T1JK TOST. Mii'ii.i iiriui ' IKtHSK A FEW f it. ...JVTtK s. 1T0. Proprietors. I iiiniln nt n llimlnr. A Dian who in not stiinrt cnniiL'li fo I .in n (I'-re in not Mimrt i-noitph to run n larm. hiimww tut to l tnndc xmUORJ.OF TOUm. cut id wl.nt l lift alter hnvverp, Joe . . ... I..Mi.ii,M,-Miii,.l i.-r.-l.aM ar, sorted !, A r'!:NTI'C; ll?1ThVB8,f'1 "7.! ' , . , , . . .. from Nirvou Debility. Prematura Decay, 1'" 'V '1 '" Ami mn fm'a mi 1 and u h ir.Tt of youthful iudi-crciion a Hi I (.if iii. In- t ot pnreoo'l in n j will, fur the ' of suffering liuin.inily, t"fo, f -r it fiiiiiir nirre talent to holsend Irf to nil who need il. Hie roeeipt li llirlviiiu fatu it llinn to !.i an livcrocf I'1"' '"'" mtking Hi sim,il i,,,,,,!,,,,,) I I. ., . , .. , , remedy bv which he was cured. SdTjr .it tc.,.,M. 1 1 o ..'.o rnnse ;( creator ' wi;hi;1(t,n rro, hy lht ,,eril.er'e 1:1.1ns ik tl,.: uVpruportmn Lotwern it j rxprri.,iice. can do so by ad lre.ln. in man a uiriM nn.i lis capital. A lartner i.ip'nl is In f-k iM. J ;,,or nnd his Iiiiii y. Jf l.o l,as rn-h. ,o must have no nunc Inn. I than he cu" 'I nroti"h ly wi ll tintinu l.y hi i, n pi-l-soncl Lil.or. Every scr lcyonl tl;t i an ir miiiiI -ranee. One tirre will wr.rlrml ' iTHr? profitable! thnn twniy acres t f- k i ii it, t-1 1 over. It is this peed e f hind ) l v fal iiirra Unit Lave Hot tha capital tn Wiitl; it I'mt k'irpi s.) tunny poor. ' Sin. ill Infill nra I. (Iter I Inn tnr.ro ! , , '.i'. jnirirnrr Miiiru M.n n ifmro capnnl 0r common lilfL' i-jp.i;n aic urucr n.nn nmnll one. Ill I, two hundred nnrn of Innd. in tin' p KM0II Of a ninn Who l.n On!v ( nciili cnpilnl to to k ohd drvclop i ill cr that he pay l.xi s on one hundred inn! innity ncrc whnh ho (loos rot iip. nr, us inoro couimon'v tho ense lli:it he fpromlH Htnnll cnpilal out ovi r llio whole two hundred ; and o tliiu ixit.tl.m it iit liko "pooDful cl ;miio on firnnd Trail ie. I nrmin in n pnod hiisincus for nil turn who Piimliirt it rn liihiin'XH priiw 'ili ni). I Imvo MiiiuI aorordiDfr to the hizo of their farm. If a nmn dorn lint undcrntnn.l hi. businra, ho will I ni, wbothrr ho bo furmor. lawyer, milliliter or mprchnnf. If a man t-ti-mpt lo run a iiiiii, a mr.nnlnotoi-y. I'liiik, dr n I'arui, without oafiitnl, hp will fuil nlike in all or nny vf them, l'tit no sooner in ono than another cf llll'tll. Turminc f"r nmustnicnt is nnntlirr it'd entirely difTcrrnt thii'ir. Sonm nivn prefer ilo; nnd hnrsrn ; homemon pirluren ; omo ninn lund.s.cnpc, rTl drn mil fiinry roeiihoiiFeH, and other f.miy f.;i in.-, :i.s n nitan of agreeably i peiiilini; tlicir lnouoy and ooenpyintr their leuuro. A farm may l o a rirh ninn'a plnUliitiR I In (lo"'H nnt live fi'oni hi proiind. His pround live! (roin him. . II'. Jliohcr, in C'inV f''in I'niun. TV Kr.rp Ciikkknh Hk.m.tiiy. AVu have piillifliril muoh cu thiHuh jeet, but the foll'iwina from a corros (londont of tho Rural Xnn Yurl. fr uppoi tiino : " The way 1 keep my lo I -i in hcallh, I clrnn nut tho hnune enee n week ; put wood n.hcH undi-r tho most ; havo iron Innins for them to drink Irom; n.-h iiiM.le of lieuliouc with hot lime; put n little kerosene oil on the roost oneo a month. Tho muin. food is oat nnd eako or ticmrra rJr oi, J tirfrr icri hut enoo a day ut noon, or when I hlmt them u)i at four or live in tho nfifrnoon. When they run out then give them nil they will rut. Ill my ex ericnee there is no easier way to cl di.4onsed fowl than lo keep tin in Htufl'ed ; it nmkes them lnr.y, and they won't work n ninth as they oilplit to, it keep them in healthy condition. I never had any pipe in ehiekeiiH. Vhen fowls hi'L'io to droop I (irc them thrje Inr'e pills of eoujinon hard yellow nonp ; it is the hest thiti to e'lennsn ix fowl I know of I follow it for threp days; i.'ive them nuthin to out, and plenty ol puro water to drink. In dci-pernte rnsc pivo a half teaspoonful of tinc ture ef lolelia. 1'rWT OP I'lMI'KIX Sfkp on Mm.ch Cow A eorrcspondeiit wtitca to the New Kiiljinl Farmer in rearard to the Kuljeet a follow : " First, I feed my cows ono week with on Inrpe ortwot-ninll pnmpkiua to eaeh row twice ft day. Their milk decreased two or three fpinrt to eaeh cow a day fiom what they pavo tho week previ ous. J then fed them with the Hanio quantity of pumpkins us be (oro, and took out tho seeds. They increased in a greater proportion of milk than they decreased tho week previous. I then fed the ni alternately three or four werk, nnd they varied in their milk very much, o :ho first week." Tho diuretic quulily of pump kin cecdg is well known, and thevwill nlwuy provo injuriena to nnimuU if tin in a Jarpo quantity, l-owls have rnmetiinr eaten of them so largely as to produco death. ToDesthov Catkiu'ii i.rnsoN 'J'bf.es. Tuko common aoft-sosp, and thin it with water so that it will not slip off tho brush, and a person mny ntand upon tho ground and apply it to the nest with ti common paiuler' brush, inserted in a hols hortJ through one end tif a long btrip sawed from a piuo or other light board, and all it tOuehealt will instantly kill. If applied while the nest aro amnll, very few will escapo the first npplicntioo." After the worm nre lare, it U equally effica cious, but much more difficult to apply thoroughly. Any thin oil, or oil uiiieJ with bpiriW of turpentine, ia equally dextructiv to the wornii ; but the loop ht lest) injuiious to the tree. A Fabmf.r having ploughed the land about Ms apple treea for the Brat time, wna surprised by a second Llos souiing about two wee kg- after tht first bloom Lad disappeared I'EACtt-Lf A VE8, bruised, it is raid, aro aspecilio for unr frcHh cut. Lock' Joy in prevented by fcaudaging tbe leaves ou twice a uuy. Api lvinq liquid manure is lilt feed- Ingcooked food ; reoro i used, growth Is more rapid, and returns quicker and larger. 1'otatof.i mushed fino and mixed w hile hot w ith an equal bulk of meal, la tut belt of all puddings Tor futenlog thitkeas fat. It ia proposed to make nnt from pumpkins, which cootaio about four per (1 HAY1.1LL Co., 1 Wnm.MAM Dsaisss m WOOD AND WILLOW WARE (Ml I'loths, Kin. low Shades, Itrnom, Mat, tlrmb Cotton Laps, Ortin Bif, Fly Nets, H.icken, Twines, Wicks, Ad. NVU4) Nona I'iiirJ 3irl, Fliilalulphia. Feb. 7, i." lalt I ontVI.-ni-o. JOHN II. O'lllr.N, No. li Cedar I'.rei-., New irk JKWI.SUUlKi WOOLEN rACTO&YI The subscriber, thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on kit estahlirhuu-nt lit l.niirrllnn, Less lr to liilurm lii ,. ,, bin mill il Lrwulmrn fiiirj up In lh, ,,0 ,,uibl, uianncr wltU lb. Lnlrrt Improved Jlfcc'n'nrry ' n.n,l. In ll. rnnnli-. t.i1 ilh Hilt . If n Inirci of Strain Tower, which em t rrlifj 1 lbM '' '''"'""' ' rrJ 7 anv In ilic hime. llain(t en(riFfi a act of (nii.1 Workmen lie la now prepared fur manufacturing all kinJa vf WOOLEN GOODS SITU AS CLOTHS. r.lSSIMERE.. 8TINKTT3, lWi:i:.S. JKANS. FI.ANNKLS, . llI..NKKTti.C.Kri;T3, YAlLStf, i. fit Ma f,cf manner ami at rrtntnl print. An excellent aorlinent of 0 imla at all limes un lniii.1, fur nil or echniite for Wool. Ri'l.l. CAUI'lMi June en thurt DoticO. t-iy-TEHMS r.sit.-fV!i M AUK II.M.i rENXY. Lwis.ur, I'nlon Co., l'a., IH'C. 4, OS FA I. h AM V ISTKIl, FAFIIWXS! MKS M. A. 1.ISM.U baa Jusl arrited from 1'iiris an. I 1,.hi.I..m wnli ihe In ies (losijiiu personally selected from ilie llie grran-st nutclliea; also Ibe muai elc gaiit Triniiinis lo be aeeured i 1'aria Lneea JWibliona, elvel, llml li cila, FIiiit, Flno Jewelery, and Trimed l'aper rallerns, lrcss nnd t'lnaU Making ExelusiTe neent for Mra. M. Work's cdi tirnit'.l syrieiu fur culling ladiea' Jree, iciiic, .aiiies. ir. N. W. corner of F.letenih and flicalmil Sl., l'liiludclphia. 7,3Jui'j 15. j. cooki: WHOLESALE l'EALER IS CLOCKS ! 14!l SortU 8.1 Ptrcct, I'lilludelpbta. Aug 1 C!'y JO.MK THIS WAY I nitEATDAK fiAINSJIN' NEW GOO at tiir rm:APSTt)iM: of w. i. i: Hiu:it r, VtouM respectfully announce lo the priiple of Snrilcr uunlr that be has inai received from ilie cimicrn uiarkela and Jias for site Inrpo and well selected atock vf ew lloods, wbiub h on era at aslonifb inyly low prljci. Hit Block embraces ibe rcry bl FALIand W1XTKR GOODS lie has Cloths Tassimers, l'oe 8kins Jeans Silineti Alpnccaa, l.uslrea I'elniiu Vupllna 1'iiiit, Muslins Krillinpa i!buls Tumbrics Calicoes. French ihrinoe, English Mnxnoes READY MADE CLOTIIiNQ follkiale; HARDWARE, HATS and TAPS, nitoCEKIFH WALL I'AI'ER, Glee ne a call. QVEEN8WARE, liOOTH & PH0F.3, CAIU'ETISO. 8IIOK FIN'UISaS. No charges made for lii'pecniiR Goods. Country produce la ken In exchange for goods. .way .1, iron iy A WORD TO "CONSUMPTIVES. I'.eiug a short and prsetioal treaties on tbu natiira causes, and syinploms of l'ul mi.iry t'onauuipiion, lironchi lis, and As Ibmit ; and Ibeir prevention, Ireatmeul, aud curs by Inhalalion. Sent by mat Free. Address Q. SAN HUMMEL, V V., 10 Weal Fourteenth St., N. Y. 12. QIIAHLbS H. MILLER, ARlllITKfT (OMU ACTOR I DIILDEK Walnut. Street, Ssliosgrore, Pa. Is at all limes prepared lo furnish Drafts. l'laus and Specifications for all kinds of uutiiiings, at tbs lowest possible raits and on abort nolle. lis is also prepared to sonlrset for pulling up buildinas eliber by furniialnf an ins maierini or aiuerwiss. . May H, 'Co ly AVERTOWN STOVE STORE AND Tinware Manufttclorr. J. P. SHIRK Would respectfully' Inform tbscliliens of esoyuer county tbut bs Keeps constantly on bsnd a largs assorlaisal of OFFICE, ' l'ARLOR.'snd COOK I NO 8T0VE8 Of lbs latest styles and inosl improved Ealeras, among which ar the celebrated mpiro Oss ituroer, the Butijnebanna Cook, ste., which ks Is selling at prises ibst dery eonpstliloa. lis also xoanuras lures and kstps oa bsnd a general assort meat of Blove Trimmings, Tinware As. Bpeolal atlenlloa paid to Spooting and Roottog, Olvs ms a call. j. p. emu. Bsavsrtowa, OeL 21, I860.; 9 m stem JLr.i.'"- cnaatss atecRsaa. cuaslss cawlb t LLEOHENY HOUSE. 5os. 811 i 811 Market Street, (Atoit f.icara,) puir.AnKLriiiA. KLECKN'ER & CAWLEY, raoraisTnm. 0,61lf Terms t'J 00 Per Day. TAMES K. DAVIS HOTEL i J MXlNNlJHOVK. NNTKLH Co.. Pa. HENRY A. HOLia, Proprietor. TM well known House bavlus beon re- (I'tid by Ihe prevent pruiroielor, otfers i oellent nccommO'lalinns lo lbs travt.ing community. Choice liquors and Cigars at ilie Unr, and Ilia Tsblc supplied with the best llio market alTords. A good stable, attended by careful bosllors, In conned ion wilb lbs bouse. April 6'70tf B OOK AOEXT8 WANTED FOR fTUl'OOLES A TRIUMPHS OF V. T. BAKNUjM Wriilen by Himself. In one largs Octavo Vntnmo nearly ROO Pages Printed la Kn: .-h and Ueriuan. 89 Elegant Full pags Kogravins. It embrace Forty Years Recollections f his ltuy Life, as a 'Mer chant, Manaeer, Ranker, Lecturer, and Showman. No book published is accept a l.le lo all classes. . Every one) wtnts It . Agents average from 60 lo 100 subscribers week. We offer extra Inducements. Ill ustrated Catalogu and term to Agsnts ent fre. J. It. RUHR k CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn. ayA) BOOT ft PHOB MANUPACTOY. fH Alwji tip to timet The nnderalsned respertfully aanonnees lo tbs eiliiens of Middleburg sad vicinity, that bs will continue to manufacture M EN'M IJTtKIA, KIP and FINE ROOTS. Women and Cbilren'a PHOEfl, And In short everything In bis line, in the Litest slyle and at low prices. Work made to order at lb shortest notice. Gits him a call before going elsewhere. Ill RAM Bl IiWEMC Al'CTIONEEi:. The undersigned also offer bis service lo Ibe publio Vendue Cryer and Auction eer, iiaiiug naa a large experience, l (eel confident Ibal 1 can give perfect satisfac tion lo all wuo employ me. liive me a trial. 111KAJI PCUWEMv. Middleburg, Ps. Jan 'CBtf QOSCiRAVE II ALL HOTEL. I'CTCR ntOtP, rrofritlor, West Rearer Tw'p ojder Co., Pa. Taks Notice that I have purchased Cos- grave Hall Hotel, where 1 am stwnys pre pared to accommodate Drovers, Strangers, and Travelers. I shall bo liberal In my charges and en deavor to use everybody well who favors mo with his cost cup. If you nre not satis fied, no chargesr' Uivo ni a Sail. April, ' 1 1 f. j 0. EUY ti CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS 'AND COMMISSION MER CI1A NTS, 522 MARKET ST., lletween Fifth and Sixth, 7.11 PHILADELPHIA. 1VEW Rl'lLDINGS. 1 AND NEW PRICES 1 WAr.ESSHU.EU SOX, hereby respectfully inform Ihcir friends and the t.iil.lfo ffiitriillv Ibnt tbev have olieiieJ a .S l'OIU. in their NEW BUIL.DINQ on Ihe spot so long occupied by Hr. Jacob Wngensellcr on lb Isle of line whore they now have and will always keep a large autl well selected assortment of SEASONABLE- GOODS. In ibe Ladies' Department will be found full lins of . SILKS, POPLINS. BRILLIANTS, VICTORIA LAWNS, l'lOI'RED ALPACAS, SWISS MULL, CAMBRICS,, PRINTS, JACONETS, DKLANES, Striped utid Checked Nautuoks, &o alho A fire at Variety of Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Latest Htyle Hoop Skirts, French Corsets, Eall style Bulmoruls, Ladies' Unibrel Ins, Pat-awls and Sua Shades, Bonnet Ribbons, Laces, Ruf (liiipa Embroiders, Lintu nud Paper Collars, iic, ko.,kc. A SI'L EXP ID A SS OR TSIEXTofl JiUO i a & oHOEa ' For Ladies, Misaies and Children, in end less variety, of all siies, styles and prloes, elected for lb Fall and Winter trad. A full and eomplels slock of -CLOTHS. PLAIN AND FANCY CASS I M E R ES.COTTON APES, - JEANS, As., eVe. COAL OK ALL KINDS I Groceries, Qncensware, Hardware, Willow ware, Cedarwsre, Glassware, Ao. All of which having been bontktveru low for CASH will b old at very small profits, uur niou Is V""r '"let and tmau profit. W ahs pay the highest varket prices for all kinds of grain. " WHEAT, RYE, CORN, . OATS and SEED. W ar prepared also to stors goods, at a email charge sad to do a gauernl Cvinmiasioa and Forwarding business. Ws hops that lb publio generally will iv us a call as ws bslisvs it is to Ihsir Interest to do so before purchasing else where. Oive us a trial. . W. t. WAOES8ELLF.R. M. L. WAOENStLLEB. Ma, ,'07, itf , , gAMUEL FAUST, Merchant Tailor, Has just received an entire new stock of CLOTHS, CASB1.MKKE8 ft VE8.TINU8, all ef a superior oualily which b is pre pared lo mak up in lbs best alyle aad ea abort Botic. 1U alio keep Brow and White French Tok Linea Hhirls.aad a gen eral assort meat of gtaiUnieo' FurnUhiag Goods, all of whloh hs offers lo the publio at very rsssonabls prices. i Call at say plaos on Pin 8lrt, ttwe Eckberl's corner aad Us bridge, Belius- Orov. Pa. ' Juns 4, JtJoB if. PARNSWORTU 4 LOWER, Wholes! dtalert Is . , . i . Csdar, Wood aad Wfllev War, Cordage, Brooms, Xjooaing-uia, fo. 2tS. North Third Strest, PkUalpbla. 1 I w.o.iajswoiii. AprSTtrj , e.e.Mwsa t i . . . -IRS J70ST- Iob Printiiir? Ofl'ice, MIDDLEUL'RO, S.NVl'Ea CO.. PA. ALL KIN'DH OF JOB PRINTING NEATLY, CHEAPLY, AND EXPEDIT10CSLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE, i i ' t e r t r. .!.. 1 1 i -1 'l ' '. .' -t ! ce t .K s . .m t -.;rl r J!:.-- . .(.r.'i I VII 'i.l l . -' " i' .'I " -,. .,-.1.1.1, .iiv(j . .. .' 'li ti,ii,l a ' m- . ).-. m .M.uil. ..' ,tn.;s-"i'..!' i ! i'wi:.1'.. Di ,vi.u 1' fiiinr 'Mi if i ''i'.m'i , ,in.y s .i .i. .le n r .!. . I14.I l C'tll'l iskh S I a'.' in r- k).?t r..r..t' -' ; . a. i-i. .'. s. t.l.i-.i ,-. j.A H. WALTER, ' IMTORTERAND DEALER 15 CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARE, ill 5.8J Slrect, brttrecn Race A .Vine 7,2y PIHI.APKLPHIA. Walter & Ilur.si.uii lir.AI.KRS 1M DRY GODDS; GROCERIES. Hardware, QcEENSWARE, Cedarwarb &e. tee. ko. f c. e cEVrncriuLc va. !o Tb H1GIIEHT market VRCES pai I f ir all kink ef Country Proliio lid IMtll-U r null. JARGE ARRIVAL OF "NEW GOODS J;W. DREESE'S STORE, N. f . Corner Market Square, Middleburg. The slock embraces in part Dress Cioods, Black Silks, All-wool Do Laiuef, , . Cobtirp, Merino, ' Poplins, Repps, &o., &o. Muslins, Double-width Sheetings, Drillings. Table Diaper, Osnaburg, Eitra Tickings, Cheeks, Shirt ings, Ginghams, Jaconet," a ', lull iiisortaient of Calicos," . Flnniicls, Hcner twilled, Shirting, . Rlnnkcts, , Ditltuorsls, Hosiery, G lores, &o., Ac. CLOTHS AND OASSI.MERES Ingrain and Linen Carpets. Woolco, Lioen ft cottou Cnrpct Chaiii. READY MADE CLOTHING. Floor, Tublo and EUir Oil Cloths. Hats and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware, Qtieonswnrc. China ware, G lituswsro, Wood ntnl AVillow wore, Cutlery, Oil Window Shado, Looking Gln-scs lev., SiV; Sit. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. SALT cS FISH! The highest market price paid for all kin'ls or country pro.lueo an. I UrieJ liui'.a. Confident i f rendering fierlecl salist'sc tion both in rrg'trd lo prices ahd ijiinliiy of g.iuds. I reitctfu lly invite nil l.i giv me a cull before purchasing r1-c'v!ii'rr. J. W. DllKKE. Iddlebiirg, Jttuunry 7, lt?00y r u u Ann an. D r KKUSTKtrK II UNION HOUSE. GARMAN & KARSTETTER, Vrojmrtor; MIDDLEBURG.Suyder Co., Ps. Tlie proprletors'reapeclfiilly aiinoiinre to ihcir friends and the publio generully I but they have reeled Ihe Fryer tavern stnnd, which has been refilled and replen ished in style, and ia a dsnirabl plao for stranger aad others to slop. Their table is at all limes spread with the luxuries and sutislautinl of tho reason. Tbair chambor ar large to promote tbe comfort of their guests. Their bar is supplied wilh oboioo liquors. No pains spared by lb oroprislor to render eufire atifnc- lion to all who favor tkeia with their patronage. 7-.tif TTENTIO.M i i Hurrah fur the new goo4s Just res selves ijr . .. ' ( .lolin Huffman Al Hummel' sld 8land, (two mile abn Selinsgrov) which was selected wit great care, and will be sold at lew prim It iaolnd, NOTIONS. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, " i HARDWARE. . . Ql'KENSWARE WOOD sand U ILLOW wAItE, riall, l'liuiur, Oils, Coot, Kails, I respectfully invite tbs publio to onme and exsinin my goods before, buying Mtwkcre, hcuavieg tt la bs to jour In teres!.- ' ' 1 also psy tbe highest prices for all ainus or GKAIft. Milil), and all kinds of Country Protfuce. 1 am alao well providec wilb stabling for teams supper Urcakinst anil Long log, for people who eoms . froet a Uia. lanes. 1 alway aocommodato my cu turners lb bust vf my niiility. JOJLN 110FFMA-N.-Octobor 10U 'C7ft . : mi v . ' MKILLtRirtt is aa exeell eat artiole "EUltEKA Kinoklnr Tuhnreo of granula led. Vilgi nia i wherever iuirodused It ia uuiversally admired. It Is pat up in handiouis inn- lin baps, in which orders for'Meurscbauut Pipes are daily packed iiOiuLr.Aitr s Vacht Club fimoklng Tobarro classed by all who consume it as tb "finest of all i It Is made of III choicest leaf grown : it is autl ner sous In lis effects, as lbs Nicotine bis been xtraetad It leave ae dUagraeabl tat after smoking; It Is vary mild, light In color and weight, hence one pound will last a long ss li ef ordinary tobacco. Id Ibis brond we else pack order every day for ortt quality Meerschaum pipes. Try it and eonvlone yourselves it Is ail it claims to bs, "THE FINEST OF ALL." L0R1 LLARD'8 I This bread or Fin nniTmnnis Cut chewing tobao- UPiil 1 UlVX so has no sqasl or mewing Torero. surenor aaywbsre. It Is without doubt tb best ehtwlng (o baoco ia tbs eouniry. , J .ni . ' j ' i. if ' LORITXARD'H I have now beea la C ATTT1?1?CJ tsnsrai uss ia ths OH UIIOI Uulud Mlales ov.r llOyer, aad still ackaewlsdgsd lbs bsst " whsrever usd. U year storekeeper do not have (best article for sale.aak blia to got Ihsra ibey ar sold by respsotabl Jobbers almost every where. Circular of price forwarded en application - ' V .i'..vi P. LOBILLABD, .,', Pse. 2-lsa yew York, Ayor's Cathartic Pills, j punraeew of TJazatfm Perbavx no one medl etna Is ao nnlrenially re quire,! rf every tMMly a a ciiiliartio, nor was ovv any ei'flre mo Hiuvoraul. ir ailoptt"! Into u-. In ererv country nit amon 11 c'Ukmis as UU ntlid but eOlci-mt punralir t'Ut, Ths bvlons rea son is. Out It la a mom r iishls and far m.r sITeo lual retw ly lima any other. .'I'hoM who have Irtst ft. Vnnw lli.it It eitml Uietn: Uioxe win have ant, know that It carea Uwlr DelKhboni and fiirai'ls, an l nil know Unit what It itnt-s on. o tl ilomi alvvaf Hint It nver fiulu Uimuzti any IS nil or nnec f It. rnnuin.iilnn. We have Jnnanils p.n Uion tm. rertlil.'ntar Uielrreioarkalilemiroanr tlie fnllLwinit romnlnlnts, but sii'Ji eurrs are known In very ncisiiborrioml, anil we nei not pnhll.li tlMun. A.ln.t'l to all nin-s ami rnniliUons In all riimutrni eontsininenelthorrniomid or any ileleUrtoasrtntit, llixv may lw trfVcn with .aMy liy aoylraily. ThvV mjrar roatloe rrcnrve ihein ever rroah and makes them iliBnl to take, while being purely vrm-lalile no harm can arlva rrnm their ne la any quantity. Titer oiwrnto tiy llielr powerrul Influence on the Inlom it vKoara to piirlry Hie blouil ami Innnl.ito It Into healthy a "I loo remove Uie olntrurUons of lli stotnii.'h. Iioffrt. Ilrcr. and othir oorans of tii tmlr, retoring their trreirolar adlnQ to henlth, and bv rnrrci'iliiir, vtlierrrrr 1 1 icy esl.t, nuoli ucraoo uienis n are tlie rC rlln nfill-en.!-, MiuiiIk illm lioii" ain Klven In tho wrapper oa Hi,. (. tho r.'lloivlng comilaiiits, wlikh Uies M'iH nu.nllv rnro: ri r liyaM-wlia or IIImIi, I.lailn. neu, Btfirrwnr and lHa of Apaetffe, ih,.y .hotihl l. Ijkin moderately lo etiniti):,tu ttio fltomv aeh awl ni.l'ire lis lienltliv tone and arlion. For l.hee I'maplalatniM Its nrion .rrnp lnrn, Klllowa SSrailscsir. Mich BBradaebd, Jtiitnfllrs or lrrm Alrktiraa, llillotta S'olic and tllllona avsr. they .hnnld ho Ju di luiiily Utkeii for e-h i:as lo convit the ,lea...ed action or n-inove the nroOnii'tion which esnc It. lor ll;,aurr or Btiarrlaaua, but on mild done lii ronerullv reutil. For Rk.nmsllam, tlmnt. Grstfl. Ii1iil. Satlnti mt the BSrwrt, In tho tll, atari. Sji.1 Stla., they ahnuld Ix ronunnoiiiily taken, aa ntred, to elinniri tho diseased aetlon of the sv.tem. Willi such change thos complaints UiMppenr. For BSrapay and nropaleail welllac thry sbonl.t be t ikrn In Inrxn and Irwiucot dow luj ro dure Ihe entvl nf a drantlc pnnre. For aaeraala a laiwo dos should he K tea as it pro-lii.-v. Um dr.frrd ensrt by sympathv. A a IHnnrr I'M, tnko ono or two I'M to pro mte dijre.ti.m and relieve the atnmnrli. An occa.lonal dose sttmutsles tlia stomach and bowels Into healthy action, restore tin appeUtn, and Itivlfrornlpe the l.v.tcm. Hence It Is often aid vantaseous whore no serious tloranremenl eslu. One who feola tolerably well, often flnda that a doiaj of theae I'lll makes lilni root decideilty better, from their rican. ins and rouovaung eilacl on Uiadijtw live aiipuratua. PB. J.C.ATtn CO., rraerlraf ChtmUU, tOirXLL. MASS., V. M, A. QALL AT Focklcr's Saloon. (Opposite .Shindcl & Wageusel'.cr's drug store) IN SELIXSGEOVE, If you want a gli's of good Ki: VI)l(i Mils! OU A riatc of Ice Cream! oa OYSTERS, prepared lnany way that can be desired, OR A Plate of Fresh Tripe, OR SARDINES; SCHWEITZER. LIMDUKQER OU HALL CUUidE, , , , OR ANY THl.N'a USUALLY KEPT IN A PIR8T CLASS RESTAURANT. , i . . -. i, . . ' i : .! ' .at . j' ' . .. I . ! , 1 HV ! ... , , gtSTOiher Saloon supplied with Ale aud Oysters at Wholesale prices, tug , ( i .. . : ' ; -."V .1 ... '.li.'.. u ' . "' ' , ' li. t .. ,u, . ... I 1 O 'H j .. , i'H .: 1 f . ' ,i " i' .tie .,! ,. 1 t' .,).,., ' '.;). 'i -, ,i o . . ' . .i i .' 1 i .:,( f ,. ' I .' .' u. . -: i.i'. 't. If i t . . . , ., i ' U " !il ' 1 '.'!. '.' ' ! I I. :'!! roe all tbe Medioliie. Z-.im r aJ i alien gCIIOCII ti DROTIIER Voiil.l rr'pecKuily announce to lbs nenTtta ef Rnvdof. fni,n,w am.I tha n.il.l . g nerallr, that Ihey hare lust secured' and will constantly keep on hand and for saie, a very exttneiv assortment of - KEW GQOSS, In Ihcir Commndioos New Room opposite tb Hank, Bclinsgrcve Pa. T1IKY WIJ.lTeLL AT RE DUCED PRICES I Their extensive slock ennslsts ef a well elected assortment of FALL A WINTER flonl'3. They have CLOTH!; CA8SI MERS, plain and fancy, Hallnetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Muslins, Drillings, flannels. Checks, &e. Also an elegant assortment LADIES' DUETS GOODS ! , SilU, IJoinlmzinoe. Alpacas, Rlnck nnd fancy )elnins. Lawns, Giophnm, a luro variety of fine White Goods, LADIES' FASAIONARLG COATS, IIoo, kirt.i Shawls, tic, &o. HEADY MADE CLOTIIIXO.Coats, vests, Pauls, Shirts Ac. A variety ol NOTIONS &H0SIEUY. ColhiM Linen nnd Pupo.DrcKraTriiu niinps, Putlogs Corsts, Zocphyrs roimnon nnd split, Moravian and Shetland Wool Ac. Ac. FISUsjSALTAND IRON HTEEL. 8TOVEH, FORKS. SHOVELP, PPAHE8, RAKES. OLAPS. NAILS, PAINTS, llnnlwaro Qneonswnre, Olnssware, Ccdurware, Willow-waro Crockery, PLASTER, TYhito & Dine Also, a large quantity of different kindest UA1S A; CAPS, ROOTS & SHOES. ofcvciy rtyle, variety and iiualily. Alto, all kinds uf CARPETS. t5cC. f?rnrtM-f a of alt kind. fVo.1i fr- the Philadelphia nnd New York Market. w.. . ,. . . .. . iupy Keep cousianny on nana a largt suj'jiiy ci WHITE LEAD AFD PAINTS. rv crv elm lit tintl tirtn isaIvI sl.pa from ihe ninnafficiurei nl connequ?ni!y vn., ra n ea. wVljr lUWCBl JiriCeS. AltO tin Kimia ui OILS. WHALE. RROWN LURRICATING, SURaTITl'TE ami l.INTSRCli nil for Painting. To the latter Ihey eall pv liPtltnas tlllaHlinn a m la t-A.ul a- t i . ... .a. ..) emrs is, B lilHtff oil for oolnrrJ pnliiiln, tnil cobIs bat on lllnii I uv iiricc, IltKhcsf prices raid for Countrv rroauuc nna All Kinds of Grain, f-j''Oiro them a trial hefurer' tng elsewhere. CIIOCH& BROTHER. They are also the agents forOElSER' PATENT FLY l'.EUl'LATINO CRAP i-KPARATOH CLEANER AND BAGGE1. The luiest Improved and most celebrate in the world. Just the Machine IV" havo heen seeking after for yea. will llirni-h from 'JD to -10 Rimbels hour, cleanrd rca forinnrket. They will se these m hlnes iluii uieritsWarraued as reprcsentc April 18, 'C 1. Y. SIIINHKI., St. 0. I'UII.IP SWII JEADTHIS. Mlllldc ' AND hwlv I DUCCIHISTS AND ClIEM Olfer for salo Wlllit.KSAI.R asn Rrtaii., Ditto?, MEDICINES, PAINTS t CUE Embracing PURE ZINO PA I' ll reen, Rlue, Yellow, Red and , Paints ground in Linseed Oil, . Deiiar Varnish spirit Turpentine, Counl. Coaeband VYbil DRYING JAPAN, KNOTT Hludow Class, rutty. Nne Oil Ale Staucii, Inoioo, Vsrmillioii, Pair VARNISH UROSHES, ' M Sllt aud Ftmalt Trutttt and -8117. ye Btulls Concentrated Lye, . FinsPpon, SPICE8.C0UN BTARCH BIRD BE1 Fl'iecr and Garden Seed, Ts which tho attention of dealers i called, as w e will sell at the very low. Carb Prices in quantilie to suit puieh sers. Wexlso koop oa hand aud offer f ale Wholesale and Retail, all lbs W ing Patent Meiljoines. Also, NOTIONS. CONFECTIONERIES. TOUACl'O KKO tB Middleburg, buy dor Lo. Msrch 81, lt7. .. 1,.. PUILADA. It HEADING B. Through Route to ths Susquehanna 1 rilUK Shsmokin & Trcvorlon Rail'" X being oumpleled, a Ibrot-gh roiil'l opened between llernuon (on the Buss' banua Itlver) and Philadelphia, V will run aa follow t - EASTWARD. - No. 1 Pssscng,' leave TrevortonS a m,i Pliamokiu &u ui,i arlves al l adeltihla t 1 00 in. No. 8 Passenger levs Herqdonat? I m.i Trevorluu 10 07 a m,; Shsoio 0 65 a m,; arrive al Pbila t 6 45 P No. b lulxoa, loaves Uorudon at'.1 Trcvorlon I'i m.i Sbao-ekia 12 37 p i rives at roiisviu at o 10 p m WESTWARD. No. 2, Passsugrr. Leaves PhllailelH 8 15 a m 1 bhamokin 4 'JO t to 1 Trei 4 DO p ni 1 arrives at Horn don at 6 ! raj No. M. mixoj. Leave Aabland at 1W1 a mi Pbamokia UK'Jtni arrive at v vonoa 10 'SI a ni 1 lieradoa l'i 'M p T0. No. 10, mixed, Leaves Aabland at m .A, p it 1 bbauiokin 4 60 p aa 1 artlvss. Trevorleu at b 80 p m. l'assvneer train Noa. landlswil connection at Heading for AlUaiowa.'ji Vrk Labanon. ll.rrl.hni-. . rnlusil4 - ' . mi m aad Laavaalsr. psssseuf ers arriving la Bhassokle KOKW, about 10 a m, ean soaaest ll No It Passenger, at 10 bi n as, fee. i ritT delpbla aad intermediate point. 1 1IIU arriving oa lb NIHW Paascager M wf at IS lOaooiu oaa-conoMt with Ns.,wnv which leavaa Bkamokin a 11 IT for 1 HO0 land, Mahanoy Cily, Taniaqua and t. vlll. - W. H. ttlNNI4,f Aug J, '09. tiHpL. Creese en 1 firs Em iVtrsl I'tlieai Jltaha Offioe LE 4 seals and' iN-hl 11 J