The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 02, 1870, Image 2

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.. JI NK J, 10
- - ' .- - - -
("KOI'RK & tof.yvv.K,
l(rMil)ll :iti lrln.irr IJIrtllon.
In pnrn'inrifo i( h licnlution of tin
PoptililiVfto 'landing ('nnimlltdj of
itiyli-r i 'Utity.tlio IoiL iicnn Piimtirj
Llor-iinn vt ii b Ucl 1 ou ,1 ilnrlny,Jnne
dtli. 1 T0, fit l lie following 'time !
Reaver ,t i lie Public tloue of Ceorg
A Hmiili.
llrsvcr West Co'fmrt llnll.
Cctore Pchnnl ltoii in Cm'revi'le.
. Ctinrmsn Public House of II. R. VYeUel,
MrKer Full.
Fr-inklm Ai the Union Hone,Mi'1Mi"g
.laeksnn School lloii In hratterville.
Mi.lllolnirg Court Motive.
VI'HIccreck Public llotmr of I.. Amlch.
Monroe llmi'f nf den. S, I'cl.n.
Prnns Mniisc of Surub A, Miller.
1'rrry Hotiac nf F.noeh Smith, Krrmoll.
Perry Weal lloii.e f Jnliti I'Micr. Kq
IMinsgrove House nf II A. I'.ntig
Viiion House of Ira foyers, 1'orl Tret
f.rton. Washington Hons of Trcd. C. Moyer,
Tlir fe ll. iwit f officers will Tie voted f ir.
Ope peraon fur loiiftoa,
One peraon for Sinte Senator.
One j i r-on fr nirmticr of Assembly
fine prrsnn fur Assoc'istc Julfo.
' 'lie person f r Protlinnetary.
One person r-r ItriUT nn l Pc"r1or.
One rf for foni'ly Coinn;!h!iiiii r.
line per i.ti 1'iif rl"l Attorney,
fine t.:iioti f ir futility Surveyor.
One peis. n f'r Jury t ' i'iiiiulipr.
I Ini 1.01-41111 fur Aiiililrif
Hue mrin f"r t miipr, ami one Return'
.. . .
from pirh ilNfrii I
Tin rl ni-n- .l t (r.tirn1 I
'Aliitinn Mil H I v iLe inmlinii C.n.i
mil lee.
H t,,!t Tlmi Il,e Kleetton Itnnrd at (So
1 rimary l.b-etion te ron.iop. of a Jmlirn
hiilitto ho nro lo l eb-eted
Mi I fin!iflrl nf likp rrf!crr Ihe of ficneral i alili". deliuino r el Ml). Mil reliiU'S 10
Mrenon nii etcrie I nn I (iiiifi.i the education ol theli'irli people no
.Vr.iv..TIii ilie I'olla t,e open from" ibat .y may be truly L'lled to light
?w,' V . ! . n . jund win Irelaiid'a battle. It i, pre-
frnft''if 1 lui nun lint Rppiilibein be , . . ., . ,,. . .
rntiflr.i lo Vole nl I ho Primary Dleclion. C"'-,'I llmt n repubrlO in possible III
'roiirfr., ihnl If l de rleell'in luiirl lie enl- Ireland to-dny ? We deny that the
tlitl llmt nny oilier cru '.n wiflmg lo , real loaders of the Irish people so pre-
it i. a roan ,.f vorn. iiy. and promises o'teuJ. l!ut admit that both a "overn-fmi'Pr-Tl
Ine wbnte liekrl Len noniinitrd I a i i i i
L .l,allbe.!l,.WrJioTo.e. ' . "''nt W'!"1J -voib!e eirjum-
r. i . i-i . .... . 1 u nnn l.n nnAili!A in lin Uml n.n il
(oiiv.j i urn iki niiirns win bereeeiveil
t the t'onvciitionif l.eiiirn .t.i.iu.. uuin.
ncvcni niiird nitli ilic list of tutor nnd uwav ? Who believe) it 1 Nuholv
i .ltyp.poM. We hold, thon, that these bellinoV
.V.r llmt Hie rilonip nil i tli I fl ' .. , -. i i... i . i i
..f ..lrr. ...d tally i nr-r, .ball l, 0,ll"nt P'l do!,l' f "'' ep-ndenco
ever t v the elwiiuu tillieer In il.o It. lnrn
J nlire. ulio 1iall tie duly an nrn or affirmed
to priKlme lue time at Hie following Con
Tlieltetnrn Jiidgea will mertat lliefourl
llmiKe. in MiiPllrlnirg, on Mondiir, June
f ib. at ) o'clock, V M.
1. I'. Miivvb, I'liairman.
The Itallroud.
The prrspcc'B of tin nriy comple
tion of t'to Stinbtiry nnl I.ewi"town
Hailroad are indeed cheering. A meet
ing of the Pro-iJent nt.d Hoard of
T'ircctor was held nt Jcwiiitown on
Tuesday of this week, when arrange
ment were inado to lini.-h tho roud
iniinrdiate!y. One thousand men ore
wanted to go to work, to whom the
highest cosh prices will be paid. The
contractors say that the work of grading
inU't br romilrted wi'liin sir mmitlm
from thin date. The jut issued
by the company 81, JOO.f 00 have nil
Urn koI.1 j 8100,ti00 t John 11. Me
fJovcro&Co; gltm.HOOto tho tii.le
rontractor, mid the balunco to the
I'eiinsylvniiia It. H. Co. This Falo of
bonds plarei in tho hands of the S. A
li. Co., all the money needed for prcscut
purposes, uud ere ninny months we may
1 olcsfur tlio iron hr :c to pass through
tho Middlecrnk Va'ley. To the hide
fitiable fffurt of Col. Simpson the
President of the road, we nrc indebted
for these cheering; piospect.
II on. ;,y oil ii It. l'iuker.
TheTwutenso influence always exer
is d In National l.egialatien by the
rVoutl., previous to the rebellion, Was
the result, of a policy always rigidly
adherod to in that section of retaining
their best men in Coogre!- for man)
term. They knew the value of ex
perience in member of thut body and
were Holdout or never guilty of the
folly of changing their representatives
verv two or lour.jcar, a practice 0rj;ucll , IBjoritiostlmt there can be
tho Northern States wlncs has Ueo o nj ccrU,:Dty as tl)0 t0 ,lieirH
K-rru, ,,.jr, "iu i -eai iuii nnuonai i u i ins rpec. re.uri. ,
greatly needed ; nnd wo trust tbo
jujliiicans et lb., tontrrewional ai-lnctito ,weotv.,ivo hundred. Nino Demo.
w.nsct the example by rcnom.ualing
at tho proper lime and sulwqucntly
le-oiectuig their piitk'Ut worthy repie
hi ntative.
ll'L.l St- IV. -I 1.
ii nuicicr .'ir. iscicri rersoniiii
feelings may be on tho Hulject and
we I elievo t-ongresinnil service is
tlistastcful to him thut this is not to be
. I a
taken into coiisiilcrat'co. Tho public
tins claims upon the aerviceg of nidi-
tiiMals paramount to all peroool cou
nideratiuns, and prirato feeling must
I c ma'Jo to yield when the public in-te(e-it
demand the sacrifice.
Wo believe, as we said beforo, that
Mr. IV k:rr is not anxious lor a reuonii
iiatinn in fact that ho would prefer
retiring trorjj fonifrens but it I the
Iti puhlieun party, ond not Mr. l'ncler.
Hat ii to be consulted in tho matter.
Jlo lias been tried and (ound luilhful.
He hns proven himself in uble nnd
f flicient rcpi'eheoljtive ; nnd now, more
than ever, with le cxpi-rianre he ha
acquired, are Li eervicos important
tlti'l C3etiltul,
Ftitertaioing these views, we feel thit
we arc performing a simple duty to
the J arty in suggesting tho propriety
sod necessity of big renoulnniinu
What sy our brethren of the IU
publican press in the district f
The atove article, taken from the
'llarrisburg 7tlejiah ao fully laoota
our approval ind iproLation, that we
tranefer It to our columns, with our
unqualified endorsement " Mr. Packer
liar been tried and found faithful.
Jlo has proved himself an '-ablo and
cfficieot reprckeiitativ " Tbeso be
Lrave words, and deservedly applied.
Wn respood onhca'tatiogly, let Mr.
Packer bereoominated in lb s District.
and our word for It, Lit mjtr:tywlll
-. t-.. iu. ta. , . i
Irish Tt route and Irlslj roily.
ltfdrc.i of wrontr. It tlio
of nil ('UO',i. lietlrcss of private
written U J rovidJcd ly law ( but
vrlv n ft people tii'iva for redress tlicy
become n law unto I lioinsolrc Stat
tite, ilio nistotn Uyalitvd ly ccn
tunc of ncot, til D lncred as Influ
enced nf i fHirnmt ut direction, nod
regarded only ai obafnclcs to be over
come ly violence. Hut it becomes al!
tlio more vblintorr upon a peuplo ko
moving lo rcspflct tlio Jaw tilth con
stiturtU' utiivorsnl comity. No ;ncst
inny property pervert t tie privileged ol
hospitality t' purpose of vcncticc for
wrong, re ii I or lanciotl, perpetrated
upon him by party with whom hi
host is at pence. It in not nood man
ners. It Ik wots than bud manners;
it i'inr:tiliilo.
llul w hit lest than n nhuse of ho
pitallity is this 1'etiinn invion ol
Canada from the l.'uiicd .Slatos? Cun
nay intelligent Fenian justify it bj
nny rule of action which obtains
niii'iiig civilized people J Admit that
every muti concerned in tlirse r'li l.t i
a citizen of the l.'oited Stated, nod the
rijjliirullotM of the moremcut
A cleatly wiiiilin.'. It will Out be pre
tended that purticft of uativo t-i I i z n s
e:m rightly cmnniit ne ts of hostility
:ijfi'n-t n liierully nntion. There U no
iii;irrcl between the Toiled Utiles an J
liruiit !rituin. If there worft, the
pr e'.'iition ( the iiuarrel could not
i ti i ..
" n" "Jiioiiiiy mi urneo on oy in
dividnulN. (iMVi'ruiiienl,otilv,cnn Uw-
fully settle diepulcs between each oth
er, tiovernmcnta, not laobs, tniibt
contrtil the i-ne.ntjf war and pciuo.
liut these Feliiuo iovurioiM iuirep-
i r?"CDl -;'"'"l""u in )U Ut'jccl BIlJ
i ... .. v ....... v ... .
lo accomplished tbreo thoiiKnnd miles
1 ent apiriia delay independence.
i,t'y "I'rato to delay it through ma-'
i 1 ey operatO to Ueliiy It throfji-ll I1U
toinl was-te. i iu go rmds have but
6uc probable result. failure. Failure!
result' in a decadence- of enthusiasm,!
and with cnihuxiasiii eliiuinated from
the liibh character miccossi'ul action is
ecarccly poiljlo. Invasion ol Can
ada ia an extravignncc. It ia known,
too, by the men who engineer these i
invasions from this side, that the gov
crnmont of tho Uuilod States is bound
to prevent them, by persuasion if pus
Biblo, by force if necessary. Otherwise
it makes war upon tircat Jirituiu with
out proi lauiatioii or wariiHi. II any
itelli&'eiit Fenian
ruipusr that any
other course is houurubly posnible lo
our government, ho lias very singulur
uleas ol lienor and good luilli between
nations. Adopted citizens may right'
ly eherith and lubut for Irish indepen
cleiK'o in all proper ways: but to per'
veil the privilege of citizenship into
Htaiiding ground trout whence to em
broil us with a friendly power i no;
among tlio ' proper ways.
Siuce writing tho loregoing wo have
received I lie loilowiug note Iroin it
gentleman who kuows whereof ho at
linns ;
James Gibbon, president of the ex
ecutive council ol the l'cuiun lirothcr
hood, asset t that tho present so-call
ed l'eniuu raid upou Cuuuda is made
uy irrespuiiMblo parties, nnd not by
tlio Authority or the Fcuiun Kiulher
hood. This confirms our opiuiou about
expressed, and o'ightto operate to re
strain tho runli aud iticunnidirulo.
.The D"y.
Tiis November eleotion will bo the
mnpt important held nince the fall of
lb'J. A new House cf iicprescnta
live must thou bo clioacn, and besides.
one I nued fctnte .Senator from each
of the following State: Maine, Now
ltuuipdiirc.MasHichHctts.Uhodo Islind,
New Jorsev, leluware. West Virginia.
Virginia, North Caro'.inn, South Caro
lina, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississppi
Kentucky, Arkansas, Michig&n, lin-
nesota and Nebraska. Many of the
present Representatives were elected by
(a(.cc(j,(irs. Seventy-eight received
mBj0..,Jei m.,ag fr,ull fL,rty.0!ie
He-LivcQ to j.Mji".0of Pennsylvania-
crat, fif,.cn itenubicanshold their
seat by less thiu six hundred majority.
One ol tho most promiucnt issues upou
U'liir.K tliA Mmhni.Mi muni
...... v.. ... , ,,miiiiiV
i,.i, l., f n, i.,rr in"
' avwQiiv a VI lllU ll 4 11 IT
enemies of American industry nrc
already marshalling ttieir lorces, and
will bo nided by liberal contributions
from the iiritish manufacturers.
Capitalists, mechanics, laborers, farm
ers, arc all mtercstcd in opposing
,ncm. iT'tt.
There is a recent law in Pennsyl
vauln pcrmittiog principal in law suits
to bocome witnesses in tliair own
case. This law in, we veuture to say,
tho cutiso of more untrue evidonco,
trenching upon; perjury, than any set
extant. It should be repealed at once.
We bve kuow cases where this priv
ilege has been accorded to principals
iu wlncli tbero wn absolute contra
diction in important evidence, and no
additional witness by-which a jury
could decide which was the more
correct. A man must be a honest
aud pure nsthe prophet Jeremiah who
eao stand up boloro a Jury aud swear
to tho truth at a col of perhaps hun
dreds and thousands of dollars. The
best moo can hardly avoid warping the
testimony ia their fuvor or concealing
important fact. This law is a stop
backward in progress; the earlier il
is rrticaled the hotter. Lcwialurj
As man and hi wifo. residing
in Keokuk oouoty, Iowa, was return
ing, one day last week, from the
funeral of the last of their three thildreo
wbo;had died of scarlol fever, a thunder
storm eamo up, ind just as they woro
eoterloi the gate of their desolated
bouse the lightening strock their car
riage. To man was Instantly killed
V . - - dl...
Hon. J. H. I'aeker will ploi ac
rcpt our thank for bound cony of
tbo llcport of Ayricollarc, for 103.
AsoTiirn reduction of the public
debt, during the month Jut passed, of
fourteen million dollira Mr Hoiitwcll
ia making a grcnt record for himself
as a national Hoaneier, and for tlio Ad
miuintrttlorj, wboao policy fat t) well
Ur a roto which U complimcnlary
to the sense of justice of the Senator,
tho resolution of the House t hieing
women clerks on equality with mala,
as regard e.ilar'es, was passed. That
lor tho name work dono a woman
hould receive tlio same wages ns
man I so simple a proposition that it
would seem hard to find two side to
it ; yet the lawyers of Congress found
it aiue.tiou which required months of
argument. Wo rejoice that at last
jnftico has been done, even if not
grasclully or graciously.
CiiEMiTrtY is furniMiing us new
agent lor fuel, force, food, nod msny
other important aidgovcr those we once
possessed. I'orls from which commerce
Mas driven during the hot month by
their terrible fevers are visited all the
year with impunity now. Many local
ities In the South nod Went kept
lenanllcss by their delctorious mintuias
are now fliliuir up with population
under the protection of Ayrc' Ague
Curo. Their ufllicting I'hill and Fever
uro o ctlectuully cured by thi remedy
that tho dia.e no lunger turns cmigra
liou aside or destroys the settler it' lie
ventures upon it infected districts.
Gtnt t'c, lndt'iemtence jlo.
1'atehsom, June 1 A frightful
accident ncaured this morning, about
two and a half mile from thi pluce.
A construction train of tbo Delaware
Lackawuna nod Western railroad wa
precipitated from a IroMlo bridge,
thirty feet high, nnd several of the
workmen were killed nnd wounded.
Lateu The muster carpenter, named
Campbell, nnd pix other carp'ntors
were instantly killed in the nccidcut
It tho construction train. Jiotwecu
- - - - -
thirty and lorty of the working men
aie shockingly mutilated.
The hcene inflli'S description. Many
d'C ""0 M buried in the ruins, aud
'l i''"" me ans and cries fill tho air.
OnuENsni'Ko, May 29. Gen. Meade
arrived here this altd-noon, accompanied
by (loiicrals Mcltjwcll itud Van Vliot,
and leave lor New York to-morrow.
lie reports thut the Feoiau war is at
an end, the leaders are in tho hand of
the civil authorities, and nil I quiet
along the lino. The government will
not provide transportation for the 1,000
or ,:00 l'uniaos rcmrtiniug at Mulone
ami vicinity, and (ienerul Mendo i of
opinion that tlio railroad companies
must do this at their own cxpeunc, ns
they received lull pay for bringing
them here. The Ucucral report that
they r. re boliaviog very well, nnd are
uot disposed to violence, nud only
desire to return homo. He is confident
thcro will bo no further trouble.
Thero great rejoicing along the
Canadian frontier at the termination of
the movement.
Two drover wunl to sleep in a
caboose car ut Fort Wayne, !t Satur
day night, hangiug up oil a pin a enr
petsacU containing 85,oOO. Some fel
low wli-i sow it reached in and got the
sack but nftcrwurds got in through a
trr.p door to get another ouo." He wa
seized by a bull dug, which stepped up
behind him. One ol tho drover,
waking up, saw tho situation of all'uirs,
drew a big knilo, uud threatened to cut
tho thief head off if ho did not tel'
where th other sick was lie told ol
course, that it wus outside, nnd dospili
his pleading- tho mnn was left in the
custody of '.ho bull dog until it wa
secured. Ho was then relocscd, Uiiuu:
about a quart of blood.
A Sift axiib Diskass. The Perr
county J h mor rat announces tho death
of a little daughter of John H. Shuler,
ol New llloomfiold, on Tuesday last,
under the following circumstances:
On last Tuesday nfteroojn hor noac
began to blood, nnd continuing for
sonio tiuio, Dr. M. 11. Stricklor was
called In. Not apprehending any cause
for ulnrm, ho was about to iflauro the
mother that tho hemorrhage would
soon be Mopped, when she called hi
attention to dark red 8 pots on the t best
aud limbs of tho child. Ho at onoe
snw that it was case of that rsre
disef.'j known a jiuryoira, and ad
ministered medicine- promptly, but of
no nvnil, other than to partially tp
the bleeding fur a short limO' It np
pear that the blood sought escape from
its natural channels throughout her
whole system, and actually oozed out
at one- ol her eyes. Hemorrhage from
tho Btomach was frequent, and purple
spots showed themselves under the akio
ou all part ol her body. Medical
skill availed not, nnd she died on
Tuosday orening. She was s beautilul
little child of nearly ten years, aud her
sudden death brought sadness to the
heart of all our citizens.
Th e Old Story. A charming young
widow recently started from Pittsburg
to go to New Orleans. Her husband
had rcuoDily died and left n small pro
perty nnd two children to ber care.
She sold the property, took the money
(82,700) nnd started for the Cresont
City vis Philadelphia. At Altoooa a
geuteeiy dressed, tactoattng young man
eamo on bonrd the car, and look a
seat near (he widow in sablabnt fash
ionablo attire. To while away the
limo the two conversed, aud became
friends. Happily he too was boand for
New Orleans a lucky coincidence
(but must stop a day or two in Reading
rot - i . . j j . . . O i ,i
cuq coneiuuea 10 snip uuiu sue couiu
have such charming company.
Having iscertainod bow much money
the widow had, he suggested it was
unsafe for her to carry it, and kindly
offered to take tbs risk himself. She
confldiogly handed it over to bim to
keep for her, and he did keep it, and
left for parts unknown. She was
ealled opon to pay ber hotel bill, but
had not a eent left. Her trunks were
seized for debt, and she wrote to her
fteinds for money and returned to
Pittsburg a wiser, a poorer, and sadder
woman, reflecting on the docoitfulness
of appearance and the stupidity of
confiding women ia not heeding th
frequent warning! of the ntwspaper
against rognea in broadelotb and silk.
coNoitrss.- as or 5yhh Th time for
chixMlni our tsnilsH4mtPnr la Iha nsxt asm
pulrn I rspMly Kpnrfrachlov. and It ( tlms ws
ar llilnklna of wbon lu noinlnsts W the 4fhof
Jnns. Knr t'onarwe 1 am Mrtln wa eaa do ao
lrttpr thsa to r-amtni oar prsnont able
Mmbr, llnw. JnHa If. I'Arksw. It hs bpn
onutiimary to air our RfrarciiltlTi la t til
illfftrlct a eharir to srra a Menn tornt. anfl I
en so no ool raaeoo why we ehonlil depart
frwa thi ralf). JcsTiea.
F.ns. FrtsTi The Mle'tlna nfesnilMstes to ha
Totl fur at the en. ulna primary elnotlnn, It
eursly an set reonlrlnir thoniibt n l honmiy of
piirpoMi should safeot noo lint honent, In.
loUlsent, anil rrllhl aisn eandlrime. 'or
the offle ol AsiKUla .Ivlirs. estiesrully, we
rbonlii hsra men of Integrity, noand .ludsfment
n bonpet eoovlotlone. In the perwin or II, l.
llAl'l'iirm, a eltlsen ol Usurer, we bare these
qusllf lee oomhlDO'li and II Is wlin plpesnre thut
we ree"mmnd him a candidate, lor the nfll.-e
of Aiwldi Judas. He hss always been en
active Kepatiltcsn, and now we reinet tbs t the
Kepnbllcaus ol this nonniy do an sot or luallre
hi nominating and elecf Inahlm to thl'lmiiortaiit
since. CiTiassa nr Tiia Uaavaaa.
KniToas Ppstt Permit a, throoirh your eol.
nmna, to recommend Hon. A.J. Middlcwsrih
for re nomination as AModte .ladse. He has
eried the Mople of Hnnler eonniy In that ca
pacity, for one term, with ndellly to the people,
credit to himself and honor to the position. He
ha demeaned blm.elf as a fallhlul and efficient
officer, as an allalde and courteous gentlemen.
a a sound and pnrelf orlhnd"S Hcpubllcen.
He bae contributed tersely to the enccesa ol our
party nf which he bee limn a llle-lung member
and juitly merits a re election.
Mist RsrrsLitASS.
EmtPBt PoT ! rlesse annonneethe name A 1. Hlmpon, ol 5ellnsKrore. lor Mate
-senator of Dili Itintrtct. He In a man whose bus.
Incn onallrli-atlons le axurance ofJils ability
to act In a Ijcglilettve capacity for the a"od ol
hit conalllucnls and the wellare of the state)
and Ms nomination at the Primary tneotlntff
will reflet credit on the hepabtican party, end
his election to the elate (Senate will !e credits,
ble to ttile benatorlal dlftrlct. HiAiaa.
KniToaa Post. Republicans of Snyder county,
In a few weeks yon will he called i"n lo eelnct
standard hearers, from your numlwr, fur the an
proachlna campalan. and we recommend to your
favorable consideration, Om.. W . . Hissm n
as a oltable peraon to repreoent this Henalnrlal
Ulitrlct In the O'oate or Pennaylranla. t'ol.
Hernild's arty fealty, Inleirrlty, ability and
ntnecs will net admit ol a question ol iluuMi and
heluilly merits the nomination. He will care
fully suard and promote the Intereits nf bis eon
itltuenci, and make uaarenroentatlreof whom
wemayjuatly be proud. We venture the a.aur
ance that he will eierc.lae every eilort to advance
every popular and feaible proect wlilcb will
enhance the Interest of the people.
KarraucANe ur Kbasiclis.
KniTons PoaT. We take pleasnra In rcoom
mending to the Republican party of Hnyder
county, Darr. Wii.i.iav H. Hasmiso, aa a iult
able peraon to n-preaent ua In lulrlature of
Peonaylvanla. Ired wllh the teal nl the pitrlot,
his pure Ideaa of enal rlitlits and est ual luaili-e,
he waa amona the tlr.t to otter hla lile a wllllne
aacrllieeon hla country's alter In I lie Into etruirgle
for national lite. I'i.eaaliia- every .urnni'li..n
to make a good Nepreaentatlre, It would only be
a merited tribute to his aervlee and kendo con.
dui't to nominate him by an overwheltuiiia ma
jority. Our candidate for talalatlve hnora,
tiapt. Ilarillnv, le eminently (iiietlfied lor and
jually deervlna of the isihlle truat lor which we
recommend bin. ilirisaaa ur Heaven,
KmTons Pot ! I noticed In your laat Issue
that you haveaeveral recommendations for suit
able person for otncee to be niled at the election
nett fall. Ilcllerlnif It to lie to our Intereat as a
party to nominate tlio best men for the respective
oitlres. I would present the name of I a vie Smith,
t , aa a suitable peraon to represent the people
of our county In the I.enialature. Mr. Smith Is
eyonngtnanof mure than ordinary abllltyi a
staunch Republican! baa served the party lona
and well, and berotolore has never asked any
thintc within their power to beetow. If the He
publican party ol Snyder connty place Mr Smith
In nomination, he will represent their Intereats
at llarrlabura with boar and fidelity. Mt ua
nominate the beat men preaented for our obolce,
and victory will perch upon our banner.
To Mr Fmi:1 hereby announce myself
aa a camllilite lur re nomination tor the uttb-e ot
Prothonotary, and reapectiully solicit the aulfra
seaoitbe Koputillcen votera nl Snyder county
at the cuuilog jirluiary ec-tlon.
Jr.RKMiAn C'novsa.
.. . ...ul A I IUII.XM ,
Mssana. EiiiTons: Allow me to urge npi.n
the Republicans of our county the propriety of
re nominating II. T. Pahkk, ESg., f.,r the olflce
of Ulatrlct Attorney. .Mr. Parka' brier nrtli iul
career has proven hlin t.i lie an efficient and an
obllictna ntneer, and we can tee no god rcs.-in
why he ahould nut be re elected. At the breaking
out of the rebellion, ' Harney waa among the
hrsl to respond to the call lor volunteer aerred
bis country falthlully as a soldier nearly four
years. In that lime received wound troiu which
he will never fully recover, and now we think
that It would lie but a imall return lor the errati.
tude we owe an honorable soldier and a n eirii'lent
oUlceratQ re elect Mm. olu licavaa.
Em-roes Post: Relieving that a political
inly; -hen men of ability, toiind lnteKr(ty. per:
I'viiy lie. m Rueremi lur aum-eea anu fieriietUKy ,
Ity, per-
I cannot
bring dtahonor uan theinselee. nor reproach
upon, their constituent, ana aolected for standard
nearera, and knuaxiig that I.. N. M visa, E" .
praeinlnentty iaeuet tliote qualltlet, and all
the reoiiltlte cualincatlona eseenllal to tlit-aiion-
eat an lalthlul dlschargeolthediltleaol IHatrlcl
aeverlng eneruy. end sob., habile, who eennoira.V
eat an launiui oiscnargeol the untie ol IHatrlcl! f. at tha r.iVi.l ai"" iu .1. . . I
Attorney, we tike pleaaure In rwointnendlng mi SiL V'"' JJ' I
Republican t'ol.r. ol Snyder count, Viand on
nomlnatktrrtor that ufflie, and leol eonlblont If
elected, that ha will make a worthy and enviout
oUtcer. CaaTua.
Tna office of County Commeatloner It one of
the moat Important olltcea lo the tax payer of a
county, and to nil It we should have men of un
doubted Lii tat y and Integrity, in connection
wllh many Nepunllcans, allow me to pre.ent the
clalma nrOAi-TAia Philip Kiaaar, of Heaver,
for this Imivirtant onine. He It a man of teuml
judgement, honeat and rellabla, and II nominated
and eleeted, will make a laliulal olfl.-er.
F.ntTORt Poar. Please announce that .loas
Rnitiu.ol Pennt two- will be a eanrfl.lete i. r
County lommlaatoner. aubct to the decitloaof
me nepuuin-an votera at tne ensuing Primary
Election. Mr. Rotnle It well nualihad in mi thl
otnnei it g good sound Republican, and will, if
unnw, wee imi unicer. J.
Emnaa Post: Pleats anoonnce la year pa
per the name of A. K. Otrr, rq., at a tultai.le
verton to all the olflceof t'ouolv Surveyor. Sir.
Olll has practiced turveylng In thl county a
number of yeare, It punclnal In builnaae, and
moderate In charge. 1 will not tay anything at
tohlt moral character at he It too well knowa
thruughnattUeeounty. If nominated and eleo
ted he will make a faithful otfleer.
A Votsb oe Waav BaATaa.
Ena. Poart Pleaaa anoonnce through your
eolumattbat tliliil Wamtoa, Eq., ol Centre
lown.hlp, will ue a candidate for County Sur
veyor, subject to the deetalon of the Republican
votare at the earning primary election. Mr.
Welrlek It aa oxperloaoed bujveyor an la well
quaUUed for the position. FaaaaLia.
Tataaisa that oar townthlp Is entitled to
the Auditor thl fall, allow aie to nretent the
name ol Calvim L.Fiaaaato the Republican vo
ter of our county la eoooeotlou with that ottlee.
M r. Elalier baa always been an aotive aa sealout
kepuhlloen and bae aever heretofore atked lur
any thing In the power of the party lo beetow.
We tbluk It would be but tluiple juttloe to piece
hlin la aouilnatlua at the enaulng primary eiee
tloa. Should be be nominated and elected, wa
will have au koaeet aad eoaipetenl Auditor.
KniToas PoeTr-Relieving that It la tka right
policy to retain aood men In olflet, I would pro
pose that we re-SSmlnaW Iaibl UiaraaaAea
lur the olBoa of Comity Auditor. Me Is a eeuad
Republican, a good accountant, aad should be
re-elected. Jaeaeuv,
PENKH TOWNMUir, Snyder Oo., Fa.
A.NDBEW BLIADH, Proprietor.
I Standi
101)0 MEN
TO WdltK Olf Tiir
flfiailroail !
T men wanted Immediately, to Whom the
Mehe-t caab mice will he paid,
Apply to the euWcrlbers nt sat.trf!rROVK,
or to any of the HutMIontraetoveon the llneofllie
road. Theentlre aradlnanl the ad Mt sT HK
t an find employmant by calling on the tinder
aliened at Seimaurove,
May ai, lsf a. J'. V. OR ESS1W F.t.f..
lioireU it- t'o.' A'h ertiiif.mmtt,
iC?T Rokiw -Aaentsectl looperweck. Price
li Ji if e-. Auureat i.. nraKnia, llartloro.l.t
,')." A FAT I) new srtlctea for Aarnte
'i) bsmplef tree. II II Sll.t W, Allred, Me.
SALKSMKN Send for Circular, n
flrst rlavs buslnese and steady employment.
U r HUWK, 37 Area etreet, Pbllelelphla, Pa.
MsnTit.i. Taiobonir at. Wcnont.. Pnlla
rlani educalea Minlaterei ;en aycarte poor
atuilentaflieiilna Ansnal If. Apply to A A l.iv
iianHi, Meadvllle, Pa.
ifltll HOW SI n A-VUK'-TLe M.rrTe.l
Ladles private i 'otnnanloti contain the de.
red Information. Seat Irea for oanin. A,btr.a
Mas. II. Mktok a, Hanover, I'a.
IV E WILL PAT A'ttiXTS) a salary of s-tl
Il jier week or allow a lariceeommiafon toaell
nor new Inventions, Addreas J. W. I RINK a,
CO., Marshall, Michigan.
IVANTFII, AOFNT.t Watch free, fiver.
1 1 aratla to even live nan who will act as nnr
A sent. Ila.lneaa llaht and honorable! paya Ml
per day. Address K. Mo sua Kssrrdy fa Lo ,
I'llt. burg, Pa,
White Hnue," No ntioaltlon. Steel I n
aravlnxs. Rapid raloa. For circulars, addrcaa
I'.N. Pt RLieiiisii Co., N. Y., Uuclunatl and
OALKSMKN Wanted in a pnyinp
O bualncaa. 8. Kaaaanr,el3 Ihcatnnl moet,
t'HAHMIMI. 4is1 pavea, cloth. This won
erf nl imok has full Instructions to enable the
reider to inn-mate either eex, er any animal. at
will. Meemcrletn. Splrltuallam, and hundrcda
nl other curloue eiperlmentf . II can he obtained
by aendtng addreaa, wllh 10 ceute tviatnire. to
T. W. KNANS a, CO., No 41 souib ilslith
street, Philadelphia.
STAR srANOI.FI RANNFR.-A large, 4o
. column paier, l.eilirer sire. Illustrated, pe
rilled to sketches, Poetry, Wit, tlumor, scnulne
fnn Nonsenae (of a aenalble kind), and to the ei
ioaure of a wind Una. Humbuica, ao. Only 'S cents
a year, and a enicrb 'ena-raving "EvonKcllne."
1 1 4J feet, gratia, ao.uuo circulation. Money re
rmided to all who aak It. It It wide awuk. fear
leae, trulhlul. Try It NOW. 76 rents a year.
Svcimens I KEt. AdJreei' llANNEK," lllne.
dale, N. II, '
Inventors who wlah to take ont Letters Patent
are advlaeil to counael with MINN tfi..ll
lore ol the Sclenlirlc American, who have prose
cnte.1 claims before the Patent orfloe lor over
Twenty Yeats. Their American and F.umpean
I'etent Agcm y la the ruoet eiienalve In the
world, thamei lea thsa nny other reliable
agency. A pamphlet containing full Instructions
to lnvenlnre la aont gratis.
MI NN a, CO., a? Park Row, New York.
Choice Iowa Ii!iii(Is
For sale, at an per acre and npwards, for caab, or
on credit, by the Iowa Railroad Land Co. Rail
road alieady built through the lands, and on all
sbli-a of tuoiu. tlrent Inducements to aettlere.
Send for cur free Pamphlet. It gives prl.-ee,
tcrms1icatl'int tells who ahoiild come weal, what
It will coat: gives plant and eleratlnnt ol Is Oil
lerent stylee of ready-made which the
t'ompany lurnlahat Ironi eJ-'sj to M.otai ready to
setup. Maps tent if dralred. Addreas
W. W. WALKER, Vice I'realdent,
Cedar Hapldi, Iowa.
tlelng a cripple, I have nmde h"Ue planning a
aNicliil atudy. One built laat aeaatin has proved
it model of convenience, beauty, ami euunotny.
liei-rlbtlve elrculara ol Plans, vlewt, etc., with
eeneral inbirmatlun of value to all, teut Irea.
Aitdreat (with stump or script If convenient i,
isi. J. Ciiliit, Architect, Walerbury, Vermont
:ii,i.ovis:-t. To
nCNHREIiS OF AOKNTSiotkefrnms.1 to
lo lr day, In la soiling our I'atsst E
raNsinN Rksi. Swikth, combined. Card In
ivory lamlly for wlndlnir Yarn, Silks, Worsted,
e. W linla full alftt.1 akeln.nnd weight leaa than
ne pound. Agents Wauled. For tcrtna kc
addreae H. L. blURK F. a CO.,
Aburn, N. Y.
VAght IVrCcnt. Ciohl
... . k".'Y' K?..! ""I1"" or
annum, jmyablo 1Mb February ami Autrutt, In
OLIi Irceol l ulled state taao, In Nw York
or Europe. The bunda have thirty year to run.
payable In Row York In tioLlt. Tfuatoee
Varuiers' Loan and Truat IIuiiihibv ol N.'.,
York, . The mortgage which trcure theae bond
st. Joirpb wltu Furl Kearney, will make a short
"' ..tiwuau route to tauiornia.
The Comtiftiiy bare a Capital block
And a grant of Land Irotn Congrcsa,
of 1 ,000.000 Acres, valued, a I tbs
- B1U.OOO OtlU
iiiwett esiimaie at, at , 4,000,00ft
Ftrsl Morttraga lloadt, l,too,uo
Total l,Iioo,ooo
Total length of road, 7I mlleat dlatanca In
elndeil n thit Morlnane, 111 inllcai price, S7U
and wccrue.1 Inlareal, In CI BHENCY. I an li
be obtalnod from the underalgndl. Alio, pam
yhleta, inapt and Inlonuatlou relating thereto.
Iheae liond, Ulog ao well cured and yielding
a larite Income, are desirable to iartlet seeking
mm 1. auu luciaiiff invtaiuiaiu, w e reoouuieau
theui wllh entire conlKleio e.
Coinuierclal Agente.
. f Fine btreet, New York.
Fiscal Agents,
No. 41. Wall Street, New York.
. May t S mot.
Dauthj t- CV$. Adv rlitftnenii.
"laost Abroad."
Send lor specimen page, circulars, terms, ate.
Adore la a. Oa .Uartfurd, Cuna.4
Kcv. Albert Ilnrocs'
Batinesa for everybody, pays M te Swe per
bio mii.
Seod for Circular to ZEIOLER, MoOI'KDT
k CO., le Sdtitk bUth at., Philadelphia, Pa. 14
''event lMra Auiouk lb
iiuiaLs and hi: aics
530 Page riorlj Ulastrated- Price IS CO
- it shows the myeterlee efttoek and gold gam
bling, and the aiyterlee af uulortunala apeuula
llou, and axuoee the twlndlet, trick and fraud
of operator. It tell bow ail I lion are made and
lost la a day, how ahrewd men are ruined, how
women speoalate on the ttreet, etc. Ageuta
"sated- .We pay Erelgkt Wett. Read for Iriua.
WW..... U.M.W im m ana fjrouuue, now
J. at. OUR
M k CO., HARTFORD. Cobb, lit
Uj seadlnf 35 eeala,
Vila age, helgbt,-color of ayes and heir,
yau will reoeiia, by retura wail, a correal
ploture of your fulura auskand or wir,
J . L. .. . . . ...
wiib name anu oata or rrlaga. Addreaa
J. 1UA, r. V. 9. 'H, rsltuBTlUs,
I!f PRU'K fir e
Tens nnd Coflcc
rnicK ok (sold
Tncreescd Facilities of t lub Orrranircrl. Send
for New Price Hal
St A SS Vase) St. New York.
(P.O. BoaBi3) iw
oa raa
nj 3. It. Tl Atif.K, Fdltor of the f alt tkf
neportcr. nr:i nui en t: I'tir.of TH rm sk.
With a full and authen'lo history of POI.YO
AMY end the Mormon Sect, from Its orlgla te
the preacnt lime.
Aacntaara meetlna with anprecedented ene one reports 71 subscribers In two days, one
19 the ltrt day. Send lor circulars. Addreea
pkU, Pa. (Mayitw
A SI RE I'l'HE Ffllt SflltF.
THROAT, Cold, Cronp, IMrdlierla, Cstarrh or
rioaraeoca. a ia. a aucceaaf III remeiiy lor Kid
new HittVultfea. Price 2i cents ir Ima. Sent
bv mall nn recclne of price, by ,f. . K El. I. 'Mill
st I'lslt St., New York. Sole Agent for N. Y.
MH.II IIY 1KI ilillsls. .May i-sw
I yloK aj i:vrs v ani i-ili
Ai'TOIII'M.lf U'lir
Toe whole cnlleene.l with sllectlnir Incldenta
ion oi miereei ami pathos t iny thouaand sold
the laat nve month., .rente will bow Ihla. not.
wiiliatanillng the "bard times." It la a piraaure
to cell It, lur It la doing muek sond. The work Is
aMeniiuiiy uouno anu niuatraied. Addreaa
II. 0. JOUNSUN, No. r9 Area street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
.lt I'l.ll IMT.
AC'EtlTt H(Tt:n everywliere for
with which la given AWAY that auperb end
worldreuowned work of art, Maksuall's
The bet paper and grsndeat engraving In Amer
lea. Aircnta retwirt "maklne ai? in balr .). o
"sslea e i.lcr than bonks, and pronu greaeer."
Wide awake Acntat irechers, Clergymen and
other, male nl lemalo ebould aend at once lor
copy hi oaer ano tun particulars orthlaentlrely
new and unprecedented enmblnatlon, In which
tlioro It more money than uu thing now otlereU.
A. II HI HIIAKIt, PubllalM-r,
S evu Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
rPlli: M Ar;IC O.llll will change
X nny cnlnrcil bsir or heard to a perma
nent Mack ur brown. It contains no poison.
Any oue.cau use It. (Ine sent by mail fur
l. Aildress MACIC t'OMlt CO.,
ninr24-:)mj pringfiel.l, Mass.
Fo Family t'fg, timpff, thrap, rtliatlt.
Knits cvcrjlliing. Agents Wanted, fir
ciilur ami ssmplo slocking FHKK. AiMrete
Ma., or 170 Uroadway, N. Y. Keb.l7-m
Aetlmia, anil ('atarrli cured by inhala
tion. AMiolts liibnling Flnljis I tie only
rentcily tbnl operates on the) tings-ilitsolveg
tbe tubercle, which are thrown etf. the
cavilirs beul. anil a cure is effected. Treat
ment l.y letter or in person can be bail only
of y. VAN Jll'MMKL. M. I)., 1. weHl Mil,
St. N.V. . 10m
w-3 Hear tcetlinony lo ll.clr Woa-
f. u ilerful I'uret Ire Eileen. fis-Ji
Mad of Poor Rum, Wbiakcy, Proof Spirits, an
Hettiae Liquor, docton-il, anlced and wcetned
to uleare (lie teal, called i' Tunica ." Aooeil
sera." ' Roatorora . Xc, llmt lead the tippler oa
lo drunkeneat and ruin, but are a true medicine,
inane irorn me eeiire ffvoiaanii itorrel t all-
lornia, tree frvun all Alcoholic stimulant. They
Arc Il.o (i HEAT lll.f ml) PI 111 Fl EH and LIFE
(11MMI PKIM II'LE, a perlccl llcuuvatnr
and Inv'.porntor ot the System, carrying ol all
polsoiiou uiattcr, and restoring tbe bleed to a
heeltny condition. No ticraon can lake thee
Hitter acoordtng to dlrectlont, and remain long
lis will be given to an Incnrsble case, provided
the bonet ere not itoatroyed by inlneref mlaone
or oilier mean, and the Vila organs waa lad be-
yontl ine laoni oi retir.
lor Iniiamniatorv and Chronle Rhenmallant
and tloul, iyerya, or In.lluentlou, Rllllou,
Hemlttrnt, and lntortnttleut Fever, jileease a
the liliHid, Liver, kidney, end llladder, theae
Hitler nave necn nioat aueeeasiui. such ju
cisoa are catiaed by Itlatrd HIimhI. which I area.
erally pruduved by derangement of the l'lgeeiive
I leunte the Vitiated Hlood whenever yoa find
lit liupurltle bursting through the skin In Pim
ples, Eruptiont or Sore cleuae II whea you And
It in-led aud alugKiah In thevelnai clcnae it
wnen it ia loin, ami your ire una a will tell you
wiieu. tvevp me iiiihhi pure anu tue aeatia w
the ayatcin will lollnw.
PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, lurking la
in ayetoin oi io many miiuaaiije, are euevtualli
dcatrove.1 and removed.
lu lllllloua, Remittent, and Intermittent Fe-
vere,iuee itinera nave no eaai. For lull direc
tion read carefully the circular around each
bottle, printed In lour laiMjuagee Kagllali, Her
man, Freueb and Simnirh.
J. WALKER, Proprietor,
S'J i i iiiuierue St., N. T.
R.ll. McIHINALH k CO..
Irngglsla, and general Agents, Saa Praaelsee
and Sacramento, Calliurala, and i k 4 Com
mercest.. N. V.
g-sot.l lit ALL ,KRUaat8T8 AND
Pi.il4t.KS, (Hario-sat
Wages paid weekly to Agente ever
month gaaran
everywhere, eefl-
I- Sure iiav.
Ingour Patent Sliver Muuid Wh Its Wire Clothes
1. lues. Hutlneat pertnauent. For full particu
lar! addreas Oimauu Wiub MiLLe, PblladelpUla
ra. may t-ts
Paris Niinliirlit
nud Onftllfrht
A Work deeerinilva or the myierlet, Virtnet,
V luna, opieioior anil unmet Ul
the City of Perl.
It contain 15 bo eagravlnge of noted place,
Lile and Scene In Pari. Ae-anta wanted A,l.
drast, Natioiai Puautuiao Co., Philadelphia
a ew
t.e'n"ew OF HUSHAN1)IIY
A complete guide for Farmers, young and old,
by the celebrated Author aad sueeeealul lariaer.
Tbe large eirleaea and reeognlied ability or
the Author guarantee a work of aterllng tuerlt.
a anon r tne on) eol ireateil are Buying and
Leaalog a Farm, Hulldlnge. Improve.1 faipl.
Biaul. JudletoBt FerllllilDg, Sub olllog.Orala
tng, RoUllou ul Crop, Rulier Making. Cbeeae
Factories, HreeUIng aad oara or live aloek, tkelr
dlaeaeaa and remodlet. As., A., wILb many uaelul mvu leuai lira WIIU intrUOI10B and tU.
bell.hed with lo edrlled engravlag. Term
liberal, Circular free, fiauuaaaa Auaat t at
A. II. IIUBBABO, PubUiher.eOO Chettaut at
Philadelphia. 4w
aad luteal
I tela war
alia insuranoa Co for all part of veuneylraala
aud New Jereey. Bolerenne required. Addreea.
Branch Office DELAWARE MUTUAL 1.1 Kb'
INS. HO. M. W. cor, stk aad Chaeaut Hie., pklli
I WAS CUREP of Deafoets anil Catarrh
br a slmnla Remeda anil olll .!
ireoelnl Irea. se, H. 0. lwnntV.
ill X A 13
r! -toil ? 5
s:-l -r --' . 1 - 2
urrnlrr Arrnnrrtnfnt Mm i': tr
MaylC, 1870,
Orilt Trlihk t.lfie from the fforlh an.l
North tvest for Pbllsdelphla, Ketr Vork,
Itesiline1. Pnll4ifle T.m.nn. a .1.1
Pliamokin. I.ebsnon. Allenlew'n. Faatori!
Epbrala. Mils, Lancaster, Colombia Ao.
Train leave Itrl.l.... A. V V 1. - 1
folloWg I Bl fl.'tV Rill It f fe.A.
ami 2.6l n. nt.. e.mnectln wllh elmiiee
trains on tbe the Pennavlv.nia Rellene.f
and srrlvine at Kate- Yneb at l'J in .
S.fiO it.05, ami 10,00 p. m., respectively.
Sleeping rare accompany the 5.3a m. and) '
ll.Vo a. m. trains, withoul change. .
reuirning! l eave new York at P.OOam,
12.00 Noon, ami fi On e. m rkll.,1.11.:. .a
8,15 a m ami 8,80 p m Bleeping ear ae
ompsny I bet 0,00 p fn, and 6.00 p m IraiAS
...ii i-rew lora, wiinoni enange.
Uave llarrlshtirff for ReaJIng. roltsvillsy
Tamsqtta, Minersvitle, Ashland. Rhamokin,
t'incrrove. Allcnmwn ami l'l.lla,l.inki. .i
m.IO m, 2iOgnd a) top rn, stopping at
n-usnon ami principal wsy stations i the
1.10 p m train connecting fur Philadelphia,
PlIIISV ille anil .nl. V... t.n..
ville. Prhnylklll ll.vren and Aubnm.-vlsy
U..I tl. Ill . ..
" "jiaiii anu nusiiiciisnna italiroan,
Leave llarrisburg at .1.40 p m
lat I'eneylrnnia Kailrnail trins leave
Resding fur Allcalown, rton ami Naer
York at 7.1U, M.ito a. m., 1.27 and 4.!k p.
nt. Itcfurnig, leave New York at 0 (XI a.
ni., 12.00 noon and MM n. m. and Allen.
town at 7.'.'U a. ni. 12. "6 Noon 4 () a.,1
S.i'i p. m.
Way passenger train leaves Philadelphia
at i,.tOam, cotiucoting with similar train
on Ea,t fenns. Railroad, returning from
lleaipng ai ij,;l5 p m, stopping at all stations
Leave Potiaviilc at fi.40 and V,00 a m and
2,fitlp m.: Ilernilun at ..ltl a m; Una
mokinst Vto and 10,40 a. m.: Ashland at
7,00 a m, and 12.oi) noon, Mahanoy City
at 7.fi1 a. in- and .07 p. nt.. Tamequs at
.8;l a m. and 2.V0 p m for rhRadelphia
and New York.
Leave Poltsvilln. via 8chtflklll and flul
Hiubanna It II at 8.14 a m f.rr Itsrrliburg',
and 12. () noon fur Plnegrove ami Tremonl.
Reading Accnmmodnlion tfalni Leave
Pollsvillo g ft,4i) g m. passes Reading at
7,80 a m, arriving at Philadelphia at 10,20
m. Itcltirning. leaves PbilsilelpHa at
c.lJ p nt. nsssing Reading at 8,00 p m,
arriving at l'otlsville at 0,40 p m.
l ottetosn Accommodation Train Leaves
P.itlelown at 11,25 a m, returning leaves
Philadelphia nt 4.00 p m.
Columbia Railroad Trains leava Itcaillne-
nt ,"() a m. and fl l.'i n m r..e r,.i.
Litis. I.ancssler, folnmbla, &;
Perk lumen Itullrosd Trains leave PerW
otncii Juncilonat 0,01am, H.fsO ft 6,30 p m;
reluming leave Schwcnksville at 8, 05 a m,
12,4'. Noon, and 4.15 p m, eonneotlng with
einitlar trains on Heading Railroad.
'olebr jok lsle Railroad trains leave Pottg
town ot 0 40 a m. nnd 0,20 p m, returning
Icare Mouut Pleasant at 7,00 and 11,25
am, connecting with similar trains on
Reading railroad.
Chester Valley Railroad trains 'leave
Criilcport at 8,80 a tn, and 2.05 and 6.02
p m, returning, leave Hownlngf own at 6,2(1
a mv 12.4.) noon and 6,15 p m, eonneotlng
wilh similar trains on Reading railroad.
On Hnndnva ; Leave New .niu
. - - - - - ..... . v, w
p nt, Philailelphin 8,00 a m and 3,16 p to.
oe r.,,r e m iram running only to Heading;
leave Pollsvllle 8, (Ml g m: llarrisburg 6,36 a
tn and 4.1U n tn. leave A tl..i.,.n .i v oi:
a. in. nnd and 8.40 p. ra. ; leave Reading
st 7,15 a tn, and 10,05 p m for Hsniaburg,
nl 7.23 a m for New York, at 4,46 p m for
Allenlown, and 4.25 p ui for Philadelphia.
Commutation, .Mileage, Heasor., Sohool
snd eicdrtion tickets, to and from all points
st reduced rales.
ltmrcraire cheokoil ilieoimt. inn.
allowed each passenger. '
Cruftnl SuftriHltnitnt.
Reading. May 10, 1870.
. e
'Grovcr& Baker's
FinsT pukmium
i:lastic sStictii
Scwino; Machines,
.:. iii)AUVtl MJW YOP.K.
Beauty and Elasticfy of Slltch.
rerfcotlon and Simplicity of Machinery.
Using loth IhreaiBi Jireelly from th
No fustening of seams by hand and no
waste of thread.
range of application without change
of adjustment.
The scam retains Its beauty aud flrmnes
after washing aud ironing.
Resides doing all kinds of wort done by
by other Hewing Machines, these Machines
eieouie the most beautilul an permaaent
Embroidery aud omnintmlal work.
BfluThe Highest Premiums at all lb fair
and eihibiliona.or the Coiled htates and
Kttrope, have been awardod tbe 0 rover X
llaker Hewing Machines, aud the work
by (hem, wherever exhibited in eompatioa.
WtYTh very highest prlre.TUE CROSS
fered on lbs representative of Orovrr &
llaker Hewing machines, at the eipoeition
t'uiversolle, Paris. 18i7, thus attesting
lhair great snperiorily overall other Bew
ing Muchinea.
For Sale by SAMUEL FAUST. Selins.
grove, I'a. April 20. '09.
Forney's Press,
Git the JUtt ami (lieapat Nevgpaptr
' . In lite Country.
, tiieTress ,
Is a Crst-elass double-sbset eigbt-page
paper, eonlaiuiug 48 columns, pubUahed
every inoruing, (iMoepl 8undays.)
DAILY PRE8S .oYiwanauai 12.00
for six months $1.00 fVirtbrae mouths.
TIll-WEEKLY ll(Rr5E.f;4.0O par an
Diirot 2 00 for sis tuenihs; f 1.00 for
Ihrea months.
TDK iithov nnraa i..
able Weekly Newspaper In the World. It
nnnl.ln. Il 1 . . 1 1
One eory oue year ' f 1
rive eopias 9
Ten copies, and on copy te toe' getter
up of club, 15
Twenty copies, and on eery to the
eTSel lat.ll It at t nlttk AV .
Fifty enpiea, aud en eopy le Ik gaiter -
nn . .l..k mm
-r oa
Tea eoplea, to est tddnu, and oa
eoriV la Ihw areltee n nt ll.e .1..U IS
Twenty copies, fe ea aJJrtu, and oa
"y w iuw ;ciier at oi tut OIU0 sue
Fifty eoplea, fa eat aJdrm; and one
una In 1 1. . M. . , 1. . I . . 1 1A
i - - . - a "" y hi i u. wuii
Ou hundred copies, fo oar tJJritt, and
una eopy ui toe iri-weegiy t'raeS to
lb getter up of lbs elub 100
All otitrt tkauli 6 etoVteeeef ley
Hi. mm
" f