The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 09, 1870, Image 1

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    CC U. rZ ' -.J
T H E .POSJ.,,
no I ii I 'I mi mil' ti
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'" 'I "I 1 ' ... ,11 ;, .,,. .(JtTf !-, 1
I l .....
CH0T8R A BLUER, Proprietor.
tvij - ---
Terms of Sabecripttdfl. "
two DOLians Tift ann w rytM
wiinio tii nonisa.r i-x.ou ir not paid
wifbln ih year. No paper diacotitlnmrd
nnm mi mrrmrnpe are paiu. Unless (I
. ri6 frfh eiiMisWr 1 i
rTrrTAnf.E) iir. VAC - 1
njr anil Halt, a nana-a
I ldrrilld o tollier beeom BubtoriberS,
nl ar Habit far the price of Ik paper
Miridlcburir. fit..
Offer! fall proleaiional amices lo th pub
lic. Collections and nil (Mhfr professional
btulneii entrusted lo hie cure will receive
prompt attention. Jon 8, XTif
SelinHi'i'nvn Ph..
Offer til professional service la the pub
lie. All buiinrn entrusted lo hit cart
will bt proinplljr tltendtd In.
IJan.517, '0711
1 W. KXIOUT, 1 !
Fi-ci-lmrir IV.
Offart bit Provisional service lo the pub
lic! All busineia entrusted to. bis care
will bt promptly attended lo.
Jan 17, '0711
WM. VrtN (iKZKR,
Iicwi"liirir IV,
offer Ma professional service lo iha pub
lic. C'ollcoliona and all other l'rofereion
al business entrusted to bit car will re
wire prompt attention.
Gi:o. F. .MILLKU,
Iicwicliiiri' Tn
Offeri Lis rrofeMUnal acrvice lo Hie lib
be. lollectlona ana all other rroretMon-
all buainrta rnlrunleil lo bia cure will re
cei prompt Bllcniion. Jan. 8, u7if
f A. LINN,
Iitwinburi; I'u.,
OITrra bia profeailonal rerricea lo ilir
public rollecliona and all other pro-
lfiinunl biiainea rnimaleil I ibelr.taro
nil! rectivepromptaiieuilou. Juo. II, '(jill
cliiiMj;iwe Ph.,
OITera bia profeFJionnl aervicea lo the pub
it Colltctiona and all oiher prornaaional
luiineaa aulruaied lo hi car will r
ctire prompt allcuiion. Office two iloora
north of the Kejratona Hotel. Jan 5, 'U7
SolinNtrrovo Pn
OITera hie rrofelonal (errlcva lo the
public All bii'ineas cnlriiaied to bia
car will bo promptly attended lo. Cnl
leeiioD made In nil rarla of lb Stale.
llleean apeak lb Fnpl'nh and Oi-rman
language fluently. Omce between Hull a
nnd lb l'o.t Ptttce.
HI (V nntil w av Hfl mi ii
Midtlluburg .Siiydci County Piim'ti.
funic a few Uoora West of Hie .1. O. on
Main alirel. Comuliation In Ennlinb
hud Oerninn lnnguaKe. ' f cp.'OTlf
Lcwihbiir Pn..
Iffera bia profpaalonal anvlecalo ilu pub
ic All biiine enirii.lcl lo bia cure
nill ba nroniMlv allendvd to.
I Jan. o. in ii
BTcraona In need of ood ami durable
InOWlUg .IIIOUIIIQ CUD u ncvuuimv.t-ii.-ii hi
rraioimble prioea by cilling on on 8am-
ici. i At bt, Ageui, neiinagroTe.
I Jan. i. tni
Midilloliiir Pa.,
HTera liU brnfeasionnl aerTlcoa lo tha cil-
llitens of Middlcburg and viclniiy.
L.Murcu ill, in
Soliimgrove Fonn.
Peon Twp., Snyder Co. T
Jtoknoa Township, Snyder Co. Pa.,
trill attend io all buaineaa entrualed to
ii ear and on lb nmat reaaonabl
lirmi, . ' . Marcn is, dbh
Centre vlUCi fnsder Co., I'a.
tfer LI profctalonal acrrice lo lb
abllo. 0 8r
Port TreTorton Pn.
lfTr 1.ta Turnfi'inlanal aenloe to lb
liilient of Ibi plaoe and vicinity. He
I. Minn anil KnoltMb. E ' '
i lApru uo s
W ,
, . Fiooburu? Suvder Co. Tu
Stoat reaped fully offer bia terrier lo
it publla vtnau uryar ana Aueuon
r. Hln bad a laria experiance. I
fdoonrdnt tbatl ai rendar rperfcel
aiuiMUOB 10 my oiptuyaea. .,,
lyan. if, on
Ofio la Court Houee, (8ept.lfi, 07lf
A,lN.322 N. THIRDS'
U. U. MANDEUuACirPaop n.
J. C. Mr K. Clark
D.41S 41fl North Third Hireau , .'
, I uiiauaipnui.
latloncri, Utank book Mttoultotarca
id draltra in Wrapping, lilaallnc, Cur.
Kl nd Walt papar ftptr 1 0 Oan-
rai job rrmiara ...
k 2UI Xortb Third Mwal aba- Bm
l -tba
F! r.rj
VOL. 8.
' 'llcallli la Wcultk'
. A clear bright eya
Thai can pieroa tha iky
With thi airengih of an englea'a tlaion,
And a brnin
That can bear Ihe alran ' '
And ibock of lb world' eolliaion
A well-knit frame,
With a ruddy flams
Aglow, and the pulnea leaping
Wilb lh mcMiirod tiuia
Of a diiloet rhyme,
Tbcir beautiful record keeping '
A rounded cheek,
Where the roaee apeak
, Of ft oll that I rioli for Ihrlrlnj, ' .
' And a cheat ao grand
That tha lung expand
Exultant, without tha atrivlng j
A breath like morn,
With the erimaon dawa
t traih In it dewy weetnaa j
A manner bright,
, And a apirit light.
With joy at It lull ooniplelenea ;
0, glre me thec
Nnlure'a harmonlea.
And keep all your golden Ireaaure ;
For what la wealth
To the boon of health
And ita awcet attendant pleaaurea I
l'hrtnologital Journal,
Lote l p an Apple Tree.
There waa a aral in the appla tree,
A nioel delightful and cony nook t
And one aftirnoon about half-pant three,
Kilty ant thera reading a book,
Her fnir head bar with no hat lo mar,.
And her ilreia jimt abowed one dainty
bool :
And boaniv her a heamokfJ hie cigar, '
And he cam no J itood al tha ladder fool.
Kitty bnlf blushed, then amlleJ and eaid,
Won't you ciiuie up and ail here now ?"
And Killy'a brother, a boy to JreaJ.
Haw and deiermined taraiao a row ;
Ho ho crept lofily iinde Hit tree,
LiHluuing lo all they had lo aay,
I'M the inipiih brother, and aly aa could bt,
Pelted tbe ladder and bora it away.
Then Ibry aaw him : and aba. with a frown
Paid Wlinl will that awful boy do next?';
Aud alio cnlltd biui the gretcsi ecamp in
Yet I don't belioet tht waa very much
For her lipa auiiltd though her eye half
Aa rhe anw lb poniticn of mailer now,
And be came over and aat by her aide.
Leaving hit place on Hie bough.
Whut could Ibey do t They were enplWca
. I bare,
Held aa if by an Iron band ;
Kitty toaaed back bar golden hair,
Aud rtflcciiiely leauod bar thcek go) ker
hand. - -
If," aaid he, wt for help abnuld tail,
They'd laugh lo act un in auch a plighl.
So He'd best may here till the abadowa full,
Or till toine out cornea iu eigbh"
And iomo one did come. It Wat Kitty 'a
Who pavard tbe Ire bia foot'lepa (raved,
And law through the learea alighted cigar,
Aud a niaaculino arm round a feminine
Kitty looked down and bluahed at one.
And looked up a bluahed ill Ibe other j
rtuid ber fmher "Tbeae are nice goinga ou!"
fcuid abe It la all ibo fault of my
What was the end? I'll tell you I hut,
Some mom In after, 'mid ailk and lace,
A"d ribboni and richea, aome ladlei eat,
Who were discussing ibo lime and place
A lo when so ran lliuir debaia
And where a certain wodding ahould bt;
Then that impish brother waa heard loatate,
' It bad better com off in Ibe apple
tree." Untom A4vrtutr.
Mroug-ailudetl Government..
" la Mr. Cut la iu 7" asked a gentle
man, who, having knocked nt a door,
was aaluled by a woman, from no upper
window, with, ' WoH, wbat'i wunlln'
" Yes, he' in, or about somewhere,
I luppoao' abo replied ; " but I'm
Mr. t'utta when any business U to be
done. He' Mr. Cutta eatin' an'
drioklti,' gloppin' sometime 1"
" Well, my good woman," aula tbe
gentleman, " I think be will ba Mr.
tntta lor my buaioea, too. I wish
to Bee bim.,T - . . ,
" Wbut do Ton want ofliira T" ask
ed tho shrew, thrusting her head still
lurthor out ol the window. f . ..
" To do aomothinj Tor me, but I
uiuat tco himself'' was tho roply. - - 1
" It's raal bubineaa, for pay, or only
favor you wont? I can lot your
homo bare a peck .of oats or I eno di
root you to tho to tho shortest road to
the lour ; Comoro, r I ranI can
why, I can do auytbin for you thtU
be could, and a cood doal morel I
take tbo mouey and wriio tbe rtoolpta
and pay tbe mon, and I Jake off tho
produce ! ' I'm aa good a Judge: PC
stock as he Is, and I oaa't ie bout en
horse flesb.''
u But," laid tbe gentleman, draw
ing down his fact solemnly, "yoq can't
take bia plaoa now. Find biin for tne
utouco.' , ;j i mi Htf'-if I
lbs abrew waa-baflod.'eaLook-a-bere,;
taiabtr,1, sh eostiuaedi t may
be 'you 'don't (nof ' tbo efreum-
Uncos of thai caso,, 'Tbit bora farm
is mine, and It was nr father's atorc
mo ; and Cutta, be hain't no more say
to It than that hen down there has.
And beside, I'm aevou - years older
than he is, a foot higher, and weigh
twenty pound mots I What's , yoor
business on my plate, if I may tusks
SO bold f" : ,i . , - ,
" To seo and talk with your bus
band," repliod the trentleman, getting
out of hi sou hitching his bone
to a post, as if ba meant to ty until
he did see him, '
Bo you a doctor I, Causo tbors
ain't a li'ln', thing the matter with
Cutis. . He's the wolloit man la tbo
town, and so be I," said this " womsa
for tho times." ' ' "
"No, m rood womto, 'I'm 'not a
dootor, Do you think yoor. hojbaoJ
i II f II I 1 Irl
A U I V II v Iv
t 9-, - .Kl
w .! li I
will beinsioaf Send that boy to
Bnd him I" aaid tho stranger.
Tbe boy looked up to bia mother'
faoe ; but bo knew hia own interrsta
too woll to start without ordcra
" Then you'ro a miniHier, I suppo-e
liy your black coat. I mny as well
tell you and save yoor tlnip, that wo
don't so to mooiio' and don't want to.
it ain't no uw for you to lenro no trnets
nor nothing ; for lit a bijr diary and
liaitit no tiiuo to idle away readin , aod
I keep hint at it so early and Into,
that when hu's dono work be'a glad to
go to bod and rest!"
"I'm tio minliier, madam : I wiidi
I wis. tbousb, for yourrnko," tho gen
tleman. Soml tor your husband ; I
cannot wait much louger. I must soe
him at once.
Tho boy stnrtod to hi fact ga!u,
and looked in liU mother's eye ; but
it gave no marching ordi m.
" Look--bere, uiiatcr," now appear
ing at the door, and looking defiantly
at him, " you're a school maator a
bunt in' up a district school; and you
think ho is a committee man ; but he
aiu t tuts year. '
' " I never taught school aod never
mean to," guiJ tho stranirer. ...
" Ma'ntn Cull's," as her oelahbora
railed ber, dropped her hands at her
ide and hearcJ s groan. She bad
found a man alio couldn't manitge.
" Seo bore, uow, mmtcr," ebo said,
' I'm ono of tbom who can't bo do
reived. I , can rend a body right
through, aud I know what you was
tho blessed miouto I clapped my eyo
on you,' I can toll by your cverlastin'
oruiu' that you nro s Iswyor. We
liniut got no uarrel j ilnu'l wnut no
ducdidrawcd tr wills made; ao ifyuu'ro
hunting n job out of my husband you
mny ns well unhitch and drive on.
We koovv enough to make a little
money, aud I know enough to bold on
to it." .
" My good woman you ruirunder
atand my errand. - I can lull no peraos
but hiinnolf what It is, and I uu't tell
him in eonfidcnrt and alone. If he
chooes be mny break it to you iu tbo
best wny bo can " .
' U, my goodnpH sukes aliv !
Brother I. it' s blowed up io a MiMis.
ippi boat, I betl O, Iu me, tbe poor
fellow ! IIo loll a liltlo somelbiog,
didn't bor
' I. never beard of him, snd nobody'
' blowed up' that 1 kuow of," replied
the gentlemnn.
' O, now I know 1 You're tbo man
that wunts to go to Congress, bu, and
bar oome berwa liaatiai' aftur vote.
He chant vote for you I I bate politi
cian, especially them lo thutgou agin
women, and thinks tliey'ro mado to
drudge, ami natbin' else 1 I'm for free
and cijuiil riuhtk for while (oiks men
and women for Script ur ys 'there
it-n't neithor men or women ; but all's
ono in politic.' I bolievo the day's a
coiyin' when such as you will have lo
bow tho kneo to woman, afore you cao
get the big pluces aod pay that's a
eatin' us up with taxes I You can't
see my husband ! We are goiu' to
tho polls on tbo way to the mill, and
I'll promise you he votoa right."
"I'm no eandidato, and I don't
know who you are talking aboat. Ab,
thero cornea tbo man I want I" And
the strangor thon wont towards Mr.
Cult, who bad just leaped a puir of
bars wbiou lad from too potato putcn
into the lune. - ' 1 r' '
Mrs. Cutis flow into lbs houso for
ber sunbonnct, to follow them ; but
the time alio got to tho bars, her mys
torious visitor sod Cults were driving
rapidly down the road. . . "
Tbo strong minded woman shouted
nftor he husband, " You'd better eome
back, I toll you ! ' But the wind was
tho wrong way, snd carried ber words
into tbe potato patcb. .t
' Sir," said the contlcman to honest
Cults, 44 1 have a very aim pie qneation
to ask you, but I shall bavo to ask you
In coiiQdeueo, I , will givo you five
dollars if you will proiuiao not to re
peat my words until to-morrow." '
" Wall, air." .replied j CuU. V 1
shouldn't like to aoswor any questions
that would matte trouble among my
neighbors. ': I have my hunda lull, I
cuo tell you, to keep out of scrape
now ; but 1 vo done it, snd . baint an
enomy in tho world, ns I know."
. " But. sir you needn't roply to my
question, uulena you aro perfectly will-
iug,r aaid the stranger.
! Aiktyayr. qsaption," said Cutis,
" and- r will not repeat It. li "
" Well, Mr. Cult
Well, Mr. Cutis, lam laying feao
00 "1 "rt,,7 PJftC
bought, and , I w
quiro.df yoa whore.
on tho Brlaley place, that I have just
WM diroetca to. in-
quiro.df yen whore I aouhli buy Cedar
posts. A fellow in tne store aaiu,
CutU can tell yoa if bis wifo will let
him; , but she won't, She'll insist on
tctlinc you herself, and perhaps offer
to driv with jrou, .Voraverjou go to
eider them.'
, ; " I told (hem I would see you, sad
lak yoa only and tbe youug lellows
bet ot it. ... They are to gits you ten
dollars, sod to two or three widows in
town a cord of wood each, If I succeed
In asking you this question alone, snd
making sure your wifo does not know
my business, until ' stVor breakfast to
morrow morning." .......
Cutis knew bis wife's " standing"
too well to fool Very atuaitive, and tak
ing the bill Irom tho ausoger. ho smil
ed aud aid
"I will go. with you to look out
cedar posts and keep dark, for th
joke's asks t but I Uoo'k know as
tot II 1st me stay iu toe bouso to-ntgnt
for I don't own it,'; replied 'tbe " food
natursd Cults. . - .,' .,.,..
" Suppose you go to my pise and
see to settinn tha posts, I will ssad
boy to tall hsr you had to go oft Bud
donly oa a littlt boslasss, and will be
bnok in the morninu," said tho atrao
gor. i .
" I'll do tbat," replied Cu't. " for
I never quarrel with hor, but let bnr
have her own way. I don't want to
worry myself about trifle."- i
"Good man," said the Nt rancor.
" there aro no trifles io this life, i Tbo
amallost act is impurtaat, and thisea.y
good naturo of yours will ruin your
family.' Itattla that spirit ta-day, and
next Hunday tako yoor boys sod goto
tbe houso of Uod, whatever she says
and be s real man st the head of your
own house and family." ,
" It is rather late ' to begin," said
Cutta, shaking his bosd In a way that
would havo warned other from the
trap in which his feet wore fast
M You see the purso is hers," ho a ti
ded, and that baa been a eruclor
fetter than har will te me. Hut I will
try to heciii anew, for Iter good as well
ss the childres's.1"
Tho boy was sent with tho mcsaae
but tho boy wuso't sharp enough.
Ma'am . Cutis tjiseovcred tho whira
bonts of her lord, tsoklod op snd teul
sftor him ,
-All the way homo and far into the
night alio used hrr eloquence, both in
pleading and threatening!!, lo find out
the tnyitcrioiis ei rnnd ot "that hate
ful town nabob that bad eome into
town to scperate happy families."
But Cutis yielded himself up to a
" dumb spirit'.' for ths night; and oo
measure could induce him to talk ou
any 'ubjoct, lest abd abould pry the
mighty secret out of him. -
Abmt midnight sbo woro hcraoU'
cut and went U sloops but at break of
duy alio beguu ngatn. . lie tuon ven
tured lo say, ' ss soon us breakfast is
over, I'll bicak ths news to you."
" lou'll never est a niumol in my
house, I can tell you," oriod Kmilippe,
' till you've (old me what thut man
wanted of you I"
" Then you'll wait a good while to
hoar It," aaid Cutt. " for I've vow'd
I'd novor tell it till I bad first eaten
breakfast I ' aul with thej words he
wootout. ..,
Ma'am 'Cults endured the torturo as
loog a possible, and thon gut break
last. Sbo called ut Ibo door to no ono
in particular, " cotuo I"
But vutts didu t Ccimo. After
awhile hlio weat out to the barn and
found him seated ou an up-turned
balt-bushol measure, calmly peeliug
and eating a raw turnip
It does seem as II this bets man
bad possessed , you 1" she cried. " I
never saw you ajtelf.willovl aforer'.tce
1 took you borne t Your breakfast Is
cooliu' i do cotuo la 1"
Here w a point gained.
Cults wont in and req'iestod, and
ate bis breakfast. When that wusover,
ma'am settled herself back in her
chair, with hor faco full of euer ex
pectation, and said :
" Now, begin. What did that ere
man want?'
Ho wanted -soiio cedar put","
replied Cults, calmly, without looking
up : " and that was all I"
If an arrow had struck Ma'am CutU
she could not have manifested more
surprieo and shame.
lam the laughing stock of thi
town,'' added Cults, " aud from this
hour I turu ovor a new . leaf. I'm
honocforth head of mv family, and
unluse this house uuJe mine, I -hall
Gnish off a room in tho barn which
Is mine and you will be weleomo to
tbaro it with me. If not, I'll llvo there
with the boys, aud you will God mo a
civil neighbor.".
Ma'am Cutis' power was broken.
Sineo then the farm has been ctlled
" John Cutis', plaee," . and ho H tbu
hesd of the hotwe. '
A Distinction Without a Dtr- Sift the matter to the hot
torn, and but little difference in prin
ciple will bo found between tho free
traders' who are operating ander tho
peoions guise ef rovsnuo reformers,
and the out-and-oat repadiators. As
the Govercinent is situated there can
bo 0 such issuo ss free trade for year
to come.' " We have a national debt on
which tbe i intorest must ba paid, if
we do nut repudiate it. We cannot
raso tbo necessary mvoouoto pay
this interest without a high tariff;
aud a high tariff that does not discrim
inate ' in favor ot Amorican manufac
turers.. A.. tariff aven per
coqttgtfttti all Imparts .'wtthoujt Jcer
ence to their character or Ibe condi
tion of the market,' would, In tansy
iostaoecs, be ono of the most oppres
sive measures ' that any Government
ever adopted. Kvea England, with
her free-trade palaver, would not ven
ture upon such fe coarse. Her tariff
discriminates, and ' I levied so as to
fsvor her cwn interests ss - a nation,
and the intereats of her oiliteos most
effectually. We must, therefore, noi
only bare a tat iff a protective tarltr
an well as a revenue tanrt. loose
who talk otherwise ure simply work
log la the iotereet of England and a
oltlsb few, or are reptidlaiore at wast
of tbo first water wbo would 7oU for
" Young Greenback" or anybody else
who would embarrass our finsnces snd
aod" foroo repudiation upon Ibe coun
try. It matter very little to which
class they belong. Their works all
tend the same way and to the same
end, ana can result la nothing but
mischief. If they amount to anything
stall. In word, are taMsryif ae
isN. Before ws do tbal ve must au
oually pay tbe interest oa It. Te do
this we vat have) a high tariff. cAnd
a high tarttr,' to' futnlsfc tk erttsHdepoitA Ye, aotwitbsuading. ho
amoaat of revenue and rovw tlie kasll Wfi" as astaas worth' over lorty
huNeasosae, ; murit be dweritalMUpgiioousaoauoiiara, ms resattvr industry,
and PstsUv. v.Vuwt Guriruit
Pepper Pods.
If ytt bov got a spirited and noh'e
boy, appeal tew In gonnriiniy ; iT Vtl
bov got a heavy aud sullen one, appeal
lowjiis back. ' '
A nrato luenny ov our peoplo go
abroad'tew itnprovo their mind) wbi
h idn't gt eney mind w hen they wnr
at home ; knowledge, like charity, shu 1
begin nt home, then Riired.
AlDitk-ihum aro the compliments
that Ileavoo pays tew thrt vlftcwon.4
Noboddy bit a phool will spend biz
time ti'ioiu to convinen a phoil.
Time is like money, the less wii hav
ov it tew spare, the further wo make
it go.
Tho tonguo h really a vorry fast
member ov the body poltiiok ; he dux
all tho talking and two-thirds ov the
Tlmro it moony n persons who k.m
set a mousetrap tew pcrfeekhun, but
not sntiffled with eieh small gntno, Un
dertake tew trut lor bear, and eit
ketohed by tho bnuxN. Moral Ktn l iy (
vuro geiiiu". and sti'lc tew iho miec.
'Lot lum g'Miii H-'ii.-n d nnane.Mil'w""IJ "mo M'l'ver witu i..y : ii t
falhor to bia boy. M ho hud 'ht n I
young rabbit, "ani when ho got big-1
... . . ...
gor kcleh bun auin. ' 1 lie boy did
a, ho wua told, and liar, been I'lokiti'
for that rabbit uvur since.
Tho world owes ull iU energy and
refinement tew luxarys dijinj root
for breakfast and going naked fur I
clothes, is the virtowous of"!
of a lazy savago.
There. Ix lots ov folks who eat ne'l
and drink Well, and sleep well, and yet l'"' drunkard or criminal cf hi- hom..
aro sick all tho titn.t these aro'the",'J lril""l, " t ' ti his b ai t ; hut
fnlka who atwur. eniov noor lienlth. s'eak to him ef bis in ither, nil I recall
Apcrstu With il little stnatteriii ' ov
learning is a good doul like a hen's egg
tbat bat been
set. on fi.r n hIhu-i I line
and deserted by thu ben il i.s spilt for
batching out ennything.
" l'ejplo of good senso '' nre tho'-e
whoso opinions ngreo with ours.
Th a re it n grain doal of magiiilieeiit
poverty Id our big eitys people who
eit klain oup outov a tin buia wit!i a 1
gold spoon.
The place wliar piverty, virlew nnd I
luv meet and woisliip together, iz the)
most ask red spot In this universe.
liipencuce uou t tnako a man so
hold ax it duz so careful
l'rido never forgets itself, never haz ! lljeetit Jevelopments has disclosed I ''"' c" ".ltr 'i"iel'
a playspcll or a frolick j .it is stifr from 1 the fa. t that, whatnvcr nuy he .lolin1"1' ','c"iut of his j-.l'iijo it juIiKipes m
morning till night, from top to bottom. 1 Chiiutiiiin's ehurteomings, h p i.-ses-es! !1"-' I'1.""1' "f ,,is '''''th; nn I cmi-Iii les
H.U. BIBII PK..V. (III. 1 l.ll llllll' III
There aioVbut liftlo tloowino cuod jing th la.r to a le
s'odso In tbN world enny now. uiid,aoy.vr .n;le.
likeasletl Stitko. .
what lltllo thare i ain't iu luatket
it is held for a dividend.
IIioeo who trivo maao np tnarc ine pro'titcu ot t inna, na 1 been .!
minds tew lend a life of enjoyment will ! at remarkable low rati;, wiiluui any
find the following recctpeo a grate !npi.iiVLl reasjii thorelir, mil Hit
help Vv ihem ; " To ono nuneo ovfi oveuuo oflieers. having an ink. in,; lint
picture a,ll n pound ov repentance.'' 'all was not exactly rigl.t, iu-'irited
Adv-ui.iyi a potilteas which redjoe-j niquirif.s iuti the matter, r s iltmg in
out vun'ly aud stiviigtbens our Vincw , the diseoveiy of a wholenaie sy-t"tuot
oven a b"V never feel half so gool nz 1 Miiugg'iug, I'V whieli tlu gveiii u nt
wl cn he hat Icon spanked and SH
aw "iv to cool.
i'edentry islbo sctcneo nf investing several year, past a large u i'ti '..! .e
what littlu yu know iu ono kind ov 'Chinamen have ui i Ie a tegular pra. tie.
perfumery, and insisting upon sticking 'of biiugiug to this eouuiiy v-ilu ih! '
tbat under cvry man's kuoo whom yu'Chinc-e exports d iit. up iu c-iuvetiieui
meet. w uler-proot' puok iges, whieli . ie
Lieing is like tricing tow hldo in a- tluwu ovorhoarj jat before re.i.hii
fog, if yu move about yuro In dinger uv land and the places m irked I y ;i.-.l-bumpiug
yuro bed agin the truth, an 1 j buoys con-istiug of a bamhoj reed w.Ui
as aoon az tbo fJg blows oph yu nrc. a chain uti.l wn.-l.t utt iehe j. Tik.s -gone
conyhow. packages were ai'terwards fiihed up iu
Marryiug an angel it the poetry uv small boa's under cover of night, uo I
marriage, but liviug with her iz the brought into the city, without, of
proze, ued Ibis is all woll coulT if ibe, payings cm of duty Tie
taste of th poetry hain't spilta our! low price for which thoy vre suhse
relish for tho proze. queutly bought an I tho large husincs-
ine man wtio lives on nopo nuiM
pick tbo bones of disappointment
Tho dsvil it said to bo the father uv
lies. If thi is so, bo has cot a large
family, snd a grato moony promlsiug Among other pri?,?s tish.'d up lately by
children amuog tbim. the autb rilie ivy a package contain "
Idfe Is like a mug ov b.'cr, fnth nt Yng 70d poua ls of the Lt-'. l'Iiineo
the top, oil iu tho miJdle, and M'ttilings, opium, llerenfter San rr.iuci.ven re
. 1 .1.. 1.. I . .rtl III 1. ....! . I . . I I
.t tiiw isiiwiu. i i vtjnuo uuiorrs win ntj req'iirv'i i'i u.iur-i
We should liv In this life ui tho we j vessels arriving fpuu I'hina . S"inel
wnr walking on glare ice, liable to full'dislanuo down the harbor, w hore tliij
at euny moment, and lew be Utfed at species of fraud cannot bo pmeiicvj ou
hi tbe bystanders.
. . a . I-
Men, if they ain't loo lazy, liv sum
time till bO, aud destroy tho time
a good deal as follows : Ibo fust b0
years they -prod throaiog stuos at a
mark ; tke second 'M they tpend ex-
aiuiuing tbo mark tew seo whare the
siuos bit, und the remainder U divided l0 biui, thjiigh a sru ill ihitig to us iuvJ beoo'ce ulm i-t e-imnl.-trdy e
in cussing the stut) throwing biztluess w can never know the amount of re-'hau-te I an I u'ip-od'iotiv.v the 'ninvt
snd nussiu the rumatito. , peatiim all tho bairn of him we Lave J res dents make' I ntnt t'oct.fe
Tho sotting down nuJ folding our .u.rd. The bu man heart i prone ie an 1 girdeni nn-il-iv, even on the
arms, and 'waiting for something W Janler.snd we should wveh ourselves in st aril ratehl.s m' uudr shore.
turn up, it Just about as rich ajcirolully when
spekulatioo at going out iolo a 400tti,oul to uf
acre lot, aetUog down ou a sbarp gtooo,
with a pail betweeti our knees, and
waiting for a cow to buck np aod be
correspondent of ths Oxford
Pre, gives the following by way of
showing that farming is s reniuuers
tire business ! ."Tbeto died in Ful
ton township, Lsaaater, county, this
spriag, a Friend by lbs oamo of Amos
King, who setllo4 when a youug uuu
ou a tract : of , uuiiuprovod land ul
eighty acres, in tbat township, aud
never increased tbo is of' hia farai.
The natural quality of tha soil was
thiuiah, aud was Urate! io - ths old
fashioned stylo of rotation. Friend
King eon 11 nod himself to agriculture
proper, , not feeding much stock nor
dairying, nor truekiug, 11. never
speculated iu any way, hut made hi
money by plain fartuiog. A few year
ago ba lost some seven thousand dol
lars by two baukiug Justltutioss . lo
Lauoastsr, wUam he. and - tupuey
tsrlii and uacontmoa acomuiy, t
Otir 'loftier.
From earlieJt infiincv wo l-arn lo ir
'iir mutber. Night filler nk-hi. wlii'n
we are tossing upon a bod of piin, bhe,
watches over us with untiring and
gentlo enre, thinking of nothing but
tint whieh relates f n onr comfort,
lmok upon Iho battle-field, nftcr tin
oonflict i ever, and nil is silent save
an occasional moan from n dying sol
dier, nnl nought to li-ht up idr
faces of the tlying but the light of tin
moon. Hero ntitl thero wn s e n flut
tering figure darting t nml fro annti
the dea-l, mid now mil then peering
into tho face of one who, she think,
perhap, limy bo h'-r hoy. What n
piottiro of mother's love is ihi '! No
rest for her until she finds ber hnv :
aod when he is found, wi'lterin in
lil'o's blood, the mother bends over him
aud sob nfler Sob escapes from Iht
agonis'id biMom. Lotus l.ik into the
hospital. See that pnor fellow lis he
lie.s upon bis cout h kind imrscH are
aruiiud adiiiinisieriug lo his wants, Imii '
what catvs ho for lhe;c? his tii'dlierl
M n''1
It-ll bk nt liim li.iw
eve IL'ht up an I hi-
" " J "os '"'
beca-.iso his m-uher i- enmniir to -t e
ii:.. '
him. J'.ies ho not love his m-ither '!
Vet how many of us turn w ill, mm p'e-isuiv and :i lv:uit,'e d 'tivc l from ;i
lioni h 'r wise a Ivlee nn I re.iid it veil coudu -icd newsi'ijiT ? .V'p'mr
only as talk. ISutiu altnr yen's, when .as I am I would r it her not fur liOv
wo uro thrown into tlio Woi 1 and have -I t i.irs ii ye ar ! -i v e inys.-If of I ln
only oiir-elfes to depend upon tori pleas'ire I icnv euj .y ef r.a l:iu nnl
""PI"'". u 11 ,VJ l' 1 l' 1 ' lh ' ueai'mg my fmMr-n ml, ml t.?,-
b-s-om whioli sliu gavj. a'olj:ib ' it whit th y h ive v: I in He-
roj'iet. When it is lo lute, lual wo ill I .
T""' 'oll-nv her lovin,' a h iee. Siie ik t..
l" " 'ho Weary ni-l.'s i-t. wjtohej
Ilill'S i
wa- in p
uVl'r "" " ''lie lie wa-in pun. au l yoa
over In m while Ii
"te a nnst over
roil I li:S eye -i lie
will bow his, u.;1i aul thiol; overilie
pli'a.-ant days of his eliildli i d, le-ie'm-lior
thorn only as a (lolihtiul 'Invmi
that is and g.itm loievir. In niter
veins as we tUnd lit-!. id o the i'u! i.
dead body of our beloved niotliei', the
l,u""mi wl'"-" h"J L' 'giil ns wiiou we
wei'd young, and wlneli he had hel n e
lrv:'""1 w"1' conuunpi mi l m-.h-u
tl"'u 'ussuis wed t.i mine nhill lie our
guiding star to heaven ail to mother.
laBlnUHJ' ol ( 111114'se SlIIUZAKTS
the gift of in -inuity and akili in eva J.
gn-e ousurDasaodbitl
I.ntel V it Il ls l ei'ii I
it-marked iu Smi Krancisuo thai a i
'inutility wf. opium teas, spiees, tl'.'
has heon kepi out ot a toii-eiorabie
I'evcnil'!. Thev sseertaiaed th
I ir
ereaiea u iany attracted tne a tenti in
oi mo legium ue ileal et's, who itiloftue 1 1
the revenue utli.'et'i of what wit!, g ling i
i i i. . ... . . '
ou, an. I oroao up tne lus:i.r.
aoeouul oi the depth f the water.
SbANfiE t It seems a lulls thing to
slander our neighbor ; to repeat all " "
the harm we have heard of him, toa Tilt i'liinese ure s.ii I lube retnatk
whisper away reputation, and s'.au hi in ably sueo. -fiif agrietfltur sts W tiereas
in ibo dark. Yet it is ti LMVitt tnatlur . iiimiit of tho ul ler farm in t'alifornia
we U't'l tha' we are'
Spe ol oar neiglibyr. e
heard n lady uuee aay, " 1 nuko it n, agriculture, and tHe-e are u'lowosi tie
rule oever to repeat anything bad jsecvssivo -i-iatious without materul
that I hear of another '. 1 am resolved , change.
thai I will uever take part iu iojuriug
anv tine. bat a wi-o resolve.
Would tbat all mad il the goldcu rule
of their lite. Ibw much misery would , " i-''- ' notice seems to have
bo spared, how mu.-h mvr kitjdly ! been takn ef his re;o' t The acei
wouid te our iuUrcoorse w iih each j denial tindiug of golden sand on the
other. Why, th wot Id would bu like! American river, by Marshall aud Bv -E
Jon without the .erpent. Bui iuslea J 1 neit iu l?. Srwl awaiveued geunrn.1
of hiding tbo evil w have beard, how! interest in th uew Ml Porsdo. aud iu
eagorly wo spread it; how gloal auguratcd practically the busiuess et'
over tho story; how glat we are to miuiug gvld ou iho I'acilio coaL
pour it lute lbs ears which opeu so
gladly to reclcvo ft. lVpnve us of all
that great Starleefeonversstiou, slander
and some oi us would be at loss what
to talk about. Would thtt we were
only as anxious to tell the good w
know of our aeqaaintances as we are
to tell ths lad ; what a cbarmiugtbiug
soeioty really weak) be. Thero are
people to whom alaader is the very
breath of their life; soctul spiders;
hideous and TCBomoas to secret, sod
in darkuess the weave their webs or
distraetiosi. They sre a eurso lo
sooitty. ajsaoker worsu I tbesr Ii ieads,
imd a disrssw lo thesaselves. 1 ,
. i .L.i 1 1
Onaeolnmn en year - .
Ont half eotumn, one year. 8O.00
Ona-fnurtb enbinin, net year, lu.00
( in )- 1 10 lines) iuitrliaa Ji .
Knory additional ioerlion 60
l'rofesnioaal and lluiinei cards of
not more than ft line, per year. 6.00
Auditor, Eieeulnr, Administrator
and Assignee Notice - 2,10
Editorial not leea per tin: ' 11
All advertisements for a'aliortof perlo
ilmti one year are payable al the lima
I hey are nrderpd. and if not pnid Ibe p-r-on
nrib-riiig Ibem will be held rrsponaibl
for His uiotier.
Dliilwmie ii cuapiipera.
' llnw decs it hippeu. nvighbir II,
hit votir ehildren hare i ui'iili
greater prgies lo learning and know
"lge of tho World than mine ? The
nil nt it ii I the sauie prhiMil, and ho
what I know, enjoy equal advantage."
" I) i vim lake the liewspaprr neigh
bor A ?"
" .No sir, I ih not tale thrni niveli"
hut sometimes ''r,rr" one, jus to read.
I 'ray, sir, w h it have lie wspapers t i d.i
with the c ul lh Idreli ?''
' Vh. st, they li'ive a vu-t deal 1 1
d' with it, I ii nr.) you. I shoul I us
snon think "I keeping them Irmii
s honl as to - withhoM f'rmi theiu tho
newspaper ; il ii a little sidm l in itself.
I! 'in-: new every week it ut tracts tin ir
n'tviitinn, an I th -y are sure tn jicru-n
if. Th'H, w hil i'iriii' their liiimls
with useful t iimvlcde, they arc nl the
s iino I itne aenirio:; t lie nrl of re i ling.
I have often been siii ii uel that in- :i
of un.lor.t mdiri hb iul-1 overlook the
i .nporlntic-' of n new-piper in s family."
"la truth, neighli'r II I fre-
j'l'initly thi'ili I -h "i' I like theiu hut
ean'l allord the rxpen-es "
I " t'llll'l alTll'l fVjilll-i'S ? Willi let
mo a-ii. is tlie value of tW' or tbroii
'loll.i:- : veir. in enin;i iris mi w ith tbe
n v -n ii.en. All I U mi. i m ro:ieci em
rli:il tio
y are :;roivi!ig
Ii tl ict'ul un I
- ki--ty. Hi.
us,' pny ! 'l'
nt 1 1 1 1.' 1 1 1 i r - ol -
I i'i'I ni-'iiti ei lie ctei
t in a Ivauee i-vot'V ' ir,
Itl'l T 'I Vtnl
no m ue of i' .
I Still!!'. Ill till- MMllIl
Tlie I!n,ir .S i'fi- r ! r, an n.'tleul
t ital in.ig.i.ine, puhli-he 1 nt Atlanta,
ieoi'i.i, in'; m :, ,ii! Very sui-iLin
views of l'., oniigrr.ti'in nnl lalfir
. '! tl -ii of the S."i:l1. It s tys lint
a!'; :r si severe i .'t n .'lo as ' wlt-i-s-,',1
1 . y tl,.' rel. ,!!!, mi. it i.
: th it t'c ml-'.iii er ' an l'n r a'i oit lb
' p. r-eiiL eotuliti ii o! the N rl h -liould
I prevail al tle'Seith; an 1 an -i 1 1! v
ii'trimeojt view of tilings I e taken by
Ul... V. ..I ,....!.. I, i....tjta lit..
no on,, settler nil tin; I in. I III that -.'C
;f aiiit.ue ..ui i-.-s i u-n in .e,-er i ig i
11 V',' 'i'''! ''''
1 ' iooi.-!lj i t : i . i t-. .mo l nvi"i ino
","'r' . ' ,v,'' 1
.tlier. W
w l"-, met binn
It it ti -ii r for
si les I i l.'
t V
war li i- pa-s
our I in 1. 1 .
Ui of tl.e S .
' juiiler, t i e
d. an 1 p" t"e .! - v.'r
, it li ' li 'n-'i.' I, and let
I'll strive. aleeiM r t i li",. wea'i'i an I
-.i;.itiil "! tli
aid if i i i
N'ir'.lieru l
An I th in i ''.". ski no !
V Tt!l .-III i'llMle .s l. Il1'1,'
ir en ae "rs ; a i i when
.';.!', ! in .' ir nn-l-t.
let II- cotit iii'H' to I
II Hv d.r i-'. t
I te
1 t . Thi
1 k 1 HT
II tlio s .. j ,
til ut d..'-ei-
I'e W
I t -ue'l
uliivoi s il,y
t.f'.ter f .r t
Cnio'i. I:
-eriovt.'s ;is ;r
. -I-. : :
; reva'l it will t'i; m ie!i
ie a " e l!' U"" ef t'o' w I.d'j
is n .t !- i!li -i tint ii -.i-
!i.' .-'Y 'i
and -.'.!
I i'O ffi"tld!v eu-.eiU t lui V
I teg tilel'. liu-'lllieS W ill d-
a g J '1 harg liu e i;i he h 1 1 ;
that, ii
bjt liei, iimo fe '! as tree to exciting
lahnr a- t trade in pro In t- of la'")f.
each ti i l- Ins oivn p! bettor, aul
tho w!o'!.' entry gains thortby.
' To
' ..ii,l a riilr.ii I C'.n
ihr ' i'i ouo nt' the
day to a p is.engor
my t..'lct," t ! p..ed
'.laete' - , pi
trains -Ji otn.r
"Mv fiee i
tuo ra eti.vr.
t " In b e I '." sail the eo-i I n t
'ing biek his wiL-ib.iui. an I it
a mo-t power;' il buueb of 'iKe.
i my oricri ure to pinoli ;iil
' . . . i : . . I "
r, r!l-
" well,
i i;-ing imi rial.
"And mv bi-ioess n d icior ot"
this roi l.' qui.'".' rejiiie i t!,e p is-cii.
-er, is to eo tbat c :i l uMrs da UjI
i knock down."
The eouluct or readjusted bis wrist-
Un I
Ihey lureb.H'ks giving 'nil and mi'iat.)
lnoetion rcgirilnig vw e Mim n ul
Tilt oiaU-ueo of go.d i'i Califorii I
was tltscovored by Sir Fi'aooiS lliu
A c vsa ot feminine darini U roUJ
of aVirgiuia belle, who ro.U tsi th
edge ot a preeiuwo, and dv-a-d any
man ef the party wilt, whom the was
riding to fllow hor. XjI a aiau ae
eeptcd the challatigo ; ba a UoUii
aiug youtk stood, vu his heal iu hie'
saddle, aut da rod the lady to JU ibai.
i. ,
Ir is statist tbar th lerehroa'
biorses. loiroduotsl iu Ccutral Ohio
withiu, lb) bast Urn years are gtvtu
god sai-alw(itu, and sr beiog brssl
mote sareesmelj this yesar than st any
oreiious time. ---- '