jnni I T H EPOS T . tYUitkti svery Tbarsdajr Kvealnf by CK9f1l A BMFIR, froprjeton. Terma of Bobecrlptlon, TWO DOIAARB PER A"!CM, rajahfe fDhla til Heath, or f l.tO If nnt raid BATE OP ADVKKTISIRO. Onerolunin one year (iiO.90 tine half column, one yesr. . t'ne-fonrth column, one year, 18.00 Una square (10 lines) one intcrti'ea ?! Ktery additional insertion i t Trofesiunal and llusies oards of not more than (le llr.e, per year. 8.00 Auditor, Rteciilor, Administrator and Assignee: Notices t,t0 IMitnrial hniices per line 16 All n IvenineiiKiils for a shorter period llisn one jer are jn.vnlile at ibe time they are ordered, An t iT not psid Ibe pr sou orcurliit tbctti will be bel I rcsponaible for Ibe inuiiey. erhhia the year. No paper dieeonlinuej in an erTYerage are paid ohleea si iae opium m tee puiniauer. Sabacriptrona outside of tha county rBTARLI IN ADVAKCK. fiT Pereoat lining and aelns; papers jjarrwfn to ot acre Become siinacriners. VOL. 8. MIDDLEBURG, SNYDER CO. PA., MAY 1870. NO. 1 Hi art liable far Iba price or ibe paper ore Kim p THE POST. WDOLCBDIO,. MAT tfl, Jrto. CROCS! A WKR, Proprietor. Bcpajbllcan I'rlmarr Klertlnn In pursuant of Ilesolutinn of the Republloau Staodiojr Committee of Snyder oounty. the Republican Piinurv Kloetion will be br4don SttturJay.June 4to, ISiU, at the following place : Beaver At the 1'ublio Ho una of Georg A. (101110, Bearer Weal Coagrave Hull. Centra 8obeol House in Ccntreville. Chapman Public. Haute of II. K. Wcliel UeKeee o fella. Franklin At the Union Houo.MI,lleh'- Jaekeoa Sohool lloua In Krauervillo Mlddlebure Court II "use. pliddlecreak 1'ublio Home of I,. Aniicb Monroe Ho-nae of Gen. H. Hehn. Penns Hone efHarah A. Miller. Perry llouae of Knock Snilib. Fremont Perry Weit Home of John Finder, Esq rtellnigrove House or M. A. Hong. Colon Houia of Ira Bayers, Port Trev orton. Washington llouaa of Fred. C. Moyer, l reerjurf . Tba follow Ire, officers will be voted fir. Csne person for Congress, One person for Stale Senator. One person for member of Assembly, Ona peraon for Aaanciate Judge. One peraon for I'rothnnotary. Una peraon for Kegirterand Recorder, Una peraon for County Cornmieaioner. One person for District Attorney. One peraon for County Surveyor. One peraon for Jury Oomniieaioncr. Ona peraon for Auditor. Ona peraon for Coronqr, and one Return Judge rrom each district. Tba electlom will be governed by ihi reaolutlona passed by tbe Standing Com' miner. Rttelvid That the Election Board at the Primary Kleclion be composed of a Judge anil two Inspectors, who are to be elected and qualified at like officer ilie of General Kleclion are elected and qualifiel, Knolvtd Thatihe I'olla be o'j en from iwo 10 six o cioca, r. m. Vseret That none but Republicans be entitled 10 voie at ma I'runary Kleclion. Jjovided, that if Ibe election board he eat itfied (bat any other peraon wishing 10 vols la a man of veracity, and promisee to ntpsert ina wnote ticket wiicn noiuinated, be ahall Be allowed to vote. ITttohtd That no returna will be reorlved by tbaXcjurenlion of Return Judges unless aooompaniea wnn me net or Totcra and (ally paper. RetolvedTbut tbe returna with the list of voters and tally papera shall ne bunded orer by tbe election olHcera to the Return Judge, who ahall be duly aworn or attirmed to produce the tame at the following L'un aenlioMt The Return Judaea will meet at the Court House, in Middlcbtirg, on Monday, Juor SID, 111! ciocg, v. !. JNO. Y. SHINDEt.. D, D. Moral, Chairman. Secretary. Thia oeiu.t irhl l)i-triet, oomposcd orSnyder, Union, and Lycuuiintf coun ties, is chisicd s onu ol I tie doubtful districts by some jnf tbo Icii iijr Do mo t rutlo papers ; and, const (il)i.tiy. llie result of tbia la I I'd c loci ma will he looked for with a rcit dpnl of interest tbrougLout the whole Siute. For Hii year wo have been mis-rcprcsenti-d at Uarrisburg by a Democrat. This ia not as it sliuuld be. Wo bave u clean workiop; niujority in the district cf at leaat four hundred and fifty, aud tut for our local qu'-mls, und iwuii natini? uopopnlur nico, neiiher M'alU Bor Beck would ever have bo en smi to llarriaburp; as lenicratiti Setiuturs from a Republican diMret, ftt-t us oot repeat our fuimer folly at tbe next election. We buve some good men ia tbe field. Let utt nominate our best one, then stick to tbe ticket, nod b) liarmooioua aitioa aud uiifli(.in ex ertions, tbe desired result ol'ilrc tintt a Ilepablican Senator, can easily be acvompliabeil. Tho fresideot iwucda procluma lino 0D Tttetday al'ternoon, actiin forth tlint be bia received infuiuiotioii ol Illegal and unlawful expuditl jii8 bcitm fitted out Id the United Stutei for the Invasion of tbe Domiuion of Canada, h province of the Crowo oKJreut liritaio, a country with which the United Stutea is at peace, and io view of such in for mation duly authenticated, the Presi dent warn all persons engaged in auch expcdltiona of the cooReqiieoco ofsucb illegal acta, and announces that il'cup. lured they will not be shielded from the reuallies so incurred (y l hem nod that the United States will Dot inter fere to tbeir behalf. Ho enjoins on alt ibe offieera of the United States to employ all legal authority to interpose and to apprehend auch unlawful ex peditions aud defeat all tho pnrtiei pants io tbeir design, And uid to briou to jujtice every such offender. Secretary Doutwell promises us for May auotlier reduction often mill ions Irom tbe public burdeo. The gapiog snd demoralized Domocraoy begin to cry out aguiust this course, aod seem to denouoce it as " a now way to pay old debts." To boncn )eople aud Union men it seeaass to be the old-fashioned way. Tbe Republican party io roo sylvaoia will be represented io iba next State Campuign Committee by tba lion. Sioion Cameroo. No man bolter fitted for tbe position could be chosen. Mr. Cameron is well so nuainted with Ibe politics of tbe whole State, and though well advanced iu life ho ponses&ea more rim than most men of not half bl yearr. Adricea from lt4 Hiver report that an lodiao outbreak tbero i itn d1 tuloent, aod that ibere ia great excite ment at fort Uarry rroin luia eauae and tbo arrost of lUebl s soldiera io Canada .(e wnleKjsie1ransit.Jf aa ;ncral liis. Porlvniuo eencrt.1 laws were pass d at tho late session of the Oeuerul As semblv of this Stuto not six, as pub listicd in a nunilier of tho lending journals. Tho following l a list ol tho Inws pased nod approved iy the Governor : 1. rrovidioit for the health aod safety of persons employed io coal m'nes. 2. To aid to perfecting title to lands 3. to tirovide postage for public docotiinnls and letters. 4. To prevent the isstio of iinauthor- l,ed polit ics of insuraneo. "). To prevent tlio injury or ucstrue- tion of baggage. 0. To allow writs of error in cases of niu.'dersnd manslaughter. 7. Appropriation bill. S, To authorize ItuilrouJ companies i lo b-aso and bccotnn lo.sees oi other r.iilroiid eompanics. 9. A aiippli'tnetit to an net relating to persons lniprioncd fjr ofTenses ugainst tbo laws of Pennsylvania. 10. IlNiitinK totlioarkuowledgeuient of (lends io tho Pistriet of 1'olutnbiii. 11. Creating t;rawiord County a scperate Judieiul District. 11. ffupplenieut lo tbo penal laws of this Commonwealth 13. An act exempting sewing ma chine of private families fi om levy aud sale on execution f r lent. 14. To protect and encourage tho breeding und o ilturo of fish. lo. An act nl!o iu' hiilnd nnd wives to testily against eucb other in npp'ication lor divorce lb. l(opaling au act relating to ju dicial aales and tho preset vatiou of the liens of ruortgngt. 17 lo authoii.o tho romtiletioo of the history of tho l'eunsylviiiiiu Vol uuleers IS. Consenting to purcbuse of lands by United g'utci. I'J. lo iircvent tho publication of obscene advertisement and tho sale ot noxious medicines. 2.1. Heuealing an act relating to 'oods io Htut'o and transit, aud mukine tills of hiding negotiable. 1. loautbot'uo canal companies to build lateral railroads. 22. Providing for taxation of bank hares. 23. Pronding f ir deficit iu Orphan cnool department. i A Huoplemoot to an act allowing purl les iu interest lo lustily. Zo. A supplement lo an act relating to orphans' Courts. zj. lo authorize Attorney General to proceed iigaio.-t corporations viola ting law. 27. A supplement to the peoal laws or too louiuiou wealth. 24 For the draiuitig of swumpy and wet lands. 2'J. Helutiug to turnpiko and plunk rouil compauics. M. A supplement to tho act io re lation to the tkiug ot gumo. ill. Keluting to minoa to i'Uzcroe and .Scliuvlliill counties. o2. Ketliiiring boom compauics to make report to tho Auditor Oetierul ot the number of logs auuually raited by them, aud to pay taxes. Oii. Uelating to elections in this Commonwealth. 31. l'ei hiring ihut a loan to a firm. asswiutiiin or corporation shall not con stitute tbe party making the loan a co-nartner. 35. To provide for deGciuney in ap propriation for public priuting. au. J'jDlurglni; lurisdietiou ol Court of I ommou Pleas of l'aupliiu county. 37. A suppleuicut lo tbo sot relatic to executions. 33. A supplement to tho net to pro- vile forredueliou ol tho publio debt. ii'J. Keluting to assessment Of duma- ger on roreigti attachments. 4U. ltequiring railrotnl, canal, navi cation and teloyrapli conipauies, to muko uniform reports to the Auditor L'oerul. 41. Authorizing Auditor General to print reports. 42. A supplement to tho niililiu laws of the Commonwoalth 43. A supplement to to acts relative to tho State Treasurer aod Couimis missioner of Sinking Fund. 44 Waking copies ol Jjrlliah records evidence. 45 Relating to records in Western District of Pennsylvania. 40 Kclatmg to railroad companies. 47 Uolutioj to uiaiisirciiieut of Slute Treasury. 43 Kolating lo Railroad sod Csoul companies. 4'J To extend the timo for puying certain enrollment taxes. What is liriiiah free trade f It is that extraordinary coveromental poli cy which would grunt priviliot-'os to loreighners which it withholds from its own people 1 It Is t bat system of legislation which would permit those U'oreLners to scad tbe goods, wuros. aod merchandise, tbe products of their labor, ioto your country untaxed, with out contributing toward the support ofyour city, town, county, State, or Nationul Government, while you pay for these purposes tsxes upon real es tate, sales, incomes, manufactories corporations, transportation, furniture, watehea, light, heat, books, uowspa pers, bouds, mortgages, deeds, notes cheeks, food, spirits, ale, loedloioes, law, etc, eto in a word, upon all you eat, diiuk, wear, or ore obliged lo say manner or form to use, have, or enjoy, exception; -ooly the air you bretbe Cao snob a system be based upon any prineiple of right or justice, or cao it be expedient in aoy country or auioog any people T Jru. Woman's I! ton is A seusillewom sn in New York, the mm her of einht children, writes ns follows to tho editor of the Xuw York Tribune : x Sih : I c on no longer restrain from protesting ogninst tbe shstirb and tin- reasonable t (Torts of the diasiitiwlied lew to tear tho rest of us from our homes snd proper sphers, and to hnnoh us, In apito ol ourselves, into the whirl pool of political lilo, In sever us from aweet snd altered homo lies, snd send u out into the world to perform the tasks allotted to man. After they have unsurped man's employment, what do they intend ? The bakiop; anil cooling will never take care ol itself. In thi instructive story ol Darby aud Joun," wo see wiib abut miccc'r the homo deportment was man aged by a man The author is BilontJ respecting Joan's suecess. Why has! no one ever Doisbed the witty fable 7 It would be a rmisini task for somel wise poet, and particularly applicable! to tho present movement. As the peaceful mother of eU'ht chrrubs, con tent io tho delightful task of rearing tho leoiler thought sod teaching the young idea how to shoot, I beg you to do all in your power to savo us from the machinations of our ULsuiisfied. unfortunate sisters. Forty years' ex perience his taught ins to look with pity ou those who are discontented With tho lot Providenco designed uiv iu av r ,u 'l uuil a iionui v leaj iomm women have sjiocii in behalf of tho mujority. A JanesVILLC (Wisconsin) corres pondent of tlio Cliici.ro Post relates ii. teat w. nn.intit tiitu nuinkP ihn ii tM r n mi exciting scene which occurred in tho court room lit tho former pi. ice at the (loeo of a murlcr trial, lie s.ivs : Tho argument of counsel in this case were iiruiougud until o o flock P.M. today 12th ult. Jud,;o Lyou then delivered his clurgn to tho jury.! inatructitig theiu that according to the0f pcttieoata, which are either printed uw uua ineeviuence iney iiiumi en tier linn mo uei. iiiieui g'liity 01 niuiuor, or,0f tho il.ty, or slsinpi-d out with open ol muni-luuuhter iu tlio tlni'l Uegtee Tho jury thro rulired lor dclibera tioo. Aocxciiing ccno occurred at tho closo of the speech of tho District At torney. Mrs Roberts, tho nctl moth er of the murdurod uiun, who had been a quiet and uttentivo listener lo I ho uigumont, arose and said that she de aired to muko a few remarks to the jury. '1 he Judge requested her to sit down, hut she wus porsistciit, and tho slii'i'itr was compelled to intcrfcro. Sho took her seut for a inomeut, nnd tho o (licer slcppod away, when she aguio sprnoLt to her lent, exclaiming, " lie killed my son, and I will kill hi in ;" rushed upou tho old man Stowo, and grasping him by the thi-out aud head, caused tho blood to flow from the wounds she inllicied. Tho sheriff and his assistants iutertered, and she was forced from tho court room, .still deelut'ing that she would yet accom plish her purposs. It produced quite a Kotisuliou among the aodieuce for a brief period, but lint officers promptly ics'ored order. O.NR of tho victims of tho Richmond disaster was a Republican member of thoMato Legislature. 1 en years ago, a Virginia newspaper would buve spokoo of hiiu in the' phrase still fash ionable with tho Pennsylvania Democ racy, us a ' nigger." Rut times have changed iu the Old Dominion, as may be inferred from tho nonexed para graph, taken from a Richmond Jour nal of last week : " Poor Rltind, tho colored member from Princo lid ward, whj was killed by lho dreadful accident on Wednes day last, had by his straightforward, manly aud independent course attract ed the respect und conGJonuo of both races. Had ho lived, he would doubt less have been the foremost man of bis race in tbe Stuto. lie was a man of excelleot natural parts, aud availed himaolf of every opportunity of sellim provement. His good seoso, good principles, nnd sound sud elevated views of publio duty, wore conspicu ously displayed whenever he was brought bolore the publio, 11 its ueutli is much deplored by tho white people of lho Stato as it is by those of his own ruce. The Rev. Mr. Smythe, ofNcw York, who receutly partook of iiu and milk. und nftorward confessed his sin, baa been roundly abused by tho press, rc- bukod by lho presbytery of hi church, and culled upon to resign his pastorate 'l ho Rot. Henry Wurd Ueoclier und the Ruv. O. B Frothingham, who of ficiated at the murrige of Richardson, tho seducer of au aoother man's wife, wilh the victim of hia macliino tlons aud of her own wrong, asking tho blessing of lleavoo upon thin unhallowed union and upon ' what these two bad boon to each other," and who subscaueotlv eloried in tbeir act. and defended the oonduotof the par ties thus sauriligiously united, are still pernaitftd to preach the gospel (as they understand it), aod are defended bja largo portion ol lbs press. Comment ia deemed unnecessary. J'ht Day The Seoute com mi ties on military affaire iu opposed to the bill whioli passed the House, declaring May SO a nutiouul holiday lorever, a day to dee orato Ibe graves of soldiers who fell in tbo lute war. They oppose it on tbo ground that it ia unnecessary to make suih a deo Isrstioo, for tbe reason lb at tbe devo lioli of tbe day will always bo governed by popular impulse, aod while a law of that character would oot atreogtb eo tba ceremonies, it would eauao great luoonvenlenee to bankers aad other busiaeas uoo by making aootber A .. .. We had a report a short timo aifo that Andy Johnson whs preparing for sn extemdvo tour throuuh Huron. We now have au euthorativent'itemuiit from a Tennessee paper, that his Ao cidooey, Instead of going to foreign parts, is making his arrangements to rtsuino bis old trade. It seems that he has purchased a largo and commo dious brick building in (Jieeovillo, proposing to engaged aaio at ao early day in tho tailoring business), under I ho old sitfn of" A. Johnson, Tailor.'' Ho intends to employ quite a number of tailors, and wi'l cooduet a whole sulo and retail business Hully ! We wish him nbuudent success at his old trade. He niudo a great mistake, ns the people of the United Males knowj to their sorrow, when be cave it up and undertook to bo it statesman. Now that he proposes to go back to tho tail oring business, hu mnv yet, in some niensnro reunin the respect of tho no tioti nnd dio regretted by his ctisto- mors. Two buildings connected wilh the Watertowa (Mas.) Arser.al were blown into atoms on Sunday sllernoon, by tho accidental explosion ot a larc ' q iuntity ol shells and other war mu nilions. lho explosion occurred about 2 o'clock, iu the shell house, caused by tho intense heat drawn from the sun through a circular ky-light, which operated similar to n sun ela-i. It being Sabbath d-iy, there were uo work men present, otherwise lho lis of lilo would have been fearf.il. Tho explo sion wuadistiiictty beard a doxen miles iu all direction. Tim shock was very nevero, and raused reat havoc j among the windows for miles around, and services in tho various churches su Jdenly cbsoil. Vecordiuir to t ha P.nvr Tr.nl, ;.j,rt lho paper collar Abomination ,H iu bo fid owed bv tho ' nroduotioti . jn )(u itntiuu of tbo Uluoimble Hkirtsl work ol such beauty and rlclieuey that no amount of labor will, needle and scissors could iminiiate." And that, too, ni ino trilling expense oi iiiieen cents npiice : so that tho men with doll w ives, cau get their sawdu-t an-iti-ls a spring outfit for ens dollar. Theso prices will doubtlers have a boiicticiul ufTit't upou the presonl de pressed mutiimutiiul matket. Wo have a rtory from Peru that lho I'nited States CodhiiI at Tuuihex hue got hilil.tolf into jail by t-lappiug tlio luce of a Posliiiaaler. M course cousu Is tiro not to be haudculTed and littered for little indiscretion of that sort, and we urogUd Ihut Rcai-Admii-at Turner has tukei tho uiuitcr up ; still iiontuusiers havo lights wiiicli even counsels sro bound to t sro bound l) respect, . i Vu u...... .... il, lM.,,.;,.n n,,i I,., pit i..u I ma n.v i .in. ' byve ilirtiiluiri'i'il Mr IV'nlr I'riiin dur. . ii. .i aouc and nppologized lor the urrest, wo suggest that Mr. cir should upol ogize lor the slap ami then bo oi tharued from bia consulship. Rev. Dr. Chapin of New York, before proceeding with his regular servioes last sabbath morning, remark j i - . .i.i i . ' ed to lllS COUgrcgUlluU thai he slwa8. nivfei red beinir wat ilowii'' bv a ' tllUUiler ehowor thltU bV a driEZilliK I....L ...l .b ik..;. u...u ....all .l..l.i ... wua, an no mill n el nin.il uci'k , IllalfllUC UPOII IliS church ol llU.OOO. i j i which caused a leak ol seven hundred Inllura r,e annum lie itautrad tn hum . w , w. - - ' II SlOlipra. ine OOZ went rounu, anu uri..... flia ..interna u.,. enmili.il il was found that tbo desired sum bud been obtaiued. The leak was stop ped. 'The anticipated reduction of the duties on Iruo by tho United .States causes great activity lu the iron re gions of Wales." Such is the despatch seut by the cublo from London The only effect of the persistent efforts of tbe free traders in Congress is to give work lo the paupers of Wales al star vation wages, aud to turn out of cm ploymout tho woll-paid artisms of lho United Slates ; ao that tho effort to net what is culled cheap irou really helps nobody bul thusu who produce il abroad. Our intelligence from tho Domioioo this morning is of a somewhat startling character. The mysterious movemeuta of lho Fooisna arc at last assuming tangible shuuo. The reported buruiui; " - - - - w- - , of five hundred houses in Quebec which comes (o us iu the same despatch uo uouuoiog the mussing of Fenians on the bjrder, indicates a resort ou the part of that organization to gunpowder plots, iuferual luachiues, aud the other resource ot en'.liusiaatio but impraoti eublo revolutionists. i"Vej of ienUr- The result of tbo Me Far land Riobardaoo trial oouvrvs two or three lessons on liberty. The first is, that if a niuu taken tbe liberty of violation another man's household arraiieinootr tbe other chap ia al liberty to shoot him. Secondly, wowon are uot at liberty to take liberties of that sort Thirdly, juries are at liberty to Dud a verdict of not guilty on tbo ground ol insanity, whenever it ia oecosaary to restore liberty to an outraged bus band. The St. Lout's 7r!bunt gives a list of fttrly-nin Missouri Journals (seven of them issued daily) which are outspoken for Protection, and aays thia list ia incomplete. These, with lbs Governor of the State and tbe President of St. Louis Hoard of Trade, afford a pretty fair indication of tbo drift of publio seutiment. lion. 0 L. Ward, an Influential oilisen of Pennsylvania, aad a demo cratio politician, died at bia residence at Towauda oo Saturday moroiog. Tho Indian nilestioli will soon .r.l.o.1 A ...nn .,.. in IM.i,.n.... h.. tiiiiiii n prows a oy wiuen iiviuir oou- .i i: i i- . , ., . - -: ,1m. it.. I ... I. ..I I' ... I trn vim u 'v-ii iiiti i in iiifeii n i ii'iui , tlo jimp-fes lo no out oo a ivulideii tiul mission from tbe (iovernment stut harden up a wliob tribs of Indians hi ono time, aod then retail them out for lobiiccunisls' siiins. He thinks he can make this so profitshlo that, by the time ho xts done wilh the Choctaws and tho Tu"cariiras, tho inco ue t.it euo be abolished with safety, A nogget of pure copper, weigh ing 117 pounds, was disroverod in an Inwa field the other dsy. It bad been kicked about for years, under tho sup position that it was u stone. Finally, tho tooth of a harrow scraped aja'ni it, makini; u bri.Ltslr.uk. which re vealed its true nuturo. It is pure iiK-tnl, without tho least alloy, Mono, or iUirlz. The locality where tlie covcied is in Cedar townsh p. Monroe Cuunly, ami hopes are entertuiuoil that oMen.iivo deposits uudvrlie the wholo region. Correspondence will soon bo pub lished which will expl iiu lho reason why Oou. Iluuooi'k was not appointed to succeed (Jen. Thomas in the com - muutl ol trie Oct art muni ol tho 1'aoiU' The explanation will show that party polities liuJ no conucctiao with the lliattel. An Knulish murderer lately kill ed a family of i'-m erons, at t'u bridgo, eevent'. en inilcs ftmn l.uiidon, at last sccouuts this fn-nd iticarua'o i I . i . i ii had not been nrirrtel. ISol it is u.-t likaly that he will he aide loo" to elude th) vigilance tf the policoe. It is e-timateil that t rrductiou if tho tariff advocated by the Ireo traders on pi--iri in Peunsy ivunia alone will throw thirty thousand peo ple out of a living, while it will brim no relief to anybody but tho Dritish ! muiiuliicinrer N,t to be behind Chieiiro in the modern imtifovcmellls. PhUoi h a f. . 1 1 " ' a ill vol c ctiso in cotirL. 1 h ias now a divoiee case in court parties are said to have lived lonelier fur upward of twenty years, and now coino into court aud sk a decree ot separation. A desputeh at army hendqiiarters, from lieu Wood, dated Fort Wallace, Kun-ns, atates that five hundred Indi ans were enguged iu tho Into laid in that state. They drove off three hun dred head of cattle and killed ubottt a dor.vu men VASlllATi:S' G MIOS. t'txnitr.s-. II rrrtinessa or sToeH The time r.ir cIhhlIiih our rtsndarit hearer. In the tiect cam I'llmi l. i lilly spnrn.rhOK. anl It I. lima wa are tlilnkina of wlmai In uoiiilnaie nn the 4th of laoier than to ra n.itntimte our neiut ahla .... . ... , .... ... n ........ iMainlair, Una. .fiina U. I'ai ana It bs. Ipseo euiitiiary lo at.a nur h ill.trh t a cban.ie m .srva Nraiwiilstl.a. Iu this' ra a i.-..ii.I term, ami I ; ean sea ai K'e)d rearuo wby wa lUotil 1 ilaiMirt f,ruml&lirul;. jinnm. ASSOC! TK .11 IniK. Kna Post: The .election of ean.lli'.ste:. tuba Tnte.1 for at the enmlug rlmury election, ir surety an act re.lrlna Itiouitht an-l noneptf of puriMiea; wa.hoDhl reiei-t nooa l.ut honaet. In talllgent, and rellahle tuen a. eanitulalaa. or Ike i.fftre ot AsaoeUta JmUa, e.ii'caiif. wa bouhl bare tnati ol Integrity . a.mn.l jmts-anieal ami Boiie.i eouriutnina. lo the arsoa ar M I,, KarDr.saraM.acltit.aul Iteater.wataeaihaa. Q.ul. lie. eomWi.,1i aad It . wlta pleasure that quaiitte. aoiBiiiiieiti aad it . wita p'ea-u ra that lol Awoolata Ju.lua lie has always lawn an' laetlee UeiuhlUin, and nus we ra-jaai-t tha I the ! h..,ut,eaua ol till. eoUllly .tu SB a-t of la.lke hyuouilnalliiaaBilalactmahlniiollil.lui-.rtaut emce. cinsasa u Tua riaavaaa. riilToas PnsT: Hermit us, through ynnr eel - unius, to raeommaa.l Hob. A. J. Mi.lilleewartB ' iior ra nnminati .a as Awieiata Ja-iKa tie ass sarai Uia Leile of KUf tier eolllil y In that ea-1 tiaoiiv. for una term, wiib B'teiitv tu tua ipoiie. rl.t t..hln...lf.o.lnou..r..tl.. poeilion. It. , ka. iteoteaneil kpn.ell as a faltlitul aa.1 efficient uftVer, as aa affable anil eouriaoue aenti.tnaa. a. a fr'tiad an.l purely artuoSoa lleputltcau. Ha aas e.mtributeil UrMaly ti Ilia saccaar ul our parly of whlek ha has Paen a llle-tuDa' weaker and juallf marlia a re election. alAkr BarrauoAse. 8K NATO 11. r.niTiia. fo.T : eioa.e announce the name , .)( ,k Ail KN TS W A.NT Kl "I.mlle. of tho ofliol. A. II. Mmp.on. ol .llii.Kroa. lor Mate , while Hm," No npiNi.ltlon Meet tin-t-enatorofthla lilatrlnt. Ha Is a man who.a l.u.-, -rarlna.. K.pl.l sale.. rureireulara.aS.lnss lne...iua lr.calloi.i(l,aa..urancaoflilsatilllly'Y:.f4. nau-tmao Co., N. Y., tlailunitl ami In act In a l.ealrlalive eapaelty for tha aoed or, Cblcaao, his eon.lllueuls ati, the wellare of tna Matan , Biot hi. Bntnlnatlou at tha palmary aiaeiloaf . r i..h.vt . , , , will rellact ere.lll on Ilia Hepuhllcan party, atol i bia election tu the stale Kenute Bill he ereillta- hlatulbla benaturlal ill.trkt. Usavkb. EuiToaa Host. Repnh Hen. nfSnnler county. In a few week, you will he eelleil Uh,o tu .elect tamUril ta)arers, from your Dtunta)r, for the ap- Jiroachlna oantpalitn, anil we re ntnanil lo your avorahia eon.iiieratlon, I'm.. Wm U llfaaot.li as a suilahle person to rapresaut this Nanatorlal iu. i net in trie e-enata in renn.yivenia uf Hennrylnanla. I ol , , Inlaurlty, alillily and ! Biueiloiioltlouh ami ; llvrrolti'R iarty lealty tltne.s will not admit of ha justly merit, tha Domination. Ha will care- fully auaril anil promote Ilia Intara.ta of hi. con stituency, and make usareiireMentatlvaiif whom we may justly he proud. We venluie the endur ance that ha will exercise every eSort to advance every popular and teaslhle pro)eot uhleli Bill eulianca the tn'.ere.t of the people. jtart hlii-asb uw i iarslii. ASSKMULYMAM. KniToaa Post Wa Inks pleasure In racnm mendlna to tha KapubllnaB party uf Kny.ler eounly, 1'irr, William H. 11 aniso, a. a suit, able .erne n tu represent u. In I.evislelure of I'ano.ylvaula. f'lre.l with the teal oil ha patriot, bis purs hi. a. of squill rlahts and eiiat just Ice, ha was among tha rtr.t to oSer hta lile a wllllna .aerinceon hi.euuntry 'Salter In the late st run vie for national lite. Possessing every iuallflcailon tu make a kikmI Rapreaeulatlra, It would unlv ha a merited tribute to hi. service and herulu eon duet tu nominate hire by an overwhelming ma jority. Mir eaadldste Sir lalelailve honor.. Usui. Harding, la eminently unalllleil lor and Justly deeervlug of the publle I a. I for which we raeuiumsuil htut, JiTiaaaa or UaAvsa. KniToas Post i I notleed In voar Isat Issue that vuu have aavaral reeomiaenaatlon. for suit aMa proD lor uHlcas to Pa 01 lad at the election Belt lall. SMiliaving It .l lie to our iniereet aa a uartv tu nominate the bast ai.i fur tba reeiawtlve orAcea. 1 would praaant the name of 1 a via eta itn. Ki . aa a auitabla uarsoa tn represent the taxipie of our eoiialy la the Iagl.lalurs. Mr. Mmlik la a yiwng maa oi more taaa uruiaary anuiiyt b launch Hetiuhlleaai aae sarved the party Ion a and well, aad heretofore has never asked ear thing wllhla their power to ba.tnw. II the He rtuhlToaa party of Saydar eounty plaoa Mr. Kail th b BoialnsiloB. he will rapreaaai their Inlara-l. at Harrl.narg with koair and B.lellty. Ultti aoinluale tha bast maa preaasled fur our eiuiles, and Tlo tor y wlU perch spun our baaaer. FROTIIONOTARY. To Mr faiBsnai 1 herahr annonnee myaelf aa a eaauidate for re anmlaaf toe for the ofAoa uf Protuoootary.aad raapacilully solicit the sanra aa of the Hapuhlleaa voUr. of Sa;der eouBly at the eumlng primary electloa. Jaaaaiaa Uaovaa. RE0I8TER ANU IteCORDER. KniToas Poart Darlet the war.whaa aukUara war BaeaeS to protect our kowies and guard the Batlonal hoaor, we eehl ts oar Boble volunteers Hhi, Buys, and we will see that yoa are provhlad ftr sbould yoa be woaodaS Aa a gaosral thing our peomlsas kava baaa remembered. bbS aaBBf WBvaasu aoiuiars are auw aoiuiog omesa ui nut aiaaiaaiwai ..was., aata.. ailiasssa J kslJunM VZimt. a rlilren or enr !.. 1" """ "'" ?!"' liec.r.ler. si the i eniiiilnir tKiitiarv els.-lh.il. Mr i.v.n.u ' ' " i-"ny i"ur lesr, sun m ni ; ?' iii.i iniir wi, fii .iirerei v I. I.lm tor Imr.l tiuinnul I l..r. Tlierer..te il.i,,w thill h" h ul.l I ;inilimtoi ,m, rle. le.1 II ele. te.l e aia i(IiUioI ilmi ),i mil he sn rill clenlninier, 1'r.MNs. KiiTon -I'ennll me, nuKx-riur t" "ukiI thr.niuh the e .I'linti- ii voiir imiwr the nsme l .s II Aehueli, i. Ml.l tlel nfr. (i.,r' merljr n( M.,tir.. town-hlio a n -ull i'ilr sn.l w.irthT .n.llOsie tr re non-til n CfHenMer n. Kei-.ir.lrr i.l (Ms e.iunllr lie hun r .T.-.l iiiinivn . V' l'iio. em. lent. IimIii'I r lull. I, t , ,1.1 1 alna. Mo ..ne wli.i h. I 1 1 i.,-oa-i..n to enter the im.' ean tvitr Kline-, t.i the mritriirT. Ann r-n.n, iiiuiimn. s u. .. nt.int. uiii.,I liepuhll-in iieervlnn ru.-ien. let o. re , buiIdiiii hltn ItsArsa. 1 I'lSTKIi'l' AfliillNKV. Mss-M4. rn.T.ii:-,Vll..i. me tn ure ii.n I lho hei ii.Ii-.iii. ..t ...ir miy the pr.o rl. i ' i.i re fi.imlnnttns I' T. I'isk-.. t s.j , i ; r , ,.!; ,. ill Dl'I'let Alt.iraar .lr Fiirk.- I.rl.l ..hi-i.ii e.irer hs. pr.i.en him tii h. en emVlent nnj mi "H'uina iiitii-er. nna we oti -ee nn a I rei-.tn suit he hi.al'l n.t here e e.'tel At the hr..nkin mil of the relllh.n, H irner " w am. us tin- llrt to rvi nil l the i,l ..r foliinleer -rie.l hi. eiointry Islihiullf n. ,.!.!, r ni-nrlv l-iir yesr. in thl lime rw-elveil w.ninlii irnfi iilili-h h will ee.r fniir re.-o(.r. nml n.w we think met II wi.iihl he hjt ni.a II retnro I.t t e tMI in. we owe sn h'.rixr ihle ..il.lier sn.l mrifl -i.nt nirl'-er to re elcl tun. 'i n ll,..v i t fiiiTuRs Host: ISeliei Ina ll.st a illtleBi psrtj hs aiiir.nIT fur n,',-- nn.l in -unn iml, whea m ol shiliiy, .,Un. tuteicrilt .er .everlei en.-vy. mvl ,t.rr hahiis, si,,, mnVii iirinir ,u-n..n,.r ni.n tliemelie. m.r renr, .., I ry:A nVTn!!lTJ';1rr'i''''-C,;l.('r,,,,,,;,',r l , i.rifi. iwii knuairiK thst I. N Mt.u-. rNn . P'"tnent . ti, ..iuii-., ,,,i n ! .mS::,:;::,:;,:.;::, t; ""V"'- " f""" m re.-..unin.i..iiiX t in Nei'Ollen ier. nf ,tr muni. a .ulnntii.a h.r ibst nirle. sn.l imI r.u,n i.et n eleetwl, mat he will make ..,rlL; an.l onVieni ota-or. ka.irua. roMMISSIiiNKIt. Tnaosjieaiir 1'i.anlT l mml-.h.ner 1. ne , the tn-i-t imi.rtet erS.-e- I., the t n i.er ,. a e.-UDlt. sn I I" oil II ,... il l hte n.i-n nn loilMnl h .ne"l an,l let.vlir In ,,niir..il, n wilh many K-fimll. ia. .,!.., me ,. -ie.ent the ntini.vfi irroi I'tm.ie Kisshv r li,.r r..r ti,i. init. rti.nt 11. T i, ".m vl ' , n i L"''.''!'"."'! h"".V' nU ""' " "citnai-t r kiMus. Kimtobi P..ST flei.e iitin- nni-n tht l..as noaiw. ut re.,n lw(. . will , a e m-lhl i-a i..r .nntf I ommii.l-.aer. su' ie -t l the ile -l-l.-n .J H a Hei uMh-in r. er .,t the an-iiInK Pri-a ir ?lM..n. Mr H.tmhf It well ,ii,ilin., tu ti II lh om,-a. I. a (,n..l ,,un.l H.ul.il. u, auJ wi.l. II i.olaJ, it,ak a g n.. nffl ar. J. t i kvTTuu ! Kioa PiT:-riaai.a ana nm-a In jour in. rerthensmeof A K.Hier. r:., a -nll.l In terionlnBll eit,.R.ol I'mititv Mir.av... lp . l'ra.tl-.. urv.,u, m thi. i-..un.r a i Biinilr . J.im. Ii jiin.oii.l in hu-lne-.. an t 1 i no aerate la .l.jre 1 will m.i :n,i ihi., .. i ;'lrn'X j te.i us s ill make a lalthlul nincrr. Hi.'iuwKiii llumi, , Kt-tt. I oT:- I'lrn-t Knoouncv thr..ntfh your uiumDsj i a i ii, niriHii i. t.f., oi tttro I aor, .uhiM-t lo ma ila.-ui.in .,( ibo lieimhlii-an , veterl at the aniulita iirlmirt elaoil.in Mp wu.nin will rm i. 1.111, . u . r..p 1 ......iu Watrlrk It an etrl.n-., surrayor and I.i well HualldaJ for ILa .o. uo. I m;'.i. 7TlITnTl. TiMNaisn thst our tnwu.hlp la entitle.) tu the Auilllor thin lull, allow me t- ,-.-i-nt tho asroa of I'ai.vta 1. Kiaiifato the Uepuhlioan u tar. f our fount j I.i i-.ninoiuion with ihut oin-e sir. Kl-har bus always Seen ao a-wliean.! jeui-.ti-' !leubli-tiD anil hus naver herat.ilore e'kn.l lor any thlna in the power of the ianv to i s.-inw. We tiiinU 11 would l hut a 1 1 11 1 . ' iimtli-a to . n-s blru In eotnliinllou at the eii.ulua rlin.ry .loo lion. MioulU he '-a ttoiiiitiate.1 n.l eli-.-te-l. we will have aa kwuail atul co(ti'.ient um.ir. Mi i. in.;. i ilk. KniToas I'iist: tlallavlna fist It i the rluht policy In ratslu H"" men In otllre, I won! I ro ji a that wa ra nominate M.likL liiLrssss. n r tlie .,ltl.-a o I oonif AO'lttor. lie . a .ouiol "'paMlrim. g ioJ ai-eouhtant, an.l .hmihl I . .Iai a .on. ,'(, -7 if- l'i.'m A Ii ertltemrut. VIMt' Mona -Aaantssell ia ir weak. F"h-- i.1 Ii II J Aililra.i I.. M tShie, Harlloril.t t A I:AV! 4U new article. .,r AksuI. V-..) hanile Ira. 11 11 M1AW, Ailre.1, ,ki. , C M.KSMKX Semi lor Circular, u '.J Sret-ctssf huslr.a.. ani ten,1y eret.hi ieent. ret.hi) ..-ll-kla, ii t ii' r., ai nrvu atreet, ruitaii fa. If aauirii i. a Th.iiioiiii-l Si moiil CnltB i'l riiB; a.tucat. a Mint. 'era; Sieo a eir to .lU.leoti; la-atll. AUKU.t W. ai-ply III a i Liv Apply lo A A Li aie.i a leirtw pool afcaiuaa, l.ulll. ra. - . r Ivmiu s how s r n a n i ki the Mnrrie-t ! V ; l.s.llea Hrlvala l'nni.siiloB e, Main, the .la slreU Intorinatlon. heat tree lurstautii. AJUfa-. aa. It. attoie, lienor. r, re. of toi IV ""i ,"':. ",'.: '', .Tit t. u.. t . . v ... . .. our new Invention.. Aiblia;. J. W. r Ml.NK a. CO., Marstutll, .tticlilaaa. -,ri, Ailt;KTS-o Wat h free, ulr.o Aaent. Hu.tiie.. Until ami hnnorahle; i av, ju 1 Ktlll) in Ptiri io. una .mi a il ml nur i-er ilay. Ailiirens k. Alosaua kiinkui si U., I'lttauura, a. W : l.r.O.U li.l lUDU'll in U pavitil. tiu.lnee. S. KasssnT.ll. ( 'bratnat .treat, I'bllailalphla. I)S VCOM ANl'Y, FASCI.N ATION f tli Si if I. CHAHMIMI. 4"0 paic'i ehuh. I bl. won tlertul b'Hik has full In.ttuolion. to en, this the railartu lesi-inata either n. ar ana aninisl. at! S p, .auiim a hlre... with IU rente p-wlnae. lo Y. W. r.NANS A CO., No., 41 souia fciablb street, fhlla-telputa. uf other eurlou. eiieriniants. it ean l-e thinii.e, will, ma.ineri.ut, rpirituall.ui, ami hunuie-i. STAR STANCH. rn NANNt.K-A UrRe. 40 column jisier, Ledger .Ire, lllii.trata.l. Ite votett to Sketches, Ht.etry, Wit, Humor, genuine Inn Monaenre (of a sen.lble klndi. and to the ev K.ura ol swindling, Htinitnig., he. I inly Tf. cent. syi.it, .nils suiterb engraving "Kvangetlne," 3 feat, grntis, ai.uuO clrcaiallon. Money re-liinde-1 In all who ask it. Il la wide awoka, fer In... trutulu). Try II NdW. 76 cent, a vear. hpecluirns l Utt. AddraM"llAN ft tR," liloa. dale, N .lt. Inventors who wl.h to take out Letter. Patent are advh-ed to eoun.el wlih Ml NN k i'ii..e.l tors of tha Kolentine Anieneen. whe have prop euted claims before the Patent Office for uver Twenty Yeais. Their American aod foiropeaa Patent Agency I. the most eileii.lve In tha world. Charges le-a Ihsa any inner rellahle agency. A pamphlet containing fuU iBattaclluD to luveelor. Is .ent grstl. Ml N A Cw.,37 I ill How, New York. O NK M1I.LU N ACHKS Or1 Choice Iowu Isntiil Por sale, at S3 per aeie and upwards, for cash, ur ob credit, by the Iowa Railroad Land Co. Kail road, already built through Ike lands, aad ob all .hie. of them. I real Inducemema to Millers. Sand for eur free Pamphlet. It gives prices, terms, lueatloBt tells who should couteweet, what It will eo.li gives ptaas aad elevation, uf la iltf ferent atylaa uf ready made boa.ee, which the Oumpaay toral-ihat Irom mt to S4.uuu ready ie eel up. jwap. sent ii uoireu. Aktitira.a W W. WALklk. Vlra Pre.l.lsnU l-'adar Rapids, low a. A MODEL. HOUSF. Being a cripple, I have made kaise pleoaleg a S-ctl aiudy. line built last teaaua Baa pruved a mialel ul eoBveelence. beauty, aad ecHiaomy. iMasrlptlve circulars ul Plana, View., etc, with Ieaeral Inloriaallon or value lo all, sent rree ,ildre.s (wlta ataaiD or aerlut If eonveoleell. Uau. i. C'oLBV, Arx'tllael, WatBbary.Varuiont r. KNPIiOINKIIT. IO. llUNDRKIiS UF AOKN'I'S make from e 'a II lo per Bay, la rB aalllag eur raTaar ex waaauiw R ul Heitvs. eumbineil. I'aad In every family lor winding Yra, Miks, Wor.tad. kt. W Uida ittU aued ykeia. saS weitt laae thta '.in-'i.V af C''. .I'iv riiiumcn'. ' i.N,a 4k a m. ii. " - -m-r r i i kii 11 i i . Wese .l I Mn-ltlv t-i -yi-iO i-'rht.fe. an. I. lie.l Sine mi. Ii JI ..iir I'.itent Ml er M-iiiM While ' Ire I I. .1 ),.. I. men lliilnr-4 tNrii.iiint. r't.r lull .,rt r. hu. M...s Vj,(auii ottt .MiLI i. I'hiU.leh'Lll I'- ,M4 - aris tSimlinlit A Work rl-'lre i.l the injr.tiwle.. Virtus', h, ll -f n t r iili.l I I iii.ei ol I II- I ily ..I l'j:. It pn'sio I i tine eMirvliiK .f n-.te.t .lnre( I. lie si, . I .,,.,,,.,,, ,,rl. ,,.il it.tr.l A I-'lif-, Njii.iml Pi el mil. M. In , I'luUJelphU Ii tw W A M t I It MIKI H HAM) HOOK n..rVw()K lirsliANhKY ' "rck'e tll.e ..r I annrri, )i.utirf nnil n;., '') ' " '"'i iii- l Ani!n,r in.-i eii,-.---tMi mrmrr, ! 'en K W . l 1 .i 1. .1 r .0 t 'n.hn latin The I irue r erii i. un.l re,-,.unui..l nl ailvif Aolbur mi.i iht.- n -rs nl -t-r linil on rlt , i '"' t''r "'"t" lush I re l.nttia ml i '''"" t'lilln, Hilihlll k, liii.nM'. I in -lr. M,eoi-. .1 inlh . u rit oo tnu. Sui. - tltiis.l irsoi. : 1 0 r.., lint tr Muklna I hee-e ' 1 ' rlr. nrm.iir,K it-l c ire ( lno l-n u, thi-lr ih-.Ti-e nn. I r..n.".l,r.. ,.- . K , Uh nmny u-i-int lhli-. M ki Mire rl.'h with liirtiu.-IL.u m, I n,. li-0-lia.l wllu I, si ci.lrlte-l ei.ar.n n.i;-. laiin. i in rul.i'lrvuliir liee. hi.uu. ah Ahsi v ir ns. a. A II III ItH.UllU'uh! .hcr,'jrh.tiint hi. Fhll.ioel.ilil. H'ANTKI).- Ttsrelltiit an, I l.nei. Anerit. I..r th. Iifl.iwura .lie lii-iir.uti e l 'u., ,.r ail i.rt..il i fim.i 1v:ii,Ii an.l N-w .1. r-ey l;i-h-rMtt.-e tr.uirr I .l lre-., Itr turn a Utt . e n I. A W A It I Ml II A I. I. UK 1 . t I. .N. W . i-.ir. Kill ah. 1 1 he.-l,lll Mr , I'l.lnl. Amor W tIi i mi a1nral El is. or v. Illvlnii a chvir sn.l Inti-u-vly ntiri--1 iik n mil 1. 1 the (lihnlte lari.-l V ..1 h.ihll- .m l in 1 ,. Ii'm, I l.e.irl, e.-r kii-.a.i i.,i---i.-. i.t u-n-l-. t.ir.l-, ll-he. Iii..,--, i,.,ihi.. it, .lin. uri.l ,iinn, (I, ill t-l li e ul.iio I . .-Tit II, i. l-iino.i- l.i,i. ,,ii . ur. .'Iiiiue elit,iii. Hiiu uro s-t lll ion Ir-uu ii.e llix-l el.-l .ilmt i, it ur,ili.l . ,. I ho ii,,'e,tf in one l.,rhr li:iti.l.toe i.iimt.e.il I iut-. rh li. I IlitM, rsli.l won 1,-nl i.,..rlle l .i,.i.ii om- I's.i i. im. ii. ,,,,,ii roo, ii, imi! ,nu !--.. Mo til l otil-all. Ina I.i i. ne, any l.o.k in I. e II,',. I i .-i in a II.. iio.-t liheral. I nil t.ii- tl ul.i-i t l.i-o. . I' I ;'---, A. II llnl i it. I, r'itl.,.Mi l.l'tliul M , I'h. I,., 1 1. A.rll'.l,4w lltioU tvtuls ttanlfU to .Sell Ten Years in IFfiM Street. l"nltllH, nl t'iv tt ! "riling "V. out. Oni A U flit r - "'t I -a 7y itfil t ill .'i ilit) . It lltitll'lrtli n! I tli it 1st ii, sit-rl.ti . it iiil IntMf.'-iifia It: tho toi'ti- ( i.ui iii), i.i i' ira ti iTlni i tin mil 'r H .rtruit.i ai.-l leivc m (Ii,..m1..H, I'rfw.f i-k. i fnulil n:nl iiihi.v oHim. i i 1 I va lih Itlulf -itlmH llnoit tu,1iii-eiii..il toiitfent. i sen-l l..r.-lr. ulsra to ,ulthl.KliJli, 4. u I. II A. I'll., lllirllnt-l, I'UIIU. .HIS Id No ill'MlM'U ! iy Hendiue X cenfa. iiil ar e, beii'lil, coliic nl' rre. and bair. you i. ill rtccite. by rcfiirn n ail, a correct I'ic'utu of ji iii- fiiiuitf l.o-l nnd or wir.', wilh Hit ma and dnlo of u.ut i iujrs. Ad lre-s W. KOX, I'. O. No. '.'I, Kul'ntirili.. Nee j York. mar.'t i miii f. Ti i Ys-iTTnTTm i - jtXi, j 1 I.lle ln.iirnn.-e t oinpiiiiy watii n tittntlier ol a-io.1 A act: l. i sir. i, a a1""! Inters I Au-ciit for I'ltUI'iir tin. i ih-li,ny. al-,. a llniieral Aaent for the i er in all i-oiitit Ic. . I'ebii-' liutiU n-l-ttc-a Hone ORks, No. Hi -,lllh 4lll M. flillalelphla. I WAS ft l'.i:i,.f ), ninths nnd ttitanU by a miiii lo r.i rud : nn I uilleeu l iba ree'.t trie. Mre. M. C. I.HiC.trr, 4w II ibo'erll. N. J riliEi: M4I.H' ((Mill will cbuoe L any colored bnir ur beard la a Perma nent idit.'k or In own. Ii coni i 1. 1 no p ii-oni. Any ono can ue it. Cue suit I v until fur 1. "Addre.ia M All K' l oM U in, iirir'.'l ;lmj ,X i-iniifield, Muss. Koa Fasii.T I'rB, tim tr, rAr.i.. rfi'ii.'r, liniis i.oryiliit'?. Annn Nsiiird. fir ciibir nnd n-ttiiple eioi-kiim r KKK. Ad.treea MIN K.1.KY kMT I IN'i M M II l K Co Huili, Me., or 17', liroajdway, N V. Tab 17-om jflON'sl Aallin I MITIMN, RKOM IIITIS, nn. and Cui.i-rli cured by inha'a ttou. A' boils Intoiliti)- Urn In ihu mil v rvuicdy tbitt opcriitcs cu lla-1 uuirs-dirajlvtS Ilie lob, r. li t, v.bicb are Ibrowu u'l, tba caviiii s be il. and a cure ia effected Treat- ... i.. ;.. . , ... "7 c"" " of y V AN HI MMKL. l. U., M Wen HiU Jl. N.Y. THE fiRE.1T .UKPIC.l UlSrOVEEi: Dr. WALKEU'3 CALIFOUNIA. Vm.UAI.! Itl'lTHECS t5 llllKt THAN iiMi.nou I'l HMlNS f r-J ,,3 Hear le-tiinony lo their Woo Vt II AT Alir. JULY t' TU Y ART Nor A YILP. S.-53 FANCY I'HINh. Mails of Poor Rum, Whl-kay, Pn of Spirit.. anS Relura l.iiiors, il.icture. spli-e.1 set sweelen.4 to pleura the ta.ie. eslied " Tonu-r.'' Apieil leis." " Kenorer.," kc, that l.iad the tlipler ua to Srunkenc". aod ruta, bul are a tree a eUlelna, rnaila Irom the netlve Ri!e and Herb, of fall lornia. tree Iroie all Alcoholic stimulant.. They arethellKr AT lid M il PI Kiy Ik Usod LiVB llIVINil PhlMil'I.K, b -rl.,l Krnuvai. r atid Invtgorator ol tba sy.t.Bi. earrytna i'f all iMiiennous niatter, and re.tormc the Plowl to a lieiilthy eoodltton. No errcB vaa lake Ihare Hitler. acuurdlbK to dir.. 1Kb., ai.d remain loan unwell. aluu will be given tosn tncuiablaease, provides; the bonee are uot rtartrvkeil bv mineral dvIsobb or other nie.in., and the tltal urgaaa wa.ted te- ?- Vi II A r A K r. I U L Y t - T5 1 s a S i k a X X e - r? If mk w ill tfj . -a M. yonu ine pout ii reaiir. aur In neuiBiatory and Cbranle Phaaa-atlssa aad ttemt. Dyieiwya. or In.llna.tlnn. Hlllluua, Rereliietit, and lutarmlttent r'evers, lileeasea the lilo.al, Liter, kidneys, aad Hleoosr. the. hitters bave been um.t sacee.srul. r-uch IMs bbmis are oaa.el by V mated hloml, kirh Is gea erally produced by detat gemaatuf the lilgeaUve Urgnna. I lean.e the Vitiated Hloftd whenever yoa B4 Its luipurllie. burst lug through tha .kla la Pirn- I lc. Lrupttimsor Mores i eleosa It whea yua ks4 I obsirucie-l BBd sluggish In tha vein i clan.e li whea It le foul, aad )oar leellnse will tall yew whea. Keep ibe Mood puts and Ike health the system will follow. PIN. T A PK. aad other WORMS, lurking ra lha sy nam uf io aiaoy I hoasaada, are aa.oiuaUy dartroyed ang removed. la billion.. Heaatiieal, aad Interwtltteot Fa. ver.,lha.e bitters bave ao a-ual. Fur lull dlree lloa. raail earetully lha elr. alar around each buttle, priaied la luur languages a-agluh, liar nian, t teach aad r-penlrb J. WAI.KKR, ProBrletee, S3 Comaieree bt , M. Y. .H. McTXlNALU A CO.. Praaaisls, aad geaersl A goals, Sag Freweleew , aad haorsuj.oio, OeUloinla, aad H tM Uaws aaaraa hU hi. I. . ,, ... ,