THE POST. MinDMBHIKt MAT J lT9. TOWS ASD VOUNTIIT. 1W "L I ! Counr lasted only two thy. Thank Wo have received oples fif r.'eetit K naa papers frito D. V. OkU'o, EjuJ , lor which wo return tbsuks. Tilt ftinh tritios of Su'i'mrr li.iv recently nircrnej at'vim Gfii engine. It upin triiil on W.i lues I iy il'ior D03Q Inst in I gave gout aulistaution. TllR An mi ft I Ftir of the t'nion County Affri. ullnral S.iriety will lie li.l.l on Wflnt'a l:iy. Tlnr'l:iV ".'id Friday Oi-toliet ". t und 7, 1 ' ; 7 0 . Tub member nf t'o. A. nro i-o.'iei-cJ Id tnci 1 1 lr ill mi Muntl iv, the .'Mi li nf May. A full sttrnd-jocu is desired. Uy order the Opt. Tur Siml ury iuhI Lcitvn lUil-j mad Itriiiiri acrif tlii I ivei at Sun- i i . . i . . . i i . .. .. .., i i ur t nun h i, mm U'k i ll 11 win be c.'in nic tut il ih HDin "m1,!i i !Bnl'VH t,s l.iii.ti liP..L-..n Ti.f tt.n tint. O.I.I lVII,.w Hull Ht Si'Miicrov.'. We iiiiil.'Trtaii.l tli. it llio liiiil.lint! will l e coui IclcJ w. tli iiit Miii.eihMuy du lay. AVoltK tin the new bridge to In crcted oti-T Mi'lillfricfcU. wot ol this borough, wa oiiii.ui. nc. il oo Mmi day. Anthony J. ipi-cht of Ibis da.-e is the contructur. ItASTTbtiraday Ner IVea', ran at Ihic Ko-.'s i of llfaviT ton inbip, a;cd ith.nil I t ycjr, pit up in bii fl.'fi and full from a n'cind hlory window. He rocived painlul though out dun grruus injuriea. The WntHoiitnwn I.c-nher, Shoe l It e 1 1 i 1 1 it Company, liHVinif snITi.'iont Mo. k uberibc.l, have cntiTo l into nn nrai.i;'.:ili..n. Tha l.icatinn aclrcled the building is nnr the Tannery 1 be (.'round baa bi't-n br ken, and tbo work W Tonreiiii rnpi.ily. Tlir willidr.ixMtl of Henry ) Mi;. Ii c U . lit tli iii S. li wtiik, Mid ,1. ft. Hull from the cunt.fct f.T the AH'iciji Jiiilc. haves tbo (it I J clour f.r A J., mil li. I, Kau,h ; ihrso Win-! tbo only cuudid;.lca lor that ollico uow i i,. tt... i:..i,i m t . We arc pirate. I to Ivarn that our younx f't'iendt Mear. Uell'rich iiiower, who are in the uuri'iintile IiUsiucm lit liatiuerviilc, nro tl.dti; a flourishing buinri. 'I bey are inert t)f eucrgy nnJ uod Luniuess Uct, uud llioir largo und coiiHtautly inL-reann tusiuu-i i- aullicieut vvideuee tliat tbey deal fairly with their many cus tomer. The EniTAiiu.NAi. (iazettic for tic current month is u bandsnino as a May-flower. Its pages ro laden with choice intellcetuul Iruit aud the exit beiunco of its lracriuiee wo welcome with pica-ure to our table. It is cer tainly a cumplcto (.'oruucopiii of good things fur every thoughtful wind. C. II. Turner Si Co., I'hiUdelphiu, arc the 1 uldiitlicrs. bund lea ceuU for a muijilo copy. Ptritkbv The bouc of tSauiilcl (ii8e, in Pry Yuliey, wan struek l y ti n ti 1 1 1 1 ir nbuut .1 o clock ou tbo tnoriiin of the l'.Uli inst. Mr. and Mrs, Ciiso wero up and engaged in closing the shutters at the time. 'I'hey wero kuueked Betistdfus, and wliuu tbey cuuio to tbey disc.iverd the tlio eurpel on tiro and lorn to pieces. They nt nuco dis'iuuuibed tbo tno. The electric fluid i-tiiered tbo chimney, went down tbo stove pipe ino the co. k Move where it dirnppcurcd. i mm. Pf.Ci)HA Ion 1'AY The citizens of MiddlehiiruuJ vicinity are respectfully ieiUCHlvd to meet at tlio Court House, on Friday evening, 'J7th inst., for the purpose of making arraneementti for the proper observance of the ceremony of decorating the i-oldicrs' racea. Jao. V Shimkl, O. .'. tlt'TLica. U 11. II At , It T. I'AHKA. ' J. W. IwtMKaa Jo... M VtuZtmiT, Nh'h..L4h Hi una, A. K. tlirr, WM. II. HlCAVLK, J. A. I.l HKtlli, J. nis W. imwin, laviahuiTH, l. T. hHIIl, J. II. SMITH, Hi ma m s. uwaacc, Koiinnr tinnuowia, Ann oTtiaaa. It U to be hoped that tbo above rcquext will be complied with, and that Ihvrv will be a fud turn out id' all who are interested in keeping up ll.e lieju- tiful itnd interesting ceremony of deco- r j t i n (r tbo graves ol our fallen heroes It irt right thut they should never be forgotten. Nothing could be more proper than to make an annual pro- cession of mourning to their graves We euro not what duy ia st npart for the purpoae, only so it is done. It would eervo each year to lemind us of our tins and lollies aa a nation, and litiniblo us ia tho sight of Him who th wtli all things for our good. It would n.ul.e us more forbearing towards one another. It would engender ferlitigs ct national love and sympathy, und crush out all hatred and aiiiiuooi'y. In the pio.-enco of our sacred dead we will feel do emotion but tbatof cad no and grief. Let us theo remember the day, Proclamation to Aix the reorn. To ssy that wo luvo articles of cen tral vac for aula in our si ore, ia too mild a way of telling a great truth ; but when we say thut we buvo articles mat meet toe wants of every family au.i insi every luiuiiy must have, we come right down lo a pointed truib There Is scarcely and end to to the Uiultitudo of things we keep for title that are oow-a-dsys indUponsuble in every department of busy iodusiry. Tbe Fanner, the Carpenter, tha Shoo maker, tho lilucksniiih, the Machinist, the Milwriubf, sud every otber busi oeas man will here find many things ready made and cheaper thao wbro speciully ordered i sud tbe Ladies will find bere a great stock of articles used in housekeeping. It ia impossible to enumerate what we bars, fur it would b much easier to enumerate what we have But ; but we invite all to call aod it for thtantlran For ptrllsulars we would refer to ihi hao I bils Jut put tin. sine" the arrival of our new slock." I1IFSTA.NL A HOY K II Sclinn'rove. lt 3t. -Sitire the McFsrlvid trial, eon teiiipirry thinks Cain mud luro been morally ins mo when lie killod Able. A Brigadier General who HI I eal. lant a. 'rrica during th rebellion. 1 now litli.iri.i' in n Muieh Chink dry cleaning oaHtiiiif. A li'uiivilfl dispatch announces 'liod'Kih of Theodore son of Henry Clay, for mimy vcai) an inmate of the Iji'iinjt.m. Ky.. Luna'lo Aylum. A iremlcniin who I a -hi me I of liia intenM'ly bnld head, explain th ahu-neo nf bin htiir by ntvini thai be whs burn pour, mid wa compelled to r.itcli his wny tlimouh life. The IVniutia !n Now York are hold ing mi'.'titiir rik-htly. nn.l it in inti mated a r.i.l on ('mm In will soon take p'ovo. Recruit and nmney are plea- Mini. Fivi '. a eit'culnr sr.l l'ine. wlio win rnnninc enw In the aw mill of Aarnn l!i'l. in Sloetiitt township. Liti-rno t o, loll licl.iif the fiw and m rnin-pl.-toly cut in twain, no Sjturday ie,'k The world rennwneJ troltinir mare ' Flora TVniplf.'' fur a.'tno time pnM properly of A. Wtd-b. , of ("heat nut Hill, bus been purchaxtid bv lhin iel Mnee of New York. Tor MO.dOH. 1 he mare is now 1 1 yeurs old. Two hnmtl boy it, figed til and nine years, were drowned in the esnnl at 1 1 at ri hliurif. m M. ti lay oDust week They were fiNhitn.' nno fell in, and m the other nttemptinn to rescue bin), tbey wore both drowned. The Mock pens of ("Jiff's distillery, in Cint'innnli, dntnininir l,20) hoit, were burned on Wednesday nmrninif Three thonand lu'(T8 wero roanted lo .b'lith. l,oonlive stock utid build ingi, 80l,00i. On l!ie!ih Inst., two boys of I he namo of Harry K. Mayberry and Chat'les Mexsitner, tie r.peflively nine years, wandered f rom their homes in Harrithur. und were lound drown el in the rannl in tlio real of the l'cun hv 1 vaui: depot. John II. I.aniburn wns eonvicted it the lute court of lied ford county nf net' in e fire to his store to secure i. I....,-. .,,.1 .o,.i... i.. . ,, d;,.ir , tll,.er., im. .:-.,..,f : ,. ..:,.,;., i " ' J " " term ol five veara HIII.ADiarilU MARKETS. rnit.AiiFi.i'iiiA May. 21 There is ntdy a alight movement in shea', and prices ore otf tul-y c. Tho hupplies are coming for wird freely and holdem appear disposed to pren sales by fur ther concessions ; fiOl'O bushels iood nn.l rrimo state red sold st t ''.' ; .J.tli'O bushels choice do. at 61 3( I 40 rititl l..r"0 bushela western Ao. ulil "0 (.7.1 .'13. Hye is without material ehango. We quote western st 81 0:!, and State st $1 07fi 1 t'H. Oils mild freely ut Ojg'We ; 4,f00 busbeU l'enosylvoni i sold lit this range. Com is fairly active, aod prices are steady ; 4 20 hiiHhtds Southern, aflont. were tnken at 1 11. sod 3,000 liiislieln 1'cnnnylvania in tbo cars at stole nl 81 10. MlDW.KliriNl MAHKKT. Corrccled wcrttly. Potatoes 4H Duller 26 I ir l ) i tlgg lti .allow 10 liricdAppIri Sets t'lierriea ficla I'cbes unp'd 18ct Flniaeed f-l"' Hoap I HfesKAi ill! Cherrira lecdtd 1!0 llucklebtrriea 1'0 lilackberrics 11 SELINSGUOVE MARKET. Corrected weekly. Wheat No I l 'Jo I tiuiona "6 HI tut "2 I li I HO (.'.no 1 0(1 Kg Hi llye 1 00 boap lo 10 lima 4.1 Lard 10 Fluxcced 2 00 Hani lit Tiiuuiliyaevd 8 no SUuuUlor lb CloTcrrovd 0 6.1 8ida 13 MARRIED. On llit 2'Jd inat,, by Rev R. Laiarua, vt . j. ivio.r ami .tnaa .tiitry c. Lirutau, bulb of llraer Springs. DIED In I'rnna Invnebip, en the 2 1 at lost., Alia, i.fumr.i A f, agvu no years. N JEW M1LI.INEHY AMI Fmicy Store. llpposiia Shioilel k Kwmelurd L'rug Blore. Middlcburg, l's. I lltka lli.M Rifflh.itl n1 Infntmm tliA ilt ' I. iu of I liia plnca and vicinity, thai I have lust returned from Philadelphia with a litrgti m pij o Mllllnory and Fancy Goods, conaiMlng of II ATS, no NETS.FLOWERS, KI1I1UI.N8, e.. Sc., and am eonatanilv ra- eaiviug new good and new aiylr. I'leane five in a call lirlors purobaamg eluewbere will potiiivaly aell aa cheap aa any Milli ner in this or adjoining coutitie. MARY A. IIALTEMAN. Middlcburg, April '28, lt.TU.-3m J5aaSe TwnlyH. Imlitr Faniily rxwlng Machine. Tti chMiJMt I Irsl claw lUachllia lu tUa.Marktt. Ai.t. WAavaoia avaav low a. l.loarl cooiulMluita aliuoxl. for Mruii and rirt uUr, aU.ltau, A. 8 IIahii.tos, Uau. Akui, r -in, niwui i.nrn.ivi.i) ,.v. ,w f-aiB., ft, V"I. am jjii:srAND & uovEit, Wbolcul and Retail Dealers la 1IAHDWAUE, CUtLERT, Coacbmakers' MalerUls, Shoe Finding, 4c Belinngrot, r. 8-1 If EAGLE HOTEL. MlDULEClUa, TA. J. 1. bTABLS KCKtR, Proprlcler. Having taken charge of Ibis old sad wall ettabliiiked ataud. lb proprlalor propeac j devoi all bis atiriiliua lo lbs providing of bis Table and Vnr and lbs aeoomiuods iiua of both man and brant, 11 solisits a liberal sbsr of ibe rublio palroaag. January )3, 1S70 ly SELL & SCIIONOUH, Wkoleaals Dealers la veev 'msmfi if 4V.i Gins, Whiskeys, &c. WUMELsllURr, UKBIW CO.. Pa. Jaasary 18, 1870. U 1 Mil,. V"0T1CE 19 HEREBY OIVB!' that w have purchased the following personal property, sold by virtue of a writ of Fieri Faciaa, Issued oil of the Court of Common 1'leaa of Hnjr.ler count, an the proprl of Itoewrll Itnihrwk, lo wit : Ona Cnnalnf Siof 1 ('hair, 1 PtanH. I Table, 1 Hot of chair, I ctnek, 1 Looking (1U, 1 corner ciipbnrt, tle.lstaa't ami llellin(, I 8ul- key, 2 Tina Hay. I Svldla, IIH.IIr, Ac, 1 Sn of llarne. 2 Lonnf r. I Wood cheat, I crib, I Wheelbarrow, Sorrel M tri an. I having left the mmi in hia pmlnn. tha public la brreb) eautloncl not to meddle or interfere with the Mme. JO!KI'ir B. t't.SIT. JACUll KEMEKL1.N0. January, 27, 1879. QVZOS 8AZ.SB BaxAXL raonTS. wiUM ii. nnor.n Rp'prctf.tlly announces to tha eitttena af Mi.i llrhurc and tiriaity that ba ! sow reidy to supply iham with tbalargrst aaJ ra tF! eomplet stock of sritixa ,f SUMMER GOODS ever brought lo thla plae. at greatly ra l.ire.' pricea cheatirr than lh eheapaat. Ha infiiri altcminn to hi large aiook of Mt'BLIN. CAIIC y-. PKLA1NF.S, .AWN3, HII.K8. DKKKtlKS, MNKNS, Bouts and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS. BF.ADY-M A IE CI)TII1S(i. f-II HITS, aod earryihing uaually kept in a writ rrgulaied atora. OiTc ma a eall and b eontlnced that tbi la the place to buy gnoda. CDI NTK V I'HODt'l'E taken in etehanga fur gno.ia. w ni. . Urater. Mi.l.llabarg, May, ID'iT. K'tat uf t'H A R I. KS H t'CMI lf, I)raS. TETTERS TESTAMENTARY upoa tk i estate of Cbarla Hughes, dej d., late of ihe tcwnnbip of Penna. fnyder Cutioty. Pa. .having been granted lo tbe undi-migntd all peraopa to tb (aid ealat ar rrqiientd to make paynirnt, and tboa hav ing demand against Hi aaat to prtacal lbm delay lo JOHN K. II run EM. r,ula WILLIAM HCUHKtf. J . March 1. 1870. rJJTTlVANINtJ MILL I PELINSOKOVK, 8MYDF.R CO., PA. Kecly 5b Milllcr, Luiultcr IiVuler? ssu MAStrarTissa or Door, Door Boies, Windows, Shatter. W indow Boies, BHad Eaub, htslr l'lxlnes. Hand Railings, Brack rts. SnaMlnga, Vlnorlrrg, SC'ltCl.l. KA WIN.) kCAHlNtT Tt'RNINU. Bbinglos, Lath, Vo.t aVc. Or.lrr aoUcilrJ and filled ith rrnmrl nraa and despatch. Plraae eall and eiam- iu our stock berora purcbaautg elarwkrr. 6-SMif FIK.M AND anew gooii K. O. HETZ KL. P. B. JflcCL LLOt'.IK SXTZIlZi fc MCUL0VO2Z, ISt CCESSOHS TO JOHN IIET7.KL ) HEALERS IN ALL KINDS OT HIunEST CASH PRICB TAID TOR FLOUR, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIE, Ac, &.C., C H APMAN, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. March IT, lT0-tf. u NIT ED STATES BOND S BOUGHT, SOLD & EXCHANGED ON MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD Sought & Solil AT Market Itatea. Coupons Cnshccle PACIFIC RAIL ROAD BONDS Bought sad Sold. STOCKS Bought and Sold ON COMMISSION ONLY. Account raoeivad and interest alaalod on daily balanos, lubjeol to check, at sight. Delia ven & Ilrother, 40 fioutb Third Street, PUILADELPUIA. March 17. 1870-y J)AVID WILLIAMS, Manufactures of k Wholesale Dealer In Gilt, Uahogany, Walaol and Rosewood L-OOKINIQ GLASS Ploture Jk Photo raphto Framea, noa, w ana m mrti Mreek. 1'UiUdalpbU l'a. . Prssaas Repair! ia Iks beat manntr. "YyAIHISOTON 1I0CSE. Viiidlrburrj, Fnydcr County, Pa. LEWIS KINO, rBoPRiiToa. Peraons stopping! this lloitu will find eieellent accommodation, for Jfas snd Beset. 7-40-lfl J S. BURKHART, Seliruyrove, Snyder Co., Penna Keeps constantly oa band a larga and well mad aaeortmtnt of Tia, Bbaet-iron ware, Ptovea. Ac., Ac. He is Ageni for the following named article. "THE morning: GLORY." Lit tltleld's Patent Improved Bass Burning COAL. STOVE. Ia thla pattern of Tea Mosstsn (Unsv. several new and important feature have hern embodies, which can only b seen to h admire.1. Tbi new a.o ia made en tirelv of caat iron. so tilted a to b airliiht but ca be Biaile wlta tbeel-iroa upper aeetloa wnea prererrea ry the purrhaavr. lis ornamental llniab is drarrrv. aoakine It a handsome piece of furniture, far moreao tbaa any stove heretofore mads. Its in ernal CBitructlun, though resembling urn of tn former pattern or The Morning tllory ia quite a.nrrenl, making it einre durable, ami lar leaa mmcull lo be repaired. fb caning ar ol Ibabiglirat order, fully equaling tb bar. I eauiiuge atade is titin cutintry. Among the many anrasTAtisa In tbe ue of the Morning Olory a Ibe foll..ait,: I, Continuotia iitirntng. g, Quality ol Ibe Ileal. a. vrnuiaiiuo tarouga lit 4. Antl-Duit tliove. 6, No Ltvac ufo.a 4, Economy of t'oel. THE BAB LEY SHEAF.'' Aiiti-Ivi4 Air jlyht CoLng Stovr, with t,r't.ra Fr-Hux fur Wood or Coal. Patented May Itib, 1 .. We lake pleaaur in oflermg eur enr mere aod Ibe Klov Trade, a New trai-Claae Flat-top, and would call partwtUr eltmtinn lo if rnuay adractin td tulumblt tmTw Thla Stove hss been esrefullv teated for arveral month, and ihe reauli have proved to highly satiafaetery, that several of our oldeal and ntoM viparieneed atova dralera predict for it a aala far beyond our ability lo 'apply tbi aeaaon. A.Ati front Srf-tfoora, giving full uae of ibe brartb. An iJJtlwniil iiJr a thf acre, so arrsnged aa lo give mora roota ia Ibe arpee pari uf the u'ta; a great euavnieaee asaeb assrded VHt arm i u. ailv aa tJt ml lit p a atthe brartb line, tal.u-b nut only iocreaav ihe iie, but will lis recnguiied s a trtul ujiunlogt in bakini. DUTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. The brat, rbeaprat, and moat popular nabiiig Machine ever invrntcl. It ia eaay looprrale, sitting oraianding; takea but liitle room ; injurt-a nogannenta : tiuirbr its work frost ia two In four Min ute ; ia durable ana convruisnl; sad lb only v tailing Maemue known thai I liked the better Ilia lunger it i uaed. THE UXIVEBSAL CLOTHES W KING Ell. Tht "(iKF.A T t AMII. t ICOXOMIZKR. The term of uur I'att at enllour Machine a -Wriuger." Yeare of eiperiensv prove it alao to U JuT sxcttissl Waausa. Whan w reduc tvery iuvrnlion for wash ingcluibea lo a principle tbey all anioum lo thai of preaaing and aqureiiug, aud forcing In water tbrougb them, tbu re moving lb dirt. Moal Waabing U.icbiuea do il by rubbing. The Uaiveraal Wringer ot-a il by NEW MUSIC STORE IN SELINSGROVE. qcici sales in mil fmfitsi WaareatiUia Bcliosgrov and prepared lo futniah llllll09, O r j?ans Melotleons Aeeordeons Violins aVCs, And all kinda of Muviral linxrumeat VUEAVKU TV AS KY SRI W' warrant all our loatrumrnta for lv yeara. I'ianna, Organ. Melodrsn and Aecnrdeooa eurrretly tuned and repaired. Wtore open evt-ry WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, Inairuclioa givra oa the Piaoo, Mlodeon, Violin and Aecordeon, at rraaouable rate. Uir u a call. We guarantee aaiisfae tion. KAI.EM at ciTElMNUER. November 17, lohtf JEYSTONE HOTEL. Hflingrovf, Snyder County, Pa. THE undersigned beg leave to inform ibe pulilie that tbey have purchased and i'l keep, in gond style, th above well known sud popiilnr bouac. 'Ill I.. K I.AK will atwaya be Blocked with ihe beet and chnieeal liquor thsl can b procured tn th Philadelphia snd llarrlahurg market. TIllalH TAIJLi: Will alway ba vupplied wnb Ibe bel delicacies and meal aubataniial lood thai the market will afford. TIII.II. STA1SLK Will alway ba attended by careful and 1 rual worthy boat lera who will see justice du lo any bora eulruitrd lo Iheir care. gajjr Haviug large, airy and well furnish ed room, good aervania, with Ibe untiring effort of lb pruprielor lo pica their gural. ibey hop to meet with s lurg share ol puhlio patronage. K. D. & J. F. W ALTER. JOUN LAUDENSLAGER, BUGGY MAKER, HELINSOROYE, SNYDER CO., PA. Having purchased lb well known aland In 8elin"rove, formerly owned bv I'bilip IMeoker. 1 am prepared lo scconiniodme all who may dealr anything in niy line, and warrant sstiafaclion in all caaes. 1 keen eonntanlly on band, and am prepared to manufacture al Ihe boriet nonce, "Tw BUGGIES. (yAVa SULKIES. Wf7VsTs SLEIGHS. Ac. Being siperlenead la lb buaineaa, I flat ter utyself Ibal I am fully prepared lo ineei tbs wanta of aiy customers. Tbs band employed sra among lbs but mechanic in tbs county, and their work will not fail to give universal aatial'aeiloa. aMTSpeelal attention paid to repairing la all its branches. 8hop oa Market!. a few doors sonlh of tbs Usrmsa Reform ad Church. JOHN LAUDBnSLAGIR. SI !! I S.-. - y - ' QCIDE FOR TRAVELERS. I'aaaenger Trains leavs tha rfarrisbdrg railroad depot daily aa foll iw ; PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAtLRoAD. ' BtTWHO. Phllad'a Eipreas exorpt Monday 2.10 a m Fsst Llns b,-20 Laueatr train (via Ml Joy) ' Pacific Eipfca Train ' flarriihurg Aecommodatlon ' Cincinnati Eiprea train daily Southern Eiprra 8, (XI 12. in p m M 10,4 ,5l wsarWASO. Cincinnati etpreaexcepl Monday I2.fi1 p m I'iiiahurg Eipress 4 2'lam Pacific Espreaa train dnily 4. IS am r.mipraiion train eneept .MonUay 7.1 Mail train etcept Sunday Faal Line Erie Faal line " 1.15 p IT 4.16 4,20 NORTHERN CI5NTR ti RAILROAD sosTiiwaao. ntiffaloe Fipreaa train Night AeTonimodatiua Mail train Fast LIus sorvawAso. Puffalo Eiprrs Train Mail train Parifie Kip 2,110 a m ll.o5p n I. lu 4,20 II. 15 am 1. 15 p a 12 05 p m York & llarriah'g Aeccomodstioa 4. a p is (lociaali Liprea 10.45 ' SUM Vt.KII L AND Sl'SQl'EIIANNA R. R. A paaaenger sad mail train leaves th t.rbaaoa Valley depot dai'y. at :I.:I0 p. m for 1'iargree, Auhuia aud f'ollavill. 1AI'K" CRAFT, FtTCESSOR TO FLECK & CO., WHOLESALE (O.IFKfTIOSKRS AND FRIITKRER8 NO. -j:l NORTH TIIIHD ST., l'HII.ADi.Ll'IIIA. A full assortment of Confectionery, Fruit. Fire Work. Syrupi, -14y &c. always on band. OTICB IS HEREBY OIVF.N that lb utid.rsigned bee pnrehssed of Simnn Zechmaa, for value received, the following perwBal properly, lo wit ; One Conking Htove. 2 Titblea, 1 Sink. 4 Sboata. 6 Ited airada and RctMing. V Chairs, I Hocking- Chaie, I load of Hay, I Cupboard, I Bureau I Iron Kettl. Cow, 1 Clock ; snd having li ft tbe aame ia the poaaaaaiuo of ibe aaid 9iatoa feehmaa, all perauua are hereby eaaiiesard aol lo ialerfers with, nor pur- chaa Ihe aatue. J. S. t'LSII. Feb. I, 1RT). DlSSOl.l'TlON OF PARTNERSHIP. The eulisi-tiliera have this day by mu tual reasrat disaolved the Co-parlnrrhip lirreiof.ira dialing between them in Ihe Lumber HHainea. in .S'eliosgr.ive Pa A, I (rraoaa itid.tirdlo the firm of Mnyer I'.oae k H.irsa will aeiile Ihe same wiih tli I rw ftrai of Moj-r ft Itowra who eat ill roa.iliue Ihe hiiaiut aa, and all prraons bav ing claims aysinai ua will band tbrm ia for aili lenient (o Mnyer II Howe. C. A. MOVER LullEIlT L. HOWES I C. lit K.N S. Sclin-grove Nov. i'l S0'.t. VaiiReodt Ifow Lost, How Rnlorrrt gtaa'iyaj.tnal puplished, a new edition of f lUSy l r. Ctilverwell' Cclebrnied Es ' sy on th i radical cur, (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal WeBkneav, Involuntary Loaae, impoienry. Menial and phiaical Incapacity, Impedi ment Is marriage, etc. I also. Consump tion Epilepsy and Fits, induced by aelf in dulgence or actual ei'rssl.orc. Vice, ia a ."srneat .'iteWi..e. tit otnln. The celebrated author in this admirable ea-ay clearly demons. rales from a thirty yeara (urcessful praclit-e, thut ll. al.irin li g consequence of rlf alms may ba rvl cally cured the dingerou uae nf iutetnal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of enr at once ain. pie, certain and effectual, by mean of Licit every etifftrrr. no mailer abat hia condition may be. may cure himself cheap ly priva'ely and radically Tbia Lecture ebmiM be in tbe hands of every youth and every man in the land. vbI under ial. in a plain envelope, lo any addrr, po paid, on receipt of sii cent, or two poai aiampa. Alao. Dr. Cul verwrll'i " Marriage Uuid," price 2f cent. Addrcca tbe publiabera, t'H AM J. C. KLINE & Co.. 1J7 Bowery, N. V., O. Bos 4.5MC. w ANTED AGENTS. f 75 TO 1200 PER HOITTIT, Everywhere, mala and female, to Intro, dues the virnnlnr ImrmtH fommon Rerse FAMILY rsEWlNG MACHINE Thla Machine will alltrh, hem. fell. tuck. qnilt, cord, bind, braid snd erubrsider in s moal auperior manner. PRICE ONLY ST 8 Vein War ranted for Fire Tram. W will pay fltKSl for any niaehina thai will arw a stronger, more beautiful, rr aioreelaeti aesm than our. Il mnkr lb " ELASTD' LOCK SI ITCH." Every second stitch cab be eul, snd still the cloth eannot V pullvd apart without tearing il. W pay Agenta from $7:' to fl'H) per month and eiprnaea, or com- niissii.B from wlii.-b twice that amount can be made: Addre s 8I.COM U A CO., Pltlaburg, Pa. ; Hovlon, .Mnai., or Ml. Looia, SI. i. CAl'TloS. Hewarof all Agents selling Maobiura under ihe an m nam a ours. utiles they can atioiv a Cerlificais of Agency (igned by ua. W ehall nit hold nuraelvea rraponaible for wnrlhleta Ma chine 1d by other pnrlit', and shall pruarcule all part tea either (elling or using MacLtoea Una nam lo lb lull silent of Ibe law, unit's such Mnchinca were ob tained from ua by our Agents. Do nol h impose. I upon by pi.rtiea wuo copy our sd veniaeinen.a and circular and utlar worth, lev .Machine al a lea price. Feb 8-4 w. V ICK'S FLORAL Ol'lDR FOR 1870. The Flrat Edition uf On Hundred snd Twenty Thousand copies of lick's Illus trated Catalogue) or Seeds and Floral (tilde is publiaiird snd ready to arnd out. Il ia elegantly printed on tin tinted paper, wild about -ml fln wood l.ngraving ol Flower and Vegetable, and a beautiful colored plnle consisting of cven varieliea of Phlni Drunimnndii. making a flue BOUQUET OP P ILOXES It is the moat beautiful, as well a Ibe moat snairuoliva Moral Uuld publiahed, giviug plain snd thorough directions for iba fnlture or Tlowcrs and Vr ititiibh s. Tbe Floral Ouida ia published lor rfie benewt or my cuaiomer. lo wkom it i Bcni free wiihoiu apilicatiou. but will b for ward, d lo all who npply by mail, for Tss I'SST, wllcltls not Ln If Ihe coal. Addreaa J.VMEH VK'K. ltoclier. N. Y. BALD EAGLE HOTEL, No. OS North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. JOHN CI. I'M Ell, I'royrittor. January 18, WO-lf ABHOLl'TK U1VOIICE8 legally obtained in New York Indiana, Illinois snd oiber titsles, for prraon from any Htsls or Country, legal every where deieriioa, drunkenntaa, aon-supporl, etc., suflioient esussi ao publicity no charge until di vorce obtained. Advice free. Business established flfieeu yar. Addraa. IIOC8B, Attv.M- . CRABI.. RtKCSN'RB, CHARLt CAWLBT. LLEUIIKSY HOCE. Xos. 811 V 811 M.irXet Ktrrct, (alA.irc A.'iAf A. ) PHILADELPHIA. KLECKNEIl A t'AWLEY. rsoesiBToss. tf,61tf Trrmt tl 00 Per Dity. TAMES K DAVIS HOTEL. tf BKLINMOROVE. SNYDER Co.. Pa. 4 HENRY A. DOLIO. Proprietor. Tbi i well known fftuae having hen re fl'ttd by Ihe preacnl prnproietor, otfer ei eellent sccoinniodnlion to Ih trav Ing community. Choice liquors and Cigar at tb liar, and th Table aupplirJ wnh the beat th market afford. A good aiable, attended by careful boatlera, in connection with th house. April O-'TOtf B IOK AIIKNT8 W ANTF.Il FOR STHUHILK8 ft TRICMPIH OF P. T. BARNU.M W'riilen by llimarlf. In one large Oct Volume nearly H00 Page -Printed in Kngliah andOrmian. 3.1 Kl.-grtnl Full page Engrtvins It eniliracca Forty Yeara llecollectiiin of bi llusy l.ifr. aa a Mer chant, Manager, Hanker, Lecturer, and Showman. No hook published ao accepta ble to all clasae. Every nn win. it . Agenla average from Ml tn I'm subscriber tel. We offrr eatra inducement. Ill ustrated Coialogue and term lo Ageuli avnl free. J. II. HI'ltR Art), Publ'ialier, Hartford. Conn. BOOT At SHOE MANIFACTOY. AIHja up to time t The undersigned respectfully announce to Ibe citiien of Middlrburg and vicinity, thai he will continue to manufacture MEN'S STOO . KIP aud FINE It. X ITS. W.imvu and Cbilren's 8IIOE9, And in short everything in I.l line, in lb luteal a.yl aud at low prices. Work made to order al Ibe aborlval notice. Give him a oall befor going elaex hcre. II I II AM RCIIW1.NK. AUCTION EE It. The undersigned also offer bla service lo Ihe public a Vendue Oyer and Auction eer. Haling bad a large etperienre, I feel runtdent Ibal I can give perfect miisfao lion to all who employ ma. dive me a trial. Ill HAM M'llWKNK. Middlcburg. Pa. Jnn 2, oHif QOSGRAVE HALL HOTEL. I'ETCIl TUOVV, Prvpr.ftor, West Reaver Twp., Sny.lsr Co., Ta. Tss Notice that I have purchased Cos- grate Hall HnKl, where I am a. ways pre pared to accommodate Drovers, Stranger, and Traveler. I ahall be liberal in my charge and en deavor tn uae everybody well who favor me with bia cualuin. If you sra not aatia fieil. no charges. Uiv uicacull. April, ( C. EBY CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AMI COM MISS IO.X MER CHA X T3, 522 MARKET ST-, Between Fifth and filth, 7.1ly PHILADELPHIA. TVKW RI'ILDINGS. is ami NKir pfiirrq' WAGENSELLEB & SON. lierel.y r.e retfully ir form their friend an I Ihe pulilie generally that tby bav optbsJ a STOKE in their NEW DU11-D1NG on the spot ao long occupied by Ir. Jacob Wngensrller nn the lale of (Jue where they now have and will always keep a large aud well aeleeied ssaurlntent of SEASONABLE GOODS. In tbe I.. lie' Department will be found a full lina of SILKS. l'Ol'LINS. BRILLIANTS, TICTOIHA LAWNS, FKiUBED ALl'ACAS, SWISS MULL, CAMBIMC'S, IMUNTS. JACONETS. DEL A NFS, Striped und Cliei-Ucd Niintitcks, Ac A Orcnt Vnrlety of l.s. lies' llrras Tritninins, J.-ttost style Hoop Skirts, rrenrh Cnrsriri, Eall style Bit' morals, Lollies' I'nibrel Ins, I'srasnls and Sun Sfridcs, Bniiuet Bil'liutm, Lue s, K u f fliiis's I'niLruitirrs, I.intn and I'appr ('ollnri, Ac, Ac, Ac. A SPL EKDID ASSOR TMEXTofl For Ladies, Missies and Children, in end les variety, nf nil sire. tylc and prices, elected for th Fall and Winter trade. A full snd complete slock of CLOT II sS I'LAIN AND FNf!V CASSIM Ell ES.COTTONA DES, JEANS, Ae.. COAL OF ALL KINDS I flrocerie. Q.trenawarr, Hardware, Willow ware. Ceditrware, (jliiaaware. &0. All of wlileli liHviog been bonghi vtry hit far CIS will br sold al very mu! profit a, Our mot I o la (Jutck talc auj imall profit,. alsn pay th highest market prices fur all kind of grain. WHEAT,- R VE, CORN, OATS und SEED. We are prepared also lo store good, al a mull charge nud to don general Commission sud Forwarding business. V hope that Iba puldle generally will ive ua a eall as w believe il is lo ibeir interest to do so before purchasing else where. , Oive u a trial. W. F. WA0EN3i.ot.ER, M. L. WAOENHELLEIt May 9.'67, tf AMU I.L FA I' ST, Merchant Tnllor, lis J.tal received nn entire new Block of CLOT HM, CAStilMKHLS A VEST1.NG8, all of a superior quality w Licit be ia pre pared to make up tu the beat v. vie and on alien noiiee. He also keeps Brown sad White Freneb Yoke Linen Mhii-ia.and a Gen eral asaorimeui of gentlemen' Furniehing Uootls, all uf which b oners lo lb publio al very rvaaonable prices. Call al my place nn Pins Blnet, between Kvkberi's oornr and the bridgs, Mellua Urove, Pa. J-m 4, IbOR if. ARNSWURTH 3c LOWER, Wbolcttls dealers la Cedar, Wood aod Willow Wars Cordage, II ... ..... s,, . - vrsjuiue, A.uuBiup'UtaaBBB, gS. - ?, North Third Hlraat. l'l,H.,f.l..lil. t Ayer'a Oherry PcctorfJ, for Dtaeaaea of lb Theestt and Icings;, myfoh aa Cough. Golds, WhoopuK . Oough, BroDObitis, AsUuna, and Oonsumptton, . .. TrobaMy nrer hero re In tbe whole hWoey of aieutcuie, has aorthlitg won eo whlely ami eotlts-ptv tiMin Hie conil.teore of mank.n.1, aa lliw exivlieol for pulmonary coinnlainu. Ttirouirli a loua arte of year, and among most of tit raoaaaf meet it ha risen hislier and higtier In Uielr anUina non, aa II ha bes-oma better known, lu. nniroriai chararter and power to cure lite varton afTvocuios of Ibe lunirs an.l throat, hav made it known a a rv liatiie protector aaainal Uiem. While atlnpltsd lo Tonn of tllseaea and to yonns rhllitirn, H I at the same lima Ih tuoat etteotual tvoieslr that raa b given fur In.-lplent eon.iiiiili.-D, antTlbe uab gerona aSeeitone of Ut Ihntat and hinaa. Aa a tr vision against an.ldoa a.laika of l.roiifi, H ahoohl be kept on hand In every laioilr, anil Indeed aa all are anniellmea aulijert to cold an.t cnuiiha, all ahotiM he iirovMetl with thla antidote Ibr tlieia. Allliough eetUed BMmt.if)H la llioiirlit las curable, .till Brest minibera of rasea where Ilia ill. ease evented aeule.1, have been eomtiletely enrol, and Ui patient reatored to hiuml liualth liy Ui CAerry eerr4il. so compkHe la Its mastery ever U.e tllsortlera of the Liimri and, thsl Ibe most obstinate of then, yield lo It. When noth ing else cotilij reaeh litem, untler the CAerry i're prr they u halite ntol tlisapiear. A. oyer a a oat JUMie Bptaktrt Hud great pro tecuin rVom it. A-itisia la always relieved and often wholly eure.1 br It. HranrhUU Is generslle cured by taking tbs CAerrw f eefwrwl In amull and nro,uent tlutaa. So generally ate Ita virtue known that we need ao pul. hah Die certiorate of them hern, or do nto.o than assure Ui public Jht II qiuliual ar fully Biatalaiuad. Ayer's Aguo Cure, For Favor ani Aarus, Tntorrnlttant Fever, Chill 'var. liom.ttnit Kaer, Dimiti Ague, Pertodloal or lt.l'nua Fover, o, att'l indend all tha afTnction whloh ans.t flora malarioua, marab, or miaamako poiaona. A Ita nam hnptlea. It doe Cnr. and dnea r" fall. Conuinlna neither Arsenie.yninine, lli-mrlli, Sine, nor any other inineril or poisonous snliaiaii. u whitiever, It In nowise tnlnree snv pntlenl. lite Bmnher and tmnortfloee of us enrva in Ihr aeneilis. trlrta, ar liternllr lievoml aeeooot, an.l we Is-ltevo wiihotit a psrnllel In Ihe hl-lon- of Aoie tnclieine. Our priile Is grniined hr the S'-ttnowlislamenta a reeelv of Ihe raili.-al rurea effeetetl In ohslinata eases, and where other leineilles had wholly failcil. Cnaerhoilteil persona, either re.i.lent in, or travelling throneh mlamstle frr.ties, wtM lie pros Serte.1 l.t l.klne Ihe AtlVK ft UK ilni'v. For .leer r'mpftitra, fiom lortildlty fir Die I.lrer, II Is an es.-ellent, iliniulaUiii the I.lver hito heslthv ncilvilv. lor llilinoa Disotilera ami l iver Complaints, It I an ex. e'.lent rr in.slv, prtHliirina tnanv tntlv n markahle etima, where other medi'-lnes hail ftilel. I'reoareil bv la. .1. C. Avra A I n., I'rss-tienl Soil Anslvtleal Che.nlvt, Lowall, Uaa., and sold aU roau.l Uie world. rntcE, $i.oo run hotilb. I 1 tr.l e .liirri J No. 2J7. North Sr.l Rt . (,litwecn Race and Vine) Philadelphia. R. D. CUM MINOS, Trnp r. M. M. 8 WAR 11. Superintendent, ii.33 A AMEBIC XN'HOTEL. XV CENTRKVII.LK, MNYOGR Co., Pa. WILLIAM M. I.HNU. Proprietor Thla well known hotel, locale! ln I ha town of Centreville, hn been thoroughly repaired and refined, an.l ia in the beat oon- iliiion lo accommodate the traveling puhlio. Every effort will he made lo promote lha comfort of pur-Is. A share of publio pat ronnge is solicited. Aprilt)-'70tf I?ilEEMONT HOTEL. I HF.KMriNr SWIII D rn n . FNOCIl SMITH, Proprietor. Till new hotel la nnm -....,... I .... .1.. --. ... ...... ,vl sccommodation of guesis and will afford first rule entertainment to persons visiting tvery enr.ri win ne nrade to promote the comfort uf truulnr. ..:, at this boitso Cboioo liquor at,tlus Uar, and the Table supplied with tlie'Eeitt Ihe ninraei An ample sln'ile in Con nt'ulion with tbe bouse. AurilU'TOif S tOtlLIS. JSOBAVBlLt, J01IS OBBHABD, T F. ZOELLIN A CO., a (f"uceeto s to Seibeiling & Zoellin.) WAOLE9ALE DEALERS k IMPORTERS DRUGS MEDICINES. Nca. 40t ti. iO-l Nrrti Thierl Rt 8.d VHIL VDKLttolA. JAN.fELL & CHEW, Bcct-Eeaos to rAcrrHAS ft. casw, cn.ocnEE.'r Arm CLA35Wsfl3.1J, Jl Sorth Foiinh Sfrpet, I'IIILaDKI.PHIA. Original Packages Conalnnlly on fTsnJ. Keprenn'.ed by Till:. I S SWIVKFORD. msn. (.Ri.vEiio. WATCH C CLOCK MAKEW, Market HI. Middlrburg Pa. nWINO located in Ihi ple I would respec fully inform ihe citiiena ef Miildli bu'gain.l vicinity lhal I am prepared lo repair CLOCKS AND W ATCHES olteap and expeditiously. The patronage of lbs put. tic ia respectfully aolieiied. W. (SHANELLO. MiddUbnr, Nov. 24, 1HII3. QBOSS A BROTHERS, Manufacturers of and dealer In sit klnrs of BILL TIMBER. LUMBER. PALING. SHINGLES. LATH, FLOORING, etc., Hhamokin Dam, Snyder County pa. All orders promptly filled. Wjlnul, Ch'rry, l'iylar, anj I.inn l.umbtr coiifMii.iv ea Aji.J. 7 0y T HE DAY Is published every morning (esccpl Sun day), al the oflive, N. W. corner tiiilb and Clit si nut meets, PLiladtOpbla. Prico One Cact per Copy Merved by ihe curriers in any part of Ilia city, and in ihe s.lj'ic.-nl citie and towns, fr MIX CENTS PER WEEK, payable lo Ihe carriers. Price for mailing THIRTY-FIVE CENTS per uiou.b, or KOI' 11 DOLLARS per an num. A T BIBKL. W H BALLIKT. t S STyoHTOM JJISEL, BALL1ET & 8T0U01ITON, bEXEUAL COMMISSION MKRCUAMB, ako DSAians ia Country Frmluc and Domestic Fruit. Nrrdt, itf!., aVo. 22 South Watkh Strict, atHILADELPHIA. RsrKBBKCBa. Jitenh R. rtls..l Jk r. Market street I l.ionencotl A Tro.t.e. 21 N. Watajutrerl Hood. Bonbrighl k Co. V.9 lnrkTsirecl i Es.Uov.Jamea Pollock, an until I. Oil it reel; John Weill 808 Walnut street; Herri & Graham, 827 Arch it reel. Irebfbllif JEYl KELLER, Maitufaoturer of and dealer in FURNITURE, Would reaneelfullv infnrm lb. .til.... r Aelitisu rnva an.l tli.. It. n...,.r... lures to o.'der and keep comlnntly on hand .Ktll.3 tir ALU aiMis, AND Furniture of everv Dnsarmtion. at the wry lowsii pric. Ua respectfully iiiviiva an eiauiinauon or BtlXTEADS.Ul'REAUS.TADI.M.SOr'AbV a.. , A bs.muI lusil. 11... id a ...1 -.1 1 ' r ssmsta 1 1 nswly married folk to call and sea my slock; be. i re urcliasing elsewhere, - - - Levi pw'-LW