THE POST. Minii,mrF jnar. i. ur. KOSK A TEXFE. rroprlrtor."" 'arming nn n Ilnsinr. A man who la not smart cnotiph to run n store is not enmrt enough to ran furm. Farmers ero not to bo nmdo rut of what Is left after lawyers, doc tor, ministers nnd merchants nre sorted nnj fliked ont. Andifnmnn Mis on pood farm, lio will not p ureoed in hi nc, for it requires more talrnt to lto n tli riving firmer than to lie nn nrrrppe inerclinnt. The otie cnnio of crcntest failure i tho disproportion lietwccn a Man's fnrrn nnd liis capitpl. A farmer' capital is It is skil!.-! In! or nni his money. If he list littld caMi. ho mnt havenomore land Ihtinheein tliorousn ly well miinoo j hi own frr.onel lutior. Every acre hrjotid tliit in en Incumbrance. One acre well worked I more profit alio thnn twenty neros rklnnnpd over. It is thin p-epd of lnnd ly farmer that have not the rnfital to work it that keeps oo mnnr r.oor. Fmnll larms are hrtter than lnrpo ones umpiy i,ecnoso tnry are l etter suited to tho nverno capital of common .... i . . . liniiivrp. j,or'o iiirmn with inrze caritnl are belter thnn small onra. lint, two hundrod nerea of lnnd, in the possession or a mnn who has on v i-nongh enjiltnl to slock at.d develop u n in tp, iciim 10 ono oi two tlnnaa. c ilher that ho pay taxes on one hundred and ninety acres which ho does tint nie, or, as more eommon'y tho ease. Hint he spreads his small eapital out over tho whole two hundred ; nnd so tliip in it, that it is liko a spoonful of guano on a Ornnd Prairie. Farming is n pood business for all rnen who condnet it on business prin- ijiK and have capital nrrorlinfr to the fiio of their farrui. If a man does not understand his business, he will fail, whetl.or ho ho farmer, lawyer, iiiinistcr or merchant. If a man at tempt to run a-niiii", a manufactory, a bank, or n farm, without capital, bo will fuil aliko in all or any of them. ut no aoouer in ono than another of tliem. Farming fur amusement is another and entirely different thing. Pome men prefer dope nnd horses; some men pictures ; Fonie men Inndscnpe. gardens and fnney proeiihniises. and others f.inry forms, as n mcana of agreeably spending their nmnty and occupying their leisure. A furm may bo a rich man's plnjthing. lie doa not live from bin ground. His ground lives I'om him.. 11'. reethcr,in Chrh f'tin I'll ion. To Kr.rp CmcKKKs Hkat.tht. "We have puhli'lied mudi on this sub ject, but tho following from a corres pondent of tho Iliml A'i Yorker is opportune : " The wny I keep my fowls in health, I clean out tho house once n week ; put wood n?hca under the rooKt ; hare iron basins for them to driok from; whitewn.-h inside of lienhous-ps with hot lime j put n little kerosene oil on the rooM onoc a month. Tho main food is onts nnd cuke or Pcarrs to pick on. I never feed but onee a day nt noon, or when I fhut t hem up at four or live in t ho afternoon. AVhcn they run out then give them nil the will eat. In my experience there i no easier way to gi-l diseased fowls than to keep them attiffod J it males them lazy, and they won't work us much as they ougjit to, t keep them in healthy condition, I never had any gapes In chickens. When fowls begin to droop I give thrm three large pills of common bard yellow sonp; it is tho best thing to cleanse n fowl I know of I follow it for three days nivo them nothing local, nnd plenty of puro water to drink. In desperate eases givo a half teaspoooful of tinc ture ot lobelia. Effect of IYmphim Seeps on Cows A correspondent wiites to tho New Enu'lund Farmer in regard t'i the mihji'Ct ns follows : " First, I food in' cows ono week with ono largo or two small pompkins to each cow twice a day. Their milk decreased two or thiee q'tarta to cnoh cow a day from vht they gnvo the week previ ous, I then fed them with the e:ino quantity of pumpkins ns be- foro, nnd took out tho seeds. Thev incrrnsod in a grcuter proportion of milk than they decreased tho week previous. I then fed them alternately threo or four week, nnd they varied in their milk very much, ns !ho first week." Tho diuretic quality of pump, kin seeds is well known, and I hey will nlwoya prove injttricus to nnimals ifl lort in n lorpe qtnnlity, l'owu havo sometimeg eaten of them so largely ns to produco death. ToDehtboy Cat Kit pi i.lkr on Tiieeb. Take common soft-soap, nnJ thin it with water bo that It will not alip off tho hrush, and a person may stand npon the ground and apply it to tho nest with a common painter's Irtish, inserted in a hole bored through one end of a oft Rtrip sawed from a pine or other light hoard, and all it tout lies it will instantly kill. If applied while the cents nro small, very few will escape the first application. After the worms are lare, it is equally efficn eious, but much more difficult to apply thoroughly. Any thin oil, or oil mixed with spirits of turpentine, is equally destructive to the worms; but tliotoap in less injurious to tho trees. A Faumkr hnviog ploughed the land about his applo trees for the first time, was surprised by a second blos soming about two weeks after the first bloom had disappeared Peach-leaves, bruised, it is said, aro spcoifio for any fresh eut. Loik Joy is prevented by bandaging the leaves on twice a day. Appt tino liquid mnooro is liko feed- Ingcooked food J moro is used, growth Is more rapid, and rcturoi quicker and larger. Potatoes mashed fine snd mixed while hot with an equal bulk of meal, is the best of all puddings for fatenlng chickens fsat. It Is proposed to make sugar from jmpkios, which contain about four per ku uiu luuniusrina nnamir. , . . . CI RAYH1LL & Co., 1 WeoiesAts Ist.tsi is WOOD AND WILLOW WAIIE (lit Cloths, Window S ha les, Brooms, Mala, llrubes (.Vtno Laps, ll'tin Ril, Fly Nets, Duckets, Twines, Wicks, Jto. North Thirl dim 1, Philadelphia. Fcl. T, 'b7 aaaotn.oF rourn. A GENTLEMAN who suffers I f ir year t (torn Nittoii" IMiilitr. l'rematnrs Di-cay, snd all the effects of youthful indneretion will, for the fake of suffering humanity, semi (rre In all who need it, the receipt and direction for making the simple remedy h? which he was cured. Suffer em wi-hingto profit liy the aclrert IfeKs eipenence. fan no so by ai ireinj. in petect confl.lrnce. JOHN II. O JDKN. No. i Ceilar urest, New Vork JEWISHUIIO woolen rAcror.rt The sntiserllier, thankful for the liberal palrnnape hesiowel on his etab1ijliracnt at l.aurelinn. hegt leave to inform his frirn 1- nnj the piiplie peneralty, that he ha hal bis mill at l.twi-liiru filled up la the hot posjible manner, with the I.attht Jmjtrovrtl Jtfcc't'nrnj mri'le In tin country, an4 with the mWan tres of Hieam 1'ower, which can ba relied on nt all time. lie feels safe In "nvinfr that br CRtnlilishmcnt is not snrpasceil by any in the Plate. Having engaged a et or fra nnri.mrn he is now i ni rJ for manufacturing all kimli of WOOLEN GOODS kl'CII AS CLOTHS. CASSIMEHES. SATISETTS, j:;an, h.annki.h, llLAXKI'.Ttt.CA lll'LT5, VAKNd, &o. In thr Itil nnnntr and at rtJvctJ pricn. An eieollenl sor(mrnt of Owls at nil lune on hand, f"r eale or cxclianiro fnr Wo.. HULL CAUMNU d'jne on ehurl notice. IdTTKUMft CAPIt.T? M AUK IIAI.ri'KNN'V. Lfslsburjr, Cnlim Co., I'a., I'cc. 4,i"y VAIL AM) WIXTER FASU10SS! MRS. M. A. JilNIif.n has jiivl srr'iTc.l Irnm l'ari' mi l l.omlnii iih the la- lest dcnign" pcronally seloc:el from I he the preaic't novelties; also I lie niit cli paul Ti iming to bee Hrcui'ed in I'm is Lee ; iil'liMtis, civets, l.nd it eils, Flowers, I'iuo Jcwelery, ami Tiimcd Paper raitcrns, lircs and Cloak Making Ksclnstre nprnt for Mrs. M. Work's celibraied ryslcm for cutting ladies' dresses, tnc iies, bascjurs, &c. N. u. corner of Llevcnili and ( l.cstnut Sts., riiiludvlpbiit. ",H'JmO J. CUUKE WHOI.ESAT.K I-EAIXR IN CLOCKS ! 1 in North 3d Glrect, Philadelphia. Aug S, lnO!y QUME THIS WAY ! CHEAT BAR OAINS IN NEW GOO si AT THE CHEAP STOHE OF w. p. r iiiu:isT, 8ELINSiiHO.Nl. I'a. Would respectfully announce to the people of Snyder ( ounty that he has just received from the eastern markets and has for sale a larf-o and well selected slock of Nov linods, which he offers si stonirb ii'irly low prices. His stock tuibraces th very betl FALL "and WINTER GOODS He has " Cloths Casslmers, I)oe Skins .feans rialineta A1paccaap Lustres Delains Poplins Print, Mnslins lirillings Shawls 'Cambrics Calicoes. French Merinoes, Englmh Mtrxnoc$ READY ' MADE CLOTHING tf all kind.- HARDWARE, HATS snd CAPS, 0 U H'K. II I I'.rt WALL PAPER, Givo mo a cnll. CVEENSWARE, BOOTH ft PHOES CAUPETINfJ. 8HOK FINDINGS, No charges made for inspecting Goods. Country produce la ken in exchange for goods, May 21, Jfit'.H y A WORD TO CONSUMPTIVES. Being a short and practical treatise on the naturd causes, ami symptoms of l'ul miary Consumpiion, Bronchitis, nnd As I lima ; nnd their prevention, treatment, anucuretir inhalation. Pent by nisi Free. Address Q. NAN HUMMEL, Y !., 10 West Fourteenth Si., N. Y. 1J QHARLES It. MILLER, AKCUITECT CONTRACTOR. I BUILDER. . Walout, Street, Selinsgrove, Pa. Is at all times prepared to furnish Prafls, Plans snd Hpecificutinns for all kinds of iiuildinps, at tlis lowest possible rates and oa short notioe. II is also prepared to eontract for putting up buildinas either by furaialilug an ius material or eiucrwise. May 11, ly B EAVERTOWX STOVE STORE AND Tinware Manufactory, J. P. SHIRK Would respeot fully" Inform the citliens of Knyder county that be keeps coustantly on hand a large assortment of OFFICE, . PAULOHand COOKING 8TOYE8 Of the latest styles and most improved Eat eras, among which are the celebrated mpirs Gas Uurner, lbs Susquehanna Cook, etc., which be Is selling at prices that defy competition. lis also manufac tures and keeps oa band a general assort ment of Stove Trimmings, Tiaware Its. fipeolal attention paid to Spouting and Rooting, Give me a eall. J. P. 8U1BK. -luterloTta. OeL 21 1&C0, -.y . - t -r Ki.trRsta. cbaslei cawls t A1 LLECIIEN'V HOUSE. Xos. f.13 A Kit Market Street, l Abort t.iihtn,) rniLADF.LvniA. KLECKNEIt h CAWLKV, raorntsToai. fl.Oltf 7crms tl 00 Ter Pay. "1 AMES K. DAVIS IIOTF.I,. J BtMxsonovE, orYiKR Co., rs. HENRY A. JtOLIO. Troprielor. Thl well known House having been re (l'lel by the present proproletor, offers ei celient secouimoilatinns to the community, t'holce liquors and Cigars at the l'ar, nl the Table, supplied with the beat the market s!fnrls, A good stable, attended by cartful boatlore, in connexion with tho Iiouso. jvpril G-'70lf BOOK AOEXTfl WANTED FOR PTKl'GOLES h TRIUMI'IIS OF P. T. BARNUM Written by Himself. In one larre Octavo Vol nine nearly hot) 1'agca 1'rintcd la Englijh sad German. .13 lllegant Full page Kngnvlnfs. It embracra Forty iears Kecollrciions of bii liusy Life, as a'Mer rlisnl, Manaicr, Hanker, Lecturer, and Showman, No book published so accepts Me to all classes. Kvery one wints it. Agents average from 60 to list subscribers week. W't offer extra inducements, ill ustrated Catalogue and terms to Agents sent free. .1. II. HfKR & CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn. LOOT & SHOE MANt' FACTOY. AMvnja up to time ! The nmtersignrd respectfully announces to the cititena of Midiilcburg and vicinity, that he will continue lo manufacture MEN 8 8TOUI. KIP and FINE BOOTS. Women and Cbilren's FHOEf, And In short everything in his line, in Hie latest style and at low prices. W ork made to order at the shortest notice, (jive him a call before going lsr here. HIRAM SCmVEMC. afctToneek. The undersigned also offers Ms services to the t ul'lic as Vendue Oyer snd Auction eer. listing bad a large experience, I feci confident that I can give perfect satisfac tion to all Vtho employ me. (live me a trial. HIRAM H.'HWtNK. Mlddleburg, Ts. Ju 1!, 'UHlf qosokave hall hotel. ii:ti:r iKoi p,,ro.rfor, WcBt Utavcr Tw'p., Snyder Co., Fa. Tks Nmlee that I have purchased Cos grave Hall Hotel, where I am atwriys pre pared lo aeeoinmodute l'rovcrs, Strangers, and Travelers. I f hull be liberal in my rhart-es snd en- leaver to ue everybody well tho favors me with his custom. If you arc not satis fied, no charges, tiivo tuc a cull. iTpvil, 'tii II. c & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION' MERCHANTS, 522 MARKET ST-, Lot ween Fifth nnd Hixiu, 7,lly PHILADELPHIA. Bl'ILDINOS, AND NEW PRICES I WAC.ENSELLElt & SON. horehy resrectfully inform their friends and Ihe public, generally thai they have opened a STORE in tueir NEIW BUIL-DING nn Hie spot so lone occupied by Dr. Jacob Waccnseller on llielslo of Que where they now have and will always keep a large aud well tclectcd assortment or FEAFOXAHLE GOODS. In Ihe Ladies' Department will be found a full lias of SILKS, POPLINS, P.IMLLIANTS, VICTORIA LAWNS, FKJFHED ALPACAS, SWISS MI'LIj, cam nines, PRINTS, JACONETS, PELANES, Striped and C'lieckctl iantuejtg, Ac A lno A fivvnt Variety of Ladies' Press Trimmings, Latest style Hoop Skirts, French Corsets, Eall st vlo Pal morals, Ladies' Umbrel las, Purasols and Sun Shades, llonnct Ribbons, Laces, Ruf llings Embroiders, Llntn nnd Paper Collurs, Ac, Ae.,&c. A SrT, EXP ID ASSOR TMENTofl For Ladies, Missies aud Cbildreu, in en.L less variety, of nil sites, styles and prices. selected for His Fall and Winter trade. A full and complete slock of CLOTHS PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIM ER ES.COTTONADES, JEANS, &o., fio. COAL OF ALL KINDS I Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Willow ware, Ctdarware, dataware. 4tc. . AH of which having Lean hotighi vtry tow for CASH will be sold at very smsll profits, Our motto Is Quick taUi and tmalt profiti. We also pay the highest market prices for all kinds of grain. WHEAT, ME, CORN, OATS and SEED. We are prepared also lo store goods, at a small charge and I o do a general Commission and Forwarding business. We bope that the public generally will ire us a call as ws believe it is to their interest to do so before purchasing else where. Give us a trial. W. K. WAGENSELLER, M. L. WAGt.NStLLLU. May tV87, If gAMUEL FAUST, Merchant Tailor, Hss Just reeelvcd an entire new stock of CLOIIIB, CABaiJltllta & VfcSTl.MJB, all of a superior quality which he Is pre pared lo make up in the beat style and oa short notice. He also keeps Brown and White French Yoke Linen Blurts, and a gen eral assortment of geotlemens' Furnishing Goods, all of which ke offers to the publie at very reasonable prices. Call at my plaoa oa Pins Street, between Eokbert'e oorner aud the bridge, Bellas- Grose, Pa. June 4, 1MJ8-if. JU11NSWORTII & LOWEtt, - Wholesale dealers la Cedar, Wood aat Willow Ware, Cordage, jsrooms, liooklog-uieases, ffO. 8S8, North Third Street, Philadelphia. wx-ssaaswoatu. . 1.40x67 ITU 0.0. LOWS -inn post- .lob Printing Office, MIPDLEDCRG, SXTDER CO., I'A. ALL KINDS OF JOB rRIXTISO KEATLY, CHEATLY, AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. J II. WALTER, IMPORTER 'AND DEALER W CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE, 41t 5. 3d Street, between Race 4Ylne 7,2iy PHILADELPHIA. ; ; Walter & llnrtiiutii rr.At.rn tie DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. II ARDWARK, Q OEENSWARR, Geharwarr Sie, tio. ' &e. (c. 5.0 Cn VTRE ILtiR IA. AThs HIGHEST market TRCES pal I for all klnVs of Country Traduce nad DiwEumuir. J AKfJE ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT J. W. DltEESE'S STORE, N. W. Corner Market Square, Middlcburg. The stock embraces In part Dress Goods, Illack Sillts. All-wool Do Lulus, Coburir, Merinos, Poplins, Repps, Ac, &e. Muslins, Pouble-widili Sheetings, Drillings, luble liuper, O.naburg, Eitra Ticliiifjs, Checks, Shirt-, inpa, Qinpliuiii", Jaconot, u lull nssortment of Cslieoa, I'lunnelis, Heavy twilled, Shirtiii!', P.laiikcts, Halmorals, Hosiery, Gloves, ilc, &c. CLOTHS AND CASSI.MERES Inrrnin and Linen Curpets. Woolen. Linon '. cotton Carpet Chiin. READY MADE CLOTHING. Fluor, Tiiblo nnd Etuir Oil Cloths Hats nnd Cups, LOOTS AND SHOES. Hard ware, liioenswaro, Chiua ware, Glanswarc, Wood aud Willow wnro, Cutlery, Oil Window Shade, Looking Glnsscs A.e., Ao., &o. T01JACC0 AND CNJACS. SALT &. F I S H I Tho liishest market price raid for all kinds or country prniluce nnd dried mil's. Confident of rendering perfect satisfac tion both in regard to prices nhd quality ofg'iols. I n s.i.'utlu lly Invito all to giv me a cull before purchasing elsewhere. J. W. DKLLSE. iddlcburg, January 7, lHi'.'.iy P M OASMAS, n r KERSTKrT as UNION HOUSE. G ARMAS k KAUSTETTKR, i'mprittnri, MIDDLEDl'RG.Snydcr Co., Pa. 71ie prnpriolors'rcsncctfiilly announce to tlii'ir rriemls ana I lie puulio generally Ihut Ihey havs rented the Fryer tavern etnnd, w hich has bean refilled nnd replen ished in style, nnd is a desirabln place for strangers and others to stun. Their table is nt all times sprend with the luxuries and siibstantinls of the season. Their chambers are large lo promote the comfort of their guests. Their bar is supplied with choice liquors. No pains spared by ihe proprietors to render entire satisfac tion lo nil who favor them with their patronage. 7-21tf A TTKNTIO.V Hurrah for the new goods Just re ceived by .lolui Huff man At Ilummels' old Stand, (two miles abov Selinsgrove) which waa selected wit great care, and will be sold at low price! It includes, NOTIONS, 1HIV GOODS . GROCERIES, HARDWARE. rirFtfVHH'ATlH WOOD nml WILLOW wARE, III . : I- t I Pttiif A tetcr, uiib, ViUKi, iinitat . I respectfully Invite lbs publie lo come and examine my goods before, buying elsewhere, believing it to tie to ) our In terest. 1 also ray tbe blithest prices for all kinds of GKAIX, SEEB, and all kinds of Country Produce. 1 am also well providec with stabling for teams supper Hreakfsst and Lmlg ing, for peopla who come from a dis tsuce. I always aocommodalo my eus tomers iotas best or my aniniy. JOHN HOFFMAN. October 10th '07ft ORIUIRD' "EUREKA" Knioklii!r Tobacco la aa excel! ent arliole of granula ted Viigl nla wherever introduced It la uulversally admired. It Is pat up in handsome mus lin bags, in which orders for)Meerscbaum l'ipes are daily pacseu. LOniLLARn 8 Vacht Club. Binoklnz Tobacco classed by all who consume il as tbe "finest of all t It is made of the choicest leaf grown I il is suti ner vous In its effects, as Ihe Nicotine has been extracted t It leaves no disagreeable taste after smoking Il is very mild, light in eolor snd weight, benoe one pound will last as long as 8 of ordinary lobaoco. la this brond we also pack orders every day tor nrst Quality Meerschaum pipes. lr it and conviuns yourselves ii is ail i olaime to be, "THli FINEST OF ALL." LORILLARD'S I This bread of Fine nTJTVTmiTTlr Cutebawiai tobae jVjL 1 UiVI I ee has no equal or Chewing TOUactO. surerlor anywhere, It Is wubout uoubl l Us beat chewing to baeeo ta lbs country. LORILLARD'S have now been la C! ATTTT?1?D gsaerai use in the Oil U JJ X1 i3 United Stales over 110 verse, and, still acknowledged M tbe If your storekeeper does not have these arlloles for aim to get there they are sold by respectable jobbers almost everywhere. Circular of prleee forwarded oa appuoauoa. P. LORILLARD, Aycr's Oathartio Pills, Tat til tho purpose of Zsrzatte Sladloioa. rernaris ne ems nvedV etna Is so tmtTer,lly ra quimt lT ss a rathartlo, nor was ever f ny lsfiir so uni-mnl-j s1rt)ted kit mw, in every oountry anil vnona all elasea, M tISs mud but tDoient pnrxniiT j'll. Iho ntivious raa nn la. thus It Is amors m. "H. iuibls ao4 nur mors o0 . " t 1 ' nihef. ThoM who havs tried It. know that II enreil Ussmi Uiosewlm have Sol, snow ui.ii il cures ineir noitnirar imi immii, and all know tlmt whitt It lines onn It doe alwaf) Hint II never falls through any fault or nertof Its roinnosiuon. no nava iununni spun uiou rnirl. nl ratrllArjitiis nt Oielr rrmsrksble cures of UK following complaints, lint siioli cures are known In every nohrnliortionil, unit we need not pntiUsh Utm. Ailstrfl In all sires ana nonunions in n riininwi eonlulnlns neither ealomol or any deleterious rtnis;, they Vnsy lie taken wllh saMy by anybody. Their susar eoatlns prewrves Uma vsr frosh and makes Ihe.n pleasant to taka, while belne purely vesetntile no hsrm can arise from Uieir o In any quantity. They owrnts by their powerful InSurncs on tha Intcrnsl vlsrra to purify the blowt and llinulato It Into healthy a-tlon rmnnva Uis ohstrantlons of tlis slnmaih, bowels, liver, and other onrana of the twxlr, retorln Itiir Invsolar arllim In hnnlth, and liv eorrwnins, wnerever tiiry row uurauw mrnts as arn Hie nr-lorlin of illsesso. tlnnte riirritinns sre slven In Ins wrapnee em lli" Ih.i, t.rr iho following oomplalnta, whiub those J'lfs rnpi.ny enre: Knr neMl or rflrslle, V.latlswo sins. Lanisor and S.oss nf A reli, Ihey shoiill lie Liknn mlcrnti'ly to stlinulnto Uio stom S' h sn I rmtora lu bralthv tone and aetkn. For S.ler t'waasilislwt an. Its tarlnns svmD- tnni, Sllllo4s ISraitisrlir. Mlrlt lrsnlarsw. nnillrei or Urrra stickaos. ssillna S isllc ami Wiltons l erers, they slinuM l.e Ju-rll'-liMisly tnken for earh ciwmi, to enrren thnliseel artion nr remove. Uie olxtrurUnna whlrh causa u, I "or ISrseiitery or lSltsrrharat, but one mild doe Is ri-nerallv rcfiiln.1. lor llbrnmalliis. SJonf. Oravf. Palril Sistlow of li Heart, Pala ta tna a I it a. Hark and Biwlaa, they shnnld I ctntlmtoniily Vtken, as rvuii, to clianfe lha ilUeaserl arttfin of Hie system. With aucb otuuuie thus complaints disapnenr. ror sravaiy' ann ssroivairstl "weiiiara insy slinulil lie Uken In lariro ami nixiuant doaas tal ro- durc Ihe erfi-ot of a drastln pnrsa. r .r npii Nitw it inrirn iion snnnin m aas St II pnxin the iti-.ln-l effect by ermpalbv. Asa IHnnrr I' ill, tnke on or two I'UJj to pn mote itisestion and relieve the stnmnrh. An nrcavlnnal riosa stimulates the sromaii anA tmwrla into healwy artion, rastnms tha pnistlta, and invigorates Uw system. Hones It Is open a vsntAireous wlwrn no serious iloranvemcnl ovist, tine who Ox-Is toleralilv well. often Ond thata'losa or these I'M makes h(m fi-el ileeMeilly better, from llieir cleansing ana ruuovauug cOoot oa Uia digoa tive apparatua. VB. J. C. A TElt CO., rrsMXtaal CKmisf, LOWELL. MASS., V. t, A. c LL AT Focklcr's Saloon, (Opposite S'l'u'.ndel & Wagentellcr's drug store) IS SELINSGROVE, If you want a glass of good H KADI NO AlaK! (R A Plate of Ice Cream! OR O YSTEBtS, prepared iaany way tbal can be desired, OR A Plate of Fresh Tripe, OR 8ARDINES? BfHWF.mF.R, T.IMBURGER OR HALL CHEESE, 'OR ANT THING USUALLY KEl'T IN A FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. lyOlher Salooae supplied with Ale and Oyslari at Wholesale priues.! s CIIOOH k BROTIIKR Would respectluily snnonn:e to ite people nf Snyder County and the publie, g nerally, that tbey have Inst seenred, and will constantly keep en band and for ssle. a vci'y extensive assortment of HEW QOBS9 In their Commodlnei New Room opposite the Hank, Selinsgrove Ta. , . , T1IKY WILL SELL AT RE DUCED PRICES 1 - ' Their extensive stock consists ef a welt selected assortment of FALL ft WINTKR GOODS. Ttey have CLOTHS. CA88I MERH. plain and fancy, rlntlnette. Jeans, Tweeds, Muslins, Drillings. Flannels, ( Checks, &o. Also an elegant assortment LADIES' DKE-jS GOODS I , Silks. lloniLnaincs. Aljiaena, PlarV and fancy Di-laitia. Lawns, Oinffhaina, a Iiirfro variety of fine Wliita Goods, LADIES' FASAIONARLE COATS, Hoop, Skirts Shawls. Ac., kc. READY MADE CLOTIIINO.Coats. rests, Panla, Slilrts Ac. A variety of NOTIONS & HOSIERY. Cvllnri Linen nnd PapcDrcaraTrini mlnpa, Duttona Corsts, Zoephyrn ennitnnn nml cplit. Moravian and Slietlnnd AVool Ac. Ac. nSH,SAlTANDmON, STEEL, STOVES, FORKS, SHOVELS, Sl'ADES, RAKRH, ULAa, NAILS, TAINTS. Ilnrdwaro Qtioonsware, Glassware, Ccdorware, Willow-wnre Crockery, VL ASTER, AVliito A Blue. Also, a targe qnanlily of different kindsef IIATS.V CAPH. HOOTa A SIIOKm, ofevery style, variety aud quality. Also, all kinds of CAUrETS. &c. rrorri Irw of all kinds, fresh from he I'bilsdelphia snd New Vork Markets. They keep constantly ou band a large mpply of WHITE LEAD AFD TAINTS. ev try i.nnllty nnd rrlrr. received direct from the manufactures snd consequently run rni in me Tcry lowest prices. Also all kinds of OILS, WHALE. JJROWJC LITRRICATING, tSL'D.STITUTE and LINSEED OTT. for Painting. To the latter they call par ticeulnr nttentinn as It Is inul in I oil for colored painting, and costs but one half die price. JIi;cs prices paid for Country Prod uoc nml All Kinds of Grain, E'.-Givo them a trial before en ing j'Ucwlipro. KCIJOCII ii BROTHER. They are also Ihe agents for GEISF.R'H PATENT FLY HEGULATINO GRAIN MlI'AUATOll CLEANER AMI RtnOKR Tho laical Improved sad most celebrated in llic world. Just tho Machine Farmer have been seeking after for years. It will Ihrash from '.'0 lo 40 Rtishels per hour, clenned reni'y for market. They will so these mlilncs upon Ihiii lueiilkWuirancd as represented. April 18, 'C7 ly J. V. SIIIMiSL, l. D. 1'IMI.IP SWIStrOSO JJ-EAD THIS. Sbludo AND Swlneford. DnuacisTs ani Chemists, Offer for sale Wiim.KSAi.a asi RstaiCh DRUGS, MEDICINES, TAINTS and CHEMICALS, Embraolng PURE ZINC PAINT Green, IHue, Yellow, Red and lllaek; l'sints ground in Linseed Oil, Deriar Varnish Spirits Turpentiae, ' Const. Coach and White DRYING JAPAN, KNOTTING, window Class, Patty, Floe OU Alcohol. Stabcii, Isntoo, VsnniLLios, Pal and VARNISH BRUSHES, Jfj and Ftmatl TVss and SappoTter ye Stuffs Coneentrated Lye, Fine Spongee, SPICES, CORN 8TARCII ft BIRD SEED Flower and Garden Seeds, Towbloh lbs alteatloaef dealera is railed, as w e will aell at tbe very loweet Cash Prices in quantities to suit purcha sers. IV..I.. L..n mm k.Nil a . r! r,1tm9 fr9 sale Wholesale and Retail, all tbe lead Ing Patent Medicines. Also, NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERIES, TOBACCO A BE0AR8. Mlddleburg, Snyder Co. Ta. SIsrch 81, 18(17. PUILADA. ft BEADINO B, B. Through Route to the Suaquebaana t Tills Bhsmoktn k Trevorton Rsdlroail beina completed, a tbrot'ch route is opened bafweea Hernuoa (oa tbe Busqua- . hanna River) and Pbiladtflpbls. Trains will run as follows! EASTTVARD. No. 1 Tssseage, leaves Trevorton S 10 a m,i Sbamokin 6 40 a m, arlves at Pbll adolpbia atl 00 p aa. " No. 8 Passenger leaves Herndoa at 8) l ro.v irevonon ju 1,1 a m,i cnamotio 0 65 a m,t arrivea at Tbila at ft 46 p m. No. 6 missd, leaves Herndon at It 40 i Trevorton 1 a m.t Bhao-ekin 12 87 paid, arrives at Pott sv ills at ft 15 p ta. WESTWARD. No, 2, Tsssengor. ' Lsaves Philadelphia 815 au Sbamokin 4 00 putt Trevorton 4 SO p m arrives at Herndon el 6 26 pm. No. 8, mixsj, Leaves Ashland at T 80 1 a m ; Bhsmokin 0 80 a m arrives at Tre- ' vorlon 10 07 a m i Herndon IS 20 p m. I No. 10, mixed, Leaves Ashland at I 00 pm; Bhsmokin 4 63 p m arrives at Trevorton at C HO p m. Passenger trains Nos. 1 and t teak connection at Reading for Allentown.Nevr York, Lebaaon, Marriiburg, Columbia ' and Lanoaslsr. Psasaeogers arrlvfag la Shamokla via KORW, about 10 a m, esa senasct with No 8 Passenger, at 10 66 a , for Phila delphia and intermedials points. Tbosa arriving oa ihe N 0 R W'Passsager treiai at 12 10 noon, eaa connect with Mo. 6, which leaves Shamokla at 12 87 for Ash land, Mahanoy City, Tamaqua aud Potia vllls. W. H.B1NNDJ, ' Sat a '0 a..Mt '--.