THE POST. hibliebej every Thursday Evening by ' 1 JEBCXlAn CROISK. Proprietor. Torma of Subscription, two DOLLARS PER ANNUM, Payable within in month, or Z,oO ir not paid within th year. No piper discontinued until an arrearages are paid unless at lb option or lot publisher. Subscriptions outside or the county PHYAtlLR IN APVANCB. taT 1'erson lifliK and using papers t itcirmni is omer Decerns aunscriners, and arc Habit for tne prltee or ibo f aper Jr. CRONMILLER, ATTORNEY AT fcw. Mtdtlli-bitrr, Ttt., Oner Ma professional service to tin nub lie. Collection and alt other tiCofVssional business entrusted to bit enr will receive j romp t aHcntlon. f Jan 8, '07tf AC, fll.MlWN, ATTOIINEV AT LAW, Selinsgrovo I'a. Offer! til VWfeslonnl service lo I lie pub lie. All biisiucee enlriiKtel to hit care will bt promptly attended In. Jn. 17, ,67lf I W. KNIOHT, V, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Freelmrg Pa., Offer hla Professions! service to pnh Hio. All business entrusted to bit care ' will be promptly attcnled to. Jan 17, 'CTil WM.VaN (iF.ZF.U, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, I.ewitdwrg Pn.. VXTcrs professional service to the pub . Collecllona and all other 1'rofctslon 1 business entrusted to bia car, wilt re eelve prompt attention. GKO. V. MII.I.KIl, ATTOHNKV AT LAW, I.owitditirg I'll. Offera Ma Professional service lo the pub lie. Collections ami all other profession al! husiness entrusted to bia car wilt re ceive prompt attention. Jan. 3, 'Ut I L. 1.1 NN, W ATTOUNEY AT LAW, Lcwislnirg Pn., Offera bia profcsrlonal service to lli puMie. Collections and all other pro- frMiuual business enlriialvd to ihur rare will rceeiveprnniptaitcniion. Jan. II, 'ti7lf CiiiAi:iii:s iiowKn. ' ATTOUNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrovo Pa. Offers bi prnforsinnal service to the pub. lo Collection and all oilier rrufossiiitm Vis-lness entrusted lo hla cure will re' reivo prompt ai lent inn. Oilier two dour, hciriu of lha Keystone Hotel. .Inn fi, 'tl; Q.Mi:i:i. ATTORNEY AT LAW, iSoliiisgriivo Ptl Offera bia Professional services to Hip ruLlio. All husiness entrusted to hip enre w ill ba promptly attended to. Cob tectiona uiade in nil pana of the Slate. lie can spenk the Kiigl:i-h ami German language tluenlly, Oltico between Hall's and (he l'uil i Hue. L. A1T(!I!MI ivViNFELOR ST LAW !i:MYTl Middlelmrg Snytler County lYiin'n. Ollies rt few donrs West of the ,1". O. on Main atrecl. Consuliuiion in I'lielish and flcrtiinn lnngungi-a. Kop.'tiTif I C. lllCHF.It. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Low ir-lm rtj Pa Offers bia prnfesalnnnl seivioielo the puli lie. All business cnlriisto'l to his cure will be rromiilv attended to. t.lnn. .1. 'OTif ItOYEll It A K I'll T SKWIMi MACIIINR l'crsona In need of a good and durable Sewing Machine can tie accommuil'iml ul reasonable prices by eilting on on Sam i kl Favst, Agent, telii.groe. f.lnn. 2. 't!R DIt. J. Y.SIIIXDKr,, BUUGEON AND I'llYSTCI AN, Jli.lillfl.urx P. Offera bit. professional services to tb cit itena of MiddlcJurg nnd vli'inlty. f Murcb 21, 'f.7 V. VAN JSl.SKIJtK, fcDROICAL & MECHANICAL IjEN'WT Felinogrove Pt'iin. JPUN K. 11UGIIKS, K.t JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Peon Twp., Pnjcr Co. Yt II. WAOXEIt, Knq., s JUSTICE Of THE l'EACE, Jckoa TowrtHhip, Snyder Co. Pa., Will attend to all business entrusted to his ears and on the most reasonable terms. March 12, 'CHtf II. J. F. KAXAWKL, pIIYgICIAN ANDSlRCEOy, Centreline, frijder C o., To. Offers bis profestiooal services to the publio. 0 38lf 1 W. SCIIWAN.M. V., X1 s Bl'KGEON & VHYSICIAN. Port Ttevorlon Pa. Offers bis professional services to Ihe cititens of this plaoe and vicinity. He peaks German and English. April 10, '68 I? A. KOYKIt.Jr. AUCTIONEER, Freelurg Snyder Co. Pu., Most respectfully offers bis seaarioea lo tht publio aa Vendue Cryer and Auotion ser. Having bad large expsrienoe, I feel oonmlent that I eau render perfect atisfaotioa to say employees. " Jan. , '07l BT. PA It K 8, ATTORNEY AT LAW It MSTRICT ATTOtt.NT, MIPDLECCRa. SNYDER COUNTY, Pa Offioe in Court Houat, Sept.15, '07lf LEWIS lMENEWS BOSS TOBACCOWAREHOUSE SI,322 N. THIRD St .6,83 rilILAlELPUIA. Jt ERCIIAJT HOUSE. 11. II. MANPERBACII Paop'a. J. C. Nll'K, Clerk Vo. 413 k U6 Nflrtb Third Street. I'BUMtipnt. Tlf ILLEB ELPEft WHOLEBALI DOOK iELLERi. Btalloorra, Ulank book Mauulaoturot VOL -6. SELECT POETRY. AivtSKY ' VoitDS. Angry wordaar lightly spoken In rash and thoughtless hourt Itrighlest linka of life are broken Hy Ibrirdrep Inaidioua power; llearla inspired by wartneat feeling, Ne'er before by anger a'irred, OrX ar rent poll human healing Ity single angry word. Tol.on drops of cars and aorrnw, Hitler poison dmpa are tbey, Weaving for the coming morrow Paddest memories of to-day. Angry words, O let them never Krom Hie tongue unbridled slip ; May tht hcarl'a beat impulse ever Check them ere they aoil tbt lip. Lore la much too pure and holy, Friendship ia too eacred far, For a moment's reckless folly Thus lo desolate and mar. Angry word are lightly spoken, liitirr tbougbla are rashly stirred, rrigbiret links in life are broikn lly a single angry word. Holler l.ule lhan cvrr. Life ia tike a race where some auccced. Wbilo oihers are beginning ; 'Tts lurk in some, in othersspee l, Thai gives an early winning. Rut if you chance to fall bohind, Ne'er slacken your endeavor j Just kerp thia wholesome truth in mind, " lia belter late lhan never: ' And If you keep ahead, 'tis well, l:m n ver trip your neighber ; 'Tis nobler when you can eiccl Ity honest, putivnt labor t llul if you are outstripped at last, Press on as bold aa ever ; Remember, though you are surpissed, 'Tin better laio than never ('' Ne'er Inbar for an Idle boast, Or vicbiry o'er another; Rut while you strive your utmost, Deal fniily with a broihcr ; Wbal'ir your slntio'), do your bosl, And hold your purposo ever, And if you tail lo do I ho rest. ' 'Tie belter bile I bun never !"' Choose well Ihe path In which you run, succeed by noblo during ; Tl en, i li oik; li the lust, when once 'lis won, lour crown Is worth the wearing. Then never fret if left behind. Nor slacken your undeovur, Eul ever keep this truth in luin l, " 'Til better tale Ihati never !'' Adveillliig for u lluriilur. In the year 18 , thero resided in tho north of Koglaud a gentleman who was kttowu us Sir William M;irs. on. Ho was oiio of thono men who are cool and calculating uIwih lo U ing holuro them. Ho had luudoal liis money at iron. ww king ; but l'ti t potting hrn tilleho thought lit lo "noil out" u ml retire. Jle aceoi tlingly th .bo a resiil nee in Jhnliain, and resided thero foi three yenr-s, when ho determine I to luild u largo tiiiiunii'ii for hiiiHulf : and ho neuordinglj consulted with tin tie cLitect, and the drawing and 8ioiili cations were mado out, tenders re ceived, and the work proceeded with. -uw u ncn mis ;innusiun was Mult, Sir William found that evotv ono was admiring it, nud oriinl.1 ouuio und fekolched it before ihogtuss was iu tho wtntiowii. J-.vory ono declared it per fection, nil hut ir William hiuiHclf A very tliiploHsunt idea had come into Sir Williatn'H head. Ilo inteud. ed to keep a good many valuables ae well as money on tno premises. Thus tho question nroso, ''Was ii burglar pro"t r ' J ho architect asBitrod him it w as ; tho inspector of pulico said so, too : ho tlioutrlit 80 hiuihelf but he would like lo bo fiuru. Tho fol lowing advertisement accordingly ap peared iu sonio of the local papers b lew days after tho bouso Was fioiBli ed : NOTICK TO BURGLARS AND OT11KRS Whereas, Sir Williaoi Murutoo, having gone to great ex peuse iu the building of his new mau- sioo, ' tallow Hill, if demroua ot en cortaiuing wbotherit bo burlar-prool or not, and with that object has plac ed in bia writing tsble drawer the Hum of tiro hundred pounds. And wbosoevor ahull, with the ordmary appliances of a burglar, couttivo to abtitract tho aaid Bve hundred pounds wilhout being caught in the Ot t, shall bo ueruiitiod to enjoy tho couditinu'tbat lio write to tbo said Sir William Marston and fully inform him how he did succeed io abstracting the same ; and le it known, do steps ahall be taken to recover the money or I ring tho ofTondtir to justice, liut if the suid burglar be caught, ha shall ba bound toatato how he entered the premises, and how be prportl ab stracting tba money, and tbiu he f ball be permitted to depart. A week passed, aud bir Willmai was getting in serrauta for bia estab lishment, buying furoituro, horses and carriages, and all tba paraphernalia uoecMiary for the comfort of a mausioo. Still there came do answer to big cs traordiuary advertisement lie put the advertisement io again, itMing that "oo extraordinary preoautiooa would bo taken tn preserve the ho'iso from being broken Into.' The noil day Mr llllatu was Bit ting in tba tuiull room adjoining hi ofllee, quietly reading a book, when tba foolmun entored, and stood wait lug till bis master should apeak. "Well?" at last be said, looking up. "A man wanting to apeak to von, air. fays ba boltovoa you want a groom, ue can groom, air i uaruosa a boraa, clean a carriage, flrat-rU at gardening, robbing up knives and forks, cleaning windows io faot, air, iipa vnn t.whta ft.n lueosBtBs MIDDLElUJltG, cJ lo kiiijf! a kind of matt us. would knock dmiilcr out of you air, or con Id Thnt will iio ;' show him in." ' Ho bus a ivirttnnntcati, ir. Shall I UVe eire of it 1 It mik'ht " Isa o'your lip I" tir William wa Lceonuncj tho iron-founder agate. "Show him in." Its was shown in, and bepan to run up bia nceumpliHli tnotits, wliich. to tr William, neomed xrrr suitable, (lo waa just tlio sort of in in bo want ed, and Sir William hewn to think of cloncliU'g the burain. Whilo thoy woro quiltlitif; altonl terms, thpy wcro a.aitlod by Ktroitjr imell ol burning, and a "cream and. ilenly aiartlud them thorn. I'pnn heirin luul tlioutg of ''Pira Mir tYillintn and tho man InHlanily rush- i'd to tho door ; but tho imn amldun.',,'m,, far' n'' p'ccl of hitnelf ; and donly fell headlong on tho floor i?tr Willi am durliirg off to tbo scene ol lLo conflagration. Upon arriving in the hall ho found volumes of smoke coining from a cup hoard under the stair, and ho imme diately order.'d in til J I ttlo hand fire eng no kept in tho kitchen (a thing no mansion. hIio;I1 bo without) He inn it up to the c upboard doer, and tei.iug tho l.ose in his loll, h md, ho cointiicnecil to pump luriously with the right, and tho little lever'liandle was aim nt invisible, with such speed did it go up and dowo. The loo I man kicked nwny tho tiortmaiitcaii that had been led in tho hall, and burst tho cupboard d or open, nnd then proJr'H't'y MeKencd nnd died. Ho m irch oceilvd to drag to light a vast assort ment of riijs, ami brown paper, and damp straw, all of which made a ter rible smoke, although no flame wus visiblo. It was soon put out, mi l Sir William roiiiniel to his room. He found tho door locked on tho In side upon his nrHvol ; hut this did not s'ertlc him at first. He knocked. Inn ho gov no answer j so, quietly step ping hark alonj tho passage (being n loweiful man,) hn tiling iiimsell at the door, nnd it envo way with a ciasli. Tho room wus i tnntv. Ho looked everywhere and found two things, via: that tho window was wide open, and that his live bun drod pounds were gone, He wus uiortitlrd iu tho extreme. Had this man who wanted a situs. tlon taken bis money ? If so, was it t plot to do so, or merely that, know ing titer was money there, he had nvuiled himself ol tho opportunity aud i token it 1 Ilo thmi 'lit the hitler, Tho uiiiii lint was at the p rtor'n lodgy said lliut ho saw n uian cunie in tht) morning of till lire with s porl inanteiiii, and that soon uflerward he aw him running toward the gale, say nig he was uoing for the liri-onyines : so ho let him yn. 1 lie next moruing .Sir A jiliam ro- oaivud a letter hy tlio pot, which pu. zic'i bun tu t a little. it ran as M lows : ' Sir : llaviog pcco your adrer- ti-ement in tho inviting bur- lars lo break ill and steal, 1 thought a it was hardly to bo called u oriii.e, tin U'HiseOieaUing leiug, in iaet. an out-ol-tlie-way proot of tho sufety of your house I might with safety veuturo to show Vou thtt 'for- cilly entry' bjAot tho only way of rub- bin a liouse. Aud. moreover, as von picilieJ so accurately where the rhino was, I determined to possess it. "1 accordingly took ao old portiaau- teau and bllod it wttlt some vory smoky and Influrutnablo, but not dani gorous, material! : and, donning some old cluibei, I proceeded (o your mao- siou. "As I had ftftoo visited it while It was building. 1 know it we I J and so. upon giving an clubroato message to tbo footmau, 1 stayed in the hull while ho. delivered it but I was not idle. I kuew of tho cupboard under the stair, aud iintuediululy Opening it, I emptied my portmanteau and lighted a match und applied it to tbo damp straw and tbo bits of brown paper. nd then I quietly closed tho door aud pooketed tho koy knowing it would bo tome time boloro tho smoke a. . wooid oose lurouiMi. "I then palavered to your hk-buesi till the alarm was given, whereupon I pretended to trip and fall while run. ning for tbo door j but picked myself up, immediately locked tho dor, forced all lb drawers of your writing table, pocketed tho mouey, and, lilt iog tbo window, leaped ou lo the lawa a good jump, certainly t but 1 ran oil' toward tho gate. Hera I was stop ped. 1 poiuted to toe sinoka coming through the ball door, said I was go iug for the eugiues aud then quietly returned home. "It is my intention to indulge in a tour to the United tststes with the five hundred pouuds I procured by my ingenuity. are not all thieves that steal, and believe mo, youra truly, "A VHY Handy Man." Mr William never puts aoy more udvertisemeolt in the paper to show where bia money la. SBH "SBB5 SBBHB S) A little four your old boy was scal ed at tba table oattog bis dinner. A small eut of beef steak wue given bio and taking it np in bis bunda ha reso lutely eodeavoied to got a Lite on tbo end of it. It being pretty tough a beef steak aometimes bappeoa to be he pulled and jerked sod granted at tke task a I tile more than was cou- sistant with tu idorn ideas of poliU dining. Altar a few eurnost atrug irles all in vslu, be turned lo his moth er with a look of mingled energy and J ...- --.. .v.- ,ul- 'l SNYDER CO. PA.. AUGUST 4. 1870. Mil HOOK. lirWATSVOI R'MlElta, LL t. It is nsrratol of n man who had (liatinjruMied himself aa a soldier on many a hard-fought fin! I ; who had ncrnpic'l lending positions in soWnl, political, and profes.ionnl lifo ; who hmi drunk nocp oi almost cvory ( tip of honor, that a lew d.iya hfforo his denth, after rou ting one of the volume of Sterne, he remarked to bia friends who wero with hitn : " Had I read Vollairo loss and Sterne more, white young, tho world would hnve been wido enoitfrh for ll.imittnn and ino." Sal and Hitter reflection ! hut tliore wa no rpmt'tly. The snhlihi rca.s ui ins of the wily Front hinan In l lonir been instilled in hia mind, had he the great Hamilton had been, for mote than' a (pinner of a century, quietly sleeping with hi fathers No Htinys of conscience could revise his past, nor help to unlearn and undo the ovil. No Id'trt remorse could recall that beau tiful morning when nn that pioturcs qno little island that soenn (luting nn tlio I'o-oiu of the noble Hudson two of tho for in ust men ot their time met In mortal cuiibnf, when Aaron lltirrslew Alexander Hamilton. It is well known thnt Hurr was a man of unscrupulous ambition and ungov ernod passion. To th crimes of mur der nnd trens m ho aided that of the liliertlno ' At his touch, virtu and through ihe enrth likn a conquering demon spreading destruction where he went, and leavitu behind him in bis path the aackod, pdlaged, and blackened remains of whnl wero once the temples of purity and honor. t)n altars dedicated to obscene gnds wero slain, for the gratification of his own foul lust the bcit nod f.iire.-t bt iugs enrth ever knew ! A man who had lived thuseould do toi less I had die abhorred und detested It is snid that for many years alter his death uostono showed his buria!)diee let it phould bo the mark on which popular in liquation might vent it self. From his own mniith wo know thai the tjrrnt rvimc of his liln resulted from reading ono had li xik, and who shall sir lint all his faults di I not emanate Iroin llio niiiii fi'iintaiti ol't-vil ! In. deed, that they did is more than r li- lu- Nor was tlm inquiry derived Iroin this source cotilinod to him uud I do author whom he road. The nun" ol lioih tempter an 1 tempted is lesion lio where roi may and both will he I'oiin I. Nciihci' does (lie ciiiiilouu'o of l.nd hooks end with th"-o of inli lel reis.m ings; thero is another class, no bettor, but wor-o io their effect and itifluence. because tiioro widely eireulaied and inoro extensively read, we a'ludo to the common, light, impure, and often obscene litcruturo of the day. Para doxical as it may Hoe in, this species ol literary productions may olwaya be kuowu by tho outside clothing. The former class comprises, in many instan ces, tho reasonings of cnlihii ooJ, highly cultivated minds, while tho lat usually emnoaies from ihe minds ol' those who lovo to pamper to lust nnd passion. Tho tirsl isrt ad only by the lew, tho second by t'.to mnny. Tho greal extent to which llio pub lication of tho lowost cluss of novels and gIkccdu papers has rent hod, ad monishes us to be deeply concerned, if uet alarmod, for tho welfare of the youug. Do about tho Minps and storra of ntir towns and villages and soo ; see tho guady cover; boo und reai tln high-sounding title : 8.o tho lowed picture that semis tho crimson blood to tho cheek of ntodosty, at.d you get hut a faint idea of tho bountiful re pnst spread out. Nor is tba inaiket glutted ; tho supply is governed by tho demand. It i.1 scattered, too, with nn unspariog hnud. In respecra blo Christian homes, as wtl as In tho lowest brothels of corrupttoti and vice, this satno thirst for tales of dissap pointed love, suicide, piracy, sod mur der may bo seen. The Hunger to do arnretienuoa is two foU. Those who hate ooeustotnol them. selves to road that which is trival. stem to loose, in a great measure, the retentive and reasoning faculties ot the miud. They read to bo entertain ed, not Instructed, oroftener, what is infinitely worse, to, "kill time !' They find nothioz disirable to remember, nothing sparkling with appeals to the noblor Impulses of man. They find no food for reflection, and l tie re sult is the mind becomes pnralyxed by being aurfeited with trash ot tho low. est order. All tato for pure, elevated literature of any kind Is destroyed. The mind having lung traveled in the extravagant rogiona of fancy, no longer desires common-place, matter- of-fact material j tho ontural appetite is vitiated, destroyed. As tho human i'omarh, wnr n oyer loaded with indisgeetiblo viands, re fuses to nerfortn iiadutiessnd become diseased, so Ibe mind, which over crowded with sn unuatural food, suf fers a like dersoguient That it may possess power, it must ba led on a pure tnuterial. It ware) bolter never to have learn ed to communirato U'ea of the im mortal cart by means of the ptinied page, than, having d no ao, prostitute its nobla faculties to ao baio a use t Tho moral resnlta are terriM ty-youd eonssptlon. Falao ideal of Ufa aro in -i - -ii fcaxjajv"iiioiis-s' Votinn. ronslnuev. aiuliiti.iii i.ll Rrn In holmghed at, tlishnlieved in. and de spmod ! and nothing is really g m I. ho Wilhout e.tprrHin nny opinion lit. Ir as wo can gather, hut a siieevsion tho wi.hnl of admitting or exoliiditii of ditnuera to a'ir tho blisid. and ol ; their Chinit-e eomiioiimr. n . 1 .,,,..... l banquets and iiitrigiis tj e, o ho it again ! The fair haired hoy, whoa.i purkliiiu' l yes and broad brow iudieate intvlli ganee, wha, integrity mi l honor can be rcii'l in every net nnd word, hn Sihe.a. tho dreadlitl poison. With n miserly care he hoard- n; his pennies to obtain tne covrteil v, luine. lien ohtuitied, sehemeH and lntiUuc.1 arc resorted to that the secret shall nol ho revealed, lis cotceds it beneath his dek at sdiool, in the ham, wood house, or chamber at homo, ntid when tho teacher's foeo i tamed or the parent's nttetition withdrawn, he cag eriy sucks therefrom the accursed veil out. His body and soul are nh-oirbod in its cetiteiil.4. His whole lifo is one of imagination. Ho rea ls the tain ol bold adventure, of daring capture, of midnight nssuoinn'iou no J bloodshed The school-house, t!iu shop, nud the farm no I iie.-or furnish soopo for the exciciso of his faculties. Tho society of home is too tamo for his heated tem perament, and breaking liur-t from tlioin all, he plunges madly into ihe world, to livo a hie of wrcUhcdticss and crhiK'. . i i . i . . .. . c .. .1 Ti , . 'i . , i put it, iy whnli tho dopoiism and oil repeated n her n.o her s knee the ' ,'1U,0 o- f,w , b, t ' prayer, ( ur l ather w ho art in Heav- L...I,-,, r.., . . ...... i ... : i. ... i . .i i ,. exciiatigcii tors cotnpnratiVt y con en is drawn into the mesbea ol the .,:,.: ri,..,.. tempters snare. At tho midnight At ton ml.linirtif hoar, nloiie in Iter tooin, alio pores over tho corrupting book. She hti.'s it fondly to her bosom, whilo it suek therefrom her mcutal and mwral lite blood. Years pas by, and tho oneo morn! it l is a nn, rd maniac. Ileal to reusoti. nut tiro, friends, and (iod, alio is sucked up iu the whirlpool of shame, only toj sink deeper and deeper, until the grave shall hido from tho si men tin otject of loathing and dis gust. Young frlonls stop and reflect. Many of you, wo fear, ore trea liuj dangerous ground, aro imbibing dan gerous prnoiples, aro forming dan gerous habits. As you would have ctear hca t and clcmjicatts ; as Vou Would avoid the lifo of the liln rtineund the debauchee ; is you would avoid misery and crime ; us would dtivo from yourselves tin; corruptions ot lust ami t assiou, I .1 1 I L. I ...1. ..... rruptlous ot lust uinl "". ",v " "-'. ""Mjealou-y of a petty upon .he impure pa-e It is the broad j ,,, )txl ftI, ' , " ," ni l e ue h no go III lliuicil'.. 1 oi t- . .. i" , . .1 i "-o J .ii uriry. Joint Cliiiiaiii'.in aiiiiaVuiiiiiiiN sv.iiiiK. l'be itiiustieo of woman's dlsfrar.. iisemeiit is t.iroilnv UlustrateJ in Hie . . i t liiiit-e oiii st ion as it now 1. resents it. .ell. " An ounce ol er.ioniln ia -nr-b i i) und of nrecent.'' Tuko tho fol lowing iustani.e. Among tho new avenues recently peiiod to wo n in' l ilnr. ono of c i-' sidernhle imp irtunco Is found io stenm millions national ties may be ohliier l iuniiies. A iiiimbrr of these cstab-' "od, to the groat detriment of all llu lislimeut.H aro nlreadv in Hiiccesslnl ! ntioratbn in und near Xow York. mx. H. C Jirowning. the enterprising propr'etor of"Poty's Washing nia- cliine'' and tho " I'nivcrsnl Clothes- wringer," who has done so much, by tho successful introdui'tion of those irval uiblo household machines, to re lieve tho women ol America from do mestic drugery, has recently erect .'d ono of t Ik so laundries in Oianiv new New Jersey. Iu this Urge establish tne nt ho employs aomi two hundred women. Those women work ultogeth er by tin pcioce. nn mo aci et nnwerful steam machinery, shirts ere stntlchcd and ironed at c ov'ht rent' apieco. At these (irices, the women earn from a dollar aul u half to three dollar per day, ucoordiug to their strength nn 1 s'sill. A few days 020, wo called, in com pany Willi .r. nrowuin, upon ootw hi heaviest customers, Mr. 0. an ex tonsivo manufact'iror of shirts. In be course of conversation. tio diflieul- tv of getting laitbtul and industrious working-women beina considered, lIr. O. urted Mr. llrowoing to import Chi nanien to take iho place of women in 1 his laundry. Chiainon can bo hired at teve uty-tive cents per day in gold by tbo year. They ar steady, strong. dooi'e patient, industrious nnd perseve ring. With & link practice, they will do more work for seventy-live cents than the women now do for three time that sum. Mr. Ilrowntng admitted tho facts, acknowledged tbeirrcater convenience and largo profit, but to bis honor be it spoken expressed his unwillingness to supplant tho labor of women by im porting men to nil their places. Vet hw row area, enrewu nusiness men would share this chivalrous feel ing. How long will it be er working women will find ttndr scanty waes still further reduced by tba competi tion of these laborious Aiiatio human nischinf f And yet, while workinir-mcn have the matter undor their own control, nd can influence legislation in their own famr by their votes as they may deem wise anl expedient,-tens of thousand of workmg-womsa aro pro hibited by law from expressing ao au thoritative opinion io regard to a mat ter oi vital interest to ibemselvet The vory bread may be taken from their moutha by the importation and sub stitution of servile laborer. And these iU I-1---il utraw' 'I utA.L.1 1 1 L 0) ' 1 Amoricnii Wottiun umst - ' hettdts-lv eonl'uriii mo imiih'i ror inc-e worKUic-wo iiiiu . their or .1 ritflit. It is lor them to say whether thi-t iinmiril'.ioil s li ill lie ( L.. I li permittnl or prohibited. No other elrtss ofcili.ens have nn exclusive right Vj settles qtiestiun in which tlicc women have so vital an interest. What would any ela-s of wot t. ino;. nieti say if they wero thus excluded '! What wouM t J t'lUpli.s s.iy if Ibev wcrs illxfrancltisctl ttiien I'm ri !it i f tho laborer lire io question, because i tiny aro Crispins ? tr the lawyers, it I they Wcro dhfrnnehised when Inwsl nt'O to bo enacted, heerliiso they tire lawyers? ( )r the liquor ellers. il'they wero prohibited lioin voting on th q'lcstion id' licenses, beenu-e they are liq'tor-scllcn f What a cry of justice would ho raised, and what sympathy would bu awukenod I Hiatuo oo ethics ! It is respcciahlo to bo a Crispin, or a lawyer, or s liiiuoi-scllcr Ir ,i nmr tit W (I it). lata Itomoa'a J.,en il Wan. Ila'.v slr.itt'clv nma even!. nr.- linked together I In fepti tnber hiiH. lliero wis a Ituc.-IiiI revolmioii in siitiition. There 1 . ....I 1 cept as io who slioul I be the future sovereign, or whether the tiovcrn meiit s!io:ild lio a inoiiarcliy or a re public Yet ia July, 1Tl. i.i.i- ol the remoto results of that peaceful revolu tion iu Spain is a war between Fi uuee and 1'russia, tho latter country having no political interest whatever ill Spain, either then or now. Iu tuiw of' such roiicatctiations ninotig lvnopean na I iiIiim mit . I....I .....II .1 ' , NO. ht idl.i.i.. ', ,i... v.i....,:.. .1. , ' T r.v., ,IV ,,.IIOU III I . flV 1 P I .,1. . ,1 . I . . , , i., . i . ...-.i .i i -.- i . 1 be f'cd i n .bo war iilm ist the I u:on. lug to do with I ho am bilious, to fr-: r. -i'i .ii- i . i, 7. r -. . , i fi llio thinking luiis-es. who enter- tunes or mislortuncs of princey houses. ,,,;..:., i . T" i , . ...... i.. e ii . tain no iTeiidires, onk on thfl deelaru- or thai lliu cran-lcst ol n l urrt 'nees .: . . .... i i..... i .. - i.i ii ' , tion of war by I ranee auninst on o- und bililil ll.'S , '-lic bttlanee o tioWcr. , . i- . i vi-i, ' . ,. ,', ., i tending nation us a l b ee of wi;kcd us waV. I . . U'IUi'.cf and presumption. War, Z2 1 Sr i I . T,pl0' f i'"'t just tons', fir co'tiquest T .1,0 o of tin greatest nation, ol tnor den, I t ,' , , f , , .(i 1 nee I 1 V l I'1'" '' "" " ono man or monarch, must bo . ,.r .U,Vl:Z'l,,',H 1l,,on."":,l','",l'J"PVedl the as.rres.or never tan IiiLm , - - ... ii.i.v ill iii-nrii wnai an ausura li.oiro it will prc-ctit to lha studious rcudur, when he traces :l"e W,ir l" its c ause at one uiotneiit (lor,,,,,, 1 violation ol court etiquette tn the French Ambassador ,.,in.r....i. i.a. .. . ' 1IIIIV.--, Vlll' 1 - ,'."." IM II,. ,.1. VOUlllllW ... I I....1-. .1 '""""""'f i.M"u miuBMUio or : war, anil two millions of soldiers will,. iNiiortiy no arriiveu ngainsr, cacti ot li-r I Iu the Odd. The bsd.-os of death wi " mo .....I ii.. doors -many f f niaiiy Ihousan Is other thousands ol ol nomcs the vo'orotH youth of both Countries will ho disabled tor the remainder ol tlieir lives debt wi l bo piled tip to augment mo itix-s ami to wi imr kthi heavier exactions out of tho In'mring rope ami all liecanso nt tins nt.urd Hohenrollorn di-pute, or becua-e li-qmte, or beeuase tho!,vn"' "'T'uiotto; wtm tlio uglier clas king of rrns,ia gave nn uncivil answer '" l" 1 "",esi'' "nJ "'"ir "I 0" I"i to Count llendeiti 1 "Kmy as an established rule, rather We, -of the world, mar well !luu except ten. Hut in felicitate ourselves that we Uvo no ,." 1,19 Wl,rl1 ls adu't'y bo wvorcty put in ritice, whicil cost us the live of many thousands 1 four countrymen, and ureal rums of money and tox.s nod debt, but I hoy wero upoo broad and vital I.- nies which all tho Wurld coul I underatan I. For some time to come ihero will be eni-r impatlotue for tho foreign r.ews. close scrutiny of the ile-pitche, and iniiint.) examinations of tbo maps ..fl!,h liv"l-'-'d her project to her para I ...... t . ! j Si' 1 a t lid country bordering on tbo Chine Two great oj posing waves ura io mo tion toward, the bank of that histo ric river, sod tho r-ho k ot'th ir colli sion (if they meet) w ill fhake the old world, 11 the great conflicts of Antic lain, lieltysburg and Fetei-stair ' con- vuNion of our own land 1 I j 1- then years ago. Luij-r A l ew lle-MOMHs liy. The query is frequently nut, "Why ' is public stiutiuit'Ut so universal thro'- out the Northern States in favor ot I russia, aud why is there manifested in her behalf such prayerful anxiety for the success of her arms ?" 1. Hecuuse 110 other nalion in F.urope presents a furm of government so cloely rcecmbiitig our own iu its educational and religious features. lieruiaiiy secures the ed ication of her children on a plon similar to our common school system, and perhaps mora liberal and perfect tn its detail. All religions are offered in the In Host measure of liberty and protect D Wbilo Protebtaut in character, the Catholic Greek or Jew is permitted to worship accord iug to bit owd eobsei once, and no impediment against bis doing to is thrown in his way. 2. Heouui-e Uermsoy wss the launch friend and lopporler of our lioveruinenl during our late war tor (he I'fiioo. SI, a aided u with words of cheer sd comfort. She gloried wiib us in our victories anl wept ov. but tnnguiflod our reverse lo create tb Imprassieti that treason wat pros perous aad unconquerable (.tut of the wtaltb of her people came timely ccor In ta tho German. Far more liberally than any other nation on the ice of F.urope did tbo respond te our 0 .11 lot peeaolary alJ fcy pimbaiDg tbo aeeur tiea i bad lo offer, shovlag wmv 1 Ma-i i-ii Tii-tajn t- r HATJis OF AiJtBl'ItSlNU; Onocolnmn itfte year . fOO,!-') On half column, one yesr. SO.tto (ine-fourth column, one year, IS.Ot tine square (In lines! one iurerllon 7 ' Kvery addifoinnl in-erllon 60 Profrs-iniinl an I lili'O-e.- cards of not more than five Ilne, pr year. 5.IX) Auilltur, Kiecillitr, Aduiimslrator and Assijttire Xolic . i,M Kditnrinl notices per line M All advertisement for a shorlrr perio than one ye-ir are pnynble at Ilia time Ihry are ordered, and if not pni, Hie r . r snii or leritt them will be held rt.-t.on, ible tor Ihe iimiieT. iiitmey bug and tlectTred )lhn war f r ibe presi i vnllon til l!io I'nioli a fail ure. She never decoiird us in otio way m tho other, nnd then t,r sitno bus n, ver held tint thnt he was .-o t i -tied lo our lifntit ude. leaV.n heroH li i ed deeds ntol blight leeord of dues I own ids us to speak fur them. selvef . .'!. l'.eea'tso our own conntty N'itelv In rnmni'ed. Ws huvrn u people tii tic ti to Is; thankful for lo (oi-e immigrnii's nbo have ali itidon d t!ic ' fitln r laud" o:i I rome hither to settle iluvvii ameii.,' us in M p out waste lands on I buill our cllie-t ao ! carry lorwar I the destinies of our great coatitry. They lo.vo undo .'o.i leliiblo and loval citizens. They hftVo conlnbllted largely to liO ileVl(ipinrlif, of nr country, to tho dissemination of usif il knowledtfo, t, tlx) I ('pii'nrity tut and si ii-ni c. and have n-t noh'e ex ainplos ( f industry nnd frugality. Fn teiing uiirei tintiy Ibey have eonlot til ! well mid Initli fully t i our laws, tuado jo )d and u-cful n.e'i.l.ers of societv and must respect the land whc'l fui-ni-h. d us wiib sm li a good element of o ir pi p'jlutiott I liceiin-e France has not under tin icL'ii of Louis .iip,,eon, liecu friendly either to dur own cr any oilier gov ernment ou the earth unless :n Hcmni plisli Mono ambitious end or nliri of his own. J luring our war ho wus not cor dial in his friend-hip towards tint mien, lie winked at and encnu-ago I trait'irs, on I tbu I n n h people hoped lor tho I'Stablishmeut of the Southern l.'ot.f deraev. N.noleon took ndvnn- : Uge of our troubles lo plant Mnsi'iii i liau, a ruler of Irs own choice, on tl.o , throne of Mexico, lievcr de g'iin lo o oisult our own liovi rein.-nt, or to -ep ! to cou-i.ler whether t he Monroe doc , Irino wnfl yet tho doctrine) of our people. The French people, t Ought , the bonds of ihe Con federacv in lirc- ferclice lo those i.f the tiovcrtiiiicnt of i'he I mted Mates, aud in every way irry with I. ill) the wrlht of moral seniiinent or the support of tie tru n N ioI biiiiiunii v. J'he trescnt strni'i:'o I ... I V ...... b.r.n - I I.'..... Will..... ,s ,.,; ,,, ,,e f,rm,.r- ,,,,., 1 . i..,,... ...i i. . m... ... nil. Ill .1 (,'1 , IBIV IIU It II J llV Lit fit-la fal.nhl ..i'l.i ..)! It Is for these reasons that thi freo people of the I'nited States Hctid out ,h.,i.,,... f n,..;, ,l - , i;,.i, i,. ...n- 'VI IIVVVI J U llfill U'UU IIVI V'lllUtlJi llo.r Ailullci) sj IMnilsticil lii l Mini. The IIonL ICung Daily TVs of May th, ha tho t' llowii!.-: Kuropeaosi aro generally under tbo impression that tlio Coles' in! social law and redo of moral law is tbo lowest order, and that -ti i-ti' v witti their women is a h -word. This, niiduhi, is in nies.-- ure owing to a few csicros being Mean win exercised or rctr. button io sevcteiy f"r infringing 00 this our Seventh Coniinan intent. A liorrlblo instaitco of tl i oeeurclafow days "go, n'tr Sl ag'.ai. A marrio l lady, tormitg a uullty nlliaoco with tho Irieml of her I ro her made up her mind lo put an en I to her husband's life by s tne nvnos or other, and forth- inour, who nt once j;a!antlv ottered Vi uudertnke the wot k tor her. He event ual'y effected his design by poison, an 1 the man was plat ed in his cotl li, and tho usual rrrciiionie performed over bis body. Hut utter a time suspicion aro-c na to the ennso of hi death, rfc I the woman, after freightfsl torture, admitted to having comrnit'O I th crime or crimes alleged, but to tl e last Ir rite 1 tl nt her lover had nnyth og to do w th the murder. She was then nailed hands I feet on the top f her husband's a Sin, hi t ody then bring in a sta'C of decomposition, and there lingered for nearly f'urdays, until death ptlt no end to 1 er sufferings;. Since then the man, th principal male factor, having colifeid to every thing, h'S bcoa decapitated, and bis head now bangs io a cage not fur frvtit the place veto the awful tragedy Uok pl.C0. I r is related that Iwv. Dr. Samuel West, of New Uedford. once reduced a rrrrfictory choir : It having been ru mored that they Would not Sing 1 DOta on tho ncxl Sabbath, be eomuiencc4 morning worship by giving out the, hymn : "Come J who love the Lord." After reading il through ha looked up very emphatically at tho choir; and said. ''Vou may begin at tbo sec ond verso : Lrl lho. refuse U stac -W asfsr tnl ul Uud.' " Not w ish iug to be catalogued as heathen, tho rboir sang. A LtrtlC boy who bad imbibed! mora of the Yooog America spirit than of politeueaa, waa reproved last Fourth 01 July for pick iug bia nose. ' lt'a my 000 bo replied, ""4 tbis Is tho dsy of the American Iadi -peudtaco, and 111 pick taadcr cat tf Ik V I have a n.ini to." - . iataar ....I.J-W