T ll C DHCJT I - .... 'mmlTmmm? aMaasj mmm "MMMMUMMm I r i . j ' ' I I f ubllsbed every Thursday Evening by jERChtAB (R018K. Proprietor. Terms of Subscription, ftVO DOLLARS I'ER ANN CM, Payable within Hi mom bi, orTg.oo ir not paid within Ihe year. No paper discontinued until all arrearage are paid unleat at th CptlbO Of lb publisher. Subscriptions outside of the county rnYAni.it n advancr. pST I'ertona lining and using paper addressed to otbera become subscribers, and ara liable fur lha price of the paper Jr. cronmili.kk, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middlcbtirg, Tn., Offer bla proletf lonal tervice to lha pub lic. Collection and allothrr professional business entrusted to bia care will receive probipt attention. Jan 8, 'C7tf C. S1MI SON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrovo Ta., Offer bla professional lervic to the pub lic. All 'bueinesa entrusted to bia care will be promptly attended In. 4 Jan. 17, '07tf 1 W. KXIOIIT, U, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Frcebttrg; IV, nfltrs bis Professional service to the pub lic. All business entrusted to bi care will be promptly attendedto. Jan 17, 07ll WM.VANGKZKR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lcwisbtirg ln., Offer bl professional service to the pub lic, Collection and all other Trofc-sion-kl business entrusted to bi care will re ceive prompt attentiou. GKO. F. MILL Kit, ATTORNEY AT LAW, J,cwisburg IV Offers lis Professional service to the pub lie. Collections and all other profession al! business entrusted to bia care will re ceiv prompt attention. Jan. 8, Mi7l M. linn! s ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisburg IV, Offers bis professional service to lh,e public. Collections and nil other pro fessional busities entrusted to their care will receive prompt at tent ion. Jan. IS, '07lf ATTORNEY AT LAW, .Selinsgrovo TV. Offers his professional scrvicss to the pub lic. Collection and all other professional business entrusted to bi care will re. ceive prompt attention. Office two door, north of Ibe Keystone Hotel. Jnn ft, 'ti; SAMUEL ALLKMAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrovo Til Offer bla Professional services lo Ibe public. All business entrusted to bis care will be promptly attended to. Col lection mad in all parts of the Slate, lie can spoilt tlio English and Herman language fluently. Office between Hull's and the Toil oflie. LN. MYERS, ATTlIttEY k GOCSSKLOR AT UW Middlcbtirg Snyder County Pcnn'ii. Office a few doors West of the P. O. on Main street. Consultation in English nnd German languages. Sep.'tolf JC. BITHKU. ATTORNEY AT LAW, l,i wisluirg I'u., Otter hi professional aeivR-eato the pub lic. All business entrusted lo bi care will be promptly nt tended lo. 1 Jan. 8. 'C7tf G HOVER ft RAKER SEWING MACHINE. Tersons in need of a good nnd durable dewing Machine can be accouitnodsted nt reasonable price by calling on ou Sam mi Faust, Agent, hllusf rove. pun, 21. 'f.St. DR. J. Y.SHINDEL. SUllUKON AND l'MYSiriAN, Middlcbtirg Fa., Offers hU professional service to the cita item of Middleburg and vicinity. March 21, 'C7 F. VAN HUSK IRK. SURGICAL & MECHANICAL DENTIST Selinsgrove TVnn. JOHN K. HUGHES, i-H, JUSTICE OF THE TEACE, Fcnn Twp., Snyder Co. Ta Ylt. WAGNER, Ecq., JUSTICE OP THE I'EACE. Jackson Township, Snyder Co. Pu., Will attend to all buslnes entrusted to tils aura and on tha most reasonable terms. Marob 12, 08tf DR. J. F. KANAWKL, rilYSlClAN AND SURGEON', Centreline, fntier Co., m Offer hi professional service lo the public 0-88lf I? W. 8CHWAN, M. P., ' e SURGEON k I'HYHICIAX. Fort Trevorton Ta. Offer bi professional services to the eiliiens of tbi place and vicinity. II (peak German and English. April 10, '68 151 A. BOYER, Jr. AUCTIONEER. Freabiirir SnvdarCo. Fa.. - , Moil respectfully offer bi servloes lo th pumlo a Vendue uryer and Auotton mmr. llavin bad a larva exnerlenea. I feel conCdonl tbat I ean render perfeot saiwaeiioa 10 sit emuiovees. Jan- . '7I BT. PARKS, ATTORNEY AT LAW k DISTRICT ATTORNY, MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER COUNTY, Is Offio In Court House, Sept.16, '87tf LEWIS BHEMEK'8 SONS TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRD 6,88 rUILADELFUlA. ERCUAKI IlOUHE. 11. H. MANDERBACIf Tiiop'k, 3. C. MfK, Clerk tie, 413 dlS North Third Strut, 1'hlladelpbia. jdlXEB ELDfcA WHOLESALE BOOK BELLE 119, Stationers, Blank book Manufacture i wniiavyiuiia( -nr. VOL. 8. SELECT POETRY. Never Ullnd. What's Ihe nae of always fretting At the trials ws shall nnd Ever strewn alona our pathway t Travel on and never mind. Travel onward worklnr. hopln; t;at eo IIOKerln look behind Attn trials once encountered- Look ahead and never mind. And If those who tntsht herrlsnd yon. Whom the ties of nature bin. I, fshnnlil rein's In d.i their ititty, iMuk to Heaven and never mind. Friendly words are often spoken When the (Mllnss are anklmli Tsk them for their rest value, l'ass tb, in oa and never mind. Fata may threaten, elnnds may lower, bnemles tnev b eoinblnefti If y.Mir trunt In (tod Is steaclfait, He 1 1 will help you, never mind. From th Miminliurn Telegraph. A Itemlnlsicnec. ( I met a gentleman who was mv pnpll M rears a;o I He, a hrinht bn of sis Tears ol.l, Ami I, a 7011th nt quits nlnstMni Ttils point and that, hnw brlat they seem, The UmUdi years lust roll belneeiil "Three senre and ten," to youthful eyes, W?.1'? bT 'tr '."!?. "r.,'h!1 in the mm insieni-e, lar away) wnicn man lueirgiiueriua lowers ui,iayi A we advance, the easttes fade. To mst, perhaps, they ut recede: Afi't as the milting years pass liy, llow vastly they increase their .M.!t Who has not lal.l his brllllsfit plans, Ami seen thos plans "sun alt aiclee t" lle who youth's prnKramiiie earrls-l mil, bliall hive a reverent buy Irolu me! Well, here we aret Mv pupil's beard Is 'Inxtv." tliouith his eye Is lirliihti An.l my own hair what's left t mn, (l)uu t tell It pray!) Is almixl white. Whatofltt Other men (trnw oldt Kniich was oi.tian tar than I: Anil nsTTsa I.k.I" 1 think 1 hear A little Uible. reader cryt That's so, my twyt Avoid my laiitts: Itnpruveeacli hoar of every day. Let me, at leant, I M nicer punt, AnJ pulnt to youuiter lel the way. My pupil l a huiilneM mam With Imlu.try, ami tan, as well) And here 1 make my humble boast. 1 lauXht the shaver how Ui spell I Iii the second year of the lalo civil war, I was married, and went to live with my husband iu a stnall villinge on tho lluils hi, some fifty or sixty miles from Now i oik. 'i'lie bouse wo occupied was a large, rambling mansion, of considerable nntiiuity for 1 his country, nnd stood n littlo npart from tho rest of th) village, surround ed by bioad fields, and commanding n tiloi ious view of the river, ami the hill of tho Highlands. It had been built before the rvcvclulion, bv my bus baud's grcnt-grandliitber, and, though Icstituto ol mniiv "Mud on improve ments,'' was still a comfoi'Ublo atid pleasant rcsideuie. My liu.suand wns n lawyer nnd n Inrgo real estate owner iu the neigh borhood, and, nt tho period of which 1 write, wua creatly perplexed, like tunny other persons in tho North, by the perilous state of tho times, nnd es pecially about the sale Investment of his fuuds, as the auspciikion of specie payments, tho great rise in gold, nnd the military disasters in Virginia, umde it almost impossible to toll where it would be salo lo deposit or lo use 000V money in any largo ouiount. la tho course or hid truusactiou in real-estate, it happened one day that be received wbal wus for us then a largo sum, about ten thousand dollar, which ho brought home and placed in my charge, telling 1110 at the same tiuio that bo should havo to be absent during the evening, attending to some business on the other aido of the river and should not be homo till about midnight. loucnn placo the money 10 tha safe, dear," be said as be gavt It to me, "and to-morrow I will try and find aomo wty to invest it securely,"" do inyuig, ne tieppeu into too pug- gy, w Die 11 was etaodiog at tbo door, taking with bitn our hired wun Silas, and leaving mo with noons in the house b'lt IHnah, an old colored wo. man, whotulhlled in our modest bouse hold the functions of cook and maid- of-all-work, as she had Jong done in tha family of my own parents, who, on my marriage, bud yielded Iter to ni as a valuable part of my dower. ! 1. - t . r. 1 ijiiiau was iDueeu a cuaraoter. soe was tall aod very stout, weighing, abe would never toll how much, more than two bundrod pound. She was very black, aud a lary as she was Hack Idooot think any one could move moro deliberately than Dinah did, tbat is, to more at all. And, by a wonder ful dispensation, the seemed to feel that whatever her other faults might be, she was strong on tbo point of lo comotioo. For wbn aba had boeo moving with a poodorous slowness, al most maddening to a person of ordioa ry quickness, one of ber favorite ex pression was, "Well. Mia Lillie what (hall I fly onto next ?'' llow bs accomplished all hs did. the brownies ouly know. Ws used some limes almost tismble wnen tbore wss a.n v apeoial hurry about our domestic arrangement, and yet Dinah always man aged to bring affairs to a oonsum nation, just when a minute more would have ruined everything : aod with undisturbed front, would slowly enunciate, "Well, miss, what shall J fly onto oxt T" It was nearly dark when my hus band departed, aod, after giving my orders lo Dinah, or ratbor my ausrirea tloos, I left her, aod made the tour of the bouse, to toe that all was a I aod properly locket! op. This duty attend ed to, I wo to my bed-room, Idtond. ing to pass the time la reading t.ll my Dimmou tuouki returo. It was a large room on tho ground e-lAwalfeinrhb34awXB.J iMIDDLEHUKG, SNYDER CO. PA.. ! UJ Ar USiO. light faintly entered, dim mod by tlio'evil piHt'loni written in every linomnnt shadow of 1 ho roof of Ihe iiiu;t, nnd t could aenrcely rofrnin from hIiuiI Jit partly intercepted by the friogo oljio nt the sight of lili hateful rhar, womlbinc wltifli luinjf fnim it. My nnd stpecdily tlj.wd my ejes to shut it led stood wlili it font toward tho out. windows, nnd with its licml nljont liallj I vifnot yet rjnito rftdy f.ir tlm a yard from tlio wall. It wan no old ordeal throuli which I know I must nmiiiiniu atruoiui-o, nung wun yeuow silk liko the windows, hut I tdept with lha Imnpinpa drawn buck nnd fastcn- rd to tha head board. The led was so Urv that 110 ono ever thought of miivinjr it, except in thooo Heusona of hous.'luil.l panic culled liome.oUnn. ingo, whun the conibiticd aircnih three or four men wh railed iuto ol rc-lly qilisiliun to draw it into tho middle of tho room. So elaborately carved wns lion of Ihe statidnnd iho ai'rat;etiieni it tlmt it went by tho mum of Weal- of the clothes, put my wntcli with the minister Abbey iu tho family. At.one 1 key of tho eafo under my pillow so end of the room, at no great distance near tho edgo that they eon Id bo cn. from tho bed, wna u larg sale, built i.'y taken ott, n I knew they would iuto the high chimney of tho mansion, bo extinguished ono of my rnn lien with a door high cnoiuh for n pcrm jaid my pntycM, and clodn my eyc', to enter standing upright. Here 1 resigned myfe'.fto my f at e, with" no w8 acciiHtoined to place, every even-1 very ntiguino or delinitu Impo of ex ititf, our silver platoon shelve which : tricatiou from my perilo'i pxition. extended around tho nido, on which 1 made my brcnthing rcgulat, nnd arc aUo phteod boxes containing pa-in littlo louder than when 1 was awake 'ncrsnnd other valuables. Oimomto 1 - 1110 urai ui in ueoiieaii, ueiweca 1 no . ciMltiterieuin aicep. jl last tne wiudows, wa it mirror, running from stilluesH became 10010 terriblo than tho floor aiino-t ti tho ceiling. Liko eycn my firat auooy of fear. Sever il all the other old furniture in tho room' time 1 fancied that I heard a soft utep it was old end handsome. How ninny approach from tho placo of conceal linppy sceues it had reflected in the intent. Ai often I was deceived. Then huiiired years it ha I stood thero ! Tho niht wait execedittgly hot, and I tli refVit 0 left the windows open, though I drew the curtuiim beforo I seated myself at the table in tho centre of the room, lighted the candles, und beg iu to read, in order to pans the heavy tiuio husband. beforo Iho return of my Alter a while, I beard tbo clock: strike nine, nt which buur Dinah sal ways went to bod. Her chamber was in the attic, Ihe third story of the house. Kcmcuilicricg tnino house hold matter about which I wished to speak to her, 1 slarted hurriedly up, and went into tho vutry to intercept her beforo sho got up staits. I had to wait ul out a minute be I ore she camo, and our colloquy contsumcd tbieo or four minutes more. When 1 returned to my lelmom. feeling somewhat tired, 1 resolved to go to bed, us, ot that Into hour in the! country, it wns outlo certain imtt no visitors would cull, nnd my husband could let himself in with tho latch Ley which he ulwuys carried. 1 thought, however, I would try to keep awake by reading, tool nccorJingly placed a light stolid aud tho ctiiTdlcs at tlio head of my bed. I then closed aud fastened the wiudows, uudrcsscd und got into bed. The key of tho tafe I placed, as usual, under my pillow Alter reading perhaps half tin hour, I grew woary of the book, aod, quietly laying it down, remained for some minutes meJitating with my eyes fixed on tho mirror opposite tho foot of the hod, in which 1 could seo myselt re flected, together wilh the yellow silk curtains tcluud mv head. I was thinking, not unnaturally, bow pretty 1 looked, ami how happy 1 was wilh such a loving busbund and such a largo sum of niouey secure in our aufe, when suddenly I saw iu tho mirror a sight that made my hourt staud still. A hood appeared between the curiam drawing them slowly apart, and grasp ing cautiously tho head-board Jt was a man's hand, large, coarse and dark, as if belonging to a molatto, or to one greatly tanned by exposure to the weather. My first Imnulso was to start from the bed, and scream for help. I re pressed t ty a strong effort of will, and lay perfectly motiouless, exoept that I partially closed my eyos, keep- I . I I.. . I. . log iuciii oiuy suuicientiy opoo to watch tho mirror. As quick as light ning my uiiod took in tho situation lo the few minutes of my abscnoo from tho room, while talking to Dinah in the entry a thief, a robber, a possi ble murderer, bad stolen iu by the piazxa-wiudows, and had hidden him self either under Ibe bed or behind its draped head. He was doubtless armed ) aud, If 1 cried out, and at tempted to escape from toe room, be eould easily reaub'tbe door before I could, aod for his owo security would probably put me to death. Dinab w a too distant, and too lecble and too elumsey lo afford me any assist- anoo, and. besides was by Ibis lime fast asleep in the third story. The man doubtless knew that my husband bad that day received a largo sum of money, and had gone off across the liver, leaving ma alone, or noarly alone ia the bouse. Ho bud entered, caring only for the money, und anxlou, above all things, to escape undetected aod uorooogoixed. If 1 lot bitu koow tbat 1 was aware of his presence, I should expose myself to murder, and perbap to outrage worse loan murder. My obvious policy was to keop quiet and to feign sleep. 1 ibougbt also ol Ibe money, and was not altogether willing to resign Ibat wnboutan ffort to save it, and to have at least aome clew to the indeality of the Ibief. I conlosa. however, that this last consid eration was not a very strong ono, aod am afraid that, if I could have soen my way clear to an escape from the room aod the house, I should have fld inoootluonily, without stoppiog to see more tbao tbat terrible band. A moment which seemed an hour passod while those Ibeugbta rushed through my miad. I lay notfeotly still, with my half eloaed eyes watob ing the mirror. Slowly and noiseless ly the ftightful band pulled op Its soon pass. 1 wmiteJ to move mv liht eland a little out of t'ie wny, nnd to to arrange tna tea-oiouies tint 1 no mwayit. u tins day, rchuir.HM my could spring from tho bed without iin-'exploit, wero ol tli-mu'lvo a sullioienl pcilitncnt. I thcreforo pavo 11 little J cuiipenDitinii fur the horror nnd no sih, and moved, a if about to awake, nv of that I insr -ii miner iiijjht. .1; liithtly oneninir my eyo at t tin same -fW .foiiiinit tituo. The bead and the hand intiinU disapnenred. I I hen composedly iiitado the desired ehnnres in the l"si ami hiv with mv eluuk i.n mv h.iiid '""', . "f . ..' .1... 1 ie.,1 .:n 1 i.:.t I - H 7 11:. wM mg through tho pillow ! It was a poi. tivo relief when ho came out from be hind tho curtain, atopKid at tho table, and stood looking at me, as I was well nware though my eves wero closed I forced mvsclf to Ire 11 the regularly utid audibly. II) camo closer; he bent over mo. lie pa.e 1 the lighted candle slowly before my lUuo tw i 01 three times. I felt the bent, and saw) .1... 1 1. ....... I. ..... I! la u.l.i.,1. I ' ' "7 ""'.T' higher, conMi uete I with the-o great must havo quivered, though be del U, 0( hu of , i(. not .eetil to ntaerve their - imni.in. j 1U.IS0 W ,, , , , () Heaven gave " "; tbc outside aud inside, coining up to a or try out .Satislie.l. apparently he M) M Jf . a put back the C...J e-s t.-k oo tbo stand, n ofsecuritv to and bis hau l crept soUly and slow ly I ; , t, lit. .Is, flu. rtill.tu. mi. I ritif. In mm l,.i I . . . n . removed mv watch and tho key of , ....1. ..j v,..v, .. tlio safe, lie slojd so long lookingat mo tb at 1 h It imnelle 1 to open my eyes suddenly upon him s ho walked foftlv toward tlio safe, I did partly open them, and cau tiously watch him through my eye lashes. 1 heard lii-u f.unhling with the lock, nu 1 oaee ho looUoJ over to ward the led. My ryes wore wide open, but I closed the:n iu liuio not to be dotecte I. atelnng mm stealth . I ly, I snv hi 'ii op -n the door of the I safe, go baek to the stand for the can-' dlo and return to tlm sale, who h entered without withdrawing tho t .i .. i ...i. he! Hero was the opportunity for which ; 1 uaii wuueij uiiv4 waieiu-ii. i spran if I .... . I . I . J i .... . j I i.gt. .y no... u.i ou. m, ot.e uoU no , reueiiuu mo saio, uasne.i uiu uoor u, turned the key, nu I w'ilh cna long and loud shriek lull pro.lrate nnd souse less on tbo floor of tho dark room. How long I lay upon tho thor, I do not know probably lor a lew minutes only but, as I was uucotisuious, it seemed when I camo to myself as if the interval had been a long ono. 1 was aroused by bis blows upon the iron door, and found mysolf weak after the long, nervous tension, but still calm I remembered tho satisfaction wilh which I thought, while I lay there beforo riling tbat ho could not escape, ruinglol with a viguo nnd foolish dread that he might in bis rage burn the va' unbie contents of tho safe. Ho pound, ed desperately oo the door, aod swore fearfully at fiudiog himself entrapped. But, ns I took no notice of bis out cries, he soon grew quiet. rrosently 1 rose, and lighting a candle, dressed myself with all possi ble baste, and with t.'enibling fingers, turning often lo look at the safe, from nnder the closed door of which I more than half expoctod to see bloo) trick, ling wby, I cannot tell, except that my mind was full of images ol horror. I was soon lo readiness l had no means of ascertaining the time, as he had my watch in his pocket, aod there was no clock in the room. Taking ibe candle, I hastened to arouse Di nah, who as I shook bor, slowly open ed ber eyes, and with ecaroely any mere than her usutl slowness pronoun, oed ber formula : "Well, Miss Lillie, what shall 1 fly Lord a massy what's de matter wld de chile 1 ion aio't.scoo a ghost have you, honey?" "No. Duinli ; but 1 vo seen some. thing worse than a ghost. I'vo rsugbt a robber, and he's in the safe. What time is it f" and, looking at tha clock, that tickioir slowly aud deliberately as Vow could Dioah's clock help do. ing f I saw to my great relief that it we nearly midnight. Wo hid scarcely got dowo stairs when I heard tbo sound of wheel. A moment more, aod my husband was in my arms, llsiooiug with atuatoment to a rapid narrative of my singular adventure. I would not suffer hint to open the safo until Silas bad summon ed asltaooe from the neighborhood. feared that my desperate prisoner might still escape. When tho safe was opened, tbore sat my burglar oo tho trunk, half stupefied for the want of air, a kuifo lo one band, the pack age of money in tho other, and the buroed out candle at his feet. He was recognised as an old offender, who bad not beoo long out of State 1'risoB, to whiobin due course of law, he was sent back for a term of yoara, which I devoutedly hope, may last as long a Ihe lives t Ut 1 cootes should rrol I . ,. . ri . v 1 lust. oa enminjr out of tho aula will noli noon be obliterated. My innband, 1 Deed liarJty say, was Brently plfed with my unlo inveat-j ment, and complimented mo highly j on iiiit riiiinr-'U an 1 c'oiili'fa WMICII luid doulitlfss s.iveil my life well na our money. Tlio love und nrido with which lie rearlcd me, and with wliieh I he Wall ol ( lilnn. All tho cities of China are Kurronnd ed by high. Mron walls, whoso m ivo pninriioiir n trnnp;i'l' h iH no idea of until he see- them. The walls stw minding the city ol'I'eUin are from I wenty-two to twenty-live miles in length, nnd on an avorniro fifty feet liilth. Thia wnll is sixty feet thick nt the bottom, nnd fifty-four at the top. and one) in a few yaid thero are ini mense buttresses tocivo it Mill grruter strength. At every fi tX la buttress tin- wnll lor the Hpaw or one hundred an I iwciii 1. irei 111 ii'tiuui. is i wo Hun dred nnd fil'ty-six feet in thickness. In several places the lounduiioii of this wall is of marble, and when the ground is uneven, iminoii-'e (jiinnt it ies of ro ment n durable neurlv as cranite. im'i uwm m 11m u, inn u in-vii iwe 10 .. I ..I...... .. . I 1 1 ... , 1 l7':,.u,,l0'r,,u,':, ''' bjU,n isohl.but i,tasgo.las Bl.wi.rig'i mtgnl.y.thojiry expoot- ..1 1 ..11 -...1 is ...uiiu ui .in.s i-uuii jWi, i),tigiii a lurm, nnd lured a t 1111 tweuty inches long, ten inches wide. 0 to run it m saares. ATter a good and livo inches thick. These lirieks deal oniaggliug thev agreed that thev are burned very hard, aod havo pre- L,oulil divide the to-otits thtislv the cisely tlm appearance ol stone. lute-lmiati to receive the Ou tha in.sido of this wall, as wcll't,0 y.ukee tho "bottoms'' as on oilier in other ilies, are eplan- aile.s, or stairways, Willi gate to them fur ascending them. And over nil the gateways there are immense towers, " " """ s, HUH .11.11 U li railiiig itself is a outsnl railing is made iuto turrets, lor t his hViiT(s n.ltur:llv nn, kindly w, the usj ol cannon, in case of attack ' t ta t complaint. Tho Dutchman in Thn entire top of the wall is covered : it,.,i t,.u mxl yi..lr j10 would take with strong burned brick, twenty ich-t, .. bottoms." All right'' said Jon- es s.'inre, resembling tho flagging of lUtmr, ,aJ(. ,u, .. tops." " AI-' our sidewalks iu largo cities, only, as I havo said, Ih-ifO walls lire filly-four I'-etWUlO. riicre is no way of getting into the city, only to g'i through tuts iinuieuse swore j,, i..j, )lU.h aUl juJL.t.0D, tint ! - JjIgdJ 1 uu lits'.iinl you ti wall And wherever there is a gate ' ,xt vear ho would have both " tops'' T 'ljt 'hi l,yM 1,1,1 iiuilty. thnt lor tbo purpose of getting through. ; lll)(J .1 bottoms'' and " vool de Yankee ' uiurdcreJ my bu-baud wiili.'ut any thero is another wall lonll enclosing a vvt) py amn." Jonathan, however, cause, before my eye anl my clnl "I'luio space, c.itupellin nil per-onsj"Wtt loo Cuie again, ns he planted, drcn's and thnt nil has been done t who go into the city to co through ! i, , i, ,. i,:,,i ...? ,,'nU- I n.lim r,M-n '.him thai ever justice and tbo law co'Il ;ic inilh. by tiassai-'o of two nnirles to . imoIi other. The walls ure so iintucnsc- ,fielli a'rc these pa-sigcs through d over cut stone, retniud :nA ii..nlli ,.r.,i.M V.lilpU.I llll.lUlL ill - . " hi "i I'l'ni's'' J".,n , ,-liUlj M , I ol l lie SO iere.it arehwavs there is no enormous . - ----- - gate made of s'rong timbers, every where as much as ten inches thick, and covered on both sides with plates I ot iron, like tho sides ol om warships. These gales are shut early in tbo even ing, generally before sundown, aud are not allowed to bo opened during tho night for any purpose. They are fastened on tho inside by menus of strong beams of timber. Indian l uniiliiir. The-Indinns of tho Western plains are gradually thinning nut before the swarming emigrants. They are prob ably doomed to extinction, but they are often shrewd in avoiding dangers, and gaining advantages over tbe whites. Th following is a good iu tauco of their cunning; We bear a great deal about Yaukee tricks but a. nrivate letter from a sol. dier out on tbe plains, shows that t lie .i i.:.. i..,..- , i rCU3OUJI IlilfU SUI1IU DUICHUUIH, Says the writer : "A part of our troop had been on trail of a small bund of Sioux, and they bad dodged us, and beat us, uo til wo determined to havo them, let como what might. " Oue day wo camo upon them, and it appeared to suddonly, too, that thero was no chance lor them to es - capo. Kuch nuto seated himsult squarely iu bis saddle, and with revolv er in hind, we dashed ou. " There squat each idctitieal Sioux on his pony, just as thoJgh we wero miles away, and as stoically indiffer ent ns though they did not caro for us. " A we, at full gallop, drew near, the oillcer In oommanl felt that We were running into some trap ; but it was too late ti sound a retreat, and oo we went. I tinoK tbe distence be tween us and the Sioux and their ponies was just twelve feel before a aiugle red-skin moved a muscle ; then, . i .. . . i . quicker man you count any -ecai. off from the shoulders of each identical Sioux orftuo tho dery-red blanket b wore, and np aud down it wa shaken riggrously in tbe very faces of our horses. " We bad boasted a great deal over those horses, that tboy would do any. thing we waoted them to that Is to say, tlrey would drive tb rough a prairie fire alongside a bull buffalo, through a prairie dog Tillage, aod over dead Indians but l leu you ought to have soon them, to horse, tuto tail, aud run front those blank et. ' We wore going along so Bteely, and eaob trooper was so eater w make a sure thing of bte red-akin, that we let the borwoa have it aiuoh their owo V. Ai?. M NO'iO mi J awny they wuil In every direction, Trooper' were spruw line on the cround uod otli. r were clinjfiii! to linrxeH nnne, with t.e h feet not only nut l the atirrupa, but pomtiit tip in the .III " It was the worst H'ampcde I ever n'.v in I I haro looked oil 'feme' ir my tiny. "if the Finns hn I follownl up, they might htvc made a few si alic. but th.-y seemed so well pleased with I the result of th-ir trick, thattlmm-j who were unhorsed near them, sit J 'hey disappeared M ifth-'y had gone down through the earth. " When our troop ne mh!ed. we, 0110 and all, (leelareil that the tiling was tho best of Ihe kind we hi I evci heard of, but determined that we .u 1 . .. .1 1 WUUK, ,,y ,,,, lor .1 0110 III uiesu unvs won n w llltldliiH; Iho Piollts John Quill tells ola man who pl in'ol p 't'itoes Ktid waited for the flower, to ripen into fruit, until the whole crop rotted in tho ground. Jle was , t,i t,nl 10 ,ou. have diiu tho no tatocs soon Kller they flowered. IT us 111 tlisa time ; 11 nu t lie law lie cherished this advice, an I tried it Jers they nil hid their coats off nnd on a crop of tomatoes nest year, wero smoUiiio; an 1 whittling, and thu roiling it nil up 011 the first sight of n! wittness the same, an 1 so was tin (lower, ni'cjiirse he didn't nuke n ' prison, r. Well, the f .ct, there warn't fnl-Liiiie In that line. Hut w beard nt 'any ilit'TCt in a murder trial Ihcn, .. . .... .11 a stllal I Putenmin 011L West I n "tops ' nnd for the first jyeat'. I he 1'n'eliinnn looked forward hope- fully lor a largo yield of wh 'iit. rye. oats, cabbage, salad cih rv. and gjod ! here was to keep your pi into gravt ihings that rio above iho ground ; yard, l!ut that w mau seemed to and he kir.d of chuckle 1 in the thought have her heart ci nu banging that that bo bad taken in the Yankee, p'p.iniiud, und you'd ouht to havo lie didn't laugh .so much when he ' ,,'-- IjW "l,e Wuul 1 K'lire "3 him a saw n splendid eron of buz'tii onions minute, uud tli.'ii look up at mc in bel ptatoes. radishes, turnips and nil su-h i minus, i us -- ions in vr'iirn iiiiii i : iitnmint to tnneh Tho Vnnkrn tn,:L 1 . rceht.'' echoed the other; but LVIC be saw a-il.il ....lniv i vt'lieat rvo nnd oats cotnin" up. be -I ji peas beuu. tomatoes, Ac, td which hl gave the Dutchmin tho "tps" mil "bottoms" and kept the " Middles" I for himself. The la.t wo beard of the members uf that Grin, nftor it was dis solved, was that the Yankee was run ning the farm ou his own book, u:i I j tho Daichmaii was IVeping a lajer beer ; fejloou iu the next village. j Wusu't Alriild ol Indians. , The following has a smack of Mark ' Twaiu about it. Wo find it drilling unknown through the cxi'linng?. " A friend ol ours who took a trip 1 to I'nlit. o nio, said that he was not ; afraid of ludians, because be belonged ' to the IJcnevnleiit Order if lied Men.' an 1 knew ad the pass words au I winks, and all tbe figurative language aod thiugs, and o savage was going i to touch him, initiated an 1 fixed tip ns be was in reii!ii. He ha In't gone ! more thanra hundred mijs from Onia ha before a bail I cf Indians camo nt 1.0 aud seoepedl.im op. He UH.lr tbe chicfaside and whispered tho pass- word in bis ear, and gave bi.n the , r,' twcl au I made i twenty six limes on both bands. somo observations about .om. .....- ..i .i,..r, i,i;- Uliu til."'!..-., nu.. 111., 1 ........ grounds.' The chief replied in a fi iend- ly manucr bv tomahawking b in and jabbing bis butcher knife inti his vitals. Our friend remarked that these ceremonii were, iict observed in bis lodge; but the chief wanted to show him all the peculiarities of . l . ie ... ... l t ... 1 1 , . iti- ' 1 .1 ana cnoppcu i'u 111 uose, am iviiii build a liontire 00 bis stomach. when eome soldiers arrived and res- caed him. 11 is oow the baldest Ited M... u;.l r .K. !..;.. l...,.n and yo i never saw a person s i dis-1 gusted with secret societiesand Indian poetry. He is going to sue she lodge lor passing a counterfeit grip 00 him aod lor damage done ly lose of bi hair." Recently a farmer named Oasmrre, residing in Greenfield, Mich , conclud ed tbat ho would rid hia barn of about ahundred oests made by awollews un der tbe eaves, and for the purpose put op aud mounted a loeg ladder. There were only a doacn bird about when tbe farmer commenced at tbe oests, bat be had scarcely tore one down be fore tbe lew set up aueh a twittering ai eooa brought lo the spot every bird from tho barns ot tho whole neighbor hood. Tbey (lew around tVasmere's head, uttered uoies of displeasae, aod at last the whole cloud settled epoo bim, screaming, peeking aod eeraUbiog, as if determined tsdrgh eyas out The ladder did oot stand very e curelv. ad. as the fanner raWod hi hand to Ight etf hie toretentere, his support slipped and fell earrying bim to ihe ground, the faU breaking a n, aod giving ktna aorae a vers ctrtnea. The bred remained about the spot 1 -il llw inrl tit teir l 1 w lr KATKS OP ADVERTISING! nr column one year ffifl.OO . 8.00 tine-ball column, on year. iino-toiirih column, one year, li.00 Une sqnsrs ( to lines) on interlion 75 F.very additional inrrtion (t) Prnfes.innal and ltuiees earils of not more than nt llnrs, per year. 6.00 Auditor, Uxrctitor, Aduiiniitratur anl Assignee oiieea 2.5T Udilorial ti'itice per line All advertisements f"r a shorter psrloai itnn one yrar are payable at the time they are nrdred, and if not firttel the per. son ordering tbeui will be held reepunsfbl for the mouse. 1 1 s ai A Stlrlletl Woiiittn. An old Nevada J'id.i of the eirlf times relates the following as "tho most right op and mappy ehulliti m of wontatdy rp'lnk'' that Ini ever full en under hi notice : ' I wns silting here," paid the .fudga in this old pulpit, holding c nrt, an I we wetp trying a bii. wh-ked looking ""paiii-h desperado for killing the hu hand vt a liribt, pretty Moxict't wo man. It wn- 0 luy sum tier d iv, and 111 awful long Mie. Hinl (he witnesses were tedious. N ne of us tool any interest in tho trial, except that perr ons, tuieasy devil of a Mi'Xieatl wo rn m because) Toil know' how they love and how they hate, nnd this 0110 h:id loved her huslmnd with all her might, an I now she bad boiled.il all ,JW int mvl Ht(((n tiug it at that Spiiti'mrd with her 170s; ail 1 I tell you shu would stir IDC lip, too, w i 1 li n littlo of ber summer li jtt- ninn ocensionally. Well, I hal my coal o!T, and heels up, lolling an I vventini. nnd smoking one of thoso cibbnge cigars the San I't uneisoo peo ple used to tlniiK were goinl cnougli oeciiuse 1110 iihsoiht uj ihmiij .. . .1 : . .1 . tug them to Uo as iiiiieli lot' tiieni s into tiuio ; nn.l, nil hough thu evi dence was straight and s piarc against this SpauiarJ. we knew wo could not convict him without seeming to be ra llior liih lutidc 1 a:i'l sort of reflecting o.i every gjuthinrt.i In tho co ntuaoi ty ; for there wern'l any rarri.igi-s and 1 vei les then, and so the only 'tyl : pleading way. and then turn, and for i ..v...-v t"j - l.tces nnd by ami ly drop tier ijco in her bauds for just a littlo while, as if alio was most ready to givo up ; but, out she'd come again directly and be as live and atixii'us us ever. Hut when Iho j ny announce 1 iho verdict, not Is'uilty, and I told the prisoner ho was aeqiuted and tree ti g . tliut woman rose till shu appeared as tali as a s.'V- enty-lour gun ship, nnd says rb.' : lo f ' ' Tbe same.' " 'And then what d you reckon sho did ?'' Why she tun.ed on tint smirk ing Sp inisli loot likt' a wildcat, and out wr.h a 'iiuve,' and shot him dead in opjo court " 'That was spiritcJ, I im willing U almit ' ' Wasn't it though,'' said the .Iu Ige a liniring'y. '1 wouldn't have miss ed it for anything;. 1 udjourocl cutt right on th." sp.t, nul we put on our coat. and went out nod took up a col li ct ion for her anl her cub , anl sent them over the monnVain to their fii-n Is Ah, sbo wai a spirit! wench 1 ' Mustlo ixiilttst Meant. Two youag m.n from the country called iul.i a Detroit foundry a fe' davs ngi lo gi't a piece of casting for nine farm machinery. The employees were a'.sent at tneir ameer, wkd tne exception of the engineer , wlvi M : ''" UP ntne lor the nrteroeoD rk. It was running at h-vv p.'cd. "J pump ng wau-r iuio me ooi.er. I c country 00111 i.H.aaa w in 10- tercst at its moiions an 1 me no. rer- o ution of the Urge lly-wheel, and ft If iuto a discussion as to tho relative) power of steam and bumia imis.-le. Ojo of them fimtly offrred to bel a dollar that he could ' grab ' the huge wheel and hold it. lie s epped up is the engineer aud asked permission lo' iry it, whieh ws readily :r4ntej, an I taking off hi coat, and rollm w bi : " , , . . r mm c u..sV.. ateumg carotui y ootu inc ngnr 't' came ai our-, wun a rusn 10 encouraee riimsei; n cimcnra it. 11m didu'l exactly stop the wheel ie reel he went over it wi;h. at stopping and was discharged in a txrabolie orbit through apace, coming d'wo in a sand heap, io the farther p-t ol the foundry. He w picked up ,t thor oughly drsgtrsted man, aod o ht 1 hal be was obliged to climb iuto hi agon at tbe back cod, quite Mtisfivt however that team was loo niUcu for bim. It i to!4 ol John Wee!y tbat wheaf he saw some of his hearers avrrep he slopped io hi discourse and vtroured r ire I are. ine tropic wre atatsa ed, anvl eme one cried out, Where, sir! where f To whkh Weeley earnestly and solemnly replied, " la bell, for those who sleep ander tax preaching of the word." 1 .. j 1 -i". J ' Hub, is your sister at bitote V Ye, but she won't awe you te night "Whyl" " Beoaese eiie aarhe was geteg ui have eae more awe ef oaioas, if she oever gvH another be." II ATI ft ao k ex paates vMtl frieei ia eaea 4 atretrta. TbVY eeeaeUaaea I 1