THE POST. wniLv.nt in ji ni: is:o. UIOlSE A RENTER. ITorTl. tfir. f.OOll I '(I I III IlllIC. TliO f.litora ol lliO CWi'ry (tenth man republish naet of Turin rrpul.itinnx jinratcd by Jnhn iVhifield, of "'ci'.'ca county, No York, twenty years no, n fully adapted to tho rc-ent tinio They nre rouliy excellent on I worthy ofaloption on every -estate n well ii in the management f otlier business where, laborers or opera'ives nro cm jlycd. Tim author of these ruins had them printod ui) iiinls, ouo (if winch v an put In the lnuilt of every person on the pi nee : It in expected that nil per-tout cm ployed on the Oullund Farm will carefully taltoud to tho billowing ej Um : T!Ctarity la hours. Puncltiility In eleiuin and putting atvny Instrument. Humanity lo nil nnimnln. Neatness und cienliuube in persouul rpraran?e. l'eceucy in deportment nnJ convcr f ntion. Implicit obedienco to tho propi ielor at. d liTi'fiiin. j ml-ilioa to learn and excel In farming. Maxims of order nnd neatness 1. IV r form every operation iu proper season. 2. Perform every operation in the let manner. i. t'oinplcto every part of on opera tion m you proceed I. Finish ono job before you begin another. r. I.euvo your woili uod tools in an orderly tuuuncr. ti. Clean every tool when you lcavo off work. 7. l!eturn erery tool and implement to its place at night. The Kkthimi Conm i ion. "("JriiT f i l.o Cincinnati Tiiip-x. relates id'nn (M Pnnductor. p.rninoteil in n train ilisj nt her, ns foi'own: Libit was ex ceedingly f-tr.ui): with the cx-cotidurt-nr. At ho tilt in the ollieo ho would ft :ii t every time he heard a loll rinjj nod yell, " All nbo-ir 1 !' Then he wi'ii'd IX" about the ullieo at intervals Mid try to eollict faro from his nsiis- l:mK v.c dropped in cuMiully one urti moon, and JJilly wanted to know if we ho bad u ' pun." Ilo couldn't pet tKcii.sti tned to his new poi'ion nt all. Ilo pined to po on the road One dny ho h.''cd tho boys to put L:m through a tollicion, which the) did to hi entire mNAieiion. They loro hi clothes ccn:ly off, Mucked his eyes, broko u kerosene lamp over bis hasd, nud piled a rod-hot ttovo on top of him. Hill was in an peslip-y of de light, nnd declared he 1 ain't ct.jnye 1 Li nscll'po tnueh nineo he had a li e. A I'ccon A- , en nn cxlr-ime- ly cold morning in old times, was vid i a tv tl.o hoU'O of bin neighbor It tlio latter wad chopping wood. The u-uul etitul ioiM were rxehnnvd. the hpverity of the weather briefly dls' U-s-p I, nnd the b'Oscninn made dein 'nitra tions ol' pasin;; on, when hi neighbor detained him with" puti'l bo in ii lurry, ilecon. Wouldn't you lilcc a gift'" or good old J.nnaiea lli.s morn infr?" " Thank you kindly," said the old (reiitloiiiun, i t tho name time be giimi to disinount with all the delib eration liecuinii)' n decon, "1 don't cato if 1 do." " Ah. don't trouble yournelf to fiet off, deacon," said the iiei;;blor, ' I merely asked for infor mation. Wo baveu't, a drop in the Louc." How to Ktt.t, Lire on C'atti.k A eoncspondenl in tho Country (ien tletiiun ili -solved ubout a pint of ntton holt Hunp in a pail of warm tofl water, nnd i-ntuiated the whole Btirfaeo of H lou-y cow's body with it; after about thirty minutes repeated tho operation, nnd iu thirty minutes longer took n puil of clean, warm water und ouickly und thoroughly washed out all the foop water und dead lico in larcc quautitie. put her in warm Ktuble, und cover her with a dry blanket The next day, after beinje thoroughly dried, tbo looked nod becmej to feel liko n i.ew onimnl, tnoio than doubled the fjunnty of milk within twenty-four hours, and iujmediutely counuepced gaiuiiij flesh and general tbriltiuess. What Pai!y Vot i.n A party of young men were tolling what they would do were they shipwrecked fur out npon tho neu, and left LufTotio with the wares without a plank to u lair them. F.ach one pave his opinion excepting Taddy Murphy, who after lifter being a.kcd tor Lis, replied : " Had ccas to ye. for a cowardly set of spalpeen j yo d all Lo nltbor savin' yourclvg, an' not tryin, toKurcaouth ft. Why it'a I'addy .Murphy that win to hhore un' fcavo himself, an' thin coino buck and tbry ij vuve nn Utber." Plnishmknt lNouiiH. A rnnnwaH brought beforo Hans Swartharn Mo hawk Justice, fur cotniiiilDieQt on the cfargo of b'gamy. lour vivcB?'"' exclaimed theftfton inlicd Huns, " four vive.-i J dut vas a uiosl hinoc'ous crime ! Difebarcb biui at vonst. " WLy J protested tbo prosecutor, " Why J inoluircre him when tho proof ipORitivr Will th Court esploio?" " Vea, I cckuhplains. Utf he lif init lour vivea bo got punihnicot enough. I lif tuit von, nnd I got too much puu ishuient ulreidy." " Look a hero, bub," oid a pedes trian oo Main itrcot, recently, who WJH loaded down with a carpet bag, valine, uni hat box, "which U tbo iuiekett way for tuo to got to the depot f "Hud, you darned fool," was the reply of tLe quick-witted but ill bred youth. A Connecticut man who boa worn bat for forty ycara ray it baa been in fanbion icven tiineti. Old bat are alwayi lo faabloo lo a CerUia extent, if a man hasn't got money to buy a bow cue. i nUnts.Aa tba T'aolCe si kayiull Co , U IV lint CAl.l PltAI r.r.s IX WOOD AND WILLOW WA11E I ill flutiis, indnw ilindrs, Rrnima, Mnts, l'r!!hj Cot ten Laps, llr.iin Pigs, Ply Nets, Tuckon, Twines Wicks, &o. N..: ") North ThirJ Strced, Puila lolphia, Peb. 7, '07 Eanoni;oF.rourn. A flTNTt.KMAN wbo KiiffcreJ foryenrs from N-rrou" lelilil. I'ri'mmiT? Pfcajr, nn'l nil IIipcl'Ih of jovlilifiil I ill ircrel in ill, for lh jiko of fiiflVring buniRiilljr, n"id lrn lo nil wlio ni-'l il, Iho rnceipt nnJ ilirpciion for muking tho dimple rrmclr by which ti km cured. Suftur or tvinhing lo prni'il by Iho ndrerliner'l exprriciire, can Uo o by 1'liefiui. In elect eonfl linoe. JullN , IMJiniN. No. 42 Cdlnr drcct, New Vork J KW1SHUI1G The niiteri!iiT, thankful for llie tilrl pAtronaye hent'-wpl on flnVlithnienl nt l.-.nri'il'in. Iirfti lrnte lo Inform Lis fricri'U nnd Iho pnplio prncmlly, Hint lie loin h I li mill nl Lrif lior(f tolcj up iu ihc hcMt po.Mblo manner, wiib I lie Lai' at mjirowtl Machlniry nifolo In t eomlry. an t lih the Ivun tnpe of Hieam Tower, which cm be relicJ on nl nil tlnnK. Ilo frrls rafo in fnving tint hi' tHtnliliiihtuvul 1b not turpnsncJ j n,V in Iho Mnto. Iliivinn eiiRnf J a let of pooil tVorkiuec ho is now jrcpmcJ fur umiiufucluritig; all kimli of WOOLEN GOODS LCIt AS CLOTHS, CASSIMKUKS, HATINI'.TTS, lU;i:UH, JKNH. KI.ANALL., l'.LAN K KTS.t'A K I'LTS, V A U.N 6, &c. In tht but mnnntr antl et rtittictJ prirei. An esoi'l!i-iit n-oiorlincnt of (i ol nt nil liinen on hftinl, f'iS. r.'ile or exclinnpe fur Woi.l. KOI.L CAUl'INU dune vu fhorl Uutice. fi; J" TCI. MS rASII.-v.'iS MAUK II ALITENNV. I.ewikt.urj, I'liion Co., l'u., t'ec. 4,0-y FAIL AM fASUlOXH: MILS. M. A. HINDER tin nrrire.! trom Tiirin und l.oml'Oi iih the In toil ilvhi:iit I'l-ronnlly ttlceivl Iroin tlie ibe greiiu vt iiui'liic; liNo llie iihihI elf caul Trimiiii lo 1e c cecuroit in I'nr'm t.neot A' itilions. VvItpIk, llri.liil Veils t'liiwi-rs Fine JcMrrlrry, nml Trlmt"! l'upcr t'nlleni. Dic nml t'louk rxolu-ive njenl fur Mm. M. Worl.'n celeliraivl MUeiu fur cm t it; hiilii' dre-e, ficiiir, bmupx-i, ,o. N. W. curner of Elevonih anJ rlie limt Sis, riiilivlcljihlii. 7,r.'Jnii .r. CUUKH WIK'.LESALE DEI.t:it 1 CLOCKS! 1 10 Nomh 3d Street, rhiltt lcli hia. Aug P, l'jilpjr juMi: this way i '"P. FAT UAIiOAINS IV NEW GOOI S at Tin: ciikap stouk of w . r. i: uiti:it i, 6U.lNdijr.ONi; ' WotilJ respectfully announce to the people of fnyiler L'ounly ilint be ri'ceiTPil frma I lie eastern mark?: miJ ). fur n!tf n larire nn l well selected iloek if Now l.(io l:', uhicli lilcJtu ul uMolii.-b iiil' low prices, lliii tluck tuitrucca the very Lett J'AI.lnnd WINTKlt GOODS. Ilo ban Ctoitm Cnliiiers, Pee Pkint .Ic no I Hmiueli Alpneena, I.unren Delaina l'oplitu l'riiiln, Mulini Driling Sha'.ii '1'nuibiict Calicoca. French Mirinne, English Aoriiior READy MADE CLOTIIiNO f all kinJ; IIARDWARK, II ATS ami TAPS, OKOt.EKIKS WAUL l'APEH, Giro me a coll. intpuclinz Uoo t-i. (il'EEXSWARE, linoTn & PH0E9 I'ARPETIXO, 6I10K FINDINGS No chnrgei miJo for louuiry produce la keu I.i eicbungt for goods mhj .i, iy A WORD TO CONSUMPTIVES. Reing a abort and practical treaiii on ibe nai.iro cnutrt, anl pymplouu of l'ul miary Cuntuiupiion, l'roiicbi lin, nuj As- tumn ;unj ilinr, treatment, nml cure I y inhaluticn. Scji by trml Free. A l.lrcst Q. N AN 1IIMMEL, X V., 10 Vienl'ourlvouih St., N. V. lit JIIAHLW V. MILLEU, AIUIIITECT 10MU.UI0U I Bl'ILDEU Walnut, ' Street, 8elingrove, l'u. I at all limes prepared to furnixh Drafls, I'Uns anJ Hpeeificatioti fcr nil kimla of luii'iiugs, ai tbt loweal pomiMt rates ana on short uotios. II ii also prepared to contract for pulling up buililiosa diner by luruishiug an ma n.nierliil or Biuerwiaa. .May 1 1, 'ba ly , JJEA VKIt'f OWN STOVE BTOltK AND Tinware Mtaatirnctorjr, JwP.SUIRK Would respectfully'inform ibtehlieni of Miyuir county mat no Keeps coustuuiiy on iinnu ivrge asurtuieoi ui , OFFICE. I-ARlORaal COUKINO STOVES' Of the latest slyln and most iwiirovad patcrna, among wbicb ar lb ctUbrnted Empira Goa Durwer, the ttusquebanaa Cook, ie., which be ta selling at prices that defy eompeiuiun. tie also nisnurao lures autl kaepa on land a general aaaort meal of Biota TriuioiiOBs. Tinware &e fpeelal alieniloa pai4 lo tipoutiiig ant MooDog. una sue a eau. v ri!-.',f(iv;i, mt -inn posT- lob lrinttii Ol'fice, MIMiLEBl'Rti, SNVDEIl CO., I'A. ALL KINl'J OF J03 fRINTIXa NEATLY, CIIF.AI'I.Y, AND EXPEDITIOICLY EXECUTED AT T1II3 CFflCE. U'WJW ' UKAIUXU U AILUO AD. Ktitniuui A rrLiiffinont. Afanduv May 10, 1870. Great Trunk Line from tlin North anJ North went for Philadelphia, New Vork, tlenJini, PottsTille, Tamaoua, A'MnnJ, fhsmukin, Lebanon, Allcnlown, Eatton, LphrMa, I.llis, Lnnoaxtcr, Columbia so. Trains leave tlrrls'uiri for New Vork, as follows i t 5.35, 810 U -5 forenoon. 2.60 p. m., einneoting with similar Iraim on the the Pennayltania Itatlroad, and arriving at New Vork at 11. ID noun, 3..".0fl,05, and 10,00 p. m., Sleeping can accompany lb 5.3i a m. and 11. V") a. in. train, without change. Returning i Leaea New Vork at f.OOs m. 2.00 Noon, andn.OOpm. Phlla delphia at . I ) m m and .1.H0 p m Bleeping ears ac- ompany the 0.M) p m, and A.0'1 p in trains from New Vork, without change. Leave llarrlnburg for Reading, rotfsville Tatnniita, Minornville, A-hln'id, Khamokin, 'inegrote, Allenlnwn and I'liilK'li l til, at ,1D a m, a.f.O and 4.10 p hi, stopping at Lebanon and principal way nations t the , in p m train connecting tur ruuam-ipuia, 'utlneille mid Columbia only. For Potls ille, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Husiiehanna Railroad, icave Ilarrifburg at 3, -in p m. East Pensylvania Railroad tr!n leave Reading fur Allentown, Eainn and New oik at i.'. l, 0.)'.l a. ra., 1-7 ami 4. i.i p. m, Iletiirniff, leave Newlorkat fl.nti a. 12nn noun and 5 CM) p. in. and Allen- town at 7.20 a. m. 12.20 Noon 4.24 nnd i't p. m. Way passenger train leaves Pbilndelpbia '. T.ilOatn. eonnecilnc with similar train on Earn Penna. liuilroad, returning from Read'ng at ti,H5 p ui, stopping at all station i.eava rmtsville atr,4u aim ,m a m ami v'iO p. m.i Derndon nt P,80 a mi Hh- niukinati. li) and lo,40 a. m.i Ashlnnd al on a m, and 12,10 noon, Mnlmnoy C ny at T.'il a. mr and 1.07 . ni.. Tamautia al M a m. nnd 2.20 p m for Philadelphia and New York. Leavo Puttsville. via Helinylkilt and Rus- quebanna R II at 8,13 a m for Ilnrrisburg, and 12.'i5 noon for Pinrgrove ami Tremont. Heading Accommodation train: Loaves I'otisvillu nt ft. 10 a in. parses Reading nl ,-10 a m, arriving at Philadelphia al 10,20 m. Reluming, leaves Philadelphia at ,l r p in, parsing Reading at P,00 p ni, rriving al Poilsville at t. 40 p m. l'oitiiown Aeenmmlation Train Leaves rvtti-luun nt ti,2-r a m, returning leaves Pliiladelpliia al 4.00 p m. i oiumiua llallroad Trains leave rteadinp l 7,'- a m, and n,15 p m for Ppiiinla, ill, Lancaster, Culumbla, Si . PerUionien I'.allrund Trains leave PerW- otnrn Juncilun al '.i.O'l a m, .1.00 & &,:',n p in: reluming leave rVhwenksvillo at P, tTi a m. I.. Noon, and -1.1 p ni, eunnecting wlih simitor irains on i;eautpg itnilroa 1 t'olelr)uk tale Railroad irains leave Putts town ot ',10 n m, and ,20 p in. rclurnini? i-uve .iioiiui i ieasani at mi l 1 1 . in, cnnnciinff vi'h similur truim on le.idlng railrutd. ('lirMier Valley Railroad tr.ilns leave t'.ridcpurl nt H,:iil a m, and 2,03 and 6.02 p m, returning, leave I'nivningtown nt 0.2(1 a in, 12. Ii noun and 5,1. p m, conneetinz with ximitnr Irains on Readini rntlrovl. On Stttnlfiys : Lphvb New York nt fi.00 p m. riiiladvlpliia h.UH a in anil .l.l.i p m. I lie H.00 a in Irain runniiiir only to Reading: leave l,oltMillc H.ntl a In: lluri-inbiirg f..'l."i a m nml 4.111 p m. leave Allentown l 7 2"i in. nnd and H 4') p.m.; leave Itoading 7.1"i a m, nnd 10,0,") t m for linn itiur-. at 7,2.1 a ni f.r New York, at 4.4.ri n in fyr A'lentown. and t.'J.") p m for Pliiladrlphia. I ommiilniioti. Milt i!, .VnMic, inhool atil excursion lickcln, to und fruni all jioint n ut reduced rates. Uassii-re eheeked through) 103 pounds itlloned each pa.if inpor. i. A. Nil l)I,I..s, (itnrrat Sui'trintttnitnt. Readins. Mny M. 170. MUST Vni-MIUM UIjASTIC stictii FAMIL.Y ft'Jft UROAUW VV NtiV YORK. SO CHESTNUT 8T. PHILADELPHIA. I'OINTS Or EXCELLENCE. Ceauty and Elaslicty of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the t pools. No fastening of scams by band and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without chance of adjustment. The aeam retains ilo beauty and firmness after washing and ironing. Resides doing all kinds of work done by by other Sewing Machines, tboue Machines execute the mo I beautiful an pcriuaueut Embroidery and ornumculut work. frtuThe Highest Premiums al all the fairs and exhibitions ef tba United Hiatus and Europe, have been awarded the drover & Kaker Hewing Machines, and the work by them, wherever exhibited in eoupetion. KjTThe very highest priio. THE CROSS OK THE LEUlON OF HONOR, wea eon- fered on Ibe representative of 0 rover & linker hewing machines, at the exposition L'uitersc-lle, Paris. Ib(i7, thus attesting Ibeir great superiority over all other rJew- log Machines. r'orSale by BAM I EL FAUST, Pclina. grove, Pa. April 20. VJ. Forney's Press. TDE CUE.IT RADICAL NEWSPAPER I Cil the It-at oml Chenjtrtt Jeunjuij:cr In the Couulry. tiieTress Is a f rsi-el ms double-bbeet eight-page paper, containing 48 columns, publiubed every muruinv, (t-xoipt Sundays.) terivis! DAILY PRESS fcH.OO per aunuin; $2.00 ror six moiitli; j lor three uiontba. Thl-W EElsLY PRESS $1.00 per an n u in i $2.00 for aix months f 1.00 for three months. THE WEEKLY TRESH. The most valu able Weekly Newspaper In lbs World. Il ooutaiua items of interest lo all. READ THE TERMd ; One cof y one year $ rive copies . V Tea copies, and one copy to the' getter up of club, 15 Twenty copies, and cue copy to the gutter-up of elub 27 Fitly eopfes, and one copy to the getter up bf club 65 Ton copies, lo wi tJJrtu, and one oopy to the getter up ol the olub H Twenty copies, ta one JJrm, and one eopy to the getter up of the elub ' 25 Fifty copies, to out adJrttt, and one cony to ibe goner up of Ibe club 60 One hundred copies, lo mi aiiJfi, and one copy of the Trl-weekly ProM le Ibe gaiter up of tba elub 100 Alt wittt tkoulil hi tJJruici lo JOHN W. FORNEY, um-v - 'Editor and Proprietor, I II. WALTER, IMroRTEIl AND DEALER IN CHINA, GLASS, AM) -QUEEXSWARK, IH'Jf. 3d Rtrert, bctwecil R ice ii Tltt9 7,2ly PIIILVDELPIIIA. Walter 4.V I!artin:iti KEAt.rnH im DHY GROCERIES. Hardware, Q JLEENSWARC, VvEDARWARE Ac. tie. tic. iff. tic r. va. rvn-Tha HKIIIEST mnrkel PRfPS pai l fur all kinks of Country Produce nad ! UltlEU Hit IT. j ai:c;e arrival of NEW GOODS AT J. W. DKEESE'S STORE, N. W. Corner Market .uare, Middlcburg. The sloek embrace In ftl Stress Cioodn, lilack .Silks, All-wool Io Lnincf, Cobtir(fs, Merinos, l'ojilillS, Reiips. .Co.. Ac Mnnlinn, flnuble-width Sheeting, 1'rillitigs, Table l)iaper, Onnaburp;, Extra Tickings, Check, Shlrt itiiXH, (iint;bums, Jaconet, it lull iiiNoriinpiit of Cuiicog, I'ln n tu-ls, Ilcnvy twilled, Shirt in;, Illitnketx, UnltiiorjlH, Hosiery, ti loves, iVe., Ae. CLOTHS AND CJASSIMEKE.S lntrruin ttnd Linen Carpel m. W oulen, Liuen & cotton , Curpet Cliiiii. jiL'Anr MAPI-: clotiuxu. I-loot. Jnblo und Stair Oil C'loihu. Mats and Csips, 1J00TS AND SHOES. Hardware, tiueenswnro, China Wtire, (JluHswarivWonil and Willow wore, Cutlery, Oil Window Shades, L(tkiiir Ci!:iHca Ae., Ae., Ac. TOUACCO AND CNJAPS. SALT &. FISH1 The highest market price paid for nil kinds of counlry produce and dried friil'.a. t'otilidenl ol rendering perfect satisfac tion both iu regard to prices iihJ quality i f i in. 1 reipeolfu lly invito nil lo giv io a call before purobaxiiii( elsewhore. J. IV. HiElE. iddlebiirfr, January 7, IStit'y r m oahmax, u r Kcnsmrra n UNION HOUSE. OAR MAN A; KARPTETTER, V'ruyiriWore, MHUM.EM 'lttS.Fnyder Co., I 'a. 71ie proprietors resprctfully nnnnunee to their friends and llio public i-nertilly that lliey have rented the Fryer luverii stand, whiuli has been refilled nnd replen ished in style, and is a dcsirablo place fur strangers nnd others to slap. Their table is at all limes ppicad with the luxuries and subttaulials of Ilia ncnon. Their chambers are large In promote Iho cum furl ol'lheir suenl. Their bur is supplied with choice liquors. No pains xpared by i ho proprietors lo render mitir sail-fiu'. Uou to all who favor them with their patronage. 7-2 1 if IT E NTION ( Hurrah for the new goods just ri celvod liy .lolui lluffn:iii At Ilumniels' old Kinnd, (two miles ahj Selinsgiuvc) which was selected wit great care, and will be sold ut low pricet It includes, NOTIONS, DRY WOODS , UROCERIF.S, HARDWARE. OUEENSWARE WOOD nnd WILLOW WAIIC, bull, 1'Usler, Oils, Coal, Naile, Glathing I respeotfully Invite the public to come and examine my goods before, buying olsewbere, Lelieviug 11 to be lo jourlu torest. 1 also pay the highest prices for all kinds tif and all kinds of Counlry Produce. 1 am also well providet with stabling for teams tupprr Hreakfast end Lodg ing, for people, who come (rum Uis lunto. 1 always accommodate my cus tomers io the best of my ability. JOHN 11011 MAK.- October lOlh 'C7.rt OUIMAIUIS isuneicull rut article of granula- "EUUEKA" Siitoklnii Toliiicto lcd Vuiii nia wherever introduced it is universally admired. It Is put up in uanJ'ome mus liu bays, In which orders fur'Meembainn Pipes are daily packed. 1-R1LI.ARII Yacht Club fimtikluz Tobaei'o classed by all a ho consume it as the "finest of all i il is made of Ibe choicest leaf grown l it is anil nor vous iu its ttl'ecis, as ibe Niouiiua has been eitractad it leavea no disagreeable lu.ile after auiokingt ii is very mild, light in color aud weight, hence oua pound will last as long aa U of ordinary tobacco. In this brund we also paclt orders every day fur first quality Meerschaum pipes. Try it aud eonviuna yourselves ii is ail il claims to be, "TIIK PIN EST OF ALL." LOIULLARD'8 CENTURY This brand of Fine Cut obewing tubao co bss no equal or Iht'MltlK Tobltrro. aurerior anywhere It is without doubt the beat ehewiug l uaceo in iu eouuiry. I.ORILLARD'8 SNUFFS have now beta lo central use ia the Untied Slates over 110 y eras, and atill acknowledged the Deaf wuerevar until. If your storekeeper does not have these arliolea for salt.ank him to get thtu tbty ate aold by respeotabla Jobbera almoin everywhere. Circular of priest iorwM'deit va iiuuiivsi. T. LOBILLAP.D, gCllOCH A 1! HOT HER, Would r'peettully annotin:e to tne people of Snyder County an I the public, g nerally, that Ihey have just secure 1, nnd will constantly keopon band and for sale, a vary extnueive assortment of In their Commodlooa New Room opposite the Uauk, tlvlinsgrove Pa. THEY WILL SELL AT RE DUCED riUCESI Their extensive stork consists of a well selected assorlmenl of FALL W INTER (Hi(lS. They have CLOTHS. CASSI MKRS, plain and fancy, Hatinetts. Jeans, Tweeds, Muslins, lirillings, I'lnnnel.i, Checks, 4o. Also an elegant assortment LADIES' DUE?S GOODS 1 Silk. Eoitibnr.ineii, Alpneim, Ithwk nnd fnney Delniim. Lnwnx, (iinplmtnn, a lurtro variety of line While Ooods, LAMES' FASAION ARLE COATS, Hoop, klrM Khivwla. Ae., Ae. HEAD V -M A D E ( ' L IT1II X 0 ,CoatH, ventn, I'nnta, Shirt Ac. . A variety ol NOTIONS &II0SIEKY. Collurs Linen nhd I'tipn.InHroTrini liiinH, llutlonit Corsts, Zeephym coniinon nnd Fjdit, Moravian and Shetland Wool Ac. Ae. I'lSUwSALTAND IKON STEEL.- 8TOVES, FORKS, SHOVELS, PPADES, RAKES. tiLASS. NAILS. PAINTS, Hardware (Jueenswnre, OhiKHWoro, Ccdarware, Willow-wnre Crockery, VL ASTER, White A llluc. Also, a Inrgeqnstititv of iliffcrent kindsof HATS A CATS, HOOTS A SllOEy, cfevery style, variety nnd iiuuliiy. Also, all kinds of CARPETS, &0. tirotfrtrn of all tin,!. r,-n.i. r. 1,1 p 1'biliiitflphiii and New Vork Markets. Tliey keep constantly un band a luree supply of e WHITE LED AFU TAINTS, ev uy iiuiilitv ami r rice, reci-iicd ilii-i from Hie mnnafacliirea and eotiKeUeiilly ,.,i . . 'v' owesi prices. Also nil kinds of OILS. WHALE. ISItDWX LT'HRICATIXG, SL'HSTITl'TE nnd LIXSEE1) OIL fur Painting. To Die latter they call rnr- iicoiilur attention as it is cuiil lo Linseed oil fur colored painting, and costs but oua half the price. Jlitrlitsf tiiiees raid for fmitif rv Produce nnd All iiisuis of Ciraiti. I'-iGivo thein a trial befuro co ing td.iewhere. KCI10CII A DKOTIIER. Thev are also the agents forOElSER'S PATENT FLY UEiil LATINO OltAlN fEPARAToli CLEANER ANIi RAtiOER. The latest Improved and most celebrated in the world. Juki the Mnchine Fn.-mer have been seekiim nfier for Years. It will Ihriidh from 20 to 10 Eiishet rcr hour, cleaned reu 'v fu in.irhot. They wdl so these ni " bines unon ill jit mi l iu Wurriiiivd ns reruHeuted. April 18, ';7 ly j. v. sinxnri., m. v. 1' ewtmniuti JJEADTHLS. tin tie AND Knlnrlord. PitciiciiBTS and Chemists, Oiler for tain Wlinl.fSALR ANll ItKTAll., URl'aS, MEDICINES, PAINTS and CHEMICALS, Embracing IM'P.E ZINC PAINT flreen, Rlue. Yellow. Red aud Lilack ; Paints ground In Liusoed Oil, lletiar Varnish Spirits Turpentine, t'oiial. Coaohand White DKYING JAPAN, KNOTTING. window tlnH, Pull) , Pine Oil Alcohol. Stakcii, Ianioo, Vcbmii.i.iom, Paikt and VARNISH BRUSHES,. Malt and Ftmalt Trunc and -Supporter ye rMuffi Concentrated Lye, Pin Sponges, SPICES, CORN STARCH & RIRD SEEL) Flower and O'ardon Set-da, Ta which the attention of Uealore is eallcd. as w ewiil sell at lha very lowest Curb Pricea in quantities to suit purcba sers. Weilso keep on hand and otter for sale Wholosale and Retail, all Ibe lcad- InaPulent Medicines. Also, H U T ION rt . CON 1 EC T I ON E II I ES. TOllAt I " M'.liAim. MiddU'burg, Snyder Co. Pa. March 21, 1M- PHILADA. St HEADINQ U.. E. Through Route lo the Eusquohanna 1 fPill'. Khnmoktii & 1 revorton Railroad 1 beliic eouipb'ted, a Ihroi'ali route Is oneued between llermion ("ii ibe Biisuiio bunna River) aud- Pbilndulubii. Trains will ruu as follows i EASTWARD. No. 1 Paesenge, leavea Trevorton 6 10 a m,; hhamokiu o -10 a ui,; arlvea at L U 11 adeliihia al I 00 n in. No. 8 J'aesenger leave! Herndon at 0 S ) 1 m.t Trevorlon 10 07 a m.l Hhamokiu 0 64 a iii.i arrives at Phila at U V p in No. 0 Uiiied, leavea llorndon al 0 40 Trevorlon 12 m.t 8ban-ekin 12 UT p ui arrivee at Potlsville at 0 16 p ui. WEST WAR I). ' No, 2, Pasaenger. Leaves Philadelphia 8 16 a m hhamokin 4 00 p ui Trevorlon 4 ill) p in arrives at liernuon al 0 .0 p m. No. , mixed, Leavoa Ashland at 7 UO a in Sbaniokiu U 80 a in arrives at Tre- vorlou 10 'J7 a m i llerudon Pi 211 p m. No. JO, nilied, Leavoa Ashland al 8 00 pmi Ubamokln 468 p u l arrives at Trevorlon at 6 80 n an. Passenger trains Noa. 1 and 3 make bouutollon at Reading fur Allcnlown. New Vork, Lebnnon, llarritburg, Columbia and Laaoaaier. - Pnssi'eiigers arriving ia Bhainokla via N 0 II W, about 10 a iu, can souneel wlib No 8 Passenger, at 10 ol a m, for Phlla delphia and luteruitdlnle points. Tbost arriving on the N 0 It W Passtugor train at 12 lOoooo, can eouneet wlilt No. o whioh leaves Ohamekin at 12 87 for Ash land, Mahanoy City, Tauiaqna and Poll!' Ttue. vw. u. uinnio, Avar's Hair Vigor, Fcr rectorinjj Cray Hair to its natural Vitality ar.d Colcr. A drcfsiitff whiclt U nl olicc ii!t'vtnble. bcal'.liv. mid viVcctuiJ Tor jireM-n iitj llie luiir. I'ttittd vr j"iy hnif is soon rnf.-rcj to i'j orijiiHtl cofar tci'th the p.'oas oit'J frrnhnttt of youth. Thin luiir is llilik ax: nted, fulliiij bnir cheeked, nnd Imld" ncsa often, tlii)iii;li nut nlwnys, eurcd by its lio. Nolliinjr enu leclote the luiir where tho liilliclos are destroyed, r the L'luudi iitr.ipliied nnd tlceeycd. Hut siiilt ni roiimiii enu be saved Tor by this ri Hi ntiiin. luateuif if I'liuliiii (l.o hair w ith a piisty setli ment, it w ill keep it clenti nnd vigorous. Its oeen.-ioitul u-e will prevent tiie bnir Vimi tuniiin )ray nr lulling nil', end .'Oii-uuj.i.-tiily prevent biiidueas. Freo rum l!iiv d.-tc'i'i ioiH Milislunees w hich nitko ."Otiii! prupiiiiition-v ihtiifjciotts nnd .Murium to Ibe l.'r, the 'i"nr run tily Ii.-ii, lit but nut I,. n in il. Il wauled itoi ely lor it HAIR. DRESSING, to!!i!'i;;- e!- J'eii.iiuitl ' Ii mi Inj I'uiiii l i o ili: limbic. il 'ut ml tint' i',ie, II li.ii , ut mil wliiii! Ion;; en ili'1 I u ItlMlO II tld II Jl I .'II. .I'll'', l:nl yet lu-ls r. j!-in;f it n t ieh iiiioy ili In! piTiiiiiie, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Practical, anu Anai vih ai. C'ntsiisTs, 1.0V1'M, JfAflS. I'Jt.U"? $I.OT QALL AT Focklcr'e Saloon, (Opposite Shindul i WagenseUcr'a drug etore; IN SELINSGROVE, If you want a ghis of good K12ADI1G ALE! OR A mate of Ice Cream OR O YS'FEItS, prepared in any way tliat'can be desirt I OR A Plate of Fresh TrlM ou SARDINES i PCIItVEtTZER. ILIMBUIiq fcOR 3 ALL CHEESE, OR ANV TlllNQ USUALLY KEPT IN FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT J6y Other Ealoona aupplled vllh All Oyslera at Wholesale prices iff r owl reaso D1 ffera item LB. Jaai FU all fit eai Item i I 'fere I lubllo. w 'ffera Li piiiene peaka C Pott r In publi r. Ha ttl eonfli liafaelii Pi idplf: OBce lit LEW 0BA io. 3, TKRCII lib. If. 1 hut a ILLK1 WHOL liatloaem id dealers and Wi M Job Pr V W"lt'r..,n. l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers