The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 30, 1870, Image 1

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tuUithtil eterjr Thursday Evening hj
Torma cf Eubncrtption,
lilon fix nionih. nt f'.'.fio if nnl paid
within Hit j-enr. No paper di'cnntinuc.l
tiniil 11 rrmrnpci are paid unite al
llit option of lie publisher.
SuLcrtptioii outside of llie county
gST Person lifting nmt using paper
iiJrfMci le oilier become siihecribrr,
and are liable fur tbe price of the paper
attorney at Law,
Miihlloluirg, Pa.',
fXTer lit ptolesilonal services to Ibe pub- -lie.
Collection! n J all ollirr priireseinhnl
business entrusted to bis ir will receive
prompt attention. JJnu !!, '07 1 f :
C. .SIM I'M ,
Selinsgrovo Pn.,
flfTer til professional service lo lln pub
lic. All busincra rntrimtcil lo li is coir
will be promptly attended in.
Jan. 17, 07i f
W. KNKillT,
l'rccluirg Ph.,
tliTrr hi Profossionnl scrsiceto Mi pub
lia. All business entriiiil lo big cure
will be promptly h 1 1 v n . 1 c I lo.
Jnn. 17, "i7t(
tm. v.x ,
Lcwishurg Ph.. '
Offers Mi professional service to t lie pub-,
lie. Collect ion n ml nil other I ru I -ii n - i
nl business entrusted lo bis euro will re-1
ecive prompt aiii-niion. i
G" i:o7V. jnu .i:u.
I.i vv ishurg
Offer bin Professional no vice In ti t
lie. Collections nnil nil inlii-r profi-M
II business riiiriislrd to bin cure wi
ccive prompt nt lent ion. .Inn. :(,
attorney at lw,
Lew - i I n i-i.c
Offem bis professional rerice lo
II re
public, i ollcciloii nn. I nil ullirf
lceeii mil bueiiues iniii.Mid In iluii
mill rcceitcpruiiiplMtciiiioii. .lmi.
I rn- .
" 1.7 11'
rniAi:Li:s iiuU Ki:.
i-liii-icmvc Pa..
HITer!' bis jirofe!iiotiiil ei vice lo llie j.ub
.10 Collect ion m nml all ntlier pi'ilei'Hin!
bin-incus eturiipicl to bin cue wilt le
eive prompt nitciuion. lillice two ib".r
liorlll of I lie Keyelnno Hotel. .Inn .'i. 07
QAMl'l'lli Al.I.KMAN.
Si linsgrove Pa
OITeri bi 1'iofcKsioiial nrvices In llie
public. All Inii-ilie-n iliti'iintnl In Iii
eiirn will bo piompily nlli'inleil lo. Oil
leclioim liimle ill nil pmls ofllio Suite.
II can epenk I tie Encl'sli ntul t'.oi ouiii
lniiIiinpe tlueiilly. Ollice bcltvcca 1 1 nil n
ami llie I'unl etlae.
MiiMlul'iir. SnyiliT ('i iiniy l'i nn'a.
Office ft few doon West (,f Ibe .1'. O. on
Muiii ulreel. Con ii'itatioli ill '"('''j'1,
mid German hinpiinpes. f-i i'.'t'7it'
I (.. mciiKi:.
I.i vviluii'L.' Pa-.
Olfer bi eeivb i to tbe pub
lie. All luieinee ciilni-tcl lo bin cue
will be promptly mien lid
l-luii. ... 't.Til
leron III need of (.'nod and iliu-ible
Sewing Mac-bine chu be nccoiuiiiod-.ti'il nt
reneoiinble pi ice illin on on .i-l-Kk
r'.iinr, Agtut, .Scliiu-gruv-.
.ln. 2. 'Uii
lirJT VTsT lis 7kTi,
.Mi.l.lhl.iir- I'a.,
Offeni lil professional rrrvice lo tbe cil
Inns of Mi.l.lU'jurr; and vicinity.
Muicli Ut. V,7
ll F" VAN 1U tKIliK'
Fi'linsrovo Ponn.
rcon Twp., Snyder Co. Va
Jacknoa Townuhip, iiyJerCo. Pa.,
Will attend to all biminem eniriiHted lo
till care aud on Ibe lnot reaennable
lernif, . March U, 't;8tf
H. J. 1 KANAWKh,
C'cnlrcilllc, tnjiTcr C., rn-
Offer liia profcxlonul icrvlcca In i lie
niihlis. 0 LtStf
tj;i w. ecu WAN, M. iv.
J . Kl'l'.GEON & l'llYSIcriNT
Port Trevortoit Pa.
Offer! til profeeionul acnioei lo Ibe
ciliien of Ibl. ptaee and tioinlly. He
peaki Oeruiau aud Englieb.
1 April 10, 'C8
If A. BOY Kit, Jr.
Ficcbui'"; Snyder Co. Pa.,
Hoet repeclfully otter Iii aervioel to
lb publio Vendue fryer hud Auction
eer. Having bad ft large experience, 1
feel eonfidoul I bat I eau render purled
aaiiifaelion to my euiployeef. .
Jan. fl. '071
Office in Court U nite, dept.lft, '07tf
No. 322 N. THIRDS'
11. II. MANDEllBACllTnor'u.
J. C. Ml'E, Clcik
No. i k 41ft North TUii J filreel.
tatiooerit. Blank look MunuUcluro
i-Ure in l'rniilu. tlatlut. Tur-.l
VOL. 8.
t:t MKtiii;v
Wlir.x, in the Ciiiir-n' T Instil in cvculs. j
it tieeoliH-s ticressiry for une people In
i!;s-iulvo tho political htiiids wliii-h
have cniinccte I them wiih miolhcr, !
mid to iissniuo, unions tho catlh, the1
scpa'-ate anil viptal K'.atiotl to which I
tho law cf nature find of nature's ( 1 1 j decent respect ti llie'
opinions of niunkin I tc piiree that they !
hou':d dcclaro tin." causeii which impel
them t the foptiiutinii.
Wo hold i li-'so Irutln to In) mII'-;
ev'nlent, that all inen are crcatoil ;
efiinl tlioy arc cnduwi' l by theii
Civiitnr hy c rtaiu unalienable rinh'.s
that nniiiiiK tli.e aro life, liberty, tin I;
the pursuit id liajipinees. 'I'ltal. lo:
.-ei-ni'o ihesj rilite, mei niiii'iiU arc ;
institiitcil unnin men, deriving their; powers lioiu llu consent f l !if (
.iivcnii .1 ; an I tint, whenever any
liiini of yovcrtiiiicnt lueomes it t riu--liV
In ! K.-.--', it is tho l iht uf the
people to. alter or titi .li-h i!,un l to
intitutc new ovcrnmcrit, l:i i n vi it i
found .ti. ii mi Mich pruu iples, nml j
oraiiiivtu iis power in s-ii'h u-.j
to theai bhall fei tn iih t-l lihcly tu i fT-a I ;
their a'o'y nml happiticjs. Piu Jciue. ;
imleed, v. i'll dictate that vcrntnonts, j
lonc-tahli-he'l, hlimihl lint he chatied !
for li lit ntnl transient lauses; utid.
H'cordingly. u' I cxpi-ricneii huth .-hmvn, ,
that liiankiiul arc inure disposed to j
suffer, while evils nro eiitl'crable, liiaiij
to rilit Ih.'iiisi'lvcs by abolishing the
fnrtns to w hieli they are necu-tunicil.
lint, when a Ions traiu of iihusot a-ul
iiMirption, pursiiiiiK invariably the I
dame oljoct. evinces a dettio to re-1
duco lhe:n under nbs'tluti' despotism, !
it U their right, it is their duty, to J
throw o(T buch froverimiitit, uud to.
provide new truurds for their future
security. Such bus lecu the. patient
siillcraiKe uf tho colonies, and n u b i
now tho necessity which constrain
i hem to alter their former system of gov
ernment. Tho history of tho present
king uf Croat Pritaiu in a history of
repeated injuries and usurpations, nil
having, in direct object, tho
inout uf on abmluto tyranny over these
state. To prove this, let facts be
submitted to a candid world :
llu bus rofusod lilt asscutto law the
most wholesome aud ueccti-ui'J for tho
public good.
Ilf'baB forbidden liU governnr toj
pass lawn of initiiciliiite und jireshiti;;
iinportaoco, uiiIchh Hiiepeotled in their
operations till hU aseut nhould bo
abtaineJ ; and when no suspended, ha
bun utleily neglected to utlcud lo
Ho has refused to ptsft other law
for tho aecofiiinoJiitiiiu of large diatri'jta
of peopleuulcVs thoso pooplo would
relinquish tho right of representation
in tho legislature; a right iueblimablo
to thcai, aud fonuidublo to tvrnnts
lia has called together legiblutive
bodies at place unusual, uneotnforta
ble, and distant from the ropositoiy
of thoir publio records, for tho sole
purpose of fatiguoing them iuto com
pliance with die measure.
He has diesolvcd representative
house repeatedly, for opposing with
manly uruiucs, hit luvuaious oa tho
right of tho people.
lie has refused, (or a long lime after
such dissolutions, lo cause others to be
elected ; whereby iho legislative pow
ers, iucapable of annihilation, have
returned to tho iicoplo tt large fur
iheir exercise ; tlio titc remaining,
iu the mean tie, exposed to oil tho
dangers of invasion from without, uud
coiiiulsious withiti.
Ho liua endcavurcd to prevent tho
population of these states ; for that
purpnt-o, obstructing tho law of Hal
uraliiaiioo of foreignors, rvfusiug lo
pas olheia lo oneourug tboir migra
tion thither, and raising iho eoudiliuus
uf new appropriation ol laod.
He lis obstructed th adminlstra
lioo of justice, by refusing hi a soul
..II .SJJ'.I ill li. Il.l,
office, nnil tlte BtnouDt ani pnynictit !
of tln'ir ulurioi. f
i IIo Inn rrcnti'il n inultittidi) of now
ofiiwn, mill Dt liillu-r fwit iin tif iifli-r
lorn to Inirins oiir ik'ojiK', mil oat ouli
I li i" i r niili.t;in(v.
Jlo lu kept ainiiti ui Iii lime ('
prin'O hl.iiuliiu nrtini', without tlio
eonent tt" 'ir leii-lutui .
IIo iilTi'drd fit roll li r tlir Inili
tary i n ' I l i c i I 11 1 of, mi l iiupcriol ti.
tint civil power.
I la lias comliiiii'il, with nt lior, t."i
MiLjfct u to a juri.iiliotion liirein to
our I'otiptitutinii, lit) 1 iin:ickiiuw!cilo;i'iI
liy our ltiw ; uivin' ti-M' tu tU.-ir
hva of pretoti it'll Iriri-lutinn.
i I'ur i'iiii'lerini; Lugo boJios uT nrmuil
t roups uiii'iii:' im
I'ur ii'i)toctiny; tiicm, ly a tnocl;
,, IVimh uini.liiiiciit I'ur any innr-
Jer wliifh tlu'v limy cntiiiuit on tin
ilill il'il.itils of lliu-e eliiti'M.
Pur cutting oil" otir tra lj fn tn nil
ir!i of ill. wuil I.
I'ur iin;iosiu0 taxcM on us without
uir I'niiM n' .
I'ur lt'irivin u, i i many c::ij, c!
tin liin! by jury
l' ir tia-isji Ttinj; n Ir'Vuiiil tn-as tn
lie irii'il f"r pivli'iuli'i! ti!T 'iii'Cfi.
I'ur uli'ili-liiii 1 1 to live Nv-ti'in dl
Kagli-h i iwm in a nci jlilinriiig priviuci1.
ctablihin lli'Trin an nrbitrury C"V
eriiini'tit, ihkI cnliirgiii its liounilaric
io as t. rctiili'i' il at unco an t iiiii ilc
.iii'l lit ins' riitin'tit lor inl rultirin ihe
satii.' abs ilu'c ru'i? int t ! olotiic.
l'iit litLifi'f iill-iiv uiir flinrt,.e
..'iiii i
i-hnii our most vahiuble l.iivs. ami
ihcrin, fiindaiaentiilly, the forms ul
otir 'ivvrutneiits.
! I'ur tiprn.ling otir own
ted with
and ueelar.n t!i -uiseli i s imp
j power to leg s!jIj 1 )i' u iu
iH n r-
Willi's never.
Ho h i a'olicnt ' I .'overiim-vit here,
l.y iec!al'i:ig us u it u his pioiccti jll.
uud wuil.g War ITjaiii-t It. i
IIo has pliindirol uiir seas, rieaol ;
our!, Imrnt our (owns, nn I de
stti.vel the lives uf our people. 1
Hit is. at this i im , tr.insp ii-tin
large arinies of forciti inerecueiies te
eotoplete the WoiU of death, ile-o'i-tion.
ami tyranny, : I r-'H'l y b''un, w ith
eireuinstances ol crr.clty an I perli-lv
s -aieely parulled in '.he most bai barnusi
lues, und totally tin oi'.'.iy the heal,
of a ciwlixo.l nation. j
lie lias constrain 'd our fi llow-'iti
.eiH, taken captive on tho hl-h ecus
t i b -ar arms against tln-ir ( -ilti'l'v. t i
In conic the executioners ul their friends
and breihreti, or ti fall tueinclics by.
their bauds. " '
lie Ins excite. 1 ilometic iueiirrrc
I lulls lllll'ing Us. uud his Clldi'llV.reil
to I ri 1 1 on the iiihahitaiits of our
;ri'ti:iei the lie. reile.-s Indian sav.igi.-s.
w iio-e kumvu ru'o of warfare is an
undistinguished le--ti licti jii of nil acs.
M'Xe.s, and C 'llditi.'t.S.
la every stage of these oppresdi.ns. have po'.ilione l for ivdn -s in the'
uioet hui'ib'u term!1. Our repeated)
petitions have lieu titiswercd oulv bvj
...,..,i...l ...: ...i
i . iviuv t iiijni,, i on.., uilsu
J . ,., 1 , , .
-.inn .ii-ii-i irt inns nun ne t uv livi v ui i .
...t.;..i .....:.......
. ,i , .. , i ,u4iu i euinusii uiea , nu uuiu riu-iiui-
be tlio ru'er ul a live licotilo. , i
v .. , , 1 .' i !cl oiir-sclvcs beluij tho thro:i !, and
nr hav wo been wantm in a ten- , . . , . , , . .
. , , . i , , ... , havo luiplored us inter iosuiuii , to nr-
t on toou Ilniish brethren 0 have J UlKl j ,- ,,,5,;,.
warued theui, from tinio to time, ol, , parliament, (lur petite us
tho attempts) ol their legis nturc, lo , . , 1 , ,, . ...
., . , 1 . 1 1 ! i- .- , luvu been bhgiitod : our icinons'i-an-extend
uu unwarrantable junsdieiton , ,,. ,,,?.,.,, , vi,
.? iiii.ii in i , ui. iiu J . ' i iiiii , n uuu l in
over lis
l e havo reniiuded thcni oil
the circumstances of our
and settlement hero
Ue I .
o have ni-!
, a . .1 '
pealed to their uat.vo j.tsl.eo and
,.aI..m.ty, and wo have conjured them, j
by Iho ties of otu-coni-iion k.uJrnd, to
iLsiivovv these tisurpatloos, which
11 . . '
would inevitably interrupt our conuco-
. , 1 no . 1
l"il mm eon uniiuiiueuce. a. uey, inn, ,. -e . . ,
, , i : ' 'llroo: if wo mean to preserve, uivio
nave ueen ueai in liio voice hi jiisuee
and ol cou.sanguiniin-.ty. Wo must,
tliotcforo, nctiuicsco in tho necessity!
, . .,
whic i deiiouuceu our separation, audi
, .... , 1 1 . 1 1.
lir.1,1 ll.Ain 11a It... lu.l.l flu t..i.f tt limn.
hold 1 bom n wo hold the rest of man
kind, cuuuiic iu vva. in peace, friend.
Wo, ihorofoie, tho llepreseutatives
of tho I'nited States of America, in
( Congress Assembled, appealing
to tho Supremo Judge of tho world
for tho rectitude of our intentions, do,
in tho name, mid hy thu authority of
tbo good people of these colonies,
solemnly publish ami declare that tbesa
L tilted Colouics are nnd uf right ought
to bo, frco aud indenomlent States ;
k m ttiat tuoy an. iinsa veu iron, u.
acts and things which iudopendcut
State tuny of right do. And for the
support of this declaration, with a
Grui reliance 011 tbe protection of Di
vine Providence, wo mutually pledge
to t'uoli other our lives, our fortuues,
and cur taercd honor.
Bold Lanuuauk or Patrick Hen
ry. When Patrick Henry, who gave
iho first impulse lo tbo ball of tbe
Aniericuu devolution, introduced hi
celubrated Resolution on Ibe Stamp
Act io tlio House' of Burgesses of Vir
ginia, May, 1705, while descanting on
1 ho hateful act, bo exclaimed '
lias bit Jlrutut ; Churln tbe First bi
Cromwell ; and Ucorgo tbe Third H
-("Treaann I" cried Ibe Speaker.
" Trraion I Treason !' echoed from
every part of tbo house.) It wa one
of those luouieuU which are decisive
of character. Henry faltered out for
au'iubtuot 1 but ristug 10 loiter atu
tudo, anil fixing 00 the ipeaker an eye
a icgianoo to tlie Untisl, crown, and ljritisU 4 b1iu ,,0 bluliulica in!ftJ urMr. Adams, it, tho t.uo spirit T ' "".T . ' "V,,! ,,,,ll"-N",?-TA'r,.n
bat all connoc ion l.e.weou Jut0, ghtt w0 lhcl. M tU 0n,eroi.u, rose in , r-portiou t i the ' ' j " 1 . Vo m marcli an be 1 l.oi'',','I'''1'Jl'1'' the
lieu, aud tho state of .real Britain 1 b rL.,oIuUot ,uia iuaeli..u ! Shall dangers which pressed around him j ZdL '.-
1. aud uuitbt to bo totally ill-solved : ..r .- .v 1 .. . .... 11 . 1 r ' .1. .1... 1 uioie absolute ihuu lie iu tbo control A silver uiomitatn is said to exist in
Ibat, as free and P " "3 everything on board his ship, Iron. New Mexico, fifteen ,uie. from the
, they Iiav-o full power U levy r... ' ,',,. 'j ..1 Li,; a. .1,, .t... i,', iMr.i,-,. 1 10 tinio ot i.i dismissing tbe pilot ol boundary line. A niysteriuui
, coucludo petieo, contraol allhiuees, "... . l" ".i? LZ ,1 1 1.1- k..Tr 1,10 'I'laeeeuieut of los voysgc, tu exjiediliou left the city two moulh
dish eominenv. and to do all uther . .;'"."". . 7 .... . . . .: .. V ; ' , 'W tuking Ibe piiot lit tho cud uf it ago fur that region, aud ti Bank of
1'lic Cllicrhia: Morm l'lic
.im rit uii lt- oltilloii.
l'ATHK'A lir.MtY,
Mil Plirillil.NT : 1 1 i.-4 tttt Ural for
man to iiitln't,''! in tln il!ii-i'in o!
hup". We nr1 nj't to Ui otir eyt'"
ti'iiinst p.iiiiln! liMtli. aii'l li-li'ii t
t no 10114 of that Mien, till hl, titms
bums tn into lpns'.. Is this ill.- pari
of wi -o nii'ii, iHKai'ii in ii ;ri'al ami
nriliiiMM ftriiili! for lihrrly '! Ate
wo (li-in.Ji'il in ho uf tint iiiimhrr nf
thn.-e, w lei, liavitiij eyes, M'u iml. ami
luivinir iiire, hear iml, the lhin;:
which m m ai l)' ivii'.vi n tlic'.r 1 1-11 1 j . r
al s.ilvati hi '' i'ot' tny pai l, whiiUvcr
tin ii i Ii iifrpiii: il iii.iy CD-I. I ani
iviilinir to know the ivlmlo tru h; t
know tlio M oi st, an J lo pruvi le lot
it. I have lilt rti'i lamp, hy tih!rh tn'
feci tiro t;uiili' 1 ; mi l i 'hi.' !;.:u;i
nt i-Jipi i 1 htiinv !' ii i iiy iii
jii liii;; lor th't filial'.', Iml hy the
pa-t. Ami j:i Liu hy tin pa-.!, I
wi.-h to htinw what llure has lnu ti.
in the I'.iti lui't t'l tlio l'oii:-li minis,
try, I'm- Iho Ust ten yi-a. t" J'i.-t ii V
tll 'KL' li i' s, w'.i'i hie!i ;'i ,, I. rliKli
have Ic. ti p'ea e I to sola -o thi'iii-Nilvi-s, he lioii-i-' Is ii l hit in--iii'ins
smile, wi'h whh h uiir petition
has lui'it lately received t
Trut it n.ii.Mr; it will p.ove a
ctiaro l j ymir frit. HiiMcr not your
selves to ho het rayed with -i li.
As voiirselvc. Iinw I li!- ura f'.uiis r. -
I'l'l'tloll I'l our petit 1 "11 l'':up')it w in
,.' , , 1 . . ' .. .
llluso Willi. k.' I'tej alaliuti,. whii-h
cover uiir wnter, and darken our
laud. Atell -iN and tu iui.-.s nee -s.
S.IIV till U ol !; ul' love, iiad r (Ileiil-
llave we
s.iuwn utir-i'.ve so
I'm to luu-l
lo I I
I c cai!
.-1 in to
W i u t a
our love '.
Let lis le t deceive oar-elves, sir
Th'-M? are the iniph iuet.ts uf war and
siibj-jgat ion t he last l.rgtiniciits to
which king rc.sjrt. I ask geiiil ii.en
sir, wliat means inaitiul a:i.iv.
if its J ui Mi-o he no', to loi eo Us to in ' Can geii:letn ia n-.siii
any other piwn.lilo inulivo Krit .'
ll u (ireat iiii'.iiiu any enemy, in this
ipiarUT ul tho Moil I, t i ea'll rall
tlii mccoiii a atiuii i, navies n:i I ar
mies '.' N n, mi', t-1 . has none. They
aro -cut over 1 1 bind nn l livet up m
us chains, the l!i'i'.i: h
ministry have I i i a sa I n.' L i gmg.
Ai. I V. h ive we to u; ;i".,e to
ihein '. Shad we try iirgusni-iil '.
Sir, we have been tryi ig tint for the
last ten ycais. ll.i. u we
III-W to ulVer upon the subject 'i Nolh
iag. We have h i I lb.' s il j i:t up in
every light of which it is capable ; but
it iras been nil in V; in. Sh..ll wo 1 1
siit to intrcaly aud humble .supj.ii . a
li 11? Whit til ills -hail We liud.
vhi(h hive tint Lceti aliulv n
Let us n..t, I tieseeell V"U, sir, ib-
ccive ovcrsclvei longer. S.r, wo have
done cvcr thing tiiat could be d me.
, .. . I . I t
to avert the storm which is
li'.iv cum-
. ,
"'o' have
lug; on. Wo have petitioned; wc
i. ...... ..
,. , ..:.:. J 1 ..
.. UUU lil-Uib . IIU BU 1 lli.Ull"ll9 ll.itl-
'UrtttlClH, ' ,..
UkVU llHICftill II j. UUU IIO ltV-fill
, r .1... t- ...
n "in ikij, "till luutiui i'l. liuni iijv I'sl
, jf
,u j fli ,(, m .
. j , , , , - ,
, ,. ' , , ,
rceuncilatioii. i Imre is no longer any
. ,. ,. , ... ... .... , , ,
ruom lor hope. 11 vvo w ish to be
ll V tiiuaii iu iiiveri ,
late, those iuestimablo ii ivileg. s, for
which wo havo been so long; cuulciid-
IU , ll ll U Ul I. a U Ullb U.l.SL-l. iu uu.ui-
,"',1 . . , , , ' , , .
dou t 0 uoblo struggle iu which wu
-" .
il wo uicuu uoi uasciy io uiiao-
have becu so long engaged, ani which
, iii, '
tl'n linen i.o.l finrai, i'.4 ....t'.'l. f.i
, , i ., ,' . . . . ,-i
uuuuui'ii uuui iiiu eioriuns uc eci ui
contest shall bo obtained, vvo
tight ! I repeat it ! sir, wo must ti
Au appeal lo arms, ami lo tlio
uutils, is all that is left us.
They tell us, sir, thut we aro
unable to cupo with so formidable mi
adversary. Jtut wheu shall wo be
sti'ougor ? ill it bo tho tie st week
or iho next 3-earY Will it bo when
1 ,.- .. , , .
Sir, we uro not weak, if wo m iko 11
proper uso of those means which
ibe dud of uatuiu bath placed iu our
power. Throo uiillious of people,
aiinod in tho holy rauso of liberty,
and iu such a country as that which
we possess, are iuvinciblo, by any
force which our cucmy can send
agaiust us.
Besides, sir, wo shall uot fight our
battle uloue. There is a just tied,
whioh preside over tbo dcslluie ul
oaiioua who will raise up fricod to
light our buttles fur us. Tbo battle
sir, is uot to th. strong uloue ; it is to
tbo rigituut, tho active, tbe bravo,
lie.ides, sir, we bavo no clcctiou. ll
we were base enough to desire it, it is
uow lo late lo reUio from tho contest.
Theie is no retreat but in submission
and slavery ! Our chaius are forged.
Their cluuking may bo heard on th.
plaina of Boston I Tbo war i ine
vitable, and let it com. I 1 repeat it,
.1. U. I. ..,. I
i.ii, .vv .muv 1
1 Hit . V US UI.1.V. MUK ..'VV , MW v.'jvv ....... ... . . . . - - -
W iff II f
Initio that Hworps iVotll tho linrih, will
iirmit to our rars tin- t lah of rcouti'l
i 1114 iiiniH : uiir I arc Hlrvailv
ill tho Ih ld I U'liv Maud wo here id!o ? ,
IV 1 1 'if 14 it li.ut f.i.iill.'im.ri uil.
what wmil.l they have-? Is hie 8..
ilear or pi'.ii-o so iiweet, lis t lopur
eliael tit the piieo ol'ehanis and clav
ery ? I'uriiid it, Al uihty tio l. I
know nut what cmirm olln-r- liny
td'io. Int. ii for nif. yivo ino liberty,
of eivi- me ileal Ii !''
t;x-al In Ileliiill ol iiiii-i -lean
I.IlM il.,.
I call up in y ul. fillu i s, by the
shades i I your hi, rest us, by li.o dear
ii-!n whi.'li icpo-c in thin preeiii
s I, I, by ail you mv, and nil you hope
to be ; iv..isl every nbjeet ol disunion,
re-isi every eiieroaehiu.-nt upmi oui
lilii-rt i -, resist every litu-mpl to letlci
your conscience, ur sinolhcr y.uir pub
In- m Iiuo!.., ur cxttn ;ai.s!i your cy.-tciii
ol puhhc iiistt u -tiiui.
I call upon your iimthi rs, by thai
which never lails i:i w-i inaii, the hue
ul your ol!.sj'ritig ; te.ic'i them as they
ihtuh your hiu cs. or lean on your
bosnliis, iho bles-ins ul' liln rty. S.vcar
them lit the alt if, a willr ihe.r, b.ih-:i-uial
Vows, to Iu true to their cmii.
i i v, an 1 ncvir to I 'I-jet ur l.ialc
1 eal! upon y hi. yeiing in -t to re
ineiiib' I' whose t-oti- il ale; husc
iliheiitaiu'i' vo l p.i,. .,. ,i0 , ,u
ti 'v. r If I h.ft, whieli broi;; inch
ing l":l ii;.sraee and i'j pte-sinti. IVatli
never conies Ion . i m, il' iicccs i v In
the ihleti-o of the libcltics of Jour
lo'.in' re.
I Clll up ill
cuiitisels. and
I cue, pes i li-.
' M .v
u'd men, for
pr.i i i .-, nn I
ii a our
gi a
b urs g
own in
now to t,.. .ave
with the ! e,
I i vi-. I in vi. in
sin'; in tho
No. I
. cti"ii that you luiie
May nut ynur hi-t -an
wi-.-t upon a nation ol
iti lie
ib stiny uf my
es, far hri gliler
now a-.-.-iiihii-.l
:n'hcivd lo i:e
eouiiil V far belt
r I
visions. We, w le
lure, inu-t so II
i'oiigie.:ati"H ul other day
ol' i. or dcpartiuc i nt
1 In- tone
llll.l, to
inaiui Way I'T unf clicdleil npu'i tl.e
theater ul' life. .May iml i- Cud llu lii
and theirs. .'lay he, who at the i i -laiiee
ul niiiither century shall stall 1
lo eelel rate this day, eti',1 ,.u; ivund
ui'un a fiec, happy and viit ieis pe. pie
May he hn.e r. as n ti exalt lis We
do. M iv he, with iiil lb i nt h,i -iti-ui
truth well a uf p n tiy. i xcl
that here is still hi- country. Si'oliv.
"T. J
ualloa ol;
:!stoi l tlie tel
In the C.ngr.-s of 177.;, the gr .it
... . , . ; . ... I I V...
..v-.'i'ii'. i ..nil. ii,, ii i.iu.iy i.inie
Iii st to I -.' tlicu-. .e . ( l,i the 'th ul
M iv. Mr
ul'.. led a li- ehitiuii.
lb .t the I'.-lo
ciutaeiiM a I
the eutiutrv . :
iii s. hhi'lild lld"pt f'.oV-
ipiate 1 1 tl.e Wants ul
11 I ill. lepra lent ol' I i re it
suecc-.- u this res. .i
llii' iiu. Tl.e
lion mi tho lo'h, was cot. ii
deci-ive oi'tlu' n'leetlon ul til
l'i any foreign power. : th
red ItS ,
7th id
.June, Kiohard lleiirv I. -e, second bv
Mr. Ad.rn. moved in Coiigrces the
cvcr-aietiim iil.Io resnbit'oti id American'
Indepeiideiieu 'I he doiial coiilinu
ed liil the 10th, wheu the consideration. I
ol'thc lesoluti 'ii was postponed until the 1
l-.t of duly. The in :t day. Thomas'
.lcncis"ii, John Adams, lletijainiii ,
I iiiii .liu, linger Sherman and It. 1!. I
l.iviugbloue, vi ere uppeinted toprcpiuej
II draught uf a llecnl'-atlotl uf Inde-I
lieu Icuee. 'I'hu two g tit'euieu lir.-tl
nauiel nn the C.....ui'.te-.' having be-u B''K'"iy, "juumia oeuerpu.
depu'.ed a .uh-Commitlee to draw upluU vw lor
a 1'eeluratii'ii, nt the desire u'f Mr j """
,!-nii4 il eo 1 .ri.nri 1 .nt bv Me. .let -
'..',.,. , , ... .
mi iiiu 1-1 i'l ii uiv, iuu iui nuon uu
the resolution was again ic.-uuied, and
1 1 . .1 1
11 ll n II Ulinll e lu.l-ni'll 1,1 fill I tin Ul'eilllll
, . , ' . T . .ii.. .i ....i.i
eii, ii'-iiiib-'ii iius uiii io- mui v uiub
'of terror, und uf couhicruatioii, when
tho election wu to be made between
'an attempt at Liberty an J lnuepc aideuec
on the eno baud, und deleat, siibjiiga.
. . , , , , ,
.nth in I in ul hoi' llie com-
seeu , na .eager . .u in s.nio ... reis,
H.i.iliti.F 111 lirul.-.ill 1 rn ir iiu.fif a .in 1 tu'
. 1 .. . . I .i I.. .. .......
billows of iho Blonti. and over rocks,
over lueaker uud amid ingulpbing
whirlpools, that everywhere surrounded
him, ho brought tho gallant ship Ol
the Nation halo iuto poll.'
Tbo Peclaration already prepared,
was liikeu iuto consideration on the
dlhofjuly, 1776 a day uever lo be
forgotten when it leceived the sanc
tion of the whole Congress.
A o EN VI. KM an uf Bostou, who) is, as
the boy say, " barefooted on ibe top
uf bi bead,' was recently Importuned
by some youug ladies to prosc-ut them
Willi In photograph, lie complied
with Ibe request; but Instoad of pru
seining them with a picture of bit
handsome feature, sent u very strikius
view of the back ol hi bead. The joke
wa duly eujoyed, but tbo projector
waa much surprised shortly alter to fee
cuiiif ol tho rleture in the wiudow 01
must sin ul tinlt I ongress ihe ureal pillar ',,... ;iJ i..,:,, o-i . .1 . r.i thill ujt Uisposrd to belli each other
1 ( i. 1 .' if 1 .1 fi.,.!. 1 uv Minna 1 1 inv .,
g it nl thu I'ccliiratuui of In leiir-liilenee, . .. .. . ... uii. '
' : . .. . . '. . ..eon uiaulei' ul a sea "1111 Kteaiiii.r , .... - . ...
Uodul ...,. .ls a.ile,l U'lvoeato.,.n.l clmn.p.en , cxticuely Prions, bul 1 1" then added the lo!iow.0j
uu the Hour . ll.o House, was Johb lh iuvo!vtf lho ,s J,iou uf a C0Ul ' :
weak, i A Jam 4, Iu thut mumciit ol ihnki.e.v-, n .... boo men fall, they luro comrnv :
la. w! i fio,vn m.. m J ifwicT..".
T t
)t J
l.lfi-ral AiistK i,
. A
Iinly iioti.-.t I . Imv ft-riiiUtitiir
!HiU mi tlio
Hill oil the hi'icAniiv to tkke nil lln
ire, mid remuiki'd to 11 liiend. imint-
liliiitotho Milt:
" Xn'.v, that's I enrvfildire."
"No it ain't," sail I ho b.-V, sonn -
whit indiiiiaiit. " it's tinlt." "'
So when ti li ly a.-ked her servant
girl if the hired licit, cli lliiul i ll the
-now with nlaerily, shu lephed :
" No, in.i'nui, he Used t lie eh owl.''
The sum i lilet al turn of mind whieli
we have been ilhiMrutili is suiiiet inn s
us. d intentionally uiul perhaps a huh
ina:icn,i-y, a1 d thus heroine th
prol'iity of wit in-Heal of liluiidrr. j
Thus uo hear of a very p nn I im
pri snivc geuth mill who said t j ii youth
ill the street : j
' I'.oV, may I ltn'iire where Il.dii;.
suli'a drug stoic is ?'
"t'etiainiv sir," replc I tho boy,;
Very 1 1 spi rttully
"Well, sir," sail thf u'ctitletnan .
lt-r waiting awhiV, wh 'ie i itV'i
" 1 hav.' li it the lea-t idea, y.uir,
h nmr," said ihe urchin. " :
'flu re wai au'ther boy who vti-'
ace sled l.y on a-ci tic In.. I ll,' :i . e I
lady w.ih : I
"l-'y, i want to go t lioverl
street "
" Well, ma'am." sail the lj-v "wh
it 'll I Jell g
l;i.i iluy,
of e;, I Iu;
beau', lul i
ha I hick, i
lit I ieorge, n pal tv
III .stiu'.;ilg li 111 '1 1 g the u;i tlt lake, with
pie a little fellow w tii a
I i' l si, :i I and ii
line over the s
t i'l w h it ilarg'.iig n
ul a I
" ll.iiio
' M h it al i
boy sai l uiii- i f thetn
V"i d iii:; '.'''
I' i-luiig. eatue 1 1
" Weil, u! M, ne."
ni.tii, "bul w ii t do i
" I'i-Ii. lull f'jid :
u au-ivcr.
mid the irelitle-
l cateh i' '
what do "U
I '.d any ul'y
phant.s .sl,:n .' ' iuo'.
ever see nt: i ,e
1 a teacher c!' an
iliiiti.t cia.-
" I have," cxelaiiued iiiii?.
" While u-ke I tho teacher.
" 'a the ch i Ii iiit," eaid th
S' llieiilucs tl.'s s(,rl uf wit degener
ates oe li-cs, in the ease liny be. in
to punning, us wh -ii 1 I na pi. into
cu-iuiy to llie heavy in.
uf cloud
in t lie s'.y, ha ving :
" 1 woiidii' where those clo-.uK n-t
going ntld he blotlicr replied,
I th
liny mo ir.ii.ig to tl.uii
Also the I'ullowilig .lia'
i ' Hallo i. there ! h i
dj Vou no!
j yolir Will.. I '.'''
" l!v the cord."
.. i,-,,,,. i ;,. ..,
-j i H Vl.V II lilt i
1'our feet."
' " 1 '",v '''"! U U'lU
' Vull l ilt It
No l. tiger than i! is now." l itis it. y legs, ton. 1 . i .i, 't care par
Alldal.oi win ii Patliik I'l'lytill t.clilitly ul'O lt that, f nly 1 dju'i hko
was htii with his cidiir and hi- I usom tn sec a h'.t.-e too rueiable.''
suJIy Icgiimn!. an I was ii.diguautlv ! ! .
askcU uy bis oiiiicer : I
" l'atiijlc u'l'lynu ! how Ion g; do
ywu wear a shirt ': ' , ;
''Twenty-eight im hrs, sir." i
This remin ls i tio of an itistanci'
vv hieh is aid tu have O'a urri.d recent- '
Iv ill Chatham street, New ' ll;.
vv here a enuatry tn.ui was claui jfoiisly
bc.-i eged by li shophi cper. i
" Have y-iti liny litio lo tid:
the couMiytnau. 1
" A splcudil assoitment. Step in.
sir. Every pncJ mil cveiy style.
I'he iheapi st in tho market, sir." '
" Are they clean V j
" To h: hure, hir.' ,
..ti .1 - 1 .1 . 1
"ihen, h.ud the countryman, with
.... ... .1 't .. - .
1 . 'S'14.'
( it(lal.
If vvo regard tho ship a livin
II vvo regard tbo ship a living tiuuih.
ter facing its way by lis peculiar
l-lgnun ul liiuiliuiiuu ll.loiiLMI llioe
. . . 7- . p
billows and storms, wo mu-t consider
t'lu.un'u ji iiituiai iiuiiiiiii.-n umi UMdlU'i
went most dive.'so iu their iharactcr j
many of them beimf such as are. seldom
' lir., ;..... i, .,," ...l ..... . .... .1.1
1 . , ( '. ' , . . ',,)
... . .' .. .
Ho hu. however ihreo dill'ercnt me.h
, ,llci u- ot tr utluel.t in the
I '. ! .
emergencies if ibst occur. There aro.
j first , the company of passengers ; sec
ondly, the ship s coiupuuy, consisting
ol scauieu, cuytneers, Qrcuien, cooks,
aud slewards, sometime amoiintiug
to liuudreJs in utiuibir ; uud, thirdly,
ibe emigrut a body of men, womeii,
aud children, to tho number oltcu ot
moi-e tuau a tLousaud. Thus the coin
mauder of ouo of these slip bus in
truhled lo bia charge a heterogeneous
eouiuiuui.y of one or' two thousand
souls : cuough to form tbo populsiion
uf quite a lovru. These, all packed
together in tbo closest quarters, la Ihe
ship which be commands, be baa th
responsibility of coveyiog through
mist aud gale, aud driving blortusol
snow and raiu, brcasliug lift) heaviest
seas, aud threading hia tortuaa way
among tide aud curreuts, and througlt
fleet of fishermen, aul amoug Gelds
and mountaiu ot floating loo, wilb
ouly a plauk between hi liltlo world
... - LUU PIUIl 'IUI UI Ul I llu LIIUlil.ll Un 1111'
1.1... .. .... r . 1. . .. ... .1 .
Onecoliimn one yesr filO.OO
Him tinlt coiiimn, one rrr. . JM.oo
One-fourth column, on year,
line i.inre (10 line) one in-srlion 7."
Every s-l-liiionfil insertion
I'rofcKaioniil nn l loiiees card of
fiot more limn live line., per yrsr.
An litor, Eteeiiiur, A lunm-u ir
stol Aij:iiee Notices
Kilitiiriitl mcicp per line
All a.mitisciuculs for a shorter peris
tlmn one Jenr are payahlo at llie time
llicv lire r i i e l. nn l li' not Mti.l ihe mr.
!'"" nr l',ri"l' ibciu will be bilii u-spausilil
ll'.r lb money.
cxitcii'rt thi'ir pivy. lli has to Iii 1
wa.v "v'r I'a'hh ss dorp ly
J """ yi "i'is wiimii ore conslal.l y
'"1 '"otioti. nn I hy the nun, which mi
I no ivfn ihi s put sue tho eatne I rack
jiliinnuli the ekirs. The neeil! of his
j,'"",i ' l"HK lobe ili.luibeil in its
in lii i.tioii!" lv lininv faii-fs. A Id iV
l-truek im any port inn of hi irmi shin
may derange ii ; nnd upon tho variation
j f hi.' " hroiio-iirter to the ninoiitit if
I the tract leu id' u scren I during tho
I voyage in ij t .n may depend whether
! lie shall stiike upuii n im k or ctittT
:hn peri in safety lit the end of it.
jllno Would sil p is,; that the milicitinlo
; and anxieiy Im li wuiid altciid lie
jsiistiiiiiiiig ,, re-ponsilnlitics like llu su
'woiill . overwhelming. liut llo-y
j oe not -o. , cla-s ol in ' - ii cijv
'hetli-r b'-allh, or perhaps lead lives Jf
' greatei fi " ifiin fioiu anxiety and e.ire,
than thc-e c-oiimander. I he ren-oti
' i. ih i'. they arc as a class thoroughly
ipiahlie l lor their w ok ; and men dn
.easily what they do Well. l'l'mn "Tint
I can Steamer," by Jai ii'I Antjoi !',
! ill !; ;' M 1 1 t.nii Jul .
A llol.v l.lMi lloiist; Iu ,i Imv-
cl out ol .'crusah in. M nk Twitiu hud
. i. ..i t . i i.i i . .
a i' ni.i. i.n.i.0 i.ors-, wj.i-n .' hum
paint :
j " I have a h ii-e n w I y tin n uiui
of Jiralie. Ilejs a mate I have
-c.-ii rem. o kahfj Imrs 's hi I ire. but
si r lilar.,;ihie as this. I uautcj u
hur-e tiuit v.onll -.hy, and tins uhe
blis the bid 1 h i I an i , a tint - y I g
in l;eatcd spirit. If it j, corrvct 1 bavo
l'oi the most rpirited Imiso ill cartl .
lie liie at i Very thing he i-iaii aeiuss
with the irniost J ai t al ly. If? i .
penis (o have a In . -ft : 1 dread ol t.-h-i.ipli
imie.. iiecii;!y ; an 1 it is I'orlu-
the roa I, 1 ecaii-e, as it is now, I iievee
tail oil' t-. ice iu stici ession mi tho eamo
.-i le. Il I fell on the ha.'uo si, hi u;-
, nys it wmild get monotonous alter a
while. The m ature has ehii .1 at every to-day except alny-tuck. IIo
Halkel up to that wiih a a intrepidity
an I reikle.-sue-s that was astonishing.
Ami it would lid any one with alini
ratioii ti -ic hew ho preserved his
sell pusses. itU ill iho i ii seiioe uf a
hurley sa. k. darc-JeVil bravery
Wi.l I c tho death uf this horu sotno
lay. lie is tut particularly fust, but
I thiiil; ho wili c.ct mo through tho
Holy I. and. Ile Iras one fault.
his tail bus been ch.'ppe.i oil, or elso
he h i- m t down mi it uU ,ard otuo
time or iithir, utul has to tight llie
; wiih I is he. Is. lbs is all very Well,
' bul wli -ti he tries to kiik u llv off the
I'top ul his bend will, h,s hiud foot it i
' too luiii h ul a vuritly. Ile is going
to get himself into tnuibio that w.iv
sonio day. 11-j reiii-I.ei urouud nud
TllF. I!oV AM) HIK l!lli'Ks. A buy
lu'iii ing his father ;ty ' a j'oi.r
rule that wuulj liut work both Ways,'
.-tiid : "If father :ij pliis this rule alaut
his work. 1 will ii si it in my play.''
So. setting up a raw uf brick thren
ur lour inches lipalt, ho tipju l over
the first wbiih, striking tho second,
caused it to lall uu llu third, whieli
ouriiiriied tho fourth uud sj ea thru'
th ' whole course, until all tlio bricli
liy prust rate.
" We'll," said lli3 bay, "each brie'.c
has kuo.-kei d '.u his m-igl.bor whieli
loud iitt lo bin
uu ; I ou.v tinned oue.
v ... 1 ..:u ... .1" V 1 ..
.s .u. 1 ..iu iaisu mio an.i .s-'c 11 no wi.i
. . . . ., , .,, v
laiso bis in ihbjr. I wi. see if raisin
oue vv ill taisj the list."
He looked in vain to sie thoiu r!i-e.
"Here, rather.'' suid iho boy, "is
a pooriule; 'twill u. t woik both
They knock each oilier dawu.
bill wi.l uol raise cacli elh 'r up. '
" .My son," sai I tin? father, brick
auJ mankind tire ullke, iiuido of clay,
aellVo III l.tiockitig each other down.
. . . .
1 tLo' .h,;.v U,1'0 ,0 b'au'1
alol,t'' l;Lo )'0,lJel' blltl. ,uJ
' rrslrate aud bebw tliciii.''
1 .
California is rail to be tho pi elector of
it. It fticmber weie suppln I with
arms, mouey and comforts, that na
private cnterpriso could afford, aud it
is au ascertained fact that tbe coriiora-
tioo named previously, despatched n
force to that neighborhood,- to lay claim,
to something or other, ot which ordi.
nary mortal know not. In connection
ailli Ibis matter, lute Ariioaa paper
uieutioo the existeuee of a Was of silver
rock In that territory, comprising 4U0,.
000 square yard (they give detail),
which essay trom f J.V) to ?-,o50 per
toil. It i certain that from time to
time this story i repeated by t raw lew
from that iodian bauuted section j but
uutil tbo Apache aro exterminated,
prospector would require a .wall army
to protect them, and thea eland a fair
cbauco of losing Iheir scalps.
Hrro la the p'uhicst aeroioo aver
preached : " Our lugrea in Ufa U ak-...
od a'ld bare ; ourprogrc tbm.i.ifr -