tar kervrsjs THE POST. MtMiLF.ntTt MAY 1, Wo, "nt'H'SK ik l!Kf Kli, I'rnprli Ion. Itriullli mi ritmarv lilrs. (Ion. In pursuance if it Resolution of the V.epnlilie.ii Standing (''.mmiftee of HnyJi r C"ii!itT the Hep til.licon l imarjr lllvc'i.i'i will lo hoi I on S iliiritntf.Junr Jt'i. at r l.o fiilli)in places : B-ater At the Tiiblia House of George A. Smith. Ili-aver !Ve1 -CnKMTi H Centre Sh-Hod llouni in Ccn'rev'llr. Chap Public ll juie of II. K. Wtttcl. M.-Knce Falls. Krinklin t Vnlon 11 mie.Mi Itch'tr Jickson-SYIionl II ii in Krvicrvillo. MfUlcburg- Court I loiter. MUllocrrcIt I'nli'.io Hone of L. Aruicli. Monroe House of lien. ft, Hcl.n. l'etms House of Morali A, Miliar. I'orry lli.uer of F.no"li Smith. Fremont. I'crry West House of Join Fibor, Ei. Scliii'grofe House of II. A. rlolig:. t'nion Home of Ir Sayers, Tort T rev erf.. n V.alilnglon lions of Fred. C. Moyer, Frecbiirg . Th fullowii t officers, will be vot.d f jr. t)n person for Congress, l 'no person fur S'lale Senelor. On person fur niomier of Assembly, ('tis person for Associate Judge. I'll person for I'roth'inotary. On prrsou for I'.rg.sler an 1 Iteeordor. lint persoo for County Commissioner. On person fur District Attorney. 'ine person for County .Surveyor. Our person for Jury Commissioner. One person for Auditor. line prrson for Conner, as on Itclurn Julito from each district. The elections wilt to governed l.y tho resolution passcl 1 lliu Standing Voni iniitri. Tlit Itelurn Judge will meet at ihe Court House, in Mi Ulrburn, on Momley, June vib, Hi i o clock, r. M. J.NO. V. SHINDKL, 1. I). Mnvrs, Chairman. Pccitiory. oiiimllts-c Mct'llnj. In aiiwi-r to the call of the C'hair min, tlie I'cputilican Stunling Com mittee of .Snyder cuimiy, met in tho Uuurt Home, at MiJJIijburc', oo Tucj day. May 17th. All Uio district except Jackson, Monroe. anJ West Perry, represented Saturday, June lib, was aeloctol as tho timo to hold t h. Primary Election, nil J tli J Moil Jay fallowing JtiiieGth, for the inurtiii;: of tii Return Judges. On motion of .1. 1, ll.ipir, Es., a committee wu appointed to droit rcso luiioiH in regard to tho inuniuT of cou iluctini; tin piiiiuiry election. Tho loll.mlug uro the nitnics cf the eoiii mittve: Jueob I. h igur. ,lohu Ililor. Win. II ur lin . Jucob Auruiid, umi II. S. lh.jor. Tho eoniMiittro reported tho fol lofiti resi lotions, which were adopted : i". Tli-t tli Election HonrJ i thr Priinnry Klrction be cuinponej of n Jul il l two liiFfM clors. who are lo be rlvctvl an J i ii n 1 1 ti t-i u like ulticcr tlie of General Klveiion nr e'cci mi l i'n'.rri Thai ibe Tolls be open from Inn to six o'clock, l M. lltiolertl Tbl iiono but IUpiililicnn be Piilillnl lo ole at Ibe Primary lllcclioii. I'n.x iJ ,1, ibnl if Ibe election bjanl be at ifticU Ibal any oibrr person wi-liiuj to tote i a nmu of terncily, ami promise lo fiipforl Ibe wbule lickrl wben uoiiialel, lie rbnll be ollowcd to Tote. y.'. uirr.l Tlml no returns will be reeeiseJ by Ibe Coiiteotion of Iteiiirn Jul)ti-s nulen !coiupaiiirJ null Iba list of Voters xii'l ( s'.l v p ir. 'tulrij That Ibe returns with I tie li-l of oters an J la'.ly papers eball oe b'inlvl over by Ibe election othcers lo tho K.oiun JuJge, wbo sbail be duly sworn or atlirme'l lo pruilucc tUc siiiue at tbo following L'on feniion. On niotiuu aJjniirni.d. J.NO. V. KHINOKI,, 1'. H. Moral, 'Auirmn. Imi eukki t roturna from Now Voi k iudiciito that tho State has ;nno for the licmocrni-y. Tho elcctiou held T;riday was luiiited lo judicial otTiLvra, nod the vote wai very li,'ljt. It seems impossible to bring out tho Ueiiullicati strooj-ili en cil on sonio (treat crisis, uhilo thu Democrury alviayt appear in force. While tho loss of tho judiciary of u Stats is u I trays to bo deplored, and in thw cae "is inexciisuble, tho result of the election cannot bo tukeo as a reflex cf the political condition of New York. TilK I'eunsylvauU Reserves Assoei ntion held their annual reunion ut Lurk Haven Tuesday. Speeches were ilclivcd by Gen. Meade, Col. Win. Ii. Maon. and other distinguished pernio men who were connected with this no ble organization, nnd the exercises rlos.Hl with a groml buuijuet ic the evening. Tho meeting was, in ull re spects, a pleasant one, and the war worn veterans, who were once such a terror to the enemy, Imvo returned liome with fret-her memories of their hUtoi io achievements, sod the fi'ieud ships of the fi ll more strongly ce mented. TllE folio wibg is now a law of this Slate. Its previsions willslimulato In vestmeuts and cucrgies, bkill auJ in dustry in almost every branch of trade und manilfueturies, by exempliug ca) iial from liabilities which horulofore have acted us a rratrainln on invest ment. Tho following is a copy of thu law : lie it cnactrJ, That from tntl ufter tho pin-sa.'o ol this aot it shall bo lawful lor soy person or persona to lo-io tuoiia ty to any individual or firm, or associ ktioo or corporation doing busiues in this Cuuintoowealib, upou ogrcemcnt to receive a khiie of ilia proflis of such business as eomjiensatiou for the money so loo nod in lieu of interest; aud such sgroenicut or the reception ofprolits under such agrcouioot ahull bot leuder the tu rson or persons making-such loans li:ihlo a co partner iu tuch businoos to other crediturs of such individual, Gnu. association or corporation except ss to the money so loaned t J'mt irftd, Thai such agreement for loan nude ahull be in writing, and that this act chill not apply to any loan ma le by a member of any such firm association or corpora lion, or lo ono who holds himself oui as a.ici, sod shall not ba eoiiatruod to repeal or effect any portion of the law relating tosjioclil partnership: J'roi iJtd Itoterier, That soy ptrsoo so loaning money under this act shall not hold hioisell out as a genera! part nor, aa ai to Induce drcdit to be given to any party or parties association or1 corporation, lo whom the suld loan fciitli b J made. i TI C 9 lllhlT . K l3tTlNl3TI) it. a. nri-niif o-uiiiek ENnixtr.n arm. A. C. Sim,-. Ht1. r. m, 3 I. K H Co Sin. The loeition of the S & L. U. It. ffi.im.Tly Middle Crock) wna completed A ii. 1st, 1 37, und the work rifts radiintiuii wai nt that time commenced. Tho loc.it inn line rommenres at Fun- hurl llin lArmifiiu l.ftK llnnvllln Hnzli'tnn and Wil'iesharre," the I'hil InJi'lphin nn l 1'rie,'' tho " Northern t',,lr..l" nn I l. til, . I..i'- ..v.v.tii, 111! IIIV iu.iiiiir. I IkiAII- road, crosin thi usiuehiintia nn potito Snnhuiy, with ft Hridijo l!d00 feet loll', the rout follows tho west bank of rier to Selinsrove, crossing I'enn Creek. n rih of the town, with a ItridL'O of 175 feet span j ibcnco frnm i'liii!roVd over the dividing ridge, into tho vtillov of Middle Crock, cross- ini Middle Crock with a Undue of I2'i feet apnn, nt a point 11 ruilo from Hunburv ; piaiii) up the valley of Middle' Creek to Mildlebnr, the niinty-tetit of Snyder, IG mileaj fol lowing Ih valley tw o luilea beyond, it rein hes tho Furna.-e of thi " Shade M uiutiio Iron Ci).,1 tho point desig oiited in your Charter at ' lioaver Kurnnco;'' here the lino leaves thf main valley of Middle Cieek, an 1 ex tends to Ijenver Town, 2J mile, and Ad:inmhurt l-vo miles beyond, both tiro win j and thriving towns. Thnco followioi a tributary id Middle Creek to Stoctoti, which will be an important iiihippinit point, SO miles, pain over tho divid'nit ri l.'e the line reaches the valley of Jack Creek, 3S mile from P"int of al:irlin;, and follow 'that valley lo within two miles of Lew town. Here tho lioe crosses loto tho val ley of KihaeoiiiillM Crock ; follows that Hlroatn for a short distance, oo tho Mouth Hide, and at tho liorouli of Lewi-town crosses the Juniata I'iver, with a Kriiljjo 7od foot long, and con nects with Iho " L'enosylvsoia Ceo H al'' nt its I.ewiHtown Depot, The di.-to'ico from Sunhury to the " IVnnav'iVioiti Centra!," at Lewistowo U 4S miles. The penor.il root of tho nad, for llin Antlrit t i ..t nti..t n f I . . I, llns.rrove. m.iv he .ai.l lo follow 'ih-! huso of Shade M luntitin, anlalon t lio luse ol tho mount n j from fiv' niiles wet of Scliiis;;rov t Lewi I town, aro snmo of the best und most ictendv ilcpo-its of ro i or lithe 'tnte. Tha valley U g bet ween Shade Jan J Jack's Mount aim, throu i!i"which ! tho line runs, will average noin"ui Ke j miles in width, aod in addition to its mineral resources, its fino timber and . limestone, it it one of tho fl i:-l agil .cultural regions iu the Stato. I Tho ulignment of your road i. 'irood ; there is hut ciirlit miles of cur vature on the lin?, nio-tly very liht, ,an l in no ea-o cxcecliajj 5 degrees, .or a radius of 1 1 Itj feet. I Tho maximum irrado a I iptol is 52 I S-lOt hs feet per mile ; this yrai'e is used ,no 'Jl miles of the road, beiog abo'it equally divided 10J utiles in each di reel ion. Tho Ijraduntion and Masonry have been curried on at diikMit on I., i: :.i. t. . .i no linrj Willi puuil I'oce lis illJ means of tho Company would war. runt. Tbo (iradini and M.tonry havo been completed on Sections C, 7, 8, i ..f 10, 12, 13. 11. 15, 111, 17. 1, 111, J 21, :!., '?, 2D, 3d, J of 30. 4n, -If, 42. :l. 4 1, aud 43, total 21 nulcs. The Sccii in sj number from fc'nubury. Tho eouiract for (I rati nation nnd Masonry, Hridjcs, caltlo guards, every tiling, in fact, to crcparo tho rea l-be. I ready for tho Hallust and Track, from the west bauk of the river opposite Sunhury to Ecwiatnwn was in 1 8'17 let lo .lolm K. McUovern Jt Co., for the round sum of t:iC, 312, 4'J-100iltj' or about i, 20 per mile. Tho Contactors have been estimated for 10 miles. The e.-tmitto for cost of roid in op pi ration is as follows : KSTIMATK. Graduniinn, Masonry and Ilriilg-cs, eiccpi Sus.pichanna aul Juuiata Hiver llridgcs, f lRrt.R.12 Su'.piehanna ltiver Uri.lgs, nn.Otio Juniala Iliver Uri.lgr, ."') IW'.S 44 milca main and ' .nil.. at.lMlcak S " mm Siih-ballasiin. 40,0001 Depots. Kigbl of Way, Engineering ' and Coiiiingeneies, tj.t.Ooo Mutiv Tower and Hulling Slock, 100,000 1 Total $l,aH'.),U'0 The eoinparaMvely small cost of the Sunhury ar.d Lewi-town Railroad, tho immense busiaoss which it iuut trans act, opeuino as it will a new nnd di rect channel for the Undo with the West, of the Counties of Soyder, t'oion, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Si hu.vlliill, Luzerne, Car bon, Wyoming, Way no and Musquo hauna, intist ccrtaoly insure lume Uiv den. Is upon its capital stock. Tho Anthracite Co.: I trade of tho West is yearly increasing ; your road making as it does a direct connection with the hioit coal liclil s In Ih.i Simla t. o.4 furn ish ini t ho shortest route from them I to tha West, must control this traJe. lour most important connection ot Sunhury will be tho " Danville, Wilkes barre and llazelioo R. II." This line ii.. t only p.ives you tho shorted road to tho Coal fields, but opens up a through route to New York which wili compare favorably wilb any uow in operation. A larce trade may also le looked for from the Shaniokin Railroad, At Lewistown you connect with the " I'ennsylvaiiia Central" and with tho " Mitllio and Centre Couuty Ruilroad,'' which will ultimately ho extended to Hollolonto. und give your toad lilttum ioous Coal n u Easter freight. Combining sll these source! of Revenue Coal, Iron Ore, Lumber and general freight and paAener bus iness, with tho important connections your road tunkei it should certainly pay a handsome percentaga.ou its en tiro erst. Very Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant, (Jko. IL Arms, Chief Engineer, A young fellow is la jail at Rolli daysburg, for itcaling a Halfpenny and running away. ' It waa s lorn ale halfpeony, the daughter of Lit em J'loyer, . . u Ji Ws BUM, e.WiMi sa Mr. Mri'iiiMiid'M Uefeiicr. The New York Trihune, yesterdjv. . .ijv . I- I - . i i i l r ' activ He niiiiliMn. and ro cotltiiineil a VCiy luiw lind clab'ratClt.uMloisiorthUeoontrlo tateu.ptil liy Mm Al.t.y Sttjte .Mel-ar-land ( II ijlmnfs n?) of her grievances and McFurland'fl eru-hies to hor.whioh sit puts forth os a defence and justi fication of her course and Richardson's. Admitiing tho truth of nil Mis. MeFat'land a.iyi in respect to her hus band's treatment of her, ih.-ro l enough In her own ndniissb.ns, rt to the conductor herself nnd Kichards o, to condemn tlieut both In iho eyei of till who approciato the :icrediio-s of the marriago obliL'stiou and thl duty of n wife and mother In thrtrlty to M is. McFar1nnd,or Mrs. Ilivhurdson, wo will, for tha present. ssuino that iho divoreo which ahsoh obtnincd in InJinna is valid, and set her legally, if oot mnrnlly, freo from her husband; but, this divorce was Hot grilled until October, IS fit. In her flefonse the publishes a letter writ ten lo her by Mr. KiehunUon, under duto of Mrch3l, 107, which abnun I with expressions of a(Tection,aod which clos's us foll.iws: " My darling, in all that I am or do. or bivo or hope for, in lifi or death, you are irrevocably interwoven. 1 regret nothing that I have dono, s.tve ju-t tho extent that, it has nflectud or marred your linppiuess. .My whole heart, my wlwto lifo go out to you. 1 think 1 soe a hippy 'uturo. sinny days, loves of ohiidren, loves of home, good toothers. 1 know I sco a loyalty nothing can shako, a trust that is ab solute, a love that is ut'er aod valid." This letter, of course, had especial reference to the writer's contemplated rairriaiio with Mrs McFarland, then. iinitiostioiiably, tho lawful wil'o ol another. Mrs. McFsrland, in her statement of yesterday, speaks of this letter io tho following htDKuage: " This letter is too keynote of the absolute love and trust ia which Mr. KichnrJsiiu held mo lor tho threo years which pushed until his death. For the feeling with which I tried to re pat ois loyalty to me, sod tho gratitude 1 felt for tho chivalry with which he tried 10 n vert, if powiWe, nil tho mis foriuncs which seetued dcstiued to to fall nn my helpless head, I hnve no word to speak. Hut tho lust senten ces i f tho letter 1 havo just qiuted tcci-e in .' h"irt a'wiiH.'' Now all this, reduced ti plain fact. amounts simply to nn ndntissiou of! love makiti)! and an engagement ol mnrr'ne with Kiehirdson whilo stie it-no ll.u alf'. f Mol.'iirl.inil nn.l tl.i. WHS the ditCCt Cause of Kichnt'ds in't untininlv ili-ttb lind of all the R.-nml ll uinimcy ut.lt a nnu oi an iiiit s niin.ii connected with that event McFarlitid tnay have been cntel nntl brutal in hi Irentmctit ot his wifo ; but Mrs. Me I'u rl.t ml admit that whilo die was his wif'-, sho entered into an eip'nac ment of mirrisoo with nnothcr mno and that the sentences in Itich irdson's lettrr. in which ho spoke cf their ,. , - . ., i j "happy future 'Si mail an. I Wile, Wltli tbo liwca r.l' Ii .in l ' mi'l tlio " l.iven' tllO IDVts 01 II UllJ Uilliuo urs of rhiiih-tii." " wero ill her heart i alw,v, alVrwards. However she tony exeuso herself fur ibis, society will I In .1 I her aceounlati u lor a efeilt wruntr i - ci aif.inst one nf lis most seared mat mini S , ,, -, , ,- . .1 ii All tli It V pity her lol' the many trouble' sho enduretl and the tortures of min i s)0 Stlfl' hut few red, but there aro happily who will just ily her maimer of m'ctin; them, or, rather, her plan for cse.ipin2 from them r-inlcss thourli she may have been, io her physical demeanor, her heart Wiis false to the highest dictates of duty, an I was nl lowed to wander astray in a pith for bidden by tho laws of both Clod aud man. If. as Mrs. Mcl'arlnn I says in clos-jr injr her defense, hor husband was "hall e ninl-tnnn from natural inheritinco and half-brute from natural procliv ity," she, nevertheless, hit 1 married him, and he was tli farther of 1 or childrcd i and, if such was his nature, she tnitfht bive lawfully procure J both a loua! sepcration from him no the custody ofthoir children, thus preserv ing herself e poet a bid, an I snarinj her ofT-prins the shtimo which her wronz course has brought upon them Hut she, prclerred a torbiiMen cour.-e wliicli naturally resulted in death lo one and dishonor to tunny. Hel'ilub- orate defense, therefore, due not ans wer its purpose. Her own admissions vitiate it. The liny 12th iimt. AnioNA. Tho following extract is fr-nn a letter written to tho Sunhury G.jziOe by Col. Iiinkelbcrger, who is now lighting tbo Indians ia Arizona. Evidently Iho Col. doe uot havo a very flatteriog njduloo of that country. Ho says : "In day lima the heat Is intense; si incut it is quite com. tnten it is no , - , ceairy to seep movtngail niIil 10 Seep trntn n.irtalun.r ti-ittic.o l w- 1... .... I I r. ' ' ' w uasv nnlhiug with ua except what we can puck on our miles, sod when wo come to high mountain wo leave all suimsls bohiud with a truard. and co 3 lo 5 days on foot. Of course we carry rations, arms and wotliip;r excepting ammunition, frequently wo tutfer much for want of water. The aceui over, wo return home firo'l, many ick wiili feavcr, and when wo arrive ut our po. ts we have oo comfort wit. fever Mail once a week, if the ladiaos don't catch and kill the driver. In hhorl Arizona is a fit country to banish out laws to, an American Siberia, a land tilloJ with cactus, thistles, and thorns, immense deserts without witter, hiyb mountains without vegetation; noth ing thrives but Indians, rattlesnakes, lizzards, tarantulas, centipedes, burned frogs, and seorpious. CSSDWATEH' 0 .MUX. CONGRESS. IttrrBLTixe or hstYi.sa : The time for chouslBK our standard hearer la lb ueat cam pa Igo la rapidly approaching, aad It Is time we are thinking or wkom to Dominate oa the 4ihof June. For Congress I aus eeruttu eaa Su no better than to re auiuluate our present able Member, lion. Joaa It. Panaaa. II has keen eastnmary to give our Repieseutatlva la this district a ebanoe lo serve a sasund term, and I can see ao good, rsasoa way w shuald depart from this rul. JvaTiva. ASSOC'IATU JFPOB. Kna. PoT ThsseleottoBof eandldaUs to be voted tur at the ensuing primary election, Is surely aa aot requiring taeughl and honesty of parisussi we should selset Bono but honest, la Ulllgeai, aad reliable taeu as eandldates. For th otfloa ul Asaoelat Judge, aepoeoallr, we should has sna f Integrity, souad Judgement aa keaeet eoaviolluns. In tli prsva of H. L. Rat, uaaei i, a IUts of UTr, w Itavt Uwio l""Jllill,;lTi:l "i ' ir.L,.1 EiW-Vliili r A.ei, ju.i,.. it. h.. .t..ys wn .a H.,i,... n.i ,.,,...1 m. ih. icepuniionni oi ini e.anif on sa o oi iitiiiire l7 nornloatinf an. I leeiln him lo thl Imp.rtsnt oiucv. vitisbps or Tiia FniTna Poart Permit ai, taronira t. Omns, to recommen.l twit. A.J. Mi.ldleawerth f.H- re anmlntiloa m AM-wlste .InHe. He kss served Ihe ftpta vf rtnr.ler enunlr In tlmt os pfl'y, f..r eaa lersa. lll a.lelllr to Ih paorle, rre.llt to hlmslr.Hl honor to the piUion. He hss flsmeaaed himself as a ralthtitl an.l ertlnlant officer, as an aflsble sn4 eourtaoas aentleman. as a aonnd sn.l pnrelt erinfMloa ItepuMlcaa. He has eontrlbuteO Uritrty to the sneoaas at our party of whlnh h ban been a life loag asemSer and lastly aitriu a re eleitloa. alaar RarPLiolss. To THWVotr.ns nrtssvnaa Coraxv i Belna solli-iied hi a number nt my Irlen.ls, I hereby of far myfalf as a ean.lidate for AMttetate .ludee at thecmlns crlnisryelcUon ot the Kepubliean party, shnnlll reHte the nomtnsllon trul be elautx.1, 1 .lile aavself to pertvrai th Sutles ot Ih offlce with duality. HSV D. KlTCBBLk HKNATOll. ' Enivnas Post. Mep'ihllcans of Snyder eonaty. In a few weeki ynu will bo oalle.l upon to pelcol standard bearers, from yoar nnmlnr, tor the ! tiroshlna eaaipsUn, and we reoommen.l to your tarorsbla r..n.lert.n. I'm.. W si. O. ItsaaoLti as a nttaMe psrsnn to represent this Kenat-trUI IMMrli l la the Senate of Henn-ylvanla. Ool Iterroln'a pirty really, tniearlly, ability and ntnea will not ailmlt ol a qns'lloa of ib.ul.ti and hsju'tly merits ihe nomlntib.n. Ha will care fully auanl and promote the Interests of hts eon tituen.'y, and inahe as a representative of whom we msy jiistly be proud. We venture the asur anee that he will eserclse every effort lo advance every popular and lea.ible pmieot which all! enbanoe Ike lotereat of the people. Harueuu s or Fassauta. A.XSKMIII.YMAN. KniTnnsi Poar-Wa lake pleasar In reermv men. Una ti tlie Republican sirty of Npyl" eonnty, t'srT. William II. lUaioan. as a full able pron to r prt-cent aa In lallatnre of t'snniyltanla. Fired with lbs seal ol the palrl.il, his pure Ideas of eual rialits and tiial )utl, he wa ainuna the tlrt to oHnr his tils a wllllna aerlflce on 10-country's alter In the late Ftrunyle lor national lire. Pt.ssemiiiie every faalia.'atloa to make a good Kere'entatlr, It w ld oulr I a merited tribute to his servlre and heroic eon luct to anmlnits hint by an overwhelmliia saa j.irlty. iiur ran.ll.iate for l.eulalatlve honors, t'apt. Har.llne, Is eminently maimed lor and Juatly deserving ol the paiille tuat tor which we recommend hlui. J JiTixsa or ItSAVta. Vi that you haveaeveral reeommendstlnntror suit able persons U.r . trices to be nilr.l at the election nest tail. Ilellevlna It to be to our tntereat aa a party to notalnato the Insst men Sir the resfHKtlve .m-es, I siiult picrnt the name ot I avis miith. Ka. . as a'suitabie irson to represent the ople ol our eounty In the I.ejMalur Mr. Kmlili Is ayounamsnol mure than ordinary al.uityi a siaanch ReisiMlcani has aerva.l tlie psrly tuna and well, and heretofore has never asked any thlna within tl.etr power to be'low. II the Ke riubllcan party nt May. icr eounty place Mr. Smith n noialnatton, he will repreaeut their Inteteats at llarrtabura with hn .r and Adellir. Let us nominate the seat men presented lor our oholce, aod victory will perch upon oar banner. CasTaa. inOTIUINOTAIty. To Mr Futssns: X hereby annonnce myaetr as a candidate lor re nomination lor the ofllce ot frotbonotary.siid rsaactiutly solicit Ihe autlra seaof the Itepji'llcan voters of Nnyder eounty at the eouilus primary election. JxniiiiiAii C'nocaa. REO M1T.H AND IlliCtllt HE It. KniTons PoaT: Itiirina the war.whensoMlsrs were needed to protect our homes and anar.1 the rational honor, we said to our noble volunteers "tl. i. boys, and we will see that you are provided for should yoa be wouiided " As a aeneral thtna our promlaes have been remett.lered. and many wur..lc a thllcra are now holdtnif olflcwa of tru-t an-l honor. HellevrhK that our rliirena are ever wllllna to honor ihoae who tinNrilled their llvei .r u. ws would ura the nomination of i tor Ihe 'oin.'e of'll'eullor and lte.-..r.lcr. at the 1 ensaln p lin iry eleitlon. Mr. Vanandi wrve. f,,,,(lll,,iy ltl ur nrly lour tears, and in ttiit time w is to acveri-ly wo.in.leil as to unlit ti liis tor ii ird inatiu.il Uleir. Tlterelnre we think tlist he ahMild be noinlnste.1 and ele.-lcd. II elected we are sstlitie I that be will be an effl cleat ottlcer. Pr.aas. i Maaa. FniTnaa : Permit m. a suh,crllr. tosuvest IhrouKh the eol.iinna of yoir paisir, the name ot S II. Mchtirk. o Ml-l.tfcloir '. ( t. r merly of Vonro townshlpi as a suitable anl worthy can ll.l.i'e tor re-ii.inltiatln t r Itediater land Recorder of tl-la conutv. He has ptoveil liiiuaen caw.Ne. emcieni. in.l.iarrious and ohll in, Noonenh.ihaaht.l.N'caaioiitoenlorthe u'n" r"n o' witness to the contrary. An et ,. a ...-l aocuuiaut. a sound Republican ilejervlns of tnoce. Let ua rs "' MSTRIi'l' A TTtlltN'KV, L " .""""" ' "'"7 " kfO.ul.llcana ol our coilnlv the oronrlMtv r ' rmwinetina II I Psnna, t a.(., f .r the ..m.-e "I lil.trlct Attorney. .Mr. Parks' brier otlt.lal care-r has proven him to bean eltl-le :t aul an l,:lii"T,lT!l!2f a. XH". '2'." iiiq n ouiof the relsslllon." Harney'' was nuiong the ; ;;;;,;;",;, Tai.hmiiy . ...hiiTeaTTy four years. In that lime received wounds Irum ahl. h he will never tally recover, and now wa think tbat It would In but a small return for the vratf tu.le we owe an honorable soldier and an eflt -lent ulttcer to le elc-1 him. in.u ll.:avtu. I t.iToaa Post: Hollo Ids- that a political party has a Btiaraoly l-r aSaccesa and iseritulty, only, when men of sbflity, sound tntet-rity, per severlne energy, and s-.ber habits, whn eunimt bring dishonor tisin themsel.es, nor reproach tis.u, tliclrnonstlttients, a re selected lor star.dsrd learvrs.au.i suowing that I, 1. .uveas, t . . .reetlitneoi'y Kssehs these iiellllt-, ail-t all he molilalia onallileailons rssenilal to the hon est an.) lallhful dlscharaeol Ihedulieaiil I ilalrict attorney, we t ike pleasure tn recommending to the Republican lotera uf Mi). lor count lor n.i.iiiuniion i..r i nisi oin.-e. ano tcei conn-ieni it elected, that ha will make a worthy an.l efficient Ulcer. Oialut, TnooVof t'onntr onmlsihinar la nae Ih most tnieirtant otllces to the ui pavers ol a eounty, and to Nil It we should hnve men nf tin doubted honesty and Intern liy. In connection with many Heiuinllcsns, alio , , present the claims uf Car-rain Ptili.ie Klnssv. of Heaver, for this luis. riant urSce. He Is a manor sound judgement, honest an.l reliable, and II nominated and elected, will iaake a faithful ..nicer. tSUIUI. EniToaa Post. I'lraie announce that .loan Homo, ol Penns two., will be a eaii.ll.lata l.o County Commissioner, eul.iect to the decision f me nepuuitcaii voiers at in ensuing Primary Flection. Mr. Romlg Is well nualllled to Sll tl s oinceiita o.l sound Republlcaa, and will, If eiecieu, uieaa a giKHi otucer, J, ISUHVL.OK. Fnioaa Post: Plesae annnanc In ynor na. per ths name of A. K.Mirr, Ks.., as a suitable issrm.u iu mi ma uiuueoi i nuntv rsurvsvor. air (Hit has prauiloed surveying In this eonnty a "".'i'"" " number id years, Is punctual In business, aud moderate In charges. 1 will not say anything as to hl moral character as he Is too wsll known throughout the count v. II nominated aad lo led he will atak a lulthful otneor. A VoTsa or W'sbt liaavsa. Fns. Post: Please announce throuuh your columns that Dasikl Wkiiii' k, la., ot Centre lowuthlp. will las a candidate for County sur veyor, tuloecl to the decision of the hepublloaa voters at the snaulng primary election, air. Welrlck Is an erjierleiiaed barvoyar aad Is well lualiued fur Ui posdioii. Fkanaus. AUblitill. KniToaa Posrt llalleslng that It Is the right s.lley lo retain good men In oillce, I would pro j. e that we ra nominate luaiat IliarsBaarii for Ihe office of Couuty Audiior. 11a Is a sound h. publican, a .goud accountant, and should be re-elecictl- Jaraaux. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JkJOTICK TO V. S. TAX PAYERS. CoLt-ai'TOU'a Ornea 14th Pistbii t. Pa. Sohi uv, May 10. 1870, Trios on tha Annual List, Isju, Including Special Tues(Llceuies) Incomes, Oold WaUhes Ac, are now due ami payable at th Urn aud places mentioned below: s vnaa Col STV. Peter llartmaa. Deputy, will receive Uaes at J. F. Walter's Hutoi: be- llnsgrove, en Monday, May on at Ira sayrea' Hotel, Port trevorton, ou Tuesday Slay stint at Lewis king's Hotel, an.ldleburg.un Wedueeday wis king's Hotel, an.ldleburg.un Wedueeday Hlhi at Alosaa Sawht' holel, Ueavettwwu, builday, May 261U. on KI'El I 41, NOTICE. T-To all who neglect to pay aner tea days, a special Botioe will be Issued, for which a le ol tweaiy cents will be eollected, together with mileage at the rat of four oeiila per mile, aad If not paid within Ua days of th mailing or yt tonal see'ae ot lush notloe, a veper eeui penally: also iBierwst at Ui rata of ou per eeut a uioalb will be added. You will save nioaei auil Uouble by paying thu tag promptly. t HAKI.r.cf J. BRUNNER, . Collector 14tk Dlstrlel, Fnuylvauia. $25. Machlas. th Mark Llbtral )u ' ThIH FOLKOat 4MPR0Vr.D ' TweBir-Flv Dollar Family Sewing Machlas. The bnest Flrat Class Machine in th Market. AoaaT. WASTsn ia avaav www. Llbaral euinuilssluiis allowed. For term aod lelroalar, addre-s, A. 8. Hamiltos, Oea. Ageul, ! K. I Chestnut, 4t , Pall., r. l-7. lut ' . , ... , r . : i I TVOXI Cli la hereby pit-en that the i .t.!-i" A73,""i siiriieeoi (lon.irnmai Hovharii.ol the Honi.iuh or lnm j .h, tt.. i ...... , Ml'l.llekor on Mon.lsr Mnl i Ih;, whfn all psrsoni tulereilel eaa attsuii II thy think pro per. J.rMMK, April 10, ts;o. Prulhoni.ury. IS I1EHK11Y GIVEN to XI ih. Me, lb Members anJ Sfock-bnlders, an.l other. Interests J tbat the Selinegrav Ha ving anisiltfllilinu Assoeiatinn, Ibiotigh lis I'resi.lrnl and Secretary, bav present I their ctiilon lo the Court of Common I'lea of Unyilcr county, at r'eb. Term, l7n.pry ing raid Court lo allow said Association lo alter and amend its Constitution. Thai said application i filed in tha I'rothonnla ry'a Utile and will be prrfcnird fur con firmation nt May Term netl, unless cans shall be shown lo the contrary on of before lb first day of nasi Term. J. CHOl St:, I'rolhonolary. April 21, 17C. T V.Q 1ST E K'S X ( T I C E. Notice is IV hereby riven, to all eoocerned, that Ihe following Bstned ersons hare settled their ac counts In to Ke.leler's tirB.-e at M d.llebnra, Snyder Couuty, and .hat the said so oools will be prcaenteil for connrotatlon and allowan.-e at theutphans' I 'onrt to lie held st AI Millet urir, for ihe eounty of Snyder, on the KoI'Kth Moantv ol MAY aeit, belns the SAI day el Said month, via : I. Th aeeoant of Michael K. Rrnus and Abrabaia Kroase, Ailmlnlatratars of Ihe estate of Abraham Hrouae, laieot Jackaoa Ip dee'd. S. The account of IteulHsn Neltuan and Jtre mlah Mitchell, adm'rs. ot the estate of It bael Nelinan, late of Mbldleereek twp decetsed. a. Th ttnal account of Fltah Waatisr and William W eaner, Adm'rs. of th estate of John Waner, Isteof Penna toanahlp, deceased. the final account ol A. J. Mlddleswarth, A. K. Ml.l.lleswartn, Abuer Mbldleawarth and John is. Mtilth, .leeutora of the estate of Hun. Ner. Mlddleswarth, late of Heaver twp 'tee'd. a. 1'he aec,unt of JacobOerhart.Onardlan of the Minor ehll.lreii ol Peter llrunr.er, de'eaaetl. S. 'I he account of John M. Moyer and Fllas R. Mwartr, Trustee apK. Intel hs the lirphana' Court of Miyder evunty, to sell th real estate of Jacob .Shhlleswarth deceaae.1. alter proceeUti.S In Partition In tha orphans' Court. 7. Theaecountopieortro J. Mchoch.f luardlan of Allred Waller, and Christian Walter, Minor children ol lhaae Walter and Lucluda Walter. deceased. a. The second and final account of Rem I.e.tiel Administrator ol the estate of Jacob Hreon. late of Jackaoa township, deceased. w. ineaecon.i an.l nnai account oi Andrew Rnmla. one of the Fsesutors of the ostat of $euiuel Hoyer, late ol Penns twp deceased. 1.1 TL. Hm.I .M...,ni ,.l I...O. fc'l.h.s A.lm' of the estate ol Michael Ftrber late Psuna wp deceased. r II. The account nf John Oun.lrum. Jr., Adm'r of the estate Jacob P. Wlukelinao, late of Penns townahn daceaae.1. I'i. 'I he account of Daniel Aurand and Ftvlns t'nanatt, Admlnlatrotorsol theestateof William K. I osnsat, late ol Heaver townrhlp, tleceased 1.1. 'I hesocount -f .l.din Snilih, Auinlnlatrator of the (Hat of tie-use rimlth, late of Stonroe townakti., aeceaseo. It. Ihe account of tlenjamln llrouse, Adm'r. rutu. teatatnenlo annexo, of the last will and testetneut of Abraham Broase, late of Jacksoa township, deceased. 15. Tlie account of Henry R. Km pp and Mi chael Hoautsos, Administrators of the estate of Andrew Mick, lateol Med Heaver twp.de'. I. HI The account of Henry H. Knepis Adm'r of the etsle of June lry, late of We. t Heaver township, deceased. IT. li.e acconnt of fmannel sichoch, Trti'lee apt-. lined by the Orphana' I'ourt ot Miyder t'o t.. aril the real estate t.r John A. Smith, ilci'd., niter procennss Itf Partition In tot tlrphuns' Court. Is. The final account of Henry Fisher, tlunr .llancfFlana Necrlat and Mnmh A. sechrlst now sirah A. Siroup, ailnor Children of John .-eciirisi, uecease.i. I'.i. 1 lie account of John Mohn. A Itnlnlalralor I ta nf I'mitra iw i. ,1.110 01 leuire ! ol the e'tatool Peter .Mi. ha. ilecuase.l The acsntint of William Sn.M.k, A.lnilnls tr.nor ol the estate of t.lltaiMstU llatsinger, laie of Hoiver townshit. rleccaaed VI l i.e third account of lianbd Wltmer, F.s ctitorot l hi-elate ol John V. 6UUI, Ut id t:bap ui oi township, ile.-e'tsed. ii I he account of liavld Tronp, Administrator ol the estate ot Catharine K. Troup, late of I'orry tow n-hip, ilece.ire.1. i-i. 1 he ace. tint of Al.rnham Idetrlck, Simon , Itiwirlch und Atnands trwitu, Aitiiili.stritt..ra ut . Ilieestnt . it Jacob Uletrlcb, lata of M.l.lUcre- lowii-htp, .Ice. n.-e t. 'It. 'li.e scc.oi.l nnd Snnl acci.ttut of J. Houns Mtnlth, A.linlnisirator of the .-! .t ..I llonry SI. Miyder lateol Setiuaarove. Oe-ased. .'i. The s.ci-initof ultlllel hllnsler aed John Klltiirtcr, tluar.llana ot the Vti.er I'h.l.lreu ot John P Kr.ilier lute ol Penns township, deed Vi'., 'Ihe account ol Flits A tlartiian, Adtainis tratrla ol the estate of W Ultaui Uaruiau, late ut Perry townshl.', Ueceiaed. S. II si'HCOK, Re-tl-ter. MUdlehurs, April w, l:0. I 1ST I J and OF VENDEKS 1' orelu n I tintneatto Merchandise In the County ul snyder,Sitateot I'ensilvaula.lur the ear 1-iTu If'.ei JiiOV r. Class. Iln'.frl.-h k llrower Ii W. 11. Siallk Id Jt u; sr. i leorge It Hnssenplug 1.1 -luenph IS, l lsh 13 nenry llousor U It. I., Rnudenbush 2 Mo-esSpeuut 13 J. P. SUnk 14 f)ire. Walter A llartman IS Jacub AuraudASoi 14 t'i.'.HI'l I John M. nine 13 Ii. M. Fieed 12 t. Andctsua 14 License lo.ut I too.) lo.on lu.oo I 10,00 ( lone T,oo I'lfsi I'J.to J.UO J(l I.Sli. I ,t, sf , taanbermsn fk Co, ...IS ...is ...1J ...It ...14 ...4 ...14 ...II ...II ...14 ...11 10,00 luuc Iu oo T.tai T.ou T.'si ' T.oo i tnhntS Hesvor... I l.,i rla .ti llrouse hllle Henler.. .lohu Maurer ' A. Frlrniuycr ileorae Miller Al.jJltvrtek Jacob A. Smith -amttel II Voder luvid ilclser JI..M bun,, Jacob W. Ilrease aieuel Wltfenmyer M,0 i l.uo t.UUI 10 on lo Ou T.oo 7.0H 7.uo 10 00 Wlili.ain It. Heaver flatilcl T. Rhoa.la shlti.tet AMnliielord...e I'atl.Mrti.M lli.acr. . nf!tj, Allred Scboch , ah'Oler.c, John HofTaian !S'-hoh A Hrothsr J. P. Huttensteto I). 8. Clark ...IS ...It ...14 ...14 ,..14 ...14 ...14 ...14 ..14 .-14 ..14 ..14 ..14 ..14 ..14 .11 ..14 ..It .13 ..13 Tain Too J,uu T.OO T.Oo T.'O 7, 'Si T.'sJ T 00 7,o0 I Charles Hoyer . mj. Minium A Sehnee Msiluaa Kcboee.... Wllllaui Ooul John Scbnee Markle a. I ruuiiuant Mill) Markle k Truutman (store) tHIIS. K.rmond Yost Hanlel J. H-n.r Franklin liu-k Scboch 4s llrotker.... L'niuit lloisel A Mef'nllougli Kult-bts A Thuiahy '. Wlilhtui schwaa , llot'tnan i llni'her Wltuaei tt HuoJots H 110 'UH. f. A F. C. Moyor , Mens A Urown Too T.oo T ou o ....13 ....13 ...14 ....11 ....14 ....14 ....13 10 10 10 11 11 13 13 la 13 II 14 J4 14 .14 14 14 It Hoyer at ritssler , Heichhel A son , D. A c. i". Moyer Aaron Mover. .., .laoob Shirk....'. lianiel tUeuhaft iNV'i' iruur, Mcfariy. Moyer, k Bchnur Wagcnaeller and Sua Schoch k lirolher T,uo 7,00 T,uo T o -10,00 )0 ,oo aV.oo I'i. io 11,. 'si 10,00 lu Ou lu.oo 1U,IM 10.00 7,00 T.ou ' 7..SJ T ou Too T.ou 1, 00 T.oo ua.li welst Hlcstand fc Hoy as Will.aui F Kckbsrt Keeley k Millar Robaoh A Keller I. H.fciullh Klstnar k Son Mill.. lei an.l Wsgeaialler R. swlnaford R. L. Howes Norton Olovar J. H. Ilurkbart Saiauel F'oust ' Salem k stelnlnger John Cnuldrnn Miles W steel 14 14 T.w I DO HERCRY CERTIFY that tha above la a correct list uf Retail Dealer la Foreign and Doinesilo Msruhandise In Snyder County.eubieot to a Lloeuse for th year Ib7u, and notice it here by given that an Appeal will ke held at Ih Cuiaiulsloiiers Ulrica, In tha Hor ughor alld.lle burg, on WFIlNK-llA V, Ihett-Mb day of alAY Beat, between the hours of s o'elook A. At, aud 3 o'clock P. M , at which time and place all who ar lutorelted may altead ir they think protesr. J. ll. IURTUAN, Alerotnlll Appraiser. WM. llAKI)iNG, Esq., JUSTICE OF TIIK PEACE k 1 ' ONVYA.N'CER, Fremont, Snyder County, Pcnn. Culleeliona of all kinds mad at th shortest noli and oa tba nnat rraaonable term. CoDvyanoipg Ui all ll branob tap diliouslj aaoulad. Pbbps, Mostoao, Nora, and blank of sll kinds constantly oa band. Ptreon at a distanoa having claim for oileiin wilbiahls juritdiotlou ud only add rasa .lra by mail la I a sure rrorartal.oa..T,(fMnaaU. May ' AfoTICK of InVontn-y of widows ihnt the Inrentorf of llin.r Itnx imer.xl.lm ,"'., n vi mi wuiuvjiii botuu.uot lelloa - ain.ve, neceaae., The Inventory cf Mary Feiiert, widow of Mstblas Fasert, lateol Fr.inklln townahlp.dee'd Have been nieal with the I 'lerk ol the I trphsns. t onrt or Mnyiler eoui.ty, and will W pn aeoted sain uairios jiuuuuj, mo sn-i nay oi i.f a.ay aest. 'lerk ii. U. xtmfem J. I IIUI SII , t' IlnucU & Vu.'g A ti crllmeinfuti. X77l Itooa - trentssell looperweek. Ith-e It u II bo. ao irass in DTkanis, itartiur.i.t't 0,- A I AV T,,t) temples A I AVf-HO new articles for Aiente iree. it u SHAW, Alfred, M: U U.F.SMF.N. Semi for Cirenl.ir. n K) Brat class bnslness sn.l stesdy emiSotment. U V HOW K, 37 Arch street, 1'ulUSvluula, Pa. Manrtt.t.a Tsjtni.nnirsi (Srsont, f'nlt riant eil.ical.a Mlnlaterst aim a year to poor students! Iwalna A uk oat t. Apply to A A Liv aaanaa, Meadvllls, Pa. pI'Rtol'S now tSTRAMIF.'-Tbe Married l.adlee Private Companion contains Ihe de strtd Infortnstb.n. Seal tree for stamp. Addtees Mae. II. Msuoaa, Hanover, Pa. Itri! WILt, PAY AtlKMTSl a salary nf M per week or allow a lera-e commissi. -n tnadi our sew lnssat lone. Addrea J. W.M1NK a CO., Marshall, allchlsaa. WANTF.H, AO KNT.an"watch freeTaiven rails lo ever live mat who will ant as oar A Kent, lluaioeas light and honorable! pays a.w per day. A hires It. Mo.snoa Keaaaov at Co., plltsburar, Pa. HtMiK AtlKNTS WANTKI.-"Ladlesof the White House," No opposition steel Kn- T ravines. Rapid sales. Fur clrculsrs. address I. is. Pt BLisuiao Co., N. V., Ciaclunall aod Chicago. a2Ai.F8.MEV Wnnted in a ruvlnir VJ bualness, s. Kaaaaur.tll Ibestnul street, Phllsxlelphla, 1H TCOM ANCY, FASt;lX ATtOM OR tSOt'L I'HAR.MINtJ. sou paaeai el.-th. This won derfnl liook has full Instructions to enable the reader to Isscinate either , er any animal, at will. Ateauterlsm, spiritualism, and hundreds of other curious eiulinenls. It can tat obtained by sendtns ail.lrrM, wtth 10 cents poetairo, to T. W. s:NANS a CO., No., 41 south hightn street, Pklladdphla. STAR SfANOI.Ht BANNTH-A ltrKe. 40 not n tun paasr. I.edarer sire, llltistiate.1. lie voted to sketches, Poetry, wit, Humor, genuine mn nonsense for a sensible kind), and to ti e es ! Paor of swln.lltna.Hambuaa.Ae.i inly TS cent, j a yeir, and siissrb ena-ravln "Lvanaellne," l'sj reet, efatis, m.wn cltcaiaiion. Money ' rs lun.icn to u who asa ir. it is wide awoke, tear less, truthful. Try It NOW. 76 rents a yar. Specimens FKEU. Address' 11ANN1.H ," Illus dale, N. 11. Inventors who wish to take nsjt I etlert Patent are a.lvl-ed tocunsel with MI NN a. Co., ll tors of the Sclcnttuo Amar.ean, who have tro ciite.l claims helote the Patent otltce fur over Twei-ty Yeats. Their American and Khroean I'atent Aaency Is the most ettensive In the world. I harass le-s than any other tellable agency. A pamphlet containing full luatructluns tuluvenh.ra is sent rrais. MI NN A CO., 37 Park Bow, New York. ONE MILLION' ACRES op , r!ioiceIov. ii IsU!ids V.-r sale. at ta per acre and ut. wards, lot cash, wr "n the low Railroad Land Co. II..II roads slre.i.ly built t ..rouifh the lands, an.l on a II I ,,, ,lf ,,. ,lr,, inducements to settlers. SeuJ Tor tur iree I'auiphlet. It kIvcs prb-es, terms, location! tells wh.tsi.ould con. ewest, what It will cosii gives plans and elevations of la nr Isrer.t et li-e ol reads rnado houses, which the Company lornUliat troiu ;.al to tt..sjo tea.ly to setup. .Mhi s sn t If .Ic-lird. A.l.lri'-a W. W. WA1.KKH, Vice I'icahlent, Cedar Kspl.'s, Iowa. A iVIODEU HOUSF. llelna a cripple, 1 have made h-.tiae plannlnif a I sjajcla I am..) . t Ine built Usl re aai-n hns provrd a irodel ol convei.lunce, beautv. and ecnomy. I t'eponi.tiie cln-.il.ira of Fl ilia, lews, etc, Willi 1 fn.erjl iniorraatlon ol value to all, sent free. A. i. Ircai t It ti stain.. ..r script If convenient), i Wi o. J. I oi.nv, Aichilegt, Waterbory, Voru.unl js.-v. oii'MiiinT. ino II' I'Y'lRi.li.s 111- Ail KM S make frnm Si tn Slo ir .lay, in In selling our I'atkmt F.X- Ttc.v K.llL sw.rie. coinl'liiv.l. I sed III every family lor win. Una Yarn, silks. Worsted. fcn. Wll.ds lullslrn.1 akclu. an.l welwba laaa than ! "ii" p'.io.u. Ageuls waiitr.i. r.r tail.. sho ll.L.sTOHKKACit.. Aburn, N. Y. l.u !i af- I'u. Adv. riim meiiit. $141,0 to szrtir'!:?. Wages luld weekly to Agents cve.ywheie, sell Ingour Patent sliver M- uld White W ire Clothes Lines. Ilusiness perii.anent. lor full psrtt.-u lars address Uiuauii Wma Mills, Phlladelpkls I'a. May t-tw Paris nv gtiiilight im U:sUght Work deacrtptlve of the u.ysierles. Virtues, YKes, spl-'ti lora sod Crimes of the Cilyjif i'arls. It eonla'BS ISO hue engravings of note-t places, Lite eii-l Soeues lit Paris. Hueuts wanted. Ad diess, N iTlosiL Pl'st.isni.N.1 Co , FLIU lr! I.I i Pa. 4w anaaTs HAND-HOOK WANTED . m r I A ll IT Li ii a niiiitr THL NKWUI' I 1 UOIfAU Ul 1 A complete auiile for Farmers, young and old, by the nelebralcl Author and successlul larmsr, Hill K. W A KIM). Jr. ol tlgdeo Far in. The lurue esistrleuce and recognised ability id . 1 the Author guarantees a work of sterling- uierlt. ' ; Auioag the obieuts treated are lluyltig arid inenta, Judlcioua Fert iliiliig. Suu soiling. drain ing. Rotation ol Crops, Huner Making, cheese Fas tones, liieedti.g mid care of lire stock, their (list sses and remedies, Ao , k., with many useiul Tables, oo-l pages rich with Instruction and era lsrlishe.1 wlih lisj splrltod engravlnus. I'orins liberal, Circular lre. taeniae am Aosecv AT OM-r. A ri ::t'DainD,Publiskr,400CUstnutt. Philadelphia. - 4 VVf KTEM Travellinj ana Local v it ii i l it so aganis lortn nelaware Idle Insurance Co for all parts or t'enusyUanl i and New Jersey. Ituferanoe re.ulrd. Address, Hranch tifttce OP.LAWARF. MI'Tl'AL 1.1 Ft: l.Va.i .W. W.oof.ntk and tbiauat lU., l'Uila. AOKMTa WASTKn FOR lntural History. I Hiving a cluar aud Intensely Interesting aoioutit ol th InSnlle variety ofhabllt an e I ..Hullo variety of habits and lui.laa ol life. .. nearly every knuwu species of benete, birds, T.OO ' llshes, luseuls, reptiles uiollusca aud aultiialculoi t.uiliul the glul-e. Iroiu the Uuoua Lundon l..ur T.uu volume edition, wlih largo aildillons Iroin the 10. .sj 1 most celebrated naturalists of the age. Complete twni ,M .-.a- ii.i.iisnu;. , uiuiuoi.i pages, lieu i ly liinaiiated HU Ham iiptriied engraving'- I ran a uow a su ii.nn iiakis, To aciT mil !.' I ataeas. should outsail, Bve to one. any taeik 10.00 In ll,. rts.1.1. I'MCiua Ih. .....I tltvul v .. II tlculare seat free.' Address, A. 11. Ilubbard, l uO.,tuoiUoituulFt., Phllada. April Vl, to ll OO la Agt-nfa Wanlea to Hell Ten Years in , Is', Wall Street. Pronounco.l the fastest selling book out. One Airenl reuorl l'J'ld-rs In 4 .lava. It Includes all thit Is mysterious and Interesting In Ihe focus uf speculation, t.i years' eiiierieueenr l lie author i Portraits aud Lives ol ( snderbllt, lirew, Fsk, loeld aud many ol hers. Fllle.1 with Itlutratloiie. (I rest inducements loaganls I Send tor circulars lo Wouuioiitoo, DustinkCo., Hartford, Coun HM1E HANI) INfrllANI) MUTI'AL 1. I. lie Insurance Company want a nnmlstr of good Agonist also, a good General Agent lor Pittsburg enii vicinity, also a tleneral Agent lor the Osroian eoemlce or Pennsylvania. Address lluaue Orbce, No. Ul South 41b HI, Phlladelphle. AUK NTS WANTED FOR THIS PHYSICAL LITK OP WOMAN. TWSSTr riSTU TIIOCBAkO BOW MSAUV, Ii Y OKI) II. N APHF.YX, SI. 1). The most reoiarkt-kle sucoeas of the day. Is selling with unprsesileuisd rapidity. It contains what every Marl aud Woman ought lo know,and few do. It will save much suffering. As Ihe only reputable wore upon the single and married lira. It Is eara-elly tecum uiendtd by Prof. Willi. m A. Hamuiund, Frost. Mark Hoi.ktus, liev, Henry Ward lloeeher, Dr llualinell, Mrs.lt 11. OLaaoii, U. U., Prof H. N. Fjistmsu, ta. Ilslngeagerly fur, the Ageul' work I ey. Baud stamp fur pamt'AUil to., to UFO. MACT.r.AV, Puhllshsr, ' . , 71 Sensual Street, Plnla , pt, ' ' ' 8 School street, tlostun. Mass, AprI0-4w) at Aesse nueel, Mew Vurk, : IWA8CJltEI)Qf Ucafues and Catarrh by Asiuipl ULunody ami will semi ibt rlp frej. Mr. M. C. LKGOETT, . , , ..: l; .'. ' , Ilobokia, N. J Ifftili-rnnTa-islrf tCCkj srrl frr RK(IIE7S OF INTKimi KKVKM, 1 ii most retnarkal.te hook ever rnldt.U.I - """'l'" '" utpoaare ol me poweTlul ect erstloas or "Blnaao ptrylna on our Hover on 1 Khowlnsj ap sll ellor.es from tl low eat to i nlahear, t aklnet i-tnten and 'or.rreemn to wen aa minor "peratota'srstematlo dere.laii I 'I'i spira,.,a, . m. ll corruption pollt.cal Ir ; ltnrna and wire pwlllnr, A fearlr. Hlslotl.-al w.tk, tnvsluabte to every ih i,. eontalnlr a Mo p..e-ns, v a prominent ttnve- tnenl liotectiv. liver ao.ooueoi.traalrendy si ; agrtiia wanted. Canvassing books free. A oic vr. run', rnoiianer, 1'biiadriphla. I"; Wo'ton. Mass., Chicago, 111. or Cincinnati, O. A Of NTA WANTF.lt stno to turn per Monti J Clenrymen, School Tea-hers, smart Yonn Men and Ladles wanted to canvass for th re,., OUR FATHER'S HOUSE." Oil 'llin I it strllt on Tlnril ''T lsit. Maai n, author of th popata. ... ...i-. a rji- ina-icr in rnnug'il a langusge th..wa ni nnlotd riches and beaatles oisi. iiiiusv, wnn lis tfloomiog Sowsri singing birds, Waving palms. Dolling eland. Ilearifui l.,w Sacred slounts'ne, l'sllahtfui ........ miaui, stnn, unoering voices, Ilia sing heavens, and vat nnlveoe with oountlc, Isiingaln millions f worlds, anil reads to at Is each the t 'nwrltten Wont. R.-e tinted pitssr ornaie engravings ami siinrh l-lnOlng. send r,.r circular. In which la a full deaerlptlna and an. vrlsal cmmendationa by tl.e press, minister and college prnfesanrs, In the atrutigest posstWe Ian. I?".?. .,T,?,er' MC-"' L., I SutrlA Slltu Ht.. Plilla.telpia, Pa, rnjii: ntcu.' conn tin 0ung, a. any colored nnir or liearo le a perma nent l.lnek or brown. It contains no poison. Any oneacan tt It. One arm by mail far 51. Address MAOIC COM II CO., msr21 3mJ FpriugSeld. Maa. Fos FamilV CS, timplr, thitp, rtliatl; Knit everything. Agents Wanted. Cir cular ami sample slocking FIIUK. Address II1NKLKV KMTTINII M ACIIINK Co.llatU. M., or ITU Broadway, N. V. Feb.l7-oi THY MOOHE Sl CO'tToVAirsTKiSirKX- ORAVINOS 111 Nassau St., N. V. Any- body can sell lhm. Cheap. Sell faat. Tay nanosomeiy, Sen t for now Circular. 4w ii OHKAT CII4NCK FOR AOFNTa 'i to ta) per inonlh. We want to entile good agent tn every eounty in the ll. h. on commission or salary to fntroduee ear avorni rtenuwnei patent wiine wire Clothe Lines i will last a hun.lrtsl years. If you want prontal.le an I plrsssnt em i.loyrnent. a.l.l-e-s H. at, lltlsil A CO. ..anu.aclursrs.7i William St.. New York, or io Lisaroorn street, Lhlcago. (April , 4W UTAH OB TUB MYSTERIES OF MCRMOHISM Ry .1. II. RAnt.r, F.IUor of the Salt Lak Reporter. It K.I NO an FX POS;0f TH FIR NK, CKF.I' RITFS. CKIIKMONIKS and CHlMttS. With a full andauthsn'le history of POLYO AMY an.l the Mormon Ssot, from It orlgla ta i us. prcseni lime. 1 1 I UP 1 1 lT fl'l n- Inferior work nn V'.lt; I IWil the .Mormons are being elr. culaled. see that each contains .13 line engra vings, and M sKe. AOKNTH W ANTI-ID. Sen I for Circulars and see our terms and a fu.l description of the work. Address NATIONAL IIILIMUNU CO., Philadelphia, Pa Apr, 4a "Weiiu Cj T akiiomo A01F.T9. After much study and scl-ttao lnvellratlowas lo the rrtnedlsl qualliles of Caauo'Lio Arip, 1st. Wells hits clfcovvred by proier combination wlih other articles In the form of a Tablet, a aoocine lor all pulmonary diseases. These lablots are I'U I, t Cli E lor all diseases . f the ItbsPIHA HiltY ontlANt, StlRIO THROAT, COI.li. t HOC I' lIPTHFRI A, AMTH.M A.C A tA R RK, or IIOAIOFN ksn : also a suocessful remedy tor Kidney dlillcultlea. I'm. a at raaTe rKit linx Skst nv mail itpm receipt of price, by -It.HV tj. KKLI.Otl, MCllir St. New York. April ;,-! J role Aueut fur th L'hllsd Stat. HOOK AOFNTS WA.NTfcl) TO (SELL TJ3. VIOAIIsS W Alali TI.JsKT. It ino'iidra Iho Histories, Myateriea, and Secret lioinjE of Wall S i reel. Life Sketobet of ii Men, ibespt'ciiliiiloti in OolJ.Utooka (c, Wimcn Speculators, aud all thai ' srent. pouerfnl. splentli.l. niysleriuti. In err. tins, wiekial, amaiin?, wrelobJ, !., in ibe locua of speeulaiiuu. Vorlrails f Vaudcrb.lt, lr;w, Uould, Fiske, Jr., and many ollicrs. i'ligravins of noicJ plaocs, bile .mj Scenes, &o. Cunvassiujr. llook Iree. Stud lor ol renin rs to Woktiii.notok, tl Tis .t Co.. rublisbeis, US Asylum Sl., Hartford, Conn. iuarJl-4w TO COt Sl 'lH'TIf KM. I'roviden. lially my Uaii(jiitai' tra rcstoreJ lo heniiU by simple ineiina, witboul mejioinu, Tbu p.ariic.il..rs will be sen' rce. Kbcdbh K. HcxsLiiw, Hiuoluu S.rci, liiboUyia, l.vltx Island. lnar.'1-l rivus is NJ nuMMca i ; -L l'y sending 3-' oenfr, villi atte. belfjlit, color of eye and bair. you ill receive, by reluru mail, a oorroot, picturo ol' your fulur husband or wifa, ailb nam and Jute of rtarriuge. Addres V. FOX, T. 0. No. i!4, Fuliouvills, Nw Vurk. uiar'j4-4vr j" UINSUMI'TIO.V, RRONCIirriS, V Aatlinig, nn l Cuin'rli cured by inba'e tion, A '.IjdI I a Inhaling Kluidia lb only remedy tbat operates ou tbel unga-ilisaolves ibe lubereli's, which are (brown off, the cnviiiea li.tl. and a ears Is eDooie.l. Treat tnenl by letter or in perron can b bad onfy of (j VAN HUMMEL. M. U., 10 West l4tb St. N.Y. 10m TflE GLE1T MKDIC'L DISLOVEBI ! Dr WALKER'S OALIFOBNIi. iS MfinE TII VW Btavf PERStAfs fsw rJ- .. Hear la.lliiii.na i.. tl,.l. trs7n t-Srrf uenui a. uraiive s.necik B'e V 11.11 AKC. itlbll .1- C-s'8 THEY ARE NOT A TILE -33 FANCY DR1H K, 2 IV 11 .1 a a U B 0-J Si V aa - asas ass m htM, Yaffil r--al . I r.Bo' Mad of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, an I llelure Llquois, duotored si.ti-ed and aweetenr-l lu (.louse the toe t a, called Tunics,1 Appalls ' tcrs.'i lla.lurors." Ao., that lead tha tippler oa -to drunUcnecs and ruin, but me a true uiwdlctne, made Irmn Ihe native Root and Herbs of Cali fornia, froe Iroui ail Alcoholic Hiltniilanla. They ' are the U II F A t HLooDPCRlFItU and LIFE . I11YIM1 1'lllMIPLF, a i-erlect llenorator and Invlgorator ol the system, carrying of all poisonous mailer, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No wra oan take Ikes Hitters accoidlug lo diroviloos, aad remain loag unwell. . loo will beglventuanlneorableoase, provided the bones are out destroyed by mineral poison -or other means, and the vital organ wailed be yond the leilut of repair, lor liifUmiuatoiy and Chronic Rheumatism and iloiii. liy.iuya. or ludlaeatlou, Uillloua, llubilitebt, ana luteriaiitenl Fever. liUeaaeso Ihe UluiMl, Liver, kidneys, and HlaUder, tlies Hitters have keen most uoeaestal. Sush Die. ; eases are caused by itlatsd ld -o.1, which is gen, ' orally pruducud by tlerucgsuioulof the Dlgeailva Organs. i t leanss th Vltlstod lllood erheaever yoa flnrl Its Impurtiirs buratlug through the skin lo Plat- pies, Urupiluns ur Surest clause It when you Had it olastruoied and sluggish la the veins i eletis It when II Is luul. and your leellugs will tell yott whan. Keep the blood pur aad th lisatltt a the system will Ailtow. PIN, I AI'N and other WORMS), lurking la the system of so meny thousands, areeUecieelly -dustroyed aud removed. 'a la tillllous, Remliteut, and Intermlttoul Fa. vers.lbeass 111 Hers have bo e UI. For full dlree tluus read oarefully Ihe sirsulsr around each i bultl. printed In lour langusgoa English, Uor. was, it ivuck and Spanish. -t '. i. WALKER, Proiarkstisr, ' I .- M Cumuieie bl , K, V. It. H. McfXiTVALD k CO , UniKglsis, ami geuarsl Agent, Sen Fraeelsee t und ttaoreiaaaito, OaUlutsla,. aJ W k4 Akuue t Olerce St.. N. Y e-s')Ll UV AIL DBTjOffT AWtl DltAXKlS, i a . t . . . (MArlosCia) !, IT