! tr"" ii - i H VTH K IS IIF.RLItY UIVr.N lint we il hnv pun Lnrd I lit fallowing p ertonal property, ml I by vlrtrte of a writ rf Fieri I ncias, issued onl cf Ilia Court of Common Plea nf Snyder county, as the properly of I'nswrll llotlirock. lo nil : On fontine rioe, I Chair. 1 Stand. I Table, I Set of J rlir, I clock, 1 T.nckir-.t fill. 1 corner iilinrl, lfl.irn.! m l lie Ming, I Sul Vcy, Ton Itay. 1 SM.I.IIr. Hi Idle. Ac , 1 Set rf Harness. 2 Louticr. W-iod cheat, t crib, Wheelbarrow, I Sorrel Mre; ami basing I'fi ibe samp In hi possession. Ihe public I lirrrl) camioncd nit to med lie it iiilf i Tin Willi the same. JOSEPH t. VJ.HU. .1 U.OU KEMEULI.V1. January, ?7, 1S7;. s MMCKL rAi'sr, Merchant Tailor, lta I'M recrivpd on cmire ni stork of I LOTUS. CAS.-ilMKItF.S A VESIINliS, nil of n suiirinr finality which Iip Is pre pared lo make up in the bet style vid on, lirri fniirp. II.' nl,i kprp Drown n. I TYhii limed Yoke I. men Miirls.iin l a gsn- j it il assnrluirnl nf gentlruirns' Furnishing lioo.l., all nf which he offers lo Ihe public hi very reasonable prio-. full ill my plic-e nit l'liie Slrerl, helwee : Pckhcri' curucr mi l I ho lriI jro. feline-1 iirove, rn. J'int 4. IMi tr. KNswt nfi ii i.ow i:r, " Wholesale dealers !n Cedar, Woo 1 nn I Willow Ware ("milage, lltootn. Looking Glasses, A a. '::',3. North Third Hired. I'hilndrlpliU. w c rAiiN iwnKTit. AproTlf c.c.iiinii fjOflf) VVANTKti nn aetlre man, In rarh t oiintv In Itm Mate, to ravel ami tW orders hy faniplo lor TK.t. I I F r K.K nn I M'K't.x. 1.. suiuMn u rn we will Klvo a salary ol tost lo1oua to.ir, ais.vp travpt. Intf Mini oilier expenses, At.il a rcisotialile com mission n sales. Itnnip'lutit application arn sollrlted from IT"ipr pirip. )fpl'rui.pp ejolntiKC.I. Apply to, ur athlrii1! Iinmpitliitrly. j. I'M. Ki:it (k c. nllnptital MIMp.1' Hiwcry, Nw York. T1IK riUiHOM I M lRf l V Kl TwrntT iv hitllur KnmtlT Swtna lNo Mnrhct A'ikit w ott.i i k vurtv tow . I.Mioml rummll"ni ull-iwiil. Knr trmi nnl ri rut nr, lilri'Pi, A. S H amitis, )cn. Ai'fit, Nu. ;ou Chfstimt St., IM.iIa., 1'. Is-;. Jin UXCIC SALES EI1ALIi rACITS. MIM.Ii.M II. III. it I II lle'prrHiilly ui.nui.nc-n lo ihu cilircna nf Mnliili'liiirg nn I vit iniiy thai Im i now rp'i'ly to nupply ihem with the Inrgrsl nuJ In ux I cooiplet alock of sriuxa .r- sr.MMr:n anons rttr broughl to this plnoe, nt really re ilncei prieea chenpir limn liio cht'npct. lid inviira allciiiiou la his lui jjw alock ot MirsMNS, CAIICi'V.S. MLAINLS. T.AWSS, MLKJ, HtllKtiLS, MXKXS, Hoots and 8!iols, H ATS AM) CATS. ItKAHY-MAl'K CI.OTIIISM. HIM UTS. nml evcryiliing uauiiliy k i t in a w ell ri'KululP'l Hi ore. (lire in a call nml bo cnnvinccJ tbnt IliN ia the pluee to buy gomlx. COl'SrUV I Holl OE mVih inesehang for goo'la. in. II. lli'HM'l'. Midilleburg, May, S'7. ffEAIIXli HAILKOAD Suirmcr Arran'incut, ilomlav May 1 870. Grcnl Trunk Mnc from Ih North anJ North wi'i for I'liilii'lilpliin, New Voik. Kralinir, 1'oil-ville, Tauiiniia, Anlilanil, rhniiiokin, Li'lininm, Allinlowu, Kaiion, Kphrnln, l.llii. Lnuealrr. H'Olumbiu &e. iMinslenVe llrriabtirg fur Np.v York. a followrat at 5.:).'i, Kin ll.J.'i foniiimti. aii'l 2. ftd p. m., cinneciinit wilh himilnr trniha onihe the rcnimylviniit IUilrnnl. nnil orriin nl New York lit U.lll imnn, 8.60i,iin, nu'l lil.OU p. in., re-peclively. rlrpping vnra nccumpany the r) ;tj a in. aul II. '!. in. Ir.iiim. w'ul.out ehan!e. I'ciiiming : l.i avc Nrw York nl fi.tlOa m. U'.uo Soon, nml .'i.ihi pm. l'hilii U'lpUia ai Mi m nml il.HO p in ; Sleeping cum no binpmiy Ihe U.IMI y in, nml .VIM p in train from New York, without rlmnpo. Leave llurrit.l.urp for lUn lui, Pollaville Taiua(iia, ,MiiK'm ille, Anhliiiul, Shainnkin, l'iiii'provo, Allrniown nml l'liila Ivlphin, ul H. 10 in, lI.Tiil uinl 4 ID p in, Eiupping hi I. it'iinou mi'l pi ini'ipnl w ay xlniioiia ; (lie 4,10 p in traiu coniit'ciing for I'hiluili'lpMii, I'oiirvillp nml Culiiiiibiit only. For I'ulla ville, r'llinylkill lluvcii unit Auburn, via Kchuylkill ami Sii"'ii''liiiiinn HtiiliuuJ, Li'iivc lliiirisbiirg nl il, l p in. Kubi lVtifylnuiU ltuili'ia I lr!ni Ivsit tlcnilinjr fur Alleulown, lliisimi nii'l New York nl 7. JD.:l'l a. in., I.'JT nml 4. Ij p. tn. Koturnig, Icav Now Yolk nt 1. flit a. Hi., 12. HO noon nml 5 (HI p. m. owl Allen town at 7-U ni. Vi.Zo Noeu 4JU ami H.4'i p. in. Way piuaenprr Irniti Icnvc riii1nJpl tin a'. 7,;iO a in, cuiineniiig nilb aiini'ar Irnin on F.itHt l'l'imn. Itiiilroiul, rciuruing from lteail'ng ul tt,;i,"i p in, plopping nl nil Hinlioiia I.eavo 1'ollaville nl '.M nml '.1,011 a m ami S.Ml p. m.: Ilerii'lon at '.',.'lil a in; Shn tuokinai 5, 10 ami Id, 10 n. m.; Ai-hlnml ai 7, 8 a in, and rj,.10 noon, Miiliuuoy I'ily at 7. Ill a. nr hikI 1 .07 p. in., Tnnmpi ai H,'",;l a m, an.l 'J.'.'U p u for riiilmlelphia ami New York. Leave I'nti will, via Schuylkill ami Sua (iiuliiinna U II nl H.l.'i a in for llnrriahiirir. ami l'Ji5nonn for rinegrove unci Treinoni. Heailing Accnmuio Imion Inii.i: l.euveal 1'ollaville at V 1 1 a ni. pusnca Heailing ai a m a ui, arriving at l'liil:nlelphiii nl 10,-0 7, '10 lU'iiiruiug, lenvca l'hille'phi ai f ,16 p m, pHpaiiig 1',-niliii hi m.ii.I p ni, arriving at I'oiiaviHe at !'. 10 p m. roltmowo Aeeoiiiiiioilni n n Train Leavra Totlplown al 0,'J') a in, reluruing leaven I'hitii'lcliihln at 1,00 p in. Columbia lUilr-m l Tralna leave Heailinf at 7, VII am, an I , I J pin Tor Ipmala, Litli, Lancaster, ('oluiubin, &. rerkionipn ltnilroaj Trniua leav I'erki omeuJunciioii nl '.i.li'l a in, M.liO 5,110 p in; fetiiruin leave Schweuluville nt 8, Oj a m, I'.'.l' N'lon.aml 4,l'i p in, connecting wilb iuiilar train on lleaiiing lUilrnnl. l'o!ebrvik'lal Itailrovl train leav I'iiI'i town ol '1,40 a ni, anl li.O p m, reluming lca Mouul l'leatanl at 7,00 anU 1I.J6 am, connecting with imilar train un Heailing ruilroHil. Cbeaier Valley rtailroa.l Irnina leav Uriileporl at 8.H0 a ni, ami ,05 ami 6.07 p ni, returning, leav Downingiown al il.'JO ni, 1J.4.S noon anil o.io p ni, cnnHeciing wiib timilar I ruin on Heading railnal Un Hundaya : Leav New York al 6,0 p nt, rii.ladelphla 8 00 a in and .1,16 p to, lb H.(H) a ta Irnin running only to Ittading: leav I'otlnville 8,00 a ui: llnrriburg 6,116 a In and 4,1U p ni, leave AMenlown at 7 2' a. m. and and 8.40 p. ro. leav lien ding at 7,16 in, and 10,06 p in for lUrtithurg, at 7,23 a m for NewYoik, at 4,46 p in f.r Alleulown, and 4,26 p in lor l'biladelphia. Conimulullon, Mileage, Keaaot, Petmol and fiauraion licked, lo and from allpulm l reduced rale. Daggaga checked tbrong'j I 100 poum aUowcil each paaaeoger. 0. A. NICOLLfl, Central Suinnntendtnt. Readiot. May 16, 1870. -she rosT Job Frlntliiff OHIcc, WIUDLEULHU. tMYucH CO., FA. coj j:t pkoclamatiox. Wherfaa Ih Holt. . H. Wool Tren! ilcut Jiil? of lh Jmlleial Ditrict eomp( ! of Ibt ronnllpa of Unyilpr, t'nion an l Mifllin nml A. K. Mliilrnwnrih an. I liiorgp C, Mnypr. Aaocini JiuIk in an. I for Sny rr fminly hay ion'! Ihpir tirrrplpi hparina; 'Ui ih Ih 2:1.1 lny of imy. nut, an I i ma lirri i rr lh hoMmg of an Orphan court, a onrl of CoRiiuon l'lpna, ci.url of Oyer ami Tpr minor ! I IiMirr.il court of Ouarlcr Sea ainna of the rear at M I'l l!, burg, fop lh county nf rtny'lir, on the 4th Motolay. (b ing the 1'iiili J.iy of . j'lpiiilicr, IS"(5.) and coin iinio on wVpW. Nolico ia llipt'iforo hrrphy given lo U. t'cron-r. JikIic nf Ihe l'eaea ami Conjla, bin in an for th county of Suyilcr, to ap pear in their proper pi-rson a-iih I licit- rul In rePoMn, iii'iiiili'iiii. tlnminaiioni an I o hrr renienibrauce lo ilo thot lliinpe which nf Iheir ol!ii-e anj In their behall pertnin In he ilon an-t wimeiijea an l per ona prorrciiiin( in bi hnlf of the Comoion nealih ai;'iiii!.t any pemon or pprnoun are re'inirtil to be Ihi n an l Ihpro alien. ling an. I not ilepnrtinft wllboul bae at lln-ir peril. Jiiviicra arc re'i'ie-lc l lo be punci mil in Iheir aili'tuLiuce nt lLo appoiiilnl l:mc n.rernbly In noit.'a. Ulrrn uinl r ny hnifl an l acni at the Sheriff a uiHce in Mi'l llebnrd, Iho ii I ilay "f March. A. t., olio llnniiuii'l eigi'i liuul ati'l (ftcnir. jo'lM 8. WOI.P, Sheriff. (rover Sc IJaJu rN 1II1ST I'KKMIU.M KIjASTIC stictii FAMILY Sewing Fncliiiies, .lil.t iii;oauwy NKW YUUX. 130 CIIESTSl'T 8T. rillLAMn.rillA. l'OINTS Or I'XC'FLLKNt'K. Ueauly mi l l'.lujticly of Stitch. l'erfi clion mi'l Simplicity of MncLinery. I'Ming loin ihrcaU ilircily from Ihe 'pool. No f i'tenine of fcnma by himj unj no wnMO of tlireu'l. Wiile r.mc of application wilhoul clmnfe of niljutlineut. The scam relnina iia beiiuly am! firmneii. after wishing nml ironing. TruiJea iloing nil kinila of work ilntie ly by otlipr Sew iii) M u'liinr", thefo M.icliitu' earriilc the ino'l beautiful nn pcriuuiieni Eiiiliroi.lery nnJ ornuiiieiilul work. BrTlip tlihe! rremiiima nl all Ihe fnir; nnil eiLiliiliuni nf the 1'niio.l Mulct nnl Liirupp, Iihvo been nnnnjeil Ihc lirovrr & linker Scn ing Mucliiin . mi l (ho work by them, hoi ever cxliil'iio'l in coinpctiou. Urf'-Thc rcrv hlgheal prie.TIIE ( KOSS OK I ML I.ICHIN (IK HiiNOK, wiii con I'iTciI on iho repreieiitniivo of Oiovi r ll'iker Sewing machine, nl ihc ciposiiiun 1'niveriielle, I'niln. lhi.7, Ihua nlteating iheir grexl auprriiiriiy over all olliet Saw nf M uli i n c l FoiSmIo by SAM I'LL FAl'ST. Scliiin. grove, I'n. April ''.'. Forney's Press. TIIK .T:KAT KAIMI AL NKWSr.il'KK ! (AY tin' Jl s( uinl (linifiitl AVfxiyirr (he C'ii:nliy. TIIE PllESS J n I rai-eliMi ilniihlc plieil eight pape paper, couiiiiiiliig IS cnluiuiia, publi.-be-l wiry morning, jncept Sumliiya.) "TERMS: liAILY IT.LSS h.UO per annum; Si.K' for ix in. mi In ; Ifl.iiO for three month. TIU-vY CI'KI.Y l'lil.S.$4.00 per an iiiiin ; fini lor nit months; f l.UU for three mouth. Tllli ULKKLY I-HU-SS. Thom.ai valu able Weekly Newapnper in ihe WurM. Il conluiua ileina ol iuterel In all. HEAD THE TEIlMd . On cof y ona yenr $ 2 Five enpiea U 1 eu copie, nn J ono copy lo (he geKer up of club, Tweniy enpiea. nml one copy to lb gelter-up of club Fitly copies, ami ouo copy lo Iho gvller up of club Ten copies, lo one ahlrtt, ami on copy lo 'ho getter up ol the club Twenty copiea, to one mllrrai, ami vdo copy lo Ihv gulcr uof Ihe club Filly copic, (o out U'ldrrn, ami ouo Copy In Iho gi'lter up of Ihe club One hunilrvil ci.ic. to unt aiJr'it, hu l K. 27 II 60 one copy of I he Tri weekly Frees lo in gvller up or ttie cli.ii ICO .l.i vrdtrj iouil bt ai'lrtiel la JOHN W. FOUNEY', lMiior anl I'roprieiur, S W.cor. 7ih nnJ Chenlnut Si., I'Lil.i. l':i F.-tilol I'liAbl.KS HldllKS, reecisod. 1KTTEUS TLSTAMENTAHY upon the J ealiue of Cluulea llti;:hm, dea d., lule of Ihe luwni-hip of I'enni. Snyder C'ouiiiy, I'n. .having been grnnicd lo the undersigned all perxina indeblcd lo Ihe anid ckIiiio nre rc'l'"""c'' 10 n"ll payii.vul, and lhoe bar ing uemnmia agnnipt the muio lo present Ihcui without delay lo JOHN K. IM tillFS, 1 .. S I l.l.l AM HfiillLS. '-"eu'oM. Mirch tH, 1870. BOOK A (IE NTS WANTED KOIl STKIUULES it Tllll'Ml'lia OF P. T. DAKNUI W mten by Himself. In one large Octavo Volume nearly htiO I'ngea I'rinled in Knglixb and (Jermno. 3d Elegant Full page Engraving. It tmbraece Forty Year Itecolleciion of hi luy Life, aa a Mer elinui, Manager, Hunker, Lecturer, and showman. No book publiahed io aceepln ble lo all ctarapi. Evuy ono wiula II. Agenla average from 60 lo 1 00 aubsoribpr a week. W offer extra Imliiceinenla. III uslruied Caliilogu nnd term lo Agent ent free. J. II. II I'll II & ro., 1'ubliabcra, Hartford, Conn 'HE DAY Ii published erery morning (except 8uu- iayi, at in oflic. N. W. corner Sixth and Che.tnul atieel, rbiludelpbia. Trio Ono Cont per Copy. Served by lb carrier in any purl of the oily, and in Ih adjacent cities and lowus. for MX CENTS I'iill WFEK, payab' lo the earrlera. 1'rlce for mailing. THIBTY'-FIVE CENTS per mouth, tf i'ulK DOLLAlld per au "urn. H ASH. GUASELLO. WATCH it- CLOCK Ik 4 A I r..Loi a Ltt i n..t i. i avi WiVUIfUUr IN, J AViNO loentod in Ibn l(ic I would mutcinlly Inform iba uiliiena ol iiiddlebu-g and riolnity Ihat I am prepared lo repair rU)CKd AND WATLUES ebD A A?II1N0T0N HOUSE. MiihlUbufj, Sityler Couny, Pa. DAN'L DOLKNDKn, I'ropriclor, lcron Hopping at Ihii lloua will And excellent accommodation, for .'Inn and He. 7-4lUtf. j y. uriiKHAUT, Fclinryrove, Snydir Co., Penna Keep constantly on hand a Inrgs nnd well ma I aortmrnt of Tin, Sheet-Iron ware. Stove. Ac, ke. Ho I Agent for the following named article. " TIIK MOKMXa GLORY." LiltlcActd'i I'atcnt Iirproved tins Earning COAL. STOVE. In llils pl'lrrn of Till Monxixo Oloit, aevernl new and iniportnnt feature have l.een embodied, w hich can only be teen lo be admired. This new alov la made en tirely if cnal iron.ro nit el a lo be air light, but rnn bo mndo wilb aheel-iron upper neeiion when preferred by (he purchaser. It ornamental flnlli in drnpery, making it bandiome piece of furniture, far more ao thnn nny atovc heretofore mnde. Its in ternal centructlon, though mumbling noma of Ihc former patterns of The Morning (Jlory l itiil ditleretil, making it more durable, ami far I ess dillicult to be repaired. The caaling are of the highest order, fully equaling lbs finest cabling made in ihi country. Among Ihc many AtivAXTAGE tn the use of Iho Morning Ulury nre the following: I, Continuous Hurtling. 2, Quality ot the (lent. il. Ventilation through Ihe stove. I. Anll-liut Stove. 6, No fcxenpe of Has. i, Economy of Fuel. "TIM: HA It LEY SIIKAIV Aiili-Txixl Air-Tiyhi Cuo!nj Sov, with l'.xtnlel Firr-Ilux for Wontl or Coal. Talented May Mth, 1S;5. We Inke pleasure In, offering our custo mer and ihe Slove Trade, a New flrst-Cla Flnt-lop, and would call particular alttntian to if many attnietirt unit tluobli imjinirr i.unt. This Flovc has been carefully toled for several months, nnd the results nave proved to highly ratisfaclory, that cveral of our oldest and most experience I stove dealers predict for il a sale far beyond our ability 10 supply Ibis season. Mpfiny front jirt-Joori, giving full mo of tlio lie in Ii. .in a l'titmnnl ilijrin the orrn, o arranged a lo give more room in Ihc upper part of the oven; n great convenience much needed The "I'm is nearly as u nlr ut the top a nil he heart Ii line, which not only increases the pio. bill will be reC'giiied as grtJl itiiiuntojt m ouAnw. DUTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. The brsl, cheapest, nml most popular Washing Machine ever invented. It Is eusy too crate, silling orsluuding; takes but liltlerooin; injures nngnrmenl ; finishes il work from in two lo four Min utes; is durable nnd convenient ; nnd the only Washing M uohine kuow n I hut it liked the bolter the luugcr it i used. THE IXIVKRSAL CLOTHES WIMMiEll. The '(UlE.i T fAMII. Y IXOXOMIZF.It. The terms of our I'a'ent cull our Maobinc a " ringer."' Years of experience piove 11 also lo be A Must kxi'Kllkm W.sntn. When wc reduce every inventum for wash iiigrliithes lo a principle tbey all amount lo that of pressing nml S'iiceiiiii;, and forcing Ihe water through Ihem, Ihu re moving the dirt. Most Washing Machines do il by rubbing. The Universal Wringer oes il by pressing. MUSIC STOKE IN SELINStiROVE. Ql'lCK SALES AM) SMALL PROFITS! WcaresliUIn Sciinsgrove nnd prepared (o furuish O rraiis Melodeons Accorilcons. Violins Vc., tVe. And nil kinds of Musical Instrument C 11 KM' Eli THAN EVE II I We warrant nil our Instruments for Are yenr. 1'ianos, Organ, Mclodeona and Acoordeons correctly tuned and repaired. Store onen everw WKllVI'XIi V V .-.I SATIHKAY, Inslriiclinn given nn the l inno, AielO'leon, lolia and Accordcou, at rensonabl rate, (iive us a cull. Wc guarantee anlUfao- lion. HALEM Jit STEININUEH. Nnvember 17, lMiHif jEYSTONE HOTEL. 8rUi"jrovi; Snytfrr County, ia. THE nnderstpnril beg leav lo inform lb HUblio Hint Ibev have tiurehnae.l n,l will keep, in good style, the abuv well- uown ami popular House. TIli:iU 15 A K will alwava be slocked with ih ht ohoieest liquor that enn be procured io mo i niinneiiinin nm iinrrlahurg mnrkell. j iii;ik taiuj: VM1I alwav bfi aunnlied with iVim delicacies and most substantial loud thai the market will afford. Til HI It STAHFA? Will always be attended by careful and trustworthy hostler who will jualioe iooo io any nore cniruaien to llieir cr. Exif lluvinc larse. sirv and well I'nrni.l,. ed rooms, good servants, wilb Ihe untiring etiuil of lbs iironeieiors lo nl,mM ii.;. guests, chey bop lo meet wilb a large share oi I'lKuio piiiruiittge mnylt)-U7,lf .It. 1). & J. F. WALTER. JOHN LA UI) E N S LA G E It, BUGGY MAKER, HEI.INSaROVE, SNYDEU CO., FA. Having purchased (be well known stand in Sellnsrive, formerly owned bv Philip Ulecker, I am prepared lo accommodate all who may desire anything in my lino, and warrant satisfaction iu all case. 1 keep oouttunily on baud, and am prepared lo utRuuiaciur fc iu snoriesi nouoc, UUtjUltS, SULKIES, SLEIGHS. Ac. Heiug txperieucd In tb business, I flat ter myself that I aoi fully prepared lo mecl the want of my custodier. Tb baud employed art among the bed raeouanlc iu lb oounly, and their work will Dot fail to give universal lallsfaotlou. ajrKpial attention paid to repairing in all ila brauub(.nM W GRATD1LL A Co., WnotttAti PxAiraa m WOOD AWD WILLOW WARE Oil Cloth, Window fibad, llro-vm, Mala, Hrushe Cotlon Lap, Ornin Hag, Fly Net. Bucket, Twine, Wick, Ao. No 845 North Third Slreed, Philadelphia. Feb. 7. '07 BBROR3 OF tOUTTX. A OF.NTLF.MAN who auffered for year from Nervnua Dibilily. Premature Decay, and all Ihe effect of youthful indiacrelinn will, for Ihu sak of stttTcrlng humanity, send free to all who nee I it, Ih receipt and direction for making Hi eimplt remedy by which be wa cured. 8 offer era wishing to profit by Ih advertiser' experience, can do to by addressing. In pefect confidence. JOHN II. OtJDEN , No. 12 Cedar ttreet, N'w York JKWISIJURO The subscriber, thankful for Ihe liberal patronage bestowed on hi establishment al Laurellon.. beg leave lo Inform his friend nnd Ihe pupllo generally, that be has had hi mill at Lewisbtirg fitted up in the best possible manner, with the Latrtl lmprovftl Machinery made in Ihe country, anl wilh Ihe advan tage of Steam Power, which can be relied on nt nil litre. He feels safe in aaying Ihnl bis establishment ii not lurpassed by any in ihe Stale, Having engaged esd of good Workmen he is now prepared for muuufaoluiing all kind of WOOLEN GOODS Hill AS CLOTHS. CASS1MEUF... 8ATINF.TT.3, TWEEDS, JEANS, FLANNELS, XILANKETS.CAK I'ETS, YAH.NS, io. n the list manner ani at reJuetil prieet. An excellent assortment of (1 io,ls at all time on hand, for rnln or exchange for Wool. ROLL CAHDINO don ou short notice. JrjyTEHM.S CAPII.-ttn MARK HALFPENNY. Le it burg, Union Co., V., Deo. 4,;Sy fm.i. axd ii.vr;; J.istts: MRS. M. A. LIM IT. linJtit nrrivrd frorj Pari and London w ilh the 1 1 lest designs personally selccied from ihe the greatest novelties; also ihe moi elc iranl Trtming lo be o secured in Paris Lace i'ibbon, Velvets, Bridal Veils, Flowers, Kino Jew elery, and Trimrd Pnper Patterns, Dres and Cloak Making I'xcltieive ajrent for Mrs. M. Work's oelcliratcd system for culling liulicj' dresses, ac(iic, basque, 4c. N. W. corner of Eleventh and rhestnut SI., Philadelphia. 7,i)2m0 J. COOKE WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOCKS' 1 1!) North 3d Street. Tliln lelphin. Aug KSii'.ly V-ijilll Isilli'usliitkW 10.ME THIS WAY I 'R EAT DAHflAINS. IV NEW GOOJ S AT THE CHEAP STORE OF w. i : liiii it r, bLLINSci HOY E I'a. Would rcfpemfully announce lo the people of Snyder County 'bit be bas just received from Ihe eastern markets and has for sale a largo and well selected slock i f Now Hoods, which be offers al astonish ingly low prljci. Ilia slock embraces t li very brrt FALL end WINTER GOODS He lias Cloih Cassimers, Pc Skim Jean Satinet Alpnccns, Lustre Detain Poplin Prints, Muslin Drilling Shawl 'Cambric Calicoc. French Mirinoen, EmjlUh Merxnocs READY MADE CLOTIIiNQ fail kinds. HAHDWARK, (jUr.ENSWARE, HATS and CAPS, HOOTS ft SHOES. GROCERIES CARPETINU, WALL PAPER, SIIOK HVDINGS, Give me a call. No charge made for inspecting (Jooili. Country produce ta ken in exchange for goods. May 21, ISUH )y A WORD TO CONSUMPTIVES. lleinff a short and rtraelfesl trnit nn Ibe nature causes, and symptom of I'ul- nimry onaiimpiton, llroooUl Ila, and A ihtim ; and their prevention, treatment and cure by iuhnlnlinn. Sent by Dial Free. Addres Q. N AN HUMMEL, Y V., 10 Wel Fouriceiuh St., N. V, 12t QIIARLES U. MILLER, 1KCIIITKCT fOMUACIOR I DIILDF.H Waloul, Street, Selinsgrove, P. I at all lime prepared lo fumlnh Draft. Clan and Speoilioaliou for all kinds of building, at Ih lowest possible rate and on ahort nolle. Ha la also prepared to eonlract for putting up buildins either by furnishing all the material or olherwit. May U, '(. i ly JJEAVERTOWN STOVE STORE AND Tinware Manufactory, J.P. SHIRK Would rspeelfullyiiiform Ih oiiixen of bnydur eouuly that b keep ooustuutly on hand large auorloienl of Oi'FlCK, . PARLOR, ami COOKING 8T0VE3 Of lb luteal style and moat imuiovtd patorm, among which ar th olebrated bmpir On Burner, lb Susquehanna Cook, ale,, which be 1 srllii g at prie 'bal dafy competition. IU also manufao lure and keep on bind a general assort ment of 8iov Trlmt.logs, Tinware &o. J II. WALTER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE, 231 K. 3d Slrrrt, brlwfrn ttare t Vino 7,24y PHILADECPHI.Y. Waller llnrtiiinn r.At.F.n in DRY &OODS, GROCERIES. Hardware, QcF.ENSWARr., Cedarware ' &o. Sit. Ac. ifc. Ao ri:.TRi:vii.i.i: im. toTuTbo II IC II EST market PRCES paid for all kink of Country l'riJuc nad DRIED Flllir. IAUGE ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT J. W. DUEESE S STORE, N. W. Corner Market Square, Middlcburg. The stock embrace in part Dress dootlsi, Black Silks, All-wool Po Laine, Coin rjr, Mi'riium, Poplins, Roppa, Sit., Sit. Muslins, Pont'lo-wiilih Slioctina, drilling". TaMe J)inper, Osjnaburg, Eitrit Tkkinjri, Chec ks, Shirt ingj, Ginifhutna, Jaconet, u full uoriiucnt of Calicos, riiintu'K Heavy (willed, Shirting, lllaukcls, UaliiKiruN, Hosiery, GKivo. Sic, ke. CLOTHS AND CAssi MERES Inr.tin nod Linon Carpets. W'mlon, Linen & cotton Carpet Chain. .';.! D V MA 1E CLO T1I1XC. Floor, TuMe mil Stair Oil Cloths. Slats and Caps, 1500TS AND SHOES. ILirlwaro, (uoriixwure, Cliina wore, Oto'iMware, Wood ami Willow ware, Cutlery, Oil Window SliunV, Looking GIushcs &e., Ac, Kt. TOBACCO AND CIGAPS. SALT &. FISHI Tb highest market prico paid for all kind of country prodnco and dried frui'e. Confident of rendering perfect satisfac tion both in regard lo price uinl quality of goid. I respectfully invito all lo glv me n call bcfi.ro purchasing elsewhere., J. W. DUELS E. iddlet nip, January 7, lSb'.iy r m u MIMAS. u r KKnsTKrrxa UNION HOUSE. UAKMVN & KAIISTUTTER, Proprietor; MU'DLEIU ltG.Soyder Co., Pu. 71io proprietors' respectfully announce tn thi'ir I'rieii Is and the public generally that l hey have rented Ihe Fryer tavern slnnd, which lias been refilled nnd replen ished in style, nml is a desirable place for stranger und others to slop. Their table is nl nil lime spread wi:li the luxuries nnJ siihsinniiHls nf Iho reason. Their chambers are large lo promote Ihc Comfort of Iheir guests. Their bar is supplied wilh choice liquors. No pains spared by iho proprietor to render entire satisfac tion to all who favor Ihem with their patronage. 7 It T TTENTION t -. Hut Hurrah forth new good just t( cciveu ny .loliii Iliiffsnsui At Ilummels' old Slnnd, (Iwo tulles nbjt Selltiserove) which was solecled wil grenl euro, nud will be sold at low ricei II Incluile, NOTIONS, DRY C.OOD3. GROCERIES, HARDWARE. UCKENSWARE T()0l nnd VIII.i.OU wAIir., Still, Plaster, Mils, Coal, Nulla, QlotMllg T respectfully Invite ihe public lo come and examine uiy good before, buying elsewhere, believing it to be lo jour in teres!. I also pay Ibe bigbenl price for all kinds of (HAii, si:i;s), nnd all kind of Country Produce. I am also well provide wilb stabling for teams itipp r lireanrnsl nnu Long ing, for people who come from a dis. Is nee. 1 always accommodate- my eu lomer ,0 lb best of my ability. JOHN HOFFMAN. - October 10th '07i"t OUIM.Ull) "EUREKA" biiioMni: Toliiiii'O Isnnexcell ent article of grnnula ted Vilgi nia i wherever imroduecd It ia universally admired. It I put up in bnndsom ciui lin bag, in which order for Meerschaum Pipe ar daily packed. LoniM.ARIi'H I olawed by all VllCllt Clllb ..710, FmoklnK Tobnrt o all i il i made of lb choicest leaf grown t ii I anti ner- vou In it effect, a tb Nloolln bas hern exiractsd I it leave no disagreeable taste aner amokingi ll la very mild, light in eolor and weight, hence nn pound will laatt long a 0 of ordinary tobaeco. In Ihi brund we also pack order vry day for first quality Meerschaum pipes. Try it and onnvinna yourselves it I all It claim to bo, "THE FINEST OP ALL." LORILLARD'8 I Tbl brand of Fin wuii i uiti i co una no nual or Chrwlllit TobSffO. aurerior anywhere It i wiiuoui uoudi ma tied chewing baoco in the country. to T.ORTI.I.AR 1V8 I hss sw K... Ibe IOX1 UA'X'UI Unilad StalM aver I10yras, and (till acknowledged lb beat " wherevet used. If your ttorkeper doe not bav the article f r ale,ak him lo get theta ibey ara aold bv reDotbl lobhara ilnui AVer's .Has VwlWisJa. sVJi For restoring Cray Hair tr its natural Vitality end Cclcr A tlreshiux Iu ,,l m.... ,. a-...,,. 1 .1 TtA")vvX lieitliliy. uinl t l'i'.u l in tor Jin-mitt;; Ii. liulr, J'tiiivtl or ijm hi if f tton nstvrt to its oriyiunl toU With the glv e: f..m .. it -?W-ftT-- Tl.in Imir U ll.i.k cnod, fulling Itair t ltei-keil, niitl, Imlil nci nficn, f liorijfli tint ninny, ruivi Ly its use. Nothing un tesUiio I In Imir wltcro llio follielca inc ilestroytil or tlic plnndi ntrortliivil ntnl iVrnyei! ISiil aiieli r. roitmiii enn Lo stord lot tisefnliii'sa by litis npp'iientinn. Inlei;i of foulini; llio Imir with n nsty seili nietit. it will koep it t lmii nml tni-ou-IH ot-e;iiie,i:i tsc will t(M ut llio Lull from turning y;r:iy or fnlliti nil', iim eoiicr'ii,ti!ly ptovont luslilu-.--'. front tlioo ilele'orioin M,litnii-e lllllko some HVi;irMlio!H i'iii-.-kkis un :iiiiirio;n tn lie) Itair, tlm i:;nr ni. mty lieoeill lint lint lianil il. Il Uniili i ii'-iv'y tor il hair nnr:ssiNG, Mot I J tr t; oI-ic run Lo found to ?--- j-n I . T- 'uiiiai'iin J Hi-it In r tiil lior " . ii '' tint sod vvliito i in,, Li !-, i.:: I J i t la-i loin oti tin Imir, in il n i ll Ii .loss; lusiro ii ml it jritU'liil .ei ,'iuiiL', Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aye- 61 Co., Practical asu An.i.vt;cai. Ciii.iii-h, i.ovi:lt., rt.vss. Tpmck tl.OO. n . ' Z-Jl.tr jr. s . Irrrir "1ALL AT Fockler's Saloon, (Opposite Ph'.nJel & Wagenacllcr'i drug store) IN S ELI NSC! ROVE, If you want a gits of good IIKA I)l.(ii A Fi I I OR A Plate of Ice Cream! OR prepared In any way I bat can ba desired, OR A Plate of Fresh Tripe, OR SARDINES i SCHWEITZER. LIMBl'RGER OR SALL CHEESE, OR ANY THING I'SUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS RE8TAUBANT. JOT Other Falcon supplied with Al and O...I... ur L t , p bvihrii pric.vv-m mm CIIOCII Si BROTHER, Would reireeffuily annonnc to (h peopU of Snyder County and Ihcpnblio; g nerany, that they have Jtiat ecnredi and will constantly keen on banJ and for sale, a very extensive assorluittil of . in Iheir Commodious New tt th Dank, Sellnsgrove Pa. THEY WILL SELL AT RE Dt'CED I'RICESI Their extensive slock ennit r,f . .i selecled asortnist.t of KALI. wtVTk-it OOODS. The hav CLOTHS, emsi. M KRS. rlaln and rn R. i Tweeds, Muslin. Drilling. Flannel. Check, Ac. Abo ah elegant asaipflmcnt of ladies' dress noons i Silks, llonilmzinpn. Alpnra, Mark nnu lanr-Y ifiain. I.nwns, (iinfrlmmo, inrgc vnrii'iy or line V liito Oootluj LADIES' KASAIOV nil P roitii Hoop, Skirts ShowU. Sit.. Ac. " ' HI. A I) Y MADE CL( )TH I NO.Coati., TC818, l armi, Mnrtu Ac. A vnrirf v t.f NOTIONS & HOSIERY. tiiinni.inrn anil Pnrp.DrcuraTrini ni men, L'uttons C commPit nnd Fplit, Moraritin nud Lit il . 1 . onciiouu t ooi &c. c. FISU,SAl7fANl)TItON. ST.E:,". STOVES, FORKS, SHOVELS, SPADES, HAKES OLASS, NAILS, l'AIXTS Hardware, (JueenKwnre, filaHswnro, Cedarworif, Willow-wnre Crotke ry, PL AST Ell, WLito Si Iilue. Atfo, a large (iianlilv of different kind of '"Of liUOJSA; .MIUIvS, cfeveiy style, variety and ,uiilily. Also, all kind of CARPETS. HI - Crnrle t.f nil i, ,-...t.. r...... , ibe I'biladclphla nnd New York Markets. ...-7 K.-e,. constantly nn band a large supply of WHITS LEAD AFD PAINTS. CV (IV I lllllilv Pli.l r.i. 4 . . I . rrom Iho innnarnciurea nnd cotise,iiieiillr enn sell ni i . - . 1 . . J ................ ,VIJ ,r,, pnecs. Also all kimh of OILS. WHALE. 15ROWX LrimiUATLVO, " KUIISTITUTK nml I.IVBI.'l.'n OTf for Palnllns. Tn il. l,.,,i. '' r- i i irrj Vl,l Illir- liecular attention ns it is e.inal to Linseed ml for colored aiiiiiuj-, mid costs bill one Uftlr Hip ririPA II f brs price j aid for Country iVi-dtifc nnd All liinc of irniti, lr?7'vo tlifiu a trid l.efcro lto mg t'lsowhoro. KOIIOCH Si r.ROTHER. They nrentio the agents fnrGEISER"! PA1ENI' FLY HElil l.ATINtl (JIUIN KIP All AK 111 PI I' A VI.-II 1 Vli ri ii'iien Tuelaicul Improved nnd most celelirnlcd Iu Ihe world. Jiisl iho Machine Farmer hnvo been spiking nlier for venrs. It will thrush from .') lo II) Hushcls per hour, cli-o lied reti ' for rket. They will so these m lilur upon iluii LieritsWiur.ined a rri'rcvenlei(. April 18, 'C7 ly i. t. stiiNiin,, m. p. run.tr swincihsu lEAUTHIS. IlllltlO AND 8u Inctoi a. TlRVdOIflTS AND CliF-VIsTS, Offer for sale Wnni rsM K axii ltiTAtl., DRl'OS, MEDICINES, PAINTS nnd CHEMICALS, Embracing Pl'REZINX' PAINT Orecn, Blue, Yellow. Rod and lUxck I'aint ground in Linseed Oil, ponnr Varnish Spirits Turpentine, Copal. Coach and Whlta DRYING JAPAN, KNOTTINO. nliulow tlnss, rutty, Tine Oil Alcchol. Stahcii, lsniao, VinniLLto!!, Paiht and VARNISH RRL'SHES, ilaU and Ftmalt Trut tei ani Snpforkr ) tluli Concentrated Lye, l int Sponge, sriCES.CORN STARCH & lllRD SEED rhwer and Carden Seeds, To w hich lha attention of dealers Is called, as w will sell at Ihe very lowcat Cash Prices in ipiiuuilies to suit puicbn sers. Woalo kojp on hand and offer for sale Wholesale nnd Retail, all Ibe lead ing Patent Medicines. Also, NOTIONS, CON Fl'CTlON FRIES. ToHACI Ofc BEQARS. Middleburg.Snydor Co. Pa. March 51, W1. rOILADA. tt READING R. H. Through Routo lo :bc Suiijuolanna ! rpiIE Phamoktn Alrevorton Railroad JL being eoiupleled, a Ibroi'gh ronlo opened bolweon llermiun (nn Iho Susque hanna. River) and Philadelpliti. Troiu will run as follows t EASTWARD. No. 1 Tasseng, leave Trtvorfon S P a ui.; Shamokin Mill in,; arlves at Phil adclpbia all UUp m. No. 8 Pasaonger leaves Horndnn at 9 3 1 . I rn.t Trevormn 10 07 a ui,; HhamokU C t,r a m,i arrive at Pbila at 6 45 p m. No. & mixed, loaves ilerodon at U 4:) Trevorlon IU ro,; Shstrokin Vi 87 p m. arrives nt Pottsville at 6 16 p in. WESTWARD. No, 2, Tnssengcr. Leaves PhllaJolpblit 8 15 a m Shamokin 4 'JO p m ; Trevorlon 4 80 p in arrives at llorudon at 6 25 p ni. No. 8, mixed, Leaves Ashland at 7 H' mi Shaniukin 0 80 ami arrive at Trt vorion 10 J7 m t llerudou U 'Jl p ni. No. 10, mixed, Leave Ashland at 8 00. p mi Shamokin 4 61 p nt arrives at, Trevorlon at 6 80 p nt. Passenger train No. 1 and 3 make, eonncotlon tt Roading for AUentown.Nuv York, Lebanon, lUrriiburg, Columbia and Lanoasfer. passsengers arriving In Shamokin vbv N C K W, about 10 in, can sunned with No 8 Psasangar, ai 10 65 a m, for 1'blla. dtlphia and inlrmdinla point. Tbos arriving on Ih N C U W Paaseoger train. s at 13 10 noon, ean coanoot wiib No. i, mthUtH ! ii,inoklnsJ. I 2 ST far As