n..l i Shetland Wool Ac. Ac. FISHeSAIiTANDIIION., STEEL. STOVES, FORKS SHOVELS, SPADES H.laK. ii ? NA,L8' VMSTS. Ilnrdwaro (Jucenawnro, fTIaKSwirve. Ccdarwarc, Willow-wore Crockery, ' I'l.ASTEll. "White A 111.!- ! A,'r0.,.?J.a.rg',,,,;""'7 ' dilferenl kinds of umox ur, liUWTHJfc SHOES efevery style, variety nnd quality. ' Also, all kind of CAUPETS, &(7. ;i'orri'll of all kinds, fresh f,n, It; 'hiladelphl,, nd New York Mark,"" ..iP1l7of PP """"""",r " hnn,l,"Fe WHITE LEAD AFD PAINTS. e vny ,yal-4y .,d r, lee. received ,lir,er from Ibe and coiiseoi.ently OILS. WHALE. . mX '-f'nrcATixa,' SI IWTITI'TE , i , nn'r LLVSEED OIL. oil f e col .1 " "'"" ,0 .lnsee.r 2.'fV4r All Kinds of Grnliz. . t?7ivc them n trial lieforeco log elsewhere. fCIJOCir A 15ROTIIER. Thev nre also the agents forGEISER'R PATENT FLY llE.iCLATINO ill IN P1.PARATOII CLEANER AND II AGGER. The laieat Improved and most celebrated Q. raJiiTItrasIiei? in Ihe world. Just the Machine Fa.-mer have been seekiug after for yenis. It will Ihrash from M lo 40 Iliisbels per hour, cleni.e.l rea ' for market. They will se these In 'bines upon 'bin merit Wurraiied us represented. April 18, 'C7 ly I. Y. IIIN.KI M. I. t'4Ml1f WIVll JJTlAD THIS. Milnclo AMI iuljiript-et. DutiioisrM ami Chemists, Offer for sole W'llOIXStl.K AMI IiRTAII., DRl'OS, MEDICINES, PAINTS and CHEMICALS, Embracing rUEEZIXCTAINT Green, Illue, Yellow, lied aud lHtck t Paiut ground iu Linseed Oil. Denar Varnish. Spirits Turpentine-, Coral. Ccmchand Whit DRYING JATAX, KXOTTINO. whitlow Mass, Fully, Fine Oil Alcohol. Stabcu, Ixiur.o, Y(rmillio', Paikt and VARNISH RIll'SHES, Mule end Ftmah Truittt and Brp94'r ye fc'iuirs Concent ried", Fin l Sponges, sriCES.CORN STARCH & I1IRD SEEU Fluwr and Harden Seed, To which Ibe attention of dealera I called, aa w will tell at th very lowest. Curb Price in qtiamilioi to uit purcha sers. Woiln keep on hand and offer for sale. W holesale and Retail, nil the tail ing Patent Medicine. Also, NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERIES, TDIIACCO& SEfJARR. Middleburg, Snyder Co. Pa. March Si, 18U7. PHILAUA. etc HEADING E. R. Through. Route lo th e Susquehanna ! fTTHR Bbamoktn ft 1'revorton Railroatlr X. being completed, a throegli route ls opened between- Ilernuoo (on Ibe Susque Isnua River) and fhikadslpbl-l. Train will run a follow t EASTWARD. No. 1 reng, leavea. f revorioa A I0 a in,; Hbsinokln 6 40 a m,i arlves at PbU adelphla al I 00 p m. No. 3 Passenger leavea Ilerndon at 9 S I m,; Trevorton 10 07 a m,; Shsmoklo, 0 65 a ra,j arrives at Pbila at 0 46 p ne. No. b mixed, leavea Ilerndon at U 40 Trevorton I'd m,i Bbao okin 1. 87 p m.i arrlvea at Poltsville at 6 lb p at. WESTWARD. No, 2, Passenger. Leavee Philadelphia, 8 IS a m Bbaiuokin 4 'JU m Trevorton, 4 80 p mj arrive at ilerndon al 6 25 p ms No. 8, mixed, Leavea Ashland at 7 UO a m; Bhsinokia aaaami arrives at Tro-. vorton 10 07 a in i Herndua 12 'M p m. No. 10, mixed, Leave Asbland al 8 00. -pmi Bbsuioktn 4 63 p mj arrives at, Trevorlea al G 80 p aa. Passenger train No. 1 and fbmnke connuction at Reading for Allcntown.Naie York, Lebanon, llarrisburg, Columbia, and Lanoastor. raassengesa arriving lo Bbamokin via N C R W, about 10 a m, can aooneel wila No ( Paaiicr, at 10 65 a m, foe Phil if delpbla and Intermediate point. Those arriving on Ibe N C B W Passenger train, at Vi 10 noon, can eonneot with No. B, klk V..W.. B..,.kln .1 t VI t... A .k.