The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, May 26, 1870, Image 2

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NtlilhtJ Tr Tnurirlsv f',ealn; 1
fclOm ft mm., rorictorft.
Terms of Subscription,
whhia ls ontle. nr$ f nm rM
wthlD th jr. No f ft discontinued:
ni!t til arrearage are j aid unless st
th option bf lb'inlilir!irr
fAatnanplions oulsiilo of the connty
tyST" Person lifting and nalnf finperN
rddrsi) to others become anliecririer,
ad r llabi for the prlc of th rpv
i MAT M. lint.
CROPS ft BK1FF.R, Prnprlrtnr-..
Republican Prlmar Klertliin.
In pursuance of llonolnticn of tin
Republican Standing Cotnmittta of
Rovder county tha Kepu'iliran l'iimrv
Kleetion will le bel tn S'itirtf.ty.J,ine
4th, 1870, at th- fulliiwiiiir plat -Va :
Ber-At Iht PuMis Hous of George
k. ftmib.
Iteyer Weal -Cnafrrafa Hull.
CeBtr School Hons in Cenireyills.
Chpman--Publio Houat or II. K. W'cttel.
MeK.e Full.
Franklin At t tie t'nlon l!n,Mi,lfh'.
Jaekton School l.iu- in Kratierrill
MlitHlehurjr -Oourl ft !.
Middleoreek I'uhllo llnti of L. Amlcli.
Monro Home of Gen S, Helm.
Fenna llmiae of 8arsb A. Miller
Perry lloua of Kmn-b Smith. Prrmnnl
Perry Wat Hone of John Fisher. Eau,
Belinegrore llouee of H. A. Itnlig.
Union Uoum of Irs riajer. I'un Tr
erton. Washington lloua of Fred. C. Moytr,
Tb followii f officer will be voted fir.
On person fur CungreaA,
On peraon for flat Senator.
On peraon for niemtier of Ae.rmhtv,
On peraon for Asaocint Judge.
On peraon for I'rothonnlarjr.
On paraou for Kegieiar and Recorder.
On peraon for County Cnnniiisaiutirr.
On peraon for District Attorney.
One peraon for County Surveyor.
On peraon for Jury Comtniasiuncr.
On peraon for Auditor.
On peraon for Coroner, nod on Return
Judge from each district.
The election will be gnyerne I by the
reanluliona paired by lb Standing Com
miuee. Reiolvri That III Election Hoard at the
Primary Election be composed of a Judge
and two Inapeclora. who are to be eleoted
and qualified aa like officer the nf General
Election are elected and tiil(nl,
RrtolrrJ That Hie I'ulls be ol en from
two (o lis o'clock, I'. M.
Rttolvtd lb a! none but Republic!. he
entitled to tote at Ibe Primary Election.
J'roridtd, tbat if tbe election board be ant
lafied Ibal any oilier prrann wiping io
vol 1 a man of veracity, and promise to
upporl lh wbole ticket when aominaied,
be (ball be allowed lo tote.
Retohut Tbat no rnturna will he reoeirod
by tbe Convention of Ka-tiirn Judge iinleea
accompanied with lb liat of voter and
tally papera.
Raotved Tbat Ibe return witb lh lint
f voter and tally papera shall ee handed
over by the eleciiou olticrre to tbe Keinrn
Judge, who eliall b duly aworn or affirmed
o produce Ibe earns at ibe. following L'un
iunurn jnnfrei win meet at ine Court
ITouae, in Middlrhurg, on .Monday, June
ib, at 1 o clock, P. M.'
D. P. Mot, Chairman.
Pec rotary.
This N n t rlil District, composed
oPSnydor, Union, and Lycumiu.' c iun
ties, is C'hig-ieii as Om til t lie ilouljtlul
dielriolB by mmo "( tin' leu i p homo
cratio papers j ntil, I'niim (,uoi.Vy. llir
renult of lliitt litli'a oluciinn will Vv
looked for with a i;rot iIim! of iniorot
throughout lilt wliulp Stain. Fur hi t
year vr liaro been mi'fcrrprcacnt' d
at Ilarribburg by a IfeuiiHirat. Tlii
is Dot oa it elmuld Lv We Imv a
cleoo working oiujority in tlie itinlricl
of at leant four buu lrod and fifty, and
tut for our heal qu rn la. and imiiii
tut in a unpopular men, ntitbor WalU
Dor Beck would ever have been et u'
to Ilarribburg ai Dnicrutiu Benatore
from a Ho publican dimr'ct )tt u unt
ri'peat our I'mnior folly at tbu next
election. We have home good nicti
in tbe field. Let um ouuiinnte our heal
one, then stick In tbo ticket, and bv
tinrmooiouH iictiiiQ and unHiin ei-
ertiona, tbo desired result of vleetiog
Republiciiu Seoa'.or, cuo easily be
Tbo I're-ddent iwued a in'otlnma-
linn on Tuofday afteriKxin, s ninn lurtb
i hat he haa received infnriiiation of
Illegal and unlawful expediti .ns beiuif
filled out in the United States iur the
invasion of the Ilotiiiuion of Canada, u
province of the Crown ol G Hntuiu,
country wiui wmi'ii ine unueu aiuiea
IB at tiaanji Anil in t'L.ur if minli iI..b
W mn .k U. V, M ' 1 II, IHH . ' . 1 1 I II IUI '
mation dulv aulhenlieati'd. the Prvni-
!tnt warn all ijirnoiin cm'aL'nd in h
'ipcditiutia of tbo roiiHetiuenco nf ui b
"legal ads. and aunuuuceH that tl un
Inr.l .MI ... I.. ..I.!. I.I...I I'
' K a ranallini ia Innnr v.. .1 1 u 1 1. ... h .. . I
tbat tbe United States will out iniei-
hio in nirir ut'nuii. no eiijoiua on
jjutice every auvli olTeudcr.
Secretary liuulwell protuine us
t May aoother reduutioo often will
jn Irom the publio burden. Tbe
piog and deruorahxed Douiocraoy
fgln to cry out araiti'VuAs courae.
wd aeetu to denouave it a " a no
fay to pay old debts." To boneai
eopie and Union men it aeems to be
t old-fusbioDod way.
Tbe Hepublicun party in reon
lvauia will be represented in I ha
st State Cumpuii'n Cotntniltee by
be lion. Siujoo Caineroo. No man
iter fitted for tbe noaitioo could I
Fotcn. Mr. Cameron ia well ac
Jainled with tbe poliiiea of tbe whole
iste, and though woll idvaooed in
he poaaeaaea more Viou than, tnoat
on of not half bit year.
Advices from lied lliver report
t aa hidiao outbreak tbre la Itn
oent, and tbat there is great sxoitc-
ent at rort Uarry irotu tins cause
H the arroat of Uiebl's soldiers in
poad .
1 If a oonuiry ware maJe of sda
VOL. 8.
Cicnrral Laws.
Fnrtynin iienerr.l lawa werepaaa-d
at I ho late arpMitm of the General Aa
sotnb'y of ihia State not aix, aa pub
li-hed in a number nf tho leading
journal". Tho following I a liat ul the
l:iVa pi8ed and approved by lh-
1. rmvidintt for tbe bca'tn ami
afety tif persona rniplojed in Coal
2. To aid in perfecting title t" lands
3. t tirovidi poataie for public
d K'uinenti and letters.
4. I'k prevent the isiie of umiuthor poiicira of in.'iranco.
n. lo prevent the tnjiiry or detruc-
I ion of bai'SRe.
ti To nllnw writ of error in Cie
uf iiiu.'iier and u a'ig'nii;hter.
7. Appropriation bill.
X. To utboi-iz Unilroad eompatiie
to I a-e ii lid Im-coiii le-eei ol other
railroud roiiipaniea.
9. A Kiipiili'ineiit ti tin acl relutini;
to pfiiu tnprioned fir ofTonata
iiftniOHi the Iiiwh of IVnnylvaliia
10. Kf luting t'ii lie acktiiiwlHiliremonl
of (lend" in tho PiMriet of Culiimliin.
11. Cieuliiiif CruwlorJ County a
sepet ate Judiciul Uin'rict
1-'. buppltiiuetit to I ho penul lawa
id' thia Coni'iionwralt b
13. An net exeniptnitf aowinif ma.
chine id private luiuiliea tiom lory aoil
nail' on in culiiin f 'r rent.
II. To protect and riicimrae ibe
btpi'din Hint eulliiro of fish.
l.". An u-t allowing hihnnd4 nnd
wives t teniify anuiu't eucb other in
tt p icition lor (I i voice.
lb ltop'uliiig an ail relating loju
iicinl vulca and tho preservation uf the
IteiiM of iniirtiig.-.
17 lo authorize lha rnmpletiun of
the bintory of the Peuiii-ylvutiiu Vol
unteers . t'ontentini; to purchase of lands
by United S'ulei.
l'J lo prevent tbo publication of
otiH-one ud vert ieiiieiit4 and the eale
it mixinii tiiedieine.
2). Keuealmir an act relating to
good iu Hturo and tranait, auJ uiukiny
1iIIk of Indtnu' neitiublo.
21. To antboriio fanul conipaoiex
to build lateral railroads.
22. l'ruvidiug for taxation of tank
23 I'roviiliiu lif deficit in Orphan
chool depat'truvnt.
24 A euunleinent to an act allowing
parties in interest to toxtity.
-0. A Hunpieiueot to an act rclatinu
to orphalin' Courts.
20 lo authorize Attorney Ocnerul
to pjocied ugaiut-t corjioratioua viola-
uitg law.
27. A aupplement lo the penal law
of tho Common wealth.
2i Fur tbo draiuitiif of awunny anil
wet lands.
20. Relation to turnpike and plank
mud com panics
.ii). A supplement to tho act in re
lation to tbe taking ol puttie.
Relating to initio io Luzerne
and Schuylkill counties.
a2. Requiring boom companies to
make report to tho Auditor General id
i hi number of logs anuuully railed Itj
them, aud to pay taxes.
3d. Relating lo elections in thix
Com tniMiweulth.
31. Deeluring that a loan to a firm,
uS'XH'iutiiin or corporation shall not con-
Htituie the party making tbe loan a
35. lo provide for deficiency in ap
probation for publio printing.
.10. fitiiarulng jurmuicllou of Court
of Common i'leus uf Dauphin veunty.
Si. a auppleineot lo the act rilatiCK
lo execution.
33. A supplement to tho act to pro.
vi e for reduutioo ol tbo publio debt.
39. Relating to siiseaaineiitot duuia
ger nn rnreign uttauhnipot.
40. Requiring railroad, canal, navi
gation and telourjph conipauioa, to
muko unihiru) report to the Auditor
41. AuthoriEing Auditor General to
print reports.
4-. A supplement to tbo militiu
laws of the Coniuionweakh
43. A aupplement to to acta relative
to tbo ciluie Treasurer and Coiutuia
niioeionera of Sinking Fund.
41 Making copies of llrltinh record
45 Relating to records io Western
District of I'eniisy Iviitii.
4l ICi lating to railroud companies.
47 UoliitiuK lo mauaenietit of State
48 Relating to Railroad and Canal
411 lo extend the time for paying
ccrtuin enrollment tusrs.
What'is llntiah Iree trade ? It is
that extraordinary governmental poli
cy wh ith would grant priviiiouos to
foretghnera which It Withhold from
its own peoplo I It is that syatDi ol
legiKluima which would pormit tho
fort-Lours to scod tbe goods, wure.
and njcrcliiiadise. tbe products of their
labor, ioto your country uotaxod, with
out contributiotf toward tbo support
of your city, tow o, county, Statu, or
National Uoveromcnt, wnue you pay
for laese purposes taze upo real es
tate, tales, incomes, oiaiiufucturirs
corporutiuo, trannportatiD, furniture,
watch', light, heat, books, newspa
pers, bonds, mortgages, deed, notes,
checks, food, spirits, ale, niediciues
law, etc, els t id a Word, opun all you
eat. diiuk, wear, or are obliged ia any
manner or (orui to use, have, or enjoy,
excepting: only lbs air you breibe
Con such s syhtem be basad upon any
principle or right or justioe. or eao It
be expedient io any country or ataoog
any people T Vre.
Woman's ltioiiis A eetmilile wm
au in Now York, tho mother of eiht
children, writes na follows to tho editor
of the New York Tribune t
Hib : I can no longer restrain from
protesting aguinatthe sK.urh and un
rraannuhle efforts of tbe dikuthficd
few to tear tho rott of us from our
homes and proper aphers, and to luunrh
ii a, in apiteof ourselves, into the whirl
pool of political life, to sever us from
wert snd so red homo tie", and send
out into tho world to perform the
tanks allotted to man. AfVr ibey
have uusurped oiso's employment,
w hat do they Intend f The baking
and cooking will never take enre ol
itself. In tin instructive story ol
" Darhy snd Joan," wo see with what
auereas tbe homo dei'prtment was man
aged by a inno The nuthor ia silent
resprctitig Juan's auccess. Why ha
no one ever finished the witty fablo?
It would be u pr'mising tsk for some
wise p'ct, and partieu'srly applicable
to the present ninveuient. As the
peaceful mother ofelht cherub', con
tent in tho delightful task id' rearing
the lender thought and teschinit tho
voting idea bow lo shoot, I beg you to
iI j all in yoi r poncr to auvo lit from
i lie mm binationa of our ut.natisfiod,
iintortunuto aistera. Forty years' ex
periuueo bis taught me to haik wil h
pity on th ipoo who are discontented
with the lot IVovident'o deniinod
thorn to occupy, and I honor tho brave
women who have spoken in bebulf ol
tho majority.
A (Wisconsin) corres
pondent of the Chicago I'osl relates
an eiciiing scene which occurred in
the court room lit the former pi ice at
the t loso of a uiiirlrr trial. He ruya :
Tho argument of counsel in tbi
case were proionged until 3 o'clock
p. m. to duy 12th tilt. Jude Lyon
then delivered Ins charo to the jury,
inatructing them tloit nccorditig to the
law and theevideneo ibey must either
tind tbe def tideut guity nf murdor, or
of tuniislatiLthter in the third decree
The j-iry then retired for drlibera
lion. An exciting cc no occurred at tbfl
close of the speech of the Distriot At
torney. .Mrs Roberta, the a.'cd moth
er of tbe murdared man, who bad been
a quiet and nt tent ivo listener to tbe
atiimeol, arose mid eaid thill she do
sired to muko a few retuurku to the
The Judge requested her to mi
down, but she wua persistent, nud
tho shcriir whs compelled to interfere.
Sho took her seat fur a tiwmcut, and
tho ollicor stepped awuy, wbwu nhe
again sprang to her lent, exclaiming,
" llekiii'od my 8 n, and I will kill him ;"
rushed upoo the oi l man Stowe, nnd
tirasping him by tho tlii"St au I head,
cllU'cd tho blood to flow from the
wouuds she indicted. Tho sheriff and
bis assiitanta interfered, and she
was forced from tho court room, still
dcclaritni that she would yet accom
plish her purpose. It produced quite
a seiisatiou among tbe audience fir u
briel period, but the officer pruuiptly
restored order.
One of tbo victims of tho Richmond
disaster was a Republican meaiber of
tho Mate legislature. Jen years a 30,
a Virginia oewapapot would huve
spokeo of him in the phrase still fash
ionable with the fonnsylvauiu Dcuioo
racy, as a nigger." Hut times have
changed in the Old Dominion, as may
bo iuforred from tho annexed para
graph, taken from a Richmond Jour
unl uf last week !
" Poor Jilnnd, tho colored member
from l'rince Kdward. whj was killoJ
by tho dreadful accident 00 Wednes
day last, had by bis straightforward,
uiitily and independent course attract
ed the respect and eonfi lonco of both
races. Had bo lived, he would doubt
less have been the foremost man of bis
race in ibe Stute. He was a tuuo of
excellent natural parts, aod availed
himself of evory opportunity of ael (im
provement. His good senso, good
principles, and sound and elevated
views of publio duty, were conspicu
ously displayed whenever he was
brought before the publio. Hi death
is much deplored by tho white people
uf the Statu as it is by those of bis owu
Tub Rev. Mr. Smyths, ofXew York,
who receutly partook of gin and milk,
and afterward confessed his sin, ha
bt eu roundly abused by the press, re
buked by the presbytery of bit church,
and rulled upon to resign his pastorate
The Rov. Henry Ward Deouher un 1
tbe Ruv. O. li rrothinghani. who of
ficiated at the marrige of Richardson,
the seducer of an another man's
wife, with the victim of his mncbtua
tions aod of ber owo wrong, asking
the blessing uf Itcaveo upoo tbi
unhallowed union and upon " what
these two had bono lo each other," aod
who subsequently gloried in their act.
and defended the conduct of the par
lies thus sacrillgiously united, are still
permitted to preach the gospel fa they
understand it), and are deleadod by a
lurgo portion of lbs press. Commooi
is deemed unnecessary. 2'Ae Zy
The SeuuU committee on military
affairs is opposed to the bill which
passed the House, declaring May 80 a
uutional holiday forever, a day to dee
orate tbe graves of soldiers who fell in
the lute war.
They oppose it oa the ground that
it is uuueeessary to make sush a dec
laration, lor tbe reusno that tbe dovo
tiou of the day will always be governed
by popular impulse, snd wbiU a law
ul that character woild not strength
eo tbe eereniooies, it would eauso
icrsat Ineonveuleueo to bankers sod
other basin men by makla another
We had a report a short tune u
that Andy Johnson was preparing for
an extensive tour through K u rope.
W now htvenn atithoraiive atntement
from n Tennessee paper, that hia Ac
cideney, instond of going to foreign
parts, is making his arrangements t
resume his old trade. It seems that
he has purchased a large and commo
dious brick building in Grecnvillo.
proposing to engaged emin a so early
day in tho tailoring business, under
tbo old sign of " A. Jebnsoo, Tailor.'
lie intends to employ qnite a number
of tailors, and wi'l conduct a whole
ssto nnd retsil business llully ! We
wish him ttbundent sttccoss st bis old
trade. Ho made a great mistake, as
the peoplo ol the United Ststea know
to their sorrow, when he car it tip
and undertook to bo a statesman. Now
that ho proposes to go back to the tail
oriotf business, he may yet, in some
measure recain the respect nf the na
tion and dio rerotlvd by bis custo
mers. Two bail'lincs connected with tbe
Wstertown (Mass.) Arsenal were blowo
into atoms on Sunday afternoon, by
tho accidental explosion of a larc
qoantity of shells and other wnr mu
nitions. Tbe explosion occurred about
2 'o'clock, io the shell house, causad by
tho iulemo heat drawn from the sun
throiiuii a circular rkylight, which
operated similar to a sunglass. It
being Subbsth day, there were no work
men present, otherwise tho loss of life
would have been fcarfiil. Tho explo
sion Wasdisiinclly heard a dor.en miles
ill all direction. The sliork was
very severo, and caused great hsvoc
among the windows lor miles around,
uod ber vices io tha various churches
suddenly chiavd.
Accoiding to the rip'r Tmdf
H'-jwrf tho paper ollar Abominutioo
ia lo be followed by tho ' production
of petticoats, w hich aro either printed
iu imitation of tie fashionable skirts
ol the d.iy, or stamped out with open
work of such beauty and delicacy that
uo amount uf labor with needle and
scissors could iiniiiiintc,'' And that,
too, ut tho trilling expense oflitlecn
cents spice : so that tho men with
doll wives, can get their sawdu-t au
eels a spring outfit lor one dollar.
Tbeso prices will doubllces have a
hencliciul 1 (I. el up. in tho present de
pressed itistiimoiiinl maikcl.
Wo havo n story from Peru that
tho Uuitcd States Consul st Tuiuber.
has got liiiu.-elf into jail by hl.ippiux
tbe (see el a l'oalmoler. Ol course
consuls lire not 10 be hundculfed and
lettered for little indiscretions of that
sort, and we are triad Ri ai-Adinir-ul
Turner has take I th : mailer up ;
still postmasters buvo lights which
even counsels aro bound lo respect.
As soon as the Peruvian authorities
have discharged Mr. Wo.r from dur
ance and uppologized lor the uneet,
w suggest that Mr. Weir should apol
ogize for the slap and then bo dis
charged from his consulship.
Her. Dr. Cbnpin of New York,
be for J proceeding with his regular
services last Sabbath morning, remark
ed to his congruent iuo that ho always
preferred being wet down'' by a
thunder bhowor than by a drizzling
louk, and aa their was a small debt re
maining upon bis church of $lnt)oo.
which caused a leak of seven hundred
dollars per aunuiu, he desired to have
it slopped The box weut round, aud
when tho contents were counted ii
was found that tbo desired sum had
been obtuiued. Tho louk was stop
ped. "The anticipated reduction of tl.c
duties oa Iron by tho United States
causes great activity io the inn re
gious of Wales." Suoh Is the deapatcb
sunt by the cuble from London The
ouly effect of the persistent efforts of
too tree traders la Congress is to give
work to tbo paupers uf Wales al star
vation wages, aud to luru out uf cm
ployniout the well-paid artiatiisof the
Uuited States; au that ibe effort lo
get what is culled cheap iron really
helps nobody but thuso who produce
it ubroad.
Our intelligence, from the Douiinio 1
this morning ia of a somewhat startling
character. The mysterious tnovetnputs
of the Fenians' aro ul last assuming
tangible sbupo. The reported burniu
of fire hundred bouses in Quebec. which
cuuios o us io the sauie despatch uu
uouueiog the massing of Fenians on
lh bjrdcr, indicates a resort un the
part uf thutoruuuizaliou to gunpowder
plots, iuferual macbiues, aud the other
resources Ol u'.husiaaiio but itupranti
eublo revolutionists. VV. ogeftt-v
The result of the McFarland
Uiohardsoo trial conveys two or three
lessons on liberty. The first is. thai
if a man takes lbs liberty of violutiuit
another man' household arrangement
the other chap is st liberty to stmot
him. Secondly, wotuon are not at
liberty to take liberties of that sort
1'hirdiy, juries are at liberty 10 find a
verdict of out guilty on tbo ground ol
insanity, whenever it is necessary to
restore liberty to au outraged bus
The St. Louit Tribune gives a
list ol J'irt y-Hm Missouri journal
(seven uf them issued daily) which sre
outspoken for Protection, sud says
ibis list is incomplete These, with
the Governor of the Slate aud the
President of St. Louis Uourd of Trade,
afford a pretty fair lodicatioo of the
drill of publio sentiment.
Hon. 0 Ia. Ward, an Influential
oilisen of Pennsylvania, aod a demo,
cratio politician, diod at bis rl lunce
at Tuarandai.nw-S- .- 1
1 bo Indian question will soon be
solved. A man out in Chimin has in
vented a process by which living bod
ic can b pvtritiel in half au hour.
Ho proposes to ifo nut on a confiden
tial tuissfna from the Government and
harden tip a whole tribe of Indiana at
one time, and thee retsil them out for
toliicccuists' signs. He thinks he can
make this so profitable tbat, by the
lime ho iret done with the Chm-taw
and the Turroras. ths income tax
can be nholi-heil with safety.
A nngget of pure copper, weigh
ing 117 pounds, was discovered in an
lows field the other day. it had been
kicked about lor years, under tbo sop
Nsiiioo that it was a stone, finallj.
the tooth ol a h irn'V scrapod av'vnst
it, m:ikiog a I riiil.t streak, which re
vealed its tine nattiri'. It is pure
metal, without tho least nllov, stone,
or qunrtz The locality where dis
covered ia in Crdar township. Monrs
county, and hopes are rnurliiio'd
thnl extensive deposits uudurlie th.'
whole rei m.
Correspondenoe will soon bo pub
lished which will explain the reason
why Gen. Hancock was not appointed
to suceeed Gen. Thomas in lb com
mand ut iho department ot tho Pacific
Tbe explanation will show that party
politifl hal no connection with the
An Kn-.'lish murderer Utely kill
ed a family of e-vrn persons, at Un
bridge, eeveot 'cu miles ftmu Lotido'i,
at Isst accounts this fiend incarnate
had not beeu nrtrted. Hut it is not
likely that h will be aide long to
elude the vigilance of thn police.
It is elitnitd that the reduction
if tho tariff advocated by ths Ireo.
traders on pig-iron in IVuiimv Ivnnis
alono will throw thirty thousuud peo
pis out of a living, while it will hriou'
no relief lo anybody but the British
Not t'j be behind Chiciiro in the
modern improvements, Pliiladclph'n
has now a divorce caso in court. The
parlies are said to have lived together
for upward of twenty years, and now
come into court und atk a decree of
A despatch at nrmy headquarters,
from lieu Wootl, dated Fort Wsllac",
Knn-as, states that fife hundred 1ml.
ans were ngageil iu the atu laid in
tint sts'c. They drove off three bun
drcd head of cuttle and kided uhottt a
(liifn men
CASblDA THS' U. lllS.
rOMiltf SH. Aa or suvuaa : Tha lima fur j
ehrm.ln nnr .lAnilafil twarer In Ilia lieu eaiti 1
' i-iltfn t. r.iihtiy aei'rosi-ti n, anil It I. tun we!
I ate Ihlnkltia nf ahntn tn nnttitnnte nn tha tli nt
I June. Knr t nnre.. I am enrlnln we enn itn tin
tattler than In ra nninttiAle nnr ireeitt utile
Melnlier, Una .loan It. TaiSkh Ii h. Ihilo
! eiim-iniary !! alva nnr llriire.entatiTefi Iu iota
ll.trli-i a elialiee m tarve a eernnn term, anil I
lean ne nn k m"I reason wby we hntihl ileeari
1 from thl! rale. .Iismii.
Fnn Port: Th lrtlnfk nf raD!lUt to tn
Totl fr Kl th rnM.ltnf irlatery itMjtltfi, 11
iirrlf n fejfjnldnK tti'U(tit m l hnr"it (
pnriHa; tttuhouln li't ii"h hut hnni, tu
, ttlllicnt, tit1 rl1hlti turn riblit1itl l-.if
th tltl- ut Aa',,! Jtirlat. -tMi tllf ,
ball hrm mu ol Inwiidty. tHttm! jti.litrqirat
nl k'ii-9l . Intioni. lo lh. srmii nf H I
KruieiBrii.t(liii-H Krarr, ) in
I quttiti omilns-li mi1 II U tth tiurt i''l
; wt ro'iutitrutl tiim rtvutll i.! hr It ulHf
, U .tMH)lli.9 Ju-lkt H taaVJ Sttatslf brb ftf
, KpuLUu-tn,ti'l nut raii iii th
j H'ttlllnttiit tU eoiinlf ilit i't ul Htir
! by uuiuluftllug il Itt-riliiu lm tu tbl IniTtattit
utile viriiKhf vw ra ifvk
FDtTOK P(ht- Prmlt u,v Ihrinisb four col
umm, i.i in ofiiii) I Ho A. J Ml i41-.rll
Iur r noit.lntl m ArvcUt J1k h bn
MrVl til UMt nf Mflff pnUDlf In Ih ilcv
v'tw, ir un inrra, wiia n itiiiy m id poi, j
crwllt Iu hlmspir nU honor tu th pomiii.iv M,
hn ilmi.iil hl'is)U t m Uuhiul mm i ffl. lui
nRlvr, t iifflil aia trtu) rt l-riM .
4Qft titl trly rin4-t HnHf-m
H tii ctmiribiii) Urnlf tu IU aue M ul uur
prty of htr h bi trii Ul iubtf wMr
U jutily writt r l-altn.
Iahy Kbtchlic.
HKN I ttll.
KntToaa Poat eleas annnunea tha name
of Dnl. A. t, hiDKi, ol .-ellii,Kr,,,e tnr Stale
Sanatnruf thlt l.l.lrinl II I. a id An whiatu.-
Ine. qua lileattnD. l.a afKDraui'a of tiia ahllliy
tn aet in a l.el.lativ eapAeiiy inr ihe s'snl ul
hi. ennKtltueuti an.l tha waltatanf in Mala;!
anil bl. aiiuilnittlnn al th primate n.aeiluK!
will reilai-t era tit un lha rle,uhlli'Aii narly, ami (
hi. alai'ilnn In the at ata -n it wilt he eie.Hu
bla tu tbla Kaualurlal illmrl.'l, Uaavaa.
KniToa. Pobt lleiiiililli-ananfSnyilareniinty, I
la a few weeki ynu will It ealle.1 in .alei't '
einonnm uvnrere, rrntw ynur nunittar, mr Ilia ai-
(rtiAebln eatupAta'n. and wa reemnnienit tu j uur
avtiratiia euniiiiler.itliia. t'uL. Wm.U. haaani.n
a. a aultAhl ir.m In r,re.ent t hie sanalnrlnl
lil.trli'l In lha Nanat of Pann-ylvania. I'nl
llerriilu'i parly fealty, Inieurliy. ahllliy ami
ftlne.f will ant admit uf a iiiientlmi nf Unuiiti anil
he lUAIIy inerllA lha nuinliiallun. Ha will cara
fully auanl amt pmnn.le lh InteraeK nf hi. mii
ailiuene. ami utAke tu a ret,reentatlveuf whnin
wa may juitly lay prnuil. We yenlure Ihe a-.ur
anew tbat ha will aierelia avary ertnrl l,i a-lfauea
avary iiular anil tei.ll.l. pmiael which alll
ubaao tba lotera.t of tha pa-, pie.
Ksri'auic'Aaa of I'aasaLis,
PniToRa Poar We taka pleaeur In raenm
mamllnif tu Iba Kapuhlleaa parly uf Snyler
enutny, llArr. WiiLiaw It. U Aaoiaa. a. a
ahla iren Iu r preaent aa In l.aalalatura of
Pann.yleanla. I'lwl "lib tha leal of lha patriot,
bla pure hlaaa of equal ristit ami aqual juetire,
ba wa amnn tha nrat in uffer hit lire a wlllln
aerineauahlaeounlry'aaltar In tha lata airuaal
fur nalluual Ilia. Pne.eaalii.: avary rttiailAi-etiiia
tn make a nl Naiireaenlallea, It wmilil only ba
oiarltait Irlhut tn kl. aeryl-a anil karule enn
ttui-t tu BuaAtnata klra by aa uvarwhalialna' aaa
jnrlly. Our eea-ll'l.te f ir IalaUtlre hnanra.
Hapl. Hanllnn, la eminently qailiae.1 Iur an-l
ju.lly Saaaryln of lb public t aai Sir whir wa
reoouini.oil blia. Iiitisa of Uaavaa.
KniToas Poat i I nntleeit In your Nat taana
that yno bar eeveral rweumiaandalionafiir ault
able nerauna tnr nrBea m be nllk-1 al lha eleetlna
nail fall. Hellaeiaa It 1 1 Iu oar Interest na a
party to aotalnAt lha he.l n.a tnr tba reaiAWIIre
urBoaa. I wituM praaanl Ibanaoiauf laeia mwit.
Kaq i aa a euttable wran In repraaanl tn people
of nar eniiaiy la lha lnLlalare Mr. Hmlih I
ayoanawiAaul aaur tbas or.llnary abllllvi
ataunoh Hiahlleai baa erl Iba party Inn
an I well, Ami herelnlnr kaa aerer aakatl aay
thins wllhln ll.elr pnwar t-i lie.luw. It tba ria
Rublleaa parly of Say ler ananly plana Mr smith
i auralnAiInn, k will rapraaeal their luieie-ta
at llarrlauar- with an ir ami Silellty. Li aa
sumiaal tha tteal wan preeenteU fur uur hule.
soil ylolory will parok upoo uur banner.
To Mr Faiaanat I hereby annnane rnyaelf
a aitiaia for r suralaatlna fur Ika onto uf
PMIhnnMery, a nil reape.illully anllell lb auSra
aaa of tba Kaiaiblleaa vnWA-a of bayJar eouai;
al th ialoa primary lrilu,
Jaaawiaa Uaocaa.
UniToaa Poar: Purln tha war.whan aohltara
war need etl to pruUel our bnmea and aaard lh
natlunal koaur, w aahl to our abl enlunteera
"i l. knya, and w w III aa that yum sr pnitl.tad
for ehould fo ba woaadwd Aa a aaaaral Ikloa
or priMBtaa ky rssiaaikaaaS mmA .
IJamksM Vs z sir. a eltlten t ymir tnsrn.
' for the ntTW ut Hevloar atnl Iteeto.i-r. at the
j en.ta p-lmary ele.'ttnn. Mr .er.t
i Ullhtlllly to our arniT n-nrly (mir .ar.. an.t In
lht Itin" w p. tevi-r-u tvi.iin.ii-.j t.i imni
! Mrn tor h4ra teaniMl !.!.. r 1 uerei.-re w tlilnh
that ha h -ul I lei n.,inlnstt anl eleotcl (
etertM w at ntl.flr. that h will he an em
elenlottlccr. 11.-1 nr..
Koirona 1 1'e.rmlt me, a nl.erlH.r.
to pnif aetl lliruiiirh tha e.1utnn. nf air,
tha amne uts H, M-tmek, n Mlihlleiinrx.
merlf nf V .nri-a t"n-lilto a mtui.le an.t
wnrtnr eati.ti.lare hr re neiulnattin rr hetii.ii-r
ami lte.irter nf O.u r-nitite lie ha. vr,,e'l .sl'l. elll 'leiit. an,! ..Ml
aoi. n nn. who h.s tia-t m-r.l..n to eoler
nin-e rn tr w II ne- t- 11, e cni'iry. An ei
eall.nt rentinian, a vmhI aei.tintmit, a eoniij
Uri-iiiilh-an ie"ervli.H nf .ueencg. I n 11. r
n.niilnain htm Hio.k.
I'lSTUhT A I' I'll UN KV,
Me..ns. K.tnToH.- Atlnw me to nre of-o
tha llei.ahllran. ul mir 1 nimty .e pr-tt-tf f
re ii"nilniii It. r raiii. I .)., f.r ti e nti
ol lU'trlnl A-t onct ,r rr.' hriet ntt! !!
err-r h. nr. .run 1. 1 in tv l an eir.-l.nt ana an
nl.llulntf nlh'-er, ant wa ean ee im ....! rf..4..
why he ehonl.l nt ha ra :wt.l At the hm-kln
nut n( tha reiM-lltnn, " Ititrn.y ' wi a'tioinr th
llr.t to rr. n I Oif ell l"r rc'iinlenr. -.r is!
lit! emintrf laltkliillT " a n.. liar nearly I n.
fe:r. Inth4t (tine r-.-iIVM. w..iin.l. lrin wSt. h
lie will Tully riM-ioi-r, an.t nw we tlilnh
that II woiit-l m a .'i.ali return twr t,e u "t 1 1
In. I we n an hin.raM u ller i 4 an e!. leal
nttli-ar to relHt bliu. lo.n 1 1 k t a a .
VoiToaa 'oT:-lllliln that a i-IIM-il
parly ha a irnmnlv l..e .uo.-.-l anit n.ri elully.
only, whea meanf.hmtf. ...ut . luleirrllt. l-r
i.rtvlnir eu.-wy. amt 'I.T wlin eiiiiiitl
nriiiK n;n"nr !n inein.eiitwi. nnr feiri'..'ll
iimn, tl-elr enn.tioieni, i ,r .tur-ttrrt
I hrareit. an.l kimoliia that I, N Mi.k.. I; . .
Iirreinlnenl'y t"-e. Ihn.a iihIo lev in I nil
thn r.Ul-t' iuatill.-a.l..iip. ..null 0 ,i tlm h-m
eel a" fallhtul tin. ilntle. nf liihtrt.'t
, Alliirney, i lAka il.atnrn In re,-.iiaitiuriillttc t.
I the nlr. nf vm.i.r lii iinti h.r
nntiiluntiiin l-ir Hint ntli'-. ami 'ti t-.''wut Ii
eie.-t., that ha will make a wnrthy aa.l :Si
uiu -.r. i as rait
fOM MIssniMMt.
Tua ntti-e nf t'.iimty l'.itninl.l "ner I. una nf
th innH linimrlant nllli-e. In tha tt iair
e.ainlT. an I L till It nn It Kl 6 n. it-li nl mi
SmiMr-il hnnifly nti'1 tnliic-Oy In e..nn-i-l t- n
I with many h'lolli'-.n.. all ix ire in ire.iiu tlm
I eta In. t "O n in I'm tie Kin .a v. . it l:r.r.
i f.T thl. Imi-nniii i.m-e Mn . a mm ..f ...mi I
' jn Uemenl, hmie.l an I relui.n. ami il n.iuiluaiej
auu aievie i, u oi uiake a lalllilnl i ltl. .r
F.niTon. IVkt I'leve ann lune llial .loai
((iii, at rami. It, mil ti a f-iii..ifa i .r
I uuritv I ol.l-ttier, i, t0 il.'l-..ti i.f
the llf.iijhlli-i.n vnlar. At tha ...uln.
j r:ieiln. Mr llumls l well .ntluu.l to till ilia
r' r-. inn ii-imiiiu-an, an i wi;i, n
elect!, inaka a "ill er. j .
Kl KVI. Villi.
Koioaa povr I'lnai aiiniiiniaa In y nir ns.
wr the inline nf A h . f r r. K. , a. a -iiila'le
.rrnn in nn ine mn em t -until y survey. ir. Mr
illlt haa irai-1k-eil nnrievtn In thl. r.-unt a
nutntvr ul ye ir.. In mn.-tti il in Im-inn-.. nn.l
m i.leiaie In ehnrae. I will ni ;ty ant iUihk
fn hl Itfirnl ehArai-ler a. hn la l,j well kimn
, thriiiiahmil the cnimly. II ininilui(. uu. I alon
11.1 h. will make a lettt littil ntli-pr.
A oi or We.T BaAfaa.
I Fit.. Pout: IMa.e nntinutiea thrnnah y.iur
Fiiliiiunn that In aiai. Wkini K. , nl tut
I tiiwnililii, will lie a l anill iAi tnr ( mint y sur
: tenr, Ml.leet In he ite. I.. i.r Ihe I. e.l,ll.-ia
' ynleri nt ihn eti.iilint ptlniary alet..n. .vlr
Welrlek I" an e.i rteiii e.I Miri...r n-l It) w.
'Hunlllleil Ihe h ii ,,,. AhaLi.
j .MIHIiiTt.
I Tniaaisri that nnr tiiwnhti la antltla.1 Iu
tlie Auilltnr thl. fell, nllnw nut tn pre.en thn
n.ine m i'ai.tis i. r ietii.n In Ihe Ketiut.iioiiu Til
tern nrniir enutitv III e.ililiei-t hm with h il ,-irt -i,
lr I l.her Im. ulrnt). h..rn au a lira au I ..,l..ii
Keiiii.lii-an ami hn. never herotninra a-Leii tL-r
any llilna In the i.iwer nf tl.o .rly In lii-...
Vi think II nmil l lo I nl .lui,le in.ili a In l n
him In nnnilniilli'ii at lha eii.ulnii irtirtnry ele
tt ie. Miniliil he he Imuiliialeil . uil aluelel, wa
will haia an Lmtu.'I auJ enuiyi'tniii u 'linr.
MiI'Iilm aaiia.
I'niTnns I'o.t:-Itell.i IriK that II . lee rlnht
pnlli-y lii relnlii k'h-. ii en id nttli e, I w.nil I i.r.i
i-i e that we rv imtu iiAla Iiaaimi. Iiti-raati n
mr Ihe i. iM, o i.l I .111.111111-. tin I- a .oun.l
le,iii,lii-aii, s g.iu.1 ai'iuuiiiaut, aa, uli oihl l a
raeleiio.1. Jnt-ns.
an ii naawtMBwsanaawMKAsaauaKHi
VPU' ! -its.rit4llii.jf wrtife pi.
lllill - Allrj Is. minis, It irll .rd.i't
W.): A I A Y f u if ft-iMAi lur Annnt
V SOi! Ir U U H AV, Altr.!, Air ,
C MshaSMKN S. inl fur ('in-ul ir. ft i
O nrt-i-it hiitlri. nr1 tniy ar!n tnbt
11 k UnVK(9T Arch trn, Pit. i
aAiivn.i I'm mo imiic al Scatioi. CaOa
tiulerl.i heala. Auiiuai
rina; a.iui-Af.a Allulf-ar.i ien a y e ir to umt
AU'lt lo A A L.IV
aliauaa, iaaUUla, Pa,
itt'HIitfs HliW mi HANIK'-rte MArrTa.1
V I.Aillaa Prlial I'o t-pAnlun e.-aialna ine lie
etreJ inlo-mall a al fiee fi.r .i.uip. Ailliw
Mae. U. ataTtuaa, haauter, Pa
rr. VTtl.t. PAY AdKNTS a-ilery of t
VI per week or allow a larua enmrjilaet, a tf,ll
i ur new Inv.nlli n.. A.l,lie. J. tV.lklNk A
C'tl., Marahall, aiK'bla.
Ur ANTi:n. AO KSirs x Wal-h free, glrea
arratl. tu erery lira nan who will ai l a. i ur
Aaent. Hualneaa light anil h, uurat-le; p-iy. ixi '
l-er ilay. A'litraAi K Muasoa kaasauv Itn,'
t'lttahur-, Pa. I
HIMiK AtlKNTS AN1 t-i '-I..,,ei,f Ihe
blta It-ua,o i. p...lli,n Meet tu I
rat,a Kapi.l an lev r,.r vlreulara. aiMree. I
I'.is. PraLihuiau lo, N. Y , Clu.'iunall anU
W ; l.r.jsl l'.. antoi in a pit vim;
IO hnalnaat. fl. Kaaaiir,413 Chestnut ulr.a'.,
Is 't
I I'M,
OMtM'V.F( 1 M AT If IN fiH SI if I.
HAHMINO. n ,Aae; eh.lh. TbfA w in
I ilarlnl h-Mik haa full In.ittii-ilnna to aa it'le tbe
ra.olar tn tAAfianta aoher i f, r wny annuel, at
will. si'lrttiiAll.ia. NU'I
nt ulhar riirluua eiperiuienta. It run !, t.liiAtntel
l,f aenillnit a-lilre... with 10 rei.ta pi-at.tiie, in
T. W. r.MAN A I'll., Na., 41 tuuia l.utitli
.ir.el, phlla lalphla.
STAR srANOt.Hl BANNPK-A laraa. 4n
enlumn payter, l.eilaer alta, lllni-trato-l. lie
i fnteil In skeli-heA, I'nelry. Wit, Ouuoir, Keuillne
i fna Nunaeiifa (nf a aen.ltiia klml), ami tn th ei
po-u' ul iwinilllna. huiubino, ku. nnly 75 nenla
ayair, anil a auierh envravlnit opVnpHetlna.o
l'ia feat, araila, at.ijuu elrcaUilnn. Mney ra
lumleil lu all who auk II. Il la wl.le awub. Irar
lea, truthlul. Try It NOW. 75 renta y.Ar
sp.clin.n. t Ktt.'TlAN.N tR," Hlna
del, N. li.
Inrenlora who wlrh to Ink nnl t altera Patent
are ailel-ed In ei.nii.el with MI'.VN a I'll , e.11
Itira uf lha Kclentlne Amerieen, whn bare urn.
ruta.1 elnlmt nature tba Patent l if. re fur uar
Twenty Year. 1 heir Avieriean and PuroiAn
falent Aa.nry ie lh niual eileD.lir la the
werhl. t baraea la-a Ihie any uihar reliable
Hi-ry. a pamphlet cnlAlaiu full luatruutioaa
Ij Invealura la aenl rAll.
MI NN k I'D., ST I ark Ruw, New York.
Choice Ion u lejn!4
For eat, at at par aer .ml upward., fm ta.h. or
na ore.111, by lha Inwa Kallroad l.aail Ho. Hell
made alreily built fhmuah tba, and un all
ahtaa ul Ureal ltidiieiaenle tu aatllata.
Sand Kir ear free Pamphlet. It ylyea prn-ea.
tarnia, lueatlnDi tella wboei.uuld entiia we.l wh il
II will oueii giea plana aad aleyaiioaa uf la till
r.retil ai lea uf ready m.iie, wbu-k lb
1'inwpaay lorul.k at frma Ut tu -t,i leedy tu
eat uu. Xepa aenl If .lenre,l. Sihlta-a
W. W. WALkkH, Vie Preahlant,
Coder kepiila, Iowa.
Heln s rrtppia. I bare aaart kone plaanlna
iolal amity, una built I tat aawau baa proved
BAiMlal ul eoaventeara, beauty, ami atsiutwiy.
lwerliilrlreulereol plana, Vlewa, ele., with
saaeral Isloriaatln af yelu lo all, aeol fee.
Andre., (wilk atauia or acrlpt If enaveoleDtl.
Un, J.t'oLf, Arcbltael, Walarbury, Vermont
i. FuriiUiNKTr. mo.
HfNDailta or AIP.AJTaaaakafrov to
lo par day, In la aallla ur Patabt E
I One roliiQin one year t
line hntf column, one year.
. .!!"
Mlne fnurib c dunin, one year,
I One fijuare ( l) linr one Imrrtioa
r.very aJditionnl in.prlion
rofeainnal and ltuiea card of
nt more than five lire., p-r fear
Auditor, F.ieculor, Adininiaiiatur
atid A.:gnee Notice.
Editorial nnice per I ite
2 .t,0
All ndvertieiMiiente fir a .'ii.rter (rin
than one yer me (iTiil!e at the tir.
they are or b red, an I II not paid the per
on nrdoi ing Hitiui will be held rcf niisili'.e
fur Hie iiidiirr.
( ' f ''.. ,ln r'wfti'
0 4H o i.t ) '."""iL'i'.r: v:v:
Viti-v ..i).t rk l- I i A nnt y x hn m, (1
irn Miir r.lnf Mltf M- i' WMttj i:r t l .ti-i
1.lit Hu-li"" r -fMiinrtil I fti'l ! r r
l'ri ftil-li)! UlHAHIt Wihej I In I 't.i
A Work ilrK-iliitlte it ll.a my-lerle., Vr,,i,
i. .. -i"P I -r. -ifni i rot e-, -f
III l ll l'l l'4'l.
tt i-.intMln I V line -eirr it lev. if r-'tr I e -,
l.lta ati-l --reririi In I art. a t i-ht . in let ,1
lif.J. N AIOOIAI. I'l Ki ll-III M. n , I'ltlla ! I.M
I'e. 4
ii.t'wOK lli:sl5AM)UV
A v 'in .!r' i n ut T-r ! mi fi'tjr , mtti. ni l,
l t'i rti I r . 1 v 1 tl 'lt iklnl 1 111 faHH.n,
ill II I . W A It I . I, .1 r ut t tuitt'ii I Amu.
1 Kr I irrfit fn i irm .tn-l r'M.m,i n M l.ini t i
ttit A utlt r t uir,ti it- it it'ifk "I i t I . t I iiH-nl
utibf ViO iiI t.u t iTfUli itm ut) It t m !
lti.tiitC I "t'i. Hi'!! Mr -, lit t'.l I in
Ui 9 tut, .1 ii 1 1 in I tnil,itiK', Vti'' ilii -i.l'fi''
itiif. U"tn:..n ! t Hit i-r Mt.i,i!. t"
I - i -rl-t. Iirtaf-I'fir r n-l 4,r tit Iur '.' k . 1 f,i -
ills-H-t'" T) I6'IH"I,. ,i' , A , lth Hl"1') It -f t
I . ft' tU- t lh With l'.-tl H-'ll -tl Ml) 1 11-
hli-lii"l tt'h Im iiltitit rhkfrii vtiti lrtij.4
liitrrnl, l h-nlr ltt. sM iu an Auki v r
A M IIT Hit VIC, I'ul l!a!(r,Kj ('hr-.f p-,l hi,
riilU-tr! itin. .
Uf XfVVl unl l. n
4 I 1 j I " Arf-nt- i .r 1 1 lu litt tt.i
l,rr I n -it r in. t t i r h i I rt t i - hii- I v-ti.i .
kti ) N.-w .Icr-oy. HrhT iti ' If pilr. A-VIti- -
tl,. Li MM . . A A I. t l I I I A I. I I I I,
I v I'll. .N. W c r h m.H !. nut M- . l.iU.
,lot:a r V asti:!'
I U It
at lira I
ilivlinx n rti- ir ami tniet.-iU liii.-e. -tti, m-
l t !.i- i nr ml y .. h till. I Hi ..I, i
nl ii.vrli i-ift km w ii -.... . ..I 1 1-i-t -. hn I-,
e-tie. In-e-l-, ie.U. tn-.l . n A uli.l u ilie'il ul a
nl It n e'' I r.'ln tin' I.ii.i .u- I. l. h n I in .
T.-lllltie ihth.n Tlllti l.tiyi" ;.l.litnt.. Il-nn ti n
fl'.i.l . kin itf.l li itin t,.. ., 1 ,,e l '.,ii,.v t
III i. tie I true hull' I -i one A . 1 1 1 1 A- - I ! 1 A .. f .led
II' IHll.tA!lMl Willi 1--I.I 1-l'lrlU'l t'hjl A I lll- --
lvllo K lion A lo mn ii iii. i-, in ei ll iil'J
ll-r. Mi 'ill. I mil ..,11. In n I I in '. liny I 'k
tit Ihe I..-I-I lotiiin i.a in '-I llii-tiil. I nil it--
Ili-uUra ai-iiI liea. A l Ir A II Itio'j !.
Pllli , el C he-tuul -t , Pli hf I l. A IM i. I f
tool iai-iits IIiiiiIanI tu Soil
Ten Years in
Pr-in-iiiiM-nil the t.l-t t re'lln l i. k mit. tlt.M
Anl i . !.! ! TV .nt - r. in r. .1 ij It Im-lmle nil
Ih'it I- in y -l ert.'ii. im I Inturt'-tlnir tn the m'n. ut
.aii-iiUii nl. I.l imr.' eln.irli-u. e . tfm n-lll.-n ,
I'.'rlFilH Ami I. lie. ol .in.l. rhlll. Iirnw. I irk,
I lull ht 'tn.l III it, y ntherA I lllel with lllui r a I h
I Ir.Al In. 1 1, , -en till. I 'i Au en I. t ?-ei-1 I .r i-tti-uUr
lo Wnitliluntua. U'j.lln . l'n , II nil r,l, .-nil.
rnill.S IS .NO IIL MI't (I !
L liy neii'liiiji ll'i einU,
oh air. I niuril. cn'ur vf ems an I loi.r.
you will Mcuiia. lv reliiru niall. w .-nr'-t-rt
iii"uro of ti.ur l.ii-lu'. l or wife,
mill da in an I ilnli- nf i t'tiro. A J lien
W. K'lX. I'. . No. 'Jl, r'uln.iivillj. Nair
Vork. imn'JI w
HilK II - A N I Ml'l lAL
l.lia Ir Aur.n a t'o-iiinnv WAhls a
nl a I Auent. ; aim, a 1 I li-l.toiil Aui'lll t T
Pltl-hiir anu vli-li.lly. aI-,i a t leiie-i,! A limit f,.r
tt t lf m-ill ri-mr le. ,i I'enn.i 1 f i.fil l .A-l-t'i'.A
H.-ra. npi-e, Nn na Snutn vit t. I'
IH S I 1 nf liniim.A ni, I'uimli
l-v a iui( lo Ui uii'-l,. au I ii ll.i'iil tint
ieol,l liaa Via'M f. I.Ltilt a, I T,
w H,. oAiii. N. J
rpjlt 1IH.H- CVJ!t will cI.iiu:a
L any el n n l liuir o In'ai -I lo u p 'ruu
iii ut hUi k or In- 'wu. li c " ti i . 1 1 1 1 1 im . ,i, ,n.
Any uu cm u-e il. ni-ut t v mnil Iur
tl. Aililruaa WAHIf t 'il Mil In .
iii-ir?t :iin -riutii-l.. M ia'.
KoS V'ASll.y Crt. t.nilr. rf.'up. rr.''e.
Kail er.tiibitc. Asea-a Viante.l. fr-
enliir an.l s-imple .i,n kn:t PKt-il1'. AJ If -
II IN hll tV KM ITIN'i M M'ltiNK lf.Hib.
M , or Kr I'.r ja I-a, N V. ( r'b
( ) s r mi t ; ( n7 ii i ci n ' 1 1 1 'Ms,
s-V Atthmt. an. I I'ata'rb i iirml l y iiiIia' i
lijn. Anions liihnliUK r'lnili-i i Im only
rt-mo-t ibal up, .'rates uu dial uns ilisulvi'
lb liibiTcK a, which are ihinu oil, lha
ctviiii A hv il. an I a cure i. i iln'it il 'I re ti-
nifiil l-r It tier or in pi-r-nti m In- Icil unit
ofg VAN III .MMI. I.. M. 1)., K. Wet It'll
St. N.V. lo,.
MoUK THAN rifio.iaAi PI-. Iisiinh r
IteAr ln-lliimiiy tu their W'nu.
s i!
- -I
uernii i ui.ii it r i',,-m
V 11 A 1 AIO. till
Tflf.T ArtF. NOT A VII. K
Waila nf Pmir Ham, Whl-key, Prmif Spiriiji, n,l
tietura l.tquura, tlueioreil aplre-t end aweelaatf
In ila4 ibe laaia, Alled " TiinU't," "An ll-
'." " lle-lurem," 40 , that Iwed th tlpp'et nu
lu Sraakenew aad rule, but at a tree miMirlne.
mad Im m lha nan. Pnviaard t all
lurnla. tree Imm all A k. h. lli- NtnaaUiite They
are the I Hit AT HI.HOli PI HI Pit Uen.l Ml II
iuiimi rmi irui, a penevl Kenuvatnr
aid latlKiiralnr ol ll a r-ytltai, r.nvina of all
piilAt iioua inuiier, ami le-torm ibe bli nd i
fio.llhy riiaiililmi No per.t tea taka there
liilleta accord Ii, 10 dlra.iltaa, and raiaalb loag
yl'.i will lie lilies lu a Inrtirablaraa. provided
tl,a ttinea ata imi deriroycd by miberal pol.vua
ur nihar m.n.. and ina tual orna waited hav
yund lb point ol repulr.
tnr Id Biimkiatnry esd I hrunle Phaarrallrra
aad tlnul. liyiieprya. ur tndlueatluu, lllllloua,
Krnillleul, aad llil.tmlllent l-et era, flaeea
lh, Liter, kldn.ya, and P-laSdar, thn
hltlarabae Uen W'nel aarranalul. hotk I'l.-A-e.
araraaaaii by V ItiateS hlotnl. whlrb I. gea
erally r.Aluied by deraeeaieutul lh lilaaeilt
I le.n-e th VHIatad Itlood wbeneieryn Sad
Ha In i ntllita burailua- Ibmuab iba akin In Pin
plea, I rupilon.or Huiee i eleura It wnea V' and
II ulietrut'iefl aad aluaalah In lhateinai cleat It
when II la inul. aud yuar leellujia will ten) y
when, keep lha MiahI pur and th kaa Ilk
the ayalem will lulluw.
PIN, 1 API., aad nlher WORMS, lurking I
Ihe aaieia of tu uaiif Ihouunda, t erjeolaallr
darirt-yeil aad renioya.1.
la llillluua, heiument, and Inurmllteat F.
yara.ibae liilleta ItaTe au en,ul. lor lull dlree.
tluaa read ceteluliy lha circular around rk
kultl. pi ited I luur lanwe--k.Ballk, Ur.
uiaa, I laut-k sad spenl.h
J. W AI.KER.-Praprlctor.
ha t uiiinirMa hi M
T - w' -lirt an
f.S S Na
53 ftt ll
Igrs . J-Vi V,i rliS
'5 -e
a 3