-r- r-,sv "-fW, THE POST fablleoesl every Tasrtdsy Evening l CtOfSK t BEXUR. rroprleton.! Terms of Subscription, tWO D0LI.AR8 TEH ANNUM, Psj-sWe ( 1iMn elf snenth. or f 2.RO If not paid srllMn Iheyesr. No paper discontinued until sll srrertt r paid nnleM at lb elo of tit pnMI-ker. Ehteeflptlohs txitxiJo tf the county . . 1BTABLK IN ADVANCR. -j91ronl liftlnf and sing- pifim addressed to older become subscribers, tad ar litblo for th price of llio paper Jr. cnoNMiTrRK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middlcburg, Pa.. Offer bin professional ervlcct to the nub lit. Collections and nil other professional business entrusted, to Lie cure will receive proaipt attention. Jan 8, '07 tf C. SIMPSON, , ATTOHNEV XT LAW, Selinsgrove P., Offer Me professional eerlce to the pub lis. All buainea ent runted lo hi core Vill bo promptly alteaded to. , r jn..i:f 'o-if Ji w. KNtmrr, V, AtTOnNET AT LAW, Froeburg To., TlBars lid Professional service to I he pub lie. All business entrusted to bis core Will bo promptly attended lo. Jan 17, MTU M.VNtiKZKK, ATTOHNEV AT LAW, I.OWishlirg I'd., Offer bl professional service lo Hie pub lic. Collection and all other Profession I business entrusted to hi car will re ceive prompt attention. GEO. 1 MI Mi Kit, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lcwisburg Ph. Offer Ms Professional service to the tub lie. Collectifin and all other profneion Hll business enlrnaled to hi car will re oelve prompt attention. Jan.. 8, 'u'tf M.. Lin's, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lewisluirg TV, Offer Li professional services to the public. Collection and all other pro fessional business enlrutled to thrir enr will receive prooipt at tent Ion. Jan. t), 'OTif QTiTlks iiowKiT ATTORNEY AT LAW, Selinsgrove Fit., Offer hii prnfotfional services to the pub iio. Collections and all other professional business entrusted to hi rare will ro te!, prompt attention. Office two doors north of tbe Keyalone Hotel. Jan 6, '07 SAMUKL AM.EMAN, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, SelinKgrovo l'u Offer bit Professional Services to the public. All business entrusted to hit ear will be promptly attended lo. Col lection made in all part of the Stole. II can apeak the Kngl'eh and German language fluently. Oflice between Hall's and the I'oit oflice. L. N. MY KltS, mciiNEY MOINSCIOII aTUW MiddkburgSnyiler Conuly rcim'n. Office a few door West of the 1'- O. on Mala itrocl. Conaultatlon in Krgli-li nd German language.. Sop.'U'lf JC. BUCJIKIt. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowisburg Vn.. Offer hi professional seivicesto the pub lic. All busincas nlrutd to hi care 111 he nrowillv attended to. Jon. 3. 'GTtf GKOVElt It RAKER SEWING MA011INK. Person In need of a good and durable Sawing Maobina can be accommodated at reasonable prloe by calling on on Ham obl i'avar, Agent, Beliusgrore. fan. 2,.T,Rt DK. J. Y. SHIN DEL, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. ; Middlcburg Po., Offer kit profeaalonal service to the eil hen of Middlebnrg tod vicinity. March xl, '07 J F. VAN BUSKIKK, SUROICAL k MECHAK1CAL DENTIST Solinsgrove Pcnn. JOllN K. 1IUGHKS, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Tcdo Twp., Snyder Co. Pa II. WAONElt, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Jackson Township, Snyder Co. Pu., Will attend to all basinet entrusted to Lis oar and on Ihs moat resaonable terms. March 12,'OHlf It. J. P. KANAWEL, Physician and surgeon, Centreline, fustier Co., ra Offers bis provisional service! to tbe public. 0-88if I? W. SCIIWAN, M. a ' BURGEON & PHYSICIAN, Port Trevorton Pa. Offers bis profeaalonal service to th ciliten of thi plaos and vicinity. He peaks German aod Engliab. r AprlUO, '88 FA. BOY Kit, Jr. . A. I ir.TIDNlFER. Vrnehtirfir RnvderCo. Ptl.. , - , 0 Uaal Mnairill affura' bia services to the publio ss Vendue Cryer and Auction av karf a lam axnerienoe. 1 feoloeafidsnl that I can render perfect satisfaction to my m ploy ess. Lan. v, oil BX. PAUKS, a ATTORNEY AT LAW k DISTRICT ATTORNV, MIDDLEBUIIO, SNYDER COUNTY, Pa OflJos In Court llouao, Sept. 15, 't)ir LEWIS BREMER' 8 HONS TOBACCOWAREHOUSE No. 322 N. THIRD Si . e,88 .... PHILADELPHIA. JERCIWNT I10CSB. U. U. MANDERBACn'.PEOP'iL 1. C. N1PE, Clerk Ho, 418 k 416 Ksrth Third Street. J'Mlatielpbla, ILLEtt XLDEaV. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLERS. Etatiopm, UlBDk boob Maoulacturos d dealers in Wrapping, Ulastiog, Cur. Isui ad Wall paper Paper Dag Ao Gen rsl Job Printer .2W ort) Third street atovo Use L'uiladtlvbJ Pa. VOL. 8. SELECT POETftV. bt atasnr nu. Let ns drink together, fellows, a wt did In days of ynrtj, And still enjoy lbs golden hours that for tune haa In at ore t Ths absent friend remembered b In all that iting or saUl, And love Immonal conaecrale tho memory of thetlead. Fill every goblet to tbo brim t let every heart b filled With klodljr recollection, and all bitter one h stilled I Com round me, dear old fellows, and In chorus as w alng, LIT' autumn day shall bsas glad as were Its days or spring. Drink, brothers, lo ths absent who ar liv ing;, fli at of all, . Whit each familiar nnmo and face we loviunly recall I The generous, and hrnve, and good I The kind, and frank, ami true Who knew not bow false words to spoak.or wnat was oure lo do. We see the faces of Ih dead: ihey hover in the air : And looking on us lovingly, our mirth they reem to share : Oh, dtarly loved ! tlioneli ye have gone (o oincr stars oreptieren. We still have for you thoughts of lov and ctntvcrnted tears. Pour a lihatinn rich with lov upon the (trave that bob! The ashes of the gallant hearts that long ago grow cold ; And swear thai never party feuds or civil war shall break Our bonds of love, aud enemies of friends and comrades make. Tho dead ore with us always, friends let us their leaching heed I "Forgive tby brother, if ho err!" they elo- Ueutly plead ; "Let by-gones be by-gonea!" they cry: let the old love revive ! And on the altars of your hesrts keep . Friendship's fire alive!" It Is better far to lov than bate, fur na tions as fur men; Let us hope the good old humor soou will bless the land again ; Rut If the politicians siitl should wraugle, scold, and right. Their quarrels shal not hrrnk Ih ties that wo rg-knit to-night. Ourhitumn-daye of life hive Vome, the the frosts begin to fall, lleyoud the dark, deep river, hark! wo hear the old comrades call. To the dead and living whom each loves, lot each bis goblet fill : And tho memory of the dead ehu.ll make the living dearer still. Mr. refer)' First Wire. 'Heixr, dear! no toast ; ees bulled ns hard oh LricLbitts, and tho eult'eo stono colli.'' And Mr. IVtcrs arose from tbo table in n temper by no niouns amiable, tuJ rang tho boll violently Tlicro wo uo answer. lie rnox again, a third, a fourth time, aod si ill an answer. Out of pntiencK, ho went to tho door and called ".Marin hi Mariah !' A slight littlo wonipu, dreceod lo soiled, tuaibled wrapper, with hair in a stato or direful confusion, aimwerod hia Minimon. ho had one of tliotu bright faces which nature iotoodd should be decked with contiuuul smile ; but now it was drawn to Its full length sad tho lare blue cjos had a acrioua or rather doleful expression, total! nt variance with their usutxl Joyous look. II cr voice, too, had lost its melodious ringing eound, and wan subdued to a dismal whine. 'What Is it. JoBopb !' 'Where is Uridet V 'Gone out for Die. I want more rib bon for nijr ascension robe.' Mr. Peters said a very naughty word, and then contincd : 'Cold coffee, hard tgg, breakfast not flt to eat." ' I wish,' whloed his wife, 1 you woold think less of tomporol matters, aod turn your attention to tbe grout end of life' 'Hang it all, madam, I. like to enjoy my lifo while I have it. Here I was, the happiest man in the United States, with a picaant home, a chatty, cheerful wife, and good, qulot children ; and now, since you havo joined tbe Millur. itcs, what am 1 ?' 'Oh, Joseph, if you would only come into that blevsed circle.' 'Oh, Maria, if you would only come out of it. Where are the boys T' 'I'm sure I don't know.' 'Aro they going lo school to-dsy ?' 'No, dear Joseph.' For what rouaoo, madam ?' 'My dear, the tcaohcr has given np the school, and Is turning bcr mind to more oxalted objects. Oh, Joseph, turn flow, vrbilo there's sbi. You hare still a week for preparation and repentance.' 'Kepeotance i Well, wbon I ta&e up the subject it will lake more than a week to put it through.' And Mr. Peters put on his eoat and took op his hat. 'Joseph,' ssid his wife, 'you need not send homo any dinner. I (ball be out, aod I'l' take the' boys over to tbeir uncle's for dinner.' Joe niado do answer, unless ths vi olently emphatic manner in whieh he closed the door was sue. . Muttering with angor, ho strode into a restaurant to nuke a breakfast, lUre he was hailed by ono of bfs frieods, Fred. Soiumcrs, who looked up as ho beard Joe's order. Hello I' bonded, 'you bear T What are you doing hore at brrakfust Uoue 1 Wife sick I No.' 'Had a quarrel f 'No.' 'Gone to town 7' 'No.' ,. . . ; 'Then why don't you Breakfast at homo T Chimney on Are f No.' - ' SctTSBts iU deadf MIDDLKBURG, SNYDER CO. PA., J UNK MTim No.'. Well, what in thunlorls t pay.' 'Maria's joiaed the Millorit.' Fred gavo a long, shrill whistle, and then snidt 'Going to ascend orxt week V 'Yes, and if I don't commit suicide in tho mono time, you may congratulate mc. I nm almost districted. Can't get a decent men), children runoiog riot, sorvants suuey, house all in oon fuBion, wife got the blues, either quo tioitbo soeeohes of the cider to mo. or sewing on a white robe, nod groan ing every third or fourth sutdi. Ilanjr tt all, lied, I vo got a mind to take poison, or join tho army.' 'Yon havo an enchanting picture, but I can suggest a cure.' A cure I' 'Yes, if you will promise to tako my nilvlct', I will mnko your homo pleas ant, your wife cheerful and your chil dren happy.' 'Ilo it,' cried Joe. 'I'll follow your word like a stildior under his superior officer. What shall I do V I'red to I him, and Joo promised to follow direction. At toa tituo Mr. IVtcrs cnterod his home, whittling. Maria wns ecu led cwin, and thcrA wera no siun of pre parution for tho evening tneal.' '.Maria, my tlenr,' sal I Mr. l'ctern, is tea ready V 'I ilmr know wn the answer; I hnro been out all d:iy attending meet ing.' Oh, very well J never mind. At tendinir meeting! Yuti aro resolved then to Icavo mo next week V I 'Oh, Joseph, I must g when I nut callod." 'Yc., my dear, of course. Well, I mut resign myst'lf, I suppose. Ky (ho way, my dear, has it ever er-curred to you thai I shall be left a widower with threo suitill children r I think I nnt a hnndsotno man yet, my lovo ' Aoil.Joe walked over to tho ns, p:tsod his h'.uitl through his h.itr, ami iuli'd tl hi-tcout collar. Maria looked up lather surprised. You sec, dear, it it rather a relief for you lo po quickly, you know. It is a wearing on tho nerves to havo u long illnce.s; and btiMdcii, my dear, there will bo uo funeral expenses lo pay, and that will be quito a siving. ' Mrs. Peters' lips quivered, and her laro blue eyes filled with lean. Joe longed to quit his lioarlm speech and comfort her, but ho was leurful the desired ctlfct was not yet gained. 'So, my dear, ho continued, 'if you must go, I havo lieun thinking of gut ting unothcr wifi.' Whnt 1' cried Mrs. Peters 'Another wile, my love. The house must bo kept iu order, and tho boys cured for.' Tho grief was gone from Marin's face, Ivit her tectli were set with a look of tier co wrath. 'Another wife, Joseph! Another wife.' 'Yes. 1 tliiolc I lavo scloctod a good successor. I deliberated a long time, when I was a bachelor, between her and yourself. You will llko her ; she is your bosom fiiend.' 'What, Surah Iograhaml' 'Yes, my dear. 1 think that on the day you ascend, I will marry Surah Ingruham.' What, that good for-nothlnp , silly, ompty-heuded old uiaid, the mother ol my children What !' 'Well, my doar, it seems to bo tbe bost I cao uo. Don't want to leave my business to go courting, and she will have me, you koow.' 'No doubt. Oh, you groat, brutal, hateful 'Slop, my dear, don't fly into a fury. We will try to t-pend our last woo lc id. happiness. Oh, by the way, I bavo a proposition to make.' 'Go on, sir. Don't spare mo.' 'Ah, yes, that is tbe very tbing I wish to do. I know jour mind is en tirely engrossed wilb your usceunion. aud I wish to spare you he care of the hoaso. oupposo you invite burali here to-morrow, to stay here a week or two.' -'What V 'Tbcu wo can arrango our matrimo nial preparations iu the eveutog, whilo you are at the lecture.' wnatr 'And you can lcavo tbe house in her cbargo sll day. That will give you ylenty ot lime to go, and she ean Iearu Ibo ways of tbe houso.' 'What I' 'Aod, my dear, one little favor, it may be the lust. Stay at homo one or two days and show her around where you keep things, and so on, so that she woo t have trouble io keeping order alter you go. You will do this to oblige mo, won' you 1" Mrs. Peters, for an answer, rolled up tbe ascension robe io)0 a ball, tod 8red it at Joe'a bead. The cotton, scissors, work-basket, aod tak-le-eiotb followed la rapid succession, and bo was unable to fly. Then Maria's rsgo found vent la words. " So, you are going to mary Sarah. That's too reason you whistled so nice when you camo in. But you shan't marry Iter, sir. You shan't have that gratification. I will stay, if it is only to spite yoe. I tell yon, Mr. Peters, that I won't go I' 'But, tny dear, you must go If you are come for.' I Won't go.' 'But consider, rsy dear Won't go.' 'Hut. what will Urn.B think- nt tt 'Sarah t don't dare to sentlon Sarah to me again. I I ob, I am fairly choking.' And the little woman threw borf lata t chair, In a ftt of hys terics. ..if-.; Next morning Mr. Tctors sl Fred .la the street. " ' : ? ' 'We'll, old boy, hnw goes ft T 'Fred,' was tho reply, 'I im tho hnpplast man in the world. I hnve regained my wife and domestic peace, and got rid of a busy, tattling old maid, who, under pretence of loving hiy wife, was everlnstingly interfering in our house-hold arrangements.' 'I( 8arah is to be my second wife, and step-mother to my children, Mm. l'o'.rrs has concluded that, on the whole, she won't go.' And tho didn't go. Iioiioi:it ji si ii A correspondent of the Missouri lemrrti ut Helen. Montana, give, tho followsvig account of the manner iu which they trtat tho criminaU in thst territory : On Thnrsdiy, April 2, an old man, farming in tho villey n f"v milei from this town, ciwno in on business, got two much whiskey, displayed n wallet with sonio two or three hundred dollars, and toward evening atartvd homo on norm-hick. Tw.i yotino; men, nuinwd Joe Wilson and Comptoo, had " polled" him. They went to u livery stable unl hired two horses, followed him, ' and about ten miles from town shot, beat, nod left hi in for dead, taking his money, and returned lo the city about twclvo o'clock at niht. Tho next tnornicg the old man was fcind on the road alive, serious ly wounded, but able to give inf -million as to the parties who had aanlt- od him. Wilson wa. the first arro-itod. Uo was first taken out to the wouuded man wild the horse, rend by him the sumo evening and not positively identified, bat tho hoi so wus, and the same evening tho other ptrty was ar rested and positively identified as the urna who nreil the shots ; ho wis brought bni.-k aud put in jail with the other prissier. Ou Friday atU'rnooo handbills were posted through the city railing the pccplo to meet at the Court llouso stpiar at seven o clock, nnii nunetually .at the hour about one thousand citizens met and nominated a chairman, when a motion was niado to adjourn until ten o clock A. M. on Satur day, tho fullowiug day. At the snmc timo twelve men were deputed to guard the jail ui.til thut time. On Saturday morning at ten o'clock, with a bright sun overhead, and u pleasant breeze Mowing from tho moutituins, the citizuns met. A freight wagon in tho centra of tbe square was made tho stand or bar of justice. A Mr. Knglii-h was nominated as presi dent or chairman, and bis determina tion was fully depicMd in all bin fea tures, and whoever eke uilht shrink there win no siu . of wavering in his fuco. Uo addressed a few words to the audience on tho crtmo committed, and dccluired himself ready lo do the will and pleasttro of tho meeting Twelve mou wero appinlcd lo cram ino witncs.404 nod tako evidence. Judge Symes here introduced him self aod requested tho citizens to hes itate before goiug to czlrenjitios, or at least postpone the proceedings for ono week, as there was reason to sup pose that othcis coonoetod with this uaug could bo arrested. This had no effect on tho people prosont, his re marks being looked upon ns a mn'ter of courno ft part of his duty. The twelve men then retired, and in a short timo requested that their number be increased to twenty, which was done. In a warchoui-e convenient to tho jail they entered, to examine and consult. A coll was mado hhortly afterwards for twelve men, to request tho sheriff to trivo ui tbe prisoners, aud the younger prisoner was brought out dl the jail through ino jam to ine ware house, where he confessed, and told tho committee whero they could Cud part of ths money buried. A party was deputed to go and search for it. and it was found. Tho other prisonor was brought lo, and found that It wus of no avail, as his enmpsnlou had confessed, and there could bo only oce decision. About two o'clock the president stood at the door of tbe wun liouan, whero tta council wero assembled, aod stated that tho foroman would read the Hading of tbo committee, which was that tho prUouers were guilty of mur der and highway robbery. Tbe next question was, what shall be done with tbe prisoner f when tho cry arose, " UaDii thorn " " Hang them !'' in some instances with cursos. Tbe dead pine tree, or whil is known as ' Hangman's tree' wus fixed on as the place ; tho time set at four o'clock. About (our the people again met, some coming in carriuges, wagons, on horse back and on foot to witness the eze tion. Soon after a wagon drove np to the door, with some boards for seats aud in tbe end a packing box. The orison ers were now attended by thair spiritual confessors, and shortlr after' wards tne ooor opeoea, sou ine nrsi prisoner, Wilson, a young man about twenty-two, short, fair, and good-looking, with a soldier's jacket, stepped in the vehicle and took bis seat, the Methodist minister accompsoy log him. Compton followed, accompanied by one of the priests of the Cat hollo ehnrcb ; be was older, apparently, then WiUoo; taller with drooping shoulders, eosrse features, and anything bat Intelegont, ret not by soy means givingaooe tbo ides of a desperate chsraoter. Tbe president then took his seat! io front with the drivers, and several ol the committee occupied seats In tbo wagon. The crowd, in carrlsgos, wa gons, on horsobsek, on foot, followed, sll aniious to see tbe prisoners. It was only t short distaneo to the fatal tree, whieh had seen some fourteen huns In the ssms manner. It is situ- I atetf la oneof jtowulohee, la thseaafly. orn fnrt of the town; hem a giyal crowd had assembled, including woni on and children, Chinese, Imliuns, to witness tho execution. Tho wairon drove sluwly down the gulch and hailed immediately under the tree, on ono of whoso spreading branches two rope wero suspended with the weliknown hmman's loop in sight. They were somo two yards apart, with the ends tnttdo fast to the butt of tho tree. Here prayeYs were held, ajid cvrybody uncovered their heads and joinod. Tlio prionets were requested to stand on th packing box in th etui of tho wagon, a white hankerchicf was hound mound their eyes j their arms wero pinioned he IiiikI with ii light ropp, their loirs be ing tied in the t-sinc manner. Final ly the ftUl noose was placed over theit heads, when u 11 wus declared rt a ly, sign was given to tho driver of the wagon, iwni ho moved till quickly, leaving tho culprits hauling between heaven and earth. Thus ended tho tragedy, which seems t have been commenced unl carried nut with it system of fiirnc-s an 1 justico both to tho prisoners mil the community. As thero nre so m.iny chances of prisoners cither e eiii ino- from jail or ibmuh tho mohcs of tho law, the p'opjo living in this territory ure ati-hi'i thut this is the only manner 'in which crime can be punished lo their Futi.-d'ucliou. r'IHrr. Pepper posseses this peculiarity, that whilo its production is limited to a small extent of tho ulube, it is iu iinivcr.-al Join m l, both aiuoui; civiliz ed and barbitreu nations. Tho tale for this Hplee is no affair of ca;ii-i or fashion, and consequootly il.eonJi;iop. tiot. mast iuercusn iu the ratio of facil ity und cheapness which the cultivu tor and tho merchant can t-upply it. The quantity already produced per annum is 7.",l.Mli,0H:) pounds namely from .lava, Sutn itra, llortu-o, tho Ma layuu Peninsula, the Molucca4, u.id vaiioiis region: lyimr on tho cnt cost on the Gull' ol Hum. There N, generally aptitVmg, abun htit room for improvement in t'no (jultuie ; whnt i.t opi-eiully required, however and we speak par'.iciiir.rly with rcforeueu to India ij s turgor application f Kuropcuu capital. When tho piieo is high, a largo extent ol'suitublo laud is nt once put under cullurj ; but no sooner doc llio price deelino, ilian no care is taken to replace the exhausted plauts or to curi.'i tho iiupuwriaticd soil, and tho cultivation is not only neglected, but pepper districts wholly diMippear. 'J ho quantity of pepper wo havo giv en nt the ngregato yield may appear enormous; but tho amount named, if distributed amiiii tho iiihatituuts id' tho globj, would scarcely aflojd to each a gruiti t day. 1'n-killod cultivation is not tho only fault connected with tho production tf this rpieo. Tho avidity of cultivators and detilvrs to bring pepper to a market I'. iuontly tempts them tJ pluc!: i, before it is ripe, and from this enmo it turns out light, hollow, npd ili-ll ivorcJ. For years after Iho discovery of the Kasteru Arehipelago, pepper was the principle article of export to Huiopo It is narrated that Vaseo do damn loaded two vessuls with this article nt tho 8 pi eo Islaud in twenty-four days. The first stimulus to tho Eastern trade, now boiugso persist cut ly push ed by tho Americans,' was by the suc cess attonding tho lilting out vessels from Hostou lo what is knowu as the Peppor Const. The trado is now wholly In tho bands of Kuropeans and Americans. 1'ps hikI DO its ot l.llo. Mr. Johu Hart is creating a furore in u minstrel hall in New Y'ork by his perfect delineations of negro char acter. Ho was once a luillionare. When the oil fever broko out in Penn sylvania, Mr. Hart owned a hundred uures of wild land near Tidroute, Pa , worth about sixteen cunts an acre Ho was then running a canal boat on tho Delaware and Hudson Canal. Io the full of 180 1, several immense oil wolU wero discovered on Mr. Hart's laud. Stock companies wero formed in whieh bo was a prominent share holder, and at ono timo he was offered 8500,000 for bis interest. This wus refused. Uo left the canal, built a most magnificent private residence, wore diamonds of almost fabulous value, and seemed mado of inouey. At oue time he was a prominent can didate for Congress, but fuiled to se cure the nomination through the in ortness of a-trustod Mend. Fortune's wheel suddenly turned backward Mr. Hart wus inveigled into more oil specnlutious, and within three year was without a peony, fie tben turn ed his attention to negro minstrelsy, and is siid ' to be superior to either Dan Byrant, T. D. Kiee or Dun Em met ia hie delineations of negro ruins trtlsy. He speaks four different las guanos, end has traveled in Kurope and Australia. Uo was ones wrecked io th Straits of Mugellen, sod spent two month in destitution on the Island of Terra del Fuego. He is now play an engagement at salary of 810U a week. If U ttatod thut the Governor of Ohio, a few dirys ajto, offorod a reward of 600 for tho arrest of a man named John Smith, and since the offer ha boon made publie every Irsin that ar rive at Columbus Is crowded with polioemen, each with a ma with tbe right name, but of oourso, in other naj jfinthojanluliinal w.i,liol ;No;iii: siiiiuoiiaiMl I'ytliln. Alwiut ono hundred years ngt hr. foro Christ lived lnmen anl Pythias. Pnthairorcnn philosophers, who hud gone from Athens to St.-ily ,n n press in"; invitation' of Monvsius, oalleil the " Tyrant if Syracuse.'1 in trder If teach tho ru le inlial.il iuts f that fer tile islands theart and scicnecs. Full ing under tho displeantiro r tho tyrant. Ihimon was condemned lodnith ami (he lime f,.r liH execution njipoltited. AnxloiiH to see li s v.ilo nnd rlti 1 J't'ii inee timro before his execution, h n-ked th" kin,. fr pufmij,,;,,,, i,viii them. Tho King nnwcied : " Whnt Bfixirnnre do you civo me Hint you will return f" I will givo you my IVcihI Pythias,'' said D.imon, " f, r security.' thoKiiiK nsVed Pythias ifhett'oK willing to become tho hcriilMiiail ol Ijainon, nnd to tlio in hja p(-e. pro vided Iu did not return ? " Vi-s,'' siiiil Pythias, " I will st.iml P.r hiiii. and il he is not here vn the day appoint ed. I Will sutler death in t,i ,,iil00 t" Well." sail the Kin -.this i. siranijt hut Pamon you tiro nt liher-'of ty to go und viit Vo ir fuinily, and i! yntl do not reinni. ns I siq.osC you williiot, justico will nut lo-ho her Vic- ,i,n " , Piitnon huiriel home to emhrace his family nnd tocotiimiinientc to them tno sail iiiieiiigcnec that, in n few days I hn must return to Syracuse to suffer death. H lien Iu4 uifu Inii-neil 1 1 .- sto of things that ho hal violated no' It is raid that Young liberally xupplie law; that he wus condemned by a , his wives with money, ntid on tinu d.'ns more nhim of iiouy-iu, nml ihut'hisjihcy drive out und go shoppih-'. Ho fl'lend, Pythias, Illlil become 1, is h io,U- onn.lovs n inilsii- li-a, bi-r I'roml, t ...... I man, shu insisted upon his not return iti".. Mie reasoned with him. and sought him by the uffeciioti ho Lore to her und her children not to return but nil her entreaties were in vnin. ' Wetl'd y !l have mo to viol ltd my sacred ph-dgo of h nmr to my fi ieii'd I'ylhius':" said ho. "No, no; I would despise myself in th.it ease hut I slitill return and n lirvo niir friend and iiiaoiiiiii my nonor, even tit l ho ex peno i)i' my own life 1" I 'anion lemained a Icone, ns wo mtiy imagine-, as lotii: as ho could. At lrn;;t!i, amid the sobs nnd tears el his wifo mil thillren, ho tore himself away from those ho loved. The exe cution was to take place nt noun, and us his progress was impeded by had roads) and high waters, on tho dav nppointcd ho was h: ill Iwcuty miles from Syracuse ; but ho rs early iu the morning, aud n tho sun was ap proaching t!u meridian, thu spires of tho city wero in view. Mnstc-aing on. he found n large mukiiu lo cathered in front ol'tho prison. The tyrant wa there, t-cutcd on n platform to wiliuvs th novelty of tna man dying for an other! Tho hour for lh execution hid nearly expired. " Ah," niij-s the tyrant, ' where is your friend i 'anion. Did 1 not toll you that ho would not return V " Put," says Pythias, ' he will return, if he is aiivo. I know he will not disappuiut me. I know him, iml liuow that he wottl rather die tban breuk his word." Tho tyrant thcu looked ot tlio sun-dial, and it was just nonn. "Now," sail the execu tioner, " proceed. ' Pythias luid his lieu I on the block, tho axu was raised, nnd its sharp edgo g'imeicd In the sun licht. Vhen, lo ! there was a move ment in the crowd. " Stop," said ly. rant, " till wo Bee tho means." There stood Damon, panting and covered with dust. Uo had como in time. Tho tyrant was so much struck with this proo of friendship, that hn par doned them both, and requested per- nnsion to Join their fraternity. It is well known that a popular anil widely extonded society, tho ' Koijfhts of Pythias," is founded on this hcuuiiful iucidcut. Lutheran Ohservrr. The stock-pens of Galls dislillcrv. in Cincinnati, contning 4.2UO bogs, ware buruud last week Tho scene was said to be uraad as it was horri ble. Ureat columus of fiauie, fed bv the the living fuel, Khot uu thoiisiuds of feet, snd rolled off iu deoso masses of black smoke. Th outcry ol the frightened nnimuls, as they crowded one upon the other into tbo coiners of tbo pens remotest from the lire, un til it score hod und then consumed them awed tbo spectators who looked help lessly fon. livery effort was made to save at least a greater portion of the hogs, tbe greater proportion being hopelessly eut off. uut a little over u thousand of the animals wero cotton out in nil, and thu rest of tho 4,20U were literally broiled alivo. The odor of burned or roast pork prevaded tho oity for many blocks io all directions after the fire bad died out for want of fuel. The toss on live stock elouo is Obtimated at 900,000. The lose ou tho buildinm is estimated at from S-'5,000 to :ij,ooo. Pt ni.NU the recent dubate on th Tariff, tlio subjoct of an impobt on "jute lutts'' was discussed, snd we have no doubt that many were mysti fied and peiplexod by the terra. Our lady readers will be surprised to loaru that ths odd-looking words is the name of an article with whieh many ofthem are fatniliur. "Jute butts are sections of the jute-tree, taken front'neas tho ground, and after being boiled and dressed in a similar way to flax, produce a Jwig, coarse fibre, used chiefly for ladiu chi&ouus. It udupts it self to every shade of eolor. and is tbe bost cheap substitute fur Human nutr. wiitcu lias yet been uis covered. At Itsst oiue out of ten cl Ihe chignons worn aro constructed of that material, that sffurdiug another evidence that the fashionable wonios of tho period, is in costume tod adorn moots, mo.t " fearfully and woaderful- ItATK.H OT ADVERTISING). Onecolnma on year t f r.o.OO OSe half column, one year. SO.Ofl One-fourth column, one year, 16.no One square (10 lines) one Inrrrtlon ".' Kvery (ddliinnal Insertion CO Professional and llusisess cards of not more than fiv lines, fee year. C.OO Amlilnr, Kiroulor, Admiuisiralor and Assignee Notices 2.10 IMilorial notices per line ., All adrertisenicul for a shorter period than one year ar piyalile at I lie time iliry are ordt-rrd, smi if not paid the i-r-son oririn I he in will be held respnnsilila -for the inoner. llrlRtiniu Young') llousr'iu id The rooms ol llio women nri trry much al ke. snd furiiihd nenrly H k.-. They are plain hut c tllli ttable. 'I'l o woincii live in them prerist ly as pcoplo 'lo at a holi I. lvieh lady has In r own Key, ntol flicn she t'oes olit hIio o k he dour There is n littlo vMtin:; hack In I forth, nnd llio ladies liehnve Very nnii h a ".nest tin til it fli"t cl:i hot, , I'.very niorning arid evening, rt tho rintring of I hi' hell, the iiniii'iti s n-itet in the reat p:irlor, to nttend pravcrs. They sing a hymn, and Young pr.iv fervently. Tlio prophet used lo cut tv.lh his wives, hut ho selJoui does s now. In the muriiin. on i-it iiijj, i nelt woman puis her room in or ler, nnd if hi. el, us children dies.es II, em fur hreiM'ast. After prnycrs they nl' go to lirriikl.isl, the lilies with children silling nt liille family tuh'es, nnd thuxi vtiihotit children at tho cunnion tnlde. Tim Hilino food is iven to nil, iiml tho hi'l of fare is by n mentis n poi.r one. Ilriglisin, from time t timo. iV-i. nates snliio ol his wives totuLi. im it. tho conkinu, und lltey rvmuiu on duly until relieved. Puring the day the 'women wnlk out, sew, sin. j,h,V the piano in tho pmlor, or walkout, with the children. Most ofthem spin 'make cloth an I color it. They iim ' very proud with Ihoir doth on I em- broidery. In tho evening a 1 1 hutid-i im In the theatre, whero fVcrr ono of I'.i i -Ikiii,'. ive. Inn ii p..,ri r, und dancing ii.iit. r, for tho use ot' his Iioii-cIiiJ. l!i iL-linin's wemen am well ilri s-rd, butbtiil ihey liave to Work hard, mil he kieps up a nheie souiu dise iliiin over them. Mr. IIilxj I ueasy. Mr. I'asy keeps a hotel i:i t!ie su herbs f IJ isl in. titkil):' both transient an l peruiauciit hoarders ns they may oner, rvunu years since Iu liU'l it youo married couple anions his guests, wil t kept up an iipearuiieo of ampin iiicnns, mi 1 seoiueil lo have vvurythiug they wuited, though Ihey ha I no lotu;od their stay lor several weeks, and thu hitidlotd had not culled upon them for money. At last arum littlo circumstance occurred which made I'asy ulrille tt tt easy is In tliu solvency ol his debtors, aud hn Miid In his wile, in coiifidcrco ' What do you thing uhout Mr. and Mrs. .Sharp? They tiro running us it pretty largo bill 1 Htijpiso bs is good for it, though." "(), I guess there's no danger re plied Mrs. Kasy. " '1 hry are sll right. I as-ked hiin lor money yesterday, und ho paid mo thirty dollars uu ac count. " Paid you thirty dollars ?'' " Yes." A sadden light dawned npon Mr. Kusy. " 1 know where he cot it,'' Im ex claimed, ' lie bu ruwcd thirty i(7.'it; s nj im ijrtti ril'iy .'' And so bo bad borrowed tho money of Mr. Jvisy to pay his bo'ird to Mrt. Kusy. Muio host got ri 1 of what threatened lo be a brace of pet tii iiiout. hoarders ; but he never !t thu thiily do lars, nor hi-, wilo thu balan e of tho debt. Slurp owned up only to the balance, iiisistin,' that tiiu tliiity dollars Was paid which it was, out of ono into the other. How to CliiiKCouxs Weirera of tight boots will no doubt take interest in the following suirostioiiH i "II o J eorus aro cuusod by leu much prea-uro of tho rhoo, or by it being so loosu as to slide back and forth on tlu ''i wbi'ro tho uiro ulterwitrlnohows itself. Medical books record sovernl cu-ses whero paring a hard corn bus caused a bleeding whieh no kuown ineuns eould arrest, sal death ensued. Noth ing harder than tho fin-t r uail oiiht over to be ullowctl to touch a corn, which cao always be cured, or kept, from causing iuconvuuience, by limply bathibg the part in warm water fof half an bout fur several days in suc- cosHon ; olteu n single bathing wi.l nceoiuphsh the object id so sofieuing the sdjuooiit to tlio actual corn that it can bu picked out with thu linger nail, aud ihe shoo cau bo instantly worn without dkicomturt, which uu b'iur be fore gave j.rreat puio. It nvay return iu a week, or a iiuuitli, or a year, but, this same treatment Will a)v ays uvoil. Puruitf them catTes tlMiin to spread and tuko deeper re t." . Til II KB JMfOUT.tNX 'i 'ilt.Ntis. Tltreo thing to lore uuuiagc, geulleuos, and affuctijti. Three things to admire intellect' ual power, dignity nnd Kniecfulitcs, Throe things to delight iur- beauty, frankness and tredom. Throe things lo wish for health, frionds nnd cheerful spirit. Three Ihisg to avoid idlonesr, lo quaoity and tlippaut jesting. Throe tbiugs to pmy tor faith, peace aud purity of heart, Threo things to conteul for honor country and frionds. Threo things to govern temper, tongue sod conduct. Throo things to thing about life, UoutU otjd eleruity. At a dance iu Van Francisco a' young lady, who was particularly nc-, comodating In drslng-room as sisting other good-looking young girls in ths fixing up, putting ou slippers, and lacing corsets, turned cat to be s. young man. -As sexsn, as the ,irla found it out Ihey " Interviewed" him, and be now uses hair restoratives sad court nIKtr. "d r"'-rV!si"J I s - s 1 '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers