r. let lnni t; . kt 'lij. t . ,! f . . ! . tii.,'4 IlATia OF ADVBBTI8INOJ , , - t..;. : k-I t I Oneeoliimf) oheyesr ' fWl.ntf i One-half enlumn, one year. Jbum 'ine-fourth enlnmn, one year, r. A 14.00 , 1inMitbed Tcry Thursday. Evenlsg by V - CflOtSK A BKXFKR, Proprietor. Terms of Subscription, uno sqaar tiotinaa) ou. iniertioa T-t ' F.verv ad'lilinnal Insertion 60 two DOLLAR TER ANKtJM, Payable MAnitii r.n it a ..i i Professional and lltisisesa esrds 'of nol more than Ave lines, per yi,' 8,04 Auditor, Eicenliir. Administrator and Assignee Nol icea 2)0 Editorial notices per linS ' '" 19 All adveriisemnnta for a afinrter perloa limn one year are parable at the lima they are ordered, and ii not paid tbe per son ordering I he in will be held responsible for the money. Wit n in n - ui f,vv wui fniii niiMn th yr. No paper d.Fcontlnurd until U ftrrcaragcfl nro pU vu1m at SubScnpUoiiB outnido of the county rnrAfti.it in advance. ggr rroti lifting nd tiring papers VOL. 8. MIDDLE15UHG, SNYDER CO. PA., JUNE 1G. 18T0. NO. lf gQf irj iixaviw awi wij I'ruv ui ib npr ti.i.i. t. . . l. . a.vr. 0.1 mil' TrJ 50 6 It 11 anioJ 45 P alV al laM Jr. C'KONMILLEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Middlchurg, Ta. finr fat professional services to the rub lie. Collections snd sll other professional business entrusted to bis our will receive prompt attention. Jus 8, '67lf A C. SIMPSON, j attorney at law. Selinsgrovo !'., Offer professional service to lb nub He. All business entrusted to hie care will b promptly attended In. fJn.i:, 07tr 1 W. KMOIIT, V. ATTOit.NEV AT LAW. Frccburg IV, Offcrl bit Professional service lo lha pub lie. All bueln) ntruptvl lo Lis e will be promptly attended lo. Jan 17, OTit W sr. van cezer, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lcwishnrg Va., Often bit professional service lo the pub lie. Collections ami all other Frofc-sinn-nl business entrusted lo his, cajre will re- eeita prompt attention. GEO. F. M1LLKK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lcwishnrg Va Offers bis Professional service lo lliepub lie. Colleotiona and all llicr profession all business entrusted to bit cure will re ceite prompt attention. Jan. il, 'U7tf r M. LINN, Ue ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lowisburg Vn., Offers Lie professional eerviors lo I lie public. Collect tone and all oilier pro frtsional business entrusted lo their eare itill rccelvepromptailontion.f Jan. 8, l!7lf piIAULES HOWE R, . V ATTORNEY AT LAW, Keliusgruve Fa. Offors fata professional services to tbe pub ic. Collcoiiona and all other professional Dunnes entrusted to hi cure will re ceive prompt altcntlon. Oflice two doors north of Ibo Keysione Hotel. Jnn 6, 'ti7 SAMUEL ALLEMAX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solinsgrovo Vi Offers lila Professional services lo the public All buMneia entrusted lo h i-nre will be promptly attended la. Cnl lectiona mnde In all pnna of the State. lie can apenk the rnclish and ucrmnn Ungnage fluently. Oflice between Hil'i ind the l ot otnee. T N. MYERS, 1TT0BNEY k COUNSELOR IT LAW MiuMlclurg Hnydcr County Pcnn'ti. Office a few doora Vt of the I'. O. on Main atreel. Coueultnllon in Luirii.b nnd German lnngiigf. Pt'p.'O'if T C.BUCHKlt, II. ATTOIIN'KY AT T.AW. J Lpwislnir I'a., Offcre Lta prornstonal eemreMo Hie pub. lit. All iMisinens en'msieii in m tn till La cromMlv attended to. ! Jan. 3. '07if , nitOVER & RAKER LVJ sewing haciiine. Temona In need of a (rood and durable Fteiii Maobine can be accomniodited at Ituonable pricea by calling on on Kam- IslfAliaT, Agent, Beiinegroee. . Jan. i. tipt R. J. Y. 6 11 IN DEL, SURGEON ANU PHYSICIAN. MidUleburK To., ttn lila profeaeional ierticne lo the cit imi of Jliddleburi and vicinity. March 21, "C7 JU F. VAN BUJSKUtK. IUK0ICAL Jt MECHANICAL DENTIST Selinngrovo Tcnn. IIOUN K. HUGHES, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Pen Twp., Snyder Co. Ta tV H. WAGNER, Esq., L , JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Jieksoa TowitHliip, Snyder Co. Pn., fill attend to all buaineaa entrusted lo i car and on the most reasonable tbi, Maroh 12, 'OHif fhU. J. F. KANAWEL, mMT PnYSICIAN AND BURGEON, ikjf1"1 ll profeailonal sorTlaet to the iJbllC, OOOI l W. SCIIWAN, M. D., SUROEON t PHYSICIAN. Port Trmnrlnn Pn.. )fcrt bli professional eerticea to (he ill.. -S ,1.1m ml l,ltiitv. ll I r a i a i it a A. OYER, Jr. A t A l IP-TIDMPFR. Freeburir Snyder Co. To., Ko'u reerjeotfullr offera bit lervlcea to f publie a Veudue Cryer and Anotlon ft. Having bad a large experience, I JM confident tbat I ean rendvr perfect VUfaotlon to my amployeea. Ijan. , on T.PAKKS, . ATTORNEY AT LAW & DISTRICT ATTORNY, HDDLEBUBO, SNYDER COUNTY, V Offiow la Court nuse, Sept.lo, '67tf LEWIS BREMER'S SONS' OBACCOWAREHOUSE 1 Plo.322 N. THIRD Si tfti . PHILADELPHIA. IfKRonANT iimiBK. :wak H- MANDERBACnTBOP'a. '.10l J. 0. MPK, Clerk Ala I M 4 410 North Third Street. J Philadelphia. "JlLLKB ft F.LDEE " "" "VH WHOLESALE HOOK SELLERS, Vara ioD, Blank book Manufacturei 'J r 4 dealer la Wrapping, Wasting, Cur. Nl I WaU papwra Vapar Vagi it Ota J Jb Priatirs i v ,i r n'HM abiva Kaa SELECT POETRY.' iiiih'iW A clear bright eye . ' Tbal ean pirne lbs elty With the itretigtii of an eaglea'a vision, And a steady brain . Tkul ean bear Ih at ran And thouk of the world's collision ; A WfU-knlt frame. With a ruddy flam Aglow, and the pulne. leaping With the tncAanred lima Of a dulcet rhyme. Their beautiful record keeping A rounded cheek, Where the roirs apeak Of a toil that Is rich for llirWing, f (' i And a chest so grand Thai the lungl expand 1 ' Exultant, without lha uriTioj ; ..... . , ' A t.realh liVe morn, With the crimson dnwn I froth In Its dewy aweelnees. ' A manner bright, ... And a spirit light. With joy al lta lull completeness ; 0, gtte me theso. Nature's liarninnics, And keep nil your golden treasures For what Is wealth To the boon of hcnlth And Its sweet alltndanl pleasures t I'hrtttological Journal. I.otc l'p nu Apple Tree. There was a seal in the apple tree. a nmst tii'itghirul and cost nook : And one afternoon about half-past three, nitty sat there resiling a nook, Ilcr fiiir head hare with no hat (o mar. And her dress just showed one dninly djoi i And he saw bar as he smoked bis oigar, And be came and stood al the ladders foot. Kilty half blushed, then smiled and said, "n no I you come up and sit here now ? Ann hilly s broinor a hoy lo dread. saw and ileteriniiual to raise a row : So he crept softly under the tree. Listening lo all I hey bad In sar. Did the impish brother, and sly as could be, rjcited the ladder and bora it away. Then they saw him : and she, with a frown huld 'MVlml will Unit awful boy do next?" And she culled him Ibo grulcsl scamp in i own, l et I don't helieTO sho was Tory much vexed, For her lips smiled though her eyes half cried. As she saw tho position of matters now. And he came over and ant by her aide, Leaving bis pinco on ineopposite bough. Wbnt could I hey do t Tbey were captives ill ore. Held as if by an Iron band ; Kin y IohsihI back her gobli'ii hair. Aud rt'lluctivoly leauud her cuoek on her bund. . " If," said he, " we for help should call. They'd Inugb lo see un in such a nliuhl. So we'd bct may here till I he shadows lull, ur tin some ooe oouies in sighi. And somo one did come. It was Kilty's papa. Who passed the Ireo bis fooMrpa Iraeed. And taw through the leaves a lighted cigar, Ana a masculine arm round a feminine walnt. Kitty looked down nnd blushed at one. Aud looked up a blushed nl tho other : Said her faiher "These are nice goings ou!" cum sue u is an me luuit or my brother." What was the end! I'll tell you Hint, Some months aftnr. 'mid silks nn.l lnn A"d ribbons and riches, some ladies sat, Who wero discussing tbo lima and place As lo when so ran their debate And where a certain wedding should be; Then that Impish brother was beard lostate. it onu oeuer coins on in me rrfpie tree." Uotloit AdetrUttT. Btronff-Mlntled Government. " Is Mr. CutU in ?" at-ked agentlo- man, who, iiaving knocked nt a door, was saluldd by a woman, from ao upper window, with, Well, whit's wrtntin' nauw?V " Yt, be's in. or nbout somewhere. I suppose," sbo replied : 11 but I'm Mr. t'utts when any business is to bo dona. He's Mi. Cults rutin' an' drinkin,' sloepin' soractiinof 1" " Well, mv coot! wotnan." said the pentloruau, " I tbiuk he will be Mr. Cutts for my business, too. I wish to see bim." , . What do you want of him ?" ask ed tho shrew, thrust'iog bcr bead still further out of the window. " To do somethinz for rue. but I must seo himself," was the repljr. " It's raal business, for. pay, or only favor yoo, wuntT Icon let your horse hare a peck of oats or I ean di rect you to tbe to tho shortest road to . L i n - - r inr x uur urnoi, or a can i eon why, I can do anything for you. that he could, and a good deal more I I take tbo money and write the receipts sod ptiy tbe men, and I take off tbo produce 1 Ira.ascood a iudi'e' of stock as he is, and I can t be boat on horso flesh' " Hut,'' said tho treotleman. draw ing down bis faoe solemnly, " you ean't tako bis iiluoe now. Find him for me at onoo. , ' , Tho shrew was bafliod. " Lbok-a- bore, mistor,1' ah contlnuod, " snay bo you don't know tho ciroum- itsnoos of tbo easo, This hort farm is mine, and it was my lather's ntoro me 1 and Cutts, be hain't no more say to it than tbat bon down there has.' And besides, I'm sevuti years oldor than ho is, foot higher, and wo'mh twenty ponnds root I What's your buaineaa on my placo, if I may make so bold V i " To soe and talk with yonr bus band," repliod tbo trentloman, gatting out of bis ebase ana bitching bis horse to jt post, as if he meant to stay until bo did see bim. " Do vow a doctor J Causa tbore ain't a iff in'- thing tbo matter witb CutU. Ile'a tbe wollest nan io tbe town, and ao be I," said this " woman for the timet." " No, my . (rood woruin, I'm pot ' IV) ynty jtln-jnnrfalanlj Will ' be in soon f Semi that boy to Gnd bim 1" said tbo stranger. . Tbo buy looked op to his mother's face : but he knew bis own interests too well to start without orders. " Then yon'ro a minister, I suppose by your black coat, I may nu well tell you and f-nvo your tltno, that we don't go to moi'tin' nnd don't want to. it ain't no on? for ynn to leave no triots nor nothing ; for f'vo a big diary end linint no tiuio to idle away rf adio , aod I kp(p bim at It ao early nnd late, that when he's dono work bo's glad to go to bod sod rest'." "I'm no ministor, ninJam ; I wi&h I srns. thouirlt, fur yoursttko," thepcD fliMuan. ' fend fur your husband ; I cannot watt much longer. I must soe hltn ntouco.'' Tho boy stnrlod to his feot sgain, and looked ' in hi mother's cyo; but it gave no marching ordors. " Look-s-horc, mister," mfw appear ing at the dour, sod lxikiui defiantly at liini, " yon're a sehnolmnator "a liuntin' up a district school ; and you think ho is a cotnniilico man ; but be ain't this year.'' ' I never tattlit school and novcr mean to," sai l the stranger. " Ma'am Cult'," as lior nclirhbors called her, dropped her hantli nt lior ido nnd heaved a groan. She had found a man clic couldn't niiinngc. " Seo here, now, nmtcr," she said, " I'm one of thorn who can't bo de ceived. I can read a body right through, nnd I knew what you was tho blessed uiinuto I cluppod my eyes on you. I can tell by your cvcrlaslin' arguiii' that you nro a lawyer. We Lain t got no quarrels don't want no deeds drawed or wills made; an ifyou're hilutitii' n job out of my htiilmtid yon may as well unhitch nnd drive on. We know enough to ttinkn n little money, and I know enough to hold on to it.'' " My good woman you ruisundor Ftand my errand. I can toll no per-too but himself what it i.i, and 1 nmst toll hi ui in CJtifldetK'o nnd alone. If he chooses ho may break it to you in the best way ho can " "(), .my goodness sakes alive! rjrotlu r l.if's blowcd up in a Mississ ippi boat, I bet I O, In mo, tho poor lellow ! IJo left a lit t lo ttooiclliiug, didn't ho V " 1 novcr licard t f liini, nnd nobody's blowed up' that I kuow of," repliod the gentleman. "0, now 1 know I Y ou'ro tbo man that wauls to go to Congress, ha, and iine coiuo hero a liuutin' nfler votes. He fhont vote for you 1 I hate politi cians, especially them to that goes agio woni'-n, and thinks they're mndo to drudge, and nothin' eW I I'm for free and equal riuhU lor while tolks men and woincQ for Scriptur pnys 'ihcre icn't neither mtn cr woinm : iat all's ooe in polities.' 1 bolieveTslio day's a coniiu' when such ns you will have to bow the kneo to woman, atoroyou can get the big places aud pny that's a catio' us up with taxes 1 Yon can't sea my bushundt We are goin' to the polls on the way to the mill, and I'll promise you be votes right.'' "I'm no candldato, and I don't know who you arc talking about. Ah, there comes tbo man I want I'' And the stranger then went towards Mr 4'utts, who had just leaped a pair of Uars wliicu led from tbo potato patch into the Itine. Mrs. Cutts flew into tbe bouso for lior sunbonnct, to follow tbem j but the time sho got to tho bars, her mys terious visitor aod CutU were driving rapidly down tbe road. Tho strong minded woman shouted after he husband. " You'd bolter ooine back, I toll you !'' But tbo- wind was tho wrong way, and carried her words into tbe potato patch. . ' Sir, said the gentleman to honest Cutts, " I bsvo a very simple question to ask you, but I shall have to ask you in couudenco. I will give you five dollars if you will promise not to re- poat my worda until to-morrow." ' Well, eir,"-v replied - Cutts, "I shouldn't like to nnswor any questions tbat would make trouble among my neighbors, I have my bands full, I can tell you, to keep out of aorapea now ; but I've dor.e it, snd balnt an enemy in the world, as I know." " Hut. sir you needn't reply to my question, unless you are perfectly will ug,'' said the strangor. "Ask year question," aald Cutts, " aud I viil not repent lt.f " Well, Mr. Cutts, I am laying fenee on tbo Urisiey place, that I have just bought, and Iwai d ireo tod to in quire of you whore I oould buy cedar posts. A fellow In tho store "aid. "CutU can toll you if bis. wife will let bim ; but she. won't. Eho'U insist on telling you herself, and perhaps ofl'tr (o drive with you, wherever you go to otder tbem.'1 ' " I told them I would see you, and ask you only ; and tbe young follows bet on it Tbey are to give you ten dollars, and to two or three widows In town a cord of wood each, If I succeod in asking you this question alone, and making sure your wife does not know my business until . after breakfast to worroig morning." "-. Cutts knew bis wife's " standing'' loo well to feel very sensitive, and tak ing the bill troru tbo stranger, bo smil ed and said "I will go witb you to look out cedar post and keep dark, for th joke's ask but I doa't know as she'll let roe stay In tbe house to-night for I don't own it," replied tbe good oatured Cutts. 11 Suppose you go to tnv place and lo letting the posts. . I will send a boy to tail her you had to go otfsnd donly en a little business, tod will be back ia the morning," said ths strau- gor. I'll do tbst,' replied CnUs. " for i novcr quarrel witb her, but let Iter havs her own wsy. I don't waot to worry myself about trifles." " Uooil man," ssld the stranccr, " thoie aro no triltos io this lite. Tho smallest act is important, and this easy good nature or yours will ruin your family. Unfile that spirit to-day, and noxt Sunday tako your boys snd goto the lionaio nr Uod, whatever slio says aod lo a real man st the bead of your own hotiso and family." It is rather late to begin," said Culls, shaking bis bead in a way that would have warned others from the trap in which flis feet wore fast " You sc th purse is hers," ho nd dod, and that has been a cruder fatter than hor will to mo. Hut I will try to begin anew, fjr her gooJ ns well as tho children's. ' - - The boy was sent with tho messogo bnt tho boy wasn't sharp enough. Ms'am Catts discovered tho wheru liouls of her lord, tackled up aod went sftor hi in All tho way homo and far into tbe night alio used her eloquence, both in pleading and threatening, to find nut tho mysterions errand of "that hate ful town nabob tbat had romo iuto town to seperato happy fumilio.i." Hut Cutis yielded himself up to a " dumb spirit'' for the night ; and no measure could induce bim to talk on any subject, lest tdio should pry tbo mighty secret out of him. Ab nit midnight sho woro herself out and went to sloop; but at break ol day sho begun again. He then ven tured lo say, '' si soon us brcukfast is over, I'll Itoak tho news to you.'' " You'll never eat a tuor.ud in my hotiso, I can toll you,' criod Zatitippc, " till you've told mo what that man Wantod of you I" " Thin you'll wait a good while to hoar it,'' ai 1 Cutis, " for I've vow'd I'd never tell it till I had first eaten broakfuxt 1 ' and with thuso words be wont out. Ma'uni Cutts endured tbo torture as, long as possible, and thun got break fast. Sho called ut tho door to no ouc in particular, " como !" lint Cutts dilu't come. After nwlile i-he wout out tJ lha barn snd found him seated on an up-turned hnll-liusliel measure, culmly peeling ml eating a raw turnip '-It docs t-cctu os if this here mm had possessed you !" sho cried. ' I novcr saw you sj -self-willed afore uiuec I took you homo 1 Yuur brcukfat is euolin' : do eoino iu !"' Here was a point giiued. Cutis wont in nnd rccpioKteJ, and ato his breakfast. When that wasovcr, ma'am settled herself back iu bcr chair, witb hor face full of cafcr ex pectation, and said : "Now, begin. What did that ere mun want?' " Ho wanted somo todur pot," replied Cutts, calmly, without looking up : " and that was all !" lTau arrow ha 1 struck Ma'am CutU she oould not have manifested more surprii-o and shauio. "lam the laughing stock ofthit town,' added Cutts, " snd from tin hour I turn over a new . leaf. I'm bcDCcfortb head of my family, nnd unless this house is undo mine, I shall finihh off a room in tho barn which ia mine and you will to welcome to share it with mo. If not, I'll live there with the boys, aud you will Cod mo a civil neighbor. r Ma'am Cults' power was broken. Moce then tbo larm bos been called " John Cutis' placo," - and ho U tbo bead of the bonse. ' ' ' A Distinction Wituoot a Dif ference Rift tbe matter 1o tbo hot torn, and but littlo difT,erenco la prin ciple will bo found between tbo free tradors who aro operating tinder the specious gu'mo of rovenuo reformers and the out-and-out repudiatora. As the Government is situated there can bo no such issue as free trade for years to come. We have a national debt on which the ittereat must ba paid, tl we do not repudiate it. We cannot rose tho nocesaary revenuo to pay this interest without a high tariff ; sod a high tariff that docs not discrim inate in favor of American manufac turer. A tariff levied at a given per centage on nil imporU without refer ouce to tbeir charuetor or the condi tion of the market, would, in many instances, be one of tbe most oppres sive measuros that any Government ever adopted. Even England, with hor ftee-lrado palaver, would pot ven ture upon suob a course. Her tariff discriminates, and Is leviod bo as to favor ber cwn interests as a nation, and tbe interest of her citizens meet effectually. W must, therefore, not only have a tariff a protective tariff as woll ia a revenue tariff. Thoso who talk otherwise are simply work ing in the interest of England and a aelthdi few, or aro repudiators at least of tho first water who would voto for " Young Groenbnck" or anybody els who would embarrass our finances and and force repudiation upon th coun try. It manors very little to which class tbey belong. Their works all tend th same way and to lb iuo end, and can result io nothing but mischief, if the amount to anything at all. In a word, toe muo! inijt ow dbt. Before w do tbat we must an- nuslly pay th interest oa It. To do tbia we must have a high tariff. Aoi a high tariff, to furnish tbo greatest amount of revenue aid prove lb least burdeneeeae, aott M dieorimiaatiof I'epprr Ports. 1IY JOSH nit.LIMUS. If yu bev got a spirited nnd noble boy, appeal tew his genorority ; if yu bov got a heavy and su Ilea ono, appeal tew his back. A grate meuoy ov our people go abroad tew improve their minds wh hadn't got ctiny mind when ihry war at homo ; knowledge, like charity, shud begin at home, then rprcd. AlHickshuus are tho Potnplimcntn that Heaven pays tew Iho virtcwntis. Nolioil Jy hit a phonl will spend biz time trioing to coiivinco s pliod. Timo ir. like money, the less wo hav or it tow spare, tho further we make it go. Tho tongue z really a verry fust member or the bodv politick ; he ditz all th a talking and two-thirds or the thinking. Tliavo is menny n persons who ban sot a mousetrap tew iorl'ook-.hun, but not satiyQcd with sieh small game, un dertake tow trap for bears, nnd pit kctohed by tho beasts. Moral stud lv yni'o genius, Bad stick tew tho mice.j Let him g) mi hjii , said nn ancient father tJ Lis boy, who bad caught n young rabbit, "and when ho gets big ger ketch fntii agio. ' The boy did ns bo wus told, anil hiu been lookin' for tbat rabbit ever since. The world owes a!l its onory nnd refinement tew luxnrys digsius roots for breakfast and coing naked for clothes, is tho virtcwous innoecoso of i of a luzy siivugo. There is lots ov folks who eat well. anil drinlc well anil sliton trell nml vet I aro sick ail tho time the.o nro the folks who nlwuz cninv poor health. A poison Willi ll lilllo stnatteriii" ovilu l weury uiguTts sno w.iteuei learning iz a good deal like a hen's that bus boon Sot on for a short time, and deserted bv tho lieu il Is stiilt fori liatebltllfOUt eiinvtlllil.'. " . . " renplo 'h good senss ' nro those whoHe opinions nureo with ours. Tharo iz a urate deal of ma'Tiifieent poverly in our big citys people who eat kluni soup oat or a tin basin with s gold spoou. I he place wliar poverty, virtew nml Itiv meet and worship together, tz tho most sikrcd spot in iiiis universt. Experience don't mako s man co bold n z it tluz ho carelul. I'rido never forgets itself, never haz1 Recent drvrl )pm"nts has disclosed a playspcll or a frulick J it is Miff from 1 the fact th.H, whatever miy I... John morning till night, from top to bottom, j Chinaman's shortcomings, he p ..sessis like a nlod Make. the gilt of inginuiiv ami rkill in eva I - There nio't but little ttoowine gwd nig Hie law ton degree unsurpassed b) sense in this world ennv how. and !nv other p'ople. Lately it lias been what littbM hare Iz ain't in market I remai ked in ;.u Francisco thai a urest it is held for a dividend Tliozo who have made np tbnrc minds tew lead a life of enjojment will find the follo'.vinir receineo a cralelantiiirjtit ruasou therolir. nti.l I'm help tew them: "To one nuneo ovrevuuuo ofiirera. havitigan inking tint jl,!"1,b'r. ' cnhinco her wmjih an I plczuro add a pound ov repentance.' all was not exactly right, instituted prosperity. Aod the muscle, a ill aod Advoriity iz a poiiltess which reduces 'inquiries into the matter, resuititig io I0?!''1511 N'"r,u M0 i'umeasurahly our vanitvundstrcngthensour virtew;lthe discovery of a wholesale svstein ol n "T deaviir4 ; and when even a bo'v never feels hnlf so r,"ie)I erfsmug'.iog, by which the government ' Northern people Mtile in our midst, whenho'haz been spanked and s.it'has beoU kept outol a t01)sidvrab;c ! Iet e,'t)l ',1,lc tJ b" k'11 '''"f'00'1 awsytocool. Ireveuuo. Tliev ascertuiuoi lh.it frJthm, and m extend to them the ssx-tal Pedcntry i tho scionco of inrelinsf! several veais ,',ast a ;u , number ol i wo!c"",c w'R'a we k,,ow lu'" il-'H'r- wbat littlo yu know in ono kind ov Chinamen have nude n tegular practice perfumery, aod insisting upon stiekinlof briuging to this country valuable that under cvry man's knoe whom yu't'h'iie-') export done uii io t iuvenient meet. wa ' ' Lioing is liko tricing tew hide in a! 'he fog, if yu move about yure in danger uv j !ar bumping yuro bed agin tho truth, and bu as soon az tho fo blows opli yu are a c gono eonyhow. pni Marry ins an ansol Iz tho poetry uvUm marriage, but living willi her L? the j lr prozo, nnd mis is an weij cuu n tin tnsto of the poetry hain't spilte tour relish for Iho prozo. The man who lives on hope must pick tho bones of disappointment. Tho devil iz said to be the father uv lies. If this is so, ho haz got a Inre family, an 1 a grate menny promising children among thtm. Life is like i mug or brer, froth nt the top, oil in the middle, and scttiling at the bottom. We should liv In this lifo nz tho we war wulkingon glaze ice. liable to fall at enny moment, and tow bo biffed nt j bi the bystanders Men, if they ain't too lazy, iiv sum tims till 80, nnd destroy tho time a good deal as follows : tbo fust 30 years they spend throwing stuns at a mark ; the second SO they spend ex amining tbe mark tew seo whare the stuns hit. and the remainder iz divided io cu-wing the stun throwing bizziuess and oussin tbo rumatizo, - Tho sotting downnd folding our arms, and waiting for something to turn up, la just about as rieb a speknlation as going out into a 4iH acre lot, Betting dowo on a sharp stone, with a psil bctweon our knees, and waiting for a cow to back np and be milked. A correspondent of iho Oxford Press, gives the following by way of showing that rrmmg is a remunera tive business ; "There died in Ful ton township, Lancaster, county, this spring, a Friend by tbe same of A too King, who soltlod wben a young mas on a tract of unimproved land of eighty aoros, to tbat township, and oevcr increased tho sis of hi farm. The natural quality of tbo soil was thinlsb, and . was farmed lu th old fashioned style f rotation. Friend King eooflood himself to agriculture proper, not feeding much stock nor dairying, nor truoking. II nevr speculated in any way, but mad hi money by plain farming. A few years ago be lost tome seven thousand dol lar by two banking Institution In Lanoastor. wbtre he bad tuooey deposited. Yet, notwithstanding, he Wft an state worth over forty thousand etollar. the tvsull of industry, (Kr e i iHMMunAaj ,'' usy," our Motlirr From earliest infancv wo learn to lore eur mother. Night nflpr night, while wa are tossing upon a lied ot pain, she wiiiones over tin with untiring and gomie care, tlilnUng of iiotliuiir hut that which relates fo our comfort. Look npnn the battie-liold, ntler the contlict is over, and till ig sil.-nt savt an ocensionnl moan Inim a dying sol- aiur, nnn nouelit to light tip the faces of th dying but the light of tin moon. Hero and them we s o a flu' tvring figure "lar'ingt ' ami fro niiioiio the dead, and now mil then pi-crin;: into the f.ieo of otiu who, sho thinks, perhaps, may bo her boy. Whit a pioture of mother's love is (his? No rest lor her until she fin Is her boy ; and when ho is found, weltering in bio's blood, the mot l.er bends over him and sob r.fler sob oscupos from hor ajonixud bosom. I-ot us ,mk into the hospital. Sje that, poor fellow a be lies upon bis eoni-h kind nurses ore around administering to bis wants, but what cares be for t lic-o ? bis mother is not there. I'.jt look at him now Why does his eyo liulit up nnd hi wholo frame quiver with j'y? It i booutitin his m iiher i. coming t nee him. Pjps bo not lovo his timber? let how many of us turn with eorn from her wiso advice and tegai'il it only as talk. IJut in alter yours, when wo arc thrown into tho world mnl have only our-rlve to depend upon fir support, th ni is It wo rull t tminl th many leBioas wliu-h slm gave, and regret, when it is too late, that wo dil not I'ullow b"r loving ti'lvieo. rpcak to tho ilriiiikni J or criiiunal uf his I, n aod IriemL, you touelt his heurt ; hut hpeaK to bun ol Ins mother, nu I t eealitit in ndvnnce evy Tear, and you will uVl'r llim w''ilo ho wa-in pnu.aiid you !"'' ovei-pr.iu ins yus lie W1" "is heal and Ui.ok over to? ..i j...... ..n r. ..i :l n . I nuiwuiiai n oi ins uioiuiiikiii nl. rc.nein - uor ,,,cm ouiy as a iioh.-duiii urcnm thut is past nnd gjno forever. In after 'years us we a laud b.sido the t-n! l. dead body ol our beloved tint her, the lossons which hbe tmht us when we , tn-ssed by the rebellion, it l niturnl were young, nnd whieh ho ha I before that tho misundcr-''nodin: about the trailed Willi cuiiUMnpt nnd oeoru j potx-tit condition of th" North should lhno lo3siiis we d'tcrmmc shall be our i prevaM at tho South; an! nn equallr guidiug s'ar tt hcaveo aad to inotlioi'.'jerron.'O'j" view of tliinus bo taken by m. m in i ma , i ! t,,, N irtlier'1 people. Itinsits that luRlnull) ol Chinese Isiimsslors I no ut,o to-ttler on iho land in that S"c- H rest i 'piutility i opium, tens, tiptoe., etc., nl i-uumrkahlo low rjtea ivitli.nit n v 'I. i,"!U cou l0 , l'100 lor WIIICU lllcy queiuly bought and tho lar'o busiu. ; created finally attracted the attention of iho legitimite dealers, who informed the reveuuo ollLera of what was going on, and broke up th buic.es. Among other prizes fished up lately by tne authorities wa a package contain ing,oj pounds of the best Chinesela opium. Jlereaftcr feao Ir.iuclsco re veuue oQicers will bo required to board vessels srrivio from China some dilaoco down the harbor, where this species of fraud cannot be practiced on accouut, of tbe depth of the water. Fla.NT.FH. It seem a lulls thing to slander our neighbor; to repeat all tho barm wo have beard of him, to whisper away reputation, and stab bim in tho dark. Yet it is a great mat tor to him, though n small thing to us. e can novcr know tbe amount ot' re peating all tho harm of him we have heard. Tbe human heart is pro no to lsnder,od w should waiokourotlves carefully when we find ha, w are about to speak of our oeighbor. We beard a lady ouce 'say, " I mako it a rule never to repeat anything bad that I bear of another ! I am resolved that I will never take part in iujuriug any one.'' What a wise resolve! Would tbat til mad it tbo golden rule of tbeir lite. How roach misery would be spared, how niuob more kindly would be our intercourse with each other. Why, tho world would bo like F.dcn without the serpent llut Instead of biding tho evil we have beard, how eagerly wo spread it ; how we gloat over tho story ; bow glad we are te pour it into tbe ar which opcu so gladly to reciove it. Deprive u of all Ibat great staple of eonvrrtioA, sladr snd some of us would be at lo4 what U talk about Would that we were ooly a aaxiou to tU th good we know of our acquaintance a w are to tell tb bad ; wbal a charming thing sooioty really would be. There are people to whom alaoder U the very breath of their lifo; social spiJors, bldeous aod venaatoue ia aecret, and in darkness they weave tbeir woa of dUtraotiots. Tbey are , a ear to oeiety. aeaaker worn to tbeir frtead. tho products of China, bil l been o',diwar l,;,s r04' smiles over Dialogue on NieiTspupors. "How does it hippcn, neighlmr II., that yonr children have so much creator progiess in learnihir snd know'- edgo of tin- w.(j'M than niino? Tlmy all tittend tho sntno school, and foe whnr I know, ctijov rqnnl advantage." " J) i von take i lie newspupers nciyli- ,r , r' ' No sir, T do nol file tltrm myself, lnf sotnetinies Apt-roir one, just lo read. I rnv. "if, whit h-ive newspntiers to do willi I'm duration of children ?' ' Why. s r. they h ive a vat deal to In with it, I nnro yu. I shoull n soon think nl Keeping them irom si-hool as to withhnll from them the nowspnper ; it l a litile school In itself. ViAm! new every week it sltrnets their attention, an I tbey nro suro to porn it. Thus, whilo Mtoring tho'.r minds with useful k nowleilgfl, thev nro nt tho simo time aeqiiiringthn nrt of rcvling. I liavc oticn t'cen surprized that tnoti of underfandiog should overlook fM Importnnci'of a nowspiper ins family." "In tru'h, nelghhw 15 u, 1 fre quently think I "hotild like tlioln hut can't afford the expenses "Can't nrfif.l rspi'nsosf What l't mo nstc, i.s tho talno uf two or thrift d iHnr a year, in comparison with the pleiis'ire and ndvantaio derived fromti well condu 'tcd uewspiper T As poor its I am I would rather not for fifty dollars ,i year deprive myself of th pleasure I now enjoy of reading snd hearing my children real, snd tnlle ii bout what Ihi-y hnvo rend in ths newspapers. And then, the reflection that they aro growing up useful snd intelligent ineni'iers of society, t h, (don't mention the p-ponses pay for i uiihk no more ni i.. .'ltlrrs Id Iho Koutli. Tho H u-a' S 'iifh-rw r, an n-rrieul- 1 tnral timgazitie, p:il)liie. nt Atlanta. i leorgia. laues snm? very sjositiin . views of th-' emigration and ialior - inestion of tho Sooih. It savs that alter si sjvi-ro s strtitr'le ss was wit- '. I10" ol 1 10 c'"''"7 is molested either ;n -c unt of his political principle- or ! 1,10 l',1('" of ,,:'' '''"'b; and concludes) ' iriirlo on this uhj -et by observing : " ,l n.rl wij l "n lortliotwjsirlioim 1 ' c,,Arish i nmity, one toward the "t!,rr- VVe w,'nt ,1 ;,r' "" bidh i les I'jit.'lit v:.!i"!i' lv. IJut timo for I "Ur land. Let it bo cli-ri.-hoil, nnd let of tiio S.mlh atrive. sliiuller to vin. It sneh sentiment as these shall uuivor.s illy prevail it will to tiucli better f'r tho agriculture of the wlio'o ran It is tml siTulent th:it tshiiiild bo friendly enouih li buy 1 seii togi'thef. Kitemies willdj i, if a g.i td bargain cm be hal; , when one feels as f reo to exi h itig r m I j trade io produ ts of tabor, li tinJi his own placo better, aa 1 whole couotry gain thereby. " Ticket, sir," sai l a railroal con ductor, pissing tbnug'i one of tho trains tho other day to a jvuscnger. " My face i my ticket, replied the passenger, s " Indeed sal I the eonducfr, r ill. ini! back his wii.-tbanJ, and d s; hiving mast powerful bumh or uve: " well. my oriels aro to pancn ad ticket pising on tbi road. - h And my brrrsess; as director of this rot! quiolly replied tbe pss.-t:n-tier, " is to soe tbst conductors do not knock down." The conductor realjuiteJ hi wrist band. Tux Chinese are said to be remark ably sm-ccf-iful agriculturists. Where maoy of tbe oldor farms in l.Vlifjrui have Income almt vouiplcUly x-ha'i-tod aod unproductive, the Cuioe rrsideuts uak the motl foti.U field ual garden auywhti-, even ou tbe uiot arid patches of eaudy b.ir. Tbey have book tiiviag full aud asioate diieotkrii rcgardiug every branch of agriculture, aod those aro i'u.. ''wed by sccessive guueralivus without ibateriai change. I TlIK existeoct) of gold in California was discovered by Sir Frauds lVako, in 1571', but no notice seems to have been taken of hU report. Th eoi- d'utal finding of golden ssiads on th American river, by Marshall aud Do oett in fit awakened general interest in tbe new El Dorado, and io augerated praciicaUy the bitiiaei of eiiuing gold on the Faeirie ecoL . A c.vsg t fvauoia UariuA is ro!at4 of a Virgiuia bell, who rede so lb dge of a preeipieo, nad defied any won of tbe party with whom she was riding to fallow her. Not a sato ac cepted tb ebsjliogo bM a UaUl io yoata eiood vn hi head ia hi Mddk.', and dared tho radr to do tbat. It Vlatod that th" iVrcVroii hens, ialtvdusMd rn Central Oh within the lt tW year ar gtruitr jwJ NtisfVtioa, ted are biredt ojor txtsiawrtly lha J$t tsnn t t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers