THE TOST. H'PtlLtBtRO AtMt'st 4 lTn ' " . PHY HUH COINTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. rusunraa, JOHN II. IWc.KKtt, or srserar. SsssTon, AMTIlo.NV C. PI Ml'SON, i'f eKi.tsaiiniiva. Aewttf r( WILLIAM IIAl'.OlSfl, r raakv. "i lAT .irnK tfi.NJ.IMI.N I.. II A I IIKSr.t Pff, hp nastiS. - rgiiTlfirTAr, Jl.liKMIAII KiM SF, ur viniM m nil. nr-L.TKn k nmrntii:n, tAMl KI. It. H'lllCK, r miiiihum no. PITIIIIT ATTonSKV, '.1..VIA Ml .1. I'AlikS, or Miniii.kuriiii. I'IiTki '"kTs NK V, i.r niAMH. i or sty rt vrrnn A A ICS h. HIM', or MHMit.iii'iiit. Jl flT roy MlAtnrn, 11 K.N l V lIUOWX, or W.lMIISllTv, ArinTon. f Al.VlN I.. IISIIKI!. we vassn. Mi-fltiie of llir Itcimlillcnn Slniidlit;' llinilllllH'C 01 Ml) HIT 10IIII1), I lie members o tlio Mantling Com- petitersss a "do.' .Mr. Haitian ro Tnittoo of the Ilepnhlirnn 1'urty of tirJ in lorrct heulth on Thursday Snyiler County nre hereby rerpH'stetl '"ih , and tho murder was not discov-to-riieet nt the Court House in liil-'rcd until six o'olock next morning, tllebut'i;, sn Pnt'irduy, Aiuust I'th. IbrjTho most rciuftrkublo feature of lie tlie"jiui-poo nt or.'uiiizin nnd making traJ.ipv is that, though two sons of (irrntigi'ineiits for the coming cam-Mr- Xstliitii, with Ills hourcUcedor IviiL'n. full t u r n-oiit is reiiioHted. M he lolluwini' is n list of tl.o ineu:- ln'i-s : flrsrfr-rrtor l!f ll, llmrv SI, Vrc.. Wl llMvcr II. K. Kli'', A. A. HmhiIk, Snlr Snliimnn Ikmurn, I'rlnh Vrlr.-V. 'luiiii.ui llmry M. Krwil, .1. M . II llinan. rmnkllii .!.' Scl h. Hmry lli-nlnr. Jit' ko.n llnrrlnn HruiiM, V . ). Wnirrnr. MtiMli'litim-.l. V. Millltl-I, l":mlrl Il..rn-lnr. MI..iM-rr-k A. Murhnruer. Siinrl II. Yuler. loiiri J-iiiii Vniinir. .liroh Itmi-i. I'rmn l.fl Hun, ilr'.riia .1. N. luvli. IVrry lr. II. M. Moflf, N.ol-n nrnoltn. Weil Ivrry Aiiiitin Sliturllin II y. Hurmws. Nellnnr"e -lnrk- II. Millrr. A. 7.. Si luicU. 1'nlim .lnhn .1. KpIIv. II .1 llorrodl. Vh,il.Ktuu-ll. II. ilrliiiiii, i II. .M. itr. J .NO. Y. MMMiKl', l.'lmlitimn, J'ru. Tem. Tut UK v- ill he n meeting of tho Kv Tuxes Hcpi'iilcd. f niililicivn Sttito CeDlrol eoinmittec at Tho new tax bill provides that from .Mtonn, I'a., on tho l'ith day of August nnd after the first of October n-ixt, all lit 'l o'clock M. We '.rust that every: taxes imposed upon carriages, ttattdi. inembrr wiil he present. A Sinlo ;es, piano-lortes, ya'.ehes, billiard ta r.:nipkiL'n, wiih tho I'rcsiduotiul issues! hies, and gold and silver rlnto shall to fXL'iio general activity, should be the signal for work. The I'iilsman Iiuur.s. French .Journals say that the Prussians h-ive IlOO.t'O) men nl Trvcs. llMl.tiO ) in the J. lack Forest, UH.ODU near Mavoocejed upon all kinds of dealers, 1W,i)U in dclilcswig, and 80.1KI0 DcuriCmim, luwycrs, brokers, claim agents, .lScrlia, Tbe Irinnglo between Treves, 'Vc , will be discontinued, yxcept lint Moyeneo, and tho river I.autcr, is well ! po:l by distillers, brewers, cigar nnJ lillcd with foldiers. j tobacco manufacturers. The tax on Tmmmmm mmma I sales also censes nfter the first of Oc- 'f nr. war news from Furepo is slill . tobcr, except that paid by stamps exciting, but as yet no general on-J( broker's tax.) together with the frscemcnt has tiken place betworn stamp duties on prnmissory notes for tho two great armies. Preparations j lea smcnu.t than ? 100, such notes now for a creat battlo nro being carried on , requiring a five-cent clamp. Tho two with great activity, and tho news of a 0;nt siamp upon receipts for money bloody coiillict may bo expected al's abolished from Ootober 1, and the noy moment. France is brinziu s ;C uno laZ of 2 p ir c uit on all over every available man to tho front, while tho I'rus-ini nnny is to be rui". el ton million and a quarter of men. Mr. II i i.i. llr.-NoMi.sATr.i). We nre pleaded with tho action of tho lie publienn ('mi venlion of Lycoming Co., in renaminntin Theoihuc Hid, F-q . for Itepreseiiiutive. Mr, Hill's course in tho Legislature last wiDter was highly satisfactory to tho Hepubli esns of this district and his re-nomio. , otion will be hailed with delight by ; nil lair-mined mm who nre interested i in having honest KeprcHuiutivt at I lIorriburg. J Thanks to Col. Fi.iiNtr, proprio;"0' ' DlL'l ,tra"?0 10 n controversy, torof tint excellent paper 7V Vs i wl,it"b (bugh it may severely r.f for a military man of the theatre of ,ctt 0UI' o'"'0Ms) common-senso tells war in Furore. Tho man was nre-," narcd with erejt enre and a gentVman who fn m h;s experience is well quslilied lo iiidu-o of tho wao'sl of the public in this respect. Thel1""' "" "lV ""x "U""1' "P 1,1 prcsfotation of this valuable map t0 controversy that woulJ involve us in all iho KiiUeribers of iho i'r is suL-, ,nJlt' ''oubos, nnd in which we Hantial evidence of the cuterprise und .coul'1 'n:"0'1" position from tbe libcralityol tbe publisher of that paper. ,,n,l'l fact t,,al ' a 0 't a con Tin; Lycoming County Itenuh'.icao , . . 1 .. Convention met in the Coiirt-lloune at VS illiamsp'ire list Wedneslay, and 1 oominatod the following ticket: Congress Hon1 W. II. Armstrong, i Senator Hon. Henry Juhosou. Assembly Thecdore Hill. Coinmissioncr Uiehard Callahan. Jury Commiioncr Jijoter Coin by. Auditor Tbfimas Llovd. The Muury Luminary siv the best feeling and utmost hsrnmny vailed throughout the Convention, and that the gentlemen corDpoMOi; the ticki t uro all cxeelleiit mn. .euerul Howard. I When Fernaodo Wood lat wlnn i abused mo privileges o Iho House upon a ccrtoio oceasior, by imrx aeh- i u mor ,ir ioteutiti or being lib ibk the oflicisl Integrity of General .ml t.. il... i.,n..n. .r i- H.i Uliver O. Hosrard, preferruiij agaio.l him a aeries of incredible eharges of; corruption and niatfonsaoco I.. n. . I u vim , as chief er the Freed men's Itureau, ike I'einocrnie press, true to i's tr4in- log, n ot wed its bitter attacks upon the gailaol aifl faithful officer, sod did its best to At Mm down from the enviablo pokitkon be has so Ion occupied io tho hearts of the Ameri can people an J bury him in disgraceful oblivion. Tbe opportunity of revenge upon ons wbohasdooo o much to prevent the aecompliahwoDl of th-ir designs, wbe baa rendered such cnii iiaiil service in tbe cnute of freedom. ad Hbinte slforu for the colighi. Rieot of the colored peoplo ttt the . fvjutb bare lea so greatly euCvceaful a Vjo valiub'ss Io let pass uoitn peeved. Tne amiile ar poibuui to iavea qu.l'iojr (ho Chnrral Of all the Chlrijos infill) ajtninst him. It U to b rrsrrtcd thnt (lie Com mil too no KJucttion nnd L'tbor were not nblo to present their report in season Tor it to linto boco acted on lie fore tlio cl of the session. Xdver1 iIicIcm, (Soncral Howard ttnnU nc quitej before tho Country, his fair name nml reputation untarnished by the trying ordpal through which lie Ins linen eitllrM to pass. II in conduct ns 1'otnmNsioncr of iho Prrodmen's Murriui hs been most scarcliingly io vcstlult'd, nnd he is declared to have been ' a ilevnUd. ImiifHt, and faithful public scivutit, who has perfurmod tho vtrcnt truHt ronfldi'd to him wisely, dirin'crnhilli, er-ononiicnlly, nnd most successfully." The formal endorse ment ly the Hmiso of what its invei tigatiim committee sav is only a Mat ter of time. Oliver 0 Howard stimls tiefuro Iho world to-day as one of America's ablest, noblest, nnd truest fe-ldicr-Mnrcsinrn and heroes. Murder In Mew York. IVnjamla Nathcn, brother-in law of Judfie (Juniors, wm murdered nt his residence in New York, on Tliur Jiy night of foot week. Tho viotim w:n a ceiitleimn of very laro wealth, and liiL'li social position. Ho position. lie was 1'onnd lying dead in his bed-room, in Ins reruletiee, nt o. lo Y est Twenty i pose or tho entire liallio fleer, third street, near Fifth Avenue. Hi The teuiptation to inflict so serious head was beaten in with fivo terrible Ian injury on her natural enemy will blows, the instrument of murder bcimt'not bo lost on Knuland, provideJolie a heavy iron bar, known by ship-car- ' her son slept in tho houso, they heard DO tiniisu:il noiso durinir the ! ni'lif Mr. Nathen's watch nnd jew. jelry was nrsaing and li i.4 safe was hrolen open. Tho theory of tho mur 'der is that tho sssns'in was concealed in the house, nnd Utter killing on I robbing the old gentleman, ijuietly , ma do his way into tho street. The e xOitcmcnt over tho affair has been io tense. Tho Stock Kichani;e, of .which Mr. Nathan was a m'-mber, of- fcis $tO,000 reward for the nncst and conviction of tho murderer. cease, toget tier with the taxes upon boats, hnrgrs, flu U. legacies, and sue. cesdons, passports, nnd gross receipts of railroad, insurance and other com panies After tho first of May. 1S7I, i the special or lisonco tax now iinnoj- physi '-jOO'J shad bo collcctid only during the years 1870 and li'l. Tbo li tax duo May 1, has already been paid in advance for the present ye:ir, henco persons will not bo colled upon sjiaiu for that. The I ntleil (itle nnd the Kin o pea it iur. It Is asked by many persons what ' will he the policy of the Uoi'nd f'a'es 10 relation to the coming hurt poan '''ffi ultie, tho end of whicii none, can furCsi'C. i o tins wo mny rejoin w hat other policy can tho l uited Statos itirsuj than that of complete neutrality and weslioulJ avoid medJIiug 7 " not ,lkcy '' . 1'0 bave proclaimed Monroe iTjctrina which wo. ''?vo Ul!yer J'et " tiotained, will at v....... uvi.uu vii t vii ii n iiyi cr 10 ll.'l18uliaoneM u' t'ongress, lit iia ii nulil l..i-m I to use u nil Id term. Tho war which has j nt ennmonod in Kuropo will be one in which milt, icni of mea w I be arrayed agoius' each otln r, aul hutidruds of iron clad I i;s wi : I bi i ii g their batteries to bear against bostilo towns or 0pjsing ft ecu. Any one of the eroat Iron clads of I' - : e .r r r.vr ) la oi Bumcient mrco to sweep from tl.o ocean our entire floi-t i inod- orn i'iia.hi.1i in lii. li hnve been lft as : j n i'Ij h. .in li li.. uatiou by Gideon Welles A Co. AH w-j cut) do is to send abrool the best we have, aid cuJeovor to pro- .... .1.. u'lr ,ru,u nwuso uy rfllia Itrntaatita n.l raiir.iiunlutiin.. ih- mu n.., i.i !i..erenL iiartiL.. Imva nrnnl ,.i coiitraban l of war. it is to b. I.,.n- ej commander of our suab . ... n inn mil hn iiimi nnna upoo i - -1" loieriore. ItwoulJbea most difficult thing for any one lo prtdiot what wiH be the rult of the pending dilbculties be tweeo France and Prussia which will be tbo K'nr, which tho loner ; bow many other nationalities wiil be invol ved in tbe contest what Status will be wiped out, or what new nationalities wiil be ealablished. A gruat war oannot be undertaken sod bo nutialaioej for aoy great length of liuM in Kurope without causing great ebangea Io tie land, maikt that bave divided Jih Conti. nee I fciuce tbe downfall of tbe first Sit poleon. We bsve already witnessesj lbs ab. sorption of some of tbe leaser States .fcli4i hill aaann.n. nee fut luailuic. JHjnTY TIYZ CL7ilvJ - ful nation If slid is successful io list contest with Franco. It Is ery well for nations to proclaim I heir neutrality, but any porson who has Attentively studied the map of .Northern Kuropo will sea how dim cult it will be for IJelgium, Kollndd, And Denmark to refrain from taking eides with one or tho other nation in a war of any length, or for Franco or 1'russia to arold using tho two formor lor battle grounds, as has hitherto been done. History repeats itself every hail' century, and there Uno reason to suppose that nets which have hero done before will not be committed ngnin. Then it is by no means Improbable that Knland wilt booome iovolve J in tho present war, notwithstanding Iter interest would seem to toll her to keep out of It Sho has Certain concern in lMium, and has already notified t li.i French that sho will oot allow a violation of tho territory of that Kiu& dom Tho peoplo dnd government of Orcat Itritian are at this moment incensed Kniimt tbe French government for tho apparent duplicity in proposing to Prussia a secret treaty for the absorp. tion of l'clgium. Tho Jtritiih navy ii beiti put in a completo stato of preparation, anu mo imiisn Manors foci confident that thy can soon dm- finds that her commerce will not suff er in the struggle. Having a much larger navy than France, Koglaud can have little to fear on t lint score, nnd there is a strong probability 'that in three months from tho time wheu tho fight commences in earnest sho will be involved iu tho difficulties. llussia will probably seizo the op poitunity to repay the French lor tho humiliation eho experienced nt Se bastopol, nnd having dealt her enemy the severest blow sho cuo vir. : help, ing to destroy her navy shi will again commence her npproauh toward Turkey in Furope, which couutry tra Jition trught Kussia will eventu ally be her property. I it tho end the States of Germany will probably be united in a great con federation somewhat similar to our own. Franco will bo confined to her present limits, and will probably for many years bo in a condition that will prevent her becoming aggressive, ond Fngland Will once more bo mistress of i ho seas, a title which tflio c claim whilo the Freoeh havo a navy so evenly matched with her own. These nre Inero speculations, but tho probabilities nro that they will bo fulfilled. In the incnntiuio wo must profit by tho experiuuuo of others, and it will bo lnot fortunate for us if wo cao keep out of ditliculties nnd extend to our nuturalizoJ citizens tho protection we coustnutly promise but are so lit tlo able togivo. Tbo sympathies of a majoiity of America will be with tbo Fatherland. for our Herman population far out numbers tbo French. Tho former camo to this country to fiud a homo, the latter with the hope of finally making money cuough to re. turn and cud their days iu In be'le France. It is difficult to foresee hiw far the sympathies of our adopted German citizens will aflcct I lie polities of this country or the eomph-xioo of Con gress, ir bow the President may be influenced thereby. It depends on tlieso circumstances whether we shall remain nbdutely neutral or not, and nls in id' small degree on tho manner in whieli our commcrco is treated duriug a long war. Hy tho treaty of Paris tho belligcr enlt havo biun I .themselves to rcs pect the property of neutraU carried in cnemio'a vensels or enemies' prop- erty in ncutrul bottoms, but when war commences oil treaties aro at nil end Such n concession as tho above might prove very advantageous 4to France and hurtful to Prussia, or vi?o versa ; and by a little wiso legis lation on the pattof Congress wc might nirnio regain our carrying tnde and invest largely in ships, wo should bo subjected to greut inconvenience if either Power those to disregard a treaty to which wo were not a party. Were we well prepared to protect our rictus, anu Hud we known noy m teuiioo of keeping pneo with foreign - l... L...:i.i: : . powers by building an iron navy, tbe presenco ol our war b pi ubroad tniiflit command respect ; but the p-jiibility is that wo may havo n re petition of tho Kerlin and Milan de crees, orhs Orders in Council, and may yet behold our small remnant of commerce swept from the ocean by iTnoeii cruisers, as it was ol yoro, aud we in no position to prevent it. If in the general melee we do come to grief, the peoplo may thank those .i i i gentleman who maoo incmseivcs ao conspicuous io Congress in opposing appropriations necessary to build uir 111! - I . ' our navy, lue weakness ol our na tional d deuces was laid before them in a manner so plain that no one co'd fail to eoniprebcn 1 it. Vcm, es PoirouKKH'kWK, Julv 27 A des perate atteiniit to rob Mr. Ibowning, teller of I bo First Nationul Hank ol Fisbkill village, was mado at Cold Spring to-day at noen Mr. lirowniog waa ktaiidiug in frontof u store near i no depot waiting tor tbo up train, and had in bis baud a carpet tag con 'aiuing several thousand dollars, col lected for deposit io bis bank, when suddenly a man walkod up to him, and throwiog a handful of rod pepper io bis ryes, seised tbo satchel and ran loto Mr. Muustli'a grounds, near the depot, where Mr. Munscll'e watch man, named Elijah Jones, seized hi in and threw bun lo tho ground and re captured IhssatcboL Tbe lltief Iheu drew a revolver and fired three shots at lbs watchman, one of which took effect io tbe latter' abdomen, mor tally wouadiag hint. Tbe citizens at once seize, the th.if an 1 handed bin ever to tbe sheriff, who took bin to ICftrmcl till 'I lia th r inwmm liU J. .--?Ln"!,nA'v,,' name Sentence of O'Neill nnd Otuer Fenian. Wisnsoti, Vl., July 30. Captain tohn J. Monahno waa nrrfligneil be fore the court, and pleaded giiilty. Goneral O'Neill was then placed In the dock, nnd waa Asked by'thi Court If he had noytbing to ssy why sentence of the crnirt should dot brj passed on him, and id reply said bo had, nod proceeded to mriko a most eloquent ai'dress, recounting Ms lervirjo in be half of his adopted country as a ressnn that his scntenco should be light. After sotno able remarks by Judge Woodruff, O'Xeil was sentenced to the State prison la Windsor for tho term of two years, nnd to pay n floo of $10. Colonel John II. llrownWas then nskod whnt ho rind to Bay. nnd handed io a reply and mado speech which for cleqdcfico, enthusiasm, and prthos has not often been excelled. The court then sentenced him to nine months' imprisonment nnd a fioo of '. Captnio J. J. Monnhan was then requested to rise, nnd was asked if ho bad anything to enyi It appearing that ho had no command at tbo front, and that bo was not actually engaged iu tho fight, be was sentenced to be imprisoned by the Uuited Slatos mar slml for six months, au 1 to pay a flno of fl. 1;h IVcvr Press Sljle. Some of the nowspaporsbavo adopt ed a now way of relating horrible accidents and pathetic events, whioli ia quito affective as well as voocise. Here nto sotno examples : That was a bitter joke of tbo man in New Jersey who put a quantit y of jalap in sotno beer his friond was ubout to drink. '1 ho luucral was very goo ernlly attended. A man in New Hampshire, tbo oth er day, nto fifteen ilozin raw oysters on a wager. Tho silver trimmings of hiseofliio cost twenty dollars and thirty-five cents. A young man in Louisville exam ined a keg of damaged gunpowder with a red hot pokor. to sou if it was poid. It is believed by bis friends that he has gone to Kurope. although a man has found some hutniti bones, and n pioce of shirt-tail, about tweuty miles from Louisvil'c. John Smith, in Nebraska, said bo could ban Po a ralthsnake Iho same as a snake charmer. Tho churlishness of the undertaker in demanding pay in advance delayed the funeral four days. A circus-rider, in Texas, tried lo tarn three somersaults on honcback, tho other day. Tho manager sent back to New Orleans for otiolliur som ersault man. A mnn hi New Jersey couldu't wait for tho cars to get to the depot, and jumped off. His widow sued his insurance company. Few men oiild ftttcnlpt to dry dampened gunpowder in a kitchen stove. A n un in Canada tli J , His uMbclcd family wmild bo glad of any inform ilion as t hie whereabouts. In'l ts tho other day, a man lb night hi c mid cross the t ruck io a lvniiee of a locomotive. Tho er vices at th? gravo Wero very impres sive. A mnn warned his wife in New Or leans not to light tho lire with hero soiio. She didn't boa I tin warning Her clothes littod his second wife rc Ulirkubly will. Another Kncmsii Hortnon The I'xbridge massacre is succeeded by the revelation of a scries of murders which "irow thnintrocitr far into tho shndo. i ho L-uidon correspon lent of the Worlf gives an account of n 'baby larmcr'' who hod succeeded in mur dering forty infants whom confiding mothers had sntrustoil to h?r charge. This Gend is a woman named Waters, with many aliases,, living in the sub erbs of London. Her numerous psoudonyniS were oeecvnry to her bu siocKS ' Her plan of operations was to aJvertiso, unilerone name or anoth er, herrcaiiiness to ndopt an infant on rtiymont of a prcioimn of five poumli ler style of udvertisiug was very af fect ionato. Sho w is very '-fond of children," and promise ! to do oil in her power '-to secure iho happiuccs of the little one." Sho wanted n rhild ''ns young as possible,'' so that it would know none but herself and husbond "as parents.'' Sho hud a home in every way calcula ted to ' nmke a child happy. It may readily bo imagiued tbut there wero muny mothers in London willing euough todisp"soof their children on such pleasing terms. In this way M i s. Waters got possession of no less than forty ajaildron, all of whom khe cruelly murdered. r!ho did not long keep tbo babes tinder her loving care but as fast as one was disposed of, aiivcrliae'l uu lcr a new name !rr an other. In th's way sho carried on the trade of iufuiit murder for a con siderable timo. All Christian Fng land is shocked at theso horrible reve. I'itious. Hut for tho ono Waters who is detected in her crinio and brought to punishment, how many escape f "S-M-jMI NEW ADVEBtlBEMENTB. Jco Lose. HmoK Daiiresa. IMP(lTl:l)S AMIl liril I'm tm iHH Pure Whiskers. GRAN DIES, WINES ANU ALL OTHKR rOBEIGX ISO HtrMKSTIC LIQIOBS, No. M .11111 alreel, Aug. 4, Vttf. DANVILLK, PA. IJLUltlW tSl'JJl'Ui.NA IN i. VUUCK. i t ' KYDElt COUNTY, S8: aiAL I Tka Oammonwaaltb ol fenusylvaula ( to the HharlilofMnyiierl'o. Itaaarian. WHaaMAB. Abrabaia Jiruniiar ilia oo ti,. ihii. lay of lieeeuiber, A. If., isos, prefer Lis iietltlua lo the Jaila-ea of oursaUl td.url of Ooimnuo fiaAS of the Lewoly of hnyiler, uraylna Ssr the causes therein set lortb, that be au4lit to he dlvor. a.1 Irons ike bomla of uaUluwai autareU late wlia Ubarlotte llrunuer. We il tberelore nmnjaad you as beretnfora foe) were ouniuieuileil, tiss saM (Ikafrlytta Urun oar, thai saulna asl-le all elber business ami as. eusee wketsoevar, yue be and appaer In your proper person before oar Jiulaee at JSIJillaiMir.. at a Uourl of Uomieua I'laas there to be hebt lr the eoeiui of nayilar, oa the katk Say of Hepteat bar, A. Ii., law, ueil, iu answer tbe peiiiioa ol the said Abraham Hrilnaer, and ie show aeuse, II any you kae, why IkeaaU Abrakasa llrunuer, your husband, akuuld aut be illvuraed from tbe bomle of aietrtjMiuejtf eereeeble Ia tba eeta ut n.. uaoa4.A,sse,yjnsiiejiaai a qupiians' court sale, Wilt be snM at Public Vsn'ttie tr vlrtnsnfsn enlsr of Sills sn.i out of lh Orpsns IMiirt of Snj.lor ionnlT, at the House of Ira tSarrai la Colon town'tilp. M SATI'KDAV, AfOI'ST TH 17. Tho rollnwlnir iloscrlliod ml flt Tin A eorlsln trmot ofUmt tllosts In In Ion lownnlilp, Snjrilsr eonnlf, l'. iinlnlin Units of John HsnlirtmaS nl Ilsr I. Roicts on th sonlh t and iiOtht. unit lnri of John Noll on ttio northwoat , contslnlnf ten aeroa more or sll rlnsisM. Tsrms will ta na1e known on !sf of snl b WM. I. Onsrillsn of the minor ehllilrso of luolsl K. Riirolilifi. ilulr en, itro. Dawhg ft tV'si Adwrliirmenl. A.tW8 KtRTf Mlio A MONTH 8elllB i- JuhS H; V. Abtwl'i last front work, th Idvea of all th Presidents. 0tr Son paKM. nfsrly nrtr sts'sl r.nd woM n frsTlnsr. cll nt ulaht. More annls wnntsd. Noml fur ilesrrlptlnn SnJ Trm. f rsnklln Tub-ll-liine tominnj, Til Mitrkol Ht rnlln.Lli.Tils Vm. Aonil 4.-lw 5t1r rftn Wfnttlt stit.n bt onk lUjt)UW AOKNT1M KOliK MONTHS. Aaontf Wsntol for mi: or iim)(.hi:ss by .1mt" fsrten. nrooloy ami othor promlnont wrliorp. It Is tlis mul rotnplntn ami onnipnn. iIIiiiii lltorarv anil nrtlatls work nit publlihoil. It euntslnp aK-ti-hn of fhsrlss lilcsons, Hurlln. Tnmosnrl Aontlior prominent Amprlnan. I.ON. M IN, MKW VnHK ANI HAHlKdKD HUB l.lslil.Nd t'Uill'ANr1Jlloll.1 K-1I11I Ht. Nw York. Aignit Sw yyKLivs Carbolic Tablets. THE OtlKAT hroAMtO nAf.SIAMir? KE M:liY fort!'IM,HI.H,siOHKTIIRAT AHTH VI A, ir.,r. Vor Wnrm)r I'lilMrrn thoy nro lnrallable i f"r tdiln-y Dlllimllr a Srlni. Txr thoiS. ITIro ti rants pf-r llos. hant by tnull on flit raraiptoi tha prlra, by .1. fl. k Kl l.(Mi, SI TUtt M . N. Y. frn ont lor the I mud ktstaa. KolU by DmnKlsta. A Iw IN OTAH ifl Till MYSTERIES OF MORMONISM fly .T. If, HF.Atif.E, E.lltor of tbo i)l t.stia Krof for. iiKiNdan KXi'fisiKnf thmh r; I'KK.T HITKS, I'KIIKMiiMKS arl.l I'KIMKS Willi full nnil sntlian'le hlslnrr of PdLY'l AMY anil Ilia Mormon Meet, fruia Its orlln to tut proiipnt timo. AuonU aro martin with nnnreeo'tantoil ane- caiit una rrpnrta lsn ftulmiTllior In fnr ilsys. anntnur 11 in 'wo iiayn. mir, is ns.iir.u, .son. I lnr rlraularii. AililraM NATKJ.VAl. I'l II. I.IS1I1.MI CO., l-bllalolUla, I'a. A4-4W 'A "SAFE, CERTAIN AND Spaady Curl roa Ncnralaa Alin ALb NERVOUS DISEASES. Ill Effects are It la an I'srAii.isn mcusnr In allraaaaof MotfraiKis rsi-miif, oiian allootlnir a prrfvrt euro In ! than twenty four Imun. from tba uo of no tiinro than two nit tiiiikk i-imji. No nthrr birin of snnrnlKlit or Nrrtnnn iana h lullwl to; It M to tbla wnsiiKmreLHSMKUiAL AIIKST. Kvan In the aorereat minor I'hrnnlnil !fen rnlitls sihI irctiarivl narvoua ilernntfiHnent, -ol iimny yesra it-tnilliiir Alloctlnx tlio rntlrara torn, In iia lor a few ilayi. orii raw werki t Hie nnno'i, siwityi ninirui ine nion aiiunirblnic re llrf. ami vary rnrely rails to proiluce a complete anil iteininnent i-uro. It i until .'in r.ivilriu" or ntliar mnlerlnli In tbe aiiKlilcit ileirM luxurious, oran to Ilia iiiont lellrnta lyitcoi, an. I oan ALWiTi I urcl with I'StlKKCT -AfSTr. It ha Ion Isian Ineomtant ne by mny ol mir most KiUMtiT I'livan i an, Mliuulm II thi-lr uhunim.iuu anJ ua iisllllc.1 privl. The lolliia lnax. auinnK many ol our boil citizens taa. tlly to lt iviiMiiKiiKt'i. arrirArv : ' lUvtiiir uinl lr. Turnrr'i Tli l)nnlniirens or t nlrem il Neuraliiln I'lll prnniilly, ami In niiiuariiui Initanrei reuiiiiuSil.lril it to pi. tlonlf ilSelnic with negrii!!'! I Imve luiml II, wiTiiiii t s KtrKf Tins, toaceoniiiliata ali. the projirlelnri have rlnlinM. 1. II. lill.l'IMOHAM. HentUt. 12 Winter Sfretl, ll irt..n. Kali, lull, IMO .Mr. J. M. K Mnrr. fur nmnv tears an sivitha enry In 1 ti I city, nn.l b'r three )cr ilurlnic the war, in in ii"-)imi iii-piriniont umicr tun U. !i. ilovarnment. tbtta ineukaul it i I have kiinwa lir. Turner's I'li'-lbiuloiireux or I'nKrenal NrurslxU Till lor twenty yhuii. 1 have mill II uml nno.l It persunally, ami I have naver known of a eaa where II ill.l n ! vlve re lift. Cu'tiuiiera havo luM rne llwy woulil nut wlthnul It It each bill eoit lu iln Uri I think II the in at rellatro an.l vnluablo retneilv fr lieu ralifla ami nervous illelse In the world," M nanus Trams it t'o. t Kurs Ionic time in ember or my fimlly has suite e l severely with Nurnlli The pain waa almiMt iineoilurabla. We trieil ueipeines without suueeu. A law months slnro. we iiexan tho use of your Till. II his propel lrftly sueresnful, and no trai-es of the illsearr rein -In. I ran e-Uilly receoiiimenil your romoilf to all vufferers from Ne;nilM-l. Kesiwrtmily yours, K. W, VKLTOW, llostnn. March lb, Ism, Counsellor at Law. Kent by uinfl oil recrti.t ol brlre ami in'tnue.. Oi e pai-ksna . S . 1'ostage s cents. Mil Pai-kaifcs, tun . " ST " It h s-il l hy alt dealers In Scgs anil me.ll-ln nn by 1 1 KMKK k t'o , SoleO'rnlirlelors, I Tremont T. HvsTns, Mssa. 4w. Mill, Rare, Certain nnd Kflirlent. It at once relieve, ami Ini lir.irales i t, th vital rt'si Tinaa, without enii.liix, at ant lime or under any circumstances, tbe silaktrst Injury to liny of tiiein. Tbe most complete nnd uniform success has fur many years nttenile.1 Its use in Kraae. end In some port ions f the I 'lilted Ntnte;aml It is now ottered to tha trcnrral pnidle, with I lie in.i.t alMoluio conviction that It enn never Ullluae coiii nilshed ell thai Isclulmed b.r It. It Is HAawi.Kss in t ii k axTuaMa, at all times, and under all circumstance! and Is unciiaicd by any remedy yel known to tha World wuere a purgative Is Indicated. Il produces little or Itonslnlrf lis oierallnni leaves the organs entirely tree Irretathins, eid never, In the slightes ilegree. uvertexes or ei oltcs the nervous system. in mi ineiAaea, ladlgsstlon aai irys la lavAi.t'.tntn. . . w,r,nn..r ..),,!. if, .nil nonce cannut fall to eredli ate Irom the syslein Scrotal. KrvslnrUs. Halt hhruin. i snknr n.i viiuvn r.rupiioiis gsnerany, irregular, oi want or Apicllte, tiolds CoukIib, Albilia llruncbllls. It.larrh J'.klij. - l.i.. t .1. .-i Water l.rssh. Si.ur and Hitter Mtiiiaaeh. and ralntnasa of the sainri Imiuire breath. Ulsslness. symnathatle, nervous, or sick Headaclio, hheu- Ullltistll. tloUt. tnil itillam.ll.tna In all I...... these are all kindred ilisea-es cm always "H""r "r Kroaiiy reieavea uy tuts aiUil yet yowerlul remedy. ftassnab Iimsii itt with Ha Inseparable tt eouiinlnionU, menial and physical, such as green sickness, lassitude of mind and body, drouslness, Imllsposltiim, to eierclse, weakness ol thelliulis, leellngsol dlsoouraiieiiient. deaiain- (l.n. mmA ill....... - 1 1 . 1 . . 7 r . "-""si an ui.aprvAr uuuer lis tnavle InSuence. H regulates aad Invigorates Ike bnwolsi Ii a erne ANTIIMlTa for obstinate' eoirltn.Hia pilasi gives reneweit vigor to the sloajeclii evokes V . M 1 .i aai iiissipaifls ine yellow dye of tsui mi a and eradicates frowl lira ilifn, bilious spots er unubl uioth end raemse. Itetcfios the Kidneys to foueited, vigorous and haallhy notbuu nml Is certain' Co brhna prompt rsllsriu all caws ol Hmrrbuia aad dyseu" It is eminently eneclual a the ctrre of all dls eases of children, however IliUnllle. esiieclally foreolle, worms, and Irritation and frell u loess while teething. Asa nisjmig rit.1. or niOKSTsa, It la second tuaene other, taken with the loud. It orelea as a general alteratives, whereby the entile im pared organism Is stimulated lo renewed energy and to a healthy vigor and vitality, It Is es teusively used by the faculty as a coot anient ami thorough eathartlo, having no aelbia other than the oue lalMued. aVereui by nation reoelpl of I Ibia, eo te' . . Postage, SeeoU. I Hoses, I. uu . . ii u It Is sold by all dealers la drugs and medicines, and by Ti lt . I. at si no , Mule frourlaturs, Ivu Treiuoal til. lioeluu, Sless. ' 4m yilY DON'T YOU THY- yt.L'a caiiuolio tahleth. ARK A StJBB OI.'RK fUR HOHK AT. Lold. IJruuii. Illlith.rls l!.i...k .. H'.ar.ens.s. Also a suceesslul retaeilv for kid. new iiiDMuittee. rrlee at eenU par boa, Heul b mall ua reeolpa ef price, by J.U. KK.I.I.fXJO ti Klatt Hi . Mew York, Mole Ageat foe M. V. . V X. JtliVUQMXit. (Mai -i M. I I'H. r SUA. A VVaWsTal W 'sV TIIB GRBtT HEDIC4L PlSCflTKRI ! Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA vii:;ak inn i:ks UORETH AN enn.nne pr.nsi INS p? Hear lesflmnne in tk.i u-... b.l rr ' " 43" 1- - e a THEY ARE NOT A VIL KANCY DRINK, Made of Poor Ham, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, and Kefuse Lbptura, iloetore.1. spiced and sweetened to please the lasts, palled " Tunics," " Appall sers." " Ketorers," Sc., that lead the llppler na In drnnkeness and rnln, but are a true midlrlne, made from tbe nellve Itonta and Herbs of Cali fornia, free from all Atcoholfe rtlmtiante. They aretheilKKAT Itl.Oi ill I'I RIKI KH and t.lKK. IIIV1NII PIlfxtlPLK; a perfect Rcriovatur and Invlgiiralnf n Iho riyslem, carrying nf all IHilsonnue itialtrr. and rcslnrlng the bluoil to a ealthy coTidlilnn. No ierson esn lake these Hitters according to directions, and remain long unwell. . 1cm will be given tnsn Incurs b(e care ,pMvli1ed the bones arc net Tstmye'1 by miner n I unisons or other means, nnd the vital organs wailed be yond the point of rcialr. , Kor Inflammatory end Chronic PhSurcntlem and flout, liv"peiy, or lndlirej.tlon, Hllllous rikmlttcnt, nnd Intermittent Karen, filirascs n the lllnod, l.lver, Kidneys, and Hlmldrr, the Hitlers liavo liccri moil successful. Such Ids. eases are earned t.y Vitiated Hinod. wtilch Is gen erally produced liy derangement of the lilircstive Organs. t.lcnnse tba Vitiated lllnod whenever von And Its Immirltlci hirtlug thronirh the skin In Pirn, ides, l.ruptlonsnr Mores t cleme It when yon find It olistriii'ted and sluajiilsli In the veins t dense It when It Is hull, and your feelings will lell you when. Keep the blood tre and tbe health o the system will bdlow. PIN, TAKK. and oilier WOHMS, lurking IS the sy .tem ol so many I housands, are ellertually destroyed and removed. In lnlibms. Remittent, and lntermlltcnl f vers.these Hitters have no e.mai. Kor full dlrec. lions resd carilullv the circular around each h.iltle, (irlnted In lour languages Kngllrh, Her man, t'reneb and Spanfsff. if. WALK KB, Proprietor, ft t iiinmerce M , W. Y". TI. It. McTHiN AI.K & CO., Hmgnl'ls, and gcneml Agents, Sn Francisco and Sacramento, California, and Si St M Com merce M., N. . g-sol.l) UY ALL PRt'ClfllSTS AM) HkALLRS. IJeT-tw View mere AHKNTS are WANTKIt for one ottheCIIKAPK.STsnd I1EST Ho .ks In Hie World. net, u. a. iiita.i:Y'!i IValurni History! Olvlng a cloar description of nearly every known sieclcs of Itcnsts, lllrds, Klshes, Insects, Hedlles ao. , kc, enlivened by linn) spirited lliiistrailnn and replete with escitlngsnd amusing anecdotes ol their manifold peciillurltles. The cream id the famous London four volume edition, with vnlua bte aiidltious. Irom the works of oilier dlstin. km lulled natuaralists, Nuttail, Agjs'ts, Wood, Wilson, Auilnlion.iind many others. No tmnhle lo aiconts almiit sect or party. KvorylsMly Iv do Hubteil with It. old and ynnng. In town or eoun try. Nnlnliig like Ii In tho iicld. Aircnts rep irl profits from e to evo per day, nnd sell Irf connec tion the liiet and liest million nl llitdes i itsnt. Send lor lllii-tralcd circular and our most liberal terms lor Hook and tilble. A. If. Ht' fill Aft ft. 4w) ruMlntior, WO Chestnut ht. i'htln. I'a. rynr. iiai.i iiam sirri'Tr Life Insurance Company wants a nitmlios of good .Wants also, a good General Agent Tor I'iltsbiirg and vicinity t also, a tlcnernl Agent fur the ileoutati counties of Pennsylvania. Ad dress the oinuc. No. UJ South tl Ml, Phila delphia, I'a. lf ANTEII AOKNT-To sell the OCTAWOX (V HKWIN'I MAI1HINK. It Is licensed, inskes the " r.lai.tlc i.ock atlch " and Is wnrrun. ted lor & years. Price l.'i. All other machines with an under reoi Sold fnrsl.'. or Ics nre In rrnmcinenii. Ad.lrers 01 TAHON tSKWINtI MAI IIINK CO., Mt. InutS, Mo., Chicago, HI . Pittsburg, fa., or Hiit"D, .Mass. uin taiflflSA HAY llnslness entirely new and v wenonorab a. l.ilicrable I11.I11 -pini'iits Hcscrlpilve clr.'ulsr free. Address J. C II AMI A CO, llldileforil, Me. am U'ANTKll AOKNIS-Tn Sell tl-e IIOMK MlltiTTLK KKWIMI MACHINE. Price Mfis. It makes the " Lock Ktlch." (alike 011 IniiIi sbte.) end Is the only licenced under-feed Hhutne Machine sidd for less than enn, l.lcenred by Wheeler A t ll-'n, limver i Hascr and Inger h . All oilier under Iced Shuttle Ma chines sold lor less than fn are InlrliiKcmeiits, and the seller nnd user ll.if'la to proiieciiiliin AddreM .flillNSON, CLARK A 110.. Ibit..n Mass., ritisgurg, I'a., Cliicugu ill ,or bl. ahiiiIs Mo, 3m fit )XSi; M l'TH )N, 11 1 !( .C 1 1 IT I s, Astliiiis. anl f nsrlt cured by inha'a tion. A'jliniis 1ibuling Kliiidis ilia nnly ri int'.ly tlint npcrnlt's 611 1 Ii rl iuif;a lieil vc he tiiiicrclcs, wlilcu nro thrown off. Hit cavities hral. ami A cure Is rnectnl. Treat oienl by Idler nr In person can he had only org. VAN IIIWIMUL M. V., I'l West lliL St. N.Y. 'tW liuurll f- Cu.'h A'trei'tiitemeiih, LAIIU USX IJKST C'HEAI'KST I Ijinicrprlse, iniiuHlry Turf, XU Lllicralily, anil I lie licet latent, have lor over Twenty tears been freely used ai Huorc's tturul New Vorkcr. And as a result It Is now, preeminently, Ihe Largeil, Host aad t'heaiest Ir.r.faTAATati Hi' hai., l.tTi'Htnr ami Kamilv Wsrsir In the World. Tens of thousands of wMe-nwake eople all over the Continent, take and admire the K r Hal for its superior Ability, Value, llluslra- llons, nr ie, etc. -, Tin1 Tress nnd Tropic Tralsc Itt Fnr example, en Etrhsnie says.'"THaRr R a l Is the most Kleicanlly Printed. Allr Mltcd Widely Clrculaled, end Heartily welcomed Puper, as a, which now nnds lis way amiii g the Pc'iple,' S- Vol. X X 1 1 begins .Inly t. Try It t 6nfy ai.w per volume ol 211 numbers, or S f year. lmrm 10 cuius. rui.siiriiiv ow r Alinrers I. i. T. MOORE, 41 Prk RoHT, New Tork ejf sfPI,. will nay for Ike Nsw York feli 1 yl.S.WK.r'KLYfioLLARsiN kJ,froia now to Janaary I lll. ONE HULL A It will pay for the SKMt-WKKK-LY do. do. bo rents a uioallt pays for THE .'Am 1 nu... ounrr I. W. ENtlL.VMi, Publlslitr, New York Inventors who wish Id (aha nut Letters patent are advised In counsel Willi MUNN av CO., oil tors id Ilia KolMitlno American, who have prose oulesleluims before tha Patent Offioe for over Twenty Yeaia. Their American and European Patens Agency la the moat eitenslve la the world. Charges lest than any other reliable agency. A pauipbleteontalulng full luttruutlous so uiv.niMra eeill grails. AiUN N A CO, 7 Park Row, New York. saxo ;iu:i:.. is iirigbtur, will not l ade, Costa Less than any other because It will paint twice as tauok surface. ioxd iivfAisis ii:4 1.1:01 IX PAINTS. J. II. YVKKK8 & CO., MftDufsclurcrs, IM North 4th Street, Pbllad.lpkk. PROMPT. UONOKAIILK. HHI.1A1ILE. ACJKNTS WAXTKD In every city, town and vlllsire Sir Ilia lamest and' moat successful lull, KA at NftillK la tha euunwy ONLY ONE endorsed by Hie loading Pepe-s and Esprass IVaol the I'nltssl Mates. Our g'KWts give unlrerwal sallsraetska, our premium lu Ausuts eaunot b esaellad. and our checks are free. Ilavbig two hoatee Hostoa Mid Cbl- eagu eaplaemtlea are eneutialled and our bu Inesa eaoeads la amoubt aU oUier ewuceius la VswHEMU fOU Clf rmr,ARHWd'PBEK CT.t'Hto M.O. TIIOMPrtoN ADO., ISA KeSaral Blreel. atottoa. or llA titoU Ulreat Cblcago. , , ss he sirrnii i,uratiff r.lltVTl. h iVJ I xs-M-i&-jlS ill l VT- I, j' eWf " M VV - J H aa al aT Jrej---sjBJi.. -sakasaewer E X W h ?J? THEY ARE KOT A VIL - m - sww a fj a IE. lcV8yopcr Advertising. A tlonk nt 1j5 rioseir prinfej pagna, lately Issued, contains a list of the best American Ad vertising SIMIums, giving the names, clrcnle Hons, and the mil tiartlcfllars concerning tha leading Imlly ami Weekly Political and Kamlly Newspatiera. together with all those having larwe clrrnlallona, published In the lntcretol llellglon Aarlenltitre, Literature, ' Every Adver tiser, and every person who contemplates heeom. Ing such, will find this book of great vaine st ailed free to anv address en rwelpt nf fifteen cents. Ill.ll I'. KOWKLL a CO., PabllshtrC. No. 40 Park Row, New York. Tha Pittsburg I Pa.) Leader, la Its tssneof Ma t. lare, says 1 The Arm ol . P. Rowell at Co , which Issues this Interesting and valuable boot, Is Ihe largest and best Atlvertlslng Agency In) the t'nlled HUlea, and we ean cheerfully recom mend It tn the attention of thns who desire In advertlsa their business MC1K.NTIKIOALLY and SYSTEMATICALLY In sack a way t thai Is, so as to eeenre Ihe largest amount of publicity for tha least expenditure ol money." I1STCHOM ANCY, QH KilVU CHARMINtl I A wnnderfnl boftt I It sNows kow either sag can fascinate any one they wish, Instantly. (All possess this fnlror.f It teaches how lo get rich; Alchemy, rtorCerles, Incantations, tletnnniilogyj MSvl't Mesmerism, rplrltnallsm, Marriage (lulde, and a thousand wonders. Mallsd for tS cents Address T. WILLIAM k CO., Pabtlsb era, S01IU rth street, Pbllailelphla, Pa. Fslffl.t I'crCcnt. UoUi tMrxt moutuaok noxns -I. ok the isat'E or $1,500,000, II Y THE st sTossrn u szrovxxA cxifx' nILIt04I CO SIP A XY. In ilennmlnatlofls nf' sht .vnn, coupon or relstore.l, with Interest at Klghl per cent. r annum, jayatile l.'dh Kebruary and Angust, Ini l(ll,ll free of I'nlted Slates taxes, In New York or P.itroe. The tonds hare thirty rears to run, Ftyalde In New York In tloLII. Trnsteea, armers' Loan and Tru.-t Company nf New York. Tbe mortgage whlrh secures these bondS Is at the rate ol IS,AOO per mllet covers a com. plated riMid lnr every bond Issued, and Is a first and ONLY mnrtiraue. This line, connecting Kt.Jnaeph with Port Kearney, wilt luaka a short and through route to Cal'fornm. Tha Company have a Cardial stock of .....'.I And a grant of Land Imiii Congress, or 1 l 101 Acres, valued, al tha loweft estimate at, at First Mortgage Bonds .; 110,000,000 l,MW,IHM Total 16,fJ0,uou Totnf (cnirlh nf rond, V wllesi distance In. c1ni!ed In this MnrtvaKe, 111 milcsi price, V' i and eccrited Intcrct, In t'l HrlKNUV. Can Iw iieolnaincd from the undrsfvScd. AIo, ptin. yhlets, mnps and Inlormallon relating theretu. riiOe Irinil. Iiernu sn well secured and yielding a larire Income, are dcslrnble to ptrilee seeking, saleantl lucrattvS Investments, Werevommea-1 tbetn with ctitlre eoniidence. W. P. CON V K.HSK h CO., Conirnercliil Aents , rro jr pine Mreol, New York. TANNK.R A. CO.. Fiscal Asents, fto. VS Wall Street, New Ynri May 23 iftos. Qlil'.AT KXCITKMKXT IX BANNERVILLEi NEW (l(MII)S. : HELFiUdH & liOWUll Wistt to Inform the' Ml if ens nf Pimnervltlo ami vloinii.v I lint Ihoy Ime opened a rffry slock of goods, ami will keep coustanilv ua linn l A full nssurlineiHyOf - v ': i'lii ksVt'oo'oiVs ConsUiingnfAI.r i'f.ig,ri..ius, Ll'STlllA liKl.AI5r, CAI.ICOKS, &o. CioOis & Csissiiiicr;flf UXXi au.lCAI'S, UOOTS and SHOES M'iHi'H'.i(ir:iV.: IIAItHW.4 KK AS!) iJtKKXSWAuEi SALT AND FISH, Anil in fuel everything tuff illy kept III a first class country store. AU of whieli wo offer al fcremly rediioeJ frriccs, far Cash or Country 1'rocnce. Having hu Is'itc rsprrirnce In the business, wo ftnttcr nnrsrlvcs llinl we can please nml sallsfy nil b'ifr eiisinnicrs. Ilupitii: by strict ntrnlion (a business nml a desire ta ple'ise all, lo merit a liberal sUase of rtiblio palfyringS. Our rnolto Is uQuM itilciii? .Small Vo." Wa aak at least thnt the public fiaailne our slock ami rices before pnrohasins elsewhere, aa wr nlttnya show our goods with lUitJuro. m;i.Fr,f(;ii & doweu. Il.mntfvil(y,-Jn8e 14, 1870. If N aw 13 TIIK TI.MHTOSl'1-' tiCSIOE KOR THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE JOUBNAt'.' Th most Interesting stories art always; ta aa found In tbe New York Weekly. At present there are KIX OKEAT BTOWIEX runnlna tbrouah Its columns 1 aad afc least unS slory la begun everoy month. new suoscriners are tnui inre or navtnf ma commencement of a near continued story, no biatter when they subscribe. Each numlier of the NEW YORK WEEKLY contains several Heguttlul Illustrative, I on hie the 01 Keening Mailer m any nair or lis class, and th (sketches, hbort Hlorles, Poems, etc., are by tba ablest writers ul America aad Eu rope. It doni not eonflno nsefufnesi to amnsement, but publishes a areat nunnntlty of really in. strnotlve manor, la Ike most condensed terui. lue A'-a York IJVf Z7v lh'iariment have attained a high repulattoa from Ihetr brevity, escellonce.and eorrectuesa. Taa I'l.iAsssT PaaAiiBArHe are made up of tha eooceulralad wit oud humor of many In tads. Tics KsowLsnng Hoi It con lined to useful Inf'iriuntbin on all manner of subject. Tlis Nswa Itkmb give In the fewest wordl tha most notable doings all over the world. Tub (liisaic with Culiusariiaiiaava ena lalus answers to Iniiulrert unoa all lubjscli. An unrtvaleil llterarr lianar Is the IVciV Voi-k H cokly; Klach Issue contains Irom eluht to tea stories. and sketches, and ball a dosen poems, la dilu tion to the slg aerial stories aad k varied des parliuenls. Tits Taawa to Hi'aat'Rtnana t' On Year Slnal.ei.pv, Three Dollar. " K our copies (S3 ab each).... Tea Hollar. ' Eight copies Twenty Imllare. Thus sending evb lor a rlubofelebt. alLseal at one liuia. will be eulillial to a scin . Octteriupof ctu in a afterward addilugl' copies al Kl W aaidi.. 0 vn ck, 1 nniu M, rroprietnri. Nis. at Fallon Street, N. V. Q0.SU KAVK HALL HOTEL. PETKn rilOI'P, fnfrittor,. U'cst Ucaror Tw'p., E;JeT Co., IV Tasb Nillc tli ie I kava lurobaail Co. grave llsll' llull, where I am always pre psrsi in BoooBiniotlals Urorara. Ulrausra. ami fravclar. I shall l libtral In my charge ami n deayur lo ua everybody wall who favors oi wlili tils eusloiu. if you ar not satis Dstl, 110 charges, diva iu a sau April, 'OTtf. HALK way iiotmtg, PEMNa TflMfSaUIP HavAae (la.i M. . .. . -