I! THE rP O 3 T, , . ' i t'ubUtbed every Thursday Evening bj JKtfMlli'tftOrSt, rroprlelop. Terms of Subscription, TWO DOLLARS PER 'ANNUM, rayetie wltbia als month, or $2,IW If Sot paid . wlililn tbe year. No paper discontinued nnltl all arrearage art rid ubIm at tb option of tbe publisher. Subscriptions ontsido of the county PBTABMC IN ADVANCE. )0-Tenon II ft lag sad using piper addressed here become (nhecribers, tnd or liable for I he price Of the paper Jl'CllONMlM.Krt, ATTORNEY AT LAW,. Middlcburg, Pn., Offers hU professional eervlees lo tbo pub lic. Collection and all other pmfraiionnl buslne enlruiUd lo hie care will receive prompt attention. fJsa 3, 'OVtf C. SIMPSON, . ATTOBXEV AT LAW, Sdinsgrove Pn, Of erf hi profeealonal MrTice 14 I lie pub lie. ' All buslnee entrusted to hi care will be promptly attended to. fJan. 17, 7tf 1 AWKXIflllT, . 4, ATTOUSiRV AT WW, 1 rccnurg 1 Offer Ms Profrnilonal eervice lo the pub- lis. All bu.tnene entrusted to bit care will be promptly attended to. Vf AITOBNEY AT LAW, I.on-iiliirir Pa. Offer In pToTewiorinl crvice to the pub lie. Collection and all other rrofe-ion-nl buaine eutru.teil to hi care will re ceive prompt attention. GKO. F. MILL Kit, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Lcwixiitirjr Ph. Offer bis rrofcmlonsl eervice lo the pub lie. Collceiions and all other prolrion all limine eiiiriiKted lo hi cure will re ceive prompt atlcniiim. Jan. 8, '07 1 1 H. LINN. J. attorm:y at law, Lewitdmrg Pa., Offers Li profesf'wnal service to the puHlie. ('.llactlniia and all other pro-I.niiii-a vnirualed lo their cure will receiveproniptiten'ion.Jn.a, 'OTif rillAULES HOW Kit. ATTOKNKV AT LAW, Selinsgrovc Pa. flers hi rrofefsional .ervic to the pub .10. Collection and nil other profeaidoniw ni.ine. onlruiMed lo hi cure win re teive prompt attention. Office two door" norl h of 1 he Keyitone lintel. .Inn 6. 'tiT QAMUKL ALLKM AN. , O ATTOUNKY AT LAW, Srliifgrovo Pa OAVr hi Professional rvloes In the pnl.lic. All famines eninited to hi euro wilt be promptly attended to; Col lection BMi.ie in H par" f'" lleean speak Ihe English and Cerman liingunge tluenily. Oaioo between Hall's and llm 1'o.t ill.ee. LN. MY Kit!, ATTPRNE! it COl'SSKLuR AT UW Middlcburg Snyder County lVnit'n. Office 11 few doom Vvl of the .1'. O. on M.; .ir.ni t'nti.iiltntion ill English and German limgiing.e'. Sop.'liTlf t c. lii rur.u, ). ATTOUNKY AT LAW, ..-. : , .. lwM'iir.ic Pa., oeivleerto the pub- lie. All famines eairwKted lo hi care will be iiromt'tly atlerolod to. Jan. il. 'UTtf (1 ItOVKIl HA K Kit T SKVYlN'li MACIIIXK. Persons In need of a tw"W ewlBS Jtaciiino can o vwnii"r., ... rciieoiiaMe prices eiVJwjt on Sam vki. Faiist, Agent, Scliusgiove, ' 1 (Jon. 21, ! DM. J. Y.SIIINDKIi. HIBGEON AND PIlVStCIAS, Mi.l.llclmr- Pa., Offer hU pmCemion irrvicc to the cit Uen of Mid4Uotirg ad vicinity. Marek il, '(17 J F. VAN lll'SRIUK, IflROlCALi MECHANICAL PENTIST Sc'inKgrove Ponn. JOHN K. HUGHES, E.q., JUSTICE OF TUG TEACE, ... - 1Vd Twr, Foydcr Co. Y$ ' L YYl WAONKH, Em., ' J 1 A Jl'STlCKOc THE PEACE, JacWo Towutbip, Snyder Co. Int., Will atltad lo all ttUetnea tnlrutted lo lila saraX.ml an molt, reasonable term. March 12, 'tiHlf T.U J- rY KANAWEL. U ,'hysuav ANiifiunr.KnV. 1 . . , OntrcYlllr, (ndtl Co., P Offer hi profeitiobal icrvieei to (be public. . . , j o-tint 1 1 W.8CIIWAN.M.M)., ' BURGEON k VIIVttlClAN, . . P.irt Trcvirtii Pn Offer hi profewtonal erie- to the 1. : - It.!. . i-it I. ipcakiOernan and tngiuk. r hi . t April 10, 15 A. WVKB, Jr. AUCTIONEER. . Fieeburg Shydtr Co. Pa, tloit Tactfully offer fall tcrvicc 10 tliefdlJcMYenda Cryr and Auction r. lTringhad lrg enperieBee, 1 feel eoudUiit that I tn reader perfect atitfacttu la anlovM. V fl T I'AKkTSJ -a- i uTTnmettmT law Jt " . UWTIUCT ATTOKNY, MIDDLEDlrRO, BNYfjidt COUNTY, Pa Office ia 4purt UUMi"$ept,j6, 'C7tf IE WJ JlJtPMJSR'S SOJV-S . TOBAC(!0,WAUKHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRD S' 0,33 I riULADEUMUA. . - , M ERCUANT UOUlip. U. If. MANOERBACn Pnoi'kv J. C. N1PK. Clerk No. 413 A 416 North Third Street. , ... . ... Philadelphia. lLLER ft JJLDEI ; " ' ' WHOLESALE BOOK BELLE BS, 1 -Etnliooera, Blank' book MulMloxef and dealer la Wrapping, WnaUog, , Cr lala and Wall paper Paper bag Te Oea- VOL. 8. THE PAPERLESS Miff'. 11T TLVAVi codb, ja. rtXo. 1r 1 I don' want nolli'a o' tlVo kind. To the first place, I ha n't tot tho fnooey ) and in tht next pfioo, ir I bad tbe money, l woman i nare none o' your paport." .So ioke Titu Clottolv, In nnsweV to a man who had called to Bee If lie would liko to BulMeiibo lor a ticwspA per. . Said man kept a itoro in the nclnhborini; tillinse, and was !o tni postmaster ; and he hod made arranjt- inets to add to tits dumiocm dj e tablhlng a newxpiperaizcncy. I cia fiirnisli vou with ooy paper job nnj liko," he explained to Mr. C lowly, "und lean luromn it encap. er thud you cno )t it noy other way, bcMttiM by buyinir ol mo you win save the postage 1 thiill have pa por dovotoU io the Interou ol the Family ; papers fjr the Barmen ; pa per for tho Mechanic J aod papen for both young and old ; and, ia short, I may oauro yon that nny one of litem would be worth fur moro to yo'i than I nropooo to a-k. Ask your wife what elie thinks. Vou havonoilea whnt a vnst amoiiiit of rulunblo inrornmlion vou will find.'' Nancy Clonply warded a ptpor j but her huband aid . ' 0 bothor ! I don't want it, I tell ye. rve pol a tniicli a l can do lo look nrtor my larai ; ooil, il incy and tho children want to read, they can net tracts of tho milliner." 'Your Doithbor, Pecpwator, bn aubseribed for two paper," M''l igont. 'Ho will luUe a )loa.aiit, IiIkIi toned paper for his family, and n pa per devoted to Art, Science rud Apri cullitre (or liiiiisclf." "The more fool hoi" cried Tit us Clofely.contcmpiously. Sl'diu lU-cp- water can t iumrd it no nior n 1 can. My fnrm' biuor an' betttr'n his is : and I toll ye, (hit nn' iUitrc, 'nt 1 hn'u't cot no three dollars to throw nwny for a iiewa.pnper.'' 'Hut ittua " "fhut up, N'aoey ! I toll yo I don'l want it." And Nancy clo-ted her lipf, and the tfjent went liii way j and Titus Close ly wcut forth to plow his ground with the grent old wooden plow which hi rather and bis granJtutlier bud used before him. And tinio pnHrd oo. 1 lio news pttpor agency wus cstublihliod at tho vill.t'-o post-otltco ; but litus did not pnlronizo it. II 0 telt that ho had a principle nt ttakc. Ho fluid bo would not and lie wouldn't. Hut iu one thiogho wa conoisteot J he would not allow fcis wifo or eliildrxn to borrow papers of his ouiiilibor iteepwuter il be kaew it. Ouo crcuiuit Titus Closely and his wifo look tea, by invitation, wtth neigh bor Deepwater. "I detlare. Nnney.'' atid Titus, on their way homo, ''Prudence Pocpwa ter boat all creation for cooling, don'l he T I'd no ides she was such a hand at it. I wonder whero shoot them fresh atrawborrits." 'She proserved thutn ho.'self," an swered Nancy." 'O tut cout 1 TUom wain t pro- rve1 they was aa Ireb a new-. pirkeu i "Its the way tuey aro oxod, litus," "Eh I cno yoti do St f "I could if I had her paper." 'Her paper 7" ' ' "Yes. Sbo found the recipe Id tho nowspuper. And ttials where nhe learned bow .to do most all of her a ice cooking" ; Titan changed tho anbiect of con- venatioo, . Autumn camo.aed tho Aerloullural Fair was held in an adjoinlnjr town. Titui wool over with a yoke of what he considered Very fine or.cn, but he found, when tbe exhibition cams off, that be was very far behind tho times 1 Now broods, ot wbich he had known nothing, had. beea . IntrouutoJ, and his own animals woro not deemed worthy of notice. "Whew 1 whistled litus, as he rat io his kitchen, with a crumplod re port of tbe Awarding Committee , lo his hind. A friend had fctveo him tbe printed document. "John Peep water hits cot the premium for sbeop. Dy hookey I I'll bet I clip more wool than he does next season.' Because you'vo got moro sheep," suggested Nancy. "Out wait and see. is Dew breed which be bas procured a very valuable one." nimh V - .TMnk.WMtr It anafc bint ' I iriff altars for a, anir ol 'am." ''Atrl.f added Xanor. ''ho solif two of bit Ving lambs to Mr. Thompson rorelghrjfl?0iiir,M . . ... "(Jiteobft ' .', 1 TrudeootVljto,gft. John Deop. water saW'S Jbmny flattering aceoatlU of IboBOtlieca bjt pa)w that be knew it oM b Vf to invest." 11 ' Tiearttfred vaUK.the ,Rep6rt. Ilello I'm blessed irKiu Down er basu't got the . ftnt nrorniOBw ft,. cbeeseflve dollaraJVL ' "r ' "Yes," said Saocy. f "fjh was tell, ing me about her chees. '.She found out how to tniko them ik her paper. I tell ye, Titus, It's A gixi tbeng to bare a good newaparvr. : I wish you'd " . ju't' n iv ', ',i i ' "fiah I ' Don'l talk tmWe I" .. Aid Titua tare down the Ilort, And re tired from the kitchen In MisEott. 1 Tbe wiutor parsed eat the spring work was done t and tlA' time for theerHabeariof on: TNns Closely sheered oee hasdred tod fifty sheep, ad ottihjed tbsrniow sot nuite sis buodred pounds of wool, Itina laai than,tj at",.K tbaada 1 IMIbDLEBUliG, SNYDEK C07 1 bor Poopwater's alieep would prove by far tho most profititblo J It cost no more to keep one of his splendid animnls than it dous to keen one of ours. And then bis lambs are hear. Icr nnd bis mutton is" "Stop ycr gab, Nnuce I I know what ye re pitchio.' nttjt'a ono o' thom 'Lirnnl papers 1 Let John Pecpwalcr go it, if Iiq wauts to. 1'rc got more wool 'n be 1ms " . "An ! yon wintered more than twice as many slioop as be did." Shot up I will yo ?' Nancy was silent, but the end was ifiot yet. . After tho haying hail bwn dono. .Ir. pcepwator and his wifo called over and took tea, and spent tho erpti to)t with Titos and Nunoy. In the course of conversation I'rn d'CViee told to Nancy many new thine which slio had lenrned of household mnteries, wbilo Mr. 1 lecp water tnlkod with hi h'wt of tbe gteat improve moots which were bein made iu eg. rieultttre. And Titus was interested ill spite of himself, though he tried to appear otherwise. "lly tbo way, Titus." said John Peepwitter, Into in the oveniog, "when yon get roady to sell your wool, I think I ran recommend you to a good market.,' "Much oblec'iod, John ; but I've Isold." "Sold To wlism V "To Smldlcr Uyder, of P.ilokton ' "lii thev como for it ?" "Yos.- ). .Sa.ldlcr enmoliimself." "Whnt did ho pay you 1"' "Thirty cents." 'Thirty fonts ? Thirty cents n I'OUttt "Yes." "(Joodiiess mercy, John I You did'nt sell your wb'ule clip at that price V "Ye e-t. Why ? ' " II lo Why wool like yours is worth forty live cents ; mid l" was au thorized by Mr. rirtnun to offer you that price for your clip. You must liuve had over live huudred pounds ?" "Yes," sitidJTitu, g i-pingly, "I sold five bundled and seventy., "Hut didu't you know that wool had risen in value !' "No. M r. Saddler said thirty cents wat ail 'twas worth." "Mr. Saddler doceived you. Hut vou should havo wn'chcd tho Market Itcport. I'idu't you oolico them in the paper f" , "I I don't lake no rawr.'' "I declare, Titus, I tun oriy for you. nut a ra i i oo helped now." . , Mr. Icopweer saw how badly 1tix A ' I . . . u ienu wis moling, nan no saui no more. When the company had pone, Titus Closely took down the old slate tioui i's pir' by tin' si'lo of tlio look in?. glas, and bego to cipher. Tho diff erence bet worn thirty and furty-iivo was fifteen ; nnd fifteen U'uliipliod by five bunilred and seventy gave a pro duet of eighty five dollars aod fifty cents ! On tho following morning, Titos Closely went to tbe village, and sub- scribodfor two papers ono for him- solr, nnd ono for bis wilo and in time bo eumo to regard tbo Newspaper as one of tho greatest iastittttio:is of tho ago. AT. Y. Ltdjer. Military Ktuenotii ok Kt-itorK Tho thrcatoolng aspect of affairs in Kuropo nnll tho poasibility of war be tween Franc and Germany, suinrests the vastncBS of tbo armies that oould be called into the field ia caco of a rupture. Goo. Kummer, a distinguish ed officer on tho Prussian staff, has published an Important (pamphlet re lative to the effective military alrcoetb of leading Continental powers. From il wo loam that Jtussla can master In a erltieal emergency 1,254,000 men, including her war and peace establish ments. I be latter will not probably oumber over 830,000, but tboee could march at forty-eight hours. The North German Confederation has a war force of 041,321 men, and witb the contingencies which may be drtwa from tbe South German States, an ar my of 1,127.000 can . bo procured This is over threo per cent of 'tho en tire population. North Germany is able to retain her garrisons, and yet put Into the field at once for active sorvlce 522,000 men. Tbo remainder of Germany, exolusive of Austria, can maintain its present garrisons aod far oisb 107,500 men for immediate nse. Austria numbers 800,000 men on her rolls, and keeps 300,000 op a war foot. Ing. Italy shows 200,000 ; tho Frio olpulitiej 100,000. aod tbe . 8omlloa- visa powers oout aa, equal roree.l rraeee;sll toU lies l.I'JJ.OHe soWiers, aod bolda 640,000, always iredetjmrms. I l.pm . n . 4lf WrlllA If will OKrt .nnn ste tery nearly matched, with a slight oaianee to lavor or tne lorroer, so Jar as Bumerioal strength Is concerned. ' A RrssinLB pod. The latest re,: mnrksbll do story comes from Cftar Iott4villo, Te. A fcf 8 usdsy ago, 'a vvtoui aoctor was prauvuiug, ia me abseatiw-i the regular pastor, io the DiaoipUs ohurcH. -JSar tho close of tbe soraioo bis dog got air, itretehed himself and walked around. oaVllr. The doctor taklne to notice ei &U. tbe dog dellberaUlj belied Ma4 Uft 1 be found tbe doctor, fast, teek U to h'ia toulh, carried It up to him, aud would not leave til! be was relieved of it lie thee went owe fa front of the pulpit ana wejiee impeisjeiiy ror lew mm utee for the doctor to take the blot, fiediof he would pot, be looked amend and sot bis' stick . end carried litto blm. wht.fc-.fcu ' r tLjeiavViiiaw . i . . SELECT POETRY. Hullo l.ccnnd Willie Ural jr. Tmn hrn.n tiimtn with tnt.lni: rurln, Kel tip hnttlnT orr pMrl., ltr lel, wlou mill mrt with itnir, 1'wo f vo. Murk, nnA twn tiluv, I. tMItt li.r anl Klrl wr tlify, Katie Laml Willi. Orjr. Thf f re tn.lr trhire a l-rnnk, Ittml Itia Ilk. a ,li,l wrd. rriKtk, Hli. It IHt. ami thick rmiM tit infn wtlt.iwf frinicril Itfi biik. Unit In thnuKltt nn. liAlt in Ly, Kail. L. ami Willi itrj. Thv hil flie.kii Ilk rtirrrlM r,l II. w. tKller, tn-i.t a hrA'l; Hh. Kith arm. Ilk. wreth of mow, Hwunit a liK-kvl Iim, nti,l fro, A l. Iiilt.rv't h.lf In tay, tL.lllng lo Willi, tlrny. "Pretty Katl." Willi. mM, An,l tli.r. (inni. a iIm.Ii nl rM Tliru(h tht limwnnM. nl hi. rliU, "ll', r. .Iriinu .ml ulrl nr. n.ak, Anl I'll r.rrv, ft I wfll, Katl.'l bMk.l up tu. kill." K.tl. an.w.rail with a tan.h, 'Vu iill t.rrr only hall." Anil (hen tilnv bank h.rdtirl, " Hkiyn .r. v.k w.ll .flalrl..' 1 1. 1 yu think that Kali. Hiiim-i-.l Hull ih. olmliim .lie irffl t M.n r. nnly boy. vrtwn tail: H..rU ilun'l ohnimo much alter all. Anl whtn Inaa ynr hud pal Sway, Katl. I.min l vt'llll.ilr.y hl'NI oirnln iM.liln ih lirn.ik, Hi-mlln Ilk. a nhrrhw,t' erwhi I. it utmnn. lh.nl Willi. ..Id, Wuil. unnltl a il-h nt r.'t ('rn..il Hi. lirnwnni.- nl hl.hok, "I am flrnnii. I,nt you ar. weak, I. Ill la hut . nllpi'i'i) pimp, lhmw with thnilnw. nlit unit ilrept W'lll you trll.t HI., krttln, iln.r W.lk tin.hlu ni wlllniiil lr I Mny I iMirrr, II I will, All ymir luirilon. up the hill I" Ami h. an.wvrr.1 with a Iniiiih. "Mu! hut yu may carry hull." t'li. Iw.hl. Hi. Illtlo hrmik, II. mtlnx like a ulinpu.ril'f rrook, Wh.Iiiiik with iu mlvcr ImiiiIj, I. nl. ami Hrl at th. iml., htnrnl. a cnit.it. whr. to iUy Kail. Ilv.. Willi Willi. Ur.y. In th. pnri'h .li. tit., anit Iu! Nwlnii l"k.t to .ml lr, ..lly ltn,rtyit Irmn ih.nn. That h 'wiiuk In yviim .irnne. Tht. Is I.IIMI, Hint IHKI Hllil H'IIK, AMI UAH Ctl AT TIIK. IIIK. A Hide Hllll lici llctiu. Miss Kminti Halman had been sent; be her parents to a bearding school, tpiito a distuuee fi'otn homo, with in ('.ructions lo Mis Waldron, tli teacher, to keen u strict watch over bcr. Kninia hud a bean, however, whom she mangod lo keep up a correspondence with, an 1 it was nt lsst arranged that he himld como and pass otV for ber cousin, aud take her out eurriago riding, utiiler pretenco that ho was taking her to liij lather's, a few mile out in the eoubtry. Well, be came according tolllctWi iompily cheek a tendency mm linent. and introilucnii! Inin-cll us Kmmi's cousin, asked to take ber liomu to Sjienil tho nttciiiojii. Mis Walilron said she h i I not llio slightest ulji'clion ; and told Kiiiiua lu gut ready logo, lint when Kninia was dross ed aud ready to xtai't Miss S,llldotl also eamo down ready nod iire"..cii ana sum mains ineir curruigu enough lor tluee, slio wo.u.i go aioiig'M ,V(l HSan imiAio Vulu;, part of tbo wuy will, tboai, nnd biop) Lusiness drcs.i liku rt thorimgh at a friend's, who lived a short "- l,r(vl tiiluofl mill. Avoid Lot li tho tancafiotn the nnelo that hiutnii wal.,0.onK. .....t ... H.lHi.v. I11,i.. goiog to see, and they might stop bcr when they camo back at uigla. Ol eourso thev ecu I J do no better thai) tell her they was glad to have hot go with them, although thry would be dull with her ns a coinpuuiou. lint they thought to mako up for it by having a nice souiablo ride ufler Mtc Waldrua stopped at her friends. So off they sinned iu riuu spirits; aud when they got two or tbrco miles, they begau to expect that overy house they enmo. to would bo tho ooo thut Miss Waldron would atop at. Hut she didn't atop at any. Finally, whuii they bad gooe soitto five or six miles, MUs WalJorn said tbo must have passed tho house by some mistake, lot' they had certainly traveled twice as tar as ber friends bouse was I rout town. Hut, el oca they had passed il she would not troublo tlieui to tarn back with her, but would go ou witb lJuima to her unoie s, - and just, stop ono miuute at ber irlnu s aa tuey came back. Tbero wns what you might call a fix! And Emma and her beau oould do nothing but drive on. So on they drovo ; but driving on didn't drivo the troublo away. At isst when they bad go no eight or ten miles, Kuiina s beau fcaid tlint tne road must have beeti changed lo totno way, for be had undoubtedly gone as tray, and, as they bad gono so inl and it was drawiug late, they would not have tims to find tbo righ way. So tboy wont baok to town ; aud wbso Miss Waldron got out or tbe carriage sho told Kmms'a beau that whoa he ascertained bow tho road had been cbanirod the would, be very happy to go along with Kinma any Saturday to spood an sltsruooa at ber uooie i l ;, Do Not Us Cbaokkd Disucs. There is trouble ofioa attendant upou badly cracked dishes; such disties ao- torb oils or fats from the different kinds of food placed upoa them. I bese fata soon deoomposo.la the pores ol the dish, end do amount of cleansing can remove the nadaoating end postoo ous deposlu 8uoU dishes two filthy land uoQt for oo. Tbo peouKar un pleasant taste sometimes ootioed upon, pie crust is caused by their being bak ed apoo old, oraeked dishe?, from whieb theraneid fat from previous DoSiog has beea absorbed. V " Wm. Vrer6 you. Charlie' P' "la the gwda, mo. "Ao. yotf havo beea'swh swhsmrlng. Tea know I oau- tioeed yeir about Roiof to the iereelr. will have to eortreet -rou. JjObM at your bair, bow Wet it la." "Oh do ma U is not tef k is sweaf " Ab, Charlie. I biVe caught you flbbioc. W J . . . S.b4j ft A... M. r.. r ti ' - A., elULY '28.1870. IUmIm Io louhi lliislnr-NN Ilt-o.l b.rl.idon by the Koran. Neter more Fuliordinnte veur own affairs U,,,y"ri invito an Arnli t) tuhn a walk your employer's. Ity tloiti ai you really sdvoncc your nwn iulerehts, and in the brst wy, Aevcr acem to the- t:ite to rtnp'oycrs. tuijmet, nioilot ly. Knrely volunteer advito to yuur superiors, and never exept il is call cd out by rirciiunttnnrc. I)o nolb iti wliiih would cause rlnttrriii il loo ii lit tu t lis liglit. Many tliinps liirh sre really iunncent ' eannt be mnile to win hdIo othois. Avaid the a pitrarmwe or evil. over Nronn.p or make niinac- iiiciiti tlimiv bllcssly, but, having prom letnl, bo pun vliliotis Dil l prompt to ex ecute ymir cmitraet even nt mvere loss. Never waver. Kit luff decide a . r.: . i I- .n.. . )'. 'utmiiii irgnipiiy aim iniaiir, r ' promt tly tuotponc n ueuiKinu until some stated lime. In tbo meanwhile, inform yourself regarding tbo doubt ful point ; got moro ' light. Having mado adcciion. uihcre to it, utiless cloarlr convinced it is a wrong ono;! tbi'ii let no unworthy prulo prevent your changing, partieularly if the mat ler bo important. In moro inatUi's.01 rnlltilln illvillt'lll., hnlliili. nl' uii.l.tiij imiioit. it is bfll."r tu deeid.i .no.tinn. oir-lisnd nnd stoiie.t.cw.n if vou nirtke I. A'"' a?iu": " Of the Won! which omo obvi.m. mistakes, rather tlmni1? mil tbe master j but of waste your lime in dallying with tri-i ,' W wllcli is spokou I am the en. .Never permit yourself' lo bo crowded or wheedled into an tinwi ilccwion. Never say Yes, against your better judgement, t-iget rid of a boro. Learn In sny No, with thecr. ful but unmistakable emphasis. A liabit of unJiscriuiinntitig complisnco is n vice, not a virtue. .ever uiiuw lit t io mines to vex or excite you A serene temper lies nt ition or a Hi.eccflsf buflL i , us well ns nt the base t.fi the foundat ncss career, manly clur.ictor. An irritable tnnn reduce Lis incomo ono-balf, and con- Tirmcl ix-cvinlincss is tin nJiuirnble I help to bankruptcy. Ilea gentleman! undl.,. , circlllll,tnnecs nnd towards! all persons. Abovo all. avoid the com mo.i but vulvar nin ortvraniziug Over those who haiipon to bo under 3'oiu ...i.rt..;tu ' t i.nni. -i.. i..,ii.. iiihuviii ji i viiii'iiu t9J Villi; t lie ir clerk, nod clerks who uliuso their interiors, tiro unworthy tbo name of busiuc't mto. They nro Simply blaekgtini'dil aceideelly engaged in ttade. Seldom consult the opinion.'! of sub ordinates, exoept iu llieie Hjieoiul prov among subordinates to oitor too many suggestions, or to interfere with your matured plans. is.s master of yoUi' own affairs, and iiihist on having ripe, eiliu tiling! done as you direct. lio a prompt corrysiuinileiil. Answer nil letters immediately ou their receipt, and roitluiiiber tbat good lOugli'li uud correct ortliograrby have it Guaiiuiul j;80l,o,i mean. Apparal soiactiinos has moro weight tit a it a bulauco at, bank I'l.iiu tlothiiii;, selected witb tu.itc, fit tod by a tailor who knows what he is about, always kept uo.it, and renewed with reasonable frequency this is n good geticful rule. liueonio and remain tlioroilglily conversaut with t lio (jctteral principles and the practical dotails of your par ticular calling. rn.Icrslilod a few things perfectly, rather than miuy things indilTercotly. He accurate This thorough kuowloJgo of one's bu siness gives a CoufiJoaco and a power which uro better than capital ; they control aod command capital. A clerk who manifests no disposition tJ master tbo particular bi'ancli of t lit Jo with which ho is connected, may As well go to sawiog wool at once. Ife will never go higher, Also, a clerk who habitually docs only so mrtch as ho is told to do is next to worthless. I Co should soo for liiuirolf what needs to be dono, and then do it without waiting for aa order. Au employer who is forced to maintain a coustant aud miouto surveilluuco' over bis agents, io order to have his work done properly, will soon either do bis work himself, or secure difrciont assistants. Uore no one with speolal or aimless calls during tho business hours, aud permit do one to bore yoti ia a, simi lar way. It Is well to adopt a definite formula fof dispensing of genteel loaf ers who attempt to filch your pre cious time. Fur Instance, greot them with tbe usual urbanity, exchange a pleasant word, tny promptly that you aro eu (raced sad must be exensod if you seem unsocial, hand tbo visitor tbo morning paper, ana proceea witb your work. It is an expensive cow ard ice that sacrilTces business Interests to tbe entertainment of pforeidional interviewers and1 chronic visitoraV Ueware few time, and you will soon be free. Tfotft carry your business about wHb you like an unhappy load that oarruot be laid off Cubtine trad to the store, and traffic to' live market placet Renrombertbat business is in oidentat to the awinr work of life, aod then make' business keep its place. Growth ia Christidh' manhood is tbe first Mttg. This is th end sought business is oho' of the moans by which it is sought. Pon't invert nature's order, and loss sight of the end lu your devotion to the means. , Ts) AreV.. ' So' AtAb is ever curious. Curiosity, with' all K astern eations. Is considered unmatily. Ho Arab will stop in th street or tare bis bead round to listen to thsj Ulk Ot" livalaailwM l . V t UBIUIVIwil iiawvii weww 4 wl,n J'ou '"r plcssuro. Allhongli Arabs are, nu o'Ciiri,nfd wlk. ,n, y nave no iiolioo ol Walking for aininomenl ; they only walk ns s miner oi iriMni'M. JIi. tr lrniHT hnce, tboir cooftatil ouidmr lnibil, rentier nil exercise for exercise sake unnecessary i they ciin't. there lor. ntidt rstand the pleasure of walking fur walking nun. tVli-it Arabs liko best ii to sit stlil. and when they see Kuril peans walkiha up nod down in n pnh'ir ,)loco in Alforla, they say, " l.imk. look, the (JlirLtiains afo going inad !" Tbo Arab docs not even mount on hnrsehack except a. n matter of bu.-i-ncss or for his public fete anil rnrou- s.ils. An I when you ln walk, you m ict never Wallr milrklv tnui ,. u i i - -. , .. ' ... peaking you filmuM not talk last Imi I, fjp tbo Koran tells you : ' I'.u denvor to inoileralo tby step, and to sprit H in a lov tone, f,.r the nnwt tll-a Hi fable of volecj is tbo voices of the HNS.' Indeed, it was obnrrvc I by a famous Arab, "Countless nre the vices ol men j but otio thing will redeem tlicin lrT-rlcty of sp.'ceb." Tbo famous proverb, " Spcecll i of silver, bat silence is of pold," iJ a motto of Arab origin. A silent, grave, peoplj tho Arabs, uim u ii una ono. too. as n rant : verv i I ,, r. , ,wi J much L'ivcn. nevei'tbeless. tu hi..hwnp robbery on a larno scale, which thev Call rarrias in Algeria; Utii thj Arab's tent i aUays opert to vou. and vou J 1 . "'i "''" ol cmmcnissou. cam, ""lk- 'r CVl"." otiMeil m,;tM. ''' ho 1 "..V'" ,r,,,,,od M " tlimi !froni t!oJ" as loin ns vou nro tinder . i . i ... ... , .. . his rool, nftef which " V ottr happiucst- is mi your nanjs, wiiuli meaus that your bout, who lei you in tbo even- ,"' u,"'.''1t 0 ,locen,1 fr '"' "T1' r""J , IH,WI0-,",IS 1,1 " !',,,r"i".!'' ,ct 1 " l,0',cr Ponli ". M".U . 11 J'" ilj'Ct, alter wl.ieb "Allah be merciful lo.'u." JoUcm Iioiii llai-ci'M Irratfrr; A c utiiKM'oxpi'.NT in Id flro incloses to tbo Drawer, copion of some of (be old district laws of that region. From the early settlement of the I'iku's I I'eak region, in ',VS nnd tinlii thoi,. autumn ol Uz, it wns divided into mining district, caeli district elect ing us own oincers anl eimoling its and eulurctng its own law?. A low ol tli'.'su aro as folluws : Lower Uniou I'istriet. I'u-scJ Juno s, 1 StiU. .SVc 8 : If ouy per sou or persons fliall bo guilty of tleal ing, tho injured pirty may "tko suf fieiout property of di.i'cml.iut lo satisfy all damage, sud tbo dofeuJsut shall be banished from the dintrlut, art I, fail ing id leave tho district Immediately ou notice, sli til fcocivo nut loss tlun five, uor moro than twenty-niue laslies. And in enso the value of the property Ktolon bo over f I OH, be sall bo buiia BJ by tlteucck until ho is di-ml, Tbe injured party may proceed to retake bis properly nnd remunerate hiinsolf. Uevi-ion of March, l&il, ,V,v. fjr Ar. That uuy person who .bull be tried for stualiug before the Miner's Court, if found guilty, shall receive not loss than twenty, nor moro tbau ooo hundred laslins. Aud for stealing ayoko of oxeu, horse, mule, or pony, be shall bo hung by tho neck until he is uoau ; aim iu uu esses IUo party having had property stolen shall be made good by tho p-irty guilty qI stealing, if iu his power. The pTOsi deojl will in all cusos appoint tbo per- suujUi whip, aud tlu whipped persm shull bo banisliod from the mountains forever, aud not complying Witbiu two nours, tin whipping to be repoatcJ. Jlcsolvi d s That ui lawyer Jrhall bo permitted to practice in any court in this district, under penulty of oot more than fifty, nor loss than twenty lashes, and be banished from tho district Banner Wstrict, March 8. 1311. No lawyer or pettifogger shall be al lowed to ptoad ro auy eourt in (b'is district. . Trail Crook District, Aug. 2J, ISM No lawyer, Attorney, counselor or pottitogscr shall UU allowed to h,'ad iu any case, or before any jude or joVy in tuts dmlrici. TL'at seemi to be moro cotnpTChci)- sire and spccillo. Hut Wlmt absurd prejudieu agnioet lawyers! ibe crime or porjury seems to nave been regnviVod a vouiiit olfonoe com pared with the irregular approptiatioo of a mule. Tutn r Any person' coirvrctcd' of tterjury shall receive tWonty-Sve lasbo's on tho bare baok, and tbo sbenrr stall per- torra sato outy. Tbls is somewhat In tbit style of the rbymed adviuo of tbe noblo iJmibrod to his sou G.' Washington f ' 'tli better t.t.lltSn thoiii.Sd ltt,' Than .ut down one piU Uw." It is a curious foot that the Territo rial Legislature, at its first session, rat. ified and eonurmed all tho old district laSve. It is also curious, irr reforeooe to tho summary code quoted above, tlint very few persons, perhaps oot one is known' to have tfufured its penal .lies.'. ' . ' ' j' ' , Afoa tost there should be so maay poor souls Who ia this world sod the world to come fbok forward to nothing thai Is substantially comfortable and satiafying I Here, for instance, ia vertiebto desoebdaut of Saint Martha, Whoeaae late nbibboKa' boaae iaUytk home ttrctlve,' tUt.ttVr Li . I M"lk' ' ultrrJ4------l MMr'mcaLY XEr rat: or ADVESTlSlndl tineeludH one year . MM One-balf enlumn, one rear. SO.iki Dne-fotirth eohimn, ene ytar, . , One piaf J 10 line.) en Inrertloa Ker aililllinnal In.erllon Profeminnal and ftiisi.eM card of 16.0 Co ant Biore than Ave llrira, per year. C.00 AinllWr, Kipculnr, AJuilnialralnr and A.iignee Nollrr J lf) Kilitorial niMice per litis 1,1 All ailtertieemeBtl for .Imrler prrii llisn one year are p.y.l.le at ihe time llipjr are onlered, arid if nol paid the pir o n onl.rini lli.iu will be beld rcufonmhl. for Ih mnner. ing, washing, sowing, and fcverythiog cUe ! No ret I never was, never will be, for me 1". "Oil yen," said tho good woman slio sdilict.-ed, "l!ieio will lw rent otio day fir us all a bmg rest." Not lor nto I nut lor mo !'' wa lb reply. "VTIicnever 1 ,f d! ', thorn will bo reitaiu to bu reAufret'tioi tin- if ,i, i-t ,1,) I h would jll-l bu m v luck '. ' 1'our old ilcar ! Ton bn 1 1 Iv ono of I ho towns of Michigan rcsiilcf a li-al genttvmatf f Cue nlnli ties, nil C tifjtient talker; tt tlioronli lawyer, nnd a g-iod fullotv ccncnilly ; but be tlppleili loo frequently, and this Hain't has retarded bis udvauee. mciif. UN party bid frefpinutly pMi!tie l him p.isition, but tho poor mau'B frtiliog had n.4 frcmit'Olly ren dered it irf.-fpediftnt tit the time. . I'i nally tho tluio enmo wtit'ii tlio ('on. gresr tonal iliuiiiiinllott was within bis grasp. Ife bad a wife. (She. too, wisfp-tl to go' to VTnAhiegtoii. (Ithor reproM'litaliVtfs took their spouses t tho capital. S-'he metilioned that fact lo Ibdiui t. "Vou expect lu fjS, djur, don't yott ." "Vc"', . ''.tnd doss mlicf C'ongrc.'isiuen do?'' iTerf." gruP'y. "Well, ns oilier Congressmen tukl their wives, yon'll tttko inn '.' "I tlon't care ; you nfay go."' ''l?ut, doir, yod know I've never been there, nor never been out much. . - - " - 1 '' J'u think I II appear iinogi '"t,,cr ri'at ,IU!"'S fiTC 7 ' I " 'I'car vrell eifougli 1 'pear well ' enough ! " replied Uohert, bogitiiiiu ' ... .. ir .t . ..:i.. i . 1 1 (' h ;l " '''u 1 " .-in great uiCit Il(sbave coiifiiuiiiled fifols for wives." l..r.. u...lM r... 11 I . .1 - v uii'i niii.iiviy mi- li iuuri, iiio pco. 'I''" "olseo in Hubert thereprescn- m !... ......:.. ... . i... . : i . tutivn too ctigoncits of the time tie- inrtiiilul, and elected the other man. Hut whnt an atrocious sentiment Rub ci I uttcrel ! In Triinaijua, Uio "Moimtato City" of 1'ennxylviiijia. lias resided for many rvarA tin old culored individual, by occupation a barber, who was oue day compiling (if his sutl'ei ings from dys pepsia, mil attributed his ailment to the fact of liaviifg notoelli, by which bo wus uuabla prop 't ly to masticato his food. Welt, Sim in", 'said a bystander. why don't yod erst a set of false tcetli they wouldn't, cast you much.'' I'ulsotukf!' cxolaimed Simon "oh no, Hah ! no you doo't. I 'so bad jost all !e toqf I want in my motif! i'so suffiTod irforo w!j do toofachedeu I ever did wid do 'spepsy, nn' I wn-i glad cnuf for to git slid of niy toel'l Vou don't get no uio' leef into tuy inoul no, Pah !" Ti'K "gloilous uncertainty of tho law" N au old proverb. I recently hi 1 a flew rcadoring from ex-United .States Senator Nestnhh, of Oi-fuoo, who suid, speaking of tho Supienn Court or tho Knifed States, "They have the last git,-, at tho enso." An exchange snys : A judge ia Haltimoio went into tho river to bathe tho other morning, and while ho was swiiniug about come abandoned sooun drol stole all bis clothes n cepting his high bat sr.d an umbrella. Wo won't undertako to exolclu how mad tbo julgo was, becauso, although tho Kosr. hali hinguago Is topiots, its most effi cient and vigorous udjectives are entirely um.'ual lo the expressions of, torlaiu 'decrees cT cmotioij. Hut bo stayei in tlio water about four hours experimenting with Ihe different kinds of imprecations and endeavoring to solcct two" or threw of tiro sturdiest ob. jurations fc'r spplicA'tioo of the thief,. At last he came out and alter mountioz tho bigli bat, bo opened the umbrel la and tried to cover Iris retreat un tho street trtward his house. It appeared to tho Judgo that all the fomalo pu pils of tho bmrding fchools and tbo, members of Imreas loeiedes, nnd the wowatf rtgmrf convenTlons-were out pro'menadrng that day, and t?.e iudire bud an awful timo gi'.ug through tho Zoua'vo diill with that imtbrolla. Wbeo ha reached borne be heard that tho thief bod beea euptured. The jmlso is rrbw cntrsj-ed in writing out hi clmrfe to tbo jury, in advanee of tho' trial. Those Who have riben (ho rough, drant'say it is the most picturesque paper ever druwo up iu that section oi tbe country.' Wf'clip the following sood ndrieq frbitf Wi , e.'ftjhapge t "Fathers anof mothora, look out for' your boys v heq, tbo btdowo of evening have ctlier- ed orobod yorl Where nro titer hheo f A'ro they at home, at tho so cial, pleasant firostdt), or aro they ruor mng tbe streets r If so, lots ears f tho elntuoe of their ro'm are maoy Thero IsscuVeely anythrrVg so dee-, truotive lo their morals' as' running sbrond at n"g6t. Undercover r darky noss, they It aro to be row'tlyiskiif not absolutely vioinu ; ' they oateb or loose lair, tliey bear sintal tnougnts,' and they see obtceoe things and 'they become reckless aud riotous If you would save them' from' volgarity, save' them from ruin, see to it that night anas tusBi as aomo. , aiorm inaa on. i young men has told the ebaplala o ' lha Klota PriaOn thks I bar was ibVa 'beginning' ef bie - downward eaare,r that finally brought hia to the foba'; t eelt Let parents eoleeibly MoCrr 1 1 tbut' matter", ewt h ard Ibev eei rV IS" s