THE POST. WtMH.f:ni R , JUX8W, IVr. (KOISK t BEIrKR, Proprietors. Remedlr. Cnatlreneas of llogl. Give naif I pint of lard molten in i fitit of now milk. lut llie lard nnl milk in ft fin di-li, act on tho stove and l ent until tin- lrl I me he J. Administer warm This will in most cues effect a cure in short time. Throat Distemper In Horses. Take devil's bit, or wild turnip ; if gem, prate it small one fine ; if dry, a Leaped spoon fill, rtilx it witli wet bran or oat. Tliit repeatedly given, linn Offer beo known to fail. It is also a certain cut lor a cough. ' Lamps in Horc.. Colts eflVcted with tho lamps may buve the plntc lanced, which relieves trninn of (hi mvollco t.nrt. here there) i iioi iuuiIi swilling, apply to the a solution of alum a tcatpoonl'ul t uau a pint w water, Biu'raor Bote on a Hor Moil iniart weed in chamber Ire: after lil inn put m a little soft aonp. Wn-h while warm, two or three tiuira a dse If tho weather he cold, dry with a hut incK or cover witu cittn. Scruff on tho Lcgg of 1'nnltry The fillowio receipt litis btea found an clfeitunl remedy ; -0 guius rutbousw ofda; I on uea of Inrd, 1 drachm sulphur. Applied occa.-hmully to the 1'gs till a 1 1 j u It 1 1 jr oppcarnuca id rc ttorcd. Fcunder in Horses A largo tablo B .oonful of pulverised tillnni, and a tenspoonfiil of pulverized sultpew r ndx ed. Moisten iliedo-e and aJmiui.stor it by pulling out t ho tongue ami pluc ing the rpnoo na far back in tho mouth an possible. Feed carefully and civr cio gently every day. Repeat tho doso every other diiy lor several dajs. Mange to Horn-. All tho nmogy pnrt of tho hotve'a body should bo ru'ibo t with nn cq'ial tnixturo of suit soap and ointment, uoJ iu tweuty-four hi iys, it should bo washed off with warm water and tho bursa carefully tlried ond Idutilotoil afterward. Il one a plication in not auflieicnt, a soo ood ot:! should bo mado, but eight or ton days rhould intervene between car'h application. When you perceived your horses Inclined to rub their manes and tail, feed thctn A little oil ajesl, say from odo to twoitiarts a day for a week or ten das, and at the eauio tiuie make good brine, warm m you cnu bear y ti hand iu it, and witch the scaly rubrtnuto out of tl.o limoo and tail, and mix about u tublcspooul'ul of lurd, u tea"poouful of powder, aud rub it io well about tho ruola of tho tinoe ond I til. Blood Spavin and Thorctighpin. Wood spavin disease Is a bursal en 1; r.-emrot, or an incroao in the accre tion of the joint oil, catisini; dintcoi-i in . r .1. . i . . . vi iuu cipMimr iignnicnt wnicn cur- rounds the joint, causing pufTy swell ings on tho front and ioxide if the joint, but rarely canning lameness. Tborouglipin it the mine e)iieae, on n more cxtcnmvo mule, causing the enlargement to extend Ihrouli the joint, from one cido to another The only auccosnful treatment which I . - t, v .i.." ' " 'm n rArrpuono is cold water cotuprcHHeii, placed im'uii liiu luitu ill aucii a niaiiner U8 to: jrcsi upon tho awollen pnrta, aud rc taiu thom theie for aix or eliht weeks, l y uieun8 of a Ictiiher eoeket niado to fit the joiut ; tho compress to bo chntii; ed every dur. Old muslin cloth is tho best material to uae. AViod Oalla. A pull it a swelling that nppeara on each aide of the ba?k aiouw abovo the fetlock, and injure the aalo of many fine horsor. Many perwous puucturo theui, which is a wrong thin,:, ns it often produces an incura ble liimeoc. l'rocure tho best kcro leno oil puiaible, aod bathe tho apot two or throe times a day, until you co tho gull has diminished. Dip the the end of your finger in the oil, and tub it la well. Then put a tL'ht bun age of oloth around tho gall, l'e enro iul and not let tho oil aprrad more than ia accessary, for if allowed to run down the fetlock, it will cause a bad orc. If tho gall bo a bad one, aod tho oil should ,cauo a tore, heal with green oiutmunt. American Stork Jourri'tl. Krtmlna; l'runula. riaot in hills three feet upart every way at corn-plant ittg time. Tho pea nut fjrows doublo, and iu planting, ahould bo brokeu in two pieces; the two piocca beioje eoouh for one hdl. Nothing more ia needed, aave clean cultivator. Do this work thoroughly until tho blossoms appear, which uiUi-t bo covered lightly with cartli from tiiuo ti time, li will bo readily icco that tho abundance of tho cno will depcud upon tho extent aod carufulacea with which tho work of ooveriug tho Tines, after they have como into bios aom, isdono, as no bloasoma produce fruit savo tho"e tLat are covered, as detcrihed. Xeglecting this is tho causo of many ot tho reported failutca in i;rowiog peanuts. In haiveatiug, if your ground is iouo, iu vines are cui an i are coolly lifted aud stripped of their iiut-t. which ahould bo spread upou tho buru floor er ott er piaco to dry. A doublo haodl'ul of aoed will nrn daeo a bushel or more of nut, than which nothing will please the children more and " men are childroo of larger prowiu' ana make cbecry the looj! wnwr evenings. w ioilliii, jaoaAToiLL, iuu osaaaao. J F. ZOELLIN 4 CO., (8uceetao. a to Belberllng k Zoellln.) WA0LE3.1LK DEALERS k IMl'OKTtnS DRUGS & MEDICINES. Nos. 402 ft 404 North Third Bt. f,x) yUILADELPHIA. SELL & bCHONOUH, Dealer in BRANDIES. WINES, Gins, Whiskeys, 3tc, W0alLBDOHF, BBU CO., Pa. Jttaa7 li, 1870-tf CNAKLKt aLSCKSBB. fit AS LI) CAWttT A1 LLEQHBNY IIOC8B. Ion. 811 A MIYnrkrt Street, l A but 4 t.' lhlk.) iiiii.AnEi.vniA. KI.ECKNKlt .1 CAWI.EY, roi'RiTor. Jiltf lerma l oo rr Bar. TAJIKS K. HAVIS HOTKr. t Stl.lVSMUoVK, NTIlKR Co., ft. IIE.MIY A. EOLI.rrofrieior.. Tblt nril known II iue tiavinj trrn rc fi'trt bj lh prefent prnproicior, uCera n ccllcnt romniodihrit t th lr.ln(j eummnniiy. C!ioi li)uurs I Cir ai tl.e IHr, anj tbe ThU upilil with the bfrt ike rai.rku afford. A (ot etatlt, ataiU4 hy carefjl a ostler t, ia tnioitoB with tbe kuui. April C-'Otf BW'l AUtNTtt wANTtO r U MKfUOLtS A TKIDMl'HJ OF P. T. BARNUJM Wr'lleo Yj llimattf. Ia out tft Oc'ifn Vs'.umt atari WJ f e i'ritilcl la Koaliah aaiUtrmaa. 8.1 (tnt fu!l pff KnM'taf. ' It for' Yr ReuUfenon cf kit itay Lift, t a Mer ekant, Muter, BuaLtr, Lttiurer, and Showmaa. No book palliah4 m actrpta bla H !. Ever on wtnta il. Af rail rrf from AO l 1"0 ubf efibem w k. W offer t:tr ioJuctneol. III uxiratrJ CtUlogut aaj Itrmi to Agent tut int. J. B. PtkK k CO., PuMitntrt, HanfffJ, Coaa HI 1IIJOT & SHOE M AM' FACTO Y, AltvMja up ! lime I Tbo'naderatgned repet fully announra to tbe eltitcna wf Mid llcburg and vicinity, tbat be Kilt eoniiaua to tnauufaoturt MEN 8 tJTufl A, RIP and PINE r.OlTi". VTomen and t hilren t KIH'ES, And Id thnrt vveryihtng IA Lin Hue, in the latent aiylt aod at low price. Work ma t.' to order at tbe ahnrftM antic. Giv biu a call I fur going !eber, IIIKAM 8CIIWE.VK. avctTonkkh. Tbe un Irrnigne.l alo fHVr hi tervlee to lb l ulilio at Vrmliie t'rver and Auction eer. Iluiing bad a Urge eipericnre, t feci coundi'Ut tbat lean give terrect utinftc lion to all wbo employ me. (live me a trial 111 KAM HCIIWKNK. MiddUburg, Pa. (Ja 2, ';fif QOSGUAVK HALL IIOTKL. l'CTLU IHOt 1', rrofrvtcr. West Heaver Tw'p., Soyder Co , T. Taki Sotlre that I have pnrcbawd Coa grave Hall Hotel, where I am aionjt pre par I tu e Drorera, Siraug.-re, and Tiartlrra. I ehall br liberal !o my chargra anl en deavor to uae rverybndy tll wbo favore me wiibbi entom. ir you are not ti- ned, no chargti. Oivo tut cull. April, 'OTif. J C. EIJY & CO., WHOLESALE OHOCEHS AN l COMMISSION MER CIIAX T3, 522 MARKET ST. lU'iwven Fifth and Sixth, 7,lly HIIUDELI'HIA. i:w unuiNi;s, and m:v rrik'Ks: WAO KNSKI.LKK k PON. hereby ri'Tfclfully inform their friend an I lb riililic g'm raltv thai they have opened a BlUl.t iu lueir NEVy BUIL.DING t nil iiiv r'" ww lung ui-i Uiii- 4'r. il.kCUO I I. . . k - I . .. - I . 1 l f 1- T t i Waj(t'iiellvr on lh Inle or jo where tby j now bvv and will alwnyt keep a lurg and nv Bvivwtv ftHvfiiuivui wi SEASONABLE G00P3. In Ilia La Ilea' Department will 1 found a run nu oi SILKS. I'OI'LINS. I? ML LI A NTS, YKTOltIA I.AWX3, rilirilEI) ALI'ACAS, SWISS MI'LL, CAMBKICS, I'll I NTS, JACONETS. DELANES, Striped uad Checked Ntflitucks, Ac. A ixo A Great Variety of Ladies' Dress 1 rimminn, latest Myle noon Ullt', rrencu Corsets, Kali stylo IIu! morals, Ladies' 1'iubreU Ins, l'uiasols and Sun Shades, Bonnet Rib'oom', Laces, K u I' ll ings Embroiders, Lima ond Taper Collars, lie., ic.,ke. A SrL EXDIl) A SSOR T ME XT of v , JiUUiH tNrm)hJ For Ladiea, Mirties and t'bildreu, Iu end lent Tfirlety, of all aiiea, atyles and pricua, selected fur tba Fall aud Winter trade. A full and complete atock of CLOTHS. I'LAIN AND FANCY CASSIMEUKS.COTTONADES, JEANS, Ac, Ao. COAL OI-' ALL KINDS 1 Orocoriea, (jjeenawarv, Hardware, Willow- ware, leJurwure, UUsawaro. kt. All of wbioli having beta iuuykl ttry lote fur CASH will be euld al very turn II profilt, Our motto la Juick tahi anj tmall yrcjit: We also pay tbe ligkeat market price for ell kiudt of grain. WHEAT, 11 IE, CORN, OATS and SEED. V are prepared also to itoro goods, at a irami cuarge and to do a general Comaiiaeton and forwarding butintm. W hope tbat tba public generally will Ire ua a eall as w baliev It it to their interest to do to before purchaaiag el' wbote. Oive u a trial. V. V. WAOENSKLLER. II. L. WAGENHELLEli. May 067, tf gAMCKL FAUST, Merehmit Tailor, flas Just received an entire new atook of LLOt IIS, C'AoBlMtKKtJ & YEBTIN08. all of a auperior quality jahioh lie ia pre pared to aiak up in lb beat alvlo and on uvri uoiio. lie auo ktepe Urown and White t rench Yoke Linen bbirl.and a aen. ral aasorlmtnt of geullemens' Furnishing Uoods, all of which he otters te tbe publio at rery reatonabla price. Call at oiy place oa fine Strut, between Eckberi'a eoraer aad the bridirt. Hdini- Urove, fa. June 4, lao8 if. fAHNSWOKTH & LOWER, Ttholeaale dealers In Cedar, Wood and Willow Ware, Cordage, Broom. Laoklag-Olaaats, lo. 238, Monk Third Btrtet, I'biladelphia. w.e.rsaaswoaTi. fApr(j7tri o.o.i.oaia COIUT I'KOCLAMATIOX. A"Therea lb Hon. 8. R. Woods Tre'l- dtni Ju.tgt of tho JnJlvUI Dlttriol eompoved of tba eouolicf of HoyJer, Union and Mifflin and A. K. Midlrawank nJ tcrf C, Moyr, tt Aatoelate Jmlftee Io anj for Pnyiet eounty bare Imiad their prcelpf bearin data tlie tbe 2')d day of (May, IH'i), aud 14 ma dirolJ for (lift boMing ef au Orphaoa court, a court 1 cf Ccmninn l'lcan, court of Oyer anJ Ter miner an.l Oenortl Court of Cuarter 8e tionj of t!i reoca at MiMloriirn, for lha county rf .Snydr, en llic 4ih Monday, (be ing Hi 2oih day of September, l7i.) anj oonlinu eae ek. Notica ia therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Juirtle of tho l'eoe and Contta Met i aa for ikounly ef tn,der. to V.l'Wlm ii, ih. V.i..l..e'. la tbetr proper p.r. o. aifk their rol'lVf' 'h '"V':",! records, ia(aiitiou. etaaiinailoae and other rem aibranc t do lbo thing which ef ibeir office aad ia their btlialf penaia la be doaa and and per son proateuiing la Lenail r ia voaiaioa walih afaijtt any pereua ar persona are required te be Ihea aa t there alieodiag and aol ceparttng witkaut leave at tueir peril. Jndiee ar rqntd ta t panel- nal la their atlMidaae at tbe arpoinitu lime greably to aotie. Uivta aadr av kaal aa4 teal al tbe Sherifl eUic ia MiddUburg, the 13 i day of March, A. !., eae tbousaad eiget buad and (tteaiy. JOM.N 8. Win., Sheriff. -xna PoaT- fob Printing Office, kllDlLEDL'llU, ItrtTDEa CO., TA. ALL KINDS OF JOB FR1NTIN0 NEATLY, CIIEAPLV, AND EXPEDITIOI'SLY EXECUTED AT THIS OfFICE. A AMKKICAN HOTEL. UKNTKEVII.LK, 8N YKEIl Uo., Pa. WILLIAM ti. LONU. 1'roirietor. This well hnowa hotel, located in lha town of Cenirill, baa been thoroughly rcpairad and refilled, and is In lha beat con dition to eeeommodaUlbe traveling publia. Every effort will be aiad to proiuui the uuuiiun oi gueti. a auar or public pat- roaage it solicited. AprilH-'70if TUEEMONT HOTEL, X FKEEMOST, CO., PA. ENOCII SMITH. Proprietor. This new hotel I bow prepared tor the acoonimodation of aueal and will afford (rat rat entertainment to f perton visiting Freeinont. Every etfert will be mad to promote lb oomiort of travelor flopping atthiiboute. Cboioe liquors at ibe liar, and tbe Table supplied with the best the market affords. An ample stable In con nection with tbe bout. Aprilti'70ir J.JANSELL & CI1EW, scceaasoaa to cai-rvaua a cuew, OB.OCSSB.V AND OltASSWA&Zl, Ko- II Xorth t'ourlh (street. PHILADELPHIA. Original Tackagea Cooalaatly oa Iland. Bprtntd br TUtO'S) IWINEt'ORU. IAOLK liOTEL, li No. a7. North 8rd 8t , (bstwiea Race and Vine) Philadelphia. R. D. CUMMINOS, Prop r. M. M. BWARK, BuprinUadnl. 03 Q.KOSS & BKOTUEES, Maaufaeturera of and dealers ia all kiae of BILL TIMBER, LUMBER. . PAL1N0, 8HIN0LES, LATH, FLOORINQ, etc , Shamokin Dam, Bnder County, Pa. All erders premptlyUed. Wtlnul, Chtrru, Ivlar. undLinn 7.yA 1 fMtonitj ea kn f 30r , GRAYD1LL It Co., Wiint.rtAr.a Paatta in WOOTf AND WILLOW WAItE Oil ClolhK. Window Shade, liroimV, Mats, Itru.lin Cotton On lis -liigt, fly Jtl, Bueketa. Twine, Wieka, he. NoS4) North Third Strd, l'hiladdljthia. Feb. 7, '07 nanoiii or voif ru. A OESTLEMAM who tu tiered for year from Nervoun Debility. l'remalnrS Decay , an 1 all tbe effect of youthful Indleoreiion will, for tbe take of aulfering Immunity, tend free to all who need il, the receipt and direeiiont for talking the imnl eiperitnce. can do to nr aiireing. in peleet eoufldene. JLIIIM II. OUDKX. no. 12 ve' tireei, nw lora EWISIJUKO i The tubcrlber. thankful for the liberal paironag belnwd oa hi eelablithmcnl at Laurelton, bega leave to iuforin hi frieada and tbe pupli generally, lhal be hut bad bit mill at Lewithitrg tiled up in lb best potubl niauutr, wuk the Latrit Imjirovril Iacinry made la Iht'conniry, endiih the adran lag of Steam I'owr, which eaa be relied on at all time. He ferte rafe ia eaying lhal hi ettablifbaieat it eol lurpeneed ly any in lb Ktate, Having engtgod a ait of good Workmen he ia now rrptrd for manufacturing all kiudt of WOOLEN GOODS SITU AS CL0T1I3. CASSIMERE.. P tTINETT.", TWEEIW. JEANft. FLAN.NELB, tLA.NKKTjt.t'AIU'tfSI, Y,K.Sd, 4e. In thi but winter and at rtdutril pricti. An eteellent aMortmcnt of Gioda at all times on hand, for tale or richanga for WooL HULL CAKU1MJ done ou tborl notice. WTERMS CA"itt.- MARK HALFPENNY. Lcwitlur, Union t'o .Pa., Dec. 4,Wj FALL A SI) UISTER fASlllOXS: A f H3. M. A. HINDER hat ju-t arrived at. a. rioai I urn and London wnh the la test designs personally selected from the lb greatest novtlliea; alto the moat ele- pnnl Triminga to be o eecured in Parit Lacea JWibhMne, Yelvela, lliidul Veils, r lower, rino Jewelery, and Trimed Paper Patterns, Drees and Clonk M.iking Exclusive scent for Mr. M. VorU't crKbrated tytcru for culling lskdiva' lre-aea, aaciiie, baaiue', kc. N. V. corner of EUicnih aud rbr.tiiut Sn., Philadelphia. .7,HJmi B. J. COOKE WHOLESALE DEVLER IN CLOCKS ! IP) North SdKlrcct, Philadelphia. Aug !, lMity QOME THIS WAY 1 OtlEtT BAROATNU IN NEW GOO !5 AT THE CHEAP STORE OF vr. r. : Hiu:it r, ttLI.SdUU'JVE Pa. Would rctpectftilly announce io the people of Nuvder County tbat be bat lust received from tbeeaiivro market a and hat for sale a large and well "elected slock or New Oooda, which he offers at astunirb ingly low prises. 11 is slock embraces the very best FALL'aud WINTER COOKS He baa Cloth Caaalmer, Do Fkins Jeaua rtaiinel Alpaccat, Luttres Dilnint I'opliu Prints, Mutlin Drillings Shawls '(.'ambries Caliooea. French 3terime, EmjlUh M rinoe READY MADE CLOTHING tf all kind..- HARDWARE, HAT? nndCArS, (JROCERlEfl WALL PAPER, Oivo nic a call, inspecting Goods. Ql'EENgWARE, ROOTS A PIIOES, I AllrKTINrt, 8II0B PIMMSG& No ehsrges made for country produoe la- ken iu eieliangsfor goods iiuy n, ii,ny A WORD TO COKSUMPTIVES. Being a abort and rraotlcal treat ie oa the nature eaute, and aymptoma of Pul minry Conaumpiion, llronehili. nnd At Ibma and Ihelr prevention, treutnienl, and cure by iubalatlon. Kent by niai Kree. Address NAN IIUMMtL, Sf D., It) Wsst Fourteeuin St., N. Y. 12, QJIARLL3 B. MILLER, IKCIIITECT COXTBACTOR I BlILDER. Walnut, Street, Seliosgrove, I'a. I at all limes prepared to furnish Draft a. Plana and Pproiftcalioua for all kinda of Buildinga, at the loweal possible rates and on short notice. He ia also prepared to eonlract for pulling up bmlilinae either by furniahiug ail the material or otherwise. May If, 'OS ly JJEAVERTOWN STOVE STORE itND Tinware Manudctor-. J P. SHIRK Would retpeol fully J inform tbeeiiiiens of 8nyder eounly tbat be keept constantly oa band a largs assortment of OeflCE, PARLORand COOKING STOVES. Of the lateat styles sad most Improved Eaierns, among whlcb are tbe celebrated mpire Oaa lturner, the Buaqueharna Cook, etc.. which he ia tolline at nrin. that defy eompslilion. He also msnafao lure and keep oa bead a general aaaort men! of Sieve Trimming, Tinware ka. Fpeeial attcnlioa paid la Spouting aad KooBng, Ulve at a eall. . m $m : J. P. SHINC Baavattawa, Oct. 31,1869.' J II. WALTEU, IMfOIlTEIt AND DEALER IS CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWAIIE, Mil 5. 3d Street, between Race A 7,2lyJ Pit 1LADKI.PIIIA. W niter & Ilartiiinii DKAt.FRS IJt DRY GOODS, GROCERltesI Hardware, Ql'EENSWARE, Cedarwarb ko. ke. Ac. fc. Ao ci:Tnr.iLi.i: im. ta.Th HIQII F.ST market TRCEP paid for all kinks of Country ProJuce nsd UlllfcU I lit IT. IAUOK ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT J. W. DREESE'S STORE. N. W. Corner Market y piare, Middlcburg. The atock embrace In part Dress Cooils, nisck siik, All-wind Io Ltiincs, Cobttijrx, Mori no-, lVplins, Bcip, Ac, ke. Miinlini", Ihjuhlc-widih Slicelin, Irillitipa, Taldo Dinpcr, O.snnburjr, Extra Ticking!", Chcckt, SLirt ioixn. Ginlmiii", Jacooct, a lull nssoftntcnt of Calicos, 1'laniuN, Heavy twilled, Sliirtiuje, Blunkcts, itiilmorals, Hosiery, Gloves, kf., ko. CLOTHS AND CASSJMERE.S Jnprain and Linen Carpets. Wo. dn, Linen k cotton Carpet Chain. .'A' J 7) V MA 1F. VL O Till SC. Floor, Tublo und Stair Oil Cloths. lints und Cups BOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware (Jiievnswiire. China ware, CJIat;sware, Wooil aud Willow ware, Cutlery, Oil Window Shade, Looking Glasses Ac, Ac, Ac. TOBACCO AND CKiAPS. SALT &. FISH! The highett market price paid for all kiuda of country produce and Orie l frui'a. Conn lent f rendering ported eoti-fuo-lion both in regard to price alid quality of goo la. I reipeutfully invito all lo giv .lie a call before purch:iing eNewliere. J. W. D REESE. UJK'l urfr, January lHO'.iy r M UASMAS, o r ksnsTarrii a UNION HOUSE. CARMAN & KAIISTETTEU, l'royrutor; M I DDLEBl'RG.Soyder Co., I'a. 71ie proprietors respectfully announce to Ibeir friend an I the publio generally that they have rented the Fryer Intern eluud, which hat been refilled nnd replen ished in style, and ia a desirable pluce for tirangera nnd othert to lop. Their Inble i.i at all timet tprenl with the luiurir. anj auuxiniii mis or tho enc.n. their ciiaiubers are large to promote the comfort of their guenta. Their bar is supplied wnn choice lienors, so palna sparrd ty the proprlrtors to render eniiro saliiifao- tiou to all who favor them with Ibeir patronage. 7 It f . TTENTION i Hurrah for the new goods just rt ceive't ty John Iliiffisiuii At H'.immels' obi Stand, (two mile aim SeliuKgrove) which was selected wit great care, aud will be sold at low price! It includes, NOTIONS, DRY UOOIH , GROCERIES, HARDWARE. yl'EENKWARK WOOI lid tt ll.l.UvV Willi:, Pnll, Plaster, Oils, Coal, Nails, Tf T r Ta ? w JC, rv I respectfully invite th publio to como and stamina my goods before, buying elsewhere, believing il to be to jouriu l e rent. I nlto pay the highest prices for oil kind of OKAW, SI2I?I, and all kind of Country Produce. 1 am alio well provided with Untiling for team auppi r. Dreakfast and Lodg ing, fur peopla who come from a Uia tsuce. 1 alwaya accommodate my cus tomers o the best of my ability. JOHN 110EFMAN.- Octobor 10th 'CTft OHIMtltD'H "EUREKA" Knioklnc Tobnrro laanexccll ent article of granula ted Yngi nia wherever introduced it is univcrtally admired. It ia pnt up la handsome mut lin bag, in which order for Meertchaum Pipes are daily packed. LORILLARD S Vac lit Club Smoking To burro claared by all wboeontunie il at lhe"finet ol all ; it ia made of lha ehoieeat leaf grown i it la anli ner voua in in effeola, oa the Moolitio has been eslracttd I it leaves no disagreeable taste after smoking; it is very mild. light in color and weight, bene nne pound will laat aa long as 8 of ordinary tobacco. In this brond we also pack ordera every day for first quslity Meeraebsum Pipes. Try it and eonvinne youraelvee il ia all il claim to be, THE FINEST OF ALL." L0R1 LLARD'S I Tbla brand of Fine PVAin1 IT I) V J Cul chewing tobac IjIYLI A UlVl.f oo baa no equal or ChewlUE Tobacco. turerior anywhere. 1 1 ia without doubl the beat chewing to bacco la tbe country. I.ORTI.f.ARTJ'S SNUFFS 110 yr(, aad still beat " wherever used, lave now been In general ua ia tbe United States over aekaowledged " lb If your etorekseper does not have Ibeae articles for sale.aak him to get thou they are o)d by rerpsetable Jobbers almost everywhere. Circular ef prices forwarded oa application. ' ' f. LOBILLARD, ' a..2-8nt SawYarkN Ayer's Sarsaparilla, von rrnirtns thu nixor. ThS reputMInn thla es eellfnt innltrins enjnjt. It Oerleil from Kt run'., manv of whkta am Iraty mrrollouN. Jnveternlo eoee or Sxmfirfnot ilit , when the. .jrt.-iti termed aatoraiel with corruption, har born ptirlll. it and cured by lit i illionlra,wliii'hwereaa rrarnUM ?y mo scnru- Inns n.tnljl.iilnntlnn ...itil Ibey wrro palnfnllv afflict In j, har been ra.m ally etired In auch arc lit nutnltera In almo.t rrory i tion ofih country, that Um politic aearcely need to be lurnrmefl ui ilt virtues or urea. Prrofolons pnl.on Is one of the mnt destrnrttre enemiea of our race. On, Hits umeon ant mifrlt ten tint of ttKora;anlm nn.lrrtnlnes Iheron-lllntlnn, an'l lnile theatljirk of enlW-Minsnr futnldlx n.r, without exritina a tttapMon of lie pr nee. Aareln, It wmi to brwul Infection thnuivhout the, mid Uien, on some fhrnrablo orra.lnn, rophtty deTeion Into on or other of Its hideous forms, either on th siirfar or among the vltiils. In the latter, to bee. elea may bn snthlenly ilcpo.lKxt in tlie tunes or hart, or tumor formel in tlto Ifrer, or It thnw Its prrsenr by ernptlon on the akin, or fntil ulcer, atlona on some part of Oi Ixxly. Ilenca the vera slnnnl lire of a lioiila of this Knrnnpnritln It ad vl.ahle, erea when nn activo symptoms of ill. ease apiH-ar. 1'er.ons antietefl Willi tlie following rom- dulnts generally Bnd tmmeillaie relief, ami, at mirth, rure, l.y the use of tills HAUS t PA It It.. LA! Kt. Alhrmtt'l llrr, Hnn nr t nfilprlnl, TrMrv, Sill Jtheum, Krntit limit, if (itprm-in, Sor. .ye, storw A'firs, and nthrr enipiiona or vltllil tunna of KrrorHmui itlsease. Also In Ue morn eonrraleil form., as ltprpBln, itmniy, Heart Mwaw, Hit, Kpilrutif, Kmrnfala, and Uie varloua I'ferf-sws sitecuoua of the muscu bir and nenrnus srstems. Utrphlli or I erirrenf and Hrrrttrtnt TKtfon are runil by It.thmiah a loiurllinels r.iilrr. lur suMoins UieMi nti.liuate malmlles l an) mclkins. Hot long cnntinueil use nf this mnllciuo will cure Uie complairU lnrorrhirm or H htlrt, I IcHms I 'freriwrimi, ami f'rmnfe lHrn, am com monlT wx.n relirreil ami ultimately rureil br Its purifying ami InTlgorallna rtloi t. Minulo Dlrec. iions for eae;i ca.e arc fmiml In our Almanac, sop pheit grslit. rntimsilisin and Unnt, when eau.e.1 ly acetinitilattons nf extraneous matter In thn MikmI, Virlil iiiiickly to It, as also l.lm f'fimnfatnrs, f'oriifUat. ( 'ono-rsf fon or ntm sniff inn of the t.trrr, atid.fftMnrfler, wht-n art. Ins, as tlioy ntiru do. from the rtinkting poi.nns In tho khto.. This MAHHAl'AHl I.I.X Is a grrnt re storer for tho etrrnBlh and vlaor nf the system. Thnpwho fro i,4tn.Mi4 ami l.tsfrss. c.;n aVnf. aif-etcss, and troubled with Aerrotis .4 n ytreaeitstona or ars. or any of tlie affoctinna simmoinntie nf HVnAtHrss. will And immediate rrlirf and rnnrluctug evidence of its restorative power upon u iai. FRBPJltFD lit Or. ST. C. .li cit SC CO., .well, JfsuBh, ltvtt'.tci mnd Analytical Chrmtnta. ' BOLD BT LL DRL'auiSTS EVEnYWHEKK, QALL AT Focklcr's Saloon (Opposite Pliindcl & Wagcnuelltr's drug store) IN SELINSfi ROVE, If you want a gl ift of good iniAI)L(a A Lis! OR A Plate of Ice Cream! on O YSTEUS, prepared in any way that can be dosiied, OR A Plntc of Fresh Tripe, OR SARDINESJ: SCHWEITZER, LlMBLRfJER OR HALL CHEESE, OH ANY THING USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. IsjyOtlier 8alonns supplied with Ale sad Oysters at Wholesale price -Jl ' l gCHOCII &BROTIIKR n , Wout.l rep?ttully annonn:e loth -penple nf Snyder County nnd th public.-!,-g nerally, th-u they have jnst.sesurej, nnil will eonslanlte ktonnn hi.n.1 f.. tale, a very ettenV atsortment of HEW GOOBS In their Commodioci New Room eppoit th Hank, Selinsgrove Pa. TIIKY Wtl.t, SELL AT RE DUCED I'RICESI Their extensive tock ennslsl of a well elected sssnrintenl of FALL A WINTER flOMDS. They hav CLOTIIH. CtSI- MEll?, plain and fancy, Salinttia, Joans, Tweeds. Muslins. Drillina-s. Checks, M. Also an elegant assortment' of LADIES' DKE7S GOODS I Silk. Bomlinxinca, Alpacsa, BInck ami incy iiiaina, l.awns, Ginjrhaiiia a largo variety of fine Whita Good,. ladiks- FASAIONARLE COATS, Hoop, ikirU Kliuwls. Ac, ke. HEADY MADE CLOTIIIXO.Coats. vcats, I'anta, Whirls Ac A variety of NOTIONS & HOSIEUY. Collars Linen and Tape- Dr itrsTrini niinirfl. Button Comu, Zocphyrs common nnl split. Moravian and Shetland Wool Ac. Ac. Fl S II aS A LT ANDIRON STEEL. KTOVES, FORKS, SIKiVELS, FPADE8, RAKES. tILASS, NAILS, PAINTS. Karclnaro (Jticonswaro, Olnsswaro, Ccdurware, Wiilow-waro Crockery, VLASTL'JJ, WLita & Blue. Also, a large quantity of different kinda of II ATX A CATS, BOOTS k SHOE)?, ofevery aiyle. variety and quality. Alao, ull kinds of CAnrETs. &c. f2rnrsi-f nf sit Vtn.i. r i. r the Philadelphia and New York Markets. iney Keep constantly ou band a large supply of WHITE LEAD AFD TAINTS, ev cty quality and price, received direct from the manufactures nnd consequently enn sell nl lh very lowest price. Alio all kinds of OILS, WHALE. UKOWN LI'BRTCATIN(7, SUUSTITITTK an.l LINSEED OIL, forrnlnling. To the latter they call par iiecular attention aa it it equal to Linseed oil for colored painting, aud costs but on half the price. Highest prices raid for Country Produce nml All Kinds of Grnin. C37Givc them a trial before go iog elncwlierp. KCI10CII k BROTHER. Theyarealso the ngenta forCEISER'8 PATENT FLY REOULATINO GRAIN SEPARATOR CLEANER AND n nnt:ii The latest Improved and most celebrated in lh world. Just th Machine Farmer have been seeking after for year. It will Ibraxti from itf to 40 Rusbela per hour, cleaned ready for ninrket. They will so these m"biuea upon th jii merits Wurraticd ns represented. April 13, 'C7 ly J. T. SIltNliKt,, H, P. HAD THIS. run.ii- twisvrono sililiido AND Sttlneford. DntaoisTg and Chemists, Offer fur tnla Wiioi.r.sAi.a Ami Rrtait., DRUOS, MEDICINES, PAINTS and CHEMICALS, Embracing I'UREZIXC BAINT Green, Blue, Yellow. Red and lllack i Paints ground in Llusoed Oil, Dennr Varnish Spirits Turpentine, Count. Cusobnnd White DRV I NO JAPAN, KNOTTING, window Glass, Full)-, Tine Oil Alcohol. Stabcu, Isnioo, VsaxaLiox, Psist and VAR.NISI1 DRUSHES, Jfuf anof Ftmalt Truuet and bnpjitrttr y lulls Concentrated Lye, Fins Fponges, SPICES, CORN BTARC1I k BIRD SEED Flower and (harden Herd, Ta which the attention of dealers Is called, as w e will sell at lha very lowest Caeb Prices in quantities to suit purcha sers. WrOvi koep on hand and offer for sale Wholesale and Retail, all the lead ing patent Medicines. Also, NOTIONS CONFECTIONERIES. 4 TOBACCO BEG ARB. Middlcburg, Snyder Co. Pa. March 21, 1807. PUILADA. b HEADING B B. Through Route to the Susquehsnna ! milE Shumokla k Trevortoa Railroad: X being completed, a tbrot'gh route ia opaned between Ilermion (on the Busque hanna River) and Pbiladelpkks Train will run as follows i - EASTWARD. No. 1 Paaaense. Waves Trevorton S U) a in,; Shamokin 6 40 a ni, arives at Phil adelphia at 1 00 p m. No. 8 Pant'cngcr leavss Herndon at 9 8) I m,t Trevomm 10 07 a m,i Bbamoklrt P 65 a m.s arrives at Pbila at 0 46 p m. No. 6 niised, leaves Herndon at 0 4i Trevorton 12 m,t Sliairokin IU t" j w.t arrives at Potlaville at 4 16 p m. WESTWARD. No, 3, Pataenger. Leave Philadelphia 8 16 a m Shamokin 4 00 p at j Tnevorloa 4 80 f m arrives at Herndon at 6 26 p m. No. H, mljteJ, Leaves AtllSnd at 7 80 amj Bhainnkiu 0 80 ami aerive at Tre vorton 10 07 a in i Herndon U 20 p as. No. 10, raised, Leaves Aahland at S 00 pin I Bbaoiokln 4 63 p m arrive at Trevortoa al 6 80 p m. l'aitenger trains No. . 1 aad 3 make connection at Reading for Allentowa.New York, Lebanon, llarritburg, CbtuuiAia and Lancttisr. Passaeugers arriving la Bbamokla via N C It W, about 10 a in, eaa senneet wills No 8 Paaaenger, at 10 66 a as. for Phila delphia and Intermediate points. Those arriving oa lb N 0 R W Passenger traitv al 12 lOaooo, can eoancot with No. 6, whlcb leases Bbainohia at 12 81 for Ash land, Ushaaoy City, Tainaqna andTuttif lrfij sill. . "W. H. U1NNDJ. Au3, 00. fuft., Crtsaeaa. T r