THE TOST. totnni.tiu ho Jt'i.Y t, isro. iowx and couxrnr. llwRLKnicRRf i ro mid to lro tilrnty on Sbatlo Mountain. roRTT-friiRr.R prrtonit ero orlJcd tn llio Luliernii conjjregiuiun at 1'rcc ljurj( ou tho lvtli uil. Locks, 1 liners, Knits, Scrpw, nod nil kind of luil'linf kooiIs for snlo At (lie 5?elitgrovo Hardware Nturo. Tun HulTiiliio House, at Lrvisliirj. burned to tlis ground list I'rid.-iv night. We liavo nut learned particular . . . - TiiR Second Annual Kxntninntlott of tho Soldicre' Orphans' SrhuM nt MAliicrvill(?, i county, will occur oil Friday, the 13th iu.t." TiiRltuilrond Ticket Oftlce nt Lrw inburj was entered by burglar Inn'. TuooJay ni-bt aud llio sum ol' tJH U' btolcn Iroiu tho drawer. Farmm conipbiin that linnd' nrc Verjr ecnrce.aud that liarve.t is puliiii thcru. Tho era in in r nuich lodged la enuio il:icc that tho renper is of I.Ulo UK. lie Carf.fI r. Vvt every fpiirret ulrot between llio first day of JiuiUiiry and tho fust day of August, tho pen alty in 1'iro Dollar. Sportnmcii nhottrd sco that the law is fully carried out. If mollis attack the carpel, which Tliey Will fitt do under tho sofas und thair, spread a vol idieeit on the car pet, and pars a hot flat imn over ii quickly, aud tho steam will cflecltmlly destroy both worm nod cgs. A few days ago, a tuna in mod, as ho won quietly walking nlotig tho public road between Mil dlebutjr and Ceutorvillo, was suddenly attneked by h do;; owned by Mr. Fosslcr, and severely bitten in the iniHclos of tho knne. The wound i n' such ii nature that the life of l lie man is iu danger. Volhsfn unit. 1K. SniWAV, 1st Liemtrnant of Co. "A.'nydor County X. 0., having tendered his resignation, nnd the same having been ncceptcd. an t liciion 'wnr lielJ in this place by tho Ounijinny livt Monday, when James M. iiniindt WUR chosen to fill tho vacancy. Jj.. A. Iitinibard was promoted to second Lieutenant, aud ti. ('. (jjtcli l.i to first isargeant. Tun wlu'at crop in this vicinity ! not as good aa upjioarnncvs led in to (ulievo that it would bo. There i plenty of straw but tho hea ls are not Illled j nnd tt is doubtful whether nunc than half a crop will bo realized. Cirnss wttrt nbiindant mil uond, lm much of it was damaged by tho wet weather. Outs, com unl potatoes never locked better, and unless appear Knees a'o very deceptive, there will be ui abuudunt crop. TllB 1KT L'iiW Joseph Moore, of Alvira, Union t'otttiiy. wo thit.k lm the best cow in l'entisylvntih, and we do not now remember of ever know ing of one to produce nioro butter in n single wcclf. Tho cow is a cn.s bo twecu llio Durham and our common breed, shout 8 years old nnd a li!tlo above tho medium mzo. Kihtoi'n pounds and four ounces of butter weie produced from the milk of u weekV fjathcrinif riwii this rem nk ililo cow. as wo tiro informed by Mr Monro. If uny ono knows of a more prolific milker wo would br pleased to hear of t,-MiJJUnlurj T ;('(. A iwisviT, accident occurred on Tuesday afternoon, about three miles caH of New llerlin. During tho se vere Rtortn that passed over Dry Val ley, Charles Gebhcart, who was occu Jiind about tho barn of Capt. Adam Miller, perceived that the propping which held the birn door open was giving way. Ho grasped a prop, just as the heavy door was buin; burled shut, by the storm, and placing it against tho door, it was lifted from the hinges, and thrown upon the ground It foil op llio right leg of the young man, broaking and tnsogling it in a tuobt chocking luuoner. 'ulktfrcunJ. Tnr. Lady's Friend lor July Is truly a superb number, in embellishments mod in literaturo ! How the publishers can afford to givo bo much for to lit tle Is a mystery ; tho half-yearly sub scriptiou is--i number J turn July to )ccemlcr Jur $1 251 Tho fiuo itocl ograving, " Summer Hours," is a deliciously ' suggestive picture; tho Colored Fashion Pint', group of ele gant I'arlsionoes ; the Colored Tattiog Pattern, beautiful as well as useful ; and the wood cut abundant enough to givo the ladies all the bints on dress they could want. Tho directions for making paper flowers will interest any. As to the stories and poems, euch names as Harret Prosoott Spaf ford, A. M. Dooglas, Miss I'rotcott, Kloanor Donnelly and Florence Percy, are warrant enough for their superi ority. Published by Deacon & Pe terson, 319 Walnut Street, Philadel phia. A Good Numdkr. -The rhrcnohij ieal Journal atul 1'nckard'i Monthly, for July, begins it filst Volume with marked improvements. It contains, besides Physiognomy, Kthnology, Psychology, etc., portraits and char actors of Deothoven, Sir Pamuot W. Lemon ; the Governors of New York ; Typos of the lieyront Population; Measuring Men ; Physical Kducatiou ; Ravages of Wild Ileasta ; Bummer in tbe fiulda ; Reform fur Women ; We must liest ; Wit, wit a Mural ; I-ovc aud Liberty ; Vaoatioas ; Tho iovisa tle Monster; Pastor's Wivei; (Dimpl es of a Western Editor ; Tho Klecli ic Post; Was St. Paul a Dacbelor , Sue cess in Life ; Kqual Pay fur Women ; Integrity Up iu th Skies; To Cor respondents, ete. Ooly 3 a year, and ia offered at II BO fur half a tear, t .i . .u a ' ii Adiii' i t.Tt raf, Implement, noes, frrnin rakes, long and ahnrt apadc., suovei.., manure and Lay lorke. crai nod grain ncytlios, gaain cradlca, trace, breast, tonuo nn l log chain, grind tonoa, fit., ic, . low nit enn he bouiiht at my olhrf OBtnbliahmont, tar aale at tho .""ifiliuSjirovo Hardware-Store.- Call tmd co. "JTiik Union Xmlnial Guarls tno name ot a now military company thut was orirniffiod at, I'nrt Trcrotton. tin., county .Mint week. K. W, Schwsn was elected Cnptnin. J. II. Koi'jel 1st Lrcutenant nnd Daniel Snvder -nj. A 1'hila letphiu doctor nays tint washing horses in tho morning with water in which one or two otiiuu. are lioed will h.cpnll the Uies at a di tame. Tliccxtici Imcnt is worth liy illL'. l'lllLADtl.l lll.V ,MAKKI:T4. PltlT.ADF.i.rlMA, July ft Thero i more denmod fur Wheat from tho lo cal millers, who purcha'n chiefly ol piinie lots ; sales of 2.0(10 buidiel pritno Peniia. red nt 31. 4 , l,.rM0 bush do, do. at l,l."i, l,0it b'i'li do. do. on private terms. 100 buh fair Indiana do. at ?I,I0, 400 bush Maryland do at SU'i, and l.lort dusn pood )Llc. ware do. at SI. 4 . Corn fbwlull, but wo continuo former ('iotations ; nnK of i.ttOO biish Pennsylvania yellow nt 81.00,2.000 bush Western do at 1.0f. and some Western mixed at S 1 0' fl.o:;. Ilyo is utuha tignl ; ."00 buh I'ctin sylv ania sold at 81.09. ( tats are quid but steady ; 2,000 bush good and prime 1'etiunyl vuuia wore taken at tl20?.'i:io. middi.kiu jk; maukkt. Pot aloes Hutter Lar.t 10 K.ggn It; allow 2't thicJ Apple- Set?. Cherries ll rl l'clira unp'd ISci Flni'irf.l !t- l Snap s ItecawH' iio ClnTrir ejde, 'Jo IhickU'l.erri "JO lllacktierries U' SMMXStjJtovii MAUKKT. Wheal N- 1 l :!" llnion- 7.-, t'o-ii I'll Cju-s ii lte no fmi c In In o.ns I.Tir.l J., I'laxeorJ '2 Mi) Hani in Timihjecd H 00 SlmiiMer 1.'. riuviihco l U oil t-i'lo ("ii.osixti niicK? k " DcKSaven ISrolIica IO ! on Hi Thlnl Street riilla. 3 o'c'oik, 1 M. U. S. (,'. of 'SI .. I,; l( ,1, ' ;.", " " '", new, ii", " ' ' &', 10-40'n t.'. S. ;!0 Venr li per cent One IVi'ip. Int. Noiei", .toi20, 1S70 117jR 1R 11 V ll!r.i 1IU IM:( 1 1 1 4 1 i:tf- i:im IU! I !:,(.. ill nil, , ii ij loi.l, 11-JJf" UJj Silver, (.. o t'liimi l'acillc U It- 1st M I'.i.iiJ.t sni ssii Cemriil I'ni'itlit It. It. ilj." (.i !i;!."i Liiiun l'atilic L. lirunt liond, "Ml ( T.'O We are prepareil In fniuiHlt llweniie in I " nt' all iliiiiiiiiiniil mi loon- eii.iluin. CI', iilliiwiiiK llio full.iuiiiK iiL'niiiil ; On 6 '."i aid upwui'iU 'J pvi' cent. " Ico i) Ken 4 V. fill nml forward nil or lera ujun tho day of lln'ir ri'ci'lil. (A.MI LL FAlsr, 7iEcrciaiil lias jnsl received an entire new Btock of ri.oTll.s. cas;Mi:i;i;h & VESTlSii.s, all of a superior ijiialiiy w hioh lio is pro pared lo niiike up in the lent slylo nud on r-luTl mil ice. He nlmi keep Urown nml White frciieh Yoko Linen iiiria.and a pen- eral iiKiiortineiil of gelillemeim' Klirnisliiiip lioudK, all ol wliitli lie oilers to luo public al very rcsminable prieea. Call at my place on fine Street, between Lckberi a corner and the bridge, Selina Orove, l'ik. Juuo 4, lsii8 If. s,,: :ll a sciioxoujt, Wbolcsals Pealers 111 BRANDIES. WINES. Gins WhiSkcys, &v. W'OMELSDOUr, UKUKS CO., I'a. January IS, Ib70-lf p K X XSYLVAXIA HOUSK. Ji D. HOFFMAN, Proprietor. COIIXEII OF SEOON'U AXU LOCL'ST 8T8. iiAiinisBcno, rExx'A. -Every effort naceuary lo Iniur the cum fori ufKuanta 111 be mtUl. TL hounhiibtan newlj renilMl. uiy,liiuil & WANTKI) an aellv mn, In each County In tlx Malei, to ravel ! Uka orOeri by iaiuiila. (ur TKA, L'KF yy.K and Kl'K'KS. T,i aultalila nmn via will Kivaa talarr ol aooo in ai.ouuayaar, aliovatraval iiiK ami ullmr eioniva, aDil a raaaouabla euu uiiMlun on aalea. lininixllata apnlleallnni arc nllettail from prur tmrlles. Haterancai aichaogad Api'iy lu, or i auurvM iminaiiiaiaiv. J. rACKEK a CO.. 1 Cuntinanul Mllli." M Uuwary, Now Vork, TBS POST- Job Print i n Office, M1DDLE0URO, SNVUEtt CO., PA. ALL KINDS OF J0U miNTlNO NEATLY, CHEAPLY, AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. QUICK SAX.23 WILLIAM II. HEAVER Uespeoi fully aimouncea to lb oiliieni of MHlilleDurg and vlciuily Ibat b la now ready lo supply ibem with lb largest and uioat eomplot alook of srmxa a summit goods over brought lo tbia place, at greatly ra looe prioea ebeapor iban lbs obeapeit. IU inviioe altaution lo bis largo stock of MUSLINS, CALICOES. DELINES, T.AWNS, SILKS, DEUEQES, 1,1 N E.N 3, BootH and Shoes. II ATS AND CAPS. T1KADV-M ADK CLOTHING, SHlllTH, and everything asually kept In S well regulated alore. Give me call aud be convinced that llila la tli place lo buy goods. COUNTH Y l'ltODtlCE jaken In eict.nfe AO LB HOTKL. (between Rac- an t Wnr) VlillsilMpliln. K. I. CI MMtSOS, I'rnp'r. M. M. 8WAUII, Hiiprriiit-riclciii. e,.:l:j m. H.MMilN(. Ksq . Jt . STICK OF TIIK I'Ktf'E CiNVKVAMi;i:, Uivmonl. Sn vder County. I 'enn. (VnYetinris nfnll kinds nmdofil Ihe slmtlesl notice nml on the rnnst reonul le term-. onvejnncinu In all Us locinrli,.. expo Hi intjr rxeciiled. l)ri:l. Miitoaok, Notks, snJ tilsnks of all kinds eonsismU on lian I. Tenon st a ilistsnee Invbiji clniins for folleeiinn iihin bis jiirisdirlini, nee. only address Mm 1-jr mail In In. lire prompt nclUn. Terms resminlilc . I May 'Of Vkw ituii.uixiis. i AND XKW PIJICKS: WACKXSKI.LKIt PO.V. hereby res)ierllull inform Iheir friends mid Ihe ioilili B,'hrr,il!v Unit Ihev liatooi cne l STHUK iu iheir NEW t3UILDING on Hie spot so long neeupled hj Dr. Jneol i npensi'iier nu me isic or ijue where lliev now liar nnd will nlwajt keep s largt and well M'li'Ote I assoilinenl uf FKASOXAHI.H tJOODS. In llio Ladies' I'c put t men t will l, found full Inn of SI I, ICS, ptU'Lixs. in; i i.i.i a xts. VKTOI.'I.V LAWNS, FKJUHKD ALPACAS KWISS MULL. CAMIIIMCS, I'll I NTS, JACOXKTH. DKLAXKH. Striped and Cheeked Xniituekx, .U- A (.real Variety of I.adiest' Drc.s 'i'ritutnins, Myle Hoop Skirts, French Corsets, F.nll style Hnllimruls, Ladies' Utnlirel fns, Parasols and Sun Shades, llotinct Kibbons, Lnces, Kuf flings Lmbroidcrs, Liutn uud Paper Collars, Ac, V'., A.C. a srr, i: Shi i Assonr.vRXTof v , UOOi'StSiSHOKS ' r or Ladies, Mieeies mid I'hildi-vn, in end-lo.-it variety, of all nine. lyle and prices, svluulvit fur thj rail mid Wittier trade. A full nnd eotnp1tT slock nf CIJITIIS PLAIX AND FANCY CASSlMFKKS.CD'l TOXADKS, JKANS, Ac, Ac COAL t)F ALL KINDS ! 'iiocerli-s, Quirnnivure, llaidwaie, Willow ware, I'cdare are, (ilaiHware. Sie. Allofwhieli havinp lieeu Aio'Al i-fry tnir fur CASH will be mild nt very aiiiall pi utile, lint-iiiullo la Juu k into ami tmull rvjilt. Mr nlno pny llio liighvnt ninrkel piicei fir all k ill-Is of itrain. WUKAT, 11VK, COUX, OA'IS and SKl'.D. We aro prepared aluo to More fundi, nt ii vtniill eharpe and to iloit p i iao ul I oiiiiiimsioii and Korwni linp biiiiies. We hope that the public generally will Ivo ib n call as we believe il I to their intoi'mi lo do so brforo piirelissinj else where, (live ii a I r i W. V. WACr.NSLLl.L'.t. M. L. WAOKN.sLLLIill May !),Mi7, tf N',w FlU.M AND II. O. 1ILT7.KL. r. s, .y t;t Li.Di'oii ZZETZSL tk trZcCUIXOTran, (SIXUKSSIIHS TO Jilllif IILT.KI.,) DKAI.KIIS IN A Lis KINDS OK n DKCia a.mmsb:: llltiUEST CASH PltlCE PAID FOIl FLOUH, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIES, Ac, Ac, CHAPMAN, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. March IT, HTC-tf. JX1TKD 8TATKS BONDS ROUOIIT, SOLD A EXCIIAXGKD ON MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD AT Market Itatea. Coupons Cashed PACIFIC RAIL ROAD BONDS Bought and Sold. STOCKS Bought aud Sold ON COMJIISSION OXLY. Accounts reoeived aod Intereat sUmIox! on daily balanoc aubjool to check, at sight DcIInvcii & I Jr other, A ark SEf attl- aaanei . ai r, su.ra s,f., yNION PLAXIXU MILL! 7 Ltiitilicr Dcnlcrs ash mam r.irtrHi nr lluors, llnnr llors, Inrttins, fhnttcrs. Umlow Boxes, llllnils, Sash, filalr I'lln5, Hand II a nines firurk rts. Mnalilines, Unnrlntr. SCKl I.I. SAWI,MUtABIM;t TI KMMt. Shinglos, Lath, to., &c. Orders solicited and filled silh prompt new and ile-pm sli. t'letse eatl nnd eniii ilia oiir eliH'h before j urrhnKing els, whore. i);:mr a t nir.t.. w ii inn nr. j toi oiitos )ISi:L, I1ALLIKT UToliillTON, t.K.X KK IL (Oil MISSION M EU( II INTS, AMI MM I IM II Coimhy I'rntlurr an I Ihmn-ti' I'llll'l, ,Siftl,1, f,, A'o. 2 J Sot tii Watku Srim r, HI1LADHLVHIA. ItrrrnKser. .taenh It. Hiepel Co., :l-1d Market etreel ; l.ippeneutl X Tmllrr. Jl N. Water lrect : II, m l, Hnlirilii . ij'.l .Market Slrrel ; . ()(. , lamr. l'lrt, 10 onlli Cil. ureet: Jnlui Weiol Itns Walni.t Mrccl; Ilurrin i, !!'J7 Art Ii mr.-el It'.MV.'lf jyWID WILLIAMS, Mannfaetiire nf Wholes ale !'eal.-r in (.III, Miihi-iiii), tin I n ii ( and liOM'snml LOOKING GLASS Picturo A; Photoernphlo Frames, s, 2;i0 nml ffia Arch Mrcrt, I'Silndelphia I'n. frames tlepaiied in ihe .ei manner Ateo. Ilepilding in nil iii branches. 17,1' I utsn. t.uni,i.o, I TC II ,1 ( LOCK MAKER, Market St. Middlehur I'a. MAMM1 loenled in thin plxee I would renpeetfnlly inform the eilirii ol .Miildli bu-tf and vieinily thai I am firppnred lo repair t'l.iMKS A Mi Ail IIL.S and etpedilioie-ly . The palrotiapo of Ihe public in respectfully aulieiied. W. (1 It AN 1' I.I.I '. Mi.ldlebnrg, N..v. t, lSii'.l. Xl KF.LLF.K, Muniifikclurcr of and dealer in Would respectfully Infirm the eiiijctn t.f Selinsprove mid vieini'y, that he tnuiiiifac lures to older and kei pi eoiisiimiiy mi hand rllMRS OK A I.I. KINKS, AMI Furniture of every Description, at the very lowest price. Ilu respcclfully invites nil inaniiiiaiion nf HUtisTFA ts, lll'KK M'S.T Mtr.fs.Sdh'AS l.lU NilKS, !s I'AMlS, UII.VIUS, U-iT" A upeeial iiiviiaiiini is exicmled lo ncuiy in hi i . I fill;- to c ill and eve my stuck beloic uicliiidii elsewhere-. I.KVl I'.DI.I.nt. Selinsprove, April li, I H7 1 -I f KW MILLIXKKY AMI E nnt'v tre, ilpp"i!o tUiiudel Swiiielord'a Drug Store, Mnl dlcluirg, l'a. I lako Huh incihid of informing the eiu- M i M'.W GO(MS!,?,'"! f ibis place mid vieinily, dial 1 have him ret urnc-i Hutu I lillaoe.pliia Willi a largo supply of Milliner) nml Fumy l.uoiN, ennsisling or HATS. IiliNi:TS,l I.uU 1'1', -i, It I II I.l IN S, e.,ie,. and urn cini-liiiilly re- eeiviiif new j;iio Ii and new elyles. 'leae (tivo luc a eall before pin rhasinu el-ewhere. I will positively sell as cheap as any Milli ner in this ur adjoining counties. M AllV A. II Al.TEMAN. Middli hurp, April Vs, s7tl.-;lm 1 1 :sta x ir&'Tto YK It, Wholc-ialo and Itclail Dealers In HAllDWAUi:, CUTLKUV, CoaclimaUers' Materials, Shuc Findings, ,Vc. Selinsgrove, l'a. S-1if E .Ul.LK IIOTKL. MIDDLEIil'KU, I'A. J. A. BTAIILXKt KEK, Proprietor. Having taken charge of Ibis old sod well established stand, the proprleior propones to devote all his allebtion to Ihe providing of his Table and liar nnd the accniiimuiU ilon of bulb man and beast. He aulioiis a liberal share of i be public patronage. January J3, JH70 j IjMlKKMOXT IIOTKL, IHEKMflST, SNYDER f!0., PA. ENOCH SMITH, Proprietor. This new hotel ia now prepared tor the accointnjjalion of guests aud sill nlfor.l first rata entertainment lu 'pi rsnui visiiii.g Preemnnt. Every etfirt will be made In promote the comfort of travelers Mopping at this bnuse. Choice liqunre al the liar, and the Table supplied wilb the heal the market adonis. An ample stable in dm ovation with the bouse. Aprilo'TOif JJAXSKLL & CHKW, scecBsaoaa to osrrritAS kenave, axud qlasswaUsO, Xo- 21 North Fourth Ktrrrt, PHlIsADliLFHIA. Original Packages t'oostaotly on Hand. Rspreseated by Tlltu'8 B WtNCFORD. Manufsoturera of and dealere in all kroea of BILL TIMBKR, LUMBER. PALITCQ, SHIXGLKS, LATH, FLOOK1NO, cto.. Fhamokio Dam, Snyder County, Pa. All orders irompllJllUd. Walnut, Chtrty, t'ovlar, and Linn I.umher tonttantlji on AaaJ. f 2"y t aotLLis, JsosAyaiLL, juu saauAau, J F. ZOELLIN &, CO., (Sucoessojrs to Selberllng A Zoellln,) WA0LE8ALE DEALERS k 1MP0UTER8 or DRUGS & MEDICINES. Nob. 403 b 404 North Third St. 6,88 PHILADELPHIA. AAMKIUCAN HOTEL. CENTHKVir.LE,!yVt)EHOo.,P. MLLIAM li. LONU, Proprietor. Thla well knows hotel, located in Ihe town of Csutraville, has been thoroughly repaired and refitted, aod ia in Ihe beat con dition lo accommodate Ihe traveling public. yASIUSUIOS IIOL'SE. MuhV, Imrj, Snittrr C'onn't, Vn, DA XL LOI.KXDKIl, Proprietor. Tersnn fleppinif nt Oils llon.n wM find excellent aeeeiiimodnlion, fur .Ifnn and lleant. ; r..f J" S. LI IlKUAltT, l.'ii'jnrr, Co., 1'innn Keeps ennstanily on hrnd a lnrff ami well mads nss.uimeiii ef '1 in, Sheet-iron ware, Stoves, ,e, lie Is Ageni Inr tho fi Hewing tiamed articles. " TIIK MOIl.MXO (ILnilY." I iil'elleld's t'nlciit Itt:proye-t I'.iiiiiine COAL. STOVE. In Ibis pattern of Tnr Mossin (Imikv. several new nnd in.pmiatil feainres have been embodied, wliirh enn oii'v be seen In tie admired. This, new Move is niade rn lively if cast lion, so Inled ns in l,r air liht. but can be tuade Willi aheel-iron iippet i l l ion w hen preferred by tlie pin chaser, lis ernnnirnlak finili is drapery, making ii a hatidejtno piece of foruilure, far luoiesu than any "love beretufure ma le, lis in ternal eonsirueliun, tbuiih re-emldin some of tbe former patterns uf f he Mm niliit tilory is iUile ilillentil, inakiri( il tnon durable, and tar less 1 1 II . - 1 1 1 lo ,c r paired. I he eastings me of the lushest order, fn'lj i- iinlin llio lnieil cii-tnis ma le in lin. eoiintry. Auioiif! the many ii'Viiruiti in theusi ofilie Motiiins tilory me ilie following : I, fiiiitiiiuoiia Diirniiig. U'. Quality nt t It lleul. Venlilalioii llirouuu ihe el. ve. I, Anli-Dui Siv. o, No ;v!i. of lias o, t.cuiioiny uf fuel. "TIIK ILM1LKY MIKAIV Ant!-luA Aw-lhjhi r'. i ;) ',sr,,, viih l'..rhii,il ',-;., f ur ll'mii nr I 'mil. Patented May r,i,, i,-,. We lake pleasure in offense: our ritstn mors aud the Sieve Trade, n New tirst-t'lass I I'lni ti p. and woald call .., Urnlir .tt,nli..n I to lis iiorny uttrttrtit r tnul r,t,'i,, ,!,' ,r.,j r or--, j iit This Stove tins been carefully leite.l f r I srveral luotiihs, and I he rcsuli- iiave proved i 'i highly satislSeiury, llnl several ol unr I oldest and inosl expi-ricticed stove doali r i predict for It a "ale tar beyon I uur nbility lo snpl ty tins season. 'i'io,ii,7 front j:r,-il,w f, (living full uso ,,f I lie licarlh. .Il d. .fiown .. in thr oivn, so arranged as lu give more room in iheuper pari of Ihe oven; a great emu ('turner much needed 77. r ttfi, is nearly as ,,,.it , utilie lic.uih line. w hii h not only inerrascs I he hie, bill will be levogmtvd us. i jrtm icn.-i(.y to oi'.i,y, lioTY'S CLOTH KS- WASH K II. '1'lic lust, eheiiprt, and most populur Vn-hing Mmbine i cr invented. It is eay loopcrale, nil I in' or siimding ; lakes but liitie room ; injures ti'igarinents ; linislirs us wotk trooi in i .to to four Minim-: is durable and eollVi til. nl : an I Die only ashing Machine know u lliat i. liked i lie belter the lunger it ia used. TIIK UXIVKHSAL CLOTHK KI Mi I .It. 77. ',.'. I ' '.I V .) (i'. tVIlll. The I or 111 m of our I'uleiit call oar Machine n "Wringer. eai J of es ci i m e r u e it nl-o lu lie A Must IAlt.ll.l-, i Wasiii.ii. ti.-n tve reduce eserv invi-tii ion t'-r wa-h in;; cl .thc lo n principle Mo y all iiiioiinii j I it nt pie-iitk;; ali-l .--llrrlli, lllid i I'orcniK I lie u hi er tinouoli im-ni, Hm. y,-. I moving llio dill. Mo.i Ws.dilii M ichinr I du it by l.iliioli.-. '1 lie L'i, NW'Ingii I ocs II by pi essin;;. N E W MUSIC STORE IV SKLl.VSi; KOVK. HI It K SALES AMI SHALL PROFITS: We are mill iu Sclinsgruve und j reparc l Id furnili O reacts, Accortlc'ons Violins &V iVc. And all kinds of Musical Instrument ciiEAi'iin tii ax r: vi-: in We warrant nil our Instrument for five years, planus, nivalis, Melodeona and Accordeons correclly tuned and repaired. Store open evny WEDNESDAY and SATl'llDXY. Inslriiel inn jrin-n on ihe Piano, Melodeon, Violin uud Accordeon, at reasonable rales. tiive us a call. We (tnnrinlre satisfac tion. HALEM ii fTKlMNtiEII. November 17, Iru'.mf ji:ystoxk IIOTKL. Nrliiityroi'i; Snyth r County, I'n. THE undersigned lien leave lo inform the publio that they have purchased and will keep, in good style, the above well known ami popular hoii.e. tiie:bk i:ak will always be slocked with ihe best and choicest liquors that can be procured io the Philadelphia aud lliirrisburit market. TIIi:flU TAIIIM4 Hill always be supplied Willi Ihe best delicacies and most substantial luod that the market will nllord. tiii:ek stable Will always be attended by careful and trustworthy bostlera who will see justice doue lo any horse entrusted lo their care. gaaT Having large, airy and well furnish ed rooms, good servants, with Ihe uuliring efforts of ihe proprietor lo please Iheir guests, they hope I o meet with a large share of publio patronage. a.ayltMS7.lf K. D. A J. F. WALTER. JOUX LAUDEXSLAUKR, BUGGY MAKER, BELINSOROYE, BKTDEIl CO., PA. Having purchased the well known atand in 8eliuas?rove, formerly owned br Philip blacker, 1 am prepared to accommodate all who may desire anything in my line, ami warrant satisfaction in all cants. 1 keep constantly on hand, and am prepared to manufacture at the shortest notioe, SULKIES, TM'V'mr-Kh SLEIQlLS.&o. Doing esperienood In tha business, I flut ter myself mat I am fully prepared lo meet tho wanta of my customer. Tha hands employed are anioag the best mechanic io the county, and ihvir work will sol fail to glee universal aalisfactlon. ftojrSpeoial atieoiiou paid to repairing In all ila braaobea.a Chop obi Market aiiee l, a few door south LIDi: Foil TBAVKLLIIS. t'flssencer Train lears Ihe llrri!nir stroll , I, po'--laity follows i rsitroid drpn's daily i rr.NNsTI.VAMA CINTIIAL HAILROAO. rtrwAiii. W fSTWAr.'l t'ineinnstl evuresescepl Mon liy IJ p m i iiis, uirc I v.prrfts I'a-ilie Kpri- train diilv I itiit'tatioii train evcri.l Mrmlay I i I lea in exc,p Snn lay t'rlsl fine llrie I'asi tine I.VH le 1 I. I a tn ' :. I 1 . 1 P in ! 4 1-, ; t'.'n NnliTlirttN I'KMRtl, rtAll.r.OMi. x otiriiw vtilt. rntTi'i.r Tn f rr- train :'.l ArT. Mail ir.iin Kasi Line n. ItnfT i!n Impress Iri in Mai! train I'arine I'xp VorV A Han i.bV .tcceoin ..lii,i 'am II m " I.J'i " .l" a m " l'i p r 1-.' if. p m I ::. p I ' l j I'iiit-iiiati rprrs lit M.MI.I. AMiIt(,'l rtt.WX.t It II A paie,ii-r and nmil train loaves tin I.el'Htti II ullry drpnl il ii'v. 11, ' .".'l p. In for I'lBegrTe, Allbinn and roll-ville. j.i'i:i: ii a it, VLKCK cS: ( ()., WHOLltSAL.K ( turn t :.: ami ii;uri:lnis .Nil. :!: SilMTII TlllliU ST., lltll.AI'KI.I'lllA. A full iiirlioriii nf l.?ifrcti"rif rv, I mils, lite Unins, Sirups. I ly '.e. always cn lmirl. NoTit i: is iii:ki:i;v ;ii;n tha, e i.n b ri.'tie I li ii - i.n,. Im-i-d , .f Sin.rn . 'cbuiiiii. lor value icvi ivtil, the f..'.l.i ing personal fimpirty, to vv ii .-- I uic t n. V in Si nvc. 'J T ito. -, I Sitil. I Sin..,, 'l'.,-.- .loads in. I lia d.liti'X, l'i Iiiiii. I I'.o, !ii,u , I hair. I I. ad el' liny. I tup I u I, m ,1 Iron Keitle. I l'.. , I C'.n k ; ami having , ici, ine -iiiiie ill luc pte --l"ll n I lii ,-rinl Sitiii.n Zi'i'liinaii, all ersnits .iic hen by iiitii n.'d tn. I lo liii-c the iv.uc. i,u el tut i' vn Ih, nor (in M.SM. re!.. I. I ) Y,'M"', 1 '",N 'T I'AKTNEP.fllTI-.- ' I ' 1 lie iit..erit.ers have tb;s.I .y by imi- , nml ilinlved the (',. patineivhipj .heretofore e tistltij; bet ivecti (inn. in l,r ; l.utn'ir l.u.iti.-s. i .v,.!i!,-,'i-..v,. p., Al. 'l '"lis iri-.i i i. in inn ,.;i,i ot l if " li.nvc , litirns ri!; m', Ihe ne linn nt M. v r 'I'l' con 1 1 n no ll.e l.iivihfss, und all tcr-. f.. I:;.v ing i-ioiins iigitinsi iis - iii niin.i nn t;i in lor s.-tiletiiriii lo M. ;cr k I t . M'lVl ll l; 'i.i.i; r i.. i . i v, i: I f I I LN.-i. '-'-' iHi'i. Sellti- lo N oV. i Miiiiltnntl : II ii vv l.tist, Hun Ee-lnrti) j.lil npli.h.'.l. a in iv e ,;ii.,u of , l'i . ( iiivci rt. li I t!i I la'.ed IN nay mi ilu ri'licit! enie. iniibtnu i inciliciiie i i t' S( ei 1'ialori, cr Seioiini! W i iiUii""-, lnv.ili.iiiiu'.v l.o .., ., iuipoti-n: v. I M. iilalainl pl.i..ii.'.ii Ineii) m iiy. l!ii-- ii-nii-iiis tn man iii(.'f. cic. : al-o. I 'oii-ninii-lion l'. il. py nnd I il-, indiii'i d by sell in- duUiiu'e i l' yeu il e.M lav i iiitc. i l'i , r. in .1 '.,,, 'i.i'y,'. o. ..''.. J The celebrated nullinrin i liis ;i !n,ii ;ii !. ' es.ay eleaily dcino,i-i rules tr,,.,i it llnityj years succes-liil piaciicr, i U.i i ibc ul uiii' i li;' con-i 'I'li'lirc f -i ', iiiui.,. in y ,,. rad I cal'y i lllel v. illioi.t i!ii d in .'el una !:. rl I ilileiMil li e lic'i I' ll.e n ; In uio:i nt ll,,. I.nili : poiiiiifi..; out a mode ul iiin- at nn-c I simple, i crliiin an I illci Dial, by iiicn.. of ; mIikIi i v 1 ty J.II ll it ir, no in ii, , i- uh-tt his. eiilidillull l.iay be. III i.V cure lilin.sclf flieup ly pi iva'rly and'al'y 'Ibis Lecture s'l.uild l e in lbs hull Is of every you'll and every in in in I'lel.ui l .Sl.t under mil. in a I 1111 i iim 'oie, to any ad-Ire.., p,.i...i l, ., receipt ,.f six ecnts, or too i , -i -lumps. AI-o, ir. (ul - verwvlVa ' Ma! ri..K.. Iluide." m iee r. eente. ..'Uiio l lie piiMi-liei's ll as. .1. r. c.i.. 1 -V Ib.wery, N. Y., '. O. l'o. l.,i-,. NV TASTED AiiE.NTS ir75 TO 2Ki l'f-B MONTIT, Everywhere, male and fcuiu'e, lo inlto 'lin e llio Ceil Hint' ImpruKfl roiiinitiii Seiwe i-'a.milv m;vim; .m.vciiink Tl.l.s .Machine will stitch, hi m. tell, tuck, iUill, col d, bind, brai l nnd uiiibiciiler in a in. isl sii ei ior manner. PRICE ONLY STS. Knlly YViirriinlrd for l lwYinrs We n ill pay l-mu tm- any machiuo that will sew a st runner, more Lruiitit'ul, or more elastic se i,n than our.. It makes the ' KLASTHJ l.ltt'K ST 11(11." Every secote I stitch can bo cut, and ii!l ihe clot Is cannot be pulled apart ulihoui tearing It. We pay Aenla lioju j Jj to '0 per month nnd expenses, or a. com mission from which twice that amount can beinade. Addre-a SECH.MII & CO.. I'ltlsburit, I'll, j lioSliHI, ?'lurS., or ft. Louis, Mo. CAl'TltlN. Hewarcof nil A(-enls felling Machines under the tonne naino as our, unless they can tliow a Cortiiicnlc of Agency signed by us. We shall net bol l ourselves responsible fur vvurthles. Ma chines sold by other parlies, and shall prosecute all parties either selling nr usiiy Maehiues uuddr lliisiiame lo the full extent uf the law, unless such Machine, were ob tained from us by our Agents. Do not be imposed upon by parties who copy our ad vertisements and circulars uu, ufl,r worth less Machines at a less price, Feb iMtv. V I C r ' 55 FLORAL GLIDE FOR 1870. The First Edition of Ono Hundred and Twenty Thousand oopie of YlfV lllua- IrntrHl Calaloirun of Set-ds and Morul Lulde, is published and ready to send out. ll ie elegantly printed on (In tinted paper, with about tat wood f-ngravinj;. ol Flowers and Vegefables, and a bsauiiful colored plate coosibtiog nf seven varieties of Phlox Druminondii, makinit a line BOUQUET OP PHLOXES. It ia Ih most beiifeiilul, as well aa the moat snairuotiv Floral Uuido published, giving plain ud thorough direction tfur ihe Culture or Flowm andlYrjoUhlrs. The Fltirul liuida i published tor ihe benefit of uy customers, to whom it i sent free without application, but will be for warded lo all who apply by mail, for Tax Cams, h)chi ool half the cost. Address JAMES V1CK. Rochester, N. T. 1'l.lla.l a Enpresa eicept Monday 2.1(1am ,V. V. ""Vr ' V. IKa-fl.ine .. .,( .. K'""t- Pofl'v.lle. Tnmanna. A.l,lan I Lancaster train fvisMtJov) H.m iV'.Tr''?'"', 'T""' ',1'","",n;1 ''"""'. Il'aeille p... Train ' 1 -..,, p , ' ' "''"-r. t ol.iuil.l,, ,Ve. llaeri.Miri Aeenmn-odaibm " ',; P.!" J 'J ' i'. " ifinrimn.i Eafreaa train .1-,1'y M.r, " i ' '' U H I 1 1 . , fore.,,...,,. ISoiiiheta K.t.rr.s ' -..Ml .. . n ! ' P" : runn ",,h "'''" BALD EAGLE HOTEL, No. 410 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN I'LYMfcK, Ircfrutcr. January U, lh7U-f ESOLL'TE DlVOKCEd legally obtained in New York . Indiana, lllluoia and other Stale, for persons from any btate or Country, legal; iry where ( desertion, drunkeon, on-upporl, etc., tuffioienl cause no publicity i no charge until di vorce obtained, Advic freo. Duslness MlltllU tHM JMM --,, .. , R KADI Xi J P.AILHOAD t.. I . i,; 1 '' Creat Trunk Line frotn l'j Ni.rtli at or-h wel f..r I'liil i l, !n',l. Vn unl Birivin M Netv lurk st I.M'I m.i.ii, l.-'i' ii.i'-'i, mi I In. nil p. in., re seiie'y. s'.i e nj r.d iicc.oiipai y Hi.- 'i J', a in. an I It.'.'S ,n . Ii -lin i. ii l,..,i eliangc l'i l;i,i i,ip : I.i are . w Vork al 'i.'i"b in, IH.iiii o..n. mi I .'i.iii, p in, phi's -li.tri I m. . I i a in ntot il.:i'i p ia : Sleepiti-? rtr.i a .imp my il.. i'.'si y in, no' o iai p ei irn'. rtoni Nor, Vik. it lioni clianc. I "iv j II ,iri-liui tor Hi .'ilili!. I'l llstir T hi mna. Mtrirr-tille. .I'bl-if I. Stum... Li , I' ;l i,iow,i did I'lilladrllii i, l. I'l il tn. J.. hi mi l 4.iip ir, et.n.pimt I., l.t.o.,1, und pliiiripal ray r t-ni n-, ; C l.l'1 p t i tr i.n c iioc 'iiij; f. r l liiludelph r..;,.vii ,. nn. I l o!u!i,l i ii, iy 'r 'ull vi. Ic, S,-!. ny!l;i; I IHvi", nnd Afl' ScbuylK.ll and :ri m, h-if-.ti.i U.nlru I.n u ri.-l.n, at '.. I i i in I. ail Vvit.v'iv ii i i ti-ii.i-o-id Ir'.ns lei lltslingl.r .IUiii,.u, l.i-'.unnIN I us il T.. .. In ,ii n. t.'i.. 1 "7 nn 1 I r. .to. Veninr;:, 'nf ..rlt nt '.',' l ' i . I H i -II Mini .11' I p. l,i and All. 'tiinnal T.'Jti m io l-1 .1 --ii . j' l-ip- u,. "I I ; -i s i prima. I: lili i ?. rfturti njf fn. Hcad-ii at f'..::.'i p in, -," j . jr at nil sin,,, l.e-ive I'.iii-nlo- a, . lu ami y.iU i in al -'. "" p. 1:1, : llei inloe at i,.ln a m M, iTi..V in .,f in .i.i.t In. I in. ,.hli i ,"j a la. an-l I '. ; I i,u .ii, M iti.-inoy l'i si T.'il a. t.i- and p ,.. Tim'iin ":-;! " aii l-. J.i p in for I'liiladcl I. ilnl Nv-iv .a k. Leave V ..: .v ill -, via ?, (.,. Ik i; m,, luebmiiia IC II mi t.l "i ;( m u.c llnirisbiirr in I IL'.'' i n.-.iti lor ITin grme nnd Trein.-hi Meal'h.-t ..o:',f1...,tif, unit: l.eavi. ro'tsvill,. hi ,-,.pi n ,., ., :r1.tii g a ' a in, iittivnijr nt I'll, iiiib-lplii,, nt (i... li. Mil :.:t,i'. l. -.vis I'bila.le't-liia . .1-' P 111, p -lis. n It. -lading; ill r-.ISJ li I: i aiming al I'iiimii;-' m n f, m I I nil-l ou n A-c , I ,; j.,B Tr i,n I.eav l'"H-'"mi ol ,... '. n tn. i. lnviiiiig I, nv in. a i r , I inn in i.iiii p I tolu'iilii It.iilr out Ti aids le.ive lie-id it i.-'l a to. in, I l,,l , , I,,,- I pii,Mi l.itir. I. inca .,. r. i , . n i n I . ;, . I'l-rklioiii ,i llni'ioi l 1 rains !-sve T'crV oriien-liitic ' i'iii a V.i. ' a :'.i.i .-,.,:ii j. ri'f II I'l. l'i i, tfiv. s. ll i. - .;i i n.. I'l". N..:. .i I 1.". ,. in. c, ;,cti if .i,i.,r tr,, , ,, .. u.1:i,...., , r,.!,-!,,- .nk.'-ito It . d ,, have Poll ,,, , i. ,i ,, rt. no-T f ;';! , r,-t'in-ii l.-av e M"m"i 1 vs-i.nt at 7iiii'nd li i i:i. (-iiii:?i tii it with t-imiUr Inini I ll.a.llt ir ri!r.. fliesl.r V nl'ev !!..;! I iriins l.-i .ll"i an I o. : :ri...i,.iri ,.i S :.,i",. n. n, r. fu, Mi,,'- I D'uvninfoivn al C, t i, i i i mi! li iiiui i, I ,. p in, counsel i i oh sitii.1v trains on I'.'ailii.. railiimil On foiiol is I. ,,. Vuvk at "i,i P i, rl.ila I.-'.phi i ,t in nnd I.'i p i- ii'i a n, ri'tiiiioi' to Ken. lin, ' : t'ott-v i!'o s nils, tli: lai tirp ii.:, tn and I. In p in. leave .Mlenloivn nl " ; a. in mi l au I In m. ; Unve Hca.lii nl 7. l 'i n in. nn I li'.n;, p , fr Il u , i:.l,ur at 7.'-''! a In I r "...i ... Ii, in 4, ,', p ni I V'ciiion ii, nn I p in for l'hil.ntelplii t 'nn imi, -i' io!i, Iili--i-.e, J-'-asor, Si-bo and ex-ui' i.i ii' l(ls, to nnd froin iillpoiu nt li ilii, i-. tales. r.ifTi (c chi' !;i 1 'hroiigl, ; ItK) ponn : atlolvid v.ic'il I a .'. . r. ;. a. : en i.i.s, a - l s,tl nut, n,l, nt. Ilea I nc. V.ny D!, if'Tll. 1'IIiST I'lIKMtr.M NLAMTSC WTICTli FAMILY i os, oRTJ' I tOVl II0 iVMSK'IIIIIOS, 1 ,, ,,',,,,,, ,. ' ,,!'-' ''ltn1" M- TiH'.S. :: Clii:TM T ST. PlIILADELI'HIA. roixTs or kxckllkxcr Deauiy and Ela-liety ef Milch. Perfection nnd simplicity r.f .Machinery. I'.injr bi,:li threads diiecl? from tha spools. No fisteniiiK - f sc ii.h by LanJ on. I no ivane of lin e id. W ide rai'p-c ufap !lcatlon witlinul chunge of adjustment. The seani retains ita beauty nml f.rujnnsj nflcf vfaslistij an 1 tronin . Ileelde. lining nil kinds of inrfc done by by other Sow in;? Machines, theso .Maelline'. exieule ll.e mosi beaulifiil i,n pvruinuvut LtiiLioidery and ornnirf nlnl work. ryi.TIie lli"hel I'ciniums nf nil the fair and exhibition, of the I'nflod Slates nnd Kuropo, have Neon Kwnrdcd lliGrovcr,t linker Mewinn Machines, nnd the work by Ihctn, licrevei 'exhibited in coinpvliun. t-rrTlie vtry highest prie.TIIE CIMSM tK Till. I.MMtiN M HtiVtill. was con. t'ered on the repreJcutailvc of 0 rover & linker Sewing inaehineH. nt tho exposition I'niver.ille, I'aris, l:vii7, thus attesting their irreiii superiority over all other Sew iiilt Matliint-s. I-.rSate by S.tMl'EL F.U'ST. Sclins. grove, fa. April an. 'C.i. Forney's Press. TIIK (iit the Jlirt nml t 'hcnprtl Xcu-fpmur In the Country, theTress Is a Crsl-olas double-sheet elght-pags paper, eouiaining 4i columns, published every morning, icepl Sundiryt.) DAILV PRESi .unjiennnnm; $'J.1f for six months; 1.0l) for three months. TRl-WtKliLY PKESrt.Ss.OU per an num! i'l'i tut tit month; H.IKI for three mnhiba. THE W KEKLT PFES9. The most Talu able Weekly Newspaper ia the World. II contain items of Interest lo all. HEAD THE Il'KMd On copy ono year J 3 Fir cepie y, Ten copies, and ono eopy to the getter up of club, 15. Twenty copies, and on copy to tho getter-up of club 27 Filiy copies, ,ud ou eopy to Ih getter up of chub 65 Ten copies, ta on$ nddrt$t, nnj. on oopy lo Ih geiisr up ol Ih club - 11 Twenty copies, to on nJdrut, and n oirpy lo lb getlor up of tho club 33" Fifty copies, lo on IJrtu, and 04 copy 10 lb geltef up of tho club" 60' One huadred cepiee, loene WuVes,-.n4 oat eopy or luc Trt-wsskly freaa to Ih geuer up of Ih olub ' 100 erWcrj ihoulil ti odJrmfd to - iiratns entim lli I'eiittsv-ivcni i ItsiTt-As.l Alt i t v. r i. a ,r - , nnrev ATTTiT -matr a ' s