The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, June 02, 1870, Image 1

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foWiittd every Thursday Cvening by
inolSE A BErr.n, Proprietor.
Terms of (Subscription,
TWO DOLLAflfl peu akncm, Parable
Wlihia sti months, or 72,60 If ant paid
wnuin in year, no paper discontinued
vain arrearage r rma unies at
lha I flflkl .. 1. 1 1 . 1.
Subscript ions otttsldo of tho county
MSV IMIM1 llnln. -.t ...I-. .......
m -- - K win uoiiifi 'n'vip
AllllrAMAfl A AlLsM kmAAM.s . .. 1. ..... V.
and ere liable fur Iht price of Ik paper
Middlcbunr. Fu..
Offer hit nrofeatlonat aervicea lo Hi pnb-
11. CoIIeotion and nil other prnfeaaional
buiinci entruattd 19 bit car will reeeiv
prompt alUnllon. Jan 8, '07if
Solinsirrove IV.
Idler Mi professional servie to the rub
1 id. ah eustne entrnaied lo bl care
bill b promptly attended to.
Una. 17, '
Froclurr Tn.,
tifler hi Professional ervlclo tfa cub-
. ..... . .
lie. All Duslnrs entrusted to bl curt
kill b promptly attend J lo.
Jan 17, 'C7tl
ftipi.VAN jkzi:r,
Lowisburg I'u..
Ilffara Ui iroreaalonal aervic lo lb pub'
lie. Collection and all oiuer rrotemion
LI buainess entrusted 10 hi car will r-
It prompt attention.
rE0. F. MIl.LKU,
Lcwisblllg I'll.
Iffer bl Profenional rvice lo tut put
ig. Collection and all oluer proreision-
11 butines entrusted to hi cure will re
aiv prompt aiiauiiou. Jan. 8, 'VTif
Lewisliitrjr Tn.,
ITeri bt profenional services lo the
lublie. Colleciious and all other pro-
ksslonal business entrusted lo their care
ill reivproniplaltcnilon.f Jan. 3, 'OTH
Sclinsgrove IV
Eer hi professional rvice 10 lb pub
k. Collection and all olher professional
bilnes entruated to In cure will re
live prompt attention. Oflice Iwo door
Irth of lh Keyiion Hotel. Jau 6, 'ti
Selinsgrovo Pu
fer bi Professional torvicea lo the
blio. All business entrusted lo bin
ire will be promptly attended to.. Coi
tion made in all part or the Wale.
ean speak In hull Kb and German
(niage flueoily. Ollice between Hull
i lb l'ol ollie.
N. MYKliS,
tddluburg Snyder County l'onn'u.
ic a few door Weil of the 41 0. on
iln (trtcl. Consultation in l'nplisli
i German langusges. Eep.'Uiil
liOwislnirg Pa.,
rr hi professional seivicesto Hie pub-
All bUEiiio- ntruiiic'i 10 ins care
II b oromptlv ul tended to.
L-nin. i). uiii
ertone la need of a good and durable
ting Maoliine ean he accouimodsted nt
ouabl price by culling on on Sax-
Favit, Agont, eeltnagiov.
.Ian. 21, 'Cflt
K. J. Y. SlIlNDKfj,
MiilJleburg Pa.,
r bia prnfeanlonal erricca to llio cit-
of Middlourg and Ticiuity.
..Murcb .1, ill
SuliiiMjrrova ronn.
. Peno Twp., Stijdcr Co. T
toksoa TownBhij,SDyJerCo. Pa.,
illtnd In all hiiatneaa entruated la
car and on lh moat reaaonable
, Marco 12, 'UHir
lrTlllCt fnjdcr Co., I'u
a bit profetlonal aerrioea to the
U 0011
W. SCHWAN, M. I).,
BLUUEO.N S, 1'11VC1L1A.,
l'ori Trevorton Pa.
L bl Drofeaeional aerfloc lo the
in of tbi plae and vicinity. 11
1 German and loginii.
lAprti id, do
Fiaehurff PnvderCo. Pu..
reapeotfully offer hi. erTloe to
bile at Vendue cryer and Auollon
HaviDg bad a largo experienee, 1
aidant that I can render perfect
Lttlon to y tmployee.
Ijan. n,
r. PA It K 8,
i ia Court Uiuee, Sept.16, '07 if
322 N. THIRL) S
l vm .w
J. C. NU'E, Clerk
k 41S North Third Street.
T va . V wr nnnv or, T ona .
sera, Blank book Jruoutaoturc
.1 1 tai ...1 111 .1... o.
mrw Mm ft rfiu;, Jiiiusj, i'Ur.
i Wall ppra Paptr Dag ka Gn
I PriMera
1 n.t,4lM.( ,fc.M p.
VOL. 8.
Jii'lce not lh honeat and alnoere,
W lierTer (hey may aland,
Should bar I rolhcr'n word to cheer.
A brother' helping band.
Judge tint what if we judge aright
A thnuaand In the throng 1
'Twere belter left undone than blight
Our heart by judging wrong.
Judge not the mnliTO lit too deep
for other eye lo can ;
Tie oura to arafh our own, and keep
It pur toward God and man.
Judge not although the deed b on
Hy which one stood or fell ;
It may be that we abould bar don
No better, if a well.
Judge not 'Iwer vain to aearch thecaua
That underlie Hie deed j
The eoultuunt anewer to it law,
And not lo any creed.
Jude not remember it wa II
Who cam from heaven lo aire.
And taught great truth o lovingly,
Thi procept nlno gave.
Shoo I'ly ! U11 the II rain.
A through the alreel you pas along,
You think it very queer
To bear one universal enng
Rcaounding iu your ear ;
A friend you meet ; and aa you greet
On whom you r glad to aee.
He warblea, making ipiick retreat :
"boo, tty I don't boddvr me!"
A lovely woman neit, perchance,
You vvnluro to talui 1
She view you with a comio glance,
And Iheu prepare lo "cool."
You pre her gently lo explain
The point you cunnol ?e ;
Sh answer with a ealm andxio :
"Shoo, fly 1 don't boddvr me !"
Encountering a hoaom friend,
You say to him with cheek t
Can you lo me live dollars lend,
I mil some time lit it week.
When 1 my little dog shall sell
Now, what reply mukea he?
He hums a lune you know it well
' Shuo, fly, don't bodJor iiie!'1
A Indy blvbp like a roso ;
Your arm la round her wniet ;
Then Diniriniony you propoie.
While ah 1 thus embraced ;
Itut. whilu flic gate in your eye
As loving aa can be ;
Miclilevonly the fair one criea :
"Suuo, fly I dou'l boddcr me 1"
When crcditora ahull entne to you
About 'thai little bill,"
And tay : ' that amall account ia duo,
Jul pay 't if you will."
I'm intoihe eipt-ctant ear
The largcat kind of flea,
l!y whistling very Ion 1 and clear
'iili 00, fly ! dou't boddcr mo !"
From nonaetiFo wo may draw a jine good,
A moral there ia here,
Which, when Mb fully underatood,
Wj hope you'll pri.o inut dear ;
When Itoublia come, the burdtu bear
With luui;hter loud Mid free, .
And say to sorrow, grief and care :
Shoo, fly ! don't boddcr me !"
NlltliK 1IM.I.
A corrcxpondeot of t lie Luwinburi;
Chronicle I'otuuiunicato J tbo fullowinu
to that paper :
iue recent tbunJcr ttorm ban ro-
iniiidcd me of on inciduot Id my earliot
proU'8ii.nal lifo wbich grow out of tlio
tuoft torribletoruj I ever witnessed.
It wot iu the numrurr of 18 . At
uood tbo sky umed tlneaUniu
xpect, aod from that tituo 00 tho air
liccauio more and mure turchared
w iiu ominous slsna ; dut'ioir the outire
aftornooo the boat wan most opprosxive,
and iue uop sua cuttlo in tlio lield
liung out thuir tongues, tad wcut pint-
una fiasiiiug lor bieutli. Appear-
ancet supyeBtcd to the Htarlled l'unoy
tliat tboro wa 'uiiricbief working to
tiie world." It wan about sis o'clock
wbeo I reached home, after bavinc cone
my usual round of patients, and fool
ing tbe oppreanivcDCBi of the atmos
phere, I went up to my ludy, op.-oed
tbo window, aud wa soon lost in rev
erie. lh boat becamo almost aufflen-
tinfr, every leaf wut still aod niotiooiesn.
I longed lor u removal of Ibis unusual
and oppressive reposo of nature.
At length I beard pattering among
tbe loarea, and then two or throo larje
and ominous looking drops li'll upon
my window sill. I went to tbo win
dow and was looking up at tbs threat,
ooing avpect of the sky, when there
uiasuu lurill a UUMI 01 HlltOlOg, Willi
a blinding splendor that doQot doserip.
tiooj it was followed by n crash ot
thunder as if the world bad been
smitten from it sphere and was beiog
rent asunder.
I stood for a momonf stupefied, snd
could tbink of nothing but to close my
eyes from tbe glaring libt,aad to shut
out from my ears tbo stunning sound
of tho tbuodor.
The stoim now began In full earnest,
"Th wind,
ITnprlioned, blew Iu trumpat loud sad ehrilti
Out aa.Uvd Ik llalitolug. alorlou.lyi la rain
(Jauia dowa Ilka uiualo.aud Ua lull tooad ttiunder
tiulled to Krand karuiouy throughout high
tbe thunder aod linhtoioj;, pol upon
peul, blaze upon blase, became really
AVbeo the iorra was at Its hoigbt,
my door bolftiDg tod I wss summoned
to attend a man who bsd sustained aa
injury in bolng throws out of bis car
riage, bis bone bavicg beon frightened
by tbe lightning. Tbe injured man
kept a tavern not far from my bouse,
sod was known to the neighborhood
by tbe name of Bill tbe Slasher. Ho
wat tbs most profane rata ia tbe com
muoity, and wss possessed of a vile
snd bruitisb nslnro.
Wbeo I reaobed tbe bouse, I enter
ed tbs bsr room and beard tbo most
unesrthly groans, or rather howls,
oouing trow tbe room above. lie wa
dsmnioff binitelf bis borse, tbe thun
der end. iir'btola. and ia f" every-
tliundi-r, lircnuso it drownod the blas
phemous voice of the monsler,
I went np Maiis. snd thrro lie lay
Stretched itpoo tho Inn!, writhing io
restless e;:ony, with firti clenched,
snd hi bloated face swollen ami din
tortcd by rango nod fury. lion be
saw iue, be roared out for mo to t!o
somotlo fur bini. I glaocod at him
and found that the lower part of his
leg, and hi foot was ci'iihcd and din
pljccJ j his slocking wai s.wked in
blood, and preconted tho ninst thof k
ing appearance. A I Blood for onio
mout looking at bim, he clenched hi
flits, and thnn nnnnliin hi teetfi, he
bo;:nii onollmr volley of the most bUn
phctnous exerraliona. It stotned to
mo that I had entered iuti tho very
preacnee of the jjrert arch Gen J.
As I began t' e ta k of removing the
stocking from bis toot bi wholo I odv
quivered with the pain. A I caw tint
kn t bin brow at d clench his IiuiiJh in
I'ury, l be:an to fear that ha would rixe
tip anJ Htriko nit. Kvcry step in the
npcrati.m of dressing was a'tendod with
the vilcHtoxecrutions. I Miring all thin
timo tlio h tor m continued with unulal
ed fury ; each (lusli of lightning would
call forth Irom my patient a tot tent id
bla-pliortiio. There camo at lift a
flush moro vivid than tlio rest, when,
rtnuiug a ghastly mnilo, the impiou.i
wrotch shook hi (ints and cursed it
lis action bad become fearful to wit
ness, and I cotiim.tndod hi 111 to Lo hi
loot, IckI tho venLeneo of ti.xl shouM
smito him. I bad scarcely finislie l my
senteoco, when another vivid streaia
ol lightning poured iototho room. It
completely blinded mo for tho momcut
and 1 knew from tho milling of the
thunder overhead tliut the 0;th bud
truek sninewhero near 11 .i.
Tho first object that I Maw when 1
recovered from my temporary blind,
ucs. was my patient sitting upright in
the bed, With hnd damped over bin
breast, and in so uttitu lo of derptir
llo was speeeblesr, and did not 111 ve a
muclu i l'i eyes slnoJ o it from their
uekrt; and a glatici' asmired mo of
what had oecuro I. The fires ol heaven
bad rcbukod h' bhtephetnie. an I b l'i
hitu to groupo l.l way, like Klynia the
iorcervr, In t i i 11 1 1
Thero.livcd in tho city of V ,
in tho State of Pennsylvania, a pen
tlcmnn tn tlio Middy fide of Hixty.who.
by industry and economy, bu I nmas-ed
:i largo competence, sustaining in nil
the work of lifo a character above sus
picion. Ho was the head of a fjiiiilv, '
, .. .. .... ..'i
una iiuteii lor I H eccentricities ntid
peculiar stylo of dress, llo was stoop-
nhouldercd, limped a little, ami lor I
en years prcvioui to (ho time ubout lo
he narratud woro 11 coat that had
turned red with u.'e.
It was in tho iniddlo of tl,o ufiir-
noou of a cloudy, dismal day in March!
1 , Wlien an uU tnau ctilered 0110 of!
. 1. 1 1. .. .1 . . 1
tho I nnks in tho cily uan.ed und pro
scnted .a chuck for payment. The
Cashier look it and paid over tho Hum
SM.UOO, aul lie descended iu'.o tho
Io less than five miuutcs after lie
..r. .1 ..--1 . .
was tlin limn. I
" That is the man ; T cannot bo mis
takoo," be replied. LTo eyixl him a
little closer (being near-sighted) aud
tbrowino; up his hands excluimed :
" Mr. Jtawlius I (tho rroDtlomnn alluded
to in tho opening of tho narrative.) rau
it bo possible that you have committed
this forgery 1"
Tho old man protested bis iono
eenco, but to lo avuil, and bo was led
away to prison to await tbo silting of
His friends wished to go bis bail, be
obstiuately refused to accept release,
and be lay ia jail three month.
Tbe day of trial eamo, aud, although
defended by the lest of legal talent,
the evidence against bim wss conclu
sive, aud bo was convicted.
In this btato a day is get apart in
which tbo condemned receive their
It was sentcuce day. Tbe court
room was filled with spectators, and
Uie friends and relatives .of, thn pris
oner. It was sorrowful scene, aod
among tbe participants was lbs wife
and iwo lovely daughters of Mr. lUw
litis, their beautiful faces swollen with
woepiug over tho sud fate of tbe bus
band and father. One by one the
prisoners descended from the box aod
roeelved their sentences.
Hawlins was next in turn. Tboro
was ao awful silence for tome moments
when tbe Judge, io a choking, trout'
bliog vtico, for he was 00 iuliruuto
frieud of tbo condemned, said:
' Mr. lUwIios V
tie arose and took a stand before
tbe Judge.
Tbe Judge nroceeded : " Have you
or any one In the room a reason why
the sentence of tbe law shall not be
pawed aguinst you ?"
Here a terrible ailcnee ensued, al
most paralysing tbo hearts of many
anxious friends; when all at once a
prisoner iu tbe box a youog man
arose and said, " I bave r
" Your reason,'' said the Judge.
" 1 Joe use be is not ' guilty. 1 will
explain.' '
What a mountain woight of sorrow
wa lifted from tbe hearts of some by
tbe pronunciation of tbesa words, "not
jailty." . j
" rroeetd I oroeeed !" f-wt a hn-
I l""r.K uisonwrva to; .0 r fttW it Lt.r..0 . W!H u, ,..
bo a forgery. 1 he proper nut hont.ea oJ 'wLut J10 b,lJ. iSilMtigniil
were immediately notified by the! ulinB luin ,,, -j , l(Jk u:
Cashier, who them a description ; resolution that ho would n.ver again
of the person Hut pr-sento. it. 'lhcy;el)U!ra Lli hoUjo 1Io ,
sooo found and arrested a person an-i company with li.o of l.i
swor bg the doser,pt,o, ;nd bringing (.on(lucl JA bamo one
him to tho tasluir asked hiru ii thatl.c.i .1: .! ' 1 r i- ...
fc I will. If ymi will send some re
liable man an'ofliccr or two with
mo to a certain point on tho main liigli
way leading, out of the city, under a
flat stone of poctiliitr slinpo you will
find f 10,000 f tho money j the bI
nnoo I liavo lot-t at faro ''
'f hoy started, followed by a crowd.
In en hour an hour of anxiety and
excitement they returned, end pro
duced thetmmny in rottrt.
" Now," paid tho prisoner, send tit
room No. 1ft, nt tho Under ir.ue, on
A street, yon will liod a hair, trunk
whioh you will luing to mo.'1
lo duo timo tho trunk wn brought
into ooiii t. nii'l nt the previous seent
re(Mest of the Judgi, throu-li te
Sheriff, tho young mau snd the trunk
were placed in one antu-ruom, and Mr.
lUwlim In innther
In n Few minutes be, or ttiwliim, no
one knew which it was, took his place
in tho box, and tho Jtldgo ordered liic
Sheriff, to summon tho L'nshier, which
ho did.
Ho now canto in.
" Jleforo pasting sentence upon this
man I would have you look at I im
and tell tho court tlut bo in tho li.a.i,"
Mai tho Jii'lgo.
" He is tbo matt ! I cannot bo mista
ken although I am sorry to say It.''
Hero the prist ner suddenly twitched
tho whii-kcra 'from hin face, threw oil'
his bat and cout, and stood in bis
ohirt sleeves a moro boy.
The Cashier swooned, foil upon the
floor, aod wan cat rtud out of tho court
' I am tho limn,' said tho prisoner,
" who did the forcing of that iliccl;
t came from I illiquid n few months
ago, determined to uiuUo a rai;e. 1
knew the man called llawlitis, and,
knowing that lio bwe a jood tepula
lion, morully and financially, 1 tie tor-!
mined lo porsonitlu bim if possible,
knowing that tlio mnn wmtld be lo. ked
at nud not tliu check
I low well 1 did 1
it you nil know ; but I could imi !
an innocent man Buil'er, for a critic
'hit I hud voinmiitei!.''
llawliir, wat ilisoharged and borne
oir iiiiiiiiplianlly mi the hiiiilil. is ut
his fiieiiil-. and in euiisideiulioi'. 1 1 t !
Iioiie. ly o:' In uU of the ymin-' man the
tlove.iior commute 1 his :e.ra'iice IY0111
twelilv lo two njr 1:0 b:ivin.. I,
( OliMcled lid llliutliin' cuarge.
in 1
1 sio:
I hit"
j p.l
"i iiiu iiiuit uiouunuiiiiliu i.uuuauiIKU
. . 9
01 uia ago.
lr. Samuel Johnson was oneo re
(picbtod to drink wiue with a frieud.
'i be doctor proposed tea. " Hut d.iuk
a link wiuo," saidtho hot. " 1 can
not' wui tbo reply? ." I know ubstiu-
ence, I know excess; but M;now no
meUium Loog stnuo 1 resolved, as
couui not unnk a iiit'e I would no
drink at all." A in iu who could thus I
support bis resolution by action, was a
uiua of endurance, und that ek'Uient in
as well displayed in this iucideut as iu
iho combination of 4iis grout work.
When llithard ilriualvy Sberiduu
made his apoecli in I'nrliimcnt, it was
regarded ou all hauds a a mortifying
failure. His friend urged Lint to
abaodoo a parliamentary career and
enter upon a field butter suited to bis
ability. "No !' said Sheridan; "no,
it is ia me, aud shall come out 1" Aud
it did, aud bo became ouo of tho moot
splendid dobaturs in Knglaud..
l'erbups no other nation lo Kuropo,
at the time, could have wou tho battle
of Waterloo, except the British, be
cause no other could bave brought to
that conflict. tbo amount of euduraoca
necessary to Mill. For many hours
that army stood manfully before the
murderous tire of tbe IVeucb ( column
slier column foil, while not a gun
was discharged on their part. Ono
sullon Word of commuud run along
the line as thousaud fell, File up 1
til up I" ' Nut jet, not yet I" was
the Iron Duko's reply to the earnest
request tuado to chargo and light tbe
foe. At length the time of ecliou
came. Tbo thojgo was given, sod
victory crowned tho standard ol Eng
land. Men of genius, without cudurent-e,
cuo uol succeed. Moo who start in
ono kiud of business, may Gud it im
possible lo cootiuuo therein nil their
days. Ill health may demand asauaogo.
New and wider held of enterprise
snd success may bo opened to them ;
now elemeuts of character may be
developed. Men may have talents,
but if they 14 are everything by turus,
aud oolbtug long," thoy must not ex
pert (0 prosper. No form of busioe
is free from vexatious 1 each man
Irnows tbe spot on whioh his owo bar
oeae ebafas. but hn juinnnt Im
W -1 v$
At Ilic Itutrtm of tine Vii'it.
Thr-Vivrf A'h" nhui m' tt Jiir-f Whit
V'fi'lr.l fif Oiir'tiilVfrii'cC.'i'oH i'fl (
M 'J'f!ii)i"j of ill"
I In t In. 1 1 1, .1.,.. f..t,. 1...
"borrowed" steatu-hip Ar-n.Jto,.';.
will. I! .nrlJ M I. ...
- k V ll'i n J an I VHtiMII till'
an 1 rxeriuuecd tlivet.4 from H::n
1 rnneino. wrht to vrlicr.' t:ie tJuevi.t
1 . . .
lies to 1J ! feet, ol wafer. Al tt i'-iM
,,i .,;... ,., . ,
' U- V """-""""Itiovertim. nt hue,. r:t
and, liv nouniitt)', it had la i n Hsi r- ., , , , .
.. .... '.. . ,1....... ... ia - r ui:.,in las.-t-u l.v
uius-ll nirb tut? lieet CI l,.1 '.ic.tit
Vi,- 111:: (eel bet.valh iho I
, , , . . ,
01 .no ray; au". every cuii'i'ti li;d
bs'eti L-ivco to ci;lit Mroi:-; sail v: u,
ltc ihe nlr paiuii conlMK! 11 mo
lion, ntul e'low i't 3.1 U, 'n:: ol lime
ol H.npptitO Irt O0t up, ft Lbeiul.y tic
pendeil the lil'o ol llio bold (liver ; nliet
I'ii.irley l.ou;'i'0 had been hclmct'd
anil sliut troui nir, e.eepl I lull stipplid
ed I l.t'oti.:'i tlio n'Mnler tubd ol'oi t
rnlwer, wiiii a iile-liae uiuiunl lii
bouy . .11.1 leaded I-i " s to iii l'. 1.1, v. i.ii
' i ioodV-ye" aud ' tJod W s yod" irem
all aboard bo v;an i!rop; J over tin
sido, nud slowly disappeared in llu
I1I110 vaves, i.lule a uiivouo tnoiioi
shot l!:l'o lh our !ia:ue lid wo lenli.ej
tlio IciiiIjI 1 islv liitderlukeu by that
man who wni hci'ltim; for trdlh iu over
In) piimp
iminiiilly hul bet.ii.iiui; Litigiiuil, ul-
...1 1 ..1 1 1 ,
"'I"1" t"",u , ' ,M- ' ' 7 ' ;
tbcio was u at up. "(ileal liod you
.ill .1 1. ;,aV, ...
" v v
I.eaveu a saks, nuieu !' And a a i!v
uiejt 1 ecomiiioiic d lno rjvulmioti', ul
.lie a!r pump, ih elder I,oii;vjo, with
bhoiciied face end troubling ii;, avo
a higlial o't iho tile liti'J below, i'ur
an instant caiiio 110 :eponr,e, nod the
l.ietj of that binlhi'T seems lo turn ij
' Ibei ho .aw llio iwo
1 1 1 u t : D . 1 1,1,111 the siiiiih.u iii'j st.t-
i,l. !
Hull, mi l
oi -11 :i 1 rif
11 jw it Vt as tin welcome
all 1 Llil," ami then l.ou
gcu tui'il'.'d to llio tiK'i at th'.' tthei!,
who cmuo so nc;i" -en ling lu'.h ! i low
siiapiys-iid ; "My utiiy i !-.: !n !i,e
ile i i itpiiti youi I'li'ii, ts iu keeping
j' 111,1 l'liu' 'i taoiioti .-top
I ',Jtl' peril." Tho calm f.tee
U.M'a a I
sfinate eye toll 1 1: j men i;ul td r t ' J '
" 1.1, ui: I v. lib l.ietitctuiit 'I'ai.iH 1
10 by, they kept at ti-ork until Mop
b; Oiuer l'(--il:t l.oilce.
11 aiil,lneJ, wl.di) v.n wire on the
I. i.l that ' ,eeiJ-p;n,'' cii,!iitit;g the
ills mollie'iM liili Ii tut beiivd loj
an boar Loitgi"" wa- 1 etireh
t ho tiueiil 1 nt .liu ireiaetiiii)...
:li liletilieiiol. At h". ! cumc Iiie
il f.)f " nirl.a",'' und ii:-lan;'y the'
'mo wti.-j jolt iu 111 'ti'di ; i-luwly 1
j llio coiling hemp and rubber m 1
, nud at bi-l. 11 v. ay iu tho deep1
w.ives, catno ia Mlit ll 0 diver,1
nii'il mi I pnio !i'.' I 111 wierd ;mi-I
s. ,s ho (Mini) to t!ic saiiavo be
I't'l.oti u swul'd Mil'jii r
X, and iheu was lii.. hemlet loo-ed, I
ur party crowded iitoiui l to liear
.:i I i.lli l hIiiO. V It 1 j 1 1 1 i, or i.iii
, e 111 1, iv ol tin) Oneida. : liinn'i"!
wero William (.'rowiiiin-hiel I,
, . Clark, .Ma.-.tcr ati-, au l JV.
ii.idaril-i, who wcro iutenstly c.ciud
uvi r tlio ti'lings.
.aid the diver : 'The Wit.'r for
lirnt seventy fte'. was ijiutc clear, ti
the sun gave excellent light, und al
though my Mtpply of air was mice
choktd lor no iiihluul, I reached il.c
deck of the ship junt asterii ol'Uiemi.-zvu-tuast,
and clio by tho moss room
hulcll : tho tide Wus ebbin:; (pntu
strong; end 1 was compelled to hold
lo hues Irom (ho tigging to keep Iran
being swept forward. I lirnt cxaiiiiti.
ed the sido of tho ship; she was cut
liO ihe uiizzon rigging (at r.u nng'c
vol ubout forty degrees) acrces ilu
jW'lrolo stern ol the t.bip; her timbers,
lar boluw tlio water Hue, being crc-!i-ed
and brnken, tho captain's cabin eul
iu Iwo, tbu wheel and clearing pour
ullcairi'! away, and, in fact, tho whole
side and cod of iho bl:ip was hiovc in
or cut nw' " lio 1iip is liealitu
soulhwes', and sin upright oa tho
bottom, and is uiiiking hand blowly.
I laid down on the deck nod peered
over the broken ond into tlio'eubin,
but did not dare tru-t lily air-lino iu
coutuct with the jagged timbers. The
guns nud uru'a'uont except one, aro till
in place alt; but I did not go forwaid
aa 1 was afraid of entanglement la rin
ging." Turning to Cruwuin-hicld, he
said : " Your evidence, what I read,
described nlmcM exactly the injury,
except that she was cut deeper than
you oould bave'Lnown " Lougoe ex
pressed the belief that it will be im
practicable to raise tbo ship ; but that
tho splcnJid battery, personal eirects,
etc, can be saved if too Government
sees proper.
Jiut this survey the tostitnony of tbe
living ia verified, and tho memory of
ha dead without a stain, for the po
sitions of both the Ouida und lioiubay,
a testified to br tbs nuvigatiog olli
eors, show that it was 1 01 possible tor
for the vrptaio of tbe lioaibay to bave
teen tbo red light of the OueiJa, nod
that tbe order of " Tort your helm,''
by Captain Eyre, wus wrong, sud tbo
' Starboard, bard-a starboard' of Mas
tor Vute was right- Cornnpuiidi net
Smramriito Bee. .
Tbe lion sad borne disputed ono day
as to whose eyes'ght was tbe best
Trtfllon saw iu a dark ulht a white
hair in mils j tbs horse saw a block
bair in pitch. 80 tbe horse won.
T " - -
Aa old soaker replied to s temperance
leetaier by lbs following poser 1 M It
water rola tbe tales of your boots,
k. .r.- ' 1. . . . . .
'a1 aw v.t rvi ttn I VI II 14 III 111 V V 1 1 ' . , ,
01... l.tiulied leeLol wal.r. .wl.osoen f:o before tho pen do tor 11
Away to iocward. borne by MvV!!? "; ''s to join
ami wind, canto float io-; bitbll- t' .";, t '.7 I. el will,
il,e.u.'lacelili-,u,lJ'i.-on. behuvj',"' J", lJ; 1 "fl I-S'O" "
Tlio men at the pump were I,,!:,-.,,., 1 1 ? ''" ' . ' .'! ' vU
aaaaawwrwre ltrwir tm i vwmm tmm mwm mtwmmm
I i ;i u I f f : it rft tn,
TI.e sijn of the t!me "wero tiev"r
more r.'.vornV.i .,- ilio sieee.m of tV
K. iiean puriy tlu.ti tin-.v, !.
I V . . " 111 "i- "rants
1 . 1 lr. , a t I .. I a
. ,"' "I'"-'- "
f ,,r llly -mlot.led to the
ii'.';irv. us nooei.'v, lis CCO'l iinv
it. 1 Mf.'idy diii.iiiiiation iii"tV.o ile'.,!, com
,,i :. ,., r.. . r ' ,
inenil 11 to ;n? ' tvor ir n 1 tho irtdi
,-, . , ., 1
Ihu .rr.i.:c:-: wsl.i w.iti.'!i tie) teitm r
!:: I in lieato
liny ,rt-ioti
j'l 'dnjj.J..
,' 1 '' 1.!' :., ,,'
; 1 1 ! 1 0 . -1 .1 .1 . ' I
1011 11 1' 1 I', I'.iiil 'i.l
, uli 'V nti.t ?X?clt!o th" l ias U iii i.i
. . .1 , ,, . , .' 1
"V . , ' ; : ,l"' " ""'
I , 1 .. . .
,or uie ruu in 111.1 nod taw -1
lesi Vi'.fi'W.ljatisiMi. I r i In ci ' ol ii
lireaeli ijetween i re. ! lent, tifuntMi l
t.'.n'e dv DeiiiiHri'i'
, . , , , .
iiep.ioiii.-..ii meiniK-r.i 01 t otigres
Wli.Ll.'Ver i1.!,.!..:!... i 11, ,il ti-f 1!...
' AdmiltiNti'-tlion ill iho eoeiiii civet ion
will ,e In..;;...!,!, to ,er i,i favor I'd
, i,m;, , , ,
"iU T-'!','-n caaJ,.,:,ti , ; mid this
. I .. .... II-
n;it:.t fiV" theci a rietit advatita''".
,Tho I'.epitl'liei.n party bus aNo gain
ed ineiiletilably hythu lil'leent'.i amend
mem, 1111.. ii..oeu vusiiy l
stro.i;-,,n. Ji bus Kiviu tho party s..'
many i.ece. .dim u- 10 iitaho ii.i net t.
ions us to make li,ili",t,
emneraiiu .--,au-, i;ko iiiiii ii'n. rmi
iteetietit. and Caiii'oi :.ia, reliably lie
lui 1,1 ii - j 11
.1 .11.111 s ii.i.. ,....,,..111 1,1 in,.
.venate bill I.. ei,l..r.;o tl, fiileetitli j
aii.en.l incut shall ps- tho House, it !
U 1 I IiiLii 111., ,., . . ... I I
I 1 'I'U ou! ' I
01 ti.e i.nti.1, 01 ma crrtipt l'em.....-y..
siucj it Mtielies tl tve.'e-t peti.illu,
It lin'V-iiinu id 1 11 . ; 1 1 1 1 I.U'l m-i".
ill1 criiiii;i:il )itii i)ullo t; l'ii;:
.-....,cs coui..-. 11 H'lcn a law s!.a!l I e :
etron eil 11 wni cat. ilown tlio eppar
latu ii'vri'y wiiii miucii 1 lio city el ;
I .New
Voi k has oxcrridlea the con-1
ii.l will place Iho Lm.oru :,:
! II'.', IU
once icoie v. Here M10 ri iiiiuii v Oeimm.-
e where slio mil
l.epublieun line,
: in tl
t '.l'!
rc-s will itdjoui'ii on t lio loth
wi...m.1.ei..s.....aT,,.:,,.,,So:..du.M.i:r,euutly hinted by tlio M.M.I-..I nrry
have s,,;l! M.!e,l H. cor. -al fo j .eporter that wheal looks wellwhtro
.tion- .v m il vx.. :.. ! nt U.c eg,,,,,,,,.- ,t WIW , in V,.H. h is ,....
....iwet-ii lbs exe( lt,d lcgisl tlivchi),!,. ,mt j, is ,,, iujlll(.(, , illlMt0ll0
l.,u,:e.,e4 o.oi.r Uepi.Mu,,,, Admin-s-; ,i,lt jo.,,,. i im ,,!0
iral.o-i have prow,, e :.:,t!y slroa- , iw l,:l, it iKmore or less winter
iti-r.nii.l nojv oiirpp,.,.,a i,;iVt. . Ui,,,.,,. wi.ile iL U nut so M,od as
hop . ol p-olitmg I y a.iy.l,,,, liko a1 ., in Ml.,.Mr ltfrtf i;r,,Iir, Lav
nil. u.o in the donuna..:: j..y. j ,J0 .. . ,,,, ,,,,, !v ,t, iu amp!. tinieto pattieipate cMI,io becamo fiek. S -nio tweuty
111 tbo cm,,i,-cita.ii-,'ii, but ui.t to3 were ntu.-k -d, and ubmit thr.furllis
..DO, V trur-t i.j p.!- important mra-' r , i(.m .n.j ;u ullt.r l.,,ltl, .,.,.
mc U ins-: ill le:;i. !.;'! n d-.nan led by 1;lrcd w:lo llie sumo eiielo.iirc, an I tho
- "'. wi.I i roimite thej,iv.., ,-,. sprea-l lurther. Many
pop'ilarity of the patty. Tl.e s' an. 1- .i:,-vo 1 tlio licks which infested llio
in., ol l.eptlbliea'l members ul ( ..ngr..,- ,rl, ( iro!ln., ,..lUt. Wt.rc ,,c,lmill,ui ja
w.lh their e -ii-tiUleiiM w ill Oe.i. n.l ,,. to lie- ntitives at'aclie I, au 1 c iu e I
imieii on wl.nlt.iev Mha.l d . with f.'.!, ,. ,l!s,..a 'pi, t.. ..,1.1
tho few reuinin u;;j wc.hs
e,,t 'e- -l"il. 1 In-' eyes id 1 1 1 - p.
pin ;i to on :hein. iiti j ihey will 111:1!
,ip men in...'.- 1.1 11 w 1, lev -11.111
1.0 e.iinin- elect mn ,.. Ir on
Wliat llieir . pi cm tnativ,- do l.clore '.ppi,.j i Jc;IVer count V. 00 I dipibcris
llio K.ih id July th 111 lion, the Mump in n Many ,;S,,H rr,M1J c,i()
-peeehes tiny ,!iall makj alter that t.(,lirK, j,, l,iliX.,.U0 county, from III-
li"''.V ,. , tivutuicnt .V), und in that comity
il.H iminedm'o lutnr.. nf cur r-,r(v I tvvou, .. i,UMv.a JicJ iu (l ,ino frdaJ
aii-pie;otH. uuk,,owa caue.
of UU s. r.os 01 vietonea, nuh j Ut) lisl.s ( Hwill0 by disease nro
Iho rciiilorceiiieuts turnialn'd !'' lh" ; ri.,lorU.(l to bo ipiito heavy in nil sec
1,1, ecath u.iMM.Jm.-it. wuh the pope 1 1 i(ius (- ,;, c(lllntrV- I i,.,IC,m,or
lirity proeured by unex'.-eptiou able ' (.u.llVi 01ie diatiller 'lost 0,10 hundred
I. xccuiivc and ..ngreional records. I out j ,i,rc0 hundred ; a inillor lost wt
II. 0 aticcess ol tho party b is " a ur- t,.r, u'..t..rt. 1. .,- 1. ivn,
nuce dmibly sure." i'mot.
A t'ortuiutto IJ)cosl(.
Att elderly man who cvidctitiy had
expetieticcil the ups downs nf kle
npi I'cntly m ro of tho downs thau
lh up called tit tlio Sacramento
Savings I'.mk, about three weeks ago,
ami exhibited a si rup of paper, seoiu
iugly portions of a pnx'liouk, but from
wliieh tho printed or written mutter
had been aluio-d entirely cra.-cd. through
rollli usago in i:s owner's poek.'t, aud
slated that ill lv"iO ho Cii'io to tjn.
coast ; but previous to doing ko, as a
means of providing neonrity ajaiiis'. a
rainy day, placed in a Kiviugs bank in
New York about on dcpoMt. .So
long a timo had clap cJ nine then,
that the nauio cf the 1 ,111k luid escaped
his uieuinty, and bis bodies of regain
ing the money was very liht ; nevor
theless, ho .wished the Lank olliccrs iu
ibis city lo try and discover where it
was. They con-enlod, und closely ex
amiiied tho pieces of multilatod pa
per for a clue, which was ntlut found
iu tho words 'for fSaviiigs.' which
word printed on tho tap ofoueuf t Lo pie
ces, and bad evidently formed part of
the title, 'Tho llauk for Savings.' The
location of this bank was found, aud
a statement of tho facts written on.
Yesterday a loiter was received hero,
which conveyed tho gratifying in for
mat iuu that ou the 1 1 lb of December,
185 J? a deposit wa mulo by a person
of tho oaino giveu iu tbo sum of Soil) ;
iho account still remained open on
lh lodger, nud tho semiannual Inter
est bus been added to tbo umount reg
ularly, making a total, on the Sib ol
January, to tbo credit of tbo depositor
of 81, 4 !.",72. For this sum the own
er will send without doliiy, a power of
attorney, and will thus, in a lew days,
be poisesscdof a ulce little stake to make
tbe declioo of bis life easy. Surra'
muilo L'hi'oh April 27.
A young lady dots not object to
having her Dps ebjppeJ If tbe right
sort of a eh up is about. '
A nun hearing that a raven would
J - - - - - ' .
Onerohtmn nn tear . $(10,00
One half enliinm, on tear. . So.ih)
One-f-mrth cnltitnn, one year, l.0
One square (10 lines) oneln-ertioa 7)
Fvery additional Insertion tid
l'rofripnal and Itoniw card of
not more than flv lineaeper year. 6.00
Audiler, Kxeculnr, Adiuiuiulrator
and Assignee Notice 2,ft0
Kditiirinl notices per lie 15
All advertisement for a shorter perlo
tlmn one year aro payable at lb Urn
I hey are ordered, I If not paid the per
son ordering I hem will be beld responsible
lor Hie metier.
trlei'.liure and Mork-Kulslng In
In tho report of tho Agricultural
l)"nrtmetit fur the ninotlis of .March
'' I Alifd, ju-t iMicri. aMi-ats tho
followiog paragraph on tho cilldition
of tbe grain crop of l'eiiuslvatiis, a
I'tj.orted to tho ! !'nrtmtiit by itn
eirr.".oiidobt ill tliilol out sectiidi of
! lie '.iile :
In n.Mu thuii hitlf (he counties re
ported l!:e iMtiditimi of wheat snd rjo
is pl.u , i behiw the average, not s
mucli fi-oi:i '.i.'cf hillinir at fmiu 1 1I0
'. , .'
li'll liiifavorablo condi
'"om ii r ;rowin neioru winter set ,11
tions 1, r luwiti heloro mater set
loj tiy from fiee-lng t.t.d tlmwiog h
11 . , leu 1,1 (
ler, I '.I'U.tiiti, liuiw.
1 1 1, (
. UiXetie, MeKeati, mid Wat reii,
a- Irv.ter ioun!y (lie luc.'-hi'.v for
, r 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 ' a. a means i,l cvoi'mtinn IV . m
.m l, ia ...I I. : . .:
.i. iniMl ivt ll-l-ui ll-ll. II I1SIL5M -
n iiM.ear.iuc in t.'hmi 1
i v viviu lan,
Klk, mid l-wnklin ; U ' untl.ually
!fillc iu Kayetto ; lino it. India,,,,; la.o
,, ol ml in Westuit.rc.
'and n.vl .Somerset; winterkilled i..
, f m,orl..i.d ; U,iD uud poor io Arui-
s.i'ong. I .ni:ta-ter, l.ebiiiion, Jteuver,
I ii ie, I 'Dtest, l.ehigh nud Lawrence.
I'roin the portinii ol tho rcpurt on
disetisea of eatll". it lippears thai pleuro
pye'.imoi.ia wai tho c.iuo of much Ins
110 I anxiety dur'.r. the iiiouth of April
111 t. Iiest. f mid lii-aicr countie, und
o. ul ( iiu ii rt l oi.I, oil the I letorarn.
j,.,lr,, of ,!. rava-es of tho ilieaso
k mm ,! as " black le.?'' are. receive 1
I ""hi 1 i'iij coning. 1 1 is 11,1c it i en
1 111 ! general diseases atl 'diiig cuttle.
,' , 1 . ....
1 1 I a' .ae'.s ea!ve mid young catllo
,.,,., -y .,:ur ,.,vir.r vviuti r feed tor
,.;,, ;0. Tbo '.,l!wing pnr.i.'
IVoiiMho report relative to Spani-li
. ... "
ever is ut inieu'st ;
'p;0 ,,ti.,. l)t .lWs to prevent tho
sutom. r drivin- of Soiuriern cattle,.'.t I
" t tl.cir s;ri 1 viiitinviihMil, Iihvo liuiilr-l
1 l!iu timwu I'l'niii tlii-4 ilifiiii it n ti. iLn,l
, ,..IVL,. A fow
;rec. A lew cases tiro tocoi'tel.
"a" in t'lieiior coiiir.y, lVnny; Ivaniu,
lui iii-lics ami; her illu-tratioii" of tho
iu,,,i-!.is ano;l,
illv;l, iMv ;U1, peeiiliur U
,i.c;is... ..nnier a
feature.-; ol thU
n I. ,1 tJ 1 1..
r,-,,,,, ..,..,i,., K, 1 ...
dab). !-'uou alter they left, oilier catllo
lam .l ,nt. itbo nnonluir tli..v I. ..I .....
ill it thee parasites1 uPi) ntlj tllitlg t'J
do with ils dilliision or viriiuuco.
Moro or lo-s fatality auiong horsct
Irollt lung f ver duilll- Anr.l
A Jim ,.... ; I.toPM Was V-
0 t ) c'l.O ruL'h ; one hall' ul a lot of
1 iiio ImgH died in York; loss live per
cent, in Tciry; twenty per cent, in
one tlttil faiiiit.
A' fellow iiauied Dunk's was lately
tried nt Yuba, I'al., for cnteiiug i
minor's tent, nud stes'iiig a hag of
aold-dtlst valued at eighty-four dollar
The testimony showed that ho had
once b e, 1 employed there, ni:d knew
exactly where the owner kept his
du-t ; tint on lha (night kpccifiud ho
nut a slit in tho lent, reached iu, tonic
, bobng, unl then ran olT. Jim Hol
ler the principal witness, testified that
ho s.uv the cot, saw I be man reach iu,
aod heard bim run sway..
" I rushed uftcr hitu ut once," con
tinued the witucs ; "but when I
catched bim I didu't Ii id Mill's bag;
but It wa found al'ter. rij where bo
bad thro wed it.
" How far didho go in when he tooli
the dost ?" Inquired tho counsel.
Well bo was s'oopin' over, half
way in, I should say,'' replied thv wit
ness: " May it plcaso your honor," inter
posed iho counsel, tho imlietmcot
it-n't sustained, aud I ahull demand an
oetpi'llul on (lirtfeotioii of tbo court.
Tho prisoner is ou trial for entering a
dwelling in tho nighttime wiih tbo iu
lent to teal. Tbo testimony is clur
that ho made nn opening through
which ho protrude! himself uloul half
way, und, stretching out bis arms, com
mitted the theft. But the Indictment
(barges that he actually entered tho1
tent or dwelling. Now, your honor,
can a man enter a bouse whn only
one-half of bis body is io aud tbe oth
er bull out?"
" I shall leave the whole matter to'
the jury. They mutt Judge of tbo law
and tho fact as proved,' replied tbo
judu. . ' 1 .
Tb jury brought ion verdict of
" Guilty as to 0110 bslfof ll'i s body,
aud not gnilty at to the other half."
Tho judge sentenced the guilty part
to two yrarV imprisonment, leaving 1
Ia tto l.ri."MWMp'a rtrvl in l& k.