V t i : i : V. THE POST. .IItkki, tra :,. ..i.-3 cm A IKXril, rreprteter. BNTDER COVWTT BXFUBLtCAlV TICKET. enwonua, JOHN H. PAOICM, c evaarav. Siaarna, ASTHONTO.PIMPROIC, or BBUBSOBOVB. WlttlAM'lURDlSO, or rsaav. BENJAMIN U RAUUB.NBVBH, or bbavbb. VanTBOBOTSBV, , JERK.MIAU CROU81, or iDPtr.acM. njntsvaB A Bwrosnaa, BAMIIKL B. RCHUCK, or iDtLcn. , VitBTBtrT avTOBBBV, BF.NJAM1S T. PARKS, or inoLascaa. rnwwieetoae. rUILIP It IN NET, or inaevaa. fYlTBTV erBVBVnB, AARONK. (IIFt, or aionLrao. Jt-BV roaaiMioaaa, HENRY- BROWN, or wAaaiaoToa, scditob, C ALT IN L. FISHER. or raaaa. Our Ticrrt. To-day we plaoe at our mast head the tloket put In noml nllon by the Republican party of oar county. The ticket is a good one, and t it wo will etsnd. It la composed ol man worthy of the satTrros ol toe poople, iwr tried, aod with whom we, m a people, are well acquainted. Wa. k nnm them In l)i trita Kanubliokoa. earnest woikcra in the party, aod well qnnliliea to nil me omues iot wmvn tbey ere caodidatev It is our duty, M good Republicans, to labor for the unminflluHU men at lha perioral election in October, althotiph aome or IDam WOrC 1UI kUV UlOO NUVtwv va mmiMj of pa. Tna contest for tho nomioalioo in tkia eountv was excitiog and Interesting. The enndidatrs all worked faithfully and earnestly, and although the were all Mnraiimi in kn L'nod and nnriatht men. nil of them could not expect to be nominated : and if those who were n n a n mm m f ti I . faol a littlo aoro. the bavo tho satiafaotion of knowing that they were not dorealod by an wormy Wm think the esmDai.ro ws a fair ooo that do dishonorable moans were need by one candidate to thn Hntrtmcnt of another, that all are now ri-adv and willioiT to do their whole duly towards electing tbe ticket pat in nomination. riuMAnr Klectiom. The follow leu table show the full number of votes cent throughout (he county for the various candidal, aod the nts ioritv each successful candidate re ceived : Coacrass John II. Tacker 1,281 Senator A. C. Simpson W. O. Ilerrold 581 Simpson's majority 372 Asiemblv William Hard in a: 829 Irvin Smith 600 Ilardina'a majoritr 339 Associate Judge B. L. llauden busk 771 A. J. Middleswoith 628 Randenbush'a mijority 143 TrothenoUry J. Crouse 832 O. A. .Schoch 735 Crouae'f majority 9 Reg & Rocorder S. li. Schuck 76:1 J. M. Vaotandt 565 Sehuck'a majority 19S District Attorney It. T. l'arka C7S U N. Myors 659 Park' majority 19 Coromiasloner Philip Kioney 827 John Romig 685 Hinnoy'a minority 242 8arvor A. K. Gift 809 ' Daniel Weirick 336 Gift's majority 4G4 Jury Com. J P. I.oinig 274 Henry Brown 440 Fred. Gundrom 197 Brown's majority 1 60 Auditor Calvin L. FUlier 475 D. Piefleubaeh 267 Fisber't majority 208 Free Trade). That the preeent movement for free trade in tbia country la u ue sola In terest of the Britiab mannfacturers. and is not advocated from any bonost ronvietion of its necessity in the mindi of those engaged io it, u ft fact appar eot to all. The " revenue tariff" meo of courts deny this, and and are en deavoring to palm themselves off npoo the people of the Country m disinter ested reformers. The following from the London (England) Mining Journal. an orcrao of tbe Britiah iron aad tteel iotercais, snflieiently eiplaine tbe ob- joets of the vaaaals or tbe JCogluh maaofaetarera, and tbt) weighty mo live which govern their actioa t Ahbsioas Liatauf loa ea Dairita laoa aaa KTan. Wa have fon4 aawa from lh UniltJ BiaUa. Tba Houm of Kapraaaala- livta, la tkclr diaeaaaioa ea ika-aaw tariff bill, hava got beyood tbe dabale oa tba aroaral arloaiplaa, aad art aew eoaUtling Iba neaaure ia lis dalaila. Il baa raaabtd Ibe item of Iron, aad baa dUpoaed of tbe duly apoa piga ia a faabioa moat aaiiafae- lory to Ibe Briliak Iroamaatar. Meat ef our raadare kaow Ibat tboetlatiag duly ea pig Iron imparted iaie tba Biaua la t a loa. a top to Cerberus, boplag thereby tba aiore effaelually to aoeure bigbor datioa upoa (aiabad iroa aad eieel tbaa tboae ai praeent levied, ibe Cemwiitoe of Were aad Mna, through whom Ibe Faoasjlvanla Iroamaatvra wore oporailag, aroaoaod ta re duce Iba duly ta 7. Laat Moada, how ever, tbey fooad that Ibay were lakoa la their oa aat. To the propeeitloa that $7 ebeuld btaoaforfh ba ibe duly upon pig Iroa gtaarally, Oeaeral Bailor movoi ea aaiead aient, brioglog dewa Ibe duty eaelber 2, andlslaglt at M a tea. It wee alala llouaoi for eul of Ike whole number of Reereeeaietiveeelaoly-eiget ajaeaboea were abaeal, aad we are Uaakful tbey were. There abeoaae left Ike fm-u adore with iaea a majority. After eevaral ieare1 de bate, Ooaaroi abetter oorrlad hla amaad meat by Ive vetea, ike aaabere beiag fsv it 69, acaiaat MM. As aa aagvy of tbe jware. t kaje gitlfyiay iaA ae many RcaaiBllcaB CaTcatla. laparraaaeeaftbeeenef the Repabll. eaa fltaadlag Commitlee of 8aydeeeaaty, Ibe Ret era Judges met la Coaveatloa la tbe Ceart Hnaee, ia Ibis ptaee, ea Ike 6tk lait. On met loa, Capt. Joha Iteha, of Mearee, was elected Prealdont.aad Cbarlts;D.Mlllr, ef Saltaegrove, aad Ueary H. Freed, af Chapman, Seeretarlea. Dr. I, T. Shladel, Jeeeph 8. tJlb, aad nerrieon Breasa were appotated a eemmll lee to draft reeolaltoas. Tbe following aamod peraeal repreeeated their reapeetive dietrlele ae Ret are Jadgeet Beevov, Jeaepb 8. Clsh Weet Beaver, ftenry R.Kepp Centre, Sol. Bowereot t Chapman, Hoary M. Freed Franklin, Ja cob liaetlnger Jaekeon, Harrison Brouae; Monroe, Cspt. Joha Hehai Middleereek. Alfred Marborgar I Midlleburg. Dr. i. Y. (biadtlt Ferry, Dr. H. M. Nipple Wool Perry, Abraham Millerlingt Peons. Levi Row I Relinscrove, Ckaa. B. Millar Ualea, IJ. J. Kelleyt Waihlagloa,' H. H. Qrimm. r . . . ..... The rain rat from the various aislrtoie or the eeunly were opeaed aad Ibe result ef the eleeiioa aaaouaeei, ae follows t Oooafsw. siaaatar. AtMfBMf.At. Jadae ?! m P r 1M Beaver 101 218 Is M 191 118 124 Reaver Weet 91 M 94 20 M 94 49 Centre 7 78 84 47 67 48 60 Cbapeiea 19 T 23 11 19 Franklia 89 M 20 86 84 68 C6 Jaoksoa 66 26 29 86 15 26 36 Middleburg IJ 89 It 16 41 88 16 Middloereek 76 73 11 46 20 62 26 Monroe 69 1.1 49 40 17 12 61 Teeae 127 118 30 114 It C4 48 Perry 68 83 19 69 I 14 89 Terry West 84 IJ 21 81 28 12 Seliasgreve 144 186 34 124 16 02 44 t'alon 181 1 1GJ 82 76 1' 17 Wasbingtoa 99 69 61 76 tl 67 61 1281 963 681 829 690 771 628 1 I i i 122 112 94 101 212 20 82 64 78 66 67 69 71 67 83 27 67 86 24 0 9 2 2 21 4 M 61 70 St 31 82 48 4 19 83 2 80 It 40 84 7 26 64 89 82 60 16 81 27 67 2 19 42 84 61 CS 62 47 (W 46 18 4!l 8 24 29 25 15 28 6 14 86 02 62 73 94 40 74 01 40 45 44 93 87 45 61 24 S3 63 66 832 735 703 6C6 827 686 Baaver Heaver West Centre Chapman Franklin Jeeksoa Middleburg Middleereek Monroe Ponas Perry Perry West 8elinsgrove I'nion Washington Dili. Atl'r. Borv'r. j s 2 111' Jury Car. Aad'r. ft a. Paavof MTr Wast Caalra Cbapmaa Franklin Jteknis Mldllalara MMcllwrMk Monroa Hoi lrrr Prrf Wt Mllnicrvva I'nton Waeblngtoa st toe ei se 1 ei te e 10 ta as n so te 44 W 10 S4 ts at M 11 IS 10 11 41 ts r no ee 44 141 111 00 44 S 10 a ts e as e at S 47 1 40 M 44 IS St at s e st IT ST ee as at as is so se e 1 ti 44 14 e ti a s 4 a it 11 as t it is 14 as a 14 a ts 4 I t St It IT 41 T at at a s 4 4 104 11 IS 40 tt se a a e 41 i It is ers ete sis aw 4te R4 ivr ter 4Tt "'The Commlltes en Resolutions aeaouoeed tbe following, wbicb were beartlly enuorssd by the entire Convention t Wttees II Is right and prepsr that lbs people should at limes, proolaim their prin ciples in political matters 1 And Whereas the I4tb Congressional District Is deeply concerned ia lbs protection of ibeir Indus trial developments la opposition te tbe damning heresy of free trade. And Where se we have heretofore found in our prev ent Representative in Congress, aa abls vigilant, persistant and sneoessful defen der of our beslloterests Therefore wo the repressnlativee of the people of Snyder County, la County Convention assembled, do Rnolvt That we most eordially endorse tbe valuable aorvices, of the lloa. John B. Packer In Congress, ia behalf of promo tion to American industry. Hnolvta mat we bave full oon64. . ia the wisdom, patriotism and ability ef President Oram's administration, and that we will hail Iba re nomination of President Grant with delight. JfrjebrdTbatlatbenoa Blraoa Cameron, Ibe great Commonwealth of Pennaylvaaia baa a 8ensler who ke true and tried, faith ful and trustworthy, and who oa all occa sions stands firm teall bar true interests, therefore let him remain ia tbe Council! of the aalloa, so long as life shall last. RttoUtd That the administration ef Oea, Joha W. deary meets ear satire ap probation. Stiolfd That la tbe nomination ef A. C Simpson Esq., aa Senator of this District 8nyder Cenaty bae put forth eae of her strongest eilisens, one worthy ef the posi tion and wha hae aeeompUsbed as much for the welfare of the county as any other maa it it, aad aa 8nyder County is most empbatieally entitled to the nominee, we boldly assert, that her elalm ahall : not be daalad. Awaired-Tbat the lleket'lhls day put la aomiaatlon, la worthy the support of all true eillieai of the County of Snyder, and we pledge enreeUee, to, use all boa arable means te promote their trium phal, eleetloa ea the aeeead Tuesday ef October Beat. Mnltd That tka proceedings ef thie eoavealioa ba publieheA 4a all the papers ia tbe county favorable te tbe above Base latloas. The following earned gntmea were eboeea e Sieedlag Committee I e ewvo for Ike easulag year t Beaver rater Itelael, Henrv S. Vraad. Weet Hearer H. K. Jtaepp, A. A. Boiata. Centre Solomoa Bewaraoa, Uriah Walrtok. PaatMBea-Hearv St. rreart, J. M. Hoffman. rreatUa-J.U. Seaoca, Menry Haarar. Jaektva Uarrtsoa Broaaa, y M. Wsaaer. ld4lbra-J. T. Bklaeet, Daniel Molaadar. ledleeraak A. Haraarger. Saat X. YaUar. Mroe John Yaaaa, Joiaph ttnast. Feane lrt RowMHoeaa J. Sahaaa. Ferry Dr. M, at. nlppta, Mapolaoa Rraetat. Waal Farrv Aaraa brutarllaa U.W. Uimii. pwiwa' ai. kiiw, ja. ah Valaa-Joka J. Xallv, U. J. a. Uarretd. Wasblag toa-H. U. Orlmm, D. B. Moyar. Me Coeoaer kaviag been voted foe, Paler Hartmaa, of Cealre, was aomlaaled by tke Ceaveation. Cel. Simpeoa, our candidate for Senator, being sailed em ta address Ibe Ceaveatiea, ke reepoaded la a aeat aad tslliag speech wklek was well received. Oa motion. Dr. Jeka T. Sklndcl was ekaaea temporary Ckalrmas. On meUoa, adjoarasd. Wa fully aadoree tke reeeluileas paaeed by tke Bepabtt eaa Ceaaty Caaveallea leal Msaday. They are abort aad right te tke TWI f.ll 4m4 Iham... Ctal9tlBeaaleaf taralea -racia Itmilrweitl. The weelern Mines of the Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron Company re located on Bear river, about three mIIm IVrim Kaanatna a atatlim aa tba Union Feeifie Railroad, bait by the Rocky Moontaia Coal and Iron Com pany. These mlnea were diicored hy one O'the members of this Co npeny , in toe tail 01 loos, nut warn im aaieu- ely worked until about t ie time iba ITntoa I'aaile Railroad, was 00m pleated te Evaustown. in October, 1898. . . TheBranth Itailroeil to the mines was com pleated In November, 1869, since which time ears hate been load .I it, minea and forwarded to all poiots on the Union anl Central Fa- cine luiiroaas. Ths mines are nloe hundred and fllty-eeven miles weet of Otnaba, nloe i.n,iMi4 anil flrtv.KvM miles nasi ol San Fraoc'sco, and ssventy miles east . a a J V or Halt Mice l.ujcaen;. The eoel is found in nwriy ft hori gttitnl position, ttnd extends along the face of the Bear River Mountains, ...ik aniiih. fnr about one and a half miles. If ie reached by tuoneh from tbe main raiiroaa tracic. i.ne ..i ah artam of eoel varies in thick aeee at the tunools now open from twentyel to forty-two foot, and has been trseed by the blossoms and crop- .a . II.. a piosa some inrse tni;c vnwu The quslily of tho ooal is very pe culiar, bein between tho anthracite himmlnona. faemi-bttuminouO. ..:..i. Cm fWim all trace of inlohur. burns withont amoll or smoke, depoe- a a. a 1. ! . . a.. I. its but ft smau amount i . "" tn Mna.ha.1f nar eent. of water. and from seventy to seveoty-four per . . a i cent, or Bica esrnon, aiao irom woo.j m tarnnt two ner cent, of rolatile InAammahla mattar. The coal Is used in locomotives 01 it.., TTnUn Panlnc Cenntntl Pacific end Uuh Contral Railroads, and makes n tka iuuninnif locomotives, tin wards of nioety miles ruo per ton of eoal. It is eoiirciy tree irom ouuaar, ditos oot burn out the firo-boxes or irratoe, and is uoivcrwlly conceded by ths railroad master mechanics and en--UanF, n ha tha best and moat econ omical eoal for steam purposes in Amer ica. . fhnndred and fiftf tons per day are mined at this time, but the mln.a ara nnnned for the deliver of four hundred tons daily, which cn be , . J A.... Innrnaanil t(l let TI llUDUrej SUUB whetcver tbo demand shall require It, North of tho coil minor., and con iImiaii. in tliBm. in the iroa cronortv of the Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron rnmmnt. 1'iiia laa mountain oi iron wbioh ttHsays, from the sorfaee, thirty ta ininv-uvo oer euuv. vi waiuu ui nm, tkiriv in ihiriv-tarn ner cent, of car- bonito of lime, and is cntiroly free a I I Ta 1 rrom suipnur or pouiouru. mu nwl...iliU in nunntitv. Tbo iron exists in the form of mixed carbonate and oxiuo. Tl.tai rA.Annn rtmn-ja ilnrlno t li A aVUia V'j'- 1 " ...a. ensuing summer (180) to erect a blast furnaco ot niiv ions capacity per uay for the manufacture of pig iron. Owing to the proximity of the eoal Ia ilm I -nr. nra. it ia baliovail that tn'n iron can bo mnnnfacturod at less coat at this point than at any piaee in Pnnnavlvania or Ohio : beioe situate mid war between Omaha and San Kranrian. tun iron aeauirna aoanion al value from the great savins in trans portation. It is extremely fortunate for tbe aakbI-M ttiat- lliaaOA aTrAftl hatf) Af Trial are found along tbe line of the FaciOo a . . ..! railroad, as wooa tor stoam purposes is war co and expensive, and will be en tirely exhausted in a few years, while .. a 1- a - .a Oil by I tie oaveiopment 01 tea eoai nciue of Wyoming Territory, tbo Faeiflc railroads are enabled to procure fuel for their locomotives at qo higher rates thau Is now paid for lbs eoal of Ohio and Illioois by the railroads of the Western States. Dmtli Vf ClaUftrtes DIckeas. London, June 10. The London Qlob in its last edition lest evonlog started, the community with the an nouncement that Charles Diekens bad been seised with paralysis snd wss ly intr inftensible at bis residence, at Gad's Hill, near Roebosler, in Kent. Tbe news spread rapidly and cre- atod tbe most profound regret; but the worst was still to come. Tele grams nave sinoe been reoeived an nouncing tue deatb of the ureal nov elist at ft quarter post 6 last evening. Dickens was at a dinner oe Wednes day, when he was aiesed with tho tit. vt. steel, oiine village or Stroud, who was for many years the family physician of Mr. Pickens, was imme diately called ia, and remained till pearly midnight. Tbe conditions of the patient be- eomiog worae and wore, it waa deem ed advisable to summon physicians Irom London. Telegras were prompt ly despatched, and yesterday mornleg several London physiolans arrived at users it in. A oonsultation was held, and the ease at enoe pronounced hopeless. The patient aank gradually, and died at wteen minutes past o o'clock last evening, at tho age of 68 years. Mr. Diokens had been 111 for sever al dsys, but not seriously, lie had even visited Roobeeter and other point during ths present week. The death of the great novelist bos plaadged tbe Datioa into morning. Tka Queen hi test a mesaapc ol oowdoteeec to tbe family, and public Institutions have suspended business for the day as a mark of respect. II the London papers bare obitu ary artieloa this morning. Bu-teo'e Nobvblv Mvoaiiib The July Bumber of Uaitoo'e Moaratv Mao sin is the eoatmeaeemeal ef tbe Thirty aeeead Volume. Its . popularity la aew ao great that ae mag as loa ia tka eaaalry etaads higher in tbe estlmeiioe ef the peo ple for taeniae iatereet aad exeeUeaea. Sack namber eoatelas 100 page ef reading matter -slorloe. peeau, biaiorieal eveata, wit aad kuaiev, a housekeeping depart ment, frees aisle te twenty llluetratiaas ef aeted eeeaee aad aleees. AU thie eaa be obtained far 1 M per year, ar tflaea eeals aiagle eopy aad etub terms at evensssaaar. Taettse Tauev. Beaten. The) Ceaataatla)pl riro. CotSTANTTKOHLl, JsBS 0. Tb great Are In Ibe-Pare district baa been fully subdued, and something like or der reign again. According to a care ful account, over eeven thousand build ings of all aorta bave been destroyed. Many ol these were the best In ths city. The total Ices esnsed by tbe fire e eomputM rousnlr st twenty-live million pounds sterling. Englbb 'aa- der-wrtters sutler Heavy looses. The archives of the British Embassy was saved. The Armenian Church of the Immaculate Conception was oa firs several time, anl la considers My damaged: but tbe Gobelin tapoatry the gift of the Eaprees Eogealo. with which tbe church wsa decorated, was saved unharmed. Tbe lose of life by the conflagration was frightful. At tome points whole Ikmllies were hem med In by the femes and perished in full view of tbo speotalors, who wore unable to rescne them. Tbe panie among tbe people was terriDie, aod many who might have escaped lost all presence of mind and were unable to save themselves. Othera, In despair, made no effort to By and were lost. Some of the Turks, ia ths spirit of tstaiiim peculiar to that race and re ligion, shot themselves up in their houses, refused assistance and met their fate without a murmur. It ba been asoertsinod that two hundred aod fiftv canons were bnroed to desth or killed by ths falling walls, and ma ny more are missing. Fob tub Sbnatb. -We hear, with gratification, that the Republicans of Hnydor county, at their primary elec tion oa last Saturday, nominated A. C. Simpeoo, Esq., of Selinsgrove, for the State Seaate. The Distriot Is com peted of the counties of Lycoming, Union sod anydsr. laet represented by John B. Beck, (Pern.) We do not know whether there are Republican candidates for ths Sen a to in the othor two counties, but we are surs Ibat should they all agree upon the nom iostion of Mr. 8impson they would c cure a very ereditsblo representation in ibe Higher branon 01 our Stat tg iIture. Sunlarjf GasttU. A Krntuckt Democrat has kept his word faithfully. Tbo Kentucky Btalrtman says i " Not msny weeks ago a well-to-do farmor of Harrison oounty declared thst be wss determ ined not to live to soo a nigger vote The Fifteenth Amendment wa in aouoced as ratified. Of course, negro voting was tbeo in tho near future. Our farmor saw it coming, and abso lutely did deliberately take bis own life. lie sealed hi IXemoorstio testi- m my with bis own blood.' Had he slaughtered a few negroes, ftoolucky would not bave been satonisbel. As it ia, his conduct, is considered inex pi (cable. Fairfield, Ohio, is tbe homo of tbo Simon l'ure Democracy of tbe sge Democratic Fairfield has just held its convention. After preambling that the country has gone to eternal smash and into splinters unless thero is a ' speedy return and striot adherence to Democratic dootrines," it was re solved " that w are in favor of dis owning the bonded debt, or in otber words, are in favor of renwlt'otina it." After thns deposing of the public debt, tne convention dinponed or the nouro, by declaring u that we a.e un alterably opposed to negro citisenship and negro suffrage.'' It ia Inmnntnhlir ainiriilar that lha rod man always wants to imitate firstl .1 r ...i .ti.. ! ma wioffn oi mp vnira Ana. ltnm ivam. bliog, and lowdness have nearly killed off the entire Iodian race, and now Spotted Tail wants to be n delegate to Congress. HBW ADVERTISEMENTS. " QREAT " EXCiTEMKTN BANNERVILLE. MEW OOODS. ! HELFRICH & BOVVER Wish le Inform the eltisen ef Bannervillo aad vieinity ibat they hate opened a aew stock of goods, and win ksep constantly oa naau m iuii BaooriuoBi 01 :IlRE8B OOO Drl; Consisting of AtPACAS.POPLIN8,PLAD8, CALICOES, ae. Clothe k Caslinercs BATS and CAPS, BOOTS aad BII0E8. ioaiKRi'ti'.': IIABDWARE A!U QUEEN8WARE. SALT AND FISH, Aad la fast evarvthlaa naiiall knl In a rat alaaa um aLara. All m,kial. . offer at greaily red need prieee, for Cask or Country Proeaee. uaving aad large eiperieae la the basiaese. wa flatter mirultu tkaiL mm ., plsaaa aad satisfy all ear eastoaaer. nepmg oy imn aueauoa te buslaase aod a datiire te please all, te merit a liberal pwrvaago. vrur mono IS " Vtc Salei and Small Prott." We aak at luil lKi k .!.. a...t.. OUr Btoak and irlaaa htn nnr.ka.la. elsewbara, ae w always show our goods HELrRICH DOWER. Baaaerville, Jaae 14, 1870. if . w a,a vwii in sua niaiaa. o 'ravel aad Uk ordars by saaipla. ror TKA. vdf FEB aad BFIOBS. Yo aaltaMa wa aUl Ira a eaiari ot twuo ta l,uoa year, above traval. Ina and oUar ospaaaas, aad a reasoaabie ooia uilMloa oa aalee. "" aiticBga are aoueitaa Irom propar parlies. Kalaraaaas axehanKed. AddIv lea4dMbBedlaUlr7 1 1 Caatlaeatai Mills." 1st Bowery, Mew Yrt. JOSEPH 6. DELL. UNUrACTVlSR or ' A WHnT.KMAim nrirfi t CIaOTPIHG, cirri, cirn k mztz-ji r 1ST OP I.ArTDS BITtTATB IW BWTPKH JU COVMTT, kaM by loeaUsn, ar Bay mhar eSTea rfalit, laiaa from tke Laad DapartaMat ef Ihte Ontatanawealth, apo wklrh mo Pataate kava kaan Inuerf, loolallB tke neaiee la wklek eaah loaalloa arelkav efflra rlgkts are anierail, tka aataaat of aioaay o-tlnllr paM, anil tha aaioaat dae the Uoanssoaweiilth ap la Jan t,lsas: nana oe Mo. o Looavfoa Aa'v A'V WaaaaBTBa Araaa oa . ro. on Dob. atrruaa Towas'r. aoor. BOB. Aaraad aiaaal oe Jak'S Oreak XIS Aarand Maary one MMdlaoraek 10 toe Bearar I aoe da 10 so Makeatoag M.e 1 uentra II ts 10 . do twf loo Meheateage ts,T Centra is ft.l is.oe 14.00 14,00 14,00 IS.ee 41 .St lt.eo eo.er 14, go 14,00 14.ee 14.00 is.se 14,0 SM.U S4.IS 1ST, ST 14,00 Is.ll 14.0 14,00 14.00 14,00 14,00 14.00 14.SS 14.41 lees 14.00 Aaaaellnaj H Aaraad Henry Aaraad Oaarfa Aaraad Oeorfa Aaraad Apllnier J Jr. Aadareon J oka Aarand Oanrwa le.er Arlrat Nt&halaa 1 A lalar Noah SO beaver AHllerRoah ISO - sa,a AlBlar IVoak lee a 4 5. ST AlalarMoah as do see A lalar Moah 00 da IS, OS aiiiaon iwnjaaiia w wan imrara Baatar naorwa to MMdlaoraatt 41 Bright M Irk'l. Jr. in forks of do Bora Herwiaa Baker WlllUa Bay Abrahaia Barirer Philip Hraoa Itarld ttraea Havtd Hraoa barld llowarrol Joha lie Mahantoaga 1 vv raaaa ia.au tt Makantoagoll.er Boarae S.O Oantra 40 da T.TS SO da l.st SS da S.iU s Bearar 1S.SR Braaa liarld Harr Benlamla ao do II U ntthna John SO Pan a S.00 BrookMII Jacob Baaver S S3 lluaatml Jaaob t rantra l.'T Hank Saiaaal L. ITS Waahl Baton 44.74 Baaaar baalal SS-Parry S.3S Hoarar I-aaa loo Baarar ST Haarar laaaa so do 1S.SS Holticar Uaae SO Parry ts.ar Honfer Henry SO Bearar 1S.SS Hantar Henry It da I M llrown Peur 110 Wail Beaver . Hnbb Keahaa I Baarar I.S Bowarent Jaaob SO Oalra tS Hakar Harah SOO Waahlattoa Mlae aMpv.an 100 Poaee I nrlnkhoaia Adam Kit Paaaa Croak 1 1 Danalnirer J P 19 Baarar II breeae Mkkaal 100 do 10 WaaaaaTa oron wairn woeoBvav ArmrtroBB Joka ;i0 His Makooy Aaraad Oooraa , 10 t'aotra t.(r Aarand Henry Baarar S.IS Aarand 8aaeel , SO Uaatr ,0 Allan Zaoharlah suO Brook gto-hol loo Middle Oraak (,10 Baokanaa Wra 00 Mahaaloato Braaia Oalaer loo Middle treek l,TI Braata Naheailah Paana 14,i 1S.SB 4SS 1 44 ss.t 14.00 14,00 14,0 14,00 14.00 14,0 MM I4.T 14.00 SS.SS 14,00 Hoyd John Blank James Boyd Jamas Brady Joha Boyd William llarton William Barker Joha Hrlntoa Faiward Haaaett Joha Brlntna Joaaph Ball Thomas llrlttna Amna Hrlntoa William Han aalt Jeoob Hraoa Oanrge HoMlar Abram Hrasa llarld Hraoa Darld Hraea Ntephan Hraea Harld Hraoa Itarld Hamar Philip Heraar Philip Hrown Patar Hraea Imrld Hraoa llarld llolllaaar a Bad Bowman llanlal Barkhart Philip Harford William tlorar Henrv P. aoe Bearar 1 eo do 10 400 do 10 o Bearar 1 " do I " da m do io 400 do 10 " do 10 " do 10 do 10 M do 10 " do 10 " do 10 " Pann's Creek 10 So Panos 1 1 Soo Centra , SIO.oo I do in SO do ,S II Bearer .4T 4 Contra .I 409 Bearar M.T 10 do I sr ts Psoas t,T 1 do 4,17 14 MahaBteagoeo.oo r do I en 40 Chapman Is.sS TO do 14.4T Bearer S.I HI t extra 1 Hrnner Aadraw Honor Hanaatt Honham Molakak Beet John Hrlaht Mlehael soo Middle Croak HaadwaMr Mlddlaoreek " Foot of Jaoks Mountala - n. w. or BlabantonKo, iv. nr. si Mil io creek Carpenter William 100 Prnni Oraak I Cambridge Arok. MlddlaCraakSS Coun JoMph Craal Mlrhaal Cobart Joha Oaafar Martla Calkona (taorco Cammiem Alas. Cammlitas Joka CammlDB Jaawa Camming .1 Jr. C'IIb Jaoob Olewae Mlrhaal CroaM William Coofiar tlartd Crane Benjamin SCO MMdlaeroek is t Paane 4.11 4ao Baarar - do do do do - do - do TI Oantra SO do 10 10 lo 10 10 10 10 V) no 1S.S3 I Waahlnaton I.SI SUO Mldilla Craak " Panes townrhlp HATiF WAV HOUSE, PENNS TOWNSHIP, Snyder Co., Pa. ANDREW SIIADE, Proprietor. Aeeommodallonr rood and ehanrra moclaralr. Tha patrtmaicaot the tratallng pulillo Ixralleltoij ItuireU fr C.' I AilvertlmcmrnU. Ncwspnper Advertising. A nook of lit eloeoiy printed paaos, lately laaoad. eoatalna a list af tha ban Aniarloaa Ad rartUIn Matllams, airing tha aaraae, elroala tlaaa, and tha fall perttcatars aoaearnlng lha laadlag Halty and Waakly Political and Family Newinanara. togathar with all thoaakarlng laraa almnlationa, puWUhad In tbelntare-tel Rallglua agrwaitura, laiiaratura, M., aa. rrary Adrar. tlear. and arart nareun who eoatamiilataa barom. lag tank, will Sad tbls book of graat valaa staiiea tree to aay anoran en receipt or nitaan eaats (I to. P. rnwm.I, a CO., PaUlinan. No. 4 Park Row, New York. Tbe Pltubanr (Pa.) Iaadar. la Its lama of May . 1ST, oayaf "Tka Arm of a. P. Howell A Co., wklek Iwaea this loteroetlag and raloagla book. I the laraaet aad beet Adrerllflng Agency la tka Halted auuee. and w eea ahaarftillr reoom. mead It to tha attaalloa of thore who derlra to adrartlta their buileoaa BI)lErTTlFIUAI.I.Y aad BTHTKMAT1CAL.lt la eaek a way i tliat Is, eo as to aanara tha largest amount of pablklty iui im ajtaviifc-irw vi afivaTf." VESI IT IS TRUEI That the Beer Mowbbb the Bbst Danrpsaa. tbe Hear HaLr-Rasaa to ba found In tba world ara tha Urlalaal and Reliable Hoablo-Moilea ATS B1UHISM, made br tba ATKi MANVFACTt'RINO CO.,af rlaUta. Ufclo. aao tor pampniat;oaniainiD( partleulars. THE HUMArT MAOHINR. Mew Bonk Free for BUmp, Tabbsbv a Co., N.Y HE JAPANESE CORN FILE remoTM Coral arllkaal nalm arleeSSo. Haldatdni aad akoa el urea. Sampla mailed oa receipt of pi.ee, aod trade snaulled by tha JAPANL8E UUHIf FILE CO., U Pla Street, Mew York. SALESMEN Wanted ia a paving bailaase. B. KBBBBDV,sUChsstBBtsUeet, r a.NBMJeia,a IPATTJBNTS Invantara wha wish ta take ant Latter. Patent ara adrttad toeoaaaal wltk Ml'NN a COedl tore af tha Melealiaa Amarloan, wko bare proee eated alalws barore the Peleal IMBoa lor orar l aeaiy Years. 1 aeir Amerloaa end Earonaaa Paual Anenev te tke moat axtenitra la the world. CLe rate leas tkaa aay ether reliable ageaey. A pamphlet eoalalBlng full Instractloas M lanniori ie a,ai grain. tusst vu, ai rara now, new York Eight PerCcnt. Gold FIRST MORTGAGE HONDS or THE ISSUE or 01,500,000, OT THS It. afOSSKX et, B-Ca VUL VITW RAILROAD COHPAVT. or Earopa. The bonds kare thirty years to ran. yayaala la Mew York la UOLfl. Trastaea! Farmers' Iaoaa aad Trait Company of Mew York. Tke aaortgage wblek teeares tkeaa boads U al the rata af lit, too nor aillei aovara a am platryae rur ererj bo ad Uaued, aad la a rst kBd ONLY mortgage. Thta Una, eoaaeotlng at. Joseph wltk Fort Itearaey. wlU make a abort aad tkroBgk route to CaUaurala. Tt raaanaaa a.aa a . . I . . a. . k. -- ava w a wa-aaa wtaaajB , of ., SIS, 000. 000 ABdagraatort-andlrum CoBgreee, . -iwv.a-j-. Avree, vaaaeo, M tBB lowaat aatlmata at. at A ana an rirat Murtaago UoaiU, l,tuotw Total .'. u,mu,Ouo O-Atal atMH.k J mm. 1 1 a I . . eluded la this Mortgage. lt mllee) arlaa, TU aad oearBed Iatereet, laCVRRENUT Caa be be obtained trooi Ue aactenlgaed. Also, pam ykleu, mans aad lntormatloa relating tbireto. Tkeea tuBtls, kelag ee wall reaarad aad ylel.liag a lre Uooaw, are dealreUe U parties seeklsa a. leeraa.aiBreetaieats. Voieoauaena r. vva iiAflii Wm UamaiareUI Ageats. - --Vs,MwTara. 1080 MEN TO WORK OX TBS txvntiTovm IHEaE man wanted Immediately, to whoa tho klahaet ea-k nrlea will ba paid. jtppij w in raiavariaara at naLlnwiHivr., or la any of tba Hab-Contraetors on tha Una oftka road. Tke eatlrajrraillnaol tka road M 1ST BE nisrui Bii wiTiiin bix aunTH riua t'MUM DATE. JOHN R. MCOOTERW h CO. QITARTMRlf AND HBinorBVI LDERS Caa Snd amploymaat by aalllag oa tka aodar lanad ai SalinMrare. May l, me. J. V. CREaSWELL. PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE. J. D. norrMANt Proprietor. CORNER OF SECOND AND LOCC8T STS. IIARRISDt'RO, PENaTA. w-Erary a (Tort aeoaenry to latar the mm. tort af pants Bill be made. Tba knaea kai baaa aewiy raattaa. maya,ls:otf N 0V IS TIIK TI.ME TO SUB BCRIBR FOR THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE JOUR HAL Tke most Interesting etnrtae are always to bo Ibaad In tba Maw York Weekly. Al preeent there ara MIX UREAT RTORir.e. raaarng throagk lueolamnsiaad st lean eoe l.ir la began ererey month. New saheorltiara ara thee tare of harlat the eomroeneetaent of a aew eoallaaed aturyr Kaoh aamher of the HEW YORK WEEELY eoatalna aereral Baaaliral lllattratlaas, l.ouMe ine oi nee'iina matter oi any paper ot i la eieea, ra ,nv niatron, nmiri niuriea, rvrcil, ate. are by tbe ablest writers of Amertoa aad Ea. rope. It dona Boteoaflae BaafnlneN to amnsameat. vat peoiiiDee a greet queantliy Ol retliyia. I rue tire mailer, la the moat eundeaied lurio Tke AVie Vorlr M'eeLla Department. have attalnatl a high repatetloa from their VI -II J . aivaillHVB,aauu I W,nN m, Tmb PLaaaaav PaaauBarBa are made Bp oi in, euDceavreteu wii onu lunw Ol many mlodl. Tea KRowLBnoa Bog Is confined to nselal Information on all manner of aokiecu. Thb Nawa Ivaaa glra In the feweat word t tke moot notable dotngt all orar tha world. Tna tloaair wivb CoaaaaroanaBT eon. taint answers to Inqalrers uiwa all Imaginable aUjajOM. Aa anrlraled literary paper Is the New York Week I v. Kaeh lean eontalna Irom eight to tea stories end sket-hea. and balf a doten poeraa, lo addi tion) to Iba tig serial stories and tke varied da partmenta. Taa Tbbbb to Bt'Bscniaaaa i On Year Slngleoonr Three Pillar " Fonreopiee (2twaaoli)....Ten Hollara. " Eight eoplee ".Twenty Uullara. Thoae sending eav ur a elab of ajabt, all not at one time, will be entitled to a oooy raaa. Uelters-un f elahs ean afterward addtlogla euniao at w eo eaoa. bTKKfcT a BMITH, Proprietors. No. U Fultun Street, N. V. J ALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE 8ALE Tbe subscriber offers at private isle his VALUABLE FARM, itust'.. ia Monroe township, Bnyder County, 1'a. adjolnlnf 'anui or Abraham rubor, Mloheal Hummel aad others, containing about 175 ACRES, mora or le. ninety-fire seres of which are cleared and la abigb nlato of cultivations Ibe bslanoo Is eovered wilb lha best of lint btr. TU iuiproremenis oo.lsist of a good targe Dwell intr House, a UAitui. uajii iiarj and all necessary outbuildings, good water convenieul for oil purposes, a largo APPLE ORCHARD, eonlaiuing choice entiled fruil. Ac. The farm is under good fence, naturally ferille auu uiguiy prouueuve is in s branny eounir, nouui turea tulles rrom Helms grove aad two miles from IShamok'a Ham oa Ibe west bank of the Susnuebanua river la convenicut lo Markets, Hsilroadi, Ce aala, Cburobes and Schools. Will be sold en eauy terms, gad posses slon given immrastoiy ir desired. For further particulars inpuire of tbe eubseriber oa tbe premise. Capl. JOIINIIEUN Monroe twp., Jun 8, 8;u. eS2el. THE F(II.a)f)M IMPRnVKI. TaentT. Ive llnllar Familr Nawlna Machine. The ehaenaet Flrat t.'laaa Maehlne In tha Market. Aokbto wasvao la araar vuwa. Liberal eomwlMlone allowed. For terme and olreatar, addrraa, A. B. Hamiltob, Oao. Agent, s-w. iw ua-aniui o... reiia., ra. e-i. em lMtwhy et tV. Advrtinementt. ACMT8 WAvTKD--(f10 PER PAY) by lha AMERICAN KMTT1SO MA CHINE Co., Boetoa. Mass., or St. Loa Is, Mo.(am 1t DAY Dual neee entirely new and -jirmee Honorable. I.lberable Inducement". Deaorlntiveelroalar free. Address J. C. RAN U h CO., Blddeford, Mo. iu TirANTED AOFNTlt-Te sell tha HOME TT SHUTTLE HEWINO MACHINE. Fr o aie. it maaea tna - ioob Htiea." (alike oa both eldaal and la tha on I r llaeoaed aader.feeri one. no macoine eoiu ivr leaf uiaa oso. l.leenaeu or waeeiera. wiiaoa, urorer a. Haaer and Mager A Co. All other ander-fead Nhuttla Ma. eklnaaaold for lass tkaa ov are Infrlaaameau, and tka seller and aaar lliule to aroseeBtl ib jaoarooa JUH"BU-,MI,H K Ul, , .melon Maea PllUgarg, Pa Ckloago lll.,or Ui. Louie, aew. Agents Read Thl, TO W0 PER MONTH MADE BY AOENT8 BELLING TUE HOME OF HA SUING TON, oa.Moenv Vsawon Ann it AaenoiATioaa.br UbNSUN J.LOMHINa. 110 lllaimiliin, n. ted panerkandaomely auatxl. tmly book oa tbe subjeot. Erery (amlfy waatsaeouy. Hold only by aubaorlpUoa. Vary liberal terms given. Beau lor iiiuairated t:iraalar, aad aotieeour eg. trauma. A. B. HALE A CO. HarUord Con. aeeueut. 4w IfirNTS W AMTED FflW "Lost Abroad.9' Bead for spool men pages, elrenlars, terms, ate. Addraas M.M.BETTi A Co.,Hartford, Cuna.( AOETTS WANTED EVERY WUFRE FOR Rev Albert Barnes9 MEW BOOK. BALES IMMENSE. Baileeee Bar aoaroLawlo c... .la , mm M.,k ' ' - T" O t and forClrenlars to ZEIOLER, MdCTJRDY CO., I Sontk hliik at Pklladalpbia, Pa. (4w ATTIIW III! SVITI'SIew Boek. TWesir vcars Aajaaxiar lata HULLS AID DEARS Or WALL 8TBXXT. UO races Finely Hlaatrated frtee $130 It shows the mysteries ar steak aad gold gam bllaf, aad tke myeerloe of aafortoaaw siwoula tloa. aad ainoaea tka awladlee. trlek and freiuta oi eiaeraiare. it mu bow miinoaa ara made aad oei ib a aay, bow arewa maa ara rnlaad, kow "eoraera" ara made la grala aad produoa, how a m, mtmA sneealaM wemea wealed ws pay Freight Weet. Head for Iruu vm ,na ". U- BURlt A UCVART FORD. Coaa. I4w WA MT r D A OE N T To tell the OOTAOON BEW1MO MACHINE. It Is Uoaaaad, makes tka - alaatle Look ailoh aad U warren' todforlyeara. Prloe ell all other maekloat w th aa amler-loed aold rltor leal are In-fffRS'i'J'a?- .tPZ?. MJTAJKIT BRWINO " - w, Mfa, jaw., ajewega, 111.. PllUlHug, Pa, or Boston, Meet. tlij TU18 18 NO nCMBUQ Bo aeoill-ifc 41 ...I. with age, height, tolor of eyee aad bair, yea wUl reeeiva, by rvlura mail, a eorroot pletur ef your fularo basband or wife, With Bama aaat date mJ xeaol... GHKAT K EDUCTION IX prior op Tens and Coflcrn TO COM FOR la TO PRH.'K OF OOLD Tai-raaeM Farllltlet of Clnb OTgaaltars. Bend for Mew Trloe Hat tub tiEiT iikiici" m m?m. (p.o.B.,MM,,fc-v""t-N7.v,rk' LIFE IH UTAH MYSTERIES OFKORUCIISU By J. M. MAm.E, Fdtlor of tke Malt t-k Renorter. B KINO sa EXPOBE of THEIR KE. yf.?T "TEa. CF.EM(NI CBIMFfT i,f,l,,."',ln, btstory af PULYO. AM Yaad tha Mormo Beet, from It artgla te tbe preeeat time. '"""I wnn annre--anenteil rae. eeaai one ra porta TI mheeTlbere In two days, one fa'S..?!. .r.esd for olraalare. Addreae "ATlilNAla .PlBlalSHINO CO.. Pkllailel- peia, ra . WHY DOXT YOU TRY At rifg CiRRflLio T, ABB0LI6 X IRtRTS. TFT ARE A NITRE CCRB FOR NORM THROAT, Cold. Croan, IHptherla, Calarrk or Hoaraenera. Alto a uc-enfal nmedy far Kid new IHhVnltlee. Prl-a IS crate per bni. Meat ay mall on rarelpe of prlre, by J. (J. K EI.LOOO 4 Piatt HI., New Vnrk, Hole Agent for N. Y BOLD BY DBUoq lT-). (May ii BOOK AO K NTS WANTKD FOR THE At'TOIIIMjH4PIIY AND PERSONAL KKCOI.LKCTIII.N8 OF JOHN 13. GOUGH, Tke whole enlleened with sffwtlng Ineldent fall of Intereat aad pathna. Fifty thoaaend aold tha lait See mealks. People will bay tbla, not. wltbataadlng lha kard tlmee." It la a pleaanrw t0.",l.i.l,0.r " ""'"S moeh ""od- The work IB splendidly boand and llluatrateil. Addraas H.C. JOHSON, No.an Area Htreet, w Philadelphia, Pa. 34 PER DAY. AGR1VTS WASTED verywher for ' HENRY WARD BEEL'IIKirs- OREATPAPER. "the CHRISTIAN I'MIOM," W KltvK tm wlaiMt A IV IV ai a . ' worlfJfvoowB! work of rt, M a as all's HuI'iinold feMnkAViwtw or WASHINGTON. . The beat paper and graadar t engrarlng la Amer. v aaainia PVC. - lIBIDg B1J in nail B QIT," .' eaaler than bouki, aad profile greater." Wide awake Agonta. Teaehera, Clergyman and other, mala of lemalo ahould aend al unee for copy ufnaiier aad full perilonlareof thlaentlrel aew and unprecerieated oomMnatloo, In which there la miara mni... i h.a ... k.i. .ar a . ...aw ... j i.nii, how vuvreu. A. H. HCHIIAKO, Pulillaher, w oo CUaatnut St., Philadelphia. THE MAGIC COM II will change any colored bair or beard le a perma nent black or browo. Il eontains no poison. Any one.cao ma it. One sent by mail for $1. Address M.U11C COMB CO., mar24-3mj Springfield, Mas. Fob Family Csg, limph, ckr-p, reliabU, Knil everything. Agrnte Wanted. Cir cilsr and eample stocking FRKB. Addrers IIINKLEV KNITTING MACH1.NE Co.llath, Mo., or 176 Broadway, N. V. Feb.l7-3m CONSUMI'TIO.V, BKOXCUIT1M, Asllimn, and Catarrh cured by inbn'a tion. Abbotts Inbnling ll'iidig tbe only remedy thai operates on IL 1'itigr- llnolrra the tubercles, which are juruwn off, li e cavities heal, and a cure is eRecied. Treat ment by letter or In perron con be bad only of Q. VAN HUMMEL. M. D., Vi West Mib 8t. N.Y. jo,,, TIIK GBE1T HBDICAL DISCOVERY! Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VIxVIXJAR BITTERS MORK TltAlf 100,000 PKKffOffS t--a4 lieitr Itmtluiony to their Wui. Z Suvriui .;uraiiT r.ntcu. S 9 - WUAT A Lk' r ULV 3 E. THEY ARE NOT A VILE r-31 FANCY ORINK. ? Meile of Poor Rnm. Whlaker. Proof Rnlrlla ami Rehire Llqaors, dootored. iilVed and iweelennl to pla tne teaie, eel led " Tiinloe." " Anoetl- era." neuorere." at., that lead tha tippler on to drankooeaa aad ruin, bat are a true medicine. made from the natlre Hnota and Herbs of Cali fornia, tree irom an aieonone Ktimalaots. Thar aretheOREATHI.IMIUpUKlFIERand LI IB OIVlNtt PRINCIPLE, a iwrfeet Reaorator and Inrlgorator of the Syaleio, carrying of all polannoae mattar, and reilnrlng lha blood to a healthy eondlilon. No perron ean take theie lllttera aoourdlng to dlreellaai, aad remain long unwell. luo will beglren loan Insurable ease.provldett tbe bonea are aot deetrored In mineral nolumi . : ..... ... viuor "loan., H, tuo V IkaVI vrgBBO WBeteU l yvn.i .HeiNiini oi rviaeir. For Inrnnimalorv and Chronle heametlne tad tlool. l)-.i5iye, or ludlgestli Hlllioaa, Hemltlent, and Intermittent Ferera, Illieaseao the Mood, Liver, Kldatys, aad Hladder, there Hitters hare been moat eareesafal. Knek Ilia. eaeee arecauaed by Vitiated Blood, which Is gen. orally produced by derangement ef tho UlgasUrs Organe. iieanaeine vuiataa HiooB waenever yoa Boa ,ia.a.H..,vp niin IIUV1RI WIO BKIB IB rim' plea, .runt Inns or Korea i eleuae It when von II nd II obatruolod aad slugglik la lha relna i eleete II I when It Is foul, and your leellnga will tell yoa I whan. Keen lha blood vara aaiT tha huhk a I Mao .I.11W will iuiiww. I PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, lurking Is the evvlem of ao maav thotuande. are ana-tua.Ui I deetroyed aad removed. I jb iiimoua, nemittent, and Intermittent Fe I rare, Ui eaa til Iter a hava no equal. For full dire I tluna read aarelullr lha airauler ,ia.i ..-k I bottle, printed In four langusgas EaglUh. Oat-1 maa, French aad Hpanleb. I j. wAi.it eh, rronriator, I Commeroo Ot.. N. V. DrUgglaUL aad aeneral Aarenta. Nan t-ranalaaa I amu rtecranieuio,uaiiiornia, and NAM Cots- w.?..r,.,..''u ALL DRUGGISTS AND I aruiibHa, Merlfl Mm ft 100 tO figelO fmLih. goaras I Wagee paid weekly to Agents everywhere. VelV log our Patent bllver Mould White WlrotJlothei Kill aaauoB. naimap, uaru,a,i, ruriUll BartlCI lars addraaa Uiaaao Wins tiu-e. Philadelphia I Fa. Juar kim I aris "ir rSunliirhtl and Gaftllfrht. A Work deeerlpllr of tke myeterlee. VlxtBat,! Vices, Mplendnrs and Crimes st I It sontalas la Boa eagrarlugs of noted Bbaoeal Life and Keeuaa In Parla. iaiki, oaaiai aa.1 Lauo ail, a all aa ri a drees, Nat loa ao. Pvausniau Oo. PhiladelpkUl . le astniTa WANTKD MM KY THK MEW A aMlVADlala sd ei OEO. R. WARINO, jr.af Ogdaa Faria, be large esperleaea aad reetMalaad aWIUy Anlkur gaaraataee a work oleUrUug mer """" .T ww a-e m W MrUU MfJllHI LewasflDS A rrUI. UulltllutfM. liAinrovswl Tinnltrl mmU. JudloWutTriUUltttfl Sb-willo.lraiBi lrffaR(.uu.olloriJroP Buiur MftkinbbsjH W KajtlkPlttkR. kMM mm A a.Ua.lll. -.Tit- aa...J v -aoeaa w-aaea wanaa oj n ibwv atjAWC. WB"1 dlseaaaa and ramedlee, Aa., A., wltk many uaeraJ Tnblea. KM paaM rich wltk Inetritotlua aad awl bellabed wltVIoo apUltad eikgravlBgl Taroui JJJJJj- ee. auDaaaa aobbot a PuiadJJhli.8 D' "buk-T. Oaastaat sd IV A "WWETi TraToHna aad A jr..Le-Arenta firth Italawaral mho .n.ur.oie an pans of reantrlraauS and Mew Jeree: -llsmraaea renolre. Addre-I ibELAWAAR tauTl'AL I ll nraaek mBoa 1W. CO.M "eaaJ.oaaBBBvaaaaat aauaa T WAR CORED at naaAiu. ..J r -a -n S k a a f X a 1 I ft Affii 1 Iff r4iW&sr . lis HAND-BOOK OFHTTf-iinNTS N X bv a slmala Reaiedt and mll mmmA ik Vt, , rultoslalll. Daw